#tag: lexi h
elffees · 2 months
The (non-horny) AFOP fanbase is so dead. It feels like the game only released recently but where is everyone?? 😭
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mjfass · 2 years
Fuck zodiac signs. Tell me who was your first ever wrestling crush.
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ladylooch · 5 months
Just Married [Nico Hischier]
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A/N: Thank you @mads-28 for your lovely ask requesting to see more about Nico and Lexi's wedding! I hope you love this as much as I love you!!
Part of the What My World Spins Around series
Word Count: 1.0
Nico and I have done this hike numerous times before. It’s a small, local one- free of tourists or children or influencers. It’s a hidden hike the locals keep for themselves just outside of Bern. The views include the towering Swiss alps, a glacial lake, and clouds that bop along the tops of the mountains as they pass. 
Nothing about this hike is traditional today.
The two people who tag along with us are not friends or family members. They are an officiant and a photographer. Nico and I are dressed in hiking stuff, but inside our hiking packs are a white, lace dress for me and a blue, dress shirt for him. There is a bouquet of fake flowers tied together with blue ribbon and two white, leather notepads with a gold H engraved into the front. Inside those covers are written vows Nico and I have curated for each other.
It has been one month since Nico proposed to me on the dock. Since then, a new family member has joined our family. After meeting Lio Meier, Nico and I looked at each other and thought, why wait any longer to seal our deal? We kinda want one of these sooner rather than later.
But Timo and Emma had just gotten engaged and are rushing to the altar before the season starts. So to avoid stepping on their toes, and selfishly because we wanted this all along, we are getting married in secret. No parents, no friends, just us and two strangers.
Then, we will go to the city register’s office and do it all officially there again. After it is official, we will clue everyone else in with a surprise, we got married! announcement.
We don’t want a party. We don’t want gifts.
All we want is to be married.
The last part of the hike is precarious. Rocks litter the trail, some snow remains in parts of the trail that don’t get sun. But we all prevail. I put my arms victoriously  in the air because that was hard and I got through it easily with the Swiss natives.
“One of us!!!” Nico yells excitedly, lifting me into the air. “Minus the fact that you hate raclette.”
“My one flaw.” I agree, bowing my head to him.
“You’re perfect.” He murmurs sweetly. His fingers lace with mine, squeezing, before he looks at our guests. “Please marry us as soon as possible.” I swoon. Our guests laugh and nod. 
“Shall we.” The officiant points to the rock closest to the ledge that provides us the most incredible view to look at while we wed.
Nico and I pull on our wedding outfits. He helps me zip my dress up over my hiking stuff. The photographer snaps pictures of us. The warm breeze blows the smells of the wild flowers up from the valley to us. In our hiking boots, with our books steady in our hands, we receipt our vows.
While I speak, Nico’s eyes fill with tears. I wish I had better words than what is on this paper to describe him. Every time I sat down and wrote and rewrote my vows, it never felt like I could get the right combination of letters to describe my love for him. I finally accepted that words would never describe what he is to me, or what he will be in the future. All I can say is I love you and prove it for the rest of my life.
After I finish, I reach forward, holding his cheeks in both of my hands. My thumbs collect the droplets of water he shed for me, for us. Nico pulls me closer, resting our foreheads together, resisting the urge to kiss me even though his hands shake with his desire to. 
Then, he begins to weave us through our story. 
“We started off as nothing, barely even neighborly because I couldn’t get the courage to speak to you.” A grin stretches my lips. “Then we were friends, but I watched you leave that apartment every day talking about the different dates you had been on until I finally got the courage to ask you out.”
“Thought you never would.” I tease. 
“You stepped into this complex life without looking back. I know it’s been a lot. You’ve been asked to sacrifice, sleep alone, and navigate big parts of life without me. But you still choose me, like it’s the easiest decision you make every day.” I nod because it is. Nico sniffs, then sucks in a big breath. “I love you. I kept thinking of all the ways I could tell you that today. Or how I could show it to you. But I realized, I need a whole lifetime to do so. Even then, it’s only scratching the surface .” He tucks a chunk of blowing hair back behind my ear. “I promise to take care of you. To love you even on our worst days. To show up for you and support you in all your hopes, dreams, and wants. To be your best friend and your best lover.” He winks. “To try even when I’m tired or it feels too hard or I don’t think you deserve it.” 
“Mmm.” I murmur, nodding. The last part is a call back to my parents and their divorce- how my mom didn’t think my dad deserved for her to fight for them. Tears fill my eyes as he pauses, really letting that sink in.
“Because our love is worth it. Now and forever.” He finishes.
“That was perfect, Neeks.” I whisper. We join hands, our books pressing into each other's opposite palms. 
The last few rights are done. We exchange rings and finally, urgently, kiss. It’s explosive and short. Our smiles get in the way of binding us for life, but like Nico said, we have a whole life time of this to do. 
We open beers and salute to one another, then chug the light liquid, surly not needing it to feel buzzed after the high of being married. We hike back down the mountain with 'Just Married' signs on each of our backs. We pass no one, but the declaration is there.
Lexi and Nico Hischier are married.
And it will be for forever.
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queencherryberry · 1 year
So….I lied. I smoked the whole day and couldn’t resist writing chapter 6. And…uh…buckle up.
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Tags: @alyyaanna @alyanamrossi @crossrhodez @mylittlepartofthegalaxy @freegardenbanananeck and anyone else who wants tagged.
Warning: implied violence, revenge, argument between reader and randy, implied sub space for reader, slight kink shaming
Chapter 6 of Brothers Best Friend
Cody let out a small chuckle rubbing your back as you clung to him still sobbing. He picked you up and took you to the bathroom and sat you on the toilet while he ran you guys a bath. You reached out to him doing grabby hands and he walked over while the tub filled up. You wrapped your arms around his waist and put your head on his abs. You just wanted some type of close contact with him. He stroked your hair as you started to calm down. For as long as he had known you, he knew physical touch was your love language. And he was prepared for how clingy you were about to become. To say he was excited for it was an understatement. When the water was sufficiently full enough he sunk into the water. You got in and sat in front of him. Your back rested against his chest and laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Cody wrapped his arms around you in a hug and rested his face by your neck. You both sat in the bath in silence enjoying each others’ presence. “I love you too baby girl.” He mumbled into your skin. He was met with light snoring from you. You hadn’t realized how exhausted you were until now so dozing off wasn’t a surprise to cody. He only smiled. He placed a kiss to the side of your forehead. He held you with one arm and reached over to drain the tub with his free hand.
After drying you both off he carried you to bed where you could get some actual sleep. He was even nice enough to put in some makeshift pj’s. He used one of his shirts and hoodies and he put your sweatpants back on you. “I’ll be right back to cuddle. I still have to go clean up breakfast since it’s almost 2pm. That and I still have to get some online school work done. Rest well.” He whispered to you stroking your hair. He kissed your forehead and put his shorts back on. He heard your phone go off. He picked it up to see who it was. He furrowed his brow and walked out of the room still holding her phone. He opened the text messages. ‘Hey lil’ mama, where you at? I didn’t see you at school today. You good? You still mad about Lexi? I told you we just friends. It’s not like that. I don’t know what you think is happening, but nothing is happening. Can we talk about this? Say dinner at 7?’ Before Cody could answer another text popped up from your best friend Brandi. ‘I know you probably don’t think about him like this but how big do you think Cody’s dick is? Like do you think he’s packing? Ask your brother if Cody’s single. Or better yet next time you see him give him my number chica’ cody smirked to himself. He kept this information on the back burner. He went back to jeys text and just simply sent a dick pic. ‘Fuck off dickwad. She’s mine now.’ He then blocked Jey and erased your conversation with Jey. He then texted Brandi his number. He saw an unread message from Randy. ‘Kim’s staying for awhile. Grab what shit you want and stay out of the house for about a week or so. I’m pretty sure rhodes wouldn’t mind the company. Just try to cock block him when he brings girls home. Tell him it’s a gift from me.’ Cody set her phone down and tried not to laugh. “This mother fucker…” he said to himself. He sighed and went to the sink to start doing dishes. After 15 minutes he pulled out his laptop and started work on homework and looking through class notes. His phone buzzed. He looked and saw he had a DM for $500. He opened it, piquing his interest. The note attached to it read: ‘next tinder bitch please whip.’ He set his phone down and sighed. He debated his options. He looked over at you sleeping peacefully. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his desk chair. There was something he was forgetting but he couldn’t remember what it was. He shrugged and closed his laptop and crawled into bed with you.
About three hours later there was angry pounding on his door. “Rhodes open the fuck up. I’m going to fucking kill you.” Cody shot up in a panic. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t scared to open his door. You awoke too and got up. Cody tried stopping you but it was useless. You flung open the door to stare face to face with your brother. “Fuck off randal! I’m trying to fucking sleep. And if you dare lay a hand on him, I, PERSONALLY WILL RIP YOUR BALLS OFF AND SHOVE THEM DOWN YOUR THROAT!!” You screamed at your brother. Randy’s face got redder when he saw the marks on your neck as well as the hickeys that littered your neck. “The fuck you’d do to my sister you little shit!?” Randy yelled. Before either man could blink, you gave your brother a low blow by kneeing him. You then slammed the door in his face and marched back to the bed and grabbed your blanket and curled up to Cody who still sat up shocked. He blinked a few times before laying back down. He just stared at you. He had a confused boner. He wasn’t sure if he was scared or turned on but he wasn’t going to speak on it. You grabbed his arm and dropped it over yourself aggressively. You curled up to his chest. You then moved around so you guys were spooning.
After about another 2 hours you woke up and Cody was missing. You sprang up and started looking for him. You wondered if Randy was still around. You heard laughing and it was coming from down stairs. You crept downstairs where you found your brother and Cody playing Call of Duty. Both men looked over at you creeping down the stairs. “Bout time you woke up miss priss. Thanks for the injured balls bitch.” Randy said starting another round of the game. Cody had a black eye when he looked at you. You continued down the stairs confused. You walked over and saw they were also smoking. You grabbed Randy’s cartridge and took a hit from it. “What? Not gonna sit by your boy toy? Codes told me everything. At least he’s a better candidate than fuck boy Jey.” Randy said. You got up and walked over to Cody and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and buried your face in his neck. He rubbed your arm and then went back to playing the game. You sat down next to Cody and put your head in lap. You chewed on your sleeve as you watched them play.
You soon felt Randy get up to leave. You didn’t know how long you were asleep. Cody stroked your hair and switched to a different game. He hit off his mod and leaned back into the couch. With one hand he combed through your messy hair. He thought you looked like an angel as you slept in his lap. He smiled to himself. He wasn’t playing his game for very long. He set the controller down and stretched. He looked at the time. “Sweetheart. Wake up. What do you want to eat?” He said, shaking you lightly awake. You yawned and stretched. You rubbed your eyes while stretching. You looked up at him and reached up to cup his face. You rubbed under his eye and frowned. “Randals a dick. This looks like it hurts.” You sat up still holding his face. He kissed your hand and held it in his. He looked at you sweetly. “Did you know Randy had a bet with Kim on when this would happen?” He said killing the mood. You smacked your forehead in irritation. “Are you shitting me? That dick!”
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Find the word
Thanks @eccaiia for the tag!
Rules: find the words given to you in your WIPs! Synonyms are welcome. Then tag people with new words!
My words: sight, sound, smell, taste
Your words: strap, small, scratch, study
Softly tagging @mk-writes-stuff @monstrouswrites @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @mysticstarlightduck @jezifster @jessicagailwrites @gottestod-writes @willtheweaver @theeccentricraven @digital-chance @moonandris + anyone else!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites - soft tag
Keep reading for:
Lexi and Ash arrive at the Gateway
William makes a breakthrough
Ash uses the probes (no!)
Noelle is hurt oh no
Sight - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“It seems weird,” I said looking at her as I turned around the corner of the school. “Like—ah!” My boot got caught on the grass, causing my feet to slip. I tumbled onto the ground and dropped my violin, the “oof!” that followed indicating Ash tripped over the sturdy case. It was eerily quiet and the smell of the exhaust was gone. I became hyper-aware of the grass I lay in and shot up to a seated position, jumping when I realized nothing was in sight but a dizzyingly-clear horizon. Ash groaned beside me. “Since when does Falcon have grass—” She cut herself off as she pushed herself upright, taking in the sudden new scenery. We sat in the middle of a seemingly endless field. The grass that stretched in each direction appeared freshly mowed, though it lacked the smell that usually came with it. Instead, a chillingly sterile air hit my nose. “Ash,” I asked, low-key freaking out, “where are we?” Ash looked around. “Where did—how did we get here? Where’s the school?” I couldn’t answer. The sun that had been burning in the late afternoon was no longer casting a deathly heat paired with Houston humidity. In fact, looking up, the burning mass seemed to be missing, despite the sky being a soft periwinkle. “Okay…” Ash said after a moment, standing slowly. “Maybe if we go back the way we came, we’ll return to the school.” “Right,” I said, rising to join her. “That—that makes sense.” We retrieved our stuff and tried to retrace our steps. We walked a couple yards, but nothing happened. “We could’ve gotten turned around,” Ash pointed out. “Maybe there’s one specific spot we have to step in to get back.” She sighed, setting her stuff on the ground and sitting beside it. “Give me a second to think.” “Think about what?” I asked, joining her. “A way out? A way back? What the hell is happening? “Maybe we’re dreaming?” “Isn’t that cliche?” “Then we’re hallucinating!” “More cliche!” “Well, you think of something!” We were both silent.
This passage used smell twice lol
Sound - from The Secret Portal Part One
“I was wondering when you were coming back to bed.” “No time soon,” William told his wife. “What are you doing up?” Atsila paused before saying, “I could ask you the same thing.” “You know I have to work,” said William. “You don’t miss me, do you?” Atsila laughed on the other end. “Not at all. I just want an estimate so you didn’t catch me doing anything embarrassing.” William chuckled. “Now, don’t joke like that.” “Who said I was joking?” William sighed, not understanding his wife’s sense of humor. “I’ll work another hour, and then I’ll come to bed.” “Let me know when.” “Will do.” “I love you.” “Love you, too.” Atsila hung up and William turned back to the bubbling chemicals. He jumped in his seat. “No way….” He grabbed the flask and examined it closer. Suddenly giddy, he turned to the snakefly behind him. Gingerly, he tilted the flask and allowed a drop of the chemical to drop on the insect’s wings. William opened the tablet and began recording. The snakefly’s wings continued to rapidly beat together, then slowed as if stuck in treacle. It froze midair, dropping to the ground by the forces of gravity. William let out a sound that would have caused him to flush if anyone was around to witness as he abruptly shot out of his seat. He cleared his throat, though still vibrating from excitement, then called his wife on the comm. “Atsila! Atsila! I did it!” “What is it, Will? You coming early? Do I have to clean up all this mess in five minutes?” she joked in response to his jubilant celebration. “I’m not coming to bed, hon. I’m sorry.” “What—” “I’ve reached a breakthrough.” “Good to kn—” William turned off the comm and continued his work.
Smell - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Ash POV)
Hannah closed the door behind us as I slowly sat on my bed. “I don’t remember pushing Amanda.�� “You did,” said Hannah. “Just psychically. So, I told the truth. I think you were overwhelmed by being in that corner go. Just decompress here, kay? You have your phone?” I looked at where I’d tossed it on the bed earlier and nodded. “Text me when you’re ready to come out.” She shut the door behind her. I sat on my bed for a while, not moving. Trying to process everything. I felt a familiar tug from under the bed. I hadn’t gotten the telepathic devices out since my birthday. But I felt them every night. I remembered how they helped me wake everyone up. Maybe they could help me better control my powers. Or at least, make me feel better after the meltdown. I slipped off the bed onto the floor. I crawled underneath the bed and pulled out the puzzle box I’d put the devices in. I opened the box up. There they were. Coin-shaped. Small. Black but glowing a light purple. I placed them on my temples and gasped as a shudder raced through me. The room seemed to swell. Light up. Like I could taste every molecule. I could see everything… I could see their thoughts. Feel them from outside. Smell them, almost. I felt a small pressure on my brain. Spinning. The feeling of being on a rollercoaster. Falling… falling… until everything suddenly was still and quiet.
And this one had taste!
Taste - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
My tongue scraped my braces as I willed Noelle to stir. I caught a glimpse of Kelsey holding her neck, likely in pain from the ticking that had been aggravated. Still scratching my tongue, squeezing Wilfredo with my right hand, I placed the other one on Kelsey’s shoulder and squeezed it. She put her free hand on mine. Eventually, though, Noelle groaned and opened her eyes. We all let out an audible sigh. “What happened?” she muttered. “You hit your head when you came out of the portal,” Gwen explained softly, still applying pressure to the wound but putting her hand on Noelle’s forearm. “You may have a concussion. Can you stand?” “I don’t wanna try,” Noelle groaned. “I’m not getting reception,” Rose said, looking down at her phone. “We need to find civilization,” Gwen pointed out, eyes fixed on Noelle. “She needs a legit doctor, and that wound could get infected.” “How?” Rose asked, rubbing her nose. “Guys!” Kelsey said from a standing position. She pointed off to her left. We all turned to see that we weren’t too deep into the forest, as a neighborhood peeked through the trees. “Is it safe to move her?” Rose asked, standing. Gwen shrugged. “Not sure. Besides, no offense, I don’t think we can support her.” “None taken,” Noelle muttered. “Maybe y’all three could go off and see who you can find that could get her help. I’ll stay here.” I was surprised at how well Gwen composed herself in this situation, whereas I was so nervous, I’d run my tongue over my braces so many times that the strong taste of my own blood began to fill my mouth.
People love giving me prompts with taste. I feel like I've exhausted them lol.
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rroaddkill · 3 months
(ANOTHER) Character Info Sheet!
Name and Pronouns: Glen (Any. Primarily they/he)
Ethnicity: a mix of Chinese and Caucasian I think?
One picture you like best of your character:
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*British accent* 'my little baybee'
Three h/cs you've never told anyone:
Glen has a multitude of little dolls and figures decorating his bedroom
They also collect converse shoes and will freak out everytime a new pair is released
Makes outfits in his spare time.
things your character likes doing in their free time:
Being outside/walking in the woods n stuff
Eight people your characters likes/loves:
Two things your character regrets:
Defending Tiffany
Letting themself be a pushover for a majority of their life.
phobias your character has:
-algophobia (fear of pain)
-autophobia (fear of being alone)
-musophobia (fear of rats/mice)
BTW here's the other post I made for this, of Glenda!
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moonwoodhollow · 3 months
🎵 My username in songs 🎵
I was tagged by the lovely @thebramblewood, thank you! I was cursing my username throughout though because it was unexpectedly difficult to find 6 songs with O that I like haha
M - My Love - Florence + the Machine
O - One Summer's Day - Joe Hisaishi
O - Out of the Dark - Falco
N - Never Be The Same Again - Mel C
W - Wish I Didn't Miss You - Angie Stone
O - Overture - Tristan und Isolde (opera)
O - Ordinary World - Duran Duran
D - Deep Down - Lexie Liu
H - Holy (Til You Let Me Go) - Rina Sawayama
O - Of Mice and Men - Megadeth
L - Let Us Die - King Princess
L - Les Fleurs - Minnie Riperton
O - Outside - George Michael
W - Wuthering Heights - Michel Legrand
I tag @softerpixels, @cowplant-snacks, @folkbreeze, @cinamun & @sweetbeagaming (if you've already done it, I'm sorry I missed it!)
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binkitten · 15 days
10 characters from 10 fandoms tag
Thank you @benwvatt ☺️
As I usually only post about Heartstopper, I’m gonna do 10 other fandoms
1. Paris Geller, Gilmore Girls
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2. Jim Hopper, Stranger Things
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3. Spencer Reid, Criminal Minds
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4. Hawkeye Pierce, M*A*S*H
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5. Linda Belcher, Bob’s Burgers
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6. Sam, Crashing
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7. Stephen Holder, The Killing
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8. Sue Heck, The Middle
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9. David Rose, Schitt’s Creek
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10. Lexie Grey, Greys’s Anatomy
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My beloveds <3
Tagging @thoughtthedormouse @cadburyoreo @kaalee @tinyarmedtrex if you want!
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arrthurpendragon · 8 months
Updated Custom Tags h-z (Oct. 22, 2023)
hadley🍫: @supermarine-silvally
heather💜: @happinessismagicc / @heathersocs
io💜: @random-writerings
jay🏩: @rockmacbeth
joss💫: @saiilorstars
july🖤: @julyzaa / @lya-dustin
justine🗡: @mimikoflamemaker
karimac☘️: @karimac
kate🫶🏻: @iron-parkr
kathrin🌻: @june-girl-86
kelsey💜: @ilikemymendarkandfictional
kristi 💙: @dream-beyond-the-fantasy
lavi✨: @shrinkthisviolet
lexie👻: @jump-wings
liv🌺: @bravelittleflower
mabs🦭: @mabonetsamhain
mara👾: @themaradwrites
mare🫧: @jadore-andor
misa🦄: @selfproclaimedunicorn
nicole💚: @bardic-tales
niniane🌓: @ladyniniane
nixie🐲: @nixdragon
nora💙: @noratilney / @mariedemedicis
nova🌠: @thechaoticfanartist
perse💄: @queen--kenobi
poppy🍓: @come-along-pond
rey🌅: @enchanted--roses
sara🦄: @starcrossedjedis
sarah⭐️: @illegalcerebral
soph💌: @raspberrytwilight
stitch⛓️: @techs-stitches
tessa🪐: @juliaswickcrs / @margoshansons
thorn🐧: @thornofarose01
tori📚: @darksideofparis
. . . names can be repeated, just choose a different emoji :)
information post
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scarliefrancis · 8 months
statistical "which character" personality quiz ✨
tagged by @pussiesaregod, thank you! <3
i tag @charmtion @thedarkestgreys @emotional-emotion @libra-lizard @lesser-bohemian, as always no pressure if you're not interested! 🍑
rules: take this test and present who you got as the characters most similar to you!
my results:
Lexi Howard (Euphoria): 89% 😭
Ann Perkins (Parks and Recreation): 84%
Glenn Rhee (The Walking Dead): 84%
Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon): 84%
Matt Saracen (Friday Night Lights): 83%
Walter 'Radar' O'Reilly (M*A*S*H): 83%
Dr. James Wilson (House, M.D.): 83%
Pam Beesly (The Office): 82%
Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings): 82%
Sara Tancredi (Prison Break): 82%
Clarice Starling (The Silence of the Lambs): 81%
Connell Waldron (Normal People): 81%
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): 80%
Ted Mullens (Schitt's Creek): 80%
Dr. Jennifer Melfi (The Sopranos): 80%
lexi being my second best result is… very telling (technically it was a tie between her and some shailene woodley character I’ve never heard of so!!!!) I guess you could see why she’s my best girl, and to all the little sisters out there - you’re enough!
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flock-from-the-void · 10 months
URL song tag game
Guys I love you so much. I saw this tag game and went "omg sounds cool would be nice if someone maybe tagged me" AND I GOT TAGGED T H R E E TIMES!!
Thank you @digital-chance (here) @writeblr-of-my-own (here) @avocado-frog (here)!!
RULES: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
I'm absolutely gonna do this three times lol. Another two below the cut <3
Some Cool Songs Version
F – found & lost – Survive Said The Prophet
O – Oh no! – MARINA
C – Cha Cha Cha – Käärijä
K – Kill the Sun – Motherfolk
F – Full Speed Ahead – Jorge Rivera-Herrans
R – Revenge, And a Little More – Unlike Pluto
O – Ollo – Hans Zimmer
M – Mulan – Lexie Liu
T – Tell It Like It Is – The Arcadian Wild
H – Hameln Wa Donoyounishite Fue Wo Fukunoka – Hello Sleepwalkers
E – Everything Moves – Bronze Radio Return
V – Venus Line – Kohmi Hirose
O – Our Lady of the Underground – Hadestown Original Broadway Cast
I – ivory – TOOBOE
D – Depression Is Here! – Jeremy Blake
16 letters! That's! A lot! Tagging, ofc no pressure!
Other versions below the cut!
Polish Songs Version
F – Fabryka Małp – Lady Pank
L – Lipka – Łysa Góra
O – Otwieram wino (feat. Pezet) – Sidney Polak
C – Czarny chleb i czarna kawa – Strachy Na Lachy
K – Kołysanka dla Nieznajomej – Perfect
F – Fajnie, że jesteś – Wilki
R – Raz po raz (Straszą nas) – Perfect
O – Ogrodu Serce – Daab
M – Minus 10 w Rio – Perfect
T – Trójkąty i Kwadraty – Dawid Podsiadło
H – Hi-Fi – Wanda i Banda
E – Eroll – Wilki
V – Vademecum skauta – Lady Pank
O – Ostatnia Nocka – Yugopolis, Maciek Maleńczuk
I – I nikomu nie wolno się z tego śmiać – Kobranocka
D – Dwa Rzędy Kłów – Jerna
OC Playlists Version
F – Fhear A Bhata (The Boatman) – Silly Wizard
O – Obiata – Jar
C – Cold Kind Hand – The Paper Kites
K – Killer Queen – Queen
F – Fuck This Shit I'm Out – The Theme Song
R – Requiem – Dear Evan Hansen Original Broadway Cast
O – Ode To Our Soldiers (Jinzhumami Zan) – Xu Jiangde
M – Metaphor – The Crane Wives
T – Tip Toes – half•alive
H – Heat Above – Greta Van Fleet
E – Everything Machine – half•alive
V – Vengeance – Killstation
O – One More Heartache – Peter Frampton Band
I – Infinitesimal – Mother Mother
D – Długość Dźwięku Samotności – Myslovitz
Okay, okay, some of them maybe are from my mood playlist for writing. There are, like, four song titles starting with O ever made, I had to get creative.
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
I’ve always dreamed of me and you, now here we are
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings/Tag: Secret Dating AU, Social Worker!Carlos Reyes, Professor TK Strand, ex’s to lovers, warnings to be added, smut in later chapters
Summary: It’s a tale as old as time, meeting the right person but during the wrong time of life. TK Strand and Carlos Reyes dated in college but parted ways when they graduated, not knowing they would ever see each other again. Six years later, Carlos is working as a social worker in Travis County and TK has just accepted a position as a professor at The University of Texas at Austin. They run into each other when a mutual friend invited TK out for the evening.
Authors Note: Thank you to @noxsoulmate for beta'ing for me. I hope you guys are enjoying this fic as much as I am! Leave me a comment and check out my season 4 Fics!
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five
Carlos spends the next few days throwing himself into his work for several reasons. 
One, because he has a mountain of cases that just seem to keep piling up and he needs to make some progress on them and, two, he needs a chance to wrap his head around sleeping with TK.
He doesn’t regret it, he just needs to get a handle on the lingering feelings that seem to have grown more intense since that night. He doesn’t need to have those feelings, they would just get in the way of the friendship they are getting back, and besides, like TK said, it was just sex. That was it. There is no reason for it to be more than just sex, more than just two people who know each other letting off some steam.
Carlos groans, pushing away a file and dropping his head in his hands.
If it was just sex, his brain wouldn’t still be thinking about it or how TK called him baby.
“You doing okay there, Reyes?” his coworker Lexi Mitchell asks him.
Lexi has been his coworker and friend for close to two years now. She’s always been someone he has felt like he could talk to - both about work things and personal things - but he’s unsure if he can talk about this to her.
He’s unsure he can talk to anyone about it, because what is he supposed to say?
‘Oh hey, I slept with my old college boyfriend and even though I had convinced myself that I wasn’t still madly in love with him and it’s been six years since we were together, it turns out I am in love with him but that’s just not going to work.’
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan@noxsoulmate@rangergurlgleek1211@detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust@bubblesandroses8@thebumblecee@mooshkat@importantbailiffpaperpony@otter-love-asl @paperstorm
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controlledvolatility · 8 months
— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: nathaniel jacobs
name meaning: God has given
aliases/nicknames: nate, shyguy118, playboy, asshole, tyler
ethnicity: american
one picture you like of your chara:
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three h/cs you never told anyone:
nate can't get off without mixing sex with some form of control
his truck is like his second bedroom, but it's inexplicably clean to the point of obsession, inside and out
nate has never respected, loathed, idolized and hated someone as much as his father.
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
driving around
working out
having sex
eight people your character likes / loves:
in no particular order!
maddy perez
cassie howard
caroline forbes
jules vaughn
chris mckay
harrison morgan
rue bennett
two things your character regrets:
choking maddy
pissing off lexi
two phobia fears your character has:
cal jacobs
being alone and unloved
Tagged by: i stole it from myself Tagging: everyone who hasn't done this
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rroaddkill · 5 months
Character Info Sheet
(Yes I got the full idea from askglenandglenda, tho I did tweak some stuff , also I didn't tag them bc I didn't wanna bug them <3)
Name and Pronouns: Glenda (Any. Primarily they/she)
Ethnicity: a mix of Chinese and Caucasian I think?
One picture you like best of your character:
Little goober
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Three h/cs you've never told anyone:
- Glenda struggled with mass internalized misogyny, and internalized homo/transphobia at one point or another, but just came to accept themselves for who they are at age 17.
-Glenda bugs Glen to go to Melanie Martinez concerts with her. Because she's collecting tickets like Pokémon cards.
-Glenda DOES kill people, but is too prideful to admit it's a problem.
things your character likes doing in their free time:
- Drawing (they have a tablet and stylus pen, they ALSOO do commissions and make lotsa money from that too)
- Shopping at places that are way out of her budget.
- Have this HC that Glenda does babysitting but can and will teach the kids to be violent brutes.
- Inviting stray cats into their and Glen's shared home despite Glen being somewhat allergic.
'Are you getting sick too??'
'Hmm..nah, ya probably just got a cold.' *3 different cats are on the couch beside her.*
Eight people your characters likes/loves:
-And their 'Auntie Gina' bc they are definitely besties ya can't tell me otherwise. I mean, who wouldn't wanna be around Gina Gershon.
Two things your character regrets:
-Letting Tiffany push them around with her lies and stupid shit like that.
-SOME of the murders, because Glenda has..somewhat of a moral compass.
phobias your character has:
- Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
- Autophobia (fear of being alone)
- Athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten / forgetting someone or something important)
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Miss Fortune ~ Chapter Twenty-Nine
Miss Fortune - Modern AU
Summary: Everyone in Cranford Falls knows the Prescott family. Not only do they run Miss Fortune’s Crystal occult shop in town, but they’re also known for their psychic abilities. On occasion, they’re even called into service to assist the police on particularly difficult cases. All except Alex Prescott, that is. Unlike her three sisters, she’s inherited none of her family’s gifts. At least that was what she thought until the day the dead guy showed up in her bedroom asking for her help in solving a murder. His own.
Six months after his brother Frerin’s death, Detective Thorin Durin is on a downward spiral of self-destruction until Frerin starts showing up in his apartment, claiming his death was not an unfortunate accident but was, in fact a murder. Trouble is, Frerin doesn’t know who did it, so he wants Thorin to reopen the case and solve it, with Alex’s help.
As they work together to find out just exactly what happened to Frerin, Alex and Thorin grow closer. Neither one knows it, but Frerin isn’t just looking to solve his own murder, he’s trying to help his brother cope with his loss as well, and to find happiness with the Prescott sister who’s known as the quiet one…
Summary: Grandmama Prescott wants to know exactly what Thorin’s intentions are where Alex is concerned…
Pairing: Modern!Thorin x ofc Alex Prescott
Characters: Thorin, Alex, Gram, Frerin, Teddy
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Word Count: 4,242
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knitastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @ggfamert @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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When he first opened his eyes, it took Thorin a minute to remember where he was. Alex’s bedroom—a bit larger than his bedroom, with beautiful stained trim and crown moulding. The walls were a soft, pale green, adorned with framed posters from old-time movies. Above her desk hung a pink and white French memo board and into that she’d tucked photographs of her with her sisters, with a taller, dark-haired woman he assumed was Terri, note cards like the ones that came with delivered flowers, and other pictures, newspaper clippings and things of that sort.
He rubbed his eyes with one hand. His headache had subsided and Alex lay curled up alongside him, still sound asleep. He leaned over to brush her temple with a light kiss, then carefully eased over her to rise from the bed. 
His jeans lay draped over the foot of Alex’s queen-sized bed, so he picked them up and slid into them, then made his way downstairs, where he found Grandmama Prescott in the kitchen. She was at the sink and didn’t even look over as she said, “Good morning, Lieutenant.”
“Please,” he replied with a smile, “Thorin is fine.”
“All right then.” Now she looked over her shoulder. “Good morning, Thorin. Are you hungry? I was just about to get pancakes and bacon going.”
“Point me in the direction of the bacon and I’ll give you a hand.”
She smiled. “Top drawer in the fridge and I’d love the help.”
He moved to the fridge and found the bacon, then came back to where she was setting up a cast iron griddle on the range top. “How much do you need?”
“All of it. I’m feeding a full house plus a man this morning.” She nudged him gently with her shoulder. “So, put all of it on and we can talk while it cooks.”
He did just that and as he laid the strips on the griddle, he braced himself for her first question, which didn't disappoint.
“What are your intentions where Alexandra is concerned?”
He looked over to find her blue eyes trained on him, without a trace of humor or laughter in them. “I promise you, Mrs. Prescott, my intentions are completely honorable where Lexi is concerned. She knows this.”
“She does?”
He nodded. “She does. And that’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Really?” Grandmama gestured to the Keurig. “Coffee?”
“I’ll get it. Just point me in the direction of the cups and the pods.”
She did and five minutes later, while bacon sizzled and the electric skillet warmed up, he sat at the kitchen table across from her as she said, “What did you wish to talk to me about?”
He took a sip of Black Silk and, lowering the cup, said, “I want to marry Alex, Mrs. Prescott, and I’d like your blessing to ask her.”
She just stared at him over the rim of her cup, her blue eyes almost perfectly round. “What?”
He nodded. “I want to ask her to marry me.”
“The two of you have only been a couple for a few weeks. Aren’t you rushing things a bit?”
“Maybe, but it feels right to me. And she knows how I feel. We’ve talked about it, and… well.. I know you know what happened to my brother last winter.”
“I do and I’m so sorry, Thorin. I can only imagine what it had to be like. I only wish I could have been more of a help back when it happened.”
“I appreciated what you did do, Mrs. Prescott. And now, since Alex has been working with me, we’ve gotten a bead on a person of interest, but he’s slipped through my grasp. Literally. I had my hands on him yesterday and he knocked me on my ass. Oh,” he winced, “sorry about that.”
She offered up an amused stare. “It takes far more than that to offend me, Thorin. Don’t worry about it. The important thing is that you’re okay, more or less.”
“Yeah. Fortunately, Durins have heads like rocks. And either way, this whole mess has helped me put things in perspective to a certain degree.” He sat back, tracing the rim of his coffee cup with his forefinger. “I’d wanted to ask Alex out for a long time before I actually worked up the nerve to do it. And since she and I started seeing each other, everything has just felt… right…”
“She cares about you, Thorin. I hope you know that.”
“I do.” He smiled. “She stayed up most of last night to make sure I woke up every hour on the hour. I know she cares. That’s the kind of person she is.”
“And you know, in this family… things are a little different. Especially where Alex is concerned.”
“I’m well aware of how different your family is, Mrs. Prescott, and even where Lex is concerned. I’ve worked with all of you long enough to know and accept you’re not like most other families and she is like no other woman out there.”
“She has grown up in the shadows of her sisters. And those are some large shadows, Thorin. And you’re not the first man who’s come around, and before you, quite a few of them fell prey to Teddy or Syd or Charlie and if you—”
Annoyance kinked his gut. “I’ve seen what they do, Mrs. Prescott. And I’m not blind to Teddy and her flirting, but I promise you, I’m not interested in anyone who’s not Alex. I’m not interested in Teddy. Or Syd. Or Charlie.”
Grandmama got up to tend to the bacon. “You’ll forgive me, but I’ve heard that before. You should only know how many times.”
“Mrs. Prescott,” Thorin could hold back his sigh as he got up as well, and moved to lean against the counter, “I promise you, I know Teddy’s just been waiting for me to ask her out. She’s subtle as a brick. And I know that makes me sound like an arrogant prick, but I’m not blind or stupid. I know what I look like and I’m painfully aware how she drops hints and what those hints mean, but I promise you, I love Alex. I want to marry her. Not Teddy or Syd or Charlie, but Alex.”
Grandmama’s eyes softened. “If you hurt her, Lieutenant—”
“I won’t. I promise you that as well.”
Although she still didn't look entirely convinced, she sighed softly. “She seems happy and I wouldn’t want her to be anything but that, so… I don’t suppose I could say no, even if I felt I should.”
He held her stare. “So, you’re saying yes?”
Those piercing blue eyes remained unblinking for another minute or so more before she slowly nodded. “Get me a plate for the pancakes? The cabinet to your left.”
He smiled. “Sure.”
The aroma of frying bacon roused Alex from her sleep. She rolled onto her back, rubbing her eyes with one hand. For a crazy moment, she wondered if she’d just dreamed the entire thing—from Frerin’s first appearance to Thorin’s showing up at midnight the previous evening.
But then, a soft tap came at the door and it opened enough for Thorin to poke his head into the room. “You up yet?”
She smiled. “Where did you vanish to?”
The door swung wide and he filled the doorway. “I was having a heart to heart with Grandmama and trying to convince her that I’m not just using you for sex until Teddy clears a spot on her calendar for me.”
He came into the room, closing the door behind him. The sunlight slatting in through the blinds made the bandage on his chest almost glow, burnished the rest of his skin almost golden. He leaned against the closed door. “Your grandmother was worried I was using you to get to one of your sisters. But, I think I managed to convince her that you’re the only one I’m interested in.”
“She worries about me.”
“Yeah, and from the sounds of it,” he came over to sink onto the edge of her bed, “your sisters think nothing of trying lure a guy away from you.”
“It’s not like it takes a lot of effort sometimes. I mean, look at them. They’re perfect.”
He leveled a long look at her. “Lex.”
“I know, I know,” she sighed. “I sound like an insecure teenager. But at the same time, when it happens time and again? It kind of drives the point home about how different I am from them.” 
“And that difference is one of my favorite things about you, you know.” He leaned in to brush her lips with his, and then he gently pressed her on to her back. Her belly did a slow flip as he growled, “I’m yours, Lex. And you’re mine and I don’t want any other woman who’s not you.”
She gazed up at him, into those beautiful blue eyes she’d come to love so very much. “Did she really say that about my sisters?”
“Kind of, yeah,” he murmured, his lips brushing hers. “But then I told her I plan on marrying you and that seemed to change her mind about my biding my time to pounce on Teddy.”
Her stomach fluttered again. “Are you serious about that, Thorin?”
“About marrying you?” He nodded slowly. “Absolutely.” He dipped forward to nuzzle her, whispering, “I told you that, didn't I?”
“Well, yeah, but…”
“I don’t know what he did to you,” Thorin murmured as he drew back, “but you can trust me, Lex. I’m not going to push you aside for one of them, I swear to you I’m not.”
She sighed softly, tracing her finger along the line of his beard—down along his jaw, around his chin, back up, and said, “Do I seem that insecure to you?”
“It’s happened, hasn’t it? That’s why you haven’t asked me who I meant by he.”
“More times than I care to think about, actually. After all while, I just assume every guy who’s interested in me is interested because of them.”
“I’m not. I swear to you, I’m not.” He nuzzled her again. “When I think about my future, honey, I see you in it. And now, when I think about having a family, my kids all have your eyes. Your beautiful green eyes, Lexi.”
His soft words sent a delicious chill through her, one she hadn’t expected. But then again, she hadn’t expected his words, either. “Thorin…”
“What? I’m not allowed to say that? Am I supposed to be too tough to say it? Too much of a man?”
“Well, no other guy has ever said anything even close to that to me, so… yeah… I think you might be.”
“Get used to it, Lex. I’m soft with the right woman. Haven’t you figured that out by now?” He smiled down at her, then dipped to kiss her once more. “You should come down and have some breakfast,” he added between kisses, “because if you don’t… I’m having my way with you right here and right now…”
Hey eyes grew heavy-lidded as he moved down along her neck, which bowed on its own. “What about your head?”
“My head’s fine,” he murmured, flicking his tongue into the hollow of her throat, “and the door is closed, so there really isn’t much to stop me right now.”
“Only my entire family downstairs.”
“I don’t care about your family at the moment, Lexi.” He swept a kiss down toward the valley between her breasts. “Just be quiet and they’ll never know.”
She threaded her fingers into his hair as he eased one strap of her camisole from her shoulder and his fingers slid over the rise of her breast. An airy sigh floated to her lips, his fingers curling about the edge of the cami to tug it down and freed her breast. He kneaded it gently, his thumb slipping lightly about her nipple. 
A tingle rippled through her at his teasing touch, and her head began to spin slowly. “Thorin… my gram is right downstairs… and my sisters…. And maybe Terri…”
“So be quiet,” came his whispered response, his lips replacing his thumb on her nipple.
Her eyes rolled back into her head, her back bowed, her fingers twisted in his hair. A sigh bubbled to her lips, her fingernails scraped lightly along his bare back. He kissed lower, easing the other strap down before tugging her camisole down to her waist. She smiled at the sweep of his soft lips against her skin, at the way the tip of his tongue swept against her skin between kisses. And this man wanted to marry her. How did that even happen?
“Alex?” Teddy rapped on the closed door. “Are you two coming down for breakfast?”
Thorin swore softly, his head coming to rest against her stomach as he whispered, “Your sister has terrible timing, Lexi.”
“I know. And I tried to tell you…”
He lifted his head. “You should just move in with me, Lex.”
Her stomach did a massive flip, the flutter rippling through her even as she smiled up at him. “Gram said it was only a matter of time before you asked me to live with you.”
He grinned. “Did she? She’s a wise woman.”
“Yes, she did and yes, she is.”
“We’ll be there in a minute, Teddy,” Alex called back.
“As soon as we put some clothes on,” Thorin added with a wicked grin.
“Oh… oh, god… I’m sorry,” Teddy stammered. “I didn’t… I mean… what should I tell Gram?”
Thorin winked at Alex, who shook her head and mouthed, Don’t you dare, as he said, “Tell her I’m getting lucky.” 
Then, to her horror, he moaned softly and added, “I love when you do that, Lexi…”
“Are you insane?” Alex hissed.
He winked, then added a moany, “Oh…. Yes…”
“I’ll… I’ll just tell her you’ll be down in a—in a bit, then. Okay?”
Thorin let out a lusty sigh, but before he could make the situation worse, Alex clapped her hand over his mouth and said, “Thank you, Teddy!”
The floorboards creaked, followed by the stairs creaking, and as the sounds faded, Alex did her best to scowl at him. “Are you completely nuts?”
He dipped to kiss her. “What? Nothing wrong with driving the point home that I’m not interested in sleeping with anyone not you.”
“Well, no, there isn’t, but she doesn’t need to hear it.”
He eased off her and stood. “Lexi, we both know I’m not a big talker when I’m actually having sex, aside from urging you to go nice and slow with me.”
She smiled. “Well, I don’t know I’d say you weren’t a big talker, but you’re definitely a lot growlier.”
She nodded. “Oh, yeah. Your voice gets even deeper and rougher than normal. It’s actually pretty sexy, if you want the truth.”
He smiled. “I leave the talking to you. Lets me know when I’m doing something right.”
“Do you honestly worry about doing it wrong?”
“I just don’t want to leave you wanting, baby. That’s all.”
“I really don’t think that will ever be a problem.”
He winked. “Good answer, Lex. Good answer.”
“We should go down before Gram thinks we really are destroying each other up here.”
“You haven’t answered me yet, you know.”
Her stomach did that flip again. “Were you seriously asking me?”
“Yeah. I’m seriously asking you, Alex. I like sleeping with you—in all the ways. And I like waking up next to you. And I think you should move in with me.” He leaned over, brushed her lips with his, and added, “You don’t have to give me an answer now, but give it some thought.”
She smiled, draping her arms about his neck. “Thorin?”
“Shut up.” She pulled him to her and as their lips met, she whispered, “When can I move in?”
Thorin sat back in his chair, dabbing his mouth with his napkin. “Mrs. Prescott, that was amazing.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
“Would you like more coffee, Lieutenant?” Teddy asked, leaning an elbow on the table as she bent toward him. “I mean, before you head off to work.”
“I’m good, thanks.” He set his napkin down. “I talked to my captain and I’m on the bench for the rest of the week, so I don’t need my usual shot of caffeine.”
“On the bench?” Teddy asked, arching one brow as she lifted her coffee cup.
“I’m off duty until I’m cleared to go back and that won’t be for at least the rest of this week. I’ve got to go see my doctor and get cleared first. Which means,” he turned to Alex and smiled, “how do you feel about a day or two at the shore?”
Her stomach twisted. “A day or two at the shore?”
“Yeah. I was thinking Wildwood.”
Wildwood. His parents lived in Wildwood. Her mouth went dry at the thought of his bringing her to meet his parents. “Are you sure?”
Yes, I’m sure, Lex.”
“Is he sure?” Teddy let out a soft laugh. “It’s the shore, Lex, not exactly a life-changing event.”
Alex rolled her eyes. “Says you.”
“Says me…?” Teddy looked from her to Thorin and back. “What did I miss? What’s down in Wildwood?”
“Teddy,” Gram’s voice held a low note of warning, “mind your own business.”
A hint of a flush crept into Teddy’s cheeks as she took another mouthful of coffee. Then, lowering her cup, she said, “Aren’t you supposed to be in the shop with me today, Alex?”
Biting back a sigh, Alex looked over at Thorin. “I am, actually.”
“I’ll cover for you,” Gram broke in, glaring at Teddy. “So go and enjoy yourselves.”
“What? That’s not fair, Gram, you never let me take time off for a day at the shore.”
“Alex almost never asks for time off, which is more than I can say for you, Theodora. Now, mind yourself.”
Teddy sat back with a pout while Thorin pushed away from the table and rose. “What time should I have her back by, Mrs. Prescott?”
“She is a grown woman, Lieutenant. She has no curfew.” Gram smiled at first him, then Alex. “Have fun and tell Mrs. Durin I said hello.”
“Will do, Mrs. P.” 
As he and Alex made their way upstairs, Teddy was still complaining. “Why are you letting her take today off?”
“Theodora, enough. Your sister is happy and if the good detective wants to take her home to meet his mother and father, which is what I’m pretty sure he’s doing, I am not going to stand in the way of that. Now, get over your silly crush on him. Can you not see that he’s not the slightest bit interested in you?”
 Alex pressed her lips together to hold back her smile. Thorin’s fingers tightened about hers, the gentle motion sending a chill through her. “Thorin?”
“Is that what you’re doing? Bringing me home to meet your family?”
“Yeah, Lex.” His thumb swept against hers. “You’ll like them and they’ll like you, so why not?”
She smiled. “I just… I wasn't expecting it to be today. That’s all.”
“You’ll be fine.” Frerin appeared at the top of the steps. “Mom’ll be thrilled to meet you, Al. Trust me.”
“Like either one of you would tell me anything different.” She closed her bedroom door to lean back against it. “So, Frerin, do you have any idea where we might find George Lawerence?”
Frerin offered up a sly grin, sinking into the chair. “Thorin, she’s even more single-minded than you. And, actually, Al, I do have a few ideas, but they’ll keep until you get back. No statute of limitations on murder, you know.”
He said it so flippantly, that she could only stare at him. He didn't seem quite so unhappy about being dead now, and she wondered if the fact they were getting closer meant he was getting some peace.
If so, what would happen when they found out George Lawrence was the one who set the fire? And it had to be him. Alex wouldn’t let her mind convince her otherwise. It simply had to be him, because if it wasn't and they had to start all over at Square One… ugh. She didn't want to think about it.
“What happened to make you so chipper?” Thorin asked his brother. “You find a way to get laid over there?”
Frerin let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. “No. I just have a feeling about Lawrence, is all. It’s weird, but I haven’t really thought about sex all that much lately. I must be getting used to being here.” He shrugged. “Or maybe it’s the Big Man’s way of telling me my time coming back here is almost up.”
“What do you mean, almost up?” Alex pushed away from the door, crossing her room to stand before him. “You mean when this is over, you won’t be able to do this any more?”
Frerin’s smile faded as he shrugged. “I don’t know, Al. I have no idea what comes next. I don’t know if this is something I’ll be able to keep doing or if He’s got other plans for me. He plays His cards close, you know.”
She glanced over at Thorin, who looked decidedly unhappy at the thought of Frerin’s no longer crossing to their side. He pressed his lips together for a moment and his chest rose as he drew in a deep breath, then fell as he slowly exhaled and said, “I can’t… I’m not ready… I mean, I—”
“I’ll make sure I say goodbye, T. Don’t worry.” Cold air swirled through the room as Frerin stood and without thinking, Alex took a step back when he moved to stand before Thorin. “I promise you, I will.”
She looked away, moving to the desk as if there was something on it she needed to find. But there was no way to block out the pain in Thorin’s voice as he said, “I don’t know if I can do that again, Frer. You have no idea how hard it was the first time.”
“Yeah, I do, T. You all said goodbye to me. I have to say goodbye to all of you. Besides, you won’t need me. You’ve got Al and you’ll be busy building a new kickass life with her.”
She smiled, her eyes stinging as he added, “And I’m happy for you. For both of you. Don’t waste that happiness being sad over me. I’ll be fine. Enjoy the time you have, man. It’s over way too soon as it is, so don’t waste a second of it wishing anything was different, okay?”
“I mean it, T. Get married. Have your family. Enjoy watching them grow up. I’ll be around in some way, shape, or form if I can be, even if you might not know I’m there.” He cleared his throat and added, “And don’t worry, Al, Mom and Dad will love you. Dís will, too. You’ll see. Oh, and you’ll have Fíli and Kíli eating out of the palm of your hand as well.”
Thorin met her gaze. “Her sons. They’re seven and five and hell on wheels.”
“And they’ll love you,” Frerin added. “All of them will.”
She managed to smile, blinking back tears as she turned toward him. “I hope so.”
“They will. The girl that made Thorin Durin want to settle down? They’ll love you more than him, to be honest.” He smiled, looking from her to Thorin and back. “So go, and enjoy your day and we’ll find Lawrence tomorrow, okay?”
Thorin visibly swallowed when Frerin dissipated, and when she slipped her hand into his, he tightened his fingers about hers. She didn't say anything, but leaned her head against his shoulder, her eyes closing as his thumb swept along hers and he whispered, “He better come back.”
“He will. At least until we get Lawrence,” she squeezed his hand, “he should be around. But, he doesn’t sound nearly as pissed off as he did when I first met him.”
“No, he doesn’t.” Thorin drew in another deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Maybe he’ll be totally at peace soon. And I’m glad if he will be, but, damn it, I miss him.”
“I know.”
“But,” he brought her hand up to brush a kiss along its back, “for now, we know we’ll see him again, so I’m not going to think about what happens if Lawrence is our guy. Today, I don’t really want to think about anything. So, pack your suit, maybe a change of clothes, and a toothbrush. Momma Durin will probably insist we stay over.”
“In separate rooms?”
“Probably, yeah.” He grinned. “She likes to think I’m still a virgin. And I know she’ll definitely want to think you are, so… yeah, we might end up in separate rooms. We’ll see.”
With that, she showered and packed yet another overnight bag. A quick stop at his apartment for him to do the same, and then they were off, back to the shore, and she could only hope Thorin and Frerin were right where their parents were concerned, because Alex was nervous beyond belief that they’d both hate her on sight. 
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sunflouwerhabit · 2 years
many thanks to @wrennotrobin for tagging me :’) now i must choose one song for every character of my url. (i personally am ECSTATIC that we’re going off url and not my name because the X in lexie ruins it every time. i’ve never been able to complete the challenge. truly my villain origin story).
s: sunflower, vol. 6, by harry styles (because she inspired the username i must use her. that’s the law)
u: up all night by one direction
n: nobody like you by little mix
f: funeral by phoebe bridgers
l: levitating by dua lipa
o: only the brave by louis tomlinson
u: use somebody by kings of leon
w: walking in the wind by one direction
e: everywhere by niall horan
r: right where you left me by taylor swift
h: habit by louis tomlinson (another one i must use because she was my ✨ inspiration ✨
a: apple pie by lizzy mcalpine
b: best friends by five seconds of summer
i: i know the end by phoebe bridgers
t: the next best american record by lana del rey
i think from this list of songs we can conclude that i have never ever been happy, not even once in my life <3 cheers! i am tagging @avengersdweeb @bravetemptation @obsessorofthings <3 have fun!!!
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