#taeyeon's eyebrows furrowing
justalonelybitch · 2 years
Just read your side note about writing for SNSD and since I'm a SONE I would gladly ask for a reaction (ofc if it's okay with you) where the s/o hurt themselves and SNSD gets worried
Thank you for requesting this, I've been wanting to write for them for ages. I hope you enjoy, and sorry it took a while.
SNSD x GN!Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Injuries, Fainting, Abusive Behaviour, Slapping, Punching
Word Count: 2.0k
Buy me a coffee :)
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As a rookie idol yourself, performing with Taeyeon wasn’t something to take lightly. So you’d practised and practised until your body physically couldn’t, pushing yourself to have every detail perfect. You fiddled anxiously backstage, breaths shallow as you made sure your mic was secure.
Taeyeon looked at you concerned, watched the way you couldn’t seem to stand still for a moment. Patting your shoulder, she gave you a look of encouragement, trying to ease your nerves. You looked at her, eyes wide, a scared look reflecting in them, you seemed so vulnerable. Your gaze had her wanting to help you, but before she could speak, you two were ushered on stage.
During the whole performance you executed every move flawlessly, and Taeyeon couldn’t help but admire your passion when given the chance. Because your your close proximity she started to notice the way your hands subtly shook at your sides, eyes blinking rapidly during the ending pose. When the lights cut out, your body slumped against hers, eyes barely opened.
She wasted no time calling her medics, following closely behind them as you were carried backstage. “She's okay, just exhausted, when she wakes up make sure she drinks lots of fluids and gets some food in her system.” Taeyeon nodded along to everything they said, hand holding yours tightly. She refused to leave your side, even when you woke, she made sure you ate,even if it meant feeding you herself.
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Soonkyu stepped into your shared apartment, quietly slipping off her shoes in hopes of surprising you. She’d finally gotten off work early for the first time in months, and she was so excited to spend time with you. So, as carefully as she could, your girlfriend tiptoed through the house, expecting to find you splayed out on the couch.
Much to her surprise, you were nowhere to be seen, making Soonkyu look around in confusion. A loud thump, soon followed by a groan, had her head snapping in the direction of your bedroom. She quickly sped towards the source of the sound, rushing to see what all the commotion was about.
Once she arrived in the doorway, her lips parted in shock, eyes widening at the sight of you lying on the hard floor. “What happened?!” She yelled, startling you, making you place your hand over your heart. When you didn’t respond, she looked around the room, spotting a fallen chair right next to a shelf. Putting two and two together, Soonkyu made her way over to you, crouching down beside you.
“What are you doing home so early?” You asked innocently, smiling to your girlfriend. “Doesn’t matter. Can you move?” She asked, worry laced in her tone. Moving to sit up, you sucked a sharp breath at the surge of pain you felt shoot through your spine. “Stay put, I’ll call the doctor,” she said, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. She tried to give you a reassuring smile, but you didn’t fail to notice the way her eyebrows furrowed in concern.
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“Jesus can’t you get a single thing right?” Your manager sighed exasperatedly, eyes lingering on your hunched over figure. He’d make you repeat the dance for hours on end, every time he seemed to spot some kind of mistake. Your limbs were aching, begging you to give them a break, but your manager seemed to disagree.
“I don’t even know why they debuted you, you’re a useless waste of time,” he shouted in annoyance. However, what he failed to notice was the sound of the door creeping open, an incredibly enraged look on your girlfriend's face. She stepped into the room wordlessly, slamming the door shut behind her.
Your manager turned around, eyes widening when he caught sight of her. “I suggest you get out of here before I call security, and I’m sure the company would love to hear about your dealings with one of their most popular idols.” She threatened him, and he cowered immediately, running out the door in record time, probably going to beg to keep his job.
When Miyoung looked at you, her burning gaze softened, rushing over to you immediately. “Are you okay baby?” She asked, pulling you into a bone crushing hug, supporting your exhausted body. You nodded tiredly, feeling yourself melt in her arms. She was furious that someone had dared to hurt you, but for now she could only focus on how small you looked in her arms. She rubbed you back soothingly, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as you sniffled.
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You watched as Hyoyeon’s body moved effortlessly in time with the music, your full focus on her. Mesmerised by her, you failed to notice that she had in fact stopped dancing, looking at you in amusement. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer, she teased, bring you out of your trance. A faint blush coated your cheeks at her words, looking down in embarrassment, you refused to meet her eyes.
“Here, I’ll help you,” she offered to teach you, moving to stand behind you. She placed her hands on your hips, grip firm as she looked at you through the mirror. She guided you slowly, whispering instructions over your shoulder. Flustered by everything she was doing, you found yourself unable to focus on the dance, but rather on a certain someone.
One missed step had your ankle tweaking to the left, rolling, then completely giving out underneath you. Letting out a pained whimper as you collapse to the ground, you scrunch your face up in discomfort. Hyoyeon did her best to ease your fall, immediately looking at your ankle in concern.She was composed, but you could see the cracks in her calm facade, worrying for you breaking through.
“Does this hurt?” She asked, pressing lightly on your foot. The pressure had you holding your breath, trying to smile through it, but you couldn’t fool her. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, not able to look you in the eye. “It's not your fault,” you smiled, grasping her chin, forcing her to look at you. “If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be hurt,” she huffed out in frustration. You quickly pressed your lips to hers, distracting her from blaming herself. She was still wary of you, being extra careful when kissing back, afraid to hurt you.
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The two of you were in the kitchen together, messing around while trying to salvage what was left of your attempted dish. “Could you watch the stove?” Yuri asked, rushing over to the other side of the kitchen to fix things before they got worse. You followed her instructions carefully, stirring the foot in the pot.
Yuri was so focused on what she was doing, she almost failed to hear the faint gasp come from you. Whipping her head around at the speed of light, your girlfriend rushed over to you in a flash. “What happened? Are you okay?” She bombarded you with a flurry of questions. “I’m okay Yuri-ah, just a small burn,” you assured, trying to discreetly hide your hand behind your back.
She was having none of it, turning the stove and glaring at you. “Show me,” she demanded, looking at you expectantly. Caving under her stern gaze, you revealed your injured hand. “Jesus Y/n, you said it was a small burn,” she cursed, pulling you over to the sink with her. Gently placing your hand under the stream of cold water, Yuri looked to you in concern.
“We should get you to the hospital,” she muttered, eyes scanning over your reddening skin. “But the food-” You were cut off abruptly. “I don’t care about the food Y/n,” she raised her voice slightly. Sighing, you nodded your head, letting her fuss over you, knowing she was just worried about you.
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“I can’t believe you!” Sooyoung screamed, anger present on her face. “How dare you think you can speak to me that way!” She yelled once more, looking at you with disgust. “I-I’m sorry,” you tried to apologise. Next thing you knew, your head was whipped to the side, cheek stinging. You looked up with watery eyes, only to be met with her cold gaze.
“Cut!” The director called, Sooyoung's face immediately morphing into a look of concern as she rushed towards you. “I’m sorry baby,” she bit her lip, cupping your face to get a better look at the reddening mark. “Someone get some ice,” she demanded, gaze held firmly on you.
“I’m fine Sooyoung, it was just a part of the script,” you smiled, her eyes softening. “I know you’d never really hurt me,” you spoke sincerely. “I hate that I had to,” she whispered, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. “I know,” you spoke softly, pulling her other hand down, interlacing your fingers together.
“Where is the goddamn ice?!” She yelled, not wanting your precious face to swell. One of the staff members quickly handed her an ice pack, bowing as you thanked them. She couldn’t focus on anyone but you, gently placing it on your cheek. She ushered you into a private room, so she could tend to you without the prying eyes of those around, whispering apologies over and over again.
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Yoona slept soundlessly, deep in her slumber. You admired her natural beauty, and how she always looked gorgeous no matter the circumstances. She smiled unconsciously when you began to trace your fingers across her collarbone. Snuggling into your neck, she whined sleepy, still in a dreamland.
You took one last look at her face, sighing before you rolled over to get up. Miscalculating, you were too distracted by your girlfriend to notice how near to the edge of the bed you were. You landed on the floor with a loud thump, groaning in pain as you rubbed your head. “Jagiya,” her sweet voice called out, eyes barely open as she searched for you.
“Down here,” you spoke groggily, squeezing your eyes shut, hoping that it would make the pain fade. A laugh echoed around the room as your girlfriend spotted you, the angelic sound being almost enough to sooth the pain. Once her laughter died down, she took a moment to fully assess the situation, eyes lingering on you.
Her eyes widened when your shirt lifted up, catching a glimpse of an already forming bruise on your side. Yoona rushed to your side, carefully examining you, a pout forming on her lips when she realised you were actually hurt. Her eyes became slightly watery, frown etched on her face. “I’m sorry I laughed,” she apologised, massaging your head in hopes of making you feel better.
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Your girlfriend watched you perform your scene, eyes shining as she admired the way you worked. You were filming a fight scene for your newest drama and you’d been practising endlessly for the stunts, talking about it at any chance you got. Joohyun was glad that you invited her to watch, happy to see you so in your element.
Although, one particularly realistic looking hit you’d taken made you groan out in pain, Joohyun’s eyes narrowing sceptically. As an actress herself, she was able to recognise the difference between what was real and fake, and that punch looked a little too real for her liking. She watched the rest of the scene with sharp eyes, gaze boring into you.
When the director called cut, you walked to her slowly, trying to hide the pain you felt in your abdomen, knowing it would only worry her. Once you were close enough to her, she reached out to you, examining your body. When her eyes landed on the way you held your abdomen in pain, you knew you’d been caught.
You smiled up at her innocently, only to be met by her harsh glare. “Medic!” She called out, pulling you towards the nearest one site doctor she could find by your wrist. Her gaze slightly softened as you squirmed in pain when the doctor treated you, she hated seeing you hurting. “You made me worried,” she whispered to you once you were alone, letting her facade break.
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chicken-fifi · 3 years
Part of the Plan - Taecyeon Imagine
Requested by anon: Hii! Can I request a 2PM Taecyeon arranged marriage angst-fluff scenario where he already had an evil girlfriend and he’s cold to you somehow when you are so kind to him, then when you can’t take it any longer, you left and he started to miss you and realize that his girlfriend is cheating on him,,, fluff ending hehehe! I’m sorry if this is too hard though 😅
Word count: 1,208 words
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You stared at the untouched food still sitting on the dining table from the night before. It wasn’t uncommon for the dinner you’d spent a considerable amount of time making to sit on the dinner table throughout the night. Taecyeon rarely, if ever, ate anything you made - but that didn’t stop you from making enough food for the two of you. Despite how much he hated you - and the arranged marriage he’d been forced into - you would by no means result in treating him as anything less than a person. Even if he didn’t do the same to you. 
His tall figure was passed out on the couch, fresh hickies forming on his milky skin. Shaking your head, you grabbed the plate and put the food into an empty tupperware container before placing it in the fridge. You took out something beginning to make breakfast - for two. You really should learn. As you went about making breakfast, Taecyeon eventually woke up wandering into the kitchen. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he looked like the perfect loving husband who had just woken up and was getting ready to greet his wife lovingly. 
“It’s almost done if you just wanna have a-” you began only to be cut off as Taeyeon grabbed a piece of fruit and walked out of the kitchen heading to what you could only assume was the master bedroom to get ready before leaving until the next morning. That’s how it always went. No words were ever exchanged unless he had any grief to give you. 
Turning off the stove, you grabbed two plates, plating the breakfast you’d made and taking one to the bedroom and sitting on the bedside table while the sound of running water filled the room. Not wanting to linger and risk getting on his bad side - although you were almost certain you were always on his bad side - you quickly left the room. You took a seat beginning to eat before you heard the water stop followed by silence before footsteps made their way to the front door followed by it opening and closing harshly. After you finished, you got up going to the bedroom to get the plate you’d taken up. It was nowhere to be seen. Walking over to the table you’d left it on, something in the trash bin grabbed your attention. Looking more closely you noticed it was the plate with the untouched food sitting in the bin. 
All at once, the coldness you’d been receiving from your so-called husband reached a limit. You’d been receiving that cold nature ever since you two had been introduced simply because you weren’t part of the plan - his plan. He had a girlfriend and you were thrown into the mix ruining that. As much as you’d put up with his demeanor and known hatred towards you for the time you two had been married, today was your limit. Your kindness had failed to at least try and get some sort of kindness back from him and you were done. 
Deciding it was best to carry out your decision before you hesitated at all. Grabbing a suitcase, you threw the few belongings of yours that were in the house - by no means a home - frantically before shutting it closed and leaving without a single thought. It would take a miracle to bring you back. And miracles don’t exist.
Taecyeon moaned happily as he gripped his girlfriend’s hips tightly, moving his head to bite her neck as he sighed happily. He furrowed his eyebrows, noticing an unfamiliar scent and seeing a hickey that he hadn’t seen before. The cologne that certainly didn’t belong to him wafted into his nose.
“What were you up to after I left last night?” he asked, pulling away slightly, as she kissed his jaw over and over again.
“Hmm?” she questioned. “Oh, I just went to bed. You tired me out quite a bit.”
He sat on her answer for a bit before the front door to her apartment opened and an unknown man walked in.
“Baby, I got-” his words got cut off as he saw Taecyeon. “Who are you and why is my wife all up on you?”
“Wife?” Taecyeon questioned. “You said you were-” Taecyeon shoved her away. “How could you?”
She looked at him questionably, “Like you’re the perfect saint? Might I remind you of the wife you ignore day and night to come to me?”
He shoved her out of his way as he booked it for the front door rushing past his girlfriend’s - ex girlfriend’s - just barely missing the punch he threw right as he ran past. His drive was filled with anger and met with a bare and empty house. Not a single sign of life to be seen. You were gone, but that was the least of his problems. Quite frankly he didn’t really care at the moment. He didn’t care one bit. Not one bit.
Taecyeon awoke with a killer headache. He groaned as he dragged himself out of bed and walked out making his way to the kitchen, expecting you to be there making breakfast - as you usually did. You weren’t there and there was no freshly made breakfast to be seen. He sat there for a moment before getting up and walking around the house realizing that everything that you’d brought with you the day you moved in, was gone. Any traces that you had ever resided in the vast house were gone. At first it caught him a bit off guard but it wasn’t anything too gastly. But it didn’t faze him one bit. Not yet anyways.
The days went by and the empty house began to get to him. He missed your presence. He missed you. He never thought he would admit it, but he missed your kind nature. He missed seeing you in the kitchen making meals. He just missed you. You hadn’t been part of his plan originally, but as time went on, you’d silently implemented yourself into it without him realizing. You became part of the plan.
You stood quietly in the bookstore perusing the many books on each of the shelves. Pulling out a book, you jumped back noticing the familiar face staring at you from the other side. 
“Taecyeon?” you questioned after your heart rate got back to normal. “You look….horrible. Have you been eating?”
He stared at you from the otherside of the shelf before sighing, “Please come home.”
You sighed, “Taecyeon I-”
“(y/n), I’m so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am,” he choked out. “Please come home.”
You hesitated. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about going back to the house - home as he called it. 
“I know I don’t deserve or even have the right to ask that of you,” he said. “But I need - I want - to start over. I want to try and give you what you deserve. Please just give me a chance.”
With the shelf in between the two of you, you reached out and grabbed his hand that was resting on the other side. 
“I chance,” you said. “Just one”
“I promise I won’t screw this up (y/n).”
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Heaven Sent; Part 4
Jin x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: None to note.
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Months three and four were the months when you finally began to feel that sense of normalcy returning to your life again. The adjustment of going back to work was seamless and surprisingly, a large part of that had to do with Jin.
Ever since that first day when Jin babysat Aera for you, he had been watching her almost every day that you had to work since then. You still didn’t understand how he was doing it, watching Aera for you and also getting his own work done but whenever you asked him about it, he just shrugged you off and assured you that it was no problem. 
Admittedly, you never thought you’d find yourself depending on Jin once your husband passed away but when you really thought about it, you were extremely grateful for it. Jin was someone that you knew and trusted with Aera, but he wasn’t close enough to you personally to where you’d feel like a burden when asking him for help; which is exactly how you felt anytime that you asked your parents or Hae-il’s parents for help.  It also helped that Aera loved being around him, and you were determined to make sure that she could hold onto any bit of happiness that she could.
“Y/N-ah?” You heard your voice called and you broke out of your thoughts, looking up to see Yoongi and Taehyung standing in the doorway of your office.
“Are you gonna stay here all night?” Taehyung wondered and you shrugged sheepishly.
“I’m trying to find some specific furniture that I had in mind for that house we’re decorating,” you explained. “It’s not going so well though.”
“Then maybe you should head home kiddo,” Yoongi suggested. “Isn’t Jin watching Aera today?”
“He is,” you nodded.
“She really loves him huh?” Taehyung smiled softly. “I’m almost starting to feel jealous.”
“You know no one could ever replace her Tae Tae,” you chuckled. “But you’re right, I should probably stop for the day and try to come back to this tomorrow.”
“Very true, but you should also come out with us tonight,” Taehyung smirked and your eyebrows immediately furrowed. 
“Just for some drinks,” Yoongi clarified. “Us two, Taeyeon from development, and Kibum and Minho from budgeting are the only ones going.”
“It’ll be really fun though,” Taehyung interjected. “We’re gonna drink beer and eat chicken and sing karaoke!”
“As tempting as that sounds,” you giggled. “I’ll have to pass guys.”
“You sure?” Yoongi double checked. 
“Yeah. Like you said, Jin has Aera and it is late so I should go get her,” you said. 
“Alright, but we’ll miss you,” Taehyung pouted.
“Have fun for me guys,” you laughed, waving to them and watching them do the same before they stepped away from your office and walked down the hall to the elevator. Once they were out of your sight, you saved the tabs that you had been looking at on your desktop before shutting the computer down and standing up. You quickly grabbed your jacket and bag, making sure that everything was in its place before turning off the lights to your office and stepping out into the hallway.
“Hey, come in,” Jin smiled as he held open the front door to his house, giving you room to step inside. 
“How was she today?” You wondered and Jin waved his hand dismissively. 
“She was perfect, as always,” he told you. “She fell asleep waiting for you though.”
“Oh, did she?” You murmured, your heart instantly inking at the thought of you daughter fighting her tiredness in order to wait for you.
“Hey, don’t worry,” Jin assured you, recognizing the look of worry on your face. “I told her that you were probably just working late and that you’d be here to get her soon.”
“And she was ok after that?”
“She was,” he nodded. 
“Ok, good,” you exhaled sharply, feeling somewhat better. 
“Have you eaten yet?” Jin asked suddenly and you shook your head slowly. “Well, I have some leftovers from earlier. Do you want some?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to trouble you,” you tried to say but Jin cut you off.
“It’s no problem at all,” he insisted. “I always cook too much anyways so I’d be happy to get rid of it.”
“Well, ok,” you relented with a nod of your head, and Jin grinned widely before turning around and leading you into the kitchen. Taking a seat at the counter, you watched silently as he moved to the fridge, taking some containers out before shutting the door and moving over to the counter space that sat next to the stove. 
“So, how’s work been going?” Jin wondered as he began to plate the dak galbi for you. 
“It’s ok, good to be back,” you told him and he nodded absently mindedly.
“You work in interior designing right?” He questioned, popping the plate into the microwave to warm the chicken before turning to look at you.
“Yeah,” you smiled gently. “I’ve been working at the same firm since right before Hae-il and I got engaged, so a little over seven years now.”
“That’s the same amount of time that I’ve been in the restaurant business,” Jin mentioned, turning around to open the microwave once it went off and taking the plate out. 
“You took over for your father right?” You wondered, watching as he walked around the counter, setting the plate and a fork down in front of you before sitting down in the chair that sat next to yours. Wasting no time after smelling how good the dak galbi was, you picked up the fork and dug right in. 
“Yeah, my father was getting older and my brother already has his own business so I decided to take over,” Jin replied. 
“A brother?” 
“My hyung, he’s older than me,” Jin chuckled. “What about you? Do you have any siblings?”
“No, I’m an only child and I’m still not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing,” you joked, making Jin laugh.
“It’s a good thing,” Jin assured you. “Trust me.”
“Everyone that I knew growing up had siblings though, even my cousins so I was kind of relived when I met Hae,” you smiled softly at the memory. 
“Funny story, but that’s actually how he and I became such close friends,” Jin said and your eyebrows rose.
“Really? How?”
“When we met, we hit it off right away,” Jin began. “As we got closer, he would always say, “I never had a brother but if I did, I’d want him to be like you” and that kind of sealed the deal for us and we were close ever since.”
“He always told me that he viewed you as a bother, but he never told me about that,” you admitted. “He hated being an only child and he always said that he didn’t want that for Aera...” you trailed off, unexpected tears welling up in your eyes and streaming down your cheeks as you realized that Aera would never have the siblings that you and Hae-il had wanted so desperately for her.
“Oh Y/N,” Jin whispered, setting one of his hands on your back and rubbing it gently as you cried into your hands that were now covering your face.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, and Jin shook his head at you.
“No no, it’s ok,” he told you softly. “Do you...have these moments alot?”
“What? Moments when it really hits me all over again that my husband and the father of my daughter is dead?” You questioned, making Jin grimace.
“Well, yeah,” he shrugged lamely. 
“Yeah, I do,” you admitted after a few seconds of silence, sniffling loudly afterwards as you wiped your face free of the tear streaks. “I’ll be doing something random, something normal and then suddenly I’m in tears because I’ll think of Hae.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that though,” Jin tried to say but you let out a laugh.
“There is when you’re trying to continue your life and raise your daughter,” you muttered. “You know, I can’t even open the closet in our bedroom anymore because his clothes are still in there. I’ve been living out of fucking laundry baskets.”
“He wouldn’t want this for you, you know that right Y/N?” Jin murmured. “He loved you so much.”
“And that just makes all of this even harder to deal with,” you confessed. “How do you move on in life without the person who felt like they had been right alongside you the entire time?”
“That’s a question that I’m still trying to answer myself,” Jin admitted and you looked over at him questioningly. “Do you remember that day about two weeks ago when I was supposed to watch Aera and I had to cancel?”
“Yeah, you said it was work related,” you shrugged.
“Well, it was but I actually canceled because I was too upset to be around Aera,” Jin began. “In the past, whenever I had difficulties with work, I always called Hae and asked him for his opinions because he had a great business mind and he always knew what to do. Well, when I found out about an issue that day, my first move was to call him and it wasn’t until I picked up the phone that I remembered that I couldn’t anymore.”
“Jin,” you sighed, reaching over and grabbing his free hand in yours, squeezing it gently.
“So I understand where you’re coming from about loosing someone who’s always been there, because I did too,” Jin muttered.
“The relationship was just different,” you finished for him and he nodded slowly. 
“Can I be honest?” Jin requested suddenly and you nodded your confirmation. “I think that’s why I’m so eager to help out with Aera. Not besides the fact that I really do want to but because even at only 5 years old, she’s so much like him and admittedly, it helps.”
“It does,” you smiled at the mention of your daughter. “She’s sweet and caring and so intuitive and too damn curious for her own good.”
“Just like Hae,” Jin laughed
“Just like Hae,” you agreed. 
“You know, I’ll always be here for you and Aea,” Jin promised you. “I still feel guilty that I moved to Japan and didn’t get to spend a lot of time with Hae before, and I don’t want that to be the case with Aera.”
“I understand. And trust me, you’ve done so much for Aera and I already, I don’t even know how I’m gonna begin to be able to repay,” you sighed.
“You don’t have to repay me. Just letting me be around is good enough,” he smiled and you did the same, feeling immensely comforted to have someone who really seemed to understand the gravity of the loss that you were feeling. You had never known it until now but Jin was hurting just as much as you were, just in a slightly different way, but you didn’t feel so alone now and that meant the world to you in that moment. 
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luvdsc · 4 years
4:43 p.m. ❥ when one day, one month, one year passes, will we be living different lives? — fine, taeyeon.
after the final ceremony at your respective schools, you and best friend!jisung sneaked away and came to the all too familiar playground, clambering up to the top of the beloved multicolored rocket. your graduation caps are abandoned on the empty space in front of you, the gowns unzipped and crookedly hanging off your shoulders. quietly sitting next to your long time best friend slash new boyfriend, you swing your feet around, hooking your ankle around his for a split second before letting go.
“hey, sungie?” you squeeze jisung’s hand gently, and he hums in response. “what’s gonna happen when we go to college?”
“what do you mean?” he furrows his eyebrows, lifting his head from atop of yours.
you bite your bottom lip, gnawing on it anxiously, before finally answering, “we’re not going to the same school, we’re not even gonna be in the same city in three months. what’s going to happen with... us?”
“nothing’s going to happen,” jisung says confidently, tightening his grip on your hand.
“what if i want chicken nuggets at one in the morning? who’s gonna drive me to mcdonald’s and steal all my fries?”
“i’ll postmates it for you.”
“what about our after school drives?”
“you’re only a two hour drive away from me. i’ll come and pick you up from school and drive you home over the weekends.”
“what if i miss you too much?”
“well, i really hope you will.”
“jisung!” you whine, and he laughs, grinning mischievously at you, before his eyes soften. “if you miss me too much, we can facetime and text everyday. you can still complain to me about your classes and give me updates on yuna and taehyun like you do now.”
“what if you think my calls are annoying?”
“I already do think you’re annoying,” he deadpans, and you pout before he relents, voice growing softer. “i promise that i’ll pick up even if you call me at four in the morning, crying about your favorite character getting killed off.”
“that was one time!” you protest indignantly, and jisung lets out a laugh, eyes scrunching up into the prettiest crescents, and you feel that fluttery feeling appearing in your heart once again. you don’t think you’ll ever get tired of seeing your best friend smile.
“it’s us against the world, right?” he rests his cheek against the top of your head again. “you’re my best friend. we’re going to be fine. i promise.”
“pinky promise?”
“pinky promise.”
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jeonronwoo · 3 years
Lost → Kim Youngkyun
anonymous asked: can i please make an angst request with hwiyoung harry potter au? thank you and love all your works!💓
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Character’s death.
Genre: Angst.
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You looked at all the bodies surrounding you feeling your heart break at the horrifying sight in front of you that was caused by Voldemort’s followers, the death eaters, attacking the castle to kill your friend, Harry. You saw your best friend on the floor her eyes closed as if she were asleep, you felt tears descending from your face burning the cuts there. You walked to her kissing her forehead.
You noticed a movement from the corner of your eye and stood up when you noticed it was one of the death eaters who was warning a mask. You felt raging inside you as you sneaked behind him silently.
Halfway through the Quidditch Pitch, he turned aiming his wand at you, but he stopped his movements when he saw you. You aimed your wand at him and before you could fire the first spell, he took off his mask.
“Y/N! You’re alive!”
You felt your breath hitch and your body going numb when you saw who the person was, it was Kim Youngkyun, your boyfriend.
You lowered your wand as you jumped into his arms hugging him tightly, you let out a sob as you clutched his shirt, he kissed your forehead as you pulled away from him checking if he was okay.
“What are you doing here? And what’s up with that mask?!” you asked frantically and he looked pained.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you grabbed his arm pushing his sleeve up seeing the dark mark tattooed on his skin.
Youngkyun’s expression turned into a pained one as he remembered that he was a follower of the Dark Lord now. You were looking at him refusing to believe that he got tricked into this.
“Why?” you asked your voice broken as he sniffled.
“I didn’t have a choice, my father forced me to do so, I didn’t want to do it, all of you knew I didn’t want to join Voldemort,” Youngkyun said and you hugged him tightly and you could only imagine what he went through.
He wasn’t the same Youngkyun, he turned from a happy and mischievous person, to a cold and numb version of himself. He wasn’t the same kind Slytherin boy who defended you when a group of bullies tried to hurt you, he even kicked their asses for messing with you.
He wasn’t the same boy who became your date at the Yule Ball after being dumped by your own date. He danced with you and even confessed his love that night, and you two from then started dating.
You pulled away from him wiping his tears away and kissed his lips softly, “It’s okay Kyun, it’s not too late to stand with us, come with me.” you encouraged and he was ready to do so until a new voice spoke up.
“Going somewhere, Kyunnie?”
You both turned around and saw Bellatrix, his aunt with a fake smile on her face as if she was mocking you. You grabbed you wand aiming it at her.
“Put down your wand you silly girl!” she sneered but your grip on the wand tightened, Youngkyun turned to his aunt with a pleading look on his face.
“No, please, I will come with you, just let her go, please.” he pleaded, causing Bellatrix to smile in satisfaction.
“Hmm, I love it when they beg to spare their lives,” she hummed. as she walked over to the both of you.
Youngkyun shielded you behind his back trying to keep you safe from his cruel aunt.
“Youngkyun,” Bellatrix said causing him to look at her panicking, and with her next words, he felt his world crush.
- Hope you liked it.
“Kill her.”
You looked at Youngkyun in fear but he was only looking at Bellatrix shaking his head, tears falling from his eyes like waterfalls.
“If you don’t kill her, I will do it myself then.”
With her aiming her wand at you, you pushed Youngkyun away because you know he will take the spell for you. Before he could react, Bellatrix fired the killing curse at you.
“Avada Kedavra!”
Youngkyun watched in horror as you tried to fight the spell, but Bellatrix was stronger than you, you watched as her spell got stronger and she was about to defeat you. You looked at Youngkyun for the last time and with tears in your eyes you smiled at him saying,
“I love you, take care of yourself.”
And with that, you closed your eyes and let your wand down as the spell hit you, your body hit the ground with a loud thud your whole world turning black.
Youngkyun let out a loud scream as he crawled over to your body, he placed you on his lap, hugging you crying his eyes out.
Bellatrix let out a loud laugh as she left the scene, knowing fully-well that she broke her nephew.
Youngkyun felt rage ignite within him, he wanted to get back at Bellatrix for killing you, he wanted her to suffer and feel pain like how he was feeling now. He wanted her to beg him to kill her.
He looked down at your face, you wore a peaceful expression and it was like you were sleeping. But you weren’t and that was what broke him the most. He wasn’t going to be able to see you again, he wasn’t going to kiss you or hug you again. He wasn’t going to hear your voice, even if it was lecturing him not to prank people anymore.
Simply, there was no you anymore.
Youngkyun kept holding your body close to his chest bot aware of the footsteps that were approaching him, he didn’t care even if it was the Dark Lord himself. He just couldn’t let you go.
“Kyun? Oh god, what happened?”
He looked up to see Taeyang, his best friend. Taeyang saw the puffy, red eyes of Youngkyun as he revealed your body to him. Taeyang stood still feeling his heart sink. You were dead.
“Y/N... No...” Taeyang whispered as he fell to his knees crying.
Taeyang was your best friend too, you two were together in the same house, Gryffindor, he was also the same one to have shared your concern about Youngkyun when he went missing.
“Who did this to her?” he asked his voice dripping with venom.
“Bellatrix did. They were having a duel, and I couldn’t save her.” Youngkyun whispered as Taeyang cried even more.
Taeyang’s disappearance didn’t go unnoticed by Seokwoo, another Gryffindor, who was running around looking for his friend frantically. He found two figures sitting on the grounds of the Quidditch Pitch.
He ran over to them his wand ready to attack if they were death eaters, but he saw it was indeed Taeyang and with Youngkyun who was holding your body.
“Y/N...” Seokwoo breathed as Youngkyun looked up at him feeling his heart clench, he let go of you as Seokwoo dropped to his knees hugging you.
“No please no, not my little sister!” Seokwoo cried out as he held you tightly his head spinning with million thoughts about what he was going to do now you’re gone.
“Seokwoo hyung, I’m so sorry,” Youngkyun whispered his voice broken, Seokwoo looked at him with fire in his eyes.
“You were the one who killed her?!” he spat and was about to fire a spell at Youngkyun but Taeyang interrupted him quickly.
“No! Bellatrix was the one who killed her, Kyun didn’t do anything!” Taeyang said as Seokwoo looked at him with a pained expression hugging you again.
Youngkyun stood up ready to leave because his heart couldn’t handle the pain anymore. He looked at you one more time before kissing your forehead and was about to leave but Taeyang stopped him.
“Don’t leave, stay on our side, you know she would want that for you,” Taeyang said trying to convince his best friend to stay.
“Chanhee didn’t make it either,” Seokwoo announced and Youngkyun turned to him feeling his heart break even more at the news of the death of his best friend. “Stay on our side for the sake of them both, please, Kyun,” Seokwoo begged.
Although it seemed like it was the right thing for Youngkyun to do. He hesitated, he wanted revenge yes, but was unsure if he was worthy of staying when he was the reason why you were dead. But the look on his friends’ face made his doubts fly away as he nodded and with a heartbroken tone and tears falling from his face he whispered.
“I will.”
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
Seventeen reaction to s/o writing a cute song about them
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Type: pure fluff kids
Word count: 4,556
A/n: you guys don't know how fat of an uwu I busted seeing this request. Even now my heart is like bursting with love. I also changed up the request a bit. I don’t have many love songs in my playlist so once again it’s research time. I didn’t really make it a idol reader since I wanted it tp be more personal. Don't be afraid to talk to me or to request. Stay safe clowns -Moon
yes, im fully aware you cant write a song in a day but shhhhh
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Song: Hypnotized - Years And Years
“I know a place where it's always so perfect and blue And a boy says, Babe, believe me, it's all for you Ooooh the fortune said, Flowers bloom with no regret
Surround me, body and soul Pull me into your glow, make me blush Unbound me, spin me in gold As the story unfolds in your touch”
You were sitting on the couch, your notebook in your lap trying to focus on the essay you were writing, but your eyes kept going back to your boyfriend. He was currently listening to one of his members who was troubled by something. The sweet look in his eyes reminded you much of the same look he’d give you when speaking reassuring words into the shell of your ear as he pulled you into his capable arms. You couldn't stop your pencil from spilling words of love onto the page with a soft smile tugging at your lips.
You were so distracted you didn't notice Seungkwan reading the intimate words over your shoulder until he snatched the notebook from your hands. Thankfully, Seungcheol noticed your predicament immediately moving to save you but freezing when Seungkwan told him you had written a love song about him. He looked at you who was staring at the floor before grabbing the notebook and hitting Seungkwan upside the head with it. He bought you closer to his warm body allowing you to hide your face in his chest leading you to his room. He would softly ask you if he could look at what you had written. Finishing reading the words he turned around trying to hide the huge smile overtaking his mouth. When you reached out to him, he quickly got a hold of you falling gently onto his bed as he hid his smile in your neck squishing you in a tight hug. 
Seungcheol would find so much comfort in your sweet words when you couldn't be there to provide comfort yourself. He’d have it somewhere where he can look at it whenever he wants to. If he was particularly missing you, he’d let a tear or two slip. 
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Song: I Wouldn't Mind - He Is We 
”Carefully we'll place for our destiny. You came and you took this heart And set it free. Every word you write and sing is so warm to me So warm to me. I'm torn, I'm torn. To be right where you are.
I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not afraid.”
You chewed at the end of your pencil as you worked on your notebook eyebrows furrowing when you noticed your boyfriend hadn't whined out at you to leave your work for later and cuddle him. Looking up your expression immediately  softened at the sight of your boyfriend’s chest lightly rising and falling with his face mushed up against the pillow. You chuckled gently brushing his hair away from his eyes, fingers falling to trace along his cheekbones until they took a hold of your discarded pencil starting to write words that easily came at the thought of your lover.
You couldn't help the rush of warmth that spread across the expanse of your chest when any thought of your boyfriend popped up in your head. You remember distinctly how afraid you were to be with someone like him. Someone so carefree and laid back. Someone with a job like the one he had with thousands of eyes watching every move he made. You also distinctly remember how quickly he has assured you, you would be safe with him if it was the last thing he did. Even if relaxed and easy going, Jeonghan would not hesitate to step up if your safety or happiness was in danger. You were so lost in thinking of the way your relationship had grown, you didn't notice the bed shifting lightly next to you. You weren't really surprised when you felt a body roll on top of yours a chin placing itself on your shoulder. You let him read the fond words grinning when you heard him lightly laugh into your hair arms turning your body around to smother you in light kisses.
Jeonghan would tease you about the song joking about how you must really love him to write such a cheesy song, but he only pokes fun with good intentions. He memorized the lyrics softly singing them at random times not even noticing the words coming out his mouth. If he has any say in it, it's the song he’ll sing at your wedding.
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Song: Heaven - Exo
“Hello angel, you’re like a painting You’re all I see when I look to the skies City street lights, even if the lights go out And the moon disappears, it’s bright because I have a star that fell from the skies And it’s you
I keep laughing for some reason every night Even when I close my eyes, I can’t sleep I spend the entire night with thoughts of you Your sparkling smile lets me breathe Probably you, you I’m sure you have wings hidden behind your back Anyone can tell you’re my angel I can fly as long as I’m with you”
You couldn't help but laugh as Joshua was fighting with a pigeon who was trying to steal the sandwich in his hands. You had come on a date to Han River riding your bikes with Joshua carrying a blanket in his backpack and you carrying a picnic basket. You had told him to eat his food before the birds caught wind of it, but he insisted on taking pictures because Minghao wanted some. You shook your head lightly when Joshua offered the bird a small piece and it finally left him alone. Giggling to yourself, you looked up at him munching happily on his sandwich features highlighted by the sun’s light.
Getting the little notebook you always carried around with you from his backpack, you started writing a song about your angelic boyfriend. Everything seemed easier when you were with him. Brighter. Happier. Every moment was spent beautifully and every action was laced with love. Even breathing seemed easier around him. Every few moments, you would look up at him, your chest shaking with a quiet laugh, and your eyes sparkling with mirth before clutching the notebook to your chest and continuing to write. Joshua eventually took note of this placing his head on his hands and softly asking what you were up to. You narrowed your eyes playfully giving him the notebook with your heart fluttering nervously. As he read the words, his smile would grow bigger and the blush on his cheeks would deepen. He would reach out to ruffle your hair promising hugs and kisses when you got home. Well, he didn't fail to deliver.
Joshua would be playful but serious about the song you wrote. He definitely grew confidence in your relationship becoming touchier. Randomly rapping trying to rhyme with love around you. He would take a picture of the page looking at it and smiling because he knew no matter what happened, his own angel was waiting for him to be in their arms and he was always ready for endless amounts of love you were sure to shower him with. 
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Song: Moon And Back - Alice Kristiansen 
“baby to the moon, and back i still love you more than that when your skies are grey and your whole world is shakin' to the moon, and back i love you more than that we may fall but we'll keep on going we may break but we won't say broken through the cracks in the road the flowers grow”
Your hands that were clutching on to the glass of water shook slightly after having to calm down your boyfriend who had been crying for a multitude of reasons. Missing his family and believing he wasn’t good enough for both the group and you were the main reasons. You had calmed him down with a hand rubbing at his back and comforting words whispered into his tear stained shirt. You convinced him to play some games to distract him. Entering his room you saw him now fully immersed into his game fingers hurriedly jabbing at the buttons as he sat on the floor.
You placed the water on his nightstand watching as he sent a small smile your way at the sound of the glass hitting the wood of the furniture. You made your way towards him sitting down knees and thighs brushing against his. You couldn’t stop yourself as you analyzed him before whipping out your phone starting to write what you deemed a song. Junhui had always asked you how much you loved him, and you always answered “to the moon and back”. But both of you knew the love you held for each other was immeasurable. You would be there for each other no matter what life had in store for you. Smiling in satisfaction, you softly nudged Jun with the edge of your phone. You watched as his expression became shyer laughing under his breath. He didn't say anything for a little bit needing time to process just how fast his heart was beating. Taking a deep breath, he’d exhale slowly falling into your body while digging his face into your neck telling you to just stay like that for a little bit.
Jun would always go quiet whenever you mentioned the song, always needing time to fully process the fact that yes, you had written a love song for him. A song that always managed to make his heart stop just thinking about it. He would find himself murmuring the words while lost in thought smiling softly at the thought of the song and of you.
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Song: Starlight - Taeyeon Ft. Dean
”Reflected in my eyes is your squinted eyes, yeah You’re smiling behind that awkward face You’re so lovable, I couldn’t hold back, oh I discovered you like a miracle, you always make me smile You are my starlight
You are my starlight, shine on my heart When I’m with you, it feels like I’m dreaming all day You are my starlight, I get so happy Your love is like a gift”
You were laying on your stomach in the practice room working on a present for your boyfriend as he worked on a new choreography for the group. You smiled at the fact that even though he was probably tired and sleepy, his eyes looked as bright as ever. You had been there keeping him company all day, but you didn't mind. You were rewarded with Soonyoung flopping next to you and showering you with love in the form of kisses and tickles every few minutes.
You checked the time on your phone noticing it was close to it being time to go home since Soonyoung never liked staying too late when you were with him. You tried speeding up your writing a bit not noticing your boyfriend approaching you until he was right in front of you. You tried hiding what you were working on by shoving it under your body, but it was too late. Soonyoung was able to clutch on to it and read what you were working on as you whined about it not being finished yet. You would see his hands start to tremble and his eyes shimmering. You asked what was wrong, but he’d shake his head taking your face in his shaking hands softly kissing you while thanking you in between kisses. Soonyoung would feel so touched, but he would smile shakily not letting his tears fall, his hands falling to clutch on to your own.
You bet Soonyoung would make a little dance to your song, and he would make you dance to it with him telling you had to dance since you wrote it. This would lead to many moments of you guys laughing on the floor and randomly hugging each other. Hosh would always have the brightest smile on his face just thinking about the song, and he would get clingy too not being able to stop smothering you in his love because oh wow he loved you so much he felt like he was going to burst.
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Song: Beautiful Feeling - Day6
”Shivers go down my body I’m so happy That I’m shedding tears Some people say love But I think There’s something more than that If you know, tell me If there isn’t, make one up To this beautiful feeling This beautiful feeling
Like and love Aren’t enough To express this beautiful feeling”
You should have expected Wonwoo taking a long time trying to decide between what book he wanted to take home, but sitting there in the book store on a pair of love seats facing each other you were beginning to think you seriously underestimated Wonwoo’s indecisive book choices. You looked at him, glasses sliding down the slope of his nose and eyes focuses on the book in his hands. It was like you weren't even there. Shaking your head fondly, you decided to work on the song you would eventually give to him.
Practically shoving your nose in your notebook, you too became focused on the words spilling across the page. You didn't notice Wonwoo getting up until you felt a shoe softly nudging your leg. Looking up to see him with a bag already in his hands you bashfully smiled when his eyebrows raised tilting his head in question of the notebook in your hands. You waved slightly to the other love seat giving him your notebook when he was settled. His eyebrows furrowed, and he looked up at you with a shocked pointing at himself as if questioning how such lovely words could be written about.. him. You nodded with your eyes never leaving his. He took a deep breath. He had so much waiting to spill out in pure adoration for you, but he couldn't do it in public. Getting home and he would tentatively put your notebook down before bringing you into his embrace. He cradled your head in his hand with the other on the small of your back leaning his head against yours, and he’d close his eyes tightly not saying anything. He just wanted to savor the feeling of you in his arms, your scent giving him the most wonderful high, and your hands clutching on to his shirt.
Wonwoo would be distracted for a while, head swimming with thoughts of you. Your words inspired by him flashing behind his eyelids every time he closed his eyes. He scoffed reading a romance novel or watching a tv show because no matter what, nothing would ever be able to compare to the love story between him and you.
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Song: Let Me - Got7
“It might have been the bright sun My face turned red probably It might have been just a feeling I saw you blush too I’m getting drunk on a good feeling today Neither of us even touched alcohol Can I softly hold your hand If you’re ok, can I go for it? Baby Let me hold your hand
Will you be by my side, by my side Can I hold your hand? Don’t be shy Today we come together Today you are especially lovely to me Tonight is our Just one chance Can I hug you? Don’t be afraid Today we come together”
At this point in your relationship, Jihoon had written tons of love songs inspired by you. Each one always making your heart flutter when you heard it. Almost each one having been softly sung against your skin by him. Each one imprinting themselves across the expanse of your chest and heart. You had never been one to write love songs, when there were already millions of them, but now that you had Jihoon in your life, it was the only thing you could think about. You eventually gave in to the temptation, but you hadn't told him of the song.
Sitting with him in his studio, you watched him totally immersed in his songs bringing the lyrics to life with different beats and melodies. Meanwhile, you were working on your own song. The love song your members had begun teasing you about. You had finished it a long time ago, but you kept changing things because you were nervous. You slipped his own headphones off his head gently smiling nervously when he looked at you with questioning eyes. You slipped your own headphones plugged to your laptop with the song ready to play over his ears. You played with your fingers, but when he looked up you almost jumped back in surprise. You had never seen his eyes hold so much love and adoration before. He was looking at you like you had hung the moon and stars in the sky. He would want to be as close to you pulling you on to his lap and resting his head on your chest.
Jihoon would feel like he was floating because you had just told him you love him in his language. Music. He would not be able to stop himself from using some of your lyrics in one of his own songs, with your permission of course, It would be the song that always bought him strength when he stayed late in the studio, and a song that made him happier in general.
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Song: The Way You Smile - NewSong ft. Francesca
“The way you open the door you always see about me Treat me like I'm a princess boy you're so sweet Love the way that I feel when I'm in your arms You whisper "You're beautiful" so safe and warm There's a million more, these are just a few Of the many reasons I love you
But there's something about the way you smile I can see forever in your eyes Telling me I'm yours and you're all mine The way that you smile We're like two lovers in a sweet romance I'm your leading lady and you're my man You can say I love you with just a glance”
You were sitting on the couch with the tv in front of you playing an anime Dokyeom had been wanting to see for a long time finally having found the time to do so. He always moved a lot when watching anime because he just got too excited to keep still, so he had ended up sitting in front of you on the floor with his back to the couch in between your legs watching the tv with bright wide eyes. You had been running your hands through his hair until he didn't notice you had stopped in favor of working on the song in your laptop. 
When he did notice, he didn't seem to mind much his laughter almost as loud as the tv when something particularly funny happened. He would tilt his back to beam at you, and you never failed to return the same smile. You got thirsty heading to the kitchen to get water making the mistake of leaving your laptop open on the song. You got lost in thought not hearing the sound of the anime stop or your song start. It wasn't until the song was almost done that you noticed, running into the living room just as Dokyeom looked up at you with flushed cheeks and teary eyes. He asked you who the song was about with a shaking voice and you replied with a simple “you”. He basically stumbled across the room and crashing into your body sobbing into your neck. You could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest pressed against yours. You wrapped your arms around him just as tightly as his were wrapped around you asking him what was wrong. He just responded with “no one has ever done something as beautiful or lovely as this for me”. 
Dokyeom would become a bit shy around you for a while after this, bursting out into giggles whenever he saw you. After that wore off, he would get a surge of confidence flirting with you but immediately getting shy and giggly afterwards. 
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Song: Touch - Nct 127
“Your voice that calls my name makes my heart drop From some point, I started to talk just like you I can figure it all out, once I hold your hand Once I hold your hand, you know
I don’t know how I can withstand you Even I’m shocked over how I’m being, it’s true My feet won’t listen And keeps following you”
You groaned as you made your way to a bench under a tree next to the field Mingyu had taken you to. He and some of the members wanted to play some games outside, and he had decided to bring you along with him. Something about seeing how manly he looked while throwing a ball at Seungkwan’s face. You were grateful to spend some time with him, but you envied the ball being held by his arms as he talked with the members about the rules of whatever stupid game they had made up. 
Nevertheless, you found the opportunity to work on the song you had been working on. You preferred the comfort of your studio, but the fresh breeze and warmth of the sun wasn't too bad.  You had your headphones fitting your head snuggly, so you didn't hear the boys shouting at you because Mingyu had accidentally kicked the ball too hard, and it happened to be in your direction. It hit the laptop not only cracking the screen but shoving it off your lap and crashing into the ground. Luckily, you had the song saved on your studio computer, but it was still upsetting as you had made some changes to the song. You felt your heart sink as frustration clouded your mind making your eyes water. Mingyu swore he had never run so fast in his life, but when he got to you, you started blabbering about the song he didn't even know existed. You told him to take you to your studio where you showed him the song with a pout and mad puppy eyes. Mingyu felt so bad, but at the same time he felt so good because he was sure his heart was a melted puddle on the ground.
Mingyu loved the song, finished or not. He loved everything about it running at you to pinch your cheeks and call you cute then running away with a loud laugh promising he would cook you a feast at an hourly rate. The feast was never cooked because Mingyu was too busy still thinking about the song and being overwhelmed by giddiness. He would not be able to keep his hands away from you for at least two or three weeks.
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Song: I Do Adore - Mindy Gledhill
”Everything you do it sends me Higher than the moon with every Twinkle in your eye You strike a match that lights my heart on fire
When you're near, I hide my blushing face And trip on my shoelaces Grace just isn't my forté But it brings me to my knees when you say”
You were in China. Minghao would be gone for some time while filming a show, so he wanted you to come with him. You agreed since you were on break. You forgot one minor detail. You can’t speak mandarin. Of course, you had your boyfriend, but he wasn't always with you which led to some awkward situations. You really didn't know how to tell the elderly man you were, in fact, not his long lost granddaughter. Minghao was currently filming, and he had left you in an empty room in the building telling staff to leave you be.
Minghao had been so patient and sweet (maybe a bit teasing) with you all throughout the trip, you felt inspired to work on the love song you had started a while ago. The room was empty, and the building had pretty thick walls, so you decided not to use your headphones. You would have to take a step back because the thought of Minghao hearing the song made you feel hot and made you bury your head into your hands shaking the nerve racking thoughts away. You were so immersed in the song nodding along to the beat, you didn't notice the man entering the wrong room until you felt a hand on your shoulder and a voice speaking in rapid mandarin. Turns out the man was a producer and really liked your song. You sat there with wide eyes frozen in your seat as the man spoke excitedly. Fortunately, Minghao wrapped up filming seeing the situation and quickly coming to your rescue. He talked with the man a bit before the producer left telling Minghao his partner wrote great love songs.
He asked you about it, and you would give in showing him the song while shyly hiding behind your hands. Hearing the song, Minghao would have to bite his lip to stop the big smile threatening to take over his face. He’d bury his face in your hair softly kissing your forehead and asking you why you did weird things to his heart while softly laughing. Minghao would ask to hear the song daily, always taking you in his arms as he listened to the sweet song.
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Song: Spring Love - Eric Nam x Wendy
“We fell asleep on a bench, leaning on each other The sweet cherry blossom colors the clear sky I wish it was always like this The name that changed us, spring spring spring I love you, I love you, I love you
Be my spring, I’ll always be your flower I hope we can melt each other and open each other up Our heart to heart that wasn’t visible before Now we’re facing each other The hidden flower is finally blooming I think spring has come”
You were curled up on Seungkwan’s bed working hard on the song you wanted to give to him as an anniversary present. It was basically finished, you just needed to add some finishing touches to it. You didn't notice that in trying to prepare this beautiful present for your boyfriend, you had neglected the poor man. He had enough, coming into the room whining and flopping down onto the bed telling you to pay attention to him while glaring at your laptop. He suggested going for a walk which you happily agreed to practically getting dragged out the building.
You hummed happily grasping Seungkwan’s hand in yours as he laughed and made jokes about stupid things the members had done. He asked about your day contentedly swinging your joined hands. The walk eventually turned quiet with the both of you enjoying each other’s presence and the nice weather. You felt so calm and peaceful you didn't notice yourself start to hum and softly sing the very song you were working on. Seungkwan asked you what song was stuck in your head, and you felt your soul leave your body. You tried lying by naming random songs, but Seungkwan had always been able to read you well, so he knew you were lying. You eventually gave in with slumped shoulders telling him you had made a song for him. He immediately asked to hear it, and you showed it to him returning back to the dorms. His voice trembled as he whispered words of gratefulness against your neck tenderly kissing the skin there as he sniffled trying to get his emotions together.
Seungkwan would demand to be on the song. He wanted to give back to you in some way, and he wanted to be a part of this beautiful song you created. It was a song he would always randomly sing laughing obnoxiously when the members asked him what song he was singing. He would sing it to you when you were near him tracing lines along your skin while smiling adoringly at you. He was just always singing the song.
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Song: Spring Memories - N.Flying
“Let’s fill each other’s empty spots I’ll comfort you just like we did back then
On that spring dazzling day
It won’t be like the first time but you’re always dazzling It’s like magic, on the same day So spring can eternally dazzle”
You sipped at the drink you had ordered at the café you and Vernon always met at, or more like walked up the counter and got asked “the usual” and you nodded while taking a seat in the corner of the quaint room waiting for Vernon. As always you wore a mask and hat. The café was in the quieter part of the city, but you could never be too careful. The barista who had long ago been able to recognize you had even given a dessert of your choice on the house. Deciding to work on the song you had been working on, your eyes didn't leave the screen of your laptop. 
You were confused when your vision suddenly went dark, but you were quickly able to recognize Vernon’s cologne. Grabbing a hold of his hands you turned around being met with his bashful yet bright smile. Slipping your headphones down to your neck, you got up to give him a hug. You had been tinkering with the lyrics, so they were on display on the screen. Vernon was facing the screen, and you didn't notice him reading the lyrics. It wasn't until a little bit after you sat down that he asked about the song. His eyes were filled with confusion. He mentioned that you never wrote love songs, usually being in charge of the more personal songs. “Well now that I have a wonderful muse to inspire me I can”. He asked if you were serious with a growing smile on his face. All your attention was on him now as you rested your chin on your hand softly nodding at him. He took in your answer and the warmth in your eyes not being able to stop himself from shoving his face into his hands to hide his flushed cheeks. You simply laughed taking his hand away to adoringly touch the tinted skin of his cheek before driving the conversation away from the song promising to send it to him when it was done.
When you did send the song to Vernon, someway, somehow, he would make it his ringtone. Proudly smiling when his phone rang and shaking his head when the members asked what song it was. This would actually give him the courage to show you all the raps he has written about you when he was too shy to show you before. 
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Song: Life Is Rosy - Jess Penner
“I watch the sun, it's setting in your eyes Can you tell I'm wrapped up in your spell Yeah, it's all good and well I think I realize Beautiful yeah it's so wonderful Oh, darlin' don't you know That life is rosy Hey, look at my heart I think it's the start of something new“
Your knee wouldn't stop bouncing, your feet kept wiggling, and your fingers wouldn't stop tapping on your desk. You were nervous, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth, and your stomach seemingly pushing against your ribs. Chan was going to visit you in the studio, and you were going to show him the song you had written while keeping him in mind. Of course, you had written many love songs before he came into your life, but this was different. Those songs were always inspired by childish assumptions you had on love because of inexperience.
This song was made with flashes of his smile and touch constantly flashing in your head. You groaned running your hands through your hair freezing when you heard a knock on your studio door. Wiping your sweaty palms on your pants, you opened the door relaxing when you saw Chan’s smile face as he greeted you with a hug and a playful poke at your abdomen. You timidly told him you had something to show him slipping your headphones onto his ears before dropping your hands to rest them on his shoulders. Turning around you caught your reflections on the mirror that rested against the wall. Him, a young but amazing dancer in the industry, and you, a young but talented producer in the same industry. You were so focused on the mirror you didn't see Chan taking off the headphones to turn the chair around and pull you into his lap. He would cling on to you tightly because wow he was so in love with you. Every flaw and every quirk he loved because it meant getting to see your smile and have you in his arms. His talented little producer was someone he swore he would never let go of.
Chan would be a bit quiet for a little bit, because he was just taking it all in. It suddenly weighed on him what you mean to him. You had become someone to him that he would drop anything for. Someone that always made his heart beat faster at close proximity, and no matter how he thought of it, he wouldn't change that for the world.
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For You: Stand By Me
Taglist: @jineunwootrash @angels-from-california @jayjaydawn
If you would like to be added to the taglist of any of this blog’s works, please ask!
Recommended Reading: For You: 4 O’Clock; these works have separate, independent, but deeply interwoven timelines.
Chapter 14: The Boy I Love Forever
Lei’s POV
To tell you the truth, I didn’t want Sehun to apologize for kissing me. Despite the glare that darkened his features when he swore that he wouldn’t apologize, I guess I was relieved by the imagination that there was nothing to regret about that memory after all. I guess I tingled at the thought that maybe he meant to steal my breath away, meant to make my heart race, meant to fill my every thought.
To tell you the truth, I didn’t want Sehun to apologize for delivering the news that Donghae wouldn’t attend the Christmas party. No apology would fill the void in the holiday left by Donghae’s absence. I didn’t want Sehun to apologize for bringing that old photograph back to Mom at Donghae’s request. The damage was already done. Besides, even in my moment of pain-fuelled rage, I knew that no blemish in the evening was really caused by Sehun’s hand.
It was obvious that I was straining to find some grudge to hold against Sehun. As long as I was angry about something, I could ignore how devastatingly handsome he looked in the pale winter moonlight. I could ignore the painful hammering in my chest when his eyes met mine. Anger could obscure the memory of his baby-soft lips on my freezing cheek just inches away from my parted lips. I could tell myself that my body was suddenly warmed by burning hatred— not by his touch.
The trouble is, I didn’t believe myself. I never believed for a fraction of a second that I had outgrown my adoration of Sehun. Sehun, who was always calm, cool, collected— the very definition of the quiet stoic strength I sought to emulate— until that night. Sehun, who somehow fell for my unconvincing act and believed that I stopped loving him. Sehun, who believed that I was actually capable of hating him in any version of the universe.
I didn’t want to hear his apologies. I didn’t want to hear his insecurities. I didn’t want to watch his eyes widen in horror as he stared at my broken mistletoe crown in his hands. I didn’t want to watch him walk into the snowy darkness at Yesung’s demand. I didn’t want Yesung to usher me into the house that should have been warm enough to thaw the block of ice in my chest. The burning fireplace and the cup of hot chocolate Lucas forced into my hands and the multitude of sympathetic stares from everybody, (especially Baekhyun, who tried to smile at me from the couch) didn't reach the block of ice, though.
Maybe a part of me wanted to risk annoying Sehun by chasing him into the dark. Maybe I wanted to abandon the morbid sense of pride that I developed over the years of denying myself the right to love who I loved. Maybe those tears that filled his eyes exposed that what I hoped was hard-won strength was actually a deep sense of shame.
Once Lucas and I were alone in my bedroom, I admitted to him (and, more importantly, to myself), that I absolutely wanted to follow Sehun at least one more time to tell him that I didn’t hate him— that I never hated him— that I could never hate him. Once I realized that anyone thinking that I hated Sehun was worse than everyone knowing that I loved him, I confessed the truth.
A Collection of Truths:
Every part of me was in love with Sehun— even the ones I tried to keep hidden in the dark.
Even when we were screaming on the porch, I wanted to kiss Sehun.
If loving Sehun was a weakness, I didn’t want to be strong. I didn’t care who saw me in my weakened state.
“Is that so?” Lucas asked, wide-eyed, sipping from his mug on my bed. He was nice enough to act surprised by what he knew all along.
Burning crimson after my unrestrained honesty, I set my mug on the floor and crossed my arms. “I’m not gonna repeat myself or anything. You heard the first time.”
Lucas nodded out the window. “He’ll probably want you to repeat it once or twice, though, so you might as well practice with me.”
I followed Lucas’s gaze to find Sehun standing atop a pile of snow just below my window. At first, my heart thumped at the thought that he had come to find me because he also wondered how he would sleep when we stood on such uncertain terms. Then, when moments passed and his eyes were still intently trained on the mistletoe in his hands without sparing one glance at me, I realized that was not the case. It was a happy accident that he was so close, still barely out of reach.
Maybe Lucas was right when he cheered, “It’s fate! What are you waiting for?”
I was still too afraid to take the first step toward Sehun when he was just a blink and a breath away. Shrinking away from the window so he couldn’t see me if he looked up with the wind, I mumbled, “I can’t go out there.”
“Why not?” Unable to meet Lucas’s disappointed frown, I stared at the place on my wall where Sehun’s poster once stood.
The paint was still faded. There was still an outline of his place that I could not yet fill even when Lucas urged, “Lei, he’s literally right here! If you don’t want any of that stuff that happened tonight to leave a scar, then just go out there and make a new, better memory!”
Lucas spoke with such enthusiasm that I almost believed that I could climb right through the window and into some fairytale with Sehun. Then, I opened my eyes and remembered that every image of myself as a princess was crafted for the stage. It wasn’t real. Fairytales weren’t real— especially not on that night when my mother’s heart was broken.
“What about Mom?” I asked, throat tight with the recent memory of her tears and the knowledge that she was probably still crying down the hall. “Do you think that I should go out with— with some boy while she’s—”
“He’s not some boy,” Lucas interrupted. “He’s Sehun. The person you’ve loved since you said hello. Your pain and Mom’s— they’re both valid— and I don’t think that she would feel any better knowing that you’re avoiding happiness for her sake. Mom told you to have fun at the party, and we both know that the person who will bring you closest to fun is right out there, twiddling your broken crown in his hands!”
Fun. Was that a word I ever associated with Sehun? No.
Still, Lucas was right. Like the coward I was when it came to him— to Sehun, who I couldn’t quite trust to hold anymore of the heart he warned me to guard— I searched for any reason to legitimize my fear. I was willing to use my mother as a shield, as a right to forfeit what I was too afraid to fight for only to lose.
Like the hopeless romantic that I was when it came to him— to Sehun, who could steal my heart from afar even when I confined my admiration to seconds-long glances out the window— I searched more desperately for something to encourage me to act on the urge to meet him halfway or most of the way or all of the way.
Does that make me weak or foolish or childish or submissive? I used to wonder before Lucas permitted me to let go of my stubborn definitions of strength.
“Just go.” He nudged my ribs, smiling softly. “Take all of the time you need. I’ll cover for you if anyone downstairs asks where you went.”
When I still didn’t feel brave enough to take the first step, Lucas asked in a small voice, “Don’t you think you’ll regret it if you let this moment pass?”
Maybe it was because of something Taeyeon once told me in the moonlight of her kitchen; or maybe it was because Lucas had to go to the trouble of opening the window for me; or maybe it was because of the sharp sting of the winter wind that made my eyes water as Sehun’s had on the front porch; or maybe it was because of the constriction of my heart when he looked at me, eyes filled with a unique blend of amusement and disapproval at my sudden appearance out of the second-floor window— but the overwhelming emotion of the night was regret.
Regret at all the time wasted in misunderstanding. Regret at all that time wasted crying in my room under the watch of the moon when I could have been with him, Sehun, who held out the world in manageable palm-sized pieces even when he glared at me from the driver’s seat like I was a stubbornly ignorant child. Regret at all the time spent apart that inclined me to believe that he didn’t love me even when it was written clearly on every feature of his handsome face, even when it was woven into the bandages he tied around my bleeding wounds, even when it was etched into every line that formed into his forehead with the furrowing of his brow.
Regret at the ragged sigh that fell from his pretty parted lips when I confessed that every glance at him made me want to sob into my palms, omitting the all-too-humiliating fact that everything about him still sparked my childhood curiosity of what it might be like to be destined to love one person forever. Regret at the fact that I couldn’t spend the rest of the night and the rest of my life in his car with my hand in his with the dawning realization that he loved me.
He loved me. Sehun loved me. Sehun loved me enough to forgive me for yelling and running and tiptoeing around his feelings that were too good to be true.
Regret at the reluctance with which my bandaged hand reached into the pocket of the warm black coat he dropped over my shoulders to brush against the fragmented mistletoe crown. Had curiosity struck me sooner, I could have plucked it from the pocket, held it over my head, and seen that flustered regret-numbing smile dash across his face sooner.
“Put that away,” Sehun instructed, reaching for the mistletoe. As I lifted it out of his reach, he tried (and failed) to bite back laughter. “Seriously, Lei. You don’t need a silly broken piece of mistletoe to get a kiss out of me.”
“Really?” My heart fluttered. I lowered the mistletoe, but I didn’t quite drop it back into the pocket. “Do you mean that?’
He raised his eyebrows. “Yeah. Are you getting excited?”
Because I now knew that he was flirting— and all of those similar comments that surrounded our first kiss were other attempts at flirting— a bubbling warmth spread through my chest. That warmth pulled my lips into a smile that I couldn’t have fought away with all of the effort in the world.
At the risk of further painting myself as an absolute fool, I’ll admit that I would have been content to kiss Sehun forever if he hadn’t broken away to again confess, this time breathlessly against my lips, “I love you. I’m in love with you, Lei.”
And I— I wanted to remain skeptical just in case he changed his mind with the rising of the sun, just in case I was dreaming again.
More than that, though, I wanted to believe him. I wanted to believe that the lights in his eyes weren’t cast by the moon or the stars or the strings of lights lining my house; I wanted to believe that those bursts of light were some physical manifestation of his affection for me.
I already believed it, so I told myself that it didn’t have to last forever to be beautiful. If he was a moment that I embraced with my all, then there would be nothing to regret at breaking dawn. If nothing else, I would make him my most beautiful memory My most beautiful dream. My precious Sehun.
“Sehun,” I said because I could never say his name enough even if it flew from my lips for the rest of my life. “Do you remember when I said that you can walk with me anytime?”
“Yes.” His lips fit with mine. They were warm, soft, gentle, not at all what you would expect from him at a glance, not at all what you would expect without knowing him as intimately as I did. “I remember.”
“I meant that,” I said between kisses, almost wanting to cry each time we parted. “Always— always, I will keep a door open for you, and I’ll protect our memories, so if you change your mind—”
“What?” His face paled. A frown twitched in the corner of his mouth, and I wish I hadn’t said anything. “Lei.” He said my name sweetly, sending me into a spiral when I thought I couldn’t fall deeper. Sehun sighed my name, stealing my habit of preparing for the worst-case scenario. “You don’t have to believe in forever to be in love, but you shouldn’t offer to carry the weight of goodbye on your own. I understand that your mind rushes ahead to goodbye, but I wish it wouldn’t— at least not with me.”
Being seen as clearly as Sehun saw me in that moment was frightening and comforting— a nightmare and a dream. Had he been anyone else in the world, I would have wanted to disappear, but Sehun— Sehun didn’t have to see me to know me.
“I believe in forever,” I argued quietly. “I know that I will love you forever.” Then, set ablaze by the embarrassment of my honesty and the thought that I admitted to feeling too much too soon, I stuttered, “I— I mean—”
Sehun didn’t have to speak to silence me. He only smiled, deepening my blush and stealing my voice. “You don’t have to take it back, Lei. You can love me as much as you want for as long as you want. Please.”
The word ‘please,’ forced all remaining air from my lungs. I never before needed Sehun’s permission to love him, but once his plea hit my ears, I realized that I must have craved it for quite some time. No sooner than the words passed his upturned lips did I lean into him once again for another dream-fulfilling kiss.
Maybe I should have considered whether we were in danger of being caught by party guests— specifically Yesung, who would have been most disappointed to find me kissing the boy from the crown-breaking incident— or paparazzi. After all, someone was always watching. That fact had been impossible to forget since Sehun first taught it to me. That truth echoed in every corner of my mind until those moments Sehun’s lips were on mine, until those moments when Sehun breathed into me and left no room for thoughts other than ‘I love you, I love you; forever I will love you because forever I have loved you.’
Pulling away to try (and fail) to catch my breath, missing him instantly, I asked Sehun, “How did we get here?”
His pale face was flushed crimson. His blush was visible even in the moonlight. If only I knew the words to describe how beautiful he was as he shrugged and grinned, tracing some shapeless form on my cheek with the pad of his thumb, maybe I could create a portal back to that moment when the stars aligned.
“I’m not sure,” he answered. “I’m just glad I followed you here.”
Thinking that life was as it was meant to be for the first time in a long time (maybe for the first time) because Sehun was by my side where I could see him, speak to him, hold him, kiss him, and love him like I always dreamed about, I smiled at him.
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I walked into warmth from the frozen snowstorm separating Sehun’s car from my home to find Mom, Grandma, Heechul, and Lucas watching a drama starring Park Seojoon, my favorite actor.
For all of about two seconds, I was relieved that the party cleared out during my absence because that meant I wouldn’t have to listen to Yesung lecture about boys, I wouldn’t have to hide my smile from Kyuhyun, who would have instantly pieced together that I had been out with the boy on Super Junior’s hit list, and I wouldn’t have to stomach Baekhyun’s sympathetic puppy eyes that still seemed to burn into me when I glanced at the then-empty couch by the window he earlier claimed.
Before I could comfortably settle into the couch and peel back the curtains and blinds to see if Sehun’s car still sat within sight, Heechul immobilized me with his glare. “Did you have fun on your midnight rendezvous?” He asked loudly as if oblivious to the fact that Mom laid her sleeping head in his lap.
Fun. Maybe that was a word I could associate with that tingling sensation that set me alight at the thought of Sehun. Maybe that was a word I could use to describe the act of kissing him in that dimly lit space that I still remember in perfect detail with each blink of my eyes. Maybe that is the word for that surge of breathlessness that accompanies every memory of those moments when we touched.
When Heechul looked at me with fire leaking out of his eyes, though, I knew that I couldn’t say any of those truths aloud. I shrank under the understanding that I was not expected to respond. Even in Yesung’s absence, I was in for a scolding. Dropping the curtains, lowering my gaze to the palms I pressed flat against the skirt of my dress, I elected to brave it silently.
I made the wrong choice. “Aren’t you going to answer me?” Heechul’s roar stirred Mom into sitting upright.
“I—” I shook my head, face burning as it always did when I was the center of attention—  “I figured you were asking a rhetorical question.”
“I wasn’t!” I looked up in time to watch Heechul’s eyes roll. “Where did you go? Who were you with?”
Normally, I would have been too flattered that Heechul cared about me to feel at all stifled by his rare protective outbursts, but something about his tone and the glint in his eyes sparked my temper ablaze.
Before I could reply with any degree of sass, Grandma lied without glancing away from Park Seojoon’s face on the television, “She asked for my permission before leaving, so you don’t have to worry, Heechul.”
I should have been content to leave the confrontation at that. Because Grandma ranked above Heechul in the family hierarchy, he bit down on his tongue despite the persistent urge to berate me that stained his face a dull shade of red.
Emboldened by the belief that I had done nothing wrong, I reminded Heechul, “I’m 21 years old, so technically I’m allowed to go where I want, whenever I want, with whoever—”
“You were out with your abusive-ass boyfriend, weren’t you?” Heechul fumed.
My face burned at Heechul’s blatant misunderstanding of Sehun. I was speechless, numb and nauseated by the screaming thought that nobody had ever been as wrong about anyone to the degree that Heechul was wrong about Sehun.
Lucas whirled around in his place on the floor to stare at me with sparkling eyes and a smile that flourished even in the tense atmosphere established by Heechul’s tantrum. “Boyfriend?” He repeated hopefully, giggling at the grin that tugged at my lips because the dream that Sehun could be my boyfriend— the first and only person I would love without limitations— was, for the first time, not a vague abstract concept.
Sehun was within reach, I knew, because I held him.
Mom rubbed bags under her eyes that were darkened by fatigue and running mascara. “What are you talking about? Lei’s boyfriend is right here!” She pointed at Lucas, misunderstanding our relationship for the millionth time.
“Stop living in a fantasy!” Heechul corrected her before I could.
The sharpness of his tone didn’t seem to bother Mom in the slightest way. Her eyes only narrowed in genuine confusion as she tried to resign herself to the fact that Heechul was right when he said, “Lei never dated Lucas! I’ve told you a million times— they’re siblings!” Jabbing a finger at me without glancing my way, Heechul told Mom, “She has a thing for that boy with the angry eyebrows and angrier temper!”
I squirmed at the knowledge that Mom and Heechul were among the millions who speculated about my relationships. To distract Heechul from Mom, who had enough to worry about without him yelling at her, I yelled, “My relationship with Sehun is none of your business!”
“Sehun?” Mom gasped, bringing a hand up to her lips. Her shoulders sagged. “You mean you’re really not dating Lucas?”
Thankfully, Lucas distracted Mom from the fact that Heechul, Grandma, and I rolled our eyes. Turning to place his hand on her knee over her red pajama pants, probably staining the fabric with buttery fingers, Lucas sweetly answered, “No, Mom. We never dated. We’re best friends.”
From that moment on, following a subtle nod at Lucas, who had never before gone to such lengths to deliberately deny our dating allegations, Mom never again mistook us for a couple.
“Sehun?” Mom repeated, focusing her bewildered gaze on me. “You were out with Sehun?”
The answer was obvious because of his coat that still hung loosely over my shoulders and the blush that colored my face at the sound of his name. Still, I nodded my head and closed my eyes to block out the sight of Mom’s mouth falling open in utter surprise.
“If you’re shocked by this,” Heechul hissed at her, “then you should have seen them fighting on the front porch!”
“That was a misunderstanding!”
I don’t know who I was trying to convince with that outburst: Mom, whose gaze flickered between me and Heechul; Grandma, who finally paused the television drama to devote her full attention to the real-life drama unfolding before her eyes; Heechul, who still glared at me, impossible to convince; or myself, who plummeted from my height at the memory of the fight on the front porch that Heechul would not let me forget.
Lucas, the only person who didn’t require convincing, agreed uncharacteristically quietly, “Yeah. Sehun has loved Lei forever. He’s just learning how to show it in a new way.”
Deaf to Lucas’s opinion or otherwise dubious, Heechul insisted, “I didn’t misunderstand a damn thing about him snatching that flower crown off of your head! Don’t be stupid enough to forgive a jerk just because he lies and says he loves you!”
At my ragged wheeze that filled the room instead of my adamant declaration that it wasn’t a lie— that Sehun meant it when he said he loved me— Grandma cut her eyes at Heechul, Lucas dropped his gaze into the bucket of popcorn in his lap, and only Mom was brave enough to argue.
She placed a soothing hand on Heechul’s shoulder. “Heechul, calm down. That’s what happens in young love— misunderstandings, dramatic arguments, more dramatic reconciliations. Sehun is a sweet boy, so I’m sure—”
“You didn’t see what I saw!” Heechul frowned as he shrugged out of Mom’s grip. “If that’s that guy’s idea of love, then he needs to stay the hell away from our girl!”
My stomach turned at the mere thought of never seeing Sehun again, and I glared at Heechul for speaking such a tragedy into the universe. This is precisely the sort of thing I should never admit, but I knew that I would have gone behind Heechul’s back for the rest of my life to continue walking with Sehun even for moments at a time in the darkness.
I was dangerously in love with him, all too willing to risk my reputation and other relationships. That’s not necessarily a good thing, but it’s the truth. Thankfully, Mom didn’t seem to buy into Heechul’s prejudice against Sehun. I didn’t even want to know whether I would disregard her advice to chase after a boy, even one like Sehun.
Crossing her legs in her seat, Grandma asked, “Lei, is Sehun the one who kissed you in the dining room?”
My face burned at the memory of Baekhyun’s brief kiss. I wasn’t grateful to Grandma for bringing it up. How could she have forgotten Sehun’s face after all those years I spent showing her his photographs and detailing everything he ever meant to me?
Before I could recover from embarrassment long enough to shake my head in response, Lucas gasped, “Sehun kissed you in the dining room? When were you gonna tell me that?”
“Sehun didn’t kiss me in the dining room!” I fixed my flustered gaze on Lucas, crossing my arms tightly over my chest as I hurriedly explained, “Baek did, but only because mistletoe was involved!”
Lucas raised a skeptical eyebrow, opening his mouth probably to remind me that the last time I said something like that, the boy hadn’t kissed me only because mistletoe was involved.
My eyes screwed shut as if that would blind me to the rather obvious fact that there was something bittersweet— but mostly sweet— in Baekhyun’s kiss because there was far too large of a gap between the present-tense version of myself who was in love with Sehun and the me of my dreams who was born to be the mirrored moon to Baekhyun’s burning sun. This was not the time to embrace the hope that I would get there someday, to the place where dreams and reality meet, to the place where the sun touches the moon. So I bit my tongue and comforted myself with the belief that there is a time for everything under the sun.
“Baek?” Heechul repeated through his frown.
Again, Mom tried to conceal her gasp with her hands. “Baekhyun kissed you?”
I said, “It wasn’t a real kiss!” but that didn’t feel very much like the truth. I hoped nobody saw through my claim as easily as I could.
“Oh,” Grandma nodded as if to distract me from the confusing spiral of Baekhyun-related thoughts. “So Sehun is the one who was heartbroken by the kiss?”
That easily, Grandma returned my attention to Sehun. Just by imagining that Sehun had been at all affected by that brief peck on my cheek, I jolted awake from every Baekhyun dream and found my footing in a shallow pool of remorse. It was fruitless to wish that the kiss hadn’t happened (especially since I had done nothing to provoke it). It was probably equally as fruitless to wish that I hadn’t been too focused on Mom’s moment of heartbreak to notice Sehun’s. Still, I did. A lot of my thoughts are fruitless.
“Oh, so he’s the jealous type too?” Heechul groaned. “This guy just has every perk, doesn’t he? You know, Lei, you’re not any better than the girls you always criticize on these shows—” he gestured wildly toward the television— “the ones who always overlook a perfectly nice guy like Baekhyun for some douchebag like—”
“Stop it!” My voice shattered as I screamed, rising to my feet and balling my fists at my sides. “Just stop it! I don’t care if you’re trying to protect me! I’m not going to sit here and listen to you misunderstand my favorite— my forever—” my chest heaved while I stuttered around the best way to describe Sehun— “the person I’ve loved for most of my life!”
Silence fell over the room. Everybody looked up at me with widened eyes because a.) I never raised my voice, b.) I never admitted to loving anyone or anything, and c.) I always had this rule about waiting until I was alone to shed tears.
I know I had broken that rule before in front of Sehun, especially when I was younger and more volatile, and I had sobbed into Lucas’s chest once or twice, and there was that time Changmin caught me in a brief fit of tears backstage, but Mom and Heechul— they were both so shocked by my outburst that they both stood as if to rush toward me.
Looking back, I wish I had allowed them to embrace me or dry my tears. I wanted to let them get close to me, but I guess I was too embarrassed. I guess I had not yet broken my longtime habit of running from overwhelming emotions.
I raced upstairs to my bedroom, thinking that if Donghae had been there like he was every past Christmas, he would have known what to say to diffuse the storm inside of me. Maybe he would have waited until I was alone in my room to gingerly knock on the door, sit by my side, watch the moon and stars with me through the window, and say everything that I needed to hear to smile again.
Closing the door behind myself, I admitted for the millionth time that I missed Donghae so much— too much. I hoped that I would be brave enough to tell him the next time our paths crossed. Speaking with Sehun assured me that that day would come sooner or later; I just hoped that we wouldn’t accumulate too much time apart because, really, I needed him then. Needing people is scary, I think, because you never realize how dependent you are until you’re alone.
I reached into Sehun’s pocket for my phone, somehow emboldened by the night’s twists and turns to take fate into my hands, somehow believing that I could bring our paths together on my own. Before I could dial Donghae’s number, though, I noticed the poster on my wall— the poster I hadn’t seen in two years— Sehun’s poster.
My phone fell back into my pocket. After I pulled the two halves of the mistletoe crown out of the pocket and set them next to the ribbon on my vanity, I tiptoed over to the poster. My heart pounded as if Sehun were really in my room, watching as I peeled the pink sticky note off of the poster’s face, laughing at the blush that spread across my face as I read:
“Don’t kiss this too much! It’s just a poster!” — Lucas
I guess I had to laugh at the memory of my childhood self rising onto her tiptoes to peck at the poster’s lips. I guess I had to squeal at the realization that Lucas had returned my box of memories. I guess there was no choice other than to jump onto my bed, all too eager to pull out its contents one by one.
I was surprised to find that the items collected no dust in the years they spent on the highest shelf of Lucas’s closet— which I couldn’t quite reach no matter how I strained— or wherever the hell he hid them. He must have meant it when he promised to take care of them. I shouldn’t have been surprised; Lucas always kept his word.
Fastening my bracelet on its rightful place around my wrist, I imagined how different life would have been had I known when I first wore it years ago that Sehun and I would eventually find our way onto the same path at the same time. I wondered how different life would have been if I had known when I first removed it that the bracelet wouldn’t be too heavy forever.
Of course, no warning could have prepared me for the first kiss by the piano, or the second one on the porch, or the third kiss in his car, or the fact that in the span of one night I would lose track of how many times his lips brushed against mine, but I— I don’t know. It’s not that I regretted the years of longing for him and dreaming about him. How could I regret something that made up most of my life?
All I know for certain is that if I could do it all again— if I could go back to the start, knowing how it all would end— I would take back every cruel word I said to him in those two years that I tried to hate him. I did regret all of that time. I still do. I make up for it every day.
Now, I think there is more strength in wearing a broken heart on your sleeve than hiding it behind a crumbling stone mask. Now, I know that no wound heals when left to fester in the dark.
Maybe Heechul knew that too. Maybe that’s why he turned the light on when he walked through my door without knocking. There was something like an apology on the tip of his tongue before his eyes fell on the box.
“What’s that?” He asked, pointing.
Hesitantly, I answered, “Memories,” shielding Sehun’s pictures from Heechul’s eyes that, despite having softened considerably during his walk up the stairs, could have gone icy at any moment at the slightest provocation.
Heechul’s eyebrows shot up in an exaggerated expression of interest. “Oh?” He held out a hand. “Let me see.”
I shook my head. “Believe me: you don’t want to see him.”
I spoke quietly because I feared that we were on the brink of another fight— because I feared that I might have needed Heechul just as much as I needed Donghae— because I knew that I couldn’t have endured being at odds with him too.
More often than not, Heechul was a handful. He could trigger my migraine more quickly than anyone else I knew because he was loud, attention-seeking, and he had little (if any) concern for social decorum. In short, Heechul was annoying, but the very attributes that counted as flaws also counted as virtues. That made Heechul the most unique person I ever met.
Although he never expressly stated so and he was never inclined toward sickeningly sweet gestures, I never wondered whether Heechul loved me. It was evident, unspoken, embedded in my perception of the world.
I— I know that love isn’t supposed to be earned, but I think I have always been cripplingly afraid of losing it. That was probably my biggest flaw: biting my tongue, clenching my fists, packing ‘fruitless’ thoughts into boxes all in a desperate effort to cling to everything in my life that ever resembled love for the briefest second.
Still standing over me, Heechul softened his gaze. Maybe he saw my flaw and pitied me for it. “They’re pictures of that boy, aren’t they? The one you love?” We both reddened at that accurate description of Sehun.
“Yeah,” I whispered, moved by Heechul’s effort to control his temper and treat me like the piece of glass I had always been. “They’re pictures of Sehun.”
Heechul sat at the edge of my bed on the other side of the box and again held his hand out. That time, I trusted him with the photographs, but I watched anxiously as he flipped through them. “If you love him enough to collect all of these photocards, why did you have them packed away in some box?”
“I tried to grow out of him,” I admitted, tracing my thumb over the bracelet’s cotton candy charm.
Heechul’s head tilted as if to ask ‘Why?’ so I continued, “It’s exhausting to be in love with somebody who can’t love you. I thought it would make me strong if I could stop. I thought that if I never saw these things again, I would grow up, but I—”
Looking into the box to find that old My Melody keychain from my tenth birthday smiling at me, I sighed, “I must have been doomed from the start or something.”
“That’s a bleak outlook on love.” Heechul carefully placed the photocards back into the box and surveyed the other objects. “You aren’t doomed because you’re attracted to someone. It may not be easy or pain-free, but you don’t have to be with somebody just because you can’t stop loving him.”
“But I do want to be with him.” Drawing a deep breath, I tried to explain, “I— I know that you’ve only seen us together at our weakest moment, but I swear that Sehun is a good person. He’s the best person because he always tries to do the right thing, and he has always tried to guide me onto the best path even when we were lost in the dark. Most of the time, he’s almost inhumanly calm and patient, but right now he’s a little clumsy with his feelings because he never planned to date, and he probably never expected to love me, and—”
“Lei,” Heechul interrupted, nearly laughing at my lovesick rambling. “You don’t have to convince me that this guy deserves your heart. You’re 21, and you can go out with whoever you want, and collect photocards of whoever you want, and I— why are you looking at me like that?”
I shrugged my heavy shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess I don’t want you to think that I’m a fool for some boy who doesn’t even love me. I guess when I love somebody, I want you to love them too.”
“Oh.” As Heechul scratched at the back of his neck, his eyes flickered away from mine. He cleared his throat. “That’s not going to be easy. I’ll try because I can see the little lights in your eyes when you talk about him, but I remember the tears that were in your eyes when he snatched your crown.”
“Oh,” I muttered, knowing that nothing I could have said would wipe that scene from Heechul’s memory.
Fidgeting, Heechul admitted, “I  know that you’ve always said that you would never date, but I always imagined that you would end up with someone who gives you crowns. I— maybe that doesn’t make sense.”
I picked at a loose thread on my quilt and fought the sudden urge to cry. “It makes sense.”
“And even if I tried to forget, Yesung would never let me.” Heechul rolled his eyes. “His bitching about the punk who stole our princess’s crown totally killed the party.”
Again, I mouthed, “Oh.”
Once he noticed that my eyes were glossy with tears, Heechul huffed, “I can’t handle all of these emotions. You and your mom are killing me tonight!” He fanned himself before declaring, “Fine! Fine, I’ll forgive that boy, but only because I think your mom is probably right about how young people act. She’s always right, damn it!”
“Really?” I couldn’t help but smile. “You’ll forgive Sehun?”
“Yeah,” Heechul grumbled, “but only because I remember this one time that your mom and I had a huge ass fight in public. I did something really, really stupid, so she slapped the shit out of me, and for a second there, I really wanted to slap the pink off of her lips—”
I cracked up at that completely unprecedented phrase, and Heechul cut his eyes at me and crossed his arms. “It’s not funny, Lei! It really hurt, and I had to walk around the drive-in with a handprint on my face!”
“I’m sorry,” I said, grinning as I remembered how Sehun helped me find Mom and Heechul when I got lost at the drive-in, how he let me hold his hand because I was afraid to walk in the dark, how he laughed at the voices I made up when translating the film into Korean.
“Anyway,” Heechul hummed, “the moral of my story is that anyone can do something rash out of character, so I understand. I get it. I’ll let your little boyfriend off the hook this time, but he needs to learn to control himself if he doesn’t want Yesung to kick his ass. Pass that along on your next midnight rendezvous.”
Too happy to point out that Sehun wasn’t technically my boyfriend, I nodded. “Alright, Heechul.”
“And you—” Heechul stood and started toward the door, beckoning me to follow him downstairs to resume the drama— “don’t forget that you deserve the world because I don’t want to have this talk again.”
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13 notes · View notes
Im Nayeon ; queen of confidence.
writer’s note : got inspired to write this by listening to Smallness by Ben Zaidi bc it felt like the kind of song, ya know? Btw, i did not know it was going to be this long bc i would’ve continued it in one post but i actually hit the text-box limit 🤷🏻‍♀️ SO there will definitely be a part 2 bc im a sucker for this fic 🥰
warning : fluffy as fuck
tips : happy music, happy reading wuuhuuu
words : 6,280 words
note : non idol fic, my babies
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Im Nayeon was known to be confident.
In fact, anyone who was close to Nayeon, knew that she exuded more confidence than anyone in school. If anyone were to tell her that she looked pretty that day, she wouldn’t shy away but instead would ask, “Aren’t I pretty every day?”
Of course, those who aren’t close to her, would probably find her behaviour annoying but for those who knew her personally knew that her confidence is what makes her lovable.
Who can attest to that? Well, her 8 best friends of course; the same 8 girls who Nayeon has dubbed as her soulmates.
Understandably, the eight girls have grown used to the fact that Nayeon was confident in herself. It was something that they’ve grown to love and found adorable over time. They just knew that Nayeon was never the kind to shy away or reject compliments.
Which is why they’re absolutely confused on the fact that their best friend is actually being shy... right now.
“Ya unnie, just go and talk to her already,” Jeongyeon pushed, looking at the older girl with a teasing grin as she joked, “It’s been over a week and all you’ve been doing is staring at her.”
“Isn’t it cute, though?” Chaeyoung laughed, looking at the older girl with amusement as she teased, “I never thought I’d live the day to see Nayeon unnie being so smitten.”
As the rest of the girls, except Nayeon, nodded in agreement, Jihyo playfully teased, “You should’ve seen her this morning; the moment she saw the new girl, she completely kept quiet and kept her head down.”
“Unnie, just go and talk to her!” Dahyun encouraged with a grin as she revealed, “I’ve talked to her a few times and she’s very nice!”
Nayeon groaned and sighed as she looked at her best friends dejectedly before whining, “I can’t!”
“Why not??” Jeongyeon questioned amusedly.
“I’m shy!”
“Since when have you been shy??” Jeongyeon exasperated before she quickly teased, “You’re Im Nayeon! You don’t get shy!”
“Maybe a few of us can accompany Nayeon unnie to go talk to her?” Sana suggested cheerfully.
Momo then nodded with a smile as she said, “I’ll go! I wanna see Nayeon unnie shy!”
This caused Nayeon to instantaneously shift her gaze towards Momo with a blatant glare before she growled, “Ya, Hirai Momo! Now is not a good time for funny business!”
“Oh my, Nayeon unnie really is shy!!” Jihyo pointed out while laughing in amusement.
Nayeon could only afford to groan and hide her face in her arms as she mumbled, “What is going on with me?!”
As everyone laughed, Nayeon felt a tap on her shoulder and when she looked up, she was greeted with a grinning Tzuyu who softly teased, “Unnie, that’s what you call having a crush.”
Before anyone could say anything, their class teacher, Kim Taeyeon finally made an entrance as she said, “Good morning, class! Sorry I’m late but are you guys ready for our history project that I’ll be assigning today?”
The whole class groaned as Jeongyeon raised her hands before joking, “Miss, can’t we get a rain check on that project? I have another assignment that I promised to take a date on.”
With the rest of the class laughing at their classmate’s joke, Taeyeon playfully glared at her mischievous student as the older lady raised her eyebrow in disagreement before saying, “Yoo Jeongyeon, you are 2 jokes away from getting a detention.”
“But miss, I am in a committed relationship with ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’-”
“Goodness me Jeongyeon, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet; can’t you give me a break for a minute?”
The whole class laughed at Taeyeon’s statement before the teenager grinned and teased, “You know what Miss, since you’re my favorite teacher, I’ll risk my values for you.”
Taeyeon rolled her eyes playfully before announcing, “Okay, so before I start explaining the guidelines for the project, I should let you know that this is a two-person project.”
The teenagers in the classroom howled in excitement before Dahyun raised her hands and immediately asked, “Miss, can we choose our own partners??”
“Please miss! That way you won’t have to suffer while marking our paper later on!” Jeongyeon added with a playful grin, earning laughters from the whole class.
Taeyeon chuckled in amusement as she shook her head before nodding while saying, “Alright, alright, you guys can choose your own partners.” All of them cheered in excitement once again before Taeyeon intervened and said, “But if I get any paper that’s less than a ‘C’ grade, I’ll give you another assignment as a punishment.”
“Wah miss, isn’t that too much??” Dahyun questioned with frown.
“That’s the deal, kids; you want to choose your own partners? Fine, but I don’t want any papers with a grade that’s less than a ‘C’. Deal?”
As she said that, the entire class grumbled out a ‘yes’ as an agreement before she clapped her hands in satisfaction while saying, “Alrighty then, go on to your partners!”
While the rest of the students were trying to find their partners, Jeongyeon’s eyes had landed on Nayeon, who was shamelessly gazing at the new girl, who was also looking around for a possible partner.
Truthfully, Jeongyeon felt bad for her best friend and the new girl as well as she didn’t really know anyone in the class yet. However, this is Jeongyeon and she helps out in a very, different way.
Making her way to her best friend, she nudged Nayeon while saying, “Unnie, you don’t have a partner, right?”
The older girl then broke her gaze and looked at her best friend before sighing out, “No, do you want to be partners?”
Jeongyeon then grinned before grabbing Nayeon’s wrist and pulling her up while saying, “I’ve got the perfect partner for you.”
Furrowing her brows in confusion, Nayeon followed suit before questioning, “Ya, what are you doing? Who is it??”
With that said, the moment Nayeon realized who exactly was Jeongyeon taking her to, she halted her movements and forcing her best friend to do the same before she hissed quietly, “Yoo Jeongyeon, don’t you dare!”
Jeongyeon acted coy as she innocently said, “What? I’m just helping you find a partner and she doesn’t have one too.”
“Jeongyeon-ah, please don’t do this; I won’t be able to talk to her-“
“Unnie, it’s about time we get the old Im Nayeon back,” Jeongyeon pointed out with a grin before she pulled the older girl once againand led her to the new girl.
At the same time, Y/N felt a bit hopeless when it came to this project. She didn’t really know anyone there and she wasn’t entirely social enough to approach someone.
Looking around, she just sighed and hoped that she can just do the project alone. She figured she’d probably do it better alone anyway.
So, she simply fiddled with her books on the table while waiting for everyone to partner up before she sensed someone standing in front of her.
Instinctively, she looked up and was greeted with two girls, one grinning at her and the other one simply sporting a small but shy smile as the grinning girl spoke up and said, “Hi, do you have a partner yet?”
Y/N quickly stood up and bowed in greeting before she connected her eyes with Jeongyeon and chuckled awkwardly while shaking her head saying, “No, not yet; I don’t really know anyone here yet.”
“Really? Okay, then.” Jeongyeon simply said as she pulled Nayeon to stand in front of Y/N before saying, “This is Nayeon unnie and she doesn’t have a partner as well - you guys can be partners.”
Facing Nayeon, Y/N bowed once again before she said, “Nice to meet you, unnie.”
The older girl giggled quietly as she bowed herself before replying softly, “Nice to meet you too.”
Holding her laughter back as she watched her best friend in amusement, Jeongyeon teased, “Please don’t mind her, she’s usually not this shy- ya!”
Nayeon had kicked her on the ankles as she gave a quick glare before forming another innocent smile on her lips as she simply said, “What were you saying, Jeongyeon-ssi?”
Jeongyeon rolled her eyes before nodding in acknowledgment as she connected her eyes with Y/N once again, who looked rather confused, while asking, “What’s your name? I’m Jeongyeon and you already know this idiot.”
Y/N laughed awkwardly as she replied politely, “My name’s Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you Jeongyeon-ssi.”
The older girl could only afford to giggle and a smile as Jeongyeon looked at her best friend with distaste before she shook her head in disbelief and clapped her hands, gathering both Y/N and Nayeon’s attention.
“Well then, I’ll leave you kids to it!” Jeongyeon said as she grabbed Nayeon by the shoulders and moving her right next to the new girl while saying, “Enjoy your time together!”
Glaring at her best friend with disbelief, Nayeon cursed under her breath, “Yoo Jeongyeon, I’m gonna kill you-“
However, Y/N thought Nayeon was talking to her but she couldn’t quite grasp what she had said so she raised her eyebrows while saying, “Pardon?”
The older girl immediately turned to face Y/N, a shade of red forming on her cheeks as she waved dismissively while shyly laughing, “No, I was just talking to Jeongyeon.”
Y/N nodded awkwardly while softly replying, “Ah, okay; do you want to be partners with her instead-“
“No!” Nayeon exclaimed loud enough for everyone to hear, making them all shift their attention to her as the older girl could hear the teasing laughters of her best friends from the back of the classroom before she awkwardly admitted, “I’d rather partner with you; Jeongyeon’s just chaotic.”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to blush as her lips formed a small smile and said, “I’m okay if you’re okay.”
Before Nayeon could even say anything and possibly have a chance to embarrass herself even more, Taeyeon clapped her hands to get the attention of the class once again.
“Okay ladies and gentlemen, have you found your partners?” Taeyeon asked, earning a loud ‘yes’ from her students before she continued, “Well then, it’s time for me to explain to you what project we’ll be doing.”
The class groaned in disapproval, in exception of Nayeon who turned to Y/N and shyly said, “I should probably let you know that I’m not that good at history.”
Y/N smiled reassuringly as she warmly beamed, “It’s okay, unnie, I’ll help you wherever I can; I am your partner after all.”
The younger girl then turned back to face her teacher as Nayeon silently continued to gaze at her side profile with admiration. Blushing silently to herself, Nayeon held back an excited grin as she forced herself to face forward.
Even though she wasn’t sure what was going to happen with her feelings through out this project, she knew one thing for sure.
History has never been so fun.
“Yoo Jeongyeon and Park Jihyo, stop giggling!”
Nayeon crossed her arms as she pouted at her best friends who were now laughing loudly as the rest of the girls joined.
Jihyo laughed before teasing, “Oh my God, Nayeon unnie’s cheeks are so red!”
“I told you, right?? Nayeon unnie was like a tomato when she stood in front of Y/N!” Jeongyeon revealed, earning a playful shove from the oldest girl.
“Unnie, you should invite her to have lunch with us; she probably doesn’t have any friends yet.” Chaeyoung suggested sincerely.
The rest of them nodded their heads in agreement as Jeongyeon and Jihyo continued to laugh before Dahyun chimed in and said, “Yeah unnie, now that you’re both partners, you can use this to your advantage!”
“Oh, there she is!” Momo pointed out loudly as all of turned their heads towards Y/N, who just entered the cafeteria alone, before Momo continued saying, “Unnie, just go invite her already! You can’t let her eat lunch alone!”
Nayeon actually wanted to but with her heart racing and her palms starting to sweat, she looked at her best friends while whining, “I c-can’t! I don’t know what to say!”
“Unnie, just invite her to our table!” Tzuyu suggested quickly.
“If you’re not doing it, then I will.” Jeongyeon simply said before she stood up and yelled out, “Y/N-ah! Come here and have lunch with us!”
Looking at her best friend with absolute disbelief, Nayeon tugged her hand while harshly whispering, “Yoo Jeongyeon, sit your ass down - now!”
However, Y/N had heard Jeongyeon and smiled as she made her way towards the table. While the 8 girls grinned in excitement, Nayeon on the other hand was a complete mess. She looked at herself and made sure she looked proper and nothing was out of place.
Y/N was certainly glad that she had somebody to eat lunch with, even if it means she gained seven new possible friends. Arriving at the largely gathered table, the new student smiled and bowed in greeting as she said, “Hi there.”
Jeongyeon made her way to stand next to Y/N before wrapping an arm around her shoulder while saying, “Y/N, I’d like you to much the seven other idiots that I call my best friends; this is Jihyo, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.”
The new girl waved and smiled as she greeted, “Nice to meet you all, I’m Y/N.”
The seven girls welcomed Y/N with open arms and immediately began to get to know her. Nayeon actually enjoyed the sight and somehow managed to calm herself down as Y/N sat next to her.
Jeongyeon has clearly made herself comfortable with the new girl, managing to make Y/N talk a lot more and eventually, even made her laugh. Truth be told, Nayeon was slightly jealous on how easy Jeongyeon made it seem.
“Ya! We haven’t grabbed lunch yet!” Sana exclaimed, reminding everyone that this was lunch time after-all.
The moment they all stood up, they went and grabbed their lunch and sat where they originally were before. Understandably, all of the girls were hungry and Nayeon had noticed that she didn’t have a muffin on her tray like everyone else did.
Whining, Nayeon subconsciously pouted while saying, “How did I not get a muffin when you all did??”
Simultaneously, her best friends laughed as Jihyo teased, “Looks like Mrs. Jung doesn’t like you very much.”
“Besides, you won’t die for not having a muffin.” Jeongyeon deadpanned as she continued to eat.
The older girl continued to pout as her best friends continued to laugh before eating their meals again while Y/N felt sorry for Nayeon.
Looking at her own tray, Y/N didn’t really mind not eating a muffin today so she took hers and quietly placed it on Nayeon’s tray, not noticing that all of them witnessed her action.
Nayeon however, was so touched by the action and that initially triggered her to blush again as she felt guilty for having Y/N’s muffin on her tray before she placed it back onto the new girl’s tray.
Y/N raised her eyebrows in confusion as she softly asked, “You don’t want the muffin anymore?”
“Of course I do but you should eat it,” Nayeon said shyly as she continued adding, “I can have it another day.”
Shrugging, the new girl simply sported a small smile before placing the muffin back onto Nayeon’s tray while saying, “It’s okay, unnie, you can have mine. I don’t mind. I’d rather you have the muffin.”
Y/N was oblivious on how her actions had affected the older girl and while she continued to eat, there were eight other girls who were smirking at Nayeon and were rather surprised at the things that new girl had just said.
Nayeon began to dig in into her meal but after what just happened, her heart was racing. Nonetheless, she continued to eat but was highly aware of Y/N’s presence right next to her. Her cheeks were red, she was abnormally quiet and her best friends definitely took notice.
Giggling to themselves, the eight girls simply teased Nayeon silently through facial expressions as the older girl rolled her eyes in response while quietly taking frequent glances to the girl next to her.
The new girl then looked at Nayeon unexpectedly and smiled as she adorably asked, “Good?”
Nayeon finally responded with a wide smile, even when her heart was still racing as she nodded briefly and softly gushed, “Yeah.. thank you, Y/N - for the muffin. I’ll eat it well.”
Y/N nodded with a wide-toothless smile as she chirped, “I’ll eat well if you eat well, unnie.” She then stood up and announced, “Excuse me for a minute, I have to go to the toilet.”
Soon after Y/N had left and was out of the cafeteria, the other girls squealed as a reaction, not really believing their eyes as Dahyun laughed and teased, “Wah, I feel like I’m watching a live romance drama!”
“Does she know she’s saying such sweet things to Nayeon unnie??” Sana questioned with an excited grin as she added, “She said it so easily!”
“I think that’s just who she is,” Mina chimed in with a a grin of her own as she added, “She seems very polite and kind.”
Chaeyoung agreed with her girlfriend’s statement and nodded while pointing out, “She also helped me with my tray just now; I forgot to grab chopsticks but she already placed one on my tray.”
“I like her already - she’s nice,” Momo mumbled with her mouth full before beaming adorably, “She also shares her food; I like people who shares food. That means I get to eat their food without feeling bad.”
Patting her Nayeon’s back with approval, Jeongyeon cooed, “Good job unnie, you finally like someone who’s actually decent.”
“.... And honestly, she’s quite nice to look at - just saying.” Jihyo added shamelessly, earning a glare from Nayeon as the other girls laugh.
Throwing a piece of her vegetable, Jihyo managed to dodge it while laughing as Nayeon warned, “You have Daniel, that’s more than enough.”
“Ooooh, Nayeon unnie is jealous!!!”
As months passed by and seasons changed, winter had arrived and Y/N became closer with the girls and Nayeon was not as shy anymore - though, she does have her moments. However, most of the time, they were comfortable with each other. In fact, Y/N and Nayeon were constantly by each other’s side and the others would tease the both of them.
Albeit Y/N was still oblivious on the effect she has on Nayeon, the rest of them gave the older girl no mercy as they continued to tease her for her blushed cheeks and shy behavior.
Y/N on the other hand, had showed signs of affections towards the older girl but none of them really knew whether she felt the same as Nayeon did. Some days, they’d catch her gazing at Nayeon’s side profile like a love-sick puppy but then other days, they’d catch her being completely indifferent.
To be completely honest, Y/N didn’t know it herself. Yes, she had to admit that she does have a soft spot for the older girl but she doesn’t really know why. The only thing she knew was that out of the nine of them, Y/N looks forward to seeing Nayeon the most.
Right now, the other girls were currently waiting for both Jeongyeon and Y/N’s arrival as it became a tradition for Jeongyeon to pick up the latter since they found out they lived nearby to each other.
Waiting by their lockers, Sana looked at Jihyo and asked, “Where are they? Class starts in 15 minutes.”
Jihyo shrugged and pursued her lips while saying, “I’m not sure, I’ve texted both of them and they haven’t replied me yet,” She revealed before she looked at Nayeon who was playing with her phone, “Ya, are you texting any of them?”
Nayeon looked up, clearly not listening to the prior conversation as she nodded and said, “Yeah, I’m texting Y/N right now.”
“Of course she is- I mean, when has Nayeon unnie never texted Y/N?” Momo teased, earning herself a glare from the older girl.
“For your information, she and Jeongyeon were grabbing breakfast for us before she texted me, to let me know that she was going to arrive right before class starts.”
“And she texted you instead of anyone else?”
“Momo, where are you going with this?”
The Japanese chuckled before nudging Nayeon while teasing, “Just admit the fact that you guys are a ‘thing’ - even better, go to the Winter Prom with her.”
“I am going with her and all of you included! That was our plan anyway!” Nayeon furrowed her brows in disbelief as she questioned, “And what ‘thing’? We are definitely not a ‘thing’. We’re just friends!”
“No unnie, we never said that because I was going to go with Daniel and Chaeyoung was gonna go with Mina,” Jihyo recalled with a smirk on her lips as she added, “Besides, it is a ‘thing’ - I mean, you guys are so glued by the hip, that the only time we get Y/N to ourselves is when you’re not here.”
“That is so not true!” Nayeon defended while crossing her arms defiantly, “She hangs out with Chaeyoung and Mina a lot too! And all of you guys!”
“Yeah but she hangs out with us because you’re probably in a different class,” Chaeyoung pointed out smugly as she added, “The moment you’re there, you guys stick together like magnets.”
Dahyun and Tzuyu then shifted their focus from their phones to the conversation as Dahyun chimed in, “Are we talking about Y/N and Nayeon unnie?”
“Yeah, we’re telling her that she can’t go anywhere without Y/N.” Mina teased quietly with a small smile.
Tzuyu then raised her brows before joining, “Isn’t it true, though? Nayeon unnie gets jealous if Y/N goes somewhere with someone else.”
Nayeon then gasped in disbelief before looking directly at Tzuyu and exclaiming, “When have I done such thing?? Wah, you girls are crazy, I swear.”
“You did! You got jealous when Sana unnie invited Y/N to go shopping together,” Dahyun pointed out with a small grin before she added, “You kept using my phone to call Sana unnie and kept asking her when were they coming back.”
“Oh, that’s right! That’s why Y/N’s phone kept ringing all day long!” Sana added with a teasing grin.
“Unnie, just admit it, you guys can’t stay away from each other.” Jihyo cooed, nudging Nayeon multiple times with a teasing grin.
“Who can’t stay away from each other?”
The seven girls then quickly turned around at the familiar voice as they were greeted by both Jeongyeon and Y/N, who had their arms full of take-outs.
“Who are you guys talking about?” Y/N asked with a small smile as she began to hand out food for everyone, starting with Mina and Chaeyoung first.
Jeongyeon didn’t need to know the answer because after receiving a quick glance from Jihyo, she simply laughed and nodded her head while saying, “Ah, okay, I know who they’re talking about.”
Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion before continuing to hand out food to Dahyun, Tzuyu and Jihyo simultaneously as she asked again, “Who is it?”
As Jeongyeon gave food to Sana and Momo, Dahyun laughed and exclaimed, “We were talking about Nayeon unnie-“
“Kim Dahyun!” Nayeon hissed, earning laughters from everyone besides Y/N, before she looked at the latter and whined, “Y/N-ah, they’re bullying me.”
Jihyo watched her best friend in disbelief as she boldly teased, “Wah, look at this unnie; the moment Y/N’s here, she becomes a big baby.”
Y/N was now standing in front of the whining older girl as she chuckled warmly and gently asked, “Why? What happened?”
“I’m the unnie but they treat me like a baby!” Nayeon whined as she unconsciously grabbed onto Y/N’s arm and clung to her as she added, “They bully me everytime you’re not here!”
“It’s okay, I’m here now.” Y/N reassured gently while patting the top of Nayeon’s head as their friends watched in amusement.
Jeongyeon then playfully jabbed Y/N by the shoulder as she joked, “Y/N, don’t! This is why she’s so spoiled! You baby her too much!”
“It’s not babying, you idiot!” The older girl scolded before she looked at Y/N entirely with puppy eyes and asked, “My food’s with you, right?”
Y/N nodded with a smile as she lifted the take out with her free hand and said, “Yeah, but we’ll have to go to class first; we can eat then.”
“Did you get extra pickles?”
“Mhm and extra mustard too, right?”
“Did you also get extra ketchup packets?”
“Yeah I did, and they’re spicy ketchup too, just like the ones you like.”
As they were entranced in their own little world, eight other girls watched them with amusement as some of them smiled with adoration. It was clear that they both cared about each other than they let on and the fact that they know the smallest things about each other, was cute.
Chaeyoung chuckled in amusement before softly teasing, “Look at them - they’re like an old married couple.”
The rest nodded as Y/N and Nayeon were still talking to each other, not paying attention to the others.
“Who knew it only took one person to trigger that side of Nayeon unnie?” Momo chimed in, her lips forming a small smile.
“Yeah but Y/N babies her too much; she’s too soft for Nayeon unnie.” Jihyo pointed out jokingly.
“Honestly, I think Y/N enjoys being soft for Nayeon unnie considering how she actually is with all of us, so I don’t think it’s stopping anytime soon.” Sana said, making the rest of them nod in agreement.
Jeongyeon however, groaned playfully and whined, “Great, Nayeon unnie is going to be spoiled for the rest of her life then.”
“Ya, we need to go to class - we’re already late.” Mina reminded them, as all of them followed suit.
Quickly getting into class, the girls immediately made a beeline for their designated seats before Taeyeon shook her head towards them and said, “Glad you ladies can finally join us this morning.”
“Of course miss, I would never miss your class.” Jeongyeon joked, earning laughters from the rest of the class.
Taeyeon rolled her eyes and teased back, “Your charms can’t help you now, Yoo Jeongyeon; you’re all 5 minutes late but because I’m in a good mood, I’ll let it slide.”
Squinting her eyes playfully, Jeongyeon joked, “See, I knew I liked you for a reason, miss.”
“Anyways, as I was saying, do you want to know why I’m in a good mood?” Taeyeon asked her students, grinning from ear to ear as she quickly added, “It’s something related to winter and dancing.”
The whole class went silent for a moment until Dahyun energetically raised her hands and said, “It’s the Winter Prom, miss! Winter Prom is in a month!”
“Yes Dahyun, you’re right!” Taeyeon chirped excitedly before she announced, “Which also means that prom love letters will be passed around very soon and who knows, it may be from someone you know.”
The moment the teacher had said that, the 8 girls, excluding Y/N, immediately looked at Nayeon with a smirk as the older girl rolled her eyes and waved her best friends dismissively.
“Anyways, before I move on with today’s topic, does anyone want to join the prom committee-“
“Excuse me, Miss?”
The whole class shifted their attention to the front door as a student from another class bowed in greeting before Taeyeon smiled and questioned, “Oh, Solbin-ah! What can I do for you?”
The girl, Sol-bin, made her way into the class and quietly asked, “I’m sorry to interrupt your class but is it okay if I pass a letter to one of your students?”
The class was rather confused as none of them were really close with Sol-bin in general before Taeyeon grinned teasingly and said, “Is it a prom love letter? I heard your class was the first ones to send them out this week.”
Sol-bin simply smiled and nodded as she replied, “Yes miss, which is why I’ve came here.”
Gushing at the sight of puppy love, Taeyeon simply grinned and nodded as she said, “Go on, give your prom love letter.”
Everyone’s eyes was on Sol-bin, watching her take small steps to the back of the class. Slowly, the sounds of teasing cheers began to increase as Sol-bin began to blush furiously and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.
After what felt like forever, Sol-bin finally stopped in front of a particular student and the moment they looked up, to say they were surprised - was an understatement.
Y/N was confused and surprised to see Sol-bin standing in front of her. Instinctively standing up, the teasing cheers were louder than before as she asked, “Yes?”
Sol-bin blushed at the sound of Y/N’s voice as she handed out the letter in front of her while saying, “I hope you’ll say yes, Y/N-ah.”
The nine girls were surprised, especially Nayeon who was now just throwing death glares at Sol-bin. The other eight girls looked at each other with worry, knowing very well that their Nayeon unnie wasn’t going to take this news very well.
Y/N was flustered but she felt bad for leaving the girl hanging before she gently took the letter from Sol-bin and softly said, “Okay, I’ll let you know soon.”
Sol-bin grinned excitedly, a flushed face still apparent as she nodded and chirped, “Okay, I’ll see you some other day then... and also, you look cute today - everyday actually.”
The class howled at Sol-bin’s statement, before some of them erupted into cheers. Sol-bin was now definitely blushing with a shy smile on her lips and anyone could tell that she was crushing on Y/N.
“... Oh? T-Thanks, Solbin-ah.” Giving the girl a nod along with an awkward small smile, Y/N simply watched Sol-bin run out of the class with her friends greeting her at the front door before their excited squeals were being heard by the whole class.
“Wah, Y/N received a prom love letter!!” A random student howled teasingly, earning playful whistles from the rest of them, except the nine girls who were still taken aback by what just happened.
“And it’s from Ahn Sol-Bin!!” Another student howled out teasingly.
Taeyeon grinned and clapped as she congratulated, “Congratulation, Y/N-ssi, you’re the first to receive a prom love letter in this class.”
Y/N chuckled awkwardly as she nodded before sitting down once again while she scratched the back of her neck. For some reason, she didn’t feel that excited even though she was definitely flattered.
Feeling someone nudging her elbow, Y/N looked to her side and Jeongyeon immediately asked her, “You knew Sol-Bin??” She questioned, earning a nod from her close friend as she added, “How??”
“We have art class together and we’re also partners for our art project but I didn’t know she liked me - I didn’t even do anything.”
“Well, whatever you did, it was enough to make her like you,” Jeongyeon pointed out before exclaiming, “And did you see her face?! It was like someone painted her face with red paint!”
Suddenly, Y/N chuckled in amusement as she shook her head and said, “Unnie, now you’re just talking nonsense.”
“Are you going to say yes to her??”
Y/N sighed and she shrugged before admitting, “I don’t know actually. I’ve never been asked before.”
Jeongyeon grabbed Y/N’s arm and shook it playfully before saying, “Ya, do you know how big of a deal is winter prom here??”
“Not to me, actually. Yeah, it’s flattering but it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Think about it properly, alright? Just - just don’t rush it, Y/N-ah.” She advised sincerely, before she shifted her focus back to the class.
Unconsciously, Y/N turned her head around and looked at Nayeon, who was already looking at her with sad eyes as the older girl forced a smile on her lips.
She gazed at the older girl, finding solace in her gentle but sad eyes. There was something about Nayeon that made Y/N feel things - things that she never really noticed before but when it came to the older girl, Y/N slowly realized.
She noticed how her heart would skip a beat everytime Nayeon smiled at her or acted cute with her. She noticed how she would drive in the middle of the night to Nayeon’s house with food because the older girl wanted seaweed soup when she’s sick. She also noticed that apart from everyone, Nayeon was one of the very few who can turn Y/N’s day upside down because the older girl will not leave her side until Y/N goes back to her cheerful self.
Long story short - Nayeon made her feel things that she wanted to last forever.
But for some reason, the younger couldn’t bring herself to smile back as her heart ached out of the blue. Nayeon, who was trying her best to not be obvious with her emotions, broke the gaze and looked away. This made Y/N turn back around as she sighed silently to herself.
Tapping Jeongyeon by the shoulder and getting her attention, Y/N softly asked, “Unnie, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, what is it?” The blonde-haired girl asked.
Y/N bit her bottom lip as a habit and was really reluctant to talk about this to anyone else but she knew she should talk about it nonetheless.
She wasn’t naive to her current feelings but she didn’t really know what to do with them or how should she handle them. Therefore, she figured that it would be best if she asked Jeongyeon instead.
“Can I ask you what it means if I’m feeling.... certain things?”
Jeongyeon furrowed her brows but nodded anyway as she listened to something that she wasn’t expecting at all.
Two classes later and an immense amount of day dreaming, Nayeon stood at her locker alone as she switched some of her books and sort of lost track of time.
Her feelings of jealousy were still lingering but she tried her absolute best to push them aside as she knew that she was just overthinking the entire situation.
“Aish, what am I doing?” Nayeon muttered to herself as she sighed and shook her head before she slammed her locker shut and made her way to her next class.
Once she arrived to her next class, she was greeted with Y/N waiting for her by the door, alone, as she offered the older girl a small smile. Confused as to why she was there, Nayeon asked, “Why are you here? Don’t you have class with Dahyun and Sana?”
“I wanted to see you.. so I came here before I went for my next class.” The younger girl explained quietly, her tone gentle and her demeanor slightly awkward.
Taken aback by what she said, Nayeon raised her eyebrows in surprise as she stammered out, “W-Why? Why did you wanna meet me?”
Y/N took a deep breath and released a shaky one as she quietly admitted, “I just wanted to let you know that I’m not going to the winter prom with Sol-bin.”
Even though she was relieved by the fact, Nayeon half-heartedly replied, “Why not? You’ll have fun with her-“
“Because I want to go with you.”
Nayeon’s breath hitched as Y/N looked directly into her eyes, nothing but warmth inside the younger girl’s gaze before she whispered, “Y-Y/N..”
“I didn’t realize it before this but after Sol-bin gave me that prom love letter... all I’ve been thinking is that I’d rather go with you.” Y/N admitted softly as she added, “Then I couldn’t stop thinking how pretty you’d look that night.”
Nayeon couldn’t help but tear up at the sudden confession as she unconsciously took a step closer to the younger girl and softly joked, “.... Aren’t I pretty everyday?”
That made Y/N laugh with adoration as she nodded and said, “Yes unnie, you’re pretty everyday.”
To say she was happy - was an understatement of the century as she squealed in happiness before hugging Y/N immediately while cutely mumbling, “Y/N-ah..”
“Yes, unnie?”
With her arms wrapped around Y/N’s waist, Nayeon looked up at the younger girl and muttered, “I like you,” She confessed, the younger’s smile beginning to grow as she continued, “I really like you - like, more than a friend.”
“I know,” Y/N revealed, her cheeks red as her eye smile began to appear before admitting, “Jeongyeon unnie told me just now.”
“Eh?!” The older girl exclaimed as she pulled away slightly and growled, “Wah, Yoo Jeongyeon is so dead.”
Y/N laughed as she pulled Nayeon back in for a hug while saying, “Don’t worry; she only told me because I said I like you too.”
Nayeon giggled as she laid her head on Y/N’s chest and hummed before mumbling, “If you’re pulling a prank right now, I swear to God Y/N, I will never forgive you.”
As Y/N laughed and swayed slightly with Nayeon in her arms, they failed to realize that there were eight pairs of eyes watching them in complete shock.
“Is... Is that Nayeon unnie and Y/N?” Dahyun asked in disbelief as her eyes were wide open.
“Are they hugging?!” Sana exclaimed as she quickly added, “What’s going on??”
“They’re not going to kiss, are they? Because I’m still a child.” Tzuyu joked with a straight face as she ignited laughter within the group.
Jihyo and Jeongyeon glanced at each other with wide smiles as the latter announced, “Girls, looks like our queen of confidence has finally confessed her love.”
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starry-eyed-svt · 4 years
I’ve Been Better ~ Baekhyun Apocalypse!AU
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Genre: Apocalypse AU
Requested: Yes
Anonymous said: hi! Baekhyun apocalypse au where reader gets hurt and he gets rlly worried? ty!
Words: 1,196
~I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting!!~
Up until this point in time you lived a pretty average life. You were in utter shock and disbelief when the apocalypse began. It was made up in movies, television,and stories.
Yet here you were in a small cabin hidden away from society with a bunch of people you never thought you'd be standing side by side fighting for your lives with.
"Y/N, are you listening?" A voice snapped. It was the leader, Baekhyun. You had actually known him before all of this, he was your neighbor you knew each other in passing.
"Sorry, yes I am." You said and refocused on what he was saying.
More zombies had been coming around so the group was getting ready to move along to a new one.
"I have a Cabin further up the mountain." Kyungsoo said.
"That will work, we can leave tomorrow early in the morning." Baekhyun said.
"Do we have enough gas for the vehicles?" Taeyeon asked.
"Last time I checked we didn't." Chanyeol said.
"Why don't you and Y/N go scavenge for some." Baekhyun suggested. You looked up and nodded.
You grabbed your weapon and jacket following Chanyeol out of the cabin. The night was dark and sullen.
“If this hadn't happened, what would you be doing right now?” Chanyeol asked.
You thought for a second before answering.
“Honestly, I have no idea. Sometimes I forget there was life before this.” You answered.
“That is fair.” He responded, “I think I would be debuting as a Kpop idol.” He grinned.
That got you to chuckle.
“Maybe in the next life you can do that.” You teased.
The two of you maintained some idle chit chat before finding an abandoned vehicle.
“Ready to siphon it?” You asked.
“I hate this job.” He said with his nose crinkled.
“I can do it.” You said.
You took the rubber tube from him and opened the gas cap. You began sucking on it until the liquid began coming through the tube, then you put the end of the tube into the gas can.
The two of you waited until it stopped coming out before finding the next car.
You were in the middle of trying to get the gas out of the second car when someone began yelling at you.
You turned around just to be met with a shot to your thigh.
You couldn’t help but let out a scream as you fell to the ground holding onto your leg.
“Are you stupid!” Chanyeol yelled at the guy you’re going to attract the zombies!” He shouted, not helping the matter.
“Chanyeol shut up!” You said through gritted teeth.
“Consider yourselves lucky you damn thieves and get out of here.” The crotchety man growled. As he disappeared you saw the zombies slowly approaching. It was a small pack of them, but it was enough. Now you were immobile.
“Chanyeol we gotta get outta here.” You said.
Chanyeol’s eyes widened. He took out the pack that was coming up by shooting them all in the head.
“That’s just gonna attract more!” You said.
“But at least we have a head start now.” He said, he kneeled down and used his jacket as a tourniquet to try and stop the bleeding. He helped you onto his back, grabbed the gas and ran as fast as he could.
You hated this, you hated the zombies, you hated that this was what life came to.
“We’re almost there.” Chanyeol said.
When Chanyeol rounded the corner, you noticed Baekhyun on the porch. He immediately noticed the two of you and rushed towards you.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, worry was evident on his face. You hadn’t really seen this emotion on his face before.
“Can you carry Y/N in?” Chanyeol asked out of breath.
“Of course.” Baekhyun said and they transferred you from Chanyeol’s back to Bakehyun’s.
He got you into the cabin and into a room on a bed. He got the doctor that was a part of the group who began assessing the wound.
“Baekhyun, in the cabinet there is some whiskey, grab that and a cloth.” The doctor said.
“Yes, sir.” He said he came back with the items asked for. The doctor grabbed the whiskey and handed it to you.
“You’re gonna want to take a swig or two of that.” He said. You nodded and did so.
“Put this in your mouth to bite down on, Baekhyun will you hold her hand?” The doctor asked and he nodded.
You placed the thick cloth into your mouth and Baekhyun grabbed your hand.
“I need to fish out the bullet alright? You’re lucky it seemed to have missed the bone, once it is out I will stitch it up and then you will have to take it easy, or I guess as easy as you can for the next couple weeks.” He said. You nodded. He looked at you one last time and you gave him a nod of approval.
The doctor made an incision to make the wound a little bigger so he could use some disinfected tweezers  to pull the bullet out. You clench your jaw as tears enter your eyes. You grasped Baekhyun’s hand squeezing it until you were certain both of your hands would end up blue. You couldn’t help but whimper at the pain.
“Focus on my voice.” Baekhyun said softly, “Everything is going to be okay. You were brave tonight, as you are every day.” He said, he continued to say kind things quietly until the doctor announced that he was done. He let you take a few more swigs of the hard liquor before leaving the room.
You were surprised when you realized Baekhyun was still there, and still holding your hand.
“Sorry.” You mumbled and retracted your hand.
“Don’t be.” He said and crouched down, “Are you okay?” He asked, searching your face.
“I’ve been better.” You chuckled.
“What happened?” He asked.
You relayed the happenings of the evening.
“I shouldn’t have sent you out, I am sorry.” He said.
“No matter who you would have sent this probably would have happened. I will be okay.” You said, “Don’t worry about me.” You smiled softly.
“Don’t worry about you?” He scoffed. You furrowed his eyebrow at him.
“You are clever and needed here. You don’t realize it but you make me smile, a lot. More than anything has in a really long time. I like you a lot. And I kept telling myself to stop, this is no time to start liking someone. But I couldn’t help it, Y/N. I like you, I worry about you. So please don’t get injured again.” He said.
You grabbed his hand once more.
“I like you too. I can’t make you any promises about not getting hurt, this is a perilous time we live in. I will do my best to stay alive and stay by your side. Do you promise the same?”
“Yes.” He said and kissed your head.
The two of you talked until you fell asleep. Baekhyun promised himself that evening that he would do whatever it took for the two of you to survive the apocalypse together.
Gif Credit to owners!
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Jiyong-oppa was telling her about the struggles he was having with his recent projects when his gaze happened to flit out the window next to the table. His brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed, fixating on something, before a dark scowl settled over his face. 
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong + Son Taeyeon, Park Jungsoo/Son Taeyeon (past)
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Warnings: Subtle references to depression
oppa: a term used by a female to refer to a male, older than her, that she is close to
sunbaenim: a term used by a junior to refer to a senior in the industry
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Jiyong-oppa had a playful smile on as he noticed Taeyeon’s presence, standing near the café table. She rolled her eyes, her lips curling upward too, and opened her arms to accept the tight hug he pulled her into. There was almost nothing that was more familiar, she noted, as she patted his back.
“I haven’t seen you in ages,” he commented as they seated themselves across from each other. Taeyeon nodded. “I know. Work’s been crazy.” From occasional variety shows to her preparations for Pandora’s comeback to the exponential popularity surge of D’apchier in Japan… it was hectic, to say the least, and she was sure Jiyong-oppa could relate. Sometimes she wondered if they were both doomed to a life of exhaustion.
“Hey, Jiyong. Hey, Taeyeon.” Minsoo-oppa, a friend of Jiyong-oppa’s who owned the café, flashed them a grin. His straight black hair had grown out since Taeyeon last saw him, the lowest strands almost reaching his shoulders. She waved, wiggling her fingers, and Jiyong-oppa returned the grin, brief but sincere. He ordered his apparent usual, while Taeyeon declined having anything. As Minsoo-oppa walked away with the order, Jiyong-oppa gave her a concerned look. “You sure you don’t want anything?” he asked. “Knowing you, you’ve been pushing yourself. Minsoo’s café is really good.”
“I’m really fine,” Taeyeon assured him. “How are the songs coming along?” He was working on the tracks for Bigbang’s latest album.
Jiyong-oppa shrugged. “Not the best, not the worst. Productivity could be better, but I’m making pretty good progress on some days.”
“Sounds typical.” She knew the process of creating songs inside and out, up and down. While she loved it, it could be exhausting and draining. Jiyong-oppa nodded.
“You? D’apchier’s doing really well these days,” he noted. “I heard it’s popularity soared in Japan.” He smiled playfully, “You must be proud, Miss CEO.”
Rolling her eyes, Taeyeon couldn’t help the small smile that spread across her face at his jocundity. Jiyong-oppa was one of her oldest, closest, dearest friends, and she’d missed him. Being with him always helped her unwind, made her feel like she could totally and thoroughly and genuinely be herself, and she was grateful, again, that they had remained such good friends even after breaking up all those years ago. “I’ve already corrected you multiple times on calling me that.”
His only response was the widening of his lively smile. Snorting, Taeyeon fought the urge to reach over and flick him on the forehead.
“Anyway, I’ve gotten a lot done with regards to designing,” she said, answering his question. “But not much done for Pandora’s comeback.” Normally she would keep the note of frustration out of her voice, but with Jiyong-oppa there was no need. He knew fully, perfectly well where she was coming from.
“Just don’t push yourself too much,” he replied – not telling her to stop or take a break like most people would have done, as she’d expected. Jiyong-oppa understood more than enough about her workaholic tendencies; he knew saying those things wouldn’t help or encourage her much. Probably because he was the same way.
“I’ll try not to,” Taeyeon assured him as a waiter came over with Jiyong-oppa’s order. It was a roast beef and provolone panini, looking delicious and making her regret, just a little, that she hadn’t ordered anything. She wasn’t hungry per se, but it did seem appetizing. Good thing it’s real food instead of something sugary, she thought. Jiyong-oppa was a lot like her in that he neglected to take proper care of himself during a working phase. It was assuring to see that he was eating substantially, at least.
Noticing her eyeing his food, Jiyong-oppa offered her some, which Taeyeon sheepishly accepted. He cut the panini in half and they shared it, talking to each other and catching up on everything they’d missed when they were both occupied with business.
Jiyong-oppa was telling her about the struggles he was having with his recent projects when his gaze happened to flit out the window next to the table. His brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed, fixating on something, before a dark scowl settled over his face. He got up from his chair and left the café in the flurry, leaving Taeyeon staring after him, bewildered. Glancing out the window where Jiyong-oppa had been looking, she saw with a sudden, horrified shock that it was Jungsoo-oppa. He was walking into a nearby restaurant with a woman, and it was obvious that the two of them were on a date.
Taeyeon blinked a few times at the sight, surprised at how hard it was to adjust to seeing her ex with someone else. By the time she had recovered from her stupor, Jiyong-oppa was almost upon the pair. He stopped a short distance away and said something to Jungsoo-oppa, who looked completely caught off-guard. (Although the poor woman with him appeared even more flabbergasted.) Jiyong-oppa said something else, motioning angrily with his hands while Jungsoo-oppa made a placating gesture. It seemed to stop Jiyong-oppa long enough so that the other man could talk; although Taeyeon naturally couldn’t hear anything, it only took a few functioning brain cells to understand that he was explaining about their breakup.
Jiyong-oppa grew still, thankfully seeming to have calmed down, and said something else. Jungsoo-oppa nodded. Jiyong-oppa spoke again, short and businesslike, and turned away from the pair, walking back towards the café. Jungsoo-oppa turned to his date, looking apologetic. Taeyeon grimaced, embarrassed – and apologetic herself. She should have told Jiyong-oppa that she had broken up with Jungsoo-oppa sooner, if only to prevent this kind of misunderstanding.
Jiyong-oppa reentered the café and came back to their table, slightly out of breath from his furious rush outside. “You and sunbaenim broke up?”
Taeyeon nodded sheepishly as Jiyong-oppa took a seat in his chair again. He fixed her with a faintly accusing stare. “How long ago?”
She had to think about that. “Three… three months.” Had it really only been three months since they split? It felt like an eternity, and their relationship seemed to be between Jungsoo-oppa and a slightly younger Taeyeon. She felt different from how she’d felt back then. More tired. A little bit more jaded. She’d had such strong feelings for Jungsoo-oppa; it had felt like they would help her get through anything that came between them. As it turned out, they were actually completely useless in stopping her decision to break up with him. In recent months, they had also, at least, revealed themselves to be completely useless in causing any sort of regret that she’d ended things between them. That was a blessing, at least, because if she’d chosen to break up with Jungsoo-oppa and then turned around and regretted it, she’d feel absolutely sorry to him.
At least he finally seemed to be moving on. His morose state since they split had been gnawing at her mind for the entire three months, not helped by their exchange in the street food tent some time ago, but it looked like he was coming out of it. She hoped things worked out between him and the woman he was with.
Jiyong-oppa’s eyebrows rose, eyes widening in surprise. “Three months? Why didn’t you tell me?” To Taeyeon’s surprise, he sounded legitimately, if faintly, upset. She hadn’t realized that he would care that she hadn’t told him about her breakup with Jungsoo-oppa.
“I didn’t think you’d be interested,” she told him honestly. Because why would anyone be interested in her love life when they had their own concerns to work out?
Jiyong-oppa looked hurt, although it was just a flash in his gaze, not something that he intentionally let her see. “Don’t think that. I’m always going to look out for you.” The tenderness in his eyes caught Taeyeon off guard, because he wasn’t usually a person to get into emotional matters through talking. That wasn’t to say he wasn’t an emotional person, because he was, but words had never been an outlet he used for it. For a moment, she couldn’t reply.
Jiyong-oppa sighed, seeing her surprise. “I’m sorry. You’re right, there’s no reason you would think I want to hear about that. Just let me know next time, okay? I was about to start shouting at Leeteuk-sunbaenim; I thought he was two-timing on you.”
The thought of what could have happened if that particular misunderstanding had gone much further made Taeyeon shudder. Like her, Jiyong-oppa was a calm person by nature, and was generally very good at keeping his cool. He rarely raised his voice – but when he did, it meant he was genuinely angry, and when he got to that point he didn’t stop until he’d given the other person a good piece of his mind. Worse, he and Jungsoo-oppa weren’t too familiar with each other, which would mean a very awkward situation for everyone involved, to say the least.
The unpleasantness of the hypothetical must have shown on her face, because Jiyong-oppa snorted. “Yeah,” he said, “that wouldn’t have been good.”
“No kidding.” Taeyeon laughed a little, the realization hitting her full across the face that Jiyong-oppa had just gone charging out there, ready to throw hands at her ex – their senior in the industry – because he thought he was cheating on her. “Well, thank you for risking your reputation for my honor like that.”
“Your honor’s well worth it.” Jiyong-oppa laughed too. Now that the initial confusion had been resolved he seemed a little bit concerned, eyeing her with unconcealed worry. “Are you… okay?”
The question was cautious, like he was afraid she would take offense if he pushed too far. He didn’t need to have troubled himself, though, because Taeyeon wasn’t angry. He hadn’t crossed any lines that needed, in her mind, to be kept. And honestly, she was grateful that he was asking if she was alright. It reminded her that he had her back just as he had for the past eleven years.  
“I’m not sure,” she admitted. “It was me that broke up with him first, and it… it’s still hard for me to think about. Not because I regret it, but…”
“You wish it could have worked out.” Jiyong-oppa finished. Taeyeon nodded. Back in the earlier days of their friendship it had always been a little freaky how Jiyong-oppa could connect to what she was saying so easily, even when she didn’t actually say it. By now, though, she was used to it. Honestly, Taeyeon had never really believed in soulmates, and she knew that Jiyong-oppa hadn’t either – but if they existed, he was most definitely hers. That was why she openly called him “my soulmate”, after all; and she was confident that she was his. They’d only admitted it to each other once – when they’d half-jokingly agreed on calling each other by the name, deciding that it fit, but they had quickly come to realize that it wasn’t a joke, not even halfway.
They were both celebrities. Both leaders of two groups under YG, despite not being the oldest members. Both noted for their in-depth, heavy involvement in the production of their discography, something fairly uncommon in the industry. Both with considerable success as solo artists. Both judged, positively or negatively, for their “avant-garde” styles, be it with regards to lyrics or fashion or composition or performances. Both praised to have massive, larger-than-life charisma on stage, but both also surprising others with how contrastingly calm they were in their day-to-day life. Both credited with being highly influential in spreading kpop and Hallyu across the world. Both debuting in 2006, and finding themselves here, eight years later, impossibly grateful at the achievements they’d managed to make with the help of others – and impossibly sick and tired of the deification.
Jiyong-oppa, like her, was sick and tired of being seen as some star, some untouchable deity. At first, Taeyeon admitted, to their young minds it had felt like being on cloud nine. The idea that she was famous had been amazing. It still was amazing, but that amazement was soiled, wrinkled, smudged over by gritty, bitter exhaustion. The treatment as if she was somehow different from other people, the outside reminders that she couldn’t possibly have anything to feel less than thrilled about since she was a successful celebrity, since she was the leader of Pandora, since she was Son Taeyeon, they were suffocating. When she was younger Taeyeon had dismissed her misgivings; after all, she had thought, how could she find anything to complain about? But now… it was difficult to manage, difficult to just turn a blind eye to. She was tired. She wasn’t sure if people were supposed to feel this exhausted at age twenty-three.
And the thing about Jiyong-oppa was that he comprehended all that so perfectly. He knew how all of it felt. There was no one else whom Taeyeon could say understood it all so much in its entirety as much as Jiyong-oppa did. He understood what she meant when she talked to him about wanting to constantly throw herself into work, feeling anxious and tense when she wasn’t working, and yet getting stressed when she was. He knew how it felt to be stuck somewhere in that limbo where you didn’t want to eat, didn’t want to sleep, didn’t want to read, didn’t want to walk, didn’t want to write, didn’t want to cry, didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to breathe, didn’t want to do much of anything that had to do with existing. He had experienced that sense of isolation, alienation, when you walked down the street and you couldn’t help seeing everyone as completely separate from you.
From some point, he seemed to be a slightly distorted reflection of her, unlike her in a select few ways but so much like her in so many others. That was why, if souls had other halves, the other half of hers was his, and the other half of his was hers. Nothing could change that. It didn’t matter if they made other friends, it didn’t matter if either of them dated, it didn’t matter if either of them got married – this was something that went beyond friendship or romantic relationships.
There weren’t many people Taeyeon couldn’t live without. Taeyong, her brother. Her members – Soojin, Minhee-eonni, Yuna, Sunbin. And… Jiyong-oppa. If it weren’t for his presence next to her, understanding her and therefore being an unspeakably vital comfort and strength, many things would have been much harder to bear. It was the same for him regarding her, she knew – he didn’t need to say it, just as she didn’t need to tell him, because they knew.
“I don’t know what happened,” Jiyong-oppa said, “but I’m here.” For you. I’m here for you. I’ll always look out for you. He didn’t need her to verbalize how grateful, how much better, it made her feel when he told her or communicated to her things like that, just by being by her side – he was already aware.
Reaching over the table, Taeyeon placed her hand over his, lying flat on the hard wood surface. His skin was warm. Their eyes met.
Jiyong-oppa flipped his hand so it was his that was on top of hers. He might not have very big hands, but they were still significantly larger than hers, enveloping her whole palm and the entire length of her fingers. Lightly, so lightly that she almost thought she was imagining it, he squeezed.
“No problem.”
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jaehyun-eclipsed · 4 years
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Before I Met You | Five
Updates: Sundays, 8 PM EST
Pairing: NCT (Jaehyun, Lucas…) X Reader/OC
Genre: Romance, Angst, Coming of Age
Summary: Four. There were four people before I fell in love with you… Here are their stories.
Before I Met You Masterlist
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Seulgi, Soo Young, Lucas, Yang Yang, and I are all crowded around Seulgi’s open trunk after school. I lean against the side of the car, listening to them discuss a music artist I had never heard of. I wasn’t sure how to participate in the conversation and remained quiet, eyes wandering to each person as they spoke. My gaze stops on Lucas when I realize his body is pointed in my direction. He’s wearing his reflective sunglasses; they prevent me from seeing where he’s actually looking. I shamelessly stare at him for several more moments, trying to determine what he is paying attention to before he suddenly starts speaking to me.
“So did you get any scholarships from UCLA?” he asks.
“Hm? Oh, I’m not going there.”
“You’re not?”
I shake my head and don’t say anything further. The rest of the group ceases their previous conversation and the surroundings became eerily quiet. After a moment, he raises his eyebrows, realization hitting him.
“You got into Berkeley?”
“Wow!” Seulgi interjects. “I really admire you, Y/N.”
I give her a small smile, internally questioning the authenticity of her statement. Though, I quickly push the thoughts to the side, opting to take them at surface level and nothing more.
“That’s great, Y/N!” Lucas says with a warm smile.
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I was happy; Stanford is where I was aiming to go, but if not Stanford (which was extremely unlikely any way you put it), then Berkeley would have been fantastic. In essence, Berkeley was my first choice.
The Friday night before Spring Break, Taeyeon and I were communicating via text, incessantly refreshing the page for application decisions, only to be met with loading errors. We had both been accepted to UCLA and considered the idea of being roommates in college. My first choice was Berkeley because it was closer to home and if Taeyeon got in, at least I would know one person who went there. I liked her and since we didn’t know each other that well, this would be a good time to become better friends.
I was browsing various social media platforms, looking for any sign that other people had received their admission decisions. To my amusement, I was met with a wall of comments saying essentially the same thing: I know I’m not going to get in so can you just give me my rejection letter now?
Since refreshing the page only increased my anxiety, I decided to take a shower, figuring that the decisions would be released while I occupied my time with something else. Upon finishing, my phone had exploded with messages.
Hana [6:18 PM] I didn’t get into Berkeley
Taeyeon [6:22 PM] I GOT IN!!!!
Hana [6:45 PM] Y/N, are you okay??
Me to Hana [6:54 PM] Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be okay?
Hana [6:56 PM] You didn’t reply so I thought you didn’t get in and were really sad
Me to Hana [6:58 PM] Oh I actually haven’t checked! Let me check right now!
I ran out of the bathroom and logged onto the admissions page. Within five seconds, I let out a yelp of triumph.
Congratulations! I am delighted to offer you admission to the University of California, Berkeley for the fall 2015 semester!
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Every time I looked at Lucas, I was incredibly confused and, quite frankly, somewhat disappointed. He was spending all of this time with me, but wouldn’t do or say anything. Each moment we were together felt like there was something unspoken between the two of us. There technically was, as the night of Winter Ball remained an untouched topic – like a secret we both tucked away that was only meant for us. We both knew it happened, but didn’t explicitly know how the other felt about it; it was the purgatory of knowing you liked each other, but both being too afraid to openly say anything.
Truthfully, it was a hopeless endeavor that would likely turn out to be fruitless. We only had another month together before graduation. Yes, we had the summer too. But then what? What’s the likelihood that anything would have lasted past that? I was moving to another state for the next four years. I suppose I could have a summer fling before then – that wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
Why did I even like him so much? He was attractive and… well, that’s basically it. He was nice to me, but nice only gets you so far. Obviously, he had demonstrated himself to be irresponsible. Yeah, we had similar music tastes and he would share his fries with me whenever I asked. But what did I even know about him? His name is Lucas and he’s half Chinese, half Thai. He likes video games, going to the gym, and eating food. He hopes to become a doctor, but doesn’t currently have the work ethic to get there. All of the things I can list are generic – things you can slap on an ‘About Me’ page and no one would question them because they can easily apply to anyone. While that was a good start and I could definitely ask questions about those things, would I be able to talk to him? Really, really talk to him. Ask him about his dreams, his hopes, his insecurities and secrets he hasn’t told anyone, including Seulgi. Do we have the same amount of ambition? If I thought about it, I wasn’t so sure.
“Do you think we want to go the little pond to take pictures before going to prom?” Hana asks me after school.
Prom is two days; it’s the last moment of celebration before we start three straight weeks of testing for senior year exams.
“Yeah, we can do that. I –”
“Come here, Y/N.”
I turn my head suddenly, my feet instinctively taking me to the boy who called over to me from his car, my thoughts with Hana left unfinished. I lean down to rest my arms on Lucas’s open window and Hana follows, standing just next to me. Sicheng is sitting in the passenger’s seat of Lucas’s car; both of them smile at me.
He presses a button on his stereo. “Listen!”
Loser 외톨이 센 척하는 겁쟁이
I smile, immediately recognizing the lyrics to the latest BIGBANG release I had texted to Lucas.
“Taeyang is so good in this song, but G-Dragon is my bias,” he says.
Since when is G-Dragon your bias? I told you he was my bias last week right after you told me Taeyang was yours.
I raise an eyebrow for a split second before slowly nodding in agreement, murmuring a quick, “Mine too!”
We remain silent for a moment, enjoying the song until he asks me a question that pulls me back into the state of confusion that I’m always in whenever I’m around him.
“Who are you going with to prom?”
Why the hell do you even care who I go with?
“Um, just with some friends.”
Why do we have to be so specific? I’m sure you can guess who. You know who I’m friends with.
“Uh, Hana, Doyoung, Taeyeon, and Seungwan.”
Sicheng nods slightly, but Lucas doesn’t say a thing. He keeps his gaze focused on his steering wheel, moving his lips ever so slightly as if he’s contemplating something.
“So, yeah…” I say, breaking the unbearable silence.
“Sounds fun, Y/N,” says Sicheng.
“All right, well, I gotta take Sicheng to get his haircut. So I’ll see you later,” Lucas says suddenly.
“See ya.”
Hana and I step away from his car and watch them drive off.
“Why does he act like that around you?” asks Hana.
I furrow my brow. “Like what?”
“Like… he wants to say something, but doesn’t. There’s a weird tension between the two of you.”
“So you noticed it too.” I sigh. “I wish I knew.”
I remember reading something once. It was along the lines of, “If someone likes you, you’ll know. And if you’re left confused all the time, then you’ll know what that means too.” I didn’t want to believe it. But as time went on, the rational part of me told me that what I read may have been right. Get out. He’s an idiot. You deserve so much more. You deserve someone who isn’t going to continue falling for this dumb girl clinging onto him, manipulating him, pulling him back in every time he wants to stray away.
But what’s the harm in this? It’s not like I saw myself marrying him. I just wanted to go out with him for a while, go on dates for the first time, experience my first kiss – all rites of passage that I would remember many years later, but would remain just that. As memories.
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Prom. The moment of your high school career. We go to school for four years for it to culminate with this dance that’s depicted in the movies as “the night of all nights.” I remember when I was twelve and watched these movies that created my perfect ideal for what high school would look like. I thought I’d get a boyfriend and have my first kiss at sixteen, fall in love for the first time, go to prom and take those nice photos that couples do with some picturesque water scene in the background. And guess what? None of that happened! Still haven’t dated anybody, still haven’t kissed anybody, still haven’t fallen in love, and definitely did not have a date to take photos with in front of the picturesque water scene.
Now that I think about it, that’s a bit unrealistic. But I was twelve. I can dream.     
Tonight’s goal, I had decided, was to have fun. And maybe have another dance with Lucas. Dinner was at an American restaurant that was kind enough to give us free ice cream to “help us celebrate whatever we were celebrating.” This was followed by pictures in front of small pond near our school.
I guess I take that back; I at least get to have pictures taken with a picturesque water scene in the background.
As expected, Doyoung and Taeyeon agreed to go together as a “couple.” The rest of the girls in our group were going stag. Seungwan brought along her friend, Jieun. So in our photos, it was Doyoung surrounded by five girls. He joked that he looked like a pimp.
“Hey, Y/N?” Seungwan walks up to me while the other four are trying to take pictures with some of the geese near the pond. She creases her forehead and purses her lips. “Does Doyoung like Taeyeon?”
I look up from my phone and raise an eyebrow, feigning curiosity. “Um, I don’t know. I know they’re good friends… but I don’t know about anything else.”
“Oh… He doesn’t tell you who he likes?”
“No,” I say. “Other than he has unusual taste in women.”
Considering they’re not women at all.
“You want to take a picture together?” I ask, attempting to take her mind off of something that, unfortunately, could never be. She just didn’t know.
“Hey! Y/N! Seungwan! Let’s get going! The doors open in ten minutes!” Doyoung calls.
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Okay, why the hell do you keep following us?
Goeun, another student in our class, ran into us at the entrance. She was quiet and rarely spoke in class. Unfortunately, when she did speak, she had a habit of being arrogant – making a point to talk about how far she was on our lengthier assignments. To her disappointment, everyone would stop paying attention before she could finish her sentence. I felt bad for her sometimes, so I tried to listen and at least make a comment. But if I had to be honest, it’s difficult to carry on a conversation with her. After she realized that everyone else had stopped paying attention, she would turn around and remain silent. Perhaps the blow from the lack of attention from everyone else couldn’t be overridden by one person giving a half-assed attempt. I wouldn’t blame her.
However, since we’ve arrived, she hasn’t stopped following us and she keeps trying to stand next to me. I’m not particularly fond of being followed without my permission, as a general rule, but she’s also wearing nearly the same dress as I am. The upper bodice has a different cut, but the rest of it is the same – same color, same style. This is really shallow, but I don’t know why you would intentionally try to stand next to someone who was wearing the same thing. No one likes having the same dress as anybody else – that’s why there’s a dress registry at the store. Wasn’t that part of the song in High School Musical 3?
“Why does Goeun keep following us?” Hana whispers to me.
I shrug. “I don’t know. I don’t think she actually greeted us either. She just latched on and I didn’t realize she was following us until we walked into the foyer outside the gym to get drinks.”
“Oh, I thought she was friends with you…”
“No, she’s in my Korean class and I’ve said a handful of things to her, but that’s it.”
“It’s kind of annoying.”
“I know…”
“Hey, who’s that?”
I follow her line of sight to see Lucas walking in with his group, a girl in purple latched onto his arm. Yuna.
“Is that his date?” she asks.
“I guess so.”
“I’m still mad that he didn’t ask you.”
“Hey!” Doyoung calls, walking back to us from the drink stand. “Let’s go back inside!”
Hana and I follow Doyoung into the gym. I look over to the back table where Lucas and his friends are and internally chastise myself for the thought.
“Want to go say ‘hi’?” I ask Hana.
What are you thinking?
Oh that’s right. You’re not.
“Hey, Y/N,” says Kibum.
I smile. “Hey.”
“Uh, you look nice.”
“Thanks! You too!”
We stand there, an awkward silence between us as we exchange uncomfortable smiles. I flip around to end the anguish and am met with Lucas’s back.
Should I tap him on the shoulder…?
Fortunately, my thoughts are interrupted when Lucas turns around.
“Y/N!” He extends his arms out and I walk over and wrap my arms around him.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“Hey! Good to see you,” I say, taking a step back to look at him.
He smiles and I see his eyes looking up and down my figure. “You look really nice.”
My face grows warm. “Thank you!”
Ugh! You still react this way around him!
“Y/N!!” Seulgi calls, throwing her arms around me. I stumble backwards.
“Oh!” I return her hug, feeling dazed. “Seulgi!”
She puts her hands on my shoulders, pulling back to look at me. “You look amazing, Y/N!”
Kind of her to say, but I wonder if she did that on purpose.
“Thanks! I like your dress!”
“Aww!” she coos. “Thanks!”
She pulls away from me and walks over to someone else. Hana comes over to me and we’re left standing by ourselves.
“He looked really happy to see you.”
I sigh. “This is confusing.”
For the next hour, Doyoung, Taeyeon, Hana, Seungwan, Jieun, and I try dancing to the awful playlist the Prom Committee had procured. One of us would lament every other song just how terrible all the songs were. But even with this distraction, my stupid eyes would wander, watching Lucas and Yuna dance together. They look like they they’re having fun. I can’t help but feel a bit envious.
She’s so lucky. She gets to hold his hand. She gets to dance with him.
But then, when our principal stops the dance to crown the King and Queen, it’s complete déjà vu. Only this time, I’m not alone in my observation. Hana and I stand at the back of the dance floor, watching as all of the nominees walk down the aisle towards the stage.
Don’t look at him.
“We are now going to have our Prom King and Queen start off our first slow dance of the night!”
I look at Lucas, waiting for him to grab Yuna’s hand to dance with her.
Only, he doesn’t.
He doesn’t do that at all.
Lucas runs off, pausing at the edge of the dance floor, frantically looking left and right, but mostly in the direction of the table I had placed my belongings.
What is he doing? Who is he looking for? Seulgi?
“What is he looking for?” Hana asks.
He’s looking over at my table… Maybe he is looking for me.
My brow furrows. “I don’t know…” I look back over to where Yuna is standing.
Why did he just leave his date there?
Turning back to Lucas, his shoulders raise and fall with a heavy sigh. He turns around, apparently unable to find whoever he was looking for. He gets up on his toes, looking over the crowd of people before making a gesture with his hand, signaling for someone to come over to him. Yuna walks out of the crowd, grabbing onto his arm as soon as she reaches him. As he heads back to his table, he turns his head and our eyes lock. Déjà vu settles in again for a brief moment before he looks away and continues walking to his table.
“He totally just looked at you,” Hana says.
He’s not going to dance with her?
When they arrive at their table, he sits down first, and then motions for her to sit down in the chair next to his. Only, it appears that she misunderstood because she takes a seat on his lap instead. A sudden pang a jealousy courses through my chest, causing me to look away.
“Why didn’t he dance with her?” Hana asks. “He surely couldn’t have been looking for Seulgi – she’s back over there, where Lucas’s date was.” She looks at me. “Do you think he was looking for you?”
“I’m slightly biased in this situation so part of me hopes that is the case, so if he wasn’t, why was he looking at our table?”
Boys are confusing. This whole thing is confusing. If Lucas was so adamant on dancing with Seulgi during Winter Ball, why did he seem so careless about slow dancing with his date at prom? It’s a courtesy – and really, an expectation – to dance with your date. Normally, the implication of asking someone to be your date is that you like them. The movies always show the girl wanting to go with the popular douche-bag who ends up asking them to go to the dance, but then humiliates them by ditching them and dancing with someone else. Maybe I should stop basing my logic on movies, but anyway, even ignoring all of the movies, why wouldn’t you want to dance with the person you asked? Yeah, dancing together during all of the upbeat and party songs is one thing, but not wanting to do the slow dance? There are so few slow songs at school dances – that’s why people always anticipate them because they want that chance of intimacy with their partner.
As the night ends, our group decides to stand off to the side to get some air. We ended up sitting out on most of the dance after the King and Queen were crowned because of the even poorer choices of music. Doyoung and Taeyeon expressed that they had grown bored – a sentiment we were all feeling, and collectively, we were thinking we would leave early.
“Hang on,” I say as I start walking to the back table. “I want to go say goodbye to a couple people.”
You idiot. You wouldn’t be saying ‘goodbye’ to anyone if it wasn’t for Lucas. He’s the only person you even want to say ‘goodbye’ to! You stupid, desperate –
I turn my head and Kibum is standing by their table. He looks down at my side, seeing my purse held in hand and asks, “Are you leaving?”
“Yeah.” I smile. “It was nice seeing you.”
“Y/N, you’re leaving?”
Lucas suddenly appears next to me and my smile fades as I nod. There’s a sinking feeling in my chest – one of disappointment at the relatively uneventful evening, realizing that I would be graduating in a month and that this was one of the last moments I would have with him.
“Uh, yeah.”
It takes him a moment to process what I said, but when he does, he extends his arm out and looks at me, silently asking for a hug goodbye. I run into his embrace, burying my head into his chest as I feel his arm tighten around my waist, like he doesn’t want to let me go. And suddenly I’m brought back to Winter Ball yet again. I can smell his cologne and feel his warmth, forgetting about any possible onlookers who would care to judge. But within seconds, I feel like I’m being slapped in the face. The deejay calls for the last dance of the night and “Wanted” starts playing over the speakers.
“Lucas?” Yuna grabs onto his arm and when I pull back to see who has called for his attention, I am met with her facial expression that feigns innocence. She pouts. “Aren’t you going to dance with me?”
Our arms are still around each other when I look up at him. He keeps his gaze on me and I swear I can sense a feeling of longing; it’s in his eyes. I drop both of my arms to my side and try to step away, but he only grips me tighter.
“Lucas?” she calls again.
I look up at him and smile, taking my hand and lightly pushing his waist to tell him he can let go. “It’s all right.”
It’s really not all right, but it’s rude if you don’t dance with her at least once. She is your date. I wouldn’t like it very much if I were her. If you wanted to dance with me, you should’ve asked me.
His expression is serious and he holds me for a moment more before letting me go. Yuna tugs on his sleeve, attempting to pull him away. He keeps his gaze on me for few seconds before sighing and turning to lead Yuna onto the dance floor.
I chuckle to myself. Y/N, you have the worst taste in boys.
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The following Monday, end-of-year exams were starting. As I drive into the school’s parking lot, I see Lucas’s car. We had a three-hour delay due to testing, but because I had an exam, I had to be here early. I didn’t know why Lucas was even at school so early because he didn’t have any exams today. I figured that he had driven here early to meet up with some friends for breakfast. But as soon as I park my car, I realize that that is definitely not the case. He’s staring at me when I look out my window. I quickly turn away, my heart racing as I remember the incident from over the weekend.
I had been scrolling through Facebook and Instagram, browsing through everyone’s prom photos. Lucas had posted a collage containing three photos of his entire group and a larger photo of him and Yuna.
“Hey, Dad, you wanna see Lucas’s photos?”
I handed him my phone and he looked at the photo. “Why did he choose a gray suit?”
“I don’t know.”
“She’s all right, nothing special. He looks nice though.”
He handed me back my phone and upon looking at the screen, my eyes shot out of my head. My dad had accidentally hit the ‘Like’ button.
“Oh shit!” I exclaimed, quickly un-liking the photo and silently praying that Lucas wasn’t quick to check his notifications.
Maybe he didn’t see it! That’s totally possible! Snap out of it! You have a physics exam in an hour! Who cares about some stupid photo?
I grab my things to head inside to do some last minute cramming before my physics exam. As I open the door, I see Lucas get out of his car. Unfortunately, a sudden gust of wind blows one of my sheets of paper towards the back of my car. I quickly run over to pick it up and when I stand back up again, Lucas is walking in my direction. He’s staring at me and his eyes narrow, like he’s studying me. I gape at him.
He knows, he knows. Kill me. Just kill me now.
He looks away and says, “Hey.”
Yeah, he definitely knows.
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“You know what I like?”
I turn around and look at Juhyun. “What?”
“You,” she says.  
Our history exam was in a couple hours and Doyoung and I had decided to skip our English class and sit in our history class while we crammed so that we could ask our teacher any last minute questions. Coincidentally, this was Lucas’s history class.
The desks in the classroom were arranged in groups of two. Doyoung sat at the pair of desks in front of me and Juhyun sat in the ones behind me. I sit sideways in my chair and lean against the wall while reading about the Cold War.
I chuckle. “Oh, thanks. How sweet of you.”
Occasionally, I glance up to where Lucas is sitting diagonally from me. After responding to Juhyun, I catch Lucas looking at me from my periphery. When I turn to look at him, I realize that he looks frustrated.
Maybe he’ll come over here. I kind of wish he would come over here, but he’ll probably sit with Juhyun since they are friends. Actually, now that I think about it, I think they used to like each other.
He continues to sit there for a moment, staring ahead before he decides to get up and throw something away. I try to focus again on my reading when an earbud is shoved into my face. When I look up, Lucas is standing in front of me, his face expressionless. I raise a brow and hesitantly take the earbud from his hand.
“I’m going to sit here…” he murmurs as he sits down at the desk next to me.
I really need to stop wishing on things that I hope will happen because I don’t actually know how to react when they do happen.
“I found this really cool song by Jonghyun,” he says. “It’s called ‘Symptoms.’”
My face breaks out into a wide smile. “Oh! I love ‘Symptoms’!”
It’s disappointing really that the only things we can talk about are K-Pop and college. When I try to think about other things to discuss, I can’t think of anything.
“Are you thinking about going to the K-pop convention in LA?” I ask.
“I’m not really sure. It’s kind of expensive.”
This is obviously a shot in the dark, but going together would be nice. We’d have to get down to Southern California and since it’s a multi-day thing, we would have to get a hotel room. And I suppose to be cost-effective, we would get one hotel room. Maybe we could have a fling for a few days…
Lucas and I continue listening to music. He tells me to pick all of the songs from his music library until he recommends ‘Inspiring’ by Taeil.
“It’s such a pretty song, Y/N. It reminds me of y–”
My forehead creases, waiting for him to finish his sentence. “Reminds you of what?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing.”
After our history teacher finishes her lesson with Lucas’s class, she starts playing YouTube videos.
“What the f –”
I turn to look at Lucas just as he stops himself from swearing. “What the heck? That’s stupid.”
Lucas is known for having a loose mouth, swear words being a normal part of his everyday vocabulary. I swear a lot mentally, but I don’t use it in regular conversation. It seems that he has picked up on that and has adjusted his behavior accordingly.
The remainder of the school year was filled with moments like this. Lucas would come up to me at random times and we would spend time alone while being surrounded by others. What was interesting was that they would never interrupt us. We could enjoy each other’s presence, listening to music, with him occasionally making strange comments like he was trying to confess but wasn’t confident enough to fully commit. Graduation was literally right around the corner – do you want to continue playing this game where ultimately, we both lose because both of us can no longer play?
You act differently around me. Yet, you won’t say anything. Why?
I’m quite confident that you like me, but we’re running out of time.
So what’s stopping you?
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Before I Met You Masterlist Masterlist
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myoui-xxi · 5 years
Red Velvet reactions
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i picked taeyeon for this cause i really like her 💖 thank you for the request anon
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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN TAEYEON IS YOUR SISTER?!" Irene would scream at you in her native dialect. You'd jump at the unfamiliar loud tone of her voice before explaining her how you didn't want people to befriend you just because of your older sister. She'd stare at you with her eyes wide open in shock before she'd settle herself in your lap, "So... when are we having a family dinner? You could totally invite your sister."
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"W-what did you just say?" Seulgi would stutter at your comment after showing you Taeyeon's latest photo. "I said, it's in our genes", you'd reply with a small smile on your face. Her jaw would be on the floor while you explain the entire thing to her. "How could you keep this a secret from me?" she'd yell while throwing a pillow at you.
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Wendy would watch you in confusion as you'd run towards Taeyeon to pull her in a hug in the backstage area. Your older sister would laugh while ruffling your hair, "Aren't you going to introduce me?" she'd ask, head motioning towards Wendy whose features were taken over by shock. "Taeyeon, this is my girlfriend, Seungwan. Seungwan, meet my sister, Taeyeon." Wendy would stutter while saying hi to Taeyeon before shooting you a lost glance.
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Joy would glance over your shoulder as you'd open your birthday present on the table. "Who is it from?" you'd ignore the question unintentionally, your eyes lighting up after seeing the content of the package. "Oh my God, I've wanted this for so long! She's so nice", you'd scream before seeing Joy's furrowed eyebrows, "No, don't be jealous, it's from my sister." She'd sigh in relief before picking up a card that came along, her eyes widening, "TAEYEON IS YOUR SISTER?!?" You'd open your mouth to reply, but would be interrupted by Joy's messy fangirling/rambling.
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"Oh my God", you'd hear Yeri's almost breathless voice next to you, "Don't panic, but I think Taeyeon is coming our way." You'd laugh at her before standing up, ready to be crushed by your older sister's hug. Taeyeon would even slightly pick you up from the floor, telling you how much she missed you. The color from Yeri's face would be drained when Taeyeon would bow to her before introducing herself as your older sister.
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59. Taeyeon x Reader
•More Than Friends•
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This was different,
Taeyeon had stayed the night, for the first time since the beginning of your friends with benefits dynamic, she hadn’t left five minutes after being finished, and that was strange.
Your mind seemed to not be able to stop whirring as the older girl lay next to you, one of her arms sprawled across your bare chest, her warm legs tangled with your own.
Friends with benefits you used to call yourselves, it had all started as a friendship when Taeyeon in her SNSD days used to stop by almost every evening at the bar you worked at, she would always come towards closing hours and chat with you about the most random things as you cleaned while sipping on a Diet Coke with lemon and no ice, it was her way to detach from her other life, when she was sitting on that stool talking about literally anything with you she felt so normal.
After a couple of months she had invited you to her place after work hours, you remember the drive towards her house, the atmosphere was completely different from your previous encounters, you were so nervous, and apparently so was she.
All it had taken was a glass of red wine and your shirt hitching slightly as you had sat down on her couch for her lips to latch onto yours, for her hands to trace every inch of your body, those first tentative touches were miles away now, her fingers no longer trembled when dipping into your underwear.
Your relationship had never had any set boundaries until one day the word fuck buddy tumbled out of her mouth among light giggles, it had stung more than you expected, but you let it be, because having her according to her own terms was better than not having her at all, truth be told for months you were the one to enforce the fuck buddy dynamic, even though the mere word made your insides curl, you would always leave her bed as soon as possible, not wanting to be a burden or cross any lines, in fact you had discovered your talent for imposed emotional detachment, your conversations had watered down to simple greetings and a few formalities, nothing ever to personal, to the point where you couldn’t even call yourselves friends with benefits but acquaintances with benefits seemed like a better fit.
And yet here she lay, her steady breathing being the only sound in the dark room, something was different, you had noticed it as soon as she had set foot in your apartment, face lightly sunken, her newly dyed hair sticking to her forehead due to the light drizzle out, you couldn’t seem to find that gleam in her eyes from when you had first met almost three years ago, she had texted you out of the blue after almost two months of no contact, she didn’t seem so healthy, dark circles under her eyes indicating a clear lack of sleep.
You didn’t even have time to greet her before her lips were on your own, more desperately than ever before, her fingers gripping onto you as if you might disappear.
“What are you thinking about?”
Her whispered words dragged you out of your thoughts as you sat up, grabbing a random shirt from the floor and slipping it on while Taeyeon also sat up, turning on the lamp that stood precariously on the edge of your bedside table, the soft light casting worried shadows on her features.
Her eyes filled with anxiety as she brought her thumb to her lips out of habit, trying her hardest to read your face.
“What’s wrong Tae?”
Your fingers reached for her own as soon as you saw her expression falter, eyebrows furrowing, her hand felt so small in your own, “I know you well enough to understand when something is wrong, so please talk to me.”
As if something clicked in her brain she pulled her arm back, holding it tight against her chest, her expression as hard as stone made you almost think you had completely misread her behavior,
“Why would you even care?
The only reason I’m here is because I needed to feel something and you couldn’t even help with that.”
Ignoring the harsh sting her words caused in your chest you grabbed her wrist as she tried to get up, pulling her close to you she huffed in annoyance, her expression softening the moment she took note of the clear pain in your eyes, it was now or never,
“I care because I think I might love you Taeyeon, and not being able to tell you that has been eating me alive for so long, so I’m sorry I couldn’t fulfill your desire tonight but I need you to know how I feel, because I have always cared and I always will, and seeing you hurt makes me hurt too.”
Your fingers reached for a strand of hair that had fallen loosely in front of her eyes, the same eyes that stared at you in utter disbelief as a strange relief overtook your senses, it felt as if a mountain had been lifted off your shoulders,
“You don’t really mean that do you?”
The flicker of doubt in her small voice took you by surprise, her eyes still not looking away from your own as if she was searching for the truth,
“I mean it.”
Her fingers trembled as she trailed them along your face, down to the hollow of your throat, the hair on your arms rising at the feeling,
“I really needed you to say that.”
The words left her mouth in a relieved sigh as a small smile appeared on her face, pearly white teeth shining in the dim light almost as much as her eyes before she dipped her head and rested it against your collar bones, a high pitched chuckle tumbling out of her as your arms encircled her back, her soft hair tickling your neck, you placed a light kiss on the crown of her head, the sweet scent of her honey shampoo filling your senses,
“I lied.”
Your eyebrows scrunched together as confusion filled your eyes, the older girl lifting her head to look at you, one of her hands trailing to the back of your neck so her fingers could play with the baby hairs she had always loved,
“I lied when I said you didn’t make me feel anything Y/N, you always make me feel so much, I like to think that we’re more than friends.”
Your heart sped up at her whispered words, “And I would really like you to be the one I come home to every night for the rest of my life.”
“It’s because I make great cocktails isn’t it?”
Her light laugh echoed around the room as she hit your chest playfully before catching you of guard by enveloping your lips with her soft ones, her hand cupping your face as she moved to straddle your lap, body flush against yours, pulling away she took a deep breath, dark eyes staring into your own, her tongue poking out and tracing the outline of her lower lip,
“It’s because I think I might love you too.”
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baeklooming-day · 5 years
Blue | Baekhyun
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Summary: You had every reason to hate him. You, the popular bad girl of Slytherin, him, the nice and perfect student of Gryffindor. Until one night, when you discover that there is something both of you have in common.
ft. older mean brother Sehun
Genre: Hogwarts!au, bad girl!au, good boy!au, fluff
Word count: 8k
A/N: I’ve always wanted to write a Hogwarts au, so here I go. I made our Baekhyun super shy and soft, and I have a feeling that it will be a little different than the usual Baek fanfics, but I hope you will like it. Also this is the second fanfic featuring my good friend Sarah and her ulti because it was her wish xxx I hope you like it as well, Hoseok’s girlfriend! <3 (P.S. I recommend listening to ‘Blue’ by Taeyeon <3 while reading!)
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“Don’t even think about it!”
You dashed past the other students who were peacefully walking through the corridor, heading to their classrooms. You wanted to disappear from his vision as quick as possible to avoid the confrontation in front of the whole school.
Not that you could keep it all a secret, though. Sooner or later everyone will know what happened anyway, the charms of being the most popular girl in the year.
But for now, you didn’t really care. You just wanted to get away from him and save yourself from listening to his endless blabbering. After all none of that was your own fault, you didn’t have anything else to say to him.
To your boyfriend.
Well, ex-boyfriend.
You slowed down and turned left, you should have already lost him in the crowd of other students. You stopped and leaned on the cold wall in the almost empty corridor.
Big mistake.
A few seconds later you heard fast footsteps and sounds of gasping for air. You immediately flinched and were ready to turn on your heel and run forward, but it was already too late for that. Soon your eyes came to a view of a familiar head with fluffy fair hair.
That was it with escaping from Taehyung.
“Y/N! Why are you running when I’m talking to you?” He was now right in front of you, breathing loudly and looking at you with an angry expression.
“If I kept on running then it would mean that I have no interest in talking to you anymore, didn’t you notice?”
“Oh come on Y/N, always being sarcastic as I don’t know what. Can’t we just talk in priva-”
“No!” You felt blood rushing to your cheeks. You were the one who had the right to be angry. You had trusted him enough to tell him a lot about your life and you thought that every word you said stayed between the two of you. After all you had been dating, right? You were cursing yourself for being so naive and for trusting him so much so quickly. He betrayed your trust, and now you were facing the consequences. “There is nothing more to talk about, Taehyung. I told you the most personal stuff that happened in my life and you just casually tell your friends all of this? Are you actually serious? This is how a supposed boyfriend acts? I understand that they have been your friends for ages but, god, there are some limits! Do you think I went out there and revealed all of your secrets to Kyungsoo, Minseok or my brother?” You felt your eyes becoming warm. You didn’t think that you were exaggerating, for you it was a reason enough to break up with him for good. If you couldn’t trust your own boyfriend, then what kind of a relationship was it supposed to be?
“You are behaving as if I cheated on you.” Taehyung straightened and furrowed his eyebrows, still looking you right in your eyes. “Which I didn’t! I-”
“Oh, but you did. You cheated on my trust.”
“Baby, don’t be ridiculous. You-”
“Don’t baby me! Thanks to your big mouth, now the entire Ravenclaw knows about me being a virgin and still sleeping with a teddy bear! Thank you very much!” You could tell you were completely red from anger and embarassment. Even your own brother and your two cousins, who were also like brothers to you, didn’t know about the teddy bear. But those weren’t the only things that you learned Taehyung was telling his friends and others from his house about you. That one time, you told him some childhood story of yours when you were about six years old and Sehun seven. Back then in the summer, you had a glorious idea of stealing your brother’s underwear and run in those, half naked around the house yelling that you were a superhero now. It may be funny to tell that someone who’s close to you just to have a good laugh about the stupid things you did as a child, but it surely was super embarassing to have 35 other students asking you if you share underwear with your older brother. It already sounded completely sick to you, besides in your opinion something like that was embarassing your brother as well. Sehun may be a jackass, but he was your brother and only you had the right to embarass him.
“Calm down, Y/N. What is it to you now? You said it yourself that all of those are just some childhood stories and similar things. Come on, don’t be stupid-” Taehyung reached his hand to grab you by the waist, but you brushed him off.
“You are right Taehyung. I won’t be stupid anymore, that’s why I’m breaking up with you. And don’t even try to talk to me again.” You sent him one last glare and very quickly walked away, leaving him there with his mouth open. As you were walking up the stairs, you only heard him shouting behind you.
“Alright, go! I don’t need you anyway!”
Dumb idiot.
You didn’t want to think about it any further. You ran your fingers through your silky locks and exhaling deeply, you headed to the Slytherin common room where you would hopefully find Minseok to vent about all your frustrations of the day.
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“So you really broke up?” Your cousin’s eyes were fixed on your exhausted expression.
“Yes! Minmin, why didn’t you warn me-”
“Oh I did, but you were so charmed by him that you didn’t listen.” Minseok stood up from his seat and plopped on the couch next to you. “But what really concerns me is...” He put his hand on his heart and with an exaggerated shocked expression exhaled: “You still sleep with a teddy bear?!”
You hit him in the shoulder. “Shut up! You are supposed to morally support me!”
Minseok broke down in laughter. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I just wanted to lighten the mood a little.” He wiped a single tear from his right eye, a result of the sudden laugh attack. “Listen, I really hate it that you’re feeling like this right now, but it’s not permanent. Even Sehun didn’t like him, believe me, that Taehyung kid wasn’t worth your time. As for the things he told everyone from Ravenclaw, they will probably forget it very soon and find some new stuff to talk about. Just ignore it, they don’t have the courage to come up to us anyway.”
“Hmm, yeah, you’re right.” You wrapped your arms around your knees and rested your chin on them. “But it still makes me mad, I mean, who does he think he is? Next time I see him, I will-”
“You will ignore his existence and concentrate better on your lessons. You are learning important potions now, baby-idiot-sister.” Sehun’s strong voice filled the room as he suddenly appeared at the doorframe.
“Leave me alone you clown.” You turned around to properly face him.
He made a face. “So this is how you thank your marvellous older brother? Clown? What are you then, you are the size of my toe-”
“Okay, cut it, both of you” Minseok rolled his eyes. “Really, you are always behaving just like when you were five...”
You raised your eyebrows at your brother. “And excuse me, brother? But for what exactly do you expect me to thank you?”
Sehun threw himself on the seat where previously Minseok was sitting. “I met Chanyeol on my way here, he told me that there is some fuss among Ravenclaw. Apparently your ex-boyfriend is being overly dramatic about your break up and, well, everybody knows now.” He raised his eyebrows at you.
“Of course he is. It’s obvious that everybody will know, sooner or later. And who the hell is Chanyeol?”
Sehun straightened in his seat. “Ah, you know, that tall one with big ears, Gryffindor. I think he is in your potion class. He always hangs out with that another one, what was his name...” He tapped his lip with the index finger trying to recall the name of the other boy. “Shit, I don’t remember. Black hair, often wears glasses, not too tall. Ask your friend Sarah, they are in the same house.”
“Mhm, yeah. So what was that I have to thank you for?”
“Riiiiiiight. About your jackass of an ex-boyfriend.”
You were slowly losing your patience. Your brother was that type of person who would start talking, then get distracted and if not rushed to finish what he was about to say, it would go on like this for another hour. “Sehun, the hell, tell me what you wanted to tell and let’s move on!”
“I jinxed him.”
You heard Minseok’s attempts not to burst out in laughter again.
Your idiot of a brother did what?
“Oh my, are you standing up for your little sister?” You sent him a sickeningly sweet smile.
“Hold on there, he was talking about me as well! I was doing this mainly to stop him from meddling any further in my business. Don’t flatter yourself.” He said the last sentence trying not to smile.
You couldn’t help it, but smile too. Most of the time you and Sehun were having your usual sibling fights and insulting each other, but deep down you knew he cared for you just like you cared for him, and wouldn’t let off easily anyone who hurt you in one way or another.
Of course you would never tell him this, it would only boost his already enormous ego.
“Well, then thank you, oh marvellous brother of mine.” You ran your fingers through your locks, the second time in that day. “Moving on, where is Kyungsoo?”
“I’m here!” The three of you heard a melodic voice, echoing in the air.
Soon the small figure of your other cousin, Kyungsoo, appeared in your vision. He was carrying a few books and a package from what you could see, were beans in every flavour.
“What took you so long?” Minseok extended his hand to Kyungsoo, indicating the package, which he handed him after putting his books on the table.
“Ah, I got caught up after my class. Baekhyun wanted to thank me for explaining to him a few spells he wasn’t getting right the last time, and gave me those as a thank you gift.” Kyungsoo pointed to the beans which Minseok was now trying to open without tearing apart the whole package.
“Baekhyun?” You asked.
“Ah, that was his name!” Sehun almost yelled, which caused you to flinch. “You know, that kid who’s friends with Chanyeol.”
“Yeah, that’s him. He’s really cool, actually. One of the few Gryffindor people with whom I get along quite well.” Kyungsoo sat beside you on the couch, reaching for the beans package that Minseok was still holding and already shoving a mouthful into his mouth.
“Ew, gross. You are really eating so many different flavours at once?” You furrowed your eyebrows at Minseok next to you.
“I’m not questioning you not eating any meat, so let me be.”
“Ah, whatever you say Minmin.” You stood up, running both your hands through your hair. “Alright, I think I’m going to my dorms now. See you in the morning.”
“Don’t think too much, remember what I told you!” You heard Minseok saying behind you.
“I won’t! Good night!”
I really have to appreciate my family a little more sometimes, you thought to yourself.
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When you woke up in the following morning, your mood wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be. Despite the fact that your first class was the potion class, you hoped that you would get through the day without hearing any stupid comments. And without seeing Taehyung’s face as well.
You were friends with two people from Gryffindor, who luckily happened to be in the same morning potion class as you, so you always sat with them. Sarah and Hoseok were known as the cutest couple in your year, what you always envied a little, comparing to your love life which wasn’t exactly as colourful as theirs appeared to be. By all means, you weren’t jealous, they were your good friends and you were happy seeing both of them happy. You just wished you would have some more luck in that category yourself.
After separating ways with Sehun, Minseok and Kyungsoo who were heading to their classes, you entered your classroom. Sarah and Hoseok were already sitting there, spotting you just as you walked in. You approached the table and sat beside her, adjusting your uniform.
“We heard everything, what happened yesterday?” Hoseok peeked from behind his girlfriend’s shoulder, asking you exactly the question you hoped you wouldn’t have to give an answer to.
“If you heard everything, then why are you asking?”
Sarah bit her lip before speaking, “We only heard Taehyung yelling around that it’s over with you and him, then later some students from Ravenclaw were whispering around that Sehun went to see him mad as hell and at the end of the day he was jinxed. I mean, Taehyung was.”
You huffed. “Yeah, I broke up with him. He was spreading personal things in his house, so basically the entire Ravenclaw knows what I was doing at home in the summer when I was six. But please don’t ask me to tell you the whole story again because I just want to move on from this as quick as I can.” You closed your eyes and put your palm on your forehead.
“I don’t know who does he thinks he is, but he isn’t that.” Sarah crossed her arms, a slightly angry look on her face. “I mean, like, you don’t do that to your girlfriend. And don’t worry, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. Anyway he got what he deserved.” She tucked her dark locks behind her ear before basically squealing, and making you flinch in your seat. “But, I caaaaan’t! Your brother actually openly stands up for you??? That’s so sweet of Sehun, stooooop-”
“What the hell? My brother is everything else but sweet, okay. Ew. Hoseok, collect your girlfriend.”
Hoseok just chuckled. “Why, I think it’s sweet of him too.”
You rolled your eyes, but smiled anyway. Just as you were about to open your book, someone entering the classroom caught your attention. You looked up from your book to observe the boy who’s eyes seemed to be searching something - or someone, among all the desks and students who already filled the classroom.
Not too tall, black hair, glasses, apparently Gryffindor... Something clicked in your head, he must be that boy Sehun and Kyungsoo were talking about yesterday. What was his name again?
“Sarah, Hoseok... That guy with glasses over there, what’s his name?” You asked quietly, indicating with your head in the boy’s direction.
“That’s Baekhyun. Oh, looks like the seat beside Chanyeol is already taken.” Hoseok was observing him too, with his chin resting in the palm of his hand.
Baekhyun. A pretty name, you thought.
You looked around the class. Chanyeol, very tall and big ears. You couldn’t tell if someone was tall or not while everyone was sitting of course, but eventually your eyes landed on a boy with silver hair and, well, really big ears. It should be him.
The seat beside Chanyeol was indeed already occupied by a girl with short honey-coloured hair, who was smiling and chuckling. God, probably hoping for some flirting before the class starts. You looked at her, realising it was the girl who usually sat next to you.
Your eyes returned to look at Baekhyun again. The class was already full, his usual spot already occupied and the only free seat beside you, so that meant...
“Seriously, this chuckling doll is all over him. Should I call Baekhyun to come sit with us today? I will call him.” Hoseok was already waving at the boy calling his name before you could do anything to stop him. “Ey, Baekhyun!”
“Hoseok, chill, maybe. You don’t have to scream right in my ear like some idiot.” Sarah covered her left ear with her hand, grimacing.
Baekhyun turned his head in your direction, nodding quickly before approaching your table.
As he walked, his black bangs were sliding smoothly on his forehead, which he swiftly pulled back rather messily, with his hand.
You felt your cheeks becoming warm. What was wrong with you? You just broke up with someone, and yet here you were blushing at some guy who, you very recently discovered, existed in your potion class.
You were pulled back into reality in the moment he plopped on the chair right next to you.
“Chanyeol usually keeps my seat free until I arrive, but I guess he has some more interesting company today.” Baekhyun’s warm voice filled your ears. “Thanks for calling me over, otherwise I would probably still stand there like an idiot until professor Snape arrived.”
“You’re welcome.” Sarah smiled happily at him, then threw a quick glance at you. “Oh, I actually never introduced you to Y/N right here.” She put her arm around you before continuing. “The princess of Slytherin, Sehun’s little sister Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N, that’s Byun Baekhyun, a straight up A student, the whole Gryffindor is jealous of him. And surely other houses are too.”
Baekhyun’s cheeks were now tinted pink. “You praise me too much, Sarah, really.” He nervously scratched the back of his neck before sending you a shy smile. “Nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you around our school.”
Suddenly you heard your own voice, speaking in a rather unpleasant tone. “Oh really? Like that what Ravenclaw is spreading around? Then I’m sure you heard a lot.”
You paused. Why did you snap at him like that out of nowhere? Such a behaviour wasn’t unusual for you though, one of your traits you were known for was your careless sharp tongue. Regardless, the poor boy didn’t really do anything wrong for you to be mean to him like that, seeing that it was the first time you were talking to him.
Baekhyun’s smile fell from his lips. He adjusted his round glasses and quietly cleared his throat. “Uhm, well...”
“Khahahaha! Y/N, charming as always. Don’t be mean to Baekhyun!” Hoseok reached over Sarah’s shoulder and poked you in your side with his pen. “Don’t take it personally Baek, it’s difficult to become friends with her.”
You squinted your eyes at your friend. “None asked you to become friends with me, you overenthusiastic idiot.”
“See what I’m talking about?” Hoseok flashed you a bright smile after plopping back in his seat.
“Collect yourselves, both of you, do you really always need to argue?” Sarah covered her face with her hands.
Before it could go any further, professor Snape entered the classroom, beginning the lesson right away.
You crossed your arms on your chest. Was it just the anger because of your break up coming out? Probably. After all, you couldn’t just forget everything and move on overnight, right? Then again, there was this Baekhyun guy. How could someone be so nice? You only properly knew him for a couple of minutes now, but you could already tell that he had this nice aura, the aura of someone who was always nice, if it makes any sense. For some reason, you couldn’t really stand people who were always being nice in any situation and to anyone. Something similar just wasn’t in your nature. You could also say that you, more or less, resembled your brother Sehun. Your personalities were quite similar and he didn’t really get it how others could be nice all the time as well. You thought to yourself that maybe that was the reason why you started talking to Sarah at some point in your previous school years, because despite the fact that she also was a nice girl, there were some moments when she could snap and shove her opinion straight in someone’s face. Later on, when she started dating Hoseok it was the natural turn of events that you somehow became friends with him as well. He was loud, bright and talkative, but after some time passed you got used to it and accepted it as a thing that couldn’t be changed.
Then you remembered what Kyungsoo brought yesterday as he came back to your common room. You would never think of giving someone you barely knew a gift for just explaining to you some spells. Was it again a nice people’s thing?
You were about to get lost in your thoughts for good if not for someone’s hand waving in front of your nose.
“Uhm.” Baekhyun was directly looking at your annoyed face. “Professor Snape told us to prepare a potion in pairs.” He looked over to Sarah and Hoseok who were already with their noses in the book, checking the ingredients they needed. “I guess we have to do it together then.”
“Okay, what potion do we have to get ready?”
“The Hate Potion.”
“Beautiful.” You scoffed. It was just perfect, as if there wasn’t enough hate in your life until now.
“Have you ever done it before?” Baekhyun reached for the book, opening it and looking for the right page.
“Why, because I look like a hater?”
He opened and closed his mouth, seeming to search for words. “No, no, I was just asking”, he said softly.
You weren’t really an expert when it came to potions, so you decided that you would use Baekhyun’s presence to your advantage, seeing the he apparently knew what he was doing adding the ingredients to the already lightly boiling water.
“Are you sure that the temperature shouldn’t be higher? It looks like it will take forever to boil it.” You asked him, peering at the mixture.
“No, the book says it has to be at a low heat. Here, take a look.” He put his index finger on a sentence in the book, showing you the instruction.
“But everyone else seem to be ready or at least finishing.” You looked around. “It wouldn’t hurt to quicken it, would it? Come on, I want to already finish this.”
Before Baekhyun could say anything you pushed him aside and put the potion on a much greater heat. The mixture started creating huge bubbles, the surface rising and looking like it was about to explode right from the pot it was in.
“Uhm, Y/N, I really don’t think-”
“Be quiet, look, it’s already-”
Hisssssss. Plop. Boom.
The liquid started flowing out of the pot, the heated bubbles growing even bigger and causing the pot itself to fall and spread the still boiling potion everywhere.
“Oh no.”
Professor Snape’s head turned immediately in your direction, acknowledging the sight of the mess you created. “Y/L/N! What do you think you are doing?” His dark eyes were shooting you angry glares.
“Uh, heating up the potion, I guess.” His face expression alone was already getting on your nerves.
“You, always causing damage in this class! Unlike you, there are other students who would like to actually concentrate and follow the lesson.” His fierce eyes were still looking directly at you. “I feel bad for Byun who had to deal with you. If you really can’t sit still, I have the right thing for you to do. Tonight you will clean the entire Quidditch field. And without using magic.”
“But professor-”
“No buts! Now leave.”
You stood there, processing what you just heard. Clean the entire Quidditch field? Was he being serious right now? Without using any magic to do it it will take the whole night to finish!
You turned your head to Baekhyun, pointing at him. “What about him?”
“Byun wasn’t the one causing trouble, was he? Now leave the classroom Y/L/N, before you get minus ten points.”
“Minus ten points your face.” You muttered under your breath, snatching your belongings from your seat and ignoring the worried looks of Sarah and Hoseok, heading directly to the exit.
You really wanted to blame Baekhyun for that what just happened, but it really pained you acknowledging the fact that it was entirely your own fault for being kicked out of the class and getting the ridiculous punishment.
You made sure to slam the door with as much force as you could, then proceeded to run all the way back to the Slytherin common room, failing to hear the rest of the class leaving the classroom and a familiar voice calling your name behind you.
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Later that day, you were pacing around the common room, aggressively grabbing different objects and putting them in different places, seeing that your anger level was still rising with each thought of your last class. Just as you were about to take off your shoes and just throw them into space hoping to let it out at least a little, you noticed Kyungsoo appearing in the doorway.
“Hey, Y/N, someone’s here to see you.” He leaned on the door, observing your actions.
“Tell them to get lost.”
“You don’t even wanna know who it is?”
“Please tell me it isn’t Taehyung. If it’s him, this shoe will land on his sorry face, hopefully breaking something.” You told him, raising your right leg and pointing at your black shoe.
“Then good that it isn’t him.” Kyungsoo held back a chuckle. “Come on, he said he really wanted to talk you.”
“Can’t you tell me who it is?”
“Just go, he’s waiting outside.”
“Uh, yeah, alright.” You collected yourself and walked to the door.
You didn’t know who to expect, but you most certainly didn’t expect Baekhyun to slowly walk back and forth, waiting.
Did he come to tell you what an idiot he thought you were? Because if so, then he could save it to himself.
“Baekhyun? What the hell are you doing here?”
He immediately turned to look at you. “I wanted to talk to you, look, I’m sorry for what happened. Professor Snape can exaggerate sometimes.”
You looked him up and down. “That’s it?”
His gaze wavered, unsure what to say next. “Uhm, no, I actually came to ask you if you want me to help you out tonight. We can finish it quicker than if you did all the work by yourself.”
“Why do you want to help me? You barely even know me.”
“I know, I just... I feel guilty. Besides a little company would be nice, right?” He flashed you a bright smile.
You hesitated. Why is he being so nice?
“Are you always so nice?”
“Are you always so nice.” You repeated. “And even when I was being a total jackass to you, you are willing to help me?”
Baekhyun pulled his black bangs away from his eyes. “I may not really know you, but I don’t think you are a bad person.”
You chuckled.
“Alright then. Meet me at the Quidditch field when it gets dark outside.”
He smiled again. He was actually quite cute when he smiled.
Wait, what? Nononono, you weren’t allowed to think such things. You brushed the thoughts aside and returned the smile before turning around and heading back to the common room.
“You should do it often.”
You stopped and looked at him once again. “What?”
He just shrugged. “Smile. It suits you.”
You felt your cheeks heating up. You turned away and rushed into the room, not saying anything more.
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As the night came, you found yourself grabbing a basket and heading out of the dorms. You would really rather take off your school uniform and make yourself comfortable in your warm bed, but instead you had to go out in the dark and wander around the Quidditch field, cleaning it.
You laughed to yourself. It really was the silliest punishment you’ve ever got in your carrier at Hogwarts.
And you already had plenty on your account.
You could say, you could be quite troublesome sometimes. That was something what distinguished you from Sehun. The most he did was saying a few sharp words back, ignoring the fact that he actually jinxed Taehyung the other day, what never really happened before with anyone else. You on the other hand, always picking up arguments and saying a few words too much, saying before thinking and often being even disrespectful towards others. That resulted in getting the nickname ‘princess of Slytherin’ and several detentions.
As you stepped outside, you began to wonder if Baekhyun really was going to show up.
You tucked your soft hair behind your ear and looked up in the blue night sky. Sky was something what never failed to amaze you. You loved it, looking up there and just observing. You could do it all day and all night long. It had some kind of an unexplained energy. You loved it the most when it was all blue, a colour that was your absolute favourite. If it was a light blue at a daytime, or a dark shade of blue at a nighttime, it always left you just stopping whatever you were doing and just staring up at it.
Just when you were about to emerge in your amazement, you heard a familiar voice in the distance.
You turned around to be met with a running Baekhyun, his hair plopping on his forehead and his eyes with every move he made.
You noticed that he wasn’t wearing his glasses.
“You actually came”, you said.
“Of course I came, did you think I just said it like that?” He finally stopped and ran his hand through his black hair. “What were you looking at?”
“Oh, nothing. Just the sky.”
“It’s beautiful, right? Especially when it has this shade of blue like tonight.”
You gave him a look. “You like blue?”
“Yeah, I do. I would even say I love it, it has always been my absolutely favourite colour.”
You took one step closer to him, observing him curiously.
“Favourite colour, huh? Who would expect that, mine too.”
He looked at you, a little surprised. “Really? Well, then you see we have something in common.” He gave you that smile again. He really had a pretty smile.
“I remember that at the very beginning in the first year, I was so jealous of Ravenclaw. For the blue, of course.” You chuckled. You never particularly liked the green of your own house.
“Oh my, me too.” Baekhyun stretched his arms. “But eventually I got over it. I always wear my navy blue hoodies when I go to Hogsmeade with Chanyeol though.”
“Ah, that tall one with big ears.”
Baekhyun let out a laugh. “Wh-”
“What, that’s how my brother described him to me.” You quickly interrupted him.
“No, that’s fine. I mean, those are just the obvious facts.” He was now chuckling.
You were a little taken aback how easy it was to talk to him and how naturally it just happened. You weren’t even talking about some particular significant stuff and yet it felt really good to be talking like that with someone.
“Uhm-” Baekhyun looked at the basket you were holding. “Shall we start? We can always look at the sky while cleaning up.”
You nodded. As you walked and collected all the rubbish you could find on your way on the field, you never stopped talking. You talked about everything and nothing, beginning with the movies and books you liked, music you listened to and food you couldn’t live without and ending on your dream professions, childhood dreams and eventually recalling the events of previous years at Hogwarts.
You had to admit to yourself that having Baekhyun around was actually really nice. As you finished, you found yourself holding your stomach from laughing at something he said.
“That was actually pretty fun”, you said while still laughing.
“Collecting trash from the field?”
“You are such an idiot.”
Here it was. That smile again. You really couldn’t put a finger on it, was it normal to behave like that when you just went through a breakup?
So many things were running through your head, but eventually you decided that you didn’t care. Thinking about it, Taehyung didn’t show up in your thoughts even a single time while you were with Baekhyun, so it was a good thing, right? After all, all you really wanted was to completely get over him and clear your mind, the quicker the better.
“I think we did a quite good job, I don’t see any more rubbish laying around here.” Baekhyun looked to the right and to the left, then he raised his wrist to look at the watch attached to his wrist. “Woah, we’ve been here for two and a half hour already.”
“So long?” You furrowed your eyebrows. You didn’t notice how fast the time was passing, it felt like five minutes, surely not like almost three hours. “If we’re done then let’s head back inside, it’s getting cold.”
He nodded. “I’ll walk you back.”
“No need, I’ll be fine-”
If you thought that his smile was cute, then you wouldn’t know how to name his pout.
He was pouting at you, a perfect resemblance of a human puppy.
And before you could think twice, you heard your own voice filling the air. “Well, alright.”
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On the way back to your dorms you were still chattering and laughing, feeling surprisingly good despite the late hour and having done several errands around the Quidditch field outside. At some point you even wondered how come you never noticed this boy before. He was cheerful, had a bright personality and was so easy to talk to. Not mentioning him somehow managing to make you almost entirely forget about your ex-boyfriend that night. You even started to feel a little guilty for treating him so poorly in class earlier that day. You wanted to say something, anything, but you never apologized to anyone. Never.
“We’re here.” You said as you saw the door which lead to the Slytherin dorms. You extended your hand to turn the doorknob when Baekhyun spoke up.
“Uhm, Y/N.”
He looked anywhere, but you. You noticed his cheeks becoming a mild shade of red.
“I thought, maybe, uhm-”
“Yes?” You repeated. His nervousness was causing you to smile, but you tried not to let it be visible as much as you could.
“Maybe we could hang out sometime, I mean-” He scratched the back of his neck, looking down at his feet. Apparently, it was something he did when he was nervous. “You are really cool to be around.”
“That’s what I’ve been told.” You failed to hold back a chuckle. You never met a boy who was actually nervous to ask you to hang out with him. Those who did, they just came up to you and simply threw the question. Maybe the other reason was that all the shy boys and boys who didn’t think of themselves as some kind of a god walking on earth, were intimidated by you, so they never dared to actually speak to you. More than that, you were usually surrounded by your ‘family Slytherin squad’, and if they thought of you alone as an intimidating person, then they surely wouldn’t have the courage to bother Sehun, Minseok or Kyungsoo. It seemed like they always thought that if they accidentally messed with you, they would have messed with the rest of the Slytherin royals, which was a thing that none of them would like to experience.
But then again, there was Baekhyun, who wasn’t particularly startled in your presence. Even the opposite, his behaviour wasn’t forced or anything, either he was just an easygoing person after talking to one for a while, or he just started to feel comfortable enough around you.
You observed him for a couple more seconds before responding to his question. “Yeah, why not. Just come up to me if you feel like it. And if I’m with the boys, I think you already know my cousin Kyungsoo, at least.”
His eyes lit up. “Yeah, he helped me with studying last week. He’s really cool.”
“Of course he is, he is related to me. But, well, maybe my brother is an exception. He is a clown.”
Baekhyun chuckled. “I actually never talked to Sehun before. I don’t know, I just wouldn’t know what to say to him.”
“Don’t talk to him, he’s boring.”
“Who’s boring, you dirt?”
Both you and Baekhyun flinched at the sudden loud voice echoing from behind the door. Not even a minute later, your brother appeared beside you.
“And what the hell are you still doing outside the dorms? Shouldn’t you be sleeping upstairs with your tedd-”
“Shut up, you ass!” You interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. “And I got punished by professor Snape today, remember? I had to go clean the Quidditch field, I would probably still be out there if Baekhyun wasn’t so nice and helped me out.” You pointed at him with your chin, still looking at your brother.
“Really?” Sehun looked Baekhyun up and down, something clicking in his head before he exclaimed. “Aaaaah, you are Chanyeol’s friend.”
Baekhyun looked a little flabbergasted, looking up at Sehun who, was visibly much taller than him. “Yes-”
“Well, thanks then. And thanks for bringing this little piece of dirt of my sister back here.” Sehun’s voice was surprisingly friendly. He knew how to speak to other people in a friendly way? Wow.
“It was my pleasure.” Baekhyun smiled softly before turning to you. “Then, uhm, I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N. Have a good night, both of you.” With that being said, he turned around and started to walk back in the direction of Gryffindor’s dorms.
“You too!” Sehun waved him goodbye.
Okay, you had to clarify something here.
“What the-?” You crossed your arms on your chest, sending your brother a questioning look. “What’s up with you?”
“Why are you so nice to him?”
Sehun made a stupid face. “What, Chanyeol’s friends with him so it would be awkward afterwards if I was an ass towards him.” He paused before speaking again. “Besides, I think he’s actually not that bad.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What are you trying to say?”
“Idiot, I heard you two talking in the corridor and then here by the door for a good twenty minutes.” Now it was him who looked at you with a question visible in his brown eyes. “Has my little sister already moved on so quickly?”
You slapped his shoulder, frowning. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You reached for the door, ready to enter and run up the stairs, but Sehun grabbed your wrist stopping you.
“Just so you are aware, I approve.” He gave you a thumbs up with his other hand.
“You are disgusting! Now let me go.” You stuck your tongue at him and wiggled out of his hold, running up to the stairs, straight to your room.
You definitely needed to finally take a rest after everything that happened today.
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In the following weeks, you started to talk to Baekhyun whenever you had an opportunity. During the classes you had together, in the corridors if you happened to bump into him, even started walking around together during the breaks, chatting. You didn’t even know when you became actual friends.
It didn’t go unnoticed, of course. You caught the looks other students were giving you, heard them whispering something, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. If they wanted to talk, then you would just let them talk.
Baekhyun seemed to notice it too, but even if so, then he didn’t show it.
“You know, sometimes I wonder what they’re whispering about.” You flipped back your long hair, earning a few more looks as you did so. “Most of them aren’t brave enough to say their opinions to my face. But now, maybe it has something to do with Sehun jinxing Taehyung as well, I don’t know.”
Baekhyun threw his head back, letting out a melodic laugh. “You should be flattered, you know. It means they find you very interesting if they’re always talking about you.”
“More like talking behind my back.” You huffed. “And it looks like you became an object of common interest too these days.”
“Well, it wasn’t my intention.”
You let out a hearty laugh. Some students who were passing by turned their heads, looking at you with wide eyes. Y/N Y/L/N laughing loudly in public? That must be new to everyone. Your peace was short lived though, as you heard an unpleasant voice behind you.
“Well, well, well, aren’t you two enjoying yourselves a little too much?”
“Woah, Baekhyun, what did you do to actually get her to talk to someone like you?” He took a few steps closer to you. “Is there seriously something going on between the two of you?” His voice was filled with audible hate.
“Guess what, it’s none of your business.” You said coldly, hoping for him to disappear from your sight, but he didn’t budge. Instead he threw a poisonous look at Baekhyun.
“What, forgot how to talk? Do you really think she could actually like you or something? Because if so, then-”
You felt like taking off your shoe for real this time and throwing it with full strength into his face. “Okay, listen here you little bitch-”
You didn’t get to finish, when you felt Baekhyun’s hand clasping around your wrist and pulling you away. “Alright, alright, let’s just go. Don’t waste your breath.”
You let him take you away, going forward and not paying any more attention to Taehyung’s comments, still being shouted behind your backs as you walked away.
“Don’t listen to him, he doesn’t know how to use a brain.” You looked at Baekhyun, and at his hand which was still holding your wrist.
“I don’t, it’s just sad that he says things like this.” His touch lingered a little longer before he let you go. “I never did anything to him.”
“He’s just jealous.” The sentence left your lips before you could think twice.
“Jealous?” Baekhyun raised his left eyebrow with a soft smile. “Does he have a reason?”
Now it was your turn to blush. “Uhm. Yeah, I mean you can actually bring me to laugh, he rarely could.” You tucked your hair behind your ear. “Come on, let’s go. I’m hungry.”
To say the least, today didn’t seem to be your day because soon as you reached the corridor, you spotted a group of Ravenclaw boys, you knew them because you had been dating Taehyung, but you also knew that they weren’t close friends so you didn’t expect the one of them, a tall boy with dark brown hair, you believed his name was Daehyun, to call out to you.
“Ey, Y/N! I heard that Tae didn’t get the chance to get naked with you-” He was shamelessly smirking at you, looking you up and down. “So, still a virgin? Wanna change that?”
“I don’t even know how to respond to this because I’m just utterly and deeply disgusted.” You said back with a straight face.
Baekhyun looked just as disgusted as you were. “Are you being serious talking to her like that?” He raised his hand in the ‘what is that idiot doing’ sign.
Daehyun only laughed. “And you, Byun Baekhyun? Sehun really lets you hang out with his beloved little sister?” He just kept on laughing stupidly along with his friends.
This time it was you who grabbed Baekhyun, not his wrist, but his hand. You saw him freezing in place, looking at your interwined fingers.
“Come on, Baekhyun. Enough idiots for one day.” You flashed him one of your rarest smiles, the one as bright as the sun. His cheeks were completely red, but he managed to return the smile and nod. Then you ran forward through the corridor, never letting go of your hands.
Just when you were far enough in the empty hallway, you felt Baekhyun slowing down and stopping. You stopped running as well, standing in front of him and looking him in his face.
His shiny black hair was in a complete mess because of the running, his cheeks still tinted a bright shade of red. As he exhaled the air, you couldn’t help but let your eyes fall onto his lips. They looked so soft.
You looked up from them, examining his face, noticing him mirroring your actions, looking at your lips as well.
What was happening to you? He was always there, but you got to properly know him only a few weeks ago in which you became really good friends. The feelings you felt were totally new to you. You didn’t think how much you would enjoy being with him. You loved every minute, no matter what you did. You also never expected to come to like someone who differed so much from you. Baekhyun was probably the nicest person you ever came along. You on the other hand, would suit the definition of mean and careless quite well. He liked to concentrate on lessons, carefully taking notes, you rarely paid attention during classes, caused drama and ended up in detention. You were two opposites, if not extreme opposites. In addition, he was in Gryffindor, you were in Slytherin.
Then again you remembered the night when you discovered that he loved the colour blue as much as you did. You finally had to admit that past these weeks, you started to like him.
To like Baekhyun.
You thought that you started liking him already some time ago, but you just brushed it off ignoring it. But now, as you were taking in the sight of the sweet boy right in front of you, you became very aware of it.
“I want to tell you something.” You were still holding his hand, your fingers still interlocked. You didn’t really know how to tell him that you liked him. You didn’t want it to come out sounding completely stupid.
He didn’t say anything. Just observing you with his lips slightly parted. You didn’t know what’s gotten over you when you gently slid your hand out of his, cupping his face and looking him right in the eyes.
“I think I like you, Baekhyun.”
A small ‘ah’ escaped his lips, his eyes never leaving yours. Then he finally spoke up. “I’ve been waiting to hear that.”
“Really?” You asked in slight disbelief.
“Yeah.” He whispered. “I like you too, Y/N.”
Your lips were now only inches apart. And as you felt his hands on your waist, gently pulling you closer to him, you just let that happen.
Without hesitation, you closed the gap between you, taking your time in sweetly kissing him.
He kissed you back immediately, awakening butterflies in your stomach.
You didn’t know how much time has passed, but eventually you heard clapping, breaking the kiss only to see Sehun, Minseok and Kyungsoo together with Sarah and Hoseok who were all standing there, smiling as you and Baekhyun remained still, both of your faces heating up.
Sarah’s sweet voice broke the silence. “That day in the potion class, I already knew that they will be just perfect for each other. This is only the proof that I really can read other people!”
“Sure you can darling” Hoseok put his arm around her. “So does it mean double dates from now on?”
“Only if I know were you’re going” Your brother’s voice joined in. “None knows what might get into your heads, little freaks.”
You looked at Baekhyun who’s arms were still around your waist. “Well, you know what that means, right?”
He looked at you. “That we are dating?”
“That too, but there is something else.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his cute confused expression.
“That means that they all will sure as hell really start talking about us now.”
Baekhyun smiled. God, you really adored his smile.
“Worth it.”
A/N: please leave me your thoughts and opinions! <3 feel free to reblog <3
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
The Scent of Love
Idol: Wendy (Red Velvet)
Prompt: Can I request a fluffy Howgarts AU with ravenclaw Wendy x hufflepuff male reader, where they're in potions class and they're studying amortentia and they kind of smell each other, if that makes sense? And they end up confessing? Thank you ^^
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: The reader in this ended up being gender-neutral, like most of my stories. I’m working hard to get enough requests done to open them back up again! Sorry it’s taken me so long this round. But hopefully they’ll be open by the end of this month, and I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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If there was anything Wendy loved, it was learning and trying new things. It was a part of why she’d been sorted into Ravenclaw, and why she’d been so excited to come to Hogwarts in the first place. There were so many things to learn about in the wizarding world, so many spells to master and so many potions to make, and she wanted to know about all of them.
Today, however, she walked into potions class anxious for the first time since she was a brand-new first-year. Because today, they were going to be trying to brew amortentia.
“I don’t know what you’re so nervous for,” Seulgi whispered from beside her as they walked into class, her eyes wide and excited. “It’s not like we’re going to have to drink it. Plus, aren’t you curious about what you might smell? I’ve been wanting to try this since I learned about it from my books!” Seulgi stopped at her desk, and Wendy glanced over at where she was supposed to be seated, nearer to the front of the class. You were already seated in your seat, chatting with one of your fellow Hufflepuff classmates, and she but her lip, feeling nervous all over again.
“But what if what you smell is embarrassing? Like, what if I smell pizza, since I’ve been craving it recently? Then everyone will think I’m some sort of food maniac!”
“I doubt that’s going to happen. Plus, where’s your Ravenclaw spirit? We’re always happy to learn, no matter the consequences!”
“I think that’s just you, Seulgi.” Wendy let out a sigh, and Seulgi glanced at you, a slow smile spreading over her face.
“Or are you just scared that you’re going to smell (Y/N)?”
Immediately, her face flushed, and she tried to look away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’ll be hard to pretend you don’t have a crush on them then,” Seulgi teased, reaching out to pat Wendy on the shoulder. “Good luck!” She moved to sit down, and with a jolt, Wendy realized that the Potions Master had entered the room, and awkwardly cleared her throat, hurrying to her seat with her head down. Luckily, Professor Taeyeon didn’t seem to care, and as she sat down in her seat, Wendy swallowed and opened her book up to the right page, breathing in a deep breath. She could do this.
“Wendy, are you not feeling well?” Your voice made her jump a bit, and she turned to look at you with raised eyebrows, almost forgetting her nervousness about the day in her confusion.
“What? What do you mean?”
“Well, your face was flushed, and you were late to your seat. You know, if you’re sick, you should go see the nurse.” Your voice was laced with concern, just like the Hufflepuff you were, and Wendy shook her head quickly, hands going up to pat at her face as she tried to think of an excuse. Why did she have to blush so easily?
“Oh, no, one of my friends, Seulgi, she was just, um, teasing me.” She gave you a smile that she hoped wasn’t awkward. She was usually able to keep her cool, even occasionally flirt with you during these classes. But today, just thinking about brewing a love potion beside you made her feel flustered. Maybe she hadn’t been getting enough sleep lately. She probably needed to cut back on the studying. “Thanks for your concern, though.”
Professor Taeyeon cleared her throat, starting the class, but you gave her a smile and a nod of your head in return before turning your attention to the front, making Wendy’s heart skip a beat. After a second of her head being flustered, she quickly came back to, moving to follow the professor’s instructions. Class she could do, taking notes she could do, and studying she could do. She was just going to have to put you out of her head for the rest of this class. There was no way she was going to let her grades slip for this.
Never mind. She was willing to let her grades slip for this. Especially when you kept handing her the materials and your fingers kept brushing hers. But as soon as she was about to back out, claiming that she really was sick, actually, and she needed to go lay down right now, Professor Taeyeon walked over to the table and gave her a smile.
“I can always count on the two of you to make your potions right, Wendy, (Y/N).” She smiled as she walked away, and Wendy felt like whining, plan crumbling to pieces. She couldn’t let Professor Taeyeon down, not after that.
“I think we’re almost done, actually,” you said, completely unaware of her internal turmoil as you peered down at your book. “We should only have two ingredients to go.”
Biting her lip, she picked up her notes, both to double-check your claims and to give herself a distraction. It was just a potion. It would be fine. And even if she did smell you, she didn’t have to tell you. She could just write it down and turn it in before you noticed a thing. “It looks like you’re right,” she said, voice a bit squeaky. She quickly cleared her throat, hoping that you hadn’t noticed it. “We should be the first ones finished. This last step is a bit tricky, though, so let’s be careful.”
“As always.” You gave her a smile. “We make a good team.”
“Yep!” Her heart couldn’t handle this, and she knew her face was heating up again, so she quickly reached across to grab the remaining ingredients and looked back down at her notes. “Should we finish, then?” Without waiting for your answer, she quickly put your share of the ingredients down beside your cauldron before busying herself with her own, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. She wasn’t going to mess this up, even if you were very distracting beside her.
A couple flicks of the wrist and double-checks from her notes later, she was done, and she watched as the steam drafted upwards in a unique spiral. For a moment, she was entranced by the beautiful look at it, just staring at her creation with no thoughts of what it might smell like. Then, she heard one of the girls behind her whisper, confused, that her potion smelled like grass, and she remembered.
Her stomach twisted and she glanced over at you. You were still finishing your potion, face revealing nothing, and she sighed, knowing that she had to smell it. After calming her nerves through the breathing exercises Irene had taught her, she leaned forward, closed her eyes, and breathed in.
At first, she didn’t recognize anything distinct. Then, she caught the smell of the library: parchment, ink, and wax from the late-night candles. The smell made her smile. She did love the library. Next, she smelt... bread? Or some kind of baked food. Her cheeks colored at the thought that her original excuse to Seulgi might have come true. But it made sense, she did like to bake, and she loved the taste of breads and cakes. Then, breathing in once again, it hit her. Plants. But not just any plants. It was the smell of cactus and ferns that she recognized right away. Your robes always smelt like them during class, because you when you were tired in the morning, you brushed against the plants on the way out of the dormitories. This time, her cheeks flushed red. Unless her brain was secretly crushing on another Hufflepuff, she was smelling you.
Pulling away, she tried to gather herself, rubbing her hands across her face. This was fine. She’d been sure this would happen anyway. It was fine.
“Did you smell anything?” You asked, once again making her jump in her seat. Why was she so jumpy today?
“Oh! Um, yeah, sorry I was thinking.” She shot you a smile as she reached for her paper, ready to write down her findings. “Have you smelled yours yet?”
You seemed to be searching for something on her face before you smiled and shook your head. “No, I only just finished mine. I’m about to do that now.” You turned away, and despite how much she wanted to focus on her writing, she couldn’t.
She watched as you leaned in, closing your eyes just like she did. Had you been watching her? You breathed in, and after a moment, your eyes fluttered open and you looked down into the pot.
“I wonder what would happen if I drank it?” You said, softly, mostly to yourself, but it knocked Wendy out of whatever stupor she’d been in, and she laughed, surprising even herself.
“I don’t think you should do that,” she replied with a giggle, shaking her head. “Professor Taeyeon would get mad at you.”
You smiled as you pulled away, and she may have been imagining things, or it could have been from the steam, but your cheeks seemed flushed. “I was just wondering who I’d end up attracted to. Or obsessed with, I mean.”
“Didn’t she say it was the object of our affections who we’d become infatuated with?” Distracted by the technicalities, as always, Wendy looked at her notebook, missing the way your eyes darted to her.
“Oh. I guess she did.”
“Yeah. Whoever we desire most. I think the potion can also be brewed with a certain person in mind to make whoever drinks it become infatuated with that person, but I think it’s usually whoever we feel affection for.” She grinned at you as she looked up, not noticing the words slipping from her lips until they were gone. “What did you smell?” It was a harmless question, but as soon as it left her lips, she began to feel flustered again.
“Well, I smelled this candle that used to burn at my house when I was a kid. And there was the smell of the gardens.” Once again, your cheeks seemed to flush. “And the smell of a perfume that I know really well.”
“Yeah. What did you smell?”
It was only then that she realized that she hadn’t told you when you’d asked. “I smelled the library, like paper and ink?”
“Typical,” you said with a little laugh, and she huffed at you before continuing.
“I also smelled baked goods, so like bread or cake. I couldn’t really pinpoint what it was. And then there was the smell of, um, ferns and cactus and stuff.”
At the mention of the plants in your dorms, you raised your eyebrows. “I didn’t know you were into plants.”
“I didn’t know either, but apparently I am.” She looked away quickly, hiding her face with her hair, and for a moment, the two of you sat quietly, listening to the rest of the students chat. And then, you cleared your throat.
“You know, um. The perfume I smelled. It was a mixture of roses, jasmine, and I think sandalwood.”
Her heart jumped in her chest. She wore a perfume with all of those ingredients. And you would know her perfume well from sitting beside her all the time. Deciding to be brave, she folded her hands and stared into the cauldron. “The ferns and cacti that I smelled. I’ve smelt it before on someone’s robes. I see them a lot.” Once again, the two of you sat in silence, before you let out a little laugh.
“Does... Does this mean we were smelling each other?”
Finally, she dared to look up at you again. You were smiling, a flush on your cheeks as you ran your fingers through your hair, a nervous habit, and she found herself smiling in return.
“I think it does. I mean, I immediately thought of you.”
“I immediately thought of you too.”
With all of the flirting she’d done in the past, Wendy didn’t think that she’d be so awkward when it actually came down to confessing and asking you out. But apparently she was awkward, because there she was, shyly shifting around on her seat as the two of you exchanged brief, giddy eye contact before looking back at the cauldrons. Summoning her inner Gryffindor (although she’d never tell Seulgi) she tucked her hair behind her ears and squared her shoulders, turning to you with determination.
“Would you like to go out with me then?” She wasn’t near as sure of herself inside as she was sure she was portraying, and she knew her face was still red to the tips of her ears, but you grinned the way you always did when you were excited, so it seemed to be a success.
“I would like that, yes. I was hoping you’d ask.”
“You could have asked me, you know.”
“I know. I was going to, if you didn’t. But then you did.” You laughed, and her heart squeezed. Why were you so cute? “And I’m glad you did because I was so nervous about today.”
“I was nervous too,” she admitted, “I almost even pretended to be sick to get out of it. But I’m glad I didn’t.”
You gently reached out to link your fingers together with hers, biting your lip. “So this means we’re dating?”
“Yeah.” A grin that she couldn’t control stretched across her face as she looked down at where her hand held yours. Class was almost over now, and you glanced up at where Taeyeon was setting up a stack of papers before tightening your grip on Wendy’s hand just a bit.
“Then can we eat lunch together? And study together? And just hang out and talk? And can I meet you after classes end?” Your kind eyes were bright, and she couldn’t help but giggle, bumping her shoulder against yours. Inside, her heart was pounding with excitement, and she could hardly believe this was happening. Maybe amortentia wasn’t such a bad thing after all (as long as it wasn’t taken, of course).
“I’d love to do all of that with you, (Y/N).”
“Then I’ll see you for lunch.” It was a promise. A promise for today. And a promise that she was sure you’d keep for a long time in the future. So she smiled, winked, and leaned over to link her pinky finger with yours, sealing the deal.
“I can’t wait.”
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ace-angel-judas · 5 years
∞Pairing∞ ⁞  Hope/EXO 
∞Series∞  ⁞ EXO 13th Member AU 
∞Rating∞ ⁞ Fluff, Slight Angst 
∞Synopsis∞ ⁞ The younger boys panic because Hope isn’t home 
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“Hope? Can you get me a bottle of water?”
After ten minutes, with no bottle of water, Sehun frowned and looked at the door to his bedroom. Normally Hope came running with whatever he called for, perhaps she was a sleep? Although, it was hardly seven. Hopefully she wasn’t sick.
He decided to go in search of the maknae, not finding her in the lounge room, outside or the kitchen. When he checked the bedroom and found it empty, Sehun busted down the leader’s door in panic. Suho stared at him with shock.
“Hope isn’t here!”
“And” Suho asked him, “Sehun-“
“What do you mean Hope isn’t here?” Jongin appeared at the door, followed by Chen.
The youngest male frowned, “I checked everywhere, she isn’t here,”
Mama Suho shook his head, “Hope is an adult-“
“She’s barely 20!” Chen gasped, “That’s hardly an adult!”
“Stop!” Suho raised his voice, “Worrying, she’s fine, Hope is big enough-“
Sehun waved his arms around, phone in his hand. He was about to send the rest of the maknaes into a downward spiral. He never understood why they panicked whenever Hope was away, she was more mature than they gave her credit for.
“Hope’s not at the studios!” Jongin exclaimed.
“She’s not answering her phone either,” Chen started to pace, “What if she’s gone back to China to be with Luhan?”
“Why would she do that?” Sehun panicked, “But we need her,”
The voice of the eldest member made everyone stop.
“I know where she is,” Minseok stated, “She’s fine,”
“She needs to come home,” Sehun shook his head, “Hyung-“
Minseok raised an eyebrow and Suho stood up from his desk, the other three didn’t seem happy with the older members’ decisions.
“Hope will be home late, okay?” Minseok shrugged, “Leave it,”
Yawning as she walked into the studio, Hope rubbed her eyes but was quickly woken up when she tripped over and fell to the floor. She looked up, finding Jongin, Sehun, Chen, Chanyeol and Baekhyun all looked down at her.
“Good morning,” Hope sat up.
“You didn’t come home last night!” Sehun panicked.
“And that isn’t your shirt..,” Jongin leaned forward, “Where were you?”
She hugged herself, “Minseok and Suho knew, it’s fine,”
Chen shook his head and whined, “Hope, our baby, you have to tell everyone,”
Her brows furrowed together and she glared at the members. The boys were surprised at her sudden bad mood, leaning back.
“Why? Not all of you tell everyone,” Hope pointed, “I found out nearly three weeks after everyone that Baekhyun and Taeyeon were dating, I found out two months after everyone that Jongin and Krystal were dating, now you know how it feels,”
Baekhyun and Jongin both went silent, Chen wasn’t sure what to say as Hope stood up and dusted herself off. Shaking his head, Chanyeol leaned forward, at least he hadn’t done anything too bad to make her angry.
“But seriously, where were you?” He asked, “Since that’s not your shirt,”
She looked at him, “Not your business,”
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