#swimming update
syn4k · 1 month
the 1.13 aquatic update was minecrafts most gamechanging update ever no contest. i mean ok all of the updates change the game but that one was THE BIGGEST. new textures. Conduits. Coral reefs. Tridents. Sea grass. Kelp. AND THE UPDATED WATER MECHANICS OH MY GODDDDDDDD DO YOU REMEMBER HOW BIG OF A PAIN WATER USED TO BE BOTH TO TRAVEL IN AND TO GET RID OF? DO YOU REMEMBER HOW SLOW SWIMMING WAS?? DO YOU REMEMBER THE OLD BOATS??? if someone took the time and effort to fill ur entire house with water before 1.13 then u were fucked up ur ass and it didnt even look good but now we're able to WATERLOG CHESTS AND PARTIAL BLOCKS AND LIGHT SOURCES 1.13 did SO MUCH FOR US and we barely even appreciate her. minecraft 1.13 update i love you forever you will always have my heart
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marsipain · 1 year
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She feels complete, engulfed by her lover’s warm body, lips and the sea which has become a part of her.
She is gripping her lover by the waist. Is it out if love? Or out of fear for losing her to the endless sea once more?
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picknmixsims · 2 months
Skinny Dipping - Sign Update
Skinny Dipping
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The Beach Control Sign can now be used to fine control areas of the lot and has menu options for:-
Show Restrictions
No Naturists
Mixed Bathing
Naked Teens…/Yes, No
Skinny Dipping…/All Day, Limited Hours
Skinny Dipping…/Not After…/Midnight, 1am, 2am, … Noon
Skinny Dipping…/Not Before…/Noon, 1pm, 2pm, … Midnight
Nude Sunbathing…All Day, Limited Hours
Nude Sunbathing…/Not Before…/6am, … Noon
Nude Sunbathing…/Not After…/Noon, 1pm, 2pm, … 7pm
And as a bonus feature, Sim's no longer spin back into the previous outfit if the next queued action is slide, dive or get in.
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thief-of-eggs · 6 months
Does anyone else who writes longfics struggle because they just… forget what they wrote in the past chapters? And it’s too long to reread each time before you update, so you just cross your fingers and hope you didn’t make a plot hole
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pondhue · 6 months
do not ask me how i am doing. i am mourning and grieving. keep scrolling.
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citylighten · 5 months
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@damseljamsel @edyavtostopom @simmiekenz @sunwolff @yavannah @bougiesimmer @ophernelia @omgkayplays @stevihj @linnyuy @spnmoosejerk @rainymoodlet @quesims @waitingforspoons @keesimziaa @swiftviolets @joannebernice @ardeney-sims @crimewriter @havenroyals @straightouttasimulation @percosim @sweetnovember77 @carterscowplants @smok3inm1rrors @literalite @kennishevsims @lynzishell @really-cool-art-13 @emperorofthedark @bitzsims @lushnightjelly @nightlifeseries
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jevousaichoisis · 11 months
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⠂𝙽𝚖𝚒𝚡𝚡 - 𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 2⠐
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itsjustbell · 11 months
Set in Stone
Viktor x artist!reader (reader is low-key a self insert but aren't they all?)
Summary: To commemorate the success and completion of the Hex Gates, Councilor Merdarda has decided to commission an up-and-coming artist to sculpt a statue of Jayce and Viktor.
Warnings: none
A sea of shuttering lights blinded Viktor almost completely as he struggled to maintain his best attempt at a “winning smile”. The urge to turn away and shield himself from the cameras was strong, but he fought against it. He didn’t want to be confronted with his scrunched up visage in the newspaper tomorrow:  “Co-founder of Hextech shown sneering at unveiling of the new Hexgates.” Jayce would never let him live that down if he became the new shining headline for Piltover’s press. This was supposed to be a joyous occasion for the two of them. The news of the new gates would surely bring in a lot more investors, which meant more funding, which meant better equipment and more amenities to further their research. Gods forbid history look back at him as being disgruntled– no, ungrateful, at the event of their success. So Viktor smiled and waved against the onslaught of camera flash. 
It seemed years before Councilor Merdarda appeared once more in all her gilded glory to say a few words before leading them offstage. Viktor’s face immediately dropped as soon as they were out of sight. His cheeks hurt immensely, even more so as he tried to wrangle them back into some state of normality. 
“I was starting to think my face would become paralyzed,” He said, holding his jaw. Jayce clapped his shoulder with a hearty laugh. 
“It’s a sign you should smile more then!” Viktor rolled his eyes, a more natural smiling snaking its way onto his face. He didn’t expect Merdarda to comment as well. 
“Perhaps you should,” She chimed, “I imagine the press will be swarming you both for a while after this.” 
She stopped in her tracks as some assistant of hers gave her a clipboard of papers to look at. She flipped through them half-heartedly before giving her signature and handing them back. 
“Not to mention, there’ll be a lot more ‘smiling and waving’ at tonight’s gala. I do hope you’ll both be joining us. It’s in your honor, after all.” 
If her tone was anything to go by, the two didn’t have much of a choice. He hoped his discontent wasn’t obvious on his face. Parties were never his forte, let alone the formal, lavish ones that the councilor seemed to enjoy. Jayce looked at him knowingly. 
“This’ll be good for us, Vik, relax.”  He wished he could share in Jayce’s optimism. 
“Good indeed, there’ll be investors from all over and enough food and drink to fill your… tiny scholar stomachs for the next month,” she added, “I’m sure you’ll find a way to enjoy yourselves.” 
“Well, if we can get more funding, I’m sure this night will prove worthwhile,” Viktor sighed. He supposed he might as well make the most of the night. It wasn’t often that one got invited to one of these after all, let alone had one hosted in their honor, as much as he despised them. 
“It’s all business with you, isn’t it?” Merdarda remarked. Viktor shrugged. Jayce chuckled almost awkwardly next to him. 
“We’ll be there. Thank you again, councilor.” 
“Please, just Mel is fine, we’ll be working together more I presume after all. No need for formalities.” She smiled. 
Viktor had an inkling that was directed more so at Jayce than himself. He didn’t like the idea of getting ‘chummy’ with Piltover elites.
Her gaze pricked up at the sound of her name being called. 
“Duty calls,” she said, dusting her dress. “See you boys later.” 
And with a lingering hand on Jayce’s shoulder, she was gone. 
It was going to be a long night. 
- ⧫⧫⧫ -
Viktor tugged on the collar of his shirt absentmindedly. Combined with the overwhelming crowd of people, laughing and boozing, it felt suffocating. He’d long since tuned out of the conversation Jayce was having with some potential investor, mind wandering instead to how many tiles were on the floor or how feathers seemed to have reached the height of fashion amongst the higher echelons of society. 
He didn’t mind at all letting Jayce take control of the conversation. Even though he was chided for being all “business”, Jayce seemed to be a natural at it. He supposed his familial background had something to do with that. Besides, all the investors seemed to gravitate naturally to Jayce anyway. Once he said his little introductory spiel about what Hextech had to offer, they seemed to forget he was even there… he tried not to think too much about how his own background played into that. 
He didn’t care much for the opinions of uppity politicians, anyway. If they didn’t want to talk to him, fine. He was happy enough to use Jayce as a social buffer whilst he sipped glasses of whatever sparkling wine the waiters walked by with. Merdarda hadn’t lied, the refreshments indeed flowed freely and the hors d’oeuvres were impeccably plentiful. Oh, speak of the devil—
“Apologies, Mr. Windsor. Do you mind if I steal these two for a moment?” 
And there she was, dressed in shimmering black. It seemed the feather trend had reached even to her. Her gown reminded him of the crows he used to see on the outer parts of Zaun, where the smog was not as thick, with their almost oil slickened iridescence. He was sure Jayce was enjoying the view it provided of her bosom. From the corner of his eye, it almost seemed like this Windsor fellow was as well. 
Not one to argue with a councilor, Mr. Windsor didn’t have any problem making himself scarce. 
“You needed something?” Jayce asked. Viktor noted how his chest puffed slightly now that she had her attention on them. 
“I have someone I want you both to meet.” She said, already walking into the crowd. 
Soon, Viktor found himself standing at the entrance of one of the many balconies that lined the upper floors of the building. Leaning on its railing was a young woman, who’s clothes, though elegant, seemed simple when compared to the extravagance of those in the main ballroom. It was almost refreshing to see a lack of feathers. 
Merdarda tapped you on the arm to get your attention, before corralling you towards them with an arm behind your back. 
“I’d like you to meet the talented Madam Brisbois,” She beamed at the young lady. “She works in the Art and Design branch of the academy. I’ve decided to put her skills to use.” Viktor exchanged a look with Jayce. 
“I wasn’t aware the academy even had an Art branch,” Jayce said. 
“I-it’s a very small branch,” you said with a quiet laugh. Merdarda hummed in amusement. 
“To commemorate the success of the gates, I’ve commissioned her to craft a statue of you two to be placed in the academy.” 
A statue? That was a first. 
“Oh wow, thank you, Mel, I don’t know what to say.” Jayce said.
“Yes, it is… far too kind of you, Councilor,” 
“Oh please, you act as if you boys haven’t made history!” She laughed. “I’ll be leaving you to discuss details, I have other matters to attend to now.”
Of course, she did.  
“So,” Jayce began. “How do these things usually go?” 
You chuckled awkwardly, “Well to begin, I’d like to… shadow you while you work if that’s alright— to help understand how you two interact.” 
Jayce looked at him. He shrugged. He couldn’t really find any reason against it. 
“I don’t see why not, though I can’t guarantee there’ll be anything interesting happening.” 
“Yes, you’ve caught us at a bit of a lull in work. We’ll mostly be working out the next steps for Hextech.” Viktor added. You waved a hand in the air as if to dissuade worry. 
“Just getting the chance to work with you is more than interesting enough. I still can’t believe the Councilor has even asked me to do this!” You laughed nervously, before clearing your voice. 
“Sorry, um, where are my manners?” You held out a hand for them to shake. “I look forward to working with you— or well your likenesses that is.” 
For the first time of the night, Viktor found himself laughing as well. Even if it was more of a short puff of air than anything else. Jayce clasped your hand loudly with a firm shake. “We look forward to working with you, too. I’ve never worked with an artist before.” 
“Yes,” Viktor said, shifting his weight on his cane. “ It’ll be interesting to see how this turns out.” 
Interesting indeed. 
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bbeelzemon · 1 year
🌈 PWYW Comms!!
Hello!! @llatimeria and I are both opening our commissions to help keep us afloat while we get our situation all sorted out! This time around I'm gonna go with a basic minimum price for each tier, and the more you pay beyond that, the more details/rendering/etc i can add!!
SKETCH - $15+
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Sketches start at $15, which will get you a fully monochrome bust like the first one! (Can be any color, not just b/w!) The second one (fullbody with separate lines + 1 color) would be around $25. The third one (detailed bust with shading) would be around $50! This sketch tier is definitely the most variable of all of them, so we'd have a discussion to figure out a quote that works best for both of us!
I can also do sketches with multiple characters, interacting or otherwise! Each additional character in the image gets a discount of 25% from the original base price for the level of detail you wanted
ICON - $40+
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These are more or less a flat rate! I don't have any current icon examples without shading, but $40 will get you flat colors, while $50 gets you shading like in these examples!
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Fullbodies come with flat colors by default, but can be discussed! The example on the left would be $70, while the example on the right (the same detail/rendering, but with multiple characters) would be $175! Each additional character in the image gets a discount of 25% (so an additional $52.50 per character for this example)
REF SHEET - $70+
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Ref sheets start at $70, which will get you one like the first example! Ref sheets also come with flat colors by default. Each additional form/outfit/pose/angle/etc in the image gets a discount of 25%, so the second example here would be $122.50 total!
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The doodles tier is the most wildcard tier, the effort put into them will reflect how much you pay :) This is the only tier that doesn't include any in-progress updates - you can request whatever details upfront, but the final drawing will be a surprise! You really just get what you pay for with this tier - if you pay a dollar, you're getting a $1 doodle!
If you, for whatever reason, want to put more than a couple dollars in for this tier, I'll most likely draw multiple characters in this style, like in my imp oc examples here, or i might throw some basic colors on it. Let me know if you have any preference!
What I will draw:
Humans, Furries/anthro, Mecha, Character interactions, Backgrounds (discuss for pricing)... Basically anything!
I will also draw Nsfw/18+ content at an additional cost, message to discuss and for examples!
What i won't draw: Hateful or offensive content, Heavy gore (can be discussed though!), Ship art involving minors or real people, things like that
Feel free to send me a message here (or at virtualbeetle on discord, just be sure to let me know who you are!). Payment is accepted via paypal by default, but we can discuss other options if necessary :]
Be sure to check out latimer's comm post here as well, if you're interested!
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simbico · 9 months
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Granite Falls
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c0baltcat · 7 months
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Kya my blog is no longer a virgin (/ω\)
I want to pin him inside that damn locker and bully him, violate him and rail him so badly
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this is me fr fr
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newcronomicon · 5 months
you're probably here after I've posted near constantly about this goddamn show. you might be wondering, what's it about ?! what triggering stuff is in it ?! is there anything after the main 4 seasons ?! WELL MY FRIEND I AM HERE TO HELP !!!!
show summary : the office meets its always sunny ON CRACK. we follow Gary, a lowly worker demon who's intensly stupid, as he goes through his day to day working in Hell. alongside Gary have Claude, his backstabbing smarmy nerd of an intern and Satan, his torturously mean boss. The show goes a LOT of strange places with its concept and characters and, once you get past the standard adult swim offensive humour, is really well written both for plot and the characters.
I'm bad at explaining but you get the gist. INTERESTED ? GOOD !! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD READ THIS FIRST. I have compiled every content warning for each episode as best as I can, please read thoroughly before deciding if ypfigth is right for you !!
extra content below the cut ^^
after finishing all four seasons, you CAN watch the animated shorts as uploaded onto [as]'s youtube ( though imo they don't work as well as the show itself ), linked here.
I've also been compiling the bonus content included on the season 1 dvd, it'll be a slow process as my disk drive recently shit the bed. but you can find the channel I'll be putting them on here.
AND if you want any interviews + bonus clips etc that aren't on the dvd, I've got a playlist of all of that here :]
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Two feuding families and a doomed romance sounds a lot like Shakespeare, but far less poetic. Is the Trouble really worth it?
playlist | pinterest board
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swimonzine · 9 months
Swim On 9 2023 Donations
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The yearly amount for all Swim On zines has been donated! We did so well this year! Thank you for your help with shark conservation.
This year we made $685.00
All proceeds were donated to finfree.org, which is listed as the Rob Stewart Sharkwater Foundation. Swim On donations are sent out on a yearly basis every September 30th. I take care of all the fees that stripe takes myself, so Finfree gets the full amount. All Swim On zines are still available for purchase!
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roboraindrop · 2 months
Oh my god I got an interview with the big office job directly. I'm hyperventilating jdjdksk if I get this job we won't have to worry about rent!! We won't have to worry about gas!! We won't have to worry about debt!! I'm freaking o u t. I really *really* hope that I can nail this interview.
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
Hi lovelies! Good news and bad news, good news is part 2 of TF is almost done! Bad news is I'm incredibly ill rn so I can't write bc of this horrible headache and fever. So sorry, have a nice day, my loves ❤️❤️❤️
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