#taejoon au
tenderjimim · 11 months
This Vehicle Makes Frequent Stops
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4.6k, complete
Bus Driver AU
“This is Kim Taehyung, interviewing the bus driver on the 333 Gan Seon Bus to Olympic Park. Please introduce yourself, bus driver sir.” Taehyung takes his phone and reaches it over to where Namjoon is driving. “This is Kim Namjoon, bus driver. Stay behind the line.
A drunk man stumbles onto Namjoon’s bus–Namjoon is never the same.
Read it on ao3 here
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cherubnoona · 2 years
it’s all just water
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Taehyung finds his old neighbor, Namjoon, sitting on the rail of Jamsu Bridge above the Han River and saves his life.
3.7k | tw: suicide ideation/attempt
mentions of suicide/death, friendship, hopeful ending
written for @rkivefest
be safe. i love you.
read it on ao3 here.
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namswoonie94 · 2 years
Welcome! 💜
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made this tumblr as a backup for @namswoonie on twitter! here's all my fics and stuff:
(In) Security 3.9k | rated T | namkook angst with a happy ending |
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When Namjoon begins spending more and more time in the studio instead of with Jungkook, he starts to question their relationship. Does his hyung not love him anymore?
Beneath the Base and Beat 3.4k | rated E | nerd!jungkook and frat boy!jimin |
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Jungkook honestly had no idea why he was in this frat house. He wistfully thinks of his dorm. It’s safe there, comfortable. He wishes he stayed home...until he meets Jimin
Preferences and Positions 4.2k | Rated E | namkook smut |
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Jungkook has always wanted to bottom, but his muscular stature and regrettably large asset stop him from ever asking. Until Namjoon.
Tattoos on the Soul 3.3k | Rated T Ch. 1 | Namkook Soulmate AU |
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Namjoon never thought he had a soulmate, until tattoos started to be inked on his hand.
Blooming in Winter 1.7k | Rated T Ch. 1 | Taejoon Hogwarts AU |
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Taehyung is sure this will be the most boring winter holidays ever, until he finds out what other Ravenclaw is staying at Hogwarts.
A Leap that Echoed Through the Forest 1.1k | Rated G | Taejoon in the soop drabble
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The world is different now, so Taehyung decides to finally take the leap. He meant in confessing to Namjoon, but into the lake works too.
Bloomed in a Garden of Loneliness (A Flower the Resembles You) 4k | Rated E Ch 2/3 | OT7 poly a/b/o AU, namkook focused
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Jungkook is an omega, newly presented but in the best, most loving pack he could ever hope for. When the pack alpha Namjoon's rut hits, he can't help but feel left out and unwanted when he's overlooked and only his omega hyungs are asked to help.
Bottle Cap Glasses 1.7 k | Rated E Ch. 1 | Minjoon a/b/o AU
Society believes that betas are meant to be alone. Namjoon believes it, even if it's not what he wants. Jimin changes his mind.
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hopesbluesides · 4 months
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╰┈➤ . . .
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ravenesse · 6 months
Top 12 fanfics of 2023 🎉
Happy new year to everyone! I wanted to use the chance to close off the year that just ended by celebrating the fics that left a big impression on me this year. I gave each of them a special award, depending on what I thought stood out the most in them, as I was reading the stories. Here it goes!
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1- Life is (not) a Hallmark Movie by mellicindi
2- Fogged Windows by yuebingzm
3- The Rightish Reasons by AttilatheHun
4- Miracle of Rare Devives by fringecity
5- CompletlyUnexpectedTrueIdentity by Mother of Pearl
6- speak of the devil (and the devil shall appear) by mad1492, milkandhoney, sophisticatedyet
7- on this shore we are all dead, vol 1. by sapph_of_the_seas
8- I've got 400$ and a really bad idea by Cernunum
9- to be alone with you by taegizzy
10- Required Effort by sly___blue
11- Songs of a Wayfarer by foxflowering
12- The Nuclear Family by Kloue
A huge thank you to all the authors and the multiple fandoms I love for making the year so much better with their stories! See you again in 2024!
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yongjae37 · 7 months
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What if layover and indigo were girlfriends?
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lhazeeart · 4 months
With or without glasses?
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btschooseafic · 1 month
AO3 Recs
Following Recipes is Overrated by YeonAh (Kelxya) [completed]
taehyung x namjoon (taejoon), body swapping, witches, coffee shop au, college au
seokjin helps taehyung make a love potion to give to namjoon. hijinks ensue.
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
taejoon + comfort, fluff, ddlg + "your hugs are so nice...", please!! <3
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pairing: namjoon x taehyung x f. reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au || ddlg || established relationship || friends to potential lovers (?)
summary: sometimes it’s nice to get lost in daydreams
word count: a little less than 1k
tags/ warnings: fluff, complicated feelings (mild angst? but not really), dd/lg themes (she’s of age since people wanna comment on it), boyfriends taejoon, light manhandling, no explicit smut but, dom! joon, switch! tae, softy sub! reader— all will make sense if you read <3
notes: drabble requests closed <3
drabble masterlist || my main masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“Oh? What’s this?” Taehyung kick off his shoes, jacket slung over the back of the chair, sure to be picked up by Namjoon later. 
Taehyung was curious–if anything, of you straddling his boyfriend’s lap. Teetering on the brink of sleep, body lax, lips pouty and eyes closed. 
“Someone’s feeling a little soft around the edges today” Namjoon hums, hand running over the expanse of your back; never venturing under your sweater. 
Taehyung falls onto the couch beside his boyfriend, ever so gentle as he cards his fingers through your hair, wary as to not startle you. The arm around Namjoon’s neck tensing, only for a moment before you shiver, muscles melting, sinking further into Namjoon’s gentle embrace. 
“Is that right?” Taehyung whispers. 
You dare open your eyes, fingers unsticking themselves from Namjoon’s bicep to take ahold of Taehyung’s hand; fingers interlaced. And he wonders if you realise he’s there, mind entirely too soft– weightless like clouds or cotton candy, sweet and malleable. Coddled by your own gentle dreams, far away in a world entirely your own. Perhaps pink like the blush you like to wear, where Namjoon and Taehyung were princes and you their princess, dressed in satins and velvet. 
Neither you nor Namjoon know when their apartment had become an escape for you. Your own little den, even before Taehyung had started dating Namjoon. It was easier to relieve the built up stress of the week this way, easier to just let go in the company of Namjoon because as much as you loved your roommate, this was a side of you, you never wanted her to see. 
You’d stopped coming over as often once Taehyung and Namjoon had made it official, even less when they’d moved in together. The little crush you had on Namjoon leaking into a little crush on Taehyung too. Your heart too full of love and no one to give it to that you’d gotten scared. 
Namjoon had worried, of course he did. He knew how overwhelming the world was, how sometimes you just needed that few hours, an evening, really anything to just forget about it, even if momentarily. Something Taehyung had reassured you he hadn’t found weird, endearing if anything that Namjoon had become such a safe-space for you. 
And utterly adorable how shy you’d get, rocking on your heels as you’d ask if he wanted to colour with you, or look for pretty flowers in the park that could be pressed between book pages until dry so you could frame them for Namjoon’s office. 
It felt selfish indulging yourself in a fantasy that will never come true. Living amongst daydreams, pretending that in these few moments Taehyung and Namjoon were really yours. 
Maybe jealousy would have felt better than this. Better than whispered reminders that what Namjoon and Taehyung have will never be something you'll experience.
Maybe one day you will fall in love, settle for less when those two who would have given you more. 
It had been easy for Taehyung to naturally follow Namjoon’s lead when you’d slip. With no chance to take control in the bedroom, Taehyung revelled in the casual dominance he had over you. Falling into the role ever so easily, that you found yourself plummeting each time they’d invite you over.
Small things like cutting up your food, to cutting up fruit as snacks or napping together on the couch. Cartoons instead of movies as Taehyung let you use his paints, the longer they let you stick around, the further away you walked from salvation.  
“Hey sweetness” Namjoon croons, “I need to cook dinner for us, I’m sure Taetae would love a hug though” 
You hum, entirely too comfortable to even think about moving on your own. 
You feel the rumble of Namjoon’s laugh throughout your chest, Taehyung a little unsure as his hands hook underneath your arms, dragging you over his lap. 
It doesn’t take you long to settle, fingers tangling in the back of Taehyung’s hair, rhythmically tugging. 
“Your hugs are so nice, baby” Tae praises, tucking your face a little further into his neck when you fuss over the noise Namjoon was making in the kitchen. 
“Feels nice” you whisper, lips barely pressing a kiss to his collarbone, eyelashes tickling bare skin. 
Because truly it felt nice floating in daydreams, pretending that this was real. 
And it could be. You may have been friends with Namjoon first, and Taehyung may have fallen for his boyfriend before you, but Taehyung’s heart may just be as full of love as yours is. Namjoon equally as bursting with something a little less platonic than you like to tell yourself. 
Though for now, Taehyung will revel in the weight of you in his lap, floating in his own daydreams of what life would be like if one day you were to be theirs.
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tenderjimim · 9 months
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9.1k, complete
Librarian AU/Enemies to Lovers
“You,” he says, pointing one outstretched finger in Kim Taehyung’s direction. He begins to approach him.
‘Me?’ Taehyung mouths, pointing at himself. His eyebrows are scrunched together in confusion, but Namjoon will have none of it. It’s a pattern, at this point, his actions are deliberate and obtrusive. Beyond that, they’re making his job so much more tedious.
Mysterious stacks of books are popping up all over the library. Namjoon is on a mission to catch the culprit.
Read it on ao3 here
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jiminsass-istant · 4 months
How i view all bts duos (crack filled)
(somehow gets crazier as you go down, also minors dni 🚫)
Warning: draft had been sitting for long/written in a sleep deprived state/forgot that tumblr has image limit/will get me cancelled if anyone takes this seriously/this is pure self-indulgence.
Jikook- "We live under each other's skin and there's nothing you can do about it"
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Taekook-" We are dude bros bound by shared love for jimin and gaming"
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Vmin- "we'll roleplay every AU possible so you have more prompts for ao3"
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Minimoni- "he's cute because he's small"+" he's cute because he's big"
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Sope- "He makes me wanna be a better man" + (unpopular opinion but sope would be a great sun and moon duo too)
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Yoonmin- "We mostly fight, but if you heard the most heart-clenching compliment slip in, pretend you never heard it."
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Jihope- "We are each other's light in the dark" (pink and purple lights to be specific)
Namkook- "He doesn't know i have his shrine at home" (jk pov)+" He doesn't know I've legally adopted him" (rm pov)
Taejin- "We are individually pretty hetero, but together we are pretty gay"
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Jinkook - "He's my brother, so I can beat the shit out of him, and I am the only one who can."
Jinmin - "Come here my precious, I'll laugh at all your jokes and cuddle you"
2seok- "We can single handedly bring about world peace just by basking in each other's presence"
Yoonjin- "You're older, so you'll have to baby me" (yoongi pov) + "You are only 3 months older, I can drop the honorifics "( also yoongi POV)
Taegi - "I'll smother you with love till you love me back" (Tae POV) + "That's enough!!! Ffs" *still holding hands* (yoongi POV) - <My 3rd fav ship, btw>
Namgi - "What happened in the studio that late night, stays in the studio" + "anyway, we've known each other for 13 years"(yoongi pov) +"hyung, can we talk about that night-" (rm) "DID I MENTION 13 YEARS??"(yoongi)
Yoonkook- Lovers in HYYH but died and reborn as father son duo in next life.
"I would produce your entire album if sc00ter wasn't in the way"
"He doesn't know I've legally adopted him" (because namgi legal husbands)
Namseok- "Our relationship is not for the cameras. You can probably tell by the way I BAWLED after jhope enlisted" (rm pov)
Namjin- "He lets me practice my pick up lines on him, if he gets a little flustered, it's not my faul- JIMIN STOP WITH THE SMOOCH SOUNDS"
Hopekook- Kangaroo(hobi) and the baby(jk) in its pouch
Taejoon- Fanboy turned boyfriend (tae)
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Vope- "Was the kiss good? Was my dance good? Have i been a good boy?"(tae pov) +"I raised him well (as my perfect sub)" (hobi pov)
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This is me btw, if you even care:
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hrghhhhhhhhh · 1 year
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model/photog au
TaeJoon closed the small LCD screen, but it wasn't any safer to peer through the viewfinder. His model had closed in on him, seemingly forgetting to turn off the charm he'd arrived with. He shifted his weight over down on to a cart carrying card readers, lenses, batteries and centered TaeJoon in his sights.
"Think you got it?" He asked, genuinely. TaeJoon watched his dogtag necklace slide across his exposed chest as he settled into a more comfortable lean. He quickly reconnected to his gaze, as he continued, "Or do you need me to hop back up there? Cause i can! Very profesh. Un-unless you're happy with me- the shoot. So far..."
He continued on, rambling, as effortlessly as any beautiful person with a love for attention could. And TaeJoon let him, just to keep him here a little bit longer.
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jeonstellate · 1 year
selene’s concerto — movement iii
as the sun continued to reign over the horizon, a part of your history repeated itself.
◎༄ jeon wonwoo x gender neutral!reader
◎༄ time travel!au, royal!au, moon lovers: scarlet heart ryeo-inspired!au
◎༄ bulleted list format — 2.5K words
masterlist | s. concerto masterlist | movement iv
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
◎༄ remember when i wrote this, this, & this? yea, me neither. but apparently it’s been ~2 years since, oml. as of rn, there should be two more parts after this. hopefully, they don’t take me another 2 years . . .
◎༄ taglist: @jadesniall (msg me to be added!)
you miraculously reached the jeon household in one piece
of course, that feat isn’t without you making sure you didn’t fracture anything
and also you making sure that there isn’t any evidence on you
bc or else the princes and your fourth cousin would bombard you with questions once you arrive
surprisingly, though, despite the mishap, you are still the first one to set foot on the jeon household
so you told one of the handmaidens there to just come and find you when the lees have arrived
most of the time, when you happen to be the earliest, you seek out prince jungkook or his betrothed
just to bother them, really
but sometimes, you opt to just let time pass by taking a nap at the jeons’ botanical garden
you don’t lie down on the flowers, ofc
(you were taught better than that, js)
rather, you climb a tree and sleep on one of the branches
(just to clarify: it’s one of those trees with a large base and thick branches, like an oak tree or smth)
(the point is, it can support your weight just fine)
not sure if that’s comfortable, but you do it most of the time anw
esp if you’re not that tired to climb one
which was today’s case
tmi but one time you were so tired that you couldn’t climb up a tree and just passed out in the gazebo
since everyone knew your favorite napping spot is up your favorite tree, they assumed they would find you there that time too
but then you weren’t, so they actually had to make an effort to be able to locate you
in the end, they found you thirty-five-ish mins later because you?? somehow?? found?? the most secluded?? part of the?? gazebo??
lmao good times good times
so yea
you slept
and forgot about wtv mishap happened to you today
unbeknownst to you, the princes started gathering little by little while you slept
“where’s [first name]?”
the princes that cared about you the most (read: crown prince joongi and fifth prince seunghoon) arrived last, so they barely started caring about your whereabouts then
“the head maid said they headed to the garden when they arrived,” tenth prince seonwoo informs his eldest brother
“[nickname] must be sleeping then,” prince seunghoon concludes
“who’s [first name]? [nickname]?” a voice asks, prompting everyone present to look at its source
“ah, wonwoo, you’re here,” crown prince recognizes his brother’s presence, “finally after seven years”
“yea,” fourth prince taejoon chimes in, “seven years too long”
“not my fault,” the sixth prince shrugs
“ya! listen to this punk,” third prince exclaims, “he sounds like he didn’t even miss his brothers”
“the border has kept me too occupied,” prince wonwoo defends himself almost nonchalantly, with no remorse in his voice whatsoever
his brothers takes immediately notice of how he didn’t even confirm nor deny prince inyeop’s accusation
but no one bothers to point it out
after all, even if seven years had already passed, their brother still seems to remain the same
the sixth prince — who inherited their father’s cold, fox-like eyes — also conceals any warm emotion he feels to appear more like ice
truthfully, all the princes have that kind of cold intimidation around them
perhaps save for the fifth and seventh prince
and maybe the tenth, too
but the sixth born arguably has one of the strongest
something that only the first born can rival
given that they both got their strengthened aura after years in the battlefield
lowk it’s debatable who has the real strongest cold aura tho, ngl
the first prince had spent more than a decade in total in the battlefield, so he’s def more experienced than the sixth prince
however, according to rumors, prince joongi has gotten “softer” ever since he got married
and no one is really brave enough to confirm it, so
no fight nor battle has managed to take away their affections for their brothers
even if they refuse to admit it
and they both know their brothers well enough to know that they know that they care for them
so, yeah
there’s no really need for the sixth prince to admit it out loud
so the literal translation for his reply to prince inyeop is: “i did miss you guys”
or at least that’s how his brothers heard it
“we missed you, too, hyung-nim,” seventh prince replies on behalf of the rest
“yea,” prince seunghoon adds on, “that’s why you should go fetch [first name] at the garden”
(trust the fifth prince to pass the thing that prolly would’ve been ordered to him otherwise lmao)
prince wonwoo is about to argue, mostly about not knowing who even that is, but he’s easily overpowered by his six brothers
that’s right
he might be a well-decorated warrior, but his skills are subpar when it comes to winning against his brothers
he can’t be good at everything, man
“[first name] should be on one of the trees!” they called after his retreating figure, “if not, look in the gazebo!”
the sixth prince thought it would be more practical to look for [first name] at the gazebo first since it was closer
but he finds no one there, so he figures the person he is looking for is really by the trees
so off he goes
in all honesty, prince wonwoo has no idea who he is supposed to be looking for
but he figures he’d spot that person easily
after all, who else would sleep at the garden??
and sure enough, it didn’t take him that long to spot someone on top of a tree
looking like they’re in an uncomfortable position, but sleeping peacefully nonetheless
frankly, the sixth prince isn’t the one to judge others quickly
especially given that others do that to him too often for his liking
which eventually landed him an unpleasant nickname in the streets
but that’s a story for another time
but it’d be a lie to say that he isn’t literally judging the person on the tree rn
justifiably so, though, bc
who?? in their right mind?? prefers to sleep on top of a tree?? instead of somewhere more comfortable?? and safer??
like, who knows, a guest room?? or even just inside the gazebo?? on the grass??
the jeon household is wide enough to house dozens — if not hundreds — of guests, there’s absolutely no way every single room is already preoccupied atm
esp with his temporary stay, which might’ve prompted some to steer clear from the household
sure, the gazebo might be a hard, concrete surface . . . but at least there are pillows in there??
plus there’s shade there as well . . . so why wasn’t that the main choice for naps?
and as for the grass . . . they can move wherever which way they want?? bc there’s no danger of falling?? and the grass should definitely be softer for the back than the branch is??
sigh, wtv
the person’s peculiar napping spot shouldn’t be his main concern rn
esp since he has no idea how to wake them up without activating the threat of falling
prince wonwoo’s chosen first course of action is to call their name — or at least, the name his brothers addressed the person as
“[first name]? [first name]?”
he unconsciously holds his breath when the person in question stirs in their sleep, suddenly more alert just in case they fall
much to his relief and slight amusement, [first name] doesn’t wake up and fall
so he tries again, this time with a louder voice
when that doesn’t seem to work either, he increased his voice volume again
as in closer to the volume that he commands his troops with
he won’t be surprised if his brothers heard it from where they are tbh
and yet
still nothing
[first name] literally just shifted their position to face away from him
and continued their journey in dreamland
prince wonwoo could’ve sworn he heard his voice echo so it was definitely loud
so how the fck did this person sleep through it??
in that person’s defense, they’re having an intriguing dream
esp since that person happened to be you
aka someone who just got treated like a sack of potatoes earlier by a masked rider
but the prince doesn’t know that
and does he need to?
maybe not
to him, you’re literally just the person his brothers want him to retrieve
and to you, he is the voice of the man in your dreams
yk the man you kept dreaming about? the one with specs and rolled up sleeves?
(if you need a refresher, here)
yea, him
okay, but really . . . that was kind of . . .
a lie
prince wonwoo’s — although you don’t know that it’s him yet — voice is actually coming through in your dream as a voice over
like an unseen narrator whose only lines are your name
or like a heavenly being who’s urging you to step into the light
either way, it’s unsettling to hear any voice in your dream
especially since it’s a dream you’ve had for a million times already
you basically already know what is supposed to happen, frame by frame
and that voice is definitely new
God, is that you???
in your defense, it’s rlly coming off as someone omnipresent
yes, the voice is strangely matching the timing of the man in your dreams
but the shape of his mouth is definitely not matching the words you’re hearing
so, obviously, that voice can only be God
sure, you might not entirely believe in anything religious but honestly, as someone who somehow managed to travel back in time, you’re willing to think of anything
even if you don’t necessarily believe in it
except . . .
is God allowed to curse?
‘cause you were certainly hearing a colorful language now
mixed with your name, ofc
wait wait wait
what if—
if it isn’t God, but Sa—
you wake up with a start.
you’re so startled by the prospect of dreaming of the devil that you
plummet down before you can even remember where you were
you instinctively closed your eyes as you wait your body to hit the ground
however, the pain never comes
and as much as you’re glad you didn’t feel any pain, you’re highly suspicious why you didn’t
so you opened your eyes
just to see something oddly familiar obstructing your view
your eyes shoots up in panic, as you mentally chant
“pleasedon’tbewhoithinkyouare” “pleasedon’tbewhoithinkyouare” “pleasedon’tbewhoithinkyouare” “pleasedon’t—”
unfortunately, no matter how many times you repeated it nor how fast you said it, you didn’t seem to be heard
which is a matter you quickly realized after making eye contact with a familiar masked man
aka the same masked rider that dropped you from a moving horse
aka the person you desperately wished he wasn’t
oh, what luck
the universe really likes you, it seems
please note the sarcasm
“you!” your voice holds so much disdain
“you again,” contrary to your disdain, his voice sounds exhausted, like he can’t believe he’s dealing with you again
excuse him, but you can’t believe you’re dealing with him again, either
if anything, between the two of you, you’re certainly the one who’s against your paths crossing again the most
and, really, no one can even blame you, if ever
esp considering that he did just drop you on the ground unceremoniously
“why are you here!” you can’t even bring yourself to make your exclamation sound like a question, “put me down!”
. . .
. . .
. . .
clearly, you haven’t learned your lesson the first time
and clearly, this masked man is a little too great at following commands
“why am i here?” you hear him scoff while you try not cuss him out for dropping you. again. “shouldn’t i be the one asking you that?”
“i asked you first”
“why do i need a reason to be in my household?”
at that point, you have successfully used the tree trunk to help yourself stand, but you almost lost your footing the second he said that
thankfully, you’re able to regain it before you looked like a fool in front of him
“what— what did you just say?”
you aren’t rlly sure if you actually wanted him to repeat what he just said, ngl
mostly bc you aren’t sure if you want him to confirm his identity
but oh well
too late now
“this is my household,” he repeats,
“i am prince wonwoo of the jeons, sixth prince of the kingdom, fifth-in-line to the throne”
meeting the prince who completed the ensemble of the king’s alive sons didn’t change anything in your life
at least that’s what you hoped to say
unfortunately, it isn’t necessarily the case
for one, you gained an “enemy” in the sixth prince
technically, you kind of treat the sixth and the third prince similarly
except your banters with the sixth prince aren’t exactly playful
on hindsight, it’ll be better to assume that you get along far better with the third prince
since, at least, you just tease each other to make your days more interesting
there’s only so much you can do for entertainment in this era yk
however, for the younger prince, there’s a feeling of . . . antagonism, almost
it’s definitely one-sided since you’re most likely the only one who feels that way
since prince wonwoo doesn’t seem to care
but wtv
you can’t just forget he dropped you off a horse
and then proceeded to drop you again that same day when you met for the second time
he hasn’t even apologized for either one, btw
when you tried to confront him about it one time and basically told him to tell you sorry
he just rose one of his eyebrows, scoffed, and then said: “you’re the one who told me to put you down. why should i apologize for doing what you told me to do?”
. . .
. . .
you hate how he had a valid point there
but you won’t admit that to his face
so you just hmph’ed away then and gave up on getting an apology from him from then on
in retaliation, though,
since you can’t have him feeling like he won wtv rivalry this is that you have going on
that he doesn’t seem to be aware of
you decided to never be nice to him
that seems like a reasonable course of action for you, esp given that the sixth prince doesn’t seem bothered by your attitude towards him
even if he’s the only one you don’t seem to like, out of his brothers
so yea
everything seems justified
funnily enough though, even with your personified source of high blood pressure,
you still won’t trade these days for others
esp when you know what the future holds for the royal clan and everyone close to them . . .
*plays ominous music*
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bulletproofscales · 10 months
BTS nsfw one shots
same page, same number on the scale (ot3 - taejikook - fat maknae line - hurt/comfort - misunderstandings )
a reason to eat (ot7 - jimin centric- fat jimin - kinda angsty at first - bpdy worship)
happy relationship weight (ot7 - seokjin centric - chubby seokjin - hurt/comfort - overstimulation)
what to do on free days (established ot7- namjoon x seokjin x yoongi x hoseok x jimin - namjoon centric - stuffing - overstimulation - sub/dom)
part 2 (namtaekook - public place)
dense and persistent (taekook - chubby jungkook - slowburn-ish - hurt/comfort-ish)
lunch break (yoonjin - obese yoongi - stuffing - pinning - public place - degrading)
BEANS (unfinished- taejin - obese seokjin - farmer taehyung- stuffing - sexual tension - nsfwish
seven days a week ( OT7 , Jungkok centric , fat ot6 )
draw me like one of your fat boys (taejoon - obese taehyung - professor namjoon - model taehyung - explicit - lots of flirting, pwp )
A nice middle ground (prequel draw me like one of your fat boys) (taekook - jikook ar ein an open relationship - mentions of jihope -kink discovery - stuffing - ripping clothes - getting stuck - breaking chairs - slight nsfw )
i wanna be keeping you warm (namgi , plumber porn cliche au , fat namjoon, breath play, body odor)
a spooky dick apointment 7/7 (ot7, hoseok centric, monster fucking, noncon-roleplays, every chapter is tagged individually)
i can smell your lies (minjoon , fat namjoon , sweat, underwear sniffing , handjobs)
pump the gas (collab with @jktummies !! namjin, a/b/o, fat seokjin, heat sex, strangers to lovers , stuffing , gas, body odor)
room for three ( jihopekook , threesome , rivalry , pwp , semi public space , fat jeon jungkook . part one in sfw! )
a helping knot (taegi, a/b/o , alpha taehyung, omega yoongi, heat sex, fat yoongi)
making ends meet by making clothes brust (sope , chubby yoongi , pwp , maid cafe , semi public sex , mentions of drug use/selling , sex work, stuffing , handjobs , d/s dynamics )
a shift in the balance (ot7 with vmin centric, feedee taehyung, feedee jimin, mutual weigth gain, kink discovery)
flowerworks (namkook , established relationship witch namjoon, miscommunication, hurt comfort, power play, magic sex) 
first times (drabble, taegi, trans FTM taehyung, fat yoongi, oral sex, eating out) 
a live reaction to old crushes (jikook , bjs , fat gamer jk , humilaition , body shaming )
a sudden promotion (jihope , maid/boss , degradation , dirty talk , d/s dynamics , body shaming )
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rj-jinye · 11 months
maine by noah kahan as hyyh taejoon HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT I am going to explain myself.
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namjoon and taehyung are not crash-and-burn or decay-and-rot they are more like gone-with-the-wind or how-to-disappear. more like “you have bigger things ahead of you” more like “i hope i don’t interfere with this future i hope this blood doesn’t stain your floor no it’s not my blood it’s just everywhere i don’t know where it came from” more like “you leave traces of yourself everywhere you can’t clean this up i won’t let you” the type of moment you have for a second that feels like a year. but all in all it is just a second made up by people who care too much about things they don’t know much about. too dependent on tiny information too dependent on the temporary. taehyung is scattered; he covers everything he touches like magic, like fireworks, like smoke. the problem is with kids like that is that they fuck up spectacularly sooner or later and force themselves to disappear, leaving shards of glass in their place as if disappearing makes up for any of the things they’ve tainted. namjoon has steadiness that is only a preconceived notion. a remnant of what used to be there. he isn’t steady but he lingers; lingers in places people do not exist to make sense of what he will never have; lingers in ghost cities until he too decides to erase everything. he hides from his guilt and the black blood on his hands because if nothing else he shares it. he shares every burden until they are both nothing more than whispers.
they exist in this in-and-out collapsing portal where taehyung never stays in one place for too long and doesn’t tell anyone why and when he finally rips through space itself trying to flee, namjoon will take his things and leave the city with pockets full of glass.
hmm now I am tempted to write a dual timeline taejoon au. I will tie in cape elizabeth somehow.
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lhazeeart · 4 months
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I have this one commissionner who is very sweet and really like Jinkook and Taejoon
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