wildglitch · 5 months
A long Side tangent for the WIZ!Spidey x DCU AU
A longish post on what I think happened to the other dimension travelers. This is gonna be semi canon with the other heros! Timeline I sometimes mention. This means some of what I say is canon, some might be subject to change, while others I have decided to write total bs for.
And YK what the best part is? You get to figure out which one is which :D
Since this is gonna be focusing on a lot of other characters that aren't Peter, this is gonna be a bit longer so the characters can get at least one paragraph to them.
This is mostly gonna be off the top of my head since I only know what happens to Loki, T'challa and Bruce. The others I'm gonna figure out as we go, so we are doing this together
Anyways- let's start.
-Ok so lets break this into sections
Main canon: the one every post is talking about unless I say otherwise. Yk, the main au
Other Heros: the au where I add characters that didn't show up in the show, but canonically they do exist in the main MCU timeline so theoretically they could also survive. Yk, the Daredevil au I wrote a bit about where everyone dies, this is if they live
Absolut BS: Is there gonna be bs in the other sections? Yes. Is there gonna be anything serious in this one? Absolutely not. This is for those sweet non canon MCU characters. I try to stick to canon as much as possible, but sometimes I get an idea so good I wanna add it, but refuses cause I gotta lay in the bed I made for myself (it's fine lol). This is for stuff we know aren't canon or are very heavily implied not to be in the MCU. Yk, for funsies, (and cause team red is missing its degenerate, yes Im weak Im sorry! Deadpool you still aint canon to this until your movie comes out! You too Logan!)
With those out of the way, lets start of with the
Main Canon
-So, starting off simple are the people on the ship. T'achalla in my opinion, looking at the movies, is weaker than Peter. And since Peter dies in most of his crashes if there is no interference, the answer is clear to see. After all, the black guy always dies first :^
No, uhh, to not just leave it like that cause, yes, it's sad- I like to think that if he dies then his ancestors and powers let him transcend a bit to the point of minor godhood. Meaning that if there were ever a godly meeting the avatars had to attend to, Peter would be in for a big surprise
-Scott, wtf happened to you bro-
He survives due to the fact he had the cloak of levitation, he has no clue what happened and due to his lower weight, gets blown away by the wind, never to be seen again. So sad
...anyways he ended up in a box-
No clue how he got there. He just knows that one minute he was disoriented as hell in the sky, the next he's stuck in some crate in some magic labyrinth with no hope of rescue. Long story short, he's stuck there for many, many months.
Scott: How Am I Still Alive!?
-Bruce is the Hulk when he gets chucked into the DCU, he's also at an old abandoned military base...why are there people here?
Ya so, apparently the abandoned base he was Hulking out at against a bunch of Zombies, wasn't so abandoned in the DCU. In Fact it's one of, if not the most top secret base there is in the U.S military. So imagine with me, this X foot tall green beast appears out of nowhere and is in some sort of rampage at this super secure military base. You're welcome, I just put Bruce on the Villains list. I can see a few JL members or maybe some YJ kids showing up and dealing with him. And since we know that Hulk is sentient enough to make friends and enemies, Hulk is sent to some top of the line prison while Bruce is unconscious in the back seat. The JL try to interrogate him, but they only get vage half formed sentences about being weak (not a good look) people (Valkyrie, his best bro, is very much missed) and a mission (protect spider...Batman filed that one away for later)
-Bucky...Ha! No
I've proven to myself that I like his character enough to make him important to Peter's Character and the Plot (since when is there plot-) so Ima save him for another post.
-Thor (+Rocket and Groot)
These 3 didn't get split up, Surprisingly. They end up traveling through Africa (yes, the whole thing) trying to find their way back. Thor in his depressive state, keeps fighting and trying to find a way to his brother, since he could tell that whatever happened to them, it happened because of Loki.
Rocket and Groot are just there, since they're aliens who have never been to Earth before, they are just treating it like that. Though they do know something happened and they aren't really in the same place as before, they aren't struggling as much as the Earth natives. Thor is also having an easier time, but he keeps forgetting he isn't well known here. It's actually a bit refreshing.
Think of it like a road trip DnD adventure as they travel through Africa then Europe then Asia, trying to find his brother but having no clue where to go. Saving people and gaining a sort of reputation as “That nice aussie that saves people'' alongside “The raccoon and Groot” (Everyone loves Groot)
Rocket Is a good dad and is just there protecting Groot and scamming people. And Groot discovers the internet. They continue to save people because that's what they did with their family, so they will continue to do that even if they can tell it's just the two of them again.
-Loki, my God…you sneaky shit-
When I tell you, Loki dropped in the middle of a league meeting. Im telling you, he dropped in the MIDDLE OF A LEAGUE MEETING! JL Light, JL Dark, YJ, the Titans, literally everyone was there! Why? 1. The league has a yearly meeting where they try to get every superhero team and hero esc people in the room so they can touch base. 2. Loki's magic…scared the hell out of them. The meeting was really soon and all of a sudden they get a really strong magic signature tearing reality apart? Yeah, they are gonna move the meeting up by a week to see what the heck is going on. Only for this British fuck to drop onto the table just ozzing out the energy they where Looking for. Yeah, you can bet all hell broke loose. 
Loki gets locked in a cell on the tower as they try to figure out who he is, but they have absolutely no experience with his realitys magic so they can't get anything off of him. Some of the more godly inclined (Captain Marvel) can tell that he's a god from another universe, but comes to the conclusion that it's best to just let things play out. 
Loki: you’re quite the interesting child
CM: nOPE! You’re on your own. Good luck with that.
The hero's try interrogating him, trying to find out what he wants, and Loki is just like “nuh uh” and is just enjoying his time in his cell like the chaos god he is. Obviously he's playing all of them and getting info off of every single one of them, figuring out slowly where the other people could be and sending Peter to investigate the leads. Could he escape? Absolutely, he has walked to the kitchen more times than he cares to mention. Will he leave? No, he is in the most strategically useful place at the moment so he will stay there screwing with Batman until the League get bored of interrogating him. There are moments where they think he means no harm, and while that is true, it also means they might kick him from the tower, and he can't have that. Besides, scaring the Flash in front of everyone to keep his danger status is just so much fun.
And that everyone that should be in the Main Canon, onto
Canon Divergents: Other Heros.
Ok, so I like to think, personally, that everyone on this list died a horrible gruesome death before the episode started. But I can tell that some people like to keep them alive, and what is this if not just us having fun right? So this is a little “what if '' of the “what if ''. I don't know why they weren't in the episode, maybe they left, maybe they thought they were dead, maybe they were on another mission, who knows, you choose. But like I said, this is for fun so I’ll let you lil’ brains figure it out.
Lets start of with
-Kamala Khan. Ok so with this, Ima play with the timeline again. We never get confirmation if she blipped or not, but I don't think so(correct me if I'm wrong). So looking at her age I’d say she's around 16? In the year 2024 (holy shit thats this year-) so in 2018 when the blip/ the episode happened she would have been 10-11
You see my vision? Little 10 year old Kamala was possibly one of the youngest kids of the group, so her getting chucked into the DCU can only land her in one place. Foster care. You can make the argument that months of zombies made her jaded and able to survive the apocalypse and thus the streets considering I gave her the bangles. But I honestly think she was found right away and protected by everyone because of her age no matter the fact she has the bangle. She’s so small, it doesn't even fit her right. I think she's still a sweet, excitable little girl that is traumatized, but spent most of her time at the base being protected and cheering the others up.
 So, her being this excitable and happy gets placed into many foster homes. But she also has trauma and issues so the family realizing she's not an “easy” kid sends her back, moving her around a lot. I can totally see Peter actually finding her but the only thing keeping him from getting to her is the constant address changes and his lack of funds. 
-Darcy Lewis is truly in her 2 broke girls era as she takes the Identity of “Max” and starts working at a shitty Cafe.
-Moon Knight system
Remember how I said that only Jake was present for the Zombie Apocalypse? Well-
S: Where are we!
M: 8 months!
S: What happened?
M: 8. Months.
S: Why weren't we here! Wait as second we- who are you 2?!
M: 8. Months…
S: Ahhhhhhhhh
J: *end me now* ( o_o)
Ya so instead of them trying to find the others, the 3 of them are actually trying to learn how to live with each other. The multiple Identities and accents are throwing Peter off
-Barton children
Ok Ima rapid fire this
Lila: somehow ends up with the arrows and being her fathers daughter, shows them up. Artimist likes her a lot
Cooper: He ends up in (you decide) city, and being his mothers son, starts doing some spy shit trying to find the others.
Nathen: lil’ baby somehow showed up at the Kents farm instead of his, and they sort of just …*adopt*. He's good friends with Jon.
Bonus points: Pizza dog is found as a Puppy by the kid and adopted as “emotional support” and “I must protect this poor dog, he doesn't have an eye for pete's sake!”
(These can not all happen, you gotta pick one kid for your hc cause I refuse to let all of the kids live no matter the au. The angst potential is the best part people)
-Last but not least Matt
He was found by a Church, the church sent him to the hospital, the hospital called him insane and sent by a psych ward, the psych ward said nope and sent him to arkham. He's pissed about it but like the reasonable guy he is, understands. Lots of the guys in there call him a “wanna be batman”.
He has no clue who that is but he is deeply offended.
I can totally see Peter finding him within a few days of looking and just going to visit him under the guise that he's his son. 
Matt: …
Peter: *glare*
Matt: soooo, how have you been?
Peter: I Thought You Were Dead!
Peter cant get Matt out cause Matt keeps beating the other rouges up. Peter is so done with his shit and Matt regrets nothing. That 2 face piece of shit had it coming.
Bonus point for the Batfam finding out Peter’s “Father” is in arkham. Just Bruce and Matt having the most awkward silent meeting. Neither talk for like 15 minutes at first. It's glorious.
+Miles morales. Oh you thought I was done? Tf I am! He's canon to the MCU so I’m rolling with it. Timeline wise, I’d say he's about 6-8 years old give or take. He can either A: get the spider powers and survives just like Peter until they find him, and Peter taking him under his wing, or B: im being the only person Peter could save because…idk, maybe he was having a confrontation with Aaron at his apartment and it turns out Miles was there cause he wanted to go trick or treating with him and is wearing a spiderman custom, awww, and kinda awkward for the two (mostly Aaron). Zombies come in, and Aaron sends Miles with Peter because yk, good Uncle. Yeah that works-
Miles' face is planted right in the center of brooklyn and like the good boy he is, waits for someone he knows to find him, (if lost, wait at the spot you are until they find you). He tells people his guardian is Peter Parker, but since Peter is going under a different allies, they can't find him. But Miles is determined and decides that he needs to stay In Queens so that Peter can find him, he knows he will.
And that wraps up that part which leads us to
Total Bull Shit
Yep, this is for those sweet non MCU canon characters. (No other fandom ones though, I haven't fallen that far from grace) (with this au at leasts)
These are just for the sillies and won't be canon unless they somehow become canon to the MCU (*stares intensely at Deadpool and Wolverine* sooooon)
-Wade Wilson
We all have seen the trailers ok, I see him, he's coming, we have all waited for this. And not only is he coming to the MCU but his reasoning works really well with this fic. He's crossing dimensions to fix the timeline and shit and he somehow gets chucked into this storyline as he's doing it. With his awesome fourth wall breaks, I can just see him showing up in Gotham for a bit, causing shit, and breaking Matt out of Arkham because he wants to do the Team Red thing. I can totally see him being super excited about meeting his first spidey lol. And Peter and Matt are just in a constant state of “wtf” as they deal with this guy that is apparently from the same multiverse and Universe(?) as them. Also, apparently it shouldn't even be possible for them to be in this universe, so that's fun
They warm up to each other and end up having a bit of fun I swear. He wont stay for long cause I can see this as being like a quick side plot in both the AU and the movie as he tries to get back to whatever he's doing.
-Logan. He's there for like a Minute, he gets there trying to get wade back to whatever they are doing, and ends up getting stuck too. Peter and Matt help them get back to whatever they were doing and when they offer a way back to their home, they say no for a number of reasons. Logan still ends up giving them a dimension hopping thing just in case.
-Andrew!Spidey from the main timeline NWH. Techincally hes canon, but hes also kinda owned by Sony so ima let this slide. Hes there for like just a minunte ok- he gets pulled into Deadpools And Wolverings Shit and decides “Fuck it, we ball” and helps the out. He sees little WIZ!Peter and thinks, “Holy shit, I just saw you!” and tells Peter about the weird shit he just went through with the other version of him and Peter is just amazed. Like “wow, a world where my friends are alive, a world where no Zombies came and destroyed the lives of the people I love. A world where I got to have more time with aunt May….must be nice”
Also- *has flashbacks to Andrew Garfield and Ryan Renolds kissing and the canonical list of people Deadpool is allowed to cheat with. ( o_o)
DP: heya hot stuff
A!S: No.
DP: yes
Wiz!P: Wtf is happening
DD: Look away kid
*Deadpool and Spidey comic dynamic of full display*
-Harry Osborn.
Peter: Hey Harry, who are those guys?
Harry: idk, my dad is working with these biochemists for a company from Russia. I think the name was some Greek monster? I don't really care. 
Peter: Oh ok, I'm gonna say hi to them
Harry: Sure, but be mindful of the creatures they’re working on
Peter: Got it!
Boom there’s your origin story. Peter just wanted to say hi to the nice looking Hydra agent and Harry let him.
Could we have him be hobgoblin alongside Peter when they are in gotham? Sure. Have it be like a nice spider that does no harm and his mean goblin bodyguard. Except it's the spider who can truly kick your ass. Also, just the absolut drama these 2 can have with each other is just *chefs kiss*
-Gwen Stacy
Just- just Gwen dude. Maybe she's from the DCU and they have a meet cute at a coffee shop. Maybe Peter Meets this super cute girl hiding out in a lab in the middle of the apocalypse. Maybe she's dead. Idk, idc, I love Gwen’s and Peter’s dynamic in TASM movies and I can see a traumatized dark humor version with these 2. Just give Peter his Girlfriend pls 
-Johnny Storm is one of Peter's best superhero friends in the comics. Spidey's first appearance is also in a FF comic, so it just feels right. Just integrate that into the story and you're golden. I can see them having inside jokes and stuff no one will ever get cause “you had to be there”.
-Nova, because I'm pulling from my experience with the 2012 show. No, I bring him in because I think it could add not only to Peter's character but also rockets and groots, considering they just heard the Xandar was destroyed, and all of a sudden they find this kid with an old bucket. They’re gonna get some feels, small as they might be.
Also, the ultimate 2012 team may have treated Peter like shite, but with better writing and stuff, these 2 could have been good friends. Sadly that doesn't really translate that well in the show imo.
Uhhhhh, anyone else for this monster of a post? No. Ok cool-
Idk when I'm gonna post the next part of the main lore stuff, but I'm gonna post this and some DC p.o.v's to flesh out some stuff. I might also post a bit of art and another fic in between the posts.
This is too long- have fun with this while I go pass out for a bit lol
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𝗧'𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗮'𝘀 𝗪𝗶𝘀𝗵
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴀ ᴍᴀɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜰᴇʟᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏɴ ʜɪꜱ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ʙᴇᴅ ᴡᴀꜱɴ'ᴛ ᴇᴀꜱʏ ʙᴜᴛ ʜᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜᴇ ʜɪꜱ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ, ʙᴀʀᴇʟʏ ᴀɴʏ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢꜱ: ꜱʜᴜʀɪ ᴜᴅᴀᴋᴜ x ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
You try not to burst into tears as you watch the boy who you called your brother, who you basically grew up with, lay on his deathbed. You were only 8 years old when your parents were killed by the government.
You were going to be next if it weren't for a certain black panther that saved you, a man by the name of T'Chaka. He took you back to Wakanda, where you met his family: his wife Ramonda, his oldest son T'achalla, and his youngest daughter Shuri.
They welcomed you with open arms and treated you as their own, and Shuri instantly clicked. Y'all had the same interest in science and fashion, not to mention that you guys acted the same. Nobody was able to break y'all's bond, and that bond only got stronger the older you got.
When you both turned 16, you realized that you had feelings for each other. You both were obvious at first, which really annoyed the whole family since they knew and tried to throw hints at both of you, but you two eventually caught on to your feelings and confessed to each other.
But that happiness did fill me with pain when T'Chaka passed away from an explosion that happened at a meeting that he and T'Challa went to.
You spent the last two months curled up in Shuri's room, cradling her body in yours as she balled her eyes out about her father's death. It also hit you pretty hard since he was like the father you never had.
Months after his death, a man named Erik Killmonger stepped up to T'Challa, wanting the throne.
They fought to the death, with Erik getting the upper hand and throwing T'Challa over the waterfall, leaving everyone else no choice but to bow down to him as their new king.
You, Shuri, Ramonda, and Nakia didn't want to be at his feet and escaped, but not without taking a breath before they could burn it down. You all left in the cold all the way to the Jabari tribe, where you found a surprise T'Challa covered in snow.
Y'all gave him the hearb and covered him in snow, and moments later he shot back up alive. You all planned with the Jabari tribe to bring Wakanda back to its rightful stage, but it ended with Killmonger dying and T'Challa returning to the throne.
There were many other battles he fought with his family by his side and you by his side, being thankful for everything they had done for you, so it was definitely hard to see him in this state.
"Why didn't you say anything?" You sniffled, wiping your nose. Ramonda placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, and you leaned into her touch. T'Challa smiled, his pale-like features scrunching up with his movements.
"Because I knew you would worry, and I knew my time was up," he said. Even if he was sick, he still kept the pride in his voice; he really was a black panther.
"Where's Shuri?" He asks if you remember Shuri rushing to the elevator and saying that she would fix what was happening.
"She's in her lab; she wanted to make a healing herb to make you better," he chuckles softly under his breath.
"She's always stubborn." A loud cough cut him off, and your heart hurt even more knowing that this was reality.
You scanned him with my Kimoyo beads to check his state, and your heart broke seeing that he didn't have much time yet. You felt hot tears flood your eyes, and he just smiled at you and took your hand.
"You have been an amazing addition to the family. You not only made us happy, but you also made Shuri happy before you came. She never even thought about love until you came. You were all she talked about, so I need you to promise me when I'm gone, and I know things will get hard. I want you to always stay by her side and protect her with your life. Can you do that for me?" You nodded your head, and he smiled widely.
"I need to talk to my mother alone for a second." You immediately left the room, closing the door softly and leaning against the wall.
You could hear hushed voices from inside until silence and the sound of Ramonda's cries filled the room. You put your head in your hands, your own tears falling, knowing that he was gone.
Ramonda came out of the room, her cheeks stained with tears. She saw me and opened her arms.
"Come here, child." You flew into her comforting brace, holding each other tightly. Your tears were of a very important thing you lost, but you both had to do the hardest thing you had to tell Shuri.
You both walked through the halls slowly until you finally reached the lab. You could hear Shuri talking frantically, and you guys walked inside, seeing her holding the herb.
You started to tear up again, seeing the hopeful look on her face. She turned around and made eye contact with you both, seeing the tears in your eyes. She looked in the direction of the ceiling, her eyes never leaving you both.
"Griot, what's my brother's heart rate?" She asked, her voice shaking, "Your brother is with the ancestors."
Ramonda said, her voice quivering. Shuri looked at you, shaking her head, but you slowly put your head down.
"No," she silently said, tears streaming down her cheeks. Ramonda wrapped her arms around her as her daughter broke down.
Shuri looked beautiful in white, but this sadly wasn't the way you wanted to see her drums and dancing surround you while you all walked in a straight line, with Shuri carrying the mask of the black panther in her hand and trying not to cry.
Y'all made it to the end, seeing the coffin with the black panther engraved into it. Shuri slowly walked up and put her head on it.
She leaned down on the grave, sobbing into the coffin, Ramonda, and you walked up to her, rubbing her comfortably. She took your hand, squeezing tightly as if you were going to disappear too.
You all backed up as the ship started to take the coffin, slowly raising it in the air.
You all crossed your arms for a few seconds before retreating back home. Shuri immediately went to her room, and you followed after her. She flew onto her bed, sobbing into the sheets and messing up her makeup.
You slowly sat down on the bed, rubbing her back comfortably, and she leaned up, wrapping her arms around your neck and sobbing into your shoulder. You wrapped your arms around her just as tightly, letting her know that you were there for her and that you weren't going anywhere.
Suddenly remembering the promise you made to T'Challa, you kissed Shuri's temple and cupped her chin in your hands, wiping her tears.
"I'm going to be here with you. I promise to do whatever I can to make you happy. We're going to get through this together, ok?" She sniffled and nodded her head, pulling you into a hug.
You were always one to keep promises, and for T'Challa, you were going to make sure that promise never died.
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So in the spirit of the Percy Jackson show on Disney plus, I've been reading a lot of marvel x pjo fics and it got me thinking: what weapons would the marvel characters use?
Tony Stark - imperial gold armor
He's rich enough to afford it and it works better with his red and gold color scheme
Steve Rogers - celestial bronze shield
this one is pretty self-explanatory
Peter Parker - celestial bronze garrote
Figured a string/wire weapon would be fitting
Wade Wilson - hoards the weapons of the people he beat
Bruce banner - war hammer
He can only use it when he hulks out, think Escanor from 7 deadly sins
T'achalla - talon gauntlet
Don't know what else to give him
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shylunamoon24 · 4 years
Bucky and steve: *in a hot tub*
Perter & Shuri: Two bros chilling in a hot tube five feet apart cuz they're not gay!
Tony & T'achalla:...
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Story of The Ice Wolf
PART 9.2    PART 9.1    PART 1
WARNINGS: mentions of fight, blood, injuries, use of taser and electrocutions.
Without taking your eyes off the enemies popping out and still fairing the gun, you shout "Who is in charge?!". "I ‘am, sergeant Knox" he is standing on your left automatic weapon going off shooting down attackers. You shout towards him "Do you have a plan B?". He briefly takes his eyes off the enemy "An extraction truck is coming in, we are moving south". "I'll cover you, give me one of those" you say signaling the automatic gun. He hesitates, "Sergeant I am your best choice, I will cover you, after this is settled I will give in myself again (like hell I will). Just make sure they don't get loose". He locks gazes with you and hands you his automatic rifle and two extra clips "Company let's go!". They move on first, you advance with your back towards them, while as you are shooting you feel a rush of air pass you by a blue blur the evidence that was Pietro, a comm is now on your left ear. You waste no time and update Steve on the plan *Cap the military is moving south the cargo for extraction, I'm backing them up, I could use some help*. *Hold on tight Wolf Hydra is swamping us with shooters, we are covering the civilians* he says between the sound of bullets bouncing off his steel shield.
You grind your jaw, the shit they injected you will make this more complicated *Guys stay sharp those guns aren’t just Hydra*
As you and the group move on close to the approaching military unit, several whistle like guns shots soar through the field, the same you heard before setting off the bombs two years ago. "Get down!" the soldiers don't react fast enough, they are pierced by the metal spiders after a few seconds pained agony screams begin. *Wolf?! What's your situation?* Steve and Tony shout at the same time, if you weren’t in this trouble you’d laugh at their coordinated panic. The spiders can't pierce the vibranium as easy as the last time but surely they pierce flesh, you dodge and deflect as much as you can with the steel limbs as you shoot down the snipers, glancing around you notice that most of the soldiers were knocked out, the few remaining up won’t last long, Salarov and the other two are belly down on the floor to avoid being hit by a stray spider. Your breath is ragged when you turn on the com to answer *Cap we are compro...* One of that damn spiders get attached to your throat, the electrical discharge is awful bringing you to your knees, you push through the agony to crush the device with your steel hand, the move is reckless and uncalculated, the force of the punch pretty much damaged further your windpipe. Still on your knees you try to talk through the comm but a bloody gargle is the only thing that come out of your mouth. You hear Steve ordering through the com *Scarlet, Thor, Panther go to Wolf now!* Determination fill your heart and mind you won’t fall that easy this time, shakily standing up you set you focus to shoot down several snipers, the rest of the assailants rain you again with more spiders, you deflect with your steel limbs as much as you can while shooting down agents, but your efforts are futile several spiders get attached to your body, two in the stomach, three on your back and two in the left arm, thank God you can only gargle blood preventing you from screaming out in agony, you end up crumbling down with your belly on the floor, body convulsing under the awfully strong electrical shocks. While you were fighting off the devices and now agonizing in the asphalt the Hydra attackers freed the Tiger and the enhanced. They quickly fast them up in part of their combat attire. The now partially geared unit are quick to approach you, the electricity of the spiders is cut off leaving you trembling in aftershocks, fumbling like a wounded animal, Salarov mercilessly kicks you in the stomach making you roll over to lay on your back. "Time to serve again Ice Wolf" He has one of the large spider devices that he used before to keep you controlled. Even though you are no longer being fried your body is still in shock, bionic limbs and steel scales shifting aleatory, still re-adjusting and your muscles spasming almost like cramps. (Damn it!). You feel the stabbing pressure in your brain as the Dark Mist tries to get in your mind, but you do your best putting up walls blocking her, the Dark Angel steps over you, her right shin across your hip and her left pressing your jaw sideways, leaving the right side of your skull free for Salarov. You try to fight them off, but the chemicals and aftershocks don’t help your cause, that doesn’t mean the two girls don’t have to wrestle against you to submit you, your trashing moves are animalistic. Salarov crunches close to your head, his face sports a sinister smile as his hand with the device approaches your head, the spider had barely pierced your scalp when a simultaneous attack hurl them away from you. A black shadow crushes the device and pries it away from your skull crushing it, you feel a rumble in the earth and you see a blurry red bubble surround you. Your unfocused gaze sees to shadows hovering over you. You feel the unmistakable touch of Wanda lightly tapping your left cheek as the king of Wakanda talks to you, his voice resonating in your ears like an echo "Wolf? Wolf? Are you alright? can you move?" T'achalla asks while he inspects your windpipe no doubt you have a nasty bruise there. Wanda gets rid of the rest of spiders with a flick of her hand. You try to answer but your voice is out, you can’t muster a sound, Wanda realizes and reads your mind. "She can't talk but she is fine, she needs a moment" she says for you, she helps you raise your upper body and partially kneels behind you, to keep you up right. Loki gets in the red protective bubble that surround you, he calmly lowers his left knee and lightly wraps his right hand your throat "This might aid" he uses his magic to repair some of the damage, is not much but I'll do for now. Your voice is hoarse, the air feels like sand paper scrapping the swollen tissue. "We need to catch them. Loki, Thor neutralize this and help the soldiers, then go back to the main field. T'achalla, Wanda let's go for them" you say between ragged breaths your body feels odd, you still feel electricity running through your body even more on the metal limbs. T'achalla helps you to stand up his right hand absorbs some of the energy making the stripes of his suit shine purple, you choose to take off the blazer and carelessly throw it to the ground, you can feel your bionics limps still adjusting, you do a hard stomp with the right leg and then shake your right arm too prompting them to adjust, after some more shifting the limbs are ready.
The black cladded man enquires softly "Are you sure you can fight?" you nod at him, you are not fond of using your voice more than necessary at least foe now.
Loki sets a hard stare on you, after a few seconds you see him tossing aside any thought that he had in mind, wordlessly he hands you the katanas, the gear belt and the thigh holsters, you nod at him in thanks and gently squeeze his right shoulder. Panther, Scarlett and you run after Salarov and the girls through the streets, your throat aches and burns with every intake of air "When we reach them aim to kill" you state, the other two nod in agreement.
After running down a few blocks you reach them, they seem set to scape, but a little slap in their egos do the trick to make them halt "Salarov! Now you run away like a bitch?!" you hoarsely throw at him, he is the first to skid to a halt, Anika and Selene hesitate a little, but they halt too. "Everyone! Stay away from here!". T'achalla screams at the civilians.  "Are you sure you want to fight Ice bitch? You can barely talk" he smirks and imitating your broken voice, but he is not done, he snarks "Even breathing sounds painful" he adds a couple of coughs to make the point, while they turn around. ("What's the plan?"). ("Go for Black Mist, either T’achalla or me we will keep the Dark Angel alone, isolated they are not that strong"). You harden your glare at him "Let's find out". Bare handed you charge towards Salarov, but Anika has other ideas she intercepts you with her teletransportation standing on guard “Come on old Wolf let’s have some fun!” wide smirk plastered on her face arms wide open.
T’achalla leaps towards the Tiger, you have no doubt Wanda can get rid of Black Mist even more if you keep her isolated from the Dark Angel, the chemicals running in your blood have all of you quite tamed in strength and they should be as dizzy and tired as you.
Anika and Selene are a lethal combination but Isolated they are reckless and predictable, they don’t have the experience that you three wield in the battlefield. Wanda and you briefly lock gazes ("I'll get the Angel tired. Tell T'achalla to stay sharp they will hope in to help Salarov if we give them an open"). Hydra has trained the Dark Angel since she was a little kid, she is skillful and strong in hand to hand combat, her wings can make a lot of damage and the energy blast she produces can implode a normal person insides, but they take a lot of energy to make, her teletransportation is even more draining. "Come on kid! Show me what you got!" (time to tame her wings). As expected she gets worked up pretty easy prompting her recklessness. The dangerousness of the situation is not fighting them, the problem is that the civilians ignored T'achalla, they are way too close to the battle some of them simply witnessing, others recording and transmitting on social media if you weren’t involved in a tight battle you’d face palm yourself at their stupidity, they are dangerously close to a lethal battle not a Coachella show. Anika and you exchange hit by hit, kick by kick. She uses her teleportation every few hits trying to catch you unguarded, but your enhanced senses and experience help you keep her on her toes. When the hand to hand combat doesn’t work she tries energy blasts but your vibranium limbs and the now unsheathed katanas are strong enough to deflect and break the energy spheres, no doubt you'll feel the blasts later in the joint connectors (“Don’t worry my Wolf, I’d help you relax”) you smirk as the thought crosses your mind (“I’m counting on it my little Witch”). T'achalla and the Tiger are giving the civilians one of the finest examples of hand to hand combat, both clawing at each other and doing amazing stunts to take the upper hand, without the makeshift super soldier serum the Hydra sergeant is not that strong but the man has years of experience too. Angel tries something else, she sends a big blast towards some vehicles that will end up smashing in a group of civilians, you leap in to stand in front of the energy ball to break it with your swords, the force sends you flying to one of the vehicles, your body easily smashes on the vehicle diving it in two, the aftermath energy waves shake you to the core, even the steel of the swords are wobbling, you growl in a mix of anger and pain (such a childish move). Wanda is in a lethal dance with the Dark Mist, her energy shots are aimed carefully to avoid hitting the civilians who are standing dumbfounded by the fights, the sokovian moves are graceful and fluid while the Dark Mist uses careless brute energy shots, Mist take advantage of Wanda’s carefulness and harshly throws a truck at Wanda who has no other option that trap the vehicle using both hands, the heavy loaded truck throwed with a rivalry force gives her a run for the money. This distraction gives the Mist a chance to hop in and help the Angel who had done the same strategy with you. This time she used an air blast of her wings to throw a SUV towards a family, you were still recovering from the last blast, her move leaves you no choice but to sheathe your swords and run to stop the vehicle with your bare hands, leaving your back open. The weight of the SUV makes you skid a few feet backwards leaving dented trails on the sidewalk, the weight of the vehicle send stabs of pain in your shoulder and hip, but you saved the family. You sense the Mist closing in, you can’t react fast enough, she traps you in her black energy and throws you in the air, the Angel teleports above you and blast you with an energy ball, the impact is brutal sending you plummeting to the ground, making a decent size crater on the asphalt. What you didn't saw was Wanda hauling the Mist making an even bigger hole with her body, the sokovian’s face set in pure anger. The close call and power display is shocking enough to make most of the civilians run away from the site. *Wolf are you alright?* Cap asks worriedly through the comms. Grunting and wheezing a little your pull yourself from the debris *Cap I'm out, I'm getting too old for this shit* the team only laughs.
*If you stop admiring your girl as she fights you wouldn’t get caught off guard Wolf* Tony teases through the coms between laughs (damned F.R.I.D.A.Y) and he is not that wrong you indeed glanced towards Wanda as she was stopping the truck, her strength and control over her powers never cease to amaze you.
*I wouldn’t mind helping you loosen a little the sore muscles Wolf* Nat calls on the coms.
*Only in your wet dreams Natalia* Wanda scoffs through the coms, the rest of you just laugh at her clear jealousy.
The Angel is floating above you, she is clearly panting and exhausted but her cocky self still intact "What's up old dog? Too much for ya?!" You squat briefly before standing up dusting your sleeves off in mockery, "is that all you got kid?” for her annoyance you take your time to rolling up the sleeves, the front of your dress shirt is torn showing a nasty bruise already darkening, but you choose to keep it on, the show off of scar tissue will scar the mind of the poor civilians.
You give the Angel a playful smirk “You need your play mate to land a punch?".
She glares at your remark “I’ll show you who needs backup old dog”.
Just as you predicted she teleports again to stand before you, but this time she is slower, you get into another heavy round of punches, she throws every single combo possible, however her moves rely on brutal force that she lacks Hydra trained her to fight like a winter soldier, but she isn’t one.
You relay on stopping his hits with your flesh limbs, you can’t help not wanting to hurt her. She tries a right roundhouse kick which you dodge leaning back your upper body, when her leg passes momentum making her spin, you kick her in the back with a reverse round kick, sending her stumbling forward, angering her.
She comes back using her teletransportation with a left tornado kick aimed at your head, you stop the kick crossing your left hand towards your right side, she uses her wings to float in the air, with her left leg still trapped she tries a round kick with her right leg which you stop with your right hand, the smack of her shinbone against your steel hand is so strong that it might had fissured the bone. With her two legs trapped you try to slam her against the asphalt, but her teletransportation frees her. She comes at you behind your back with a jumping double kick, this time she sends you stumbling forward, but you waste no time counter attacking shortening the distance with a butterfly kick.
Her boosts of teletransportation start to get slower, she notices, in her next move she tries is another energy ball which you dodge flipping above her as your body draws a parabola you shoot her in the back of her wings aiming to stop her not to killer. She cries out in pain and falls to her knees, you land crunching a little losing no time you holster the gun and unsheathe the right sword with your left hand to slice her primary feathers the sword drawing lightnings on her wings. You grab her by the back of her clothes to drag her out of the hole.
“You fucking old dog! That’s cheating!” she frantically shouts between grunts of pain, with your right arm you throw her in the direction of the crater Wanda did, the Scarlet Witch already has the Dark Mist pinned down and under the effects of her mind control. The Tiger is in no better shape T’achalla has landed several good slashes, like a kicked dog Salarov runs to them. "Angel take me out of here!". She is exhausted and in pain, she barely stands up the blood loss is taking a toll, but her wounds are nonlethal. The three of us line up standing before them "Anika, you don't have to do this kid" you switch the sword to held it with your gloved steel hand, with the left you take out a small sphere from the gear belt. You lock gazes with the brunette beside you ("Wanda when you sense her teletransporting enclose the explosion"). "Shut up Ice Wolf! You don't know I shit about her!” he glares towards the girl “Angel take me out of here, now!" the Black Mist stare at him shocked. "You are an asset, Angel now!" his voice is gruff and full of hatred and for his shame he sounds even panicked. You see her hesitate at the order "Who will you save kid?" With a flick of the wrist you toss the activated grenade towards them. Your eyes never leave the angel, you see Anika shift, she tries to grab the Mist but Salarov gets close to her faster. Wanda enclose them in a red bubble. As the bomb goes off you sense movement on your nine, instinct kicks in and you trust your sword in that direction. You were so sure that it was the Salarov, how stupid of you, he used the kid as shield, your sword end up in her chest, his claws on your lower abdomen, but he didn't got away with it T'achalla did the same with his claws burying them through his back bursting out his heart. You growl frustration as you pull out his claw from your abdomen, the wound is not deadly but it did damage. T'achalla hauls his corpse back to lower it in the floor.
You can't even dare to pull away the sword, as you release the handle the kid crumbles over you, you don’t let her fall to the floor, cradling her head you slowly you make her kneel, you lower yourself on your right knee, stabilizing the sword with you right hand your left hands goes to the steel blade that peaks through her back, you enclose your left hand on the blade your fist flush to her back, you feel the sting of the blade slowly opening your palm and the warm crimson liquid running out, before your hold gets sloppy due to the blood with a quick whisk of your wrist you break the blade, the girl groans a little in pain, you toss aside the blade, gently you lower moving her body to lay her on the asphalt keeping the other half of the sword steady.
 Wanda breaks the sphere and redirects the smoke to the sky, there’s no trace of Selene’s body. The brunette is panting a little when she locks gazes with you, you nod at her and shift back your attention to the injured Angel. When you glance down at her there's blood slipping through her lips, her breathing is heavy and labored "Hey wolfy… not your fault… at least not this time" she softly smiles. "You are an idiot Anika. I gave you a chance, for fucks sake!" you halfheartedly glare at her, your voice laced in frustration, your left fist closes on a tight fist drawing out more blood out of the cut on your palm Wanda gets close to you clearly confused "Y/N?". Your voice trembles as you answer Wanda’s soft enquire "She is just a kid Wan, they changed her records, she is not twenty-two...she is seventeen years old.  "Bad Wolfy, that was our secret" she slowly turns her head towards Wanda. "S-sorry Wanda I-I was fooling with you" she says with soft gargle, Wanda is left shocked, she kneels down and takes Anika’s head in her hands glowing with red energy, she closes her eyes as she reads her mind, after a while she mutters a small “Oh my…” "I couldn't back up the evidence. Hold on kid” you put your left hand on her shoulder *Hill I need medical…* Several SUV’s come to a halt surrounding you, you were about to draw out your gun when you hear Maria's commanding voice shouting orders, she rushes to you with a medical team in tow. You squeeze Anika’s shoulder briefly “Hold on kid, they will help you” slowly you stand up as Hill approaches you walk towards the blue eyed woman. She speaks in a low voice "We have company, we'll make her seem dead". The medical team surround the kid and Wanda stands up to be beside you "What do they want?" you enquire as Wanda takes your left hand in her right, her palm flush to yours trying to stop the bleeding, her left hand goes to the wound on your lower abdomen she frowns when you wince in pain, you are clearly putting on a brave face, you are aching all over. T'achalla walks towards you as Hill answers "They want you Wolf, they want you to give them intel before they kill you. The order is above us” you see the change in her eyes she goes from commander, deputy director Hill laying out the facts, to your friend Maria “I can make a diversion, run and hide" she says with an neutral voice, however her bright blue eyes are pleading you to play along. You lock gazes with her bright blue eyes, you softly state "No". Wanda hisses under her breath "Y/N!" you softly squeeze her hand. Through her eyes you see Maria’s mind running miles per hour, surely trying to find a way to make you follow her plan "Listen, they want intel, I won't give them a shit, I will hold on, give you time to regain jurisdiction over me. They are a government agency not Hydra. The kill order set at dawn is a charade…" Another bunch of SUVs come to a halt, several agents get off the vehicles weapons drawn. "Scarlett Witch, Black Panther step back!" one of the agents shout.
You clench your jaw in anger (great timing assholes), you nod at Wakandan, he begins to step back. Keeping your voice low you address Wanda “My love, don’t do anything reckless” that does the trick, she snaps her bright red gaze at you (“They will make me seem death, don’t fall in their game. Look for me in the shadows”) with your right hand you cradle softly her left cheek, sharing a bittersweet farewell kiss as she squeezes your left hand, you don’t mind the throbbing pain, you can only feel bitterness and you loose contact with her skin. "Ice Wolf! Hand your weapons to agent Hill" another voice shout. Wanda let go of you and hesitantly steps back. Slowly you take off the gear to hand it to Maria, gear belt, holsters and the sheathe set with your second sword, now that the adrenaline is wearing off and the poison is still running through your system you start feeling the wounds, your back hurts with each breath, the claw and cut wounds stinging and throbbing, blood dampening your front "Take off the comm…" (Damn it) "…Hand it over too" you give Maria everything. She has a stern look in her face, she is back to deputy director mode and still she is glaring daggers at the agents shouting orders, making her look scary. "Put your hands behind your head and back away from agent Hill" they order, you do as they say and walk several feet away from them you lock gazes with the Sokovian beauty (Damn, my girl looks so good) her hair is a little disheveled, cheeks rosy due to the fight, eyes shining red, you could be stained in grime and she still will take your breath away.
(“I heard that puppy”) you can’t help but smirk a little at her as you wink (“That was the point, I love you Wan”). Maria rolls her eyes at your antics, she can’t read your minds but after all this years she unfortunately is able to decipher your mischievous exchanges. T’achalla standing without his helmet only shakes his head in disbelief, he knows since long before the Avengers you can be in the life or death situation and you still act nonchalant and even dare to flirt with Wanda.
The agents shout at you "Stop!". In a rush several agents surround you, guns drawn, you feel the barrel of two guns by each side of your head (stupid assholes) they try to kick you in the back of the knees to make you kneel but they aren’t strong enough, you throw them a taunting smirk, that angers them and proceed to hit you with electrical charged batons instead, this time you end up dropping to your knees heavily grunting in pain, as you glare at them other agent harshly moves your hands from your head to handcuff them behind your back, you feel the click of shackles being set on your ankles (I wonder how I'm going to walk). A knew collar is clasped around your neck fastening tightly around your neck, the sharp sting and bitter taste on your mouth are you clue to know they have you tamed with chemicals again. Two of the soldiers in front of you move out, a man in a nice suit walks close. "Ice Wolf, you'll be under my jurisdiction, if you cooperate with our requests the government will reconsider your sentence. Refuse and the sentence will be executed". Still on your knees you flash him an arrogant smile "And what makes you think I'll be your toy?" your voice restrained but carries the same arrogance that you always put up, you spit blood at his shiny shoes. (Why did I even asked?) With a snap of his fingers four agents taser you to oblivion, the electrical discharge in the base of your skull is so strong that left you no chance to react your eyes roll backwards as your body drops forward like dead weight.
As your body falls Wanda's eyes shine brighter red, energy dancing around her hands. “If I were you miss Maximoff I wouldn't try anything" the man in suit states, he walks towards them "Deputy director Hill, director Fury already has the details of the accords. You are free to dispose those bodies as you see fit" he says signaling Salarov’s corpse and Anika’s. "What will you do with Wolf?" the ex-militar woman sternly asks, arms crossed on her front. "It depends on her willingness to cooperate" he states with a shrug. Wanda is glaring daggers on the back of his skull, he turns around to regard her "Do not worry miss Maximoff when we are done, we will hand over the body as safe and sound, or what is left of it, she is half machine either way". Wanda tenses up ready to strike him down, T'achalla is fast to put and arm across her stomach holding her back and whispers "He is playing with you, calm down" it takes her a lot of self-control to not kill the man standing before her, as her eyes return to her normal green shade a smirk reaches her lips, a blue blur and a gush of air signal Pietro skidding to a halt a mere inch before the man’s face, shamefully for the latter he shrieks like a girl, jumping back a little in freight and surprise. The silver haired Sokovian can’t hold back his arrogance and sass “Didn’t see that coming darling?” his smug face morphs into a death glare “Talk smartly at my twin and disrespect my sister again and I will gut you out before you shriek again like a little girl”.
Hollering resonates through the tense atmosphere as the wolves run to stand flanking the speedster, both wolves have the fur risen fangs at display, their razor-sharp claws glinting and ready. They were supposed to stay locked in the tower but F.R.I.D.A.Y let them free.
The man regains his composure and clears his throat before ordering his people to load you to the awaiting vehicle, the agents carelessly drag your body through the asphalt, at the disrespectful way they move your unconscious body Pietro clenches his jaw and rushes to knock the fuck out of the agents the wolves following in suit tackling the agents and growling at their faces.
Before a shooting breaks out, Maria halts them with commanding “ENOUGH” she turns around ordering her agents to load you in the vehicle, however she actually turned around to hide the little smirk playing on her lips. The S.H.I.E.L.D agents do as they were commanded handling your body carefully. The wolves pace around the agents growling defensively at the other group.
Pietro is trying to refrain from snatching you and running away with you, he glances at Hill and she halts him with a shake of her head. His hands tremble a little in anxiousness, in the end he refrains from attacking and sets to glare death at the awaking agents. He rushes back to his twin side, half hugging Wanda, she telepathically calls back the wolves, they lick your face softly before going to the twin’s side. [Later on, Avengers Tower] Hill and Fury and the Avengers without Banner, are gathered in the common room. The wolves are still bitter that they were locked before, so they are sitting by Maria’s side, earning occasional ear rubs from the woman. Tony is standing behind the bar counter pouring himself a drink. "Fury, did you know that the Angel was a kid? Now she is barely alive in my hospital ward.  Fury is clearly annoyed by the whole situation. "Y/N told us she was a kid, but she couldn't find proof to that. There was no way they would have believe it". Steve frowns "Buck, did you know her?".  "I didn't. But is no surprise if Hydra messed up with her file, even Y/N's was altered". Loki is standing by the entrance of the room "Whether that child lives or not should not be our concern" he casually states. "Loki, how do you dare to say that? Thor hisses "She is a child". "A child who clearly only trust in Wolf, and she was taken. Nobody seems preoccupied by that, if the little midgardian survives she has no one" He deadpans his face blank and uninterested. "We have to retrieve her, Thor is your offer still standing?" Pietro asks while he sheathes again his daggers, Bucky following him in suit grabbing his handgun, the wolves stand at attention. "It does" the Asgardian states calmly as he glares at his brother. Hill calmly walks blocking the entrance. "There’s a problem with your plan Maximoff, we don't know where they took her. Our only way to get her back is having jurisdiction over her again". Tony smiles a little arrogantly at Maria "That is not a problem Hill. F.R.I.D.A.Y locate robowolf". *Mr. Stark the constant exposure to electrical discharges caused damage in the tracker, last location received was the extraction point*. T'achalla snickers a little. "Seems like you have to improve your trackers Tony, F.R.I.D.A.Y locate the vibranium components". "Are you kidding! How many trackers did you put in her?! Wanda says annoyed. Tony, T'achalla and even Fury look a little sheepish, "You have to be kidding me" she says glaring daggers at the three men. "I have three possible locations, but there's no heat source close to them, it might be just the vibranium scales". "Stark, King, time to play politics". Fury states with a heavy resolve. ----- When you regain your senses you keep your head down cast, eyes shut, the first thing you notice is that your hands are handcuffed on your back, collar on, you are slumped forward on a metal chair in an empty room, your guess is that the layout is the typical military/government set up for interrogation, metal table included. The second thing you notice is that your wounds were not tended, the rusty copper smell filling up your nose and the crusty sensation of blood in the skin around the wounds are the proof (how surprising) and you are still in your bloodied dirty clothes. You hear a metal door opening, six sets of boots and one with leather shoes, the smell food reaches your nose (not for me). "Ice Wolf stop playing asleep. That collar registers when you are awake" and gruff voice calls. Your voice comes out still awfully hoarse "Good thing to know then" you raise your head to lock him in a hard gaze, full mockery and sass mode on you enquire "Is this an electric chair too?".  He puts down the food tray. With a snap of his fingers a predictable electrical current is released, you stay unfaced, they need more than that to get a reaction out of you. "Did that answered your question?" he says while he sits down before me. You hawk a little to clear your throat the tissue still feels a little raw, and your voice stays groggy "Pretty much. How long?". "Three days, we are wasting time Ice Wolf" he sits to start cutting and eating his 'expensive steak', you’ve eaten far fancier things you just scuff at him and stare blankly at him as he eats.
You glance towards your right side, your right sleeve and pant leg were cut off, some of the metal scales are missing (bunch of bitches, they put trackers on me, they didn’t outsmart them tough).  Silence fills the room, you wait until he is half way to finish the plate to address him again "Well… I'm not the one who is sited in front of a prisoner eating and drinking wine, don't you have better 'important' things to do? I hate chit chat's". He stops eating and takes a sip of the wine, he stands up glass of wine still in hand "Very well" he dumps the rest of the glass in your abdomen (safe to say the wounds are still open) you just clench your jaw. "I need, correction, I want the intel you gave to S.H.I.E.L.D. Names, places, files, things you know, everything, I want access to Stark and Fury's servers" you raise an eyebrow in questioning fashion "Don't play fool with me Hydra, I know you can hack their servers, Fury is so afraid of you that he is traying to get you back". "Hmm... I wouldn't use 'afraid' per se, that man was unfaced while you were shitting your pants during the chitauri inva..." A hard smack resonates in the room, silencing you, he hits you square in the mouth with the handle of his now unholstered gun, it was a good punch your face is turned to the right, at least the blood relieves the dryness of your throat. When you turn around turn around to glare at him you are greeted by the barrel of his gun kissing your forehead. You can't hold off your snicker, as you lick the blood off your lower lip you taunt him further "Go ahead 'General' blow the grey matter off" He shoots. The bullet is so close that you feel the hot rush of air, but the projectile ends up lunged in the concrete wall, still with the close call you are nonchalant and raise your eyebrow in mockery. He turns around shoulders tensed in anger. The soldiers standing on guard stay unfaced. "You have to step up your game general” you switch to your sokovian accent “ten years ago, I gave you the chance to have everything you are asking for today" the sudden slight tension of his body gives him away. "All I asked was three residence certificates and a safe place to stay at". He slowly turns around, features already schooled, you switch back to American accent "Let me quote you 'A Hungarian junk knows nothing about Hydra'...Does that ring any bells? Unlike you, agent May and Morse trusted my words, now Director Fury has what you crave most". "And what about what you treasure must Ice Wolf? Will your loyalty be worth the lives of the twins?". Your mocking laughter resonates in the enclosed room "Are you seriously playing that card this soon? One thing is that at ‘that’ time I could not do much in that political whoring you know too well 'general' but they, the twins? They can perfectly handle themselves. Try another thing".  His face becomes a stone-cold mask, he walks to the door with his guards. (He fell in my game). When the door closes you hear a muffled "Break her".
After the general walks out two agents walk in, a stone-cold face man and brunette woman, by their body types my guess is that they are ex-military, however judging the way they carry themselves they are some kind of special CIA agents more something shadier.
The woman speaks first, her voice is quite sweet for the job she will be doing it almost feels like she is mocking Wanda “Ice Wolf we know about your training method for torture, you know what is to come, cooperate and we can avoid that path”.
Your voice is a flat emotionless “Darling, you better try something else I’m not up to be anyone else attack dog, your boss lost his chance, his bad”.
The man walks closer half sitting on the table “Very well captain, how about your girl? You want her to struggle to recognize your body?”.
You smirk at him “Why do you all people assume that the twins are lost innocent blind children who were at the mercy of the heartless Hydra captain?... you tsk “you are so stupid, believe me it wouldn’t be the first time”.
He sets his jaw his features darkening “I can assure you captain, one way or another, we will make you talk and beg for mercy”.
“Good luck” those were the last words you spoke.
Hey fellas! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, I’ll do my best to keep posting weekly, but the university is getting rough, so if by some reason I don’t post this week don’t freak out. I actually have written the next two chapters, but I still need to polish them.
Lastly, I know I have a couple of minors reading the story (hi!), I won’t block you or lecture you about reading mature content, however beware that the next chapters will be heavy, I’ll put the respective warnings. My only advise is if anything makes you uncomfortable don’t force yourself to read, see or act in a way you are not comfortable, being an adult is not pretend to be stronger or wiser that you really are, just be you maturity is not forced it just comes as you live your life true to yourself.
Till next time my friends!
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thepokyone · 7 years
Imagine request: t'achalla X stark!reader Oh my think about all the sass😍😂
Drop me some sort of plot then consider it done ;D
finally someone listened to me
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culturamow-blog · 7 years
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La Reseña:
Por @valdemarocanto
Puntuación general: 7/10
Veamos... El argumento de esta lo conocemos quienes seguimos el Universo Marvel, pues esta continua solo unas semanas luego de los acontecimientos en Capitan America Civil War, con el Pricipe T'challa asumiendo el trono de Wakanda tras la muerte de su padre en un atentado, el inicio luce prometedor, mientras comienzan a aparecer los personajes secundarios mostrando sus habilidades y el porque de ellos. Al momento de aparecer (Klaw) "el villano" muchos quedamos prendados de el, sin dudas después de Lucky el mas carismático, aunque sin ánimos de hacerles Spoiler, este es muy breve ya que es desplazado por otro (Killmonger).
Personajes / Actuaciones: Si tuviera que hacer un Top 5 con las mejores actuaciones quedaría así:
 #1 Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o), la sola presencia imponente de la ganadora del Oscar, hace que te enamores de su personaje, toda una guerrera, la cual deja muy en alto el poder femenino.
#2   Klaw    Andy Serkis), Para mi el villano mejor logrado, un Psicópata Carismático, cuya locura te hacer odiarlo y amarlo al mismo tiempo, ser su vigilante y amigo, aunque deja con ganas de mucho mas. 
 #3  Okoye  (Danai Gurira), Otra honorable guerrera y una de las manos derechas del rey,la cual de mucho para hablar, por la fuerza desgarradora de su personaje. 
 #4 Killmonger (Michae B. Jordan), El segundo villano en aparecer, todo un mercenario, el típico resentido que busca venganza contra quienes nada hicieron para dañarle, solo por llevar en sus espaldas lo errores de pasados, debo decir que este también deja mucho que desear. 
 #5 El Rey T'achalla / Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), Su personaje comienza muy caliente mas con el transcurrir de la trama, se va enfriando, tanto que en ocasiones el personaje de Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o)  llega a lucir incluso mas imponente que el mismo protagonista, esperemos y para la ya segura secuela mejore.
Las secuencias de acción muy bien logradas, La Escenografía y Fotografía excelentes, Los vestuarios perfectos, la historia algo genérica, el final muy predecible ya si de por si vemos que por ser un "Superheroe" podrá perder las batallas pero jamás la guerra, luego de los créditos deben quedarse pues dan un vistazo a lo que seria la secuela ya mas que confirmada, solo espero esta si termine de calentar y supere no solo la  taquilla que esta haga sino la trama.
Y si, soy de los muchos que piensan que fue un gran error de Marvel, el vender su Universo a Disney, la casa de los sueños y fantasías nada realistas. 
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Story of The Ice Wolf
WARNINGS: mentions of torture (inficted on reader), wounds, blood, amputation, panic attack and PTSD.
Hey fellas! I’m sorry I told you I’d post last week but I’ve been bussy, my apologies. 
"Angel! stop fucking them, we have a mission".
She groans in annoyance "Fine" pressing another button the shackles are open.
"Soldats! Gear up" he shouts, voice full of anger. Methodically like robots, both of you get up and walk out of the room following orders.
They wip you both before heading to the mission. 
--- [Avengers Tower after Fury’s call] --- Wanda moved to the kitchen with the excuse of needing a glass of water. Red energy waves dance around her hands. Two years they could keep behind close walls the demise of Y/N and Bucky, the official statement is that they were on undercover mission. Now Hydra let the truth out. Still trying to calm down she returns to the dining area. Loki blocks her path, when she tries to side step him, he stops her with his forearm across her shoulders. "Loki don't" Thor tries to interfere his deep voice has a trace of warning. Wanda ignores the blond Asgardian to warn the dark haired man "Two years I've felt you dwelling about something, your thoughts involve Y/N and Bucky, so unless you are going to tell me what it is, move aside or I'll make you". They stay facing away from each other several seconds. Then he gently grabs Wanda’s shoulders, slowly he spins her around to look her in the eyes. "Take a sit, I will tell you. This might help you and Natasha as a closure". "Several months before that mission Y/N and Bucky asked something from Thor and I. In Asgard we have a special stone that is made from the blood and soul of a person, this gem is then given to a loved one". He raises his closed right fist. "Y/N was having it as a gift for your birthday Wanda". Slowly he opens his fist revealing a beautiful crafted ring box. "She asked me to keep it, knowing that if she had it close you'll end up finding out. I was not sure of what to do with it. But this ring carries a little part of her soul". With his last words the upper lid opens. Revealing a dark meteorite ring with an encrusted deep red gemstone shaped as an oval.  "Natasha, Bucky made one too, he was unsure about how to give it to you, however he was pondering of give it to you as an anniversary gift". He opens his left fist the box is simple minimalist like with expert craftmanship the box looks seamless, the lid opens, the ring resting inside is made of dark Damascus steel, it has a fine rose gold stripe running through the middle, in the top there's an ice blue gemstone in diamond shape. "we were dating idiots". [Press Conference] The avengers sitting in the press conference podium are Tony, Steve, Wanda, and Coulson. The rest is scattered around looking for any sign of trouble. Natasha chose not to be at the podium her relationship with Bucky was unknown to the press. After Rhode's introduction, Stark takes the microphone. "Today we are here to confirm the rumors. With a heavy heart we inform you that the Avengers Y/N and James died two years ago". The shouting raises reporters throwing questions all over, Tony stays motionless, after the initial outburst they calm down. "Mr. Stark given the circumstances we think that Miss Maximoff, Captain Rogers and Agent Coulson should be the ones talking, last time you gave us a statement regarding them they were actually dead". Tony grinds his jaw a couple of times, but nods towards the others. "Captain Rogers seems like your team of ‘heroes’ is a mercenary club, why did you let someone like the Ice Wolf get in your ranks?”  "Y/N wasn't the Ice Wolf when she became an Avenger she worked undercover for S.H.I.E.L.D several years before joining us. Her goal was climb Hydra ranks to rip them from the inside. She and Bucky were key in several missions due to their knowledge in Hydra operations. That's the reason of their recruiting, besides they were good persons caring and loving. Since day one their priority has been saving lives". "Captain Rogers, the new Hydra unit seems promising, will they replace your fallen ex-Hydra soldiers? Will they get immunity too?". Steve grinds his jaw, "we are not looking for replacements, Y/N and Bucky were our comrades, friends there's no way to replace them. We will deal with the Hydra unit, they will be taken to justice". "Miss Maximoff did you knew the monster you were dating?". Natasha interferes, "don't be insensible assholes, Y/N was a person, not a monster".  "Former assassin and spy trained by the red room, are you human too?"
Nat only grinds her jaw and glares at the reporter making him shrink on his place.
"Answer the question Witch" other reporter shouts. Wanda schools her features "Y/N wasn't a monster, she did what it took to survive, always with the goal of tearing apart Hydra. I had the privilege to know her in a way that you all never will". Rhodes Interferes, guys before we go on. "Be respectful with your questions, otherwise we will shut down this conference". "Captain Rogers, agent Coulson there's a leaked footage that shows Y/N, Bucky and the twins disagreement in executing the mission while Mr. Stark calls for a vote and labels Y/N as a coward. Was that mission taken that lightly? Coulson is the one who answers "No mission is taken lightly, what you didn't see is the hours we spent beforehand discussing possibilities, Stark called a vote as a way to break the tension, the execution of the mission was set to happen before the vote". "Mr. Stark how does it feel to know that your ego played on their deaths?". Before Tony can answer, a chilling hollering interrupts the conference. The heavy wood double doors are kicked off from their hinges, the panels landing several feet down the aisle. The two dark soldiers stand there, then the Tiger walks in. His voice is deep and has a heavy Russian accent. "Answer the question Stark". Everyone just stare at the three figures walking down the aisle. The wolves howl again. Tony doesn't answer. "Well, if you aren't answering that question, I have better one, do you still hear them scream? Those agony screams were something not to be forgotten". Tony answers while summoning his armor "Every single night". "I'll give you one more thing to remember then, the call is yours again". There are two playgrounds today. One here, other in the main park. I either give you chance for everyone in this room to run away before the soldats start shooting or the chance for half of your team to reach the park before my freaks start to play". A reporter stand to shout "Stupid Hydra puppet you can't play with our lives like...” *Bang* the reporter falls to the ground clutching his mid riff. "Next one who interrupts me dies". ("Tony there has to be another way, let's attack together"). ("they have blocked the only way out, the park is full of children"). "Are you done planning? my patience does not last long". ("Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Thor, head to the park. The rest with me"). Whispering *F.R.I.D.A.Y alert Fury*. "what's your call Stark? The ones that were chewing you up or the children in the park?"  The only tell of Tony’s uneasiness is the grind of his jaw, still he calmly says, "The children". "Soldats guns up", both obey raising twin pistols, the Tiger presses the com resting ln his right ear, you have 30 seconds to get there, starting... Now. The chosen Avengers race out of the building. When another reporter tries to run past the soldiers, the one with the skull mask grabs him by the throat, lifting him off the floor, the reporter tries to scape in vain, screams drowned under the pressure on his throat. "I didn't say you could move, did I? Throw him out". Barely moving its arm, the soldier throws him out through the void of the door, above the handrail to a ten-floor crash. The people below start panicking a shouting. After some tense seconds. The clash of the battle starts in the distance. "Because I ‘am a good person I will give this people a fair head start… Run". All the reporters scatter out of the room, some of them colliding against the soldiers that stand unfazed. "Kill them". The soldiers start firing against the reporters. "King T'achalla you against me, soldats have fun with the rest". The fight begins with Dark Tiger leaping to crash against T'achalla, after securing Pepper out of the building Tony joins too. Rhodey and Barton help the fallen people and take them to safety. Natasha, Steve and Banner start fighting the Soldiers their moves are fast and precise but those two have no problem blocking and dodging their blows. The fight intensifies Natasha and Steve manage to sweep their legs off the floor and the hulk tackles them sending them against the glass wall, the force breaks the glass curtain wall, the fall is ten floors to the street pavement, two loud thuds are heard, the Hulk jumps after them. The tiger dodges two energy blasts doing backflips, he lands in the edge of the broken window. His two soldats are lying in the middle of the holes made by their fall. When Hulk gets close to grab them, the two wolves appear jumping on him biting his forearms. He screams in anger and shakes off the wolves, still they jump on him again. The Tiger leaps off landing behind the soldiers heads "soldats stop playing dead". "You have to be kidding me" Natasha says while she runs close with Steve. Slowly the two bodies get off the ground, and turn their head towards their handler, while wolves come back flanking them. *Mr. Stark we have company military units are arriving* the A.I informs. A Military helicopter floats above their heads.  "Drop you weapons and surrender" Steve says walking to stand before them. [You have five seconds to surrender or we will open fire] a voice from the helicopter shouts. Tony and T'achalla land beside Natasha. "You'll need more that bullets to stop us, let's see if you can keep up” he nods towards the soldiers “Go". The military open fire, the soldats shield their handler while he runs ahead. Their armor takes the worst of the bullets damage, but still some of them pierce their skin. The one with the wolf mask throws a small grenade at the helicopter, before it blows off both and the wolves take off.
The path to the main park was full of astonishing stunts from both sides, gun shots, fighting. None of them was getting out scratch less. They reached the park raising more chaos, police officers where already trying to stop the enhanced opening fire against them, but the Dark Mist and the Dark Angel proved to be a deadly synced duo, always keeping each other back covered. In the middle of the brawl an opportunity raised, the two soldiers were distracted fighting Hulk and Steve, dodging arrows from Barton and bullets from Sam, but their suits proved hard to pierce. T'achalla got the upper hand on his fight with the Dark Tiger connecting a couple of good punches that left him dazzled, Wanda took the chance to slam a chunk of concrete debris at him, upon his fall the soldats abandoned their fight to shield him from a combined blast from Tony and Rhodey sending them sliding backwards in a crunched position, the several feet skid left marks in the concrete with their now revealed metal forearms, the blast damaged the metal plates making some of the inner mechanisms show, the flesh limbs now sport nasty burns. T'achalla, Steve and Hulk go ahead to end them, the big guy hits the Cranium Soldier with an blow hard enough to hear ribs breaking, Steve came next using his shield to land an uppercut solid enough to tear off the mask and surely breaking its nose, Thor comes assert a swing to the chest with Mjolnir sending it even further behind. Hulk uses the same combination of blows with the other soldier but stead of Thor, the last blow was made by T'achalla he clawed the Wolf mid riff sweeping  his right hand left to right and clawing it's face with the left, taking off the mask and leaving jagged cuts across the face from the forehead to the jawline, Hulk comes in again swinging a low hook to send the soldier to the same spot where the cranium one is. Both soldats end up lying motionless. Thor leaps up ready to land the final blow with a thunder channeled through Mjolnir, but he stops midair, shock takes over his features, he doesn’t land the last blow. Tony and Rhodey had secured the Dark Tiger. The others blocked the enhanced, Sam has the Dark Angel pinned down in the floor, gun in her head. "Thor?" Steve asks a few paces behind him. "This must to be a wicked dream" he says as he lands a few feet behind the bodies. Pietro was the first to get close skidding to a halt, his eyes widening is surprise too "Holly shit! Sis, Nat is Y/N and Bucky!". The women were astonished a couple of seconds before they ran to them dropping to their knees. Wanda’s vision was blurred by tears, she moves away the hair that was stuck to your forehead with blood, softly kissing the side that isn’t jagged. Pietro walks close to crunch beside her she puts his hand on her shoulder "Hurry up, break the conditioning before they wake up again". Wanda tries, surrounding both of your heads with her red energy "I… I can't break through, something is blocking me completely". Steve and Nat are kneeled by Bucky’s side, both of you have a spider like devices in the right side of the head, one of the branches runs down the neck disappearing under the skin. "It must be this" Steve says as he points at the devices. He was about to tear it off when the wolves show up standing above your heads, fangs displayed and growling. "Unless you want to kill them for good this time, I wouldn’t try to tear the dispositive off" the Tiger says, Tony and Rhodey had dragged him with them. "Shut up" T'achalla sneers and walks up to them, "time to know your face". He takes the mask away "Salarov". He gives them a sinister smile "Surprise, surprise. Did you really thought that we would waste our best assets? You gave us the perfect chance to take them back. That dispositive won't let you pry their mind darling, if you take it off you kill them". Tony lifts the mask of his suit to glare at Salarov "We will find a way to take it off ". Salarov only smirks at Tony’s glare, then he sets is sight to the twins "I have a better offer for you Silver and Witch come with us I'll let her have her memories of both of you".  The twins turn around to glare at him "You won't free her mind, it would be and empty vessel" Wanda says as her eyes glow red. "Empty vessels that know how to rock your world Witch". The Death Angel quips with a slay smirk. "How dare you!" Wanda screams her eyes glowing brighter red full of hatred, Nat raises her gun towards the girl. "Come with us, and you can have her back" Salarov simply says. "What makes you think you are going out of this?". Tony asked. He lets out a taunting laugh "Empty vessels, the best weapons". The wolves stop growling to whimper and lick the soldiers faces. "Time's up Scarlett, Silver, are you coming or not?". (I can hear her voice, I can feel her close. But my body doesn't move at my will. little one get away from me!) ("Wanda he is playing with us, they will do the same to us. We will find a way to have them back”). ("He is not lying, he has a plan"). "Tony he is not lying, he will scape!". Salarov glares darkly at the twins "if that is your answer, soldats raise". (No! Stupid body stay down, God I feel like a smashed can, but my body still moves). Steve and Pietro barely got Wanda and Natasha out of the way, before wolves attacked them. You and Bucky slowly get up, blood staining the concrete as it drips from your wounds (Come on guys, don't hesitate to put us down before we kill you).  The avengers ready their weapons, but no one is willing to take you down. “Bucky! Y/N! Don't do this, fight it! Natasha screams, her guns ready but pointing to the ground. (Fucking shit). There is no trace of recognition in your eyes, dull blank unmovable stare, the only thing signaling that you both are alive is the trembling rise and fall of your chest, the wolves charge towards Wanda sensing her trying to get into your mind again, before they jump on her Wanda raises her hands to repel them, ("Orion, Nebula stop!") the red stone of her ring glows faintly and the wolves skid to a halt, they start pacing side to side growling, unsure of what to do. Several whistle shots cut the tense atmosphere, instead of bullets small spiders pierce the avengers skin and battle suits, shocking them to the ground, the Black Mist holds back the hulk and Thor with her telekinesis. The Hydra sniper reinforcements open a way out for the Tiger’s unit. The Death Angel stands up as the rest of you rush to her, she shields you all with her wings. "Don't worry Witch, I'll lick her wounds for you" smirking and winking she vanishes to thin air. The hold breaks, and the spiders stop working. After some pained grunts, they slowly raise. "Was that even real?" Clint muses out loud. Wanda and Nat are still sitting on the floor staring at their blood-stained hands. "What if they are clones or something else? Sam said. "They were real, the wolves halted due to Wanda’s ring glowing, perhaps deep inside there was some recognition" Thor states. --- --- [Back in the Avengers Tower] All the avengers were scattered around the living room, sporting several gashes and bruises. "I can't believe they were just playing around and they left us fucked up". Sam says as he tries to roll his shoulder. "Wanda” Bruce is sitting by the bar fidgeting with his glasses “was Y/N always that resilient and strong? I hate to say this, but those blows should have killed them, I'm sure I felt their bones breaking". Banner says while clenching and unclenching his fists, the sensation still lingers on his hands. "They did something else to her, to both. Their mind is not the same, it's like they are empty and cold, their mind space is a blank canvas". "Hydra experimented further with them" Steve states anger clear in his voice. "What do you mean? They were already super soldiers and deadly skillful assassins" T'achalla says from his spot in the sofa. Tony is sitting on the floor by the glass wall a scotch glass in one hand, the other concealing his mouth. "The last time I shot Bucky with a short distance blast I ripped off his bionic arm. This time the blast hit metal and flesh and they got out with nasty burns, but nothing mayor just burns” Silence fills the space, Wanda is silently being wrapped in Pietro's arms. Natasha is leaning against Clint staring to the unknown. The door opens, May strolls in, crossing her arms in a disapproving way. "Avengers, are you done weeping?. "This doesn't concern you Melinda" Tony says. "That's where you are wrong Stark, Y/N was on my jurisdiction before she got into this team. Overall, she is my friend, Barnes too. You all are too caught up in your personal pity parties. They are alive, and they are being used. Let’s find a way to bring them back". ---
[Hydra Base Canada]
After banishing to thin air, the Tiger and his unit were taken to a Hydra base in Canada, the facility has a laboratory were you and Bucky were brought to patch up the wounds.
“Captain you seriously need to call them back from being your flesh shields, is matter of when, their bodies are sustaining too much damage, the weaker their body becomes you have the risk of their bodies rejecting the serum”.
“I don’t care, just patch them up and have them ready to comply. Not everyday you have two of the best assassins in the history as your play toys”.
The scientists strap both of you to metal tables to patch up the wounds. They inject different serums as they start repairing the prosthetic limbs.
After a half day of work the scientists leave the room, leaving you both lying on the metal tables out cold, the Angel who has been watching them work takes the chance to grab a copy of both of your files with her teletransportation and leaves the room. Later she conceals her face with large hoodie and withdraw her wings. She shows at Hill’s office in the avenger’s compound.
Maria is startled by the sudden materialization of a hooded person in her office, her instincts kick in and grabs her gun aiming it at the stranger. The person pulls back a little the hood, to reveal briefly her face, she simply shows up the files being held on her right hand, leaving them atop of the desk. Just like she appeared, she vanishes.
The avengers and Coulson’s team are gathered in the compound conference room, the new face added to the mixture is Peter Parker. Fury and Hill walk in, he wastes no time in greetings with his hands clasped in his back he starts the briefing "We have new intel that can...Stark what is the kid doing here?" he enquires looking sternly at the mentioned man. Peter just looks sheepishly at his hands. While Tony answers "He is our best chance to catch Y/N and Bucky without hurting them badly, if they attack the assembly we'll need all the help we can get". Fury just stares blankly at him "Still, you want a kid to fight against two cold blood assassins?” no one reacts to the statement, his words carry no ill intention “they aren't Y/N and Bucky they are the Winter Soldier and the Ice Wolf, Hydra made sure of that, they are assets" he says as he brings his hands to hang by his sides. "How do you know that Fury?" Banner asks as he eyes the files on the colonel hands. Fury walks up to Banner and set the files before him, silently walking away a few steps. Tony who is sitting beside Bruce takes one of the files, they scan quickly the notes. The notes are a mix of Russian and English, Tony scrunches his nose a little in annoyance "We need a Russian translator" he keeps eying the files until he reaches some picture evidence, their eyes widen in surprise, then a frown sets on his features. "I can do it" Nat says while she walks close, before she can see the pictures, Tony closes the file "I don't think you want to see this Nat", she glares at him and tries to snatch the files out of his grasp, but Tony toss them at Jemma to avoid the red head. "H-how did you get this Nick?" Bruce looks at Fury with surprise and a hint of suspiciousness as he fidgets a little with his glasses. Maria gets closer to the gathered people "The angel show up last night in my office, she left those files and vanished. Another thing to note, she can conceal her wings". Pietro and Wanda look in each other eyes "why would she try to help them?" Pietro muses as his mind start to race, he begins to remember something... flashes of a little girl, you asking him to take her to an specific location…"I... I didn't see that coming". "What is it speedster?" Clint asks leaning to his right towards him. "That girl is Anika" at the others lost glances, he sighs a little in exasperation before he elaborates "Y/N got her out of a laboratory, they were experimenting on her, she was a little kid, we tried to hide her". "Tried?" Daisy asks tilting her head a little “I doubt Y/N did something like that and didn’t work”. "It worked in the beginning, seems that they got her back. After a couple of months Y/N cut all ties to her to keep her as far as possible from Hydra’s radar". "Wan did you know?" Clint asks almost like a father trying to make his kids spill a secret. She only shrugs fidgeting a little with her ring, she calmly says "No, she did a lot of things without one or both of us knowing". "How do you know about the girl speedy?" Tony asks "I was the kid's ride away" he shrugs. Fury steps close again "That detail aside. We know they will attack the conference. Jemma, Fitz, Banner and Stark find a way to snap them out of Hydra’s control". They nod in agreement, then he looks at Peter in the eyes "Parker work with them, when the time for the battle comes,      Stay. Away. From. It". He walks to stand beside Maria "Agent Hill will coordinate the plan for the surveillance and counter attack, we can't let Vienna happen again". "And you Nick?" Tony asks crossing his arms. "I'll be doing what I do best, keeping you all in track". ---
[Hydra base, Canada] Bucky and you are seated on metal chairs, shackles on, staring blankly at the two men in front of you. "Salarov, the world convention is the final blow, we are giving you three more enhanced and two units for a direct attack. Other units will back you up under my command, the mission is to wipeout the avengers in their own field, kill anyone that gets in the way". "What about them?" he says motioning to both of you. "We still got some time to use them as attack dogs, when the time comes have them accomplish the mission at any cost, this time use all the serum, we can't risk them going rogue". A month later. [Briefing before the World Conference, New York] The Dark Tiger unit have done some moves, mostly taking out rogue Hydra deserters, however the intel gathered by the S.H.I.EL.D agents suggest that the world conference is a clear target on their list. That’s why all the avengers and Coulson’s team are gathered in the conference room, including king T'achalla and his general Okoye, Peter too, he is sitting in the back. Jemma is the one presenting the plan to get you and Bucky back "Agent Barton we have suited a batch of arrow heads with this serum" she says holding a transparent vial with a light blue-ish liquid inside "aim to the devices attached to their heads, we've made a metal alloy strong enough to pierce the gadgets without risking further damage as long as is not shoot at short distance". Clint nods in understanding "Who's going to open the window for the shots?" "Who do you think Clint?" Nat says crossing her arms. "What?! No, no fucking way, are you crazy Natasha?". "She won't be alone" Wanda says getting close to red head, while Pietro stares at Clint "We know how they fight as assets, just don't miss the shots old man". "Don't worry legolas, I'm backing them too, the more, the funnier the party" he says with a smirk, trying to lighten the somber mood. Clint only grunts in annoyance, grumpy face on "As you wish". Maria steps to the head of the table “Everyone else knows their positions, stay sharp and don't pull off your punches”. [Salarov’s safe house] Bucky and you walk shoulder by shoulder to the living room, the wolves are a step ahead of you, each of you have a duffle bag with automatic weapons and grenades. As both of you step in the voices halt their conversations, the new faces are registered as enemies, both of you unholster the guns strapped to your thighs pointing at the three unknown persons. "What the hell?! Captain control your dogs" the unknown man shouts. Salarov only laughs "Guns down assets" you immediately obey the order. "Set the bags to the floor and kneel down" you do as he orders, but you can also feel an energy pulling you heavy to the ground. He presses the button of the controller four lines are already lighten, the other three gain color too, with each strip the dispositive releases more serum making you both hiss in pain, this time as your eyes blink in pain your eyes torn absolute black leaving no trace of your eye color. "Captain you will kill them" the angel hisses she grinds her jaw. "Say goodbye to your toys Angel, this is their last mission" he is so focused rejoicing as he watches as you both hiss in agony, your body trying to restrain your automatic pain reaction that he misses the Angel's eyes widening. You are still kneeled hissing in pain when he signals the two girls to hand you the masks, both put them on. Then they hand you a set of twin katanas, and military hunting knives to Bucky "It's time to have some fun assets". You both answer a husky emotionless “Hail Hydra”.
The next chapter will contain the big clash and the aftermath. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.
I hope I can post this same week, so I don’t keep you on edge.
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