#but at that close could also just be tmnt (general)
snackugaki · 8 months
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[ Michael Jackson's Thriller in the distance ]
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afreakingdork · 2 months
Spring Break
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader One-Shot
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, POV Second Person, Friends to Lovers, Human/Turtle Relationships (TMNT), Yearning, Romance, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, One-Shot
Synopsis: You're on your first spring break of college and returning back home to NYC. Donnie has agreed to pick you up from the airport and the season of change is ready to exercise its rights upon your friendship with him.
Also available on Ao3
I cannot thank @tmntxthings enough! She took my half formed plot bunny and helped me finish it up and embellish it with the cutest ideas!! This fic would not exist without her and she gets my endless affection! 💞
Plane descent, it was the one part of flying that really felt like a roller coaster. With its little dips and adjustments, your stomach would rise in turn. It made some sick, but you found it exciting. It was a manifestation of coming home. With each drop in altitude you were a little bit closer and, no matter how people felt about plane rides, the excitement was palpable. Even those tired and exhausted, ready for their changeovers, were glad for a moment on the ground.
This was your stop and you were especially excited for what waited for you.
Clinging to your phone, there was a final announcement and you looked out the window. Watching fields and houses grow closer and closer, your heart alternatively soared. Ants took on definition and eventually you were doing the careful careen through buildings to land in LaGuardia. With a squeaky landing that jarred your body, people stood through the taxiing process which prompted fights with flight attendants.
You were back in New York City.
A fervor running throughout the plane, there was still the docking process and each second ticked by through syrup until you got a text.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: I am at the appropriate baggage claim.
It was a new entry in a sea of others that had you momentarily closing your eyes. You then typed out a response about what you’d endured since landing and Donnie kept you occupied with messages right up until it was time to deboard. Bumping and jostling and giving appropriate glares back, you were soon just shy of running down a tunnel. Just like descent, you were closing in by the moment and once you broke free from a certain pair of doors, you paused only to take stock. It was fate, you thought, that people parted and there he was.
Donatello stood bundled up both for some kind of anonymity and the early spring weather. A balmy cool outside, trees were clinging for a bit more warmth before they burst with color. You were going to miss the blossoms this time around, but you had a lifetime of watching the petals dot the otherwise dirty streets before. You always liked this season. There was a sense of change in the air. A metamorphosis, you saw not just the growth between your youth and now, but everything from the last half year. 
You were offered a full ride to a school all the way across the country. 
You accepted and left behind everything. 
The long days of your first semester would have been lonely if not for a certain purple coded turtle offering to marathon shows with you online.
You texted in the cafeteria until you found your crowd.
You continued to message him because he had to know the latest gossip.
A webcam was sent to you as a gift so you could better work on projects together across multiple state lines.
You clung to Donnie as a virtual lifeline through your first set of finals.
The Christmas holdover in California due to a lab opportunity had been a daunting choice. 
It was made all the better as you were given a digital spot at the Hamato family table during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Then came another bout of studying for midterms. 
All to now, where he’d offered to pick you up after something had come up with your parents and you had complained of the taxi fare on your spring break budget.
You were in motion.
In fact, you were barreling towards him. He heard the footsteps, but didn’t connect them to your person as he looked up. Now knowing the source, he jammed his phone in his pocket and took on a sort of prepared alarm. Then, at the last second, he pivoted a foot out. A careful rotation, he lowered his stance into a readied one. It was all the confirmation you needed as you leapt.
He caught you at the same time for the hug and you crushed yourself to him. Momentum should have knocked the air out of you, but he swung. Your body twirled up with your heart and, by the time you were set down, you were groping to get more of him. This was new, you remembered. His scent wasn’t like coming home. You’d never been close enough to really get a whiff. Clinging to his worn hoodie didn’t crop up memories of softness because you had at most brushed it in passing.
You’d known this mutant for seven months and this was your first hug.
You wanted more.
Your only saving grace was he appeared to feel the same. For each tug, to get your arms tighter around his neck, he gave equal pressure around your waist. As you butted your head to his, he clawed into your own jacket, trying to get you that much closer.
It was warm.
It was overwhelming.
You didn’t want to let go.
“Hey.” You murmured against him.
“Greetings.” His voice responded. “How was your flight?”
“Good. Boring. Long.” You nuzzled closer.
“A full work day’s flight.” Donnie hummed, amused.
“Thanks for picking me up. It’s good to see you.”
Finally, after what must have been too long, Donnie pulled back enough to view you with a chide. “You as well.”
A little shy, your arms slipped to rest against his plastron and an announcement interrupted citing luggage. A quick check found you were at the right carousel and you sent Donnie a wry look. “We’re in the right place.”
“I was clear about my location.” He playfully rolled his eyes and reluctantly relinquished you to approach the long luggage circle.
You followed close behind and bumped arms with him. “Oh, there was this lady who would not stop yaking about the toast squares she got in that plane snack mix.”
“Ah, yes, the snack gacha.” Donnie chuckled and bags began to drift down the line.
He explained the odds and you walked him backwards through your trip. There was a gap from when you’d set off for your flight until arrival. He’d been on a video call when you’d packed your suitcase so when said luggage came winding down the metal slide, you didn’t need to say a thing. He knew it and hoisted it up where you shouldered your backpack. You’d returned with mostly things to wash, but you figured that was part of coming home.
You soon drifted away from the building. Working through the bustling drop offs zone, you headed to where Donnie had sequestered one of his vehicles. Parking cost too much for the tank, he settled on something visually low key though the interior was just as technologically stacked as the others. It was a resistance in temptation to press buttons on the dash you had never seen. They felt familiar as he’d taken you on a phone tour when he completed retrofitting the van, but it felt different in person.
Conversation took you home and, before you realized it, you were idling on the street.
Time had slipped through your fingers like water and you hadn’t cupped enough to drink. There’d even been traffic, you’d sat through it, but it hadn’t prolonged the journey. You were due inside. Your parents were waiting. You also would need to leave Donnie. He’d only ever been here to give you this ride. Heart sinking regardless, you moved to give Donnie your regards with a forlorn tilt of your head.
“Let me help you with your bag.” He rushed the statement.
Your eyes met.
You were both a little too eager to delay the inevitable.
“Thank you, I’d appreciate it.” You told him though your heart wanted to ask him over for dinner.
You’d already skipped coming home for winter break and there was no way your parents would allow an interloper to impede on catching up with their child.
You were required to spend time with them first, then friends.
Duty was a strange thing. It brought you home to mom even though you were an adult with a supposed choice. It had your friend hoisting your stuffed suitcase out of the back of a van where you had created the burden of the heft. You clicked up stairs, your luggage wheels hopping steps and Donnie felt the need to fill the space as if he were required to keep from giving you a moment of quiet.
You were thankful.
You didn’t want to think of how you’d miss him.
Again, he’d felt the same. 
You liked that about him.
Reaching your door, you knew you hadn’t messaged your parents for this same reason.
It was your own coveted surprise amongst what you had to do.
Donnie was careful in carting your suitcase up silently.
It felt like a stolen moment. “We still on for Wednesday?”
“Yes.” He nodded and pulled up a ninpo calendar for the sake of it. “Mikey has forewarned Señor Hueso and if you make April wait a moment more, I think she will strangle whoever is closest.”
“Of course.” You bobbed your head and felt the reminder of the knob.
You needed to go home.
You needed to see your parents.
You hadn’t seen them in so long.
You hugged Donnie.
Slower this time, you still moved quick enough that you avoided the awkward shuffle. It was an instant threading of bodies where you had to stave off a sigh. You fit so well without practice and his toned arms slung so comfortably around your waist. You bumped your head to his for the sake of closeness. He stilled and you thought it too much until he turned his beak to nuzzle the side of your head. From his inhale, he was catching your smell so you openly breathed him in the same.
Then you came apart, heads down, unable to bear to see the other leave as you mumbled out promises of seeing each other soon.
Donnie left by the sound of stairs and you unearthed your key to head inside.
Wednesday couldn’t come soon enough.
The rest of your Saturday had been a flurry of catching up with your folks. You were pelted with every question under the sun and the few phone calls with them you’d had throughout the school year seemed to have never happened. Your parents remembered none of the details no matter how much you whined about how you’d already told them about your class load. You were struck with backhanded comments about missing the holidays and how this cousin had proposed and that nephew had gone skiing and would you believe the tan your aunt got?
Then came sleeping in your old bed which was now a foreign one.
You called Donnie with your headphones on and he answered after only one ring.
Unable to stand the odd sheets, you curled up beside your window for faint outdoor light and watched Donnie on screen eat snacks as you unloaded about how annoying it all was. You loved your parents, but it was always something. He took his time in the conversation after your most heated complaints were air cooled and then subjected you to his own. His family’s separation anxiety was on another level, but he never made it a competition. You instead felt commiseration, even if the comparisons were outlandish.
Exhaustion took you to bed and the old smell of you drifted up like one you didn’t recognize. You were just tired enough to mention the discrepancy and Donnie made a comment on how you’d changed. You weren’t sure you had as you hadn’t felt like it, but you guessed of anyone, he would know best.
How had that come to be?
Your best friend was here and someone you’d known since elementary school. You still loved them, but they’d fallen to a certain wayside once Donnie appeared. Meeting him had been an accident at best. From senior year finals, you’d picked up a local coffee shop as your own. During summer, you switched to drinks for fun instead of necessity and a new barista started that you liked. She was great at conversation and better at upsizing drinks with a wink so you always made sure to tip. There came a day when you forgot to have cash on hand and you promised to come back by to fork it over. Now on a first name basis, April had scoffed it off, but you still returned after making change at a nearby bodega. It hadn’t been more than 20 minutes and yet she had disappeared. You waited for her to return from break only to notice a mutant was similarly off to the side and one you’d come to find was waiting for the same April. 
That was early August.
You’d gone to UC Berkeley in early September.
That was less than a month knowing the turtle in person.
Now you were drifting off to Donnie complaining about how he’d been found sneaking into East Laird’s lab yet again.
He just needed access to one chemical.
They wouldn’t miss it.
He’d doctored the supply sheets himself.
The janitor was paranoid.
You giggled and it must have come too late because he ordered you to sleep.
You told him you missed him.
In truth, you did.
He murmured the same along with a mention of Wednesday.
It wasn’t here yet.
Texting helped as Sunday led straight to a family meal with whoever was in town. You rehashed the exact same stories about school more times than you could count. Your scholarship was both held up like a heavyweight champ’s belt while others spoke to you like you were some Hollywood convert. It didn’t matter that there were six driving hours between the two places. You’d betrayed some inane state pride by going to a far flung college and whether that was a success or pompous choice was your family’s to debate.
You went to bed so angry afterward that you broke your 125 day streak of saying goodnight to Donnie.
You woke up under your old ceiling.
Breakfast reminded you of high school.
Dad had work.
Mom had lunch.
She talked and you listened.
You saw your best friend in the 3 o’clock doldrums.
It was awkward until it wasn’t.
It took about an hour, but you fell in line to your old pattern.
You meant to message your bestie more, but college had taken both of you in different directions.
Who’s this guy you keep mentioning? 
Donatello, was it?
Did you meet someone?
What a story that was and it came with a growing smile from your best friend. Each passing word felt like guilt off your lips and you were teased mercilessly.
No, stop that! We aren’t dating!
Why would you ask?
It’s perfectly normal to help a friend out like he did.
Yes, we’re close.
Not that close.
He’s a nice guy.
Yes, really nice, what are you insinuating?
It wasn’t like that.
You wanted to call Donnie on your way home.
Your best friend’s words kept you from it.
Tuesday your dad had off from work and, though they took you, you ended up showing your parents around Prospect Park. Where they’d only heard it was nice, you had seen enough from social media to actually maneuver it. You picked a restaurant they hated and then a bakery they loved. You were nagged incessantly and then pestered.
Tell us about your new college friends!
You don’t sound like you have many, what happened?
Oh, whos’ that?
Tell me more!
Are they nice?
Go to any crazy parties? We won’t judge.
They did.
They judged everything.
You kept Donatello’s name out of your mouth, though he appeared with each question.
He kept you sane.
He had been there for you.
He made things better.
You texted him as you ran to a bathroom stall for a moment of peace.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: Hard to go back after your taste of freedom?
It was such a him response. 
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: Tomorrow, you’ll have us.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: Don’t worry.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: Until then, say the word and I can call you away with a lab emergency.
Donatello, not to be confused with the famous Italian Sculptor: I know the codes for several. Do not ask why.
It helped as you rejoined your parents.
One more day.
Wednesday morning and afternoon were tedious affairs with little to do outside of the dreaded laundry. You aired and disinfected your suitcase and ended up cleaning for the sake of it. It made your mom happy and you prepped ingredients for your parent’s dinner even though you wouldn’t be partaking. It would be another nicety in hopes that they wouldn’t say a word when you stayed out late.
It wasn’t like you had a curfew, but you knew the biting remark would be there.
You left just before your parents got home so you sent messages to both of them to cover your bases. Their sent confirmation was like a final school bell and you were running down stairs at an alarming pace. Donnie’s text window appeared next and you shot out a message about your imminent arrival. You felt a buzz in response and wound an oddly familiar path to the necessary sewer grate. One prepped for access to the turtle’s tunnel, you climbed down and only then brought up a map. Above was one thing as you knew your local streets, but the journey below was one you’d never had time to memorize. Donnie’s map was clear and as you switched from sewer to subway lines, you soon came to the brighter lights of the lair.
The Hamato were piled in the living room and you saw Donnie amongst the bale.
He smiled, but it was Mikey who wrapped around you.
Your name was shouted and it summoned the others who hadn’t been paying as much attention. You got friendly pats, several more squeezes from Mikey, one bear hug from April, and a litany of pelted words from the others. Leo’s Hollywood comment didn’t sting as much because he pulled it out in a reference to Son in Law. He did a pretty good Pauly Shore impression and your praise had him pulling out more impersonations. As the chides and jokes flew, you thought about how they hadn’t pelted you with a million and one questions about your college life. They cared little about class and only if you’d had time to catch any local movies or shows.
You nearly wept at not having to talk about only the studious side of your life and you got to share a movie you recently streamed with Donnie. The others hadn’t known either of you watched it and you both excitedly regaled them on reasons not to without spoiling anything. You laughed about a plot line of having been plucked from their environment and joked about red squirrels. Donnie responded in kind about grey and you both laughed until you realized you were the only ones.
“What’s that about?” April asked where she was folded over a couch beside Raph.
“O-oh, it’s-!” You choked on giggles and held onto Donnie’s arm since he was close.
“You see, there was this inane test question that kept coming up.” Donnie filled in for you.
“Non-native grey squirrels have basically put native red ones on the endangered list!” You spoke with too much levity for the topic.
“Now this is a known ecological issue, but the way the professor framed the question…?” Donnie shook his head with a smile.
“He made it out to be like a gang war! So-so Donnie made this joke because they always, freaking always run out of breakfast in the caf when I get out of my morning class about my territory being disrupted!” You giggled.
Donnie bumped you to chastise. “Wait, you’re leaving out your classmate who runs to beat you there, your grey squirrel!”
“Omigosh! I don’t even know her name!” You cracked up.  
“You’ve yet to mention the actual campus grey squirrel!” Donnie pressed.
You laughed harder. “Omigosh, he hates me and anyone that goes near his door on South Hall!!”
You both hurled more examples that fit into your branching squirrel joke and you thought everyone was having a good time until Raph’s voice cut through. “Sounds like a good inside joke.”
You weren’t immediately sobered, but your giggles grew strange.
“Yeah, I’m not getting it, but hey that happens.” Leo shrugged. “Squirrels aren’t my first comedy punching bag.”
“They’re cute! What do you mean they kill each other!?” Mikey had a watery expression. “To extinction!? How could they!?”
April patted his back. “It’s a dog eat dog world.”
“Is that why we were the Mad Dogz?” Leo looked to Raph.
“No, but I’m going to say yes.” Raph shined back a snaggletoothed grin.
With that the others moved on.
Suddenly feeling painfully self-conscious, you shirked and felt that Donnie’s hand behind your back.  
You looked up at him and he had a grin and whisper waiting for you. “These dum-dums don’t know good comedy.”
“You are the funny one.” You softened up and, in an instant, felt reassured.
He pressed lightly for you to join the room and you jumped back into the conversation which had moved onto pigeons. A hotly debated topic, you took sides and spouted facts you had learned in class. Memes were then shared and eventually you went to Hueso’s. The rowdiest table for what was a comical argument about whether they were his favorite customers, the skeleton yokai refused to answer and only spoke of cash spent and tabs to be paid. Leo chased the man into the kitchen to be his usual intrusive self and you stayed present in table conversation the best you could.
It was difficult when Donnie kept sending you reaction images based on said speech and you found it impossible not to reach right for your phone so each joke would land fresh. It eventually meant both of you were side by side texting on another and it was only when the food came did you jar out of it.
“Can’t leave your significant others for even a second?” Mikey jeered before he tapered off. “Though I kind of thought it was you that Donnie was texting… But that’d be weird right!? You’re literally sitting together, why text?” He laughed. 
Others laughed.  
You and Donnie didn’t. 
It spurned April to steal Donnie’s phone.
Some kind of betrayal, Donnie nearly flipped the table to get it back, but the flash of screen April had seen was enough.
You two were outed and ruthlessly drilled.
This was supposed to be fun, you thought to yourself as you tried to field lobs. They weren’t supposed to be rude like your family and yet you were back to fending vultures off. 
Yes, you spent hours talking.
No, you weren’t dating.
Yes, you texted.
No, it wasn’t because it was a secret conversation.
Yes, you were just friends.
No, you weren’t more.
It was only when Leo reappeared and saw the distress mounting on you and Donnie did he step up in his leader position and caught the table’s attention by the throat. He laid out a new topic in the form of recent battles and that conversation took the heat off. You sighed into the booth, feeling particularly drained and when Leo shoved in to have more seat, it bumped you right into Donnie.
Donnie made room, but his hand stayed on the seat, close to yours.
You tapped a questioning finger to his. 
Your heart was heavy.
Were you wrong?
Was your friendship weird?
Donnie had gotten you through moving across the country.
Donnie had done so much.
You really, really liked him.
His finger curled around yours for reassurance.
You’d asked once hadn’t you?
Something about if you bothered him early on since you talked just about constantly.
Donnie had scoffed by saying the word itself and told you that he put forth as much effort as he cared to.
You’d be the first to know if he was displeased.
He’d been honest.
When you complained about a science he liked, he didn’t care how hard the class was, you got an earful.
One of the few times you’d tried to use him as an excuse not to study, he’d hung right up and temporarily blocked you so you’d be forced to.
Your hands moved and, with a rush of your pulse, you tucked your other fingers up and over his.
He held your hand with one and ate pizza with his other as if nothing strange had occurred.
You did the same and spoke more normality by responding to something Mikey said.
It was taken with its own retort and everything felt right.
“I’m stuffed!” April flopped back and her jacket slunk down lazily on her shoulders.
“Can’t… move…” Raph groaned.
“That’s what happens when you are here for four hours and thirty seven minutes ordering non-stop.” Hueso commented as he picked up several empty pizza trays.
“One for the road?” Leo burped.
“Depends…” Hueso cracked a brow and slid over the check.
Leo flicked his eyes down once and then over to his tablemates where everyone dodged the question.
“Maybe next time.” Leo spoke guilt and Hueso hummed knowingly as he departed. “Split time! Cough it up!”
Complaints were loud as all sorts of money was deposited on the table.
“I love and hate catching up!” Leo crooned once an appropriate amount was placed. 
“We were literally here four days ago.” Raph didn’t have the energy to eye his brother.
“Bah!” Leo swung a lethargic arm and it flopped on the table.
“No more pizza for… four more days…” Mikey grunted.
“Heh, you guys’s diet sucks.” April chuckled and fell over into Mikey on purpose.
The youngest squeaked and dominoed into Raph who shouldered the weight without moving.
“We’ll see you again, what? Friday, right?” Leo craned his head toward you.
Leo was dismissing you. 
It was late. 
This had been the plan. 
Two days.
Donnie squeezed your hand.
You had never let go.
“Well…” You tried to respond.
“You know!” Donnie cut through conversation as if he hadn’t heard how it was coming to a close. “Remember how we weren’t able to find Jupiter Jim and His Majesty Cromslor anywhere online?”
The table quieted and you looked to Donnie curiously. “Oh yeah… We missed it in our marathon.”
“I purchased a copy then, but it only came in a few days ago.”
“That took…” You flicked up a few fingers to count. “Months!?”
“Oversees. Probably a boot leg, but it does indeed work.” Donnie smiled at you.
You felt a flutter in your gut. “We should-”
“Watch it now?” His brows bobbed. “Well everyone?” Donnie looked out, carefree to his inebriated brethren. “Movie night?”
“I’m sleeping!” Raph announced. “Don’t wake me and we’re good.”
“But Don…!” Leo’s head fell onto where his arm was still on the table.
“I could watch.” Mikey’s shoulders bobbed beneath April.
“I’m out. Got work.” April yawned.
“Then it’s settled.” Donnie turned back to you. “Not that we needed permission.”
You chewed on a giggle. “Can’t wait.”
Everyone else dragged themselves back to the lair, but you and Donnie took up the rear as you discussed some lab work. Delving into the study you’d monitored over winter break and what came of it, you were soon sat around the projector where Splinter was asleep in his chair. Raph used the last of his energy carting his dad off to bed and Mikey settled into a bean bag with commands to turn his head towards the screen. Leo helped in that matter and set himself up with his phone in hand to hang out more than watch. You and April said your goodbyes and then Donnie joined you on the couch. Raph didn’t return until well past the first quarter of the movie, but didn’t seem to mind as he flopped down to watch a film presumably the family had seen many times before.
The room was filled with the quiet sounds of the movie until Donnie leaned into you. Your shoulders brushing, he whispered to you a fun fact about the movie that gave way to more. With your head turned against the cushion, you eventually stopped watching the film to instead stare at him. He was enthralling. His lips moved with specific enunciation that you knew came from his love of pizzazz. He topped it off with eloquence from IQ and his flair was infectious no matter how emotionless he tried to present himself.
You adored him.
The credits rolled and there was light after movie discussion where you all found Raph had fallen asleep as promised. Donnie regaled you in his theories on how this movie affected the larger Jupiter Jim universe while he threw a blanket over his older brother. Leo pitched in a few notes about his comic knowledge, but no matter how obsessed the Hamatos’ were in this film series, there was still a limit of how much conversation could be shared.
“Welp!” Leo announced, coming down from a stretch.
That was the second final call of the night.
You had already overstayed your welcome.
You pulled out your phone to text your parents.
Donnie touched your wrist. “Before I forget, I finished my latest project. That targeted hearing device.”
You slowed. “Oh yeah, were you able to work out that model on how it decides what to filter?”
“Yes, in fact, I had a breakthrough-!”
“You finished that two nights ago right? When you were pacing in that fit?” Leo interrupted.
Mikey perked up. “Oh yeah, you were so upset, but you wouldn’t say why! If it was just because you were doing your usual tech walk things, then why not tell us?”
Donnie had obvious guilt and raised his hands.
You stared. 
Two nights ago was when you hadn’t been able to text him goodnight.
You were in motion and interjected yourself with force into the fray. “Show us!”
Leo and Mikey looked at you curiously.
You tried not to balk. “It was for you guys too! It will help you gather intel on missions!”
“I thought it was just for your goggles or business people who never take their Bluetooth out, even at dinner parties?” Leo quizzed Donnie.
“The applications are wide ranging! Why do you think I patented it?” Donnie held his head haughtily and headed toward his lab.
The line there went first Donnie and Leo paired where Donie was putting his all into convincing Leo of his inventions use and then you and Mikey who trailed behind in a conversation of your own. 
You weren’t sure, but you thought the blue brother glanced at you twice.
Mikey regaled you on a video game he had recently beat and, by the time you entered the lab, Donnie was in full presentation mode. A space you had only been in virtually, Donnie walked everyone to where the buds were and tried them on Leo first since he was the naysayer. They proved to work nicely as you and Mikey played examples by moving around the lab to make noise for the technology to hone in on.
You remembered locations from your guided tour, but definition had been sparse over the phone. Now here and moving about, gadgets kept catching your eye. Donnie explained them with quips from his brothers about use or malfunction. You heard all manner of stories and saw a part of Donnie you had yet to see. Donnie was quick to hang up if his brothers tried to intervene, but he was no stranger to complaining about them. You felt like you knew them better than you did because of it, but seeing the brothers in action was something else entirely.
They carried through, soon fatiguing of reminiscing and giving space for Donnie to show off his more successful tech. He shined, putting his best foot forward in a way you assumed he prepared for investor meetings. He eventually let you examine his bo staff and demonstrated how it could be reformed within his ninpo. He was detailing how his schematics process had changed since acquiring his mystic powers when Leo suddenly yelled up to the ceiling.
“Nope! Beep, beep, beep! Hear that? That’s my brain at full capacity! No more! No more science for Leon! Honk-shoo! Bedtime alarm.” Leo threw his arms up and seemed ready to spin around to leave before he caught sight of you. “Great seeing you, by the way. We’ll be seeing you, but not again tonight! Later, losers!”
You all watched Leo walk out.
Mikey saw his own chance to pull away.
The youngest did nothing distinctly, but you could tell he was ready to head to bed himself.
You had been together for hours now and it was definitely the AM of the next day.
You needed to text your parents.
You needed to go home.
You’d see Donnie again.
You had one last time before you flew back across the country.
You got your phone in hand and messaged your parents to check in.
“Michael.” Donnie held his own anxiety. 
That meant both remaining brothers were ready for you to go. 
Having already proved to your parents you were alive, you moved to next pen a message about how you’d be home soon.  
“Huh?” A bubble popped on Mikey’s attention.
“Have you checked the time?” Donnie moved away from you. 
Looking up your screen found the time at 2:47am.
“Oh ho!” Mikey sang with scandalous purpose. 
You paused and looked up to see him sporting a huge grin. 
“I get what you’re putting down, brotha! It is the one and only reserved time for my most exclusive dish!” Mikey moved fluidly through a few poses. 
“Yes.” Donnie looked pointedly at you. “You might have heard of it.” 
You blinked a few times not realizing some kind of ploy was in motion. “Special time…?” 
Sliding to the right, Mikey’s whole body dipped below his raised arms. “It is time for my unmatched, out of control, unparalleled 3am dump nachos!” 
A memory slapped you across the hippocampus. 
You did remember. 
Mikey had sprung them on Donnie when he was helping you study for finals last year. 
The Mikey of the present then snapped to attention in a business-like manner. “Proprietary reserved and guaranteed to eradicate night munchies.”   
Your phone buzzed and beckoned with annoyed responses from your mom. 
You’d thankfully never sent that message about heading back. 
She knew you were doing alright, that was enough. 
You closed your phone. “Who am I to say no to the clock!?” 
“Nacho time!?” Mikey turned to confirm with the last party. “That was what you wanted, right?” 
“Yes.” Donnie tried to stave off a certain amount of joy. “Nacho time.”
“Woo!” Mikey started to holler but caught himself off to whisper. “Quieter woo because people are sleeping!”
You all filed down to the kitchen where Mikey took point in commanding his own cooking show. Talking about all his past chip and cheese related mishaps, he walked through pantry staples  and what wasn’t for good nachos. Donnie settled in by your side and eventually grabbed a few drinks. The pair of you mingled together, sharing little glances amongst Mikey’s display until the nachos were in the oven for a quick melt session.
“Oh man, this was a great idea.” Mikey looked at Donnie approvingly. “I can’t remember the last time we did 3am nachos.”
You did, but you kept quiet. 
“Probably after April’s midnight launch at that movie theater.” There was an air to Donnie that said he was purposefully making something up.
“Eugh, was it one of those ones where they watch like six movies back to back?” Mikey made a face.
“Are those marathons bad?” You asked.
“They are when you can’t pause and do stuff like this.” Mikey gestured around the kitchen.
“Helps to be allowed an oven.” Donnie cocked a brow at you.
“It’s not my fault someone started a fire in the dorms a few years ago.” You shot a smarmy look back.
“Finesse.” Donnie’s fingers came up to floss the word.
“This again!” You rolled your eyes.
“The rules are in place to protect! As long as you don’t violate them obviously, then I don’t see the problem.”
“Your homemade oven thing was way sketchier!”
“You could make it out of all the materials you had on hand! It’s completely safe!”
“Just because one can, doesn’t mean one should!”
“Look! I can recreate it now! You never tried.” Donnie went for a junk drawing and came back with supplies. “The most you needed was wire, then a containment unit, easy enough to build…”
Donnie nearly pressed to your side as he cut and created a wire and then spliced it with a battery. Showing you how to then encase the coils, he asked for your help holding something in place. You did so and he eventually came around with electrical tape to bind his creation. He complained about how soldering should be allowed if hot glue guns were. You spoke against that point and your hands brushed. He scoffed at live flames and slipped his arm through yours in lieu of reaching for a piece of plastic that had rolled away. You pressed into him and told him that with that logic you could simply weld.
“Couldn’t you?” Donnie’s face was near yours.
“I’d need…” You reached up and his cheek tipped into your hand as you activated the release on his goggles as you’d seen him do on video.
His lenses came down and you were close enough to see through them to his eyes beneath.
“… something like this.”
“I see… Safety first…” Donnie murmured, leaning in.
“Mhm…” You mirrored him.
A timer dinged and you jolted apart.
“3am nachos!” Mikey came around with oven mitts as if oblivious. “After hearing both your arguments, I’m gonna go with no homebrewing ovens in the dorms. It looks like you’re building a bomb.” He set the tray down and the smell was undeniably delicious.
You might have enjoyed it more had your heart not been pounding out your ears.
“To the uneducated, perhaps!” Donnie grumbled and looked over the spread.
You moved to better reach and heard Mikey talk about the best constructed bite.
What were you doing?
You had almost kissed Donnie.
If that was what just happened.
You had a nacho in hand.
What you had to label as your newest best friend.
Not a replacement, but an embellishment.
Next to you, the man in question said something about guacamole.
He helped you through your semesters.
You still had 10 more after the current one.
Four total years.
That didn’t include masters which you aimed on getting.
On the other side of the states.
As far as possible in the continental US.
That was only the grand scale. 
On a minor one, you’d be back there in only four days time. 
You’d barely seen Donnie.
You’d also arguably spent more time with him in just seven months then you had lifetimes with some of the people you still happily called friends, but 90% of that time had been through an internet connection.
A chip entered your mouth and it tasted so good you wanted to weep.
It certainly wasn’t for any other reason.
Mikey’s cooking was that good.
Eating was happening.
You tried to tune into what Donnie and Mikey were discussing.
Donnie had put his goggles back up on his head.
His eyes looked pretty as he talked to his brother.
They always seemed lazy in expression, but they caught so much.
They also took in nothing if he didn’t care to look.
He’d been looking at you.
Right through that red and blue glass.
The make-up of purple.
Mikey hummed an exhausted note. “Oh man… 5am already? Sun’s gonna be up soon…”
“That late?” Donnie asked absently.
At least your parents had gone to bed and wouldn’t hassle you.
They might because you were absolutely going to get home after they woke up for the day.
That was less than ideal.
You also had lunch plans.
What were you doing?
“I’m hitting the hay!” Mikey announced even though you were sure he’d said other things. “Hug for the road!”
Mikey hugged you and you were sure you hugged back.
“Finish those off or whatever. They don’t keep so toss ‘em! Night, D!”
“Night.” Donnie spoke.
You were alone with Donnie.
You’d been avoiding this hadn’t you?
Both of you had. 
“Still hungry?” Donnie spoke timidly.
“Sure.” You had barely had any.
You worked through building that perfect bite Mikey talked about and then went for some salsa Mikey had whipped up.
Donnie was right there with his own chip and your knuckles brushed.
You both froze and looked at each other.
You saw it all there.
The budding feelings.
The long distance.
The fear.
The longing.
“It’s too soon…?” Donnie broke away to look at the sheet pan. “Don’t you think?”
You did.
You know you did.
You were weepy as you nodded and ate more than necessary just because the taste helped abate the sadness.
Donnie offered to take you home in his own melancholy.
You’d barely experienced college.  
You were so young.
In spite of knowing him so well, it wasn’t enough.
When he pulled over on the empty morning curb outside your apartment, sunlight was peering in on your exchange.
What would you do?
How would you say goodbye?
“Walk me to the door?” You asked.
“Of course.” He put the van into park and turned it off.
You walked side by side in silence up the stoop.
The moment you were both on the same level, you hugged him. Hard into his middle you squeezed him for all he was worth. Not to be outshined, you were similarly scooped. Donnie created a protective outer layer where his face buried down into the top of your head. You both siphoned as much of each other off as you could feeling like it would be the last.
Was that right?
It didn’t feel like it, but for right now it was hard to parse anything.
It was exciting to be close to him.
You hadn’t known when he offered to give you a ride that you’d tackle him right out of your airport gate.
You’d never hugged before that. 
You’d never touched at all as far as you could remember. 
All of this was sudden.
Too soon.
You rooted your face into Donnie’s plastron. “I’ll still see you Friday?”
“You’ll see me tomorrow if available.”
You blinked up wide right out of his chest.
“You’re on break. I want to make the most of it.”
This time you threw your arms around his neck and he hoisted you up into the hug. You laughed into it until he set you back down and your heads bumped together. Sting moving to cradle, you lingered against one another. You felt more then, how you were rushing. You were jumping to conclusions. You were deciding years down the line before being present in your own moment.
Too soon.
“It’s a date.”
You entered your apartment on a cloud nine bubble that even your parents couldn’t pop. It prevailed through your mother’s nagging and you finally catching blissful shut eye. You barely made your lunch appointment with your friend and were disheveled for it. They laughed at you and joked about a rough night. The unsuspecting victim who just happened to ask the wrong question at the right time, you unloaded on them. Not usually the type of friend for long talks, they took it in stride and came out like an MVP.
They gave you advice on how to proceed and shared how they themselves were doing long distance.
It wasn’t for everyone.
You were young.
You needed to prioritize you.
There was also a certain amount of trusting your gut.
All a tricky balance, you came away feeling optimistic and closer to your friend than before.
You also crashed as soon as you got home and had a screaming match with your mom when she returned from work to find you in bed. It was enhanced by you not telling her about your dinner plans, but it all felt like a certain amount of stride. It was par for the course with growing pains of your adulthood and you got yourself gussied up amongst it. Donnie came to get you and you felt whisked away where your dad sent you off in good humor.
You wished he fielded your mom, but you guessed you could only ask so much.
Your date was a romantic one. Dictated by closeness, you counted in touch. There were brushes to the hands that morphed to holds. He’d pressed your back to indicate he wanted to pull your chair out and would eventually pull you to his side when some drunk adults stormed by on the sidewalk. You snuggled close to him during a concession selection and later would rest your head on his shoulder during a movie. Afterwards when you lingered for a walk in twinkling night lights you spoke your feelings into reality and what to do.
You’d wait.
It was too soon.
There was so much more to see.
You didn’t feel sad about anything other than not being able to kiss him when he brought you home.
Those hugs were hard enough to break apart from.
Friday then came and went and this time you felt fully present amongst the Hamato. Sunita and Casey joined for a rowdy bunch and you felt strong enough to take over the entire city. You also were always placed by Donnie’s side whether it be by both your conscious choices or simply your draw to one another which earned some ire. Unlike the last hang out, you were validated and both breezily brushed it off with knowing smiles. That brought more confusion, but any and all were left guessing what your relationship was.
Your family and a huge friend group hangout took Saturday.
Then you packed with Donnie on a video call.
It was just like a week ago, but wholly new.
You wished him a somber goodnight and right before hanging up he asked to drop you off.
You would have to fend off your parents, but you decided you could oblige.
There was little complaint as the next morning your mom asked you point blank who the boy was. You admitted to them the events of the last seven months, mutation and all, which they took in various stages. What your dad heard mostly was your loneliness and how this guy had gone above and beyond to make you feel less so. That was enough for him and in a stern decision, he refused to be moved. It left your mom high and dry outside the marriage unit and she eventually sighed to dreamily say that was why she loved your father.
Comparisons were then made between them and your relationship with Donnie and you shut that down as quickly as you could.
Donnie was then there and in an impromptu parents meeting.
He was surprisingly adept at it and you had a feeling he was aware this would happen. You ended up drilling him on the way to the airport where he admitted he prepared for at least seven possible scenarios regarding him butting in on the airport drop off. He regaled you in them all until you were sick of his preparations and you were at the airport.
He walked you as far as he could.
You hugged.
It should have been scented with desperation, you thought.
Instead, it felt like a promise.
With the same clingy digging, he gave equal pressure to your waist as you gave his head. He clawed your back and you pulled at his mask tails. It caught puffs of laughter from both of you as you drank each other in. You knew his scent now, a specific one you wished to curl up in. You’d remember prolonging time together even when you talked to him on the phone, presumably as soon as you landed. You’d be exhausted and want to shower, but you’d make time. You liked to give it just as he’d do the same.
You parted.
With smiles that were plump with tears unshed, you waved to him and he lingered as long as he could. You thought he even might have continued past that and used his goggles for some x-ray business. In case he did, you metered your steps and kept looking back to send him more grins to log. He probably had a thousand already from the calls or even this week, but you’d give more. You boarded a plane and spring break ended.
Across the country you flew.
Back to school.
Back to work.
Through summer and an internship.
Opportunity and papers.
Talk of job and studies galore.
Late night calls and walls of text.
A flurry of messages.
Cold shoulders.
Fall Semester.
Winter break.
Spring Semester.
Spring break.
Rinse and repeat. 
Donnie became your only airport ride. No matter when you came, everyone knew he was designated. It became common knowledge as much as anything else. As much as your friendship, everyone knew that was to be expected.
You grew.
Four years passed.
You found yourself yet again coming into LaGuardia on the cusp of spring. You had plans for furthering education on this side of the country. California had been nice, but Donnie had mentioned a study once that stuck with you. Eight in ten adults lived within 100 miles of where they grew up. It seemed like such a silly statistic four years ago when you’d made your college choice. You weren’t sure if you necessarily understood now, but there was a certain comfort in knowing you’d be in New York for the foreseeable future.
It helped that you grew up in such an amazing city.
What a town, Donnie would say reverent regardless of whether it was bad or good.
Shouldering your bag, you walked out to baggage claim. While the spot may have changed and the man was still growing like a weed, Donnie would still always appear to you between crowd waves. A sort of fate, he’d part pedestrians like the sea and he looked up from where he was tinkering with something on his gauntlet.
A smile spread on his face and he was in motion.
You had to keep up.
A hop and a skip and you collided in a spin. Twirling out for the sake of it, you both murmured affections until he rooted your face out from his shoulder. There he dipped you first for the sake of flair, but brought you up to properly execute what came next.
Your hands tucked behind his neck.
He locked his arms around your waist.
His gaze poured over you. 
You tugged him lightly as he was taking his time.
He was hovering, no doubt committing all of this to memory.
You didn’t fault him; you had started dating a few weeks ago.
He’d blurted out the question saying he was unable to wait until spring break or even until you graduated with your undergrad. 
You were long past first kiss territory, but this would be the first with the label.
“Not to be confused with the famous Italian sculptor.” He staunchly said the same thing he had since the moment he’d first introduced himself. 
“Please what?” He jeered.
“Kiss me, dum-dum.” You pulled him as hard as he’d allow and he snuck in a laugh before your lips met.
You would always appreciate this time of year for its change.
💜Follow me or my Ao3 for more fanfiction! Behind the scenes deep dive for this fic and others along with in-depth writing discussions, plot bunnies, and more are available for only 1$ over on my patreon~ 💜
My betas are such champs, they follow me for any type of work! All the love to @tmntxthings  (look familiar 😒) and @thepinkpanther83
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Hello could you do yandere bayverse tmnt x reader poly headcanon please, like how they first meet the reader, how they share the reader, do they fight over there reader, how they finally got the reader, does April, casey, and vern help them, does or how the reader escape them ect.
Poly! Yandere! Bayverse! TMNT X Reader General Headcanons
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Authors note: okay so first off, the request was a lot of different topics but I decided to just put them all one one post with different categories. Adding the categories makes it easier to hone in on each question. And second, the song I picked for how they are with reader is actually more based off of Mikey and Raph. I don’t think Donnie or Leo would be that open about it. But I couldn’t really find one that suited them. Sorry. Anyway, I hope you like it! And sorry it took me so long to get to it!
How you met:
With them being who they are.. there’s a couple ways they could have met the reader.
First one is they simply see you during their patrols. They see you walking home and just fall in love with you or..
They could save you. They could be out doing patrols or on a mission and hear you cry for help from being mugged. And when they go to save you.. they fall in love. Or..
April and or Casey introduces you to them. They didn’t know it would end in such a dark way but maybe thought you all would be friends.
And for as how they get you, they end up kidnapping you after a long conversation. I don’t think Donnie or Mikey would like the idea but they end up falling in line with Raph and Leo who do think that it’s the best way.
How they share you:
It won’t be easy. Especially with Raph and Leo.
Mikey is really clingy and wouldn’t mind sharing you but would still be glued to your side while you hang out with others. Unless you asked him to go away. He wouldn’t go if his brothers asked him. It would have to lead to a bit of a spat and them raising their voice. Then he’d pout and give in.
Donnie could share you probably the easiest. Not that he didn’t absolutely love having you around but he’d have times that he’s better on his own, aka, when he’s working. When he’s inventing things or doing experiments he’d prefer you be safe with one of his brothers so you don’t get hurt.
Raph is a mix of both.. there’s times he can be without you but that doesn’t mean he likes it when others are with you. He’s insanely jealous. If he sees others getting to close to you (especially Leo) he will get angry and ask if he’s bothering you. If you say no, he will huff and begrudgingly stomp away. If you say yes, prepare for the them to brawl over you. He’s also insanely protective. Once he’s reminded that they agreed to share you and that no one’s going to hurt you, he can calm down again and allow it. But he still doesn’t like it.
Leo will follow you around much like Mikey will but more in a protective way. While Mikey will follow you around like a homeless puppy looking for cuddles, Leo prefers to follow you around to observe you and others around you. He wants to know you’re always safe and happy and cared for. It’s what he lives for. He’d be hurt if you said you didn’t like it or didn’t want him doing it anymore. He would take that as a rejection of him completely. But he is patient and understanding. So he can share you but he won’t leave you.
Does April or Casey help?:
Honestly.. April might. She would either help the turtles get you or “not want to be involved” but she wouldn’t call the cops or help you. I mean it wouldn’t be smart for one petite girl to go up against 4 giant turtles who know martial arts. She wouldn’t help you.
Casey might help you. He would either acknowledge it is wrong but wouldn’t fight the turtles or he would actively try to get you out of there. But if he picked the ladder.. he wouldn’t win. He would end up being 💀 before the sun rose. The turtles don’t play around when it comes to you.
Could you escape?:
I’m gonna be honest, you’re not leaving. Not when Leo nor Mikey refuses to leave your side. There isn’t an opportunity for you to even escape let alone it actually being successful. So basically once they fall in love with you.. your life is pretty much over.
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rosesofenvy · 1 year
I was very inspired by @sha-biest goldenfuture au so I wrote a drabble for some of her most recent posts that I’m linking below! (they're also linked in the fic)
The arm incident
Check out the goldenfutureau tag if you’re confused!
I'll Be the Sweetest Thing To Ever Scare You (5350 words) by rosesofenvy Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Leonardo (TMNT)/Yuichi Usagi, Donatello/Kendra (TMNT) Characters: Leonardo (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Yuichi Usagi, Kendra (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), April O'Neil (TMNT), Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit, Agent John Bishop (TMNT) Additional Tags: goldenfutureau, shabiest golden future, Post Movie, Violence, Loss of Limbs, bishop is a dick, kidnapped donnie, saving donnie from bishop, both leo and donnie lose an arm, Confessions, Hurt/Comfort, Lots of Hurt, lots of comfort, Nightmares, Injury Recovery, lowkey donnie whump, but kendra makes him laugh so it's all ok
Summary: Leo doesn't regret his choices to safe Donnie from Bishop, it just means a longer recovery for everyone involved.
Enjoy :)
Leo doesn’t regret his decision. 
Donnie had been missing for a week, a week of no contact, a week of frantic searches, and a week of desperate calls to every friend and enemy they had ever encountered. They spared no expense in their efforts to find him, but it was almost a slap in the face to find that Donnie had been so close to them all along - he hadn’t even been taken out of New York. The sudden burst of Donnie’s mystic energy, coordinates and maps tracing to his exact location had been a source of relief and frustration as they mobilized and moved out. 
Leo doesn’t regret moving when he did. 
Raph and Mikey were holding down the lower levels of the base, guaranteeing their escape route since their abilities were dampened by whatever that mad scientist Bishop had cooked up. Leo was in charge of the extraction of their brother since he was by far the fastest and they were relying on the element of surprise here. Someone who’d been able to take down Donnie without their knowledge wasn’t someone they were taking lightly. Whatever Bishop had installed in the building had disabled most of their mystic powers, he can’t even risk using his portals if he didn’t want to lose a limb. 
That doesn’t matter, he didn’t need mystic powers. He would tear this building apart with his bare hands if that meant he’d get his brother back safe. Faceless scientists run screaming past him, those who attempt to stop his progression are swiftly taken care of. Whether or not those rebuffs are nonlethal doesn’t matter, what does matter is that he’s reached the main lab. Kendra had shown him the blueprints, this entire floor was a blackout but he could assume it followed the general path that the previous labs had. As he bounds up the stairwell - and enters the open floor plan, every sense screams to high alert. 
Even though Kendra was controlling every electrical aspect to the lab, this floor only had emergency lights. Even with the low glow of bulbs placed too far apart Leo’s senses are overwhelmed. There’s too much. Wires sparking from where they’d been torn from the wall blood on the floor static from a radio system now defunct thanks to Kendra’s interference blood on the wall his brother's blood everywhere. It reeks of iron and metal and sickness and despite the nausea curling in his gut Leo doesn’t hesitate to sprint forward because there’s his fucking brother. 
Leo doesn’t regret throwing himself directly into the path of danger despite every time he’s been told to stop being such a self sacrificial idiot. 
Donnie is crumpled near some sort of shadowed metal robot. Leo can’t quite make out the details with the intermittent flicker from the emergency lights, but it doesn’t matter as he darts across the length of the lab. He couldn’t see any humans in this room, something that made his scales itch with paranoia as he searched the dark corners of the lab for movement but he can’t afford to waste his attention on the absence of a being when what he came for is right in front of him. As he’s almost to Donnie, the robot his brother is kneeled in front of activates with a flash of red and a creaking of metal. 
Leo regrets not moving faster. 
There’s a blankness in Donnie’s gaze that makes Leo’s heart clench as the softshell staggers to his feet, clearly exhausted and with blood dripping from a number of wounds. Despite standing, he sways and Leo can see that Donnie doesn’t or maybe can’t register the danger directly to his right. Leo can’t tell if Donnie even recognizes him.
“Donnie! Move! ” Leo screams, finally getting in range of his brother, but it’s still not enough. There’s a red light shining over the both of them, a warning burst of heat just as Leo wraps his left arm around Donnie’s shell and uses his momentum to shove them both out of the way. The blaze that wraps around Leo’s shell and scorches his arm clean off is so sudden that he doesn’t register what had happened until Donnie is on the floor beneath him. Pain radiates from the remains of his arm and he gasps through clenched teeth as he takes in Donnie’s uncomprehending stare and the blood slowly seeping from the partially cauterized remains of the softshell's left arm. Leo slams his panic button as he takes in the physical wounds Donnie had suffered over the past week. 
“You gotta keep your eyes open for me, we gotta wait for Raph, no passin' out yet.” Leo pants desperately, trying to follow his own order as he practically collapses over Donnie, "Is anyone still here?” 
Donnie’s eyes flicker open, and Leo follows the path of his gaze up to where he recognizes an observational balcony. Leo didn't see it before in his desperation to grab Donnie, but there’s an outline of a man holding some sort of control panel. Bishop. Leo’s grip on Donnie’s shoulder tightens, but the human makes no move towards and instead sinks into the shadows where Leo couldn’t follow. The building shakes and Leo tries to lift Donnie, but it’s useless with the weakness that has filled his limbs. Pounding footsteps reach his ears and Leo turns to see Raph emerge from the same stairwell he had run up just moments earlier. 
“Leo, Donnie!” Raph’s voice is frantic as he runs into the room. Leo feels his muscles going limp despite his best efforts to remain conscious as their older brother scoops them both up, then punches the machine to destroy the glass embedded in the robot that had nearly killed them both. The floor splinters beneath their feet and Raph wastes no time making their escape. 
Leo regrets not being able to stay conscious during the destruction of the lab. He would’ve liked to revel in the downfall of one of Bishop’s pride and joys. 
Waking up in the med bay was unfortunately a familiar experience for Leo. The steady beep of a heart monitor - although it was doubled for some reason, the scent of antiseptic, and the herculean effort it took to pry open his eyelids. 
The light was nearly blinding as he tilted his head to the side, registering the flow of drugs from the IV drip making his limbs feel heavy and grimacing at the dryness of his mouth. Mikey was sitting in a chair at his bedside, and at his movement the box turtle leaps up and grips the bars to the bed. 
“Leo! Are you awake?” 
Leo can’t do much more than click in response, already wanting to go back to sleep but the stress in Mikey’s expression keeps him conscious. How long had he been out for Mikey to look so concerned? What had even happened this time? What were they all doing before…
“Here, I’ve got some water for ya,” Mikey says quickly, grabbing a cup and urging Leo to drink, “Do you want-” 
“Donnie?!” Leo interrupts, voice rough as the memory of his brother, bloody and bruised, surfaces. He realizes through the sludge of the painkillers that he’d managed to grab Mikey’s hand before he could help him with the water and his grip was trembling as he searched Mikey’s face for answers. “Is he here? Is he ok?” 
“Donnie’s fine,” Mikey reassures, pointing over Leo’s shoulder, “look he’s right there.” At Mikey’s gesture Leo lets his head fall to the other side and can see Donnie laying flat on his plastron still passed out. That nausea swirls again at the sight of all the bandages and wires that seemed to mirror what was hooked up to Leo so he tilts back towards Mikey with a small sigh of relief. 
“Does Yuichi know?” He asks after he takes a few sips of blessedly cool water and can talk without it feeling like his throat is being carved to pieces. 
“Can you worry about yourself for two seconds Leo?” Mikey murmurs miserably as he fidgets with Leo's blankets, “What do you remember? Raph didn’t see what happened and Kendra couldn’t pull cameras since Bishop had everything disabled on that floor.” 
“I had to get Donnie out of the way,” Leo replies with a frown, “If I didn’t then…” It all hits him at once. The scene in the lab, the blood, the pain of a part of him being rendered from existence. He rolls his gaze down to his right arm, feeling an odd choking feeling overtake him as he realizes that his arm ends at the bicep, wrapped tightly in stark white bandages. 
“Bishop had built something, I couldn’t see all of it since the power had been cut to most of the lab, but Donnie had just been left there. When I was trying to get to him, it lit up and I realized…” He trails off, swallowing hard as he recalls the sharp angles and the alien features of the robot, a shape that had often haunted nightmares, “If I didn’t get him out of the way, then he would’ve-” his words are cut off by his own choked sob. He’d been so close to losing his brother. Donnie was so close to being gone because of some stupid fucking scientist. 
“Ok ok I got it,” Mikey quickly says, trying to calm the rising heart rate of his older brother and prevent those pained noises from escalating.  
“You gotta tell Yuichi, Mikey you gotta call him, it’s been a week he’s probably worried sick, ” Leo gasps, tightening his grip on Mikey’s arm. The guilt of unintentionally keeping Yuichi in the dark was eating at every ounce of air in his chest. 
“I will, I’ll get Raph to do it right now ok?” promises replies, holding onto Leo’s hand with both of his until he can feel Leo’s grip loosening and can see his eyelids fluttering. 
“Okay,” Leo mumbles, the burst of energy leaving him as quickly as it had arrived. “Mikey imma sleep now ‘kay?” 
“That’s fine Leo, rest up,” Mikey whispers, patting Leo’s hand as the slider relaxes and almost instantly falls back asleep. Mikey breathes a sigh of relief once he’s sure Leo’s under then sends a text to Raph. 
Yuichi knew that it wasn’t necessarily uncommon for Leo to go radio silent on missions, it came with the territory of keeping the world safe. However, it’d been a week at this point and with the abruptness of Leo’s departure, he was anxiously pacing the length of his room and overthinking everything that could’ve gone wrong. It had become his habit within the week, spending his downtime in this way but the routine is interrupted when his phone begins buzzing. 
He leaps at where it had been set on his bedside table, dropping it on the floor once before he manages to hold onto it, seeing Leo’s caller ID and nearly crying with relief. 
“Leo! It’s been a week, are you ok? What happened to Donnie?” He rattles off once he answers, clutching his phone up to his ear and holding his breath for the response. 
There’s a beat of silence before Raph replies. 
“Hey Usagi, I don’t want you freaking out ok?” Raph greets gently, “I’m gonna tell you what happened and then Mikey’s gonna bring you over here.” 
“What went wrong? Is Leo hurt?” Usagi questions anxiously, feeling his phone beginning to creak with how tightly he was holding it. All of the worst case scenarios he’d been considering claw their way to the forefront of his mind. 
“Leo and Donnie were both seriously injured in the escape from the lab that Donnie was being held in, but they’re both alive and recovering,” Raph reports, “Leo’s been in and out of consciousness for the past day and he just woke up for longer than just a few minutes. He’s been asking for you. Are you ok to come over?” 
“Yes yes of course,” Usagi replies quickly, darting around to grab his katana and tug on his shoes, “Get me over there.” 
A golden portal opens in front of him as he’s pocketing his phone and Usagi doesn’t hesitate to step through. Once the spots clear from his vision he sees that Mikey had pulled him into the atrium of their lair, both Mikey and Raph waiting for him. He can see the exhaustion in their expressions and it makes the anxiety that had been simmering begin to boil over. 
“Where is he?” Usagi demands, dropping his katana onto the nearest empty surface and flicking his ears to see if he can catch any sound of the slider. He can hear the slightly raised heartbeats of the brothers in front of him before he catches the steady electrical beeps further into the lair.
“I’ll take you to him,” Mikey says, raising his hands in a placating gesture, “He’s still kind of out of it from the painkillers, but he’s been asking about you since he woke up.” 
Usagi knows that’s supposed to reassure him but it just makes his heart beat harder as he follows Mikey to the medical bay. He’s seen Leo hurt before, but it was very rare that he or any of the brothers had to be completely hospitalized. Their healing factors often kicked in before it was needed, so the thought of both of them being injured badly enough to need serious painkillers was nerve wracking. Since Donnie was on the far side of the room, Usagi’s gaze catches on the softshell before he fully enters and turns to see Leo. 
He’s not sure what to look at first, eyes flickering from the bruises under Leo’s eyes to the bandages wrapping around his upper chest and his right arm - his right arm that was gone from the elbow down. He can’t help his gasp, moving quickly to Leo’s bedside. Leo opens his eyes at the vocalization, gaze taking a moment to focus before he smiles gently. 
“Yuichi,” He says, voice soft but clearly rough from disuse as Usagi scans the lines of IV’s and wires before leaning over and cradling Leo’s head. He wraps his arms as gently as he could, tucking Leo’s head against his own as he whispers his name. He waits until he can hear the steadiness of Leo’s heartbeat before he takes a shuddered breath and shifts to hide his face against Leo.  
“‘Chi?” Leo inquires, drawing back a bit as he can feel the heat of Yuichi’s tears against the side of his neck. 
Yuichi moves back just enough to meet Leo’s eyes as he bites back the angry choking thing that wants to scream about unfairness and instead presses his cheek against Leo’s, seeing the tears budding in the slider’s eyes. 
“Don’t you dare do this again,” He whispers fiercely, “Next time you leave, I’m coming with you.” He can feel Leo’s tears mingling with his own, and it takes only a tilt of his head to connect the two of them in a kiss. Usagi would normally worry about the fact that Leo’s brothers were likely still nearby, and would be concerned if Leo was in any pain with the proximity, but all he can think about is how he nearly lost the slider and he would’ve only known when his brothers had been able to contact him. He curls the fingers he has cradling the back of Leo’s neck, feeling the slider sigh into his mouth before he pulls back and searches out Yuichi’s hand with his remaining one. Once their fingers are intertwined, Leo visibly relaxes. 
“I won’t Yuichi, promise.” 
“Damn straight,” Yuichi says firmly, “And if you think I’m leaving anytime in the near future you’d be sorely mistaken.” 
“Well the angle you’re standing at doesn’t look comfortable,” Leo offers quietly, “Care to join me?” 
Yuichi frowns at the number of wires that Leo was connected to before carefully arranging himself on the bed beside Leo. He can feel the tension fade as he carefully tangles their legs and props his head against the side of Leo’s. The slider melts into his side, sighing in comfort and it brings Usagi back to many of their sleepovers. If there wasn’t the scent of antiseptic and the sounds of heart rate monitors, he’d be able to pretend that it was just another night after coming back from a mission. The sleepless nights spent worrying over Leo’s condition catch up to him, and he allows himself to rest with Leo tucked into his arms. 
Kendra had seen a lot in her time. Being a teenage hacker often meant seeing things that she really wasn’t supposed to. Sometimes it was what the neighbors Tuesday afternoon drunken parties entailed, sometimes it was the ledgers of foreign governments and lists of experiments that were far from ethical. 
Helping two of the Hamato’s through their amputations? That was new. She can’t help but thank her instinct to pursue medicine (sure it was veterinary medicine but it had helped them out here hadn’t it?) as she clears away the materials she’d used for stitches.
She wasn’t sure what to think when she was first contacted about Donatello being missing. It seemed that the Hamato’s had just been going through each of Donnie’s contacts to see if they’d heard anything. She wasn’t sure if she was surprised that she was one of the first on his list since she was contacted mere hours after his disappearance, but she was not ashamed to admit that she threw herself back into her computer hacking days to provide her services. 
It was odd, returning to watching cameras and scanning security footage for any signs of the freakishly large turtle instead of attending to her much more morally correct job of a veterinarian. When Donnie’s systems finally pinged his location and the brothers had ran in yelling about his mystic energy, she remained as the “woman in the chair” despite every instinct to strap on one of Donnie’s battleshells and join the fight herself. 
She watched through security cameras while she remotely detonated the lab’s systems - reveling in the panic on the scientists faces as they realized that rooms were locked and sirens were growing louder thanks to her call to every station in the area regarding illegal experimentation and unauthorized lab usage. They wouldn’t be able to access the building until she opened the doors, but it was good to rile them up. The building would be going down regardless thanks to April and Casey’s actions to rig the foundations with Purple Dragon grade explosives. She had already evacuated nearby blocks, the only danger was to those that had chosen to imprison and experiment on Donnie and whatever other poor mutants Bishop had gotten his slimy hands on. Unfortunately the only area she wasn’t able to see, much to her and everyone else’s frustration, was the lab that Donnie was being kept in. 
This means that the only thing she sees when the battle ends is Leo and Donnie being carried out by Raph before she loses access to her systems as the cameras explode into a golden light. Whatever Raph had done to that lab had disabled what was hindering their powers then if Mikey was able to begin the detonation process. She hurries to the med bay, keeping her panic tucked away as the blood that had been trailing the trio flickers through her mind. There’s another flash of golden light just as she’s set up the beds and the brothers appear through Mikey’s portal. 
She still doesn’t allow herself to panic as she helps with the surgery, an odd mix of modern medicine and magic keeping the two brothers alive and stable until she steps back and deems it all they can do for the moment. Through numb lips she explains the aftercare and the Hamato’s set up schedules and watches. She should be surprised that she’s included in these, but she also knows that the only way she’s leaving Donnie’s side is if she’s dragged out. Well, after she scrubs their blood from her clothes anyway. She borrows some of Donnie’s while hers are being treated, drawing comfort in the too large hoodie as she sets up post beside Donnie’s bed. 
Leo wakes up first, unsurprising since he hadn’t been locked away for a week in a psychopath's care. Their healing factor has clearly kicked in as within a day Leo is taken off the heavy painkillers and requests to move back to his room. Kendra tries not to be impatient as she routinely checks on the stitches, monitoring for infection between her shifts with Donnie. The brothers regularly switched off with Kendra - barring Leo since he was bed bound - but Kendra insisted on spending as much time as possible with Donnie. He should be waking up soon after all and if she didn’t get to tell that stupid idiot her true feelings she’s going to lose it. 
It’s late on day two when she hears movement, glancing over to see Donnie’s eyes open wide and staring at her uncomprehending. She freezes, staring back and not even daring to blink as she waits for understanding to wash over Donatello’s expression. 
It doesn’t. 
Instead he snarls, lips drawing back to expose sharp teeth and she scrambles to press the call button (more of a localized panic button for the med bay) before Donatello tries to sit up, becoming off balance and falling to his side as he tries to balance with an arm he doesn’t have. “You’ll hurt yourself,” Kendra barks, hands going to help him sit up when he snaps at her arms, then hissing a warning when she doesn’t immediately draw back. She is so not qualified to deal with a hostile mutant turtle who had probably been through an excess of uncertified medical procedures over the past week if his injuries were anything to go by. Thankfully she doesn’t have to worry about her hand being bitten off as Raph and Mikey come running in. 
She backs off, only so that Donnie doesn’t feel overwhelmed and becomes more violent, but remains in eyesight in case he tries to rip out the IV’s. Mikey does disconnect the heart monitor since its high-pitched scream was doing none of them any favors and she could see how quickly Donnie relaxed at the quiet. It still clearly takes a moment for him to recognize where he was and who was around him with his brothers reassurances the only reason he’s willing to settle back onto the bed with a low whine. Kendra steps in, quickly checking fluids and changing out the painkillers since they were low. She can see the concern on both Mikey and Raph’s expressions, but completes everything clinically before returning to her spot at his bedside. 
“You can leave now, I can handle it,” She says only a bit harshly. It was true, she’s sure she can handle whatever reaction Donnie may have now that he’s aware of where he is. She knew the dangers of an unfamiliar face attempting to administer care, but now Donnie could see her and understood why he was hooked up to the various equipment. She had no concerns about her safety. 
“If you’re sure…” Raph says hesitantly, “You know how to get a hold of us.” 
“Yep, now go back to bed, you two are dead on your feet,” Kendra says, trying to be cold but it’s difficult when all she can do is trace the bandages wrapping Donatello’s shell. She hears the brothers leave and heaves a sigh of relief. From the glaze over Donnie’s eyes, she can tell the painkillers have a hold on him but she can't help but slowly reach out to grasp his left hand. 
“I know you’re probably loopy because those are high grade as shit,” She starts quietly, “But if I don’t get this off my chest before you fall asleep again I think I’ll actually lose my mind.” 
Donnie blinks slowly at her. 
“You’re an idiot,” She whispers harshly, “You scared the hell out of us you know? You scared the hell out of me.” She squeezes his hand, feeling him squeeze back before she can force herself to continue. “You know I didn’t even realize it until your brothers called me, but I care about you. I care about you, the guy who humiliated me every chance he could get, the dumb turtle who put a stop to a whole ass alien invasion, and the absolute dickhead who got kidnapped and hurt by an actually crazy scientist and leaving me behind.” 
She doesn’t know when she started crying. 
“You’re really making me say it, Donatello Hamato, but I like you, and if anything - I mean anything - happens to you again? I’m going to kill whoever did it with my bare hands.” 
She’s not sure if Donnie understands, but she can see the corner of his lips quirk slightly before his eyes slip shut and he stills. His breaths become deep with sleep but his hand still remains firmly grasped in Kendra’s. She doesn’t let go until Mikey comes in to take over. 
A week goes by in silence. Not from all of the Hamato’s, Kendra doesn’t think it’d be possible for them to be quiet for more than ten seconds. No. Donatello has not said a single word, or even made a noise of discomfort since he’d first woken up. He rarely even signs, much to the disappointment and worry of his brothers. He doesn’t ask for food or water, although they’re brought to him anyway, and he remains in his room nestled under his blankets and only moves when absolutely necessary. Despondent is the word that immediately springs to Kendra’s mind and she hates it. 
They retain their rotating shifts, although Kendra takes as many of them as she can. The last thing Donnie needs is an interrogation from his family, since it’s clear that he’s still gathering his thoughts over what had happened to him and shows discomfort any time his brothers try to remain alone with him. She justifies her veterinary knowledge, but she can also see Mikey whispering to Raph whenever the older brother looks like he’s going to protest. Thank whatever pizza thing they worship for the younger brother’s empathy. Kendra sets up a cot that Donnie had in his lab and sleeps across the room when she can. 
This is how she knows Donnie’s having a nightmare almost exactly a week after he’d moved back into his room. 
He didn’t sleep very often, fiddling at all hours with some form of tech since he had to avoid screens with his head injury or pretending to sleep as he laid on top of the mattress. Kendra’s relief at his breaths finally evening out is short lived as a few hours after he slipped under she hears him begin to thrash, then cries out in pain as he aggravates the wounds on his shell. She’s out of the cot and onto his bed in seconds, cupping her hands gently onto his face and tapping gently at his cheeks. His eyes snap open and for a moment she wonders if she’s going to lose a finger or two before clarity comes to his vision. For the first time in a week she feels like he recognizes her. 
She finds herself wrapped in an embrace, a surprising development but not one she’s going to take lightly as she feels Donnie trembling against her. She squeezes, not enough to hurt but enough to ground as Donnie’s forehead falls heavy to her shoulder. The two of them sit there, Kendra gently rubbing Donnie’s shell until she feels his breath hitch. 
“He…made a control panel…like the technodrome…” His voice is raspy from disuse and Kendra almost wants to stop him so he could get a drink or something, but she also understands that this is important both for Donatello to say and for her to hear. Regardless of how sick the thought of hearing what caused these wounds makes her feel. 
“Or…tried to…’t was…nothing like her…” 
Kendra recalls the ship that had hovered over New York. She thinks of its size and the terror it struck into its citizens. She couldn’t imagine anyone willingly recreating that, this Bishop Bastard was even worse than she thought. Mikey had told them a bit about how the ship had been controlled - access directly to the nervous system as far as they could tell. One sleepless night Donnie had even described what it had felt like to control the ship, Kendra never forgot the almost melancholic expression on his face as he recalled connecting to it. 
“There was no synergy…just pain…it tried to control…it tried to take…take… take ….” The anguish in Donnie’s voice has Kendra holding him all the tighter, burying her face in his shoulder in the only way she could try to comfort. The words are spilling out of him now, faster and every word sounds worse as he explains in fractured segments what Bishop had done. 
“...I felt violated …it tried to control me even though it was supposed to be controlled. Bishop was furious…he didn’t understand why it wasn’t working…” Donnie let out a broken laugh, “took it out on me…but it was nothing compared to it…nausea got worse…every time I was hooked up to it…”
She can feel him shudder at the memory and she squeezes him the best she can, hoping that the weight of her against him was helping to keep him grounded as he continued talking. 
“He kept upgrading it…and connecting me to it…” He pauses, exhaling hard and coughing a bit as he does so, “It noticed too late when I took control...That’s how I got the signal out. You already know the rest…”
Kendra can feel that he’s done, the way he slumps against her and the ragged breathing as he attempts to reign in his thoughts. She’s never been great at comforting people in the conventional sense, but she has a feeling she can share what she was feeling about the whole situation. 
“What an absolute shithead.” 
She feels him jolt in surprise before he snorts, finally finally returning her hold and tugging her closer to him as he laughs. It’s the best sound  she’s ever heard. 
“Yeah, he really was an absolute dick! A real piece of work, shit from the sewers!” Donnie manages to choke out between chuckles and Kendra can’t help but lean into his laughter. 
“So just to make sure I wasn’t just high on painkillers…you did say you liked me right?” Donnie murmurs after they’d both calmed down enough to lay comfortably on the bed. Donnie doesn’t let Kendra go, drawing comfort in her warmth as she messes absently with his hand. She pressed her palm against his own, twining and untwining their fingers until he spoke - then she abruptly dropped his hand. 
Kendra groans, rolling over to hide her face against the mattress despite their tangled legs keeping her mostly facing Donnie, “Yes, yes unfortunately I did.” 
“What was that? Could you repeat it?” Donnie asks cheekily, laughing again when Kendra lifts her face from the mattress to scowl at him. 
“Yes! I did! Got a problem with it ?” 
Donnie’s face is priceless, shifting from teasing to blushing in a way that makes Kendra smirk victoriously as she gently rubs his arm. 
“I…suppose…I like you too,” Donnie manages to stutter out. 
“You tell anyone I got mushy like that and I’ll strangle you,” Kendra mutters. 
Donnie barks out a laugh, “Wouldn’t dream of it Kendra.” 
Kendra knows deep down that this isn’t over. Bishop was still out there, a destroyed lab surely wouldn’t keep him down for long. For the moment however, she’s going to enjoy Donnie’s warm embrace and do what she can to help him feel safe even if that means tearing down the bastard herself.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
May I please kindly request the reactions of RISE! and 2012 Raphs’ reactions to frustrated/anxious ticks (ie. Scratching/picking at neck and pulling hair)? :)
I need comfort
A/N, not important: My requests were closed when I received this(not to try and bash you at all, I genuinely adore you sending in asks. You're a very sweet person, and I'm trying to get your first ask out soon), but I also REALLY needed this. So thank you. I've been not doing well, and this let me take a minute to catch my breath. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: bad writing, my writing, semi-destructive behaviors, 2012 Raph not knowing what to do, picking at skin/scab, hair pulling(destructive), and general no goody emotions. Comfort-ish
Words: 700
Summary: TMNT 2012 and ROTTMNT Raph w/ S/O who got really upset and started doing some self destructive behaviors.
2012 TMNT Raph:
It makes him really worried about you when he finds you doing this.
He understands that you’re doing it because you're stressed, or frustrated, or anxious, or maybe even all three. The problem however, lies in his own inability to understand how to help you.
When Raph gets upset, he lashes out at others. You lash out on yourself, and Raph isn’t always sure how to handle it.
He initially freaks out a bit, and tries to redirect your emotions on something else. He might drag you to the dojo to go train, or hold the dummy steady so you can punch it if you wish.
If this isn’t really your style, he tries to redirect to something else.
His main concern is to get rid of the negative emotions flowing through you at the moment and have you take them out on something that isn’t yourself.
If he knows prehand you are okay with physical touch/prefer it, Raph will pull you close and softly hum, holding your hands by your side as he tries to calm you down.
Raph gets everyone to leave you alone as well, shooing his brothers away if you’re having a bad time in the living room area.
Will try his best to bring you to his room, as it’s a safer place and he won’t face possible humiliation by his brothers later(Not that he minds. He’d face all the teasing in the world if it meant he could help you. He’d just rather not if he could).
Raph likes to try and hold your hand when you get particularly frustrated or anxious, trying to prevent the behaviors before they start.
If nothing works and he isn’t able to get you to really stop, he’ll try and convince you to let him wrap your hands and fingers to dull your nails so you can’t do as much damage.
Isn’t the best with words, so most things he does are through actions. He doesn’t want to accidentally say something that will make it worse.
Really worried about you. He’s scared you might pierce your skin from the scratching or pull out too much hair.
Tries to distract you the best he can, putting on movies and holding you tight so it’s harder to move.
He doesn’t want to make it worse, but he can’t stand seeing you do this to yourself.
Raph will try and talk it out with you if a distraction isn’t working, trying to find the root of what was wrong and making you so upset.
If it’s too much for Raph to handle on his own, he’ll go to Mikey for advice once you’ve calmed down a bit so he can figure out how to help you properly.
Refuses at first when Mikey offers to have you talk to ‘Dr. Feelings’, saying he doesn’t think it was what you needed. Dr. Feelings and Dr. Delicate touch were too close together in Raph’s mind to try and make you talk while you were already so upset.
If it’s an easy fix, he’ll help/talk you through it quickly while keeping an eye on you, his protective instincts kicking in and making him not want you to leave his sight lest you start again as soon as his back is turned.
Tries to provide comfort to the places you're picking/pulling at, like running his fingers through your hair or rubbing your neck and arms to try and make them feel better.
If you end up breaking the skin, he insists on wrapping the area in bandages immediately, not wanting you to dig any more into the raw flesh.
If you’re unable to talk to him or tell him what’s wrong, he’ll just whisper silent words of encouragement to you while holding your hands, rubbing your knuckles softly to hopefully keep you from spiraling.
Is very soft with you while it happens, not wanting to accidentally hurt you or say something that upsets you.
Will pick you up and bring you somewhere quiet(usually his room) so his brothers don’t bother you. Will just sit with you until you’re able to calm down and destress a bit.
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Baby Talk
WARNING: Infantilization, slight cursing, implied sexual acts, it get really fucking weird the longer you read.
Ship: TMNT Boys (Bayverse) x Reader
Pronouns: They/Them
Summary: This is if you talked to the boys in a baby voice. (I had the idea after bullying my brother's boyfriend with the baby voice and watching him get pissed, but then my brother did the same shit and he calmed down, I thought it was funny.)
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Doesn't like it. He feels like your talking to him like he's some cute puppy instead of your boyfriend, he's your man not your child. It irks him, but he doesn't get mad or anything, just a little pissy. He'll laugh and give you an irritated smile, he does his best to tolerate it because it's you but it still rubs him the wrong way. He doesn't want to tell you to stop because he likes that you find him attractive enough to be defined as "cute", it's just that "cute" wasn't what he was going for. He was going for more of a strong protector type of vibe, not a kitten you found in the alley which is how he feels.
If you do it for long enough, he'll just fucking snap and show how adult he can be. He loves you, but he can only deal with so much shit, he gonna shut that shit down. I hope you enjoy you "punishment" because for as long as you did that to him, he's gonna make you suffer for the same amount of time. ;)
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For him, it depends on if you're in public or not. Because the baby talk is embarrassing and he knows that if his brother caught you doing that shit to him they would for sure tease him about it. If it's just the two of you alone and you do it, he likes it. Not specifically the baby talk itself but he likes the praise and affection that come with it. Sure you're calling him a "cutie-patootie" in a high pitched voice, but you're also cupping his face and showering him with face kisses and telling him how good he is for you and that you love him. This man is fine with you treating him like a dog if it's in private. Yes he is metaphorically on a leash, but you are literally giving him head scratches and calling him a "Good Boy" and honestly that's the life, isn't it? He doesn't really like being told what to do by Leo as leader because he so controlling, but when someone as hot as you does it, how could he not listen? When he listens to you there is a reward, and that reward come in many different forms of affection from cuddling to fucking.  
It's funny when he acts like he doesn't like it because one second he'll be like "Stop it, it's dumb." And when you stop he'll act like a puppy and beg by resting his chin on you and giving you a look. All he really wants is you to touch him, scratch his shell or kiss his face, he loves that the best.
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He doesn't particularly like it, but he doesn't hate it either, he sees it more like an opportunity. He thinks it's silly and just ignores you as you just casually pet him and call him cute, but he wants to see for how long and how weird it can get. You're calling him a cutie and giving him head pats now, but how long does it take for you to just start rubbing your face against his and calling him names that aren't even words like "Snuggle-buggles". When it gets that weird, he'll start getting weird too.
He's a scientist, naturally he wants to know more about things that he doesn't understand, that thing being you. Sure he knows about general information about humans from book and the internet, but he wants to know you. The way you smell, the way the softest parts of you feel against his scaly hands, every detail of your iris up close. He wants to hold you close and not let go until he feel satisfied with feeling up every inch of you from playing with your hair to inspecting whats between your thighs, he wants it all.
He wants to know how weird you’re willing to get to get back the affection you have been giving. He doesn't do this on a regular basis because he doesn't want to scare you, he wants you to think of him as normal, he wants you to forget that he's not human by acting more “normal”, but the thing is is that he's not, he probably the weirdest out of all of the turtles.
When he gets this chance to just be weird with you, he gets you to sit on his lap or on a high up surface like a table and rests his head on the nook of your neck. You could be petting his shell or kissing his head, and not to say that he doesn't enjoy it, but he's not really paying attention to your actions. He's breathing in your scent, his hands are under your shirt just roaming and feeling up your sides and the small of your back. At some point he might bite you or something as he squeezes you thighs. It's just two weirdos doing some weird-ass cuddling and when you guys are done he'll act like nothing happen and that it's totally normal. If you ask about it or ask if it was weird or not, he'll remind you that you started it in the first place.
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This man fucking loves it, eats that shit up all the fucking time. He'll even ask for it! He'll ask you to do things for him and his excuse is that "but I'm Baby". He is just laying down using you as a pillow as you pet him and tell him he's cute. You are basically making his dreams come true because noting is better than someone hot papering him. With every word of praise that slips from your lips he snuggles closer to you. He jokes that if he is ever crying that you should treat him like a baby and put your tiddies in his mouth, (don't matter what your gender is everyone has nips, if you have nips you got tiddies).
Just don't start calling him pet names that don't exist because he'll do it back and it will become war. You calling him a Snuggle-butt Beefcake? He's calling you a, Angel-loving Sweet Lemon. Just don't do it, it's only going to get weirder and weirder until at some point your calling him "Surfer's Wet Dream" and he's calling you "Pan Fried Rice".
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britt-kageryuu · 1 month
The thought hit me the other day while watching a videogame top 10 list.
TMNT in the Fallout universe!
While a majority of my ideas more apply with Rise, there are still many that fit with other versions.
Now since there isn't a version of Fallout in New York yet, it leaves alot of room for interpretation. Like creating Vaults, what some places have turned into, how Mutants from TMNT might have been effected from the nuclear blasts, like near immortality? Maybe?
But I can also see Donatello stealing multiple different types of tech from basically everyone he thinks doesn't deserve it, lots of Power Armour and vehicles. The Brotherhood of Steel both want him on their side, but hate him because he doesn't think they deserve their tech either.
Raphael would have to be kept away from raiders, and various fighting rings, it's self explanatory. But this also depends on the version, some may just want to make a sanctuary for their families, and maybe any non hostile critters that won't cause trouble.
Leonardo depending on the version might just help with training the members of settlements that the Turtles watch over, and patrolling for anyone who might cause trouble.
If you follow the Medic Leo headcanaon they might make more advanced medicine, and ways to clear radiation, and drugs from peoples systems.
Michelangelo is a bit harder, maybe he acts as a cook for some settlements, maybe he watches over the kids at times. Or maybe he figures out how to fix a bunch of arcade machines, or game systems because he craves entertainment.
April and Casey depending on how you want to take it, maybe tmnt style mutants, maybe ghouls, maybe they watch over all of the couple descendants. But either way they watch over and help out, whatever you call the New York apocalypse, like as mechanics, protectors, if she would still want to April could still be a reporter, but face a weird mix of people listening who like or hate her.
Splinter would probably act as a leader, and teacher. Who might be a little close to smaking any of the other 'Leaders' who won't stop trying to spread misinformation about his clan, with the sharp edge of Leo's Katana.
Now as for the Foot, they would probably to preoccupied fighting off raiders, ghouls, super mutants, and the general hostile environment, to worry about the remains of the Hamato Clan.
The Kraang/Krang (depending on the version) probably gave up on Earth, and are bothering some other race in the universe. Maybe.
The Purple Dragons would probably be a fairly large raider gang, but moved far away from the Turtles territory if only to get out of range, and mess with some other people, like 2-3 states away.
Baxter Stockman all depends on the version, but I can see him also trying to get far away from the Turtles, probably on his way to being like the brains from the Big MT, or one of those other robots with a brain in them. Maybe like Mr. House?
With the Rise verse the whole Yokai thing could add an interesting layer to everything, but really I can see Big Mama still just running her Battle Nexus just toss in some Raiders, Super Mutants, Deathclaws, Feral Ghouls and general Fallout insanity.
As for the TMNT Mutants, well I don't quite know, maybe some side with the turtles, maybe they moved elsewhere. I don't know some of them well enough to guess.
Well since I'm not as familiar with Fallout, I don't know how much more to take this, but I welcome other to add, and make their own interpretations of TMNT in the Fallout universe.
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if you have the time, could you do hc on the Rise turtles and how they like to cuddle you? And I haven’t seen you do draxum yet and if you don’t that’s completely fine but if your willing can you add him? :) Just some pure fluff for the soul<3 also how was your day?
[A/n:you and one other person has asked for draxum. Thank you for requesting]
Summary:how they like to cuddle
Type:hcs:turtles + draxum x gn reader
He would be the little spoon, even if your smaller
It makes them feel safe, especially after the krang event
Feeling small in your arms is his comfort
But sometimes they'd want to be the big spoon, but only sometimes
He would hold your arms close to the top of his plastron and one of your hands pressed against his lips
Mainly so when they wake up or before they go to bed they can kiss your hand, or just randomly kiss it
He also loves having his shell against you, mainly because they get colder at night than their siblings
So you staying nice and close to him keeps him warm
Just like Mikey he likes you close
He doesn't care if your little or big spoon as long as your close he's fine
He feels extremely safe when close to you, so just like with cuddling he'll random be pressed against you, like out side of cuddling
Even just sitting together his leg will be against yours
He also loves hearing you breathing, not in a weird way, in a comfort thing
Since he would sleep in a different room as everyone it's silent, so hearing you let's him know he's not alone
He doesn't really know how to cuddle but he knows how to stay close and hold your arms
Like your arms will probably be in his hands. Like he will hold your forarms, bring your arms close to him
He isn't big on cuddling
But when he does, he would want to be big spoon
Like just being able to hold you close to him, makes him happy
So if he does cuddle you, he's gonna hold you close to him, and have his arms wrapped around you
But most of the time he's probably gonna be sleeping with his back turned to you
Not because he's mad, he just feels awkward about facing someone when he sleeps
And on race occasions, he'll little spoon, and have his back pressed against your chest
He surprisingly loves being little spoon
Like Leo he doesn't care who's big or little spoon
He just wants to be with you, doesn't matter if your close or not
It gives him comfort just knows your there
But he will hold your hand, or bicep depending on how much bigger you are to him
Like if he's tiny compared to you he's gonna gently hold your bicep, but if your smaller than him than he's gonna hold your hand or if your in the middle
He likes to cuddle, so he likes to hold you or have you hold him
Either way doesn't matter, he just likes how warm you are and cuddling in general not just for warmth
But either way, hes gonna hold your hand or bicep there's no changing that
She hates cuddling and physical affection for that matter
Like if you get lucky you can be big spoon but other than that no
He hates cuddling, so if you try he'll push you away
They don't have the best memories when it comes to physical touch
But after the kranng event cuddling will be more common
Only because she's scared, and starts having nightmares like alot of nightmares
So now he'll be cuddled into your chest gripping your shirt just scared, so all you have to do is hold him close
Donnie isn't big on cuddling but when they do its different, mainly Because most times will be them scared or it's awkward
[A/n:I hope you enjoyed and btw guys if you haven't see I am falling out of tmnt, so this might be the last one for awhile sorry guys]
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sleepis4theweak · 10 months
What’s your favorite TMNT show? (and why) :D
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Very good question...
I guess I would say tmnt 2012? However only because it gave me the most to think about. I think we've all heard people talk about the bad things with relationships in the show (both brotherly/platonic and with the romances), but I actually find them really interesting. There are some things about it that I just flat out don't like (like how April and Donnie's relationship was portrayed or some other select moments throughout the show), but I like my characters a bit messy, ya know?
For example, a lot of people say Mikey 2012 is abused by his brothers, and a lot of people say that is just how siblings act. But I think that is just how siblings in their situation would be expected to act. Being isolated from the entire world, being put in the situations they are put in and just kinda Splinter in general (who I could go on for days and days about) shaped their relationships with one another in some not so healthy ways. But at the end of the day they are still kids. (Brings up some important philosophical questions, but I won't bore you with that haha)
Tmnt 2012 is messy, with characters that make a lot of wrong decisions. They misunderstand each other constantly, and also fight constantly, but at the end of the day they still love each other! They are still brothers. Maybe it's just the little writer/artist/psychology-lover in me that finds the dynamics interesting, but still.
Tmnt 2018 is a close second though (which I feel like people would expect to be my fav, given the whole mass producing content about them thing hehe). I think it would have grabbed my attention more had there been more of the series (rip), but although we definitely got to learn a lot about the characters, a lot of their development also got cut short. The Rise fandom has more than made up for it, which is the reason why I like posting and reading about them so much, but the show itself is still my second favorite.
In Rise we definitely got hints to characters and their 'messiness' so to speak, but we didn't see those insecurities and traits mature like I wish we had been able to. At least, not until we were slapped in the face with them in the movie lol.
I love Rise to bits, but Tmnt 2012 just baaaarely beats it hehe
(and as for Tmnt 2003, so far I think it has the most accurate or at least funniest sibling dynamics but also I'm like... 4 episodes in so I'm reserving judgement.)
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datusaguy · 10 months
All TMNT Shredder’s Revenge Color References - Miyamoto Usagi
Other Color Reference posts are linked at the bottom of this post.
Been playing Shredder’s Revenge recently due to the new dlc and since I haven’t seen much discussion in terms of references the new dlc, I decided to look into a lot of it myself. Feel free to give me any additional info/corrections you might know and I hope you enjoy checking this out.
Now is finally Miyamoto Usagi who I feel the least confident in whether I even made the correct guesses for these references. I haven’t read any of his comics before, only watched a bit of the Netflix show a while ago (which is set in what might as well be an entirely differently reality as the original) alongside the 1987 and 2003 crossover episodes. So I’m not even sure if half of these are references since a lot of the outfits just seem like a random robe color 10 nameless swordsmen have already worn.
So, if any Usagi Yojimbo fans see this, I would appreciate any help with references. Anyways, I tried my best to find out the references myself by skimming through the Usagi Yojimbo wiki by clicking through every character page with an associated picture, alongside skimming through a lot of the TMNT wiki.
# 1 - Default (1987 TMNT show) - I don’t know how much this is based on the 87 design vs his own comics, but it seems close enough to be the 87 design
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# 2 - 1989 Playmates Toys Action Figure
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# 3 - TMNT 2012? - Usagi’s color scheme and design in general doesn’t seem to change a whole ton between iterations, although 2012 specifically doesn’t seem to have black pants so I’m using that as the example. It doesn’t seem to unrealistic to say that this is his design from another TMNT incarnation.
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# 4 - Chizu? - This outfit is for the Netflix series version of Chizu, although that isn’t the same person as the one from the comics. Chizu does seem quite significant to multiple Usagi stories though, as a morally conflicted antagonist/potential love interest for Usagi. Plus, she has appeared in multiple versions outside the comics such as the aforementioned Netflix series and a bit in the 2003 show.
Alternatively, maybe it’s a reference to Nakamura Koji, an amazing warrior Usagi’s met on his journeys. Given Chizu seems more relevant to Usagi’s stories however, I chose to focus on her, although Nakamura does seem to connect more closely visually and the amount listed on his wiki page implies he is also quite notable.
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# 5 - 2003 TMNT Murakami Gennosuke? - Alternatively known simply as Gen, he seems to be one of the most recurring characters in Usagi Yojimbo who is a friend of Usagi. While normally he seems to don other clothing colors like purple, the 2003 version of Gen wore this outfit which looks the closest to this Usagi outfit out of anything I’ve seen. It also makes sense that he would get a reference out of any characters since he seems to be quite close to Usagi and is one of the most common characters in the comic. There also isn’t any purple outfits for Usagi, plus this is a TMNT game, so this white outfit Gen wore multiple times in a TMNT property seems likely to be the reference in the TMNT game.
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# 6 - Kitsune? - Kitsune is a recurring friend of Usagi who according to the wiki, seems to be a Robin Hood type of ‘stealing from those who deserve it.’ She seems to wear a more so teal color for her clothes that’s the same for her whole outfit rather than this mix of green and green-tan, but I think there’s a chance it could be her.
Alternatively, maybe it’s Tokage, a small, green, dinosaur-like species that’s common enough to have appeared in multiple crossovers with Usagi. Both him and his Netflix descendent also get Tokage’s named Spot.
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# 7 - Yamamoto Yukichi? - He’s a fellow wanderer like Usagi who seems to be currently sharing adventures with Usagi in the IDW comics. I do think his coloring is off compared to this outfit though (mainly the bottom half), but it’s definitely orange and he does seem like a notable enough character to get a reference.
Alternatively, it could be Inazuma She’s a woman with a high amount of skill, alongside someone who ended up possessed by the villain Jei. I’m not sure her orange outfit is even that common a wardrobe choice for her (especially when possessed by Jei) and even the orange outfit I’ve seen is only about as accurate as Yukichi’s.
Or maybe it’s Keiko who I wrote down as a possibility when doing notes, although she both seems to be visually the least likely and least important to Usagi’s story as a whole.
Edit: As bluberry-san mentioned in the comments, this may be a reference to Yumeji Kurokouchi, a character from the Samurai Showdown fighting game series. A lot of Usagi’s moves are references to characters in Samurai Showdown, so a color reference to one doesn’t seem impossible. The in-game sprite specifically for Yimeji does look the closest to anything else I found, with an orange-ish top and white bottom.
Usagi on the left, middle is Yukichi, right is Yumeji.
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# 8 - Jei? - Jei is a major, recurring antagonist in the Usagi comics. Given that the Usagi wiki lists Jei as “Usagi’s true arch nemesis,” I think it’s likely he would’ve been referenced with a skin. He does seem to wear predominantly black which fits this color well.
Alternatively, it may be a reference to ninja’s in general in the Usagi comics. There’s 3 different Ninja clans within Usagi Yojimbo and from my memory of the 03 crossovers and looking it up online, all 3 seem to be recurring antagonist groups. There may be a specific ninja this references, but it appears that Ninja in general tend to be depicted with black attire (likely to aid in their sneakiness).
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# 9 - Lady Mura? - I did see a Reddit comment describe this one as a reference to Gen. However, Lady Mura seems the most fitting visually given her clothing here is definitely a white upper half and a red lower half. Story wise however, she doesn’t seem incredibly significant given the synopsis on the wiki ends shortly with her death. Although I do want to add on for anyone interested, her story is based on a real person named Murasaki Shikibu who wrote “one of the world’s first novels” according to Wikipedia.
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# 10 - Comics - Many of Usagi’s comics were initially printed in black-and-white which pairs well with the black-and-white TMNT skins. IIRC, he also has outright crossed over in the Mirage comics before.
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# 11 - “Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo” - While it does look like an NES color, I think it’s actually a reference to this old PC game. The picture I nabbed online was from the Commodore 64 version.
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# 12 - Gameboy - As far as I know, he doesn’t have any Gameboy games, but the pallet does seem to be based on the Gameboy.
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Update: Forgot there was an Edo period set of stages added into Shredder’s Revenge with literal Usagi Yojimbo characters in the background. Will check out later to see if any of those stages seem to link to his colors.
Update 2: When I played a lot of Survival mode earlier, I saw 5 characters in there in the Edo period. 2 were characters I don’t think I even saw in my wiki research, 2 others I did somewhat recognize didn’t seem to share pallets with Usagi, then the 5th one I’m pretty sure is a human Hamato Yoshi from TMNT who I highly doubt the orange costume references (also in part because the lower half is different like many other potential candidates I found). I may do some further analysis of the stages later on, but I don’t think there’s much significant to add to this post.
All other Color References posts:
1. Karai
2. Leonardo
3. Michelangelo
4. Raphael
5. Donatello
6. April O’Neil
7. Master Splinter
8. Casey Jones
9. Usagi
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chyirly · 9 months
TMNT, except it's one of those cliche ‘I Was Transmigrated As the Villainous Lazy Prince!’ with the main character being Mikey.
Orenji, Mikeys real world name, is reading one of the most cliche ‘Normal girl is summoned to a fantasy world as the Saint that will fight against an evil darkness. Gaining her own harem of powerful figures along the way.’ novels.
The villain is Prince Michelangelo who made a deal with a demon in order to gain more power before being taken over by the demon.
Orenji then goes to sleep after reaching the end of the novel and then wakes up in the world of the ‘insert cliche name’ in the body of Prince Michelangelo.
He's surrounded by maids telling him he was in a coma after falling from his balcony. None of his family come in, which fits with the plot of the novel. He decides to fake amnesia.
Before he realizes that the beginning of the story already began. This is bad because by then Prince Michelangelo had already begun antagonizing the Saint for getting close to his brothers.
Blah blah blah, the usual plot, NOW HERES THE INTERESTING STUFF! (under cut)
- Leo is the Crown prince that is never around, but still knows everything going on, he's calculating in nature and is the first to notice that Michelangelo's amnesia is fake/not an actual thing
- Raph is a war general that is known for his brutality is busy fighting on the outskirts to care about drama in the palace
- Donnie is the royal scientist that has greatly improved the scientific field, with microscopic help from the Saint, using her for experiments, he is too trapped in his world to care about what’s going on outside
- Casey is Raphs second in command, following him to war, and in his spare time is a part of the palaces guard, he's obsessed
- April is Donnie's assistant and is also apart of the secret guard
- Splinter is the heartbroken King that tries to be there for his children but sometimes pushes them away
- The brothers do care for each other, especially Michelangelo because he is the youngest, they spoiled him rotten and distanced themselves after realizing that they were the reason the Michelangelo had changed so much
- This broke Michelangelo's heart, who saw his brothers as the lights of his life and saw their separation as them abandoning him
- After waking up, Mikey sought to give himself a better life then both of the ones before by getting close to background influential charcaters, beginning with Donnie
- Donnie tried to figure out why Mikey had amnesia, pushing himself to find a ���cure’, even through darker means
- Raph was in a war when he got the news of Mikey's amnesia, so he got a bit more bloody just so that he could return earlier then the plot
- Leo might have put a few secret guards around Mikey, but nobody has any proof of that
- Michelangelo and Mikey have very different interests and dislikes, some are flipped for the person, which is what puts suspicion on Mikey not being Michelangelo
- The brothers might have visions of the past timeline
Orenji’s life
- Hes a single child
- He's friends with a pair of twins and a member of the wrestling club, as well as a member of the newspaper club, a member of the hockey club and their cousin
- He was part of the art club, which is why he read the novel, was tasked to draw his favorite scene from an assigned book
- He was popular with other students and staff, being the person that they could go to when they wanted to express their feelings
- He has a part-time job at the local restaurant/bakery, with the shop being a regular participant in the local cook-off competition
- Draxum is his dad, but due to being a well-known scientist he's out of town most of the time, so to not feel lonely Orenji would crash at his friend's house
- Michelangelo might be living his life now
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zprites · 1 year
March TMNT All 4-1!
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Wow, this month's prompt was a lot harder to write this month for whatever reason. But alas, I prevailed and finally finished!
The prompt I chose was: “I’m new to all of this. Can you show me where to start?”. I did reword it a bit to fit the story more, and also sprinkled in some more Spring stuff for the season lol.
The lovely hosts: @turtle-babe83, @thelaundrybitch, @leosgirl82, and @post-apocalyptic-daydream
Also, I went orange this month because Mikey suddenly got me in a chokehold.
Bit of NSFW - As always, turtles are aged up!!!! Mikey and Reader are well into their 20s!
Rise! Mikey x Female Reader -- Enjoy!!
Taglist: @turtle-babe83, @manduse, @morning-sun-brah, @crazysarah-98, @pacoholin, @iamdefinitelytheratking
Flowering Like the Stars
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love, except in this form in which I am not, nor are you, so close that your hand upon my chest is mine, so close that your eyes close with my dreams. Pablo Neruda
"Bless you!" 
"Thank you." You rubbed your nose as you called back to your friend, trying to shake the tickling sensation that had crept into your nostrils.
You barely had enough time to cover your mouth before another sneeze escaped, this one harsher than the last. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah!” You sniffled dryly. “It’s just my damned hay fever…”
Knew leaving the window open last night was a bad idea. Oh well…
Mikey came over and handed you a glass of lemonade before he sat down on the couch beside you, taking a sip from his own glass. You thanked him for the beverage and took a generous drink. The perfect balance of tartness and sweetness hit your tongue and rolled across your palate before it slid down your throat. 
Ah… Like liquid sunshine…
“Thank you again for coming over to help me.” You gently nudged his knee with your own as you spoke. 
He gave you a large grin. “Of course! I’m always happy to help you, especially since I get to see your hair first!”
Always happy to help you… No matter how many times he said that, it still made your heart all aflutter. And you knew he meant it everytime. 
Wanted some company to the art supply store? He was right there with you picking out new paints and always insisted on carrying everything up to your studio. Needed a plus one to the latest art exhibition? You never knew he could look more handsome, but the way he looked in that suit proved you so very wrong. One of Leo’s pranks causing a glitter bomb to explode in your living room? Not only did he help you clean up every speck of evil glitter dust, but he became your partner in crime, aiding you in your revenge prank that caused flour to go everywhere in the red-eared slider’s room. 
And here he was now: helping you dye your hair again, this time a vibrant dark green. 
“You’ll definitely look ready for Spring now!” He exclaimed, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Well, I do want to be at least one person’s spring awakening this year.” You shot him a wink, raising your glass to your lips once more. “Might as well look the part.”
As you took a drink you noticed a hint of pink on Mikey’s cheeks out of your periphery. 
“You’ve been mine since I met you.” He mumbled before he busied himself with his own beverage. 
You froze. He spoke so quietly that you were almost certain you misheard him. 
But you didn’t.
This wasn't the first time that your best friend had said something that alluded to his deeper feelings for you, and each time you chose not to press further. It's not that you didn't reciprocate those feelings. You’d be the first to admit that whenever you got a text from Mikey you would feel giddy, replying back in an instant while grinning like an idiot. That you stared at him almost every time you hung out with the turtle brothers, Leo often giving you shit for it later on. Or that your mind always wandered to him when you pleasured yourself, his name on your lips as you circled your clit, wishing that those fingers were his own.
You were certain you loved him, however you were afraid - afraid to be hurt again like you had been in past relationships. 
So you said nothing, just like now, the two of you falling into a tense yet restrained silence. 
A silence that was killing Mikey.
As he drank his lemonade, the same recipe Todd taught him years ago, his mind wandered as he pointedly kept his gaze from you, hoping you didn’t hear his latest blunder.
Then again, he found himself making many slip ups as of late. 
And he knew why, he was a turtle that was very intune with his emotions after all. He was certain he fell in love with you the moment he laid eyes on you, but for the past several years he kept those feelings to himself. Mikey knew that if he spoke up about his feelings there was a small possibility that you didn’t feel the same. So he told himself he was happy with the dynamic the two of you had now. 
However most nights he longed for your presence beside him as he jerked himself off, your face filling his mind, your name playing like a reverent invocation on a loop.
“Up for a game of Smash until the timer goes off?” You asked just as he drank the last of his beverage. 
Your words caught him off guard as he accidentally swallowed down the wrong pipe, causing him to go into a coughing fit to expel the offending liquid out of his lungs.
Way to keep your head out of the gutter there, Michael… 
Mind Raph chastised him as he fought to get his breathing under control.
You gave him a concerned look as his coughing finally calmed down. 
“Sorry.” He rasped, giving you a smile. “Sure, smashing sounds fun.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, a couple of seconds ticked by before he realized what he said.
“I MEAN- Yes, let’s smash! Ah, no! I- uh… You…” He continued to fumble over his words until he inhaled slowly. “Yes, playing Smash sounds fun.” 
Amusement bubbled up inside of you while he died a little on the inside. 
Unbeknownst to the other, the two of you shared an identical thought.
I’m so fucking screwed…
The timer went off just as your Meta Knight flew off the map from Mikey’s King Dedede combo move, signaling the end of the match. You groaned at your defeat and turned off the timer that was on your phone while Mikey muted the TV.
“C’mon, we can do a rematch after.” He offered with a grin. 
The two of you made your way to your bathroom. You sat down against your bathtub and leaned your head over the edge. Mikey grabbed the detachable shower head and turned on the water, checking the temperature before beginning the process of rinsing out the dye out of your hair. 
You became lost in the sensations; water rushing by your ears, Mikey humming as his fingers carded through your tresses. 
Suddenly you were hit with the raw domesticity of the current moment. 
Here he was, lathering up shampoo along your scalp like he did every other month, his movements gentle as he slowly worked out the knots while making sure most of the dye washed down the drain. 
It made your heart ache. You wanted to say so much yet that nagging fear held you back, but with each touch you felt something else stir inside of you. 
“There.” Mikey stated. He turned off the water and placed your shower head back in its holder before wringing out the excess from your hair. You sat up when he finished, taking the towel you laid out before he showed up and pressed your wet locks into the cloth.
I have to tell him…
You lowered the towel, setting it aside to deal with later. Once he saw you were done he offered a hand down to you which you took, allowing him to help you onto your feet. 
However this time, you didn’t let go. 
He raised a brow ridge in question as you settled on what you wanted to say.
“Earlier, I did hear you.” 
The silence that followed was almost palpable. His expression was unreadable as you began rambling.
“And I know- No, I just… Ugh, let me start over.” 
You sighed slowly as you mustered the last bit of courage that was beginning to fade away as his gaze stayed locked to yours, the midnight blue of his irises swimming with emotion.
“I like you.” You confessed. “Probably even love you.”
“Really?” His voice sounded so small, as if he was afraid you’d say ‘Sike!’ and shatter the hope that you instilled with your words.
Your lips upturned into a gentle smile. “Yeah, and I really want to kiss you right now…”
His breath hitched as you drew closer to him, face now inches from his own. 
“I- I never…” He trailed off, uncertain on how to proceed. 
“You feel the same, right?” You asked.
“Of course!” He declared. “I’ve loved you for years now. I just never… I’ve never been in a relationship before, so this is all new to me. I don’t even know where to start…”
Your other hand rose to cup his cheek.
“I can show you, if you’ll let me.”
His eyes widened as he gave a small nod.
Time stood still for you two as you leaned in, your lips meeting his in a chaste kiss. His hand tightened around yours as he let out a soft moan, his other hand coming to settle on your hip. 
He pulled away first, a large grin on his face as he rested his forehead against yours. 
“I love you too.” 
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turtle-bun · 9 months
Parallel Lines AU (TMNT X Usagi Yojimbo)
ok ok ok I woke up this morning before work in a cold sweat cuz this shit suddenly popped into my head. Okay so basics; No. 1 All Usagi's are related and from the same universe. No. 2 Time moves weird between dimensions which is how we get this AU of which I'm calling Parallel Lines. Aka inter dimensional travel + the fixed point in time continuity of Usagi's world never lets the Bunny and Turtle boi be together for long. Aka generational gay longing AU.
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So firstly I'm sort of splitting up the personality of Comic Usagi with 87 Usagi and 03 Usagi, though mainly its 03. So as seen on the chart 87 Usagi would be 03 Usagi's grandpa. He and 87 Leo became real close during his time in New York, like really really close, but unfortunately had to part ways in the end. Everybody noticed how different 87 Usagi was after his inter dimensional trip, a lingering sadness always present under a bold faced mask. As a child 03 Usagi always wondered about the ever present sadness in his grandpa's eyes. Then years later 03 Usagi joins the Battle Nexus and meets 03 Leo. At first its easy to stay in touch through dimensional portals and letters sent through them. Then the weird time shit starts happening, i.e. they notice that time moves a LOT slower in 03 Leo's dimension. Months between letters and visits turn into years for Usagi and the pain of essentially growing up separately leads them to drift apart. Leo still sends letters sometimes though he as no idea WHEN in time Usagi will receive it. Usagi cherishes each letter with all his heart. He now understood the deep sadness that lingered within his grandfather's heart was actually longing. Along all this Jotaro is born and grows and trains with Usagi's old master. And though their relationship is "complicated" they care deeply for each other as only father and son can and the loneliness 03 Usagi feels hurts a little less. He's is traveling with Usagi when Jei attacks the village and they need to transport Kintaro to the sacred temple. Then the Turtles attack, brainwashed, Usagi and Jotaro are able to snap them out of it and Usagi's heart soars as it did in his youth if only for just a moment. This Leo (2012) is different from his Leo (03) but he is also very similar as well and it hurts. It hurts to see an echoe of the man you onced loved, both young and heavy with the weight of responsibility of being leader, just as he had been. And it was bittersweet to see that same connection that had once been between them now find itself present in Jotaro and 12 Leo. He knew what the ending of this would be when the journey was over and as much as he wanted to save his son from the pain of it all he could not bare to get between them if it wasn't yet time to part. Jotaro has never met a person quite like 12 Leo, just as headstrong and passionate as well as a bit of a dork. Leo told Jotaro all about his adventures, both on earth and beyond the stars, and in turn Jotaro told Leo about his own life and adventures as a samurai in training. They could talk for hours without getting bored or just sit in silence watching the stars just enjoy the presence of each other. When they parted Jotaro felt a piece of himself leave along with Leo as well, worlds away and never to meet again. It reminded him of his father, of days where he was quiet and looked along the horizon looking for something. Something that now Jotaro will now be looking for, for the rest of his life as well. All is quiet for many years after, until Yuichi is introduced. I haven't seen Samurai Rabbit yet but its on my list of shit to do. But especially it would be Gay Longing Pt 4 with the same end result UNTIL....
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We get to our MM Turtles where finally FINALLY Leo and Usagi are in the same universe. But idk if I should wait until the new show comes out incase they do another Usagi crossover or say fuck it and make up my own OC and time line after I watch Samurai Rabbit? Pls feel free to suggest, add, or comment on this mess of gobbledygook as I wrote this all down half asleep and during my work lunch break 😅
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moss-and-marimos · 2 years
Tmnt 2012 headcanons of mine/my designs for them:
Both donnie and Mikey have scars from their respective vivisection attempts, their brothers stopped it before it could get too far, but there’s still scarring around their collar bones and the top of their plastrons, they both comfort eachother about it, it’s one of the few things the other brothers can’t quite understand bc they didn’t experience it
Mikey still has residual electricity powers from that one part of s5(? If I’m remembering correctly), they’re just small ones but sometimes you can see lichtenburg figures on his fingers/hands before they fade
^ he has used this to make the toaster go wild on leo and the fridge spray water on donnie before
Donnie rarely sleeps in his actual bedroom, so when karai stays over that’s normally where she sleeps, but sometimes it’ll also serve as a room for april or Casey
April and leo are really close, she’s a much needed break from responsibilities sometimes and will take him to do human things like raves or parties or even just grocery shopping
Karai and leo are really close (/p) they understand the burden of being an oldest sibling and having the weight of the world put on you by your father
I do not care for 2012 splinter as a parent
Raph kinda took up the role of father like leo took up the role of mother a little bit, he helps organize the lair and actually really likes organizing stuff, just doesn’t when his siblings are around because it’s overwhelming (cough he’s autistic cough)
Leo uses mobility aids after his incident with shredder, normally forearm crutches, a cane, or on better days just a knee brace
All of them experience psychosis symptoms to some extent, leo probably has the most delusions, I think donnie would have a lot of auditory hallucinations, Raph would have a lot of tactile hallucinations, they all get a lot of paranoia but especially leo, they all try to hide their symptoms from the other because they don’t want to seem “weird” or “crazy”
Sometimes donnie will go to April if he’s having bad paranoia or just generally a bad time with his symptoms, she helps him calm down and do grounding exercises
Mikey and leo are actually really close and hang out a lot and talk about space heroes and other comics
Raph needs wrist braces
Raph is actually the cook of the household, he finds it calming and the routine is nice
Donnie still hates himself for not finding a way to turn Timothy human again yet
^ he made a fake note from Timothy and left it for Timothy’s mom
Like leo can’t be trusted with the toaster donnie isn’t trusted with the blender (this was probably Mikey’s doing)
Aprils eyes reflect in the dark and sometimes will glow, a lot of the time they turn pink/purple like the kraang
April can turn her fingers/arms into tentacles, she found this out pretty late in the show timeline and is trying to hide it from the turtles because she knows how much of a hard time they have with the kraang and she doesn’t want them to hate her
Probably all of them have BPD and are sensitive to rejection
Mikey in particular has cracks/scarring on his shell from getting attacked by slash
After everything with slash Raph is really careful what he tells chompy about his brothers
Raph and leo are both either transmasc or transfem, I’m a big fan of both of those headcanons so I kinda use them interchangeably some
When leo came out as aroace spec he was worried he wouldn’t be accepted, Raph was the first one to comfort him and would threaten to beat up anyone who was an asshole to leo
Raph has abandonment issues
Karai and leo will go stargazing, leo has a space special interest and his favorite constellation is the Big Dipper
The first time the turtles really clearly saw the night sky was at the farmhouse, all of them, especially leo, were in awe a little bit, Casey and april didn’t really get it bc they were used to seeing the stars and being out
It was also their first time seeing daylight so much so you better believe at least one of them got sunburnt
Mikey’s favorite activity at the farmhouse was cloud watching during the day, which leo would sometimes do with him
Leo’s favorite activity when he was recovering was stargazing, on occasion Mikey would join him, Raph always wanted to but was too anxious he would intrude
Donnie keeps special teabags for leo to help his throat after it got messed up from the fight with shredder
Leo can’t talk too loudly or too much or it’ll fuck up his vocal cords, sometimes he’ll push it and get yelled at by april and/or donnie about it
April can’t get salmonella bc she’s part kraang but the other humans can, once she gets mutated karai can’t either
April, Casey, Donnie, and Raph still have slightly extra pointed teeth from being turned into vampires
Multiple times Mikey or Raph has had to stop Donnie from pulling at his plastron during a breakdown, especially after the vivisection it gets bad, Donnie has a lot of issues about not being human
It kinda dawns on everyone later how serious Mikey sprinkling himself with mutagen actually was, he’s not stupid, he was so desperate to feel as good as his brothers that he was willing to die for it, so it only kinda registers later on that it could probably be considered a suicide attempt, everyone makes sure to spend more time with him after that and make sure he knows he’s loved and when he does good they let him know
Not a headcanon but I think about it sometimes that Mikey has cannibalized a man
Mikey likes spending time in Donnie’s lab and learning chemistry stuff
Mikey one time steals buys Raph a paint mulling set because he knows how much Raph likes painting
Raph can and will easily carry Mikey on his shoulder
Donnie doesn’t like to be picked up, but if he needs to sleep or eat and won’t leave his lab Raph won’t hesitate
^ on days when Leo’s leg is acting up and he can’t, Raph is in charge of getting Donnie out of his lab
^^ on one occasion Raph was out of commission too, so leo sent Mikey to do it, Donnie didn’t think he would be able to but Mikey picked him up easily, he’s a lot stronger than he looks
Leo teaches Mikey healing hands after splinter dies
Leo still has splinters cane, he thinks about using it instead of his own sometimes, but Raph convinces him not to, he can’t stand to see his brother putting more pressure on himself to become splinter junior, he knows how their dad fucked them up a little bit and even if he won’t say it directly he knows it can’t be good for leo
^ sometimes he’ll make Mikey hide splinters cane if leo is really thinking about it
Raphs bandana tails are all torn up because he chews on them
Mikey’s bandana tails are short so that he can’t chew on them
April introduced them all to chew jewelry and they all are big fans but they go through them really fast because of their nonhuman teeth
Donnie chews on his bandana tails too but not enough to damage them
Raph and Donnie train together outside of official sessions, donnie asked Raph to help him get better at combat and so that’s what they do
Raph is horrible at rollerskating at first but eventually gets really good
Mikey isn’t the best but really likes rollerskating anyway
Donnie prefers ice skating because he can do it with Casey but falls on his ass every time, Casey thinks it’s hilarious
Raph also goes ice skating with Casey some time
Leo doesn’t like ice skating. He wants to, for Casey, but the cold is triggering and it aggravates his knee and it’s just a bad time, he has a breakdown about it the first time he tries and he still feels guilty for “ruining” the night
Donnie is really cautious around Mikey at first when he gets his electricity powers, he remembers the electricity simulation thing he was put in and doesn’t want to go through that again
Mikey would listen to cbat to piss off his family because it’s funny
Leo still has his broken helmet from when he died in space, it’s kept on a shelf, he thinks about it a lot
Mikey has a pair of lab goggles because he does so much chemistry stuff with Donnie
Casey never wears safety goggles in the lab even when he should, april wears hers though
Transfem leo feels a lot of dysphoria about having a shell indent
Transmasc Raph feels a lot of dysphoria about not having a shell indent, but being friends with Casey and finding out that amab humans have flat chests makes him feel better some
The turtles can and will eat raw meat, maybe even should (april found this out when she brought over an expensive cut of meat to cook only to find it gone later, it was an awkward explanation when the turtles remembered humans don’t eat raw meat)
^ april could eat raw meat bc she’s part kraang but she hasn’t tried so she doesn’t know that
^^ it was quite the change when karai had to start eating more rare meat
I don’t think this one fits with the canon timeline but shhhh I think it would be funny if karai taught leo how to drive who then taught everyone else
Not super a headcanon but I think the brothers would be a lot more worried about leo talking to the hologram of splinter when they were in space than they actually were in canon
All of them are lactose intolerant except Mikey who fucked around with chemistry stuff and cured himself of lactose intolerance, to this day neither he or Donnie really know how he did it but he can eat so much pizza now
Donnie and leo both like architecture, they found this out on accident but it’s one of the only things they have in common interest wise besides insects
Leo deserves a pet I think he should get to keep the wasp and it imprints on him and is very sweet, for personal preference I’m making it more bee-like so it’s fuzzy
Donnie (I think? I might be thinking of the wrong turtle idk I’ll check my fanart later) has a crack/scar from a crack in the left side of his shell, it’s hidden under his arm but you can see the edge of his plastron is damaged from it
There’s probably some I’m forgetting but yep here’s some of them!! Feel free to ask me more about them or use these B)
@idiot-mushroom sorry for the @ but I figured you would want to see
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Hellou!Im the persone who asked about requests a while back(Mainly because I didnt wanna overwhelm you if theyre closed) and Im really glad they are.Anyway,could I request Donnie(TMNT),Tamaki(BNHA) and/or FatGum(BNHA)(Also,I hope I havent gone over the character limit) with a slightly chubby s/o?(Insecure or not,you chose!).You dont have to do this if you dont want to tho!Have a nice week❤
Hellou! Thank you so much for being so thoughtful, I’ll have to apologize tho, I no longer write for bnha, I had a huge burnout fand I do not feel comfortable writing about it anymore, I hope a veeeery detailed Donnie reaction to a chubby reader will make up for the absence of those characters! ♥️
Tmnt - Donnie x Chubby reader (Gender Neutral!)
I’ll have to start that all of the boys wouldn’t judge or reject you based on your appearance, being either chubby, slim, tall, short, there are a few attributes that I think each turtle would find it e seeing or interesting, but it’s more… humanly related(?) maybe one day I’ll make a post about it if you guys wanna hear my opinion on it hehe :)
Donnie(generalized) x Chubby Reader:
just like there are certain stuff about the turtles that they like and dislike about themselves, there are stuff about humans who think the same about themselves! and even though Donnie knows there are beauty standards that control many areas in humans society, he still doesn’t understand why people outcast those who are different
I think some of us (readers / shippers) get a bit :C when thinking about Donnie bc in almost every version, he had a crush on April (who is a babe in every. Version. Specially rise, I love rise-April so much, and that’s the only apriltello I’ll let it slide lmao) and that can give a “perception” that he wouldn’t even glance at some of us ( “us” = being a huge group, trans, guys, chubby girls, chubby guys, skinny girls and guys, everyone who doesn’t fit the normie mold I guess- I unfortunately think about that often. Which sucks cuz I gotta remind myself that isn’t true!!! At all!!)
I personally Headcanon Donnie being… I don’t know if interested would be the correct word, but more intrigued with how humans relate to each other, on their first missions, he knew they could… scare some of them off, “frightened by their own prejudice” as master splinter would say, but it’s far more different to hear about it than to actually live it, and it hurts to hear someone scream their heart out just by seeing you
While growing up, he started to notice not only in television, on and off midia, how people would mess around with others on the street just because of their appearance, he knew society worked though this beauty standards, but he didn’t understand it. It didn’t made sense! value someone based on what they look like? There are so many things, so many attributes to make someone interesting, and you gonna pick the most…. Boring? Plain? Vague? Shallow reason to create privilege over others? Really? (And thst enters on the topic of how almost all beauty standards are rooted in white privileged and racism but I’ll go on a tangent about it once I start it and I’ve already said a lot lols)
He could literally go on for hours about this topic (which he has. At least tried with each one of his brothers, but they never really responded well to so said topic “if humans have it bad, then what do we have left?” Raphael barked back once, an attempt to shut him up, which it worked, btw- he didn’t like to go through that direction when thinking about that topic, but yeah, what does he have left?)
He started searching about different aesthetics, ethnicities, he has folders on Pinterest dedicated different body types, cultures, he swears it’s for research reasons, which kinda is, but Donnie’s guilty pleasure is checking “different” people online, those who would deem strange and weird outside the internet, he liked seeing their content and specially their comment sections being filled with wonderful compliments, people relating to different styles and tastes, that gave him hope that there are someone out there with different views of how everyone should be “shaped”, and that maybe he will find someone who thinks he’s handsome and desirable (Donnie, just like Raph, is also insecure about his body, but he’s more… melancholic about it, if you confessed to Raphael, there would be a high change of him pushing you away, trying not to break his heart from actually believing you, while DonDon here, if you both started dating- on some days Donnie would need more reassurance that yes, his partner does think he’s handsome/hot/attractive. Otherwise he might internalize his insecurities and it will be HARD to get a confession “why he’s so upset out of the sudden” from this turtle)
With that being said!!!! (My god I do know how to ramble) without even realizing, Donnie open his “preferences”? Let’s say, Became more open minded than most, While seeking comfort for himself, and when he says he doesn’t have a type, he really doesn’t. There are so many aesthetics that could be attractive! punks, goths, cottagecore, y2k, dark academia, light academia, grunge, fairycore, alt, the list is endless! And don’t get him started on physical attributes cuz there are so many different combinations that some how, people manage to connect the most random ones and make it look great
Donnie wouldnt fall for someone specially bc of their appearance, or that would be the first reason he would fall head over heels, when you think about it, what happened to April it was that she was extremely passionate and dedicated to *insert which cause she was fighting for* and took Donnie seriously, that light up a lightbulb in his head that has never been on before, people showing how ardently they can be into something, how much they care and such, that’s attractive to him, and after that, everything that person does, or is, suddenly becomes beautiful and amazing for Donnie
Withthatbeingsaidpart2- if Donnie did fall for someone more on the chubbier side, their “plumpy-ness” would def be something to call his attention out after he developed feelings, he longed for your hugs, specially after he found out how soft and warm they were, he actually started having more naps after you caught his heart, imaging how it would be to cuddle someone as soft as you while hugging his pillow late at night on his bed (which eventually he would doze off from day dreaming so much)
Talking about day dreaming, Donnie can totally lose himself in his mind, just like with his projects, he can imerse himself in a fantasy about you two easily, which makes him totally freeze when you show up and he actually have to say or do something he has been constantly dreaming about
So please confess first, cuz when I say he can lose himself in his daydreams, that can last for months until he actually gathers courage to do something about it
While in a relationship, Donnie is totally a hopeless romantic, but not the typical “roses and candlelight’s dinner” kind, as your boyfriend, he wants to help you out no matter what, he will make aaaaas many inventions as he can that might increase the quality of your life, becomes easier to do… whatever, literally. And he always longs for your adorable reactions to his gifts
He adores your chubby cheeks, he will! Get lost! in your face! Your eyes! Eveything! He will oh so slowly caress his knuckles softly across it, sliding to your neck, traveling through your arms, he likes to squish your face a bit as well while cupping it when he goes for a kiss, he just thinks everything about you is adorable (and hot at the same time)
He really like the contraste his skin has with yours, it’s so foreign for him and he can’t help but to love how smooth your skin can be, (which leads his mind to ahem. Certain kind of thoughts. If you know what I mean)
Just like he needs reassurance about his appearance, he knows you probably had to deal with more than one unpleasant comment about your physique, so you don’t even have to ask, Donnie is so whipped with you, compliments about you just drip of his tongue, and it’s always so sweet, followed by a pair of soft eyes, always admiring you, plus, Donnie is a science / fact man, he would gather information about other cultures that value more curvy, chubby, bigger people, he would go as far as making a slide presentation how wonderful and more inclusive people are being (even if it doesn’t seams like it, and there’s still a long way to go) he would include real opinions online other than his on the matter that your body is indeed, a snack, (aaaaaand he is once again right, aaaaand just like everyone else you just have to live with it and accept it 😌 end of story)
He would definitely “put up to test” his theory of how amazing it is to cuddle someone who’s more on the chubbier side (and his theory is ✅ correct)
Cuddling becomes a weekly thing for you guys, that being you sitting on his lap, having naps, watching movies together, he loves to create or update his projects with you on his lap, holding you grounds him. Plus it’s easier to speak some kisses on your cheeks that way
He finds out some people on the heavier side stops themselves to live some experiences the hard way, he never wants to make you uncomfortable, ever. But it takes a while for him to understand why wouldn’t you like to, as an example, wear a bathing suit/ swimwear around other people, wearing lighter clothes when it’s absurdly hot during winter time, that you don’t like when he picks you up? things that don’t connect right away. he promises himself to never force you to do anything you don’t want to, but he slowly will try to support you to do whatever you have always wanted to but stopped yourself from doing so bc of your weight
He would take extra time while making out with you, he wants you to know how much he loves your body, every inch of it. Lowkey likes to drag his nails on your tights and mark you
Overall? Donnie is extremely thoughtful, independently of how his partner look like, if they were “part” of some sort of outcast from society, he would take his sweet time to show how important and special his partner is, he is extremely thankful to be able to experience love, something that not only him, but all of the boys, thought it was out of their reach for a really long time, so you bet he’s going to show how appreciative he is oof your love, of all of you 💜
I really tired to innovate a bit here, didn’t want to add the same stuff as other Headcanons that already exists (I mean, Its cute to read how we as writing blogs / authors “agree” on how the boys would react in certain situations, which it is a FactTM that Donnie is a sweetheart. but it’s also good to read new stuff, oooor you know, a new perspective of it, even if it is a “common” / “already done” scenario, you know? )
even if I mostly rambled about Donnie’s personality analysis than to actual stuff he would do or act around an chubby reader lmao, I truly hope you like this! I didn’t proof read this so I’m sorry if there are any grammar mistakes hehe
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someone-named-adel · 1 year
Just thinking about something
I'm one of those people who doesn't really enjoy physical contact, much less from people I'm not very close to or am just getting to know.
I tend to shrug my shoulders and grimace when someone forcefully hugs me, and I tend to complain and frantically move to be let go or stop touching me (on some occasions I've even yelled not to be touched when I'm upset and don't want to be touched, seriously people, listen when someone says NO).
But, there is one thing I certainly like a lot, and that is to have my hair blow-dried.
You know, get your hair combed and take the hair dryer and start blow drying it.
And I hope I'm not the only one who enjoys that, because it's something that I feel is out of the ordinary.
You know, not liking too much the hugs or general physical contact that people usually give you (forcing you or not), but enjoying someone combing your hair and drying it with the blow dryer?
It's just, it feels domestic, and it's something I really enjoy, just having someone take care of my hair and treat it gently.
Come to think of it, none of my acquaintances know that about me HAHA.
But but but
Since my blog is about TMNT (I'm seriously thinking about posting also some poems I have written, but since they are in my native language, I don't think they can be translated in an accurate way to English, and they have nothing to do with TMNT), I'll give a vague idea about some comfort scenario
How, MC, who doesn't really enjoy physical contact, after a few months (or years), asks (brother turtle of your choice) to please dry their hair and comb it for them.
MC: hey, ummm, can I ask you a favor?
(Turtle brother of your choice): uh yeah sure, what would it be?
MC: could you... Could you dry my hair for me?
(Brother turtle of choice) : *celebrating internally because finally MC asked them for physical contact, but holds back his excitement so as not to scare MC away and make them regret asking them for that* sure.
And then MC sits on a chair and, calmly waits for (brother turtle of your choice) to dry their hair.
Idk, it's just a fluff scenario, if anyone wants to make something more detailed out of this, then go ahead.
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