#talk to each other before you start a new rp
guardianlegends64 · 2 months
[Closed RP] Alternative Love Life of Sunny Day Jack in “Summer Day Love”
(Note: This Is An Alternate Love Life / Alternate Beginning of Sunny Day Jack!)
On the summer day of June and in the Nice and Beautiful and Sunny city of London of The United Kingdom and a Nice start of Summer As the Weather wasn’t too hot As it was at the perfect temperature and as it was the beginning of summer as there was a Happily Smiling Young adult man whose name is Joseph Haberdae
Joseph Has a Black Straight Haircut and Has the height of a Tree and has Blue eyes and has Impressively Strong and Invigorating Body
Joseph Came to London for a fresh and new beginning on his journey to success in his life And Wanted to Start somewhere new but he needed to learn and Get Established on London as Joseph was very Heavily wealthy but doesn’t want to spend too much as he Already bought a beautiful house and even bought some variety of Items that are essential and very important and also basic as he also bought a New Car [Subaru BRZ]
Then by the time Joseph had finished buying the Basic items for his house and for Transport he had to go shopping for Some Food and clothing though his eyes took a small glimpse of eyes to someone that took him by surprise but lost sight of that someone as he Shakes his head as he thought he was just seeing things as he continues to Buy Food and Clothing and a Hoodie and Jacket that caught his attention as he also Bought a Nice Pair of Headphones also a Nice Acoustic Guitar and a Nice and most popular unique bed and Finally finished shopping he gets back to his house as he Gets everything organized as he Finishes organizing as he Finishes Organizing He Plays His Brand New Acoustic Guitar as he plays very smoothly and Very Professionally as the Sounds that Joseph Plays is very Satisfactory as he smiles and goes to sleep on his bed…
The Next Morning Joseph Gets up from his bed as he gets Dressed in his casual clothes and heads over to a nearby Bakery For some Fresh Baked Bread as he waits for his order He Sees the Same Someone who was at the shop that he saw with just a glimpse as he was surprised as the only thing he saw was their eyes as he was surprised that the eyes were from a young lady who was also Ordering the same Bread that he Requested as Joseph was a bit Nervous to speak to her because it’s been a long time since he talked with anyone…
As that someone Sits at the table that’s at the end of the shop and started Reading a Book as Joseph was the opposite side of the shop as he was shy to even speak to her as Joseph was about to Stand up and walk up to her His Requested Bread was already done as Joseph pays for the bread and starts to walk out until he looked to that someone as that someone also looked up at him as there was a small Connection or spark that Was Shown as Their Requested Bread was also finished as that someone walked up and pays for the bread as Joseph was already at his house
“Who Is She..?”
Joseph Said as he felt something he never felt before though he Makes a Nice Breakfast Sandwich [Bread, Egg and Sausage] as he finishes eating his breakfast he then walks outside and to a park as he wears his new Headphones to listen to some of his Favorite Music as he was then distracted by a Kingfisher and that someone who was Reading their book as both of them Bumped into each other as his Headphones dropped on the ground and Their book also dropped on the ground as Joseph Picks up their book as that someone also picked up His Headphones…
“I’m S-Sorry here…You…Go……I….Woah…..”
Joseph Had No Words for a moment as he looked at Her Eyes that were Hazel as that someone spoke to Him…
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sourslip · 1 year
I'm still reeling from that reveal/scene (like most of us, apparently) so bear with the chewing-on-glass scatterbrain but I think the surprise has actually made me appreciate Laura's RP choices even more
going into that scene set up my expectations for some comforting, maybe some discussion of what Laudna was going through post-party split, but overall I was expecting - at most - some cute and friendly intimacy reaffirming they are Very Good Friends
"Can I kiss you?" felt like it came on so fast without any specific queues (like what we've seen in previous romances where one or both PCs will name their desires in conversation with someone else before acting on it) but it also made perfect sense in retrospect
ever since Laudna came back, Imogen has been sitting on something, always seeming to hold back some burning comments here and there. she was also insistent that Laudna would get to choose everything going forward, and part of that I think meant Laudna having the freedom to think on a response to any question of further intimacy without even a chance of Imogen overhearing. Laudna could have the freedom to wonder if she did want to get in touch with "that part of her mind", to think about how painful, scary, or awkward that might be after decades of being shut off to it.
Laudna has some pretty intense self-image and self-worth issues to work through, but she's also had 2 years of Imogen in her head able to pick up on her wants without having to ever voice them and, ultimately, without having to accept that she does have her own wants independent of the people around her. Laudna seems to have only just started to get in touch with her anger, and that kind of repressed emotion that comes out in the healing process is one of the less intentional ones! Girl hasn't felt safe enough to actually think about her wants, let alone try communicating them!
Imogen and Laudna reconnected after their time apart and discovered that they - as Marisha pointed out in 4SD - have grown into different people, and that resulted in the tension of the first moments in the scene where they kind of made quasi-small talk. They were figuring out how to connect with each other again but, rather than return to their old dynamics (that kept them stagnant), Imogen set them up to try exploring something new and maybe a little healthier with communication going forward.
I think Imogen has been working towards this for a while, and while the circlet was the last "thing" she needed to help force them to communicate better, having the time apart gave them an opportunity to try something new.
Imogen has held a lot back before because she's too tuned into other peoples thoughts, and Laudna held off exploring her own wants and desires for too many reasons - but she is starting to get more in touch with her self-interested emotions. So they've both been tip-toeing towards a change for a while, but change like that can sometimes be like getting into cold water; at a certain point you just have to commit and jump in the rest of the way.
So to me, not only was Imogen trying to give Laudna the freedom to make her decision without an audience (the talk about the circlet), but she also made the most of the new distance between them to push them both towards a change, one that challenged both of them to be more honest with themselves, each other, and about what they want from their relationship.
Laura Ultimate-Romancer Bailey everyone
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beyondthebackup · 1 year
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On Curiosity, Killing & Cats
[illustration: @nnenteyn-new // telegram // bootsy]
Rating: E | Words: 4,502 | Pairing: BxL
@dnkinktober Prompt: Humiliation/Degradation (Day 7)
A is dead, and Roger insists that allowing B to succeed as L is dangerous. The first generation of Wammy’s project is at an impasse and L is - was - curious.
Read on AO3 or under the cut. I hope you enjoy!
Author's Note:
This is technically my first attempt at fanfiction not written specifically for this rp blog. It's also my first time writing L and sharing any smut I've written publicly although I'll be honest, this ended up more plot-heavy than I anticipated and it's relatively tame compared to my private stuff.
All that said I want to thank @ourflagmeansdeathnote @dykelawlight @lightyaoigami @neallo and @brothercrush for being fantastic writers/artists themselves and inspiring me to put myself out there! (And all the other great creators in the dn fandom, I will look desperate and uncool if I tag all of you)
This is an uncomfortably long stretch of silence, even for L.
He observes Backup through the cracks of his sugar-dusted fingers as he busies himself with an assortment of pastries on a serving cart, inspecting and then devouring each with the practiced efficiency of an assembly line.
Honestly, L expected him to say something first.
Backup's file describes him as 'extroverted, energetic and talkative', but he hasn't spoken. He is maintaining eye contact. A little too well, actually. Paired with that flat expression, it's all a bit disconcerting...though L is not entirely unaware that others might think similarly of him.
L gulps down a mouthful of frosting and pushes the cart toward B, who is seated on the other side of Roger’s desk.
"Would you like some?" he asks, mid-chew.
Backup does not break eye contact, but he does finally speak.
"Why are you here?"
His tone is light and mildly curious, as if L were an acquaintance he bumped into at the grocery store.
L could ask himself that very same question. He did not have to be here, he did not particularly want to be here, yet he had indeed chosen to be here.
"These are extenuating circumstances."
B tilts his head. "You mean now that A's dead?"
Straight to the point.
Still, Backup’s flippant attitude does little to remedy the atmosphere.
A, the first child taken into Wammy’s House, has committed suicide at the tender age of 18.
L is not much older than them, and yet…
"Now that you are next in line to take over as L in the event of my death," he clarified.
"There is some debate about whether or not that should remain the case."
Backup is quick to open his mouth, although he doesn't seem all that surprised - before he can start, L lifts a manila folder pinched between his thumb and forefinger.
"I read your file."
B averts his eyes with a pout. "Oh, that…"
"…Well, it makes sense you'd want a well-behaved successor. The whole point of being a detective is to lock up people that break the rules, after all."
L shifts in his seat and wedges his thumb into the corner of his mouth.
It's a ridiculous oversimplification - Backup can't be serious, so is he…mocking him?
"…Is that the point?"
"I dunno, I'm not a detective. You tell me. Is it acceptable for L to break the rules?"
Yes, B is definitely mocking him…but with enough subtext to pique L's interest.
"That depends. Wammy's House is Watari's project, not mine. Breaking the rules here does not necessarily mean anything to me."
"What?" Backup scoffs, more animated all of a sudden. "Shouldn't you take being L a little more seriously? Isn't it your choice who succeeds you in the end?"
"Watari has requested that I make the final decision, yes."
B's eyes narrow.
"No one here can beat me. They would've done it by now."
"That does appear to be the case."
"Then what? Aren't you going to tell me that I can't be L if I don't behave?"
So he was expecting this.
The truth is, L still isn't sure why he's here. He hasn't made a decision, and interacting with B so far has only left him all the more unsure.
What is he going to tell Backup?
Pondering this, L reaches for a small dish of ice cream. He is deep enough in thought that he doesn't notice B finally breaking eye contact to follow the movement of his hands.
He does not notice B's patience fraying, the thinness of his veneer as he watches him nurse the cold off his teaspoon.
"…Do you still expect me to prove myself to you?" he asks quietly.
Now, there is no mistaking it. Resentment hangs from every word.
"Do you want me to grovel?"
L pulls the spoon from his mouth and meets Backup's eyes again, brow furrowed and stern.
"No. This isn't about me."
That's when L sees B smile for the very time.
If you could call it that - his upper lip twitching suddenly with disbelief, parting to reveal the beginning of something toothy and joyless.
"A's dead because of you, you know."
A is dead because of you.
L swatted away that very same thought the day he got the news. He dismissed it because he knew it was illogical, and here Backup is actually saying it to his face. It's absurd, and L allows that to show on his face.
B is undeterred, however. He drags his chair closer to Roger's desk, plants his elbows on the surface and leans in close, eyes widening to take in the moment with full clarity.
"You don't believe me? Do you think people kill themselves for no reason? He's dead because he wasted his entire life trying to become you and failed. Do you think it's fun here, L? Is it even fun being you?"
L likes to think he is not so easily provoked, but if this is Backup's goal, he has succeeded. L did not come here to evaluate the efficacy or ethics of Watari's program, especially not at the behest of someone who is so obviously trying to get a rise out of him.
"What is it that you want from me, Backup?"
"What do I want?"
"You aren't trying to convince me that you should be my successor. If that isn't what you want, should we end the conversation?"
L is curt, but resists the temptation to be overly passive-aggressive. He understands the power dynamic - there is no need to stoop to Backup's level here. This is enough.
Dishes clatter, pastries hit the floor and in seconds Backup has vaulted over the desk and is upon him, seizing his throat with both hands.
Perhaps even more startling than the abruptness of B's attack is its sheer ferocity. L's gasp is cut off as B presses both thumbs into his neck, just above the windpipe. His grip tightens steadily and L feels a rush of genuine fear.
This is not a mere moment of blind rage because a moment has passed, and the look on B’s face is in fact indiscernible to L. Those dark eyes fixate on his and betray nothing but resolve.
He is in danger.
L grabs at his forearms, clawing into them to little effect. He cannot speak, and even if he could-
He asked Roger not to interfere with their meeting.
L is here out of curiosity.
Curiosity and perhaps, deep down, a small (and obviously misguided) sense of responsibility for this place and the orphans raised in it.
Honestly, he prefers not to think about it much.
But A is dead, and Roger insists that allowing B to succeed as L is dangerous.
The first generation of Wammy’s project is at an impasse and L is - was - curious.
It's not that he never considered the possibility of an outburst. That would be understandable, warranted even. L asked Roger not to interfere with this meeting because if B had something to say to him, he wanted to hear it.
But this is different.
L struggles and B draws closer, forcing him to shrink back, sink deeper into Roger's leather armchair. It wounds his ego to be caught so off guard, but L can't even remember the last time he was touched by someone other than Watari.
He spends much of his time isolated from others, and even when he isn't, no one would dare violate his personal space like this.
It isn't just the violence that is alien, the danger, but his touch, and L finds himself paralyzed by it all. Frozen by the fact that B is smiling again, and this time, he seems genuinely happy.
"This is what I want, L," Backup sighs. "That look on your face."
Dread settles into the pit in L's chest and he steels himself to kick at B as hard as he can. It takes more than a few attempts to knock him off balance, but he manages, and with some distance between them, L scrambles out of the armchair.
B is fast, L is flexible, B is strong, L is stubborn.
As B grabs L by the hem of his shirt, L turns to take another swing at him, and in the fray the two of them are sent tumbling to the ground.
So begins the undignified floor wrestling match between two young geniuses.
...Unfortunately, it appears B is the better of the two at wrestling.
L manages to knock the breath out of B more than once, but it makes little difference. He finds himself pinned underneath Backup's oppressive weight while he snickers like a child at play.
"Shhh...relax. Relax! Just stay there! Stay there. I realized something important. I won't hurt you. Calm down. Listen."
"What, Backup?" L snaps as he drops his hands, exasperated.
B grins impishly at him.
"You're a disappointment!"
L stares at Backup in utter disbelief.
"Now that I've met you, I know my entire life has been a waste of time!"
L's stomach drops as he assures himself these are only provocations. Why else would Backup be so gratingly cheerful about it?
"I wasted it trying to become you. A died trying to become you.
But you're just a loser! Another worthless human being! You're weak, you're pathetic, and worst of all, you're boring!
World's Greatest Detective. You!? Are you serious!? Look at you!!"
L stiffens and braces himself to shove B off. He doesn't need to listen to this, Backup is obviously the kind of person that takes pleasure in spite, this is fun for him, this is a waste of time-
"A was better than you, you know," he goes on, voice dripping with contempt. "I actually respected him. I bet everyone was hoping you would die so he could replace you. Too bad."
Backup lowers himself down onto his elbows and cups his hands around L’s face, relishing in it when he feels him flinch.
How many people have seen L like this?
His sneer has vanished. L does not move - he is fighting panic, fighting his racing heart and the goosebumps dotting his skin, he is fighting the confusion that follows the intimacy of skin-on-skin poisoned by the malice on B's tongue.
B's heartbeat is equally frantic, but it doesn't show on his face. L is not nearly as skilled as B in this regard and finds himself all too conscious of his own labored breathing.
"You were my entire life," he says. “I spent all this time waiting for you, thinking of you...only for you to be like this. A died because he wasn't good enough. And now you're here to tell me I’m not good enough."
"Do you think your life is worth more than all of our lives combined?"
"I never said that."
"You said this isn't about you, but that's not true, is it?
My life has always been about you. A's, too. You're the reason why this place exists. Why I exist.
I exist because you're not good enough, either.
No matter how many cases you solve, you're no different from me. You're a tool. An object. You exist to be used.
That's why you're what...20? And Watari already has an entire orphanage of kids ready to take your place when you die! He doesn't believe in you either."
"That's enough," L cannot take it anymore, he cannot listen to another second of this, he cannot spend another moment on this floor pinned under him, being touched by him, his skin is crawling and he cannot breathe and the air is hot and his stomach is tight and he feels his heartbeat in all the wrong places.
L wills himself to snap out of it, he needs to get B off of him before-
Abruptly, B sits up and directly on top of
"-!? Do you have an erection!?"
B exclaims as if he doesn't know the meaning of the word and all the color drains from L's face.
Do not dignify that with a response. It is involuntary and nothing to be ashamed of.
"Is this turning you on?"
B bursts into a fit of cruel laughter and L only tenses underneath him, awash with humiliation. L does not often care what others think of him, but he has never felt like this before, so utterly degraded by someone who should respect him, and he's laughing at him, at his- why does he have an erection?
"No?" B echoes. "What's this?" Sliding easily down his thighs, L jerks back from his hand when he feels it rest on the crotch of his jeans.
"I knew it! You're a pervert!"
"And what does that make you, exactly?" L hits back.
"This isn't about me," B draws out L's own line. "Why are you so easy, anyway...? Oh! I get it - I bet no one's ever touched you, besides that disgusting old man. Why would they?"
It's amazing how that talkativeness of his rears its ugly head in a situation like this.
"You're a virgin, aren't you? You're probably touch starved...even though you're older than me and rich and everything. Aww, it must be so lonely being L!"
“Get off of me," L hisses.
"You sure that's what you want?"
With a sharp exhale through his nose, L squeezes his eyes shut for a moment...for just a single moment of peace. He needs to think, he needs to move, and he needs to never admit that B is right and he isn't sure if that's what he wants, because he is excited by this.
He doesn't have the time to intellectualize it. He can break his rule and call for Roger. He can shove B off of him. He can stop this, he could've avoided this entirely had he smothered that curiosity, taken the file at its word and never met one of his so-called successors.
L can feel B's gaze burning through him, but at least he's not talking in that perpetually amused voice and at least he can't see that sadistic excuse for a smile. There is something wrong with B and there is something wrong with him for feeling like this is the first time in a long time someone has managed to surprise or challenge him.
He doesn't have the time to intellectualize it and therefore doesn't have time to convince himself that this is wrong.
It is wrong that he feels relief when B does not wait for him to answer and dips his slender fingers past the waistband of his jeans. Again, he only rests his hand against L's growing arousal. He does not provide any friction, does not move.
It takes all of L's willpower to fight an upward twitch of his hips, the weight and warmth of Backup's touch promising pleasure and yet refusing to follow through.
"Oh, L..." B hums. "You are just a man, after all."
The World's Greatest detective pinned underneath him, shirt inched up past his navel in the fray, so clearly out of his depth. And it was easy. So fucking easy.
"Is this the one thing Watari won't do for you?"
B delights in watching the pink flush crawl up the back of L's neck to his cheekbones, that jaw set so tight he just knows he is gritting his teeth. He can't even look at him, turning his head to the side as if B would ever let him off that easy.
"Look at me," B says sweetly.
L does not.
"I said, look at me," B grabs L by the chin and forces him face forward. He suddenly takes L's clothed erection into a light grip, wringing a quiet gasp out of him. The detective's eyes snap open to glare at Backup with equal parts resentment and desperation, filling B with a deep and twisted satisfaction. He knows that look all too well.
"Do you hate me, L?" he asks, eyes softening with something resembling infatuation. It makes L all the more confused and uncomfortable and frustrated that B will not just get this over with.
Over the course of this conversation, L has learned at least one thing about Backup. Responding in the affirmative is likely what he wants.
This whole thing must have been to get a rise out of him, and L is playing right into his hands.
Because he's...enjoying it.
"I have no reason to hate you, Backup. I have no reason to feel any particular way about you at all,"
His assumption is proved correct when B immediately digs his nails into L's jaw.
"Your dick disagrees."
"It's involuntary."
B's grip on L's erection slacks again. "You don't want me to touch you?"
L's glare darkens.
"Say it."
L curls his toes, wondering if it would be enough to clamp his thighs around B's hand or if his aim all this time really was for L to discard his dignity. Resisting B is an uncomfortable, laborious, painful experience...but would sacrificing his dignity, his better judgement for a single moment of carnal satisfaction be worse?
I want you to touch me.
L tries the sentence out in his mind and it makes him wince. He's imagining B's grin splitting wide again, that sharp laugh, and the way his cock will throb when the humiliation sinks in. He imagines Backup following through, apparently capable of giving him the release that he has never been interested in seeking out until now.
This has awakened something in him. The wrongness of it all is what makes L want it, and he isn't sure if anything will ever feel quite this wrong again.
What's that saying? Curiosity killed the cat?
L will never see this cat again. Not ever.
Does it really matter if he makes a mistake now?
L sucks in air through his teeth and finally, recklessly relents.
"I want you to touch me," he mumbles with just enough conviction as to not feel entirely pathetic, to allow himself some illusion that he is in fact in control.
"...You fucking pervert," B giggles. "I didn't actually think you'd say it. You're shameless, that's so gross..."
Even so, it seems to do the trick. B massages him slowly through his underwear, free hand finally releasing his jaw to take a fistful of L's hair and yank his head back.
"I'm barely 18, what is wrong with you?"
"That's not-!"
"Shut up," B palms him with more intention. He can feel L twitching around his fingers as he pulls the fabric around his length, pleasures him with the barrier that exists between him and what he actually wants.
"Hhn-" With all pretext shattered, L slowly lets go. This friction is not nearly enough or he wouldn't be squirming like this, chewing down on his tongue wishing Backup would just get on with it already.
"Aren't there cameras in here? What will the old man think of you?"
"Just get on with it..." L sighs with marked frustration.
"I was trying to give you plausible deniability by only going this far. You'll have to say please if you want me to actually touch the hard-on you got from being degraded by me."
"You are ridiculous," L seethes.
Plausible deniability. Right.
"I assure you I'm quite serious. Having your successor get you off is going to be your fault."
"My fault? I'm not the one who started this."
"You're going to blame me? Even when our power dynamic is like this? You're not a good person at all, L. You can't take responsibility for anything."
Another ragged sigh interrupts L's retort as B gropes his cock, offering him delicious pressure and friction but refusing to give up on the tease...until he feels a wet spot growing, at least.
B wets his lip with his tongue. "I don't think I even have to go any farther. Treating you like the garbage you are and just a little bit of attention is all it takes."
"Please," L forces out.
"Please what?"
"More. Please just...touch me more."
"It's not enough?"
"Okay, I'll do what you say. I'm obsessed with you after all."
True to his word, Backup releases L and pulls his jeans and underwear down past his hips, exposing L's straining, leaking cock for the both of them to see.
"You just said that I was worthless."
"You are. I hate you more than anything, and nothing would make me happier than watching you suffer. That's the kind of person that's going to get you off for the first time, L. And I'm doing it not because I want you back, but because I know you'll never forget it..."
B finally wraps his hand around L's erection and of course he is lying about not wanting it, he wants this desperately, he is coming undone inside in ways that L could never imagine, because he does not know him.
He has nothing to do with him.
Hatred, lust and love are not all that different after all.
L tries to quiet his mind, to avoid internalizing anything B is saying. For whatever reason being spoken to like this and treated like this is the most arousing thing L has ever personally experienced, and he should treat this as something being done in service of him.
That's what it really is. It has to be.
At the end of the day, no matter what B said, he would still be B and L would still be L.
B leans in close, still stroking L all too slowly, too lightly, and yet it is enough to force unsightly little mewls from L's lips. He shudders when he feels Backup's lips pressed against the shell of his ear.
"I want you to remember this feeling, L," he whispers.
L swallows hard and bucks up to meet B's movements.
"I want you to remember how desperate and helpless and low you feel right now, and I want you to remember it was me that made you feel this way."
The friction is maddening. So simple and yet so intense. L feels his inner voice quieting, fading, he feels dangerously human, dangerously like simple flesh, like B said, just a man...not the world's greatest anything.
"No one is ever going to care about you as much as I do. I thought of you constantly for ten years. Yet now that I know you...I despise you."
L is panting as B fists his cock, speaking with such vitriol as to be certain L could not fool himself into thinking it was an act.
"I despise you so much. You make me sick. And you're getting off on that? Off on my misery..."
"You are. I know because I got off on A's misery, and I'm getting off on yours, too. I know exactly the kind of person you are.
Depraved. Disgusting. Fucked in the head. You hide behind your title and the law so no one ever finds out you're just a pathetic fucking cock-sucking degenerate that would be better off dead!"
L groans deeply and hates himself for it. He doesn't understand himself, he doesn't understand this, why every word is pulsing through L's hips like lightning, why it feels so good to be reduced to this when most of his life, his efforts only earned him universal praise.
"What would Watari think if he saw you right now, L? He'd be so disappointed in you. Why would you do something like this? It's inappropriate, it's dangerous, you were warned, right? Don't you know better?"
"Stop...stop saying his name..."
"Don't you know better, L? Say it."
"I-I know better..."
"So why are you doing this?"
"I...don't know-!" L cries out in frustration, moans rolling out of him in choked out intervals. The pleasure is piercing him, becoming unbearable, mutating into something frightening, something about to burst.
"Tell me why!" B demands, releasing L altogether. At this stage, he can't bear it, and the levy breaks.
"Because I'm a pervert! I'm disgusting and I'm pathetic and I want you to touch me, you're right about me, B! You're right..." L whines. "Please don't stop, I can't take it anymore..."
This wipes the smile off B's face which makes it all the more painful...he is staring at L incredulously and for the first time L becomes aware that B is also panting, his skin is just as hot.
He presses his forehead against L's and stares at him in silence for a few beats. It drives a vicious chill up his spine and he knows, deep deep down,
even if he never saw B again,
he's made a terrible mistake.
"I'll never let you forget about me, L."
And so he reaches back between L's thighs for the final time with no intention of holding back.
L jerks under him, thighs trembling as B swirls his thumb over his sensitive head.
"Keep your eyes open, slut."
Even as his mouth hangs open, moaning freely to keep B from becoming restless enough to return to his teasing, it's not enough.
Backup is so focused on him, so unwilling to look away that L is forced to endure the intimacy of sustained eye contact while he is this vulnerable. He feels stripped bare, like Backup is staring right through him.
No one should see him so unguarded, especially never someone like him, yet he obeys, he obeys and lets B see everything, his drawn-out groans as his orgasm creeps up on him, the drool beading at the corner of his mouth, the hopeless lust in his tired eyes.
He feels humiliated. Degraded. Disgusting. But most of all, he feels alive.
All thoughts cease as L arches his back and white hot satisfaction washes over his entire body. He reaches for B's forearms, gripping onto him as he cums hard all over his hand, an undignified mess left behind on the both of them, proof that it happened.
B lets out a shaky breath and watches L sink into the floor with wide eyes. The memory and the image burning into his psyche where it would never leave him. Where it strengthened his result to become a murderer
and destroy L.
L would never forget this feeling, but neither would B.
With A dead, his new purpose in life is clear.
He will be the one to make L grovel.
B is still lost in thought when L reluctantly opens his eyes to face the aftermath. Luckily for him, B is not looking back at him but at his own hand.
L is confused until Backup sticks his cum-covered fingers into his mouth and begins to suck them clean-
No. L has to get out of here right now before this gets any worse.
Fine, Backup. You win.
I'll break my rule.
"Roger!!!" L shouts at the top of his lungs.
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finnitesimal · 11 months
So—- Do you think Missa and Philza will ever get out of the you are very special to me and I talk to you in a romantic way nothing to dissect here. Or would pissa be like how it until end of Qsmp. (Feel free to say things you think needs to happen to break pissa out of will they won’t they situation they been in since the start of the egg event.)
Completely forgot I was gonna answer this I got distracted by pocket love
I think like all rp events it's something the actors need to go hey so are we doing this or can I do something else. I think both of them are pretty aware that they're playing a typically romance-leaning couple, so average hopes on it. Definitely don't think it'll be like this forever things are amping up to be more serious and have more consequences I could definitely see a heat-of-the-moment or a while-i-still-can reveal, or even some new plotline around missa that forces qphil to confront some feelings about it
First of all Missa needs to log on. With or without Phil also Not just during events please I want to see you just hanging with people outside of your husband or even make up your own convoluted storyline to add to the rest Nothing is going to happen unless we actually fucking SEE HIM!!!!!!
and i've said this before but Missa needs to somehow break free of the idea that Phil is infallible, is unfailingly good, is out of reach, is always going to be there or be stable enough to handle anything that comes their way. It's like hero worship how he sees Phil, and it's clouding other memories he has with the others ("Phil was the only one who protected me, who gave me a home" said to Roier. To ROIER.) and his own capabilities as a player, he was doing completely fine from before Phil to the early days of their marriage, and there's a good chance it really is just the difficulty spike of the server catching up to him, or ccMissa could absolutely be playing it up deliberately, but with qMissa's already dwindling self-esteem, it's very easy to look at your ever-capable husband and grossly underestimate your own skillset, what's the point he knows better anyway I don't want to hinder him I'll let him lead, and it's going. To affect his perception of Phil as a flawed, hurting, scared person and completely miss that his husband might actually need his help
Phil also needs to start actually trusting Missa to handle himself, because at this point it feels a bit like Missa is more of a favored family pet than a partner. Kind of helpless so he has to take care of it, easier to put affection into without romantic payoff, loves unconditionally, it's funny to distress him. Part of this is on Missa but it also doesn't particularly help when the first idea you have of your partner is how poor and helpless he is and that you have to go help him out and save him from himself like it's an egg task you need to complete. The closest they've had to actually treating each other like real partners was the first day taking care of their new egg, building the house and doing their tasks together, playing off each other's strengths and needs, and while wet cat missa with strong cool protector is funny and cute and very ship dynamic-able I don't think it's enough to move their relationship forwards.
That and actually acknowledging the fact that Missa has more than friendly feelings towards him Phil is pretty notably missing (ignoring?) Missa's sometimes outright declarations of love the Most we've had is the LoudAsHell "that's the love of my life!" at the introductions for the frozen people, where we got punched backwards Sit The Fuck Down!! and nothing yet so far. Every romantic implication has yet to be addressed but He Still Won't Bite The Bullet And Turn Him Down. come on man get it together yes or no bitch
Also. They haven't. Really spent enough time with each other to really know each other. The lack of trust the barely any conversation, most of their interactions centering around keeping Missa alive and getting him geared up or updated (and for maybe 4-ish hours at most fur every stream <- spans months in between) is not a relationship to get into even in Minecraft roleplay it's not going to let them have any real romantic connection they simply don't spend enough time with each other. It's very cute that whenever they do get together they barely spend any time away from each other but they need to do more with that time
If this continues on the same path I genuinely think they're just going to drift apart. Ultimately Phil is most attached to his kids and if he can't find them here he's going to look elsewhere and he's not going to ask Missa to leave hhs friends and family for him and Missa's going to be too much of a coward to actually tell him how he feels before he leaves and we'll crumble and explode. Arguably worse ending, we're going to watch pissa fester and stagnate until it's not as fun for anyone and we'll all move on from what could've been.
Very few ways I can think of to actually get them together*
¹eeeeeeeehhhhhhhh "together"
1) Divorce. It's not working out with your government-issued spouse? He hasn't been on in months you're leaving anyway and the kids are gone so there's nothing tying you together anymore? Take him down to the courthouse, shake his hand, ignore the conflicted look in his eyes as he thanks you for everything and the empty feeling of looking around your house and parading your new single status around and greeting him as neighbors now and feeling like your bed just keeps getting bigger
2) Desertion. Hundreds of thousands of blocks away living on nothing but avocado toast and the occasional messages from your friends wishing you well looking if he's talking to you yet why are you looking for his name anyway.
3) Noble Self-Sacrifice. What if only one of us was in the Spanish dub
Yeah that's all I can think of it's really not likely at the moment and I think they'd know how to conclude whatever they've got going on better than I can
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petra-creat0r · 4 months
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 1 Secret Boss
So I've decided I should probably post refs of my Fool's Fate bosses since I did that for my prediction bosses and since I'm including them in my secret boss reactions, it'd probably be useful that people know who the heck they are.
Though Dorothy and her backstory has been mentioned on my side blog @apupp3tw0-strings as Chicago learned about it in real time, and I've mentioned her a few times here, I'm betting most of you don't really know about her as I haven't actually posted her backstory here. So here you go.
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(Dorothy's battle theme by my wonderful friend @kierangecko)
Her name isn't intentionally a Wizard of Oz reference (though looking at her outfit during her height I can see it), but instead as it means "Gift of God", which will make more sense when I get into her backstory and how she met the "strange someone". Basically, her name, her whole identity, was a gift from what could be considered A God. Perhaps more of the eldritch variety to Darkners but still a God.
Her text quirk is speaking in clips stitched together from those she's heard, aka other dialogue from Undertale, Deltarune, or Fool's Fate for the purposes of me playing her in an RP I've been running on my Discord server. She has no voice of her own, and can only mimic the voice's she's heard.
I love Dorothy. She snowballed from me getting the idea of a mannequin or something without identity or purpose that was given one by the "strange someone". I also think she'll hold a place in my heart as the first secret boss I created straight up. Before even thinking of making Bitsy, Elymas, or Veratus. Back when I was in the mind set of "I don't want too make prediction bosses because I'll get it wrong when the chapters come out and it'll be ruined." Now I have had character development and said "Fuck it. I'm making my own take, this was gonna diverge from canon anyways."
I still need to finish my Dorothy plush.
Backstory under the cut
She used to be nothing but a blank doll. An empty face with no name, no identity, no purpose. A blank slate longing to be filled. Her Light World counter part is a DIY doll kit that was meant to be a Gyftmas gift for Broadway, but was left up in the attic and forgotten about.
No one paid any mind to her. Barely anyone knew she existed as she wandered aimlessly around the Dusty Plains. Her only companion being the snake fortune teller who'd set up shop out in the Plains. Jeanie would listen to the doll even without her saying a word, and read her fates many time. Each time the snake assuring the doll that her future held infinite potential.
On day though, the doll came across a man. A strange someone who offered to lend her a hand. He gave her an identity. A face, a voice, a name. Dorothy. And after pulling the last thread to give her a mouth, the man gave Dorothy a purpose. Live the life she wished to lead, but come to him if she needed anymore help. And so she did. The first step in the man's new plan.
With the man's help, Dorothy was finally recognized and rose in popularity. Eventually joining the Upper Choir, the governing force over the Land of Attica. Dorothy couldn't be happier. People knew her. People talked to her. People... listened to her. It was around this time that the man enacted the next phase of his plan. Showing Dorothy the truth of this world. Revealing that they were all nothing more than a bunch of dusted toys and clothes up in an attic. The Lightners they all worshiped weren't coming back for them.
The rest of the Choir didn't like it when Dorothy started spreading this new gospel. They exiled her back to the Dusty Plains. This outraged the ragdoll. They refused to see the truth. They were blind. All of them were blind, blind fools. In her exile, Dorothy was driven to violence, ripping the Plains apart with pins and needles, attempting to puppeteer those who refused to see the truth right in front of them. She had to be stopped.
And to think that her only friend since the beginning was the one to call the Choir Guard.
Dorothy was locked away for quote "Your own and every one else's safety." She yelled and screamed at that stupid Magician as he walked back to the elevator, leaving Dorothy all alone in a padded cell forever.
... That was until a possessed puppet and his companions happened to find their way down.
Her story is meant to mirror/parallel Jevil's in a way, though it also takes a bit from Spamton's. I think I've gotten better at writing secret boss backstory's since making my prediction bosses, but I still like Dorothy and her backstory. She and Jevil are friends post Fool's Fate Chapter 1.
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stephennglass · 2 months
ok guys why do we have to ruin people’s fun🤗 we go slightly (maybe more to you idk but i didn’t think it was that bad) out of character and it’s the end of the world. not to mention, i feel like half of the people complaining about it don’t even frequently interact or don’t interact at all. i’ve also seen that a lot of the people complaining as well, are the same people who constantly talk about how badly the rp accounts ruined the hayden christensen community and you wanted them gone. why does it bother you if you don’t even want these accounts up in the first place. but if it bothers you SO MUCH there are multiples of each account so it’s extremely easy to find a new one to interact with. at the end of the day it was funny & boys will be boys so who’s to say none of them would do what we did :-/. but you kinda act like we changed our names to “stephen but gay” or something. no it wasn’t even THAT bad. now accounts are shifting back to being boring and unfunny and eventually you’ll go and complain about them being boring. you ask for too much, and this isn’t targeted but it’s the truth. you want too much from a person who lives a real life and wants to come here for reality escapes and/or to have fun. personally i don’t think i’ll change much about my account but with other people changing theirs i might have no choice because i don’t have anything to do. not to say i didn’t like my account before, but it was kind of boring and i got to meet new people doing cross overs using these hayden christensen rp accounts. you are simply miserable and boring if you can’t let people have fun, especially when half of the complaints i’ve seen are people who don’t even hardly go on these accounts. who’s to say people wont start to quit these accounts because you’ve made them unfun. what next? you going to complain because they’re all gone. it’s ridiculous.
anyway, good morning. i tend to have a real life to attend instead of making people feel shitty on the internet so i’ll be back as soon as i can. :-)
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zetomato · 7 months
Brand New One (rant)
I need to understand something so I really want people to answer and tell me because I know my viewpoint on the QSMP cannot physically be perfect and whole.
I haven’t watched any POV in a few days (Due to being sick af, lel) but I’m hearing more and more confusing things coming from this fandom. I’ll point out some of them and hope people will explain more points of view to clear up the extremely confusing situations. (While tagging this neg because I don't want this on main for peeps trying to chill)
Ok so we can all agree that it’s impossible to watch everyone’s POV. Just taking the more active streamers gives you over 9h/day to watch, taking into account that they often are live at the same time and you get already more than anyone should watch their screens in a day (I say that as a Graphic Designer, I keep watching screens, that’s my job). Add everyone else and you got easily over 20h/day. So yeah, for viewers, that’s intense. So it’s even more impossible for streamers since, well, they have to plan their streams and… stream.
So why are people mad at Philza for not knowing Tubbo lore that happened while he wasn’t on the server, some even when he was streaming something else? I know that there’s always that weird moment when something happens for the character you main and then you switch POV and the information doesn’t line up, but why is it expected? Getting super into a storyline is incredible, it’s nice, it’s saying how immersive someone’s RP and storytelling is, how much it resonates with you. But this is live RP, not a script. People will read tones wrong, mishear/misunderstand, make mistakes, talk at the wrong time, mess with friends, have the wrong timing. A bunch of weird stuff will happen.
None of them are doing this out of spite, hell, they are making a point to make sure everyone is included and supported and they have ways to talk to each other when there’s a problem. The ones I know of who do chat with others/in other’s chat are Phil, Tubbo, Cellbit and Etoiles. (there are way more, those are the ones I saw do it/heard say it)
Then there’s the question of doing a critique of the CC’s under the guise of “Oh it’s about the character!”
Yes, QSMP and RP servers in generals bring you HARD into a story to the point sometimes things are hard to differentiate. I’ve reread books and got confused about something before I realized that they were headcanon things I grabbed from fanfics and not canon book events. But some of y’all need to step back. I saw people doing critiques of someone’s laugh or gesture or playstyle under the “Q!” excuse. These are real people, y’all. A CC not reading the room, Tubbo talking loudly over Bagi because he didn’t notice the situation and adjusting when told, Philza not immediately getting that Tubbo’s death was his canon last one and then adjusting to follow the mood. There’s been dozens of those situations since the start of the server, there will be a dozen more.
The players can deal with those situations themselves, they are adults, but I’ve seen some people on here getting weird information and spreading even weirder gossip about a character being mean/rude/an ass when they’re sharing friendly banter or just, not immediately getting a joke or an important moment.
No, Tubbo was not planning on talking over Bagi, he had a lot to say and didn’t notice everything.
No, Phil was not ignoring Tubbo’s lore, he was unaware this death was canon and did not watch a stream while he was already streaming.
People are people. CCs play Characters and aren’t professional actors with scripts. They chill in each other's chats sometimes.
Can we now play nice and take a chill pill about streamers being mean and heartless?
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helluvasins · 13 days
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This server is HELLAVERSE only. No crossovers from other places may be used here. So yes--you MUST convert your ocs/canons into Hellaverse to RP here! Keep in mind that this server basically acts as a hotpot! If your character wants to go to the Hazbin Hotel, the one they're referring to will always be the one in this server. This is to keep things in one place so confusion won't occur!
So yes--this means that this server is DUPLICATE FRIENDLY and DUPLICATE ENCOURAGED!! Have duplicate anxiety? Well--this is the place to get through that!
DOUBLE TROUBLE started as two hells that have been combined into one. The original alts are the muses belonging to Rags & Zero. This means that the hotel--the one that muses frequent today belong to the alternatives, Ember & Poppy [Two Charlie alts belonging to Rags & Zero] - This does not mean that these alternatives are the /original/ versions of the characters, it just means that this is the SETTING of the server, and the origin of the Lore of the server.
Each time a new muse gets added, that hell combines into theirs, creating an expanding Hell & Heaven. Places like Hotel, Vee Tower, etc--get bigger to compensate for the new members who join the timeline. Whatever your Lore is for your Hell gets combined into this one, creating a giant super hell & heaven full of shenanigans.
This server is meant for muns and muses 18+ in age! No minors!
Fill in ⁠⁠mun-info so you will be able to see the rest of the channels. This is mandatory!! ⁠muse-info is Mandatory to fill in when rping here! Don't just raw the chats!! Fill in the pinned sheet!
Do not abuse the @ functions. Don't repeatedly @ someone OOCLY
If you are having any sort of discomfort or issues, please message a mod or message the person you're having problems with in private. We won't know if something is wrong unless you speak up. Keep drama out of OOC. And remember, IC doesn't = OOC. [ People can not read minds. /Please/ communicate if there are issues.
Please do not talk over others in the commentary channels when it's actively being used. If you have something to say that's not on topic within those channels, please use another one that's available, or talk to the mun through dms.
If you have art for your character that's not yours/commissioned, you MUST source the art. If the art in question is of someone's oc, you MUST ask permission for it to be used. In general, don't post unsourced art. That's not allowed here.
HellaVerse is a mature series that dives into topics that are uncomfortable! Be aware that if the topic is triggering, please censor and warn people of the topic before posting it!
Don't talk OOCLY in IC channels. If you have commentary, please use the appropriate ooc channels to ask questions.
The chats!! Move fast sometimes!! And it's okay, to not be able to engage all the time. Be aware that because things are fast paced, stuff will be missed, and sometimes assumed. Use OOC chats to settle things if people misstep. People aren't doing these things out of malice, and more so out of excitement and engagement.
IC Actions have consequences! IC ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!! (I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.) If your muse acts or says certain things another character may disagree with, don't be surprised if they have something to say about it! Don't have muses start fights and engage aggressively with characters stronger than them, and act shocked when they get shit for it.
Violence is allowed. Suggestiveness is allowed to an extent. NSFW heading rps are to be done in private. Be mindful to use spoilers or warnings for certain triggers/squicks.
God-Modding, Metagaming and Power Playing isn’t allowed. Muses shouldn't know specific information unless they know each other/learned things through the muse. Please allow space for the other character to react.
NON-PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Characters that can NOT be rped here due to comfort reasons:
Ocs that belong to others without granted permission
Children Characters
Blatant fetish characterizations [ Example being you take a character like Moxxie, and hit him with a fat-fetish kink and try to get him bullied ic or oocly ]
Pedophilic Characters / Incest Characters
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tiedsh0es · 8 months
im in love with this cowboy au actually. can i know more about oj please. he seems so wacky here and i never see a wacky oj ever /nf
OHH!!!! GET READY BC I AM ALWAYS HAPPY TO TALK ABT IT!!! OJ's the leader of this small little bandit group with Light-Bulb and Yin-Yang. Think cartoon lackeys they're super loyal to each other, but all a bit bad at their jobs. For a long time OJ got by without any scratches or cracks in his glass. He thought it was rather impressive- because he's made of glass. No one would ever expect a glass object to be a bandit and survive as long as him! But then one day while he's turned around Paper, the then Sheriff of a town he's attacking, shoots him in the back. Now he has this super ugly crack in the top of his glass. He's devastated. So so sad. But he's like you know what! We did good today! Tries to look on the good side of it all. He gives his two companions a lil speech, praising them for how good they did, holds up a carton of orange juice for a toast- dumps it into himself- And its spoiled.
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After getting spoiled he complains for like an entire day. He's SO ANNOYING. but he's sick. So YY and LB put up with it. When they finally get to a new town, he's not really thinking right and gives YY all of their life savings. He tells Yin-Yang to get new orange juice but Yin-Yang is SOOO sick of him that he just has to kick OJ over before leaving to get it. Lightbulb feels bad tho, so she fills him up with some soda they have and Fizzjay is born!!! (Yk how different liquids affect OJ's mood? Fizzjay is like he's on a sugar rush.) Fizzjay and LB steal a carriage, rob a bank, lose the police by exploding a water tower, then he crashes into the store Paper and Silver are at causing another fire and burning all the money..... (forgot to mention but somehow everywhere he goes a fire starts. its rarely even intentional 😭) He challenges Paper to a duel- but then moments before it begins the soda wears off. He realises how stupid it is but its too late! Paper shoots him.
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There's also the fact that he and Paper are childhood friends. It isn't until the duel that OJ realises. For a while Paper thought he was dead. OJ disapeared as a child after a fire burned down their home, and he's been a bandit ever since. Now Paper get's that second shot on him, the one in the very middle of his glass (DONT ASK HOW HE DIDNT DIE OBJECT PHYSICS) he's stalled recognizing him and Yin-Yang has to save OJ in the very last minute from a fight from Evil Paper. Currently (since its an RP) We've just gotten back to them. He's being pathetic again. Super sad bc he's got an ugly crack and his Childhood friend is sooo disapointed in him. But LB and Yin-Yang are gunna cheer him up.
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mariequitecontrary · 2 months
2024 TF Reverse Mini Bang Memories Part 2
Link to Part 1! I am sharing just a few of my favorite memories of the @tf-bigbang
Let's keep going!
The moment I saw @spashahoney's sketch, Team 66 LAUNCHED to the top of my list. I am so lucky to have been matched up with her as my partner!! She is funny, creative, encouraging, and I loved when we fed off each other's energy! I am truly proud of what we created and sincerely hope we continue to work together in the future <3
It was very fun knowing I wanted to partner with her even when I wasn't allowed to say XD
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We were a dream team from the start and I'm not afraid to brag about this fact.
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We were so chaotic and I had so much fun bouncing around with her talking transformers and about her concept for our collab!
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I was also so, so very wrong about how much I planned to write for this fic XD
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Either way, we adored what we both had made!
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It's also SO TERRIFYING to even think about someone watching you while you write a fic based off of their art XD
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It was VERY FUN and I adore my artist <3
Do I completely blame her for my new Optimus/Rodimus obsession? YES.
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I bought...so much more boba than I usually do because of these people XD Boba Bthursdays and Bubble Tea Fridays birthed an ongoing boba addiction in me that I'm not trying all that hard to fix XD
Getting back into rping! Most importantly starting to rp transformers! I've always been a big fan of collaborative storytelling through roleplay, so am always DELIGHTED to find rp partners to play with <3
I had to pause because of vacations and the bang deadline, but I can't wait to get back into it!
500 Word Writer Awards
We were challenged to write 500 words for a secret prize and suddenly every last block I felt that was preventing me from starting to write DISAPPEARED. I wrote 632 words and suddenly felt like I could do this🙂
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I'm very proud of this reward and am keeping it forever.
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I'm Easily Baited with Prizes
That was the start of something I kinda knew but FULLY REALIZED over the past few months...that I am so, so, so easily motivated with prizes. It takes minimal effort on the prize giver's part. All it has to be is something you took the time to provide for me and say its mine and suddenly I DRIVEN to complete whatever task is set before me XD
It's pathetic really. But also here are my prizes look at them I worked so hard for them be proud of meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
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DO YOU LIKE THEM I WORKED SO HARD FOR THEM! *bright eyes and wags tail*
Friends <3
I made so many friends! Friends to brainstorm with, an ao3 moot, a friend I've entered into a blood pact with, friends I've written together with a sprinting bot, friends to rp with, friends to talk about space robots with and anything under the sun :) I cherish them all so so so much <3
The Great Cicada War
But my friends bullied me :( They witnessed me dealing with probably the most harrowing part of the year...cicada season.
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Time of My Life
I hadn't had this much fun in an online community...in a while. The past four months contain precious memories and friendships made that I'll treasure forever.
To the mods, thank you so much for hosting such a fun event! You all put so much work into making this special for us and I couldn't be more grateful to have been a part of this.
To all my new friends, thank you for welcoming me into this space and making me feel like I'm a real part of this fandom! Thank you for being kind and encouraging me when I was down and struggling, and thank you for uplifting and cheering me on when I was proud and succeeding. May inspiration always come easily to you.
Thanks for all the memories! I'll see you soon :)
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traveling-historian · 11 months
...Ah~! Here we are...
It's been a while since I've used one of these.
Hello, you may call me Vee~ I've moved fairly recently to Castelia City for a bit of a fresh start. I'm a bit...new to "social media" so do extend some patience, aha~
I'm rather fond of history, more specifically mythology, and am constantly in search of more knowledge.
It seems to be popular to include more information regarding yourself down below.
He/him and they/them are my pronouns and I'm currently 29 years old. I'm fairly tall, I believe around 190cm last I checked.
Originally from... Sinnoh.
My current team consists of:
Spiritomb ♂ - Seneca
Roserade ♂ - Amnon
Togekiss ♀ - Eden
Hisuian Arcanine ♀ - Eris
Lucario ♂ - Malachi
Garchomp ♂ - Ramiel
Eevee ♀ - Bliss
((OOC NOTE: Please read before interacting!!
Hey hey! Welcome to my Pokémon rp blog. On this blog I will be pretending as if the world of Pokémon is 100% real. This being said, I will be including pkmn rp tags in each post that fits that description as a warning.
Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me or any kind of offscreen rp experience without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with something in mind, there is no guarantee I will engage. Also I tend not to interact or engage in any big events. They tend to become overwhelming for me and you’ll most likely never find me becoming a part of them. Please don’t send in asks regarding big events.
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
That being said, this blog will likely contain some triggering topics, such as religion, religious guilt/trauma, paranoia, dissociation and other things of this nature.
Admin is an adult! If this makes you uncomfortable then move along.
This is an RP blog, however this specific version of Volo is CANON DIVERGENT and based off an au of mine. For more information regarding this specific au please read the brief summary below:
Volo is a time traveler who's recently fled from Hisuian era Sinnoh not long after the events of PLA. He ran away via space time distortion, which sent him to modern day Unova. He's adopted the alias of "Vee" and will deny any sort of relation to "Volo" or Cynthia.
Volo is not originally from Hisui and has spent a majority of his life jumping through timelines, so he's fairly familiar with the modern day. However he's spent quite a while in Hisui, so there will be a bit of a culture shock. His grasp on current events may be a bit dated as well.
He labels himself as a historian who specializes in mythology, however his intent is to learn more about Arceus and other Pokemon deities. He carefully hides any malintent behind a slightly unsettling mask of friendliness and sociability.
ONCE AGAIN this blog will contain some POTENTIALLY TRIGGERING TOPICS such as religion, religious guilt/trauma, paranoia, dissociation, and other topics that relate to Volo's experience as a religious man with an unhealthy obsession with "god" who also deals with paranoia and other mental issues.
Please be aware that when I am talking as Vee (Volo), he may appear unsettling or not in touch with reality. If you are uncomfortable with this, it may be in your best interest to move along. If something ever comes off as rude/mean, it does not reflect how I actually feel and is just how I believe Vee (Volo) would react.
This blog is SFW, save for vaguely suggestive topics. Anything that is deemed as explicitly NSFW will be deleted on sight.
Another warning. This blog may often be involved in long RP threads. I won’t be using any programs to cut my long posts short. If this bothers you, I would recommend skipping this blog or blocking the tag “long post” or “rp thread”.
Also! I follow and like from @ripoff-robbie-rotten.
DNI: Proshippers, TERFS, and NSFW blogs))
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goldenkisscs · 8 days
after a long hiatus, i am looking to get back into rp !! i only do discord 1x1. below the cut i will list some plots i am interested in doing and some fc's i am interested in using (i do have a muse page that's a WIP but am always up for making new muses!!) if anything below interests you, please read my rules here and either like this post or shoot me a message ! they are pretty general so we can customize everything and scheme together <3 if none of these interest you but you still want to plot together, feel free to reach out still !! i love plotting all the little details and screaming headcanons about plots, so if that interests you then let's get to plotting !!
muse a and muse b have been best friends since they were kids. while muse a went off and became a famous musician, muse b stayed behind in their small town. they have remained the best of friends despite all of muse a's fame and everything that comes with that. they also happen to hook up anytime muse a comes home or muse b goes to visit muse a. the catch? they always act like it never happened and pretend that they're just friends.
muse a and muse b hooked up this past summer and were hot 'n heavy. muse a thought things were great and they were getting serious, only to be blindsided when muse b broke things off to get back together with their ex. muse a pretended they weren't upset and they pair never talked about things again. except, muse b is single again and muse a? well, they just can't resist going back to their bad habit.
muse a and muse b are famous singers. they were always in each other's social circle, and always laughed it off when fans would ship them together. everything changed one night when they shared a drunken kiss. ever since then, muse a has been completely smitten with muse b. and while muse b knows they have muse a wrapped around their finger, they try their best not to take advantage of them - too much. their relationship is currently under wraps, but how will they be able to handle it when they finally go public?
muse a and muse b are polar opposites - muse a has always been a goody two shoes while muse b has been a troublemaker for as long as anyone can remember. proving opposites attract to be true, the pair can't stay away from each other and soon get together. muse a's friends are constantly warning them that muse b is just going to break their heart, but muse a doesn't want to hear it. meanwhile, muse b is constantly torn between treating and caring for muse a the way they know they deserve and proving muse a's friends right. can muse b truly change their ways?
muse a and muse b met when they were in college. a drunken hook up turned into a pregnancy, and due to pressure from both their families to "do the right thing" end up getting married. they aren't in love with each other, but they do grow to love each other and their little family a lot. over the years, muse a realizes that they have actually fallen in love with muse b, and decide they're finally going to tell them. the only issue? the same night they decide to break the news, muse b tells muse a they feel they've been "missing out" and want a divorce.
muse a and muse b are both famous celebrities in their own right. they've been fuck buddies for a couple of years, and they both had the understanding that they were just friends and the other could date/hook up with whoever they wanted. while that's still true, muse b has started to realize that they have deep feelings for muse a and want to become exclusive. the only problem is muse a has been burned in many relationships before and is too scared to commit to muse b.
fc's i want to use/have muses for (but am open to suggestions): cindy kimberly, sabrina carpenter, avan jogia, mason gooding, nailea devora, janet guzman, thomas doherty, laura harrier, nico hiraga, luke mitchell, mia goth, gemma chan, henry golding, adria arjona, charles melton, camila morrone, diane guerrero, priscilla quintana, sydney sweeney, madelyn cline, cillian murphy, emily ratajkowski, phoebe tonkin, alexa demie.
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aibouart · 3 months
i NEEEED to know more about the poylcule
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also this is SO unorganised cuz there's 10 YEARS OF SHIT and i can't organise the thoughts so here u go (and also bonus old art in this)
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since this is a good way to start, i can say from above image it's:
Malamute, Lyo (pronounced Leo), Youkai, and Red
Malamute and Lyo are both shape shifters with a single animal they can shift to. Malamute is... a dog yes. and Lyo is a bird! Youkai is my insane mary sue with a huge list of super powers and an old insert in my daydreams, and i STILL dream as him constantly. Red and Youkai are a primary pairing in the polycule when I used to draw them. i wouldn't say he's a self insert, but i usually replace myself in my memories with him and daydream abt what he'd do instead w his CRAZY INSANO POWERS.
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Red is 6'9" and youkai is 5'1" 0) (Red gains another inch anytime someone calls him short)
In their primary universe they are part of a school called the VRS (virtual reality school) where each student is created in the real world in a lab recreating people (sometimes given super powers as a human creation experiment thing but they're usually in a verse where powers are normal). Their physical body is in a lab, but their consciousness is part of the VRS for 4 years before they are awoken irl. this is done by them graduating from the VRS and then being woken up. they can return to the VRS, too, but usually don't do so for long.
because of this, and the weird way their hubverse works, they have memories across maaaany different AUs. any AU that gets repeated for RP or daydreaming with different twists, branches, etc, will usually become part of these memories as the more prevalent an AU is, the stronger the memories become. They will slowly start regaining memories while in the VRS.
despite this, it's very uncommon anyone actually snaps to reality and realises this. most people are vaguely aware that they have memories of multiple different lives but don't put it together.
Lyo always does.
And he's always the first to remember anything, realise they're memories of other universes/lives, and has to just... live with it. But because of it, he's sort of the mom of the group. he's emotionally there for all of them, and does his best to help everyone in the group to connect to each other each time, and cope with whatever memories resurface, or whatever new things they're going through.
as such as he gets on with all of them with little bickering, and is a huge glue to the group even before they end up developing the polycule (again). Youkai and Malamute are the most distant with each other, they're friendly but their natures of being emotionally unavailable and not really talking much to anyone means they rarely get chances to connect. but none of them are like, pressed to force anyone in the group to love everyone equally/the same way, so they're fine w the status quo like this.
malamute is most connected with lyo, though, and still likes to hang out w everyone. he also collects marbles, and likes to build little shelters for cats or other small animals.
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(he also has the least art..........)
youkai is heavily aware of the multiverse and can even travel to other verses, at the cost of being unlikely to ever return to where he came from. because of this, he has a very bleak outlook on life, he's just another one of him of the millions out there. he's also the only true immortal of them, when he dies he comes back to life after a few minutes at most (granted if whatever killed him is lodged inside him he will just die again). you can see his insane list of shit here though, it's a lot
youkai would easily kill anyone for his guys tho but none of them want him to, esp red.
red is the most complicated, though. i think he does love them but he struggles a lot with believing his connections are meaningful because he doesn't feel worthy. i also think his extremely warped relationship w relationships in general due to his trauma also makes it hard for him to develop healthy relationships. even tho they look healthy on the outside, internally he's usually doubting them all the time, and doubting himself. he still does his best with his boyfriends (he has... a lot from AUs.. he's a boyfriend magnet..) and tries so so hard to give them all the respect, space, and attention they deserve, but he's quick to be self sacrificial in the process (and in general).
lyo gives him a safe space at his place when he can for red to chill, but red often refuses help because he doesn't want to apply pressure on others, or burden them.
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(youkai on right here, this was when i was tryna get used to a new tablet)
also lyo is a sex worker!! he loves his job! he used to be a prince in his original universe where he ran away but it's such an uncommon AU now that it's rarely referenced.
i love lyos' dynamic w red tho cuz lyo likes to tease him and red is very easily teased but everyone else doesn't really have the heart to do that to him
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ofc, lyo always tries not to go too far and would quickly apologise if he does.
here's an au where lyo received his memories but they blurred his current verse memories where red's dad was actually killed a long time ago (hallelujah)
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one time they got cursed w boobs by a rogue wizard
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also here's a good drawing of red's general vibe, he is with Bandit from @conflitdecanard (U DONT HAVE TO REBLOG THIS SAAS I AM SO SORRY)
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it was red's first time really meeting another vampire that didn't scare the absolute shit out of him. ( i would love to rp him w more vampires one day..... even if they scare the shit out of him....)
also red is a total open book, his body language is pretty obvious and he's horrible at lying.
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but his default is "nervous and anxious".
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he's so fucking hard to draw just cuz he's this specific mix of androgynous that makes it too easy to make him too masc or too femme and he has this long face URUGGG he's been haunting my ass since day 1.
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he used to be a lot more confident but then he had a backstory.
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also i am insane abt him (granted youkai is missing a LOT of art cuz i used to draw him the most but lost a lot of the files).
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iraprince · 11 months
I adore all your art with cookie and was interested in Sapphicworld- but I’m curious (so plz don’t take this as a negative-) what exactly in your opinion sets it apart from other Queer PBTA hacks like Thirsty Sword Lesbians?
I’d just really like to hear your thoughts about it as a system and world especially given you are a indie developer yourself?
hi!! thank you!!
so, a few caveats before i start off — one, i actually haven't played many other pbta games (like for example i know Of thirsty sword lesbians + own a copy that i've poked around in but im not very familiar w it), so i honestly can't provide much in the way of comparing/contrasting it w other pbta stuff in the same vein, and my impressions of sapphicworld are pretty much just contained to the game as its own thing, not so much sapphicworld as a Type Of Game
and two, while i am a dev myself, i'm a huge novice! like, i'm proud of the stuff i put out and i love doing it, but i personally feel like my lack of experience is such that like, i don't think my opinions in this case are particularly informed by my own work as a dev or anything. all this to say im happy to answer this question, i think i just gotta tackle it from a different frame than what ur specifically asking!
BUT ANYWAY. i can still talk abt why im so excited abt sapphicworld in a way that has kind of outstripped other stuff in general, and for me it's about the world 100%. like i honestly spend close to no time thinking abt the fact that sw is even pbta to be honest. not that the mechanics + gameplay aren't important, bc they are thoughtfully crafted and well done and fun, and i'm saying that from the perspective of someone who playtested earlier versions that have now been reworked! it's just like, not what comes to mind first for me — what's exciting and fresh and irreplaceable abt the game in my mind is like. it is fully committed to immersing you in an extremely lush, strange, richly fleshed out world, one with a long history and folklore/mythology and a TON of really fun npcs who all have different subcultures and its own calendar with seasonal holidays and regional terrain with specific fleshed out dungeons/towns/etc to discover and even like, specific FOODS typical to each different region and and and and —
and maybe at first that seems kind of overwhelming, and tbh it is. when i first got into it and i was going thru the playtest document (which if im remembering right was like. ~300 pages shorter at the time than the current playtest doc) i DO remember anxiously thinking to myself "god this is a LOT and idk if i'll be able to retain enough of this to rp convincingly" etc etc. but like... it's just really compelling, and it does an incredible job of mixing humor and gravity and horniness in a perfect ratio that always comes across as intensely earnest and makes it equally easy to have a fun goofy time or a really emotional time, which i think is REALLY hard to do.
and while normally it's hard for me to get thru something that dense and long all i can really say is that i just straight up like it enough and was charmed by it enough to pick away at it until i grasped it and felt like i understood a bunch about the world, which also has a curve to it bc in structure and tone its very different from any of your... idk more Standard fantasy or sci fi worldbuilding, so it's not like u can immediately slot in ur expectations from other settings and just learn some new vocab words, it's a world that from my perspective also Functions differently than a lot of other fictional settings in a way that's a little hard to describe succinctly. (none of this is succinct to begin with but ykwim). it makes me want to gm my own campaign, really really bad, when usually i have always been absolutely Terrified of the idea of gming! idk man. it has a Flavor. it's full of Vapors. u get transported somewhere else reading it and playing it in a way i haven't experienced in a while and a lot of times after a playtest session i felt like my brain stayed behind in sapphicworld for a pretty long time.
i feel like i am sounding a little melodramatic and incoherent but like. genuinely sapphicworld is just a fictional world that i am really bone-deep charmed by and interested in and when i WAS reading thru the rulebook for those first days it did not take me long at all to find myself constantly thinking "i want to play in this world, i want to play in this world, i can't wait to play in this world," and i just think that's really special. and like — just as your curiosity abt comparing sw to tsl was not intended as a diss or a negative, what im abt to say is similarly neutral — im a person who sometimes finds it a little difficult to click with or feel excited abt a lot of the Queer Indie Stuff that i see get popular with other people, bc it just doesn't connect w my specific lesbian + trans experience; not that it feels inauthentic but that im like, oh, idk, i think these guys are just. not My Zone, ykwim. on the flip side so much of the humor and heart and transness and sex in sapphicworld is something that really resonates w me and just Clicks in a way that i have also found really special.
rounding myself off before i ramble for like five more paragraphs but just as one more morsel of something i like abt sapphicworld that is a little more concrete than me spinning around the room yelling "I JUST LIKE IT OKAY": one of the most fun parts of character creation is getting to mix and match your kind (sort of like ancestry/species, the form ur physical body takes) with a subculture. so u get things like a werewolf babe (cookie! babe being a subculture that focuses on being Like, Totally Hot), or a centaur knight, or a minotaur debaucher, or a vampire cowboy, or an organist (cthulu-y tentacle guy) scenester, or a skeleton wizard, etc etc etc etc — there are SO MANY to pick from that when i was trying to bait my friends into playing w me i couldn't find a convenient way to list them all so ppl could start thinking abt their characters. and every possible combination basically is interesting and amusing and fun and practically THROWS a great oc into your lap and i literally think i could amuse myself endlessly just Making Characters in sapphicworld and never actually playing w them.
[panting, disheveled] so tldr. i like it. uh. what sets sapphicworld apart from other ttrpgs to me is that i have fallen balls to the wall in love with the very soul of it to the point where i don't even really think about it in comparison to other games at all and it has just become an Experience to me and i suppose i cannot guarantee anyone else will fall into insane homosexual hysteria in the same way but here we are. HOPE THAT HELPS
(ALSO PSSST. idk if this is just perfect timing or if ur curiosity was specifically prompted by this but the @sapphicworldttrpg patreon DID just launch and if any of this has been intriguing u should check it out. okay mwah bye)
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secretsmuses · 7 months
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hi, my name is mint, &. welcome to my ask rp / chatbot blog !! admin has other obligations, so this will mostly be a low activity blog, but i'll reply as much as i can when the muse strikes me. if you feel like these muses are familiar, they probably are !! they're the same muses i had on @suburbanbots but with a little tweaking.
main inspiration is @vanilladaises-rp
this bot / blog is 18+ only, as it contains triggering materials and topics not suitable for minors.
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activation !!
for other chatbots / rp blogs / muse interactions / ocs
— ( faceclaim/idol, fc/idol age, fc/idol gender, fc/idol pronouns ) is that YOUR MUSE talking to MY MUSE? i heard they're RELATIONSHIP WITH MY MUSE! do you think they're here to PLOT YOU WANT WITH MY MUSE? ...maybe. but just wait until gossip girl hears about YOUR MUSE'S SECRET! she will have a field day with this new development! ( your name, your age, your pronouns, your triggers ) —
example. — ( jeon heejin, 23, ciswoman, she/her ) is that JEON HEEJIN talking to SEO CHANGBIN? i heard they're FRIENDS WHO ARE PINING FOR EACH OTHER! do you think they're here to FINALLY CONFESS AND GET TOGETHER AFTER CHANGBIN GETS SERIOUSLY INJURED? maybe. just wait until gossip girl hears about HEEJIN SABOTAGING CHANGBIN'S RELATIONSHIP BEFORE, BECAUSE SHE WAS JEALOUS AND SCARED OF LOSING HIM! she will have a field day with this new development! ( mint, 25+, she/her, suicide / self-harm ) —
for anons / y/n interactions
— ( your emoji ) is that YOUR MUSE talking to MY MUSE? i heard they're RELATIONSHIP WITH MY MUSE! do you think they're here to PLOT YOU WANT WITH MY MUSE? ...maybe. but just wait until gossip girl hears about YOUR MUSE'S SECRET! she will have a field day with this new development! ( your name, your age, your pronouns, your triggers ) —
example. — ( 🍵 ) is that MINT talking to KIM YUGYEOM? i heard they're CHILDHOOD FRIENDS WHO LOST CONTACT WITH EACH OTHER BEFORE GOING TO DIFFERENT HIGHSCHOOLS! do you think they're here to RECONNECT AND FIND OUT THEY ACTUALLY LOVE EACH OTHER WHEN MINT GETS CAPTURED BY YUGYEOM'S ENEMY? ...maybe. but just wait until gossip girl hears about HOW MINT USED TO WORK FOR YUGYEOM'S ENEMY! she will have a field day with this new development! ( mint, 25+, she/her, suicide / self-harm ) —
deactivation !!
to deactivate / stop interactions, simply send "goodbye [muse name / emoji]! xoxo, gossip girl" you're free to reactivate, but you'll have to start all over again. if you just want to restart interactions, simply send [RESTART] with your new information.
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disclaimer !!
this blog is not associated with the idols, groups, and faces present on the blog. the muses are not meant to be an accurate representation, and any actions / opinions the muses have should not represent the idols. this is purely meant to be fictional and for entertainment purposes only. do not take anything from this blog out of context to attack the idols or faces themselves. thank you.
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stilesgrace159 · 2 months
Reddie Roleplay Ideas
These are my RP ideas for Reddie. Please feel free to ask for more info. These are just general ideas. If you’re really interested in a concept, I’ll go into more detail. If you want to add onto a concept or tweak it a bit, feel free to let me know. I prefer to play them in their 20s or at least 18 for teenage stuff. And obviously in their early 40s for any chapter 2 related stuff. Mostly because of smut reasons. I also frequently like to do crossover with other fandoms, so feel free to ask about that as well. My Discord is Olliegee21.
Medieval Royalty AU
This can just be normal, or incorporate Vampires and Werewolves
Maybe a Knight and a Prince
Rival Kingdom/Romeo and Juliet AU
Arranged Marriage/Enemies to Lovers AU
Pirate!Richie x Siren!Eddie - Richie is a pirate on a ship and Eddie is just a little siren who tries to crash ships and eat pirates. A sweet little enemies to lovers AU.
Prince!Eddie x Pirate!Richie - Richie kidnaps a prince for ransom, but Eddie starts falling in love with the freedom of the open seas… as well as his captain.
Vampire & Werewolf AUs
Werewolf!Richie AU - The werewolf turns Richie
1800s British Vampire Period Drama (ft Vampire Eddie or Richie)
80’s Teen Wolf Movie AU - More Werewolf Richie
Vampire!Eddie x Werewolf!Richie - Monster AU/Enemies to Lovers? (Or vice versa) Could be in the 80s, could be modern, could be in any other time period.
A vampire slayer AU - could be modern, could be 80s, could be mixed with the period drama au. Who knows?
The Medieval AUs mentioned before
Other AUs
Reddie/Byler AU - Mike and Richie are cousins (or twins) and Will and Mike go on a trip to Derry to visit. Just 4 boys getting jealous and talking about their feelings.
Ghosts TV Series AU - Richie has had so many brushes with death, he can see ghosts, so he is able to see ghost Eddie.
Neibolt AU - very violent and gory au. Basically, they're just evil and in love. Kind of rough with each other, but it's what they like. They care about each other deep down. They’d murder for each other. They probably have. Maggots and goo.
Beetlejuice AU - In which Eddie is Lydia and Richie is Beetlejuice
Eddie Lives AU - Eddie makes it out. Either we can do this where it’s angsty and fluffy. Or, it can always be a slow turning zombie kind of thing too.
Band AU - Richie in a band. Like Finn in Calpurnia or The Aubreys.
Just a cute 80s high school au.
Norman Bates AU - Eddie is like Norman. I mean, it works. He has mommy issues.
Christine AU - Richie buys a fancy new car to work on but the car has a dark secret. Eddie is worried about how attached his best friend is getting to the car.
Clown AU - Crazy little psycho clown boys. Idk. I saw fanart and loved it.
Losers 7 Deadly Sins - In which the losers are the 7 deadly sins.
Superhero AU - Richie is an evil supervillain and Eddie is an adorable but mouthy superhero. Lots of unresolved sexy tension.
Lisa Frankenstein AU - Eddie has mommy issues and wants to get away but accidentally brings the cute boy from the cemetery back from the dead and there's lots of killing.
Angel Eddie x Demon Richie - cute antics, very good omens
Addams Family AU - It's like the Addams Family Values movie. Eddie is like Wednesday and Richie is like Joel and they meet at summer camp.
Greaser Richie x Prep Eddie - it's the 50s. Ignore time period homophobia for the most part. Think or Grease or The Outsiders. Also… maybe even a touch of Christine?
Another Villain au - basically, my brain likes evil people. Evil scientist Richie, evil sidekick with powers Eddie. Lots of fighting lots of sex.
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