#tết 2024
reidoka · 8 months
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added more to the Tet series 🐉🥂🎇
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dogboyklug · 8 months
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happy lunar new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i couldnt draw as much as i wanted to (was planning on drawing a full comic i might finish later + some sketches) but here's some art i made to celebrate the occasion!!!
these three fuckers are sunrise, quiet and tuyen, some of my favorite ocs overall & very near and dear to my heart. so they're the ones who get the best outfits this year
i drew tuyen for lunar new year last year, and i thought i'd make them a new, more personalized áo dài with a coral-inspired pattern, since. side order. and also they like coral alot
sunrise and quiet get more festive áo dài. i'm pretty happy with the designs mself :] i think they fit their characters... though if anyone has any constructive critique id love to hear it!!
hoping everyone gets a ridiculous amount of money and lots of good food!!! or a peaceful new year if that's what you prefer :]
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Celebrating Tết w/ the Brothers (HCs) 🇻🇳💕
(and just Vietnamese culture in general)
CW: Mild swearing, not proofread, I am a new writer
-I'm celebrating Tết alone this year, so sorry if this is a lil self indulgent :)
*Lucifer is highly intrigued with your culture from the get go. He is likely to have already done an array of research into Vietnam before you joined the program.
*At first, he only did this out of his own personal curiosity, but the closer he got to you, the more he began to take your traditions seriously.
*The first time you celebrated Tết with the boys was a miracle. Everyone was happy! Beel got his food, Mammon got his money, Belphie had time to relax, Satan got away with pulling some pranks during the height of the celebration, Levi was relieved that it was just a family thing, and Asmo saw it as an excuse to get dolled up and to take some cute photos! And when the brothers are happy? Lucifer is happy, despite the chaos. With a clean house to boot!
*Lucifer manages to convince Diavolo to set off fireworks at the palace as a surprise for the whole family.
*The day after Tết, Lucifer is already making plans for next year.
*Each year, your Tết is bigger than the last, all thanks to Lucifer. Soon, it becomes a holiday celebrated and appreciated in RAD with the student council hosting a small festival each year.
*His pride can't handle being smacked with a wooden spoon each time he does something incorrectly in the kitchen, so he stays out of your way and tries to prevent his brothers from interfering with your hard work.
*He fills each lì xì until they are stuffed with money after you tell him the amount of money you offer someone represents your proximity to that person. Each brother gets enough money to last them a long time (unless you're mammon, who manages to spend it all in one night.)
*Would definitely wear an Áo Dài. It is very sophisticated and modest with his typical colours.
*The second you describe the concept of lì xì? Oh hell no.  You knew you made a mistake the second you mentioned it. Now Mammon is excited.
*He begs for money from Lucifer and Diavolo. He tries to play it off as trying to do his best to respect your culture, despite still clearly not fully understanding the purpose.
*He moans and groans about having to clean the HoL the day before Tết. Is not at all amused of this aspect until you mention a clean house bringing good fortune. Next thing you know he's barking out orders to his brothers and scrubbing with all of his might.
*He forces all of his brothers to leave their shoes at the front door as to not track dirt in after all their hard work.
*When Tết finally comes around, he can't help but admire you and follow you around like a dog the entire time, simply blown away by you wearing your traditional attire.
*He will wear a red Áo Dài with gold trimmings. (I'm sure you could figure out why.)
*Really embraces the family aspect of the whole thing and spends lots of time trying to entertain his brothers, and his usual teasing self is replaced by a loving and caring big brother. (Although he does still try to duke it out with Lucifer here and there). He even goes so far as to pay off most of the debt he owes Levi!!!
*Lots of playful wrestling.
*He will end most nights drunk and happy with one of his little brothers in his arms despite their protests. He really takes this time to be vulnerable with them, as he rarely gets to.
*Will even have an emotional moment with Luke that they will literally never bring up again.
*Loves the flashiness of it all, especially when you take him to a public celebration.
*Tries to sell off your used decorations as "rare human artifacts" to other students but gets caught by Lucifer. Never again.
*Gets super nervous when you bring up social gatherings. Plans on hiding in his room until you mention it only being a family thing. "I guess I can tolerate that..."
*Tries to do his research, and by research I mean scouring through each and every human world manga and anime he has ever owned to try and find a shred of Vietnamese culture or representation he may have been exposed to already. Is heartbroken when he can't find anything that relates back to your culture.
*You comfort him by exposing him to the wonderful world that was Vietnamese media. You show him your favourite dramas growing up, your favourite music and all of your favourite graphic novels. He's interested only because he hates missing out, and because it's you he's dealing with.
*Sets up his karaoke machine in the living room and goes bazonkers. Tries to sing a Vietnamese translation of an anime opening, but fails miserably.
*Bitches and moans when you bring up cleaning. You meet him halfway by convincing him to simply clean his room and Henry's tank. Which he was fine with.
*He makes his own Áo Dài with his cosplay skills. It's painfully colourful, but the design could not have been more accurate. Also makes Áo Dài for the rest of his brothers with the help of Asmo (and later down the line, Raphael).
*Attempts to save his lì xì money, but caves in and ends up impulse buying a ton of videogame/anime merch off of Akuzon.
*Sneaks you away at the end of the week to spend some alone time with him, overstimulated from all the celebrating.
*Looks forward to the celebrations each year.
*Begins his research the moment you bring up your place of birth. Gets himself familiar with each and every tradition and holiday, even picking up some Vietnamese along the way.
*Surprises you by beginning the holiday early. He decorates the house inside and out with red and gold. He sneaks into the human world by bribing a close contact of his and returns with a Christmas tree sized potted kumquat tree. He was very vague when asked about his whereabouts, but Lucifer brushes it off as there is much to do.
*He tried to get you to teach him Vietnamese calligraphy, despite you not knowing how to do so yourself. So you take it up together and bond over stories of your culture.
*Does not mind having to clean at all, unless it's Lucifer telling him what to do, then it's an issue. Just leave him alone to do his thing and he'll get it done.
*He plans on wearing a fairly formal and traditional Áo Dài, until he spots Levi with a roll of fabric with cat patterns on it. He blushes when he comes out wearing an emerald green Ao Dai with golden cats scattered across the length of the fabric.
*Will wear a more casual Áo Dài around the house from time to time, outside of any formal tradition, especially when he is reading, purely because he finds it comfortable.
*Will ask you to teach him Vietnamese and will be fluent by his second year of learning. His new favourite thing is Vietnamese literature.
*Asmo sees this holiday as another excuse to blow up his social medias with pictures of himself and good food. Expect many photoshoots. Even hires a professional photographer at some point.
*You have to baby him through the cleaning as he complains about potentially breaking a nail. He gives up halfway through and calls up Solomon to do the work for him, claiming he owes it to him.
*Absolutely refuses to let anyone eat the food you prepared until he takes at LEAST a hundred photos. Lucifer will have to use his magic to keep the food warm.
*LOVES cà phê trứng nóng and will find any excuse to make it. He posts a video of him making the recipe on FabSnap, turning it into the trendiest new drink in the Devildom.
*Is extra and will wear Áo Nhật bình instead of the Áo Dài. It is a soft, pastel pink piece, embroidered with small flowers and faux gemstones. He wears a matching mấn and a full face of makeup to go along with it.
*Again, he takes more photos than are necessary and ends up only posting around five of them.
*Loves to watch sappy Vietnamese soap dramas with you. Is very overdramatic and reactive, crying at every major moment.
*He turns each casual celebration into a party. Everyone ends up hungover and tired by the end of the week.
*You already know where this is going. Beel goes FERRAL at your description of Vietnamese food. You have to call up Barbatos and Luke to help prepare for Beel's appetite.
*As intense as his hunger can be, he is actually genuinely interested in the history and cultural importance behind each and every dish you bring out. He makes sure to eat plenty of snacks before dinner, so he can actually savour the food you made instead of scarfing it down like he usually does.
*Is caught by Satan trying to eat the kumquats straight from the tree. He manages to grab only a few before being shooed away.
*Doesn't see the cleaning as an issue and does most of the heavy lifting.
*Is another one who adores the familial aspect of the holiday. Spends every second of his day doting on his brothers, even sharing his food from time to time. Gives out lots of hugs and ends up breaking down crying about how much he loves his family. Please give him lots of huggos!!!
*Asks Levi to make him an Áo Dài with an ice-cream pattern, but was able to settle for a simple, solid red and orange design instead. It took Levi many tries to get Beel's measurements right, and even then it seemed as if the Áo Dài was far too tight for him. But he was fine with it as it seemed to keep him from stuffing his belly too much, afraid to ruin his brother's hard work.
*Involves Luke and Simeon (and Raphael) in all of the activities, as he sees them as his brothers as well.
*Incorporates Vietnamese ingredients into most of his meals now, even helping you start a small vegetable/herb garden for ease of access.
*Dreads the idea of having to clean the entire house, and is only willing to do so if you or Beel are by his side.
*Once Tết actually starts, you allow him to be as lazy as he needs to be, only really waking him up to eat food and partake in some of the activities.
*He takes this holiday as a chance to be vulnerable around his brothers, sneaking into their beds at night and cuddling up to them. Uses the "I'm trying to respect MC's culture!" argument when he gets caught.
*Does karaoke with Levi and Beel.
*Wears his Áo Dài quite lazy, as I hangs loosely from his body. His sleeves are a bit too long, but that's because he wasn't very helpful during the measuring process. Who knew it would be hard to take accurate measurements from a sleeping demon?
*Is very interested in Vietnamese interpretations of astrology. You are able to explain to him the concept of the Zodiac as he listens intently.
*When he sees you honouring your ancestors, he wishes to do something similar but for Lilith. He gathers his brothers around as they each place an offering at her altar. You decide to step out, allowing them a private moment to reminisce.
*It becomes his favourite holiday from this point on...
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zihua-art · 8 months
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“May the Year of the Dragon bring good luck and prosperity!”
Or alternatively, “Farewell, you silly ol’ rabbit! 😤” (😂)
Happy Lunar New Year!!! 🧧🌟 It’s Crystal’s year coz she’s a Chinese dragon 😁 (yes she has wings usually, she likes the look of them 🙄 but she’s an eastern dragon technically. Species wise.)
This color scheme was made specifically for New Years lol I’ll have her original color palette in the next post 😙 Last year was Year of the Rabbit, so it’s kinda a symbolic “passing of the <New Years Pearl>” thingy I was thinking of. Considering, I’d been wanting to make a piece featuring Crystal somehow for new years but this was like the third iteration of ideas 🤣😭 also, that rabbit is not a normal everyday rabbit, it’s got an important minor role in my webtoons series (and Crystal - and Nocturne! - both don’t like the bun for reasons lol) 😇
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fistfuloflightning · 8 months
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Tết in 2 days! 🎉🧧🏮
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lastlovelasts · 8 months
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Tết in Boston event was a vibe.
#VietnameseNurses #KoreanNurses #asiannurses #vietnameselunarnewyear #vietnameselunarnewyearfestival #Tet #Tết #tet2024 #tết2024 #LunarNewYear #YearoftheDragon #happylunarnewyear #happynewyear #lunarnewyear2024
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neveraz · 7 months
Hoa khai cùng muôn vàn tình tự,
Màng chi xuân hạ hay thu đông.
Gặp gỡ đã tựa sắc xuân đến,
Nắng hạ là lúc người mỉm cười.
Thu trầm như cách người bình lặng,
Đông chẳng hiện hữu khi có nhau.
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xiaandxia · 8 months
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Nốt cái trứng muối mùng 5 nữa mai lại trở về nhịp thoi xoay vần rồi. Bảy ngày Tết vẫn như cũ, qua rất nhanh, nhắm mắt mở mắt chưa gỡ lại ván nào đã phải tiếp tục cuộc sống.
Không dám ước mặt trời đều đẹp mỗi ngày, chỉ cầu mong mỗi ngày đều được nhìn thấy mặt trời, mọc rồi lặn.
Mến chào 2024, rực rỡ ban ngày, yên ả về đêm nhé
- Yi -
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banghechoigamevnn · 8 months
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myhousebinhchanh · 8 months
Tết 2024 Giáp Thìn
09/02/2024: Giao thừa
10/02/2024: Mùng 1
11/02/2024: Mùng 2
12/02/2024: Mùng 3
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buy30042012 · 8 months
❤️08/02/2024 (29 tết)
2 chậu vạn thọ : 130k
❤️ 09/02/2024 (30 tết)
2 chậu hoa giấy x 100k = 200k
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endlessrain3108 · 8 months
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“Quán trọ xuân này hoa lại nở
Lại ngồi xem Tết, Tết người ta”
(Nguyễn Bính)
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bpsimple · 8 months
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chúc mừng năm mới! 🐉
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hktduy · 8 months
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30 tháng Chạp, ngày cuối cùng của năm luôn mang đến cảm xúc đặc biệt cho mỗi người. Đó là thời điểm để nhìn lại những thành tựu đã đạt được, những trải nghiệm đã trải qua và những bài học đã học được trong suốt 365 ngày vừa qua. Đồng thời, đó cũng là dịp để lập kế hoạch cho những mục tiêu mới, những ước mơ tiếp theo trong năm tiếp theo.
Ngày cuối năm không chỉ là một dịp để chia tay với những điều không tốt, mà còn là cơ hội để trân trọng những khoảnh khắc đẹp nhất và bắt đầu lại mọi thứ một cách đầy đủ hy vọng và năng lượng mới. 🧧🧧🧧
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faminutshouse · 8 months
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tuyetnhivincity · 8 months
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