thatsbelievable · 11 days
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nullians · 2 years
I just know Vergil is going to end up being my favourite tormented middle aged man from D/MC and hhhhhhhh
I knoooow but WHY
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mortra · 1 month
prettiest covers imo in no particular order
falin- just ethereal, so pretty bbg
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kabru- I just really like how the colors remind me of candy crush lol
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mithrun- mithrun, so pretty. I love the composition. yassified mithrun
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izutsumi- really interesting dynamic and angle
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golden lion- need i even say anything?
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some runner-ups
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asbestos-11 · 2 months
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they're so annoying omfg (said very very lovingly)
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achillesdaily · 4 months
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DAY #8
>posting Achilles until he arrives at my doorstep.
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scrunglepaws · 10 days
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Sonic: Did you know a lot of people ship you with Tails Doll? xD Tails: NO ONE DOES THAT!!! >8C
Tails Doll: *RIP in pieces*
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tj-crochets · 15 days
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Beetle bag! Bag of beetles!!!
This might be my favorite one yet, I love how these fabrics look together and this beetle print is just fantastic
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fribbitz · 28 days
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lift ur chin stupid its all tricks of the light anyway.
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tibby · 2 months
for the record i actually quite like ttpd but i wish she would challenge herself creatively again. or at least do a few more revisions and lock jack antonoff out of the room for at least one album.
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spell-fox · 5 months
wet beast wednesday or that time the dark ages coterie helped summon a spirit and Emir and Tertius got engaged <3 (or "it's my game and I'll give the Malkavian protean if I want to")
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Everyone got gifts, Emir learnt Shape of the Beast, Leo learnt his own special form of Spiritus and Tertius got more mentally ill.
*notes on translation: I wasn't sure whether to go with modern Manx or Goídelc which would have been spoken in Tertius' lifetime. In the end I went with Manx because the others are speaking modern English (not Middle English) so it's assumed that this is a translation into modern language
Forgive the very sketchy middle page, I wanted to get this done for a deadline fhdhdh
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sweetreichel · 1 year
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In that moment, he saw what she meant by lonely. And he thought that maybe, like the different sides of the same coin, they could belong together.
Back with the giyushino agenda! This time fueled by Buriko (@demonslayedher)'s Low-Key Marriage AU.
As I've said before, I imagine they got to know each other at the Butterfly Mansion. Kanae had a hunch about them; Giyuu always followed Shinobu with his eyes (because he liked how vocal she was) and Shinobu was slightly different around him too (she was subconsciously attracted to him). Kanae talked to Giyuu, and many of those times she talked about Shinobu, so even if he wasn't that close to her (he was a Pillar already), he felt like he knew her a little.
Shinobu saw Kanae and Sanemi by accident one day when they were being affectionate with each other. Kanae always talked about how precious it was living life beside a loved one, but Shinobu never realized it could be a reality for people like them. Kanae's last wish for her was that she married and lived a happy life.
After Kanae passed away, Giyuu noticed Shinobu's drastic change in behaviour and deep inside him he thought Kanae wouldn't want her to change her ways, but he thought he didn't have the right to judge what the sisters would feel.
When Shinobu, as young master of the Butterfly Mansion but not yet a Pillar, approached him with this proposal, he thought she must have been the one feeling lonely and agreed in reaction. Shinobu had been playing with the idea in her mind; she wanted to honor her sister's wishes but at the same time she thought it was useless, so she convinced herself that she was picking Giyuu because he'd never agree to it (although subconsciously he was the only one she considered thoroughly).
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She just realized what he said and he just realized the implications.
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hachiibun · 8 months
So today I spent some time with my boyfriend on V/RCh/at...
We hang out over there fairly often, but he'd recently gotten a V/R headset so he's able to express himself a lot more and it's a delight to watch!
But of course with having the kink, there's a little thought that would pop up in the back of my mind wondering... what would happen if that cute nose of his started acting up while he was on his headset?
Today I got my answer. His nose started feeling itchy while we were chilling and talking, and I got to enjoy seeing him point at it to inform me — and eventually rub at it through the avatar! It was so cute!! I even got distracted in the middle of talking because he had to rub his nose, and he sure enjoyed that~!
Soon enough, his headset battery started running low, so we had to sign off for the moment. No sneezes this time, but in his own words: "It almost happened a few times. But, uh.. It didn't happen."
We texted a little bit about it, and he confirmed that he would in fact let me hear if it happened (what a sweetheart 💕), and left it at that... for a while, anyway.
Later, he invited me back to chat and listen to music with him and I happily obliged. A couple of hours in, that tickle decided to rear its head again and he was back to rubbing at his nose ever so often — sometimes pretty roughly. He mentioned it might be a mix of his allergies and seemingly his bangs brushing against his nose under the headset bugging him.
As time passed, the itch got so bad that he could barely speak, resorting to a mix of rubbing at his nose, trying to distract himself by reaching for the virtual motes floating around us, leaning onto my avatar's shoulder, and pointing at his nose whenever I asked if he was alright. The poor guy really was struggling, and all I could really do was reassure him while keeping him company.
It got to the point where he'd keep his hand raised to his nose to rub at it frequently, explaining that "having to sneeze and it not coming out is exhausting, hence the slow arm lowering."
He'd lower his arm a few times, but his hand always found its way back to his nose before long. This kept up for several agonizing minutes until finally... it happened.
He raised his head a little, then again ever so slightly, and then jolted it down into his hand as the sound came through — a tiny gasp into one of his adorable stifles that never fail to make my heart flutter. I don't know how else to describe it other than saying it was a perfect moment~
With that sneeze finally out, he was afforded enough relief to relax somewhat, and even though it was around that time that his headset started to run low on battery again, I think it's safe to say we were both pretty satisfied with that experience.
Isn't that right, @sneezytomatosquish? ❤️
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yourfavealbumisgender · 5 months
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Ta-Dah by Scissor Sisters is a Nonbinary Lesbian!
requested by anon
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ratguy-nico · 4 months
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Geneuary prompt Robot/Jingle
Ta dah! I wasn't sure if I could finish this one and it's pretty messy I think is the first time I draw such trembling lines 😅
Lit I made it in like 2 days, why? ... I was watching Hazbin Hotel and catching on with Helluva Boss, sorry, that one is on me 😔
But I kinda like it. I remember my teachers telling me lines don't need to be perfect. Though Im too nervous for that shit I see an imperfect line an I have a stroke. But you live you learn.
This is obviousley for my Genie but is also for my Alex Papassian.
This is totally taken from the episode "Seven-tween Again" the last episode in which Alex appears😭🤧 (he has cameos in latest episodes but this was his last voiced appearance) (I still have faith he would come back)
This is one of my favorite episodes and it's so funny to me because I think probably no one remembers this episode or cares that much about Alex missing in action T^T
But what can I say? Gene deserve to have his group of friends. Tina has her whole gang. Louise have Rudy, Millie, and the Pesto Twins (and Jessica in my delusional mind)
I love that the Belcher Family is so close, I personally have that kinda of relationship with my family, my sisters are my best friends.
But goddamit I want Gene to have at least two friends on his grade! (you can also count Peter Pescadero)
Finally I just want to say... And they were roommates😏😏
And of course I wanted to include the actual credit song.
by the way this is from the youtube channel Cloudy I really recommend you check the channel is full of Bob's Burgers content 👉😎👉
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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nerdalmighty · 3 months
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That woman is everything I wanna be...
Requested by @deerbot36
A sequel of sorts to this post!
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