dreamieparadise · 17 days
Pssst, sleepover at Takesushi tonight. If the boys could have one, the trio can too 🪴🌺🌸 What is Momina planning for the occasion?
Hi Junie!! This is such a cute question. Thank you for sending it my way! I decided to draw a picture for the occasion. It's the outfit Momina wears to the sleepover!
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In the bag is her medicine, water bottle, ginger ale and snacks for Mimi and Riri...! However, as you can see...Hayato got into that...the menace! She made sure he had his own snacks, too!! To prevent this...!!! So she, of course, takes his snacks to the sleepover. 💁🏾‍♀️✨️ I like to think she would bring somali sugar cookies to Uncle Tsuyoshi as a gift! They look like this:
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She'd make sure there was a ton, so of course, Takeshi, Riri, and even Mimi could have some! (Also, yes, Hayato has his own, too.)
I don't know if Riri is into video games, but honestly, Momina would bring her console, controllers, and multiplayer games for them to play just in case! I like thinking the games were mostly Mario related...as a backup, she'd bring cards as well! Otherwise, she is just very excited to be sleeping over and having fun with her dear friends! She'd also let them know that since she is sickly, she apologizes if her coughing bothers them! She's fine to leave early if it does! Really!
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discendia · 1 month
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Takesushi is always open for Miruku ♡
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eeriehowl · 5 months
would love if bel and yamamoto grew to have an odd friendship because of bel’s frequent visits to takesushi when he’s in japan. of course yamamoto would be wary at first but he realizes after a while that bel doesn’t pose any danger. he even finds it kinda endearing in the end that bel looks up to his dad. imagine bel going to one of yamamoto’s baseball games and shouting ”KILL HIM!” when it’s yamamoto’s turn to bat. yamamoto laughs and thinks of it as ”you’ll kill it! you’ll do great!”
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mimiruku · 15 days
Pssst, sleepover at Takesushi tonight. If the boys could have one, the trio can too 🪴🌺🌸 What is Miruku planning for the occasion?
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Hello, June. Thank you for asking such cute things. I've been thinking about this since the day you sent it! So precious ! I enjoy them being a trio . . . & doing trio things . . . today sleepovers! tomorrow, destroying the world! THIS IS STUPID LONG.
╰┈┈➤     Miruku's sleepover plans & everything in between. Puzzlement lay beneath a receptive smile, his expression bright and appreciative ;   ❝ I'm invited too. ❞  The inquiry does not come clear, spoken like a fact and Miruku makes no attempt to correct himself. He should have asked, ' Why am I invited? ' ( later, he'll conclude - an assumption, that it was because Rio is polite, that it wont be too nice to leave him out since Momina likes him so much - She was being a good friend to Momina. How nice! How sweet! )
He only brings himself, his courtesy defeated through over-analyzing the possibility of allergies and preferences . . . but somewhere in between their long conversations and playing, he'd have confessed of this failed attempt. ❝ I wanted to bring something too, but I was afraid I'm gonna kill the whole Yamamoto lineage. ❞
Sleeping will not come easy, there is an unnamed discomfort in sharing a bed - sharing a room ⸻ sharing. He does not blame anyone for this pang of unease, instead he busies himself staring at their sleeping faces ; there is solace in that, that they'd trust him to be that close to him. ( He'll take pictures of them like this, unflattering grainy pictures you can barely see and understand, it matters to him, this is an occasion he'd like to remember. Likely, he's the one that has most pictures of them during their little sleepover. )
If Rio were to wake up, Miruku would take the chance to thank her ; for being tolerant as she was, for being genial. All in whispering, private acknowledgement.  ❝ I like you a lot, Rio. ❞  It does not matter if she feels the same way, her goodwill is enough.
In the morning, ( he likely hadn't slept at all. ) He'd have seek out Tsunyoshi, apologize for the noise and for everything halfway in their overly zealous gaming ( and to think Miruku doesn't even like video games! ), but mostly thank him for his hospitability too.
Momina will get a LONG message from Miruku later after they've come home about how great Rio is. They often talk about Rio like that in private.
Days after the sleepover, Momina and Rio will receive printed out pictures of the night, he did not take the liberty in choosing, there are some horrific looking pictures in them,
Miruku replies to the letter Rio gave him, Miruku also returned the cookie favor at some point.
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cloudvaria · 2 days
Hi BriBri! Hope you're feeling a little better, dear.
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For Naoya
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
send 💕 for a love headcanon
send ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
Also for the sky boss!
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
send🥛for a drink headcanon
send 🍬 for a family headcanon
MOMO✨🥺🩷💞💕 Hope you’re good too.✨🌅
Dw I’m okay, I just feel like playing now and I think it’s good indeed then to wallow.✨
🌼 What makes him happy is practicing his Saburito (suburito) for suburi and kata skills he loovesss to show off.
💕 When Naoya’s in love, he can be like a puppy. Wouldn’t show much as he’s awkward with expressions, but would do a lot for the s/o at the time…
⛈️ Oohh… Angst!✨👀 Just know you NEVER, EVER, want to make Naoya sad. Unlike his anger which is just as bad…
If anyone even slightly breaks his heart in some way… Just know once he goes through the clouds, lightning, storm, rain and mist…
He’ll come up even more fierce. And depending on the situation or even… Person. YIKES!!!
{Hope I answered the last one well. ^^; Admittedly he does have ways of coping like being reckless, ahahaha… But just now I was thinking of an angsty scene in my head.}
🍯 She likes to eat anything sweet, ahahahahha! Her faves are the ones with “surprises” in them!❣️✨
🥛 She loves any milky drink!❣️✨ In fact!!❣️❣️❣️✨ Takesushi introduced a new drink that she and the gang frequent!❣️✨🧡
🍬 She lives with a single mother and grandparents. They are familiar with Naoya’s gang
They don’t know it’s a gang.😬🤣
THANK YOU MOMO❣️❣️❣️✨💞💕🌌🌌🌌🌼🌈🌅
I WISH YOU A GOOD DAY!!!❣️❣️❣️✨🍬🍬🍬
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social-muffin · 8 days
Saw your Sana post and it got me hooked! cause poisons! (<- this users loves poisons very much)
I love how he's able to tease Kyoya, that sounds like a funny dynamic, I'm wondering how other students would react to the demon prefect being teased? Also does Kyoya actually call Sana by Senpai?
And cause I'm noisy as hell: does Sana have a go to toxin he likes to use and if so which one?
Thank you for the question Lix! Sana is a fun guy :3 (<-said like fungi xD poison enjoyer jokes uwu)
Sana does occasionally visit Nami Middle, so there are actually a handful of students that have witnessed Kyoya being teased! Every single student that has seen Sana tease Kyoya, or even heard Sana make a joke at Kyoya's expense, ended up convincing themselves that what they saw wasn't real, though.
And yes! Kyoya calls Sana Senpai on certain occasions. Like when he's mad at Sana, or as a warning to cut out the teasing! However, on the very rare occasion that Kyoya seriously needs his help, he calls him Sana-san. That's what Kyoya called him when he was 12!
As for favourite toxins! 🥰
Sana has three poisons he really likes!
Ricin, Tetrodotoxin and Batrachotoxin!
Sana uses Ricin most often due to its availability! He actually grows castor beans on the windowsills in his apartment!
Though Sana does have a source of Tetrodotoxin in the occasional leftover pufferfish from Takesushi. Batrachotoxin is more of a dream toxin since poison dart frogs are his favorite animals!
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rakubalka · 1 month
Local Baseball Protege Remembers Previous Life As Poisonous Fortune Teller , Becomes Terrifyingly Protective Of Local Loser
{murder happened here}
Coco can't believe his own eyes .
Wait .
Komatsu ?
He hears a scream and he knows with his soul it's Komatsu's.
With a bat in hand and fully ready to commit atrocities in Komatsu's name he steps in a street and meets eyes with Komatsu . Komatsu whose eyes are full of Tears ! Komatsu Who Is Severely Bruised ! KOMATSU WHO IS HURT !!!!!!
" Oh Hey Takeshi ! Going home with a bat out I see . Mind lending it to us for a moment ? We have a lesson to teach to Dame-Tsuna about running away , you see . He thinks he can run from us . And we're thinking that his leg is an adequate payment ."
They tried talking . Talking about Hurting KOMATSU .
Blah blah blah blah blah enough talking
A crunch was heard , not the head unfortunately but the ribcage still works .
Coco was getting ready for another strike when suddenly everyone even Komatsu fell asleep with a tud on the floor .
He dove down to stop Komatsu from hitting his head on the floor .
And that's when he felt her ...
Rin his little sister .
" Hi big bro ! "
And with a cheerful attitude he was greeted .
"Rin did you see everything?"
He has to ask no matter who it was he had to ask if they knowingly let someone hurt Komatsu .
"Only after you got the blue fire thing but I should have watched over him better so it is my fault ."
That is a relief . He wouldn't have to choose between his sister and Komatsu . She just didn't calculate those things stupidity.
"Also congrats on getting your memory back . Close times both of us , maybe the rest will get it soon too ."
"The rest ?"
" Yeah , you , me , Zebra , Brunch , Starjun and Komatsu as for the rest I don't know ."
"When did you get the memories back if I might ask ?"
"2 days ago . But we have some more important things to do at the moment , like getting rid of the bodies of those things and offering poor little Komatsu emotional support and a little medical attention ."
"You are right , we do have more important matters at hand ."
And so they started getting rid of all the evidence and preparing for Komatsu's waking up .
Komatsu was so adorable trying to be as polite as possible . Even if they felt bad having had to lie a little to him about what happened , but a small white lie to protect Komatsu's innocence is worth their the sadness a hundred times over if it means he is happy .
He didn't like the fact that Komatsu tried to downplay himself and even insult himself . Hm that won't do . He needs someone to lift him up a little and would you look at it Coco has more than enough time with baseball out the picture .
And he succeeded in getting Komatsu to be his friend . Even taking him to his home and making plans to escort him to school from tomorrow onwards .
The moment he stepped into TakeSushi he felt it . The killing intent of his father , not as intimidating as he thinks in comparison to what Coco deals with daily and obvious in the fact he wouldn't actually hurt him .
He did get a rather informative talk about the little fire from his father along with congratulations for his first kill .
Rin got the information the next day . The same day Coco resigned from the baseball club and became Komatsu's shadow .
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Prompt number 13 for khr yamamoto & haru pls? I think they’d get on well!
Of course, anon dear! I completely agree that Yamamoto and Haru would definitely have an interesting and fun friendship! Thank you for the request and I hope you’ll enjoy!
Can we have some more platonic ship prompts?? Things like:
Who’s the sassy one in this friendship?
Yamamoto is pretty chill and relaxed, so it’s definitely Haru, since she’s more than willing to sass or be upfront about her feelings on things and is more easily worked up.
Which one likes to embarrass the other in public?
I don’t think that either of them purposefully tries to embarrass the other. And it’s actually a really good thing that Yamamoto doesn’t get embarrassed easily because some of Haru’s antics could be seen as embarrassing, because she doesn’t tone down her personality just because the two of them are in public together.
Which one refuses to stop getting dressed up for Halloween no matter how old they get?
Haru makes Halloween costumes until she’s eighty and she will dress up in them and she wants everyone to dress up with her. She’s definitely made a Halloween costume for Yamamoto, who is really grateful to her for thinking of him and would wear it because, hey, this is his friend and they obviously put in a lot of work to make this for him.
Who sings along with the radio unabashedly?
I honestly can see both of them doing this together. Haru drops by TakeSushi to lend Yamamoto a textbook because he’d mentioned in the last study session he had at Tsuna’s that he didn’t understand something, and she thinks this book will help. And she ends up sticking around and helping him with some of the chores while chattering away and the radio is on in the background and a song comes on that they both like and they both mindlessly hum or sing along to it, quietly at first but by the end they’re harmonizing and rocking out to it together.
Which one picks out the movies for marathons?
I honestly think that they wouldn’t really watch movies together. Yamamoto doesn’t watch a lot of television or movies, really, and it often only happens when everyone is out together as a group. Yamamoto doesn’t really offer an opinion on what to watch since he’s pretty okay with whatever everyone else wants to see but Haru is going to be more vocal about what she wants to watch.
Do they like to cuddle? (in a platonic way of course)
I do see Haru and Yamamoto as both very physically affectionate people and do think this friendship has a lot of platonic physical affection, like he’ll ruffle her hair or she’ll give him the occasional hug or high-five but overall, I don’t think they outright cuddle each other.
Which one drags the other one shopping?
This is Haru. She really enjoys shopping and if she met Yamamoto while she’s out on her shopping trip, she’ll always ask if he wants to come shopping with her because it’s nice to have his company along and, unless he has something planned, he’s normally pretty good about agreeing to it and will end up carrying a lot of her bags as he walks her home (and then stops at Tsuna’s house on the way back to his place).
Which one is more adventurous?
I think the two of them get along pretty well together because they’re both really up for a lot of different things. Neither Yamamoto nor Haru are the type of people to be like ‘well, that is new and because it’s new to me, it obviously is going to be boring or scary, so I don’t want to do it’. They’re both eager to try new things, though Haru is more easily scared of anything she thinks could be dangerous.
What do they love to do together on a rainy day?
While rhythmic gymnastics is always going to be her sport, I do think Haru likes baseball. She has a team she roots for and does follow the national play-offs and such and, while she’s not great at it, she’ll be eager to try playing if it’s just her and her friends and not a game that matters. I could see her and Takeshi hitting the batting cages, with Takeshi helping kind of coach her on how to get better…like, Haru, please stop closing your eyes whenever the ball is coming at you because you’ll never hit it like that.
Which one loves to curl up with a good book?
This one is definitely Haru! Despite her loud personality, she really, really takes her studies seriously and I could definitely see her curled up in the bleachers of one of Yamamoto’s baseball practices with the others, reading a textbook and waiting for him to be done.
Which one always forces the other to do bad karaoke with them?
I honestly feel this would be Haru. She really enjoys karaoke and it’s something her, Bianchi, and Kyoko do a lot. I think she’d probably suggest it to Yamamoto as a fun group activity for all their mutual friends and he’s down for anything that seems fun, so he helps her organize it.
Which one loves to gossip?
I think both of them do it, honestly, but never maliciously. Neither of them are at all okay with mean-spirited gossip but they’ll find themselves talking about their mutual friends a lot and ‘Tsuna-san came with me to buy cake the other day and he did the cutest thing’ and ‘so me, Tsuna, and Gokudera were at the park the other day and this insane thing happened’ kind of gossip is more the kind that I think happens between them a lot.
Which one likes to try new foods?
I think that, unless it’s cake, Haru doesn’t try a whole lot of new foods, while Takeshi, growing up in a restaurant, has a really healthy respect for food and is eager to try anything he can.
Which one likes to travel?
This one would be Yamamoto because I really don’t headcanon Haru as someone who really ever wants to leave Namimori, except for her honeymoon. She likes her hometown, and she wants to settle in there and live a happy life.
Which one prefers to explore closer to home?
Answered this one above, but it’s definitely Haru!
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thehandworld · 8 days
"I saw you yawning." - For Yamamoto
Eepy sleeby @ukigumos
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He was surprised to get caught, it was early the sun wasn't out yet, Yamamoto like Ryohei liked to go running very early, even though he wasn't at the baseball club anymore. He still did it so he could keep his body in shape and because it was already a routine.
But at the same time, every day, after school he would go back home to help his father at the Takesushi, and after his father slept he would spend a couple of hours still at the dojo practicing. So... Maybe, that is why he was yawning.
Honestly, tho, he was still surprised, he just got inside the school grounds, as after his running he would go to the club and do a few swings, but now that he wasn't at the club, it was more of swinging his sword than a baseball bat.
Yamamoto did jump when he heard Hibari talking with him, because honestly, who other than him and Ryohei would be there at that time?!
Hibari! I'm sorry, I'm sorry was that too loud? Did I wake you up? Please don't bite me to death, please don't bite me to death... He really hoped that wasn't the case, as it was just morning and he still had classes and a long day... It was really easy to miss, the dark bags under his eyes, a detail that most seem to believe that it was because he was practicing for Baseball too hard.
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whiskeysmulti · 9 days
Alone + reverse [Takeshi + Hibari]
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𝖒𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖛𝖚𝖑𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞- no longer accepting!
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When Yamamoto hadn't answered in three days Hibari knew something was wrong. Even if he had baseball practice he still would answer when he was done. If he wasn't at Takesushi or Namimori Ball, there was possibly one other place he could find him. Hibari walked to Namimori Shrine and sure enough there was the baseball player, all alone. Hibari didn't know why he was there or what told him to check, he was just thankful Yamamoto wasn't injured. "What are you doing out here alone?"
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belacedia · 2 years
2.  STORM :  for both muses to find shelter from a severe storm. & yamamoto?
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃   |   list of scenarios. @dyingresolve   :     ❪  yamamoto takeshi  ❫
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𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐃  a grim horizon in white hot bolts of fury,   cumulonimbus clouds bulging with suppressed rage until the sky was consumed fully,   spewing bullets of rainwater that pelted the earth,   the sky weeping and howling like the bereaved.     Strands of woven gold were dark and heavy from moisture,   clinging to pale features and dripping off his chin,   as the prince cut through the DELUGE that curtained Namimori in misery.     A grimace twisted patrician contour into a sign of displeasure with the dreary forecast,   pale lace - up combat boots squelching and changing catlike grace into a cacophony.     It was a whim that brought the Varia officer overseas,   away from  ( dare it be said )  home,   a wicked impulse that he now cursed the birth of,   longing for Italy’s warm Mediterranean sun,   a lazy afternoon in the west lounge,   forsaken for this awful downpour.
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His mind abandoning design,   instincts sharper than every knife in his collection leading the prince through the squall towards a sanctuary,   where the storefront of Takesushi sagely sequestered away from the storm.     Slipping into the eatery without ceremony,   Belphegor pays heed to the FAMILIAR FACE in the front of the house,   a wide grin splitting his expression.     ❝     Ushishi,   surprised to see the prince ?   Don’t worry,   this is an impromptu visit.     ❞     He clarified,   before the swordsman thought otherwise of a Varia assassin appearing in his home.     ❝     I’m just going to stay here until the weather lightens up,   shishi.     It’s raining buckets out there !!     ❞     An infantile cackle rose up,   a dry commentary on the irony of the situation from any other person,   but with the slasher prince it was unclear where he found a joke to laugh at.
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seijaelee · 4 years
Want to read a BNHA x KHR crossover fic??
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discendia · 28 days
From school idol takeshi to dame tsuna , how popular is Rio? Talk about her school social status in the namichu hierarchy ♡ , hahaha
Emergency! It's here! A question is here! All neurons on their posts.
Hehe~ Expect it back at you if you haven't answered it yet (I don't remember seeing it but I'll check). Also, have a nice day Jojo!! 😊💕
So, social status... Let's see that.
────── 〔✿〕──────
Social status: non-existent.
Rio is consciously average. You know why? Because it's the best way to avoid attention. When people hear Yamamoto, they always think of Takeshi. Is there another one? Never heard of them.
She makes sure her committee tasks are well done so there are no problems on her part; she does her homework well enough, but never perfectly; she keeps her grades not too high nor too low, so neither her classmates would be jealous nor her teachers would worry about her.
(Every rose has a thorn, and Rio's is P.E. There's no way she doesn't get compared to Takeshi or expected to be like him in that class).
She always makes this nice smile and answers when someone talks to her but doesn't engage in conversation deeply enough for people to recall her.
It's all a conscious effort.
Easier to manage during her first year, as she was in a different class than the rest, truth to be told.
But she can adjust pretty well to the new situation in her second year, with all the group and, for the first time in her life, Takeshi in the same class.
Social status: Yamamoto Rio
There's one exception, one who has known her name apart from her brother's and is painfully aware of her existence since almost day one.
Hibari can't explain why nobody else talks about what he considers an elephant in the room: the empty chair during the morning meetings.
That's against the rules. And if he has to stop by Takesushi at dawn to grab Yamamoto Rio by the hair and drag her to school, he might do it...
Or so he thinks, but Rio is lucky and she always manages to avoid or shut down Hibari's 'bite you to death' mode.
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mimiruku · 1 month
Hi Jojo! For Mimi: "🍕 - What is their favorite food?" , "🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?" And "✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?"
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█     𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐎𝐂. ⸻   ( ⚝ )
It's so crazy how my memory is so shabby, I had to look for this ask all over again, but thank you for your patience as always!
🍕   -   What is their favorite food ? ╰┈➤    Unfortunately, Miruku suffers from quite a bit of dulling when it comes to physical sensations in which also affected his relationship with food ⸻ he's not a particularly picky eater and would likely eat anything you put in his plate regardless of the quality or safety of the meal in question, ultimately he doesn't enjoy food at all and don't have a favorite as a result, however he does quite enjoy the sentiments of what it means when someone cooks for you or the passions that comes with it. ; It had been what initially gravitated him in the first place in becoming a regular at TakeSushi. So, I suppose in this way his 'favorite food' would be whatever his favorite person made him in that moment.
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🍎   -   What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like ? ╰┈➤    He's the one neglecting his parents actually, uno-reverse card. Miruku is spoiled rotten, an only child who was taught to only follow his whims, which ultimately lead to him leaving his family at an early age ⸻ they should learn to say no, but Miruku has yet to meet people that didn't sway his way. ( Not until Reborn that is. ) He quite frankly punked his parents enough to have it his way irregardless of how strange the request was. He was loved very dearly, but Miruku doesn't seem to understand this sentiments nor indicated otherwise that he feels the same way.
Fun fact : The reason as to why his 'gender' is insubstantial is entirely the fault of his parents. He was raised uninformed of gender roles, with one particular exception! His mode of language is male leaning because he emulated his father growing up, the masculine pronouns were just a result of being a copy-cat.
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✂️   -   What is one of your OC’s worst memories ?
CONTENT WARNING   :   stalking, childhood abuse by adults. short summary.   from the age seven to his early teen-hood, miruku had been plague by a particularly persistent stalker.
Miruku has long forgone this memory ⸻ he doesn't remember the details of it : but he remembers the feeling of dread against a strange confession , when someone says "I love you" , "Do you love me back. " ; the insistence of it all and the confusion only a child could muster against a grown adult. He thinks he's perfectly fine, but ever so often a wave if disturbance would wrack him. It's his teacher, she was...really " in love" with him.
As Miruku moved to Japan, she also moved with him. It had resulted to her timely departure as a result, though Miruku was not in formed of her death and as as such remained somewhat perpetually spook.
This was not the first time he was stalked however nor will this be the last, he seems to have an unlucky draw when it comes to obsessive types.
This memory returns along with his future! arc memories, Yuni jogged his head so much, things he didn't wanna remember started resurfacing.
lThis one particularly tops everything else including the death, killing and future abduction because it went on for years and years without her being able to defend herself effectively.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
TYL!Takeshi Yamamoto x Female!Civilian!Reader: Something Old and Something New
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Summary:  No matter how cold winter gets, it cannot freeze the warmth of rebirth.
Ratings/Tags: T (Post-Future Arc; Ten Years Later Universe; Foul Language; Death; Mourning; Loss of Family; Reunion; Childhood Friends; Love Epiphany; Blizzard Conditions; Christmas; Civilian!Reader; TakeSushi; Tsuyoshi Yamamoto & Takeshi Yamamoto; Squalo Superbi & Takeshi Yamamoto; Hana Kurokawa/Ryohei Sasagawa; Heavy Exposition)
Fic Trade Prompt:  "The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful."
Notes: "However, after Tsuna defeated Byakuran, they were told that the future changed and all disasters caused by Byakuran and the Millefiore would be undone.”
1) I forgot about that detail until after I'd already written eight pages of this.
2) That's a stupid-ass decision, and I've elected to ignore it.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Something Old and Something New
Byakuran was gone. No trace of the world’s former dictator remained, and so vanished the threat to the Vongola across the world. Winter started a new era for Tsuna’s family in particular, one of safety and warmth and comfort. After months of fear, the holiday season was a welcome change. Takeshi Yamamoto was free at last: free to return to his baseball career, free to return to his loved ones, free to go home. He chose the latter. There was too much for him to do to attempt either of the first.
He awoke one December morning in the bedroom of his childhood. Everything was just as he remembered it, save for all the dust and a handful of cobwebs dangling from the ceiling. Underneath it all, the old trophies glistened on the shelves and photographs of times gone by hung in their frames on the walls. Even to the last, Takeshi’s old man had tried to keep things at home perfect.
Groaning, Takeshi placed his feet on the frigid hard floor and pressed his palms into his eyes. Who was he kidding? His room was not just the way he’d left it because his dad liked things neat. His room was just the way he’d left it because his pop had hoped against hope that Takeshi would come home. In the end, it hadn’t mattered that Takeshi had. He’d still come home too late.
He looked neither at the clock nor at his phone. First things first, he would pick up the newspaper. Takeshi pocketed his cell, stood with a frown, and pushed open the door that led to the hallway. 
The rest of the house looked less lived-in even than his bedroom. Dust laid on the wood floor so thickly that it muffled his footsteps, leaving an obvious trail of prints in his wake. Most of all, it was cold. The closer he grew to the restaurant, the more the temperature dropped, until he could see his breath fogging before his eyes. Maybe he should have stopped to put on a robe.
As had become his habit since taking up residence in his dad’s place, Takeshi closed his eyes to pick through the empty seats and tables. He knew the route well enough by then that he didn’t trip. A few seconds later, he stood in front of the opened restaurant door—and found a blizzard blazing outside. 
Ice flew so fast through the air that he could barely make out the shape of the building across the street, and what he could make out was only because he knew it so well. If that morning’s newspaper had come, already it was buried underneath several feet of snow. He closed the door with a sigh. 
Wind continued to scream against it. The quiet tapping of flakes accompanied the sound. There would be no leaving the house that day. At last the task he had dreaded could no longer be avoided. When he turned, he saw the boxes, files, and paperwork stacked throughout TakeSushi’s once bustling sitting room. Takeshi had come to put everything in order before he sold the place. There was no putting it off any further.
Still, he tried. Takeshi took a long, hot shower. He shaved—his chin still looked strange to him, though the scar had been there nearly a year—and dressed warmly, started a fire in the front room’s fireplace, and ate a very slow breakfast of oatmeal. Hardly an hour of his time had gone before he sat down at the first table to begin.
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto had not left many details regarding what to do with his lifetime’s worth of belongings. Such a daunting task had got an offer of help even from Hayato of all people, but Takeshi had declined. He wanted to say goodbye to his old man on his own—or maybe he was disinclined to accept Vongola help when it was because of the Vongola that his father’s death had  occurred. 
Hopefully the former. It wouldn’t do for him to become so bitter after they all had come through so far.
Much of what remained was left to the family’s only child, of course. He sorted through container after container, removing things the will indicated were for people like Tsuna and Hayato, for favorite customers, and even for Tsuna’s father, whom Tsuyoshi had grown a close friendship with in the last three years or so. These would be easy to get to their new owners—Tsuna could be trusted to distribute his family’s gifts properly—but others, not so much.
Takeshi idly sifted through a box of his pop’s old school things while he listened to the phone on the other end of the line ring and ring. The noise seemed far too loud in the chilly quiet. Not even those with cars could risk getting out in this weather, leaving the neighborhood unnaturally still.
“VOI! You know who the hell you called. Leave a message. Or don’t. I don’t give a shit!”
“Squalo,” Takeshi’s voice came out of his throat unusually flat, “it’s Takeshi. Dad—well, you know. He’s left you a few things. Mostly Shigure Soen stuff. Give me a call back. I need to know how to send it to you.”
His head hanging, he hung up. He knew very well that Squalo wouldn’t call him back—not until Takeshi called another ten times and annoyed him into a rage, at any rate. There was still so much to do, so many things to give away. Maybe he wasn’t as ready to sell the place as he had once believed.
Just as he was in real danger of falling into despair, something hit the front door in rapid succession. Takeshi didn’t jump, but his focus sharpened. Only more ice, he thought. It was really coming down out there.
Then the noise came again. Longer. Harder. 
Someone was outside.
The danger from the Millefiore’s leader might have passed, but Takeshi was not so foolish as to believe its members completely fine with Byakuran’s defeat. Stupidly, he had left his sword in the bedroom. Hayato would call him an idiot later, and he would deserve it.
Again, the visitor, whoever they were, knocked, and this time around they didn’t let up. Lucky for him that Squalo’s box sat so close by. He gripped one of the long objects inside and slipped it noiselessly into the air. It was only a training sword, but that didn’t matter. Anything could be turned into a deadly weapon in Takeshi’s hands.
Once he had crept to the door, he tried to peek out the window to get a better feel for what sort of threat he might be facing. He could see nothing through the blowing snow.
“I’m sorry,” he called, “but we’re closed. Permanently. You’ll have to find somewhere else to get lunch from.”
The knocking only hesitated for a second before it started up again.
“Fine,” Takeshi breathed, and threw the door open with all the force he could muster. 
Startled by the ensuing bang of door against wall, the person outside stopped their racket. 
He lowered his stick in surprise. “[Name]?”
Indeed his childhood friend stood there, knee deep in snow. Your face was dark behind the scarf wrapped around your neck. Frozen snot glistened on your upper lip. Most of your head and clothing was utterly indistinguishable through the ice plastered to your front. Clearly, you had walked into the wind the entire way there. Your violent shivering did nothing to distract from your scowl.
“Merry Christmas, asshole,” you snarled as you stalked past him into the building. 
So taken aback by your sudden appearance was Takeshi that he did nothing to prevent you from barreling right inside. He stepped back to allow you the space, then shut the door, all the while staring at you as though he’d seen a ghost. Only after a few seconds passed did he remember to set down Squalo’s training sword.
“[Name], what are you doing here?” he asked.
You didn’t answer his question. For a moment, you said nothing at all while you tore off the sodden hat that obscured your [color] locks. 
“When did you get back to Japan?” you asked him without looking in his direction.
He caught the real meaning of your question easily enough and felt color rising up the back of his cold neck. The warmth was welcome. The obviousness of his shame less so. 
“Who told you?” Takeshi wanted to know.
You narrowed your [color] eyes at him. “Bianchi.”
That added up. Though Takeshi had been back in the country for some time now, he hadn’t got around to seeing you. He had known that he’d left you just when things between you were settling in. How could he reappear just to tell you that it was too dangerous for you to be seen with him? 
Though he had always intended to track you down eventually, he just didn’t know how to start. There had been all those messes: his younger self replacing him for several months; his father getting killed. It was Bianchi who he had planned to ask how best to approach you once he had the time. As usual, she was several steps ahead of him.
“Oh?” you repeated. “Is that all you can say for yourself? Oh?”
“I didn’t mean for you to find out through someone else.”
“Then how did you mean for me to find out? Were you ever going to tell me?”
“Yes, but—”
“All I know is, Tsuna told me I had to go into hiding. When I finally got the all clear, everyone I knew was dead or missing, and you want to pretend that didn’t happen and that I don’t exist!”
“I don’t want to pretend you don’t exist,” he protested.
‘Then why didn’t you come see me? Why didn’t you send me some sort of message?”
“I’ve been busy, [Name].” A flurry of desperation warred inside him against the deadened emptiness he felt over all those deaths you mentioned. “We had to put everything back together. And,” he swallowed, “and my old man died.”
Your eyes locked onto his. Seconds went by. Takeshi expected you to look around at the memories surrounding you, to realize that a man you both cared about was gone. 
Maybe you already knew, because you didn’t do any of that. What you did do was clap your hands to your face and let out a muffled shriek. When you resurfaced, your scowl had returned.
“I am too cold and sad to yell at you right now. I’ll come back when it’s warmer, but mark my words, Takeshi Yamamoto, you are on my shit list.”
Shit list? He’d never been on your shit list before. Almost everyone you knew had been at one point, but not Takeshi. That, however, was hardly his greatest concern. 
“Come back?” He blinked, and then you were passing him toward the door. Unthinkingly, he grabbed your arm. “You can’t go back out there.”
His touching you had the immediate effect of causing you to stiffen and try to wrench yourself free. “Let me go!”
“It’s too cold.”
“I don’t care!”
Takeshi didn’t let go. The longer he waited, the less you struggled—although you never once lost the prominent frown. Was this really the same girl he’d got his first kiss from when he was sixteen? Yes, he mused, you’d always been like this. He’d missed it terribly. He just hadn’t noticed until now.
“Stay until the storm blows over,” he said imploringly. “You shouldn’t have walked in it to begin with. You’ll catch cold.”
“Bet you’d have liked it if I hadn’t shown up.”
“Actually, I’m glad you came by. I’m going through Pop’s stuff, and I’m sure he left you a few things. They’ll be around here somewhere. Maybe you can help me look for it?”
“Trapped or not, I’m not helping you with anything. I’m mad at you, remember?”
His shoulders slumped. Takeshi had really screwed up if your years of childhood together, of scrapes and bruises and t-ball games in the summer heat, meant so little now. But the more he looked at the familiar shape of you and smelled your comforting scent—the same perfume as always underneath the stench of wind and wet—the less he wanted to let you leave.
“Let me make you some tea at least,” he asid.
You lifted your head to regard him down the bridge of your nose. Then you ripped your arm out of his grip and said, “Fine. Least you could do.”
“Great.” He managed a small, relieved grin. “I’ll go get it. Make yourself at home.”
After waiting to see you settled into the booth closest to the fireplace, he ducked into the back of the kitchen. He found what he was looking for almost immediately. Tsuyoshi always liked you. It was he that had suggested Takeshi ask you to his first formal mafia ball, even if telling you the reason for the ball was not permitted. As such, he was not surprised at all to find a cabinet stocked with the tea that had long been your favorite.
He returned to the front sitting room ten minutes later with a mug and a kettle full of steaming hot tea.
“I’m back!” he said, smiling. “I made your favorite.”
To Takeshi’s surprise, you no longer sat at any of the tables. He found you instead hastily surfacing from one his father’s boxes. You acted as though nothing had happened.
“Don’t think you can soften me up, Takeshi,” you said.
“I don’t. I think I can warm you up, though.”
You eyed him suspiciously as you took the cup he offered you in one hand and the kettle in the other. After pouring yourself a cup, you left the kettle on the nearest flat surface—in this case, one of the boxes Takeshi hadn’t got to yet.
“What were you looking at?” he asked, watching you take a sip.
“Did you really walk all the way here just to yell at me?”
“You deserve it.”
“Yeah. I do.” His easy smile seemed to unnerve you, so he tried a different tactic: “I’m impressed you survived. I can’t imagine anyone getting out in that.”
“What about Ryohei?”
“Hana would have kept him inside on a day like today.”
You snorted in a way that gave Takeshi heart, but you said nothing further. He waited for something to happen, but nothing did. Eventually, you walked back to your table by the fire and sat down to trace shapes into the fogged window glass.
He got up and went back to work. His phone sat next to the most recently opened box. In all the commotion of your arrival, he hadn’t noticed Squalo had sent him a text message:
“You call me ONE MORE TIME on this phone, brat, and I SWEAR TO GOD I’m dumping it and getting a new one.”
Takeshi answered, “Come on, Squalo. Some of this stuff is valuable. I’m not asking you to come all the way here to pick it up.”
Only a second after he sent that message, he thought better of it, picked his cell up again, and added, “It’d be good to see you though. You spent all your time with little me. We didn’t get to visit.”
No response. As he put the phone away, he caught you looking at him from across the room. You looked away at once. Takeshi moved on to the next container.
Time seemed to blur while he worked. Nothing existed except himself, his old man’s things, the sound of gale-force winds blasting against the walls, and the constant, nagging suggestion that he needed to do more while he had you there. He had no idea how long he’d gone without stopping—three boxes, maybe four—when he suddenly found a different mug of tea shoved in his face.
He looked up. You towered above him, still looking upset.
“You should have some tea, too,” you said. “It’s freezing in here.”
Was it? He’d hardly noticed. A glance at the fireplace showed him that the fire he’d started that morning was now hardly more than glowing embers. 
Takeshi twisted a grin in your direction. “Are you worried about me?” Because if you were, things might not be as dire as he’d suspected.
“Of course I’m worried about you. What?” you added defensively. “I can be pissed off at you and worried. It’s really cold.”
He laughed, making his way over to stoke the flames back to life. “That’s a lot of things to feel at once.”
“Not all of us have the emotional range of a teaspoon. Now drink your damn tea.”
Takeshi did. It thawed his insides enough to give him the courage to ask, “Remember when we’d have tea parties as kids? We’d dress up in costumes and pretend our stuffed animals were alive. Beg our parents for biscuits and say it was for them.”
“Remember when Gokudera found a photo of the time you wore one of my dresses to a tea party?”
“It’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him.”
Perhaps his soft, nostalgic smile was too much. You turned away from it and from him once again. Takeshi looked out the window. Unfortunately, the storm continued. He knew you’d rather not be stuck inside with him after he’d avoided you for so long. Keeping you here wasn’t exactly fair.
“Hey!” he heard your cry.
He rushed toward you, worried that you’d found something to make you angrier. You’d been digging around in one of the boxes he hadn’t touched yet, and there was no telling what his father had collected over the years. As soon as he got there, Takeshi saw the cause for your exclamation.
You held in your hands a framed picture, this one of you and him from middle school. He couldn’t remember why it was taken. Both of you wore your sports uniforms and beamed from inside one of TakeSushi’s many booths. A pile of empty plates nearly up to Takeshi’s head sat on the table. The way his younger self was looking at you in the photo made the present Takeshi realize he’d been in love with you long before he’d known he was in love with you.
“I didn’t realize you still had this,” you said softly, one hand stroking the glass front of the frame.
“I didn’t either,” he said. “Dad kept a lot of stuff I didn’t know about.”
“You think this is my box?”
“Maybe. If not, it should be close by. Why? Do you really want it?”
Your brusque demeanor immediately returned. “I want to get out of here as soon as possible. If I’ve got it packed when the snow stops, then I can leave without further ado.”
He understood by the wetness in your eyes that you were lying, but Takeshi decided to play along. If you didn’t want comfort, then he wouldn’t force any on you. He backed away and returned to his own assignment with only a quiet, 
“Suit yourself,” he said.
He had another message: “If it’s valuable, it should belong to the Prince.” A crowned smiley face punctuated the text. 
Takeshi wondered if Tsuna’s dad could get Squalo his things. It was going to take a long time to get them there himself if Squalo was in such a mood that he’d give his phone to Bel just to get rid of Takeshi’s messages.
More time passed. Ice smacked with increasing intensity against the windows. The sun set, plunging the room into darkness save for the crackling fire. Takeshi could hardly see, but still he kept going. He was afraid that if he stopped, he would never be able to start again. 
Memories crowded around him: artifacts from his father’s study of Shigure Soen; secret family recipes that Takeshi already knew by heart; album after album after album filled with pictures of him as a baby, toddling around a beautiful woman he couldn’t remember who must have been his mother.
A soft sobbing and sniffling slowly penetrated his clouded mind. In his defense, he thought at first the sounds were his own. Tears streamed down his cheeks, obscuring his vision further even than the lack of sunlight. But no. That wasn’t his crying that he heard. He looked up from the album. 
No reply but an increase in sobs. His vision took a few seconds to adjust to the blackness of the restaurant. Once it did, he worked out that the quivering shape by the dying flames was you.
“[Name]?” he said again.
The word came out so soft and thick that he could hardly hear it, let alone understand it. Carefully, Takeshi picked his way to your side. This time, you didn’t glare at him or try to move father away. He crouched beside you, the better to see your tear-filled eyes.
“You okay?” he asked.
He knew you well enough to know that you wanted to shoo him off, to pretend that everything really was fine. He also knew you well enough to know you were more bothered by Tsuyoshi’s death than you pretended to be. After a minute or so of inner struggle, you shook your head and said in a watery voice:
“He wrote me a letter.”
“Who did?”
“Your—your dad.” That took Takeshi by surprise, but not as much as what you said next. “He said he hoped—hoped someday to call me his d-daughter.” With that, you dissolved fully into tears. 
His hand found your shoulder and squeezed. Heartened by you not shaking him off, he said, “Hey. It’s okay. He always said stuff like that.”
You shook your head a second time, shoving the crumpled, slightly moist paper into his hand.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
Still crying into your knees, you nodded. 
Takeshi shifted closer to the fire to read while keeping as near to you as you would allow. The sight of his pop’s handwriting shocked him like a punch to the gut, but if you thought he should read the letter, then he would read the letter. Anything to quiet your crying.
Dear [Name],
Before I begin, I must say that I hope you can forgive an old man’s meddling in affairs that are not his business. This letter should have been sent a long, long time ago. I suppose I thought I would talk to you in person about these matters, but you haven’t been by. Not since Takeshi left. I’m not surprised. Still, I feel that I should say all this while I still can.
Takeshi leaving is what I wanted to meddle in, actually. He loves you, even if he can’t tell you everything. The boy’s got secrets even from me. The ones I know about, I cannot share with you without his permission. That’s the way things are. But secret or not, he loves you. He always has.
I know it hurts that he left. It hurts me, too. I worry about him every day. I know he loves his old man, though. That’s what gets me through. Maybe knowing that Takeshi loves you will help you get through his absence, too.
I miss you at the shop. You’ve been around and underfoot since Takeshi could walk. Things aren’t the same without you two getting in the way. I understand why you haven’t come to see me—but I hope that you’ll be able to forgive him. I hope you will be underfoot again when he comes home. I hope he finally gets himself together and asks you to marry him. He’s only been talking about it since you both were five.
He’s dense. You know I adore the boy, but, again, that’s the way things are. It might be up to you. Either way, it’s this old man’s wish that he will one day call you his daughter.
You are welcome here any time. Takeshi doesn’t have to be there. You’re old enough now that we can crack open the sake and eat fatty tuna, on the house. Maybe we can talk about how much we want him to come back. The invitation is always open.
Best wishes,
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
Takeshi’s eyes slid shut as they came to end of the letter. So his dad had known. Nothing much ever escaped him. If only Takeshi had got himself together in time. If only his old man had got his dying wish.
“He never sent it,” you croaked, breaking into Takeshi’s mournful thoughts and sounding even more miserable than he felt.
“He probably never got the chance,” Takeshi said. “I’m sure it’s not because of anything you did.”
“I should have come to see him.”
“It’s not your fault he died. Or that you didn’t get the letter. Or that neither of us gave him what he really wanted.” 
For a long time, he watched the fire, until his eyes grew sightless and all that he could think of was how much life he had still left to live without his father’s guidance. Then it hit him: there was still time left to give Tsuyoshi what he’d always wanted. 
“We still could do that last one, though,” Takeshi mused aloud.
You paused in rubbing the tears from your cheeks to shoot him a sharp sort of look. “What?”
“There’s still time to fulfill his dream,” he said slowly. He slid onto the ground to kneel in front of you. “[Name], will you—”
Every speck of color drained from your face as you lurched into a standing position. “You better not be about to propose to me, Takeshi, or I swear I’ll—I’ll…I don’t know what I’ll do, but neither of us will like it!”
Takeshi hesitated before he let out an embarrassed chuckle. “No. I haven’t got a ring, do I? Besides, you’re mad at me.”
“Damn right I am.”
He awkwardly stood up and went to sit again next to the fireplace. “What I was going to say was…would you stay the night with me?” At the look on your face, he quickly added, “not like that! I just…” scratching his cheek in characteristic thought, he peered up at you, “I miss my best friend. Maybe you don’t love me anymore. That’s okay. But you still love Dad, right?”
For a moment, you were quiet. Then: “Yeah. He was a good man.”
“Right. And by the sound of this, it’d break his heart to know we won’t even talk to each other anymore. So stay the night. Help me go through his stuff. Let’s see if there’s anything left of…us.”
A longer moment passed. Takeshi’s heart pounded. What he would do if you refused, he didn’t know. He could not keep you there against your will.
His worry was for naught. You sat next to him, embarrassment evident even in the low firelight, and said, “One night.”
“Yeah. I miss my best friend, too.”
Takeshi beamed.
“Don’t let it go to your head,” you said, and tipped your cheek onto his shoulder.
“You know,” he said, “maybe we a don’t have to sell the place. We could keep it. Reopen the shop.”
“I don’t know how we’re gonna do that. You’re always busy with whatever Tsuna’s up to, and I’m not exactly housewife material. We don’t even know if we’re going to wind up together like that. You'd have to run the place all alone."
“True. Guess I don’t have all the answers.”
You settled your chin onto his shoulder to regard him wordlessly. A second later, you had kissed him softly on the lips. “You don’t have to. Now shut up so I can keep being angry with you.”
It took all his strength not to grin. “Yes, ma’am.”
A smile almost graced your lips as you turned away. You did not, however, leave his side. 
Warm by the fire, Takeshi listened to the blizzard blowing outside where it could not touch him. For the time being, he felt like nothing could. He was grateful for the fire, grateful for your company, and most of all grateful for his pop looking out for him even from beyond the grave. Something new stirred inside him—something he wished his father could see. But it was because of Tsuyoshi that Takeshi could feel it himself:
No matter how cold life got, there was always hope, always warmth to be found. No matter how lonely Takeshi felt, he would always have you.
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ravensilversea · 2 years
hi, "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" and that lal/nana/nello wip for the wip game pls!
Ah yes, the rarepairweek ideas that never came to be for 500
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
Firstly, I love this title because it is an extremely accurate description to what’s going down in this fic, and it’s also a reference to Annie Get Your Gun because I’m a nerd. Secondly, it was originally sparked by last year’s Enemies to Lovers prompt, but it’s really more of a Rivals to Lovers. Thirdly, the reason(s) why it wasn’t written in time for last year’s rarepairweek is because 1) I was and continue to be a hot mess who can’t figure out this whole write everyday thing and 2) I was getting the vibe it was going to be Longer Than Anticipated.
Scrivener Notes: “Verde/Viper; ever see a scientist try to outdo an illusionist?“
Verde looks at them. “You have been quiet,” he says and pushes his glasses up his nose. “What is your opinion on my invention, Viper?” Viper grinds their teeth together. “Impressive, for a mere invention,” they say. The half-smile drops from Verde’s face, and they allow a slow grin of glee to stretch across their own. “But you have a long way to go before you could even dream of replacing me.” “I highly doubt that. Anything you can do, I can invent something to do the same, if not better.”
Congratulations! It’s a Daily Double! I actually have TWO plotbunnies for this pairing.
Plotbunny 1: The first one was sparked by KHRween2021, which I ended up writing absolutely nothing for because I was both knee-deep in a semester and also preparing to move. It was for the Haunted House prompt, and honestly the point where I just resigned myself to finding new and shiny rarepair to ship every prompt event.
Scrivener Notes: Nana/Colonello/Lal going through a haunted house together? Colonello's the scaredy-cat who keeps clinging to his girlfriends' arms, Nana starts out a bit spooked, and Lal is 100% shaking in her boots but is too cool to admit it
Commentary: I just lowkey need Nana to end up being the one comforting/consoling/“Of course you weren’t scared”-ing these two badass special ops soldiers by the end of a haunted house. Mainly because I think it’s kinda funny.
Plotbunny 2: Holy cow there’s actually 250 words written here! I forgot about that! This one is a multi-chapter plotbunny idea, not sparked by rarepairweek directly.
The Details (No Actual Notes): Pre-canon, some kind of Adult Arcobaleno AU. Tsuna’s still a small child. I think I decided Iemitsu just straight up dies and no one knows to tell Nana, so she gets super disillusioned by the fact Iemitsu just starts really ghosting her (no visits, no calls, no money, etc).
Somehow Lal and/or Colonello cross paths with Nana and Tsuna. And we have a delightful little slowburn where they all end up raising Tsuna together. I don’t think I intended for it to go all the way up to the start of canon, and if I did, I don’t now. The vibes here are accidental life partner and baby acquisition.
The day Iemitsu was due to come home again came and went. Nana tried not to worry too much about it- she hadn’t even told Tsuna about his father’s upcoming visit because Iemitsu rarely ever follows through, and it’s kinder to let it be a surprise than a disappointment. But, normally he would call her and make his excuses sometime when it was dark outside and dinner long cold or breakfast not yet made.
The days pass by like they normally do. She cooks, cleans, shops, and takes Tsuna on excursions in an attempt to find him friends. Tsuna goes to school with a bright orange backpack and a matching bento, his smile getting smaller and shakier with every passing day. He comes home and mumbles his way through telling her about his day.
Iemitsu still doesn’t call.
The air grows colder. Nana takes Tsuna to TakeSushi for his birthday where he smiles shyly up at Tsuyoshi and waves at Takeshi-kun, who’s doing his homework under the careful eye of his mother at a table in the corner. The day Iemitsu’s deposit is due in her bank account comes and goes.
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