#synastry must be off the charts my goodness
astrologydayz · 11 months
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Nobody really knows a person with a 12th House Sun🤔🤔. They hide themselves really well, & project themselves as someone they're truly not. They don't do it on purpose, they're just so fucking private. My brother actually has this placement, and we're practically twins, but I still feel like I don't know him, AT ALL. They hide themselves, because they're afraid that their true selves won't be "enough"/won't be "liked". BUT OFC IT WILL, & IF NOT, THEN FUCK THEM, BABE.
MOON CONJUNCT/SQUARE SATURN people can hate being alone 4 the first two decades of their lives, but later learn 2 be their own best friend, & love it. They "mother themselves 2 life/back2life". They learned the hard way, that everything is better when u don't put your faith in just anybody. They also learned not 2 trust from a young age, because of their mother/father or both parents💀💔.
I've seen people say "that u can choose not to access that specific energy in your chart, if you don't want 2"🤣. Like u can choose 2 get a million dollars tmrw?, IF YOU WANT 2?🤣 come on. Natal charts are a tool 2 c who u are, why you developed that way/what “happens in your life”, and why you're here with the help of astrology. No matter the aspect, it will be present at some point. A chart never lies🔮🤷‍♀️.
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MOON SQUARE/QUINCUNX VENUS IN A MAN'S NATAL CHART tells us that he finds it hard 2 understand women. He has "problems" when it comes 2 feminine energies, &with the women he's surrounding himself with🤔. He can have a hate/love relationship 2/with women💋.
VENUS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MONY ASTEROID - 7782) IN SYNASTRY, will cause the asteroid person 2 provide the Venus person with a lot of material gifts👠🛍💄.
IDK why anybody would say that your MC has NOTHING to do with how u look/how people see u! Lol okay. My mentor must have been on drugs when she was taught everything + in all those 43 years she's been in practice then. gtfo. Let me give u an example. 👇🏼
I’ll just tell you everything I see with this aspect.
Kim K = Venus in Virgo in 9th house at 19 degrees - Libra degree) conjunct her MC in Virgo at 28 degrees - cancer degree). She's famous 4 her beautiful looks/people finding her beautiful. she always does things to look "YOUNGER, cosmetic procedures etc. 2 take years off! Growing a big following worldwide of young people looking up 2 her/her being idolized by them. Famous 4 being beautiful/4modelling/fashion/cosmetics - being in Venusian businesses/4 who she dates. she also takes after her MOM, with her looks!!! I know her mom was/is also her manager, & I would include this here, cuz u can actually see that, but I would have to go into details again. Idk if u would find that boring?? as I already wrote a lot. Thanks for making it this far😂.
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ASTEROID MEMORIA (1247) IN SYNASTRY can tell u why u feel like you’ve met the other person before, or what memories that r the most "memorable" with the other person🧡🪐🔮.
ASTEROID FANATICA - 1589) IN SYNASTRY tells u what really fascinates u about the other person/what u can become obsessed with, when it comes 2 the other person❕
IF U HAVE A SYNASTRY ASPECT/OR ASPECTS with someone, and u also have it in your natal chart = a very important person you're dealing with! They'll teach u whatever the aspect is/aspects are! And they're meant 2 be the one who teaches it 2u/ or meant 2 be the one who makes that aspect exist in your life. (good or bad).
VENUS OPPOSITE VERTEX/CONJUNCT ANTI-VERTEX IN SYNASTRY is co cute🥹, Vertex let Venus in2 their "private world". Venus is usually not the type Vertex person goes 4, but they’re mesmerised anyway!! “There’s just something unreal about Venus”.
KARMA ASTEROID - 3811) can tell you about your karma! Old karma/Karma you're creating etc. U can use it in in any chart u want2, natal charts, synastry charts, composite charts, Davidson Charts, solar return charts, lunar return charts, progressed charts, ANY CHART U WANT2 BABE!!🪐🤛💥🪐⛅☀🌊.
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BLACK MOON LILITH SQUARE/QUINCUNX ASC in a WOMAN'S CHART can show problems with both genders. She can feel left out, not apart of "the group", when it comes to women. And with men = men always trying to run up on her/trying her boundaries, &they're provocative af. People can't handle her here. She will not conform to anyone. She can feel pretty fucking alone in the way she goes about her day to day life. feeling like nobody will ever understand the struggles she has/the pain she's going around with. The key here is acceptance of ones self. She cannot change herself for others sake, she will never be happy. She'll be happy when she chooses herself, & the right people will flock 2 her, right after. They'll See her light, &will not put who she is down, but CELEBRATE. It can also be the complete opposite. She can be a people pleaser, & has internal fights with herself, every day about this. Trying 2 fit in with groups, dating men who's crossing her boundaries, all the time. She either fights people, or she fights herself. SHE HAS 2 STAY TRUE2HERSELF! There will always be people hating on her, no matter how she moves. FUCK THEM. People who are meant 2 be in her life will CELEBRATE HER!! Not put who she is down/make her change. People who can't understand her = she needs2 get them the fuck out.
NEPTUNE CONJUNCT ASC can show a person living in their own "delulu world". They're not really "there" - can be seen as the "dumb blonde". Neptune can cloud their mind, every single day. They're "different"/they change all the time. They can't really be "real" with people. Trying 2 always be friends with everyone, not really having their own opinions, following the pack etc. They can 100% people please.
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VALENTINE/AMOR/ 447) - 1221) CONJUNCT MC - They "look like love", &they also project it out. People think they're beautiful. But remember, even tho people know/c them like that = doesn't mean that they're really like that. That's just what they show off/how they're "known" in the eyes of the public/in their career/their surroundings💜.
SUN MAKING AN "EASY" ASPECT2 MOON does not mean that your parents like each other. I have this, and my parents literally can't stand each other. I've seen this more times than I can count. It's about your conscious ego&how you emotionally feel about the way u express yourself/with the way u "show your ego off" - "yin&Yang duality".
I HATE MOON SQUARE URANUS IN SYNASTRYYYYY. Uranus will pop in&out of the other person's life, as they desire2. The Moon person needs support&a feeling of being safe, &Uranus wants other things/aka not worried about the Moon person - Uranus is erratic. WHO GOT TIME4THAT?
MERCURY OPPOSITE NEPTUNE can show us a person being pretty good at lying/coming up with lies easily/Quickly. Having no problems with finding "excuses" 4 what they say/do, &can get other people in on it, 2 lie for them as well. It happens in periods tho, like on & off periods.
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Asteroids I always look at first: Nemesis - 128) Amor - 1221), Valentine - 447), Alma - 390), Destiny - 6583), Moira - 638), Eros - 433), Karma - 3811), Kama - 1387), Close - 54902), Apollo - 1862), Child - 4580), Compassion - 8990), Angel - 11911), Yes - 7707), Boda - 1487), DNA - 55555), Fast - 27719), Prey - 6157), Not - 2857), Casanova - 7328), Fox - 16248), Savage - 29837), Pholus - 5145), Fanatica - 1589), Priapus - h22), Sado - 118230), Medea - 212), Nessus - 7066), Dejanira - 157), Hazard - 9305), Mentor - 3451), Lysistrata - 897), Bilk - 4425 - using the other person 4 own material gain).
THANKS4READING BEAUTIFUL❤️🍒 Appreciate u, always.
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veraciousverax · 2 years
Mars is retrograding in my 10th house until January and I’ve been analyzing my chart and more specifically some 8th house themes evoked by some 8th + 12 house synastry happening around me.
Specifically sun + mercury in my 8th; mars in my 12 (along with moon in my 2nd and Venus in my 7th).
I definitely plan on running the chart with my asc just to get a feel for how things might be if I were in that role. Could be narcissistic or something else tbh but oh whale
Some of the retrograde themes have been:
- analyzing some of my previous aspirations (ballet, gymnastics; music) and taking note of my current (fashion/design); and applying my lessons learned where it comes to my passion. There are consistency + discipline aspects as well.
- I’m mercurial. It is what it is. I’m trying my hand at a childhood aspiration, to learn skating (w my <epithets redacted>) bf) and someone told me I was cool and brave (wbk) + with that saturn influence?! Ruler of my 5th, no less. I love a good challenge/self exploration process. Being mercury and Saturn dominant, I’m basically gonna stay young forever. Venus too, I’ve got that in my big 3
- been doing a deep dive on the 8th house. Chalk it to mars being the co-ruler of my 3rd + it being Scorpio season + this sun + mercury in my 8th; with the 12H synastry placement. Lawd.
Fatal attraction + secret flirting but there’s no chemistry outside of the secret shared moments.
Almost like we’re both keeping the same secret individually
(Next lifetime type)
Lots of attraction but nothing happens
Grass is never greener (we agreed)
Fantasy is better than reality- because it’s not something we’ve earned.
Planet person could be an initiator. (I’ll hold the gate)
House person must confront the shadow/ bad habits and deal with them (my secret flirting proclivities?)
But I’m not new to this, I’ve seen this pattern before and I know I don’t do well with people prominent in my 8th. I do like the 12H for some reason- I draw confidence (or validation/satisfaction) from those matters, I think. Subconsciously. I’m definitely attracted to 8th house magnetism but it never ends well for me. But this time I will not careen off the path
Afraid of attracting too much attention
The king’s advisor
Ego + vanity are the self undoing
- so as mars is transiting my 10th, I’m taking account of my future goals/plans (like getting better at skating; the budget + financial stuff; learning ab fashion; getting that opportunity to train new project managers as a demonstration of my managing skills..just realized I may have to get comfortable turning my camera on to earn their trust + confidence.. & that’s on Leo charisma.)
Bc I’ve definitely attracted secret enemies in all my fire houses actually
Wanting to feel appreciated but not necessarily wanting to be in the spotlight
- definitely experiencing a quiz/catalyst but I know I’ll make myself proud (I always do). No low-hanging fruit.
- the internet says something ab my blind spots being used on me tho…. Or that I can’t see things for what they are. I’ll try to keep that in miiinddd
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astrosky33 · 3 years
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Reliable: ✓
Unreliable: ✗
A few things wrong: ±
𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 ✓
》 I get mine from either amazon, barnes and noble, or read e-books online
》 Make sure to check if they’re from a reliable astrologer
》 Example of a bad astrology book source
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨.𝐜𝐨𝐦 ✓
》 Although it’s hard to navigate at first this website is the most reliable and has the most options. Their calculation method is very precise and astronomically as well as mathematically correct unlike other sites/apps
𝐂𝐨-𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 ✗
》 Inaccuracy in the information and placements/aspects
》 The creators literally admitted to changing the horoscopes to random things just to mess with people so not a good source
》 They do not hire actual astrologers to run the app
𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐤 ✗
》 90% of astrology information on here is SO INCREDIBLY INACCURATE. It hurts my soul. It’s sad so many people trust Tiktok because I can genuinely only think of 4 astrologers on the app that know what they’re talking about
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐝 ✓
》 I love this app it has everything and is really accurate a lot like astro.com it’s probably my 3rd fave source next to astro.com and books. The only downside is for extra things like asteroids you must pay
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨-𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐤.𝐜𝐨𝐦 ±
》 The placements and aspects are accurate and I love how they are the only website who adds a lilith line in the astrocartography map
》 The Dominant planets, signs, and elements are not accurate! They use an incorrect calculation system. Astro Dienst is much better for checking your Dominants
》 Often the degrees are a few off of what they should be
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐀𝐩𝐩 ✓
》 I really love this app it’s very professional and accurate
𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 ✗
》 The aspects and degrees are sometimes inaccurate
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐩 ±
》 It has good explanations and the chart is completely accurate although sometimes the aspects are off
𝐍𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝐀𝐩𝐩 ✗
》 The degrees that are in the houses don’t stop at 29° (like they’re supposed to) on this app, they go further, so this may confuse newbies but also the compatibility section and placement explanations are inaccurate
𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐩 ✓
》 This is only an app for vedic astrology not other kinds of sidereal astrology or tropical astrology but it’s amazing
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨-𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬.𝐜𝐨𝐦 ±
》 Sometimes they don’t show all the aspects or aspect orbs correctly but other than that it’s accurate and is easy to navigate just not the best but I like the feature where u can see what celebs have similar placements to u
𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 ✗
》 It’s very rare that I ever see accurate information on Pinterest that’s not based on stereotypes that are untrue astrologically
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐱 𝐀𝐩𝐩 ✓
》 It has transits, solar return charts, accurate planets/aspects, the current chart, etc. It’s really good for beginners as well. The only downside is that there’s SO many ads and it gets a bit annoying
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐀𝐩𝐩 ✓
》 This was made by a popular tiktok astrologer. It has good interpretations of the placements in your chart
》 Doesn’t show degrees though which are really important in astrology
》 I’d only recommend for beginners
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐩𝐩 ✗
》 I’m just confused about why everyone raves about this app because it barely has any correlations to your placements it shows transit type stuff but not even accurately
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐩𝐩 ✓
》 Everything is good except for the interpretations of your placements don’t trust those
𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐀𝐩𝐩 ✗
》 Insanely generic. This is sun sign astrology type stuff. Would not recommend
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 ±
》 click here
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》 My go to is always ASTRO.COM because it has over 20K asteroids, composite charts, synastry charts, correct aspects/placements, accurate placement explanations, solar return charts, davison charts, astrocartography, fixed stars, etc. It’s crazy how many things you can see on there
》 This is the only website they use the correct calculations for your dominant planets, signs, modalities, and elements
》 When you make an account you can save up to 100 peoples birth charts/info
》 Unfortunately it’s hard to navigate but once u get used to how it works it’s amazing
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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fockinastro · 3 years
astro observations pt. 5
a/n: if u believe i took your comment/observation without credit, please reach out and let me know! i have no problem including you in my post (or taking it down if u ask :))
again, opinion based & based on what i see around me so take with a grain of salt
people wanna say geminis are two-faced but so are pisces and cancers (notice how they all have duo signs)
sag mars (or even other sag placements) are good about forking things out but can’t take the heat
aquariuses are just as self-centered as leos--if not, more but they’re good at hiding it
they like the hype and attention as much as leos do too
saturn in the 12th can manifest as the opposite of jupiter in the 12th--it always feels like the world is working against these people
i’ve noticed a lot of astrologers talking about pisces placements (especially mars) having anger issues?
not rlly sure what’s the deal with that but my assumption is because they’re a little more passive that they stifle their anger/reactions to anger?
i think 7th, 8th & sometimes 12th house synastry is overrated because 7th can point to enemies, 8th & 12th can turn toxic
meanwhile 2nd, 4th & 6th houses are really sweet because 2nd can provide security and endurance with one another, 4th can be an indicator of feeling close and at home with your partner & 6th is crucial imo because it shows daily habits as a couple (especially in composites)
3rd & 9th is also great because it provides exploration and communication and learning of one another--i tend to see these placements a lot within friendships that are long lasting (11th can count too)
mutable signs, especially in 6th and/or 10th may have issues with one career for the rest of their lives
a lot of people say cancer placements have big biddies but that’s not the case with cancer moons based on my observations
i’ve noticed that cancer moons also have a very hot and cold relationship with their mothers
this has been stated by many astrologers and i just wanted to say that i agree that hard aspects are frustrating but i do believe they are a must because they help you strive to better yourself
meanwhile too many positive aspects can grow into laziness because it’s already easy to achieve
i think a crucial asteroid to pay attention to is chiron, especially in any chart. for example, you could have an amazing synastry chart with someone but disharmonious chiron aspects can make that relationship difficult, especially if one or both (or all) people don’t know how to use it’s energy.
for example: my cousin & i, who are super close & always have been, have a really great synastry chart but i never noticed how many issues we had with one another & i was looking at chiron & that shit rlly made so much sense
mars in the 1st can come off as really aggressive & abrasive without meaning to/realizing it
someone on here said that where scorpio is in your chart can indicate your triggers & i think that’s crazy--it’s true tho, i just never thought of it like that--that was a good observation
i’ve said this about taurus moons but taurus placements in general can be toxic as fuck, especially underdeveloped
people overlook this aspect so easily because they’re down-to-earth & are ruled by venus so people don’t catch it frequently
libra placements 😐 gtfo with your major people-pleasing tendencies
this is my sun so i think i’m allowed to say that
virgo placements can be as spiritual as pisces placements since they are on the same axis
this one was shorter than i wanted it to be but 🤷‍♀️
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astro-syd · 4 years
Taehyung & Jungkook - Composite Reading
*note that where I refer to them as a “couple,” I’m not necessarily referring to their relationship as romantic. It’s just the easiest way for me to discuss a composite chart relationship! How they define their relationship is their business, not ours.
The First House & Ascendant:
Taekook have their Ascendant in Scorpio, along with their Sun and Mercury. Like I mentioned before in their synastry reading, their relationship is VERY deep and intense. 
Scorpio is a sign that doesn’t appreciate superficiality or a keeping of secrets. It wants to know everything about you, the good, the bad, and everything in between. 
Having both their Sun and AC in this sign, they definitely project an aura of intensity and depth. You can really get the sense of how deep their connection is just by watching them interact.
Scorpio is a fixed water sign, meaning that emotions run DEEP here. Their relationship is the image of passion and feeling for each other.
There’s a potential for jealousy and possessiveness between them.
Mercury here only supports the idea that there’s nothing off-limits between them. They can talk to each other about anything, rely on each other for anything, and there’s no sense of judgement or shame between them. Communication flows easily, and it’s obvious that they simply understand each other in a way that others do not.
Their Sun in the 1st house shows off their confidence together. This placement is often recognized in powerful couples who are pioneers in their field, and Taekook definitely fit that bill. They’re true leaders, and their power is strongest when they’re together.
The Second House:
Taekook’s composite 2nd house falls in Sagittarius. The 2nd usually rules over your material world and possessions, and mutable Sag could indicate that their combined funds are often spent on trips and adventures for them to explore and make memories together.
They have Pluto here in the 2nd trine Saturn, which shows that they’d be very responsible about the way that they handle their finances and possessions. Pluto here can lead to some selfishness in terms of sharing wealth and possessions, but I imagine the whole band has figured out the best way to handle these things to best benefit everybody.
This placement can also indicate a deep sense of responsibility for each other. They both feel the need to make sure the other is provided for. Pluto and Saturn can both deal with fears, guilt and shame as well, and I think this aspect really shows how great they are at comforting each other and handling their emotions with care. Their affectionate attitude serves to soothe and stabilize each other, as well as to express their feelings.
They also have both Venus and Mars here in the 2nd. They’re a very sensory-based couple! They enjoy giving gifts to each other, which can be either material in nature or a sort of trip or opportunity for adventure, as I mentioned before. 
They might also spend a lot of money on art, either to decorate their home or on materials to create their own. This also goes for anything related to fashion and beauty. They both enjoy investing in art, beauty, and aesthetics.
They’re great at showing physical affection, which is genuinely comforting to both of them and is the easiest way for them to express their feelings for each other.
With both of these planets in Sag, adventures and keeping each other on their toes is key to having a good time. They’re very optimistic and always like to be exploring something new together. Given how open and accepting they are with each other, I’m sure they manage to find no shortage of topics to discuss and ideas to explore.
The Third House:
Taekook’s third house is in Capricorn. They find true stability in being around the rest of the band, and being a member of BTS gives them the confidence and ambition to pursue their goals. 
Their conversations are often very serious. Cap is a very no-nonsense, business-like sign. They’re very honest and straightforward with each other, and they don’t shy away from having the “essential” conversations when necessary. 
They strongly support each other’s ideas and beliefs. It’s a large component of why they can communicate with each other so well. 
Jupiter here also supports the idea that communication is important and easy for them, and that they strongly ground each other in their daily life.
Neptune in this house shows a strong respect for and openness about each other’s dreams! Dreams and inspirations are commonly shared between them. In fact, they likely come to each other with these ideas long before anyone else. 
The Fourth House:
Their fourth house falls in Aquarius. Uranus is also here, in its rulership. This strongly points to a unique and unconventional home life, which makes sense for the boys. Their “home” is with their band members, and their life and career circumstances would definitely be considered unique.
Uranus will create a sense of instability in their home life and relationship, which likely just stems from their career circumstances.
Regardless, their relationship with each other is built off of unique circumstances and therefore doesn’t function in the same way a “normal” friendship or relationship would. They don’t care to conform to society’s idea of how they should relate to each other and behave together, they simply care about doing what’s right for each other and what works best for them.
The Fifth House:
Taekook have no planets in their composite 5th, but the house falls in Pisces.
This sign really shows their love for sharing art and music with each other. It’s a very art-based, creative sign, and in their house of fun, games & recreation, you can see how much they genuinely enjoy being creative together. They probably spend a lot of time talking about, creating, and sharing arts, as well as visiting art museums whenever they get the chance.
This sign also tells us that they’re even more affectionate and cuddly when they’re alone and nobody is watching, how cute!!
Both are highly willing to make sacrifices for the other. This doesn’t really come as a surprise given how deep and caring their bond is, but it definitely solidifies the degree to which they’re willing to give to each other without question.
The Sixth House:
Their 6th house falls in Aries! This quick-moving fire sign really shows how much activity goes on in their day-to-day lives. They’re a busy bunch!
They work very well together as a team and are capable of completing tasks together very quickly. This definitely comes in handy during their busy schedules.
Their composite Saturn also resides in this house. This REALLY shows how seriously they take their job and work life. There’s no question in either of their minds how important their work is, and they’re both highly committed to getting their job done well and on time. They have the greatest sense of focus and discipline when they’re working together.
The Seventh House:
Taekook’s seventh house, the house of partnerships, falls in Taurus! This confirms my earlier statement about them being a very sensory-based couple.
There’s no planets in this house either, but we can still draw a few conclusions about their relationship.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign, so they’re very loyal and committed to each other. Nothing is going to break their bond.
They interact with others in a very calm and collected manner, so long as they’re together.
Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, they probably like to relax in a very orderly and beautiful environment. If they’re sharing a room or living space, agreeing upon the decorations and environment are important.
They’re likely to find stability and comfort in their partnership no matter where they’re at in the world or what’s going on. They act as each other’s rock, grounding and supporting the other simply through their presence.
The Eighth House:
Taekook have their Eighth house in Gemini, and their Moon also resides here. Wow, they have a lot of communication aspects!
The 8th is ruled by Scorpio, and once again, there’s no topic off-limits when talkative Gemini is brought into this house. They truly have a very open relationship with each other where no secrets are kept from the other.
The Moon here shows that even their deepest emotions, fears and sensitivities can be shared, heard and respected. Gemini moons make great listeners who love to support each other. 
In the intuitive 8th house, Taekook probably seem almost as if they’re telepathic. They tend to intuit each other’s emotions and thoughts without even having to speak a word. They’re just on the same wavelength, and they know each other well enough to pick up on and interpret subtle signals the other might be giving off.
The Ninth House:
Their ninth is in Cancer, and it’s another empty house.
This tells us that their love for travel, adventure and exploration together also brings them a sense of emotional security. They’re at their happiest and most comfortable when they get to explore new things together.
They also probably need a sense of freedom when they’re living together. As comfortable and affectionate as they are with each other, they also need their space to keep tensions from rising, which makes sense given how close all of the members must live together.
The Tenth House:
Their tenth house and Midheaven are in Leo. With Leo ruling over performance arts and the Midheaven ruling over public image, it makes sense that we’d see this placement in their chart!
This placement just shows us that they’re well known for their career as performers and that this reputation proceeds them. If their names are mentioned, the first thought that comes to mind is their career performing with BTS! 
Their relationship is strengthened through their bond both as friends and as performers. Their loyalty to their career also serves to strengthen their bond with each other.
The Eleventh House:
Taekook’s eleventh falls in Virgo. It’s also an empty house.
They have a very practical and reliable approach to working together as a group and interacting with friends. There isn’t a whole lot of flamboyance or tension in how they function with their friends or bandmates. They’re grounded, reliable, and good at completing necessary tasks.
Their outlook is focused towards the most efficient ways of getting things done, and they’re good at organizing the rest of the group to follow these plans as well. As I said, it’s a very practical approach to friendships and group activities, and their reliability is something that would bring comfort to the other members as well.
The Twelfth House:
Taekook have their twelfth in Libra. The sign of balance and harmony falls into their house of the unconscious and the unseen.
This makes me wonder if this is some of why the maknaes love to rely on Jimin for comfort- his Libra sun would fall in their composite 12th, illuminating these hidden realms… hmm, anyone have any comments on that?
ANYWAY, Taekook have their North Node here, which is interesting. Their relationship will feel the most fulfilling when they’re focused on transcendence of the self. Their South Node would fall back in the 6th in Aries, which shows that coming into this relationship, they’re very self-focused throughout their career/daily activities and may have initially struggled to figure out how the other fits into this scene. 
There’s big themes for them around where to be themselves and care about their own wishes, and where to be selfless and join their energy with the other to act as one. There’s big themes around self vs oneness for them. 
They’ll actually feel the most fulfilled through their connection when they’re acting selflessly for the other, and finding that balance between themselves and their own desires and the other’s. Anything they do to benefit the other will naturally also benefit themself.
Their Chiron also falls in this house, which shows huge opportunities for healing in their relationship. When they feel as if they can’t fit into the rest of the world or are haunted by traumatic memories of their pasts, they can find peace and solace within their connection.
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few people have come to me asking for recommended reading regarding astrology, and my answer is constantly changing, as it really depends on your level of knowledge. So here I’m going to share a few of my favorites off my Astrology bookshelves (yes, I have more than one shelf dedicated to astrology). This is a guide for the self-made, self-taught astrologer! - Our Astrologer, Cosmic Love
For Beginners! Learn this name. Linda Goodman. This woman was my introduction to astrology. I read her book, Sun Signs, when I was 8 years old and it hooked me. This book came out in 1968 and was the first book on astrology to reach the New York Times Best-Seller list. Her writing is very clear to complete beginners, and entertaining to read even for more experienced astrology students. Her writing style reminded me of my grandmother, who gave me the book, so it was a very familiar-feeling and easy-to-read book.
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Many of you will recognize the name “Llewellyn” if you’re involved in the metaphysical or magickal community in any way. They have a great introductory book on astrology, called Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Astrology: The Easy Way To Learn Astrology. It is a good resource for anyone learning astrology, and will give you a decent grasp of the basic factors involved in a chart.
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Another great resource for any astrologer looking to learn is Astrology: Understanding The Birth Chart by Kevin Burk. This book has a lot of very useful information and is an excellent tool, especially for those interested in a more classical approach to astrology. This book is aimed less at modern astrology, and more at the carefully calculated science that ancient astrologers practiced in Greece.
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One of my personal favorite textbook-like astrology books is A Spiritual Approach to Astrology, by Myrna Lofthus. This is an incredible book with a whole load of information useful to any level astrologer. It even includes a spiritual view on aspects and placements. This book dives into overviews of the planets, signs and houses as well as aspects from a karmic and spiritual perspective. If you’re looking for soul development, this is your astrology bible.
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I found this next one at a garage sale one day for $1 and just had to call it destiny. The Compleat Astrologer, by Derek & Julia Parker, was published in 1971, and was such a great find! It’s a beautifully illustrated collector’s book with lots of good information for the beginning astrologer. It goes through the signs one by one and includes a historical timeline of astrology and “The Astrological Ages of Man,” which the history buff inside me finds incredibly fascinating! Maybe I’ll do a blog post on astrological ages of man soon…
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One of my more recent favorites, The Astrology of Fate by Liz Greene, presents astrology from a somewhat classical perspective, yet also slightly modern in her psychological analysis. She uses Greek myths and ancient archetypes to describe the patterns of the planets involved in major life events and makes some very interesting connections! This book also gives many examples and may use technical jargon, so I recommend this book for after you’ve read the previous books listed.
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I personally did not have as much interest in this book, but it is a good beginner resource, so I feel obligated to list it here. The Inner Sky by Steven Forrest was recommended to me by a friend years ago, and I didn’t connect very well with his writing style, but he does have great information here. Steven Forrest also has a whole series of astrology books for different levels of learning, so there is something for everyone with his work.
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An excellent book for anyone struggling to understand the concept of the houses and their themes, The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas is a wonderfully informative book specifically about the houses and the planets throughout the houses. This has some great information on aspect patterns involving houses as well.
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There is a series of astrology handbooks by Frances Sakoian and Louis S. Acker, all of them very good resources. First, there’s The Astrologer’s Handbook, which focuses mainly on natal chart interpretation. The next one I would look into is Predictive Astrology, which mainly focuses on the meanings of transits. Then there’s another book on reading synastry charts (relationship astrology) called The Astrology of Human Relationships.
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If you’re interested in learning specifically about the ancient Hellenistic tradition of astrology, this list would not be complete without Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune by Chris Brennan. This book is a textbook for the ancient Hellenistic way of learning astrology, complete with chart examples and analyses. Chris Brennan offers astrology courses on his website as well and is the host of The Astrology Podcast.
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Another one, Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Predictive Astrology: The Easy Way To Predict Your Future, is a good resource for beginners of predictive work. It has a lot of information and great example charts to help grasp confusing concepts.
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Another great book is Predictive Astrology: The Eagle And The Lark by Bernadette Brady. This one has a huge amount of information stuffed into such a tiny package. It includes descriptions of the planets, signs and aspects and how they translate to predictive work. It also includes transits and progressions, as well as time maps, transit grids, and how to use them all.
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One book I’ve worn out with predictive astrology is Planets in Solar Returns: Yearly Cycles of Transformation and Growth by Mary Fortier Shea. This book is specifically written for solar return charts, but has some very helpful information on how to translate a solar return into something that makes sense. This book includes placements as well as aspects.
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Another great book on solar return predictions is The New Solar Return Book of Prediction by Raymond A. Merriman. This book goes into all kinds of detail regarding solar return charts and how to interpret them.
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For a great guide book on transits and progressions to natal planets and points, look for Roadmap To Your Future by Bernie Ashman. It contains symbolism of all of the planets, example charts, as well as a description of all of the transits and progressions.
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If you’re interested more in Vedic astrology, check out volumes 1 and 2 of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra: A Compendium in Vedic Astrology. This massive collection of knowledge may be a little advanced for those just starting in astrology, but if you’re already familiar with the basics of Vedic astrology, go ahead and give it a shot!
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For people interested in predicting events with astrology, I have a few books that have helped me! First, Predicting Events With Astrology by Celeste Teal. This book is textbook-like and very informative regarding predictive astrology. It goes over using decans as well, which is very important in getting specific information from a chart.
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For those of you interested in a karmic approach to astrology, Astrology, Karma & Transformation: The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart by Stephen Arroyo is a great informative read, and includes the karmic ideas of the outer planets and their transits. Also, any and all of the Karmic Astrology series by Martin Schulman. I still haven’t been able to get all of this collection, but I have a few and they’ve all been quite interesting to read.
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For anyone interested in the complex world of medical astrology, I have two books to recommend. First, Your Health in Your Horoscope: Introduction to Medical Astrology by Stefan Stenudd. This book is a great introduction, as it says in the title, but doesn’t get into extensive medical correspondences and specifics. I just ordered The Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by Howard Leslie Cornell, and I’m so excited to see what information it holds for me!
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Anyone who likes lists and textbook learning will love The Rulership Book by Rex E. Bills. This book is essentially a book of lists relating to astrology. It includes correspondence lists for each sign, planet and house, as well as a “dictionary” in the beginning to look up almost anything you can think of. I use this book ALL the time when writing my articles as well as for reference sometimes when I’m blocked reading a chart. I highly recommend this one; I feel it’s essential for any astrologer to have.
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For tarot readers out there, I just bought a book called Tarot and Astrology: Enhance Your Readings With The Wisdom Of the Zodiac by Corrine Kenner. This book is excellent for those with an understanding of tarot who are trying to learn astrology to help their readings. It has tables for reference as well as corresponding cards for each sign and planet placement. Very useful book already and I’ve barely even gotten a chance to read through it yet!
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Another book I just bought and am already enjoying is Pam Gregory’s You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? I really love a good astrology book that gets technical with things. Pam Gregory is someone I’ve already been following on YouTube and online, and now I’m so excited to be reading her book!
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For anyone looking for information on working with the Moon’s timing, Living By The Moon: A Practical Guide for Choosing the Right Time by Ute York is an excellent addition to your library! A must-have, in fact. This book packs all kinds of lunar information into a small package and isn’t astrologically complex at all, so any level of astrologer can use it!
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There are a few more on my shelf that are great books, too, but I think this is enough for a good, well-rounded reading list. I hope this list will be a helpful tool for your journey of self-discovery and healing, and I hope that you continue to learn the path of the stars!
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newwayastrology · 4 years
Sign changes by progression mean nothing.
Transits to progressions mean nothing. Total nonsense.
No planet makes you do anything or makes anything happen. You go to the bathroom when you need to. This applies to everything in life. The horoscope is simply an indicator of what your needs, challenges, and gifts are and it serves as a good planner of when to do or not do things.
There are going to be instances when a person is nothing like their chart, when things cannot be explained by it. This is because of human free will. Horoscopes don't control behavior. They indicate what's best for one's fulfillment.
What happens in anyone's future is dependent on what is possible in that person's life.
One size doesn't fit all with transits and arcs. Pluto square Sun, for example, will be different if one person is in prison, the other owns a corporation, and the other is a Tibetan Monk who meditates all the time. The meaning of the contact works in relationship to the lives lived.
Hard aspects are not "bad." It's not a curse. All it means is that you are weak in something that needs work. Sextiles and trines are not "good." They are like tests you've already passed. What's more, they are not developmental. They are like a day at the beach whereas the hard aspects are like lifting weights in a gym. In life, if you don't develop, you remain the same. The horoscopes of achievers are NOT dominated by trines and sextiles.
Astrology has a kabillion House systems, aspects....there are asteroids, Uranians, Eris and this and that. You've never known a person, nor have you ever heard of one, who is as complex as all we have in astrology. You MUST start with an awareness of life's patterns and fit the astrology to them rather than confine a person to what you know about astrology. 
The horoscope you were born with isn't just happenstance. You should never say that you dislike something in it. That line of thinking results from having the good vs. bad mindset. You have what you have because it's the best thing for you.
The only thing that the 2nd House has to do with money is a gauge of how you might manage whatever income you have. It is NOT going to give you info about wealth or poverty. Examine the horoscopes of 500 wealthy people and maybe ten have 2nd Houses that look like what books stated yesteryear. The 2nd House is how you view yourself as a resource in terms of self-worth, self-value, and self-esteem, terms that were non-existent until the 20th Century.
Don't worry yourself with Solar Returns. Nothing in a year can supercede the conjunction, square, and opposition that Saturn through Pluto makes to the Angles and Lights by transit and Solar Arc. Your Return can have 45 Jupiters on the Midheaven but if, say, SA Neptune=Sun and transiting Saturn and Pluto are conjunct the natal Ascendant, that Return means nothing. Even without that, they are largely a waste of time. My mentor once intentionally situated himself at a place in the world that would maximize his Return. Waste of time. I used to do them for myself long ago. Go back over your Returns and see how many were irrelevant. I had one know-it-all client whose Return had a Sun-Jupiter conjunction in the 2nd trine the Moon. Transiting Neptune was to hit her Ascendant during that year. I warned her against doing a five-figure investment. She ended up getting laid off and could not get another job. She had to file for bankruptcy and actually, at age 42, had to move back in with her parents. Please ignore Solar Returns. It's astrological entertainment-only.
At the very least, if you have not seen an astrological technique work in 85% of 500 charts, it's not reliable. Your family, friends, and a few others is not enough. Fill your software with horoscopes of the well-known people whose lives are easy to check out. This is how you learn what's reliable, not from a couple handful's of charts because the truth of the matter is that you can just make something up...."people with Saturn in the 12th have throat problems" or whatever, and you will be able to find people who have it. That doesn't mean it's reliable. 85% of 500 charts is reliable. Nothing in astrology is 100% because of human will power.
Avoid astrological nonsense. The ruler of the 5th in the 12th means that you'll go to jail if you gamble is nonsense, the kind of things that make people trash astrology. There is a lot of it, things that are just total nonsense.
If you've not used astrology to help at least 50 people who paid you, what you know is what you've read in books, that's it. The difference is like the way you thought life was as a 6th grader versus how it actually is.
Everything fits into life. It all begins with life's patterns, not with astrology. When you approach it like astrology created life, all you do is confine people by what you think you know about astrology. You have to reverse it. You have the horoscope. It SUGGESTS many things but you don't know anything for certain until you see how a psrson's life is. I gave a seminar once where I used a friend's horoscope who is paralyzed from the waist down. His horoscope was very active going forward for two years and the things that came from my audience about what they thought would happen were astrologically logical. No one asked about the gender, where he lived, what he does, etc. It was all stock astrology cookbook stuff, none of which could happen in the life of a person confined to a wheelchair. A horoscope MUST be in the context of the life living it. A 98 year old widowed man with Uranus coming to his Venus is not going to begin an exciting romantic relationship. A man with 99 planets in the 9th House who was raised in Apartheid is not going to have a life of academia because he was raised in a system that made it impossible for it to happen. A horoscope SUGGESTS. 
Regarding synastry, comparing planets between horoscopes is useless. If that worked, no professional astrologer would ever have a bad relationship or divorve. That is FAR from the case. Just because someone's Jupiter and Venus are on your Sun means nothing. That's on paper. The way to do synastry is to look at both horoscopes SEPARATELY just like you look at two individuals separately. You see where each person is at, what their needs are. You make sure they understand their needs and then you make sure each person understand the other person's needs. For example, in my horoscope, I have a Mercury-Jupiter-Uranus conjunction squared by Neptune. That's expansive, individualistic, idealism. I do not follow established thinking. I don't use an iPhone, largely because everyone does. If I am with someone who has, say, Mercury in Taurus squared by Saturn and Pluto, we have two completely needs in thinking, like a bank teller and an artist. Is that going to work in a relationship over time? Chances are that it won't. That's how you have to approach synastry. And, the more aspect contacts there are between two charts, the stronger the chemistry usually is, and I mean conjunctions, squares, and oppositions. Go to astrodatabank.com. Get the horoscopes of President Carter and his wife. Make a bi-wheel. Using traditional synastry, it's close to a nightmare, yet, they just celebrated either 74 or 75 years of marriage this year.
Have you ever been through a hard time that taught you invaluable things about yourself that you could not have learned otherwise? Maybe it was a horrendous marriage. Maybe it was how losing a job made your life dark for awhile. Maybe it was illness. Whatevrr the case may be, to varying degrees, every life has moments or periods that end up teaching uou something. That's what hard aspects are about, just something you need to learn so that you can be better. It's not, "Why do I have to have this stellium in the 12th" or "How come I had to be born with Moon in Scorpio?" That which is in a horoscope is there for a reason. It is to help you. If, for example, Saturn squares Mercury, it's a message to you to lighten up your thought processes so that your thinking will be efficient and structured so it works for your benefit whereas Saturn trine Mercury suggests the work has already been done. It's not good or bad any more than having to lose weight for health purposes is. The end purpose is to evolve so that you csn be the best you that you can be.
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Why Meghan Markle is Being Such a Jerk—An Astrological Study
First of all, if you have never read my website, I am not politically correct. If you are a snowflake who is “hurt” by strong sentiments, please stop reading now. If you are still here, I will tell you why I have such a strong message in my title.
First of all, there is a sociological aspect to Meghan’s complaints. Yes, the world has been racist. Yes, there are bigoted morons in the world. Yes, a public figure will be criticized unfairly. Look at Melania Trump. So, when Meghan made the decision to marry Harry and partake of the wealth and fame of the royal family, she was, in effect, signing up for these unfortunate societal things.
People say she can’t have her cake and eat it too. I agree. She was not famous before her marriage. She did not have the same level of public voice before her marriage. These are part of the benefits. The drawbacks are that people target you. Anyone should know this. Therefore, it is hard to feel sympathy for her. However, if she truly does not want to be a royal, she should give up the title and become a private citizen. This includes giving up the wealth and status.
That is my opinion, but that is not why I am writing this article. This article will show WHY she is doing this; why she is so clueless. We can see this in her natal chart. I have, also, done a synastry with Harry. I cannot see how this marriage can work. It is a synastry from hell. I have posted the synastry above but I have an article on it and I will link it.
For now, we will look at her natal chart. To put it very simply, Meghan is an egomaniac with an inferiority complex. Meghan is not how she appears, through no fault of her own. She has a chart with a full bottom half–i.e planets occupying the lower half of the chart. This is the chart of an introvert. An introvert needs to accept that she is an introvert. If not, she will be skating on thin ice on which she cannot navigate. Meghan tries to have a “big personality” and it is not her natural state.
Now, we have to add the Leo Sun, which does have a big personality i.e a big show. However, the rest of her chart is introverted. That means she is very self focused, through no fault of her own. It is the chart energies. However, she takes everything very personally and this is not a good omen for being a royal. All royals get hammered in the press. Fergie was called fat. Diana was called dumb. Charles was called ugly and a loser. Camellia was called a dog. If people harrass Meghan for being mixed race, which I have not seen, it is simply the ejaculations of ignorant moronic people–nothing more or less than the treatment of other royals.However, due to the fact that Meghan takes things so personally, it is almost impossible for her to shake it off.
Now, I can relate to her on this.She has the dreaded Cancer Mars. It is a very hard Mars. Hers is much harder due to the placement in the 12th House. Cancer Mars may be the flu, but Cancer Mars in the 12th house is Ebola. I will explain why.
Cancer Mars is a Cardinal Mars, so we have leadership and strength. However, the sign of Cancer is an inward oriented sign. When Cancer Mars gets angry, they stuff it. They stuff it and stuff it and then they either explode or implode. Usually, they implode. They can do self destructive acts like overeat(very common) or just make fools of themselves because they did not deal with a normal emotion(anger) in a forthright and direct way.
One trait of the Cancer Mars is passive aggression. There are few that are as “talented” in passive aggression as is a Cancer Mars. It is simply the nature of how this Mars handles strong emotions. Hence, when Meghan blindsided the Queen, I bet anger had been building up for a long time and Meghan did not know how to handle it in a direct way. I do give her a pass, in a sense, because her Mars is in a very suppressed house, the 12th house. Hence, for her to take direct action is like a poodle flying a plane. It is almost impossible.
Now, we have her family—URGG.This is not her fault. She has a very non nurturing relationship with her mother. I feel very sad when I see this. Everyone needs to be nurtured. When you are not, the pain runs very deep. It makes you into a kind of mutant. Weird things come out of you as a result. You are not “totally right”. No one is really “totally right” but people who are not nurtured try to receive nurturing in ways that are not healthy for them. This can result in poor choices and poor planning. I don’t think Meghan thought out the ramifications of being a royal. Poor planning is a big part of her current problem.
I can see her relationship with her mother in the Moon/Saturn conjunction.She has Moon/Jupiter which does give her a bubbly personality and this is very real, but her mother was not her friend. Her mother was very critical of her. In return, she is very critical of herself.
Also, we see she had a unstable childhood due to the Pluto in the 4th house. There was violence in some form, perhaps suppressed, but it was an unsafe home.
She is somewhat low in water. She has one personal planet in water. Water gives us empathy. Hence, her empathy to others is not huge. I am not saying she does not have empathy, but it is not a very string trait. If we combine this with introversion, it points to a very self focused person. If you are a royal, it would be hell if you could not “shrug off” the criticism. This is one of the major problems she is facing now and why she is acting like a “spoiled brat” to all outward appearances.
Her father was good to her. She gets along better with men than women. I don’t think she trusts women. Hence, she and Kate and she and the Queen must have a cool detente. This is not her fault. It is the nature of her chart.
Lastly, her highly afflicted Mars squares her Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. This makes the relationship with women so much harder than for most people in the population. It makes her much more critical of herself. It makes her doubt herself a great deal. Hence, we see someone who is trying to be important, but feels like a speck of dust.
The more I write, the more I feel sorry for her. Her chart is not one for a royal. I do not see the marriage lasting and she should be very careful that an “accident” does not befall her.
@talkingtarot  @keepingupwiththebananadramas  @houseofbrat
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circe-poetica · 4 years
Dawn Bodrogi:5 Misconceptions in Synastry
Sometimes I think that astrology is one giant game of telephone that stretches from the past to the present. We think we hear what’s being said, but the messages get garbled along the way, until we no longer know what the meaning is. Sometimes what is being said is no longer relevant. Sometimes we lose important bits of information along the way. These days, the internet has a very loud voice, and bad information is often taken as blind truth. Sometimes, in our quest for instant answers, we ignore the subtlety of interpretation that was once demanded of anyone who practiced astrology and seriously studied synastry
. We like things in black and white, but the truth tends to lie in the shades of gray.
Here, for better or worse, are some of the most common misconceptions that float around relationship astrology, in no particular order:
Misconception #1: The ‘Other’ Is Always Represented by the Seventh House
People are always surprised to learn that there are other houses that are concerned with partnership and the way we exchange energy with others. We’re all guilty of it—we find someone we fall for, and we immediately look to the Seventh House for answers. They’re our soul mate, right? The one who will deliver us from our own shadow. Well, no, not always. Liz Greene has famously said that it’s a Seventh House relationship when two people are arguing about who takes out the garbage. She meant it tongue in cheek (I think) and I wouldn’t go that far, but a Seventh House partnership is a committed partnership. We don’t go around messing with people’s shadows for nothing. If a relationship is not ‘serious,’ if one or the other partners is not committed to it, you must also look at the Fifth House.
We need to rethink the Fifth House as a partnership house. We tend to think of it these days as creative expression, or personal expression, and ignore the sexual connotations of that Leonine area. The king is there to spread his seed, and we all spread the seeds of ourselves in the Fifth. The Fifth House is where we learn how to partner, and we learn how to play. We have fun. We take chances (the Fifth House also rules gambling). We want to test ourselves, to see how far we can go. A packed Fifth House can indicate someone who is more inclined to just have fun in relationships. The Fifth House is where we kick up our heels after being doused in the emotional Fourth House, and often conflicts between the Fourth and Fifth Houses in a chart show conflicts between settling down and having a good time. (This also has to do with the primary conflict inherent in the relationship between the Moon [Fourth House] and the Sun [Fifth House].)
Women tend to dive into the Seventh House more readily, are often more ready to face the shadow and are much more knowledgeable about what that entails. (This has to do with the esoteric meanings of Aries and Libra—we’ll get into that some other day.) But if, as they say, he’s not that into you, you need to explore his Fifth House thoroughly and see if there are any conflicts between the Fifth House and his Seventh or Eighth. If there are, he may be more inclined to play than to commit.
A Seventh House relationship is more about give-and-take. It’s often the case where one partner’s Seventh is activated by the chart comparison and the other’s is not—one is ripe for commitment and the other is just passing through. If his Seventh is stimulated and he is still avoiding you, he may not be ready to face the depth of the integration of that Seventh House. Not yet, anyway. If the ruler of the Fifth House plays a dominant part in his chart and is not tied to relationship planets, he may be less the marrying kind than you think. The Eleventh House, opposite the Fifth, is also involved. If the Eleventh House is very active in his chart, he may be less the fiery visionary you imagine by your side, and more the kind that likes to keep things on a friendship level.
Misconception #2: Beware of Hard Aspects
[ad]We’ve all been guilty of this. Certainly all of us do it when we first begin astrology. (And I’m willing to bet that 90 percent of us got involved with astrology because we wanted to find out about a relationship.) We find the chart of our loved one, compare it to ours, and thrill with every conjunction, trine, or sextile (if we’re desperate) that we find there. It’s Kismet, certainly. It’s fated bliss.
Well, surprise, folks. A conjunction is considered a hard aspect. And sometimes they’re not pretty. Sometimes they’re wild and unpredictable and conflicted, tiny little volcanoes waiting to explode and do a lot of damage. They’re impulsive and a bit willful, much like Aries, and, far from blending peacefully, they can like a good fight. It depends on the planets involved. Sure, a Sun/Moon or Moon/Venus conjunction may roll along nicely, but that Mars/Pluto or even Mercury/Saturn may really trip up a relationship. You can’t assume a conjunction will always work smoothly. But it will always be strong. It will provide stimulation, which we all need in order to grow within a relationship.
Like human beings, relationships need fuel for the fire. We’re taught to believe that if all else is compatible (whatever that may mean in astrological terms), then all we need is a good dose of Saturn ‘glue’ to keep us together. Not so. Of course, Saturn is good for a relationship, it gives us something to work towards, something to learn together. But a lot of times we aren’t ready for Saturn; we haven’t got to the point in our own lives where we can use him constructively yet (usually after the first Saturn return). What then?
That’s when our hard aspects kick in. Hard aspects between charts provide the stimulus for growth between two people. They cause us to challenge our assumptions, and see the world (and our planets) in new ways. When we’re younger, we assume that everyone is like us (or our families); once we get into our mid- to late-twenties, we learn that isn’t true and we want to see what else is out there. Hard aspects between charts push us to open our eyes and our heart. Hard aspects from another’s chart to Mercury will shake up our assumptions and thought patterns. Hard aspects to Venus teach us lessons about how we express love and whether or not that love is communicated in a way the other person understands. This stimulation might be uncomfortable, but it’s always compelling.
An overabundance of trines, sextiles, and easy conjunctions will leave a relationship with nowhere to go. Boredom, complacency, and taking one another for granted are usually the result. Keep those squares, oppositions, and sesquiquadrates (135 degrees) coming.
Misconception #3: Good Venus/Mars Connections Tell Us Everything We Need to Know About Our Sex Lives
Surprise again, but Venus/Mars is not the “be all and end all” of sex, and their position in the charts is not as crucial as some think. First of all, it’s not the hottest aspect. I think I’d take Moon/Mars over Venus/Mars anytime, or Mars/Pluto if you like a little danger. Even Saturn is sexier sometimes (at least at first) when he really desires something and masquerades as his younger self. (The Moon represents need in our charts, but Saturn is about how we get those needs fulfilled in the real world. If Saturn needs you for some reason it will move hell and high water to get to you.)
Our Venus explains the way we express and receive love. It represents what we value. Mars is about action, how we do things in the world, how we go about getting what Venus desires. Venus is receptive and Mars aggressive. When the two are in sync, by sign or element, this inward and outward flow is very peaceful. The waters are calm. I want you, you want me, you love me in a way I understand. It’s all very pleasant—but it isn’t going to overcome so-called ‘issues’ in the chart.
Like, even though my emotionally possessive Venus in Cancer is in sync with your sensitive Mars in Cancer, I may have a Mars/Uranus conjunction in my natal chart that makes me feel strangled if I’m held too tightly. Or, we have a Venus/Mars trine, but he has Pluto on the Descendant with Mars squaring and may not realize, yet, that he can’t be comfortable in a relationship unless he’s calling all the shots, in bed and otherwise. The most important thing we need to do in synastry is analyze the individual charts first for their capacity for love and caring exchange. If there are problems with sexual relating within the natal chart, especially with problematic Eighth House issues, no positive Venus/Mars aspect will be able to transcend this difficulty in the long term.
Misconception #4: Composite Charts Tell Us How We Relate to One Another
This is wrong from the get-go. Composite charts are not about the exchange of energy between us. They’re about the energy, the aura, the charisma that we give off together. This is very subtle territory. A composite chart is not about what happens when your Pluto sits on my Moon and makes me cry. A composite chart will show us a different dynamic.
If we have a Moon/Pluto conjunction in our composite chart, our feelings together will be intense and transformative, and have a great effect on the house that the conjunction falls in. How we use our emotional drive as a couple will be of concern. If it’s in our Fifth House in the composite, we may be passionate about our children. If it’s in the Tenth House, our work and our status in the world will be important to us, and together we may be emotionally driven to accomplish. In the Eighth, our primary emotional focus may be via our sex life. But the way I treat you and you treat me is for the inter-aspects alone. Also, you cannot have a composite chart unless you have a real relationship. You can draw one up, of course, but it only exists in the world of potential, of what might be.
Misconception #5: All Planets Are Equal
Early on in our astrological learning, we compare charts via lists of aspects—endless lists that mark every sesquiquadrate and semi-sextile to every planet, asteroid, and point between the charts. We see a quality in the relationship and use these remote connections to back up our theories, even though we may not fully know what these aspects mean. But in the end, all we end up doing is confusing ourselves. It’s hard to see through the astrological forest, and we lose our way.
It’s important to prioritize the planets, to give them weighting. Those are the ones that are most likely to raise their heads in a relationship. The Sun and Moon are always important. So are angle rulers. So is the dispositor of the Sun. Venus, Mars, Saturn—what’s happening with them? If the basic relationship planets are not connecting, no aspect of Mercury/Jupiter or Vertex/Chiron is going to matter. Also, some planets are not important within a chart.
Your planets might have a dozen contacts with my Pluto, but if Pluto is not a very active planet in my chart, it won’t matter much. Oh, sure there may be intensity, but if my journey is not basically a Plutonian one, I may not perceive that I need your energy in my life. One-sided relationships often occur with this dynamic. If I’m a Plutonian and your chart excites my Pluto in a number of ways, I may crave our contact, but the non-Plutonian may want to shake me off as soon as possible. This dynamic often occurs with all three of the outer planets.
Synastry studies can yield great insight into your relationships—if you know where to look. Don’t fall prey to these common misconceptions about relationship astrology. Instead, consider all the important information, and open your eyes to the bigger picture, for a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships.
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seoultraveller · 4 years
Oh no that doesn’t so too good :// I hope it’ll clear and that you’ll feel more comfortable 💕💕✨✨
Please that makes me so happy 😭🥰💕 It’s so nice talking to you and it’s been a while since and I just wanted to check up y’know 🥰 And sound great, give me a week in review 🥳
Omggg you’re awake so early !!!😳 I hope you aren’t too tired for the rest of the day ahh :/ OMG YEAHHH the stage was so cool !! And doing wave in that dark concept was mind blowing 🤩
I’m feeling good !! I have this whole week off, which I’m VERY happy about :P I haven’t done much expect painting and writing since my motivation has been pretty good, and now that i have a free week it’s easier to spend time on hobbies 😊
I hope so too!! 🥺😩
Oh really?! Just seeing your text posts/photo posts make me really happy!! 🤩☺️🥰 I know that I am not the best at responding and I am so sorry for that!! 🥺 I feel like the world around me is changing subtly and it’s kind of like an indicator that I need to change and... and I struggle with change (as much as I hate to admit). All of the busy work I feel that we do is mindless but instead of it being middle school, it’s elementary school, so we do what we must to keep the children busy... 🙄 How have you been, by the way? I know you said that your school was talking about going back in-person for a full week. Did you? Aside from school though, have things been good? Awesome!! That you get a break!! How do you plan to spend it?? Any writing that you have planned for tumblr, or is it just for yourself? (Which is good to do!)
YES! I WAS! In fact, my sleeping pattern has been an absolute mess since they re-assigned me (blame everything on the new position 😂). I kept falling asleep in the class so I just resorted to looking up natal/synastry charts to keep me awake. 😂 We are doing everything online anyway, just keep us home... 🤷🏾‍♀️ I would usually pride myself on being an early riser but I would just really prefer to sleep normally, now that I have to be up at these early morning times. It’s not like I am waking up early to work out. However, I’m doing it to save and invest in my future.
I really really really enjoyed what I saw of the performance, and I honestly cannot wait to see what they have in store. Their foreshadowing performances at the award show, gave us a slight glimpse into what we will be getting. AND I AM SO EXCITED!!! I just hope that I can wake up in time to see it live 😂 😂
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midknightjaguar · 5 years
♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️ UPDATE:: FREE ASTROLOGY READING♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️
So it’s been a few years since I made a post offering free astrological readings for practice and pleasure, and was surprised by the amount of people I had reach out in trying to understand their charts. I’m very appreciative of everyone who has let me take a look at their chart, it’s a very vulnerable exposure to those who know the astrological language, so thank you.
What I have learned over the past few years of doing all these free charts, is how much time I have given in wanting to do these very extensive charts for free, and since they are done out of my kindness and want to help others in their journey, Its a little bit disheartening 💔 to see how many show zero reciprocation or feedback. So my gratitude goes out to those who do let me know their feedback and can share themselves with me. I don’t do these readings in hopes of any expectations, so it hasn’t made me feel resentful for my service or anything, and I know that with or without the feedback I got good practice, but when you spend hours looking into a chart and put your effort into verbalizing and explaining in depth, and aren’t receiving anything in return, that’s when it becomes draining and the give and take is not being fulfilled.. and I essentially am left feeling unappreciated 😅😢 tho I know my service is my choice and I do it out of love and there’s always a reason why people aren’t able to reach out, and that’s ok. And through this and my many readings I’m learning a thing or two about boundaries.. something my Neptune/midheavan has a hard time comprehending when giving myself to the public. I want and do give myself because I love to help, and astrology is healing for me, But now I’m starting to understand why limits have to be set...
Let me start by explaining why I choose to service those in need of astrological guidance.. when I first started studying astrology about 12 years ago at a serious level, it helped heal me tremendously by teaching me about myself, with tons of Pluto/mars placements I’ve had a very turbulent and extreme life and internal peace is not a natural state for me, so finally having an answer as to why I was the way I was, was incredibly uplifting and liberating to finally feel understood. On my journey to self discovery.. which is a lifelong journey.. I’ve found scarce amount of astrological friends and when I found those who were more knowledgeable than me, they wouldn’t give me the time of day without paying hundreds of $$ which at the time I couldn’t afford. The area I live in does not have an astrological community, and in attempts to creating my own I soon realized that many were more dabblers than anything and I might have to actually lead this lot, when I wasn’t quite ready to at the time. So, I taught myself, and read every book, article and written/verbal words I could find on astrology and absorbed and continue to absorb as much as I can. In my time of astrological learning, I have only met one astrologer that I was lucky to meet in person who actually sat and had a conversation with me and actually took the time to look at my chart and give me feedback. His kindness and generosity made a huge impact on me, and to this day I still remember that connection and it’s very important to me, because when it comes down to it, to have someone actually take a look at your chart because they WANT TO is a rare thing indeed! I’ve connected with a few other astrological friends I’ve met a long the way that have also made a very contributing impact on my confidence and journey in astrology but in total I can only say I’ve had about 3 of those connections.. so out of 12 years, those are very special moments to me.
So because of my lonely road, that’s why I choose to give guidance to those new in astrology or just wanting feedback because I wish I could have gotten that on my journey. just to give and talk, because I enjoy to help. I love teaching others and just talking about the topic of astrology and sharing that passion is timeless for me, and every conversation is a new lesson.
So often I will see posts of newer “astrologers” on social media who make statements like “people are so entitled thinking that they can just ask them any question like they are a search engine”..or thinking that every amount of time that is given must have a dollar value if they must share their 2 year astrology knowledge they acquired through reading other social media astrology writings and the internet.. and to me, it’s a very controversial topic, considering that to state someone is entitled for asking a question is stating that they are undeserving of your time, which is not true and a matter of perspective and places a money condition to sharing knowledge. To me, astrological questions are asked because simply.. astrology is a very complex study and requires a lot of questions! It really is helpful to find someone more knowledgeable and it doesn’t hurt to reach out and try to ask and understand ones own chart!! It’s contradictive to me and I feel a harsh spot in the astrological community.
NOW TO SUM IT UP.. I’m going to have to clarify that I’ll be doing readings now based off donations. I’ve gotten to a point where my 12+ years experience and over 100+ chart readings, A lot of them FOR FREE, have given me my validation that my knowledge and intuitive insight into a chart has value, and I can eventually make a living off doing what I love. I want to do donations because I feel like it’s flexible for those who cannot afford a 100$+ Reading but can offer something else in return. My aim is to help everyone and I feel everyone deserves guidance and a chance to understand themselves and their chart, and to have someone give them the time of day to get the answers or clarity they need.
I can do everything from personality readings that go in-depth of the patterns and themes that I intuitively pick up and the lessons and directions the planets are taking an individual, to current planet transits and forecasts, electional, to synastry and composite charts which are astrological ways of saying compatibility potentials. The more in-depth I go, the more time it takes me obviously, and sometimes just a personality reading, to explain everything can take up to 5+ hours!
Thus I’m all caught up in my readings finally, so I’m ready to take on more! I can be scattered but my integrity gets every chart done! 💪🏼 no chart left behind! Lol. So thankful for the patience 🙏🏼 and to connect ☯️ lots of love to all, we’re all in this together 🌞🌚
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hungry-socks-blog · 7 years
🍷Venus Pluto Aspects: Drunk Off Love🍷
I'm really in love with pluto aspects and venus pluto aspects happen to be my favorite! These are for the natal aspects, not synastry. ❤
Venus and pluto when aspected can create a heavy attraction in your relationships, it can form obsession and create a sort of "fatal attraction" sort of relationship at times. You can becomes easily obsessed with people or them with you. People with this placement seem to have something very magnetic about them that calls for attention, not in a flashy leo way, but in a scorpio or plutonian way. Good comparisons in literature would be Beauty and the beast, Fatal Attraction (as previously mentioned) and Hades and Persephone in greek mythology. Pluto wants to control and own venus, keeping her all to himself in his obsession. This placement in ones chart can be very transformative in love. Perhaps relationships change you when you're in them. You can go in being one person and come out a whole different person and not even realize it. You could also have enough influence to effectively change your partner with the power of this placement. Every relationship could feel like fate to you and you will go to the ends of the earth to learn everything you can about whoever you just fell in love with. You'll want to learn every detail of their existence so you can satisfy your insatiable obsession to get to know them on the most personal level. People with these aspects must be careful though as to not become dangerously/unhealthily obsessed with someone. You need to have the strength to reign yourself in when things get too intense. This placement can create one of the most passionate relationships and it can send you on a rollercoaster of emotions. So hang on tight because there isn't much keeping you from flying off.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Hi Scorp! I just have to tell you I've been on this site for a while and I'm so glad to come across someone's page that breaks astrology down so succinctly and in a fun and personal way. I wish more people we like you- you're a gem! I'd like to get started too and want to know in your opinion what the signs of a good astrologer are and how one can become one? Your help is as always so appreciated! I really admire you!
Thank you, love- Good Question
Signs of A Good Astrologer
1. They Understand Multiple Systems
Now, not every astrologer will use them. Some are more comfortable with Vedic, others Placidus, some Quadrant or Draconic and a few Horary or Equal House. Regardless, they’ll be able to entertain all kinds even if they subscribe to another/one in particular.
2. They Can Read A Natal Wheel
I know this may sound like a given but some folks who get into astrology just use a calculator or generator to pull up aspects and chart patterns. They won’t actually look at the wheel and see where planets land or how to work their way around the circle. They may not understand the red lines from the green or blue. It’s important to not only rely on a calculator but understand the wheel as a blueprint. You can catch many things and see many aspect patters [T-Squares, Grand Trines Yods, etc] with the naked eye. The natal wheel is the birth chart in its raw form. Anyone studying anything must begin with the basics. The wheel, fresh-faced is the best place to start. From there, the 101′s of Astrology become easier to grasp
3. They Do Not Rely On One  App Alone
The sign of any good astrologer [or anyone studying anything] is citing multiple sources and cross-referencing them. As we all know, technology, though an excellent modern tool is imperfect. It too can have glitches and miscalculations. For that reason, it’s important as an astrologer to at least have 2 to 3 calculators [including their own brain and hands] to break things down. This gives a better-rounded view of how charts work and can even introduce you to aspects you didn’t realize existed [parallels, contraparallels, etc]. Cafe Astrology is good for beginners but does not show you minor aspects [Quincunxes, sesquiquadrates, noviles or bi-quintiles] or chart patters like Astro.com does. Co-Star is good for millennials who are just starting and does a fantastic job of giving you a daily horoscope as well, but can really f-things up house-wise. [They are based out of NY and I rejected a job offer from them because of it.] Alabe.com is Ok but they make you input longitude and latitude which not everyone has access to and sometimes it just won’t take. Still, without cross-referencing you’d never know. Cast your net wide so you can get the best return.
4. They Understand Natal, Synastry, and Composite
While it’s important to understand how someone’s natal chart functions and relates to them as a person, or placements in general, we as Human Beings are social creatures. We operate in tribal, familial and unit systems. As a result, it’s important to know how people operate with each other as well as individually. A good astrologer will understand Synastry [aspects/energy between people] and Composite [midpoint and Davison, which is the Astrology of the relationship itself] in addition to Natal patterns.
5. They Have a Good Grasp of History
Mercury, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto? All names of Ancient God’s. When we understand the origins of these Planetary names, we can have a good grasp as to why they’re attributed to said planets/points. Modern planets are named after Roman Gods who all have ties to ancient Greece/India as well. When you understand the myths and stories you’ll already have a head start on why Venus is named after Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, since Venus rules love and what we appreciate. Mars [Aries] is the planet of war, sexual drive and action as is the Hellenistic/Roman God. Lilith is Adam’s first wife in Hebrew tradition and her hypothetical point in astrology embodies her traits. Make sense? Even the asteroids are named after minor gods and characters in the classics. Studying up on these can really help with understanding the planets as a whole.
6. They are Patient
Let’s face it, understanding astrology is not something that comes over night. It is also quite difficult to find in-depth classes for the study. Because of this, it is important for you or any astrologer for that matter to take their time. Don’t rush. Some can spend a lifetime studying and never know all there is to know. I myself learn new things everyday that I share with you all on here. Take your time. Be patient. Astrology is deeply metaphorical, philosophical as well as mathematical. Some may have a stronger grasp with one than another [as a former humanities major, I personally detest math but I’ll be damned if that makes me give up- I keep trying]. A good astrologer will give themselves and others grace to really grasp the concepts they are learning and know that it is not a 24 our crash course.
Red Flags 
With the good comes the bad/things many can work on to improve. The sign of an astrologer not living up to their full potential are:
1. Astrologers That Only Say Good Things About Your Sign
Let’s face it, astrology is not a study for those who like to sugar coat. The reality of life is that everything has a dark and light side. Just like every zodiac sign has positive and shadow traits. [Though I am a Scorpio and very loyal to my sign and people, I feel it necessary if I am to help others, to make them understand the under-developed traits of Plutonians/Martians in general.] You gotta keep it real. It is important to be honest. That is the only way to get to your sign’s final form. To understand what traits you/your sister signs/cousins are prone to. 
2. Astrologers That Point Out Troublesome Placements Without Telling You How to Remedy Them
Big No-No. Astrology is about activism and altruism. It, by nature, is a study quite akin to Psychology. One of my heroes, Liz Greene actually based many of her astrological studies off Jungian psychology. And what is astrology if not psychology with a cosmic twist? ;). A good therapist will isolate your issues but the point in hiring them is for them to aid you in fixing the issues you’re struggling with, no? Same with a good astrologer. They’ll tell you when something is an issue, yes, but they will also give tips and pointers on how to handle the energy or steps to reconciling the energy within your self and others. If someone is simply pointing out that you’re a Capricorn with a Taurus moon and therefore, have pessimistic tendencies, but don’t tell you how to balance that, then they are not doing the best job they can for you.
3. Astrologers That Demonize a Single Sign or Placement 
Or astrologers who are inherently judgmental about your tendencies [many Boomers unfortunately I’ve seen have a habit with this *sigh*]. This is also a No-No. Look, we are all entitled to our own opinion and there is dark and light in each astrological placement. But someone who says “all Pisceans are whiny-crybabies”, “all Virgos are obsessive compulsive critics” or “All Leos are egotistical cheaters” is not someone you want to take very seriously, lol. Sounds like these people got hurt by one of the above and as a result, have a war on everyone with these placements. By proxy, they use astrology to let out their frustrations which is a very twisted way to go about things. We all vibe with one sign or placement more than another of course, but even your fav may have a Mars placement in a sign you though you hated. It is best to be impartial and look at ALL aspects and ALL signs with fairness. The point of astrology is to understand. Once you understand someone or something it’s quite hard to be judgmental [if you’re really going about it with an open-mind]. Just like traveling or spending time with others different from you makes it impossible to be a racist or a bigot. Why? Because you took the time to really connect.
Anyone can become an astrologer with the right discipline and a good amount of grit and curiosity. I think you have the right attitude on how to go about it ;). Here are a few helpful resources to get you started:
1. Spark Notes on Astrology 101
2. Natal Chart Simplified.
3. Decans in Astrology
4. Which Decan Do You Belong To?
5. How to Find Your Dominant Planet
6. Difference Between Your Chart Ruler and Dominant Planet
7. How I learned Astrology
8. My Astro Musings
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