razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 1- New Neighbor Au]
Yang:Aaaaand that’s the final box unpacked!
Ruby:Thanks Yang. Now all we have to do is actually put things away.
The sisters looked around the apartment filled with Ruby’s things scattered about in utter chaos.
Yang:….Why did I agree to this?
Ruby:Because you love me.
Yang:Yeah, I do. *hugs her* it’s gonna be weird not hearing your footsteps as you try sneaking to the fridge. Her very on living space; my little sis is growing up!
Ruby:I won’t be doing any growing if you snap my spine!
Yang:*lets go* Sorry. Oh, speaking of not growing…
Ruby:That’s an odd sentence.
Yang grabs her bag and pulls out a boxed coffee maker, complete with Ruby’s favorite blend and creamer. The girl’s eyes lit up with joy.
Ruby:I should’ve moved out sooner! *grabs box* Thank you! Guess I won’t be growing after all but oh well!
Yang:Why don’t you put on a pot? We’re gonna be here awhile.
Ruby:Sure thing. You bring sugar too?
Ruby:Sugar, for the coffee.
Ruby:I like cream and five sugars. You remembered the flavor but not the glorious ratio!?
Yang:You don’t remember mi-
Ruby:Honey, sometimes straight black but only when you stay up late working on your bike.
Yang:Okay, so you’re the better sister. Don’t brag about it. Just ask your neighbor for sugar. It’s like…a literal saying.
Ruby:I don’t think people actually mean that, like “break a leg”
Yang:I don’t think that’s the same at all. You gotta socialize anyways!
Ruby:Do I though?
Yang:Listen, you can say hello now and try to be friendly, or you meet them when you want them to turn down their music. Trust me, that second option will not always go well.
Ruby:Ugh, fine! Something better be put in place when I get back.
She puts the box down and makes her way across the hall. A little nervous, Ruby finds the courage to knock on the door across from her. What’s a little sugar between neighbors? Like Yang said, it’s literally a saying.
The slide of a chain lock was heard before the door opened. Ruby tilted her head up slowly, taking a step back in the process. Before her was a tall blonde boy who looked about her age. His hair was a complete mess and he wore a black shirt and orange cozy looking pajama bottoms. Though his blue eyes showed a haze of drowsiness, they quickly stirred awake along with a raised eyebrow.
Jaune:Umm hello?
Ruby:H…Hi! I’m uh neighbor. I’m you’re new neighbor. Hi, again.
Jaune:Oh. Guess Mrs. Peach finally moved out.
Ruby:Yep…now it’s me, Ruby Rose. *waves* (I gotta stop saying hello!)
Jaune:*smiles* Hello, Ruby Rose. The name is Jaune Arc. Did you need something?
Ruby:Some sugar.
Ruby:*red* Yeah, like the…rock kind. That’s what I meant. Not like there’s a lot of..other kinds of- do you drink coffee? I probably should’ve started with that.
Jaune:I do. So you want the cubes?
Ruby:That would be swell, thank you very much.
Jaune:No problem. Just give me a sec. *closes door*
Yang:Who the fuck says “that would be swell?”
Ruby:That doesn’t sound like organizing to m-
The door clicked and Ruby immediately stopped talking and faced the door. Jaune appeared again with a glass container in the shape of a rabbit. It came apart at the middle and he showed off the cubes inside before closing it to hand over.
Jaune:There ya go. I’m out of coffee so no rush to return that. I know how moving goes.
Ruby:Cool. Thanks for the sugar.
Jaune:Anything else you need?
Ruby:Nothing comes to mind.
Jaune:Okay. I’ll see you later then, Ruby Rose. Welcome to the neighborhood. Need anything and I’ll be knock away.
Ruby:Okay. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Thanks again.
He nodded before shutting the door. Ruby walked awkwardly back into her apartment to see Yang staring at her as she plugged in the coffee maker.
Yang:Well he was nice; cute too.
Ruby:I guess so.
Ruby:Shut up.
Yang:Not even an hour here and you’re craving some sugar.
Ruby:I said shut up!
Yang:At least you remembered your name. That might your best first impression yet! Now please hand of the sugar. Ya know, “ the rock kind.”
Ruby:*covers face* Uuuggghhh
Jaune:*holding container*….
Jaune:Woah…she sure likes her sugar I guess. *smiles*
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 years
Six year old Garnet: Daddy it's snowing! It's the weekend!
Jaune: *internally* Sooooo it's time for me to hunt down my sisters?
Jaune: What do you want sweetums?
Garnet: I want to build a snowman with you!
Jaune: *stares at his work*
Jaune: *stares at his daughter*
Jaune: *frowns*
Jaune: *internally* Fuck it.
Jaune: Of course sweetums.
Garnet: Yay!
Jaune: *spends the day with his daughter out in the snow*
Garnet: *falls asleep in his arms as he carries her inside*
Jaune: *kisses her forehead and tucks her into bed*
Ruby: I know you had your reservations but you're a wonderful father.
Jaune: Looking after them is easy. Letting them go is hard.
Ruby: You'll be ready when the time comes. I know you will.
Jaune: *kisses Ruby on the lips with some passion*
Jaune: Now back to work.
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lil-red-reaper · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster!
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The lovely people of the Kingdom of Lancaster Discord server have come together, lead by AdAstra27, to organize another Nine Days of Lancaster!
The event runs from May 28th to June 5th and prompts are displayed below!
There are two prompts available per day, but you aren’t required to do both, nor do you have to do every single prompt or day. Just do what whichever ones you feel like and help us celebrate these two dorks and this wholesome ship!
Fanart, fanfic, and other creative mediums are accepted (though if you do something like a photo edit/collage using other peoples art please make sure you give proper credit).
Make sure to tag your submissions with #9DaysofLan22!
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Edits in this post made by me
Jaune and Ruby art by Ein Lee
Lancaster emblem made by Emperial-Dawn
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hiviz1967 · 2 years
My first contribution for this year’s 9 Days of Lancaster
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 6: Fake Dating AU]
Ruby: playing games
Ruby: looks at scroll
Jaune: “Code Red”
Ruby immediately drops her controller. The girl bursts into petals around her home to make it spotless. Well, as spotless as it could be when your creating rose petals. Ruby goes as fast as she can when suddenly, she hear the doorbell. Ruby dashes quickly in her room and back out wearing a rose pink dress with dark red strawberries on it; a nice black clip held back her bang.
The huntress took a quick breath before opening the door to see Jaune with a woman with long blonde hair, an orange long sleeve and faded jeans. Her blue eyes were as welcoming as her smile, unlike Jaune’s nervous one.
Jaune:Hey Rubes, meet my mom.
Violet: Violet Arc, a pleasure to finally meet my little angel’s girlfriend!
Ruby:…Yep, that’s me-oop
The mother pulls Ruby into a hug. She laughs and hugs back. She wasn’t sure what should’ve expected, but his mom seemed nice enough. Ruby greeted them both in.
Violet:Ooo, smells nice in here. Sorry, but where’s your restroom? The trip was really long.
Ruby:Second door on the left.
Violet:Thank you. *walks off*
……door closes
Ruby:*whispers* What the fuck.
Jaune:I didn’t know she was coming. She surprised me and wanted to meet my girlfriend.
Ruby:I know code red for us is being a plus one and things of that nature, but I would’ve liked more of a five minute warning.
Jaune:I told you I lied to her about a girlfriend.
Ruby: *red* I know what I agreed to, it’s just…she seems so nice and understanding.
Jaune:Yeah my mom is great.
Ruby:Then why lie?
Jaune:She worries about me and if I tell her I’m single she’ll try to set me up with anyone.
Ruby:That doesn’t sound too bad.
Jaune:They’re always into live action drama and haven’t held a game controller before.
Ruby:Oh I’m so sorry.
The bathroom door opened and the two quickly tried to act natural, which in hindsight would be more suspicious than being weird.
Violet:You two flirting behind my back?
Violet:Haha I’m teasing sweetie. Not that I would mind.
Ruby:Umm you can help yourself to anything in the fridge. If I had known you were coming over I would’ve made cookies.
Violet:Oh it’s alright. I’m the one who is basically bargaining in. Though I bet your baking skills are pretty good if you’re dating my boy. He probably begs for sugar cookies.
Ruby:But…he told me he didn’t like sugar cookies. Jaune likes oatmeal.
Violet:What? No, I make sugar all the time and he lo-
Violet:You don’t like my sugar cookies!?
Jaune:I didn’t say that. It’s just…sugar is boring.
Violet:What!? And oatmeal isn’t!?
Ruby:I know right? I still throw in chocolate chips so I don’t feel ashamed.
Ruby:Bleh 👅
Violet:Hehe. I see you’re into video games? I was never that good but fortunately he had many siblings who wanted to be player two. He might have my looks, but clearly we live in two different worlds.
Ruby:I just met you but I can tell he definitely got your heart too.
Violet:Aww, I like her!
Jaune:Thanks, me too.
The three of them eventually sat down and got to small talking. Maybe it was all awkward talks with Weiss in the past but Ruby was feeling pretty comfortable. Until…
Violet:So Ruby, ever think you want kids?
Ruby:*deep blush* Excuse me?
Jaune:*red* Mom! We’re still in school!
Violet:So? Life happens and if you’re anything like your father…
Jaune:Please don’t finish that.
Violet:All I’m saying is you two are young and rambunctious.
Ruby:Your son and I…we are taking things slowly. I think my father and sister would be pretty livid if I got a bun in the oven.
Violet:Oh I know a thing or two about father’s protecting their daughters. Saphron’s also pretty much a second mom to everyone. Jaune especially. I bet your mother though is hoping for some grandkids though?
Jaune:Uhh mom, Ruby’s mother passed away when she was young.
Violet:Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t-
Ruby:It’s fine. Happens all the time. Never really got to know her much but I’m told I’m a lot like her.
Violet:Then I know she was wonderful.
Ruby:Thanks. Heh, that means a lot.
Violet:So Jaune told me that you two met on the first day and quickly became friends.
Ruby:Yep. He was a lifesaver. I’m not best at meeting new people.
Jaune:I know. I was so surprised to see someone doing worse than me.
Ruby:Okay Vomit Boy.
Violet:You threw up!?
Jaune:Maybe! That’s not important!
Violet:Honestly, the things you do. It’s better than when you were 10 and threw up on the Ferris Wheel.
Ruby:*snickering* Those barely move.
Jaune:No. This one was fast, like really fast.
Violet:I really am glad he found someone. My son is a good man but a little strange and not the best at socializing. Tell me, what made you pick him?
Jaune:Geez, that’s a heavy question to throw out. Also a little loaded.
Violet:You know I love you sweetie but c’mon. You know you can be a little much at times. Especially when you were younger; always getting yourself into a situation and asking your sister’s for help. *pinches cheek* My little softie.
Ruby:…You’re not giving him enough credit.
Ruby:I mean sure, Jaune has stirred up a mess but so does everyone; at least he own it though. He’s always trying his best and because of his mistakes, Jaune is very understanding when others make one. I can get a one tracked mind or frustrated with myself. Every time I do, he’s always there to help ground me. Honestly I’d say I’ve learned a lot from him. Being a leader would be rough without him to bounce off of. Your son is sincere and intelligent. How could I not love him?
Violet and Jaune:*red*…..
Ruby:….!?!? Uh, sorry! I didn’t mean to ramble that much or sound rude! What meant was-
Jaune:You’re also always helping me improve; in more ways than I can count. I…love you too.
Three simple words. That’s all it took to make Ruby’s ears turn red. Unable to speak, she looked towards the floor and bring her hair up to her face. What was he thinking!? Sure she said it first accidentally, but he didn’t have to play along that well. Was he playing along!? His face was red too! A sniffle from Violet perked Ruby up.
Ruby:Mrs. Arc!?
Violet:I’m sorry, I’m just really happy right now. I can tell you two have a real connection. Between each other. Life doesn’t always guarantee such a thing. Especially in your line of work. I’m happy you found each other. Eugh, I’m a mess!
Ruby:Let me find you some tissue.
Violet:It’s fine. I have some in my purse. Though I think it’s high time I get out of your very pretty hair. There’s still so much I want to see and for him to show me. *stands up* Ruby Rose, I’m very happy I met you. Also please, call me Violet.
Ruby:It was nice meeting you too, Violet. Maybe we can share cookie recipes?
Violet:I’d like that very much.
Jaune: *stands up* Thanks for letting us stop by, seriously.
Ruby:Don’t mention it.
Violet:Hmmm *smiles* I’m gonna get the car ready. Sweetie, you can stay up here a little longer to give your Ruby a proper goodbye.
Violet:Oh don’t be like that. It’s written all over your face how much you wanna kiss her, but I get, I’m mom. So I’ll make myself scarce. Just don’t take too long. Bye~
With speed faster than Ruby’s, Violet left the two alone in awkward silence.
Jaune:Forgive her. She’s like that with everyone.
Ruby:She must’ve been fun at parent teacher conferences.
Jaune:It was the school plays that were rough. I…really can’t thank you enough.
Ruby:Seriously, anytime.
Jaune:Soooo I guess I’ll just wait a few minutes then-
Ruby:You should kiss me.
Ruby:It’s not okay to lie so much, especially to someone like your mom. If you actually kiss me… then you won’t have to lie about it.
Arguing with logic like that felt challenging, not to mention baffling. Then again, Jaune didn’t really want to counter it at all. Ruby stood before him with her flushed face and body that swayed side to side. He didn’t comment on it before, but she looked very beautiful in that dress. Slowly, he grabbed her shoulders. He felt her jolt a little before locking eyes with him.
Too nervous to move further, Ruby simply shut her eyes and tilted her head up a little, anxiously waiting for Jaune’s response. To her surprise, she didn’t wait long. A gentle, warm sensation pressed against her lips; making her body relax and even lean more into it before it ended. It couldn’t have been more than a three seconds yet by the time Ruby opened her eyes, Jaune was beat red and about to walk out.
Jaune:Text you later?
Ruby:S…Sure. Later.
Jaune closes the door and silence returned. Ruby walked over to the door to lock it before turning around. Her back pressed against it as her legs gave out, causing her to slide down against the door until she sat on the floor. Her fingers touched her lips while her heart began to pound; ears still burning from Jaune’s words.
Ruby:Oh no~
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 7: Reunion]
Food, the great equalizer. After a perilous journey through the snow, team RWBY had their fill of Saphron’s sandwiches to the point of knocking out. Even Qrow was down for the count. The only one still in a dozing state was Ruby. She would’ve embraced sleep completely if it wasn’t the sudden sound of rushing water that made her jolt. It would seem Jaune took it upon himself to clean the dishes. Not one to freeload, Ruby got up.
Ruby:Need help? Where’s Ren and Nora?
Jaune:They’re shopping and don’t worry, I’m almost done. You can rest if you need to.
Ruby:At this point I think I do my best resting when I’m awake. Long story short, sleeping was scary for the past few days.
Jaune:Ah, I take it things weren’t easy?
Ruby:Nope, but they never are. Everything worked out though.
Ruby:…Jaune? C’mon, don’t be like that.
Jaune:Like what?
Ruby:*cups his face* All frowny. We’re all safe. This is team RWBY we’re talking ab-
The feeling of his hands on her torso made let out a small gasp. Jaune pulled her closer to his chest until she had no choice but to tilt her head up. Ruby looked into his sincere gaze. He didn’t even have to say anything for her heart to feel heavy. Ruby cut the bravado, giving him a comforting smile.
Ruby:I’m sorry I worried you so much. Honestly, seeing you, all of you feels a little surreal.
Jaune:Will you be okay?
Ruby:How could I not be? You’re here; I really did miss you, a lot.
Jaune:I missed you too.
Ruby:How much~
That made Jaune smile. Ruby felt him raise her up little, allowing her to put her arms around his neck to bring him into a kiss they’d both been pinning for. None of their friends knew yet about how close these two have gotten in the past months. Which made moments like this increasingly difficult.
Though so many were sleeping mere feet away, Ruby couldn’t help but lean more into the passionate kiss. Jaune was equally as desperate, keeping a grip on her body that made Ruby’s face heat up. The huntress broke the kiss but that didn’t stop Jaune from planting several more kisses on her neck.
Ruby:Oh, you miss me this much. This is more than a little risky though.
The way he said that, low and longingly, it made her heart flutter. This wasn’t the first time she heard this tone, nor did she want it to be the last. His hands still held her close. Funny, Ruby knew she could get free whenever, yet also liked how Jaune completely had her. It’s been so long since they were this close. This…intimate. Jaune noticed her silence.
Jaune:Sorry, we can stop if you wan-
Ruby:Hey…can you show me where to wash up? I want to relax, behind closed doors.
Jaune:Hmm, gladly.
No time was wasted picking her up fully. Ruby instinctively held on to him, wrapping her legs around his waist as he walked to the showers. Like she said earlier, Ruby preferred resting while awake. The others can nap and dishes can wait. Her and Jaune had some catching up to do.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 5:Campout]
Ruby:Fuel for fire.
Ruby:….Yeah I guess you’re right. Well we’ve officially done our part. Good job team. Kick back and relax and I’ll check on the others.
A week long camping trip has begun! Being in the kingdoms were nice and all, but through travel and the seeing quieter places with gorgeous views, Ruby and her friends really wanted to go camping by choice. That way they could actually experience the comfort in it instead of by force as they try saving the world.
With almost everything prepared, Ruby spots Jaune working on the tents. He’s made good progress. They’ve been here half an out and he’s got five out of six set up. They’re all about medium size. Though the one he was working on looked at tad smaller.
Ruby:You know if you didn’t want to be a huntsman, I could totally see you as a travel guide or some kind of ranger. I would’ve broken something by now.
Jaune:I’m sure I’d get eaten instead of guiding something. Also, last time I checked I am a RNJR.
Ruby:Eugh, that as so bad. *leans on him* Yang would be proud. Still, nice skills. Guiding might be dangerous, but I could see you as a camp councilor.
Jaune:You trying to get rid of me?
Ruby:Not on your life. *kisses cheek*
Jaune finishes another tent and takes a step back to make sure it’s good, then crawls in it to have a seat.
Jaune:Looks good.
Ruby:Hmm, I don’t. Seems snug.
Jaune:You’re the one who bought it.
Jaune:Why’d you give Weiss the shopping list for camping?
Ruby:Because she wanted to feel included, Jaune! I was boosting morale.
Jaune:She could’ve bought the s’mores.
Ruby:That’s the pity errand. She’s too smart for that.
Jaune:True. To be honest…it’s actually pretty roomy inside.
Jaune:Yeah check it out.
Ruby squats down to enter when suddenly her hand is grabbed by Jaune. She’s quickly pulled into his arms and onto his lap. Bright red blush spreads on her cheeks as she looks up at her boyfriend and gives him a smirk.
Jaune:See? It’s roomy. All we gotta do is stay close.
Ruby:I’m a terrible influence. Look at you, being bold.
Jaune:Well a leader has to take initiative.
Ruby:Then I guess I should take the next step.
She gently pulls his head down closer until his lips meet her own. Both share a quiet chuckle at their own flirting before continuing the kiss, making it deeper and more passionate. They were easily getting lost in the affection until Nora suddenly poked her head inside, startling Jaune of them rigid and making Ruby quickly at like she was only sitting.
Nora:Hey Jaune, Ren and I caught the…
Nora:Fisssshhhh *smirks* But looks like you’re hungry for something else.
Ruby:We’re just examining the tent!
Nora:Heh, okay. Don’t have to tell me twice. But ya know…probably should’ve started with zipping the entrance.
Jaune:That’s…fair. Tell no one.
Ren, outside the tent: Might wanna wait till dark. Silhouettes are visible.
Ruby:*covers face* Let this RNJR moment not make it RWBY.
Ren and Nora:Okay!
Ruby:I’m gonna see how they’re doing.
Jaune:C…Cool! *kisses cheek* Bye.
She quickly shimmies out of the tent and tries to hold in the urge to scream from embarrassment.
Nora:Huh? Pfft hey Ruby? You should’ve said you were helping Jaune pitch a tent.
Jaune and Ruby:NORA!
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 2: Road-trip]
Ruby:Wait, several more miles and then a left.
Ruby:Or maybe going right and then-
Jaune:Ruby, please put down the map. You’re stressing me out.
She looks over at him to see his hands gripping the wheel of their Jeep like his life depended on it. The vehicle bumped and shook over the rugged terrain of Anima’s forests. Sunlight broke through the branches and the smell of budding summer warmed Ruby’s heart.
Ruby:Ya know…Anima is pretty nice when we aren’t walking on foot on a dire mission.
Jaune:This mission is pretty dire.
Ruby:Why am I calmer about going to your old camping grounds than you? Also why don’t you know it by heart!?
Jaune:Cut me some slack. It’s been forever and it’s a little ways away from my actual town. I was too young to drive or pay attention. I think we’re still an hour away. It’ll be nice to see what things look like. Haven’t been this close to home in awhile.
Ruby:Can’t wait to see that waterfall you’ve hyped up. I wish the others could’ve tagged along.
Jaune:We all can’t suddenly drop everything like we used to. Besides I doubt Weiss likes the idea of making a tent.
Ruby:Haha, it would probably fall on her.
Jaune:They can all next time, hopefully.
Ruby:You say that but you seemed really chipper when I was the only one able to go.
Jaune:*red* Well…that’s because I want you around the most.
Ruby:*red* Oh…that’s sweet.
Ruby:If you need a break we can switch?
Jaune:I’m fine. Just take in the view.
Ruby did her best to do just that. However, even when her eyes looked through the window, they always found themselves looking at Jaune’s reflection; he’d occasionally look at through it as well but neither said a word. They were terrible at stealing glances.
Jaune:Was what I said weird?
Ruby:Hmm!? N-No! I just…I don’t know. I became aware that it really is just us, isn’t it?
Jaune:And whoever else is camping, but yeah, it’s just us right now. Can’t remember the last time it was just us.
Ruby:Yeah. We should make that a thing.
Ruby:Not like- I mean- us hanging out alone, it never feels bad. It’s always nice.
Jaune:I feel the same.
Ruby:*blushing* I told the others not to show up. I like you.
Jaune:*stops car* I’m sorry, you…
Ruby:Don’t make me say it again! *puts hood up*
Jaune:Sorry. I just can’t believe it I guess.
Ruby:Why? Jaune, we’re always clicking and coming with the craziest things. Yang said I was sticking out like a sore thumb. I guess-
Jaune:I can’t believe we even had the same ploy.
Ruby:Ploy? Wait, what!?
Jaune:I…*rubs head* might’ve asked Ren and Nora to sit this one out too. For obvious reasons. I…like you too.
Ruby:Is this a date?
Jaune:Yea. Seems like it is.
Both sat in silence momentarily. Jaune started driving again and she kept her attention outside. A sudden warmth on her left hand made Ruby jump. On top of it was Jaune’s. She didn’t mind it. His eyes remained glued to what could be ahead. Ruby gently took more initiative by interlocking their fingers. Even if she didn’t have a mirror she knew her face had to be crimson.
Jaune:Next time, I’ll ask you properly on a date.
Ruby:*smiles* I’d like that very much. So, are we…ya know?
Jaune:Do you want to be?
Ruby:Don’t answer my question with a question! I don’t know. This is a lot right now!
Jaune:Haha, let’s just enjoy the trip for now. We have plenty of time to talk about it and figure things out, okay?
Ruby:Yeah, you’re right. *leans back* What’s the rush?
Saphron:Hey guys! You decided to go to the older stomping grounds too!? Guess I wasn’t the only Arc feeling nostalgic. Hey, is it only the two of you? *gasp* Does my baby brother have a girlfriend!? Are you here to visit mom and dad?
Ruby and Jaune: Internal screaming (We have no time at all…)
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 4: Soulmate au]
Everything has a routine. From the everyday worker, to the cat resting on a fence. Cars pass by, birds call, life goes on. I’m truth, there’s nothing wrong with that. Not everything is meant to be grand. However, everything was meant to have color, vibrant and glorious visuals that made the mundane a little more grand. Unfortunately such a right was only given when life’s greatest thing was found, love.
Jaune Arc walked through the muted Vale streets. It wasn’t too bad. Color wasn’t truly loved, but never experienced deeply by most. Faint flickers of green signaled him to cross the street which, rushing to lunch before meeting with his visiting family. He weaved around the colorless bystanders then continued on his way. He was making good time. That was until Jaune made a sharp left turn around a corner. The young man was stopped dead in his tracks as somebody crashed right into him, toppling them over and sending a skateboard into the road.
“Ugh..what on Remnant?” Jaune groaned as rubbed his side. It felt like he hit a car instead of a person. He looked across from him to see why that was. Oh it was a person alright. Unlike him however, they had a helmet. “Hey, are you o-”
His words were caught in his throat as the stranger sat up, removing the helmet to rub their head. Slowly, as if like tie dye, color begin to spill into the world before his eyes. Stark black hair revealed hints of red end. Their fair skin became more peach while white jeans became blue and muted gray turned to black. The only color that remained unchanged was the pool of silver eyes he peered into. With a couple blinks, Jaune Arc’s world became vibrant.
Ruby looked that boy she just hit and gasped, hoping to her feet. “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry.” She reached her hand out to help him up. “Dad always tells me not to skate on busy sidewalks. Guess I should’ve listened. Are you okay?”
“Oh no, I broke you!” She panicked. The girl had half a mind to call for medical help, when a hard snap made them both turn around to see a big truck pass by and broken board in the street. Her jaw dropped and so did her head.
“Woah, bad luck.” Jaune said.
“Oh, so you can speak? Guess that’s good.” She sighed, “Well, guess I deserved it.”
“I’m partly to blame. I shouldn’t be running around corners like that. Are you…okay?” He quickly became aware of this girl’s beauty again, making him nervous.
“Me? I had the helmet. You’re the one rubbing your ribs. Oof, please tell me they’re not broken?”
“No, no, I’m…pretty sure?” He was legitimate pain but not that much pain. “I might bruise by I tend to bounce back quickly.”
He saw her frown. Clearly she wasn’t convinced and by her earlier reaction, probably feels bad. Jaune wasn’t really sure what to do. He didn’t even know her name. Also, she didn’t appear to be as startled as he was either. He didn’t want to think about it much but it’s entirely possible that he was only one seeing in color now. That’s happened to more than a few unfortunate people.
“That’s unfortunate.” He thought to himself. Still, everything and anything became more…alive. Even the sky he’s seen all his life was finally the magnificent blue his parents described. That alone was a blessing. Not the mention the sense of warmth he was getting from her. It made him nervous, but not unpleasant.
“Were you going some place important? With your board gone, I don’t mind buying you a bus ticket.”
“Don’t worry about all that. I wasn’t going any place special. Just my sister’s. Anyways, scroll.” She holds out her hand.
“Excuse me?”
“Your scroll. I’m giving you my number. If you end up having to see a doctor or anything then call me. I’ll pay the bill.”
“Oh, you don’t really have t-”
“Scroll please.”
“Yes ma’am.” Her stern yet polite voice was somehow both sweet and intimidating. He got his scroll back and took a look. “Ruby Rose, that’s a nice name. I’m Jaune Arc by the way. A not as nice name.”
“Hehe, I don’t know. Rolls off the tongue pretty easily. Well I hope you feel better genuinely. If not, don’t hesitate to call. I’m a clutz but a responsible one.” She said with pride.
Jaune got a laugh at that. He nodded and just like that, Ruby went on her way. He saw her look at her board for a moment before her shoulders slouched as she abandoned the idea of grabbing the pieces.
“Ruby Rose…huh.”
“I can’t believe you hit someone!”
“Leave me alone!” Ruby yelled defensively, plopping down on her sister’s couch. “I lost the board and my knee hurts. I’ve suffered enough. Yang, please tell me you have an ice pack or something?”
“You’re lucky I always have a bag of something frozen whenever you get hurt. Hold on.” She walked over to her kitchen.
“You always have something because you don’t cook.” Ruby mumbled.
“What was that?”
“Thought so.” Yang chuckled, opening the freezer. “So, what’s this Jaune fellow look like?”
“Tall, a bit scraggly, but seemed nice. Also…deep blue eyes.”
“Oh yeah? That sounds n-” it took a second but did she hear that right? Yang immediately closed the fridge and ran back to the living room to see her sister bunched up in the corner of the couch, a deep blush on her face.
A smile slowly started to spread across the older sister’s face. “Ruby, can you see in color!?”
She hugged her knees, “Oh you know…yeah~”
“You ran over your soulmate!?”
“It was a crash and I think I did!”
Yang in her special way started off getting really excited for Ruby, before immediately bursting into laughing. All Ruby could do was cover her face in embarrassment. She didn’t need any color to know just how red she must’ve been. Oh well. At least she got his number.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 8: Coffee Shop AU]
Ruby:How about this!? *slams mug*
Jaune:*takes sip*…… Half coconut and half Soy.
Ruby:Darn it!
Weiss:Can you two stop goofing around!?
Weiss furious chucked broom at Ruby before counting the register, again. Jaune watched his best friend pout as she began sweeping their little coffee shop. Closing time another long day has arrived. A mean glare from Weiss spooked him into action, rushing over to put chairs up.
Ruby:I never thought having my BFF as a manager would be so painful.
Weiss:Don’t waste ingredients.
Ruby:I’m not! We get free drinks. I’m just experimenting with mine. Honestly, sometimes you can be as bland as your coffee.
Weiss:My coffee is perfect! Excuse me if it doesn’t give tooth decay like your sweet abominations.
Ruby:And yet my special is the most popular drink on the menu.
Jaune:Uh Rubes? Pretty sure it’s because you personally have to serve them.
Ruby:What’s that have to do with anything?
He looked at Ruby’s clothes. The general rule was wear a name tag and be in the correct colors, so the fact Ruby chose black knee high socks, and green skirt, and sleek black v-neck consistently was pretty surprising. Altogether it was pretty professional, but between Ruby always running from table to table, dancing to the songs that played, and smiling, it was easy to see why people wanted her to be their server.
Weiss:Dolt. Ruby, people look at you like eye candy.
Ruby:*red* What!?
Weiss:Why do you think I nag you about wearing your apron all day. But no, you want to do things like the Macarena in between orders.
Ruby:It shouldn’t be in the playlist shuffle if you don’t want people to do it, Weiss! People don’t really look at me that much do they?
Weiss:Are you kidding!? Pfft even Jau- aaaaa
The poor boy was freaking out behind Ruby. Weiss didn’t mean to out him like that. It just sort of slipped. Weiss slowly went back to counting money but Ruby was no idiot. The girl immediately looked back at Jaune who tried to act like he was doing work the entire time.
Weiss:Well…I’ve done my work. I’m leaving.
Weiss:Yep. You know how to lock up. (I do not want to be here.) See you all tomorrow. Remember to set the alarm. *briskly leaves*
Ruby:…So, Weiss says some crazy things at times?
Jaune:Yep! Ya know with her, hehehe.
Ruby:I mean for real, people looking at me? I mean sure I’m nice and love joking around, but eye candy? That has to be her, not me.
Jaune:Why say that?
Ruby:Well, because she’s super pretty. It makes sense. Not to say I think I’m ugly or anything but ya know…right? I’m just me.
Jaune:I think that’s beautiful.
Ruby:*blushing* Oh…. Thanks.
Jaune:No big deal.
Ruby:….Soooooo you look at me?
Jaune wants to die. The tall scraggly boy falls across a table and covers his face, groaning. Ruby can’t help but chuckle as well as feel a bit of his embarrassment. She even takes a moment to look at herself before rubbing her arm.
Ruby:Dude, it’s cool. I just..wow.
Jaune:I don’t mean to, honest. Sometimes I just look over at you and you’re dancing or laughing. Suddenly, I can’t stop looking. I think you’re really cute Ruby.
Ruby:*nods* Cool. Totally normal thing.
Jaune:You’re face is getting really red.
Ruby:It’s just the sun. Don’t worry about it. Anyways…I don’t really…mind that kind of thing. Well, when it’s you.
Jaune:*eyes widened*
Ruby:Don’t take that wrong! It’s just- I guess I…ugh. What I mean to say is that…*looks away* Hehe, this is hard. What is with me?
Jaune:Would you like to maybe…have dinner with me? Like a date?
Ruby:…Yes. I would like that a lot actually.
Jaune:Really!? I mean, okay. Umm, tomorrow?
Ruby:I’m fine with tonight.
Jaune:You sure?
She nods excitedly, not wanting their courage to fade.
Jaune:Sweet! Let’s get this placed cleaned up!
[One day later]
Ruby:*opens door* Guess what happened yesterday!?
Weiss:You didn’t turn on the alarm and we got robbed?
Ruby:Please tell me that second part was a lie?
Weiss:Of course! Why didn’t you turn on the alarm!?
Ruby:I was distracted….by Jaune…..asking me out.
Weiss:About time. Congratulations.
Ruby:Thank you.
Weiss:No flirting on the clock.
Ruby:We won’t!
Weiss playful rolls her eyes and hands Ruby a morning coffee. Ruby smiles sheepishly and took it. Ruby made her way behind the counter and grabbed an apron.
Weiss:Oooo, for his eyes only now?
Ruby:Shut up!!!
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 3: Storm]
The creatures of grimm, terrifying monsters that plagued the world. Day in and day out they brought despair to humanity, with only few people ready to take stand against them. Ruby Rose was one of those people! While others despaired, she held onto hope. So when young woman looked out her window to see furious winds that torn down fences and crackling lightning that brought rattling thunder, all she could of was one thing.
Ruby:Why couldn’t it be a dragon?
Jaune:Please don’t say that.
Ruby:*lays on couch* But we had plans today! If it were a dragon then we can kill it and move on with our lives! No we’re stuck inside.
Jaune:At least we have-
The lights immediately went out. As well as the tv.
Jaune:I was gonna say “each other”
Ruby:Nice save. Sigh… I hate storms. They’re so…gloomy. At least regular rain is manageable. Problems and storms go hand in hand. *goes to fridge* At least this is still working.
Jaune:I think you’ve been reading too many graphic novels.
Ruby:No such thing.
Jaune:Storms don’t automatically make for a bad time. We can still have our date.
Ruby:What do you have in mind?
Jaune:Hmmmm. Oh! Ruby, go to the bathroom and wait five minutes.
Jaune:Trust me. I’m about to perform an Arc special. Just you wait and see.
Ruby:*smiles* Okay I’m game. Five minutes it is.
She dashed off into to bathroom. Immediately she could here Jaune rushing around. Maybe five minutes wasn’t gonna be enough? He seemed pretty confident though.
Time was up in an instant. Ruby chose to walk out of the bathroom normally to give Jaune time for any finishing touches. To her surprise, it wasn’t needed. Her living room had been transformed into a giant pillow fort made from every pillow around the house and the couch cushions. Their sheets made a tent-like roof that let air flow from the front to the opening in the back where the window was.
Jaune sat inside the creation next to a platter of sandwiches, drinks, and carefully placed red candles. The moment he saw Ruby he pressed play on his scroll to add some music. The look in her eyes told him he had succeeded.
Ruby:So did you have a blueprint for forts or something!? You did this in five minutes!?
Jaune:We made forts at my house all the time when it rained this bad. The roof is the trickiest part. Well, what are you waiting for? Might want to take off your hood though.
Ruby:Good call.
She did just that and entered the cozy structure. Ruby laughed as Jaune poured her what was clearly juice into wine class. They shared a toast and couldn’t help but share a chuckle at themselves.
Jaune:See? Storms aren’t always doom and gloom. Sometimes you just have to change the narrative.
Ruby:Yeah, guess you’re right. To be honest… it’s not like I hate storms or anything like that. It’s just…eh, never mind.
Jaune:What’s up? Bad memories?
Ruby:You could say that. I don’t really remember much about the day dad learned mom was gone, but I remembered there was a really bad storm that night. Now I can’t help but link the two.
Jaune:I’m sorry, I didn’t know that.
Ruby:Don’t be. Like I said, I barely remember. I could be wrong for all I know. Besides, now you’ve given me a good moment that I won’t forget. Thank you for all the memories . I’m grateful. *smiles*
Jaune:You sure?
Ruby playfully rolled her eyes. He was such a worry wart at times, but she’d be lying if she didn’t think that was one of the sweetest things about him. Ruby leaned forward and kissed Jaune gently. It wasn’t long before he kissed her back just as lovingly. Ruby slowly leaned back and ran a finger over her tingling lips.
Ruby:Yeah, I’m pretty sure.
Jaune:*smiles* Anything for love.
Ruby:So corny.
Jaune:Better believe it. I made a pillow fort.
Ruby:Haha! Point taken. *kisses cheek*
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Nine Days of Lancaster
[Day 9: Dance]
In the midst of uncertainty and the fallout of an election, Jacques Schnee has sent invitations to a party. None the wiser, Jaune has only recently returned to the academy and is looking for his friends.
Jaune:Ruby? Hello? Where is everyone one? *opens door* Ru- Ruby?
The girl is startled, hoping up from her chair. Her scroll projected a giant screen that played ballroom dance videos, which Jaune found more than a little odd.
Jaune:Uhhh taking up a hobby?
Ruby:Hardly. Weiss’s dad as invited the General to a party to celebrate his win. It’s mainly to try and kick Ironwood off the council. It’s an all hands on deck kind of situation.
Jaune:Okay. Still not really getting all of…this.
Ruby:Unfortunately, we were told that it would be in our best interest to “mingle” and “work the room.” Apparently standing guard doesn’t give off the appropriate impression.
Jaune:Ah, socializing, your worst fear
Ruby:Untrue! Besides it’s not like you’re exactly a pro at it.
Jaune:Fair, but I don’t need to prepare by watching waltzing tutorials.
Ruby:*red* Anything could happen! I could standing near a punch bowl when some random stranger asks for a dance, catching me off guard and ends with hurt feet and punch on the dance floor!
Jaune:That moment at the dance seems to be more traumatic for you then the chance encounter with Cinder that same night.
Ruby:I fear no battleground but a dance floor.
Jaune:Hate to break it to ya. Those videos are not gonna help. You just need to learn basic steps with an actual partner. Fortunately for you, I’m pretty confident in my skills.
Ruby:That’s what they all say before I step on your feet.
Jaune:Hehe, nothing I can’t handle.
He closed the door behind him and moved all the chairs out of the way. Jaune grabbed Ruby’s scroll to switch her tutorials to classic music then stood before her, hand out.
Ruby took his hand easy enough then let out a gasp as he suddenly got very close. Less than an inch between them. His left moved to her lower back, putting just enough pressure on it; while his right hand had a gentle yet for grip. Has Jaune always been this tall? Ruby didn’t remember having to look up into his before.
Jaune:I’ll lead.
For some reason, Ruby started getting nervous. Slowly, he leaned to the right, taking a step for her to follow. Step by step he telegraphed his movements for her to read, gradually picking up the pace as she caught on.
Jaune:See? You’re getting it.
Ruby:Beginners luck.
Jaune:Even so, there’s never been anything you couldn’t do when you put your mind to it. Just think of this as another team attack.
Ruby:Hehe, not sure how enemies would feel if I yelled “ladybug” and then busted out into a dance.
Jaune:I sure would be caught off guard. Deception is half the battle.
Ruby:Dork. Anyways, I’m only as good as my partner. Guess that means you’re stuck with me. What’s that make us? Thorns and Swords?
Jaune:Hmmmm or….
Ruby felt Jaune’s hand brace her back more. He suddenly began to lean her way while holding her close. Ruby nearly panicked but managed to keep herself together as Jaune led her into a dip. Ruby looked over her shoulder to see just how low she had gotten then was treated with a surprise when she turned back around. Right above her face was the smiling knight, gazing right at her with the same friendly eyes he first greeted her with. Ruby felt her heart nearly stop, and her cheeks go red.
Jaune:How about Lancaster?
Ruby:S-Sure. I…I really like that name.
Jaune:Lancaster it is.
He brought her back up slowly as the song began to end. To Ruby’s shock, she was a bit saddened by both his hands finally let her go. The Reaper rubbed her head sheepishly while Jaune grabbed her scroll for her.
Jaune:I think you got this. It’s you after all.
Ruby:Thanks. Umm that was fun, surprisingly.
Jaune:Sometimes what makes a dance is the right partner. Anyways, I should really go find Ren, Nora, and Oscar. Talk to you in a little bit?
Ruby:Yeah, of course.
Jaune:*walking out*
Ruby:Umm, oh you know. I was just thinking…depending on how things go, maybe we can share a proper dance together?
Jaune:*smiles* I’d like that. Let’s do it.
Ruby:Cool. Uh, bye~
Jaune:Later Ruby. *closes door*
She sorta just…stood there for a moment. Ruby slowly took in a deep breath before letting it out even slower. The girl held her face, feeling the heat coming from it. Since when did dancing feel like that!? Jaune’s words echoed in her head. “The right partner.” Sounds like a line pulled right out of a fairytale. Then again, those were always her favorite stories.
Ruby: C’mon me, there’s bigger things to think about right now.
Ruby:*blushing* Has he really always been that much taller than me?
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 years
*tracking a Grimm*
*the wind picks up, the humidity increases*
Ruby: No...
*it starts to rain sleet*
Jaune: Come on. You're freezing and I want to get you into a tent and a sleeping bag. I'll take first watch.
Ruby: It's going to wash away our tracks.
Jaune: It is but we'll find it again.
Ruby: *changes into her PJs which don't fit her very well anymore*
Jaune: *gives her the privacy of the tent*
Jaune: *Feels some danger a couple hours into his shift*
The Grimm: *jumps out of the bracket rather than Jaune at it*
The Ursa: *Teeth snap at his armor*
Jaune: *throws it off*
Jaune: *Gets up and buries his sword in the monster's belly*
The Ursa: *Turns to smoke and ash*
Jaune: *Hesitates feeling out with his senses*
*distinct in the cold night distant the zip of a tent*
Ruby: Jaune what was that?
Jaune: Just a small Grimm. Not a big deal.
Ruby: You're supposed to wake me.
Jaune: *internally* It was nothing I couldn't handle and you needed sleep.
Jaune: Come on. Let's get you back in the tent.
Ruby: *her PJs tops stick to her skin in the sleet. Her socks feel like crap in the mud*
Jaune: *leads the way to the tent but all the warmth had been sapped out*
Jaune: *Helps her out of her socks, rubs some warmth into her feet*
Ruby: You can't act like this was my fault.
Jaune: Huh? I'm not. You're right I should have woken you up. Come on. Get into your bag and try and get warm.
Ruby: It's just-ugh! Aren't you frustrated?
Jaune: I am.
Ruby: Then why don't you show it. And your semblance. You never get excited when it activates when we train.
Jaune: It only activates when I'm losing and doesn't last long.
Jaune: *chuckles, fitting. If he'd had this power at Beacon he would have been just as much help to Pyrrha*
Ruby: *jabs him in the ribs past a strap in his armour she casually exploited*
Ruby: Butt. You were thinking you were useless again. Weren't you.
Jaune: *internally* shit.
Ruby: I'm sure it does more than make you look good.
Jaune: *emotional whiplash*
Ruby: Well?
Jaune: Well to what in all of that?
Ruby: All of it!
Jaune: This is just a minor setback in terms of getting you to Haven.
Ruby: So it's because I need to get to Haven?
Jaune: Well that is your plan.
Ruby: Ugh.
Jaune: What was it? Was it something I said?
Ruby:* Isn't impressed by that*
Ruby: What's it like? I forced you to come out here and travel with me halfway around the world even though I had no idea how far that was?
Jaune: I have no idea what I'd be doing if not for you. And Ren and Nora got into Beacon with like a scholarship for hunters to be. I think they thought I'd abandon them. So when you asked me to come with you it was a no brainer. Would I have gotten Pyrrha's weapons and armour if not for you? This is destiny.
Ruby: You really think so?
Jaune: Well, more like this is the timeline where I can succeed if I put the work in.
Ruby: You think if we're clever enough and work hard enough we'll win? That's not like you.
Jaune: This is just a setback. Haven is waiting for you even if it doesn't know it.
Ruby: What about us. Are we making progress there?
Jaune: *stupidly* Us?
Ruby: *Jabs him in the ribs again*
Ruby: Us. What am I to you?
Jaune: You're my oldest friend for sure. It's not like I didn't think about you before.
Ruby: That's not fair. Pyrrha made it clear she liked you a lot.
Jaune: Still. And I could always count on you for advice and it was always good. So it sounds dumb to say something like boyfriend but you can if you want.
Ruby: We're a couple? You make everything so complicated.
Jaune: The thing about that is-
Ruby: Do you love me?
Jaune: Um. Yeah.
Ruby: *rolls her eyes with a grin*
Ruby: Jaune you need to do a little better than 'Um. Yeah.'
Jaune: *stares at her lips. Then at her eyes*
Ruby: You really want to kiss me. Don't you. You can if you want. Maybe not all the time but you can kiss me.
Jaune: *pushes her down and threads her bottom lip between both of his*
Ruby: *moans and sighs*
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 years
Locked Out of Campus for the Night
I rattled the gate. It was locked down tight. I might have been able to break it but there wsa a camera up above us which would capture me. I was sure Ruby could cut the lock but that was the same problem. 
“So we’re locked out of campus for the evening?” Ruby asked. 
“Sure seems that way,” I responded. 
“Where are we going to sleep?” 
“We’ll have to find a hotel.”
“Ha,” Ruby laughed. “Reminds me of Anima.”
I grinned a little at the mostly good memories. “Anima was good times.”
“So where do we start looking?”
I pulled out my scroll. I started googling. “The nearest hotel is a couple blocks that way.” I pointed South. “No wait that’s an BNB.”
“So it probably wouldn’t work out.”
“Why not?”
“Well...” I didn’t have a ready retort. “I suppose it could...that is to say...”
“Lead the way,” Ruby demanded with a smirk. I grinned back down at her. I closed my scroll and began to walk through the crystal like buildings which made up Atlas. 
Ruby took my arm. I looked down at her but she wouldn’t meet my eye as she skipped to keep up with my gait. I slowed down for her so she could walk beside me easily. It wasn’t like we were in a rush. 
“You know Jaune...” She began.
“I probably don’t. Tell me,” I shot back. 
“Never mind, then.” Well alright. Keep your secrets. 
I held the door for Ruby to the BNB. She walked in and up to the register where a lanky dude in a t-shirt was standing looking bored. I glanced around. There were neon hearts and light up arrows. My face reddened. 
“I think... this may be... like, a love hotel.”
“A love hotel?”
“Yeah, you know. A place for couples. To get away.”
“What’s the big deal? Its just for a night.”
“Yeah. I think that’s the jist of this place.”
“One room please,” Ruby said to the dude by the counter.
“Enjoy your stay,” he returned sounding bored. Ruby scanned her scroll to pay before I could argue. I would have paid but I still had my reservations about the hotel we found ourselves in. Ruby grabbed my arm and half dragged me to the room we’d be staying in. There was a large heart shaped bed in the center of the room. I shot Ruby a glance. Her face was beet red like her hair. 
“I’ll just take the floor,” I managed. It should be comfortable enough and there were plenty of pillows on the bed.
“Nonsense. We can share.”
“Yeah? What’s the big deal?”
“Its inappropriate.” 
“Why? I trust you.” She looked up to me with her cool grey gaze. I looked away blushing. “Jaune. I trust you.”
I sighed. “I’m a guy Rubes. You’re a girl.”
“So this is about gender roles.”
“Not necessarily,” I protested. “I’m straight.”
“And I’m demi,” she shot back.
I blinked at that. “So it wouldn’t be a big deal for you but it would be for me,” I tried to explain.
“Why wouldn’t it be a big deal for me?” She wondered.
“Well... you’re demi.”
“But I trust you,” she shot back with a glare and some heat. I flinched.
“All the more reason its inappropriate,” I carried on.
“So this is what Pyrrha went through.”
“Jaune, I’m comfortable sleeping with you.”
“This has nothing to do with sleep!” I protested. 
“I know!”
“What? Rubes I-”
“Jaune, won’t you sleep with me?” She pressed. She looked up at me with big silver eyes. “I know the implications of what I just said. I’m not a little girl.”
My throat was suddenly very dry. “Rubes you’re my best friend.”
“Maybe I don’t want to be friends with you. I’m very flexible. Want to see?”
I swallowed hard. I choked on air. “Yeah. I do.” She led me inside by the hand and shut the door. 
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 years
(Ruby PoV)
I squealed a little. It had been so long since I'd last been with Jaune. I put on matching black panties and a bra for him to enjoy later. Not that he would care that much but it was the principle of preparation which was the thing. I brushed my hair a little. I didn't have as much to run a comb through as Weiss or Yang but I had enough that I could make it look a little neater. Again, Jaune wouldn't care too much but just because I could bullseye you from a thousand yards didn't mean I didn't like girly stuff.
Of course I wasn't quite sure what it would look like. Being with him again. It had been a couple of months since he last held me in his strong arms. I sometimes regretted his responsibility but when councilor Augustine had personally come and begged for Jaune's help there wasn't much Jaune could do besides accept the mission.
Still I sometimes wished he'd turned him down and stayed with me. And married me. Now I know most people don't move at my pace but what was the hold up? Hurry up and marry me, Jaune. Get on it. What was taking so long? And I knew it wasn't his fault I liked to go fast in everything I did. When I gave him my first time it has been like that. I know a lot of girls put some stock in their first time but I wanted the intimacy. So giving it away to Jaune was a no brainer.
I wanted that again. I wanted him thrusting up into me while I whined to be in charge. It was so domineering. It was so good. I could pretend I was a switch all I wanted but I really was a bottom in his hands. His big strong calloused hands.
I grinned at myself in the mirror. It was show time. I thought about wearing something fancy but went with my hunters garb. A tight corset and a skirt short enough to hopefully give him ideas.
I climbed into my car and turned the engine over. I'd be driving out to the Vale airfields to pick him up. I even had a sign I decorated with his name to hold for him to see as he got off his flight. I squealed again to myself. I missed his lips pressed against mine and the way he smiled down at me. I liked how he made an effort out of kissing me because of our height difference. There was so much to like about him.
Plus after enough wearing on him I got him to agree he did eventually want a family. I always wanted a big family. Again I was impatient. Couldn't he put a baby in my belly already?!
I sighed. It would be wrong to trick him however possible. I'd just need to give him time and occasionally space. And if he was half as hungry for me as I was for him then we could really put it to work on our family.
I drove up to the airfields. I was early but rushed to where he'd be landing. I was the only one there with my sign. So I'd gotten a little over excited and left way early. So what? Soon I'd be in his arms again.
I tapped my foot as I waited impatiently. How hard was it to land a fucking plane? Come on already... Come on...
I glanced at my dainty wrist watch. A Titania alloyed thing Jaune had gotten me. I still had thirty minutes to go. And that's if Jaune's flight was on time. I hummed a little. I was no good at these long distant things. I needed to taste his aura. A rich lemony flavor with melting sugar and the touch of ozone. I needed to feel his emotions. A long distance call didn't cut it. I wanted him in me.
He'd told me before he loved my own flavour of aura. Something sugary, flowery, and with a touch of cinnamon. I thought that was sweet but since you couldn't exactly taste yourself I was left wondering. My aura was much smaller than his. When he was emotional his aura shook me. I often wondered if he could even taste it when he wrapped around me in his flavours. He assured me he did and that I was a treat but I thought about it a lot.
I was sure he enjoyed other peoples' flavours as well. And how many bars or inns would there be some young staff with a big strong huntsman like Jaune coming through? Jaune was loyal but I think any sane person would wonder 'what if.'
That thought hurt. I wanted him to be mine and mine and mine. And only mine. I wondered if he had missed me the way I did him.
His flight landed. I held up the sign. I saw him exit the aircraft. He looked a little green around the edges. No matter how strong he became as a huntsman he still got motion sick. I saw when he spotted me because his face lit up. He had a bag slung over his shoulder along with Crocea Mors 3.0. A broadsword, like my uncle's single edged, longsword, and shield combination. He dropped his bag and swung me up into his arms with a big goofy grin on his face.
"Sweetheart," he hummed. I grinned down at him while he hefted me above him. I tasted how elated he was on his aura. It shook me to my core. I purred in his arms and rubbed my face against his cheek. He had some stubble like he hadn't shaved in a couple of days but I didn't mind. Then we kissed.
He took my bottom lip in both of his as he was wont to do. I purred again from my throat and chest. I ached on the inside.
"I missed you," I breathed. He kissed me again. His tongue tickled me to open up and I did. When his tongue entered my mouth I gently sucked on it and he let out a low groan. I was hungry to hear more of that noise.
"Well hello little love," he managed. He set me down. "How have you been?"
"Bored. Same old missions. Same old hunting. Come on." I pleaded with him and tried to tug him by the hand.
"Hold on. Just a minute."
I whined a little and his expression grew dark and hungry at me. I felt his lust on his aura and it shattered me. He got down on one knee and opened a small box. There was a ring inside with a single diamond. I gasped a little.
"Ruby Rose, won't you marry me?" He asked.
"Of course! Finally!" He laughed and pulled the ring from the box. He placed it on my finger. I stared at it. It was just jewelry. The real deal was in front of me.
"I thought of you every hour of every day I was gone," he confessed. He said it like he was admitting a terrible sin. "My love, be mine."
"I will," I promised. "Always."
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 years
(Jaune PoV)
I stared into the flames and watched them crackle. I stared like the dancing patterns would grant me a hunch, a spark, a sign of intuition. But there was nothing.
Ruby ploppd down beside me in her skirt with practiced ease. We said nothing for a long moment, or at least, it seemed that way. Then she broke the silence by saying my name.
“Yeah,” I wondered as smoke from the fire blew into my face. I coughed a little and my eyesight got blurry from tears. 
“We need to talk.” I suppose that was true. Too many late night chats. Too much time spent on the road together. Too much before all that in a lot of ways.
“What about?” I asked, knowing full well the answer and just being an asshole and dragging it out of her because I could. 
“I mean, I don’t particularly want to but I can and will. Especially if its with you, Rubes.”
“There are just some things I need to know. Did you and her...? Ever...?”
“No. I didn’t know until the end. Way too late. We only ever kissed the once. As she was sending her valedictions to me.”
“Oh. Would you have?” Ruby grimaced as much as she was able. “Sorry.”
It wasn’t her fault though. I brushed my fingers against my lips with a gauntleted hand. It had been so soft. And she had tasted like peppers and apples. Spicy jalapeños and juicy green apples. A delicious flavor. 
Ruby didn’t taste anything like that. She tasted like wild roses in a clean and gentle way. And a little like sugar and cinnamon. She tasted good. Good enough for me to love. 
“I don’;t know. Alright? Whatever we had is dead now because of Cinder.”
“She wouldn’t want you fighting Cinder.”
“I know.” Hell, the last thing she did was shove me in a locker and not give me the choice of dying with her. Which I wasn’t bitter about at all. 
“I don’t want you fighting Cinder either.”
I winced. I flinched. It felt like she punched me in the fucking gut. I wheezed.
“I know Rubes. I know.”
“Doesn’t that matter to you? You’ll die.”
I’d die. And where would that leave my precious rose?
“I can’t give up. I can’t let go. I want to. I want to be able to let go of Pyrrha. I want to just be able to be with you. I want to live without this burning ache. But nothing has convinced me I should steer clear of Cinder when next our poaths meet. I must do what I must do. What I must do.”
“Jaune you don’t treat me like her! You’re not replacing her with me.”
“It feels like it. Sometimes.”
I looked into her grey gaze. I saw how emotional she was and I wondered if I could feel even a tenth of what she did. 
“Well you can talk to me about that.”
“How can I possibly. I.... I come with some pretty heavy baggage. You deserve to know that.”
I felt her slide over to me. She wrapped one arm around my neck gently and ran the other across my chest. I almost sobbed. I could taste her. Her aura. I could taste the cinnamon. 
“Gods listen to me complain like I’m the one who fucking died,” I shook my head.
“You’re alowed to feel things too,” Ruby whispered right in my ear and sent goosbumps down my spine. 
“I don’t know what I feel.”
‘What about me?’ She didn’t ask it. She just ran her hand across my chest. I simultaneously relaxed and tensed in her arms. My breathing stopped and I turned to look at her. Our faces were inches apart, our noses practically touching. 
Then she brought me forward in the cradle of her arms and kissed me. It was so soft. As before. My hand rested on her stomach and I felt the hard muscle there under the ghost of fat. 
When we broke the kiss she cupped my cheek and I realized I was crying. 
“What? What is it?” She wondered. 
On the one hand I was grateful to the gods it was different from kissing Pyrrha. But on the other hand I was never going to kiss Pyrrha again. I choked. 
“I want to be able to kiss you. Right now. Without thinking of her. You deserve that.”
“I want you,” Ruby whispered. My breath caught in my throat. “Jaune, I want you.”
“I want you too. But like I said I come with some pretty heavy baggage.”
“We’ll carry it together. You’re not alone.”
She touched my face with her hand like a sunshine curtain. Something inside me stirred and rested. 
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