#talking about it again
chaoticrobotics · 1 year
Honestly I’m just gonna leave this here: In some part I feel kind of responsible for some of that hate, I was pushing out this comic series to a ton of younger people and didn’t try nearly hard enough to rein them in to avoid you some of the harassment, I’m sorry about that Eri. 😞
And on a side note… you are like the only person that actually makes DJ stuff and that’s honestly the most depressing thing for me… WHERE’S THE LOVE FOR THE BEST BOY!? COME ON PEOPLE 😂
Eh, don't put too much of the blame on yourself. I'm pretty much solely to blame because I put my art onto tiktok and when one person asked for a part 2, I caved and started making it a series. I should have just stuck to my guns and said it was just a one-off piece or something like that. I dug my grave, so I laid down in it (for a bit before leaving it because I was sick of the dirt, but now I'm back to counting the worms before diving back into the pit lol).
So don't blame yourself. I was too nice and too much of a people pleaser. It's not even that I am/was getting hate, just people being entitled and unappreciative of my work and always wanting the next part right after I posted. It's hard to control a fanbase, so don't worry about thinking you caused any of this for me!
Also, I'm definitely not the only person who was making DJ stuff, but I did put a LOT more emphasis on him than the other characters (not counting the DCA) since I absolutely adore DJ and the Minis so much. Ever since I heard the OG Music Man's voice from UCN, I've been in love with that character and concept!
But yea, if I do end up going through and finishing the comic, DJMM and the Minis do come back and actually have a pretty important role in the comic (funnily enough, the next part, or the one after the next, was going to have the Minis in it, so once I get back to drawing/my tablet comes in, you'll be seeing more of them again).
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theconfusedartist · 1 year
it's funny
the reason all the timelines are named "permutation xnumber" isn't bc of Desmond, the Isu, or anyone else that knows about the timelines and how to travel between them, as they have their own specific distinction based on what events were changed
it's actually Alex who started the permutation naming, as he came from permutation 1 and was able to go through all the major decisions he made to choose different options.
he would've stayed in permutation 1 too, since he was happy, but found out that someone put a planned obsolescence code in Desmond which resulted in his permanent death that couldn't be undone or fixed even with the specialized virus that he specifically made to infect Desmond to keep him alive
due to this, Alex starts hopping from permutation to permutation, living with the alive Desmond in those timelines, and just enjoying his lover being alive.
He starts finding out hidden information about the Isu and PoE technology and uses this to make different decisions in every timeline he visits while also keeping Desmond closer and closer
It's why, in permutation 1, when Alex (who didn't know who "Destiny Mercer" was at the time but knew about Desmond Desiree Miles) first manages to find Desmond and grabs him in a big hug, Desmond asks "how do you know me?". Desmond had decided not to believe that Alex getting shot down would permanently kill him, but he also knew (since Alex had predicted his death beforehand) that some shit was going on
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rowenasgf · 25 days
thinking about the character like
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ered · 17 days
Here’s my take on the whole audio books vs. reading:
Oral tradition of storytelling predates written ones by millennias, and honestly, which one you like is just a personal preference.
The actual difference is
when listening, you have no idea how to write characters’ names
when reading, you have no idea how to pronounce characters’ names
hope this helps!
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bugstung · 1 year
He's genderfluid, he's a transman, he's transfem, he's actually cis and gnc, he's a transwoman but look the exact same as in canon, he's transmasc and wears feminine clothes, he's nonbinary
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cozylittleartblog · 5 months
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"content creator" is a corporate word.
we are artists.
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calling my lover "mine" but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, "mine" like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. "mine" not like possession but devotion.
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lylahammar · 5 months
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the way that this page in particular was adapted just OOZES studio trigger tbh. like I know everyone likes to joke about studio trigger being the horny studio, but the quick jerky animation direction is what truly makes their work recognizable to me. I can practically see Lio Fotia bleeding through the pixels in that 5 frame animation of Falin peeking through her fingers
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I'm not an expert, I know nothing about ornithology or biology or zoology or wildlife science or animal behaviours or animal intelligence, but sometimes I think about the fact that birdwatchers in Toronto observed a raven learn how to mimic crow calls, make a nest with a crow and raise a pair of crow-raven hybrids the birdwatchers referred to as cravens and I just think. That's gotta be love, baby.
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pen-of-roses · 11 months
Do y'all ever think about how cool it is that art inspires other art inspires other art inspires other art in an endless cycle
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adriles · 11 months
when we’re done with our overwhelming grief we’ll eat i guess
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
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inspired by recent events from my sister’s actual real life
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ghosted-jazz · 2 months
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I am not immune to this car salesman fairy and his traumaised iPad kid
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ashleyloob · 6 months
every time I see non Asians go by Asian names online I get whiplash bc I'm like o shit another one of me!! then I find out they are a white weeb from Arkansas going by Haru that can't name more than 3 countries in Asia
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4swearitsight · 5 months
Megan thee stallion I hope ur somewhere with a mimosa getting a pedicure rn
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bookscorpion73 · 10 months
guys I’m doing it!!!
ok *deep breathe* if this post gets 7,300 notes I will tell my parents I’ve been writing this story (my sci fi story) and ask if I can get it published by next Christmas also if this does end up getting that insane number of notes I may have to take my word back on the “finish and publish on wattpad or ao3 all four of my wips by next new years” because the sci fi one is obviously going to need a lot more attention but I will finish the drafts for my other 3 wips by next Christmas as well (the summer rom com, the Christmas rom com and the sapphic vampire heist one)
Update: it’s already at 1,000 and I’m dying
Update: shit shit shit how is it at 4,000???
Update: 6,000 notes??? Why guys why 😭😭😭😭😭
Update: 7,300 notes… well shit
Update: thank you all <33333333
Update: guys you can rest now no need to keep reblogging and commenting so much it’s hit the goal
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