#takes me back to when I too explicitly said I’m not a lesbian bc I’m aroace and people still thought I liked women
immeya · 3 years
I just hate HATE IT MAKES ME SO FKING FURIOUS seeing people arguing over the whole Yelena being aroace thing.
I get. I fucking get that we need wlw representation. But literally when is anybody ever gonna acknowledge aroace people?
If the comic “confirmation” is not confirmation enough for you im just gonna asume you’re aphobic.
I’m just gonna say: If it was a vague hint at somebody having an allosexual/alloromantic orientation people would just accept it (at least most of them) so please, this is one of the few aroace characters out there and I’m sorry but it just feels wrong to ignore her identity because you wanna ship her.
QP relationships are totally ok, but please stop w your enemies to lovers trope thing… it’s erasure.
Also btw, being aroace is queer and valid and by erasing our identity you’re contributing to the problem :)
(Yes, even if it’s a fictional character)
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maschotch · 3 years
I’m so glad I’m not the only one with this opinion on jj. Like, you’re allowed to not like female characters, especially the ones written by men cuz a lot of the time they don’t know how to write women lmaoo. Personally, I actually liked jj as liaison, but even then she wasn’t one of my favs. But ESPECIALLY after she became a profiler the writers rlly lost me. It’s basically like they completely rewrote her. People always out here being like “well she needed character development and trauma,” and to that I’m like??? We don’t need more female characters getting development through trauma (especially barely addressed trauma). That’s not even development, she just kinda stayed the same?? Just struggled for a few episodes and was good as all CM characters are after going through what should be a life altering experience. She supposedly became a badass cuz of her trauma which is an all too common trait in female characters that I’m tired of. It’s just so frustrating cuz I found myself not rlly caring for her that much, like I was happy to see a female character with a stay at home husband and she still gets to work but I still felt there was nothing unique or interesting about her character (once again, this is probably cuz men wrote her and half the time they don’t know what they’re doing). Yet again, I love this show and the characters, but they really did characters dirty with the writing (don’t even get me started on hotch or emily man).
no i thought it was so fucking weird that she came back as a profiler. especially when like.. she explicitly said she didnt want to be a profiler in like s2 or smth. and ik people are capable of changing, yada yada, but even in her second to last episode--a year before her return--she talked about how she couldn't empathize with him, that she doesn't do what they do, she'll never understand him like that, etc. it's not who she is it's not what she's good at, it's not what she does. the only thing i liked about it was that it was cute that she clearly trained with the others and they'd all given her advice and stuff. like that was sweet, but its also the same dynamic they had with elle only jj is way more arrogant and stuck up for no reason. fundamentally against profiler jj from the start. if they did bring her back but didn't want her to have the same role again, i think it would've been cool if she came back as section chief, replacing strauss. not only does it mean we have to see her less akjsdhgl it also makes sense with her character, keeping her more on the internal bureaucracy of the job. (and not to make everything about hotch but i think it'd be a cute dynamic bc he'd be proud of her and he would respect her. she's trying to be all professional about it ajlhgk) i just think it fits her better
i have a hard time remembering what her excuse for a "character arc" is actually about aksjdhlkg im used to the version in my mind where she's just a lesbian w internalized homophobia and the tendency to take her anger out on others. doesnt excuse her actions but at least it would make sense. and it would make more sense why her relationship struggles are so prevalent, why she can't keep her mind off it: it's a struggle with identity. but instead she's just awful in her relationships and always thinking about her kids--two things that they try to say are her "badass moments" like she can do this job and not focus on the ~feminine roles~ the writers try say she doesn't do. her homelife isn't supposed to affect her work, which is the only way she could possibly be a badass.
her actual one is... she starts dating a guy.. she doesn't want to keep dating the guy.. but she does.. and now she's pregnant... and she doesn't want to get married (and will shut him up quickly if he even mentions it to her friends)... gets weirdly hostile at the idea of including him in her life at all... couple years pass.. she's trying to get pregnant again and is actually looking forward to the baby now (rip).... will almost dies... that convinces her that she should marry him... ???? even if you take the story at face value, she's conceited and inconsiderate. i really just don't understand the thinking behind it at all. i know that's the writers' fault entirely, but god its so fucking frustrating to me personally when a story lacks consistency. it's gotta make sense at least.
the writers are to blame for all of this but that's honestly what blows my mind ab her impression on the rest of the fandom. like she's clearly poorly written and, unless someone can explain otherwise, she doesn't follow a linear projection at all. her character changes drastically depending on who they want her to be for that episode. the only consistencies are her constant nags on reid and rolling her eyes at fucking everything she pretends to care about. the character coulda been cool but it was bad writing. so why does the fandom pretend she's this beacon of The Feminist Woman?? esPECIALLY the jemily fans who just ignores everything about her character and makes emily the stalker lesbian. taking a character who actually does have a cohesive story arc for the first 6 seasons and fucking that up to fit this weird picket-fence-wife-and-her-temptress-lesbian-lover trope that demeans both their characters.
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roublardise · 3 years
my "Crowley isn't attracted to women" take
for @spnprideweek - day 2 - mlm
cw: dicussion of homophobia & transphobia all in all I wanted to highlight how canon gay Crowley is bc I love him 💕 thank u spn for Crowley even tho he deserved better
in the last weeks I've realized there's a huuge consensus in the fandom for pansexual Crowley. if you're pan or not and wanna hc Crowley as pan, power to you! but what's bothering me is the non-discussion of it all. the way it seems obvious for everyone. whereas, to me, Crowley has been canonically gay all this time.....
disclaimer: I'm aware Mark Sheppard alledgely said he saw Crowley as pansexual, however I can't even take these words for canon without context. Especially not when a year later he'd say Crowley's sexuality didn't matter. The way Mark Sheppard talks about characters' sexuality is more a "why are people making a big deal let them be" than "the character doesn't care." Moreover, actors pov can't be taken as canon imo. Jensen Ackles thought Dean straight for so long when Dean's been bi all this time as well. Sometimes actors are biased by their own experiences & stereotypes!
disclaimer #2: on god I don't wanna start discourse lmao. I just wanna share my silly thoughts about a tv show & question the way Crowley's sexuality is written in this silly homophobic tv show. don't @ me about what's making you think Crowley is indisputably pansexual bc I assure you I already know your points
That being said, here's why I think Crowley is a bear, a gay man, a trans gay man actually, a homosexual, who isn't attracted to women & some food for thoughts about why the unquestioned consensus towards pan Crowley could have roots in both homophobia & panphobia.
I don't think we can think of Crowley as your usual demon. We know too much about Crowley's life as a human, and the numerous ways in which he acts un-demony, almost humanly after. Considering him simply like a demon with no concept of gender preference who would be pan “by default” wouldn’t be right with his character. But we also can't question his sexuality in the exact same way we would a human's.
It also can't be thought in the same way as angels': as once-humans demons do have a concept of gender. Crowley especially cares a lot about his gender presentation and the way he's addressed. Not only does he literally sell his soul for a bigger d*ck as a human ; as a demon he uses the same vessel where other demons are shown to move once they had to leave one ; and for the few hours Crowley's possessing a woman, he clearly states he should still be referred to as king.
This will all be used for homophobic & transphobic jokes in the show, but I'll get back to that later on. Gender does matter to Crowley's identity, and I think it could be extended to his sexuality.
I've seen numerous descriptions of it all saying Crowley's sexuality was "ambiguous" and I guess it is, as he never explicitly used any label. However "ambiguous" doesn't mean bi or pan. It doesn't mean anything besides the fact we can't draw a clear-cut conclusion of his sexuality.
Imo we can actually draw a clear-cut conclusion of Crowley's sexuality but yeh, I'm getting there.
Let's take a look at canon events around Crowley & sexuality!
His character introduction is him enjoying making a homophobe man kiss him for a deal
It is rumoured that he was a demon's lover (Lilith's)
He heavily flirts with Bobby
He french kisses Bobby for a deal and takes a pic
He never kisses a woman on screen (tell me if I forgot anyone!)
He flirts with every single man he sees, and even more strongly when it's making the other uncomfortable
The other parent of Crowley's son is never mentioned nor even brought up
He has two orgies that we know of
He has sex with a demon who's possessing a woman (Lola) when he was addicted to human blood
He dates, has sex with, and asks Dean to rule Hell with him. He's in love with Dean
On late spn he drinks fruity drinks
He flirts with and implies he had sex with an angel (Naomi)
He flirts with Death (Billie)
He's into BDSM
I'm not gonna go into details with all the sexual stuff he says bc there's a lot.... But it's always about gay sex. (once again, if I'm forgetting smth pls tell me nicely)
Now, with all that I'd like to question specifically the elements people use to say Crowley is canonically attracted to women.
He has two orgies that we know of
There’s the one Crowley has while he’s himself possessing a woman ; iirc it’s a foursome with two other men and one woman. Crowley still counts as a King, as the show makes sure we know, admitedly this dialogue implies we should still think of him as a not-very-manly-man.
Honestly, if one is convinced Crowley is attracted to women based on this scene.. okay. Personally I don’t see it because the orgy is unplanned, it’s an opportunity Crowley takes. Is he even attracted to the two other men?? Who knows. We don’t even know if Crowley even touches the other woman, there’re so many ways to have group sex. Even if he did, having sex with one woman doesn’t make it impossible for him to be homosexual.
The second orgy is with Dean. Crowley describes it then: “We've done extraordinary things to triplets.” It’s interesting how before I went to check, I thought it was clear the triplets were women. But not at all! I’ve been tricked by heteronormativity myself. So this is up to interpretation. Even though the way the show doesn’t make sure we know the triplets were women is pretty telling (as I’ll talk about later).
It is rumoured that he was Lilith's lover
Well, this is a rumour. In this relationship Crowley would know Lilith as a demon possessing a woman, and Lilith would know Crowley as a demon possessing a man as well. Who's even to say they met in their vessels to sleep together. That's the kind of cases in which the ambiguity of Crowley human/demon situation makes it impossible to draw any kind of conclusion towards Crowley's attraction to women. Also if anything Lilith is clearly a lesbian lmao.
He has sex with Lola when he was addicted to human blood
Same thing here, the relationship is one of demon/demon. Though we do now they do meet in their vessels to sleep together. Besides that, the sex happens while Crowley is at a low point. She's the one bringing him human blood, which makes the sex more of a transaction than anything. It does fit a very grey area of consent which would be fair to question.
We can't know for sure whether the demon possessing the woman was a woman as well, but let's say she was: 1/ Crowley having sex once or twice with a woman doesn't prevent him from being homosexual. 2/ What is he seeing if not a demon's true form? 3/ Wasn't he in a self-destructive mental state?
It's a stretch, imo, to assume Crowley was attracted to her.
He flirts with and had sex with Naomi / flirts with Billie
This one is so ridiculous to me bc Naomi is an angel and as a demon, Crowley sees her true form. We don't even know who was her vessel when they had sex.
The flirt thing is interesting however, bc iirc Naomi and Billie are the only "women" we see Crowley actually flirt with. During the orgies or the demon sex there's no flirt involved. It's interesting bc, as Cas would say: "Naomi's vessel is a woman. Naomi is an angel."
Same case for Billie who's a reaper then Death. Spn is pretty unclear about how the whole thing works but we know reapers are kind of angels. In any case, I won't go as far as saying Billie has any connection to gender.
Moreover, the way Crowley flirts with them is pretty light next to everything else Crowley says to men. It's pretty personal, I'm aware, but I do relate a lot with the way Crowley flirts with them VS how I flirt with men just because (and I'm a lesbian).
Anyway! Both Naomi and Billie are supernatural creatures, which brings the count of women Crowley flirts with to... zero.
-> What I take from all that is that Crowley is attracted to men for sure ; to angels and demons ; and doesn't care about the genitalia involved in the sex he has. We have nothing about the kind of relationships he had as a human. His gender presentation matters a lot to him. The only long-term commitment he has is with Dean. I wouldn't even say he had a committed relationship with Gavin's other parent bc we don't know anything about them.
But what's my deal with homosexual Crowley? One can wonder, if Crowley doesn't care about bodies, doesn't that mean he can still be written as pan?
No! First because sexual attraction isn't about genitalia (even if transphobes would argue the contrary but they're transphobic so...). And second, well....
I would refer to this point as "how do I know Crowley isn't attracted to women? bc Dean is"
I'm convinced that if the show wanted to write Crowley as anything other than a gay man, it would have been way more obvious.
This is a show who wrote Dean catcalling a faceless woman on the street, for no other reason than to remind the viewers Dean was attracted to women & to balance it with the following homoerotic scene.
One could say spn doesn't have lots of women characters to begin with, but that's my point exactly: when spn wants to show attraction towards women, they do find women for people to be attracted to. Hell, they even give Gavin some girlfriend but never ever bring up the topic of Gavin's other parent. Even though an entire episode is dedicated to learning about Crowley's past.
What's important to understand Crowley's sexuality isn't the people he slept with ; it's the people he doesn't show interest in.
The absence of something is the presence of the thing, blablabla. It's a way to look at homosexuality that heteronormativity makes hard to see because, unconciously, we don't tend to question attraction towards the expected gender. One would ask for a 10 pages essay on why a character is gay, but one would need only a 2 sec kiss to assure a character's heterosexuality or attraction towards the expected gender.
In Crowley's case, his attraction to men is a huge part of his character right from the beginning (thanks god, at least no one's questioning that). Spn as a show that hears what the fans are saying and twists writing accordingly, is perfectly aware of that. Yet rather than pushing women at him along the course of the show to remind everyone how Not Gay Crowley is - the opposite happens.
Yeh, Lola, Naomi, Billie, they all happen in the later seasons. But even then, the show somehow can't write Crowley as attracted to a human woman.
What happens then is: not only does Crowley fall for Dean ; he engages in some BDSM play with Lucifer : and he switches from drinking only the finest Scotch to fruity cocktails.
The BDSM thing as well as the drink thing are choices rooted in stereotypes, that's how spn is! But it does canonize Crowley's homosexuality. They're depriving him of his "masculinity" as the show goes on, because they purposely write him as homosexual. I don't think spn would have ever written a bi or pan character that way.
We learned a few days ago that Crowley died in a gutter. He died in a gutter for a bigger d*ck. I'm just gonna refer to Oscar Wilde & Mika on this : "some of us in the gutter are looking up at the stars."
The "referred to as king" scene isn't about Crowley being a demon and so not caring about gender - it's the opposite. Other demons are the ones poiting out Crowley's vessel. This is a transphobic joke. It's the demon edition of the "gay boy in a dress" transmisogynistic trope.
Viewers aren't supposed to be on Crowley's side ; we're supposed to be giggling with the other demons while Crowley is being emasculated. Crowley gets a woman vessel because he's a not-very-manly-man, because he's a trans man, because he's homosexual.
And I know that bc Dean is written as bi, and all they're doing is reaffirming the way he does like women while being extra subtle with his love for men.
Meanwhile Crowley is losing influence and power, loses his authority as he loses his throne in Hell, gets humiliated by Lucifer, until all his character revolves around is his love for Dean. The way Crowley is then protrayed as some lovesick ex who can't move on is, imo, a straight man fantasy. Crowley's love is both used as predatory and as a tool to validate Dean's Peak Masculinity.
Spn has been burying their gays all along, and Crowley was right there being punished for not only being in love with Dean but for not being attracted to women. For never being able to be a "normal" guy. For never being able to be seen as a "normal" guy. For checking every homophobic stereotypes in the books. Crowley as a human dies because he's a trans man. Crowley as a demon dies because he's homosexual.
That's what leads me to be uncomfortable with the way the fandom seems to have a consensus towards pansexual Crowley. (Once again: idc about people's personal hc of Crowley as pan, I just want to think critically about the way no one thinks twice about it & accepts it as canon so easily. Hell, just bc I dared to ask what started the pan Crowley confirmation I got accused of erasing his pansexuality. All I did was ask a question.)
To me, it feels like erasing everything his character went through because he was gay. And it seems to be taken from a reasoning which is going to assume Crowley is attracted to women.
I mean: the reasoning would go "oh, Crowley clearly has a non-straight sexuality -> he's attracted to men -> he's pan" His attraction to women being accepted by default, without needing any backup. And when I look at the canon I see nothing implying he'd be attracted to women. Taking Crowley's attraction to women for granted is following an heteronormative thinking.
Being into people isn't all about who one sleeps with. It's about love. And when we look at what spn shows about Crowley's close relationships, the only meaningful one he got is with Dean. When Rowena wants payback for Crowley making her kill Oskar, she goes for his son.
And it's SO interesting to me because if angels can't be in love because they don't have a soul - can demons? as they're beings with a destroyed soul? And if so, how powerful of Crowley to still fall in love with Dean Winchester.... the power of gay love :) (Crowley 🤝 Cas)
To conclude all this with some more stuff to think about if, like me, you love questioning everything:
While it's not wrong per se to hc Crowley as pan, it can be worth questioning what's making us so sure we collectively just vibe with it? To me there's a few things: - As I was saying: heteronormative bias - Crowley being a non-fully-human character - Crowley being masculine (despite the show's attempts to erase that) - Crowley being into BDSM - Crowley flirting and making sexual remarks in every context
These, unconsciously, gives a vibe of a character who's "outside" of the gender norm, not making big deal of their sexuality, not even questioning it. This creates this idea of "ambiguity" around Crowley's sexuality. The way Crowley particularly seems to be really chill about sex, is a demon (so what does he know about gender?), and heavily flirty, ... is what most people will link to pansexuality. That doesn't mean thinking of Crowley as pan is being problematic™ ; this means in western medias that's what fills the "pansexual character" imagery (like basically: the Jack Harkness type).
However, when we look at it like that, none of these elements are defining of pansexuality. None of them are excluding him from homosexuality. If not stereotypes.
That's where it gets personal ; but it does make me feel like the huge consensus towards a pansexual Crowley (when there is no clear-cut evidence of it) is erasing the complexity of homosexual experiences. As I said at the begining: I'm happy if pansexual people can relate to Crowley ; everone's free to headcanon. But saying Crowley is canonically pansexual is a stretch - and a take rooted in homophobic stereotypes.
Imo Crowley may have been created with all these traits pushing towards a pan reading of his character. However, as the show went, he was clearly written as a homosexual man. The changes in his portrayal took a turn to be specifically homophobic. He gets imagery that only strictly homosexual characters got (such as drinking fruity cocktails like Aaron. Meanwhile Dean, on the same scene, is allowed beer & whiskey.)
We're used to taking spn's homophobic rep and jokes to make it our own. Yet it seems, when it comes to Crowley, the fandom doesn't see it.
Sometimes people aren't attracted to the gender heteronormativity expects them to be attracted to.......... sometimes people are gay and it's not an umbrella term.
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ao3gingerswag · 3 years
Characters! Sam and/or Mary and/or Claire
So I’m not gonna do Mary cause um confession time I have only seen SPN fully thru season 8 and like. Parts of the later seasons, with less and less as time went on….The writing just started to get too all over the place for me. So I know nothing about Mary really.
How I feel about this character
Love Sam. Love him love him love him. He doesn’t get enough attention in this fandom he’s so angry and feral in early seasons and I LOVE him for that. I think the writers kinda….lost sight of what they were doing with him post season 5, and especially post season 8, and I think it’s connected to how they framed John and the narrative. Like a lot of Sam’s character in the early seasons is framed around this conflict he has with Dean about whether or not John is a piece of shit and whether they should just follow him blindly. And his complicated hero worship vs pity vs resentment relationship with Dean was a big part of his personality. And then post season 5 they kind of backed off that entire conflict? And so much of Sam’s personality was forgotten. But I still love him tho, he’s so valid, I love his anger in the early seasons at John and in defense of Dean and I think he’s the only reason Dean didn’t end up completely beaten down by his dad.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Eileen/Sam!!!! Eileen is the only one I reeeaaally ship with Sam. A lot of fics (esp before Eileen was introduced) had him with Jess (including mine), and that’s fine, but tbh we never actually got to know Jess soooo don’t have strong feelings. Then with Ruby, she was SUCH a fun character but like, ya know, evil. Like I do actually think she cared about Sam in her own fucked up way but like. They brought out the worst in each other lol. So I’ll pass.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Uhhh Dean obviously lol!!!! In my perfect SPN ending Dean Cas Sam Eileen Jack Claire and maybe their other friends too live together in the bunker forever. Found family baby!!! My asexual ass loves how much Dean and Sam mean to each other and how they seem to take for granted that they will always live together. If only the real world was more like that ;~; But yeah it’s kinda a pet peeve of mine when in Desitiel fics people either just ignore Sam or just kinda have him around but he’s not like. Really around. Like excuse me??? Sam and Dean are Bros 4 Life!!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character
Sam is more interesting than Dean. Like I love Dean and he’s my favorite but Sam is like soooo complicated and so interesting!!! Like this kid who grew up knowing that something was Wrong with him. His hunter upbringing vs society, his desire for normal vs the rest of his family, and then just the Knowledge deep down that something is really Wrong aka the demon blood. And then he has all this anger with nowhere to go, he can see clearer than Dean how fucked up their lives are and how awful John is but he can’t convince Dean bc Dean’s too brainwashed and ack!!! I feel like he has always felt so guilty for going to Stanford and felt so guilty then too bc he knew he was basically abandoning Dean to John, who would just continue to abuse and beat him down. But he Could Not convince Dean to wake up and smell the abuse so he left without him bc what else was he supposed to do??? But he’s still fucked up about it. He’s so interesting. All twisted up inside ;~; I love him!
On a less serious note, another unpopular opinion I guess is that Sam and Cas would def be friends but bc of the boring aspects of their personalities?? Like I’ve seen a lot of stuff about them being besties bc they both r crazy and they ARE but like. I see them bonding over ecological justice and academic articles about ancient Aramaic etymology lol. Like they’d go to the farmers market together!!! They would very earnestly consider together which plants would be best to plant in their garden to help the local bee population!!!! And like Dean is a dork and loves both of them but like. If the three of them got drunk together Sam and Cas would get caught up in a very passionate debate about the benefits/drawbacks of different kinds of green energy and Dean would fall asleep.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
He should have gotten to run John over with his car. Ok but no forreal, I wish he’d had his anger at John validated. This is connected to how I feel about Dean but I wish Dean had explicitly grown past his hero worship of John and understood that he was abusive, and I wish he’d apologized to Sam for defending John throughout their childhoods. That would have been so great for both of them ;~;
How I feel about this character
Ohhhh my god ummmm. U know how I said I didn’t watch past season 8 and only saw parts of the later seasons? Yeah um the vast majority of those parts are scenes with Claire in them. Her character has been the thing that came closest to getting me to watch the later seasons. She is So Fucking Cool. Honestly even besides her character, as like a rule I just LOVE it when SPN forces the characters to Actually Confront The Results Of Their Actions for real. Like morally I guess but also just practically like one of my fave episodes is where they get trapped at the bank by the FBI in like season 3 bc like!!!!! Consequences!!! To murdering all over the country!!!! So back to Claire I already just love the idea of having the characters have to Deal With this girl who’s life they fucked up and then forgot about. But then she is SOOO COOOL gay and dramatic and angsty ugh I love how she’s like actually a teen, she acts like a teen, like she rolls her eyes and is overdramatic and shit. Fucking awesome u funky little lesbian.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kaia/Claire. I don’t know a lot about Kaia but she’s very pretty and seems very sweet. I saw the scene where the two of them compare scars and it was so cute. In other news I have no idea if they’re canon or not I can’t tell lol.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I didn’t watch the later seasons but I love the Claire and Jack content being produced now!! But I also love her relationship with Dean Sam and Cas. They’re very cute with her! :) Love how she seems to reluctantly grow fond of them over time. <3
My unpopular opinion about this character
Unpopular opinion ummm…maybe this is more about Dean but I don’t think Dean would be like happy to help her be a hunter?? Like he hates kid hunters he says that a bunch of times. I think she was on her murder hunting thing when she was filled with rage but I think she could be nudged away from hunting once she stops hating Cas, and I think all the adults but esp Dean would be very pro convincing-Claire-not-to-be-a-hunter.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Ok this prompted me to google if Claire and Kaia were together and I’m still confused. Seems like if they were it wasn’t made that explicit?? So I wish she got to kiss Kaia on screen!!
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Rewatch Series (#10)
S3 E10: Down By Law.
Episode Description: Dr. Manning sustains an injury while helping a drive-by victim and Dr. Rhodes finds himself in uncomfortable waters.
Connor being in ‘uncomfortable waters’? I can hear Ava bullying him already.
(also i wrote a little thing abt maggie giving ava a red bull so enjoy that little bit of content)
Let’s get into it.
-barry just yeeted natalie against a car holy shit that’s fucking hilarious
-will needs to chill the fuck out
-this is one of the most iconic ava moments. (it’s first thing that pops up under the tumblr tag)
-ava overhearing connor not knowing his date’s last name. and ava walking over, already getting ready to make fun of him. barely concealing her smile
-the confidence with which she set down the file. she was too prepared and too excited
-this could just turn into a list of ava quotes
-”It must be hard, remembering all their names.”
“You know I read Derek Jeter used to send his conquests home with a gift basket. But a full cardio work up is... It’s much classier.”
-ava bekker secret baseball fan?
-Connor: “Jeter? You a baseball fan?”
Ava: “Oh, no. It’s much too boring. But I love gossip.”
-interesting. very, interesting... is it weird to anyone else to think about ava liking gossip?
-like the idea is fun and all but i hate the idea of ava being suuuper obsessed with gossip. it makes her seem way too shallow in my book. that being said, one of my hcs about women gossiping about all the shit men do to ava bc they know she’ll call them on it now has a lot more precedence
-i know she explicitly says that baseball is boring but i can’t get the idea of ava being a secret baseball fan out of my head. its just so novel
- Connor: “Well, we will get you in and out of here as quickly as possible.”
Ava: “That’s what Dr. Rhodes is renowned for around here. Quick in and outs.”
Connor: *turns to her condescendingly*
Ava: *two finger salute* “I’m Dr. Bekker, by the way.”
-the lesbian icon jumped out
-also the fact that in the previous episode Ava’s mentor did the exact same salute. idk what it means but it’s not that important
-ava trying to hide her smile when asking the woman if she wanted them to contact her husband
-ava overhearing again when latham tells connor the woman he was with was doing cocaine
-ava smirking when connor says that he thinks the heart attack was from his sex and not the cocaine
-connor thinking he’s so good at sex he’s going to give this woman a heart attack
-he really drives All the ladies wild in EveryWay (sex, suicide. he’s the whole package)
-latham asking connor point blank “did you partake in the cocaine?”
-the ct team gives connor so. much. shit. it’s so funny
-also. ava just chillin at her desk looking at scans? that’s the kind of content i want to see. just her just being there. doing her own thing. that’s what i want
-counting down the minutes til natalie drops dead (passes out but yk a girl can dream lol)
-sarah. back at it again with her rayon jacket and button up and backpack. the coffee cup only adds to the aesthetic
-connor being surprised that latham isn’t gonna let him do surgery on the women he fucked (twice, he might add)
- whatever you do, don’t think of a brown bear. are you thinking about it?
-maggie dealing red bull to people who need it. that’s a very soft idea
- ex:
Dr. Bekker is sitting at the desk in the ED. Well, sleeping, more like it. Her head is resting on her fist, her elbow precariously close to slipping off the the chair armrest, and her eyes open by just a hair.
“Dr. Bekker.”
Ava jolts awake.
“Maggie,” Ava says, strong accent cutting through, acknowledging the person standing over her. Hastily, she adjusts her jacket and scrubs, smoothing them back into place.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this tired.”
Ava shrugs, seamlessly slipping back into easy confidence.
“Rough couple of cases. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Uh huh,” Maggie says, unbelieving.
She sets a can of Red Bull on the desk with a knowing look.
“You need this more than anybody.”
Ava scoffs. “Those things? They are murder on your heart, come on.”
Maggie hums and walks away. Ava watches her leave, and when she’s out of sight, Ava darts forward, grabs the energy drink, immediately cracking it open and downing half of it.
- anyway.
- @punksarahreese that’s on you for making me believe ava loves energy drinks
- let’s continue
- sarah looking at charles telling her not to do something: I am not going to do a thing you said
- go off babe. it was the wrong decision but go off
- all the nurses watching this guy call nat a bitch:  👀 👀 👀 👀
- will being like: god that guy called you a bitch i fucking hate him
- and natalie being like: he is also refusing to let us treat the 14 yr olds cancer but you obviously have priorities
- sarah is so logical. she’s good at talking to people. can you FUCKING IMAGINE IF SHE HAD BETTER GUIDANCE (oh and less trauma)
- this is also the one with that hilarious screen cap of sarah holding a knife
- the way she is so calm about handing this patient a knife gives me anxiety
- sarah just in alone in a room with a man who keeps having visions of stabbing his wife. and her just handing him a fucking knife oh my god i have too much anxiety for this
- rewatching the series and getting completely confused bc norma is 5′7″ but she looks so short next to colin and the guy who plays latham
- anyway. ignore that that’s not important
- I... the parallels btwn sarah offering this guy the ability to slit her throat (for therapy) and ava cutting her throat... i don’t know what to do with this information
- idk but sarah holding the knife got me feelin some type of way
- the way connor looks at ava with such contempt bc she... does her job (and his but yk) especially during the hug wtf dude honestly just stop looking at her
- this is also the episode where ava pawns off the patient’s hug onto connor. while yeah, it could ava just being annoying to connor by forcing him to hug his one night stand’s husband, but she did give connor due credit. (and something to be said about her being confused and a tad uncomfortable when the patient hugs her, which is why she pawns it off to rhodes)
- she also doesn’t hug the guy back, which is kind of funny, she never moves her arms and just shrugs out of it
- and like after the hug she takes a few steps away from the guy, really not wanting any more physical contact or attention
- there’s something interesting in ava’s expression when connor gets hugged by the guy, can’t quite explain it. i’m gonna go with it’s her trying to keep a straight face while connor hugs a man he just helped a woman cheat on, but that’s not all of it so
- or. okay, I think i got it. i think that that little expression when connor gets hugged is her rolling her eyes at him getting credit when ava did most of the heavy lifting. yes. final answer. i’m satisfied
- and her looking away from them is her stopping herself from laughing, bc connor is obviously not enjoying this
- and he’s so sad and angsty he can’t even play along with the jokes
- and ava smiling at him with pity as she walks in to talk to the patient, bc that’s really what it is. she feels bad for him bc connor is so obviously lonely
- and connor’s annoyed bc ‘dammit she does have a right to pity me i suck rn’
- med pushing the women are tough agenda LITERALLY SHUT THE FUCK UP
- you hate your women characters so much just fucking shut your mouth
- and will being like ‘ i have a lot to learn about women not being objects’
- and nat saying ‘you are way further along than most’ like no, he’s not. the bar is on the ground and he still can’t jump it
- i’m pretty sure this show doesn’t pass the bechdel test. holy fucking shit it doesn’t. you’ve gotta be kidding me. (at least this episode doesn’t)
I can’t believe this episode didn’t pass the bechdel test. The only convo btwn two women were like maggie and sharon and they talk about barry and oh my god this is infuriating god med the bar is so low. And I’m pretty sure most episodes don’t pass the test anyway. Will is literally the representation of med. He gets lots of credit for doing bare minimum things like giving women rights.
This was a good episode. We dissected a lot of unspoken Ava things, which is very good. Ava had a lot of moments where she was there, but didn’t say anything, and when your characters can do that, that’s when you know your characterization is very good.
The moments where Ava isn’t really doing anything to forward the plot of the episode but she’s still just there, doing her own thing, are hands down my favorite. Her sitting at the desk looking at a scan while connor tells latham he didn’t do cocaine could possibly my favorite ava moment in the series, just bc it shows how much of her own character should could’ve been.
I drew an interesting parallel btwn sarah offering the guy to slit her throat and ava’s death. i have nothing for that but go wild
This episode also showed us Ava pitying Connor, another new aspect. she gives him shit but she also pities him. very good ep for little ava moments
as always, thanks for sticking through it
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Extra
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incarnateirony · 5 years
Hey dude! Do you have any recommendations for LGBTQ+ movies in the romance genre that have like a happy ending. I really don't care how old they are. I'm feeling the Gay™ hence I need the Gay™. You feel me?
Tumblr media
First sorry for taking so long, not only did I have to timeline this :) but :) my computer :) froze :) after writing like :) 2 pages :) and I had to do it again :)
So anyway let it be said, the LGBT dialogue is one of osmosis and shared growth and awareness. Some of these films will be very poorly dated, but as you (thankfully) mentioned that them being old wasn’t a *problem*, expect a lot of old stuff. Because one of the most important things to have under your belt when talking about the LGBT media representation battle is the actual journey from A to B – be that incrementalization, subtextual inclusion, text-breeching features, outright evocative and groundbreaking films at the time (which is what MOST of this list will be) and an improvement in our dialogue; let us never forget that while tr*nss*xual is considered a slur and transgender is proper, tr*nss*xual was at one point the politically correct way to speak it – things like that breach in our growing understanding of the spectrum of human sexuality. 
I *WILL* disclaimer these aren’t all romance, so if you explicitly want romance, google them and take a look if it sounds to appeal, but I’m taking this as a general cinema history plug considering what a confused mess fandom conversation about LGBT history in film or modern text as applicable, accepted or not.
Wonder Bar (1936) (I wouldn’t really call this queer cinema, but if you have the time to watch it too, I think it was the first explicit mention of homosexual engagement even if it was fleetingly brief. You might even call it Last Call style. A blink and you’ll miss it plug that was still decades ahead of its time)
Sylvia Scarlet (1936) (Again, I wouldn’t call this queer cinema, but a lot of the community takes it as the first potential trans representation on TV due to the lead literally swapping gender presentation, even if the presentation is… not what we would modernly call representation IMO)
Un Chant d'Amour (1950) (Worth it for the sheer fact that it pissed off fundies so bad they took it all the way to the US supreme court to get it declared obscene.)
The Children’s Hour (1961) (also known as the 1961 lesson to “don’t be a gossipy, outting bitch”)
Victim (1961) (The first english film to use the word “homosexual” and to focus explicitly on gay sexuality. People might look on it disdainfully from modern lenses, but it really helped progress british understanding of homosexuality)
Scorpio Rising (1964) (Lmao this one deadass got taken to court when it pissed people off and California had to rule that it didn’t count as obscene bc it had social value, worth it for the history if nothing else)
Theorem (1968) (Because who doesn’t wanna watch a 60s flick about a bisexual angel, modern issues and associations be damned)
The Killing of Sister George (1968) (by the makers of What Ever Happened To Baby Jane)
Midnight Cowboy (1969) (…have I had sassy contagonists in RP make a Dean joke off of this more than once, maybe)
The Boys in the Band (1970) (This… this… this made a lot of fuss. Just remember leather)
Pink Narcissus (1971) (a labor of love shot on someone’s personal camera)
Death in Venice (1971) (This is basically a T&S prequel but whatever, based on a much older book)
Cabaret (1972) 
Pink Flamingos (1972) (SHIT’S WILD)
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972) (The title doesn’t lie, be warned)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) [god I hope you’ve at least seen this]
Fox and His Friends (1975) (some really hard lessons that are still viable today, that just because someone acknowledges your sexuality doesn’t mean they give a shit about you as a person, and that some will even abuse the knowledge for gain)
The Terence Davies Trilogy (1983) (REALLY interesting history look it up, it’s sort of one of those “drawn from own experience” story short sets)
The Times of Harvey Milk (1984) (Documentary)
Desert Hearts (1985) (Pretty much the first film to put lesbianism into a good light as a true focus based on a novel from the sixties)
Parting Glances (1986) (the only film its creator got out before his death from the aids epidemic)
Law of Desire (1987) (two men and a trans woman in a love triangle, kinda ahead of its time)
Maurice (1987) (This one’s really interesting, cuz it was based on a book made about 15 years before it, but the book itself had been written half a century earlier and wasn’t published until after the guy died, he just thought it’d never get published Cuz Gay, so basically it’s based on a story written in like, the 20s finally getting screen time. It has a bittersweet but positive-leaning-ish ending without disregarding the cost that can come with it and even addresses class issues at the same time 100% DO RECOMMEND)
Tongues Untied (1989) (a documentary to give voices to LGBT black men) 
Longtime Companion (1990) (This one’s title alone is history, based on a NYT phrasing for how they talked about people’s partners dying, eg longtime companion, during the AIDS epidemic)
Paris Is Burning (1990) (Drag culture and related sexual and gender identity exploration as it intersected with class issues and other privileges explored in a documentary)
The Crying Game (1992)( I should correct this that I guess it’s more, 1992 considered, “SURPRISE, DIL HAS A DILL!” – I guess I really didn’t do that summary justice by modern language and dialogue as much as how people in the 90s were talking about that and that’s a my bad. LIKE. SEE, EVEN I CAN FUCK UP MY LANGUAGE I’M SORRY CAN I BLAME THE STRAIGHTS T_T) #90skidproblems – I guess I should call it a trans film. And this alone tells me I should go watch it again to recode it in my brain modernly rather than like circa de la 2000 understanding.
The Bird Cage (1996) (So you mix drag culture, otherwise heterosexually connected lovebirds, and then realize the girl comes from an alt-rightish house and the guy comes from a Two Dads Home and does cabaret, how to deal with the issues OF this conflict when it’s between you and your happiness, even if the fight isn’t even your own as much as it is that of the person you love. The answer is PROBABLY NOT to dress in drag and pretend to be straight, but what are you going to do? – while played for laughs we’d consider modernly crude, the fact that they even dared to approach this narrative was pretty loud)
The Celluloid Closet (1996) (Ever heard of the Vito Russo test for LGBT representation? This is based on a book by Vito Russo.)
Happy Together (1997) (Ain’t this shit an ironic name; a mutual narrative, via chinese flick, of hong kong ceding to china and an irrevocably tangled MLM pairing as a giant mirrored metaphor)
Boys Don’t Cry (1999) (one of the most groundbreaking films about trans identity at the time)
Stranger Inside (2001) (As easy as it is to recoil to the idea of “black gays in jail”, the film makers actually went and consulted prisoners and put a great deal of focus into intersectional african american issues that really weren’t around even in straight films at the time)
Transamerica (2005) (While it made a bit of a fuss for not casting an actual trans actor, it was one of the first times a big budget studio really tried to tackle it which really pushed us forward)
Call Me by Your Name (2017) (since I’ve apparently leaned really heavy old cinema throw in a modern one lmaooooo)
Also honorable The Kids Are All Right (2010) mention for the sake of the fucking title alone. 
And to any incarnation of “On the Road” by Kerouac, which
Was originally a book
Released a sanitized de-gayed edition because of the times
Later released the full homo manuscript
had a few film adaptations
Was one of Kripke’s founding inspirations for Supernatural once he left behind “Some reporter guy chases stories” and took the formula of Sal and Dean (and tbh later, Carlo) in a beat generation vibe gone modern as we know it today.
Reading both versions of this can actually help some folks currently understand that when you get confused over some shit (WHY IS CARLO SO UPSET? WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE AN UPSET GIRLFRIEND??? WHY IS HE SO JEALOUS AND SAD WHEN DEAN IS AROUND GIRLS???? WE JUST DONT KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWW) it’s because some big money asshat bleached the content, and sometimes, it takes a while for the full script to come out and again, surprise, it’s been GAY, they just didn’t want to OFFEND anybody. *jazz hands*
Now if you wanna go WAY WAY BACK, during 191X years, a bunch of gender role flicks came out like Charley’s Aunt, Mabel’s Blunder and the Florida Enchantment.
Also where is @thecoffeebrain-blog to yell about the necessity of watching Oz, for the next few hours? But no, seriously, just look into the entire LGBT *HISTORY* of Oz.
Beyond that though I’m gonna stop here cuz hi that’s a lot. I really don’t know how much counts as “happy ending” but if I had to give an LGBT cinema rec list, that’s it as a sum. I don’t really have like, a big portfolio of UWU HAPPY ENDING GAYS because 1. there aren’t a lot of those but 2. to me, it’s not about the ending, it’s about the journey. Be that in flick or through culture and history itself.
If you want more happy ending stuff, you definitely have to look at 2010+, but it’s not like we’re in a rich and fertile landscape yet so honestly just googling that would probably serve you better since I don’t explicitly explore romance genre or happy endings to really have a collection. LGBT life is hard and film often reflects that if we’re making genuine statements about it and really representing it, and we’re just now getting to a point of reliably having the chance at a happy ending. That or maybe someone can add like “Explicit happy endings” lists after this that has more experience in that subgenre.
Also, I can’t emphasize ENOUGH to remember what was progressive then is not what is progressive now, and frankly, what some people think is progressive now they’ll probably look back on what they said and feel really fuckin’ embarrassed. See: “It’s not text because by alt right homophobic dialogue, M/M sex isn’t gay if you do the secret handshake” MGTOW kinda crazy ass dialogue or parallel narratives they inspire that encourage self-closeting and denial based on the pure idea that being gay makes you somehow lesser, so It’s Not That. Like. I am. 99% sure. At least half of the people talking in this fandom. Are going to regret that the internet is forever. And maybe hope hosting servers end in the inevitable nuclear war that will annihilate this planet.
Also, edit: Speaking of mistaken dialogues and words aging poorly, I’d like to apologize from the poor description I rendered “The Crying Game” with, but that really goes to show how deep-seated the issue is we can so casually fuck up identifying a trans narrative as SURPRISE DICK IS GAY when we were all absorbing the content like 20+ years ago and HOW HARD it can be to de-code yourself from that kind of programming because here I am, writing a giant assed rep post and fucking it up because my brain hadn’t soaked that movie since Y2K. Guess what, time for me to go watch the Crying Game again.
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 4 years
1. A lot of times on lgbtq media, I’ll see things that include all wlw but will be labeled as for lesbians. Like “lesbian term”, “this song for lesbians”, or they’ll be posts or media talking about “lesbian only” experiences that could apply to all wlw. What bugs me is that bc lesbian has a very strict definition, I really don’t feel included in these. Whereas “gay” is an umbrella term and I often feel like I wouldn’t have these problems as a bi man cause I feel like gay covers me.
2. Lesbians of course have their own things, but I’m only talking about stuff that def includes all wlw but is called “lesbian”. Like “lesbian” couples that may have a bi women in them. I feel like there’s this split between communities bc any time I see a bi girl use the term lesbian(not as a label; for anything else) there gets so much crap thrown. While I know bi men prob feel that same sometimes, gay is such a universal term that I don’t see it as much. Idk if that’s invasive of me to feel
disclaimer: I was typing and typing and.... this kinds turned into a rant so. Take it or leave it, I don’t know how much sense I’m making. You know, up until ~50-60 years ago the word “lesbian” just meant every woman who had sex with women. That 100% included women who also had sex with men. (Note that at the time those labels were about sex acts and not about an identity based on attraction.) So many lesbians back then were what we would now call bisexual or pansexual.
However, lesbian separatists and “political lesbians” (basically the OG radfems) decided that a true lesbian should not have anything to do with men. And thus they started to exclude bisexuals from lesbian spaces and terminology and we were forced to make our own community. Which we did.
Now in the last couple years, especially on tumblr, there’s been this attempt to “reunite” lesbians and bisexual women into a shared community called “wlw” or “sapphic”. Unfortunately there’s still lesbian separatists. And that’s how you get entire campaigns on tungle dot hell where people recycle radfem rhetoric to tell bi women we aren’t “allowed to use butch/femme because those are just for lesbians” and other historic revisionism like that.
Most of the time I see people use “wlw” or “sapphic” it's bi/pan women who make that effort. And I notice a development in which the same thing happens to wlw/sapphic as it did to “lesbian” back in ye olden days: bisexuals are being told to keep their mouths shut about their male partners because “this is wlw safe space and this shouldn’t be about Straight Things” and as a result many think that “sapphic” is just a synonym for “lesbian”.
And note that this is all something that happens in relatively niche online communities like tumblr. When we’re looking at mainstream media then it’s a whole other piece of cake because mainstream media, especially when created by and for cisgender heterosexuals, just doesn’t fucking care about these distinctions. Sometimes it’s “just” ignorance and not even malicous - they just really don’t know the difference. Sometimes (often times!) it’s textbook bisexual erasure.
Personally, I totally get how you feel. I don’t feel connected to the “lesbian community” at all. I have a couple of lesbian friends but I don’t engage in any lesbian community events (even though Berlin has plenty to offer). I don’t feel like I have anything to add there and frankly, I don’t feel like I can openly talk about the fact I am bisexual and dating a man.
Even terms like “wlw” and “sapphic” - even though I do use and appreciate the sentiment behind them - don’t really give me a sense of community or belonging. Maybe that’s also a generational thing. I also don’t feel like I have one type of attraction that’s sapphic and then another type of attraction that’s [insert adjective] for men (and another again for enbys?) - all of my attractions are bisexual so I don’t feel comfortable describing my attraction to women as “sapphic” bc it implies that it’s something different than my attraction to other genders. But again, that’s just my personal feelings. I don’t mind those terms and I don’t mind if someone would use those as umbrella terms for me or as identity labels for themselves - go for it. I just don’t feel any significant connection to them personally.
I’m also a petty asshole though so if some event or media or whatever is advertised as “lesbian* .... party / movie night / pride / book club” then I’m just like, well, I’m not a lesbian so that’s not for me, guess they’ll be missing out on getting to know me. And I get even more pissy when they add in small print “*also welcome to bisexuals” because if you wanna make an event for lesbians and bi women then why not advertise it as that? Putting us in parantheses or small-print is at best tone-deaf and at worst an expression of how little they value us.
Many lesbians aren’t actively biphobic and would never want to exclude us and would actually genuinely welcome us. So, don’t take this as me slagging off all lesbians. However... many, especially the younger ones, are still incredibly oblivious to the history of their own label (because radfems work very hard at erasung that history so it doesn’t include bi and trans women) as well as ignorant about the struggles that bisexual women have to face in particular both in mainstream society as well as within the LGBTQIA+ community. They often don’t realise how alienating it is for us to always only being an after-thought at best. Which is kinda hilarious given that they often (rightfully!) voice the same criticism when everything is made about cis gay men and lesbians are just the after-thought.
So long story short: I get it. It sucks. That being said, bisexual men also face a lot of issues and biphobia affects them in some specific gendered ways that are also pretty shitty. They really don’t have it better or easier then other bisexuals when it comes down to biphobia.
Now, you can either say “fuck it, lesbian stuff is for me, too” and ignore all the separatism and basically reclaim your rightful place in this community. Or you can stick to the bi community and seek out media/events that are explicitly for all the queers.
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lansizhuis · 5 years
It's as the title says - the five times Shen Wei did a horny grip™ because let it be known that while Zhao Yunlan is explicitly shamelessly thirsty, Shen Wei is equally as thirsty but in a more lowkey manner. Oh, and of course, WeiLan as lesbians can't be passed up for this.(gift fic for taki who introduced the weilan lesbian agenda to me!)Hello! I finally had some time (spoiler: I actually didn’t but I can always have time for my dads) to properly make a compilation of WeiLan fanfic recommendations. I included some CN ones bc I absolutely love them to bits and pieces and some WeiLan derivatives bc why not. 
Please click the kudos and leave a comment on the authors’ works to thank them and show your appreciation! <3 This will be updated periodically.
bc I’m shameless - imma shove my own weilan fics here
Title: Uhaw Summary: Shen Wei felt a smile on his face despite the seriousness of the situation. “Your loyalty will forever remain divided.” // “My loyalty is with you.” Zhao Yunlan declared. “Always has been, always will be.” [WEILAN MAFIA/GANGSTER AU 1/1] Notes: i was horny for weilan being horny for each other and being a power couple with some plot thrown in the mix im not sorry
Title: Devour Your God Summary: "The beast inside him howls and the inhumane thunderous chanting resounds in the beautiful ghost king. You remember don’t you? The more beautiful the ghost...the more terrifying."
[a look through shen wei's eyes as he goes through kunlun's multiple reincarnations until zhao yunlan; novel-compliant and shen san extra hints but should be spoiler free 1/1] Notes: sometimes we’re also sad in our weilan lives but do know they get their happy ending anyway
Title: Earlier On Summary: Zhao Yunlan starts remembering his life as Kunlun months after he first entered the world and his only clue resides on that creature (because his adult brain is now telling his baby brain that that wasn't a human) robed in white with a golden mask peering down on his crib. Notes: [novel-verse gift fic for orro AKA babey zhao yunlan having adult brain/memories who’s everyone’s source of headache]
Title: Five Times Shen Wei Did A Horny Grip Summary: It's as the title says - the five times Shen Wei did a horny grip™ because let it be known that while Zhao Yunlan is explicitly shamelessly thirsty, Shen Wei is equally as thirsty but in a more lowkey manner. Oh, and of course, WeiLan as lesbians can't be passed up for this. Notes: (gift fic for taki who introduced the weilan lesbian agenda to me!)
Title: Some Things Stay The Same and Some Don't  Summary: “Xiao Wei,” Zhao Yunlan called in a serious voice making Shen Wei stiffen in attention, “Your boobs are actually big, aren’t they?” Shen Wei almost slipped from her position at the unexpected - or well, this is Zhao Yunlan so perhaps ‘expected’ should be the term - comment. “Yunlan, honestly!” “No really, it’s bigger than mine.” “Everyone’s bigger than your tiny mangoes, stupid owner.” Da Qing laughed from the kitchen. “I think even Lin Jing and Lao Chu have bigger ones compared to you.” Notes: lesbian!weilans part 2 for emmy featuring the primordial gods, shen wei + mama zhao interaction, and kunlun taking in 2 ghost queens instead of just one
Title: Repercussions of Meddling Summary: “You know what the diviner’s instructions were, right? Gather the hallows and let fate run its course or else there can be dire consequences.” Zhao Yunlan clenched his fist as he recalls Shen Wei’s hardships paralleled with Ye Zun’s loss of sanity, the ghost lovers’ fate in an effort to protect him, the brewing war as the vision the hallows have given him on their deaths, and an ever burning flame on his soul as he watched Shen Wei disappear stay clear.“There can’t be anything more dire than that future.” The two leaders looked at each other meaningfully. “And if the bulk of the repercussions on you twisting the timeline falls on you?” Zhao Yunlan huffed in amusement and flipped his long hair to his back. “If I'm the one who has to pay then so be it.” Notes: aka ye zun is a bad influence to shen wei and add that in for 10,000 years where they're both awake, alive, and together waiting for a certain someone's reappearance in their lives --- THIS CAN GET DARK; drama canon divergence au where zhao yunlan as kunlun ends up saving ye zun in the past and meddling with time 
Title: A Path Back Home Summary: The Dixing kingdom's delegation set off for a peace treaty with the kingdom of Haixing as new tides of the world was coming. For some, this was a turning point for the three kingdoms. For Ye Zun and his father, this was a chance to bring back their two other family members home with them. The past retains its stories and secrets, the present shakes the foundations of everyone's belief, and the future is a path back home. (read a/n before reading!) Notes: weilan royalty a/b/o au aka the most self-indulgent fic (it wasn’t supposed to be multi-chap but brain said ‘world building’ and now i suffer)
Title: where everything converges Summary: collection for weilan week prompts - day 1: beginnings (SID+SW meets the youngest primordial god) day 3: au (tgcf au of god!ZYL and ghost king!SW) day 7: anniversary (there will come a day where SW wakes up to the 5,000 years and 1 day of being with ZYL)
Title: in all worlds and in all timelines Summary: collection of weilan prompts (do send some and i’ll see if i can write it!)
Title: The Power of Words Summary: “You have lived for as long as I have and so you must know that words have power. The likes of old sayings and proverbs hold a decree to them the longer it’s passed around from one breathing soul to another. They become entities and binding spells on their own through time.”
“What has that got to do with anything right now? Ghost Slayer, you are already treading a dangerous path with the choices you have made the past months. Do I still need to remind you of this?” the spirit asked.
The black robed creature acted as if he didn’t hear his companion and spoke once more. “I suppose it doesn’t matter right as of this moment,” he crossed his legs and continued, “Let me tell you a story; a secret.” Notes: it was supposed to be a oneshot but my need for novel shen wei characterization bled through so now it’s a 3shot *sigh* 
Title:  狗在江湖 Notes: this is a mix of novel and drama elements AND it’s a/b/o AND it has 30 chapters so obv i cried
Title: Sweet Dreams Summary:  朱白ABO,架空末世微悬疑。 Notes: okay so it was weird for me at first bc they were using zhubai’s names until i realized they were pertaining to weilan derivative in general AND OKAY LISTEN - the plot??? THE PLOT??? GLORIOUS
Title: 我说所有的酒都不如你 Summary: 这大概是一个东江二哈狼和东江气死猫你追我跑你继续追我假装跑你拼命追我跑不动了的爱情故事(。 Notes: 2Luo aka Luo Fusheng x Luo Fei weilan derivative and this is legit my favorite derivative fic!!! they mixed both dramas and fed me sentinel + guide trope AND THEN WOW PLOT
Title:  Black Cloak Reversed Summary:  Chief Zhao is a little too friendly with the Black-Cloaked Envoy. The members of the SID worry that he's being emotionally disloyal to Professor Shen. Notes: drama; zhao yunlan is a filthy, thirsty man and SID mourns over this fact
Title:  my heart broke loose on the wind Summary:  If Yunlan is going to learn how to make actual food that requires more effort than just boiling water and putting hot water into stuff, he’s going to have to take all the notes. “Right,” he says to himself. “How hard can it be?” He watches all twenty-two minutes and fourteen seconds of Chef Shen's video without fast-forwarding. When it comes to an end, he clicks on the replay button. He ends up taking zero notes, and the only thing he manages to learn from the whole exercise is that Chef Shen -Shen Wei- is really fucking beautiful when he smiles. Notes: au; alternative summary - ye zun: how thirsty are you for my bro zhao yunlan: thirsty? pls im a paragon of all things holy, i am a kind and generous citizen of the world, i am - ye zun: i can help you get in his pants  zhao yunlan: - thirsty af; i am very thirsty 
Title:  when we reunite, the world will tilt on its axis Summary:  Zhao Yunlan tries to figure out how he should approach the matter of young Shen Wei. Notes: drama; babey!shen wei who's so earnest and genuinely in-love ahhh im soft
Title:  Wild Thing, Stop Your Teasing Summary: Shen Wei’s eyelid twitch as Yunlan unwraps another lollipop, closes his spit-shiny lips around the spherical head while looking at Shen Wei under dark eyes and thick lashes. Fists clenched on his pant leg, Shen Wei swallows and tamps down the urge to grab Yunlan across the table. Notes: drama; when you think zhao yunlan's thirst has a limit - he goes an open his mouth but hey shen wei's head over heels thousands of years ago already anyway
Title:  Tease the Wild Thing Summary: Yunlan's POV from shaenanigans' awesome fic ''Wild Thing, Stop your Teasing''. Yeah, it's the one with the lollipops, and the porn with feels. You know. The Good Stuff. Notes: more weilan smut after the one above?? SIGN ME TF UP
Title:  without complexities or pride Summary:  “Kunlun Hall’s rules do not apply to you,” Yunlan says simply, moving to steep some tea for Shen Wei. “You are the Black Cloak Envoy. Lord Kunlun holds you in high regard.” “And you hold him in high regard,” Shen Wei adds before he’s able to stop himself. Shen Wei can hear the wretched jealousy in his own voice, and no doubt Yunlan can as well, because Yunlan’s smile turns sly, and his eyes are very knowing when he says, “In a way, I suppose I do.” Notes: (Or, the Not-Exactly-A-Courtesan!Yunlan fic.) >> im crying bc YES
Title:  Every ridge hand-picked by the late sun’s slant light Summary:  Zhao Yunlan gets up to greet this man, his destiny – who is currently scowling behind his fancy embroidered mask – and smiles as filthily as he can make it. Whatever else they might be to each other, Shen Wei has been taunting him for weeks. Zhao Yunlan is going to take him home and fuck him until he cries and he wants Shen Wei to know that. “Long time, no see,” he says. The Black Cloaked Envoy blanches. Notes: when i say i thirst for weilan papapa where shen wei loses his self control - I MEAN IT
Title:  that's where you belong Summary:  First of all, how dare Shen Wei. Second of all, Zhao Yunlan has been looking forward to this for like, as long as he's been aware that Shen Wei is an alpha. Third of all -- Notes: im crying bc all i ever wanted was for novel weilan's characterization bc i know their papapa would be the hottest with that and i have been fed with this need and even partnered w/ a/b/o trope /SOBS
Title:  Just Cared Too Much Summary:  Zhao Yun Lan found out his father was dead while he was pouring concrete down the throat of a backstabbing dickbag. “Chief, I'm sorry, the Boss is gone. Shot to the head, on his way to meet the Russians.” Notes: i was dying to have a mafia au and this appeared THANK YOU; and def one of the other things that pushed me to finish my own mafia au for weilan lol
Title:  家教 - or - Domestic Education Summary:  Shen Wei is the Ghost King, born out of the unyielding chaos of entropy that had consumed the underworld before the creation of the wheel of reincarnation. He's the cosmic guardian of death and all her darlings, and the universe through the lens of his eye is rife with demons, hungry ghosts, and shadows creeping out of their places. So there is absolutely no way he is getting sick. Notes: im novel verse trash and we get that PLUS mama!zhao uhh hell yes???
Title:  Sarva Summary:  Or, 一切. At work, in public, Shen Wei is meticulously, seamlessly polite. In bed, he's something else. Notes:  this was the first weilan smut i read AND ALL THE YES BC SHEN WEI LOSING IT FOR ZHAO YUNLAN IS MY KINK
Title:  Future Forged Summary: Masquerading as Kunlun, Zhao Yunlan sets out on a mission to recover the stolen Hallows alongside the young Shen Wei. Along the way, he discovers new abilities, forges new bonds, unearths old histories, and learns that the universe goes beyond his wildest imagination. Notes: lol way better take on what happened during that time travel thing than what the drama had
Title:  who you allow Summary: But then Zhao Yunlan goes and gets a haircut, and Shen Wei. Pouts. For like three days. Notes: for the record - i, too, believe shen wei will pout bc of this
Title:  Significant Other Colour Summary: Collars are so old-fashioned and Zhao Yunlan can’t help but feel that there’s an ulterior motive hiding behind Shen Wei’s innocently widened eyes. Notes: tfw i've tried to bury my needs on acknowledging how shen wei canonically wants to lock up zhao yunlan and then this fic hits me - author pls let me love you (for y'all heed the warnings)
Title:  Afterimage Summary:  Zhu Yi Long is an awkward turtle. Now he has to deal with letting Shen Wei and Ye Zun go. Notes:  okay so im not really into fics on real people but this was done so well? it explores the effects of zhu yilong's method acting and sets straight that zhubai and weilan are not one and the same at the end of the day
Title:  Twill Seeker Summary: The young master has a thing for the butler. The butler is at the end of his rope. Notes: if anyone comes after me and my apparent need for butler shen wei and young master zhao yunlan, hide me
Title:  When You're Old, You Want To Celebrate Birthdays At Home Summary: Shen Wei comes home to a surprise. Notes: me, wiping a tear: oh look, a ye zun characterization i actually like even if he's mentioned only
Title:  do nothing day Summary:  “The stress of work is exhausting me and my wife is scolding me now,” Zhao Yunlan pretends to whine, hiding his face in the blankets. “You’ve seen who I work with, those stubborn kids who cause me nothing but trouble. You’re supposed to be on my side, meant to pity me when the world turns against me. I deserve this day off and I reserve the right to do as I please. And if I want to be a slug in the bed then that’s what I’m going to do.” Notes: "It’s so gentle that Shen Wei almost can’t stand it, the way Zhao Yunlan lets him do as he likes, just receiving whatever Shen Wei wants to give him. And there’s so much that Shen Wei wants to lavish onto his Zhao Yunlan." -- dont bother for the ambulance i know im DOA
Title:  Heat and Desire Summary: Five times Zhao Yunlan had an oral fixation and one time Shen Wei did something about it. Notes: "You tease me, Zhao Yunlan," Shen Wei whispers, his breath tickling against Zhao Yunlan’s ear. "You tease me and you tease me and you seem to think that I won't do anything about it." -- me, choking: IM FINE
Title:  Just A Phone Call Away Summary:  Chief Zhao gets hurt on a case and nobody wants to be the one to call Professor Shen and tell him.... Notes: SID family + shen wei's first reaction to the call??? sign me up
Title:  Never Losing You Summary:  Yunlan can't open his eyes, can't shut his mouth. Needy, keening noises pour out of his throat completely out of his control. Shen Wei's closed fist is around him, pumping fast and tight in rhythm to his fucking, making him see stars exploding behind closed eyelids, thoroughly engulfed by the incredible sensations racketing up and down his spine originating from where they're so deliciously joined. Shen Wei's other hand cradles his jaw, careful, reverent, but also serves to ground Yunlan to the bed so Shen Wei can fuck him harder, deeper. Notes: i can never have enough weilan papapa bc if canon doesn't give me the explicit juicy details then im turning to fic writers with metaphorical gold payment
Title:  third time's the charm Summary: “I’m what Da Qing likes to describe as ‘especially tenacious’ when I’m in heat, even more so when I have a specific Alpha in mind,” Yunlan tells him, casual. (Or, three times Shen Wei helps Zhao Yunlan through his heat.) Notes: me, looking through the window with a faraway look: a/b/o universe makes me weak even if it's not even explicit
Title: this secret language that we speak Summary: "If you don't want to do this any more," says Shen Wei, "you get off the couch, and we'll do whatever you want. Do you understand?" Zhao Yunlan is so hot he thinks he's going to light the couch on fire. He swallows and nods."I didn't hear you," says Shen Wei, implacable as death. "Do you understand?" Zhao Yunlan has to clear his throat, and when he manages to speak, his voice is gravelled with arousal. "Yeah. I do." "Good," says Shen Wei. Notes: i cried 69 times bc my horny ass is fed and jfc domineering shen wei??? *cries for the 70th time*
Title: Shen Wei Summary: Shen Wei loves Zhao Yunlan, and there is only so long he can feign otherwise. Notes: [Zhao Yunlan gives a small shrug, uninvested in the argument. “All right. And where do you belong?” Shen Wei freezes, flashes of memory assaulting him, of Kunlun’s skin hot against his, of promises moaned against each other’s necks. Inside you is all he can think.] BINCH I DIED AT THIS PART
Title: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Summary: Zhao Yunlan jerks back to the waking world gasping and screaming and drowning in the anguish that comes with being lit on eternal consuming fire. The unmistakable rich copper taste of blood fills his mouth and he opens tear-filled bloodshot eyes that he was sure melted a long time ago with the rest of his physical body. He sees faces crowding around him in varying degrees of worry, but the pain blinds him from putting names to the faces. His throat feels raw, as if he'd been screaming for centuries and realizes on the next breath that he's been screaming a name. Shen Wei's name. Notes: drama-verse but a hopeful one TYL im here for the whole the last episode didn’t happen bc we can use the plot that the drama threw away lol
Title: Aftermath Summary: The fallout after the dust has settled. Notes: a look on what happened after the 4th extra in the novel; s o f t
Title: The world that we'll invent Summary: Shen Wei's self-control continues to be tested. Notes: [Nothing in Shen Wei's long existence has prepared him for the problem that is Zhao Yunlan.] >> honestly this is the summary of weilan in general 
Title: Quiet Heart, Hollow Body Summary: It has been ten thousand years since Shen Wei met Kunlun, but he could never forget the one who first saw beyond the mask of the Black Cloaked Envoy to the person beneath. Notes: im novel bias for so many reasons but this was absolutely amazing as a drama setting bc it /is/ closer to the novel setting bc shen wei was actually awake those 10,000 years so that desperation and intensity of novel!sw is closer here - really great read
last updated: March 2, 2020
54 notes · View notes
shaydixons · 6 years
skam remakes survey results!
in total i have 248 responses! there were only a few i had to delete (like people who only watched one remake and then voted for that one remake as their favorite- kind of not the point of the poll. stuff like that)
below is a rundown of the results!!!
part 1: demographics
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the vast majority were 19-24 (48.6%) or 15-18 (39.2%) and just 8.2% aged 25 and above, and 4.1% under 15.
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vast majority were female, 9.4% nonbinary, and 4.5% male.
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most people who took the poll were bi/pan (53.7%), with a lot of lesbians also (29.5%), some questioning (4.9%), some gay (3.7%) and a few straight people (3.7%). also some asexual people, which, whoops i forgot to put that as an option but there were only a few.
part 2: viewership
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the most viewed among people who took the poll: skamfr season 3, skam austin season 1, druck season 1, skamfr season 1, skamnl season 1, and skam spain season 1.
the least viewed was wtfock season 1. 
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for future seasons people are going to watch: the most common answer was skam spain season 2! followed by druck season 3, skam france season 4, and skam austin season 2. only 21% of people plan to watch skam italia season 3.
part 3: opinions
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the most popular eva was isa!!! by a LOT!!!! followed by emma (23%), megan (12.3%), Hanna (9.1%), Eva (Spain) (8.2%), and Eva (Italia) (4.9%). no one chose jana.
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the least popular eva is italian eva with 25.8%, followed by megan with 24.5%, then Hanna, then Jana, then Emma, then Eva (Spain), and a very small amount (2 people) chose Isa as their least favorite. (the other tiny slivers are all people saying they can’t choose!)
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the most popular jonas is yann with 38.3%!!!! followed by gio (19.3%), jorge (16.9%), Jonas Druck (15.6%), then Kes (9.1%), and 2 people (0.8%) for Marlon. No one for Jens.
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by FAR the least popular jonas is marlon! also very unpopular is Jonas Druck with 21%, and Gio with 8%. the other ones are pretty marginal but yann had 12 votes, kes had 9 votes, jens had 5 and jorge had 3. 
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shay is the most popular isak by a LOT (47.5%)!!!! also popular are lucas france (20.9%) and Matteo (16.8%). followed by lucas spain (8.2%), Lucas Netherlands (3.3%) and Martino (2.9%). just one vote for Robbe (WTFock).
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by far the least popular isak is martino (62.9%)!!!! followed by robbe with 11.4%, then lucas france with 8.3%, then Lucas Netherlands with 7%. Just 5 votes for Lucas Spain and no votes for Shay!
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the most popular noora is liv (37.9%), followed by manon (28.3%), then mia (17.9%), then Nora (10.4%), then Eleonora and Grace (2.5% each), then Zoë with one vote (0.4%). 
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the least popular noora is grace with 47.2%, then Eleonora with 23.8%, then Mia with 13.4%, then Zoë with 8.2%, then Manon with 5.2%, then Nora with 2.2%. No votes for Liv!
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the most popular sana is amira druck (42.3%), then Zoya (22.8%), then Imane (20.3%), then Amira Spain (8.7%), then Imaan (5%), and one vote each for white sana and Yasmina (WTFock).
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i think this is the most unanimous out of all the questions!!! daphné won by FAR with nearly 3/4 of votes (73.7%)!!!! after daphné is engel (11.5%), then Kiki (5.8%), and Kelsey (4.5%), Viri (3.3%), and finally Silvia with only 1.2%. 
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the least popular vilde is kiki (33.6%), then Kelsey (22.7%), Silvia (17.5%), Viri (14%), Engel (7.4%), Amber (3.9%), and Daphné had just 2 votes (0.9%)
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the most popular chris is jo (35%), then alexia (27.6%), then Cris (21%), then Sam (9.1%), then Janna (6.6%), and just 2 votes (0.8%) for Fede.
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fede is the least popular by more than half!!! followed by janna (15.1%), luca (12.4%), Sam (6.4%), Jo (4.6%), Cris (2.8%), and Alexia (1.8%). 
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the remake people thought was objectively the best: Skam Spain is the most popular with 27.3%, followed closely by Skam Netherlands with 24.8%, then Skam France (17.6%), and Druck (17.2%). 8% for Skam Austin and only 1.7% for Skam Italia. No votes for WTFock.
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honestly probably most people chose the same for these two questions, but anyway the results are slightly different. skam france is the most popular (25.9%), then skam spain (19.7%), then skam netherlands (18.8%), then Druck (15.9%), then Austin (15.5%), and Italia (4.2%). no votes for wtfock. 
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okay so the most popular answer to this one by far was shay!!!!!! other popular answers were eliott, matteo, cris, isa, jo, emma, and lucas (france). 
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best soundtrack: most popular answer was skam netherlands (35.5%), followed closely by druck (32.5%). then skam france (13.9%), then austin (7.4%), then spain (6.1%), then italia (0.9%). no votes for wtfock.
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the most popular answer was skam netherlands (37.8%)! followed by skam france (22.6%), then italia (18.3%), then druck (10.4%), then austin (6.5%), then spain (2.2%). no votes for wtfock. 
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skam netherlands won again with 37.6%! followed by druck (17.3%), france (15.9%), austin (14.2%), spain (8.4%), and italia (4%). no votes for wtfock.
part 4: long answers
Question 1: Do you think any of the remakes have outdone the original in any way? If so, which, and why?
okay so there were a few people who said something along the lines of “nothing will ever beat the original” but other than that: people said the remakes with more poc + wlw rep, and specifically mentioned skam spain, skam austin and skam netherlands a lot. here are a selection of the responses:
Austin for making Shay their 'Isak'. España for giving the second season for lesbian (?) Cris instead of Noorhell. France in the social media department, especially ig stories.
Spain; it is so kind & loving to its characters, which i think means a lot in a show that is supposed to be about LOVE
I really like the way skam españa handled Lucas coming out! It was very different from the original and shows that you can come out without having had to find a boyfriend! And they’re showing their (now openly) gay character recognising that gay culture exists and actively takes part of it! I’m over all impressed by skam españa. The way they handled Eva’s insecurity without actually having had Jorge hide anything bad from her. Them deciding to break up for their own best (and me thinking that after growing as their own person they will find their way back to each other). I really liked that they didn’t have break up-sex, I never liked that part in OG or any of the remakes.
I think Skam España was better than the og in terms of narrative tightness (although let's be real every s1 has been well done and narratively tight just because they're based on such a great season)-- making Eva actively choose to hang out with Jorge over the girl squad during the long weekend, having the central conflicts actually centered on her female friendships by having Viri betray her instead of Lucas, having the season that explores gay themes be centered around a girl in the girl squad rather than an abrupt change to a boy (girls can be gay! who would've thunk!). Also Skam Netherlands made Isa a much more active participant in her story earlier on than other remakes... not entirely sure this is better done but it is a refreshing new characterization of her that I liked! Also their soundtrack is better done, maybe. Also Druck has definitely outdone the og in terms of hating wlw their powerful misogynistic minds (':
skam austin is so much more hilarious than the og like its comedy is sheer gold
France in terms of cinematography and I feel also like they want to develop the characters more, Spain because they will focus on more things other than noorhell :)
Question 2: What has impressed you about each of the remakes? What has failed to impress you?
So this one was pretty mixed, but the most popular answer was definitely more diverse casting + inclusion of wlw and a bunch of people mentioned david as well. a lot of people said that skam italia failed to impress them because of whitewashing. a lot of people said that none of the remakes have succeeded in making noorhelm palatable, though many also said that winterberg was an improvement from noorhelm. people really liked the remakes that have mixed things up in terms of plot. a lot of people mentioned that girl chris is much improved in the remakes because she didn’t have very much character/story in the original. a few people mentioned not liking skam france because it’s unrealistic / too dramatic. here are some responses:
Impressed me: The new interpretations of the characters in ways that are familiar, yet makes them unique. Cool new insights into the cultures of different countries. Ways they've been able to increasingly diversify the original cast of the show. Making characters in the girl squad explicitly not straight. Giving the girl squad greater roles in their show. Unimpressed: erasing important parts of characters' identities from the original (i.e., making Chris characters skinny, whitewashing nonwhite characters). Unexcused misogyny and racism. The fact that no Skams except for Skam Austin and Skam France and Maybe Skamesp have been able to really grasp what makes Vilde a likable character. The decreased importance of Sana's role in season 1 in some remakes.
druck - failed to impress - s1 is so boring and if s2 was a person they'd probably send me to a conversion camp
france was impressive for stepping up from -4 to 100 in just one season and unimpressive is every time they make a new vagnus despite it being really irrelevant even in the og :( and when they keep the whole “are you sure your not a lesbian” @ noora in every remake bc it serves no purpose it was gross in the og but even grosser in the remakes bc they think they really have to keep that in even though it was not a plot point in og.. just a unfair joke it’s disappointing :(
I am literally physically unable to even casually check out Skam Italia because of white sana
skam españa said FUCK noorhelm and i respect that! also druck kinda sucks for how colossally they fail at trying to be woke. i dont watch skam italia but fuck them for whitewashing sana lmao
skam france - the tenderness of elu and them having hands
impressed by: - SKAM Austin being the only remake where Isak character is a girl; - SKAM Spain pulling a power move of the century and replacing a noorhell season with an original wlw one; - Druck having guts to NOT cast a white cis twink to play Even; - the piano scene from SKAM France. romance was invented the day that clip dropped. half of its views on youtube are mine not impressed by the fact that all remakes (except for Spain, but maybe they saved it for later seasons) seem very adamant on retelling the noorhell storyline. one time was enough
Question 3: Which characters do you think are an improvement from their Norwegian counterparts? Which characters do you think are worse?
a lot of people also said that none of the vildes (or: none of the vildes except daphné) have succeeded in the comedy and the complexity of original vilde. a LOT of mentions of girl chris being improved in every remake bc they actually gave her a story / she has more personality / made her bi. a lot of mentions of shay and cris!!! mixed about engel because some people said she’s an improvement and some people say she’s worse. people have said that none of the eskilds have the depth of the original. a few people also said hanna is an improvement in how they developed her in season 2 i.e. not making her into a party girl. here are a selection of responses:
pretty much every chris bc they’re getting development they deserve. especially alexia and cris for being gay. italian sana is worse for being white washed
chris had no essence in the og, but alexia Jo etc are great characters. William is worse in all the remakes cuz he never improved. skam Italia is worse in every way imaginable. skamnl is way better at showing how teenage girls act. skamus took everything they needed from og and made it better
Daphné and Alexia are both an improvement on Vilde and Chris. Spanish Cris also seems to be getting much more development than the original. Italian Sana is obviously worse, and again, personally, Niccòlo just didn't have the impact of Even.
Not worse Per say but its been excruiating to watch Noorhell in lots of different versions which is why i usually skip their season or at least all their scenes. I think that Yann from Skamfr is an improvement on the Jonas character from the og because he reflects his actions much more. I kinda think Kiki from Druck wasnt as likeable as Vilde from og at first and the lesbian energies were missing but she has grown on me...I REALLY dont like the way Tyler from Skam austin treats Megan and women in general...
every version of chris has become more well rounded and gayer. definite improvements. 
Shay is an improvement over isak because DUH, it's fantastic to have a black lesbian as the center of a gay storyline instead of just another white gay guy. Speaking up, Lucas Rubio is an improvement over Isak because he isn't straight passing, and if LVDH ends up having a journey to becoming more femme he'll be an improvement as well. Thin Chrises Are Worse (sorry cris soto my lesbian frog queen....) and engel and kiki are worse because they don't have the comic relief aspect that the OG vilde did, which was like, the thing that kept her bearable
Question 4: (for LGBT fans only) What gay headcanons do you have and why? How are they similar/different from the original? For example: Do you see a certain character as gay because that's how you viewed them in the original?
definitely the most commonly mentioned headcanons were lesbian daphné and bi kes! people mentioned bi isa a lot as well! a bunch of people said that they viewed vilde as a lesbian but none of the vildes besides daphné are lesbians. same with noora, though a lot of people said liv is bi or manon is a lesbian. a LOT of people said that grace is very straight. also jo being bi and elia (italia) being bi. 
A lot of my gay headcanons differ from the original. For example, I headcanon vilde as a lesbian, but most of her remake counterparts I headcanon as straight (with the exception of Daphne and maybe Kelsey). I also headcanon noora as a lesbian, but I headcanon most of her counterparts as either straight (Grace) or bi (Liv, Nora, Manon). I headcanon most of the Jonases as straight (Jorge, Marlon, Jonas Druck), but I headcanon og Jonas as bi, and also Yann as bi. However, I do headcanon pretty much all Chris characters as bi/pan (except for cris since she's probably a lesbian! and is it a headcanon if a character is confirmed bi?), and I think that's sorta because all the Chris characters have similar personalities and interact with characters in similar ways, so it makes sense that I'd headcanon them all similarly. I do try and take all the skam characters on a case by case basis, and I don't want to let my ideas from the original influence my views of the characters too much because they are new characters!
i always saw daphne as a lesbian because of vilde, but she has enough energy and evidence on her own. i also see manon and nora as lesbians (as i did with noora in the og, but they do have Energy on their own, as it the case with the majority of my headcanons) and emma as bi. jo and zoya? also definitely bi. most women have big wlw energies honestly. and yann and jorge are bi.
One thing I've noticed with the remakes is I don't feel obligated anymore to assign a gay headcanon to every character just to have them, if I don't feel gay vibes from a character I don't say they're gay or bi anyway just because you know! The gay headcanons I do have are based on who the characters in remakes, not just copypasting 
Every version of Noora (except grace olsen, who is disappointingly het, with a tad bit of bi potential) is a lesbian to me. This is probably because I viewed og Noora as a lesbian and this colors my interpretation of all of them unless they give off extreme het vibes (grace 😔) I also hc Isa as Very Bisexual, because I mean did you see the way Liv was introduced? Also we have the same hair so she’s gotta share my sexuality sorry not sorry
I headcanon literally every Vilde as a lesbian and every Noora and Eva as bisexual precisely because of the characters in the original. 
I will always headcanon the Eva's as wlw, partly out of wish fulfillment and partly because the supportive dynamic of Nooreva always stood out to me. Otherwise, the og characters don't affect my perceptions of remake characters much.
I see my high school self in Daphné, when I didn't know yet I was a lesbian. In s2 she was unable to name one thing she actually liked about the guy apart from that he's the official "hottest guy" at school, the whole "nothing turns me on", she wants a boyfriend to fit in but she's actually relieved when she learns that Charles Henri isn't into her and she's slightly obsessed with gays things (is Manon a lesbian? Lucas coming out, etc). I see my past self in her more so than with Vilde in og but that's maybe because I'm french and that's why i can connect with her more.
Question 5: What potential future things are you excited for? (Examples: Shay's season, Spanish Yousef, potential new storylines, etc.)
sooo many people mentioned shay’s season! and cris’ season! and david/matteo! and a lot of people are excited for french yousana & balloon squad! also lucas rubio’s channel! no point in showing the responses because honestly the above is what the majority of people said.
Question 6: any closing thoughts?
this one was funny kjhgfgh
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also i got a ton of people thanking me for the survey so you’re welcome love u all!
i think it’s interesting how skam spain, as a whole, was really highly rated like people said it’s objectively the best one AND it’s exciting how it’s changing things BUT their characters all scored pretty low on both favorite and least favorite, so it seems like none of their characters are universally hated or loved, like maybe they haven’t made as much of an impression? i don’t know! either way it’s underrated. 
also i didn’t realize how popular skamnl was! a ton of people said that skamnl is the best one, the best soundtrack, the best cinematography, the best eva, and the best noora! and yet it seems like everyone hates lucas vdh (tho not as much as they hate martino) which is interesting!
also skam italia scored super low on almost everything which i think is fun lmao
also shay is UNIVERSALLY ADORED which i’m so pleased about! gay rights!
also i’m sort of surprised at some of these results and i would LOVE if any of you want to share your insights as to why you chose a certain character as your favorite / least favorite! for example i want to hear why everyone hates grace! so feel free to send me a message explaining anything you said bc i’m genuinely curious :-)
also as i was going through the results i realized there’s a lot more questions i could have asked so if you guys ever wanna take another survey lmk :-)
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kyunsmaindish · 5 years
Your long time story idea.... hits all the GOOD PLACES, I love it!! Political intrigue? Lgbt+ characters?? MUTUAL PINING????? I’m collapsing 💕💕
skjflkdsajfldj i’m so glad !!! bc i get really nervous about how ppl feel about my writing / story ideas. also .... the main couple are both bi ( the girl had a big dumb crush on a study buddy when she was younger that i will state explicitly and the prince also has radiated mlm energy ) so ... just to add more to the lgbt+ characters besides lesbian princess with her dancer gf. 
( i’m gonna gush now i’m so sorry ) 
the main female’s name is urraca bc i just like that name lmao. idk about the prince bc i have a harder time picking one for him but i’ve been leaning towards like ... kay. idk i like how quick and simple it is. 
urraca gets misjudged as being really cold by others but she’s closed off bc being a political prisoner means you could die at any moment and also not to trust anyone. even when she gets out of her confinement via marriage, she’s just so ... skjfdslk bad at socializing like it might appear to other people she’s cold but that’s not the case she’s just really awkward bc she doesn’t have a lot of practice but she’s SO POLITICALLY SAVVY AND INTELLIGENT. she starts to adapt to being with people after marrying kay bc then she moves in with him so she’s around his sister ( who is energetic and kind of hotheaded ) and his mom ( who is more on the elegant and graceful side ) who help her remember what it is like to have a family/open up to people since her mom is dead and her dad ( who frankly has no spine bc i said so ) has really not put in any effort to contact her since she was taken as a political prisoner. 
urraca is kinda like a princess ... there’s not really an equivalent for that where she’s from. her mother was actually from a nation made up of several different clans where it’s always cold ( think the water nation from atla kind of thing ) but they’re like .... warriors like her mother was a bad b*tch with her weapons and that’s why her father married bc he was like ‘ .... damn need me a freak like that ‘ when he saw her mother fight. her mom is also the fuel for the revenge plot bc her mother and urraca go to kay’s kingdom to meet with the king ( aka his dad ) on a diplomatic journey but it’s just a way to take them both captive so they can be used as leverage against her father but uuuh ... urraca’s mom doesn’t make it through trying to get captured and urraca is forced to just .... stay there ... while  her dad does nothing bc he’s actually a weakling and ..... 
to be fair the political / geographical landscape is dominated by kay’s dad’s kingdom so even if they went to war .... urraca’s nation would get crushed .... but her plan from that point on is to find a way to kill the king and politically disrupt the kingdom so it can be weakened and she can eventually get back home ... but as you can imagine the closer you try to get to the king the harder it is and the more secrets and conflicts you come across
and like ... omg kay. you know when hyungwon had that long curly dark hair recently ..... that’s what he looks like in my mind alkjsfdlks
ok i know i said he acts like a fool and he does but it’s such a good cover for him bc his dad ( aka the king ) literally is just trying to pit all of the princes against each other so they can kill each other for the throne. kay is like .... no, thanks : ) and pretends to be so fslkajfkd not qualified to be the heir but he does all of his stuff secretly like he has political connections and is also charismatic, incredibly smart and good at many things ( archer, dancing, literature
 kay is not the first born prince ( he’s like fifth ) and his mom isn’t the queen but his dad is really only interested in having the strongest heir so he legitimizes all of his children. the king is like ..... he’s one of the characters that you’ll love and hate at the same time bc he does bad things and says bad things but he’s tragically stuck in an old-fashioned mindset and kay is his antithesis. 
  urraca and kay ... like i’m gonna make them slow burn ... filled with mutual pining and respect. they’re both in their 20s when they get married but urraca is actually older than kay by two years. and klsajf idk i want to write kay as being respectful of her bc ... yeah they are married and he’s had a giant stupid crush on her since they were like 10 or so but like .... he’s not gonna make her do anything she doesn’t want to no matter who says shit ( it’s his dad ... he says shit ) so .... you all are just gonna have to wait for like three years into the marriage before they do anything beyond hand holding kajsfljds. 
  but i want them to be such a heartwarming couple. yeah they did get married for convenience but ... you’re gonna be able to tell they already have a kinda-sorta friendship with each other and enough respect for each other but they are literally discovering things about each other during this marriage. also alskfjslkj kay .... kay teases urraca A LOT so if you like that dynamic .... ur gonna be having fun. being with his mom and sister helps her open up more to him and actually come to love him so it’s like .... not just gonna be him that only changes her it’s gonna be that whole family dynamic all four are gonna have that’s gonna help her open up and become a warm individual. she pines for him bc she’s genuinely afraid of what can happen and bc being vulnerable scares her so even when she realizes she loves him for real she’s gonna keep him away but also want to hold his hand. 
sb: doesn’t seem like ur wife likes to show affection. maybe you can find someone else?kay: i would literally rather die. i love my wife. i miss her. i’m gonna go home now. ok bye : ) 
ALSO everybody knows that kay has been pining for urraca for like years now and she has no clue at all. his sister is gonna be like ‘he’s been in love with you for years. he always brought you things you liked when he visited. you never noticed???’ and urraca is just ‘??? i thought he was just being nice???’ and like .... his sister @ urraca ‘you dumb b*tch i love you but i wished the braincells worked’ 
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fatedeniedhope replied to your post “* sees people confused over various kh plot points * * is not people i...”
I would like yo know a bit. Only play kh 1 and chain of memories and half way to kh 2
oh boy there is a *lot* to cover here then!
I don’t mean that to sound intimidating, kh just has a tendency for long, sprawling interconnected plots (many of which are still unresolved even now)
i am also doing this entirely by memory, so if i’ve skimmed something i shouldn’t have its because my brain has stopped registering it as important; feel free to ask for clarification, i wrote this in one sitting because i was avoiding doing laundry XD
putting a cut because i am overviewing a Lot of game here and tbh there’s still a lot of stuff i am skimming or skipping entirely. I’m just trying to hit the highlights.
i don’t know where you stopped in 2, so i’m just gonna give a brief overview
-there is a boy named roxas
-he’s being hunted by these strangers called nobody’s
-things get weird
-turns out he’s sora’s nobody, as nobody’s are created when a person is turned into a heartless (which sora did during kh1)
-roxas returns to sora (”looks like my summer vacation is.. over...” whoops there goes my heart) and normal sora gameplay resumes.
-turns out everyone forgot sora for a year bc of what happened in chain of memories (and also 358/2. dont worry about that yet we’ll get there). kairi sends out a bottle to “the boy she can’t remember” trying to call him home. (yes this is important)
-organization 13 (all what? eight of them left?) pops up, xemnas is cryptic, and they say their goal is to recreate kingdom hearts via sora killing heartless, since apparently only killing heartless with a keyblade sends the trapped hearts to Kingdom Hearts
      -this version of the tale persists through 358 as well. it’s.. half right.
-bla bla bla, shenanigans. there’s ansem (the boss from kh1) and a guy named diz. That isn’t who either of them actually are. It’s actually Riku (who tapped too far into the darkness trying to capture roxas for the whole twilight town scenario at the beginning of the game, thus altering his appearance to look like the guy who posessed him for a bit) and THE ACTUAL ANSEM (ie, the ruler(?) of radient garden before it fell, and the guy heartless ansem stole his name from.
-sora goes off searching for riku, bc as far as he knows, he’s still lost out in the darkness.
-he’s not, he’s fine, but he’s super embarrassed about the whole ‘looking like the enemy’ thing and won’t let sora find him.
-sora casually murders most of the remaining organization members (only most of whom shot first)
-this continues on until axel attempts to kidnap kairi, who ends up in twilight town for a bit hanging out with the hayner/pence/ollete trio, before being slightly more successfully kidnapped a second time.
-and then she gets kidnapped again by saix. Axel apologises to sora over this. in his defence, he’s pretty desperate at this point (he just wants his friend(s) back)
-sora storms The World That Never Was, kairi is rescued by Namine.
-the trio finally meets up (namine disapeared at some point? yknow, i actually dont recall what happened to her in between these scenes), sora and kairi share a slightly awkward but sweet hug, and after a moments trepidation over ‘Ansem’, kairi tells/shows him its riku, at which point sora bursts into tears.
-i ship a lot of ot3′s, but sorikai is the OG ot3
-namine and roxas have a very symbolic moment refusing with their Other’s, Namine opens a portal back to destiny islands so they can go home.
-everyone except sora and riku make it through, and thus commences several final fantasy style boss fights
-they win, of course, riku’s injured in the line of battle, and they limp out, having traversed several realms during the course of this battle, they’re now trapped on a beach in the realm of darkness. it’s the same beach everyone else seems to end up on in this place. There is only one beach in the RoD apparently
-they stay there a while, and then they pick up a message in a bottle; it’s from kairi, “to the boy she can’t remember”
-Feelings make a door to the light open, and sora and riku fall like actual comets from the sky and everybody’s reunited and happy. huzzah!
-.... well for a while anyways.
-should i get into the whole xemnas/xehanort/ansem thing here?
-okay so
-lets swing back into Birth By Sleep for a bit
-(im sorry if kh can’t hit any of its plot points in order i think its fair neither do i)
-BBS takes place roughly nine years prior to kh1, with the exception of bbs’s prologue, which i would estimate as being an additional four years prior to that
-during said prologue, we meet Master Xehanort, an incredibly old dude with brown skin, gold eyes, and a white beard. even newcomers to the series will probably recognise that only one type of person gets those colours in these games.
-we also meet baby Ventus, Xehanorts apprentice. He looks exactly like Roxas.
-shenanigans happen, Xehanort splits Ven’s heart in two, creating Vanitas, who is Ventus’s darkness.
-Vanitas’ whole shtick is he wants to be reunited with Ventus, ostensibly to create the X-blade (yes it’s pronounced exactly the same as ‘keyblade’ and yes, every single kh fan ive ever talked to has found this annoying af)
-unfortunately being split in two like that puts ven in a coma, and xehanort takes the unresponiseve body to destiny islands to dump it like unwanted ravioli
-luckily for ven, “a brand new hear” hears his hurt and reaches out to help, filling out the gaps left in his and allowing him to start recovering
-the heart is sora
-actual, literal baby sora reaching out to help people before he can even walk yet. 
-the game never spells this out explicitly, which makes it an easy plot point to miss if you aren’t paying attention
-ven doesn’t recover immidietly though, and xehanort sends him to live with his old friend Master Eraqus and his two teenage apprentices, Aqua and Terra
-here’s where we time skip, ventus is fully recovered, terra and aqua are young adults and about to take their Mark Of Mastery exams for becoming keyblade masters.
-Terra fails because he has darkness in his heart and also xehanort rigged it against him
-aqua passes and becomes a master. I love her very much.
-terra journey’s out to try and figure out where the darkness comes from
-vanitas taunts ven saying terra’s leaving him bc ven’s stupid or something and ven panics and chases after him (he’s like 14 and has a bit of a hero worship thing, stupid decisions are par for the course)
-eraqus sends aqua out to both spy on terra (he words it nicer but thats the gist of it), which aqua doesn’t particularly like but trusts her masters judgement and does it, and bring ventus home, which she is more on board with
-the biggest tragedy in bbs is that no one talks to each other
-stuff happens, they learn some stuff, aqua’s route has So Many Lesbian Feels with every single princess she runs into it brings me great delight
-Ventus learns the whole ‘fight your darkness to become the X-blade’ plot, eraqus learns this too and tries to kill ven. Terra busts in at the last moment and saves ven, at this point using his dark powers fully.
-eraqus dies, which i don’t think terra fully intended to do (he just wanted to save ven) and if you recall the scene in kh1 where kairi catches a falling sora only for him to burst into a bunch of floating glitter? imagine that but with two grown men
-aqua’s just trying to figure out whats going on. she gets to meet kairi (saves her from some heartless and then puts a charm on her necklace to keep her safe) and then meets Mickey, who will be our future duex ex machina
-they all meet for the final battle.
-ven asks his friends to murder him
-no one does that
-what the fuck ven
-they fight, and a lot of stuff sorta happens at the same time
-1: terra fights xehanort, who has essentially been spending the whole game prepping terra to be his next host. xehanort is a body snatcher confirmed. xehanort wins, terra becomes the fanon-named terranort.
-2: ventus fights vanitas. vanitas reveals his face, and he looks exactly like a colour swapped version of sora. (also voiced by the same voice actor! it’s actually surprsingly difficult to notice this if you don’t have some kind of clue already because haley joel osment does and *amazing* job). ventus wins, the X-blade is not forged, but as a lot of this battle takes place in his heart, the effects are bad and ven falls into a coma (he reaches out once more, and another hearts answers. “you can stay here a while, I don’t mind” says the other heart. yes its fucking sora again. too good, too pure)
-3: aqua gets knocked out to start with, but then she fights vanitas controlling ventus’ body, which eventually gets sorted out. terra’s dissapeared at this point, and she takes a comatose ven and hides him in the land of departure, which she uses a secret mechanism to turn into Castle Oblivion (and thus, impossible to navigate  without her key)
-aqua goes to hunt down terra(nort), and finds him in radiant garden. they fight, aqua wins, but when he begins to sink into the darkness she sacrifices herself to save him (which is how he ends up as one of ansem’s apprentices and mostly without any memories)
-aqua will spend the next ten years in the realm of darkness
-bbs is such a goddam tragedy
-time to fast forward
-so sora and ven are connected, which is why vanitas and roxas look the way they do, which brings us to
-the case of xion
-and 358/2
-the worst game to play but my absolute favourite in terms of slow-burn pacing and emotionally investing you in the characters
-this game pretty much just deals with the year sora spent asleep, and the kids time in the organization.
-roxas wakes up with no memories, is inducted into the org, and told “kill heartless with your keyblade”. He’s more or less a zombie at first, and accepts this without question.
-a week later, a new member is introduced, named Xion, who also has a keyblade, and is also a zombie with no memories at first
-Axel, the org’s assassin, is basically told to babysit them both
-he’s not really into it at first, but those natural Big Brother instincts kick in Hard about five minutes later and from that point on he’s mostly just trying to keep them both alive.
-oh, also Lea, Axel’s somebody, met Ventus in bbs, so that was probably a little weird for him.
-as the game goes on and these kids essentially learn how to human and try to figure out what makes them different, the Big Plots stew in the background. Axel and Saix have some kind of plan that Axel apparently isn’t sticking to, and Axel questions his loyalties more as the game goes on and circumstances force him to choose between two kids Who Did Nothing Wrong, and his oldest friend.
-Xion learns they are a replica, a la Repliku, created as a backup to roxas if he could not fulfil his duty in creating kingdom hearts. their connection with roxas, and through him sora, has the unintended side effect of flitering memories and feelings into and through Xion.
-this is why putting sora back together takes so long
-Xion, between the pressure of being an org member in general, and the mental load from being caught between three+ people in a very literal sense, has a breakdown. Riku finds them, and despite a pretty rocky start between them, helps them through it.
-Xion leaves at two different points, the first time, Axel brings them back. “please don’t hold back, Axel. Promise.” “Everyone always thinks they’re right”
-excuse me i have to lay down again after thinking about how emotionally wrought this scene is.
-(the alternative is he has to kill them. he does everything he can to avoid that, but it’s clearly approaching an unsustainable situation; the org is running out of patience for dealing with the ‘clearly defective replica’, xion doesnt feel this situation is right, and axel just wants to keep everyone alive.
-yes typing ‘clearly defective replica’ physically hurt me. xion is a perfect bab and xemnas can fite me
-Xion leaves again
-Roxas, learning pieces of this but not all, runs away from the org. cue titular “no one would me” “that’s not true!” scene from 2
-(this leads to what is a hilariously depressing scene of roxas on the clocktower looking at his life and going “where could i even run to? I havent got anywhere to go” because he’s never known anything other than the organization and whoops i made myself sad again)
-namine explains to xion that sora can never wake up so long as they have his memories. The only way for them to release the memories is to die. It’s a hard decision.
-Xion meets roxas on the clocktower, feigns insanity, and goads him into fighting them (”do you see my face, roxas? is it a boys face? don’t you see. I have to make you a part of me too.”)
-cue more ff style boss fights
-xion dies
-look i can’t go into detail on this one i’ll start crying again, xion dies, everyone forgets they ever existed, and roxas gets to watch them shatter into dust in his arms.
-in the brief period where the memories are quickly vanishing but Not Quite Gone Yet roxas goes into a Roaring Rampage of Revenge and storms the World That Never Was
-this is where Riku catches up to him, and from there its a pretty straight shot into the beginning of kh2
-which im sure if you played these in chronological order would be *some kind of mood whiplash* i bet
-okay what have i missed
-recoded happened. the only important part here is that malificent and pete find out about the black box and malificent being malificent of course she Has To Have It
-”but whats the black box??” you ask
-good question
-we still dont know
-its  origin point is in KHUx though, 
-which is the multiplayer mobile game set during the Keyblade War of ages past. each weilder also has a companion dream eater named chirithy
-there are five unions, each headed by a leader and represented by an animal (unicorn, bear, snake, fox, and leopard)
-these five (plus one more, named luxu) are each given roles by their master (the Master of Masters, or also known as MoM). He also tells them there is a traitor amongst the warriors of light. it’s unclear at this point how much of this he is directly steering. He also doesnt specifiy Which warriors of light, probably on purpose so everything happens as it should.
-so figure, trying to figure out who the traitor is is a pretty direct cause to no one trusting each other and eventually going for each others throats
-there is a page from the book of prophecies he gives only to luxu, who he tells that his role is to see the future with this Special Keyblade (and specifically the Eye in it). You might recognise it as xehanorts keyblade (and then you’ll start to see the Eye in a whole bunch of other ones too, notably in soul edge, way to dawn, and void gear)
-luxu fucks off, and everyone else goes about their business
-the first half of khux details how these unions came to  be rivals, and then how they fell into war with each other and destroyed the light. the second half detailed how Ava, leader of the fox union, created a fifth group known as the dandelions, specifically picked to survive the fall of the light and rebuild.
-ventus and lauriam are two of these leaders. No, we still don’t know how they got from one point to the other.
-one of the replacement leaders, strelitzia, got murdered and replaced by someone else. i think this plot point has been resolved in japan but i havent checked yet
-strelitzia is lauriam’s sister. she also knows elrena.
-and if you’re bad at anagraming like i am, lauriam=marluxua, and elrena=larxene
-so yeah figure that one out for me
-also i love strelitzia she has like two scenes total and i was already ludicrously attached help
-(Yes i screamed very hard during that One Scene in 3. we dont even see her face but it’s heerrrrrrrr)
-right the black box
-luxu is seen carrying it off in the Back Cover movie as he wanders into exile. we still dont know whats in it. and that’s basically that.
-which leaves just Dream Drop Distance
-sora and riku take a Highly Modified mark of master exam under yen sid.
-things go wrong almost immidietly
-sora gets trapped by the xehanorts in a deep sleep, where they plan to use him as one of their 13 vessels of darkness
-there has to be 13 for some reason
-13 darknesses, and 7 lights, and when they clash it’ll make the X-blade
-because reasons
-it’s fate or something
-riku rescues him
-there is time travel involved now
-because at this point the 13 darkness now include; heartless ansem, master xehanort, xemnas, young xehanort, xigbar, and saix.
-more time travel will be involved later, but to keep this in mind the rules of time travel here are
     -you cannot take your body with you
     -you lose any future knowledge you gain if and when you return
-things are obviously wibbly here because it’s half in the dreamscape, but just. keep those rules in mind when you play 3.
....... im sure im missing a bunch but i just spent two hours writing the most casual pre-kh3 synopsis ever i hope you can forgive me XD
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dykedykegooses · 7 years
i'm askin u every single even numbered question for the lesbian ask game
at least you didnt bother with the algebra this time, for which i am thankful
Femme or butch?
i’m more femme but i try to act butch sometimes and i just end up failing hopelessly. ‘look mom i know how to put air in a tire!!’ ‘peyton thats like… not even right’ or ‘oh SHIT look at that blitz!! that was cool’ ‘peyton that was a sack’ ‘oh’
Do you have a “type”? If so, describe it
not really, mostly just like… humor. if u funny we click
Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
why not both?
no but seriously plaid tbh
Describe your style
um yes
converse, (ripped? sometimes) jeans, and whatever top i feel is appropriate for the Big Aesthetic today
Describe your aesthetic
ive tried going more punk but its just kinda , not worked
my physical aesthetic is very adultolescent. i got chub and look like a freshman but ive been told i pass as a college senior so like
my Big Mood aesthetic is yes
Favorite article of clothing?
either my converse or my “”combat boots”” (theyre not and it makes me sound like an edgelord just saying that) (can you tell im gay)
OH WAIT I FORGOT ABOUT MY JEAN JACKET its like baggy and light and ive started sewing patches from my favorite bands on it (super punk right)
Favorite pair of shoes?
oh my black strappy heels, theyre surprisingly comfortable
Current haircut?
ive got a bleached bob rn
Any haircut goals for the future?
i kinda want a pixie cut bc i cant handle long hair however long hair is so PRETTY and wow
Describe the best date you’ve been on
iiiiiiiiii dont really know. ive been on very few. i have a Perfect Date in mind, and i guess my favorite was my first date with my ex. we had gotten back from a successful science competition (HAVE I MADE IT OBVIOUS IM A NERD YET IM A BIG OL NERD) and it was like midnight by the time we got back and we were both starving so we went to taco bell and just sat there talking and laughing and i know we were pissing off the staff, but we stayed til like two in the morning and we went home and honestly we both considered it a date but we didnt like… tell each other it was a date? if that makes sense? idk honestly im triggered
Describe the worst date you’ve been on
ugh oh god i went on a tinder date and this girl like in the DMs was like ‘hey do u smoke weed’ and im like ‘lol no’ and then like we made plans to meet up at a coffee shop and she asks me AGAIN if i smoke weed and im like……………. no and shes like ‘oh right lol’ well THIS BITCH sleeps through the time we were supposed to meet, completely stands me up, and then texts me back like an hour later and was like ‘omg im sorry i overslept!!!’ and it was like….. noon but ok so we meet up after my class and we just sit there really awkwardly trying to make conversation and she asks me AGAIN if i smoke weed im like ‘honey no i dont’ and we just talked about drugs for a while and when i left because i had to gtfo she like gave me an awkward hug and like i sent a text later that night bc im courteous and im like ‘hey i had a great time today’ (i didnt) ‘lmk if you ever want to meet up again!!’ and she just. ignored me lol.
Single? Taken?
im currently in a polyamorous relationship with myself and my anxiety
If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!
If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?
someone who’s able to make me laugh and deal with my bad ideas and will let me cook for her and wants to travel the world with me
Describe your dream wedding
its small. outside. maybe in a field or in front of a lake. i dont personally want a big ballgown, just a short white dress will do. lavenders everywhere. R A I N B O W  C A K E. reception where we slow dance to all the sappy romance songs. its great.
Do you want kids?
not really, but ive considered being a foster parent. i feel like im here to do good; i don’t want to have my own biological children, and im not sure i want to have the permanent responsibility of adopting a kid, but i feel i could handle fostering once we’re financially stable and have the room to accept children into our home.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
spain, definitely. somewhere in the north. i want to have a small farm with goats and chickens and vegetables and i want to be away from this american mess.
Favorite lesbian movie?
well ysee…………. the only two explicitly lesbian movies ive seen have been ‘all about E’ and ‘blue is the warmest color’ and i didnt like either of the lmfaoooo i prefer watching lesbian television shows tbqh (or, most commonly, just rewriting all the female characters in my head to be sapphic sooooooo dont @ me)
Favorite lesbian novel/story?
i mean same as above, i dont read as much as i like to. however, i did read “georgia peaches and other forbidden fruit” and that was Really Good and i did read another that was slightly better, but i forget the name but it was about a pakistani (?) girl who was struggling to come out to her parents bc they were very traditionalist but she joins the theater and her like really elite school and the girl she had a crush on basically outs her and is a bitch about it and GOD i wish i could remember it because it was really good
Favorite lesbian song?
ummmmmmmmmmmm i just recently listened to ‘honey’ by kehlani and that was pretty good and pretty gay, but my personal favorite is ‘girls’ by beatrice eli bc holy shit what a Mood
Favorite lesbian musician?
i love mary lambert and beatrice eli.
What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?
ummmmm now that im thinking of them i cant think of any. i used to play softball and soccer? i love cats. i immediately start planning out the next five years of our lives together anytime im remotely interested in a girl?
Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
i mean………………. no
If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that?
well bake cookies w me and lets go for a walk & go out and watch the stars at night in the bed of a truck
Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
why not both
idk ive never had a cat but i know i lov them
Turn ons?
i.......... dont know
im gay
Turn offs?
long nails youch theyre pretty to look at but i mean at what price
not having anything to talk about
putting yourself down like a lot (i went on a date w this one girl and that was all she did like the entire date like......... im sorry ? :(???)
Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
if im being honest i would love for someone to ask me out but since that is Very Unlikely, i tend to be the one to message first and initiate dates and stuff
What is your dream career?
i want to be a psychological researcher in the field of social comparative psychology how sick is that!!!!! just play with dogs all day and record whether or not they boop their noses on a screen
also i wanna be a farmer and a bookstore owner but thats Farther down the line like , when im 50
Talk about your interests or hobbies!
im honestly such a psych nerd i love psychology what the fuck!! its so interesting like ppl are weird man idk brains are weird
im also having a really big green day phase like billie .. he so smol... and also anyone who wants to bash warning or the trilogy can fight me ok those are like My Favorite Albums
im going to a concert in february to see declan mckenna, a Giant Meme
im getting a tattoo w some lyrics of declan’s actually its gonna be sick
What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?
idk for me its being able to have quick, witty, skillful jokes i just love listening to girls talk and tell stories and jokes like wow im gay
also long curly hair? thats always a Solid Look
Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
i mean. do we really wanna open this can of worms rn
too late, its open
i get those microcrushes where you like see a girl and youre like ‘WOW IM GAY DATE ME’ however once it comes to actually being in a relationship i throw my full weight behind it and worry that im being too suffocating or that im pushing my boundaries etc and ive been told that makes me come off really cold and uncaring so lol choose ur own adventure, you decide
Ever fallen for your best-friend?
Ever fallen for a straight girl?
can you even call yourself a lesbian if you havent
The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)
i havent seen it, im such a fake lesbian
Favorite comfort food?
mac n cheese
or pizza
or cheesy potatos
scientific conclusion: im a fatass
Coffee or tea?
Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?
im vegetarian!! have been on and off for like two years now
Do you have any pets?
i have one pup sittin right next to me and shes the prettiest girl in the world
Early-riser or night-owl?
idk i get up at like 9 which is early for me but not as early as like. 5. so
more like night-owl. thanks teenage hormones!
What is your sign?
Can you drive?
can i drive well?
but i do have a sense of direction so thats cool
Who was your first lesbian crush?
tbh.................... my best friend, but i didnt realize it was a crush at the time
the first Gay Crush i had that i knew was a crush was on my close friend at the time, now my ex girlfriend
At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
uhhhhhhhhhh lesbian specifically, like 15-16. queer, i knew in like fall semester freshman year (so like 13??)
At what age did you come out (if you have)?
i mean, i come out to people all the time. first time i came out explicitly as a lesbian was when i was like 15 or 16 (actually i came out to a close straight friend and my ex and they both said ‘congrats’ like it was weird but very nice) and the first time i came out as queer/questioning was to my then-best friend at like 13 and i came out to my mom (involuntarily) at like 17? ish?
Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
yes im crushing on every girl simultaneously at all times
just kidding
(not really)
i dont really have any explicit crushes that i can think of im just really gay
Talk about how your day went
it was fine. got free froyo so that was cool. found out i made an A on my bio practical, so that was cool too. however, i wore a crop top and it was like 55 degrees out and raining so i looked like a total Idiot but yk follow ur slutty gay dreams amiright ladies
Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future
most of mine are career-centric, but a few are personal.
i wanna go to costa rica in may, i wanna go to yale over the summer, i wanna go to NYC pride in june, i wanna go to spain after i graduate, i wanna go to grad school, i wanna be a psychological researcher, i wanna move to spain or england or hell even france, i wanna have my own farm with the woman i love, i wanna own an LGBT bookstore/library, i wanna just live a quiet life near the sea and not have to worry so much after a while.
Least favorite gay celebrity?
this is a weird one to end on, but iiiiiiim not sure i have one? i can tell you ellen page is probably my favorite, but i cant think of many i dislike so
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