#talking as if I have viewers btw I have not shared my characters with the public yet
dan-crimes · 2 years
Saw a post abt liars in media and it makes me wonder what people will think of my characters
All of my characters are very flawed and one of those flaws is the fact that most of them are fuckin liars !! And I love it! I love keeping up with my character's lies and watch as the characters within the story are deceived and the people viewing my characters are in the same boat tho with the knowledge of my characters being liars it makes it harder for viewers to trust anything my characters are saying which also plays right into my hands bcuz a character of mine could be telling the complete truth and no one would fuckin believe it LMAO
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pommunist · 4 months
Back from my slumber I have a lot of asks about the situation with Pepito’s OG admin and the « Otipep incident » (don’t know what else to call it lmao) and pretty much my only take is that this whole thing could have been fixed or even entirely avoided very easily by doing 2 things.
1. Hire an admin who is fluent in spanish and ideally from latin america.
Not only it makes sense since all 5 of Pepito’s parents are native spanish speakers who mostly used spanish when playing on QSMP, but also because being fluent in a language comes with some understanding of what is and isn’t acceptable to do/say to someone.
Random exemple but Lea played a pinguin during Carnaval and the first interaction between them and Antoine is just them two insulting each other with chat and Baghera all laughing at it. But that’s possible because by being from the same culture and linguistic background you know it’s fine/can pick up social cues easily if it’s not to adapt your roleplay.
This isn’t a dig at the admin for not knowing enough spanish btw, they just weren’t the good fit for this roleplay situation. « They must have lied about speaking spanish » I can lie about being fluent in spanish while only really having a basic level and a 5 minutes discord call would expose that.
2. Oh my, miss communication (pun intended) you again ?
Having a system to allow ccs and admins to share boundaries, both general and for specific scenes would have solved so many issues. Like just being able to have discussions such as « My character is really angry today because X and might act rude, what would be your limits regarding that ? » or « Hey the lore I plan on doing today touches some heavy topics is that okay ? ».
This is especially important when you have the dynamic of admins who are in character 100% of the time and ccs who switch on and off the RP aspects, that’s a receipe for misunderstanding that can even extend to the audience.
Another example would be the one time Em told Bagi to shut up because her character was angsty and while Bagi seemed okay with it but a lot of viewers saw it as very rude.
Communication also allow you to fix it if things go wrong once or twice, and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Because if you don’t have a direct line to talk about it your options are 1) dealing with it live on stream (bad) 2) not being able to discuss it at all (also bad)
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etinceelle · 1 year
So I was able to watch the RWBY Volume 9 epilogue shown at this year RTX, they weren't able to make it for V9 because production stuff happened and it will probably be shown in V10 with some changes according to how V9 actually changed.
First I'd like to say that (SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT) this epilogue is everything ♥ The message of hope and kindness is just there, it's fully there and I'm just so happy to see it on screen. Winter feeling guilty for everyone's death and Penny's death, Qrow being optimistic and changing his perspective, the Schnees helping how they can, the end with the memorial and the reunion..... I just can't I'm freaking crying sdfgdfgf
Just, please be kind, even if life is shitty and complex, kindness is everything and so precious, kindness and love are just so special and I hope everyone can be inspired by that. RWBY might not be perfect, there are a lot of things that could be done in a better way, but I still love this show and story for how much it grows and changes and evolves with the people who're making it and the community watching it.
Also, of course I have to add my little not so delusional Penny moment for this krkrk--
In the epilogue, Winter mentions Penny twice, when she says it should have been her to die, not team RWBY, Jaune, Penny and everyone else. She's feeling guilty she got to survive when Penny's (and team RWBY) the one who believed in people and had hope. Winter mentions Penny again right after by saying "Because of me, Penny's gone, forever", IS IT JUST ME or is that kinda odd there's so much insistence around Penny's death since V9 and again like that ?
I wrote whole threads about it already for why I can see her coming back, but stuff just keep piling up and I might starting to just be sure she'll come back later. Most of the time, when a character is mentioned to be "gone, forever", it just feels like it's strange and this might not be the case. Especially after what we learned in Volume 9, I just think there's something cooking but I'M NOT CRWBY I CAN'T BE SURE BUT THERE'S SOMETHING I CAN FEEL IT----
I talked about it with the friend who made me discover RWBY tonight btw, they haven't even seen V9 yet (only 2 chapters that we started together) but they also think that scenaristically it can totally make sense and they can see Penny coming back, the 3rd time finally being the good time and for it to be permanent and confirmed. And I agree, in a larger view I just think that it is logical, the whole thing about Penny is that everything feels odd and weird and strange and ANYWAY it feels like they're really cooking something
But yeah this "Penny's gone, forever", it's just so strange omg. I know that Winter is feeling guilty, but you know, it's still something they REALLY insist on and they make the viewer know about that, almost as if they wanted to say "SEE, that's what everyone think, everyone think she's gone forever but SURPRISE NOPE SHE'S NOT-"--
ANYWAY I'll stop rambling, I love RWBY omg. I love Ruby and Penny for their hope and kindness, for the perfect ship vibes they share together, I just need them to be reunited whoooaaAAAAH
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for-a-longlongtime · 5 months
‘Intrinsic motivation of Joel Miller’
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I’m currently listening to the latest episode of Craig Mazin’s and John August’s podcast SCRIPTNOTES (highly recommend the show btw). They’re talking about character motivation, how it can shift (“inciting incident” etc), and how it’s a thing that connects viewers to the show and the character themselves.
He mentioned Joel, so of course I have to share this here:
“I can’t tell you much about the character of Joel in The Last Of Us leading up to his daughter’s death. He works in construction, he’s a contractor. He seems alright - I don’t know his internal states. I don’t know what his intrinsic motivation would be.
She dies. Twenty years, now I understand what his intrinsic motivation is in general - whether it’s to avoid or whatever. Then, the new circumstance begins.”
Hey, Craig…
…buddy, pal, compadre.
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Off the top of my head I can point you to at least fifty to a hundred people who can all fill you in on this, provide detailed analysis of young!Joel plus also make a list of his kinks and his refractory period.
In case you’re interested.
I’m just saying.
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chris-hallelujah · 1 month
Not a Secret Anymore | c.s.
Summary: A little mistake forces you and Chris to announce your previously secret relationship.
Contains: foul language, established relationship, minor cyberbullying, fluff, protective!Chris boyfriend!Chris, instagram post at the end
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Hi everyone! This idea was sponsored by the boys streaming so much recently. All ideas are my own and I do not give permission for anyone to share this on another platform. BTW, the female character has the nam 'Bailie' because I personally don't love using "y/n" but hopefully that won't influence your feelings of the story.
You were in Chris' bed watching him, Nick, and Matt stream on your laptop that was propped up next to you. You played Candy Crush while the boys played Dress to Impress on the stream. You knew they preferred to play other games, but the fans loved DTI so they played it every once in a while.
You and Chris had been together for almost a year, but kept it secret. You both had agreed that at your one year, you would hard launch. Chris was very nervous about how his fans were going to react. Not that he cared what they had to say about his personal life, but because he didn't want you getting hated on or attacked.
You weren't fully paying attention to the stream, more so just had it on in the background. It was about 6:00 and you were starting to get hungry. You texted Chris asking what the two of you were going to be doing for dinner. What you had not realized was that when you texted Chris, he happened to be showing the stream something on his phone. That chat started blowing up when they saw a notification come across his screen that read 'Bailie 💖' that was asking about dinner plans. "Motherfucker," Chris groaned as he snapped his phone quickly away from the camera. You still not having realized what happened, quickly looked at the computer to see what he was upset about. Your eyes widened seeing the chat.
Bet she's ugly
Back off bitch he's mine
I want to have a heart by my name in his phone 😭
Whoever Bailie is she's lucky
You felt your heart pumping through your chest. You began to panic, Chris was the one who was more anxious about going public and now it was out there and it was kind of your fault.
"We'll be back," Matt said quickly before turning off the mic and camera. You quickly climbed out of the bed and went into Matt's room where the boys were. From your spot in the door way you could still see the chat blowing up. Chris got up once he saw you and pulled you into him.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't know you had your phone out on camera. I didn't mean to I'm sorry," you let out a few panicked breaths, mumbling your apologies into his chest.
"Hey, hey, hey, kid, it's okay," he kissed the top of your head, "Not your fault. We were going to go public in a few months, yea? We just have to address it now." His calm demeanor relaxed you. "You wanna sit on the stream and let me introduce you? I think we just need to rip the bandaid off rather than trying to play it off." You nodded and he led you to the edge of Matt's bed where he sat next to you. Matt and Nick were each in a gaming chair on either side of you guys so you and Chris were in the middle of the camera view.
"Alright, you two ready?" Matt asked. You let out a deep breath that you didn't even realize you were holding, Chris grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers.
"Ready," he gave Matt a nod and Matt turned the camera and microphone back on. The chat had slowed down a little bit but in the time you guys were all talking their viewer count had gone from about 300k views to 500k.
"Hey chat, uhhh, we're back with a special guest," Nick said looking over at you. You gave a small wave with the hand that wasn't holding Chris'.
"Everyone, this is Bailie, my girlfriend. Obviously this wasn't exactly how we had planned on telling you all, but, here we are," You let Chris take the lead in talking since you really didn't know what to say to his fans. This was his ball game. "Bailie and I have been together for about 10 months. We planned on telling all of you at the one year mark." The chat was blowing up again like crazy with mixed reactions. Somehow despite the chat scrolling so quickly you were easily able to pick out the negative ones. Words like 'fat', 'ugly', and worse were flying across the screen.
"Alright yea I'm turning this shit off," Matt said aggressively, disabling the chat.
"Yea this ends fucking here. I mean it with my whole heart when I say, if I see any negative comments about my girlfriend or my relationship, I will block you on everything. We are happy. If you all genuinely cared about me, you would respect that. I will not tolerate any sort of hate or negativity about my relationship," Chris sternly spoke to the camera. Your heart was hurting from the negative things you had already seen but fluttered at how protective he was over you.
"And that goes for all of us. We will all block you and ban you from all of our accounts," Nick added in, "Bailie has been such a great person to get to know and to be around. You all have even commented on Chris being more upbeat in videos over the last 10 months. Don't be fucking stupid about this and say something you'll regret."
"Now, we're going to turn the comments back on and take some questions, because I am sure you have some. But like Nick said, don't say something stupid and ruin it for everyone else," Chris said. Matt reached for his mouse and enabled comments again. They flooded in and were a bit hard to read but there were some questions that you saw repeated over and over. "How did you guys meet," Chris read, he turned to you, "Do you want to take this?"
"Yea, sure, um, we actually met at the beach. I was there with a group of friends and the boys were there with Nathan. We had asked them to play us in sand volleyball. After that we all went and got dinner-" you started to explain.
"And the chemistry between the two of them was like a fucking science class," Matt added in, earning a laugh from all of you.
"And then Chris and I kept in contact after that and our first date together was mini golf," you smiled and leaned toward the computer to find another question. "Can we have your socials? Sure! My Instagram is @ bailie2233 and the same for my TikTok."
"Will Bailie be in the videos?" Chris read, "Probably a few. Now that we're here, we will probably do a 'Meet Bailie' video for those who don't watch our streams. And she might be in videos here and there, but for the most part our content will remain the same." This was something you guys had agreed on a few months ago. You didn't want to intrude on the boys' content.
"Well, we're going to call it. But thank you guys for watching and being supportive of Chris and Bailie. We all love you and will see you in the Friday video," Matt said. You all waved and he turned the stream off.
Chris pulled out his phone, "I guess I can start posting you now," he said with a smile.
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@ Christophersturniolo: hard launch w/ @ bailie2233
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daryl-and-carol-oh-my · 3 months
Was there ever a moment you doubted Daryl and Carol should be together? Asking because you're so positive about them. I want to know if there was ever a moment it wavered.
Thanks for being so positive. I mean no hate with my question btw.
I have never doubted once that Carol and Daryl don't belong together or that what I was watching was imagined. After I started watching TWD, I moved in with my very good friends who I started watching it with on Sundays. They are not shippers at all. One thought they were already a couple and the other thought they had a remarkable bond, which of course they do xD But they were totally casual viewers who didn't do the whole shipping thing, both of them acknowledging that Caryl was a thing, romantically and platonic. I think my hardcore caryl shipping converted one of them, and now they too, are a shipper of ships.
I admit that the Carol and Zeke thing really, really bummed me out. But with some talking off the ledge from my writing partner and telling myself if could make it through Negangate with seasons 7 and 8 and that sorta shitshow, I could get through it lol
All I see if love in every scene they share when it's just the two of them, or them by themselves with another character mentioning the other. It's like Fate or kismet, those two getting thrown together how they did. I have spent a decade now writing Daryl, in role play and fanfics, and when I am in that Daryl Muse - nothing sparks him more than Carol.
So not at all. I have never doubted it for a second, even with bad writing on the show, ship baiting, plot lines that made no sense, behind the scenes rumors and speculations. I know what I am watching. :) Soulmates and love.
Thank you so much for the Ask!!!! Caryl on, my Friend!!! <333333333
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jojotichakorn · 2 months
The Eighth Sense for the ask game 🤲
still waiting for you to watch it 😔 but thanks! (there are spoilers in here btw).
favorite male character
jae won my beloved! my perfect little mentally ill, self-loathing, actually kind and beautiful and loving and generous guy.
favorite female character
ae ri. she is so cool and funny and she's just such a great friend, we love her!
least favorite character
the choice between eun ji and tae hyung is so tough that i don't think i'm even gonna force myself to make it. i hate them both with a passion of a thousand suns.
favorite ship
jae won and ji hyun, obviously. ji hyun really said you deserve love and patience and understating no matter what.
favorite friendship
cheating a little by choosing a trio, but ji hyun, ae ri, and joon pyo. my sillies!
favorite quote
"i feel like i'm going crazy when i look at your face. don't you feel the same?" it is such a visceral fucking question. the desperation with which ji hyun asks it, the pain jae won is going through because he feels like he has to lie but ji hyun just forced him to look at him and he is indeed going crazy, because he is so fucking in love with him. unparalleled. and the courage that it took as well, for ji hyun to demand answers in the first place and to admit his feelings so directly. incredible.
'this made me so happy you have no idea' moment
jae won and ji hyun having breakfast in the finale. first of all, i just love when characters talk about their relationship and when things that i, as the viewer, watched, thinking "ugh, i wish the other character knew [this]", actually end up being told to that character. second of all, just them being happy and silly and in love is perfect.
saddest moment
jae won's best friend a lot of the time is sadness, if not apathy (which also makes me sad to see), so there are plenty of moments to choose from. but i'm going to say jae won blaming himself for what happened to ji hyun, while talking to his therapist in episode 7, and that entire scene just in general. the way he thinks he is selfish for reaching out and trying to build a connection, while he is "broken" hurts.
favorite location
the rooftop of ji hyun and joon pyo's dorm!
give me a fandom and i'll share my opinions
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burinazar · 3 months
Did you know you loved your treasured weirdos right away or did it take some steeping? Or was there a particular moment?
Steeping...like they're tea...slorping them
Thanks for the ask! <3 Some ppl may have heard me say already but it was different for all three of the Three Sillies. (This is necessarily answered from the perspective of an anime-first viewer btw so please forgive the episode references if you're manga only! idk what would have happened if I met their village versions first...) Anyway, I liked Vueko right away. Did not realize she was an all time favorite but figured she'd go in top MiA characters. Later events in the season then added to how I saw her (the elaboration in that post is under the picture of me holding a belavue drawing and crying lol), even more as i read the manga and participated in fandom, but I was basically very fond of Vue right away and then liked her more and more.
I found Belaf likably quirky-sweet as soon as we meet him in ep1 but wasn't *particularly* interested. It was e7/e8, his pain and tragedy and the depth of what his transformation meant, which really got it started, and then it grew even more just like for V. Since then i just get ..aaa... sooo much fun out of thinkin' about him, both alone and in the context of his interpersonal relationships which were only briefly (but deftly and strongly) sketched out in canon....... i can pinpoint my return to 'writing for people other than just myself' as the night after episode 8 aired when i couldn't not start writing fic about the super brief scene of Vue feeding him. even for other fandoms and original work, i seriously doubt i'd be sharing writing online right now if not for B and V.
Waz took the longest! although i'm a fan of his seiyuu, during the airing of s2 i didn't have strong feelings about him, negative or positive. once i had seen the full arc and started making fanwork of and talking to people about the other two sages, i realized there was a weird old man shaped hole in my conception of their lives. so i was like ok let me think about him a bit. people come down various ways on how they imagine his interiority and feelings towards the other characters, whether he merely saw them as tools or treasured them as people or some combination. while i'm open to a range of Waz takes, i personally came to see and depict him in the way that i found most appealing -- quite sincerely fond of B and V, loves them even (not sure he'd use that word though), not remotely malicious, but fettered by commitment to his visions and an associated empathy blind spot that leads to quite awful and tragic things in the end. once i felt like i liked and understood all of them, it clicked so fantastically and unlocked so much fun to be had with fanwork of all three's various moments and dynamics. it's now hard to think back to a time when i wasn't fascinated by all three of them. : )
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athenafire · 6 months
🚩 🚩 🚩 [can I get uhhh post formatting, shipping, and memes/prompts?]
Send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes [Accepting]
//I'm going to put these under read mores because my salt tends to burn.
//I cannot with the motherfuckers out there who think it's cute to overly format to the point I can't read your fucking rules page, and then get mad when I break one.
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//FOR FUCKING FUTURE REFERENCE, COLOR CHOICE IS ALSO IMPORTANT!! There is a god-damn reason I use plain black font, with white background. It's not because I'm boring, or because I don't care. It's because I do care, you rapid dogshit clout chasers.
//If I see another baby pastel blog with white background bitch and moan about people not reading their rules, I'm getting me mallet. People aren't following your rules not because they don't care, it's because your fucking blog is unreadable!! Cry more, maybe you'll wash out the colors enough to force a repaint.
//This goes for dashboard formatting as well. I don't care if you use tiny text or overly floral fonts/colors. Just keep in mind that it needs to be legible! Have fun but don't get mad when people just stop hanging out with you.
//Ahh, shipping, my beloathed. I love shipping. I hate shipping with people. Hate how I have to look at a person for a while and judge their literacy before I even think about shipping, even joke ships.
//A popular example is Joker and Harley Quinn from Batman. Yes, it's toxic. That's the point. That's literally part of Harleys character arc!! But some people swing wildly in the "It's a perfect fucked up romance like me and my boo" (Btw seek help) and the "It's toxic, and you're bad for liking the content!" (also seek help) directions.
//I don't even have issues with most kinds of ships, I just really do not like it when people have opinions that aren't rooted in media literacy.
//A more personal example is Meredith and The Emperor from 40k. It's toxic. The power dynamic is fucked, neither of them communicate by the halfway point, it's not built on mutual trust but just raw emotion (which can run wild in a war story) and they do love each other, but they're not good for each other.
//I love that ship because both parties are so close to making it work, but their core characters won't let it happen.
//Fuck it, we ball. That's how things have been since the old days, and that's how I always have treated memes/prompts. Doesn't have to make sense, just have fun with the silly situation.
//The major annoyance I have with these is when they continue, and it leads into my second-biggest issue with the rpc, which I'll elaborate on here in a different ask. Lack of response formatting.
Remember, kids, a rpc reply is not just reacting to what happens and sitting there like a viewer. You're an active participant. Add something! Throw in a new character, or a dead rat. Don't have an idea on where to progress the plot? Make it up on the fly! That's half the fun. Or, better idea TALK TO YOUR PARTNER!! USE YOUR FINGERS OR MOUTH OR WHATEVER TO EXPRESS WORDS AND IDEAS!!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Dead City, Ep 4: Everyone Gets a Prize - Analysis
I'm hoping that this is a way that they would set up Maggie having a flashback. Maybe a scene of Beth on the other side of the doorway talking to her Maggie from s4. A new scene build on what we did see that would be great.
The other thing that stood out to me and I'm not giving anything away on the storyline but the showrunners comments at the end of episode, it really caught my attention because he compared something that happened in the episode a scene in Les Miserables. I never read the book, but the broadway musical play is my all-time favorite, so I really caught that remark. I thought what a strange connection he's making to a very famous book and musical plat about the French Revolution.
I never really watch the commentary after the show unless you guys say I should (I know I know I should lol) so I’d be interested to know the comparison to Les Mis!!!! I love Les Mis. There is I guess kind of a Fantine/Cosette thing going with Maggie and Ginny and ofc Negan could be compared to Jean Valjean, the ex-con who is still being pursued by moral purist Javert (re: Armstrong). Great catch with the French comparison
Also I have similar hopes re: flashbacks but more so with Daryl’s spin-off. Idk how they will skirt the Beth issue if they do flashbacks. I think a lot of ppl would notice if they did.
He compared the scene between Negan and Armstrong with Jean Valjean saving Javert. The comparison was that the hunted saved the hunter.
I never thought of Negan as a Jean Valjean character, but I love it.
Neither had I, but I still think that the comparison to Les Miserables is a bit pushing it. I think it was more about just putting that in the minds of the viewers.
Okay so it's not a spoiler so I will just share my google results. It was really kind of weird like it made me blink multiple times rapidly and lean so close to the computer I almost bumped it with my nose lol. This is what I saw:
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NAFC, the way it's stylized, looks like it's some sort of fighting guild.
I was fully prepared for NAFC to not be real btw, and it's not. But I wasn't prepared for the first and only real hit for what NAFC means irl
It's not so much what it is, but WHERE
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It's literally located AT King Street Station, on the DC Metrorail, which begins in Alexandria, VA
Idk if you guys remember my insane rant about the DC Metrorail, which was actually the rant that got @twdmusicboxmystery to invite me into your group chat
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I surmised after Acheron 1, due to Negan's subway directions, that they probably ed the DC metrorail subway at the King Street Station in Alexandria. Negan's subway directions took them toward the Shady Grove stop, which is a terminus: “Yellow Line North. Switch to Blue at Reagan National, then hop the Red toward Bethesda.” Anyway, this is a wild callback to Acheron Pt. 1 and 2, which largely take place in the DC underground. With Maggie and her group now ing the NYC subway, I can't help but think this is on purpose.
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Anyway, this isn't a Bethyl thing. But it's just like, for me, confirmation that they are ABSOLUTELY hiding clues in the real world.
They are counting on certain types of fans to google stuff and find these clues, like the coordinates, which lead to the Canary Islands
This is also taking me way back to Acheron 1. One of the subway stops they pass, and Daryl shines his light conspicuously on the sign, is the "Pyron" Station:
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The Shady Grove underneath means that it is the terminus for that particular line.
When I initially googled "Pyron Shady Grove" a million years ago, idk what I was expecting. Essentially, it lead me to the Shady Grove stop on the DC metro (which is real), but that word, "pyron," was bizarre. It means literally nothing. I was kind of thrown for a loop as to why they included that nothing word.
Note that if you search these keywords now, you'll first get a hit for this fictional subway station, but when I initially googled "Pyron Shady Grove," that page hadn't been created yet, so at the time, when searched together, these keywords showed very few hits. There was one, however, that I could make heads or tails of. It was a hit for a cemetery, called the "Northcutt Pyron Cemetery," which is in Acworth, Georgia.
Not three miles from this cemetery is another cemetery, called the Shady Grove Cemetery. Acworth is in Cobb County, GA. Cobb County is where the filming location was for the CDC in season 1. Further, the Shady Grove Cemetery has a church. It's called the Shady Grove Baptist Church. It looks SO familiar, but I don't think it's ever been filmed at. It's not exactly a "white church," but it has a white steeple:
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ANYWAY, Idk if you remember @twdmusicboxmystery, but I spammed you with this 84 years ago in your DMs, and that's the day you invited me to this group chat. I remember it as "my audition" to be a TD theorist LOL.
At the time ultimately I was like, no I am being a conspiracy theorist, BUT, this NFCA thing has made me wonder if the writers do think about and test-run the google algorithm before they make these choices. For example, there is like a net zero change that they chose "NFCA" not knowing that the search results would turn up a certain hit.
Just like "Biomedicine." There's a net zero chance they chose "Biomedicine DMII" for the WB coda not knowing that "France Biomedicine" would turn up the Pasteur Institute.
Now, per the word "pyron." I remember talking to my husband about how the google algo works. He told me that the algo can be spammed in certain ways to promote search hits, but that this would never really work now UNLESS the search term in question is super unique, ie: "pyron," which is REALLY unique. Can it be a coincidence that there's a cemetery in Cobb County, GA with the extremely unique word "pyron" in its name? And that that said cemetery would be located so close to another cemetery with the words "Shady Grove" in its name? And that the Shady Grove Cemetery has a church with a white steeple? And that Cobb County contains multiple filming locations for TWD, including the filming location for the CDC? I mean ofc it can be a coincidence! But after Acheron, Pt. 1, I mostly stopped thinking about the cemetery coincidence because it just never came up again, UNTIL NOW, when I'm taken BACK to Acheron 1 via another real world clue related to the DC metrorail, and now I'm really starting to wonder. Are these...actual clues?
(Oh also I feel it's important to mention that the Pyron Shady Grove search can STILL be replicated to this day. Even though there is now a bunch of hits pertaining to it as a fictional location in TWDU, you can still find the hit for the cemetery on page 1 of Google)
Honestly, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that this clue is directing us back to this moment to rewatch, ie: the DC metrorail, the subway scene in Acheron 1. Maybe to google the Pyron Shady Grove sign, if we haven't already, on like a wild goose chase. Ofc I am a conspiracy theorist so...
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What struck me when I was reading is how you were talking about (Washington) DC metro rail in s11 and now you're talking about the DC subway in Dead City spin-off. Try and convince me that wasn't on purpose. Try. No, really I don't think you can convince me.
Not to mention that Acheron 1 and 2 are basically 100% Maggie/Negan tension and here we are…
Okay, Miss Research Queen of TWDU. Here's your assignment. I've only watched the episode once, I only took one shot, I know it must mean something because Maggie all but come to a complete stop when she saw it. Let's see what magic you can do.
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I have to tell you my mind went straight to some possible chapter and verse in the Bible. I have no idea what it could be. That's as far as I got.
I have not had time to look into that one yet tho it is 100% in my notes. My only initial observation was that Pennsylvania could be a reference to Rick and the CRM. I had not thought of the Bible but that is genius !
Okay I found out that LIRR Access means Long Island Railroad Access so we’re really cookin lol
Maggie really stares at this sign for a long time. I noticed that. She had a lot of interesting internal moments in this episode.
So literally it means 31st street-38th street. You can access the LIRR from Penn Station which is on 31st. I think I recall them talking about ing via “the thirties” when they were trying to decide how to get into the Croat’s sanctuary
Per your idea I also searched for Bible passages at 31:8. Everything comes up Deuteronomy 31:8 - “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
While you were both mentioning Acheron and how it was all Maggie/Negan tension, I had a thought. If those episodes foreshadowed the current Maggie/Negan story in DC (and they totally do) the that might be a hint to where Daryl is while DC is happening. In Acheron and the following episodes, he was with Leah and the Reapers. So, while Maggie and Negan are in NY, is he with Beth? The CRM? Is that why Maggie didn’t ask him along? Probably. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, I was trying to think along those same lines but I never got quite that far. Like, if this is showing us that Acheron was foreshadowing, what else from season 11 is foreshadowing? In 11a, it’s a bit inverted, as it’s Maggie being hunted, and now it’s Negan. Their relationship is also growing. It’s feeling healthier, or like there’s hope they can live side by side. Like that they no longer constantly want to kill each other.
These are inversions. In Acheron, Daryl runs off after Dog and “goes down the rabbit hole” alone. It’s worth noting that Carol isn’t even along. She’s back home, but she’s looking for someone—Connie. Daryl ends up looking a Beth imposter in the eye and then he’s abducted. He infiltrates an enemy faction and helps bring them down from the inside. Looks like in the spin-off, he may also find himself face to face with a Beth lookalike and fighting against an enemy faction.
Didn’t we hear in some leaked footage or something that the nun refers to Daryl as “the one,” or something like that? In Rendition, Pope refers to Daryl as a Chosen One. There’s a lot of parallel. Idk but it also seems weird that in both season 11 and the spin-off there’s a Beth lookalike. One is a nun, one works for a “Pope.” Will Beth actual be in some way entangled with Catholic imagery? I keep coming back to the DaVinci Code and the Louvre but it’s all to far and wide yet to find a template.
I just want to throw out some thoughts I had while reading comments above. Acheron 1,2 is Maggie's mission that Daryl is helping her with. In RIP Maggie gives Daryl a mission to go explore for new communities.
At the end of Acheron 1, Daryl leaves Maggie and the group but tells Maggie that he'll meet up with her at the other end. Daryl leaves the group to go look for Dog (Dog=Beth?) because he heard Dog heard dog barking in the distance. He goes through an unknown space searching for Dog. I want to point out that it is at the other side of the tunnel where Daryl miraculously finds the Morningstar (Sirius/Beth?) that we hadn't seen for a long time.
Daryl and Dog fight walkers and sees a mural of how the rich uses their power over the poor but the poor rebel and bring down the rich (Commonwealth?). In this parallel tunnel/world to Maggie and group he comes across belongings of a brother and sister whose family has left them and that they go looking for (possibly the orphanage with the religious order of nuns).
Daryl and dog eventually makes their way back to Maggie and group just in time to join the fight and help save them. They all then meets the Reapers. This sequence of events are not exactly in the order that we saw them in the show, it's out of sequence, kind of like how the last scenes of RIP were.
On a fun note I've been watching the old TV series Medium. I always loved watching it back when it was airing. Guess who I saw today in an episode, a very young Kary Payton/Ezekiel.
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Lol. He’s a baby!
Love your thoughts on the Acheron symbolism. Totally agree! I hadn’t gone through and figured out details, but it’s exactly the kind of thing I was thinking.
I was curious about the song that played in the background during the entire arena sequence. The lyrics are in another language, but the subtitles kept popping up with the name of the song, which made it seem important. So, I just googled it. The translation may be rough, but even so, there are definitely some fun Beth references here.
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It almost has a "Struggling Man" vibe to it.
You had me with the title, Dawn Will Cry.
Okay, also, guys I'm going to just share my general notes on "Everybody Wins a Prize" now, since I've got a bit of time! There were some interesting callbacks here, mainly, I thought, to season 4/5 and also to Glenn.
There were two death fake-outs in the episode. The first one was Hershel. The scene where they find the young boy in the chair, with Negan picking up his head, revealing it to be somebody else, and a live walker, really reminded me of the scene in Try when Daryl and Aaron find the blond walker, Daryl picks up her head, and she is NOT Beth.
Tommaso also has a death fake-out, when he's taken away by walkers and then reemerges. A lot of ppl on social media are worried that Tommaso has been bitten and that they're hiding it from us, and while I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case, I'm not so sure. It reminded me more of Tyreese in the end of "Isolation," when the car headed to the Veterinary College gets overwhelmed by walkers. The group escapes, but Tyreese stays behind, seemingly consumed by the horde. He ends up escaping unscathed, however. Ofc, he does die later on. So I'm not sure what this indicates.
Maggie's harmonica story was really interesting to me. It's a music reference and reminded me of Beth.
There is a crumbled, broken clock in this episode, which is another reference to seasons 4/5, particularly "Still" and "WHAWGO"
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There are major cop references in this episode. They are in a massive parking garage, and Maggie shown near multiple cop cars
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There is also a Winnebago in the parking garage. It's shown two times.
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It's a Winnebago "Warrior," which is a real type of Winnebago and also a song by the Dead Kennedys
Bird cage sighting
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There's a major visual Glenn reference with the CD as well, which the young woman with the short hair inserts into the AV system before turning it on and leaving.
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It's the same exact shot
Reference to things "going sideways." I can't remember if this is common in TWD, but it's definitely mentioned in Coda, I think by Daryl.
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And we've already discussed this, but the Subway is playing a big role here, which feels like a redirect back to Acheron 1 and 2.
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Also, back to the harmonica, that whole part was a bit odd. It seems to come out of nowhere, and we never get to see who's playing it. It's almost like the wolf howling in "Diverged," ie: a clear audio cue and signal toward something. Maggie has her story and clearly she's thinking of Hershel, but both times it plays, she looks very inward and a bit confused. She has a lot of these "looks" in this episode, like she's remembering or realizing something.
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Speaking of Hershel, we never saw him or any reference to him in this episode. There was also no reference to him in the preview for next week's. Based on his type of arc, it seems like he is going to be forced to survive in some way. It pulls reminders of both Andrea and Beth, who at one point have death wishes, or seem unwilling to survive. But when push comes to shove, they learn they want to live. I wonder if that will happen to Hershel.
There's also another shoe/boot reference in this episode. Negan and Armstrong end up in a shoe repair shop.
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There is another Kennedy reference (re: Winnebago Warrior) via the Taxi with a flat rate service to JFK airport
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I think this is it for my notes.
(aside from the crazy NAFC thing)
I have some things to add to your episode list. First I want to say there is a reference to young Herschel, it's when Maggie is remembering when Herschel was pulled away and taken.
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I think all the meat is ham.
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A total call back to Andrea with the governor. The girl actually reminded me of the Tales episode with the one armed girl in The Preserve. More instruments for harm or for good depending on the person using them and their intentions. For me a bright Spotlight is always a call back to the lights around Beth at Grady especially Slabtown
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I red fire extinguisher.
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What looks like a single candle in the dark, a reference from Daryl about Beth. But it's over on the left side that's really intriguing, because there's what appears to be a red fire pull alarm and above it we only see two lines of a sign, I think the first word is in red, AND RETURN.
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You mentioned the shoe repair store did you notice this.
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The candle was memorable to me too and also reminded me of Beth and the last supper. It was used as a delayed fuse for the explosive bins which ignite the methane and blow the barricades, letting the walkers into the arena. I was trying to think of other instances of this, aside from the hwatcha.
It reminded me of the scene in RIP where they rigged the record player and the bombs and when they blew them up wasn't the record playing mentioned jfk?
It definitely looks like a turtle to me. I should say a paperweight turtle, haha.
I did but I didn’t write it down!! I was overwhelmed with imagery and forgot till just now
Not sure exactly what this says other than we can make out the year so it was purposely done this is when they were walking through the garage. Of course I obviously enlarged it.
I feel the vase near the paperweight Turtle to be interesting, it looks familiar
I was also going to say all the things that relate to jfk. The president that was shot in the head on the 22nd of November.
@wdway replied to themself
The vase looks Greek to me.
That’s what I was trying to think of! Thank you. And yes the song is “Cult of Personality” by Living Color. There’s a Kennedy ref in the song (among many references) and I think a sound clip of one of his speeches?
Also, I like your comparison of the urn to a Grecian Urn. That really stands out in a shoe repair shop. Idk if it could be a reference to the famous Keats poem Ode in a Grecian Urn which is all about the silence and yet actually shares a lot of themes with FG’s sermon in WHAWGO, ie: what lives and what is seen is temporary, but that which cannot be seen, and which exists only hypothetically or in the realm of belief (in this case, art), is eternal. I remember Keats well from college. This is his most famous Ode and contains the famous line “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.”
I may be reading too much into this but there’s already apparently been a Les Miserables reference in DC and like I said earlier a shoe repair shop is an odd setting for a Grecian Urn
Also sorry for all the typos above lol. I got excited about the possibility of a Keats reference Would fit nicely with all the Frost references. Is Gimple a poetry fan?
There’s a stanza in Ode on a Grecian Urn that that references basically the eternal truth of unrealized love: Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on[…] Really reminds me of FG’s sermon. This stanza reminds me of Daryl and Beth, in how they never kiss and so their love is sort of suspended between life and death. It is initiated but never realized and in this lives forever. What never lived can never die. Seems romantic, but we see how this lack of closure has ruined Daryl: Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss, Though winning near the goal—yet, do not grieve; She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss, For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!
This stanza is specifically about love and how a lover who is never kissed or with whom love is never realized will remain forever young, and the love will never die. Once again, that which never lives, never dies. It could be about the bittersweet of a short life. Keats had tuberculosis and died very young.
(I’ll stop with the poetry now LOL. Nuns and poetry; a big day for me )
Seriously, if TWD can drop hints using Frost references than why not Keats! It is not like they're leaving this for the general audience. And that's not a slam on them, it's just that they leave these types of things for a very few. Probably more than we realized, but still in the scheme of things a very small amount of people. I would have never thought of the poem by Keats, but together I helped to spark the thought for you and I think it's very valid. The poems beautiful and it fits Daryl memory of Beth. For ever wilt thou love, and she be fair!
About the strict order of the nuns. Did that not remind you of the very zealous monk dressed man on a mission from the church in the book/ movie, The DaVinci code? Certainly feels that way to me.
Good call, yeah I think his name was Silas
Silas A tie in to TWB?
Probably on purpose! Lol. The names in WB are really on the nose in some ways: “Hope,” “Iris,” “Leo,” “Lyla” (Lie-la)
Definitely. Iris is not only a flower but could always be the iris of the eye.
Negan's been talking an awful lot about Hope lately
Yes that’s how I see it, ie: Iris “sees.”
Good point. Remember the French doctor too in the coda. She says the phrase “hope beyond hope” twice
Yes, and remember how I went through and compared it to the Beth's monologue and Inmates. Her speaking of hope. And those episodes were written by the same person.
Hope was staying with Dr. Ellis to continue their research. He seems to be affiliated with the French teams, somehow. Eugene references him in connection to the Human Genome Project. At the Pasteur Institude, they specifically are known for DNA sequencing new viruses and pathogens. Hope is near?
Wait which writer?
Matthew Negrete.
He was also the showrunner for tbw
He and Canning Powell wrote, Inmates, Slabtown and others. He was the showrunner for TWB she the showrunner for Tales, I believe.
Right! Ty. Also wrote Indifference, Slabtown, and Consumed
Yep Powell was showrunner for Tales!
She also wrote Davon specifically
Yes. Remember I did that long list of all of his episodes. It's been a couple of months but Liesel used it on her post so you could probably go back and find the whole thing.
It does same as if these writers communicate with each other. That there is an ultimate storyline that ties this all together. Don't tell the carylers they would never believe it, haha. I couldn't help myself.
Yeah i did a similar thing some time ago, trying to see whether there was a “cabal” of writers who know or have insight into Gimple’s “Grand Scheme.” It was like Kang, Negrete, Powell, and Cory Reid.
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carbuckety · 1 year
Wanna share your favourite Cats actors?
WHY YES I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ties you to a chair nice and secure*
Btw, I'm sure you know what all these people/characters look like, identification is for my poor non-Cats mutuals who I am also forcing to look at this post.
Well first off. the one and the only LINDSAY CHAMBERS
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(Misto in the middle)
Pouncival/Misto (But mostly misto) in Zurich 1991. We have a FULL BOOTLEG of his Zurich Misto performance which is amazing!!!. Then he went on to play Misto on Broadway in 1994 and we also have (much more limited) video footage of that too! But mostly I love his Zurich Misto. He's mute in that production, because it was Vienna-based, but Zurich Misto is so communicative in his body language anyway that he doesn't need to be talking to the other cats or even making facial expressions (which I'm sure he does too but the video quality from the bootleg, while good, is not that good) for the viewer to understand what's going on with him.
I love Zurich 1991 in all its aspects (it's my favorite Cats production too!!!!!) but Lindsay Chambers' Misto is definitely one of my favorite parts of it!
And my second favorite Cats actor, well, they're much newer to the production. (So is my third but we'll get to her in a second)
Nora DeGreen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(Demeter on the right in this amazing photo... but admire Erica too...)
I actually had the pleasure of meeting Nora when I went to see Cats in Philadelphia over spring break!!!! And they were soooo sweet and kind and lovely to talk to! They gave me a hug and told me they loved my earrings :)))) But aside from being a sweet person, they are also a great Demeter! Especially during the Macavity fight - during that, Nora's Demeter is huddled off to the side curled in a ball, looking up occasionally but hardly for more than a millisecond before they are back in a little ball, too afraid to even imagine what must be going on, and you can tell lots of heavy memories are being dredged up... just... GAH! Their acting is excellent. And their voice as well!!!! Absolutely stellar!!!!!! So lyrical and flowing, and watching Macavity was absolutely heavenly the way Nora and Erica as Demeter and Bomba played off each other both in voice and in acting. I could rant about Nora Demeter for hours upon hours (and force you to watch the, er, copious amount of footage i took) but I won't because now we will move on to my third favorite cats actor.
Maiya Hikasa!!!!!! Who just recently left as this leg of the International Tour finished :(((( I miss her so dearly.
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(far left, the white cat)
She looks so graceful and happy in every single photo I have seen of her Victoria. The video footage too, I've mostly only seen bows (if anyone has a video of her doing the White Cat Solo, send it to me ASAP and we will be best friends forEVER) but she is so beautiful and lithe, she was such a great Victoria and I may or may not have a huge crush on her. Just, her makeup, her costume and wig, her mannerisms, everything seems so PERFECT for Victoria and I adore looking at the (little) content I have found of her!!!!!!!!! (of course I haven't really been actively seeking stuff out recently *cough cough classic rock has been taking over my life* so as I said if there's any footage of her during the show besides bows... send it to me... PLEASE LOL) She's just the perfect Victoria in my mind, my automatic go-to. Sorry, Phyllida.
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dearchose · 1 year
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Hello! I am currently working on my comic project (Code name: Gems)
I am seeking interest from people. I kinda need motivation and knowing that people will want to get it when I publish it.
It will first be published in french AND english. Maybe, if it's successful, I will hire someone to translate it in more languages like spanish, german and others.
The story is quite vage, at least on the viewer's side: you aren't supposed to know in what direction they are going next since they are kind of lost themselves. We follow Labra or Lab for short, a young Golem that lost her sibling when she was a kid, and Klint, a rare example of a Dreamer (race of Golem) that is chased by Scientists wanting to do experiences on them.
The two leave the mountains (Labra's birth place) to escape the chase and seeking helpers. They quickly find out that a worst fate is to happen to them...
Btw, Labra she/her and Klint they/them
The others on the picture are either introduced much later or less important (Domini is just for background)
You might see some references of popular shows in designs for background characters ;)
If anyone IS interested, Please tell me! You can check my DA for more WIPs And/or ask for some here. DA: Dear chose
If you want to share fan-designs of golems I would gladly look at them and if wanted, I can add them in the comic! I will probably not add too much, so if you want, you need to be quick (It will be faster if I don't have to design every background characters, and I want to include the comunity when there is one) For me to see it, tagg me or use the #GemsComic
I talked a lot, Here are a bit of art I already did of the characters:
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This one is the Golem creation sheet if you want to create your own :)
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Now I'm done talking, I think ✅
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columjoe · 1 year
Pls tell abt your Joe and Columbo headcanons? 👀
Thank you for your ask Anon :) I have quite a few headcanons for Joe and Columbo :) The main one being that I like to think that they met once (or maybe more than once) when they were younger. I think this is very possible with what we know in canon about their characters. Columbo grew up in New York and we get to hear his lovely family anecdotes throughout the series including in this episode. One of the first things Columbo says to Joe is the pinball reminds him of going to the corner candy store when he was a kid. Joe also fled to New York as a kid when he escaped from prison. So it could be possible that they met when they were both kids. Maybe just briefly or maybe they became friends. That could be why they have such a connection in the episode - they maybe aren't aware of it but they've met before.
This could even be alluded to in canon when Columbo says they have met before even if it was just Columbo seeing Joe doing his show without Joe realising. This is fascinating to me too as Columbo seems genuinely impressed with Joe and not just flattering him.
More like flirting tbh :) Then later when they are playing darts together at the Irish pub the story of Sergeant Gilhooley - his sergeant back when Columbo first joined the NYPD is shared. This is one of the few times we hear Columbo specifically reference that part of his life. I think it's really significant and shows how he's comfortable enough with Joe and prepared to share these little things about himself and his background. And he does it in such a way that's natural, friendly and warm and doesnt come over as just a ploy or distraction as it does with other suspects throughout the series. Joe too shares little pieces of his background. We don't get to read his book like Columbo does (although imagining what's in there would make great fanfic and headcanons) but we get a lot alluded to over the episode. It gives the viewer lots of scope to fill the blanks in themselves which is another reason I love this episode and this pairing. There is just so much subtext!!!! :) We hear Joes tales told in public with humour but when he talks to Columbo about being a kid alone on the streets of New York he becomes sad and distant for a moment as he remembers before his ready smile returns. This is a glimpse of the sadness beneath his outwardly jovial self. I think he had suffered real trauma and lost some of his family to the conflict. And that can also be a reason for his drinking. Trying to cope. And also for why he feels so strongly for his cause. I see Joe being taken in by the O'Connells first as a worker and then as an ally and this is why I think he is loyal to them. It isn't stated as such in the episode but I see Kerry as Joes nephew and his mother as Joes sister. And I see him being very protective over him to the point where Joe would definitely go to jail to spare Kerry and keep him safe. I also have thoughts about Joe and Kerry being a cute little found family with Columbo and Dog. And sometimes with Columbo's wife who I see as more his childhood bestie in my universe. I love Joe's collection of floofy jumpers and I think Columbo does too :) They are so snuggly. The way the episode ends with that whole hand holding 'we are getting engaged' scene and Joe's offer for Columbo to 'join him ' and Columbo actually accepting - it just gives me so many thoughts :) So many directions this could go in post-canon. In my 'verse where Joe gets a redemption arc and gets to use his writing and fundraising for peaceful, healing purposes I can see them going on little adventures and even Joe helping out on Columbo's cases. Like Columbo's wife gets to do in canon but Joe is helping out and being a sounding board actually on screen :) This would be my little spin off series:) I can picture them together in Joes lovely little house near the beach (which is one of my favourite houses in the series btw as it's not too fancy and just matches Joes personality perfectly) A beautiful sunset over the sea and Joe doing some writing while snuggled up with Columbo and Dog on the sofa or in their little garden. I see them sharing coffee in the mornings, going for walks along the beach with Dog, getting an ice-cream together, talking through cases or about Joes latest book…..
So many possibilities…… I just can't see any other suspect going bowling with Columbo but Joe so would. Perfect date night………bowling, dinner of chilli, then darts and drinks in the pub :) We actually get these lunch and drink dates in canon so we are blessed :) I love that we get a Columbo and suspect relationship that is on a more equal footing. They both even know that the other knows Joe did it but they are still just so friendly with each other and genuinely enjoy each others company. I love the chemistry between the characters and the actors. It made me seek out other films and shows that Clive Revill has done and he is such a lovely, talented and interesting person too. I love the subtext. There are just so many fascinating choices made throughout the episode from a shipping point of view……. To name but a few……. The whole first meeting with the pinball, crawling around on the floor together, the resting on the beds together, the lunch date, the casual hugs and touches, the sharing of their respective backgrounds, the pub crawl date complete with moonlit stroll and romantic backdrop, the hand holding over the table in the last scene…….etc…… It's just impossible not to ship :) And fun to put the characters in different situations. Being cute and fluffy together. Columbo has always been a special show to me because of childhood memories and the character is so wonderful. And with my fangirl gaze that just picks up any kind of subtext and runs with it - it was inevitable I'd eventually ship him with Joe. The case can be made with other suspects through the series of course and I can see that too….. But these two will always be my OTP of the series. I have so many ships that I love but these two were one of the first. And one of the only ones with hardly any content online (this was before Columbo became popular on Tumblr). So I thought I'd remedy that by creating a lil sideblog :)
Sorry for rambling on…….I was just so excited to answer an ask! Thank you again Anon :) Please feel free to ask anything else about what I've written here or anything at all about these two! Also please feel free to share your own headcanons for Columbo and Joe! Id really love to hear them :)
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cutest-big-dragon · 1 year
Friendly reminder to content creators that if your subscription to view count is low, or viewer retention is poor, you don't need to beg people to subscribe or finish the video. But first, let's talk about reasons: 1. You're making references only a specific community will understand, that isn't even related to any of your previous videos. (ahem all of the jojo references I have to sit through in a video about tf2, despite never having watched jojo, or really cared about it in general) 2. You say things that might seem fine to you, but may insult your audience. (I can't tell you how many youtubers just call people slurs ON VIDEO, like, I remember having to click "don't recommend channel videos" because they won't stop insulting groups of people) 3. You're trying too hard to get something out of it. Max ads, in-video sponsors, constant begging to buy merch, support patreon, subscribe, like, and suck your dick after we buy you a coffee. Personal note: Nobody likes being BEGGED to give you money. If you're homeless? Its another thing, but like, 90% of youtubers are sitting in a studio apartment being like "please if you don't like or subscribe I have to work a job like most people" or "if you don't subscribe I can't buy bread". Maybe yt isn't the career for you then? People subscribe to things they like, and want to watch or hear about, people will sub if they want to, and if they don't, don't pressure them? Especially with the guilt tripping I see 24/7. 4. You have no passion about the things you talk about. (pretty self-explanatory) 5. Unnecessary politics, religion, controversial things. Activism is a great thing, but I'm just gonna skip over most sections where a dude compares a game to how "liberals, republicans, communists, capitalists, are destroying the country" or whatever. I just want to watch a dude play a game, it's my coping mechanism. It's where I sometimes go to avoid all of these things. Please make a separate video for it, especially cause you can go more in-depth there, and I would probably be interested anyways! Just not if I'm already having a mental breakdown about the world's problems.
6. Blatant clickbait (the obvious one) You don't need to make the title "Best country in the world" and then spend 90% of the video giving filler. You got a random idea you wanna share? Post it in a non-video format, if it's too short to be a real video. You don't need sexualized depictions of characters in the thumbnail, you don't need to do anything like that. (a good example of not needing to do that is Daily Dose of Internet, where rarely do their videos not cover what was in the thumbnail/title) There are real, interesting things out there! If you just wanna make a gameplay video? Name it so! I'd be much more interested in watching something titled "TF2 Heavy Gameplay, with commentary" than something like "BRASS BEAST IS BROKEN??? (GLITCH)" My point with all of this is VIDEOS ARE AN ART FORM, THAT IS MEANT TO BE ENJOYED. ART CAN BE A CAREER, BUT ONLY IF YOUR ART IS WORTH LOOKING AT. OTHER THAN THAT, PLEASE MAKE VIDEOS WITH LOVE, NOT GREED, OR FAME BEING YOUR ONLY OBJECTIVE. Btw if you read this, thank you. It means a lot <3
Oh and finally, take what I say with a grain of salt, you don't have to do any of it, I just, as a content consumer(?) would enjoy it. The youtubers I sub to are the ones who don't ask.
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elytrafemme · 1 year
I don't start thinking I'm in a show after consuming media in particular, however I do just think like this all the time:
I speak about my thoughts on shows, morals, or general opinions out loud when I'm alone so viewers can "get exposition"
I give justification for my actions after I do something so the viewers don't get mad at my character
I imagine that everything I do is being watched (I usually think of the viewers as either aliens or from another dimension watching the show I'm on)
Now that I lay this all out, this is not very neurotypical of me (I already have ADHD, anxiety, and depression anyway but whatever) I don't think this is the signs of more mental Illnesses to add to my roster, but it is interesting regardless.
I meant for this to be a quick message...oops
Anyway good riddance to your ap exams mare, and have a nice day! :D
WAIT OMG IVE NEVER DONE THE EXPOSITION THING THATS SUPER INTERESTING... i talk to myself compulsively though, i'm getting better at controlling it but ive gone on til i was hoarse before which like YIKES BTW. but i just talk about the same set topics for a bit then swap, rn im stuck on trying to narrate a documentary and it's going a bit frustratingly but im still keeping it up
ive def done my fair share of apology videos im ngl i think ive also done the justification thing though but its been a bit
oh super fair of you also, i get that sometimes but usualy its very intense then it stops ^_^
yeah this is definitely a neurodivergence of some kind but def super interesting, no worries abt the longer ask idm!!!!! HAVE A NICE DAY TOO AND TY <3
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shinydixon · 2 years
It annoys me how some h*llcheers, when accused of homophobia, say they can't be homophobic because they're gay/bi. You very much can be, internalized as well as lateral aggression. Gay people can be biphobic, same gender attracted women can be homophobic towards sga men, and vice versa.
It sucks to be a guy and engaging in an m/m ship because m/m shippers are accused of all being straight women who fetishise gay men (which is something h*llcheers have said about steddies). Yes, some are and it sucks, but a lot, if not most, are queer men and women. Also, in my experience most guys I've come across in m/m shipping spaces have been gay/bi transmascs (like me) and since "fetishistic straight women" we're often called by transphobic gays, I can't trust people who say that.
Not to mention how much it hurts when people say "why don't you just ship canon m/m couples instead?" Because there isn't a lot of shows, that aren't "gay shows" (pose, heartstopper, young royals), that have main characters who are queer men, and that's not their entire personality, much less for trans men or bi/pan men.
I'm glad will is canonically gay, but with the way it's presented in the show I'm sure that some straight viewers don't get it yet, and why can't we have more than him and robin? And let's be real, will is a much "safer" character to "make" queer than steve or eddie; character's that I'm sure more straight men are projecting themselves on than there are who project themselves on will. Imagine if a character that was "meant for" straight people, came out as gay or bi? It's not gonna happen, especially if that character is a man, because straight men's sexuality and masculinity are so intertwined and so, so fragile. So please, let us have fun. Let us make up headcanons for these characters that we love, because that's all we're ever gonna have.
Even though both parties in h*llcheer are dead and the possibility of them being canon is non existant, it's still less non existant than the possibility of steddie becoming canon, and would be met with zero hostility from the general audience, compared to steddie. We know why this is, and we also know why they can so easily demonize and make out all steddie shippers as villains, while burying any evidence of foul play on their own side.
This was long, sorry, but I needed to rant and I don't feel like being attracting #them to my blog.
Don't ever say sorry, I'm here for everybody who have the need to vent or rant🥹
Sorry but it's so stupid saying "I'm bi so I can't be homophobic" for the reasons you already listed.
Anyway you shouldn't listen to those kind of hellcheers, some of them don't even respect Grace, we can't expect to be treated with kindness when they see steddie as something that gets in between their ship.
Block them, filter their tag and even if you're tempted, don't go looking for their post to check what they're saying about steddies because it can be hurtful and can ruin your fun.
Instead, look for what makes you happy! HC, art, fanfiction, incorrect quotes (these are my favorite btw) etc.
I realize that in my blog we talk a lot about these toxic people and this is the reason why I proceed to reblog a lot of steddie/steve/eddie/joe/jamie/Joe K./other media content; like this I can also share something that we enjoy with people that check my blog to see what I answer, and might be upset by some of the asks.
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