#switching roles as they go
lambsouvlaki · 1 year
For the Hell of It - Needy, Continued(*)
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Characters: Jason Todd x fem!oc
Rating and warnings: NSFW, oral, male receiving.
Word count: 600
Summary: Jason takes control.
Jason pulled her head back and they both breathed hard. He leaned heavily back against the door, his legs shaky. She had been on a direct course to throw him over the edge and was only picking up speed. He wasn’t going to give in that easy. 
She sat back on her haunches, panting and dishevelled in her slinky cocktail dress. Her lips were swollen, her eyelashes damp, and her makeup smudged, but she was in no way hazy. The look in her eye as she gazed up at him was entirely lucid and extremely pleased with herself. 
Fuck, she was gorgeous. 
“Look at you,” he said, brushing back a loose hair from her face, and tracing her cheek. “Are you tryna kill me?”
Her hands on his thighs flexed with eagerness, and she gave a light laugh. She leaned forward again. 
He grasped her ponytail and held her back. He stroked himself, a couple of inches away, while she opened her mouth. He held her still, just enjoying the tableau. Breathtaking. 
She huffed with impatience and flicked her eyes up at him. 
He laughed. 
She’d been a filthy tease earlier, this was her just deserts. The fact that he had loved every second of it was irrelevant. 
He brought her just close enough to brush his tip. Her tongue ran through the slit. He shuddered and pulled her back again, smothering a groan.  
“You despicable tease,” she said, sounding in no way opposed to the situation. “How could you do this to me?” 
“I know,” he drawled. “Making you wait for my cock. This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you.” 
“I wish to file a complaint.”
“Considered it filed, and ignored.” 
She whined. He could feel her hot breath on his sensitive, wet skin. He wanted her so badly. 
“You hate being empty, don’t you? Like you were made to take my cock.”
The ravenous look she gave him was filthy.
“You want it?” 
“Yes please.” 
“How, needy girl?”
“Deep and slow,” a smile curled at her lips. “Indulge a little.” 
“Sweetheart.” He sank into the warmth of her mouth. The relief of it travelled up his spine and down all his nerve endings. “You can’t just say that to me, how am I supposed to think clearly? Go on, all the way. You said deep.” 
Her pleased hum was cut off. He moaned, helpless against the sensation as he passed the last wall of resistance.
Her hands sat relaxed on his hips, letting him know she was okay despite the fluttering of damp eyelashes and the tortuous flexing of her throat. He cradled her head and pulled out slowly. She hauled in one deep breath before he sank in again. It was agonisingly slow, the sweetest torture. He wasn’t going to last long. 
She looked up at him intermittently, making sure she was doing a good job. She never did anything less, but she was thorough like that. He knew how badly she wanted to please him. She’d do just about anything to make him feel good. Such raw trust. It eviscerated him. 
He moaned her name. 
It made him impossibly more possessive and protective when she got like this.  
This was his woman, putting her body in his hands.
“I’ve got you sweetheart,” he said, his voice rumbling and low as his climax approached. “You’re doing so good for me. That’s my girl. Fucking spectacular.” 
She made a desperate whine. 
“You gonna take it all?”
Her eyes flicked up to him, glittering and hungry. So full of affection. He loved her so much. She did something clever with her tongue. 
He surrendered.
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arctic-bookclub · 7 months
god i can’t stop thinking about how the (core) death family really is such a well fitting puzzle that when even one piece js gone it shows and affects the rest :(
like the death family is incomplete without qmissa, he carries such a huge role in the emotional wellbeing of things, he shines were qphil lacks; the death family is incomplete without qphil, the man consistently keeping the kids alive and fed, he can keep the kids alive but he struggles with the things beyond it, things beyond mere survival; and the kids, we saw how thoroughly their absence affected qphil and qmissa, how tallulah sleeping alone at her old home made the bunker feel so empty and incomplete, how without chayanne this little family would’ve never been formed in the first place. they all fulfill roles that no one else can perform in their place, tallulah and qmissa carry the artistic side and emotional knowledge of the family, qphil and chayanne carry the survivalist aspect of the family with experience and cooking. the family has had to adapt to the absence of members in the past, especially when the kids disappeared, and the toll it takes shows so clearly every time. they are only truly complete with each other, they are a family with so many troubles and ailments that could so easily be fixed by just them all being present, and yet they’re cursed to always miss one. they are always stuck adapting and filling roles to make up for an absence, and crumbling under the pressure each time
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Simon not knowing where the Bus was going and Betty turning into Golbetty right before it leaves is less to say her fate is ambiguous and unknown to even her but more so Simon and her can truly no longer travel together, more so he can’t come with her.
And that he finally realized that.
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ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
i don’t love chat noir not being in final fight with his father, but at the same time i do love that this was the first finale where we see ladybug 100% confident in the face of impossible odds. she’s clearly terrified out of her mind but she never stops and doubts whether she can win. and it’s not that she doesn’t still need her team because she does and everyone is behind the scenes helping her, but this is the first finale we’ve seen her without any doubt in her ability to win. it’s the first time she doesn’t need a pep talk from chat noir to keep her going.
but even though she doesn’t need a pep talk and he’s not physically there with her, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still need him. it means that he’s part of her now even when he’s not there. you can feel the boost of confidence after she transforms into bug noire and it’s more than just the added power. it’s that this time she doesn’t have the ring because he abandoned her but instead because he has faith she can and will save them all. she can only do it without him because he believes she can, and through that she can believe in herself. she’s finally able to internalize the things he’s told her every finale. girl didn’t doubt for a second that she could kick gabriel’s ass and reform her team and she didn’t doubt her chat noir would be part of that team. i love how confident and strong she was and how far she’s come.
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natsmagi · 25 days
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vaugarde · 4 months
act 5 moments that gutted me alive
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snackugaki · 11 months
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[ Michael Jackson's Thriller in the distance ]
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loverofstufflof · 2 months
36 Questions Shadowpeach AU
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Okay now we got a mood set
I keep hearing them… when listening to the OST… and I blacked out…
(36 Questions is a musical about an estranged couple trying to repair their relationship by meeting each other all over again, for those who don’t see the vision)
Some minor character assignments I’ve decided on:
FFM monkeys as Henry (the duck)
Xiaotian Quan (Erlang Shen’s dog) as the “golden retriever” Jase petsits when meeting Natalie
Camel Ridge Trio as Natalie’s parents (in terms of plot device, not… you know…)
Celestial guards as “men in suits”
The Not Mayor as Lisa (Jase’s ex-wife)
Bai He as Cooper (Jase’s kid)
And special shoutout to the biggest character assassination: Ruyi Jingu Bang, for being demoted to the phone Judith records everything on, because how else am I meant to represent the catalyst for everything going wrong?
Not sure who to assign Jase’s moms as, so if anyone has any suggestions, I’m happy to hear em. Give me the dumbest ideas you can think of!
Really just all of the fucked up past Judith talks about I’m replacing with Wukong’s Havoc in Heaven; makes things easier.
A lot of the established LMK timeline is gonna be a skewed a bit to fit in with the 36 Q plot. Mac and Shi Hou meet after the Journey, not before, and Shi Hou lies about his name to not be associated with his past self, because redemption! We all know how that ends up, though
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mahikamihan · 3 months
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I can't believe it's already midweek, omg. hi i offer skater sapnap (and a bit of dream) in my lil fem roller derby au <3
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krotiation · 2 months
Your tag is keeping on playing in my head. Like - just how much of Tales had Jack spent thinking of his revenge and taking over it all. And how much he actually enjoyed spending time. Could he really look through Rhys' memories or was it just some folders Rhys kept on his Echo Eye. Was he just thinking about how to use him or did he catch himself being actually proud of him and happy to be stuck in this guys head specifically. Grrrrr hologram Jack tell us more
I personally think Jack had some type of attachment to Rhys, even if it wasn’t his intentions like… at all. Sure, getting back on Helios and taking over Rhys body was always the main goal, and whether he came to like Rhys or not wasn’t gonna stop him from going through with his plan, but Jack was almost predisposed to eventually become obsessed with him. Strap in, I’m about to ramble
First of all, I imagine that Rhys reminded him a lot of Angel. Rhys was young, he looked up to Jack almost naively so, but he was snarky and also defied him sometimes which Angel did too. I made a real long post about this a couple months ago but basically, Rhys and Angel share a lot of similarities in how Jack treated them. Jack probably did feel proud over Rhys at times, and thankful that it was Rhys and not some other Hyperion employee with the personality of a napkin. It feels more personal than just “let’s manipulate this kid and take his body”, even if that ultimately was the end goal.  And after Jack was plugged into Helios and found out about what happened to not just Angel but Nisha as well? Not to mention Wilhelm being dead and Timothy leaving for the casino? Rhys was the only one Jack somewhat trusted who wasn’t already dead or long gone
But also, imagine this: you’re quite literally inside someone else’s brain. Everything you see and hear, everywhere you go, everyone you interact with, is through this dweeb with the most questionable fashion sense on Pandora (which says a LOT). No one can see you except for him. You’re dependent on him in every sense of the word. If he pisses you off, you can’t do your usual routine of beating or killing him. You HAVE to get close to (or at the very least, used to) him, something your paranoid ass hasn't allowed yourself to do for years
And honestly, Rhys’ software has bled into Jack as much, if not more, as the Jack AI has bled into Rhys. This is just my personal headcanon but I definitely think some part of Jack felt a little hollow when he left Rhys’ head on Helios, almost like having a tooth ripped out (or… being the tooth that got ripped out). Some part of him expected Rhys to be as dependent on Jack as Jack was on him, which is why he thought Rhys would just mindlessly agree to essentially be his meat puppet. But then he not only rejected him, he tried to leave too. The only one Jack had left, who became such a huge part of his holographic life, physically and emotionally. The only one who hadn’t died, left or abandoned him up until this point, wanted to leave
Jack was back on Helios, back on his throne, and he had everything in his power to regain control of Hyperion. Despite how horrified Rhys was over Jack’s plan, he didn’t have any intentions to kill Jack, and had Rhys been any less important to Jack, he could have let him go or commanded someone else go after him while he focused on getting another employee to give him their body. The only problem was that Jack was attached to Rhys and took this as a betrayal, just like Angel and Moxxi had been close to him until they betrayed him too. So what if Helios paid the price for Jack’s revenge? So what if Jack was going to die killing Rhys? It was too personal to not risk everything for
This is a very complicated way of saying I definitely think Jack cared about Rhys, whether that be because he was emotionally attached or because he was literally inside this guy’s brain and couldn’t help but get attached. Everywhere he looked, there was Rhys and only Rhys. So yeah, he DEFINITELY thought about Rhys a lot. Probably more so than Katagawa did. It’s a special kind of horrific <3
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ineed-to-sleep · 4 months
Funny how all it takes is a couple of conversations with a cis straight man about gender to make me go "yup I'm definitely not cis"
#listen I adore my stepfather ok but he's got a pretty traditional view of gender#he's very respectful of others and doesn't enforce it on anyone else#and I think it's not that toxic all things considered bc he sees 'manhood' as being primarily about being hard working and protecting other#but it's still very gender essentialist#and he sees a lot of things as 'man things' and 'woman things'#and talks about skills and roles that are 'men's'#and I'm just like well but I do a lot of those things. but I identify with a lot of the things you describe.#and he tries to go around it like 'ahh well but you have personal history with that' etc etc#we get along really well tho we don't fight or anything but it's interesting to me#it makes me realize just how much I'm outside of the binary in the eyes of cis people#and how much 'trying to be a man' or 'trying to be a woman' are things that hold no emotional meaning to me(personally)#I could not care less what makes me masculine or feminine or if either of those labels are revoked for some reason#taking on the label of woman or man feels like a burden to me bc it always comes with a set of expectations#I just wanna be me yk. I just want people to see me through the lens of 'this is a person'#'this is what this person likes. this is how this person behaves'#I just wanna turn off gender. can I do that? like just flip a switch and no one perceives me as anything anymore#in a perfect world maybe#sleep.txt#I honestly still don't fully understand how I feel about gender but. I know that I don't like being put into a box#the box is Evil.
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lambsouvlaki · 1 year
For the Hell of It - Putting on a Show(*)
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Characters: Jason Todd x fem!oc
Rating and warnings: NSFW, smut, pre-discussed kink, light bdsm, voyeurism & exhibitionism (discussed, nothing is done in public).
Word count: 1,929
Summary: Jason tries being a little meaner in the bedroom, to delightful results for everyone.
In the middle of the night, the bedroom door opened and the Red Hood walked in. 
Andy looked up from the book she had been reading. It was a little after three in the morning with the muted sigh of wind rushing past the lofty heights of his apartment. The bedside lamp cast the large industrial-styled room in golden light and murky shadows. 
Jason shut the door behind him. 
She opened her mouth to ask how patrol went, then found the words dying in her throat. He was standing at the door, mask inscrutable, observing her in silence. 
Belatedly it struck her that she had never seen him wear his armour into the bedroom before. She slid her reading onto the bedside table and cocked her head at him. 
“Did you wait up for me?” His voice rumbled through the modulator. 
“Blame the jet lag.” She shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep. Figured I’d try again once you got back.”
He slowly crossed the space between them.  
She pulled her knees up under the blankets. She didn’t know what to make of the way he studied her, but her body already knew how it felt about having his sole focus. The armour only made it worse. She wondered if he knew. 
“You remember that talk we had?”
“Which one?” she looked up, only to recall exactly the conversation he was referring to, in the face of blinding white lenses. “Oh.”
Her cheeks warmed. She was very aware of the looming figure standing over her, and anticipation unfurled within her.
“Yes, I remember.”
He pulled his gloves off, loosening finger by finger. He reached down a warm, bare hand and gently traced her cheek. His thumb grazed her lip. He pushed down lightly. She opened her mouth. He slid it in and she curled her lips around it. 
He drew his damp thumb back and traced it down her jaw to tilt her chin up. 
“The safe word?”  
As though it hadn’t been branded onto her mind the moment she agreed to this. 
She repeated the word. It came out breathless. 
He turned away. 
“Take off your clothes.” 
Her cotton shirt then her silky bra and matching panties landed on the floor. Her nipples pebbled in the sudden cold. She sat bolt upright, awaiting further instructions. Her heart in its cage beat like the wings of a hummingbird. 
Jason reached up to take his helmet off and placed it on the desk. 
“Lie down,” he said and he removed his weapons. “Spread your legs, and get yourself warmed up for me.”
A blush rose in her cheeks. He sat in the armchair, facing her. He leaned back, with his legs casually spread wide, and lit up a smoke. He watched her expectantly. 
She did as she was told. 
She had never put on any kind of performance before, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her now. Most nights Jason relished this part himself. He was an artist with his fingers and she was his sculpture, beauty and pleasure drawn from stoic marble. Tonight he was the audience, and she was artist and art together.  
The idea turned from daunting into arousing without her noticing. Her timidity fell away and her pleasure rose. 
In the half light the glint of the cigarette reflected in his eyes. 
“Do you touch yourself when I’m out?” 
She shook her head, mussing her hair against the sheets.” 
“No?” he drawled, incredulous.
“No.” It didn’t occur to her to be dishonest. Her role in the scene was not a fabricated one. 
“Why not?”
“I… prefer the ache of waiting for you.”
He swore quietly.
“There’s a toy in the bedside table. Get to it.”
She reached out blindly and swiftly found it. Jason enjoyed using it on her, but she had never used it on her own. It let him draw out and build up her pleasure to his own exacting standards without getting distracted by his own ends. He was a wretched tease. She both adored and hated the thing. 
He took a long drag of smoke as she adjusted. Her head tipped back against the pillows. Her eyes fluttered shut, but she didn’t want to lose sight of him and kept reopening them. He watched with burning intensity. 
Her excitement built and built, far past any notions of simply warming up. He had told her to get ready for him, but he made no move beyond stubbing the cigarette out and attempting to brand her with the heat of his eyes alone. 
“Can I… can I climax?” she asked.
She withheld her whine.
Normally Jason’s body language was so open and reassuring around her. This was nothing of the sort. The Red Hood, hard and uncompromising, watched her fuck herself on a dildo, and she was more hopelessly turned on than she had ever been under her own touch.  
 Slowing down was unthinkable as stopping. She had unthinkingly built her pace up, and now she had no off-ramp.
She wasn’t going to ask again. 
She wasn’t. 
With one hand cast over her face and the other between her legs, she writhed. 
Jason let out a harsh breath and stood. Every heavy step towards her felt like salvation and doom both. 
He put a hand on her shaking knee. 
She squeezed her eyes shut. Despite the calluses and the hardness of his demeanour, his thumb rubbed her skin in a familiar reassurance. 
It did not help her predicament. Her breath hitched.
He pushed her hand aside and withdrew the toy. He replaced it with two of his fingers. 
She moaned. His touch set her alight and her breath grew thin. His touch was as scorching as his gaze which pinned her down like a lance through the chest. 
“I’m-I’m going to cum if you keep doing that,” she said. 
So he stopped. 
She wanted to cry. She covered her face with her hands and took desperate heaving breaths.
The sound of unbuckling belts cut through her panting. 
“Look at me.” 
Her eyes snapped open. 
Jason lifted her by her hips and impaled her in one blow. 
She sang out in relief. 
He set a swift pace, slowing only a moment to let her rearrange pillows to support her back, shooting her straight back to the loft heights she had teetered along for so long. He drove her higher still. His thumb rubbed circles over her clit only twice, and her climax slammed into her. 
Her whole body shook. He did not slow his pace, relentlessly working her through it. 
She breathed hard as she came down, arching her back for him. The relief was short lived but it brought her a moment of clarity. 
Jason’s focus was fixed to her entrance, watching himself sink in and out, in and out. So locked up inside his own head tonight. 
“Okay?” she asked quietly, breaking character. 
His eyes flickered up to hers, and he gave a short nod. His hand on her hip gave a quick squeeze. 
Then the hard tilt returned to his jaw and they were back in it. 
“Spent the night at a strip club,” he said harshly. 
Her eyebrows rose. It was unusual only in that he was telling her about it: his protection extended to sex workers all over the city. She trusted him, it was a non-issue.  
“Working out a territory dispute. Negotiations. Should have been done hours ago. But no, they had to keep stopping to watch the girls.” His lip curled and he changed his angle to something deeper. “Made them make out and touch each other. As though we’re there for a good time, as though I have any interest in getting hard with that pack of slavering animals.” 
He brushed his sweat slicked hair from his face and swore. She was so helplessly turned on by him even when he was hacked off, she couldn’t come up with any response. 
“Waste of my fucking time,” he growled, thrusting with emphasis. “When I have you alone in my bed. Waiting for me. Clenching on nothing. Dripping wet, just for me. Aren’t you, sweets?”
He pulled out. 
She made a needy noise of objection. 
“On your knees or in your mouth?” 
She rolled over without hesitation. 
He chuckled. He ran his hands up her body, possessive and appreciative. He gently pushed her down onto all fours and pushed back in. His pace was more sedate now and his grip softer, having worked out some of his frustrations. 
Well, that just wouldn’t do. 
“Did you get hard at the club?” she asked. 
His pace stuttered. “What?”
She reached back to touch his thigh, a silent reassurance she was still in character. 
“Did it turn you on, surrounded by beautiful women making out with each other?”
The snap of his hips picked up. “Yes,” he conceded, arousal and shame and frustration in his voice. 
She looked back over her shoulder. Her hair was tousled, her skin flushed, and her lips swollen from where she bit them. 
“Were you thinking of me?”
“I–” The look he gave her was a little stunned, a little star struck. 
“There, in that red lingerie you bought me, draped over you?” If he wasn’t thinking it before, he was now. 
A whispered “yes,” passed his lips. The burning intensity rose in his eyes once more. 
“...touching myself?” 
He made a hungry noise in his throat. 
“Up on the stage, in front of everyone,” she said, as she looked forward again, flicking her hair aside and arching her back. “Putting on a show?”
He growled, then she was pinned to the bed. 
“I’d have to kill them all for looking at you,” he said into her ear, bending over her. “And I would–mm–before I’d take you right there.” 
He stood tall again, still holding her bent in half with a hand on the back of her neck. His other hand was on the meat of her ass, to drag her back to meet him. He put one leg up on the bed next to her for more power. A thick muscled thigh rippled against her side. Raging waves of need pulled her back down into the depths. 
“Trying to upset me, sweetheart?” he asked, back to ruthless and in full control. She was in paradise. “You know only I get to see you like this. That’s why you’re mine.”
She whimpered, so close to the edge. 
“Only I can hold you down and fuck you like you deserve. Only I get to watch you writhe… hear you beg.” 
“Hnng, please.” 
“Please what?” 
“Please! Jason, I–I– fuck, Jay, I don’t– I need..”
“That’s my girl,” he said, dark and appreciative. “You know you’re mine before anything else.” 
She sobbed a cry.
“You can cum,” he drawled, sneaking a hand around her hip to reach her clit.
Her climax rocked through her violently. Her vision blanked and her body seized up in great wracking jolts. Her mouth hung open, breathing hard against the blanket. 
She vaguely heard his voice encouraging her through it, before he followed after her into bliss. 
He curled over her back and held her fast against his hips. He growled her name in her ear. 
The last of her strength fled her limbs. It felt like her bones had simply melted.  
He collapsed on the bed behind her. With shaking, tired arms he gathered her to himself and nuzzled into her neck. He made a soft inquisitive noise. She sighed in contentment in reply. They tangled their legs together, and basked in the afterglow. 
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towards-toramunda · 26 days
The Ashrym sleeper agent in my brain has been activated by this new information. Can’t believe Tal and Liam confirmed they had feelings for each other. LETS GOO! Anyway check out this fic I wrote once that is now confirmed 100% plot accurate:
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hardwiredd · 2 months
gonna be real i hate edgar x miles. i hate them by themselves. madeline x edgar x miles? epic, i love it. but madeline x edgar is so peak. only way to make it better is to add me brah
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scarapanna · 3 months
Maybe you've answered this before, and I didn't see it, but are you planning on adding Dark Cacao and Mystic Flour to the Intertwined Opposites AU?
Pretty interesting thought!!
Most of intertwined opposites is centered around Pure Vanilla and Shadow Milk, but the other beasts will be mentioned and have part in the story to an extent.
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Mystic Flour's arrival happens when the main team is still in the faerie kingdom (to my understanding) so Shadow Milk isn't doing anything yet, it all happens in the "prologue" of it all.
But, the awakened forms of the ancients will be helpful when he's eventually confronted by them, and if he doesn't release after another 3 years like Lily I may reference a few things that happen in (possibly) his own episode during the last segment of the storyline.
Tldr: The other beasts are gonna play their part in the order they release, awakened forms are gonna do so too but aren't the main focus for the most part. Current beast yeast episodes are influential and happen in the same way as kingdom canon (unless I gotta do some tweaking for continuity's sake/ involving the main knowledge duo)
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calebs-hangout-corner · 2 months
Me: EAH has a bunch of plotholes and retcons, I don't have to believe everything canon tells me because it gets things wrong or just flatout contradicts itself at times and it is no use getting hung up on small details that ultimately don't matter in the grand scheme of the story.
Also me: [Trying to come up with a way to explain the whole "the Evil Queen stole the Dark Fairy's destiny" detail]
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