#takaishi natsuko
izzyizumi · 1 month
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Digimon Adventure ~ J.P.N Version ~ Episode 39 + Izumi Koushiro{u}'s Parent + Kido Shin (Jou's 2nd eldest Sibling)
"Don't say such {negative} things! I {b e l i e v e} in these children!" - Koushiro's parent, referring to Koushiro and, the "Chosen Children" as a Whole, (including Jou)
"It'll be all right, Nii-san.
We'll make {absolutely} sure the s u n does 'come up'!"
-Kido Jou, after overhearing from afar, Triumphant-like
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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My Commentary: This small but significant sequence takes place not long after Koushiro is revealed to be a canon Adoptee. Mrs. Izumi is fully aware that Koushiro has accepted Mrs. Izumi (+Izumis both) as Koushiro's true parent{s}, however, we are not given indication that the other supporting characters were actually told about 'the secret' of Koushiro's. Shin's surprise, in that regard, can hardly be held too much against Shin - which Mrs. Izumi eventually quickly recognizes, dropping the argument and frustration - Shin was likely completely unaware how strongly Mrs. Izumi felt during these moments, while Mrs. Izumi was likely running on pure adrenaline responding!
Mrs. Izumi, in the original version, is also using a neutrally polite speech pattern that is overall appropriate when speaking to children; Koushiro, in the original, is also known for speaking throughout the entire series with a formal and polite pattern that is "unusual" for Koushiro's age, while it's more "typical" for Mrs. Izumi to use similar in this sequence.
Shin Kido, Jou's 2nd eldest sibling closer in age, the 2nd born of the three Kidos, is the sibling who appears throughout Adventure Episodes 35~39 and later Adventure-specific episodes (such as flashback sequence in Dark Masters arc) specifically. In the 2nd sequel series, "02", Jou's oldest sibling, Shuu, was introduced. The U. S. dub combined "Shin" and "Shuu" into "Jim", a singular character, but they were actually two separate siblings! (Thus, Jou is speaking to Shin as if Shin is the younger of the two siblings, addressing Shin commonly with a 'casual' "Nii-san", though in this scene, Jou sounds surprisingly more 'assured' and perhaps a slight bit 'full of' self, but is quickly grounded by Sora and Mimi not long after.)
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[Though Koushiro is not in these specific imgs, (Koushiro is in the back-ground of this specific sequence) Izumis are, so please treat it as Koushiro Positive regardless! Please interact on this set Respectfully. Please only tag with 'Familial' and 'Platonic' tags!] {usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.}
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smolcrow465 · 3 months
ok here's the digimon (+ 1 pokemon) doodle dump from this past semester's class work <3
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it's mostly impmon & wizardmons bc they're stupidly easy for me to draw lmao. last ones a bit of sd au worldbuilding <3
the digimon hyperfix hit me hard lmao 💀
repost bc tumblr ate the last one. if it eats this one too i will Cry /lh
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digimoncentral · 1 year
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Takeru Week 2022 - Day 1: Patamon
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: Patamon and Me Characters: Takeru Takaishi, Patamon, Natsuko Takaishi, Koushiro Izumi, Taichi Yagami, Hikari Yagami, Kimi Shincai (OC), Kenichi Takaishi (OC) Summary: 5 moments between Takeru and Patamon throughout the years. I woke up all of a sudden once again. I just had another dream with Patamon. I have lost account of how many times that has happened since we came back from the Digital World. And I always had trouble going back to sleep afterwards; most of the time I didn’t and it was no different this time. So, I just sat up, embraced my knees and cried silently.
I hated living far from everyone. I hated living far from Yamato. I couldn’t help but wonder how he was coping with being away from Gabumon, if he missed him as much as I missed Patamon and if he still kept in touch with the rest of us. I really really wanted to talk to my brother.
The sound of my mom’s voice echoed in my ears and I lifted my head up. I couldn’t tell how much time went by or if I had fallen asleep, but that’s what it looked like. “Takeru?” She called my name again and I jumped out of my bed, walking to the door and unlocking it. She opened it right away, turning on the lights right away. “You should open your window. The sun is shining bright outside already.” “I bet it is.” “Don’t you want to go outside?” She asked unsure and sat on my bed, placing her hands over her thighs nervously. “Your friends from the building came inviting you to play with them, did you hear the bell?” “No, not really. Either way, I don’t feel like going down and play soccer. I just wish I could see Patamon again.” “I know you do, sweetheart, and if I knew a way to make you two meet again, I would do it. But unfortunately I don’t. I’m sorry. I know how much he means to you and you mean just as much to him. You had a strong bond since the beginning and it’s not easy to let it go. But wherever he is, I know he’s thinking of you and wants you to be happy.” “I know.” I dried the tears that were falling silently from my eyes. “I promised him I wouldn’t cry and that I would believe we were going to meet again soon.” “So you should hold on into that.” She said firmly and I looked at her, surprised. “If you believe in it with all your strength, it will come true. Isn’t it what you did back in the Digital World?” “It is.” I nodded, looking down at my shirt. There was a reason why my crest was Hope. “You know what? You’re right. This isn’t the end for me and Patamon. We’re going to meet again. I know he believes it and so should I.” “That’s the spirit!” My mom grinned and leaned a little forward, grabbing my hands within hers. “That’s my son! Now how about we go out and eat some ice-cream? We can also go for a walk if you want to.” “I’d love to.” I smiled widely at her, but quickly turned serious. “But there’s something else I want to do.” “Alright, what is it?” “I want to go to Odaiba.” “But Takeru, school starts on Monday.” “I know, but I need to go there. I need to see Yamato and dad. And the others. Please, mom.” I begged when after noticing she wasn’t going to give in. “Just this weekend, right?” “Yes.” “Okay, we can go to Odaiba.” My face lit up in happiness when she grinned at me. “You can see your brother.” “Thank you.” I ran to her and hugged her tight.
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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earlgreymon · 2 years
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at this stage, i will assume (and prefer) that michel is 100% french while his wife is 100% japanese, and natsuko adopted her mother's surname as she lives in japan.
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tyoushiro · 2 years
The Parents
Another older fic on AO3. This one was started before the Digimon Reboot, and explores the Ishida family (how it came to be, and how it fell apart).
You can read it here.
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hinagamoizaf · 2 years
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Bonus: My unplayed household where I accidentally let Natsuko get preggo. (Colourised) The baby was left at the mailbox because I didn't even build them a house. Across the street are her YA brothers, SIL, kid nieces & toddler nephews in the house I actually play with. (It’s a whole thing)
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ashxketchum · 2 years
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DIGIWEEK (2022) - DAY 5+6 - PokeDigiBey Supremacy Forever ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
Just some general group dynamics:
Ash is the baby of the group, nobody can say no to him and everyone spoils him senseless. If he says he wants to rob a bank, then everyone else is already coming up with a list of the nearest banks.
Yamato and Kai enjoy each other’s company the most because they can both just be quietly comfortable around each other. There’s never a moment of awkwardness or tension between them and the two can just sit together in silence for hours, with Yamato working on his music and Kai reading. Kai also expects the most out of Yamato in comparison to the Troublemaker Trio™️ but then sometimes Yamato can’t resist joining in their shenanigans too and Kai ends up being a tired dad of four toddlers high on sugar.
Tyson and Taichi are super close, almost like brothers, but have this innate need to compete over everything. Like they’d give their lives for each other without hesitation, but they also need to see who can fit the most amount of takoyakis in their mouth in under a minute. But if Taichi is in trouble or if he makes a mistake, he always calls Tyson first because he knows that Tyson will race there at the speed of light without any questions asked and never judge him for whatever he’s done. 
Ash looks up to Tyson the most, he’d follow him blindly straight into the mouth of a dragon. Which in turn makes Kai worry about Ash all the time that he’s not in his field of vision. Yamato takes a lot of advice from Ash when he has disagreements with Takeru, and Ash often mediates the arguments between the two. He also spends the most amount of time hanging out with Taichi since their hobbies and interests are very similar, so every time Ash makes a suggestion in the group chat Taichi is the only one who always offers to join him.
It’s impossible for Kai to say no to Taichi, somehow the latter is very good at putting his point across and if Kai disagrees then it usually leads to long discussions where Taichi just refuses to back down, so to avoid wasting time, Kai usually ends up agreeing to everything Taichi says.
Tyson and Yamato have the same taste in music so they’re concert buddies, they also have the same taste in food, so whenever Yamato is trying out a new recipe, he always asks Tyson to be the taste-tester.
Hilary is the go-to mom friend for all the girls and she enjoys this position a lot! All the girls have her number saved on speed dial and she’s everyone’s secret keeper. Sora and my OC (Charlie) don’t get along at all, they’re kind of like the female versions of TaiYama arguing and Hils always has to mediate all their arguments. When Misty doesn’t feel like she can approach her sisters about something they did to her, she always takes Charlie and Hilary along and they argue with Daisy and Co for her. Hilary also enjoys eating weird combinations of foods like Mimi and the day the two decide to enter the kitchen together, everyone runs to a different country (on Kai’s private jet ofc).
For Charlie I have many different background stories, but one of the most prominent ones I use is that she’s the TakaIshi brothers’ cousin (from Natsuko’s side), but they don’t find that out until they’re teens because her Mom always kept the identity of the father a secret (their is a whole other story here it’ll take me ages to dive into it lol). She’s a very ‘my way or high way’ kind of person and the only who can keep her in check is Hilary. Mimi is very close to Charlie and in the canon compliant timeline, Mimi meets her when she’s staying in the US and Charlie is actually the one who helps her colour her hair pink (to Satoe’s horror).
Sora and Misty are both very athletic so they usually go to the gym or go jogging together. They both also have trouble connecting with their families (mother and sisters respectively) so it’s easier for them to open up to each other about their deeper feelings and emotions. While Mimi and Misty have similar interests and hobbies outside of Sports, so they spend a lot of time hanging out together, like going for Karaoke or shopping sprees or all-you-can-eat dessert buffets.
And the relationships:
Tyson and Hilary are THE couple, everyone’s always rooting for them and looking up to them. So much so that if they ever have a serious fight then the whole group ends up not hanging out until they’ve solved their issues.
Kai and Charlie have a brief period in their relationship where they mutually decide to take a break from each other. This is very tough on Yamato because although the news that Charlie is his sister is still new to him, he feels torn between having to chose between a family member and a close friend and it low-key reminds him of his parents’ divorce.
Charlie is very protective of Mimi, so when Mimi and Yamato start dating, she’s always reminding him and taunting him to be careful about not making Mimi cry if he doesn’t want to get beaten up by her.
Taichi and Sora are always in the ‘will they’ or ‘won’t they’ phase and it drives Hilary crazy, she always tries her best to set them up, even though it annoys Tyson that she’s interfering in Taichi’s life and the two fight because of this quiet often.
Ash and Misty are very content with the label of best friends and don’t define their relationship as anything more until they’re in their late 20s. They also like to keep bets between themselves when one of the other couple is fighting about who will apologise first, and Misty almost always wins.
Why did I post this for the “challenge” prompt? Well simply because it was a HUGE pain I mean challenge to make that edit, all the many attempts at finding the right poses and reference and the redrawing exhausted me. And also because I never talk about my OC, who was created for Beyblade purposes but then ended up having such a good tie in with Digimon, she’s literally the embodiment of crossover+challenge. I don’t know if the edit did a good job of portraying her, but just try and imagine a platinum blonde Takagi san with greenish eyes.
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owarinaki · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 EP44 (2000) - Takeru ‘s desire “ the comeplete Family”
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adventure-hearts · 6 years
I would really like to read your opinion on Matt's relationship with his mum and how it has developed? Also i would like to know what do you think would be Sora's role in this? Would she try to help Matt make amands with his mum? Thank you, you are awesome! 😀
Personally, I don’t think Yamato and Natsuko would ever have a ‘normal’ and/or emotionally close mother-son relationship. The wounds run too deep and neither is exactly eager to force anything or have a confrontation about past events and regrets. He’s shy around her, and even he wishes he could be different, because he knows comes across as cold sometimes. But I think Natsuko can read Yamato’s personality quite well and understands the situation perfectly.
Don’t get me wrong, they love and respect each other, and the family relationship has definitely improved over time (especially once grandkids are in the picture). There’s no bitterness… but there’s always an awkwardness and a distance which I don’t think will ever completely go away. 
As for Sora’s role in all of this — she’s a naturally conciliatory person and I’m sure she has a warm and perhaps even close relationship with Natsuko herself. So I can see her (alongside Takeru) facilitating family get-togethers, and making sure the Taikaishidas have a healthy family dynamic. But, unlike Takeru, I don’t think Sora would want to push Yamato into trying to ‘fix’ his relationship with his mother or do something that would feel uncomfortable or unnatural for him. She knows how much the relationship has actually improved, and that Yamato is in a good place. All she wants is for him to be happy, and she understands very well how challenging and unique the mother-child relationship can be. Sora gets that, ultimately, the details of Yamato’s relationship with Natsuko are between Yamato and Natsuko — it isn’t up to her to intervene or decide to ‘change’ anything, or to intervene unless he asks her.
Could things change with vast amounts of therapy and work? Probably. But I can’t see that ever happening, and, anyway, it could end up making things even more complicated. Overall, there isn’t exactly something to be ‘amended’ or an actual conflict between Yamato and Natsuko. They’re fine. But you can’t pretend the past didn’t happen.
To sum up: Yamato’s relationship with his mum is… atypical, but at least they do have a relationship now. Of course, he’ll never be as close with her as he is with his dad, who actually raised him. But the entire family gets along well, everyone feels loved, and ultimately that is all that matters.
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deathberi · 2 years
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happy mother’s day! 💐
takeru: photo taken by the grumpiest best brother ever mimi: photo taken by the most kj boyfriend do-i-even-know-this-cant-even-take-a-photo-with-his-mom-human-being ever (◔_◔)
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Hiroaki and Natsuko
In retrospect, it seemed obvious that the relationship between Hiroaki and Natsuko was doomed from the start.  He was the intrepid investigative reporter who put the search for the truth above all else. He could spend days away from home to work on his stories, sparsely eating, sleeping and showering.  Hiroaki enjoyed cigars and alcohol, but never consumed them to a degree that could alter his consciousness. Coffee was his favorite drink when he needed an extra incentive. His work place and apartment were messy to a chaotic level, but that disorganization helped him to write.
Natsuko, on the other hand, was a specialist in foreign politics and economics. Her job wasn’t as immersive as his, which allowed her to put order in every aspect of her life. Natsuko was methodic to an extreme, so much so that it was nearly impossible to find any mistake or imprecision in her work. Her clothes were always clean and fitted her perfectly, her make-up was always impeccable, her voice was always in the right tone, never too low or too high. Her workplace was the tidiest he had ever seen.
Hiroaki and Natsuko were young and fell in one of the most common traps for young people. They found their huge differences fascinating and thought they could complement each other. In the first years, their oddities were charming to one another. But with their marriage and the arrival of their first child, Natsuko’s seriousness became “up tightness” and Hiroaki’s free spirit became “irresponsibility.” They made the great mistake of trying to fix each other. By the time their second child was born, their relationship became unbearable.
They agreed that they had to take different paths. The couple knew it would be too hard for one of them to take care of both kids. Thankfully, Yamato deciding to go with his father prevented Hiroaki from having to choose which son he would raise. Takeru had his mother’s sharp mind, but was more flexible and easy-going. Yamato had Natsuko’s seriousness, but inherited his father’s unwillingness to talk about his emotions.
Hiroaki knew deep down that avoiding his emotions couldn’t be good to Yamato. He knew that his older son was distancing himself from his mother and that he should miss her, but Hiroaki never insisted that he talk more to her or to visit her. Nor did the man question why Yamato didn’t want to do those things. His son’s behavior made things easier for the adult. That way, Hiroaki wouldn’t have to spend too much time with his ex, remembering everything that went wrong with their marriage.
Takeru, however, wasn’t willing to let their bond end. The little kid took the initiative to ask Natsuko to call his father and brother and to take him to visit them. Hiroaki’s post-divorce conversations with Natsuko were short and polite, but it was clear to him that she was as uncomfortable with the situation as he was. However, the kids were happy when they were together. Yamato smiled to Takeru in a way that he didn’t for anyone else.
Ever since the divorce, it had always been Natsuko the one to call Hiroaki. It wasn’t different when they were arranging the summer camp for the two boys. Nor was it when she told him that said camp had been canceled and that Takeru was going to spend the night in his place because of the snow.
“I guess I should get home earlier today, then…” Hiroaki muttered to his cell phone, sitting on a chair by his desk in Fuji TV.
“Will you ever stop spending your nights working? Yamato is still very young.” Natsuko said.
“He’s quite independent.” Hiroaki contested. “Yamato doesn’t complain about being left alone.”
“He doesn’t really complain about anything we do…” Natsuko muttered.
“Did something happen?”
“When Takeru called me, he sounded happy to spend the night with his brother… he told me some funny stories about visiting another world and befriending a talking monster.” She chuckled.
“Takeru always had a vivid imagination.” Hiroaki said, smiling. “He could be a writer one day.”
“Then, he wanted to give the phone to his brother…” Natsuko continued, sounding sad. “I think Yamato didn’t want to talk to me… after that, the lines went down…”
“You could try calling him now that the lines are up.”
“I don’t want to force myself on Yamato…”
“You’re his mother, Natsuko.” Hiroaki reminded her. “It’s not out of place for you to want to talk to him. He’s free to call you and visit you, but Yamato is… I’m not sure I know how he thinks…”
“Understanding people was never your thing.”
“I know…” Hiroaki smirked. “That’s why I wish Yamato could became closer to you again.”
“You used to tell me I was cold.” Natsuko said.
“I used to say many stupid things, and so did you.”
The woman didn’t say anything for half a minute.
“Could you call Yamato and check how they’re doing?” She asked.
Hiroaki didn’t call Yamato immediately afterwards. First, he went to the building’s roof to smoke. It wasn’t snowing anymore, but the weather was still cold. He remembered when his two boys played together on the snow, while he and Natsuko observed them quietly. The smile she bore in those times was her most beautiful.
He wondered at times if moving to Odaiba was the right choice. If he had stayed in Kawada, Yamato would be closer to Natsuko. The boy and his mother were very similar in temperament, and Hiroaki was sure that the woman would make the boy cheerier. Besides, Hiroaki would spend more time with Takeru and get to know his younger son better. Compared to his brother, the smaller child was more extroverted and emotionally open.  The younger kid seemed to believe that the family could still be happy despite being apart. But that unbreakable optimism Takeru had was hurtful to Hiroaki. He knew that it was a matter of time until that childish naivety faded.
Hiroaki once believed that thinking positively would make things work out in the end, but it hadn’t worked at all.
When the man returned to his desk, he called Yamato, asking the boy why he hadn’t told him about Takeru spending the night sooner. Yamato was quite taciturn about it, saying that he didn’t have time to call because he was cooking, and then the lines went down.
“Your mother was asking about you.” Hiroaki told him.
“Takeru had already talked to her.”
“You’re her son too, you know?” Hiroaki spoke in a severe tone. “She cares about you and I know that you care for her -”
“I think I heard Takeru calling, I need to go.” Yamato interrupted, turning the phone off. Hiroaki sighed.
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digimoncentral · 1 year
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Takari Week 2022 - Day 6: Shopping Date
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: Baby Bottles, Pacifiers and Everything in Between Characters: Takeru Takaishi, Hikari Yagami, Patamon, Tailmon, Taichi Yagami, Yamato Ishida, Sora Takenouchi, Yuuko Yagami, Susumu Yagami and Natsuko Takaishi. Summary: Hikari and Takeru go buy things for their unborn baby for the first time and reveal they're expecting to their families. Note: For Takari week, I decided to do something different. All stories will be told in first person, from both Takeru and Hikari's POVs in the same story. It will be separated to make it easier, though. The cool wind breeze messed my hair as I leaned against the balcony, but I didn't mind at all. Grateful was all that I was feeling at that moment. I had my own apartment, the most amazing wife ever and a great job. I would say my life was perfect, but I'd be lying. It would be in a few months, though. "There you are." Hikari's voice echoed around me and I couldn't help but smile at the sound of it as I lowered my head a little. Then I turned around and found her standing by the door that separates our living room from our balcony. "What are you doing here?" "I was waiting for you, actually." I approached her and kissed her in the cheek, while resting my hand on her belly. "Well, I'm ready to go now." "Great." I reached for her hand and then we walked out of our apartment, with Patamon in his usual spot over my head and Tailmon right beside Hikari.
Hikari and I have been married for about two years now. We were engaged for only one year, since we didn't want to spend a long time like that. After the wedding ceremony, she decided she would grow her hair and it was already a little below her shoulders. I think she looks stunning, though I love her short hair too. She said it was the beginning of a new phase of her life and I couldn't agree more with her.
About two months ago, she told me she had something to say to me. Looking back now, I find it hard to believe she managed to stay so serious at that moment, especially because it was a moment of happiness. At first, I was alarmed because that was a side of Hikari that hardly ever comes to the surface, but then she gave me the brightest smile and I knew it was just a façade. She sat down beside me on the bed and handed me a pregnancy test. Our initial reaction was to be shocked and a little nervous and worried. Not because we didn't want to have children at some point, but it wasn't something that we were planning to so soon. But the happiness and excitement quickly replaced it and we assured each other we could do it together. And here we are now. "You seem quiet today." Her voice brought me back from my trance. "Are you sure everything is fine?" "Yes, I'm sure." I reassured her with a grin. "I was just thinking about the day you told me you were pregnant." "Oh." She looked down to her stomach, which was starting to show. "I felt so many things that day. Now I just feel… whole, complete. I don't know if it makes sense or if you feel the same, but…" "I do." I interrupted her, still smiling. "It makes total sense to me." "I'm sure you two will be great parents." Patamon spoke above me and I looked up at him. "I hope so." Hikari's tone was a little worried, so I squeezed her hand a little, in a comforting way. "I know it's scary because we don't know how to take care of a child, but we can do this." "You know what?" She smiled at me. "You're right. We will learn how to be parents together. I wouldn't want to go through this with anyone else." "Me either." I put my arm around her shoulders as we walked out of the elevator.
Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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hinagamoizaf · 2 years
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Hikari & Yamato bringing their eldest & middle kids (babies are at daycare) to meet their (Yakari’s) new siblings Who are as old or even younger than the current Yakari kids.  We have : Yamato & Hikari [Young adults] Yakari’s oldest twin daughters [Kids] Yakari’s middle twin sons [Toddlers] Ishida-Takaishi’s slightly older daughter [Kid] Yagami’s new twin siblings [Their birthday party] Not pictured : Ishida-Takaishi’s younger daughter [Baby] Natsuko about to file for a divorce with Hiroaki
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ashxketchum · 2 years
hi ayushi, sorry i am too lazy to open discord, and i reckon you probably need a longer space to elaborate on this hehe. just wondering since mimi's name is always written in katakana (ミミ), do you have any preference if her name is written in kanji? i saw the chinese transliteration write her name with 美美 and i believe these are also the kanji of beauty (cmiiw), but i understand that a japanese name can be written in various kanji depending on the meaning you want.
since you can comprehend japanese and also one of the biggest fans of mimi i know, perhaps you have a view on this? have a nice day! 💚
Hi Sky, sorry if the reply is late, the ask got buried in notifications on the app and I only just got the chance to log in from the browser 🫠
Wow I'm so touched...honoured(?) lol that you'd ask me this, honestly it's difficult to come up with a completely objective answer for this, but I'll still try my best!
So first off, the reason behind many people writing their names in katakana is simple, it's because the name doesn't have its roots in Japanese. But this is too much of a blanket statement since we already know (especially in case of Digimon) that names that have originated in Japanese are also written in katakana, namely - Yamato, Takeru and Hikari. In TakaIshi brothers case, it can be argued that they probably have some foreign blood in them (based on their and Natsuko's appearance) but the catch here is that Natsuko's name is always written in kanji on all source materials and likewise for Hiroaki. Which brings us to another popular reason for why many names are written in katakana, simply because it's considered trendy. This would also explain why Hikari's name is written as such, since Taichi's name is written as it is in kanji.
In Mimi's case we can easily assume that katakana was picked due to the trend surrounding it, because Satoe and Keisuke seem like the people who would go for such a reason lol. But if you go on all these Japanese naming websites, they'll show you a bunch of kanji combinations that are read as "mi" when being used for a name, but most of them are duds and don't really show up on actual Japanese naming dictionaries. There are still a lot of other anime characters named Mimi, and while most of them also use katakana or hiragana or sometimes the literal meaning which is "耳/ear", one of the more prevalent kanjis used for some characters is "美々" where "美" also denotes beauty and"々" is used to denote the repetition of the character, so this ends up being the same as the Chinese version.
Personally, I can think of many reasons why her name is written katakana, maybe Satoe wanted a cute sounding and trendy name so she picked out the katakana instead of kanji, maybe Keisuke knew early on in his career that he might get posted in different countries so he wanted his daughter to have an easy to pronounce and foreignly common name so she'd fit in well no matter where they end up living (Mimi is common name/nickname in India as well!). Or maybe she really was born on "mimi no hi = 3/3" and Satoe and Keisuke found that funny and picked it as her name.
Imho, I prefer her name in katakana and wouldn't necessarily try to assign a kanji to it. Since from what I know coming up with kanjis for a name is a very personal act, so I couldn't try to denote my own interpretation to Mimi's name when she is not my original character. 🫣
(and on a totally unrelated note, I was watching a Twice live for Scarlet Whitening and picked up on a few Indonesian words 🤣 Santai and Gaskeun are my two new favourite words 🤭)
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