#t7s headcanons
nikkiruncks · 4 months
Hiya, Poorni ❤️! For the ship headcanon meme, question 28 for Beric?
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28. Why do they get jealous?
Buddy has never really had a proper relationship nor has he loved anyone the way he loved Eric, is he can be a little territorial at times to say the least lol.
But when he talks it out with Eric and the latter reassures him he has nothing to worry about , things are more than dandy.
Eric would get jealous because due to everyone telling him he isn’t “good enough” for Donna the past few years, he wonders if he’s “good enough” for Buddy and worries that the latter will leave for “someone better”.
He and Buddy would talk it out, and Buddy would tell Eric how amazing he is and he wouldn’t want to be with anyone else and would also kick the asses of everyone who made Eric that way.
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70s-show-diary · 4 months
Headcanon: Maybe Jackie isn't dumbing herself down for Kelso in The Trials of M. Kelso (3x18) and still is very smart.
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Okay, hear me out. I know I'm not alone in the fact that I truly despise the way that Jackie is shown to dumb herself down for Kelso, particularly in the opening scene of this episode. In my recent re-watch of this episode, however, I noticed something that I never thought about before, and I built an entire lil' headcanon around it.
In the opening scene, we have what appears to be Donna tutoring Jackie and Kelso in math. Jackie is a year younger in school than the rest of the gang, so it doesn’t make sense for her to be learning the same math as Kelso, unless:
(A) Kelso had to repeat that math class, or (B) Jackie skipped a year in math.
I lean towards option B for a couple of reasons. First, because I also was disappointed that the show retconned Kelso being a math prodigy from season 1, and option A suggests that Kelso may be poor at math.
Secondly, I think option B could explain why maybe Jackie was obviously struggling with the math question that Donna asked her in the first scene of the episode. If she skipped a year in math, its reasonable to think that she might struggle with some of the more advanced material. (Of course, she is also struggling because she’s distracted by Kelso, but I digress.)
In my re-watch, I also noticed that throughout the rest of the episode, Jackie and Donna are seen studying together at The Hub. While Jackie spends a good portion of that time testing Kelso’s ability to be in a mature relationship, I headcanon that she is primarily using her time to study with Donna so she can keep up in her math class. If she skipped a year, perhaps she and Donna are even in the same class period. It takes some extra studying on her part, but she catches up eventually.
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disneymbti · 5 months
Hiya, Sarah 💛! Do you have any headcanons for Eric/Buddy?
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Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Beric (Buddy and Eric)'s Headcanons
Buddy and Eric are always like giving each flowers on their anniversary because it makes them feel special and also, they also love to spoil each other (a sunflower for Buddy to Eric and a rose for Eric to Buddy).
They have 3 kids together when they grow up and live together in California in a comfortable cottage near the beach and they will teach the kids how to dance disco despite the kids' embarrassed expressions on their faces.
They love to dance disco music together, mostly because of Buddy's attraction to Eric's hips whenever they dance together and Buddy always grabs Eric's hips and this makes Eric laugh a lot.
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dollishnymph · 2 months
jackie would 100% love the 2008 movie adaptation of the musical Mamma Mia! and thus I think we should all consider: Jackie x Hyde Mamma Mia AU
its not even that it's super relevant to them, I just think it'd be really fun and tbh I might draw some silly stuff of it
like imagine jackie bring hyde to see it and then afterwards being obsessed with them actinv it out and singing
(btw as an autistic person i think jackie is autistic, thats just a fun bonus headcanon)
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icecoldwilliams · 2 years
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|| Y'know what? Until we see her, nothing's stopping me from headcanoning Nina's at one of her condo's, in her pj's, cup of tea in hand, Tom & Jerry on the tv in between her watching the news of the world going to hell, getting a much needed break before returning to the fight.
Yes. Good. 😌
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thestupidhelmet · 1 month
Just curious. When do you think the gang's birthdays are?
Kelso: August 28, 1959
Hyde: November 28, 1959 (he turned 18 before Eric, and is a Sagittarius)
Donna: February 13, 1960
Eric: March 18, 1960
Fez: August 4, 1960
Jackie: September 24, 1961
'Allo! 👋
Because T7S's creators had believed all of season 1 would take place in 1976 when the show was initially greenlit, the first press releases about the characters' birthdates reflect that year. Then season 1 entered 1977 due to more episodes ordered by Fox, messing up the T7S timeline (that's where it began, everyone! 🤭).
Script inconsistencies and Point Place Time (tm) make it difficult to know exactly when the characters' canonical birthdays are. But we've got the years (despite that Point Place Time made Eric be seventeen for five years), which differ from the first press releases.
Kelso: 1959.
Eric, Donna, Hyde, Fez: 1960.
Jackie: 1961.
I have a headcanon for only one character's birthdate. Whenever I write Hyde in fanfic, his birthday is November 24, 1960 -- Thanksgiving. I like the story elements that date opens up. Jackie reveals that Hyde's a Sagittarius in "Hey, Hey, What Can I Do?" (S5). While I don't believe in astrology, I'm very knowledgeable about it. Hyde's personality fits someone with a Sagittarius sun (but I've chosen a moon sign and an ascending sign for him, too).
Jackie's personality fits someone with a Pisces sun (but tempered by her moon and ascending signs -- pretty sure I went with Leo for ascending, lol).
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those70scomics · 6 months
Kitty for the character ask
I'm going to do this ask game a little differently. I'll put what I think is canon from what we see on the show (where applicable) as well as my headcanon. 😃
Sexuality (canon): Heterosexual, heteromantic, alloromantic, allosexual.
Sexuality headcanon: Same as above.
Gender Identity (canon): Cis female.
Gender Identity headcanon: Same as above.
Ship: Kitty and Red -- and only Red.
Sistp: Kitty and Joanne.
Notp: Bob. Wet, bubbly Bob.
General Headcanon: She was very much like Jackie in high school -- socially popular and derived self-esteem from that status (her mother's treatment of her explains it) -- but a helper/caretaker rather than self-centered and very focused on her studies.
Opinion on the Character: A strong, wise, compassionate person with regular human flaws and range of emotions. She chose nursing as a career due to her nurturing nature. She wants the best for everyone she cares about, but she often doesn't ask for or get the same amount of care for herself.
She's a good, loving mother. Gives Laurie and Eric doses of reality when they need it (unfortunately, Laurie needs a lot). She tolerates Laurie's bad attitude while also doing her best to correct it. Encourages all her kids (including Hyde) to do their best in whatever healthy goals they pursue. She protects, or tries to protect, her and Red's kids from Red's sometimes unforgiving anger.
Season 5 gives her the perimenopause arc. We learn her father is a relatively high functioning, non-abusive alcoholic. He self-narcotizes with booze, and Kitty follows suit when faced with the inability to bear more children and the reality of her soon-to-be empty nest.
Her drinking was supposed to end with Red's heart attack in season 6, but the T7S writers thought alcoholic mothers are funny (Hyde's mom, Jackie's mom). So instead of Kitty having a storyline where she comes to terms with the realities sprung on her in the previous season, she's depicted as an "amusing drunk," whose intelligence dial is turned way down. Total character drift.
Her deftly woven complexities become comical traits. Overly attached to Eric to the point of infantilization and hostile possessiveness (usually aimed at Donna). The Kitty of S6-S7 is not the Kitty of S1-S5. Even in S5, she does her best to fight the hormone changes to her moods to nurture the people around her.
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einsteinsugly · 7 months
Some T7S food headcanons!
Hyde and Donna like black coffee.
Jackie only likes coffee if it's the Starbucks kind (aka, with additional flavorings), but otherwise prefers tea.
Hyde and Donna like black licorice. Jackie and Eric prefer strawberry, and Jackie hates black licorice with a burning passion.
Fez and Kelso love pineapple pizza. Jackie thinks it's disgusting. Red and Eric think it's a betrayal to pizza.
Eric's favorite fast food restaurant is KFC. He just loves fast food chicken, okay? He also boasts about McNuggets when they first come out.
For Eric, breakfast food holds a special place in his heart, and he's strangely good at making it.
Donna likes mint flavored everything. Jackie calls her Peppermint Patty.
Donna also really likes nuts. The guys make gross jokes about it, until she shows them she can crack the nuts with her bare hands.
Fez and Donna are the only ones that like grape Jolly Ranchers.
Kelso licks the cream out of the Oreos, and puts the cookies back in the package.
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doctor-caparty · 1 month
You know, I’m all caught up on T9S now and I have major mixed feelings about part 3. I loved all the callbacks to T7S and I thought this part was actually funnier than the other two BUT I was perfectly content conveniently forgetting that they made Jay Jackie’s kid and I’m so mad that they brought Betsy in to remind us of that. I’m also pretty pissed off that they made Betsy a Laurie 2.0, there is NO WAY Brooke “Genius” Rockwell would ever raise her daughter in a way that she would behave that way. And yes that’s a slight jab at Kitty and Red (they were just too lean on her). I’m also kinda miffed they ignored that Midge left Bob and they hadn’t been together for 20 years? There were plenty of openings to make up a story about where she was or to say that she passed like Tanya Roberts, with the whole attic thing and Bob getting lost in the past and then Donna being torn between going to California with Eric like hello we have no reason to believe Midge ever left California after the show ended, why was that all ignored? Speaking of ignored, Betsy saying “except for those three weird years in the middle” in response to Jay saying his parents are still together was another piss off. And here I am wishing the original cast wasn’t a bunch of dickwads and we could have more cameos, there were so many good windups to some and because the cast are literal criminals and demons we couldn’t have any of that! But I am glad they brought Gwen’s dad in person, I was getting upset with the headcanons that she was Hyde’s daughter. Anyway, I guess there wasn’t much zenmasters in this post but I love them and they deserve justice.
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burstofastar · 8 months
Tekken — Random thoughts
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Is it just me, or does anyone else also hate the fact that we got more of Reina than Kazuya in the Tekken 8 storymode? 🤔
Don't get me wrong, while it was interesting to see Kazuya take center stage as the main antagonist (since I think this position was held by Heihachi for basically the entire series, while Kaz was "second"); there was no depth.
The story was based only on the conflict itself, Jin's search for his inner self and the inclusion of Reina, but… and Kazuya? He was just the villain who had to be stopped, like the plot of a predictable play.
There were no flashbacks to his childhood or adolescence; not even something more "recent", like his first meeting with Jun during T2, which I think would have been cool, because truth be told, that part is still a mystery: everything that was built around Kazuya and Jun during T2 is mostly fan headcanons, non-canon installations or a story put together by extra material, but not anything really solid.
The storymode wasn't too bad, but I think not exploring Kazuya more and being more introspective with him was a huge wasted opportunity. Heck, we even had flashbacks of Kazumi from Heihachi's perspective in T7!
And no, don't think I'm forgetting the part about Kazuya having visions of Heihachi while he was facing Lars, because while it added a little (just a little), it wasn't enough (and it was a bit odd and dumb, to be honest).
I hope that in some story DLC expansion they can explore Kazuya in this way… because waiting 10 years for T9 is going to be very long… and disappointing if his story is told just the half.
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
EJ headcanon: While Jackie is pregnant, Eric suggests the name Leia and she makes him sleep on the couch for a week.
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70s-show-diary · 1 year
Hyde attending Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour? More likely than you'd think...
Like many others, I share the head-canon that Jackie would be a Swiftie. I can see Jackie getting ready to attend The Eras Tour with a Lover-themed outfit (because let's be honest, that would definitely be her favorite Taylor Swift album), 13 painted across her hand, and Taylor's signature Eras-coordinated nails.
In 2023, Jackie's and Hyde's kids would be grown adults at this point, and I'm sure at least one of them would also be a Swiftie. So obviously, her kid(s) would be attending the concert with her. And you know, so would Hyde...willingly, too.
Okay, hear me out. I'm not calling Hyde a Swiftie - he most definitely is not. None of Taylor Swift's multi-genred catalogue aligns with Hyde's personal taste in music. But after being with Jackie for so long, I think he would have softened his criticism on her taste in music. More than that, although he may not necessarily enjoy Taylor Swift's music or the way Jackie plays it on repeat ad nauseum in the weeks building up to their show, I do think that Hyde would respect Taylor Swift as a songwriter, musician, and businesswoman in the music industry.
So whereas back in the day he never would've attended an ABBA concert with Jackie, when she asks him if he will go the Taylor Swift show with him 40 years in the future, he says yes and is surprised that he doesn't hate the idea.
And at the concert, Hyde won't be able to help the knowing look he exchanges with Jackie during Cruel Summer as they both think back to that first summer they hooked-up. And if Mine* and Paper Rings end up being the surprise songs as their shows, Hyde won't be able to help the way those songs tug on his heart as he is reminded of his decades-long history with Jackie.
*Taylor has already played Mine as a surprise song with Would've Could've Should've in Nashville...however, she did mess up the lyrics in Mine, which means that it is still possible that Jackie and Hyde could hear Cruel Summer, Mine, and Paper Rings in my imagination (lol).
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anchanted-one · 4 months
SWTOR Ask Meme: Vajra Devarath (Jedi Knight)
What is their alignment? Light Side. About 70%.
Empire or Republic? Republic.
Do they fit in with their faction or were they sort of born into it? He was on a newly discovered world, but entered the Republic at a young age.
What is their homeworld? It's called Raudraksha. It's an original planet, and his species Raudra is also an original.
What planet do they now call home? Either where their stronghold is or where you headcanon they live at. Early Childhood: Raudraksha Between 4-14 years: Uphrades Chapter 1-3: Tython Between Chapter 3 and Rakata Prime: the Jedi Knight ship, which he called the Garuda.
What race are they? Raudra. Like I said, and original. Four arms and a third eye in the middle of their forehead. They have a weak connection to the Force which gets amplified if they choose the Dark. But generations of religious teachings have kept them on the Light.
Are they loyal to their faction?  Yes.
How do they feel about the opposite faction? He wants peace with the Empire. He wants peace with the Sith, too. And he does find many Sith to his liking, chief among them Lana Beniko and Kairegane Rooks (Sith Warrior) He does not favor total victory.
How do they feel about the Force and the Orders that use it? He loves it, but appreciates the many dangerous and unnatural abilities it grants its users.
What is their specialization class? Was there a reason they picked that discipline? In-game, he's a Guardian primarily, one that favors mobility. His secondary class is a Sentinel, though the story version would wield four Lightsabers instead of two. He fell in love with the songs Lightsaber crystals sing, and realized early his path was through them, and Lightsabers. He often uses his Lightsabers to commune with the Force.
Do they have a favorite color crystal they like to use? What color? He uses 3 crystals in his primary which make it a silvery turquoise. He loves it. Also, his Lightsabers all have flat blades.
Be honest, how many outfit tabs do they have? I dunno. Eight?
Let’s see those outfits!
Who is/are their favorite companion(s)? T7, Kira, Scourge, and Lana (Order of appearance)
Who is/are their least favorite companion(s)? Doc. He finds his flirtatious ways disgusting, and realizes that he often points his touchers where they're not wanted.
What do they do in their spare time? Lightsaber training/exercise, drawing, tinkering, hanging out with his friends.
Do they have family? Silbings, parents, children? His family were killed by Sith, as was his whole tribe. His father had three wives (polygamous species due to gender ratio disparity). He had three older sisters and a younger one. He was informally adopted by Jasme Shan (Theron's twin sister). They see each other as siblings, and share most of their secrets with each other freely. As a result of this closeness, Satele and Theron also awkwardly treat him like family. Satele is the less awkward of the two, believe it or not. He marries Lana after Yavin, and they have two children together. I'm still figuring out their names, but I'm thinking Raphael and Harini.
Who is their BFF?  Jasme Shan. They met on his first day on Tython, where his heroism landed him in the psych ward (all those deaths). Jasme came to spend time with him every day, which he deeply appreciated. And he was a real sweetheart with a heart of tortured gold, so Jasme quickly decided he was her brother. Their friendship has been a source of comfort for them both, over the years. In case you're wondering, neither has ever harbored romantic feelings for the other.
Who is their rival?  Kairegane Rooks, Sith Warrior. I say rival, but I really mean 'rival.' They're close friends who like to spar and motivate each other. Also, Kairegane marries Jasme, so sort of like in-Laws xD
Do they have a love interest? Who? Lana Beniko.
Would they continue their legacy by having children? Adopt? Get an apprentice? Two children and an apprentice. They both (he and Lana) share the apprentice, giving her the sum of their teachings. They also raise Lana's younger brother Ivan Beniko together after their father passes away. Ivan was born a year after KotFE Chapter 1. He also had Kira as his Padawan.
What is their sexual orientation? Honestly haven't decided. Sometimes I think it's pan, though I've never written him having a romantic relationship with a man.
Do they like their role in their current situation? i.e.: if they are a Sith do they like being in the Sith order? Yeah, but he thinks he's a poor Jedi. And for most of his life, he is. He is far too tormented, and Masters often say that he's a poor Jedi, but a really good person. He overcomes his demons with Lana's help and emerges with bearing worthy of a Jedi Master, which earns him that title. But he quits the Order right after in order to settle the matter of Vitiate. The Order promises to welcome him back, should he ever decide to return to the fold.
If they could be part of another group, what would it be? You can choice from Old Republic, Expanded Universe, or Cinematic Universe. I don't think he'd be anything but a ronin.
Do they have any deep dark secrets? His time as the Emperor's plaything. It's different from the game. He doesn't become a slave, he becomes a raging beast eager for carnage, and barely under anyone's control. The Emperor sent him on dozens of murderous rampages, and he only broke free thanks to Jasme. Few know about it. He also attempted to end his own life once, not long after the battle with Angral. He was haunted by his failure to save Uphrades.
Do they have any vices? Never thought about it.
Do they have any regrets? Not saving Uphrades. Going to Marr's ship in KotFE chapter 1. Not being there for Kairegane when she died, or Jasme in the months afterwards.
Have they done anything embarrassing? When sedated after his suicide attempt, he mumbled something something about Satele being cute (and Jasme). He wasn't trying to flirt. In another similar instance, he asked her if he was a good boy, and if she was proud of him. She laughed and said yes to both.
What’s their favorite food?  Pizzas, I guess.
Do they like to boogie? Do they dance to that good old cantina band? He is canonically one of the best dancers out there. He even has a 'dancer's gait' that makes people stare at him when he passes.
Describe their personality. Are they snarky, noble, insane, etc? Somewhat naive and open. Eager to please. I think he has golden retriever energy.
Do they have any special skills? He can see Shatterpoints, like Mace Windu. This allows him to evaluate situations. And sometimes, opponents and armies, finding out surprising weak spots. He also created his own version of Juyo called Rath that cuts through the Dark Side and traps it on his blade for him to later release.
In KotFE which companion(s) from another class are you most looking forward to them recruiting? Vette. Since he was close to the Warrior, he was also very good friends with Vette. And when he is released from Carbonite, she and her hubby have had a kid, so there's more excited chatter incoming.
Any major flaws? Mental health is the biggest one for about ten years. Pride is another one. He rarely asks for help in combat. It nearly gets him killed. And he refuses to use cybernetic implants.
In KotFE what is their relationship with Valkorion? He tries to stay civil, unwilling to waste energy on pointless fights. Also hoping he'll slip up and reveal something.
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I don't really have headcanons when it comes to T7S, but Red walks Jackie down the aisle and gives her away, regardless of whoever she ends up getting married to.
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devilgene · 8 months
I have now seen all the scenes in t8. I still need to get my thoughts in order but here's a quick rundown of a tentative headcanon in regards what I think happened with Jun since before t3 to t8 in light of the new info. Heads up that I like to sprinkle in bits of the tag tournament games since bits and pieces of them are clearly canon to an extent.
Seven years ago Jun fought Ogre in Yakushima and lost but she survived by escaping to her family's sanctum. It's not just an underground cave hideout. It's a gateway of sorts to a more spiritual via consciousness. The good news? She can survive a prolonged coma here as long as her spirit resides here. The bad news? It's a spiritual gateway and not all spirits are good. Years down the line a wolf spirit manages to nab her vacant comatose body. While she is being plagued by scenes of the struggle between Kazuya and Jin (sometimes she thinks she can get through to them for just a moment), it uses her as a vessel to puppet the body around as an unknown entity. Whether she's aware of what's going on is up for debate. I myself think probably not since she's not in possession of her body and she's focused on Kazuya and Jin. Eventually some time before t7, Kazuya catches wind of this so called demon and wants to acquire it's power for himself. It looks vaguely familiar when he finally encounters it but he brushes of the feeling and defeats it, absorbing it's power and unlocking the form seen at the end of t7. It's then, after revelling in the newfound power, that he sees who is lying at his feet. He picks up Jun and flies her back to G Corp. Try as they might though they can't awaken her and Kazuya keeps the whole thing tightly under wraps. During T8, she finally awakens from her long nightmare, her spirit making it's way back once the body recovered enough and realizing her visions were reality. She leaves the G corp facility she's being held in and set off for Italy with hopes to end to the fighting. In a way she did, using her spiritual awareness to help Jin during the game. At the end of it all, she finds a defeated Kazuya.
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thestupidhelmet · 8 months
Jukebox game: 18 Y please 🤍.
Younger Adventure or Experience They Had, Pre-T7S: Jackie/Hyde
I have several headcanons (and I'm sure I could come up with more 😅), but I'll write one of them.
In tenth grade, Hyde spots Jackie being bullied by two junior girls. He walks up to the three of them and says to Bully One, "Oh, hey, your dad left his monogrammed robe in my ma's bedroom last weekend. Got a Polaroid of it if you want to see ... or I could show your mom if you don't leave this freshman here alone."
Bully Two laughs, and Bully One runs away. She never bothers Jackie again.
Hyde turns to Bully Two and says, "Wanna know what positions your dad likes having sex in? 'Cause I caught him and my ma doin' it. More than once. I bet Timmy would have a field day telling the whole school about it. Unless you decide to quit bothering -- "
"I'll stop, I'll stop!" Bully Two says. "Just don't tell anyone. Please!"
Hyde nods. "You keep up your end of the bargain, I'll keep my trap shut."
Bully Two nods back and rushes off.
Jackie says to Hyde, "Why did you do that?"
"'Cause I know those chicks. Rep is everything to 'em. If the illusion of their perfect home lives is shattered, down goes their social standing."
"What about you?"
"Me?" Hyde chuckles. "I got no social standing."
He walks down the school hallway, and he and Jackie have no signifi interaction until Kelso starts dating her that summer. But Jackie never forgets how Hyde protected her that day.
That's why she always goes to him when she's in trouble.
Jukebox Ask Game
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