#tailored sunflower
Petal 38
Practice & Performance
I find I love the process of practice. The practice of creating, and the freedom to make mistakes to find a groove. I don’t mean just in vocal performance, but even in acting or any other way of my life really. I feel like rehearsals for a stage production, or even for self tape preparation; it is so nice to be able to see what works and what needs to be fixed. I think sometimes we get so caught up in performances, that we struggle to have a real human moment. It is necessary to have those human moments because without them, we can’t create.
Maybe it’s true what they say; sometimes you have to just hunker down and do the work and just turn off the whole waiting for everything to come together thing. You have to acquire a short list of goals and ambitions, and an overall longer list of how you may see your life. I lived my life that way all the time, up until the pandemic. I realized I had to do away with all the lists. Sometimes talking too much can ruin a good thing, just like overthinking can. It may not be time to get cerebral, you just have to believe the hard work will pay off, because you work hard. I think we live life in spurts. It’s like we are going full throttle, until we can press pause to see what’s working and what’s not. We all know life comes at you fast, and there are personal wins and losses. Not just with your career; but your personal life as well. When that happens, being cerebral is just itching at the back of your skull trying to break out.
To be fair, a lot of times I don’t let it. If I let it all in, the impact of feeling it all can cause the best of us to spiral and the worst of us to freeze. I have a love/hate relationship with slowing down. Yes, I like being able to reevaluate, and go to the drawing board. I don’t enjoy the stillness all the time. Then I end up having to face how I feel. The best part is, I don’t run from it. I fearlessly keep going. So if you’re having a great time, enjoy it and don’t worry about the fizzle down the way. If you’re not having a great time, keep going because better is always soon. It’s like post concert depression; be happy that you got to see the show. A lot of folks didn’t get to go in the first place.
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
I 4got 2 vote in the natsu/gumi solos poll but tailor tailor losing so hard 2 minority???!! Fucka you. tailor tailor is so groovy n upbeat n cute n a straight up Bop.
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kanmom51 · 3 months
JM Muse Serenade concept photos
Once again, I'm going to jot down a few thoughts that came to mind waking up to JM's concept photos and teaser clip that dropped today.
These are initial thoughts, and if I change my mind or have anything to add, then I will either reblog or add in a separate post, as I usually did. But I felt the need to put these thoughts down in writing and share them with you as is, like a conversation we are having together.
Yesterday we got this teaser.
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And today we got the whole shebang.
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I can't get a clear photo of the brooch he's wearing, but we all know that it has to have a meaning too.
Also, trying to figure out the meaning behind the three different outfits for the different images.
On the little stage holding the guitar by his side, he's wearing a tailored suit. While in the other photos he's wearing 2 different types of uniforms.
JM up on a stage, the flower all around him. Is he telling us he is going to be sharing a secret?
Or is that him surrounded by the flowers in the sense that he is on this island, wearing what looks like a kind of regular basic suit, isolated, unable to share his secret.
But when looking at the suit you see it's striped,
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kind of similar to this one:
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The Smeraldo flower is a clear motif throughout the whole album.
We have spoken about it. The meaning of the flower, the garden, The truth untold.
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Perhaps the transition into the uniform, now holding the flowers (are those Smeraldo flowers though? Cause they look like a type of a lily), and then the open jacket with the band instruments waiting behind him - him opening up, prepared to share his secret...
But this photo here.
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Is the one that I noticed especially, rang a few bells for me.
This is what I saw straight away:
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You remember, right?
When JK was asked what part of JMs body is his fave and our man answered all of JM.
And this also did something for me:
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This is what I felt seeing that large shadow, one we also see in the concept clip:
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JMs words in Letter.
That intimate love song that was not written for us.
Written by JM.
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Sung by JM.
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The guitars. Letter being an acoustic guitar, quieter, more intimate. While here we have an electric guitar, louder, stronger sounding, for all to hear...
And all of this is for his Serenade concept.
Oh, and we have this too:
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Let's look for one sec what actually is a serenade, why don't we?
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So we have a song, often in the evening, and mainly outdoors, in public, for all those around to hear your statement of love to the person you are serenading.
Was Letter a serenade?
we talked about it being a song addressed to JK, all while being for army to hear.
So, in a sense this is a serenade.
But then perhaps not just yet, seeing Letter was a hidden track, one to be heard only by those he feels he can trust with his secret.
So not out in the open enough, not public. Not just yet.
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Then we have the teaser clip for Muse - taking that Letter out of the closed locker -
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Is that JM telling us that this time it's going to be a full on serenade, one for all of us to hear?
Was SGMB that serenade?
It is out in the open with an orchestra, we do have the golden hour effect, so tick to the evening element.
Could this be the serenade to follow Letter? Letter being the more intimate one on one (we did have that whole JM-JK back and forth going on there at the end), and SGMB being that song JM is singing under JK's balcony (we do have him singing to the sunflowers) for all to hear about his love for him?
Or are we getting another Serenade to come? Cause this one felt like it just might be IT.
Oh, and then we have this:
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Again, we get the greater/bigger shadow. The lighting...
Golden. Golden hour. JK Golden.
And then we also have this.
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One has what seems like the moon to his back.
The other is bathing in lights that light up just for him, feeling like he's bathing in the setting sun.
Yes, I went there.
And if I'm already going there, then why not this?
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I think I'll wrap it up here.
Basically this was a rambling of my initial thoughts.
Feel free to comment, add some of yours, start a conversation.
Love y'all.
Oh, and go stream SGMB !!!!
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tw1l1te · 6 months
Your writing is sooo good, i especially love the suggestive's one. And the smut 🙈
I really loved your story with the reader showing skin et flirting. Do you think you could do the same with War (my fave) and Time pretty please? ✨💖
And sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language
Anon 🐎
I love Time so much, he helps with the daddy issues
𓇢𓆸.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Being a Captain was difficult in so many factors.
He had to be precise, smart, authorative, put together.
And right now, he is the complete opposite of those things.
After a messy run-in with some enemies from Legend's Hyrule, most of the group was covered in blood, monster guts, mud, you name it.
So Time suggested they all go wash up in some nearby hot springs, specifically the more private ones for your sake.
By some blessing or curse, Wars was allocated the same hot spring as you, the hot mist of the spring already getting to him
You told him that you'll go on the opposite side of the spring to avoid any awkward eye contact or body's touching.
You both turned around to give each other privacy, stripping all of your clothes and setting them on the side to be washed after they were clean.
You got in first, sighing at the hot water encompassing your entire body. You kept your back turned as Wars got in, letting him have some of his dignity
At the go-ahead, you turned around propping your back against the rocky wall, lazily scrubbing away at the caked-on blood and mud on your forearms.
Wars followed your motions, trying to distact himself from the growing bulge under the water. It was impossible considering the curve of your breasts was very visible through the water and your bare shoulders looked a little too unmarked-
"Wars? Can you get the mud off of my back, you know how unflexible I am."
He nodded, knowing if he said a word his voice would crack, giving away his little problem
Just half a foot away from him, he gently scrubbed the mud off, not going any lower than the surface of the water, after all, he was a gentleman he didn't want to be
You suddently spinned around, your face meeting with his chest
"Why don't I help you out...?"
Did he hear you correctly?
Did you want to...
"Turn around! I'll get your back, you stink!!"
By the Three, he needed to keep his mind out of the gutter.
He wasn't sure the last time he saw himself wearing the Hero's Garb.
It must've been, what, 5 years ago? 10? He lost track of time.
So when Wild showed him the outfits he had stashed in his Slate, he was suprised to see that it was the very same tunic, and not a replica.
He was suprised a second time when he saw the whole set being worn by you: his Sunflower
You walked back to camp, entranced in a flower you were holding, too preoccupied to notice the eldest taking your form in
By the Three, he forgot how skintight those tights were... but you made them look tailored to you
You look up, a slight blush on your ears, "O-oh, hey! Wild gave me your old tunic to wear, I hope you don't mind."
"I don't mind at all, Sunflower."
He wish he could've taken a picture of how cute you looked, stuttering and blushing.
You walked up to him, the curve of your ass being just barely visible for him to see. Something about you in his clothes made his darker side ignite.
You were called by Wild, needing you to taste something by the fire. You jumped up, jogging up to wild as the short green tunic flounced at your movement. Your chest bounced slightly as you skipped to the cook, Time's eyes slightly lidded at your form.
You leaned over, hands on your knees, giving Time the perfect tease. You looked back at him for a second before biting your lip, giving him the thought that you were doing this on purpose.
You were gonna end him-
𓇢𓆸.𖥔 ݁ ˖
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saturnville · 7 months
the man in the suit.
pairing: miguel galindo x afro latina fem oc (eliana)
prompt: miguel becomes infatuated with eliana, the owner of a popular coffee shop in town.
an: I was asked to bring back the Miguel Galindo fics by an anon. it's been over two years since I've written anything Mayans, but I'm always willing to revisit old fandoms, so, here we go, I hope you enjoy.
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Her coffee shop was a staple in the town. Known for the rich Colombian coffee beans ground with intentionality, brewed with love, and served in mugs crafted by her own hands. The aura was always calm. Busy, but never so much that guests couldn't enjoy their time. They, just like she often, would get lost in the melodies of indie music that played from the speakers and drunk off caffeine and oat milk. The Tranquil Lounge was a blessing to Santo Padre.
Saturdays were the busiest days in the Lounge. College students stopped by to grind out assignments due the following day at midnight, entrepreneurs chugged coffee like water to finalize funding proposals, and others snuggled by the window with a good book. They were lively and invigorating; her favorite days in the shop.
She danced around her employees, humming a Marc Anthony tune as she topped off a cup with cold foam. Vivir mi vida, la, la, la, la, she hummed to herself.
"I'm very impressed. Most people don't know the lyrics passed the chorus," said an unfamiliar voice. Her teeth gleamed as she smiled softly. Her head still down, she placed a lid on the cup and slid it to the other side of the counter.
"I consider myself determined when it comes to learning song lyrics," she replied. "What can I get you?" Finally, she lifted her head, and she struggled to fight the instinct to gasp. How had he found her little coffee shop in town?
Miguel Galindo was notorious in Santo Padre. A businessman with illegal practices. The government hated him, men envied him, and women wanted him. Everyone in Santo Padre knew who he was and they knew better than to cross him. Their families could end up missing within hours if they upset him. It should have struck fear in her heart, but his presence did the opposite.
Her eyes scanned his attire. Bold of him to wear a white suit to drink coffee. But, it looked beautiful against his olive complexion. It was perfectly tailored to hug his broad shoulders. Her eyes followed its outline.
His brown eyes scanned the beautifully curated menu behind her. Bright colors against the blackboard. Sunflowers, rainbows, and bees decorated the menu. Creative, he noted. "I'll do a hot caramel macchiato. Medium, please." He handed her a twenty-dollar bill. She halted. The drink was $4.
Miguel looked unamused when she parted her lips to object, so she simply took the bill from his hand and thanked him with a smile. "Enjoy, hope to see you back soon."
He nodded. His eyes dropped to her nametag. Eliana, Founder. "Thank you, Eliana. You have a good day, quierda."
She smiled bashfully, "Gracias. You too."
Miguel Galindo was enamored by her. He saw the silhouette of her figure when he closed his eyes to rest at night. He heard the southern twang of her accent as he listened to music on the radio, and he saw the richness of her eyes in the mounds of chocolate chips scattered in Christopher's pancakes.
He made frequent appearances at the shop after that. Catching her friendly grin and gentle hands as she passed his cup to him was one of the few highlights of his day. He cherished it, craved it, and adored it.
He felt lucky when he waltzed into the shop one Saturday morning to find it empty. He thought it was a slow day, but she'd closed it for cleaning. And rather than turning him away, she welcomed him in.
"Your usual?" Eliana questioned. She propped her broom against a stable surface and turned to move behind the counter. "On the house."
"Oh no," Miguel waved. "You're not even open, I see." It was Eliana's turn to force an object into his hands. His usual--hot caramel macchiato; medium with a smiley face drawn on the side of the cup.
"You keep me in business, Mr. Galindo," Eliana replied teasingly with a smile. She was so pretty to him. The woman with a mahogany complexion and soft eyes with an unexplainably gentle aura.
Miguel's eyes dropped to the floor as he chuckled bashfully. He had a tendency to pay more than was due, but he credited it as paying in advance for future visits. "I just like to support where I can." Eliana picked up her broom and hummed, instructing him to get comfortable in the cushioned chairs near the window.
His eyes scanned the marvelous artwork that decorated the dark walls. Murals of people parading in fields of palm trees with drums, colorful skirts, and baskets of fruits, vegetables, and grains. They were all of deep complexion. His eyebrow rose.
"Where are you from?" He found himself asking.
"Costa Chica of Guerrero. Mexico." The area where Black Mexicans were the most populated.
"Tu familia?" Your family?
Eliana shrugged a shoulder and bent over to sweep the dirt unto the dustpan. "En México. Conseguí una beca para estudiar aquí. Se graduó con un título en negocios y decidió quedarse. It's a long story." In Mexico. I got a scholarship to study here. I graduated with my business degree and decided to stay.
Miguel mimicked her actions and gestured to the empty seat across from him. "I've got the time if you do."
They were polar opposites. She was an extrovert, he was introverted. She loved the fall, yet he found it one of the sadder seasons. Tea was her favorite, though she owned a coffee shop, but coffee was his holy grail. He grew up without his father present, but hers was her rock. So many new discoveries that he basked in like warm comforters on a winter day.
“I enjoyed today,” Miguel said as he walked her to her car. Hours had passed, the sun had set, and their day had come to a close. “I’d like to see you again.”
Eliana hummed as she tapped her key fob. Her vehicle chirped excitedly. She reached for the door handle, but Miguel beat her to it. She thanked him gently and slid into the seat. “Well, you’ll know where to find me, Miguel.”
He chuckled and nodded. She wasn’t going to make it easy for him, but. he liked that. Effort was required. He liked a challenge.
“I do,” he replied. “Be ready tomorrow evening. Be safe tonight, Eliana.”
Her brown eyes are twinkled with curiosity. She stretched up and pressed a kiss on his cheek. “Wear a white suit.” And with that, she started her car and sped off into the night, leaving Miguel to bask in the eagerness of seeing her again.
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coloursflyaway · 4 months
I have a fun fact for you that I’m sure you’ve already seen. The specific color of Edwin’s bow tie is Payne’s gray. Now, do you think he bought that for himself or do you think it was a gift (from Charles of course)?
I have absolutely not seen that???? Oh my god, that's SO lovely, I am obsessed with how much thought was put into absolutely everything in this show ♥♥♥
I wouldn't be surprised if Edwin had had a bowtie before, and then there was a case that involved a tailor or something, and Charles finds out that there is a colour named after Edwin
(it's the wrong colour, though, in charles opinion. nothing about edwin is grey; his eyes are green and a hint of hazel if the light hits them just right, his lips are pink and sometimes, if he has bitten them in concentration, a little red, his hair is the colour of expensive wood and that fancy library set up they had in my fair lady; his soul and his entire being and everything about him is so bright it sometimes overwhelms him: his joy is as bright as sunflowers, his anger as red as blood and as fierce as fire, his sadness the most awful shade of black known to men, his affection for charles is everything at once, every colour, every shade, every brightness)
he gets Edwin a bowtie that is just the right colour and it looks lovely against his pale skin and the blue of his suit.
And since there is a bit of fabric left over, Charles gets to keep it, stuffed deep down in the pockets of his jacket. Sometimes, when a case is especially tough or when it's very late at night or when he looks at Edwin and his non-existent heart swells in his chest with just how much he loves him, Charles touches it, wraps it around his fingers.
He's not quite sure why, but it soothes him somehow, and really, the reason for that isn't important in the end, is it?
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lesbianrobin · 2 months
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
23 - ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ/ᴄʀᴇᴀᴍᴘɪᴇ - ꜱᴀɴ
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ᴀɴɢᴇʟ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀʙᴏᴠᴇ
pairing: business man! san x stripper! reader (fem)
summary: san finds himself visiting his favorite dancer instead of going back home to his wife.
w.c: 3k
warnings: alcohol use, san and reader are both a mess, sub! leaning san, dom leaning! reader, cheating, lap dance, grinding, unprotected sex, creampie
a/n: shoutout to the anon for giving me this idea by sharing this vid whewwwwww this is for you <3 also i struggled sm trying to explain what she was doing on the pole im so sorry loll
btw some song recs would be fwm by tone stith, me by summer walker, lavender sunflower by tory lanez, and the weekend by sza
FFF Masterlist
Sitting in an almost-empty office, San stared blankly at the monitor in front of him, knowing he finished his work early but finding himself reluctant to pack up and go home. Why wouldn't he want to go home? He had a beautiful wife waiting for him, who was probably pulling something yummy out of the oven. Maybe she was even wearing a cute little apron, hoping he would come home and see her in it. Yet, he found himself thinking about the dancer he met a few months ago at the gentlemen's club just around the corner from his work. There was even an ATM right outside of it, just asking him to take out hundreds of dollars and spend it all on her.
"Hey, San," his coworker said, putting his hands on San's tense shoulders and patting them, noticing that he had shut his computer down and was putting some files away into his suitcase. "Heading home?"
San stood up and slicked his hair back, allowing a few strands to fall onto his forehead. "Yep," he replied shortly, giving the man a polite smile and walking past him, hoping he couldn't somehow tell that he was about to cheat. Well, it wasn't technically cheating, right? It was pretty much the same thing as looking at those certain magazines that they sold at gas stations, but just in real life. It’s not like he was sleeping with you. He still loved his wife. He did. He really did. He just needed to see you one more time. After this, he was done. He was certain of it.
"Are you coming in or not?" the oversized bouncer asked in a deep voice, looking at the anxious, sweating businessman idly standing in front of the open club door with a thousand dollars just sitting inside his black tailored pants.
Fixing his glasses out of habit, he let out a nervous laugh, nodding his head. "Yep, I'm coming in. Uh, have a good night." He gave the man a weak wave and shuffled past him, making his way through the long hallway past some patrons and a few dancers. When San made it into the main room, he was immediately bathed in crimson lighting, dark and seductive, like he had stepped foot into hell. He might as well have. He was ready to sin.
After he was done taking in his surroundings, he headed to the bar and sat down at the seat that had the best view of the main stage. "Your usual, Mr. Choi?" the bartender asked, wiping a pint glass with a rag, noticing how San simply sat still on his stool and scanned the various platforms on the other side of the room.
You weren't anywhere to be seen. Would you be coming out soon? You always worked on Friday nights. Maybe you were in the back getting ready. Probably putting some glitter on your eyelids and drawing a tiny heart near your cheek with some eyeliner. It was the cutest thing. You were always so cute, like a pretty little angel. Yet, when you got on stage, you would always give him this look. Like you were picturing all the things he could do to you, and all the things you could do to him, maybe even right there where everyone could watch. That’s when you reminded him that you were actually sin incarnate. But he knew that already. And he didn't mind.
"Mr. Choi?" the man tried again, holding out a glass filled with ice, tea, and various amounts of alcohol. "Your long island ice tea."
San snapped his head back towards the man, taking the glass and nodding his head. "Thanks, man." He brought the straw up to his lips and sucked the drink down, delighted that it got rid of the remaining guilt he felt, idly glancing around the room again, this time scanning the various men sitting in their seats, some with a dancer in their lap. None of them were you.
The bartender shook his head, leaning his forearms on the table below. "Are you waiting for Angel to come out, Mr. Choi?"
Halfway through his drink, San choked on some of the liquid, swallowing it down anyway and clearing his throat. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he faced the man again, a slight frown forming. "Am I that obvious?"
The man smiled to himself, glancing over to the main stage entrance, knowing you would be coming out soon. "She talks about you a lot, you know. She's constantly asking when we think you'll come back."
This was news to him. Sure, you were always friendly and flirty with him. Always referring to him as "Mr. Business Man" or "Sannie." The second was his favorite. It always made him melt. His wife wouldn't even call him that anymore. Said it was childish. Though, when you said it, with that coy look on your face and batting your long eyelashes at him, the only thoughts he had were inexplicably adult. Maybe you were into him. You. His angel. That changed things. And at this point, he was already in too deep, so why not get buried?
"What does she say about me?" San probed, drinking the rest of the tea down until he was sucking on the ice at the bottom of the glass. Warmth flooded his brain and body, encouraging him to unbutton his black blazer and pull it off. As he carefully draped it over the bar counter, everything around him began slowing down to a crawl.
"That you're her favorite," the man replied softly, idly glancing at the silver ring San was wearing on his ring finger, then walking over to serve another customer. It wasn't any of his business. He was just a bartender. He tapped the table near San, motioning his head to the main stage. "She's on, by the way."
Spinning around in his seat, San felt like all the air inside his lungs suddenly dissipated. His reddened eyes focused on your curvy figure appearing out of the darkness of the stage entrance, his eyes traveling along your almost naked body. You were wearing a matching set like you always did. This time, you were wearing a tiny black latex bra, the nonexistent cups barely covering your nipples, your tits practically spilling out of them. He gulped so hard, he almost swallowed his Adam's apple by accident. An equally black, equally nonexistent thong clung tightly to your hips and pelvis, one micro-movement away from having everyone see your pretty pink–
"Pussy," said a random drunk man sitting next to San, throwing back a shot of vodka. When San gave him a dirty look, the man shook his head. "Don't just stare at her, bro. Go sit in that chair over there and let her know you like her. Trust me. Angel's worth it."
Turning away form the guy in silence, San undid his tie and laid it over his jacket, trusting that the bartender would look after it for him. Putting the image of his wife sitting at the empty dinner table by herself, San quickly made his way past a few tables and booths, eventually sitting down in the empty seat near the front section of the stage.
Taking a few drawn out steps around the pole, you ran a hand up your body, your hips swaying along to the slow, thumping beats of the song playing through the surrounding speakers. Like a snake hypnotizing its prey before striking. Once you grabbed the pole and moved your body in a slow wavelike motion, you turned around and leaned your body back against it, gazing down at your favorite businessman. Your eyes surveyed his lap, wondering if the visible tent in his work pants was a stack of cash or his hard cock. Either was fine with you.
"Angel..." San murmured to himself, unconsciously spreading his thick thighs apart, hoping you could read his lips. He slipped his hand into his pocket, pulling some of the cash into his tense hand.
Once the song picked up a bit, the bass still so intense it vibrated through your chest, you propelled yourself forward and climbed onto the pole like it was second nature, hooking one of your legs onto it, moving around the pole in steady circles. Sighing, you slid a hand up from your abdomen, up and over one of your tits, then up your neck. Everyone's eyes were on you, though you couldn't blame them. You were the true embodiment of desire. The angel that everyone wanted to defile and keep for themselves. Yet, they had no idea that you were the one who did the defiling, the corrupting, the owning. And your current target was…
"San," you whispered, running your tongue along the inside of your glossy lips, gripping the pole tight enough with one hand so that you could lean your head back. Amused by the businessman's submissive demeanor after eyeing the growing tent inside his pants, you squeezed the metal securely between your thighs, allowing you to release your hands from it and hang more upside down, slipping your fingers up underneath your bra to grab at your tits, pulling a bit on your nipple piercings for your own pleasure. You continued to spin around the pole in slow circles, the monochrome lights flashing above the stage further enhancing the hypnotic show you were putting on.
One of the men stood up and sent a stack of cash into the air, watching it rain down around you. You smiled to yourself, sitting back up to hold the pole both in front of your chest and one below near your lower abdomen, making sure you were stable. You lifted yourself up into an upside down vertical position and clenched your legs around the pole before slowly spreading them, appearing like you were doing a full split in the air. Another man followed the actions of the first, pulling some twenties out of his pocket and sending them out into the air, his hooded eyes locked on the way your ass was eating up the thin strap of your thong. All these men were like putty in your hands. Ready to give up most of their paychecks, all for the slim chance that they could fuck you for real. It was pathetic.
When the song came to a drop, you slid yourself down the bottom of the pole, slowly lowering yourself onto the cool stage in the splits, arching your back, your hands groping along your body, squeezing your tits and letting out a soft moan, though no one could hear you over the loud bass on the song. You looked up over at San, licking your lips, before you got onto your knees and crawled towards him, your heavy heels clinking against the stage with each deliberate movement. Gazing at him like a predator cornering their next meal, you eventually got to the edge of the stage and slowly sat back on your knees, running your hands slowly up your body, slowly leaning your head back and arching your back again.
Drunk with lust and alcohol, San couldn't help but readjust himself in the leather chair, the pulsing beats of the song emanating heavily inside his ears, a similar pulsing occurring below the belt. Swallowing down his nerves, he pulled a few hundreds out, waiting for you to look at him, before he leaned forward and sent them out onto the stage in front of you.
Licking your lips at the money spread out below you, your fingers snuck up to the front of your bra and popped it up, your tits dropping out of it. The men around all emitted various low sounding groans, some of them palming themselves or sliding down in their seats. San was in a similar state of desperation, his cock so hard it was about to burst out of his pants.
When the music played the sound of a woman’s moans playing alongside pulsing, synth like music, encouraging you to begin moving your hips in an up and down motion, as though you were riding an imaginary dick, making San and everyone else in the room wish it were his. You kept your eyes on the struggling businessman, grabbing at your tits, moaning softly, your eyebrows drawing together.
Not able to take it any longer, San held out three hundreds and placed it down on his crotch in between his large thighs, spreading them apart to entice you.
Drawing you in like a moth to a flame, you found yourself climbing off of the stage as elegantly as possible and taking a step up to the large leather chair he was lounging in. Once you got off, another dancer walked up to the pole to take your place, distracting all the surrounding patrons.
Straddling San’s lap once he picked the bills up, you leaned into his ear to purr, “Sannie, it’s so nice to see you back. I’ve missed you.”
San angled his head up, trying to keep his eyes on your hooded ones instead of staring at your tits that were just below his chin. “I’ve missed you more, Angel.” He reached down to slide a hundred through the strap on your hip, continuing, “I’d like a private show. I have a lot more love to give you.”
Smiling down at the hundred-dollar bill, you sat fully down on his lap, feeling his hard on pressing into your latex panties. “You always give me lots of love, Sannie. Should we go then?”
San slipped the other two hundreds into the other strap, groaning when you dragged your clothed pussy across his length. Biting at his bottom lip, he sent a suggestive smile in your direction. “Lead the way, Angel.”
In one of the small dimly lit private rooms, you hovered over San’s lap, your knees pressed into the leather couch on each side of his thighs, gyrating your hips along to the slow, pulsing music. “What’s with that look, baby?” you asked softly, running your hands down the front of San’s chest.
“You’re just so…beautiful.” He couldn’t keep his eyes off of your body, especially your tits, because they were covered in…Was that body glitter? As if you could get any hotter. He was losing his mind.
“Yeah?” you started, watching as the businessman put more cash into the straps of your nylon panties, until there were no more spaces left. “You like me better than your wife, don’t you? Is that why you’re always here and spending money on me instead of her?”
“Mm-hmm, I like you a lot, Angel,” San sighed softly, his hands roaming around the outline of your body, but not touching you.
Arching your back, your hands rested on the top of the couch behind San’s head, slowly moving your body in a slow, but fluid motion on his lap, your cunt brushing across his heavy cock still trapped inside the waistband of his pants. “If you like me so much, then touch me. Fuck me. Make me yours, Sannie.”
Entranced. Mesmerized. Seduced. Those were only a few words to describe what came over him while he was inside you, his hands all over your body, getting glitter all over himself. San didn't understand how a single person could have such a hold over him. He never experienced anything like this, and he couldn’t pull himself out of it.
Bouncing up and down on San’s length like it was your life’s mission, you wrapped your fingers around his jaw on either side, bringing his mouth towards your tits. “Suck on them, Sannie. Bite them. Spit on them. Do whatever your wife won’t let you do.”
Completely gone at this point, his cock throbbing heavily inside you, San slurped your tits up into his mouth, one at a time, biting and tugging at your nipple piercings, pulling away every so often to spit on them and watch it drip down your glittery skin. “You’re so dirty, Angel,” he huffed, squeezing your hips tightly, his ring cold against your hot body.
“Not dirty enough,” you complained, in between pants, gripping his shoulders tightly, trying to bring yourself to your peak as fast as possible. “Cum inside me, Sannie. Please.”
“Oh, fuck, Angel, I don’t think…” San gasped, losing his train of thought, as your glossy lips attached to his neck, sucking and licking, leaving a mark on him. He knew he would have to cover it up with makeup later on. “I shouldn’t…”
Tempting him further, you moved your body at a slower, more deliberate pace, wanting to draw the sin out of him. “Cum, baby, come on,” you purred into his ear, nipping and pulling at it with your teeth. “I know she never lets you cum inside, so fill me up instead…Please, Sannie…Please give it to me.”
Truly, you were an angel in every sense of the word, even letting a cheating stranger like him fill you up with his seed. How gracious of you.
“Fuck, okay, I’m–aaah–” San jerked his head back, holding onto your waist for dear life, feeling your cunt tighten around him like a vice. “Jesus, Angel, you're…oh my god.”
“What, Sannie?” you whispered near his lips, bringing yourself down onto him one last time, your body shuddering, your arousal pouring out of you and staining his work pants. “Does it feel better to fuck me than your wife? Is that it?”
“Yeah, it does. So much better.” San looked down at your lower half, his mouth hanging open, a bit of saliva dripping past his lips as his cock shot out rope after rope into your slick hole. He wished he could see it pouring into you, wanting to witness the mark he left inside your body.
You let out a satisfied sigh, lifting yourself up from his lap and collecting the bills he offered you, putting them into a neat stack. “I thought so.” Smirking to yourself, you lifted one leg up onto the couch, allowing San to watch as his load dripped out of your pulsing cunt and down your inner leg. “So, will you be coming back next Friday too, Sannie? I’ll have a new routine ready just for you~”
San simply sat there and watched the milky liquid drip down onto his stained tailored pants, knowing there was no way he’d be able to escape your angelic clutches after this. But he still loved his wife. He did. He really did. He just needed to see you a few more times. After that, he would be done.
FFF: @hwalysm @scuzmunkie @creativechaoticloner@dilucpegg3r @yeosxxx @gemjimin @wonwowzers @sanjoongie @manipulatedstars @k-drizzle 
Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© toxicccred, 2023.
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eldritchamy · 13 days
@girlsmellmuskhuffer replied to your post “I got it bad.”:
Hey, quick question, how do you come up with Affini names? Where I am in the original story, I've seen only like, two. And the "rules" on the wiki are a little broad...
​Basically, you make something up that vaguely sounds like it could be a scientific name for a plant, or derived from one.
Affini kinda just decide what their own names are, and usually tailor them to the language of whatever sophont species they're in the general area of at the time (they can also change their names if they want, some have different names in previous blooms), so within former Terran Accord space they cater those names to roughly what they think a plant name sounds like to us.
It's also totally fine if they use something simpler like Lavender or Azalea or Poppy or Allium (those last two are real examples).
There's no strict criteria to it, just make it sound planty.
You CAN base them on the name of a plant that is part of their aesthetic design if you want, but it's not strictly necessary.
So for example, if you had an Affini whose design incorporated flowers roughly equivalent to Chrysanthemums (reminder that you can just straight up make shit up because the Affini have conquered at least 16 galaxies by the time they end up in Terran space in the 2550s, you do NOT need to use real plants), you might name that Affini something like Chrysanta Rhodenni.
Dendrichor Xylemis. Calluna Verdaster. Cyanthus Oracea.
Plant sounding shit. Easy.
When they introduce themselves it's almost always in the format of
[First Name Last Name], [Nth Bloom], [Pronouns]
and florets go by
[First Name OWNER's Last Name], [Nth Floret], [Pronouns]
Their ships seem to follow similar naming conventions. The "Helianthus" from the original work is the name of the genus that includes sunflowers.
The OG story doesn't really cover much of this stuff, it was very much DESIGNED to have a feeling of "there's a much larger world just out of frame" without really telling you much about what that world is. Something like 70-80% of the worldbuilding, flavor, and mechanics of the setting as it currently exists was established by Abscission and Divaricated.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
It's the middle of the night when Grian hears footsteps approach where he's made camp in the new Hermitlands of Empires. (Or whatever they're calling it - Hermitopia? Hermempire? He hasn't been paying enough attention; despite it being his idea, he's pretty sure Impulse has already named it.) He's about to roll over and complain about it being LATE, he's SLEEPING, thank you, when he sees who it is.
He blinks.
"Hey, Grian," Pearl says.
"Hey, Pearl," Grian says. "It's late. Uh, hold on."
He grabs a torch and lights it. Pearl's dress has mud all over it. Her eyes are red. She has a strange expression.
"You're a tailor, right?" she asks.
"Yeah, I'd say so," Grian says. "Vital for a number of things. Later I'm actually gonna go offer to make Timmy's seams tighter to mess with him, actually, if you wanna -"
"Haha," Pearl says. It's not really a laugh so much as a forced chuckle to interrupt him, so Grian takes the hint and stops. "Ha. You already know him, huh."
Grian stops for a long time. He... is not sure how to explain Jimmy to Pearl, if she doesn't already know, so he just nods.
"...and he knows you."
"Kind of?" Grian says, making a face.
"Kind of," repeats Pearl.
"Look, Tim and I go back," Grian says, and leaves the explanation at that. He studies Pearl's face. It doesn't yield any results; Pearl's expression is remarkably blank. "It's sort of a weird situation," he tries again, wondering what about it is so offending Pearl. There's another awkward silence. "Uh, look, just help me mess with him?"
"...after I spar with Sausage, and that's not what I'm here to ask you about. I wanted to ask if you could make me a new hoodie," Pearl says.
"And pants, I assume?" Grian adds.
"I mean," Pearl says, smiling for the first time the whole interaction.
"I shouldn't have given the option," Grian complains. "First Scar, now everyone around me. You're wearing pants!"
"If you think you can control that -"
"Nope! Nope, not listening to it." Pearl laughs. Grian considers it a victory. "Anyway, I'll just need the fabric, sure. I don't have time to go collecting. I think that, uh, Chromia? They seem like a textiles place, probably them...?"
"You can cut up the dress," Pearl says, rather emphatically.
Grian pauses.
"You'll have to wear some of my -"
"I don't mind. Grian, please."
Grian stares at Pearl. The dress she'd found herself wearing once she came through the portal is a beautiful thing, practically glimmering with magic. Sunflowers are woven into it in impossible ways. If Grian destroys it, there will be no replicating it, not without the magic that created it in the first place. It's a finer piece of clothing than the tailor in Grian wants to destroy.
She's covered it in mud. Her eyes are red. It is well past midnight.
Grian throws his spare set of clothes at her. "Go get changed, I'll make it a rush order, so you actually have proper clothes."
Pearl sags with relief. "Sure. I'll owe you."
"You absolutely do," agrees Grian. "Remember that, I'm going to collect!"
Pearl doesn't argue. She goes to change. Grian watches after her.
Well, he thinks. That's one more thing to worry about on the increasingly astronomical list of things to worry about after they went through the Rift. it's really too bad that has to be de-prioritized under a lot of other things because that is some weird Pearl behavior, but Grian's already getting blamed for too much to try to fix something he's not involved in. Still. Still!
Pearl comes back with the dress, and Grian promises to message her when he's done. She leaves. Grian holds the dress in his hands and wonders what, exactly, he's missing here.
He'd never get rid of such a beautiful dress. It had basically been made for her. He still feels bad destroying it.
...it's worth the IOU.
He gets to work.
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Practice & Performance
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lvstharmony · 2 months
I miss the times where I used to run after chickens with my cousins so we can hold and pet them, when my uncle gave me and my cousin the task to catch the chicks, because we were annoying little shits that fought with one another. I miss the times where we all used to built forts outside near the chicken coop or run around the fields where there could be snakes hiding in the grass. I miss the times where my brother and male cousins went to play football and didn’t return after the sun set, where I cried hours long because I wanted to join them and my grandmother comforted me. I miss the times where we collected rocks and then washed them with old toothbrushes or when we accompanied my uncle to the fountain to get some water. I miss the times where we used to sneak to the basement with bread and eurocrem to hide from our parents. I miss the times where we played the game “colours” running around the house. I miss the times where my sister, two of my cousins, my grandmother and me collected pears while it was storming and I almost got struck by a lightning. I miss the times where my cousin tailored a dress for my sister and I cried, because I also wanted one, so my grandmother made one for me. I miss the times where we got money from my mom so we can walk 15 minutes to the only man that selled chips and sunflower seeds and chocolates and a few more things, near the house for like 10-20 cents per package. I even miss the times where we were tempted to take the rifle that my uncle stored in a corner of the living room.
I miss that part of my childhood, and especially my childhood that I got to spend in my home country.
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trishacollins · 3 months
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BACK WITH MORE SUNFLOWERS <333 I love all of your thoughts ever <33
It really is uncanny how Emilie made Adrien just like her but male. They have dimples and beauty marks in the same place. If Adrien grew his hair out, he could style it and the resemblance would be even more uncanny.
I tend to fall somewhere on the side of vanity for her, and also idealizing how perfect her life would have been if she had been male. Freedom to do whateve she wanted, sleep with a tailor, be an archolgist and do as she pleased.
Except, importantly, freedom is the key thing she denied Adrien. Adrien will never be free of the weight of his Amok. He will have to be guarded hos entire life because just touching those rings is enough to control him completely. There were other ways than magic to get wanted she want, but in seeking her desired outcome she latched onto the one way that ensured Adrien would never be able to make his own way. She would always be able to control him.
Emilie as a character is so fascinating because she demanded her own sake, but in attaining it she damned so many others to being controlled without a second thought.
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Magick ritual if you’re feeling ‘meh’
Anyone a little ‘meh’ right now? A ritual here that will shake things up with the power of the sun, music, and someone who doesn’t even know they’re involved in a spell....  
As always, take time to make sure that the items and spaces you use are safe and that you can carry out this ritual in a way that won’t endanger you or others. We’re witches, not stunt performers. :)
The below ritual allows for modifications so that you can tailor it to what you can easily obtain. These are labelled ‘good’, ‘better’ or ‘best’. It’s how you do it that counts the most. Happy Magick-making!
When To Carry Out
Good = Any day. Better = Sunday would be preferable. Best = A sunny Sunday. Check the forecast.
What You Need
1. Clothing Good = A piece of clothing you haven’t worn in a long time. Better = A whole outfit you haven’t worn in a long time. Best = A whole outfit plus fragrances/cosmetics you haven’t used in a long time.  2. Washed and dried coins Good = Whatever coins you have. Better = Really shiny coins. Best = Really shiny coins minted this year or last. 3. A gift tag Good = A plain tag of card and string/thread. Better = A decorative gift tag with ribbon. Best = A beautiful gift tag that you’ve made yourself. 4. Five Drops of Oil Good = Whatever carrier oil you have. Better = Canola oil. Best = Sunflower oil. 5. Green Plant Material Good = Whatever green plant material you can get your hands on even if that’s a few blades of grass from a lawn. Better = Fresh Bay leaves (rosemary and sage would be good too). Best = Living Houseplants 6. A clothes hanger(s) Good = Any clothes hanger. Better = A wooden clothes hanger. Best = A padded clothes hanger (ooh fancy!) 7. A window Good = Any window. Better = A south facing window. Best = A south-facing window with a beautiful view of nature. 8. A non-alcoholic, citrus drink Good = Orange juice. Better = Lemonade Best = Lemonade in a fancy glass.
9. Music to dance to Good = Any upbeat song. Better = An upbeat song that was playing the last time you went out and had fun. Best = The song from the happiest time in your life so far.
The Ritual
Step One - Connect Gather all your materials together and just sit and breathe with them. Touch them, greet them. Take some time to connect to their energy. Do any other cleansing, grounding rituals you would normally do before spellcasting. Step Two - Set up (During daylight hours) - Using your finger dipped in the oil, mindfully draw an arrow on the tag pointing towards the ribbon/string. Use as much of those 5 drops of oil as you can. - Tie the tag to the ‘neck’ of the coat hanger so that the arrow is pointing up. - Put your clothing on the hanger (if you have multiple items, you don’t need another tag) and hang it in the window. - On the window sill, or another surface near the window that receives sunlight, arrange the coins and plant material in any way that brings a smile to your heart. Do the same with the items that won’t go on a hanger. Step 3 - The words Speak these words while focusing on where the sunlight is illuminating the objects. You may even want to sing these words: Sun, shine bright! Cast out blight. Light the light inside me. Light the light around me. Sun, shine bright. Cast out blight. Take some time to feel the energy in the space. Notice if you can sense it in your body in some way. Step 4 - Charging Leave the clothes and other items in the window to charge in the daylight at least until nightfall.
Step 5 - The Dance! - Once the clothes have had a day of sunlight, put on the clothes and use the cosmetics and fragrance. You can wait until the next day if need be. - Put the coins in your pocket (if you have no pockets, you can use a bag.) - Return the plants to their home (ie. put houseplants back in their regular spots, or if you have leaves or grass from outside, find a patch of bare soil to offer them back to the earth. Say a quick thank you while you’re at it.) - Put on the song and dance! Imagine the music is not coming at you but actually coming from you; as if your own body is creating the music in the moment. - Notice if that changes the way you move, or if it creates new sensations in your body. - Refresh yourself by drinking the orange juice/lemonade. Feel how the citrus flavour stimulates your tongue. Step 6 - The Witness - Leave the house and let someone see you in that old outfit. This is the witness. The witnessing seals the spell. - If you live in a really quiet area, it may take some planning so that you will actually pass someone! Step 7 - Use it or Lose it - When you get back home, assess the outfit. Ask yourself, ‘Why don’t I wear this often? What’s the problem with it?’ - If you actually liked wearing it: great! Plan a time you can wear this magickally charged outfit again. - If you didn’t like wearing it, here’s your opportunity to move on stagnant energy. Donate or recycle it and free up the space and energy for fresh magic in your life.
Step 8 - Put your money where your values are (as and when there’s an opportunity) - This may happen way down the line so don’t rush to do this part of the ritual. If you’re not spending for a while, simply keep those coins somewhere safe. - When the time comes, spend those coins in places that are meaningful to you, in ways that speak to your values. - Eg. if you believe in community, and also economic justice, use the coins to buy a Fairtrade tea at an indie cafe. Or, if you can spare the money, donate it to charity. - Directing energy - and money is a very particular kind of energy - in positive outward directions is a powerful way to make space for fresh energy. - Each time you ‘put your money where your values are’ you make the world better. Do that with magick-charged coins, and you’ll make the world magickally better!
Final Thoughts
If you are stuck in a rut, feeling listless, bored or blank, please know that this is a completely normal feeling. I’m betting that everyone you know has felt ‘the blahs’ at some point. The first step is to know what it is that you’re feeling and to give yourself permission to feel it fully in a safe space. Then, when you’re ready, try this ritual and let the magick breathe new inspiration into your life.  Wishing you Blessings and Abundance.
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eccentrcks · 4 months
🍯🌕👑🌻 for the ask game! I’m on mobile, so I can’t copy and paste it for you my bad 😭
It’s alright, Pookie! 😭 but I appreciate the ask very much!
🍯 (honey) - What are some reasons someone would like or get along with your oc? Are these positive traits something your oc is aware of?
If they aren’t her enemy, she’s chill and nonchalant, even can be nice and considerate despite her impassive demeanour. Actually really good with kids. Marlene is very self-aware and doesn’t really mind. Like, she’ll offer to do an errand for them or something. Even if she’s exhausted already, but doesn’t mind, really. Like I previously said too, she prefers to put others best interests’ above her own. It’s called being human too.
🌕 (full moon) - What’s your character like at their worst?
Extremely moody and self-destructive at certain times where she’s pushed to that point. Passive aggressive and impatient even. Marlene doesn’t even meant to snap, almost shout, at others or get rough. She’s just tired of everything and hadn’t mean to lash out of them. She’ll apologize later with a thoughtful gift and just leave you be after that because that’s how it affected her. I like to think it’s rare, but once the story progresses, Marlene will change and that’s something need to be discussed in the future.
👑 (crown) - How does your oc feel about power? Do they hold any? If so, what kind of power and how did they attain it? If not, would they ever want power? How do they feel about those that hold power over others?
I already answered that and this post, so here ya’ go. :)
🌻 (sunflower) - What’s something your character has grown out of? Did it happen gradually or was it a drastic change? What caused this shift?
Remember when I’ve mentioned she didn’t had a normal childhood? Yeah, lil’ Marlene had some hobbies, but she went through a couple things that was drastically life changing around seven to ten years old. She had a few scars and lost someone who was a like a father to her, so;
Embroidery, sewing, crocheting, and cross-stitching.
She used to tailor some of her own clothing or make her own blankets. Although Marlene eventually stopped doing it and just stuck to drawing and journaling instead. :’)
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diamondzoey · 5 months
So here are the mothers of my versions of the Yuurivoice listeners
A/n: So this is a Mother’s Day special for the listeners and I hope you enjoy
Meet Sarah Smith (Isabella/Sugarboo’s step mom)
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Sarah is a very calm and nice person and would spend time with her family and she also works as a tailor
Meet Flora Smith (Sunflower’s mom)
A/n: And i am going to make my version of Sunflower soon
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Flora is a very motherly and kind person but is protective of her family and she works at flower shop and she is also the sister in law of Luna(Theo and Rook’s mom) and June(Angel’s mom)
Meet Luna smith (Theo and Rook’s mom)
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Luna is a very outgoing person and would always speak her mind and she does have a southern accent but it only comes out when she’s mad just like her son, and she does works as a hairdresser
Meet June Smith (Angel’s mom)
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June is a very outgoing, smart and kind person but can be serious if the scenarios calls for it, her original hair color is brown but she dyed her hair purple to look different from her siblings and how she got her scars is when she was a assassin and now she works as a mechanic and she is 6’2
Meet Hazel (Star’s mom)
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Hazel is a very calm, polite, patient, caring and quiet person and she would always be there for her family and she is the younger twin sister to Luna and she is actually a model/Cosplayer
A/n: I hope you like this and if you have any questions let me know Bye!
Requests are open
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