#switched from the very chill soundtrack for this story cause it was just making me want to zone out and play games
intheseautumnhands · 2 years
I am begging my brain to remember how to focus on something for a little bit, please.
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number5theboy · 4 years
Favorite song montages/music scenes?
Oooohhhhh, love this. Because I’m on a roll, I made this another list, a top ten one, just so I don’t go overboard. I really looked at this as the scenes as a whole, rather than me liking the song or the scene individually. There are songs from the soundtrack that I love way more than some on this list, but didn’t think that they worked as well with the scene they’re in as the ones that did make the list. Without further ado:
10. I’m a Man (S2E2) - Diego & Reginald Fight
I just like how the aesthetics of this fight and the vibes of the song play perfectly together. It’s a more laid-back song than most fight scenes we get, and the line ‘I’m a man, yes I am, and I can’t help but love you so’ played over Reginald, who is demonstrably not a man and definitely doesn’t love Diego gives it such an almost sarcastic tone, like Reginald is toying with Diego.
9. Exit Music (For a Film) (S1E7) / All Die Young (S1E9) / Hello (S2E5) - Group Montages of Sadness and Change
I couldn’t decide between these three, because they all basically fulfill the same function in the narrative, showcasing different characters at low or turning points, and the mood of each song just hits perfectly. The way ‘Exit Music’ ramps up to Vanya’s guilt over killing and the confirmation that Leonard is Harold Jenkins. How ‘All Die Young’ is upbeat yet melancholic as nobody but Vanya truly is at their lowest at that moment, but you feel the arrow being drawn to the inevitable conclusion to this whole mess. And ‘Hello’ hit so much harder than it had any right to, it have the Swedes some dimension, but also the interplay of music with the funeral and the siblings’ big decisions, Vanya trying to confess to Sissy, Klaus going back to his cult, Allison telling Ray the truth, Diego and Luther burying the hatchet. It’s the perfect mood for it all, and the idea to use a Swedish cover is absolutely brilliant by the music department.
8. Soul Kitchen (S1E6) - Klaus & Dave in Vietnam
The Doors and Vietnam of course perfectly fits, but using the Doors to soundtrack a gay Vietnam romance??? Awesome. I’m usually someone with an ear for lyrics rather than the music, because I just know more about it, so I like it when the lyrics match up, but in this case, I don’t know any of the lyrics. I just like the mood the music creates. It’s a club in Vietnam and they’re not dancing to a club song. I like the rift between image and sound, and the sound still creates such a charged yet comfortable atmosphere.
7. In the Heat of the Moment (S1E5) - Five’s life in the apocalypse through the years 
The fact that Noel Gallagher’s snooty singing and borderline meaningless lyrics fit this scene so perfectly is a minor miracle, but they do. The na na na nas coming in with the image after the counting in before the song quiets down just to soar again over Five’s struggles. And it’s also not a song that sounds strong, that is technically perfect, it never quite reaches grandeur, and I don’t know why the atmosphere it creates goes so hand in hand with decades in an apocalyptic wasteland. And the irony of a song about having someone by your side over excruciating loneliness. Also the lyric ‘you better learn to fly ‘cause they’re gonna point you up at sky’ objectively goes harder than Noel Gallagher lyrics should.
6. Stormy Weather (S1E8) - Allison drives through the rain to find Vanya, haunted by her past actions and flashes back to when she rumoured her daughter
It’s just the perfect soundtrack to Allison’s backstory with her powers, and the fact that it’s sung by Emmy Raver-Lampman herself adds a dimension to it. The entire scene is centered around her voice, you hear her past rumours, you see her tell a story to Claire, then rumour her, and she is singing in the background. It intertwines scene and soundtrack on another level, and I love it. The combination of the sad lyrics but the more upbeat instrumentation, and how they carry into her memory........so good.
5. Shingaling (S1E4) / Pepper (S2E8) - Drug Trip Scenes
TUA has two scenes where people are tripping on drugs, and I cannot choose which one I like more. The mood for weed chocolate vs the consciousness-warping FBI drugs is so drastically different but the song choices are so perfect for both. Hazel and Cha-Cha dancing high off their asses to Shingaling, which is a chill but fun song as they commit arson, coupled with that green colouring and fun shot set-ups. Truly exquisite. Vanya getting nightmare visions in the FBI building, with the weird, disconcerting energy and lyrics of Pepper blasting, and the second-best use of scene switch at the drop that this show has pulled off this far. Stupendous.
4. Run Boy Run (S1E2) / Never Tear Us Apart (S1E2) - Five pushes his powers and lands himself in the apocalypse, where he finds his siblings’ bodies
These scenes are SO good. So good, and it’s because the music is the driving force of the emotion in that moment. Run Boy Run has exuberant energy to underline Five’s excitement as he’s testing out his powers, but it’s also somber and dark and swells at the chorus, which leads to the best scene-switch at a song’s drop in the show. The moment where Five lands in the apocalypse as the chorus becomes grand and he looks around, panicked, and when he runs frantically back to the Academy with the claps and percussion in the background? I get chills every time, and the lyrics make it, I think, the definite Five song as it pertains to his character, his characterisation, his arc, as running, in many different interpretations, is one of the key themes to Five for the entire show. The relatively short scenes really hammers in the tragedy of Five being ripped from his home at such a young age, and it gets underlined with Never Tear Us Apart. I put it with Run Boy Run because they fit together, but Never Tear Us Apart is heart-wrenching in itself. Just the imagine of Five searching through the rubble for his siblings, his small frame stumbling through the ruins, with Paloma Faith giving it her all in the soundtrack, and this heavy bass really banging us over the head with the heaviness of the situation. It’s great and sad and both scenes are carried as much by the soundtrack as they are though Aidan Gallagher’s acting.
3. The Phantom of the Opera Medley (S1E1) / I Think We’re Alone Now (S1E1) / Sister of Pearl (S2E7) - Character-establishing Montages
I am a sucker for this trope, of characters being characterised through a song playing, and TUA pulls it off so well. Phantom of the Opera shows you what the siblings do and where they are at in their lives perfectly, telling you so much with so little. It’s a great introduction and using the Phantom of the Opera, with the idea of Vanya being the phantom, the mysterious musician constantly belittled and underestimated (this is generalised, very much so, but it fits) that lashes out at some point because of the abuse they suffered, is genius also because it combines different themes that you can set the Hargreeves to. I Think We’re Alone Now is about personalities, of who these siblings are if nobody’s watching. I don’t think I need to sing its praises, the scene has become iconic for a reason, it’s memorable and creative. And the music choice, a pop song that they could have listened in their youth, with lyrics that are eerily prophetic, is so good. And Sister of Pearl is the long-awaited addition that introduces Ben’s character, and the music is sweet and fun and him messing around in the world, all giddy and a little goofy, fits with the whole theme of dancing like no one is watching. All three are so amazing at characterising the different Hargreeves.
2. Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (S1E1) - Five fights the Commission agents at Griddy’s
Okay, but what is better than a musical sequence that characterises a sibling? A musical sequence that characterises a sibling that’s also a fight scene! I’m not going to be long about this one, because I wrote 500 words on why I think Istanbul (Not Constantinople) is a brilliant scene just yesterday, you can find it here if you scroll for a bit. It hits so many sweet spots. It re-contextualises Five and adds several dimensions to him. The fight scene is brutal but the music is happy and fun. The song is thematically relevant to the scene and the character and what this scene is trying to accomplish, namely making clear that this kid, who looks like he did at age 13, is not the same as he was, and never will be. Again, go to that other post, I couldn’t stop gushing about how excellent this sequence is, because I really love it, but Season 2 brought along another that I love even more.
1. The Order of Death (S2E6) - Five arrives at the address Reginald sent them, and watches on as his siblings slowly join him one after one
I genuinely don’t know why this one resonated with me so much. I just like the cold but melodic 80s synth together with the cinematography. Every single shot is so good, Five looking up at the looming skyscraper, him climbing the stairs, pushing the button with the use of negative space to show his loneliness, until he gets into the elevator where his siblings come to him. And the music is so fitting, for the scene, but also for Five as a character, it’s a song that works well for him. The rhythmic thumping of ‘this is what you want, this is what you get, this is what you want, this is what you get’ is so dark at second viewing, because this is what Five wants: to talk to Reginald, with the support of his siblings. And what is it he gets? What is the consequence of his actions? His existence gets wiped from history. The music is tense, in anticipation of what comes next, and fits perfectly over these wide establishing shots and their harsh lighting. I can’t pinpoint why I like The Order of Death more than any other musical sequence in the show, but I do. It is such a small, yet perfectly executed scene, and it hits some emotion within me, even though I can’t really articulate which one it is. Intrigue, probably, mixed with dread and a hint of sadness because now I know how this enterprise ends, and it’s not well.
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Only Us
Ok, so more writing for the not bread shrine. (That’s the one-shot tag. The Not Bread Shrine.) The prompt for this one came from anon. I told them that I was writing both, and I am. It’s just that my Prinxietea fiend came out and wanted to write this one first. Also, to that anon, I switched it to songs from various musicals because yeah? (And I’ve only listened to musical theater songs for the past like 3 months. (When I have the choice and my taste in pop music is like earlier 2000s because that was good music that I remember from when I was like 3.) My life aside, serious talk time.
Songs Used: Meant To Be Yours (Heathers) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD7x_7tUFNI
Only Us (Dear Evan Hansen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPvO1sZkOx0
(Crap tons of others are mentioned. The words of these two songs are used though)
Parings: Prinxietea (Prinxiety)
Tw: Cursing and the murderous kind of fluff
Word Count: 1985
“Hey Ro, how much longer till we get there?” Virgil asked not looking up from his phone.
They’d only been in the car for 2 of the 16 hours it takes to get from Florida to New York. 2 hours. This is going to be a long drive. Roman thought before answering his boyfriend’s question.
“14 more hours, love.”
Virgil set his phone down. “UGH!! THAT LONG!!!” 
Roman laughed a little bit. “May I remind you that we’re driving from Florida to New York?”
“Well, whoever decided to drive is an idiot.”
Roman laughed again. “You decided to drive stormcloud.” Roman would’ve loved to see Virgil’s expression at that, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the road or Virgil would freak out.
Virgil tried to move on from the fact that he’d just called himself an idiot. “Well, if we’re stuck in this car for another 14 hours can we put on something other than this crap?” He gestured to the radio. Virgil was never one for pop music. Roman would much rather listen to musical theater soundtracks, and that’s what he put on.
It was a long playlist that Roman had put on shuffle. The first song that came up was Meant To Be Yours. 
Virgil’s face lit up. Heathers had always been his favorite musical.  Virgil didn’t sing, Roman, however, being the extra bitch he was started singing at the top of his lungs. “You chucked me out like I was trash for that you should be dead. But! But! But! Then it hit me like a flash what if high school went away instead!” Virgil stared in awe at his boyfriend. Questioning how he was such a good singer.
Then came a mix of theater songs. However, the order that the shuffle put the songs in was so random. Virgil, being the conspiracy theorist that he was, kept trying to figure out “WHAT THE HELL IT WANTS FROM US!!” Every time another song would start playing Virgil would add on to the story that he’d come up with. 
Roman was amused with every addition that each new song brought. After  three hous the story went as follows:
(Cautionary Tale (Mean Girls) and Kindergarten Boyfriend (Heathers)) Be careful with love.
(You Will Be Found (DEH)) Even if you're not careful with love, and you get hurt, someone will see you and you'll be found.
(Be More Chill (Part 1.) (BMC)) Once found, be careful what you do and what friends you choose.
(Fight For Me (Heathers)) Also, you will meet someone who's beating the shit out of the people you hate. 
(The Pants Song (BMC)) Also, in that moment please be wearing pants. 
(Revenge Party (Mean Girls)) You then will invoke revenge on the people that were getting the shit beat out of them.
(I Love Play Rehearsal (BMC)) You will find this person to be incredibly adorable.
(Our Love Is God (Heathers)) You’ll then fall in love with this person and go commit murder with them.
(All You Wanna Do (Six)) This person will be sexually attracted to you.
(World Burn (Mean Girls)) This person wants to watch the world burn.
(Two-Player Game (BMC)) This person will become one of your best friends.
(The Squip Enters (BMC)) You will meet another person who will be similar to the Squip.
(Someone Gets Hurt (Mean Girls)) The Squip person will hurt you.
(Heart Of Stone (Six)) The other person will break your heart.
(Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise) (Mean Girls)) You will tell these two people off.
(Lifeboat (Heathers)) Then you will fall into a deep depression.
(Be More Chill (Part 2) (BMC)) Your self-deprecation will get bad and the voices in your head will be very persuasive.
(Sexy (Mean Girls)) Karen Smith will bring you joy during this dark time.
(So Big/So Small (DEH)) You will start to lose more people close to you.
(I’d Rather Be Me (Mean Girls)) But then you will realize you’d rather be yourself then be with those people. 
(To Break In A Glove (DEH)) You will learn that the hard and right way is the way that you should use.
(Do You Wanna Hang? (BMC)) You will be put in an uncomfortable situation and not be able to do anything.
(Ex-Wives (Six)) You will get a chance to start again and rewrite your history.
(Fearless (Mean Girls)) You will become fearless. You will no longer fear death.
(Requiem (DEH)) One of the first 2 people mentioned will die. You will refuse to grieve.
(Me Inside Of Me (Heathers)) You will have killed them. You then need to cover up your mistakes.
(Stop (Mean Girls)) Your conscious will tell you to stop doing murders.
(The Squip Song (BMC)) You will be offered a Squip and be in denial because it’s BMC IRL. (Or you know, just like drugs.)
(Freeze Your Brain (Heathers)) You refuse the drugs and/or Squip and obtain a Slurpee addiction to combat your depression.
(Don’t Lose Ur Head (Six)) You will begin to be “Sorry not sorry for what I said”.
(Apex Predator (Mean Girls)) You will judge the most popular girl in school.
(Voices In My Head (BMC)) You will begin to accept the voices in your head and know that they are normal.
(Where Do You Belong (Mean Girls)) You will find a new home where you are accepted.
(No Way (Six)) You will refuse to be accepted by these people.
(Sincerely Me (DEH)) You will write emails to yourself and an imaginary pen pal.
(Get Down (Six)) You will  be the “Queen” of your “Castle”
(What’s Wrong With Me (Reprise) (Mean Girls)) You will question what’s wrong with you.
Then it was time for a rest stop. A total of 3 hours had passed by that time. Both Roman and Virgil’s sides aked from laughing as much as they did. Once they got out of the car Roman intertwined their fingers and swung their arms as they walked into the rest stop.
There was a McDonalds inside. They ordered and stood by the counter so then they could grab their food and leave. 
While they were waiting, Virgil asked Roman “Hey Ro, how much money do you have?” Roman wasn’t aware of where Virgil was going and said “I dunno. Like 10 bucks? Why?” Virgil was slightly offended by Roman not saying the line. I mean, you should only have to hear “Road work ahead? Uhh yeah. I sure hope it does.” like 10 times to know that this person is going to keep making Vine references.
Anyways, Virgil ignored Roman missing the reference and said “Oh! You know what that means!” Roman sighed before putting on a very dramatic face and said: “I don’t have enough money for chicken nugget.” 
Virgil smiled and intertwined their fingers again. (I like the phrase “intertwined their fingers” idk why. I just do) “I knew you would get it at some point.” Roman smiled fondly at Virgil. “Why are you like this?” 
Virgil leaned on Roman and told him “Oh come on!! You know you love me.” Virgil didn’t intend for it to be a Disney reference, but Roman took it that way.”Do I know that? Yes. Yes, I do.” They both laughed a little bit before they were interrupted by their order being called. They grabbed their food and went back to the car.
After they ate and threw out their trash, they began driving again. Virgil had forgotten the story that he’d come up with so he just moved on. 
The song that came on first after they started driving again was More Than Survive from Be More Chill. Roman sang again (he sang just about every song that came on). Virgil smiled. He had always enjoyed Roman’s singing. This whole time he had wanted to sing, but he didn’t. He knew Roman wouldn’t mind. He’d enjoy having an extra person to sing with. 
Especially for duets.
Virgil smiled even brighter at the thought of the two of them singing something sassy like Apex Predator or just fun like Two-Player Game. But he didn’t. He wasn’t planning on singing either.
Well, I guess the best way to put it is keyword: planning.
The first piano notes that were the opening to Only Us from Dear Evan Hansen began to play. There had been an hour or two’s worth of songs that came on between More Than Survive and Only Us. Roman had been wrapped up in his own world of miscellaneous theater songs. Virgil guessed that he was going to take both Zoe (That’s how it is spelled on the Wiki so that’s how I’m spelling it) and Evan’s parts, but he didn’t care. Once Laura Dreyfuss began singing he did as well. 
However, Virgil was very quiet, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t need you to sell me on reasons to want you.” 
The next line he sang a little louder. But not loud enough for Roman to hear him. “I don’t need you to search for the proof that I should.” 
The next few lines were just barely audible. “You don’t have to convince me. You don’t have to be scared your not enough. ‘Cause what we got going, is good.”
The next set of lines were only slightly more audible. “I don’t need more reminders of all that’s been broken. I don’t need you to fix what I’d rather forget. Clear the slate and start over. Try to quiet the noises in your head. We can’t compete with all that.”
Virgil had a nice crescendo going and he didn’t even realize until he was singing the chorus very loudly. “So what if it’s us? What if it’s us, and only us? And what came before won’t count anymore or matter. Can we try that? What if it’s you? And what if it’s me? And what if that’s all that we need it to be? And the rest of the world falls away. What do you say?” Roman had stopped singing Zoe’s part once he heard Virgil.
He did come in with Evan’s part though.
“I never thought there’d be someone like you, who would want me.” Virgil smiled. “Well.” Roman looked at Virgil using his peripheral vision as to not get lectured for not keeping his eyes on the road and how they could’ve died. “So I give you ten-thousand reasons to not let me go. But if you really see me if you like me for me and nothing else, well that’s all that I’ve wanted for longer than you could possibly know.”
Roman braced himself. He knew what was coming next. He was scared that once he started singing with Virgil that he’d crash the car.
“So it can be us. It can be us, and only us. And what came before won’t count anymore or matter. We can try that.”
Virgil smiled at Roman before coming back in and having the two of them sing together.
“It’s not so impossible.” Roman was starting to get convinced that he was going to crash the car. Virgil’s voice was incredible. “Nobody else but the two of us here.”
Virgil noticed Roman tensing up and intertwined their fingers. “‘Cause you’re saying it’s possible.”
“We can just watch the whole world disappear.”
“Till you’re the only one I still know how to see.”
“It’s just you and me.” 
“It’ll be us. It’ll be us and only us. And what came before won’t count anymore!”
“We can try that! You and me! That’s all that we need it to be! And the rest of the world falls away! And the rest of the world falls away. The world falls away. The world falls away.”
“And it’s only us.”
God. What Roman would’ve given to kiss Virgil in that moment.
However, he’d made up his mind.
Next rest stop…
He’d kiss the fuck out of his Emo Nightmare.
Taglist: @winterswishing @thetomorrowshow @an-existing-leah @iixclementine @elatedgiff
@rain-bound I was that anon who asked if you’d like to be tagged like 2 days ago.
@just-some-gt-trash I figured you’d love this.
@stop-it-anxiety I value your opinion greatly and I’d like to know what you think.
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swordbreakerz · 5 years
✨ for all of them, 🎥 for treasure planet and guardians of gahoole, 🍀 for 9-1-1 and penumbra, 📃 for unicorn chronicles, 🏳️‍🌈 for howls, treasure planet and legend of zelda, and 💎 for any ones you have facts for lol
you spoil me uwu
🎥 - ok for treasure planet, gotta be the 12 years later scene in the beginning and the zoom in to the spaceport, the way it transitions from jim reading under the blankets to him flying on his solar surfer is so chefs kiss, and just like. everything about to the spaceport lmao, fr guardians definitely the scene where soren flies through the fire and then blows up the pulley system to get rid of the flecks energy, bro when hes flying above it all holding the lantern before he dives down to save them? chills
🍀 - you know im on that projection shit w/ juno steel, ive truly never like connected with a character like that before and he’s really really helped me thru my recovery and transition lol, fr 911 uhhh ig buck or eddie? i havent Thought About It or like consumed it enough times yet to rly settle on someone but fr now,,, they
🏳️‍🌈 - ok for howls, Everyone Is Bi/Pan, howl is trans and autistic and i will die on that hill, fr treasure planet jim and cpt amelia are both trans and both of them + doppler are autistic, fr loz link is trans, autistic and semi nonverbal and communicates primarily with asl, post twilight princess zelda says fuck it and finds a way back into the twilight realm and she midna and link hang out, most of these boil down to everyone i love is trans gay and autistic because i say so lmaooo
📃 - OK SO. without like, spoiling too many plot points, our main character is cara and she lives with her grandmother. her mom is dead and dad is out of the picture. one day theyre getting chased by these people that her grandma knows and cara gets thrown into an alternate realm full of fantasy creatures using her grandmothers amulet. she meets a unicorn named lightfoot and a bunch of other rad people and basically, starts a journey to save that world from the Hunters. the Hunters are an organisation who specifically hate unicorns and want them all dead, led by Beloved, and cara and her friends have to try and stop them from entering the world and wiping them out. its sooo so so good and i highly recommend it cause i have no one to talk to about it please god
✨ - oh boy uh, well. im just gonna like list them out lmao
unicorn chronicles: i loved unicorns as a kid and read it when i was in elementary school, and over the years its remained just as compelling and well written as i remember and like. god the whole concept is so godamn cool and all the subplots that get introduced are fuckign fantastic and like all the different creatures are amazing i literally cant sing its praises enough
howls moving castle: must i have a logical reason? is it not to vicariously live my fantasy of running away to the countryside with a wizard boyfriend, his demon and his apprentice?? for real though, its such a fantastic story with beautiful visuals in the movie and wonderfully compelling prose in the book, and esp in the movie the whole time travel subplot with sophie seeing howl and calcifer in the past and then howl finding her in the future makes me go feral
penumbra: gays in space. need i say more? im a huge slut for gay found family and especially in futuristic space, and im a huge big fan of the lgbt utopia its created. like yeah capitalism sucks but at least im not gonne get misgendered in space starbucks, u kno? all the writing and dialogue is so incredible and the SOUND DESIGN GOD, alex i know u specifically can relate when i say i would kill a man for sophie and her incredible sound design skills, like dude the dance scene in man in glass p2 you can hear every single individual step they take and every swish of junos dress and i jusT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god its so good, plus the whole the characters help me work through my trauma and repressed anger haha
911: this one is entirely your fault. so obligatory horny on main everyone on that show is so hot i want oliver stark to cradle me gently in his beefy arms oh my god. other than Men, the way it drives home the whole ‘you can’t save everyone, and it will kill you to try, so just focus on what you can do and keep living’ makes me so emo. the way it tackles big bureaucratic issues as well as closer to home interpersonal ones is amazing and i love how it shows people going through and dealing realistically with trauma.
treasure planet: again, who doesnt want to live in Cool Steampunk Space Travel Future? i really really love jims story and his arc, the way he deals with his trauma is uhh very familiar lol and his relationship with silver is like the ideal. the story is just the coolest concept and i love all the wonderful character design and animation, plus the soundtrack SLAPS and everything is beautiful
legend of zelda: ive been associated with this series from a very young age due to my name and as soon as i gave into my fate and looked it up for real i just kinda fell into it lol. i cant really tell you exactly what draws me to it besides ‘wow fun game!’ and ‘god i wish that were me,’ but like the absurd amount of detail thats put into each installment and the creative ways they retell essentially the same/similar story over and over is incredible
guardians of gahoole: so i had the same experience with this and treasure planet which is i remembered ‘oh hey this is a movie that exists and i cant clearly remember watching it, ill look it up :)’ and then it consumed my life for a solid 3 months. firstly this movie is absolutely gorgeous, the animation and framing is fucking stunning and the way they handled owls talking like people as far as the movement of their very inflexible beaks was amazing. it sort of has the same draw for me as warrior cats? secret animal society ft incredibly traumatic experiences and the characters dealing with it. like, the whole concept is just so fuckign wild and it works so well, i rly enjoy this niche genre.
💎 - alright trivia time, so guardians of gahoole is based on a book series and the movie only covers part of the first arc i think idk, BUT theres another series set in the same universe called wolves of the beyond that i devoured when i was younger! i didnt know they were connected for the longest time and when i found out i was :000, i still rly love wolves of the beyond and wanna reread it, as well as read the actual gahoole books. in the howls books, sophie is a redhead! also, markl is named michael and like a fully functioning young adult who ends up marrying one of sophies sisters. treasure planet is, obviously, based off treasure island but its so much better than the book dont bother reading it lol i tried and it was boring. there was plans for a treasure planet sequel that was fully scripted and cast but it was cancelled cause disney sabotaged treasure planet from the start with the shitty release and advertising and tldr we were ROBBED, also amelias concept was much more octopus like and while that wldve been rad im p glad she was switched to a cat for. several reasons lol. uhh i dont have a lot of Fun Facts abt the unicorn chronicles but for the longest time i thought there were only 3 books and then last year i found the fourth book by chance in a kitsch store and nearly had a breakdown i was so happy, like full on i started shaking and crying cause there was so much joy in my body i cldnt contain it.
thats all i can think of tysm ily, to anyone who read all of this bless u please watch guardians of gahoole and read the unicorn chronicles i will love u forever
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anime-grimmy · 5 years
Favourite Gaming Soundtracks of the 2010s
It’s the end of another decade and what a decade it’s been. So much has changed in “just” 10 years, so many cool things have happened, so many amazing games have been released. Since it’s the end of the year I thought I could talk about some things that are dear to my heart. I love music and with so many dope games came just as amazing soundtracks. So, I just wanna let out my thoughts for my favourites. This is not really ranked, but I’ll tell you which my favs are from my favs.
But first, some “honorable mentions” for soundtracks I really enjoy, even though I’ve never played these games.
-        Dark Souls / Bloodborne Mystic and gritty, but strangely calming from time to time
-        Hollow Knight It came coming on with YT Autoplay and to be honest, I can’t complain. All in all a great soundtrack
-        Persona 5 Dude, talk about style. It’s not quite my type of game, but holy fuck, the music is my JAM
-        God of War (2018) I DID play this game and I loved it, but the soundtrack didn’t really stick out to me THAT much. Some tracks are downright bone-chilling and epic, but it didn’t have such a big impact on me all in all.
 Anyways, on with my list.
Pokemon Sword and Shield
I’m gonna start with a recent one since it’s still fresh in my mind.
I always liked the Pokemon Soundtracks. Though most of the time simplistic, some tracks just have such iconic melodies. However, from Sinnoh onwards, I started liking single tracks more than the soundtrack as a whole. For example. even though most people say Cynthia has the best Champion theme, I can agree an the melody being amazing, but for me, the theme is so loaded, I don’t like it (best Champion theme is still Lance). Alola, for me, started having an upcurve on the soundtrack. I liked it as a whole, though I can’t really remember what exactly stood out to me.
Now Sword and Shield. Dudes, keep going on that route, your OST is amazing. I’ll be honest, the BEST thing of this game is the soundtrack. All have this kinda sporty/cheery sound and even though, let’s say, the normal battle theme isn’t that of a banger, the number of amazing single themes is just so high. Bede’s theme is basically the only thing I like about him, Marnie’s has such a cool tune (and all the metal covers on YT, BRO) and even if many people don’t like Hop’s theme, I really dig it. Some parts remind me of Mirror B.s theme, I dunno why.
And then you have my fav tracks, Rose’s Final Fantasy theme, Toby’s amazing Battle Tower theme AND THE GYM BATTLE MUSIC. I really didn’t like the gym leader theme at first but while playing the game, after each gym leader, it got me more and more stoked when the battle began.
All in all, Pokemon Sword and Shield has an overall enjoyable soundtrack. Filled with bangers, for me it made the game itself so much better.
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Animal Crossing
Though I haven’t played the game in a long time, I still listen to the music.
Animal Crossing is just laid out to be this chill and calming ensemble of melodies. And it works. When I’m stressed or have to work on stuff I don’t want to, I usually just put on Animal Crossing music. It calms me and just gives me this warm and fuzzy feeling. It also helps when I have problems sleeping.
A soundtrack to just lie back, close your eyes and just enjoy life.
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Legend of Zelda – Breath of the Wild
Continuing with calm music, let’s talk about my favourite Switch title.
This game often gets flag for “having no music” or too little of it. I know where you’re coming from, but I just think the limited use of the soundtrack makes you appreciate it even more. The moments when the music is used is carefully chosen and that makes it special. Be it the few piano notes that play while the day goes on, the little notification that you’ve entered a new area, the unexpected high energy when you’re fighting (most of all bosses) or the indescribable fear you feel when a Guardian spots you.
There are a few favourite moments I have of the game.
First is the start, when you first leave the cave, run out and this vast landscape opens before you. Just those few piano notes made me all excited for this new adventure. Like dawn is breaking.
The first time I rode on a horse over this wide field and suddenly, the music starts swelling. It was almost magical, the music rising just like my excitement.
The last thing I love is the difference between being in villages and outside. When I noticed that you always have some kind of melody playing when you’re in a settlement it dawned on me how quiet it was outside of them. I love this contrast between being alone in the wilderness with all the quiet and the sudden swell in music when you’re with other people.
This OST amazes me with how much emotion it can convey with often just the smallest amount of notes. An amazing soundtrack for just as an amazing game.
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Super Mario Odyssey
So, last Nintendo game on this list, I swear.
This one is a small surprise, but at the same time, it really isn’t. I’ve never really been a fan of the main Mario games, they just aren’t really my thing. (the spin-offs are my jam). However, I’ve always enjoyed Mario’s music. The upbeat tunes really get stuck in your head and the melodies are always so recognizable. Heck, my favourite OST was from Super Mario Sunshine back in the day!
With Odyssey, I really enjoyed both the game and the soundtrack aspect. The worlds are colourful and the gameplay is super fun. Combine that with the stellar soundtrack and the game was such a fun experience, it’s definitely in my top 10. But what I really enjoyed is the diversity of the track. When you listen to the soundtrack on Youtube and you just click on two different parts of the video, I can guarantee that they’ll probably sound completely different but at the same time somehow coherent. The best tracks, in my opinion, are the upbeat ones for sure. The feeling of excitement and adventure just swells so much it’s amazing.
Then you’ve got “Jump up Superstar”. I fucking love this song. It’s so much fun, has such a great tune which gets stuck in your head and the lyrics are so easy to sing along. All things I love in a song. I actually listened to the song on repeat before I even got the game and I couldn’t wait to get to New Donk City to LIVE the song. And I wasn’t disappointed, it was one if not the best moments in the game.
Great game, great soundtrack, 100% fun.
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Bravely Default / Bravely Second
(technically on a Nintendo Console, but whatev) I’m just gonna lump this two together, since BS’s the sequel.
Now, JRPGs aren’t really my thing. They often take too long for my tastes, I can’t for the life of me concentrate on the story and characters and after some time they just get stale for me. But now and then, I pick up a series I actually finish and that was Bravely Default and Second. I think I just have such a huge soft spot for the series cause of the art style/atmosphere and the fact that I played 8 hours straight of BD on a flight from Canada home.
I haven’t played the games in forever but when I think about what I like about them, there are 3 things I always think about: characters, art style and soundtrack. The songs might sound generic to most, but to me, with my little knowledge of JRPGs, find them quiet unique. It does at some points remind me of Final Fantasy but I think something just makes the tracks just sound like Bravely, though I can’t put my finger on it.
I don’t know the names of the themes, but even now there are just certain tracks which I link to a certain reaction. Like “oh no, not them again” or “Now shit is getting down”. Or every time the main theme plays, I get absolutely pumped.
Haven’t played the games in forever, but the soundtrack’s still in my mind.
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Kingdom Hearts
From one RPG to the next, here’s a very special soundtrack. Kingdom Hearts is a franchise near and dear to my heart. It’s one of the first, if not THE first, RPG I ever played. I just get so nostalgic with this game. I can just remember watching my brother playing KH2, seeing two characters from my favourite franchise run around with this spiky haired boy with this stupidly big key. So much stuff happened I didn’t even understand back then, but just seeing these animated characters laugh and cry and go on this grand adventure, little me was mesmerized.
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t too happy with KH3. I’ve waited so long for it, just like hundreds of other people, but the end product just, I dunno, lacked the heart it used to. One thing however didn’t, the soundtrack. As sad I was to not enjoy the game as a whole as much as I wanted to, the soundtrack became one of my instant favourites. It sounds grandiose and has so much emotion. Each track sounds amazing but the OST really shines in its more calm and beautiful themes and its epic ones.
My favourite songs are the serene ones, however. “Sincerely Beloved” and the other Utada songs are some of my favourite songs ever and I can’t tell you how close I came to crying with the Sea Salt Icecream Trios themes. Heck, I played Xion’s theme back in the day on the piano and I still can play it now.
As much as KH has gone down in heart, the soundtrack stands up there as one of the best, much thanks to Utada Hikaru as well. It will always be important to me and just reminds me of my childhood. Some very fond memories.
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Well, let’s get outta the nostalgia feel and turn it up a bit!
Ah, Toby Fox, you madlad. Creating such a great game and subverting so many expectations. Undertale really had a big impact on the gaming scene but for me, the soundtrack really lasted. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the characters and story very much, but I still listen to the soundtrack regularly.
Undertale’s OST is comprised of sad, melancholic, upbeat and downright hype tunes. It has a wide spectrum but Toby Fox really does know how to push Leitmotif. All themes kind of flow great into each other but still manage to stand out and are recognizable. Each character theme fits the character perfectly and I love how their themes usually have some melodies/instruments from the area they’re in. And speaking of areas, as much as I love the character themes I just might prefer the atmosphere tracks even more. I mean, “Snowdin” just sounds like this super laid back, cute little town, “Home” is such a calming song and “It’s raining somewhere else” has such mystique. And, of course, the fact that the tracks have character/plot relevance is just amazing.
Not to mention, Toby Fox created one of the best Meme songs in existence.
Love the game, love the soundtrack even more and I’ll listen to “Death by Glamour” til I die.
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Horizon Zero Dawn
I’m so happy I picked up this game. I never bought it cos A, I feel overwhelmed by open world games, and B, it COSTS SO MUCH. But I found it for half the prise and I bought it right before exam week. I know, smart move.
But anyways, the soundtrack. There aren’t any tracks that really stand out to me but I just like it as a whole. It’s such an atmospheric OST and when listening to it as BG music you just HEAR where you are, which tribe you’re in, what you probably did in the game when it played.
And that’s actually a big factor. All in all, I don’t think it’s such a special OST. It sounds great, most tracks are solid, but what really makes it shine is how much it enhances the experience of the game. The gameplay and story are great, but the OST just makes everything so much better, with setting the tone and atmosphere and all that.
I could go on and on about this game, but the soundtrack can be shaved down to a few words. Solid, great and atmospheric.
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Monster Hunter World / Iceborne
So, I’ll drop this to second to last because I already made a super long analysis of the soundtrack. I’ll link it here.
But to put it simply, this is probably my favourite soundtrack at the moment. I just haven’t experienced so many emotions while listening to an OST since a certain game that’s next on the list. I still can’t listen to “Succession of Light” without almost crying (who am I kidding, I cry every time). I dunno why, but so many tracks make me feel such a barrage of emotions, be it excitement for adventure, hype for the hunt or just simply a childlike wonder.
Simply a great soundtrack that will be on top for a long time.
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Technically a game from 2006, but the PS4 version came out like 2017 and I REALLY WANNA TALK ABOUT THIS GAME.
This is my absolute favourite game of all time. Since I played it first when I was about 9 years old, I just really loved this game. I replayed it more times than I can count and dude, I speedrun this game in record time.
For people who don’t know this game, you play as the Sun God Amaterasu, who has been summoned in the body of a white wolf. You job is to banish the evil from Nippon. To say this game awakened my fondness of Japanese culture is, well, spot on. I’ve played this game before I even knew what anime was. The atmosphere, style, themes and mostly the music mesmerized me. It was all so, well, foreign. Even nowadays it stands out from anything else I’ve played.
But on to the OST. Next to it being just amazing in general, it just is so Japanese and that’s what has always stuck out to me. I grew up with very traditional and classical music, back then I didn’t even listen to English/American music. So to hear these melodies and instruments that just sound so unfamiliar was very intriguing. And that just topped of the already amazing tracks. Okami does a great job of having super epic, exciting but also sombre and atmospheric music. It’s also very animated and comedic with it’s use of music. So, the mix of foreign sounds and great timing of amazing tracks just makes the experience all so much more memorable.
Even after 10+ years, Okami never gets boring and no matter how much I play it, the moment I face a boss and the epic music swells, or the moment a calm scene passes and the melody slows, my heart fills with emotion and I’m so glad I played it again.
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Well, that’s that! I know it probably often sounds kind of sappy, but music is very special and important to me. If music doesn’t evoke emotions in me, I don’t care about it, even if it sounds great. For me it’s important that, when I listen to a soundtrack, I can remember the game or the scene it played in and the emotions I felt in that moment.
Soundtracks are supposed to make a emotional connection between you and the game and that’s why they are essential. At least that’s how I see it.
Anyways, if you made it this far, I bow my head to you. Thanks for reading and I hope you could somehow share my perspective of these games’ soundtrack. Feel free to tell me about your fav tracks!
 It’s been a nice decade, enjoy the rest of 2019!
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awfulcomingdown · 5 years
Pokemon Shield: The awfulcomingdown Review
Pokemon Shield is a quiet walk along the circular, paved path that goes through the forest behind your house. It is not too warm, and it is not too cold. The sun is not setting, nor rising. It is the middle of the day, and there are only a few clouds in the sky. At the end of the day, when your friend or loved one asks you what you did that day, you will answer, “Nothing, really. Went for a walk through the forest.” And when they ask you how it was, you will answer, “It was fine.” And that will be the last you two ever speak of it. 
. . .
Pokemon Shield leaves me feeling like there isn’t much to say. I mean, isn’t it obvious? It’s a Pokemon game, it’s fine, it’s chill. It is an alright way to spend 25 hours or less. It is easy and mostly devoid of hassle, and I mostly enjoyed it.
Mostly, Pokemon Shield makes me excited to think about the games that I might enjoy in the future. It makes me excited to explore a brilliant, virtuosic, slow-paced Japanese video game on my Switch. I mean, if the whole experience of playing this totally pedestrian-yet-charming video game was entirely pleasant, then just imagine how much I might enjoy something phenomenal? Something like Dragon Quest 11 or Fire Emblem: Three Houses? It’s an exciting proposition.
Though, I should say, part of Pokemon Shield’s charm lies within the fact that it is so pedestrian. Pokemon Shield asks very little of you, the player. It asks so little of you that you can’t help but be mildly charmed by even its most inept story moments. 
Sure, there isn’t a single memorable, or even overly-likable, character in the entire game, and sure, nearly every dialogue box of writing fills you with a deep feeling that the game was written by a second grade school teacher and their students (not to mention the sporadic and seemingly desperate attempts to insert British slang into characters' dialogue), but hey, you know, it’s not like they’re making you work to arrive at any of these things. It’s not like these things are your reward for overcoming difficult challenges. Story moments in this game are akin to you coming upon a stranger walking down the same forest path as you in the opposite direction, and the two of you presenting one another with a perfunctory smile, before continuing to walk on in your separate directions. Obviously that is in no way a profound experience, but it’s not like that encounter is the reason you left your house in the first place.
Now, that’s not to say that there isn’t anything overtly good about Pokemon Shield. The game is consistently pretty, both visually and auditorily, and there are some legitimately gorgeous towns. When I first arrived in Circhester, I walked to the town square, found a bench, and sat down to simultaneously create and experience the Winter Lofi playlist that is that town’s soundtrack and visuals. Aside from these standouts, there is still a somewhat profound feeling that arises in me everytime I see a pokemon that is out of my reach and minding its own business, just existing.
Of course, none of this is enough to make this a game that I will look back upon with reverence. It is still a Pokemon game. It is still the kind of thing you could probably show to your eight year old cousin that would cause them to roll their eyes and scoff at the dialogue. There were still countless times where I couldn’t help but be stunned by how deeply lame nearly every word that every character spoke is. This is a game so painstakingly careful in its writing to neither offend nor confuse any one hypothetical consumer, that its dialogue consistently borders on the surreal.
At a very late point in the game, during what was surely an important battle, my comrade yelled out to me, “My cheers will really get you going!”
Two options appeared for my response:
1. “Thanks!”
2. “Thanks for your help!”
Now, is this a joke? Or is this an acknowledgement of the fact that both they and I know that nobody really gives a fuck what either the player character or the non-player characters have to say in a Pokemon game?
I honestly don’t know. It’s definitely not the hypothetical third option that one might consider. It’s definitely not the fact that somebody actually sat down and wrote those words out thinking they were in any way worthwhile.
So, maybe there was a breaking point for me, as I slowly began to revolt against my own desensitization to boring jokes and unaffecting sentences, where this game’s writing accidentally wandered from inoffensively forgettable to irritably uninteresting. The people who wrote this game have to know how truly awful a job they did of writing well, or else they probably wouldn’t have been able to do such a good job of writing poorly. I can’t honestly believe that any human being would be able to write the majority of this dialogue without hating their job and their surroundings, at least a little bit.
So, yeah. I keep going back and forth on how I truly feel about this game, on whether I’m being too harsh or too easy on it. It is simultaneously entirely pleasant and completely forgettable, and maybe that’s alright, maybe that’s what it will always be.
In closing, I would like to say that Pokemon Shield was cool. It was cool to see live pokemon roaming around and flying above me; it was cool to get to control the camera in a Pokemon game (even if it was only in the Wild Area); it was cool to drunkenly strengthen my pokemon while playing in handheld mode on my living room couch, as my roommate got high and watched football on the TV; and it was cool to get to return to a series that meant so much to me as a child, a series that I haven't touched a new entry in for over 13 years. 
Pokemon Shield was a quiet and calming walk, and even though it only lead me through an already familiar forest, it was still a fine way to spend an afternoon.
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Reminising Days
this took a lot longer than i meant it to, but now that it’s actually complete, im really happy with it. I hope you enjoy it.
Jinwoo x Reader
Fluffy af
Word Count: 1227
[Admin Kae]
It was a calm day. You and Jinwoo both had a busy-free day and decided to spend it together chilling. Your favorite movie had just ended and the featured soundtrack was playing in the background as the credits shined on your faces. You decided to break the silence.
“Yo, Jinwoo?” you joked.
“Yeah, _____,” he laughed.
“Do you remember the first time we met?” You were already giggling.
Jinwoo looked up in the air, trying to recall the memory. “Oh gosh,” he whined. “Of course.” He put his head in his hands out of embarrassment.
“Honestly,” you recalled, “I never would’ve expected that.”
That day was actually pretty calm and tranquil, a big switch from the days you’ve been having at the time. During that time, you were starting to work at one of the local grocery stores. You had just finished stocking outside when you turned around and ran into Jinwoo. Or, he ran into you. Literally. He was just in a light jog (thank goodness), but, nevertheless, you both almost fell over. Before gravity really had a hold on you though, you latched onto Jinwoo and pulled him to you in order to cancel out the weight. You both were gasping, your hold on his flannel shirt still strong. A wide-eyed looked was present on both of your faces as you looked at each other. You didn’t notice it then, but Jinwoo was just a head taller than you. Thinking about it now, it probably looked like a cute predicament that you both were in. Maybe it was obvious you would become a cute, small couple.
Something about Jinwoo’s cheesy, toothy smile stayed in your mind. After hearing Jinwoo’s many panicked, but cute, apologies, you didn't see him again until after a few more days. The way he was looking that day, you like to believe he was expecting you. Heck, you were expecting him, too. This time he was walking slow and casual, careful not to cause any accidents like last time. When you both locked eyes, you gave him a small, amused smile, and he did the same. You and Jiwoo would probably both say that this is where it all started.
“Ay, ay, ay,” Jinwoo defended, “I made up for it with the date though, right?”
“Umm,” you teased, “maybe.”
He took you to an amusement park. This would’ve been a totally fine choice, but you have motion sickness, and, plus, you’ve never really been an amusement park person. But you wouldn’t tell him that.
A huge smile was on your face. Although amusement parks aren’t your thing, you were happy Jinwoo asked you out on a date.
“What do you want to try first” Jinwoo asked you. You just shrugged. You were perfectly content with just walking around with him the whole time, but tickets can be expensive, and you didn’t want to disappoint him with your lameness like your friends have been before.
“It doesn’t matter to me. Whatever you think will be fun.”
Jinwoo slightly frowned then quickly smiled. “Okay then. We’ll do this first one.” It was a small, but twisty, roller coaster that you were willing to go on. You said a small ‘sure’ before walking over to the roller coaster.
You and Jinwoo went on a few roller coasters, and you were actually starting to enjoy yourself. You even went on one of the bigger rides and didn’t die, so that’s a plus. It was going great until it was half-way into the day when Jinwoo decided to try out a type of tea cup ride.
“Um, are you sure you want to go on this one?” You panicked. You forgot to bring any medicine.
“Yea? Why not?” Jinwoo pouted. “Don’t most people ride these?”
“I guess so...” you sighed. You’re really gonna regret not telling him. Big time. To make a short story shorter, you got sick and Jinwoo: Panic Mode™ emerged.
“_____! Why didn’t you just tell me you were motion sick?!” Jinwoo cradled your face in his hands, concern all over his face.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, steadying your breathing. “I think I’ll be fine in a few minutes.”
Jinwoo just kept on staring, looking for any sign of relief from you. “I’m fine, Jinwoo, I promise.”
Jinwoo softly brought his lips to your forehead. You looked up at him and flashed your own goofy smile, similar to the one he frequently gives you. All he could do was sigh and then chuckle at the situation.
“Are you okay now?” Jinwoo offered his hand to you.
You nodded your head and gracefully placed your hand on his like you weren't just about to throw up five minutes ago.
“You want some ice cream?”
You hummed in response and leaned yourself closer to Jinwoo.
“Awwww, you were so worried!” you cooed at Jinwoo.
“I get so scared when you don’t take care of yourself,” Jinwoo whined.
You were instantly bombarded with a bunch of kisses peppered all over your face. “Take. Care. Of. Your. Self,” he said in between kisses.
“Aye, aye, Captain,” you saluted, grinning. 
You repositioned yourself closer to Jinwoo, your head resting on his chest as you absentmindedly twirled your finger around a few hairs on the back of his neck.
“I remember our first kiss, too,” you mumbled.
“You do?”
You hummed in response.
“I’m glad. It was the same day wasn’t it?” Jiwoo tightened his hug on you.
“Ah! It was!”
Seven o’clock rolled around after leaving the amusement park. You and Jiwoo were walking back to your apartment. You guys stopped by a convenience store and bought some fruit popsicles, snacking on them as you kept walking. Once you actually reached the sidewalk right outside your front door, you turned to Jinwoo to bid your farewells.
“So did you have fun?” he asked first.
“Mmhm!” you happily smiled. “Thanks for getting the popsicles, too. Mine kind of tasted too sweet,” a small pout slid on your face.
“Ah, I'm sorry. We should've switched, mine was actually pretty tart.”
“I could always still try yours,” you mumbled low, hoping that Jinwoo didn't hear you. But HA, he did.
“What? But we already ate them, _____. Did you want to go back and get another one?” Obviously Jinwoo had no idea what you were thinking in your head, so you decided to show him.
You looked up at Jinwoo nervously before stepping closer to him and slightly getting up on your tiptoes. Jinwoo was still lost up to the very last second until he realised what you were doing when you grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought his face closer to yours. You flashed him a quick smile to reassure him before you brought your lips to his. Surprisingly, he closed the gap between you two before you actually had the chance to. His lips tasted just like raspberries, a kind of a small contrast between your strawberry lips. You broke the kiss after a few seconds, and you both just stared at each other.
“You know, _____, I think you’re making me really like you.”
“Me too.”
“And now I really love you,” Jinwoo grinned as he pecked your forehead.
After a time of peaceful cuddling, Jinwoo got up to start a new movie before returning back to cuddle some more.
Days off like this are really worth it.
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quilandivy · 5 years
Halo Story vs. Cinematics
Just recently I was talking with someone in a heated discussion over the original trilogy of Halo’s story vs. the ones that came after. The whole time their whole argument was completely convinced that the games after did not have the interesting storytelling the original trilogy did, and i couldn’t understand that. This basically inspired this article, in it I want to describe why I think the original trilogy doesn’t have a good story, but highlight a reason why it might’ve been viewed that it did, and talk about Halo 4’s story and how it tackles this reason.
Firstly I need to reiterate what the story of Halo consists of. Across all three games, the story of Halo is very much standard space soap opera fare, you have a clear good side (humans) and a clear bad side (The Covenant). This is the basic structure that the first game starts from. Over time, other factors are brought in: a completely eldritch abomination known as The Flood acts as another threat for the humans to fight as well as other twists and turns, like the elites turning on The Covenant after their fealty is thrown out to be substituted as the Brutes, as well as their realization that The Covenant by in large is an illusion, and that the Halo rings that they are pushing towards for their Sacred Journey will actually wipe out all life in the galaxy. It’s a very simple structure right? Humans (and then elites) good, covenant and flood bad. This is the main rub of Halo storytelling, this is all that it is. None of the characters have particularly interesting motivations or nuance to them, there’s a clear line of black/white. The Covenant is made up completely under the guise of religion creating this dumb populace. There’s no fact-checking, only serious devotion to a cause. The villains don’t have any interesting backstories or motivations, they’re one dimensional “I want to keep my power in this classist society!” For my example, I’m going to use what I’ve often heard is the best story of the trilogy, Halo 2. Halo 2’s Covenant story starts out with this literally who, the only thing you know about them, the only thing that defines him, is that he was in charge of the invasion that found the first ring and couldn’t stop the Master Chief from destroying it. He becomes the Arbiter, not for anything specific to him, but because he’s a stand-in of elite loyalty, so he decides to be one for redemption’s sake. He’s sent to kill a heretic, a person spreading “false information that could be destructive of the sacred order”, being that he knows that the Sacred Journey is a lie perpetuated to keep the power contained. He goes to stop him, but not before he shows a “oracle” that being 343 Guilty Spark who begins to explain what the purpose of the rings are before the heretic stupidly shoots at the Arbiter while his guard is down which is still probably one of the stupidest plot contrivances of his game. Literally the chance was there for the Arbiter to be convinced that the thing he is following is a lie and he dumbly decides to just shoot first, it doesn’t make sense. Anyway continuing on, he begins to doubt the Covenant internally (or at least I assume he is, because the game certainly doesn’t show it! It’s all implied), but still continues to work for the leaders of the Covenant. One twist is pushed when one of the leaders is killed, and the others decide to swap out the elites with the brutes, as they do not trust the elites to keep them safe when they failed to do so with the one killed by Master Chief. This increases the tension as the elites are angry about their loss of position despite being incredibly devout and loyal. This comes to a head where finally the Arbiter is betrayed by a Brute leader during one of his missions, and the Arbiter is then told straight up by the gravemind that the prophets are wrong and the Halo will consume all life. This is passed on, infighting happens with the Covenant, etc. etc.
The problem with this story is that it’s a tale of motivations, not characters, and those motivations are one dimensional. Everyone is a stand-in, it’s a simple tale told in an incredibly black/white manner. There’s no interesting thing being told about the elite’s blind obsession with the religious order, it’s just a very black “obsessive religion bad, second guessing what you follow good”. There’s no nuance, the arbiter’s motivation is completely flipped. I said earlier that he started to doubt the Covenant implicitly? He didn’t, in fact when talking with the Gravemind he refuses to believe what he’s saying. He’s just completely convinced in the end, there’s no fallout, no grand shock to him or the other elites, there’s just a complete motivation switch. Elites go straight from loyal to fuck you I’m joining the humans now just to stop you. Events happen with scapegoats and power struggle, no personal or interesting reasons for why anyone in the Covenant does the things that they do. The prophets see the humans and heretics as threats to their power, nothing more. The elites just want to keep their position of loyalty, and when that’s tested seek solace in a more accurate truth so that they can betray the Covenant. That’s it, that’s the story of Halo 2 with the Covenant in-fighting. This problem is endemic of Halo 1 and 3 as well, in general the whole trilogy doesn’t have any themes to share, it just has a very “epic” space soap opera with a decent structure. It has its twists and turns but in the end it’s a very simple motivation-run story for events to unfold.
If that’s the case though, why do people like it so much? That gets me into my reasoning for why, the theatrics. Bungie knows their story isn’t particularly interesting, they know that their writing isn’t very good. What makes the story stand so high up in people’s heads is the overall tone, heart, and cinematic feel the game holds. What do I mean by that? Let me give a couple examples. Let’s start with this cutscene from Halo 3: 
This is from the second mission, its opening cutscene. It starts with a dramatic sting in the soundtrack as the tone is set, Master Chief is setting down in one of humanity’s hideouts on the planet as they prepare themselves to defend on their last bastion, Earth. Master Chief walks by and the injured soldiers notice that he’s here, and it gives them hope, they’re sure they’ll be alright. They walk up to Miranda Keyes, the Sergeant cracks a quick joke, there’s a heartfelt hopeful tone, with a little bit of camp off the bat. Master Chief walks down the hall while he follows Miranda, looking to the left and right noticing all the injured soldiers, a real war is hell but they’re still fighting. Miranda gives the rundown and sets the stakes, capped off by Master Chief saying with a blunt “The rings will kill us all.” Miranda talks with Lord Hood to tell MC about what they plan to do in response, when they are cut off. Complete black frame, whole power in the facility goes down for a little. Cut to the tvs, showing the Covenant’s Prophet of Truth on every single one. Creepy track plays in the background as he gives a super chilling and strong monologue, no thanks in part to the terrific voice acting by Terence Stamp, ending with “Your destruction is the will of the gods. And I? I am their instrument.” Power goes back up, sergeant makes a quip in as well as MC, before Miranda under the realization that they’re about to get hit tells the soldiers to get ready. Whole scene ends with “Squad leaders are requesting a rally point. Where should they go?” “To war.” All in all, it’s a very well done cinematic, it does a super good job selling the tone of the scene and it has a fantastic pacing. This coupled with a nice bit of camp and some solid quoteworthy lines. This is what I think people talk about when they think of Halo’s story, they don’t think of the underlying narrative, or the characters in detail. They’re thinking of how this story is told. Because despite being a super mediocre and underwhelming tale, the framing around it is well executed, Bungie is great at their craft of selling a scene.
But what about Halo 4? From the start, Halo 4 has an outright better narrative. The Didact has fully developed motivations, and the story has a theme to it, a message to take home. The Didact doesn’t want to kill humans for any sort of power struggle reason, he wants to use the humans as a tool to make an army, for him to stop the flood. It was an original plan he had before he was put into cryostasis, one he formulated around the humans because in short, he fought a war with huge amounts of losses that ended up with his children dying in the onslaught. He has no empathy for humans, he outright hates them, but he is using these humans for a greater good in his mind. As for the theme, the main concept is “letting go.” As I described above, this motivation the Didact has is one from a past now left behind him. He refuses to let go of this past, blindly continuing to follow it despite the fact he’s now in a reality where the flood threat, albeit a delayed not completely destroyed one, is no longer central and applicable. The Chief’s “letting go” is Cortana, his AI companion that he’s been venturing with for a while now that in the end, has to let go as she devolves due to rampancy. Where the Didact refuses to separate from his motivation, the Chief ends up having to give up his own, leading to a solemn ending of him overlooking the Earth he had to save while doing so. That’s great storytelling, clear theme, clear strong motivations to each character. Didact acts as a close parallel, and it leads to a satisfying conclusion. That being said, how is this story told? This is the cutscene that plays detailing the backstory of the Didact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-4r_5AE6D4 Compare this to the Halo 3 scene above, see the problem? The whole motivation behind the didact is given by a complete long exposition to the Master Chief, it’s not told naturally at all, it’s told as a backdrop to a cliche chosen one the MC becomes, being immune to the Didact’s machine’s power. All done in a TV movie like cinematic, no interesting framing or tone. The only strong framing I could even give as a benefit here is that the leitmotif of Halo 4’s soundtrack is done in the background for a minute of the scene. But overall this scene is absolutely flat and lacks any of the emotional core the series was heralded on. Now, I’m not going to say Halo 4 in general is like this, there are great scenes that do get close to the ones above, specific examples being the goodbye to Cortana, and the ending cutscene in general. But for the most part, the way the story was told took a significant hit. With that, I hope I got across a good understanding of why I think people see Halo OT’s story in the way they do. And I also don’t want to imply that Bungie doesn’t know how to do good storytelling either, 3:ODST serves as a good example of how they combine the emotion they’re so good at conveying with a more interesting story with a team of legitimate personalities and character relationships, despite also not really having a clear message to give either, other than a vague notion of “don’t just shoot everything becuz these Engineers are actually enslaved creatures guys.” Although I don’t understand at all how they fucked up Reach so badly as they did after this with its completely cardboard cutout Noble Team all wrapped up in shitty tragedy bait with an even weaker emotional core than even Halo 4. I have an axe to grind on Reach so I’ll make a write-up on the story at a later time but I just wanted to leave this with a hot take if you want to see more of this writing.
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amplesalty · 3 years
Halloween 2021 - Day 1 - Us (2019)
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‘tis Halloween season once again!
It’s October, it’s Tumblr dot com and that can mean only one thing; another boat load of horror adjacent movies and possibly the odd TV show thrown in for good measure. And hey, we might have skipped out on the Stand finale and I didn’t do Halloween 1978 as I planned but I had a fair few entries last year. Christmas...not so much. Some of these years really seem to blend together because I thought for sure I had watched Get Out last year but, no, apparently it was 2019. Relevant because for this opening day I’m looking at Jordan Peele’s directorial follow up; 2019’s Us. Maybe next year I’ll watch 2021’s Candyman that he, whilst not directing, was involved in writing and producing. I love how certain sections of the internet immediately flipped their lids over that and were like “He’s going to make it political and about race. Stop bringing politics into movies!”. Ah yes, unlike the original Candyman which we of course know did not involve race in any way, shape or form.
This movies broader points about class structures and wealth ineaquality can easily be applied to all of society but it’s perhaps no coincidence that the protagonists are an African American family. Whilst the racial themes are quite as strong as in Get Out, it’s still evident to see the difference in opulence between the Wilson’s and their more wealthy white friends.
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There’s a moment in particular when the Wilson’s are at their friends house and you get this shot of their two boats side by side. Their dirty speed boat that constantly veers to the left and with an engine that cuts out all the time is dwarved by the SS BYACTCH. It’s not something that’s dwelled on or talked up but I think it’s a nice little piece of visual universe building. And for that talk of wealth inequality, you can’t complain too much if you’ve got yourselves a summer house and a speed boat, no matter how shabby it is.
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That boat does lend some measure of humour to the film that kinda threw me off guard given how tense the second quarter of the movie gets. There’s something really funny about this vicious killer stopped dead in their tracks when the boat cuts out, having to resort to the old bloke trick of ‘Technology doesn’t work? Smack it with your fist!’ It worked for the Fonz. I feel that’s something we’ve really lost in this modern age of techonological advancement, you can’t get any good surface area to give the telly a smack these days with all these LCD’s and OLED’s. You could really bring the smackdown on those old CRT’s.
That whole vicious killer thing is also something of a departure from Get Out which was more of a psychological trip. They both share these creepy elements but there’s something more immediate and visceral here when you have this family being stalked by these shadowy figures in the middle of the night before they start being set upon and this whole home invasion plays out.
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Actually, the start of that scene is a bit of a mix between the creepiness and terror when they just see this family holding hands in their driveway in the middle of the night. I know I’ve probably touched on this before but you know where you stand when Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees are marching towards you with their bloody knives drawn. What the hell do you do though when there’s just bunch of people on your property at 2am, unmoving and smiling politely?
Not that they have polite intentions, when we find that these are the dopplegangers of this family referred to as ‘The Tethered’. Sort of like corrupted, shadow versions of their normal counterparts who have gone through near enough the same exact experiences but in a more twisted way. The normal person might eat a warm, delicious meal but the shadow consumes only raw, bloody rabbit meat. The normal person might meet someone, fall in love and get married but the shadow is compelled to meet with their partner based on the actions of their double. The normal family might give birth to beautiful, healthy children but the shadows are blessed only with wicked, sadistic offspring. And, again, it’s hard not to draw parallels when you have a black character talking about living this less privileged life in the shadow of the more well off.
It becomes infinitely more terrifying when you come to realise that this isn’t just isolated to the Wilsons, their friends have also been visited and killed off by their own evil selves. It’s like, even if you outrun your own shadows, it seems like there’s nowhere to run with the news showing shaky footage of similar red clothed people committing seemingly random attacks.
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Small point on the other family but, between this and thinking back to her role in The Invisible Man remake, Elisabeth Moss just kinda ‘gets’ that whole facial expression thing. Whether it was the paranoia and fear of Invisible Man or the maniacal expressions of her evil version here, she does a really great job of selling it. Again, it’s only a small role in the grand scheme of the whole movie it’s pretty chilling to have her preening herself in the mirror to the sound of classical music. And then the Wilsons arrive to bludgeon everyone to death to the sound of ‘Fuck the Police’ by N.W.A so, you know, contrast...
I feel like parts of the finale are a little tacked on, like the whole story behind where the Tethered came from just feels a little thrown together, that they’re these clones that were designed by the government in order to control their counterparts on the surface. It’s just sort of left at that and not explained any further.
The setting is certainly very eerie though, a lot of strange imagery going when Addy ends up going through the underground complex with it’s singular escalator that is lit up like a Christmas tree, or the long, white corridors littered with rabbits. I’m not sure what the metaphor is behind the rabbits, other than her following one into the complex which is maybe a nod to Alice in Wonderland or the general idea of ‘going down a rabbit hole’.
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Bit of a nod to A Nightmare on Elm Street too as she makes her way through a boilerroom.
The whole Hands Across America thing I’m a little confused on too, it’s something that’s focused on near the end that it’s something the Tethered have almost idolised with this one item they have referencing it. Quite why they’re replicating it though, maybe it’s symbolic of how the Tethered have all joined together in this one cause. Or, as the Evil Addy says she wanted to make a statement, maybe this was her way of doing that in a similar way to how Hands Across America was so widely covered in its time. It kinda goes along with the idea of the Tethered being this mirror image, them doing it now is like an inverse of the original idea of it promoting charity and helping the less fortunate. Now those truly less fortunate are using it to their own ends.
And that ties in to the coolest part of the movie, this general idea of symmetry. It’s something that’s touched upon near the start with the idea of symmetry and coincidences brought up, like when one of the kids points out the clock reads 11:11 which had up to this point popped up on a few signs referencing a bible verse. It affected me a little bit in a similar way to Invisible Man where I started to really look for things in the movie that were maybe going on in the background that were meant to be subtle hints. But as the movie wore on, I started to realise it was itself playing out in this mirrored way; like how it starts out at this fun fair at night but ends at the fun fair in day time. Or how the normal version of one of the kids is encouraged to snap along with some music at the start of the film, then near the end his evil version is snapping along too, only he’s mimicking a lighter since he’s a bit of a pyromaniac. That song incidentally being ‘I Got Five on it’ which is used near the start and then again near the end, only that time it’s an eerie orchestral remix that soundtracks the fight between the two Addy’s.
Which is a really neat fight scene as well, you’re used to these slasher type villains just overpowering their victims or brutally stabbing them but the evil Addy uses her dance background to gracefully dodge Addy’s attempts to attack her. It’s like a bizarre dance routine between the two of them, brings a whole new meaning to fight choreography.
Oh, and that ending too, that’s a whole different level of confusion too. Not in terms of what happens, more just the way it makes you feel. I saw it coming that the two Addy’s were switched in the incident that took place when she was a kid but it plays with your idea of a happy ending. Like, this whole time you were rooting for the ‘good’ Addy to overcome the evil version that had come to kill her and her family, but then you find out that she was the evil one all along. It’s not quite on that level of gut puncher as The Mist but still a neat twist.
But yeah, really cool movie on the whole. Aside from Candyman, I’ll also be looking forward to Peele’s next movie which is apparently slated for next year and will feature Daniel Kaluuya again.
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angeltriestoblog · 4 years
I watched a couple of movies! (Part 1)
Back when I regularly had the luxury of long breaks, I spent my days binge-watching films, as you can see from my extensive knowledge of 80s chick flicks and all the cheesy tropes and disgustingly adorable, predominantly white leading men that come with them. Sadly, a side effect of growing older in the digital age seemed to be the diminishment of my attention span: the only things I could focus on were academic requirements, simply because I had to. But, thanks to several factors—the suspension of online classes, the sudden annoyance I developed towards Barney Stinson that prompted me to discontinue How I Met Your Mother, etc.—I decided it was high time to rekindle this lost love. So, here is an unsolicited review of the 17 films I managed to finish in a little over a week! Rest assured, I tried my best to venture out of familiar territory and brush up on some of the more cultured picks, according to Letterboxd, at least.
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Bar Boys (2017, dir. Kip Oebanda) ★★★
The film that kickstarted everything, which I never would have seen if the director had not uploaded the full version on YouTube. This well-meaning tale of four best friends (Carlo Aquino, Rocco Nacino, Enzo Pineda, and Kean Cipriano) and the challenges they face in law school—terror professors, fraternities, and financial difficulties included—does have a lot of heart, and is sensitive enough to show how the effect of this experience differs depending on a student's background. But, what it lacked for me was a certain degree of specificity: I think the same premise would have been applicable in med school, or any other post-graduate degree for that matter. So, why did the characters choose law? I also would have appreciated some commentary on the shortcomings of the country’s justice system, and further fleshing out of the characters so the audience could have seen why we could count on them to fill in the gaps.
Legally Blonde (2001, dir. Robert Luketic) ★★★½
The rating might be surprising, considering that the courtroom scene was responsible for the short law school phase I had in Grade 5. As if I could ever make use of the rules of haircare in an actual cross-examination. Of course, I am compelled to admire Elle (Reese Witherspoon) and how her motivations for going to Harvard shift from winning back a boy to discovering what she never knew she had and using these gifts to help those around her (especially the manicurist, who I feel was given way more exposure than what was due to her). Ultimately, though it was inspirational at some points, it felt too good to be true and impossible to relate to. (But then again, shouldn’t there be a willing suspension of disbelief when consuming forms of media such as this?)
Lady Bird (2017, dir. Greta Gerwig) ★★★★★
I’ll probably end up making a separate post dedicated to this movie and how it singlehandedly called me out, as a sensitive, occasionally self-important product of an all-girls Catholic high school. For now, I am forced to condense my overflowing feelings into a couple of sentences. Lady Bird takes place over the course of the titular character's senior year, a pivotal moment in the lives of all teenagers. But, instead of focusing solely on the formulaic firsts like the normal coming-of-age film would, it shines a light on her dwindling relationship with her equally strong-willed mother. Saoirse Ronan’s colorful performance as the human embodiment of my pre-teen self's conscience, and Greta Gerwig’s tremendous ability to make even oddly specific scenes speak to any viewer shine through and speak to me the most, and easily make this gem something I will be recommending this to anyone who bothers to ask for as long as I live.
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Bohemian Rhapsody (2018, dir. Bryan Singer) ★★★
There’s a lot of controversy surrounding Bo Rhap, particularly its failure to portray Freddie Mercury in a manner that does him justice. While I understand that it is a valid concern for fans of the band, I admit I don’t know enough about who he was as a person to criticize the film in this aspect. Regardless of its factuality, this still was just average for me, the typical rise-and-fall type of biopic that is indicative of a rockstar’s legacy, but with laughably faulty editing. The redeeming factors were Rami Malek’s brilliant portrayal of the legend himself—his Live Aid performance gave me chills that lasted the entire 20 minutes, how alarming—and, obviously, the soundtrack that I kept on loop for several days.
About Time (2013, dir. Richard Curtis) ★
Apparently, this movie focuses on Tim (Domhnall Gleeson), who discovers at age 21 that the men in his family have the power to time-travel and thus revise and repair certain parts of their lives. He uses this to address the fact that he’s never had a girlfriend, and effectively so as he ends up bagging Mary (Rachel McAdams), a charming American who is the settler in this relationship by default. But, of course, this gift is not without its dire consequences—or at least, that’s what it says on Wikipedia. It’s hard to trash on this and admit that I bailed halfway because so many of my friends swear by this. But, I just couldn’t stomach the lack of chemistry between the two leads; the surprisingly boring dialogue for a screenplay crafted by Richard Curtis of Notting Hill fame; and the story that, although bore enough of a resemblance to “The Time Traveler’s Wife” to be interesting, was still not powerful enough to sustain my attention.
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Your Name (2016, dir. Makoto Shinkai) ★★★★★
I’m a huge fan of plots that are sure to make my eyes swell and heart hurt—I can’t explain the psychology behind this either. So when this was recommended to me and I had made it through an hour without shedding a single tear, I was prepared to be disappointed. But, the events leading up to the conclusion proceeded to rip me into shreds, as if to taunt me and say, “You asked for it.” Mitsuha (Mone Kamishiraishi) and Taki (Ryunosuke Kamiki), teenagers living on opposite sides of the country, suddenly start switching bodies following the appearance of a comet. This unexplainable phenomenon causes them to forge an unbreakable bond that transcends the very limits of time and space. I know the description is not much, but it’s best to experience this unique plot for yourself. Besides its storyline, its charm lies in its excruciating attention to detail in depicting life in urban and rural Japan, both in the realistic animation of one picturesque scene after another, and the use of cultural elements to arrive at a twist viewers will not see coming.
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Booksmart (2019, dir. Olivia Wilde) ★★★★½
I can't summarize what I imagine Booksmart to be for teenagers in the future, so here's an entire scenario: It's the year 2070. Two young girls of around 16 are sprawled on their bedroom floor, watching this on whatever device they use for streaming. (Maybe it's from an LCD projector embedded in their foreheads, who knows.) The credits roll, and they instantly think to themselves, "Man, we were born in the wrong generation!" (They simultaneously think of doing a high-five, and without raising their hands themselves, it happens because that's technology.) Anyway, Amy (Kaitlyn Dever) and Molly (Beanie Feldstein) are best friends who played by the rules all throughout high school and realized too late that they could’ve afforded to have a little more fun. On the eve of their graduation, they decide to cram four years’ worth of adventure in a single unpredictable and outrageous night, getting to grips with everything that comes their way in an exceedingly comedic yet refreshing fashion. Also, the protagonists have such a genuine and wholesome relationship: the way they hyped up their most ridiculous looking outfits, or overshared borderline uncomfortable stories is honestly my personal definition of an ideal friendship.
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When Harry Met Sally (1989, dir. Rob Reiner) ★★★★½
Despite this film’s constant presence in every “chick flicks you must watch” list I’ve bothered searching up, I spent a huge chunk of my teen years in constant protest against the decision to cast Billy Crystal as the male lead instead of, I don’t know, literally any other actor on the planet. But, once I finished it, I realized that he’s a much better fit than I thought. The laidback Harry to Meg Ryan’s finicky Sally, both of them spare no effort exploring and debunking truths and misconceptions about modern relationships: examples of which are the idea of being high maintenance, and the quintessential question of whether a guy and girl can ever be just friends. Although their dynamic is the definition of slow burn, audiences can’t help but earnestly root for the pair—the frustration brought by the several almosts pay off in the end, as they lead to one of, if not, the most romantic love confession scene.
Hintayan ng Langit (2018, dir. Dan Villegas) ★★★★½
This tale adapted from a play by no less than Juan Miguel Severo is set in purgatory—a grandiose art museum-four star hotel hybrid of sorts—where souls can stop and rest while their papers for entry to heaven are being processed. It is here we meet Manolo (Eddie Garcia) and Lisang (Gina Pareno), ex-lovers with unfinished business. Things admittedly start off a bit slow, but it's understandable since there needs to be ample provision of context regarding the standard operating procedures of this unique waiting area. Once that’s done, the focus stays on the main actors, who drive audiences to tears with their powerful performances, and thought-provoking questions on matters of betrayal, forgiveness, and the afterlife. The ending had me rocking back and forth like a baby, my shirt soaked with tears, so do take heed and stock up on tissues!
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The Social Network (2010, dir. David Fincher) ★★★★★
Within its packed first 15 minutes alone, you can easily see what makes The Social Network an example of cinema at its finest: an intoxicated Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) hacks into the websites of all Harvard dorms to create Facebook’s oldest ancestor from scratch, in an attempt to get back at his ex-girlfriend. The atmosphere is tense, the dialogue is loaded with witty one-liners and powerful insight, and the actors are so in touch with their characters they practically fuse into a single person. This remains consistent for the next two hours or so, making for an enjoyable and fast-paced, yet still informative glimpse into the human side of what is arguable the most powerful company of this era. I also heard that it’s much more fun if seen with the cast commentary on, so I’m gonna have to find a copy of that for myself!
Pretty in Pink (1986, dir. Howard Deutch) ★★★★★
I’m cheating here, I know: this has been a long-time favorite, but I guess I can still give a review if I was still 15 when I last saw this. Andie (Molly Ringwald) and Blane (Andrew McCarthy)’s classic “poor girl + rich boy = happily ever after” story is masterfully tackled by John Hughes, who manages to inject equal amounts of swoon-worthy romance and biting criticism of the inherent class divide in society. Others would argue that Duckie (Jon Cryer), Andie’s devoted best friend, is the true star of the show, and while I do agree that he has his shining moments (if you listen closely, you can hear Try A Little Tenderness playing softly in the background), I sadly inherited my mother’s adoration for Andrew, which I will pass on to my child and so on—truly the defining characteristic of our lineage.
St. Elmo’s Fire (1985, dir. Joel Schumacher) ½
I understand that being an adult in the Real World is bound to come with some grave mistakes and lapses in judgment. But, not a single character in this friend group redeems themselves by the end. While Ally Sheedy’s Leslie and Mare Winningham’s Wendy were just borderline forgettable (why did the latter even end up here with the Brat Pack?), Judd Nelson’s Alec cheats on his girlfriend and believes that marriage is what will make him change his ways; Rob Lowe’s Billy neglects the family he didn’t plan on having by fooling around with other women and making a home out of his favorite bar; Demi Moore’s Jules relies on cocaine and extramarital affairs to hide trauma she refuses to process, and Andrew McCarthy’s pretentiously cynical Kevin suddenly claims he knows what love is when Leslie pays attention to him for 10 minutes. But, none of them compare to Emilio Estevez’ Kirby, the sociopath obsessed with a girl he barely knows. It honestly resembles some sick contest of how many problems this gang can cause before they end up behind bars, with the last scene being a lazy and rushed attempt to wrap everything up, in the name of this surface-level “friendship”.
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Before Sunrise, Sunset, and Midnight (1995, 2004, 2013; dir. Richard Linklater) ★★★★★
Guess it’s better to admit it now, but I made this post as an excuse to rave about how beautiful this trilogy is, the most authentic depiction of love in its purest form. Sunrise has been recommended to me by both friends and the Netflix algorithm, but I put off watching it again and again and again. I mean, what could I possibly get out of looking at two strangers roam around Vienna? Well, to answer that question: quite a lot. Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy)’s relationship spans an entire trilogy, and throughout that period, they manage to define then destroy the idea of having a soulmate to call your own in approximately six hours. But certain constancies are present in each movie: the emotion intense even in the smallest of gestures (you don't understand the anguish I feel when the scene at the listening booth randomly pops in my head), the dialogue truly thought-provoking and natural, the settings so picturesque, and the chemistry of the actors so electric I have trouble believing that the director didn’t actually invade the personal space of a real couple and eventually get issued a restraining order.
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High Fidelity (2000, dir. Stephen Frears) ★★
I’d like to think of this as an essay: I'm confident that the introduction is the protagonist Rob's soliloquy on his five biggest breakups to understand why he’s so flawed that everyone always leaves him, and the conclusion his attempt to win his ex Laura (Iben Hjejle) back. But as for the body, I’m not entirely sure. Interspersed between these moments are thoughtful top five lists of anything that can be enumerated, and occasional banter with the employees at his record store that may be charming, but do not enhance the film in any way, shape, or form for me. Also, I normally enjoy seeing John Cusack onscreen, but more often than not, he was nagging in front of the camera instead of talking to the people around him; no wonder his relationships failed!
Scott Pilgrim vs the World (2010, dir. Edgar Wright) ★★★
I wanted to enjoy this so bad, I swear! Sadly, the one thing I gained after seeing this is knowledge of where the “I’m So Sad, So Very Very Sad” meme came from. I get that it’s supposed to resemble a comic book or video game, and maybe the reason why I failed to appreciate this as much is because I was never a fan of either. I found the prolonged action scenes surprisingly boring, the storyline too fantastic, and the whole quest of having to defeat seven monstrous exes for the hand of a manic pixie dream girl not worth it in the end. Although I can’t give it less than three stars given its impressive visual effects, and appeal to the entire Tumblr community (gamers on one end, millennial film connoisseurs on the other), it’s definitely not something I would watch a second time.
There will surely be more where that came from! (I mean it. Since completing this post, I’ve finished another five films.) If you wanna keep tabs on what I’m watching without having to wait on another post, you can give my Letterboxd a follow. Wishing you love and light always, and don’t forget to wash your hands and pray for our frontliners!
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I can distinctly remember a time in my life where I felt constantly empty.
Music has always been a great passion of mine, right from when I was 5 years old dancing around my living room to a kid’s compilation of music that my mum had picked up at the store up to now when I’m fifteen years old and I live off of rhythm and melody. I sleep best with music playing, and it can help me focus as it provides this complex but calming background noise for my brain to keep itself busy with. It helps me with whatever mood I’m in, whether that means listening to classic rock to hype me up or drowning out my thoughts with electronic beats, or even collecting together a playlist of the most beautiful songs I know to help me feel everything when I feel numb.
Music has always been a great passion of mine, which means that my greatest fear has always been losing that passion. The worst day of my life so far was when I realised that I had lost that passion.
Under the cut is the story. I must warn you that there is talk of anxiety (including panic attacks and minor OCD behaviours), paranoia, a difficult relationship with food (I wouldn’t call it an eating disorder as it wasn’t nearly that bad, but just in case), depression, suicidal thoughts, plans of suicide, thoughts and actions of self harm.
I want to spread my story, but, please, if you could be triggered DO NOT READ.
To those reading: if you come across anything at all that triggers you because I missed it in the tags or above warnings, please stop reading IMMEDIATELY and contact me so that I can add the warning for others.
I was pretty depressed during year eight and nine, due to how rocky the past couple of years had been for me. Long story short, I went from a small community in a city and a tiny private school (class of 7 students) to a slightly bigger community in a town and a large public school (class of 30 in a year of 90). The move meant that I had no friends for a couple months, though I eventually found a couple. I was then unfortunately bullied by people who I considered somewhat friends during most of year six. They spent a month or so gaining my trust, only to systematically destroy my confidence and sense of self-worth, which only decreased when starting secondary school (class of 27ish in a year of 210). I wasn’t a good person to be around because of it, but luckily my wonderful friends kept by me and tried their best to support and help me despite the fact that we were only eleven and had no clue what was out there in this great big world.
During the end of year eight/beginning of year nine, I hit rock bottom. What would have been a slow spiral turned into a lightning fast plummet as I realised my sexuality and didn’t get to see my friends for the whole six weeks of summer holidays. When I came back, I could tell I wasn’t good, but I tried to keep it up for my group of friends that was now 3 + me.
I came to terms with the fact that I am bisexual and now, two years on, I am out to everyone except my family (excluding my sister, who was the first person I told). However, that didn’t help that my self-esteem was completely shot to hell. I’d wake up every morning and see myself in the mirror and think “how could anyone, guy, girl or whatever, look at me and want to be with me?” I was disgusted with myself.
And then, one day, I woke up and thought that maybe listening to some music might cheer me up, as it had so often before. I unlocked my phone and realised that I hadn’t changed around the albums on there in a while. I then put on an album which I remembered finding quite uplifting before and was surprised to realise that I had forgotten all of the songs which I used to know so well. I then started to feel a sense of despair as I realised that this music, my last resort, did nothing to make me feel anything. Which then caused me to feel slowly worse. I started to feel numb even as I kept up pretences - singing along to songs I barely listened to anymore, smiling and laughing with friends and family, eating on a relatively normal schedule, etc.
I decided that I wanted to die.
I considered my options, and, once, I tried testing out to see if I could handle drowning myself. I run a bath and got in once it was deep enough. I then pushed my head underwater and breathed out. I lasted a whole 40 seconds before I panicked and resurfaced, immediately jumping out of the bath and draining it. I wondered if my reaction meant that I really wanted to die. I haven’t managed to answer that so far, but I do know that I have stuck to showers and avoided swimming pools ever since (however I do still go in the sea to a limit because I know that my family is watching). This did cause me to have a panic attack during a school trip in which we went into caves and had to swim through some rapids very briefly.
The next thing I considered was a slow, steady starvation. I am mentioning this one specifically because I gave it more thought than others and actually didn’t eat more than a cereal bar in the mornings for three days. I then dismissed the idea because I decided that it would be extremely difficult to get away with during the highly attentive family meals (“Why didn’t you eat all of your potatoes? Are you feeling okay? Are you sure?”). This idea still lingers in me even now, and sometimes I can’t even think of food without feeling nauseous or I have to distract myself and eat bland foods just to get my body the nutrients I know it needs. I am still quite a picky eater, and I’m still not sure whether that is due to this lingering thought of food being bad sometimes or just because that is who I am.
By this point, I was the lowest of the low. I was spending most of my time doing meaningless activities just because everything else seemed so dull and boring. Nothing held any enjoyment for me. I felt completely empty. So, one day, when I was home alone sick and felt worse than usual, I went downstairs and retrieved a small knife. For two days, I obsessed over it, not hurting myself purely because I knew it would be hard to explain away. However, I had previously harmed myself in year six, and I wanted to feel that again. I don’t know whether it was because I thought I deserved it or because I just wanted to feel, but one day I pressed the knife to my thigh and cut myself so shallowly that the blood could be wiped away with a tissue and the cut was gone within a few days. I remember not liking it as much as I thought I would, deeming it not worth the trouble of explaining away the cuts, and cleaned and returned the knife without anyone noticing.
But this wasn’t the end when it came to my hurting myself. I purposefully put myself in mentally compromising positions (reading graphic stories about depression and suicide, watching a movie called ‘@Suicide Room’ a lot, deprived myself of water to cause illness, and depriving myself of sleep). The deprivation of water and illness that resulted caused my immune system to weaken to the point where I have had about three or four viruses in the past two years alone, and I still significantly struggle with keeping normal sleeping patterns, especially after an incident in which I did not sleep for two days but still forced myself to go to school and do physical activity which I may have struggled with on a full night’s sleep. I also came up with a game where I would light a match and watch it slowly burn down, challenging myself to hold it longer each time. Thankfully the matches soon ran out, which stopped that habit very quickly and effectively.
Now, that was the worst of it. However, little did I know was that over this time I was starting to develop anxiety. It formed in a couple of ways, including some very minor OCD actions (light switches were a thing up until a couple months ago, but I still sometimes return. I also struggle with a routine of having to repeat sentences until I pronounce them right [not helped by the fact that when I get nervous I develop a slight stutter] and being unable to enter a room first unless I am on my own or leading a group in a specific order), and slight social anxiety (thankfully mostly gone now. I only get nervous with authoritative figures and the rest of my awkwardness is just due to the fact that I was very recluse during the period of my life that I was meant to develop a lot of those skills). It mainly manifested, however, in Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD). I have personally worked a lot on this since which has been helped along by my sister dealing with her own stress-induced anxiety and her and others sharing their techniques with me.
Unfortunately, I have started to develop mild paranoia, which is especially present at night time when I am most vulnerable. This comes from something that I started to do because it helped me to experience stronger feelings: horror films and tv shows. I still watch these, though mainly for enjoyment, though they can cause me to be extremely tense. However, it is less so than before, meaning that I think that I am managing to nip this in the bud by using reminders and calming techniques whenever I feel unsafe.
Now, back to the music. The jump-start that the horror genre gave my emotions has had amazing results. I now enjoy music to the same standard as, if not more than, before. Sometimes I can listen to music and feel so strongly that I am overwhelmed with emotion. I would describe it as a tingly wave that spreads through me like a cold breeze - it always starts on my right side and spreads throughout the rest of me, often bringing tears to my eyes. An example would be the songs ‘Disappear’ and ‘You Will Be Found’ from the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack. Like chills, but stronger.
Music helps me a lot these days. As mentioned before the cut, I often use Jack Garratt or Avicii to drown out my thoughts if they are getting too intrusive and threaten to take me down that path again. I also like listening to artists such as Gabrielle Aplin to wind down, and I especially love Panic! at the Disco and Neon Trees to work too. I’ve also found that Bastille and You Me At Six are good for me to listen to after a panic attack (which are all very minor and are decreasing in frequency - I haven’t had one in two months or a serious one in over a year).
After hitting rock-bottom and regaining some of that love of music, I started to rise anew from what was, metaphorically, the ruins of my life. I have since gained another two friends for my little group, and instead of thinking it as 5 + me, I think of us as 6 (I also have other groups of friends that have built up around me - I recently counted over 30 people who I would consider close enough to me to invite to a party and around 15 who I would ask to go wherever with). My group and I have been endlessly supportive towards each other in all of our own personal battles with mental health, gender and sexual identity, difficult decisions and jarring life changes. Together, we have helped each other to rise from however far we’d fallen with bonding sessions, brutal honesty, and a lot of hugs. We may not be where we want to be, but we’re helping each other get there.
See, the crazy thing is, is that I don’t remember quite how my life became so much better. I just slowly inched along, drowned in stress and throwing as many punches as I’ve been given, and somehow grown into someone who fights for what she believes in, is mostly comfortable with herself, and has the ability to roll with the things that are not yet in my power to change or control. I may still have my breakdowns and crises, but I am still growing and developing and becoming stronger (hell, I’m only fifteen). I rediscovered passion and what it’s like to feel genuinely, completely happy in a way that I never thought I would. I may have days when those dark thoughts don’t feel so long ago, but I also have days when they seem like an evil long defeated.
I am stronger, and smarter, and happier than I have ever been, and things are only looking up. I am hoping to go into a career of psychology, more specifically helping teenagers like me to heal and return stronger. The future is mine.
I can distinctly remember a time in my life where I felt constantly empty, but I can also see myself filling up more and more with every day.
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its-kex · 7 years
for the spyro meme: all of them :--)
1. Which Spyro game is your favorite? Spyro 2 - Ripto’s RageIronically I’ve never gotten my hands on the original Spyro game but the first three are super similar SO
2. Who is your favorite character from the Spyro series?:v..... Spyro.............. Hunter was a funny guy tho.
3. Which Spyro games have you played?I played the original Spyro on an emulator for 5 minutes but I don’t really count it because it worked bad so I stopped; Ripto’s Rage; The Eternal Night; Dawn of the Dragon.
4. What Spyro game did you play first?Ripto’s Rage and it’s the best out of all of them, I will fight everyone about this.
5. What “era” of Spyro is your favorite? (Insomniac, Legend of Spyro, the in between time)Insomniac will forever be my fav. LoS was okay but I didn’t enjoy it as much as the old games.
6. What is your favorite level from a Spyro game?I love the Glimmer homeworld in Ripto’s Rage, it’s not like... special because it’s literally the first level of the game but it’s super neat.
7. Which of Spyro’s many designs is your favorite?The one in Dawn of the Dragon. Probably just cause over time, they made him look older and stuff. Boy is growing up.
8. Favorite voice actor for Spyro?I just had to look this up and apparently Elijah Wood voiced Spyro in Dawn of the Dragon SO I GUESS THAT. I don’t really look up voice actors for characters often.
9. Would you consider yourself a part of the Spyro fandom?Nnnno, just because I don’t consider myself in any “fandom”? I have things I’m a fan of, that doesn’t really make me part of anything.
10. What is your opinion on the Spyro fandom as a whole?I don’t pay attention to it lol.
11. What have you contributed to the fandom?I feel called out
12. Do you read any Spyro fanfiction?I’ve stopped reading fanfiction altogether years ago since most of it is like cringy 12y/o fantasies.
13. Have you ever played a Spyro fan game? There are??????????? Fan games??????????? where
14. If you could live in one level/world from a Spyro game which would it be?Uhhhh Shady Oasis seems like a chill place?
15. Favorite boss in a Spyro game?Crush from RR, bitch was so easy to beat.
16. Do you own any Spyro merchandise?I WISH
17. What’s your favorite piece of music from the Spyro series?My answers are like 99% about Ripto’s Rage but anyway I liked the entirety of this games soundtrack it’s just so...... pleasant.
18. Which game has the best soundtrack, in your opinion?:)
19. Which game is your least favorite? The Eternal Night was the only game I never finished, I don’t really remember why? I might’ve just gotten kinda bored at the beginning :(
20. Any characters you hate or just can’t stand?MONEYBAGS IS A PIECE OF SHIT.
21. Have you ever had a Spyro related dream?i wish?
22. Which Spyro game do you think is the most difficult?Dawn of the Dragon, by far? I replayed that game a couple of times and at some points I was just so fucking done that I used cheats to get it over with. DotD was at the point where it stopped being a charming game and started trying to be serious but the upped difficulty was... annoying.
23. Which game do you think is the easiest? Ripto’s Rage lol. I mean, if you’re a completionist, then yeah there are some annoying as shit levels but just for a casual playthrough it’s easy.
24. Do you have an unpopular opinion related to Spyro? Ok so one thing I really hated about Dawn of the Dragon is that they had to make Cynder Spyro’s love interest? It felt super forced and it made Cynder’s character really poor. Then again, I haven’t played any other games with Cynder in them so maybe if I knew her whole story I’d feel different.
25. Which one of Spyro’s breath abilities is your favorite?Classic fire is my fave. When they slap 4 different abilities at you in DotD it’s like...... why are you over-complicating things dkfhjdfhdf.
26. Do you have any Spyro related headcanons?Spyro kills Moneybags.
27. Favorite line of dialogue from any game?EEEH I don’t really remember anything outstanding but I loved how in the earlier games Spyro was super sassy.
28. Have you ever 100% completed a Spyro game?Ya boi, Ripto’s Rage.
29. Anything in a Spyro game that makes you angry?The fucking SPEEDWAY MAPSAND MONEYBAGS
30. Favorite speedway/flight?Fuck off
31. What’s your opinion on the enemy names in the first 2 Legend of Spyro games?I looked those up and the ones I found were Cynder, Dark Master and Gaul lmao? I like Cynder, Gaul is weird and Dark Master is just underwhelming considering he’s like the most powerful dragon but ok.
32. What would your perfect Spyro game look like?RIPTO’S RAGE PS4 REMASTERED SOMEBODY MAKE THIS HAPPEN.
33. Do you ever mess around with glitches in any of the games?what glitches
34. Have you ever seen a speedrun of a Spyro game?Nah, sucks the fun out of it.
35. How often do you play Spyro games?Almost never? My ps1 is ancient and it doesn’t work too well.
36. When was the last time you played a Spyro game?Probably like a few years ago.
37. What’s your opinion on the Skylanders franchise?Skylanders Spyro is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen, don’t ever bring that up to me.
38. Are the 5 gems from the first 3 Spyro games blue or purple?Blue? They have a purple-ish hint but I’ve always seen them as blue.
39. Which of the playable characters in Year of the Dragon is your favorite?(not counting Spyro)Never played it :)))))
40. Which home world is your favorite?I feel like I already said this but Glimmer.
41. Do you ever use the cheat codes in any of the games?In Dawn of the Dragon since it was stupid hard.
42. Favorite final boss?Ripto, lol. 
43. Which game do you think had the best story?Dawn of the Dragon imo. It was heavily a story game with like..... war and shit, it had a very different vibe from the old Spyro games.
44. Do you own multiple copies of any of the games?I think I have 2 copies of Ripto’s Rage, have I said I like Ripto’s Rage because holy shit do I love Ripto’s Rage.
45. Do you like the skateboarding in Spyro 3?I need to play Spyro 3 now.
46. Which one of the 4 elemental dragons from the Legend of Spyro is your favorite?Fire.
47. Have you ever played Dawn of the Dragon with someone else?Yeah boi.
48. Who do you prefer to play as in Dawn of the Dragon? Spyro or Cynder?I’d switch between them often.
49. Which Fury attack from the Legend of Spyro is your favorite?I’m too tired to look them up.
50. Which one of Hunter’s designs do you like the best?Ok listen........ Dawn of the Dragon Hunter is fucking lit o K I MEAN HELLO ?????
51. Have you ever played a Skylanders game?Fuck that
52. Do you visit any Spyro fan sites? (darkSpyro, spyroforum, etc.)lmfao what now
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"Resident Evil 7: Biohazard" spoiler-filled review
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Well, I went ahead and replayed "Resident Evil 7" after finishing "Resident Evil 8" twice. I wanted to see if the former was still as good as I remember it being when I first played it several years ago.
Sure enough, it is still my favorite RE game so far (I have only played 4, but still, I don't think any of the other games will beat RE7 in my eyes) and one of my favorite survival horror games (my favorite gaming genre).
RE7 is why I even got into the RE game franchise at all. I always (and still do) prefer "Silent Hill's" games, and never had a strong desire to play any of the RE games. I just...wasn't impressed, I suppose, with what I saw and knew.
RE7 changed that and now I have played three other games in the franchise and have the intention to play most of the others (the ones on PC only because I don't have, can't afford, and don't need a console right now).
I actually have less to say about RE7 than I do about RE8, but that isn't a bad thing, mind you.
Anyway, onto the review!
The Good
I liked the location the game took place in. It was a departure from what RE had offered so far, bringing us back to the roots of the series in a way. The original "Resident Evil" took place in a creepy mansion, and RE7 takes place in three creepy, rundown houses.
Horror games taking place in a city (which RE2 and RE3's remakes did) doesn't mean they're not capable of being intense horror experiences, but I just like the classic aesthetic and age-old trope of "haunted" houses. Also, by taking place in the woods and not in a city (nowhere near a city from what I could tell), RE7 increases the tension by making you feel completely isolated. There's nowhere to run, except the woods, and who knows if you'll find help in time.
I also loved the part where you play as Mia and you have to initially explore the wrecked ship without any weapons, thus causing you to have to be cautious around monsters while still trying to get things done. Even when you get ammo, it doesn't turn the segment into a walk in the park.
The story was good, starting off as a bunch of fucked up mysteries (What happened to this house? What happened to this family? Were they always crazy? What's with the ability to "glue" severed limbs back on? What's with the crazy regeneration ability for Jack? Why is Mia so crazy and violent? What's with the mold?) and does provide answers at a steady pace as you progress until all is revealed by the end.
Still, it's not like it makes things less disturbing. In some ways, it makes it even more so. I mean, we have a kid with special powers who actually just wants a family but seems to lack any sense of compassion or mercy, probably because she was kept in a lab all her life. We have a family she "corrupted" and led to the deaths of 3 of the 4. Then you have Mia, Ethan's wife, who has been forced to turn evil on occasion, even against her own husband, and she nearly died. And, well, we have Ethan who is stuck in the middle of this giant mess.
It's not an over-the-top horror story, and while it relies on some horror game tropes, it never gets stale. It uses the tropes wisely, creating an atmospheric survival horror experience.
First Person
I am not a big fan of the 3rd person perspective that the other RE games have (minus RE8). I'm not a fan of it in general, and it actually makes the game less scary. You know you're playing as a character because you can clearly see them, so it's more like watching a movie, I guess. It can still be scary just not as much, in my opinion.
The first-person perspective is perfect for horror games because they make you feel like you're there. You are seeing things from the character's own eyes, like you're in their place, so the danger feels much more real. I'm so glad RE7 seems to have broken this trend as is possibly steering the franchise towards first person.
Now, I was debating whether to put this in "the good" or "mixed thoughts" section, but I'm keeping it here. RE8 does have the benefit of weapon customization, so you can give your weapons more firepower, decrease their reload time, have them carry more bullets before reloading...RE7 has none of this. What you see is what you get.
Now, I don't see this as an issue, in fact, it's kind of a good thing. Since the weapons you find are going to remain as they are for the whole game, including the shotgun which only holds 4(?) rounds, you have to be smart. I think there is less ammo in RE7 than in RE8, too, so you really have to be careful. If you're not implementing some sort of strategy in fights in RE7, you could find yourself running out of ammo or not switching between weapons fast enough. You can only hold 4 in the active slots, too, which limits you further because you may have to swap two weapons during a fight.
It's not annoying...it's horrifying in its own way! I mean, if you have a bunch of ammo laying around and you can make your weapons Doom-style in terms of power, then where is the fun? Where is the horror? You can just blast away all day at enemies. By limiting what you have like RE7 does, you feel like it's a much more intense gaming experience, not to mention a more realistic one. I mean, in reality, you wouldn't be able to even carry that many weapons at once, nor would you be able to easily craft lots of ammo, nor would you be able to upgrade your weapons on the fly.
Graphics & Soundtrack
The soundtrack was very fitting, adding additional chills to the already haunting atmosphere but never forcing the "mood," so to speak. Graphics still look fantastic even now after 4 years have passed. Sure, RE8 has more polished visuals, but RE7 still is a very attractive game in terms of graphics quality. Lots of great lighting effects, including a lot of shadows to build more suspense since you're not running around in broad daylight or in places that are fully lit (most of the time).
While there aren't any remarkable characters in the game, I think they're all still memorable.
Jack is an absolute psychopath who loves to stalk Ethan while taunting him. When you see what he used to be like later in the game, it's almost sad because you can tell how distraught he was at what b became of him and his family.
Marguerite is the crazy bug lady, trying to get you to eat her gross food.
Lucas is the wide-eyed, sadistic killer who likes to make his victims play morbid games.
Zoe is the only sane one in the family and provides Ethan with much-needed guidance.
Mia comes off as the typical "wifey" type but she can actually kick some ass and knows how to use guns.
Ethan is a very resilient and noble character who cares about his family and would do anything for them.
Eveline is a creepy, weird girl (a trope but it still works here), but her backstory is kind of sad when you think about it: She has been raised in a lab her whole life as an experiment and has no concept of what love and compassion are, and acts out like a disturbed child more than an evil monster.
I thought the boss fights were all pretty challenging, especially your final encounter with Jack and the fight with Marguerite. Eveline was easier to deal with, but when you think about it, it was still messed up considering you had just killed her and now she was mutating into a horrifying monster in an attempt to get revenge.
Sure, there weren't many boss fights, but a game doesn't need to have a dozen of them to be good. As long as what you get is entertaining and challenging, then it's all good to me.
Mixed Thoughts
The gross (and sometimes goofy) mold monsters posed a significant threat, a lot of it because you have to deal with them in small areas. They're so weird-looking, so inhuman, yet they make up the majority of the enemies in the game. It's the mold monsters and Marguerite's evil bugs.
They served their purpose well and provided some decent jump scares, but I wish there had been a bit more variety. I'm not sure what considering the location but I feel like there could have been one or two more monster types (like the nasty spider babies from "Not a Hero"). Hell, even having some gators around for Ethan to deal with would have been fun.
The Bad
Final thoughts:
I really love "Resident Evil 7." It's fun to play and chilling all at once, which is what I want out of horror games. It's easily the best thing to happen to RE since probably RE2 or RE3 (the original versions), and gave the series a much-needed change in direction.
Grade: A
Resident Evil Village: B+
Resident Evil 2 (2019 remake): A-
Resident Evil 3 (2020 remake): B-
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bmaxwell · 6 years
Top Games of 2018
For me 2018 was the year of Playstation VR. I never felt especially drawn to VR, assuming I’d give it a try one day years from now when the tech would be improved and more affordable. My buddy brought his headset over and I tried it out briefly but wasn’t blown away. My kids loved it though, so when opportunity presented itself, I traded in my Nintendo Switch* for my own PSVR bundle. 
Apart from that, 2018 wasn’t as strong a year for my kind of games as 2017 was. Most of the AAA blockbusters of year didn’t quite land for me or weren’t appealing enough to make me want to try them at full price. 
That said, I still had to put some games I genuinely enjoyed outside of my top 10. We’ll start off with a couple of categories I’d like to call out before getting into the ones that didn’t quite make the cut, followed by my ordered top 10.
Old Game of the Year:  SUPERHOT VR
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2018 was the year of PSVR for me. SUPERHOT VR pulled off the triple header of making me feel like a total badass, making me feel like a clown, and reminding me of how wholly out of shape I am.
In the world of SUPERHOT time only moves when you move. The VR stages each take only a minute or two, and are played in batches of ~5. When you are killed, you start that batch over from the beginning. At first, I hated this. I don’t want to replay the same stuff again and again! But then I started getting familiar enough with these encounters to do them really fast, make no-look shots and the such. And it feels fucking awesome.
The game made me feel like a clown when, after finishing a stage where I was ducking behind a low wall for cover, I reached out to put my hand on the wall to help me stand up and promptly fell right on my ass. This happened more than once.
One time I was sweating profusely after a SUPERHOT VR session and my wife asked “You okay?’ the way you’d ask a child if they’re okay after picking up all of their toys. “Superhot is a workout!” was my response. She just looked at me with a smile that said “That’s stupid in an adorable way.” 
I amend my statement to “Superhot VR is a workout for people who don’t work out.”
Also very good old games: Persona 4, Transistor, American Truck Simulator, The Lion’s Song
Best Music: Donut County
Sometimes it’s nearly impossible to separate a game from its music. One feels incomplete without the other. So it is with Donut County.
Also some fine music: Moonlighter, Pit People, Tetris Effect
Honorable mention:  Return of the Obra Dinn
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This game is such an impressive package. The visuals, the audio design, the entire concept is just cool and unique. I wish I was better at the game. There’s some combination of intelligence, patience, and focus that I lack for Obra Dinn. I have started over twice as of now. 
The game casts the player as a sort of insurance claims adjuster auditing a recently-discovered ship that had disappeared 5 years ago (in 1803). You are equipped with a magic pocket watch that lets you see and hear the last moment of each person’s life on the boat, you get to walk around a still scene like a diorama. You're tasked with figuring out each person’s name and how they died. It requires attention to detail, deductive reasoning, and a few minor suppositions along the way.
It is such a neat thing and it is so exhausting and difficult for me. If I could find a way to grapple with it in a satisfactory way, it would be very near the top of this list.
Honorable mention: Yoku’s Island Express
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Developer Villa Gorilla threw together Metroidvania gameplay, a light and breezy tropical setting, and pinball of all things and gave us Yoku’s Island Express. It’s a charming, well-made little game. I wasn’t sure it would come together as well as it did. It sounds like a gimmick, but it’s a quality game full of personality. I had it mentally penciled in on my top 10 until very late in the year. 
Honorable mention: Dead Cells
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Dead Cells is one of those games that appeals greatly to me on paper. The controls are tight, there are plenty of unlockables to work toward, and the game makes it easy to get into a good rhythm flowing from fight to fight. I put a lot of time into the game and, while I enjoy and admire it, Dead Cells never really hooked me the way I thought it would. I still had a great time with it, it just never quite reached my too-high expectations.
Honorable mention:  Florence
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It’s hard for me to know how to rank a game like Florence. It took me about 30 minutes to complete from start to finish and there isn’t much cause to replay it. I try to judge a game by how well it does what it sets out to do, and by that metric Florence was a huge success.
This largely dialogue-free mobile game beautifully captures the feeling of finding romance and tells a touching story that doesn’t play out in the way I expected. The music is gorgeous, and the game makes good use of the phone’s touch interface.
In this day and age, a short mobile game that you have to pay for ($3!?! *gasp*) is a hard sell for a lot of people, which is a shame because Florence is a work of art that deserves to be played.
10. Gris
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Seems like every year there’s one game that sneaks in right at the end of the year and complicates the top 10 list. This year that game was Gris. Gris may be the most artistically beautiful game I’ve ever played. The closest thing I can compare it to is Journey, though they aren’t similar enough to feel like one would make the other obsolete. Gris’ visuals are creative and inspired.  They frequently match the game’s melancholy tone, but they are also often vibrant, lush, and playful. It’s outstanding music walks hand in hand with the visuals, with mournful piano and strings.
Something impressed me about Gris is that it doesn’t feel like it’s trying too hard to be a video game, it is content with being a piece of art (something I wish I could say for 2017′s Hellblade, a near-miss for me that failed in this regard). There are no enemies to fight. No pits to fall in. And those elements gave me a freedom to explore with abandon. The game was never going to kill me or punish me for wandering off the track. The game’s puzzles never got complicated enough to fluster me, pulling me out of the experience. 
The game tells you very little in the way of story, leaving you to take from the imagery what you will. Because of that, it didn’t quite resonate with me the way Journey did. Gris isn’t a great video game, but it is a great experience that knows how to get out of its own way.
9. Tetris Effect
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Tetris is one of the best pure, easy to learn but tough to master video games ever made. The Tetris Effect added trippy visuals and terrific music along with the ability to play the game in VR. I’ve heard plenty of people say “I’m not paying $40 for Tetris.” While I can understand that approach maybe if you’ve bought a lot of the many versions of Tetris to have come out over years, the price tag is justified by how much the additional effects add to the experience
Tetris Effect bills itself as a trippy experience where you can, like just chill out and think about how we’re all connected and just, like, we’re all together, right? Get into a zen place with some Tetris and some chill music and, like, maybe you play Tetris in a dark room where every time you complete a line, the windows open momentarily letting some light in. Or maybe it’s snowy Tetris where each line is accompanied by the sound of snow crunching under winter boots. The game has dolphins, and birds, and windmills and just, like....space....man.
The crazy thing is, that all works. Especially in VR. A game where I’m Tetrissing against a backdrop of hot air balloons and hearing a song about how all of life is connected could have easily come off as tryhardy, hammy, and insincere. But Tetris Effect was a hopeful bright spot in a year that saw a lot of darkness.
8. The Red Strings Club
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This game’s themes of control and free will set in a dystopian future really resonated with me this year. The way you pour different drinks to put people in a specific mood during conversations is really inventive and just plain fun. Red Strings Club made me think about my world views and question them, which is rare for a game to pull off. It overstayed its welcome a little bit near the end, but it was still one of the most memorable experiences of the year.
7. Donut County
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When I finished Donut County, I was initially a little disappointed. I played the game from start to finish in about 2 hours, and I wanted more. I think that’s a normal reaction, I also believe that there’s value in a game that does what it does well and finishes before it overstays its welcome (see also: Moonlighter). On its surface, Donut County is a game about swallowing things up into an ever-widening hole in the ground. Looking a little deeper, it’s about gentrification and how those with privilege have no regard for those without.
BK is an awful little shit, but he’s also an adorable and well-written little shit. The game’s dialogue is smartly written and conveys conversations sent via text in a believable way. The soundtrack is a toe-tapping joy, and once again this game does not overstay its welcome.
6. Moonlighter
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A few years ago I played game called Recettear where you owned a shop dealing in fantasy RPG goods, and alternated between dungeon delving for stock and haggling over prices selling that stock in your shop. I never quite fell in love with that game, but I thought the concept showed a lot of potential. I’m surprised that we haven’t seen more of it. So when Moonlighter came along with its “get shit from the dungeons and sell it in your store” premise and and gorgeous pixel graphics, I was all in. When I heard the music, I knew this would be in my top 10 for the year. 2018′s game music pales in comparison to 2017 (as do most other years) but Moonlighter’s music was among the best of the year.
Everything about the town is peaceful and soothing, which is important in a game like this. Finding respite, and caring about home gives context to everything, and helps anchor me to the game. If the town is uninspired then there’s a voice in the back of my head while I’m fighting in the dungeons asking “Why do you care about any of this?” The dungeon runs have a lovely push your luck element where going deeper means more danger but also more wealth, and I am great/awful about convincing myself to push for one more floor.
The game isn’t without its faults, most glaringly the inventory system. You have to constantly move things around your backpack and throw stuff out, and there was no mouse support so a tedious task became mind-numbing. Which is a shame, because the game gives you good reason to be constantly shuffling things around your inventory. I also would have liked a few more options in the town for upgrades and new buildings, but the flip side of that coin is that Moonlighter took me about 20 hours to complete and never wore out its welcome. It left me wanting more, but I’m not sure that the gameplay loop would have held up for longer. It serves as a good reminder that not every game needs to be padded out to a 40+ hour experience.
5. Dragon Quest XI
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My very first RPG experience was Dragon Warrior on the NES. The experience of walking out of the starting village and fighting a smiling blue slime with a cypress stick is big part of my gamer DNA. Dragon Quest has never forgotten its roots - to a fault, some would say. It’s a valid complaint, but not one that I share.
One of my favorite games ever was Dragon Quest VIII on the PS2. I hadn’t played a Dragon Warrior Quest game since IV on the NES, and DQ8 recaptured those crusty old RPG’s that made me fall in love with the genre. Dragon Quest XI feels like more of Dragon Quest VIII, and that is no bad thing.
Give me more turn-based combat set in a colorful world full of the best worst puns, goofy monsters, where I am a mute hero who must save the world from the great evil. It’s tired old Japanese RPG tropes all the way, and I am along for every mile of this ride.
4. Moss
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Moss was not my first VR experience, but it was the game that really made me a believer in the medium. The game feels like being inside a diorama. You’re guiding your adorable little mouse heroine Quill on a journey to find her uncle. Much like with Astro Bot, making me fall in love with the character went a long way toward making me fall in love with the game.
The beauty of the forests broken up by moments in the library as the day turns to night and the candle burns lower and lower really made this feel like it was mine in a way that is rare for a game. I felt like a kid again for a few hours, something I never expected to feel again. The moment to moment gameplay is pretty by the book, and it isn’t impressive in screenshots or video. But that feeling of “Holy shit I’m inside this video game!” is something I won’t forget.
3 .Slay the Spire
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Slay the Spire is another game that reminds me how futile and silly it is to take these things seriously. How do I compare a card game to an RPG to a racing game to a game about rolling debris up into a giant ball?
If this list were ordered by time spent playing, Slay the Spire would be number one as I am nearing 300 hours. It’s a deckbuilding rogue like with 3 different classes, each with their own unique set of cards. You move from room to room through a map doing combat, buying cards, resting at campsites, and engaging in little story events. Each run has the controlled chaos of doing your best with the choices you are given. Most runs follow an arc where I come up with a plan for how to my deck effective, I feel unbeatable for a short time, then it all falls apart and I can’t believe I lost.
Don’t let the visuals put you off (I don’t think they’re bad but they’re not my style). Don’t be scared off by the term “rogue like”. Play Slay the Spire. It is perfect at what it does.
2. Monster Hunter World
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Like a lot of people, I’d never played a Monster Hunter game before and only knew of it as a weird, opaque Japanese game about fighting monsters. World was touted as a more welcoming game in the series, a Monster Hunter for the rest of us. And the fact that the game does a rotten job of onboarding new players to go along with the game’s awful implementation of (fun once you get it working) multiplayer were just enough to help me tip it down into my #2 slot.
Monster Hunter World scratched an itch I’ve had since I fell off PS2′s Demon Souls years ago after a dozen hours or so. It’s a game that made me work at it to appreciate the experience. The Barroth (the 5th monster you hunt) was the first monster to kill me, and it did so repeatedly. It was a point in the game that forced me to decide whether to work at improving or give up. I looked at the Barroth’s weaknesses in my journal, changed my gear accordingly, and loaded up on items before heading back out. This was the moment I fell in love with Monster Hunter World in a way that led to me putting over 100 hours into the game on my own, then more again with a friend playing on PC.
Monster Hunter World is a game where I got more powerful over time not just because of getting better gear, but because I feel myself getting more skilled at the game. Improving mastery is an incredibly satisfying feeling in any game,  and this one had me sitting at the end of the bed playing into the small hours of the morning, continuously doing One More Hunt when I knew I should have gone to bed hours ago.
1. Astro Bot Rescue Mission 
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Monster Hunter World dropped early in 2018 and had me captivated for months. I loved it and, after looking at the 2018 release schedule, mentally penciled it in as my likely 2018 game of the year. That held true for most of the year, until the most unlikely hero of all came along: a corporate mascot in a character platformer. I mean, it’s a robot wearing a fucking PSVR helmet. 
The robot rescue portion of Sony’s tech demo-esque Playroom VR was the highlight of that experience, but by no means was the idea of an entire standalone game a slam dunk for me. Quite the opposite. In fact, I would have likely never given the game a second thought had the game not started receiving the kind of praise I couldn’t ignore. People were saying that it did for VR what Super Mario 64 did for 3d platformers. 
That elicited one of those “What?! Bullshit!....let me see that.” responses from me. As it turns out, that’s a pretty fair comparison.
Astro Bot isn’t just an excellent platformer that happens to be in VR; it feels more like a well-made character platformer elevated to greatness by way of VR. The world is vibrant and joyous, but it also does an incredible job of integrating the player into the game world. In Astro Bot the player’s perspective is behind the robot you are controlling. He is ever running forward and you are being pulled along with him. This isn’t terribly unusual, the player is the god controlling his tiny avatar and surveying the world before them. And it is so with Astro Bot, at least at first glance.
It doesn’t take long to realize that you are in the game world. You have a physical form. You cast a shadow. Your little Astro Bot buddy will occasionally look up at you and wave excitedly. I wanted to hate this. But couldn’t. He is goddamned adorable. The entire game is goddamned adorable.
The stages are colorful and inventive. And they involve the player in some pretty creative ways. Obstacles and enemies must be headbutted. Your controller will get different modifications from time to time, changing it into a water blaster, or an automatic gun (that feels like it is shooting tennis balls), or a hookshot. The game frequently rewards being inquisitive about its environment. Peeking down over an edge, or around a corner, or standing up from your seat to look around typically pays off with some coins, or a little robot to rescue. 
And the little robots are so ecstatic when you rescue them. They fly around the screen and land in the touch pad on your controller. They pop out and wave at you gleefully before disappearing until the end of the stage where all the bots you rescued do a little dance for you. Your Astro Bot does the Carlton Dance. I can’t not love this. I really did try.
*I love the Switch hardware. I really do. And the library of ports is getting more impressive every day. I just wish it had more exclusives I could get into.
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