hopecel · 9 months
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Help Francois' family to get a lawyer. Donation requsites:
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Link to the original thread:
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С российских карт можно тоже задонатить:
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pr3st0n-the-cl0ne · 5 months
mod here,
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hornyforhorner · 2 years
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zat schould haffe been me in ze dirndl 😢
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virgilean · 2 years
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Books Read in 2022: Con Brio by Brina Svit
"My tale will contain a good dose of cruelty, dead-end situations, perhaps even agony ... only this time I shall not only be the author, but also one of the main characters."
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ies10 · 2 months
Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bangalore: Nurturing Minds, Transforming the Future
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Located in the vibrant city of Bangalore, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology is considered a beacon of innovation and excellence in the field of technical education. SVIT was founded with a vision to provide aspiring engineers and technocrats with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a dynamic global landscape. The school has grown into a prestigious institution known for its academic rigor, cutting-edge research, and holistic approach to education.
History and Heritage: 
Established in 2008 under the aegis of Sri Sai Vidya Vikas Shikshana Samithi Trust, his SVIT has completed a remarkable journey marked by an unwavering commitment to excellence in teaching and student-centered learning. did. The establishment of this institute is due to the visionary leadership of Drs. K.S. Rangappa's vision and commitment laid the foundation for what has become a center of excellence for learning and innovation today.
Campus Infrastructure: 
SVIT is spread over a spacious campus with lush greenery and state-of-the-art facilities, providing an enriching learning environment that fosters academic pursuits and personal growth. The campus infrastructure has been carefully designed to meet the diverse needs of our students and provide access to state-of-the-art equipment, well-equipped laboratories, and extensive library resources. From our well-equipped classrooms to our state-of-the-art research centers, every aspect of our campus reflects our commitment to promoting academic excellence and innovation.
Academic Programs: 
SVIT offers comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs in a variety of fields, including engineering, computer science, information technology, electronics and communications, mechanical engineering, and civil engineering. The curriculum is carefully designed to align with industry needs and emerging technology trends, ensuring students acquire the skills and knowledge needed in an ever-evolving job market. Distinguished Faculty At the heart of SVIT's academic efforts is an outstanding faculty of experienced academics, industry experts, and researchers dedicated to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of innovation. Our faculty members have a wealth of experience and expertise who guide students on their academic journey, guide them in their research activities, and inspire them to expand the boundaries of their knowledge.
Research and Innovation: 
SVIT places great importance on research and innovation, recognizing them as catalysts for social progress and technological progress. The Institute fosters a vibrant research ecosystem, encouraging faculty and students to engage in interdisciplinary research projects, collaborate with industry partners, and explore innovative solutions to real-world challenges. I encourage it. From fundamental research in pure science to applied research in engineering and technology, SVIT is at the forefront of driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of knowledge.
Industry Collaboration:
SVIT forms strategic partnerships with leading companies in the industry to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing to bridge the gap between academia and industry. Through industry-sponsored projects, internships, and guest lectures by industry experts, students gain valuable insight into how the corporate world works, improving their employability and entrepreneurial acumen.
Global Outreach: 
SVIT focuses on promoting a global perspective and cross-cultural exchange and actively promotes international cooperation and student exchange programs with prominent universities and institutions around the world. These initiatives not only enrich students' academic experience, but also broaden their horizons and expose them to different cultures, ideas, and best practices from around the world.
Extracurricular Activities:
Beyond academics, SVIT offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities and student clubs, offering numerous opportunities for students to explore their interests, develop their talents, and develop essential leadership and interpersonal skills. We offer opportunities. With professional symposiums, cultural festivals, sports tournaments, and community service initiatives, SVIT students are encouraged to pursue their passions and make meaningful contributions to society.
Employment and Career Development: 
SVIT has an excellent track record in employment, with top companies across a variety of industries actively recruiting students from the Institute. Our dedicated placement agency works tirelessly to facilitate campus introductions, organize industry exchanges, and provide career guidance and training programs to enhance our students' employability. SVIT graduates have made significant contributions to leading organizations around the world, a testament to the Institute's commitment to developing talent and transforming lives.
In a world rapidly evolving with technology and innovation, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bangalore remains true to its mission of empowering the next generation of leaders and innovators. With our unwavering commitment to academic excellence, research expertise, and holistic development, SVIT continues to inspire and shape those shaping the future of engineering and technology. As SVIT continues its journey of transformation and growth, we remain true to our philosophy of nurturing the spirit and changing the future.
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astfut · 11 months
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openlynews || meduza
upd: putin signs russia law banning trans healthcare and adoptions, and annulling marriages. PinkNews || The New York Times || Meduza
upd (July 27, 2023): Center-T and Coming Out LGBTQ+ Group have launched a petition for simplification of asylum procedures in EU for transgender people from Russia. ➡ Please sign and share. ⚠ upd (November 23, 2023): Petition calling for easier access to refugee status for trans* people from russia in Germany created by the activist team "Quarteera" The petition can be signed without being a German citizen. ➡ post // ➡ petition
Please if you have the means consider donating to the following:
➡ Queer Svit - https://queersvit.taplink.ws/
➡ North Caucasus SOS - https://ncsos.io/
➡ Center-T - https://centre-t.com/english
➡ KilkoT-Action (КилькоТ-Действие) - https://boosty.to/kilkota
➡ Delo LGBT+ - https://www.delo.lgbt/ || https://boosty.to/delolgbt
➡ Sphere Foundation - https://spherequeer.org/en/
➡ Coming Out LGBTQ+ Group - https://comingoutspb.org/en/home/
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kairyiah · 5 months
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olegzhdanovkiev · 1 year
"Переможе той, хто перший доїде до Мінська"
"Переможе той, хто перший доїде до Мінська": Жданов пояснив, хто може замінити Лукашенка Лукашенко вже шостий день не з'являється на публіці. У ЗМІ з'являється все більше інформації про те, що президент Білорусі Олександр Лукашенко дійсно хворіє. Це означає, що найближчим часом Білорусь можуть очікувати великі зміни. Про це заявив війський експерт Олег Жданов. "З Білорусі надходять суперечливі та дуже тривожні новини. Після повернення з Москви, відвідування так званого "параду" з одн... Читати далі »
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collegesearch · 2 years
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notvv0ltz · 6 months
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Open for useful links :33
❗🏳️‍⚧️ Petition to help Russian trans people to get German humanitarian visas:
❗🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 Donate to Queer Svit (organization that helps LGBTQ and POC affected by the war by providing humanitarian aids and relocation):
❗🇺🇦 Donate to Ukrainian forces:
"Russia’s Supreme Court ruled today that the “international LGBT movement” is an “extremist organization,” jeopardizing all forms of LGBT rights activism in the country" - from article https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/30.....ment-extremist
"Vladimir Putin has signed legislation that bans people from officially or medically changing their gender" - from article https://www.theguardian.com/world/2.....nges-in-russia
If you have found yourself with no money please spread this post then, asking you as a russian queer. Thanks
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immaeatingwood · 14 days
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Hey, uhh Since it's Pride Month, I want to talk about an important thing. As you might know, I live in Russia. And since I'm queer… It's some sort of hell, to be honest. If you didn't know, in this country:
"LGBT movement" is an extremist organization
Any queer symbolic is banned, counts as "propaganda" and wearing it is a literal crime
Transition is fully banned both medically and legally
There is a possibility of conversion therapy returning
And most of the people are extremely queerphobic and unsupportive
I personally am in closet IRL, and probably always will be. I can't even get any help, and a lot of other queer people can't get it, too. But you can help at least the ones who has a chance to be saved.
Sites where you can donate (thanks to this post):
Queer Svit - https://queersvit.taplink.ws/ helping LGBTQ+ and BIPOC аffected by the war and political repressions
Center-T - https://centre-t.com/english helping transgender people in Russia
КилькоТ-Действие - https://boosty.to/kilkota
Delo LGBT+ - https://www.delo.lgbt/ || https://boosty.to/delolgbt
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rostomanologist · 7 months
Russia Is Fucking Up Queer Lives. How Can I Help?
i kno there are several masterposts with links and etc, but i want to make one for our foreign friends
so, the help how? mostly, donations and signing petitions. for now ru-queers are in need for legal and psychological support, sheltering and evacuation, which is done by several organisations also, please spread the word. there's little info on what's happening here, so any reblog of news or info posts would be appreciated
Quarteera's petition for providing easier access to refugee status for trans people from russia (since the transition is prohibited here) in germany. can be signed from any country. more details here
Sphere's petition for easier obtain of visas and travel documents for ru-queers in countries that have signed international human rights conventions
Coming Out - helping organisation, provides legal, informational and psychological support
Queer-Svit - organisation helping lgbtq and bame people; provides help for people affected by war in ukraine (relocation, financial support), national minorities in russia, belarus and other "post-soviet" countries, trans people in russia
SK SOS - crisis group working in north caucasus regions, including chechnya/ichkeria; focuses on evacuation of women and queer people from there
Centre-T - initiative group for trans and non-binary people
Dept One - advocacy organisation which also works with lgbtq community (accepts donations with crypto currency, for other currencies email them)
OVD-Info - advocacy organisation which also works with lgbtq community
Resource Center for LGBT in Ural - focuses mainly on helping people in yekaterinburg offline, but also provides online help
Parni PLUS - russian lgbtq media, which also provides informational support for people in need
some of the sites are in russian, so use translate if it's hard to navigate.
im afraid i didn't mention a lot of organisations and initiatives (sphere, russian lgbt network and etc are not included since i can't find links for donations. if you find them i'll add). so additions are welcomed
thank you!
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haflacky · 7 months
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Please donate to queer svit
This organization helps queer people in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to escape dangerous conditions. Because of new Russian law which made all the queer people extremists it's especially important
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has galvanized Ukrainian society in many unexpected ways, but perhaps one of the most remarkable is how it has advanced the rights of LGBTQ people.
On Tuesday, in a move that would have been nearly unthinkable a year ago, a Ukrainian lawmaker introduced legislation in the country’s parliament that would give partnership rights to same-sex couples. This legislation, along with a prohibition against anti-LGBTQ hate speech abruptly adopted in December, reflects a sharp rejection of Russia’s effort to weaponize homophobia in support of its invasion.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said repeatedly that he attacked Ukraine last year partly to protect “traditional values” against the West’s “false values” that are “contrary to human nature” — code for LGBTQ people. Perhaps he hoped this would rally conservative Ukrainians to Russia’s side — it’s a tactic Kremlin allies have tried repeatedly over the past decade. But this time, it instead appears to be convincing a growing number of Ukrainians to support equality and reject the values Putin espouses.
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Recent History
I could not have imagined the LGBTQ movement building such momentum when I first visited Ukraine as a reporter in 2013. Ukraine was then on the verge of consummating its long-negotiated “association agreement” with the European Union, a step Russian President Vladimir Putin bitterly opposed. As the deadline to sign the agreement approached, an oligarch close to Putin funded a campaign with billboards reading, “Association with EU means same-sex marriage.” Anti-EU protesters dubbed the EU “Gayropa.”
This effort failed to dissuade Ukrainians from a European path...
But the past decade has also seen Ukrainians standing firm in their commitment to democracy, and a growing understanding that this includes protections for fundamental rights.
There was an explosion of organizing by LGBTQ people in the years that followed the Revolution of Dignity, and some slow advances were made. But it’s been the stories of queer Ukrainians fighting and dying in the war with Russia that have truly helped other Ukrainians to see them as full citizens.
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Pictured: Territorial Defense member Romanova shows a unicorn insignia, a mythical creature that has become a symbol of the LGBTQ community. This patch, which depicts a "valiant" unicorn breathing fire, has become the unofficial symbol of Ukraine's LGBTQ+ military.
Ukraine’s current LGBTQ rights debate is unprecedented; never before has a country under siege had such visibly out soldiers who have so few formal rights under their own country’s laws. LGBTQ rights supporters have successfully framed the question on same-sex partnership as whether Ukraine will recognize LGBTQ people as equal citizens, which has become the norm throughout much of the European Union, as well as North and South America. They are successfully flipping the proposition that, as one Ukrainian politician once infamously put it, that “a gay cannot be a patriot.” ...
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“I actually think that the Russians did a good job in terms of raising awareness and changing attitudes towards the LGBT community in Ukraine,” Sovsun told me in an interview. “The more Russia insists on [homophobia] being a part of their state policy, the more rejection of this policy [there] is from inside Ukraine.”
The aspiration of many Ukrainians to join the European Union has also helped move more Ukrainians to become supportive of queer peoples’ rights, as Ukraine attempts to define itself as a European democracy in contrast to Russian autocracy. A study conducted last May by the Ukrainian LGBTQ organization “Nash Svit” and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology found nearly 64 percent of Ukrainians said queer people should have equal rights. Even among respondents who said they had a “negative” view of LGBTQ people, nearly half said they still supported equal rights.
The current push for same-sex partnership rights began with a school teacher from Zaporizhzha named Anastasia Andriivna Sovenko. In June, Sovenko registered a petition with Ukraine’s government demanding same-sex couples be granted partnership rights. It said simply, “At this time, every day can be the last. Let people of the same sex get the opportunity to start a family and have an official document to prove it. They need the same rights as traditional couples.”
Sovenko said she was inspired to file the petition after reading a story about different-sex couples getting married before one partner went off to war. It felt unfair to her that queer people couldn’t take the same step to protect their rights. Signatures quickly poured in, stunning even Sovenko herself...
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Under Ukrainian law, the president is required to formally respond to any petition that gets 25,000 signatures, and the partnership petition quickly cleared that threshold. But in a sign that the politics of the issue remains complicated, Zelenskyy ruled out full marriage rights in his response, arguing that this required a constitutional change that could not be carried out under the rules of martial law. Instead, [Zelensky] punted to the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, to examine the creation of civil unions. His language implied support, but he stopped short of using presidential powers to make it a reality.
“Every citizen is an inseparable part of civil society, he is entitled to all the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine,” Zelenskyy said in the referral."
-via Politico, 3/7/23
While the fight is still ongoing, I can't underlie enough how massive this shift in public opinion is. Russia and Ukraine have generally been incredibly unsafe places to be LGBTQ, including in very recent history. This is huge, and it sounds like it will only get bigger.
This could also help bring about a wider sea change throughout Eastern Europe, which in general has a very pervasive culture of homophobia, often tied in with both religious conservatism and ethno-nationalistic conflict, though thankfully things have been improving significantly over the last decade.
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letecesranje · 1 year
Je li svit otiša u kurac ili san ja otiša u kurac?
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aristotels · 4 months
gledan slike...pa mislin o okupatorima, i novin i starim, onima ča bacaju bombe i ruše, i mislin na šta bi parija moj grad da počnu pucat, i na šta bi parila lučica, šta bi bilo od brodova, šta bi bilo od borova na marjanu... pa prah i pepeo... da pitaš čovika na ulici reka bi ti da bi mu srce puklo, da bi uzeja pušku i krenija u rat... A isti taj čovik ne vidi da su tu već kandže zabili ovi šta ne ruše - a ne, suprotno, grade, grade i uzimaju od nas i polako se šire... "uništavaju našu kulturu" ma kakvi sirijski imigranti, na krive ljude misliš mali čoviče, na krive se ljutiš, nisu nepalci ni indijci tu da ti uzmu šta imaš, ne zanima njih to, nego zapadni svit šta nosi bile košulje i rukavice i dijamante...koji kupuje zemlju koji diže cijene koji tira dućane i svit iz grada radi turizma...onih koji su napravili takvu situaciju da ljudi bogami i nemaju šta radit osin apartmana...i ja kažen da se moramo rišit tog jebenog turizma, i pitaju ljudi pa šta bi ja da oni rade umisto toga - jel ima kakva tvornica, jel ima kakva škola, jel ima ičega drugog, a da plaća da se more živit, i šta ću in ja reć osin da eto, nema...pa jel ima koja druga opcija osin tog zapada šta nas financira i drži ka ekonomsko roblje, oće nas istok uzet...? ma neće ni oni, jebe se njih za nas... a da se svi opet ujedinimo i budemo naši, to je moja vira, a onda opet kako, pobogu, kako, od čega da mi preživimo...balkanska federacija od čega da gradi i stvara, kad je zapad uzeo sve, pokupovao za siću, uzeo i donija svoje...i još ga slave...čoviku uzmeš nogu, daš mu protezu i on ti zafali...pa o čemu mi pričamo...isusa je proda juda za škude...
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