#tags out of order but aaaaa— anyway
phantasmaw · 2 years
🌼🌸 anon here to make your day a bit sweeter !! you're an amazing person and i hope you've had an amazing start of the week. now, onto some nosy questions: where do you get your inspiration for your character(s) from? are there specific types of medias that have influenced the way you write or maybe even specific writers (maybe even from the rpc)? anyways, i hope your week continues to be sweet and amazing because the best of the best is what you deserve, dear friend !!
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Hello sweet anon! Thank you so much for including me in your rounds, it really made my day when I saw this in my inbox! So sorry it took me a while to get around to answering it ;w;
Man I have SO many sources of inspiration where do I even begin!!! A major recent source of inspiration has been The Locked Tomb series-- I could gush about it for hours and hours and hours. I'm so enthralled with and encouraged by Tamsyn Muir's style of worldbuilding and the strong, unmistakable voices each of her characters has and how out there the whole plot is, yet it's still so adored by so many readers. It motivates me to keep working on my own canons and writing commissions despite them perhaps not being the most 'maintstream' ideas! I also always get into the writing mood when I listen to anything by World's End Girlfriend. He has absolute astounding musical talent and skill, I feel like I'm falling into an entirely new world every time I listen to any of his songs, no matter how often I may have already heard said song. I haven't been getting much inspiration from things I've been watching, but Guillermo del Toro's movies never fail to reignite my passion for crafting odd, eerie little things that can still be comforting and homey for the right audience.
In terms of influence on my writing, I'd say for sure authors such as the aforementioned Tamsyn Muir have helped me better grasp how to put readers into a world where the world building happens naturally through characters that don't just exposition dump via conversation or thoughts. I've been reading Heaven Official's Blessing as well, and MXTX's style of episodic character-focused plot and action has also really influenced how I've started to approach writing non-linearly for linear stories and treating my writing commissions as though I'm writing episodes; that way I don't get bogged down feeling like I need to write everything in order. I also adore how MXTX writes pining-- I'm such a sucker for it already but the depth she gives it makes me want to dig even deeper with my own muses' vulnerabilities and wants.
As for people, lord alive I could rattle off a shopping list! There are so many mutuals I have that I either talk to every day and have super in-depth character relationships written out, or I'm just starting to write with them, or we chat every often and admire each other's threads and asks while working on starting our own-- and all of them make me SO excited to write! I'll go ahead and tag some to let them know how loved and appreciated they and their writing are to me (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
@tenkoseiensei / @deathmcth / @victeux / @sangdelune | @theircurse / @jardinae / @hxroccmplex / @chaoscrawls / @nvrcmplt / @suender | @saviata / @nulltune / @azurescaled / @zorkaya / @s-talking / @natterghast / @laplacemail / @precognitor / @mcnstros / @illholy / @aaternum | @emvry / @lunaetis / honestly if we're mutuals know I've been reading your stuff and I'm so AAAAA over it!
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So I saw your headcanon about the twins standing in alphabetical order and it made me curious about how I pose them in my own art. I ended up going through all my drawings of them and I only found one drawing (out of seven) where Elladan is on the right, and that was for very particular pose reasons. Apparently my subconscious agrees with you!
Sorry, this is really random, but I thought it was neat!
aaaaa, thank you! I originally came up with it as a way of someone being able to tell them apart - it had been bothering me that everyone in fics seemed to be able to tell one from the other automatically although they're specifically described in canon as being identical and so I'd been having a lot of fun with people guessing, assuming, or just plain not having a clue, but for we've changed so much since then I needed Rúmil to be able to tell them apart even when he'd lost track of which was which (do heed the tags if you follow the link, it's Rúmil/Twins and the twins are also together). And then I thought of the British TV presenters Ant and Dec, who always stand with Ant on the left as you look at them and Dec on the right. And then I thought, you know what would be hilarious... XDDDDD
That's the Doylist explanation, anyway. The Watsonian explanation is that they're having a good laugh at everyone else's expense, making the absolute most of people's confusion. :D I headcanon that only their parents and Arwen can tell them apart visually, others who know them well have to wait until they start speaking, because Elladan is slightly sharper and more brusque and Elrohir is slightly more patient and softly-spoken - and those who don't know them well have absolutely no idea. Basically it's a giant standing joke between the two of them and the very few people who know them well enough to actually tell them apart either visually or audibly. :D
I am DELIGHTED that your subconscious agrees! :D :D :D
all this reminds me that I really ought to put that post together about my feral insane headcanon that we do actually get to see the twins in the films, or in RotK at least...one of these days!
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swamp-world · 1 year
Aaaaa thanks @void-and-virtue for tagging me!! Also I am so sorry I have just vanished off the face of the earth, but consider this a general update and “I’m alive” too. Also it gives me a chance to babble about so very many things!!! And I will do so at length!!!
Currently reading: an incomplete list of what I am reading and cycling my way through at the moment.
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1.      Rereading The Queen’s Thief series for some levity and joy in my life; I’m currently midway through Thick as Thieves again and am loving it as ever, 10/10 would recommend to anyone who hasn’t read it. Also my partner studies classics and so I get to go and harass them with this book series and ask about how it reflects elements of actual Hellenistic life (I know MWT wasn’t going by any means for a one-to-one but I really really enjoy getting to learn what a lot of the probable inspirations were, and also how the metaphysics of the Geniad reflect neoplatonic philosophy).
2.      The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. It’s absolutely brutal and I’ve been going through it slowly because it…is rough. It’s really good, but also wow it’s heavy. Feels very relevant to mention that like…my roommates and I have been having long discussions about the climate crisis, wildfires, and just the approaching Crumbles, and it’s lovely as ever to see a book that actually approaches the community-focused approach to the Crumbles. Not just doomsday libertarian preppers.
3.      In Deeper Waters, actually on your recommendation Kylie! I started reading the book like a year ago and then dropped it, but found the audiobook again, and the audiobook is also narrated by uhhh. Kevin R. Free if I’m remembering right? Who also does the audiobooks for The Murderbot Diaries, which I love with all of my heart. Loving the book, have to be honest that I don’t necessarily love the voice that he does for Athlen, but I love him too much to not listen to this. (Also I just looked it up and apparently he’s the voice actor for Kevin in WTNV?????? Makes sense but AAAAAAA [kronk voice] oh yeah it’s all coming together.)
4.      Tractatus Logico-Philosophiscus by Wittgenstein. Trying it again, finally. But I found the centenary edition by one publisher that lays it out in a tree format of sorts instead of just linearly? Which is apparently how Wittgenstein originally wrote it. This is to say—the edition I’d been reading previously addresses points in an order of like, 2.14; 2.141; 2.15; 2.151; 2.1511; 2.1512; 2.15121; 2.1513 etc. etc. etc. but the tree format addresses all points before addressing subpoints, so it’s 1; 2; 3; 4; […] 2.1; 2.2; 2.11; 2.12; 2.13; 2.14; 2.15; […] which is very very neat and way easier to understand in my humble opinion. (See attached diagram. As you can tell I gave up before even finishing the tree for proposition 2.02123.)
ANYWAYS that’s a lot of words and half an hour of trying to draw this out to say—it’s a piece of logical philosophy which is extremely foundational for 20th c. philosophy in pretty much every way, and it’s also extremely funny to me. A lot of people find it extremely dry but I think that it’s hilarious. And not in a way of like, I’m laughing at Wittgenstein, or that in a lot of ways I don’t think he was writing intending it to be humorous, but I don’t think he’s totally unaware of it. It just feels so cheeky at times. Because the whole thing is written in these expanding propositions which build off of one another, and so the propositions themselves are often very simple and straightforwards. Ex:
2.012    In logic nothing is accidental: if a thing can occur in a state of affairs, the possibility of the state of affairs must be written into the thing itself.
2.0121 It would seem to be a sort of accident, if it turned out that a situation would fit a thing that could already exist entirely on its own.
And that’s just hilarious to me! That part of proposition 2.0121 I’ve just annotated with “cheeky” because I find it very funny. I’ve tried reading this twice now (each time on a plane) and I finally sat down to review my notes from the first two sections, so now I can finally get into the meat of it for propositions 3-6.
What I love about the Tractatus is that a lot of people will cite the part of “What can be said at all can be said clearly and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence” but treat that like it’s the only and final conclusion of the Tractatus, because it’s really more like “Look! I did it! I solved all of philosophy, and it’s done nothing!”
Wittgenstein is absolutely on the list of Top 10 Saddest Men Of All Time and he’s a bastard and a motherfucker and I love him. He’s hilarious.
5.      Mengele: Unmasking the “Angel of Death” by David G. Marwell. This one is also very heavy and extremely depressing.
6.      Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco. I’m kinda on the fence about this one, I don’t want to DNF it but it’s a bit too heavy on the horny romance for me and not enough on the geopolitical vampire plot (personal preference). But I had been enjoying it for a bit, wouldn’t not recommend I guess
7.      Gay Bar: Why We Went Out by Jeremy Atherton, which is about the history and disappearance of gay bars and physical spaces for queer community. This one hits hard personally, right now my city only has one designated “gay club” though there are a lot of other queer places in a less official way. There used to be so many and it breaks my heart, and reading this has been equally heartbreaking and wonderful.
8.      Not a book but it’s making up the majority of my reading right now so I’m putting it on here because I need to babble about it that I’ve been catching up on a lot of school readings to try to turn in some late assignments from the last (checks watch) two years, so there’s been a lot of essays by Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, a bit of Heidegger, and a lot of critiques of Heidegger—I’m currently rereading the part of Being and Time on Being-toward-death and Mitsein, and then following it up with sections of critique by Luce Irigaray from The Forgetting of Air in Martin Heidegger, and then the chapter “With Being-With?” from Being Singular Plural by Jean-Luc Nancy (and then after that, Simon Critchley wrote some notes on that, and I’m really looking forwards to reading that too); and also then “On The Coloniality of Being” by Nelson Maldonado-Torres, and then after that Aporias by Derrida, who I’ve also been reading a lot of for classes.
Favourite Colour: You know when there’s a massive storm with really dark clouds, and it then passes, but the clouds are directly across from the sun, and so they’re being illuminated in front of you from the sun behind you, and then you have fresh green trees against the clouds? It’s the color in between the clouds and the trees, at the edges, because they look so golden. (Vital note: I do not wear my glasses as often as I should.)
Last Song: The Man With X-Ray Eyes by Bauhaus. Absolutely adore this album, it’s so so so goofy and I get this song stuck in my head all the time. Next time there’s a karaoke night I’m doing either this or Of Lilies and Remains because “Peter has fallen to the old cold stone floor wheezing and emitting a seemingly endless flow of ectoplasmic white goo from ears and mouth” is just so goofy and great to throw people off-guard. Please please please go listen to this whole album I love it.
Last Show: Baccano! Incredibly fun, 10/10, need to go and rewatch to get the plot straight in my head because of all of the time jumps. Also, outstanding jazz soundtrack. Love it so much. The best kind of bullshit.  
Currently Watching: My partner got me watching The Owl House finally and I love it with all of my heart. Eda owns my soul. Hooty is great. Luz is my absolute beloved. I cried seeing on-screen queerness in this kid’s cartoon. Also Eda reminds me of my favourite professor. Identical energy, both absolutely deranged.
Last Movie: oh god. Uh. Literally the only thing coming to mind is Godspeed You! Black Emperor, which is a 1976 Japanese documentary about motorcycle clubs/gangs/movements in Japan in the ‘70s. A very uncomfortable watch, because it’s just…it’s very interesting, but watching bōsōzoku with fascist symbols plastered on their bikes, helmets, clothing, and skin, and their interactions with the cops and legal system, and the one kid’s interactions with his parents? It’s brutal. I know I’ve definitely watched other films since then but for some reason this is literally the only thing coming to mind.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sour and/or salty. It can be sweet or spicy or savory but the important thing is that it’s either sour or salty.
Currently working on: One (1) extremely self-indulgent angst fic that I started ages ago, long-term WIP for when I’m feeling sad. A pile of papers for classes but one for fun on the digital location of (sub)culture and dark academia (in which the only real physical location for “dark academia” to exist is the academy, which is a fundamentally hostile environment that just sublates what “dark academia” considers itself to be); an essay on Benjamin’s Language as Such and the Language of Man and Arendt’s discussion of the inarticulate cry, both in relation to klezmer ornamentation as pure expression of language and/or grief; a piece that I might submit to a music zine about how Bowie’s song TVC-15 uses the stylings of surf rock in ways that create ambivalence about whether he’s singing about a bad trip and a TV (which he is), or a car that he loves deeply (maybe). Also the long-standing thing I’ve been writing about locutions of love, still an ongoing project. A history of my university, maybe? The line between projects for fun and projects for work have gotten a bit blurred.
Current obsession: beating the old Mortal Kombat arcade terminal at the punk bar down the way. It used to cost a quarter per game but now it’s a dollar so I’m very determined to get way way way better at it because otherwise it’s too expensive to play.
 Tagging mutuals: Kylie I think you got most people I know but uhhhh. @uppercase-disgrace @edgy-contrarian dragging y’all into this??? anyone else who wants to!
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imadangerouscause · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you to get to know your mutuals and followers <3
AAAAA IM SORRY FOR ANSWERING THIS SO LATE!!! and thank you so much for including me in this tag game @adventures-in-mangaland <3
anyways 5 things that make me happy? in no particular order:
my friends both irl and online
2. stuffed animals
3. makeup. like i dont always wear it but i always have fun trying out new looks!!
4. reading fanfic and books. finally read the hunger games trilogy and it was amazing!!! now i gotta go and get the prequel
5. taking candid/silly photos. i need to do that more with my friends. i want to take more photos to remember things :)
I'll tag @smaragdine @somethingabouttheway @secondlandiareblogs @amaricanidiotlover @tawnyevergreen @bootown @catastrofhe @starcrossed-blog @jupiter-rae @manyfandomsonelog @fernposting and anyone else who wants to do it feel free!!!
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bibaybe · 1 year
tell me everything about rika! please! gush!! release the info dump!!! AAAAA
HELL YEAH i saw this at my morning break and have been thinking about what i wanted to say ever since pls know you kept me from a complete mental breakdown today and i appreciate you vv much. this got really long, so i put it under the cut!
anyway!! rika is actually emi's, karube's lover, younger sister. before the borderlands, she was in college studying to be a lawyer and tended to spend her free time debating her fellow students and hanging out at the bar emi and karube worked at, which is how she met karube. they were hooking up for maybe a year? not sure yet. but either way, he starts hooking up with emi, rika finds out and storms off, and that's the last time they see her, leaving them with a fuck ton of guilt to deal with bc they're all like ??? where'd she go?? was she that hurt?? did she run away or worse???
awkward, bc after the initial pissiness of he sleeping with her SISTER who has cheated with many a guy and she wouldn't be surprised if she finds out she has an STD, she's honestly not that mad about it. she's more annoyed with emi than karube, but like, whatever. she's got more important things to worry about like suddenly being in a NEW WORLD?? that makes her fight to survive?? yeah, she's not having a great time.
rika's on her own for a while and figures out the whole suit - type of game thing, realizing her specialty is hearts games bc she's really good at manipulating a situation to go her way. she's moderately deaf, so she's gotten very good at reading lips, opening her up to a lot of information people don't realize they're giving her. that's how she meets the hatter, who catches on to her ability and willingness to sacrifice those who she doesn't have a connection to. he extends an invite to the beach and at first she's hesitant, but ends up deciding to go with him in order to gather more information about the borderlands.
while there, she ends up seducing aguni, knowing that with the lawlessness of the Beach, she'll need someone who will keep her safe when her own limitations come into play. at first, aguni is cold to her, but begins to warm up to her when he realizes that she's not intimidated by him like most are. he starts to fall for her and she plays along, unwilling to lose her most prominent form of information, especially when he starts to open up to her in a way he never does with anyone else.
but as she realizes that the relationship between the militant guard and the hatter's group is too fraught to stand for long, she starts trying to figure out the best way to play her cards, which leads her to chishiya and kuina. they'd already been debating bringing her into their plan, but when she shows up and is just like 'sup, what're you guys plotting and can i be in?' they're just like,,,, uh okay? so she joins their group and is basically a double agent, relaying information that she finds out to them. chishiya and her start to fall for each other, but due to her double agentness can't really do anything about it.
for a long time, chishiya, kuina, and - on some level - aguni are the only people she really cares about. until she runs into karube and arisu during the game of tag, which is very interesting due to aguni also being there. ultimately, usagi and arisu end up becoming people she care about enough to worry about, though her relationship with arisu is tense for most of season 1 due to her last conversation with karube being her being a bitch and making fun of the idea that she cared enough about him to run away.
basically, rika is smart, manipulative, and ruthless, but fiercely loyal to the few people she actually cares about. most of her season 1 arc is just her balancing keeping aguni's trust and love while working against him and keeping her own feelings for chishiya under wraps. season 2 - so far, given i haven't finished the last few episodes yet, but i probably will within the next few days - focuses on her coming to terms with her own shifting morals - aguni trying to kill everyone but her at the Beach makes her wonder if she's as bad as him while also grappling with his (assumed) death and her part in it. along with the fact that she can finally pursue a relationship with chishiya, but being uncertain whether that's something he wants, given the dumbass won't make a move and she's just like ??? we like each other KISS ME GODDAMMIT
also unrelated to literally everything but heiya getting rejected by aguni bc he loves rika and then trying to flirt with chishiya when(if?) they meet and getting rejected again bc he loves rika is so fucking funny to me i'm sorry heiya you'll find someone who isn't into someone else i promise its just not arisu, aguni, or chishiya lmao
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majokurea · 5 years
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Claire Elford and the Heart of the Cards 
Celebrating the birthday of the Best Girl (and source of sheer sunshine energy) is greatly important in my book.
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emile-hides · 5 years
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I’m so excited! I have the house to myself the whole weekened so!!! I cleaned the entire living room and personalized it into my own little space!!!!
I’m going to sit right here on the floor all weekend and play out the LPS story I’ve been writing sense I was actually small! I’m so excited!!!
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 8: Coffee Shop AU]
Ruby:How about this!? *slams mug*
Jaune:*takes sip*…… Half coconut and half Soy.
Ruby:Darn it!
Weiss:Can you two stop goofing around!?
Weiss furious chucked broom at Ruby before counting the register, again. Jaune watched his best friend pout as she began sweeping their little coffee shop. Closing time another long day has arrived. A mean glare from Weiss spooked him into action, rushing over to put chairs up.
Ruby:I never thought having my BFF as a manager would be so painful.
Weiss:Don’t waste ingredients.
Ruby:I’m not! We get free drinks. I’m just experimenting with mine. Honestly, sometimes you can be as bland as your coffee.
Weiss:My coffee is perfect! Excuse me if it doesn’t give tooth decay like your sweet abominations.
Ruby:And yet my special is the most popular drink on the menu.
Jaune:Uh Rubes? Pretty sure it’s because you personally have to serve them.
Ruby:What’s that have to do with anything?
He looked at Ruby’s clothes. The general rule was wear a name tag and be in the correct colors, so the fact Ruby chose black knee high socks, and green skirt, and sleek black v-neck consistently was pretty surprising. Altogether it was pretty professional, but between Ruby always running from table to table, dancing to the songs that played, and smiling, it was easy to see why people wanted her to be their server.
Weiss:Dolt. Ruby, people look at you like eye candy.
Ruby:*red* What!?
Weiss:Why do you think I nag you about wearing your apron all day. But no, you want to do things like the Macarena in between orders.
Ruby:It shouldn’t be in the playlist shuffle if you don’t want people to do it, Weiss! People don’t really look at me that much do they?
Weiss:Are you kidding!? Pfft even Jau- aaaaa
The poor boy was freaking out behind Ruby. Weiss didn’t mean to out him like that. It just sort of slipped. Weiss slowly went back to counting money but Ruby was no idiot. The girl immediately looked back at Jaune who tried to act like he was doing work the entire time.
Weiss:Well…I’ve done my work. I’m leaving.
Weiss:Yep. You know how to lock up. (I do not want to be here.) See you all tomorrow. Remember to set the alarm. *briskly leaves*
Ruby:…So, Weiss says some crazy things at times?
Jaune:Yep! Ya know with her, hehehe.
Ruby:I mean for real, people looking at me? I mean sure I’m nice and love joking around, but eye candy? That has to be her, not me.
Jaune:Why say that?
Ruby:Well, because she’s super pretty. It makes sense. Not to say I think I’m ugly or anything but ya know…right? I’m just me.
Jaune:I think that’s beautiful.
Ruby:*blushing* Oh…. Thanks.
Jaune:No big deal.
Ruby:….Soooooo you look at me?
Jaune wants to die. The tall scraggly boy falls across a table and covers his face, groaning. Ruby can’t help but chuckle as well as feel a bit of his embarrassment. She even takes a moment to look at herself before rubbing her arm.
Ruby:Dude, it’s cool. I just..wow.
Jaune:I don’t mean to, honest. Sometimes I just look over at you and you’re dancing or laughing. Suddenly, I can’t stop looking. I think you’re really cute Ruby.
Ruby:*nods* Cool. Totally normal thing.
Jaune:You’re face is getting really red.
Ruby:It’s just the sun. Don’t worry about it. Anyways…I don’t really…mind that kind of thing. Well, when it’s you.
Jaune:*eyes widened*
Ruby:Don’t take that wrong! It’s just- I guess I…ugh. What I mean to say is that…*looks away* Hehe, this is hard. What is with me?
Jaune:Would you like to maybe…have dinner with me? Like a date?
Ruby:…Yes. I would like that a lot actually.
Jaune:Really!? I mean, okay. Umm, tomorrow?
Ruby:I’m fine with tonight.
Jaune:You sure?
She nods excitedly, not wanting their courage to fade.
Jaune:Sweet! Let’s get this placed cleaned up!
[One day later]
Ruby:*opens door* Guess what happened yesterday!?
Weiss:You didn’t turn on the alarm and we got robbed?
Ruby:Please tell me that second part was a lie?
Weiss:Of course! Why didn’t you turn on the alarm!?
Ruby:I was distracted….by Jaune…..asking me out.
Weiss:About time. Congratulations.
Ruby:Thank you.
Weiss:No flirting on the clock.
Ruby:We won’t!
Weiss playful rolls her eyes and hands Ruby a morning coffee. Ruby smiles sheepishly and took it. Ruby made her way behind the counter and grabbed an apron.
Weiss:Oooo, for his eyes only now?
Ruby:Shut up!!!
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nikrangdan · 4 years
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pairing: cafeworker!ni-ki x female reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: the cashier at the new coffee shop was so adorable you just couldn’t resist visiting just for him
**did not proofread
contrary to popular belief, you were NOT a social person
whenever you were around friends and family, you were always the loudest person there
like SHUT UP Y/N!!!!!!
anyways although you were loud, people still enjoyed being around you because you had such a sweet soul and interesting humor
everyone close to you knew that you hated talking to people you didnt know
but to all the strangers? no
they would think you were an outgoing ready-to-meet-new-people extrovert
which was so, so wrong
but ALAS, you had to talk strangers almost everyday living in 2020
(well lets pretend we arent in the middle of a pandemic right now)
moving on......
so you were in high school at the downfall of your existence
you used to have so many friends when you were younger ..now you only have like 3
and those three were always busy (busy making up excuses thats for sure) so you never really hung out with them outside of school
and on one fine evening after school you decided to visit the new cafe 5 minutes from your house
u were really excited because all the cafes were 15 minutes from your house so now u could just walk to this one if u wanted to !!!
but yeah it was in the middle of a small plaza that had cute buildings
you pulled up to the parking lot and was just about to get out the car when u remembered..
u have to talk to the cashier :/
who’s a stranger! even more ://
it was always so weird to you.. whenever you went out you always had someone else order for you because you just hated talking to strangers
you just felt uncomfortable and you couldnt help it
its not like you have never ordered for yourself but you would always prefer not to
and now that you think about it
this is the first time you have gone out by yourself
you did text one of your friends beforehand but they said they “had homework to do”
but you really wanted to try the coffee so you just ran with it
time to face your fears!
you opened the glass door to reveal a cute looking cafe, like the ones you’d see in movies
you loved it already
glancing to the cashier you’d have to be talking to—
hold on
you had to do a double take because WOAH.....
the cashier...
you have never seen a boy like that in your life
you stood there for like 3 seconds before coming to your senses and standing infront of the menu
that was infrONT OF HIM
“hi, what can i get for you?”
“oh um.. can i get a second to .. look..?”
“yeah of course,” he gestured to the menu on the wall above him
hes so nice u almost cried
your eyes shakily traveled up to the chalkboard menu and u began to ‘read’ the options
its like u could feel his eyes on u WTF!!!!
um um um *internally keyboard smashes*
you couldnt even think
the words on the menu were like gibberish
the ONE time u go out by yourself
this had to happen.. of course! someone had it out for you, you were sure of it >:(
picking a random drink you gave him your order
“uh can i have an iced caramel macchiato?”
u cant help but think hes judging you
he looks like that while u are standing there in old sweatpants your dads tshirt
“sure, what size?” he looks into your eyes after putting your order into the machine
god you felt your heart stop
his Eyes..... theyre so beautiful
“oh um regular” you attempted to give a small smile
hopefully it looked like one
“okay that’ll be $5.12.”
you dug out some cash from your bag and handed it to him
he gave u your change and gave u a small smile
“your drink will be out in a minute”
he went :)
he is so CUTE.....?!?!
he looked around your age too
sigh... you knew he was way out of your league though
you were gushing over him but he probably thought you were just another boring customer
while waiting u sat at one of the 2 person tables on your phone
and u IMMEDIATELY went to text your groupchat
you tried to quickly put your phone down without looking suspicious when you saw him walking towards you with a drink in his hand
“here you go, enjoy” he said before swiftly making his way back to the counter and talking to the other worker there
wow... hes so mesmerizing
you’d steal glances at him every now and then while taking sips of your drink
you were sitting there for like 20 minutes before you noticed you finished your drink
you totally forgot you came here to see how good their coffee was
it was good by the way
sadly it was your time to leave
taking one last glance at him, you threw away your empty cup and walked out the door
u cant believe you got to witness the most beautiful human being ever
in your small town?? crazy
you were sitting in your car just thinking
you mentally punched yourself but then you started laughing
what does knowing his name even matter, its not like u were ever going to talk to him anyway
*sad emoji*
but the coffee was good so you definitely planned to go back
and not just because of the cute boy
*time skip*
the next day you went there was a week later at the same time in hopes that he was working the same shift
score! 1 for y/n, 0 for umm... any other person who had a crush on him too i guess
the cafe didnt have too many people since it was fairly new and also in a small part of the city
so when you went in, you were the only one there along with the two workers
“welcome, what would you like to order?”
he looked even cuter today
his messy blond hair almost covered his eyes
you shouldve forced your friend to come with you this time
you ordered the same thing as last time but this time he asked for your name
“um y/n” you answered
your heart was always beating 2 times as fast whenever you had to talk to him
he wrote it down on the cup and after you paid, you went to sit down at the same spot as last time
looking at him is literally the highlight of your day
the same thing happened as last time, he came over and gave you your drink without giving u a second glance
boooo look at me cute boy
nonetheless u continued going to the cafe at the same time as much as u could which was like three times a week
literally over a month later and u dont think anythings going to happen
u punch yourself for thinking the boy would somehow find interest in you
hes still indifferent to you which isn’t surprising since you’ve never made any kind of move
he should know u by now
*time skip again*
it was a saturday
at this point you’ve basically given up on having a crush on him and now since its become a routine u just say you go for the coffee
not really paying attention to your surroundings you dont notice that the boy at the cash register isnt the normal one you see almost everyday
“hey, what would you like to order?”
woah WHAT
you look up from your bag to notice a boy that was definitely not the one that normally stood infront of it at this time
and you also noticed something on this new cashier
a name tag
how come your old little crush didnt have one????
this new boys name was ‘jay’ and he was fairly cute too
looking around the corner at the other worker u noticed he has a name tag too
you recognized him because he was always working when the cute boy was at the cash register
his name was ‘heeseung’
after taking in these new additions you answered to jay
“oh um.. can i ge-,”
“she gets an iced caramel macchiato. her name is y/n”
you whipped your head around so fast to see who said that behind you
was it who you thought it was ??!??!
you widened your eyes at the boy who wasnt wearing his normal black and white uniform
instead he was wearing black ripped jeans and a gray hoodie
wow....... and u thought he couldnt look any better
“oh wow ni-ki, you know her?” the boy named jay asked him
“uh yeah.. shes a regular” he said before walking to stand next to you
u thought his name fit him perfectly its so CUTE
“are you gonna get something too?”
this whole time you were silent because.. what is going on
your heart was being SO fast you thought that everyone could hear it
“yup, can i get the same thing? also im paying for both of us”
ur eyes widened even more it looked like they were gonna pop out of its sockets
u unconsciously leaned towards the boy next you and kind of put your hands up
“w-what?? oh um no, you dont have to do that” you nervously said to him as he looked down at you
he kind of had a smile on his face
“i want to.”
there is no way this is happening
“oiiii ni-ki” jay chuckled while punching in numbers on the cash register
“ill have both of your drinks out soon, you two kids have fun!” jay said before turning around to face heeseung
your jaw almost dropped from shock
millions of thoughts ran through your brain and you couldnt even process anything
u cant believe this was happening
it was like a wattpad story or something.. is this how u meet ur soulmate
your thoughts were interrupted by a hand on your back momentarily and u look to see ni-ki shyly grinning and gesturing u towards a table
no way...
you awkwardly follow him to a 2 person table next to wall and sit down
you literally could not hear anything except for the pounding of your heart
“uh sorry about that...” he rubbed his neck and sheepishly smiled
“im ni-ki by the way”
“y/n...” u felt so awkward u wanted to cry
“agh, im really sorry if that was weird.. i just didnt know how to ask you out.....” he trailed off
*passes out*
Ok but u felt ur heart stop bc NO WAY
“wait what??” u ask, ur eyes bigger than the moon
“um yeah... haha i took the day off today to try to talk to you.. sorry if that was weird..”
“no its okay!! im glad actually...”
“really? so is it okay if we hang out?” he asked excitedly
u did not think u could handle HOW CUTE THIS BOY WAS O M G...
“of course! sorry if im kind of awkward though” you gave a small smile
“its okay, i think i am too”
you two began talking about the cafe and where you went to school
turns out even though you two lived in the same town (literally 5 minutes away from eachother) u went to different schools for some reason
u talked for like 2 minutes before jay walked up with your drinks
“hows it going guys?”
“its doing good bro, now go away..” ni-ki lightly shoved jay and laughed
you giggled at the sight
jay looked offended and came right back
“that is not how you talk to your elders ni-ki! y/n do you see this?!” he scoffed
ni-ki just rolled his eyes and turned back to you
“do not ignore me young man!” jay joked
“oh y/n, ive heard all about you from ni-ki over here by the way.”
ni-ki’s eyes got so big you almost got worried
he turned around so fast and gave jay one of those ‘i swear if you say anything ur dead meat’ looks
jay obviously did not care
“hes always like ‘y/n this y/n that’ blah blah im glad he finally got the balls to ask you out because im honestly sick of hearing it!” jay laughed
u were blushing so hard
this felt like a dream
ni-ki pushed jay away so hard and turned back with red cheeks
but yeah that was the beginning of the cutest relationship ever
u and ni-ki were so cute together <333
you’d always visit him during ur free time
it took like 2 months before u two made it official tho
and he was the sweetest boyfriend ever
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Timothée Chalamet Questions 2.0
I was tagged by my dear friend @thestarsaregivenonceonly 💗
When did you become a Timothée Chalamet fan?
August or September of 2021
What was the first movie of his that you watched?
Little Women
Favorite movie of his?
I don’t think I have one, to be honest.
What is your least favorite movie of his?
Mmmmm maybe Hot Summer Nights. CMBYN made me mad (he fucked over Marzia so severely that my response when he was crying at the end was basically “YEAH IT’S CALLED KARMA” but I suspect that’s my own personal history as being a teenager in a situation remarkably similar to hers talking)
Cannes, Venice or The Met Gala?
Fuck you for asking me that I will fight you right now but if we’re counting based on the number of O’s I’ve had to them then it’s gonna be the Met for sure there’s just this one gif that aaaaa
Have you watched his whole filmography so far?
No, I haven’t. I’m sure he was phenomenal in Beautiful Boy, but the subject matter is so dark and like I could just rewatch one of the others instead
Have you ever dreamed of him? If you remember the dream, tell about it below:
I’ve dreamed about him a great deal, actually. I usually have at least one Tim nightmare a week, sometimes more. I don’t usually remember all of the details an hour or two after waking up so I’ll describe two of them. One, we were in high school together (which would’ve been plausible if we had grown up in the same state; he’s my age, after all) and I was madly in love with him and was unable to escape his notice despite my best efforts because we went to the same school. Another, my friends and I were at a waterpark, which meant I was in a swimsuit (which is a terrible tragedy indeed), and they know I have a thing for him so WHEN THIS MOTHERFUCKER SHOWS UP IN HIS GODDAMN MET GALA OUTFIT FOR WHATEVER REASON (that’s not appropriate attire for a WATERPARK. Timothée), of course my fiends kept trying to get his attention. Thankfully, I am short, so I was able to hide behind them whenever he looked their way and waved with a grin that could best be described as “blinding”. But yeah the entire dream was just me trying to avoid it notice and it was awful.
What movie of his are you most excited to see?
I don’t think I have one. I’m excited to see everything he’s in for different reasons. Dune 2 will be exciting because it’s his first blockbuster where he’s the star, and that’s a big deal. Also because we all know I have a thing for his Paul, that’s plain to see. Keeping my fingers crossed we get to see him on a throne. I’m excited for Wonka because the Gene Wilder version has always had a special place in my heart, like, I grew up on that movie, and while it’s a bit weird for me to suddenly want to fuck a character that childhood Maggie saw as something of a weird uncle, I’m very excited for it anyway. I’m excited for Bones & All not so much because of the content of the movie (I downloaded the book for the sole purpose of finding out what happens to his character and I must say I was not pleased) but rather because it’s the first movie he’s producing, and that’s a big deal. He wouldn’t produce something if he wasn’t especially proud of it and excited for it, so I’m very excited to see it.
Favorite outfits?
This is the wrong question to ask a woman who has nearly seven hundred pictures of him saved to her phone but okay continue at your own risk I guess. In no particular order-
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Tagging my friends @meetmyothersouls and @visionsofsweettea you guys are dope af
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
aaaaa I loved the deity reader x the collector sm!!! can we please have more of them? even if it’s just them being salty towards each other/fighting or if it’s them just talking it out.
Hey boo, how's it going?
I'm trying to do all requests in the order that they came in and how long does it take me to write them, sorry if yours has taken some time to be answered.
I'm surprised people liked this headcanon, so how about more of it?
TW/Tags: Let's go the fighting then talking route // vague fight scene because why the hell not // some slight angst and fluff? Maybe. // Really sad out of nowhere?? Also, mentions of injuries.
"- Fighting is pointless." [Yandere!Eldritch OC x Experienced God!Reader - Headcanon]:
I guess you can imagine the destruction that you and him can cause.
You didn't expect him to have so many tricks up his sleeves. But you guess he also didn't expect you to have just as much willpower as you have.
A fight that was truly fit for the gods, but at what cost?
An entire continent being destroyed by your hands.
You tried convincing him to leave this planet and never come back. To never take any creature from this place ever again. Talking was proven to be futile, as your fight has begun the moment the discussion started.
You managed to hurt his skin, granted that it could still regenerate at any time. He hurted you a couple of times, but-
The fight has ended shortly by his mask starting to crack from each time you hit him and each time he inflicted any small amount of pain on you.
It took you some time to realize why he was so stressed out, of why his mask was breaking so easily.
You two managed to turn a once beautiful place into a wasteland. How could you do this?
"- I didn't want this to happen." He was the first one to say what you were both thinking while taking a look at the vast amount of land that has been destroyed.
His body was shaking slightly as he had sat down, trying to cope with what just happened.
You did the same.
You decided to give him a second of silence before asking:
"- Why are you breaking?" And as the question left your lips, his body had cringed at the words so badly, that it almost caused another crack in his face.
"- Y-You really d-don't know me, huh?" He asked almost jokingly. His voice was stuttering so bad, his whole body was about to give up.
He is correct. You're aware of that. You don't really know him all that well, apparently.
"- I-I- I HATE-E THIS!" He managed to get out between stutters and frantic shaking, while punching the ground with his fist.
You know, when he said he loved life and living creatures, he really meant that. So many life forms dead by his hands, and for what? For an stupid argument.
He never killed anyone like this, really. This was a really difficult experience for him to cope with.
"- Me too." You said back. You didn't want things to reach this point.
You sighed. Feeling just as bad as the mutual earth lover by your side. You felt two large fingers pull your clothes, in a "trying to take your attention" sort of way, but because of how huge he is in general, it js really hard to not notice.
"- What is it?" You asked while turning your head to see an immense amount of oil starting to slip through his mask's holes.
There are a lot of words that are known in his kind's vocabulary. Some could even be translated to the human vocabulary really easily by associating their meanings. But what they didn't know how to say was 'sorry'.
So in a pathetic attempt to apologise to you, he does this little mannerism. Is all he is able to do. Pull your clothes in a shy manner while crying oil and whimpering.
But you didn't notice that, all that you did noticed was the amount of cracks opening his mask.
"- Your mask! Is too broken!" You stated as you tried getting closer to him. Either by flying or by getting some help by his hands, you got closer to his face.
"- I didn't think you would be-" You started saying as you tried to put your hand in his mask, but he flinched. Scared of your touch hurting him. Again.
"- Oh… Oh my God." You can't tell if you're sorry or just feel pity for his current state. It's a creature tall as a building acting like a scared dog.
"- I hurt you." A low whisper was able to be heard coming from the mask, just like other whimpers and… Uhn, some unsavory sounds. Sounds of something squishy moving, constantly.
You sometimes forget that you don't know exactly what hides behind the mask, you only know that the entrance to his dimension is behind it, just that. Whenever he tried putting you in his pocket dimension, a bright light would always blind you temporarily, so you don't know what truly is there.
But anyway, this is not the time to care about his freaky anatomy, but rather to focus on his well-being and safety (and well, the safety of the entire planet).
"- Oh come on now, I hit you, you hit me, we were fighting. You don't need to worry about me." You tried reassuring the big guy, because again, if his mask breaks, you're going to be sent flying through the air.
You patted the mask, even though it doesn't make any sense, he still felt your soothing touch. The oil coming out of his cracks is a little sticky and is starting to dirty your clothes a little.
Even if you try to comfort him, the deed was done. You two managed to devastated a whole piece of land, and just the thought of all the life forms he has wiped out in a couple of seconds started to make him spill more and more oil on the ground, and on you, accidentally.
"- ……" There is an eerie sound coming from the mask, untill you heard a couple of words be said in a language you aren't familiar with.
"- ……… I'm sorry……." He did it again, this time translating what he said. It's kinda funny how ridiculously hard it is for him to say those words. It's like it hurts his ego so badly, lol.
Oh no wait, nevermind, it really does hurt to say them, he is whimpering all over again.
This situation may seem hopeless at first, until you remembered one thing, maybe this could help him cheer up.
"- Hey, we're similar right? Maybe we can both fix this together." You said hoping he would catch what you meant. But no, he didn't.
He didn't understand until you started to show him you could create life in this wasted land. There was still hope, it'll just take a little bit of help and patience.
"- Will you help me?" You asked, smiling at the creature who technically is always smiling because of his mask's design.
In the end, you two decided to work together for once. Bringing life to this place once again.
It seems to be way more fun than capturing creatures to his own personal viewing pleasure. He is really, really quiet, maybe you should find a way to fix his mask, to not only stop it from breaking more, but to also help him heal, because as long as the mask is in this terrible state, he'll always be in pain.
You wonder if this is why his voice has been so quiet and shy out of nowhere. Or maybe it's because he really does feel sorry for hurting you and the life forms that used to be here.
Anyway, you got a big soft spidery boi now. Give him some head pats once in a while.
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lil-chops · 4 years
Top 10 favorite male characters (in no particular order) from any fandom. Thanks for tagging me @xmisshappydorkx . This was so hard because I had to narrow it down from 54 to 10.
Anyways here ya go:
1. L Lawliet (i had to make him first bc L supremacy obviously) from Death Note
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2. Killua from hxh (he's my baby kitten omg i love him so much I'd let him rip out my corazón)
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3. Saiki kusuo from the Disastrous Life of Saiki K (omg he has so much swag)
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4. Sugawara from Haikyuu!! (ugh he's so fine and optimistic)
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5. Tsukishima from Haikyuu (my favorite gay homophobe jk jk but i do like his character sm. He got a dumptruck too (~ ̄³ ̄)~)
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6. Armin from Attack on Titan (i mean c'mon how could you not love him)
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7. Norman from The Promised Neverland (aaaaa he's so smart :))
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8. Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion (omg i just wanted to give him a hug throughout the whole show)
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9. Saitama from One Punch Man (he looked so hot before he lost his hair also the anime is hilarious)
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10. Kousei from Your Lie in April (so much character development, so much pain and just aaaaaa. He's babey)
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@my-fluffy-fluff-scarf do this challenge X3 and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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narsh-poptarts · 4 years
I came here to tell you that your art is amazing and AAAAA I love it so much!! Your Angry Sky honestly made my day
Also, I don’t know if you’re still doing the “ask me about Sky” thing but if you are...what are your thoughts on the silent realms? I don’t see enough Sky content related to them but to me they have so much angst potential??? And also are a proof that Sky didn’t have it easy at all during his adventure?? Idk I find them very interesting
aaaaaaa thank you so much!!!!! honestly every tag and every message yall send me just makes me so happy, i’m so glad y’all are enjoying it!!!! :DDDD
YEAH you’re right!!! there’s not a lot of content there!! lucky for you, this is also another topic from Skyward Sword that I have thought extensively about, I have many many headcanons for what the Silent Realms are like.
okay first of all, the Silent Realms are a very unique kind of think in the LoZ series. The concept itself is repeated a couple times but the reasoning WHY is different. Usually link has to go through trials in multiple different games to prove himself and his courage or whatever in order to get the master sword or other such very important item. and then in Twilight Princess (it did come first but whatever) you have those light trial things? i don’t remember what they’re called but you collect the tears of the Light Spirits and they’re all trapped in bugs or whatever. So the basis for the trials or their main mechanic is not a new concept.
But! what is very interesting and unique is, like I said, the reasoning WHY Link has to go through these trials. in botw (this may be wrong, i haven’t played it), you have the trial of the sword, basically a big gauntlet to improve the sword and prove your worth, in addition to the “you must be this tall to ride” thing with your health. but that’s about the sword. in TP, the light trials are about restoring light to the land. they’re not even really trials, and iirc, there’s not,,, really trials for TP. i may be wrong.
anyways, what makes SS different is that it’s specifically about upgrading your spirit. the Hero’s Spirit. Link never has to prove himself to the sword because,, well, the damn thing is his companion. in the zelda timeline, he’s one of the first heroes ever so there’s not even a Hero’s Spirit to have because he hasn’t made it yet. same with the Master Sword. 
so therefore, no other Link has had to create or upgrade their Hero’s Spirit. It’s simply not a thing they’ve had to do because Sky did it all those millennia ago. One and done, cool and awesome. He has a uniquely different and alienated experience because he set the foundation. Probably feels alienated from the others because he never had to prove himself to the sword, and then because of the prominent upgraded spirit, got them easily and recognizably cursed (thanks Demise).
SORRY i realize i just went on a related-but-not-your-question tangent, but now to the actual Silent Realms themselves :D
so, in terms of what I think Silent Realms are like.... first of all: terrifying!!!! If my own playthroughs of them are anything to go by, Link is terrified out of his mind!!!! no weapons, no items, no Fi, you’re completely on your own, you have a time limit, and you’re being LITERALLY HUNTED. and god, that music when the Guardians wake up is actually a heart attack, botw guardians have NOTHING on these bad boys.
From the inside perspective, I imagine the Silent Realms are just that: silent. not dead quiet, not still, silent. There are no sounds in the Silent Realm, not even a ringing in Link’s ear. and also these trials are a test of the Spirit. the body stays behind. This is a plane somewhere within the overworld, a layer formed from many. There’s no air there. They’re spirits, and entities, they don’t need it.
And having no air is a little disorienting at first, hell being a spirit is a little disorienting at first, but Link finds it a little cool, not feeling the need to breathe and not being able to feel air move in his lungs when he does.
And when Link is safe, whether by standing in that first safety circle or by virtue of collecting a tear, it doesn’t feel calm. Calm is exactly the wrong word because calm is flying out on the open air with your loftwing. Calm is sitting, for just a moment, on a stool to regain some health (and maybe take a nap). Calm is not whatever this is. This is like sneaking through the sleeping dragon’s nest, or feeling the chill of a graveyard, or walking down a dark alley at night. Every inch of link is telling him something is very very wrong and he is in danger. and, to be fair, he is.
Now for when the guardians are awake, it’s like a bomb of adrenaline and panic goes off. He doesn’t hear anything but he can feel them coming, feel their presence just behind him, ready to take him down, ready to make him fail and start over. He is a trespasser, taking pieces of an ancient spirit and make it his own, and he is hunted for sport. every inch of him, every screaming inch of him is crying desperately for him to move, run, flee, desperately grab at the next tear, we don’t have time, we’re going to die. screaming screaming over and over, a pounding in his brain like war drums, a sharp, painful insistence out of desperation to survive.
He can’t hear them coming so every other sense goes into overdrive, and he can feel where they’re coming from. The screen in the game actually has pulsing rings at the edge of your screen to indicate that there’s a guardian off screen right over there (which is a very cool indication imo!) and their intensity indicates how close they are. it’s like this sense of dread goes into overdrive in a desperate attempt to keep him alive and he just knows by feeling it that “don’t go that way, you’ll die”
And dude, do you know what the official explanation is for when you fail? the wording they use is “your spirit will shatter”. Shatter!!! that’s gotta hurt!! what do you think it feels like to have your spirit shattered?? Luckily i think both for gameplay and the story itself, if you’re determined enough, you can retry as many times as you like.
but i imagine, for the sake of drama, getting your spirit shattered has Link shunted back into the real world, clutching at his chest in pain, heaving and crying as his spirit stitches itself back together piece by piece until he’s ready to try again. It’s not a pleasant experience.
and speaking of coming back, i imagine actually succeeding isn’t all that great either. the silent realms are silent. there’s no sound at all. coming back to the real world and suddenly getting hit with the sound of the wind and the birds and the ambiance and the sounds of your clothes and the sword and your heavy breathing and too much too much too much!! I imagine it’s very overwhelming. the silence is not a pleasant experience so Link is very glad to have sound again but it’s just too much at once.
you’re very correct anon, there is a lot of angst potential here. i’ve really wanted a Skyward Sword manga or something like that for so long because I really wanna know how the Silent Realms would be interpreted. 
also i’ve kinda got a fic idea were basically Sky has to end up doing the Silent Realms again while on the LU adventure because something something Hero’s Spirit is messing up and he has to reupgrade it. and it’s bad and traumatic and the other boys have to watch as each instance (there’s four of them by god) just leaves Sky an utter mess and they don’t know how to help and he won’t tell them what’s wrong either or what exactly happens in the trials to get him to react so badly when he gets back. i don’t have anything written down but basically “Sky doesn’t know his own limits and won’t ask for help” the fic.
also oh boy this is long, sorry
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Hello friends. I have made a list for my earlier post this week about having your Tolkien related work pinned to my tumblr. I’ve just done it in order of who replied first. 
I will be in touch a few days before your post is to be pinned to find out which post of yours you’d like me to put up for you! - and its totally fine if you change your mind last minute just let me know!  (Reminder: No graphic content/smut, and it must be your work)
If you missed out this time - DON’T WORRY.  After going through this list I’ll be making another announcement to get more artists/writers involved - so please don’t feel left out!
This is my list for now (I’ve put in the date that I’ll pin your post on!):
nocompromise-noregrets (Dec 2nd) lathalea (Dec 9th) lonikje (Dec 16th) eluriel-undomiel (Dec 23rd) sokkasdarling (Dec 30th) xxbyimm (Jan 6th) blankdblank (Jan 13th) unnamedelement (Jan 20th) beks-crooked-glasses (Jan 27th) jazziwritestolkienprimary (Feb 3rd) botoxbaggins (Feb 10th)
I tried to tag people but my tumblr do be testing me today aaaaa. I know you’re all great people but Imma just say this here so there aren’t any misunderstandings - Please allow myself a little grace if I forget to pin your post. I obviously don’t intend to forget, but I have a stressful uni life & many other things I’m trying to balance as well as this tumblr, if I do forget then I’ll be sure that your post is still up for a week at minimum on my tumblr! (It will mean any posts afterwards will get pushed back a day) Like I said I know you guys are chill & I certainly don’t intent to forget! But I thought it would be worthwhile saying anyway.  Everyone please look forward to some A+ Tolkien writers & artists in the next few months!! 
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ozbeans · 4 years
Aight so here's what happened
Ok so like I said in my last post a lot has happened with my furbys so because I can't sleep let's dive into what shall we? So first off (this isn't really furbys but who cares??) for Easter I got a heccing ton of worms and I've started a worm empire with rebeal bases and small kingdom settlements scattered throughout my home. Currently not much is happening but I have a feeling that soon the rebeals will attack. Who is on the right side of history? That sure is a mystery! I ordered a lil furby buddy named Jams but their name on their tag is "please sleep." I bought them specifically bc I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME get to sleep before two am. I went for a walk in a small wooded area in my neighborhood with Skillet to take some pictures and because I'm such a complete moron I set the little guy down on a log to grab my camera and right as I turn around I here a SPLASH! Turns out that my dumb brain didn't realize that log was slippery and suspended over a creek. Anyway I took him home and dried him off and he's working fine and such now but like AAAAA. I found a really good deal on some Christmas furbys on eBay but I'm not sure if they've been sold yet. But I did buy a witches cat furby also on eBay that I'm going to longify soon. I've named her Gigi PaintWater and she's going to arrive in a few days! I'm very excited! And that's basically it! I hope everyone is stating safe everyone and such, have a nice day!
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Aaaaa AAAAA?
Tagged by @pinkafropuffs
Top 10 favorite characters (in no order):
1.) Uhh all of the characters in Full Metal Alchemist. I can’t pick one. They’re all so good.
2.) All of the team on Criminal Minds. They’re all so good.
3.) Lyra Belaqua from His Dark Materials. Young me vibed so hard with her and I love the series.
4.) Alucard- Hellsing Unlimited. Hhhhh teeth.....and anyone who goes on a feral nazi killing spree is good. (It’s the only Crispin Freeman character I’m horny for)
5.) Everyone from Person of Interest. They’re all so good. Please don’t separate them.
6.) Nadia- Russian Doll. She’s a mess and unhinged and just wants her bday to stop.
7.) Killua- HxH. Son. HxH is basically: it’s free sons. But Killua is my son. I also have a massive soft spot for characters that are v sweet but also v lethal.
8.) Sam Wilson- marvel. I mostly know him from the MCU. I was torn between him, Thor (mythology or marvel), Miles (itsv). Sam is why I’m getting out my clown shoes for caring remotely about Disney+.
9.) Revy- Black Lagoon. Hhhhh hhhhh any woman that goes on a feral killing spree on a Nazi boat, hhhhhh. This is mostly me being thirsty.
10.) haaaaaa, my Fate husbands, so specifically the Fate versions I’m talking about because uhhhhh fate can really butcher characterizations from the source: so uh Gawain (duh), Karna, and most recently Asclepius! (Also to a lesser degree but ones I v much love is Vlad III, Merlin and Edmond Dantès. Dantès pls interact.)
I am, god awful at remembering things I like and I’m so indecisive I went with a lot of ‘cast of x’ because I cannot separate them. Unless I’d single out which one I’m thirsty for.
Anyway this was fun. Pls never be sorry for tagging me on these things Eve.
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