#syntonic research
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Syntonic Research, Inc. - Environments, disc 11, 1978
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hontokana · 2 years
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Syntonic Research, Inc. - Environments 2 Region: USA / Style: Field recordings, Ambient / Year: 1970 LIKED
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30000songs · 1 year
#740 - Environments 3: Dawn & Dusk at New Hope, PA - Irv Teibel/Syntonic Research Inc.
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Chill, but nature recordings can only do so much for me, sadly. 
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Hi, hi! I've been a longtime follower of your blog, but this is my first time sending in an ask because of anxiety. You're the most consistent blog that keeps up to date with Viv and her work. As someone who first saw Viv through the Die Young animation, and watched the HH pilot when it was first released, I grew disillusioned as s1 of Helluva Boss slowly aired. It was mostly because I didn't really enjoy the Stolitz ship and I believe the Erin Frost drama had come out (god bless Erin - she, Ken and everyone else deserved so much better). Plus the world-building and character development was just so off.
I know people have said this before: the concept Viv has is good, but the execution sucks. There's a vision but the product is so damn juvenile. I'm ace, and I became attached to Alastor due to him being ace as well, but we all know how Viv responded when the ship wars were happening. I couldn't stand the constant sex jokes or swearing in HB since when was it required for an "adult" show to have that?
Thank you for the episode leaks. Only got to see ep 1 before they were removed. The only thing that made me laugh out loud was the Niffty gag where she stared dead into the camera. I also liked Adam a bit? Sure the "original dick" thing went on way too long, but he was funny too. I surprising enjoyed his song - the lil fist bump he did with Lute was cute, and I like Lute but knowing Viv's record... eh. There was this cool shot where Adam flew up and Lute and those golden angels go behind him and spread their wings making Adam look like the biblically accurate angel. Except Adam himself ruins the effect because what the ever-loving heck is he wearing? I hate it.
In terms of shipping, I wasn't into the Huskerdust interactions. Angel wasn't flirting, that was sexual harassment. In the pilot it was okay because their interaction was brief and Husk pushed Angel off. Chaggie was... something. I genuinely feel that Chaggie could've worked had they not been established as a couple in the first place. The reason why Charlastor (and I guess Charlentious?) happened is because they had chemistry and their interactions could be read as a romantic interest. Since Chaggie was already established, there was an expectation for them to have those, but they weren't delivered and we know well that they weren't supposed to be a thing in the first place. Have Vaggie still be her bff and bodyguard, but show those moments where she genuinely cares for Charlie's well-being that indicates she's in love with her, yet Charlie is completely oblivious to everything. Actually, reverse harem Charlie sounds pretty funny to me.
Btw, armchair psychology anon, as a person studying psychology in my final year of college, dw about people taking issues with your speculations. NPD and other personality disorders are ego-syntonic, which means that the individual's behaviours line up with their beliefs, hence why PDs are only diagnosed during adulthood once brain maturation and personality development is reached. The only exception to this is ASPD (which NPD shares a category with called Cluster B along with histrionic and BPD) as you can diagnose a child with conduct disorder that can become ASPD when they're adults. Cluster B PDs are terribly demonised by media and the public despite the volume of research (I blame misunderstanding and ignorance). Viv could have it or could not; it's just that she shows signs of having it, and that's it. Even if she doesn't, she's still an awful person. Idk what happened in her childhood or some point in her life for her to become like this, but it doesn't excuse treating people like crap - oh wait, ain't this her characters in a nutshell?
That's all I gotta say for now. I hope it's okay to send more like this in the future; I'd love to be a specific anon but idk what's already taken lol. Take care, Chai, and I hope you have a good day/evening.
By all means, send as many as you've got! Because this was a delight to read.
Let me know when you come up with a name. I'll give you a placeholder one for now.
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the-greatest-pao · 5 months
random headcanon
idk but in my head fyodor can be schizophrenic
look, its really suspicious the immediat friendship between fyodor and punishment in dead apple(maybe the hability can "speak "with he by the head?)
i researched some schizophrenic syntons and includ agressive condurte, social isolation, superiority complex, apathy, religious delirium, paranoia and apparently there may be comcomitance between sociopathy/ psicopathy (almost canon) and schizophrenic
but this is only a hadcanon. he really have, probably not, but it would be interesting abording it in a fanfic '<'
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Unironically applying to jobs with 90% of the reason I'm doing it is to just ground and cope in time and space. It's a complete and painful meme because I am just that much of a stressed workaholic geared OCD / OCPD and raised for capitalism, but it lowers anxiety and really helps me orientate myself in time and space when my brain is struggling to remember what page we are in the story of our life.
It is okay to laugh at this because I am but honest to god, this is such an extreme and deep seeded issue that ah yes. I just applied to this great opportunity for a short term research job on violence prevention that is paid and if I get it, I would have a paying part time job for my last quarter of college and cool, I wrote a really nice cover letter and its looking good. Maybe I'll get an interview and a call back, but if not, that's fine cause I am just here to submit applications and plan my future to help re-center myself and not actually *find* a job since I don't actually need one.
Its a blessing and a curse.
A blessing in that "finding jobs" and "progressing in a capitalist society" is not one of my large concerns, a curse in the manner that this is a small aspect of a large issue that makes my life chronically miserable (albeit in a very ego syntonic manner as to make it so that it is very difficult to be convinced to genuinely want to change my ways)
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ozkar-krapo · 3 months
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[rec. Irv TEIBEL]
"Environments - Disc 8 : Sailboat / Country Stream"
(LP. Syntonic Research inc. 1974) [US]
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niconote · 5 months
NicoNote • bio info •
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NicoNote (It/A) artistic alias created in 1996 by Nicoletta Magalotti: Sound poetry artist, performer and singer, moving liquidly among genres and formats. SHE acts in the domains of music, theater, installations, clubbing, radio, with artistic productions and curatorial work. From the Italian new-wave with Violet Eves, Pier Vittorio Tondelli’s much-loved band, to the theater of Romeo Castellucci and Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio passing through the Morphine Club at Cocoricò with DJ David Love Calò, from Francesco Micheli’s musical theater to Storytelling with Luca Scarlini, NicoNote has dedicated herself side by side, realizing dramaturgies and sound performances. Her vocal research synthesizes a peculiar path in musical and theatrical practice, through the ‘encounter with masters such as Gabriella Bartolomei, Yoshi Oida, Roy Hart Theatre, Akademia Ruchu, Tiziana Ghiglioni, Francois Tanguy, among others. She has an intriguing discography since 1985 until today and music and theater tours throughout Europe, Canada, Israel, Argentina, Brazil. Her latest album entitled Limbo Session Vol I with producer Wang Inc. (Rizosfera, Rough Trade 2021) among the 10 best albums of the year for Blow Up magazine, is a journey between voice, poetry and improvisation. She has released among others, on: Music from Memory (NL), Mille Plateaux (D), DSPPR records (UK), Cinedelic (It), New Interplanetary Melodies (It) and others. She regularly gives masterclasses on vocality and collaborates with Tempo Reale Florence, Scuola Holden Turin. Syntonic is her monthly ahow on Radio Raheem.
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song-for-the-seasons · 7 months
OCPD diagnosis ramblings under the cut
Got dx’d with OCPD this week which is like, the way it was explained to me was like,
with OCD the people that have it KNOW they’re having intrusive thoughts that aren’t logical, but feel compelled to do them anyways. It’s ego-dystonic, meaning it goes against what you know to be ordered thinking.
I have OCPD which means I don’t know when the intrusive thoughts are happening because my brain accepts them as reality. It’s ego-syntonic , meaning these intrusive thoughts align with my belief system. Like, perfectionism is a good thing! Being detail oriented is a good thing! Being motivated and dedicated and a self starter is a good thing! Being an advocate for other people is a good thing! But now it’s going full tilt into “if everything isn’t perfect, if something goes AWOL I lose my SHIT”. It’s genetic and gets worse with age, which explains why I’ve gradually gotten more and more type A in the last 9 years. It centers around perfectionism and fairness and balance. like if I buy someone coffee, they have to buy me coffee next time or the balance isn’t right and I could be in danger. Or vice versa, if someone else was slighted in some way, I have to make it up to them to make everything fair or else I’m horrible and deserve to die. It’s even gotten to the point that I have a knee jerk reaction that if someone hurts me, I need to hurt them back to create *BALANCE*. I’m at least self aware enough that I can realize that’s dumb as hell and not something I would DO, but the thought has begun creeping in. If one of my clients doesn’t like their order, then I wasn’t perfect and I have a breakdown so hard I’m hospitalized. I have to get a 100% score on everything- conversations, being a good friend, art, chores, therapy, driving or I dissociate for DAYS. I graduated suma cum laude for fucks sake because I felt like I’d stupid if I didn’t. To be clear, no one else has to meet these standards because they have inherent worth as a human. Because I lack inherent worth, I have to play this game of perfection and balance in order to make sure I deserve to be alive.
like the whole thing feeds into itself because I AM good at things because I feel like I HAVE to be or I’ll DIE. I excel at almost everything I touch because I HAVE to. But when I don’t, when something isn’t in my control, I fall apart. I wasn’t INSTANTLY perfect at stained glass last week and I had to pointedly calm myself because it wasn’t PERFECT. I completed nanowrimo but because I have been bludgeoning myself over the head with my *first draft not being perfect* I can’t enjoy the fact I wrote 50k words in a month! At least I know *that’s* illogical but it doesn’t stop the berating.
for a really long time my doctors and therapists just thought it was PTSD and anxiety creating a monster but once this piece was brought up it finally clicked. The other side of it though is there’s not a TON of research on it and idk how much hope there is of getting better. The most positive I can find is the *progression* can be halted. so like, rn I’m dx’d with PTSD, CPTSD, anxiety, depression, and OCPD. I’m a fucking cocktail that cancels each other but on the outside look like a go getter, perky, friendly individual and then on the inside I’m just constantly screaming AHHHHHHHHHHH
being aware it’s happening is step one. Maybe it’s the perfectionism speaking, but I WILL get better. I have a lot of hope. For a really long time I’ve been working on myself, and I think it really slowed the progression of this disease. I felt like I was making big strides with myself, but there was something huge missing that we weren’t understanding and this is it.
knowledge is power etc etc I WILL gain control of my brain again, I WILL be better than I was yesterday. But hoo boy I got my work cut out for me
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axiommrc · 2 years
Rising RF-over-Fiber Market Demand from 2019-2028
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According to the latest market report published by Axiom Market Research & Consulting titled, " RF Over Fiber Market Size, Share | Revenue And Structure Forecast 2019 to 2028" RF over fiber (RFoF) is the method of converting a radio wave (RF) into light by modulating the intensity of the light source (typically a laser) with RF signal. This is an analog process and no digitization is used.
RF-Over Fiber market was projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.61 % for the forecast period 2022 to 2028.
 RF Over Fiber Market Segmental Highlights
Axiom has better understanding of various market segments due to its in-depth value chain analysis. Market size and forecast for the major market segments in terms of value and volume for the forecast period 2022 to 2028 presented in the report
Get Sample PDF Copy Of Report (Use Your Business Email For Quick Response) : https://www.axiommrc.com/rqs/11266-rf-over-fiber-market-report
Market Opportunity
The global RF-over-Fiber market is expected to witness increasing new growth opportunities for market with growing collaborations of RF-over-Fiber based product manufacturer with retailers to increase the visibility and awareness has specifically accelerated the demand for the global market across the globe. Increased military spending on advanced communication systems is expected to create market opportunities for the companies operating in the market to gain a strong market position.
Key players operating in RF-Over Fiber market are Finisar, Huber + Suhner ,Broadcom,Emcore ,Gooch & Housego, Seikoh Giken , Dev Systemtechnik, Foxcom , Glenair , Optical Zonu, Vialite Communication, RF Optic , Syntonics LLC , Octane Wireless ,Apic Corporation , Microwave Photonic Systems among others.
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fierceawakening · 3 years
Yeah, I'm personally doing what I can to listen to those who have it, or believe they have it(god that sounds horrible I am so sorry), but at the same time I'm wary because, hey-- It's NPD, and I can't take everything at face value. I hope more research can be done in this area, like, honestly
You get it. Yes. Exactly.
And I feel the same way about "believe they have it." I don't think self-diagnosis is always wrong. But I remain pretty convinced by the professionals who say that narcissism (and sociopathy) are generally ego-syntonic, which would mean that people who have them would generally not believe they do, and therefore neither seek therapy nor give themselves the label.
I'm inclined to think that the young people who self-dx with it probably have something going on but it's more likely not that.
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bleedingviolet · 5 years
Tips on Writing a Character with Mental IIlness.
*Humble thoughts/advice from a Psych major
1. Mental illness is not someone’s personality. There is more to a character than their diagnosis—just like having a physical disease isn’t your personality, it suppresses you ability to express yourself. Now, that isn’t to say it doesn’t affect our personalities, as it certainly does. For example, someone with depression may present with a flat affect (meaning they don’t respond to social queues like smiling or excetera), but that is a symptom of their depression—not who they are. Remember there is a a person underneath those symptoms.
2. Now, personality disorders are a little tricky—as the name might suggest, they tend to overlap with who we are. The thing about personality disorders is that they are characteristically ego-syntonic (meaning you are either not aware you have an issue, or otherwise in denial of it). What is important to consider about characters with these disorders is that there is typically some reason a person presents symptoms of their disorder. For example, Narcissistic Personality Disorder can originate in someone who had insecure attachements with their caregivers and who experienced a great deal of anxiety when it came to having their needs met. Many disorders can be genetic, but there are often still environmental factors that allow them to develop pervasiveness and to certain extreme degrees.
3. Do research! The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V) is an amazing resource (you can find sections of it online). If you want to know the symptoms of a disorder, just look up “DSM V criteria for {insert disorder}.” Consider these symptoms: how they work into your character’s story and how they present in a variety of situations. For example, a character with PTSD, if displaying hyper-vigilance, will be extremely on-edge in a crowed public place.
*I am by no means an expert and I'm definitely not calling anyone out in the slightest, but I took a personality class this semester and it really got me thinking about these things. Feel free to add on or correct me if you disagree. Best wishes!
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tototavros · 5 years
On College
Things college was good at:
introducing me to "this is what upper level undergrad/lower level grad looks like" as a freshman, because as it turns out, there's a huge difference between the papers from academic researchers and papers from ??corporate researchers that I was looking at
having lots of people who have put too much time into studying the classics of the world around me
being near a bunch of other universities
having places I could wander into late at night like the college library or coffeeshop, as most normal locations close around 9-10 and sometimes that's just when I'd get started
being totally unaccountable if necessary on weekends (may require prep w/ campus job) so I could just have a flow of "go to show @ 10 pm Friday night, find some nearby 24 hour diners/friend's places, crash there until transit gets up and running again, come back, and die I guess the next day" which is apparently very ego-syntonic
walk the few blocks to the library, pick up a novel i've been meaning to get to, chug through it in 6 hours, then return it on my offdays
Things I wish I'd done differently: - been less abrasive with professors (I was an uppity asshole and nearly failing analysis ii really got my perspectives in gear) - read more "unrelated nonsense", the best things that I read were Philosophical Investigations, On the Moral Development of the Child, and What is Called Thinking? none of which are very pertinent specifically to my career, what I want my career to be, or my classes mostly, but it's also excellent - blogged more, in terms of "huh, this is cool" (not just on tumblr because that's so hard to index + analyze, I wish I'd gotten Github Pages up earlier because it's pretty easy (if you're going to a polytech or maybe even state school, if you know CS people you can maybe ask for server space for website hosting so that you don't have to deal w/ the limitations of Pages, the waves hands wildly of AWS/Azure/Google App Engine/Heroku, or actually managing my own servers - speedrun calculus more, but analysis less because I managed to make calc work for me in a way I never did with analysis. That being said, trying to complete the courses for a major in 2 years is honestly really fun and recommended
With regards to "read more nonsense", the best source I'd recommend to get started would be here1 mirrored here2, and the particulars I'd recommend, either based on my experience with them, or recommendations of them from close friends:
Norton Anthology of Poetry
Samuel and Kings (esp w/ Alter's notes)
Tale of Genji
Oedipus at Colonus
Fear and Trembling
Nicomachean Ethics
I and Thou
On Photography
Posterior Analytics
Elements, Book 5
Nicomachus' Introduction to Arithmetic
Godel's Proof
Novum Organum
De Rerum Natura
De Anima
The Two Cultures
Patterns of Culture
Discourses on Livy
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
The Human Condition
Use and Abuse of History
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ozkar-krapo · 3 years
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[rec. Irv TEIBEL]
"Environments - Disc 9 : Pacific Ocean / Caribbean Lagoon"
(LP. Syntonic Research inc. 1979) [US]
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niconote · 11 months
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NicoNote aka Nicoletta Magalotti
NicoNote ['niːko noʊt] :: Multifaceted artist, Vocal researcher in performing art :: Artista trasversale, ricercatrice vocale nell'arte performativa :: scheda info press
NicoNote (It/A) alias e progetto artistico creato nel 1996 da Nicoletta Magalotti (1962) performer, autrice, artista trasversale  nota per la sua vocalità, si muove liquida tra i generi e i formati. Agisce nei territori di musica, teatro, installazioni,  clubbing con produzioni artistiche e curatele. Dalla new-wave italiana con i Violet Eves, band molto amata da Pier Vittorio Tondelli, al teatro di Romeo Castellucci e  Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio passando per il Morphine Club del Cocoricò con dj David Love Calò e il teatro musicale di Francesco Micheli. La sua  ricerca vocale sintetizza un peculiare percorso nella pratica musicale e teatrale, nell’ incontro con maestri quali fra gli altri Gabriella Bartolomei, Yoshi Oida, Roy Hart Theatre, Akademia Ruchu, Tiziana Ghiglioni, Francois Tanguy. Ha all'attivo  una intrigante discografia dal 1985 ad oggi con tour musicali e teatrali in tutta Europa, Canada, Israele, Argentina,  Brasile. Il suo percorso è ricco di collaborazioni da Patrizio Fariselli a Mauro Pagani a Teresa De Sio, da Dj Rocca a Piero Pelù, Andrea Chimenti, Ghigo Renzulli, da Roberto Bartoli a Stefano Pilia, Massimo Zamboni, Extraliscio, da Enrico Gabrielli a Elisabeth Harnik e molti altri. Il suo ultimo album è ‘Limbo Session Vol I’ con il producer Wang Inc. per Rizosfera,  Rough Trade (UK) 2021, progetto tra voce, poesia, improvvisazione. Collabora con varie etichette quali New Interplanetary Melodies, Kuro Jam recordings, Lady Day Rec, Music from Memory (NL), DSPPR records (UK) e altre.  Conduce regolarmente masterclass sulla voce. Syntonic è il suo programma mensile su Radio Raheem. https://linktr.ee/NicoNote
BIO telegrafica: NicoNote alias Nicoletta Magalotti, performer, autrice, artista trasversale nota per la sua vocalità. Dai Violet Eves al teatro di Romeo Castellucci e Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio al Morphine del Cocoricò e al teatro musicale di Francesco Micheli. Produzioni e discografia dal 1985 ad oggi, con tour musicali e teatrali in tutta Europa, Canada, Israele, Argentina, Brasile. Conduce regolarmente masterclass sulla Voce. Syntonic è il suo programma su Radio Raheem.
sito: https://niconote.tumblr.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/NicoNote
IG: https://www.instagram.com/niconote.project/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/niconote
“Suprema chanteuse tra spleen rivierasco e sirene mitteleuropee”  Christian Zingales su Blow Up 
“Il suo parlare circuita idee, il presente è il suo orizzonte. Oltrepassarlo vuol dire spostarsi solo nel futuro. Semmai  ad essere scartato è il passato e non perché è da dimenticare, ma perché è stato”  Fabio Francione su Il Manifesto 
‘’Fra cover e brani inediti, l’autrice ci prende per mano e ci porta nel cuore della poesia, rendendola non più solo  qualcosa di scritto, ma qualcosa di più diretto, di musicale, sbalorditi e incantati da ciò che ascoltiamo.”  Eleonora Pepe su Exit Well Magazine 
Media Trek di Ernesto Assante -  La Repubblica  30 ottobre 2021 -  ‘Suoni e Visioni’ intervista a Nicoletta Magalotti  
Il Manifesto – Visioni 11ottobre 2021 – di Stefano Crippa ‘Electro sperimentazioni vagando nelle Limbo Session. https://ilmanifesto.it/electro-sperimentazioni-vagando-nelle-limbo-session
Blow Up Magazine - Playlist Best Album of 2021  NicoNote / Wang Inc.’  Limbo Session 1 https://rizosfera.org/en/blog/blow-up-playlist-migliori-album-2021-tagc-meon3-e-limbo-session-1-di-niconote-wang-inc/
NicoNote: ritrovare l’unicità come valore è ancora una prerogativa dell’underground https://decadancebook.wordpress.com/2023/04/28/niconote-ritrovare-lunicita-come-valore-e-ancora-una-prerogativa-dellunderground
Break the Wall 20: NicoNote, l'anima nobile e visionaria della club culture http://www.pumfactory.it/niconote/
Polpetta Mag intervista Nicoletta Magalotti, conosciuta anche come NicoNote, un'​artista della voce e del suono, poesia e improvvisazione.
NicoNote Dream Action  NicoNote ['niːko noʊt]   Multifaceted artist, Vocal researcher in performing art :: Based in Italy Bologna - Rimini :: Booking Management:  [email protected]
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muenchkevin · 3 years
Radio Over Fiber Market Development Issue with Key Drivers Evaluation until 2031
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Global Radio Over Fiber Market 2021 Measurement By High Key Gamers : HUBER + SUHNER, Optical Zonu, RF Optic, Syntonics LLC, Foxcom, Fibertower, APIC Corporation, Finisar, Emcore, Syntonics LLC, ViaLite, Pharad and Intelibs.
This research work consists of a comprehensive research study of the major trends influencing the growth of this business area in terms of the competitive landscape and geographic outlooks such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa along with total sales, sales and market share of the individual regions and growth rate projections for each region over the forecast period (2022-2031). Development guidelines and plans as well as manufacturing processes and cost structures are discussed. The report gives a 360-degree overview of the competitive landscape of the industries. SWOT analysis was used to understand the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in front of the shops.
The study also examines the worldwide Radio Over Fiber market performance over the estimated time period in terms of various driving forces and industry growth patterns in the coming years. The report additionally makes a specialty of statistics from different numbers primary and secondary reasserts and is analyzed with various tools. The market descriptively reveals the competitive landscape of major players in the Radio Over Fiber market, including their product offerings and growth plans. As the world continues to battle the rampant Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns and restrictions have challenged the growth of businesses. Some industries will face difficulties even if the economy recovers.
We are offering a sample copy of our significant report for better understanding, Click to get it:  https://techmarketreports.com/report/radio-over-fiber-market/#requestForSample
[**Note: To get a sample copy of the report must use the corporate email id or business contact details for higher priority.]
Radio Over Fiber Market segmentation explained in the report:
Regional fork:
- Asia Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia and Australia)
- Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia, UK, Italy, France, etc.)
- North America (United States, Mexico, and Canada.)
- South America (Brazil etc.)
- The Middle East and Africa (GCC countries and Egypt.)
Product types (Price samples for each product segment and share based on sales and sales of the individual product categories)
<3GHz 3GHz 6GHz 8GHz 15GHz 20GHz 40GHz
Scope of application (Estimates of sales and revenue for each application in the evaluation period and Product prices based on their scope)
Civil Application Military Application
Competition outlook:
Finisar HUBER + SUHNER RF Optic Emcore APIC Corporation Syntonics LLC Syntonics LLC ViaLite Foxcom Optical Zonu Pharad Fibertower Intelibs
Make an Inquiry before purchasing this report: https://techmarketreports.com/report/radio-over-fiber-market/#inquiry
[**Note: To get a sample copy of the report must use the corporate email id or business contact details for higher priority.]
Years to estimate the market size:
History year: 2015-2020
Base year: 2020
Estimated year: 2021
Forecast year: 2022-2031
Crucial pointers from the Radio Over Fiber market report:
1.Effect of COVID-19 on the industry remuneration.
2.Estimated growth rate of the market.
3.Key trends in the domain.
4.Opportunity windows.
5.Pros and cons of indirect and direct sales channels.
6.A citation of the top traders, distributors, and dealers.
The report sheds light on various aspects of the Radio Over Fiber Market and answers related questions about the worldwide Radio Over Fiber:
- What are the best investment opportunities to introduce new products and provide advanced services in the Radio Over Fiber market?
- What customer or related market value proposition should the company focus on when launching new research or mutual funds in the Radio Over Fiber market?
- What policy changes will help stakeholders improve the supply chain and demand network?
- In which areas will more products and services in certain sectors be required in the forecast period?
- Which strategies have established actors helped reduce costs for suppliers, procurement and logistics?
- Will you take advantage of the prospect to lead companies on a new growth path?
- What government measures are stimulating the Radio Over Fiber market, or what government regulations could challenge the state of a regional and global industry in the Radio Over Fiber market?
- How will the political and economic crisis affect the opportunities in the growth areas?
We Have New Updates Of Radio Over Fiber Market Research Report, Click The Link Here: https://techmarketreports.com/report/radio-over-fiber-market/
Chapter 1. Industry Overview
Chapter 2. Excellent report scope
Chapter 3. Market Dynamics and Key Indicators
Chapter 4. Consumption Market Analysis
Chapter 5. Production, Sales and Consumption Market Comparison Analysis
Chapter 6. Major Manufacturers Production and Sales Market Comparison Analysis
Chapter 7.Estimation of Analysis
Chapter 8. Major Application Analysis
Chapter 9. Industry Chain Analysis
Chapter 10. Global and Regional Market Forecast 2022-2031
Chapter 11. Major Manufacturers Analysis
Chapter 12. New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis
Chapter 13. Research methodology
The chapter on the research process contains the accompanying primary realities.
13.1 Coverage
13.2 Desk research
13.3 Primary Research
Chapter 14. Conclusions
Chapter 15. Appendix
Similar Research Reports for Future Projections and Opportunities: https://www.marketwatch.com/market.us
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