kittenninja14 · 1 month
Can we just take some time to appreciate this off-screen Dadsy moment in S3 finale?
like in S3 E10 we see MK wearing this outfit
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meanwhile Pigsy is wearing a jacket over his usual attire
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After the whole samadhi fire thing, MK's clothes get burned as we can see here
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Look at Pigsy's expression here
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he just is a worried father <333
anywyas in the S3 special we see MK wearing a new outfit
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well would ya look at that!!
It's Pigsy's jacket!!! <33333
and the final proof taht it is Pigsy's jacket is that when we see Pigsy later on... he's not wearing his jacket ;3
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i just love this father-son duo <33
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absolutely adorable <3333
Also MK you're slaying the look lol!! Your dad's jacket fits you perfectly <33
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kittenninja14 · 1 month
Look ive been seeing some hate on the new LMK s5 animation and i just wanna give my two cents on this matter.
Look... animation isn't easy... its a LOT of work. it takes a lot of time and patience. Just because the trailer doesn't look as epic as prev trailers/eps doesn't mean s5 automatically sucks.
don't be rude to any of the animators. pls remember that regardless of their amazing talent, they are still human.
and also... if you don't animate--wait forget about animation for now-- if you don't even draw, then you have NO right to judge these animators who put a lot of work into making s5.
it takes TIME and effort... its not easy.
im not sure if its just rumors or if LMK actually has switched animation studios but regardless... be glad that at least they aren't leaving LMK altogether. I know soo many shows where they just left the show at a certain season and left it at that-- with no proper ending.
but im soo grateful that LMK is still going on. and I'm grateful for that.
Quit being so rude about the animation. It may not be picture-perfect but you have no right to judge or be rude.
How would you feel if your work (which you spent a lot of time on) was condemned and ridiculed just because it wasn't as perfect as previous works? You wouldn't be smiling, that for sure.
So please stop all this preschool-behavior and be thankful that the show is still going on and isn't in the grave.
If you dont like the animation... keep it to yourself... there is no need to diss the show before you even see it. If you don't like the animation, fine.... don't watch the season then. its up to u
But please... if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.
Thanks y'all. have a great day
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kittenninja14 · 1 month
Look i know that a lot of ppl try to write like really long stories... but me?? I'm rn trying to write short stories...
you know why?
bc I currently have like 13 lmk wips on my comp rn and all of them are SOOOOOOO LOOONGGG that I've either gotten bored typing and/or have lost interest in the story...
same thing goes with my ninjago wips :')
im thinking this might be a me-thing lolll
ngl.... i dont think there ever was a time when i used to write short stories :') like my first fanfic ever (its unposted bc i freaking lost it after i moved districts 😭) was like 16 pages long like whaaaattt??
at 12? 16 pages? was i that jobless in 6th grade or was i more creative than i am now? prob both
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kittenninja14 · 1 month
Seen a lot of ppl who feel like commenting is lame and the author might be offended or whatnot.
Listen, comments are GREATT!! Small things like "I love this!" or "OH MY GOSHH THIS IS EPIC" or "great job!" actually helps
tbh i dont know why some authors don't reply to comment. But maybe they don't have the energy to reply? But whatever... whether or not the author replies... it still doesn't mean that the author doesn't see the comment. Quite the opposite actually...
i get the mindset. Ppl commenting asking for Fic A to be updated may look to see the author's dashboard to see if they're active or not. Sometimes u look to see that the author is working on Fic B.
It is NOT nice to ask the author to update Fic A on Fic B's comments...
in fact its quite discouraging ngl... (sadly speaking from experience)
But aside from that... comments are GREAT!! they're amazing!!! Please. Do comment. Please. Do tell me if there are mistakes. Please. Do ask questions about the fic. Please. Do say nice things!! It really helps!!!
But please keep in mind that not all authors want to be criticized... sometimes we are really in love and proud of a certain work and a comment like "I think you should have [insert here]" or you could have done this better" could be hurtful.
Try not to say something like "you should have done this..." or "i didn't like how you did this..."
REmember... its called a fanfic... its written from a fan... so it doesn't have to line up with canon. It doesn't have to match what you want it to be.
Every fan has their own interpretation... so respect that!!
But all of this aside... don't feel like your comment is cringe or not worth sharing... every comment is appreciated <333
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kittenninja14 · 1 month
Yeah dude.... we girls are superheroes 😭🥲✨
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