#tan zao zao
scorbleeo · 22 days
Drama Gossip: The Spirealm (致命游戏)
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Source: Google Images
It started off peculiarly; first, his domestic cat refused to let him cuddle it. Lin Qiushi soon found that a sense of disharmony and incongruity began to pervade everything around him. Then, one odd day, he pushed open a door, and he discovered that the hallway he was familiar with turned into a boundless corridor. At both ends of this corridor were twelve, identical iron gates. Thus, the story began.
Source: MyDramaList (2024)
Action, Adventure, Augmented Reality? Sign Me Up!
I do not consume everything that has the 'entering a virtual game with real life consequences' plot-line but when I do, I more or less will enjoy them. The Spirealm is exactly that plot-line and after just finishing 19th Floor (another Chinese drama with similar concept), I was expecting more and hoping for lesser disappointment.
This drama did not disappoint at all. Lets first talk about the roles and the cast. Brilliant job on the casting, everybody pulled off their role so wonderfully, it felt like they were made for their roles. As for the characters these actors portrayed, wow. I haven't been obsessed with a fictional Chinese character in such a long time but Ruan Lan Zhu is so easy to be obsessed with. The writing was brilliant because I very quickly grew attached to the main people and when shit hit the fan, yeah, I felt everything as if I was a part of them.
Spoilers going on from here so if you haven't watched the show, go and watch it now, please?
As I was saying, I was so attached to some of the characters, I really, wow... Say Li Dong Yuan first. I actually already was spoiled with his death, I even knew which door was going to cause his death yet when it happened, I physically gasped. Then his farewell scene came about and goodness gracious, Xiao Zhuang's reaction was absolutely heart-wrenching. It really did not help that right before getting stabbed, the door Dong Yuan went through for Ling Ling was one of the most entertaining and comedic doors.
After that Zao Zao's death? She was already trying her best in the real world, she tried her best in the spirealm. She gave one of the best speeches ever. Yet that chandelier... I never hated chandeliers as much as I do now.
That's the thing about The Spirealm. This show has plenty of heartbreaking scenes but at the same time, it has a bunch of hilarious scenes too. You really can go from laughing one second and then depressed the next. Exactly like when Cheng Yi Xie sacrificed himself for his brother? One second I was laughing at Lan Zhu begging for Ling Ling's forgiveness and suddenly I was pissed but before I could even get real mad, I was hit with a broken heart. This may sound like a complain but the roller coaster of emotions made this drama ten times more interesting than other dramas.
Moving on to the game or doors or levels (however you want to call them). I really, really enjoy shows with this concept but many a times, the stakes just aren't high enough. Not The Spirealm though. I mean, look at Dong Yuan, Zao Zao and Yi Xie. They are part of the main leads and that world did not go easy on them. As much as I hate that they died, I really appreciated the high stakes in this drama. It made watching the show so much more worth it.
Anyhow, despite thoroughly enjoying this drama, I have so many questions. First things first, did I miss the significance of the necklace Lan Zhu gave Ling Ling during the first door?
Also (this is not that important by the way), when the time comes, the players have no choice but through the door. We've watched Ling Ling enter his doors plenty a time. Now tell me how did Wu Qi survive?
I may be someone who loves an ambiguous ending but if the theory that everything was not real is in fact real, I hate it. Yet, everything being a part of Ling Ling's dream or "hallucination" does make sense, as much as I hate it. Remember where Ling Ling walked into upon completing the first door? He entered the door in the middle of the road and exited it into his house? The discrepancies started right from the beginning. Which (if I did not miss anything) might explain the lack of significance behind the necklace. It will also explain why Ling Ling's time between each door is never long yet Wu Qi's not worried about his next door when he witnessed Dong Yuan's death? Or that Chen Fei's advancement is so much slower than Ling Ling. Furthermore, I'm supposed to believe the crew learnt about a mysterious man who helped Xiong Qi reunite with Xiao Ke in the spirealm and they did not investigate more?
I really do hate the everything was not real theory but I also cannot deny it's the most reasonable one. There was another theory I chanced upon on Douyin a while back and have since forgotten most of the information. However, I like that theory a lot even though it was quite farfetched. Long story short, the user theorised that after Lan Zhu walked into the portal and cleaned the program, Ling Ling woke up and regained consciousness after being hit, right? That's not reality but the 12th door and the door god for this last door is Lan Zhu. That was all I remember but the user did provide explanations and timestamps for their theory and upon reading it, it did make sense too. Therefore, if I ever come across that video again, I will link it here.
In the meantime, let's wallow in the conclusion of The Spirealm. It was a quick and short ride but an extremely memorable one.
Rating: ★★★★☆ (4.5/5)
More productions from China here: 19th Floor (19层) | Under the Skin (猎罪图鉴)
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honeyhetalia · 11 months
Full name: Zao Wang
*smol but tall
* 5'10
* looks about 25
* Nice long hair 
* Wears it half up half down 
* Or in a bun 
* Kinda lowkey shredded
* Abs
* very attractive
* skin is usually pale in the winter and somehow always has a tan by the time summer rolls around
* for some reason I believe Zao adopts the American culture really well
* i see him thriving in San Francisco or Los Angeles
* like he’s a west coaster
* sun, beach, babes, that’s all he needs
*he loves Chinese food but he also loves trying food from other cultures
* major foodie
* also I imagine him being a gym freak but only because he uses the gym to get with girls
* he looooovesssss attention
* lowkey a whore
* Memes
* Breathes m e m e s
* his personality is insufferable
* like he can be so annoying
* On twitter 25/8
* Hyena laughs 
* Nice ass smile tho
* "Psst everyone turn your air drop on."
* Airdrops literally the dumbest things 
* Almost never wears hoodies 
* "It's suffocating."
* loves basketball and hip hop culture for some reason
* Plays basketball really well
* you can catch him playing pick up games in Venice Beach with Allen
* Point guard
* Zao is Yao's younger brother 
* Loves pissing Yao off
* He lives to do so 
* that one guy who swears he knew the song before everyone else
* "I knew that song before it was cool." 
* Rich kid
* Yao's his older brother so of course that's his money plug
* Drives a nice ass car even though he doesn’t deserve it
* Spends his money on drugs and name brand stuff
*C R A D L E R O C K E R
* this man loves younger women (Ik it’s weird…)
* Best friends with Allen and Lutz 
* They all do illegal shit together 
* they Live with each other which is complete and utter chaos
* Attends meetings but goofs tf off 
* Doesn't take notes 
* Gets all his work done the day before or the day it's due
* loves action movies
* rlly big Marvel movie fan
* he’s seen every single one
* I believe he’s a simp but only for the right girl
* this man takes substance abuse to the next level
*that’s all I’ll say abt that
* he’s rlly nice tho
* pls be his friend
* loves video games
///andddd that’s all I got for now. Feel free to chime in and tell me what you think or who you want to see next. I love Zao sm he’s my lil babey. But yeah see ya!!!///
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krudy7kk · 12 days
Analysis of Spirealm's ending
Never posted anything on my tumblr but I have the most unholy Spirealm brainrot rn so I'm posting my analysis of Spirealm's ending. The preface, a lot of people interpreted the ending of Spirealm as depressing and the series to be very tragic overall, but, I feel like the ending is mostly happy, and here's why;
Crossposted on MDL as a review
Heavy Spoilers
Spirealm ended with seemingly “it was all a dream” type of ending but my interpretation of the ending was that Lin Jiu Shi , through the act of completing the game, “saved” the game as his childhood friend intended. “Saving” the game in this scenario, reverts all the tragedy the game has caused without erasing anything that’s happened… kind of. The way the story goes about it is a little convoluded but through picking up the themes of this story, is not indecipherable. 
Proving that the game did all happen; there are three main points that infers this. The first, most tangible point is that, at the end of the series, LJS wakes up in the middle of the traffic. Assuming everything that’s happened after the traffic accident at the end of the series was dreamt up, it does not explain why the internet cafe boss at the beginning of the series– who’s seen the game before the traffic accident– has no recollection of LJS having played the game. The second point, if everything in the game had not happened, it would make no sense for LJS to accurately know the name of people he’s never met before. The third point, which is the most confusing one, explains one of the main themes and why the director probably chose to take this route. 
One of the main themes of Spirealm is the legitimacy of the “virtual world”, where the characters have debated multiple times if everything that happens “virtually” in the game is real or not. I forgot which episode it was but, LJS in the latter part of the series pondered “If the feelings in Spirealm are more sincere than real life, what really is the difference between virtual and reality?” ( Also not a direct translation, I’m too lazy to go find the exact episode and translate it) The point of this quote is, even if the memories don’t exist anymore, the feelings and relationships that were formed during the time in Spirealm were “real” and sincere. We can see this through the way Chen Qian Li fhaving familiarity towards LJS at the end of the series, despite acknowledging that he doesn’t actually know him. This is a little more debatable but you could also argue that the differences between the depiction of the people around LJS before and after he woke up also shows the effects of the game. One could interpret Tan Zao Zao being an influencer instead of an actress as something unconsciously influenced by the events of Spirealm. While being in Spirealm, TZZ felt like she constantly had to mask herself as an actress, you could argue that her being a influencer instead of an actress in the new world as a choice she made unconsciously due to the feelings of restriction she’s felt in Spirealm. Same with instances like Chen Yi Xie watching horror movies as a hobby and Li Dong Yuan being content working as a street vendor that makes little money.
In the last scene of the show, when LJS goes back into Spirealm, he sees TZZ where she tells him “it feels like I woke up from a long dream”, referring to life outside of the game. This further emphasizes how the game is actually “real” too, since when LJS is outside Spirealm, Spirealm is referred to as a “dream”. Whichever reality they are in is the real one, so by proxy, they are both real.
Another point to consider is the relationship between LJS and RNZ. If everything was a dream, then essentially, LJS dreamed up a lifelong companion (boyfriend) in elaborate detail seemingly out of nowhere… It makes more sense if RNZ did exist, but was simply erased from existence due to the game also having been erased. The whole last arc of the story also repeatedly states that he would be erased once the 11th door was complete.
The game bringing people back to life, erasing everyone’s memory, and altering reality also seems entirely reasonable when the whole basis of the game is based on its ability to kill people and warp time. Realistically speaking, there was no real way to depict RNZ and LJS saving the game besides erasing the game completely, therefore, the erasure of everyone’s memory and the game’s existence is the intended effect of “saving the game”.
I also believe that LJS reprogramming the game essentially is the equivalent of him fulfilling his friend's wish of  “restoring the game to its original state” as the game he ended up recreating was essentially the original intended game. 
I believe that the ending of Spirealm was the perfect happy ending, Everyone is alive again, they get to live their life to the fullest, and in the end, LJS finishes the game where he likely decides is his new “reality” with RNZ. They all live together happily as Chen Qian Li wished for in the 11th door. This is the 12th door, LJS’s completed door of happiness.
That’s mostly all I wanted to say, I’ll probably rewatch the series when Subs (that are comprehensible) come out so I can make exact quotations and give actual episode numbers (plus there are probably more things I have missed). But for now that’s all I’ve wanted to say. I’m open to debate the ending since I feel like the ending was definitely left a little ambiguous but I feel like a lot of these things were changed from the novel with the intent of creating this ending specifically. (ex. Slight novel spoiler: TZZ being a famous and acclaimed actress in the Novel while being mildly unpopular in the series) 
Add my discord if you want to talk about this show with me, it lives in my head rent free: krudy7kk
TLDR: Spirealm was not a dream, everything that happened got erased due to LJS completing the game. Everyone gets transported into an altered reality where they are living their happiest lives (indirectly bc of games events) and LJS reunites with everyone towards the very very end where they all live peacefully together.
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shookethdev · 1 year
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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eyenaku · 1 year
Ji ji fu ji ji
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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stupidityisme · 2 years
My haunting experience started April this year when mom left to go Aussie.
Skip skip skip, fast forward.
We found a temple that does deliverance. After sending them away, things gradually returned back to normal for mom. However, for me, I still couldn’t sleep. It was bad. Some days it’s better, some days I couldn’t sleep for a few days straight. It’s draining me. I had Evana’s dad take care of her cos I didn’t want anything to happen to her while I move away from home.
After moving away, I still get disturb but it was not too bad. It was only like 5 minutes or so and I could sleep after that. But things went downhill after a month. I could feel the spirit energy curling on my feet, or how my feet was numb. My lips was swollen and when I went back to the temple, I found out that it’s my past life debt - I pushed her during our rush to birth, thus I could make it and she couldn’t. She claimed that my body was supposedly hers. I don’t remember what happened but I do feel guilty for pushing her. My lips was swollen cos she was licking my face 🤮. And I was glad it’s all been sorted. It was calm again but not for long. This time, I know it’s a different spirit because of the way I am being disturbed. Different spirit has different way of disturbing. Some are strong, some are weak. Some curl and some push. Some makes you itchy - the itchiness is different from those scratching, it’s like your body hair stands but with electric shock. Some itch turns to pain. Each night, I am so fearful when it’s time to go sleep.
I had nightmare continuously, night after night. I would wake up in fear, very scary. My heart pump very fast and I sweat so much.
One of the very first nightmare I remembered was the spirit show herself to me. “If you come nearer, I would show myself” It was white in colour, white hair, but short, like a child. It’s playful but scary. I couldn’t see the face but it’s standing right before me.
Then, I wondered if spirit can tap into our dream and found out that it’s a yes because when we are sleeping, our soul and conscience are out of body experience. We meet them there in limbo state.
I went back to the temple each week. Each week the Sifu will help to drives them away. Until last weekend, I asked - why did different spirits come and go? What do they want from me?
Sifu said, with so much going on, I am so sensitive that I am now releasing a fearful aura. Spirit can detect it. It’s akin a piece of shit, the fly will come and stick to it no matter how much you say NO. The only way is to overcome the fear is myself.
These spirit came to you because they have no where to go. Consider yourself lucky cos you feel it, you can help them. Speak to them, tell them to let go, teach them to pray “Chang hui wen” (repent mantra), guide them to this temple, give them a place they belong. Tell them you’ll do deliverance for them.
Another Sifu explained - you emitted a strong self confidence but your self strong confidence is now block by fear.
Why are you afraid of them?
Because they look horrible, I am scare, they tried to scared me
Don’t judge their outlook. They look like that because they have “yuan qi” but most of them they are gentle deep down. You gotta look from within.
Here I am, still challenging my fear. I am aware of their existence. They will ping me from time to time.
What worst can they do?
If I can help them, it’s a win win situation for both of us. This is called unseen merit.
I can feel the shit is disappearing soon. Before it disappear, I will try my best to help and to live on with my words.
For those who thinks that I am crazy, let it be.
Wang xi suo zao zhu e ye
Jie you wu shi tan chen chi
Cong shen yu yi zhi suo sheng
Yi qie zhui chang jie chan hui
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goodcryunicorn · 2 years
007 || Giacinta Johnson
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Name: Giacinta Johnson Age: 33 Relationship: single (verse depending) open for ships Sexuality: bisexual Job: spy Faceclaims: Halle Berry  Blog written by: @goodcryunicorn3​​​
Giacinta 'Jinx' Johnson is a NSA Agent, Jinx is assigned to kill a rogue North Korean agent named Zao, who is undergoing gene-replacement therapy in 2002 at the Alvarez clinic on Los Organos island, Cuba. There she meets James Bond, who is also after Zao in the hope of extracting the identity of a double agent responsible for his 14 month imprisonment in North Korea. Introducing herself as Jinx, a nickname derived from her being born on Friday the 13th, the two exchange double entendres and proceed back to Bond's room at the Hotel De Los Organos to have sex. The following morning she leaves the sleeping spy and crosses over to the clinic. Posing as a prospective patient, she kills Dr. Alvarez and accesses the clinic's records on Zao. Suddenly her mission is interrupted by 007, who has found the North Korean first. After being pursued by Jinx and Bond, Zao escapes by helicopter, leaving the armed American agent surrounded by clinic security. Stripping to her bikini, she dives backwards off the edge of the wall into the ocean and is picked up by a boat. Still pursuing Zao, Jinx tracks the agent to Gustav Graves' diamond mine in Iceland. Attending a public demonstration of the diamond magnate's Icarus Satellite at his Ice Palace, she once again crosses paths with Bond. Later that evening Jinx breaks into Graves' office and finds Zao 'sleeping' in a 'dream machine'. She tries to kill him but Graves stuns her before she can get the chance. After being interrogated by Zao, the agent leaves her to be disposed of by Mr. Kil. Rather than shoot her, Kil insists on using the nearby industrial lasers. As the laser edges towards her head, she is rescued by 007 who intervenes and stops the machine - only to be jumped by Kil. As the henchman prepares to deliver the finishing blow Jinx grabs the swinging controls and activates the laser; cutting through the back of Mr. Kil's cranium. After formally admitting that she is a member of the NSA, they team up and exchange information. It suddenly becomes clear to Bond that Zao is working with Graves, who is in reality an old North Korean adversary, Colonel Tan-Sun Moon. The pair split up, with Bond confronting Graves and Jinx heading to warn MI6 operative Miranda Frost. However, unbeknownst to Jinx, Frost is a double-agent working for Graves. Exchanging insults, Miranda locks her in Bond's suite and leaves her to die as Graves melts the Ice Palace using his satellite's heat-ray. Almost drowned in the flooding room, she is rescued for the second time by Bond, who shatters the door with his Aston Martin V12 Vanquish and takes her to a nearby hot pool to be revived.
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pedroam-bang · 3 years
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Die Another Day (2002)
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im-goin-mad · 2 years
new weird pairing unlocked: tang lin zao x tan-sun moon (sir gustav graves)
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luisemontoya · 3 years
Hablemos un poco de AD.
Vamos a empezar hablando de un poco de historia antigua. Como ya todos saben, o les ha pasado, las experiencias en el mundo del rol son como una montaña rusa. Buenos y malos momentos, buenos y malos tratos con usuarios, buenos y malos tratos con la administración, buenas y malas experiencias. Cada quien habla de cómo le fue en la feria, repito como ya lo dije en el lugar donde despotrican.
 Sí, me río de los comentarios que leo, de esos comentarios que “dan su opinión” o que afirman como si su palabra fuera la única verdad, sin pruebas o datos tangibles. Si eso me hace un pedante, bueno, soy un pedante. Que les recuerdo que Salem fue administrador en dos lugares altamente reconocidos por su toxicidad, HC y Verdammnis.
 Así como muchos usuarios que, debido a experiencias poco gratas en otros foros, yo fui uno de ellos que, motivado por querer tener un lugar seguro y cómodo para rolear con mis amigos y gente de confianza, me vi envuelto en crear AD. Un proyecto que nació en el 2019, para ser específicos desde el 15 de Mayo del 2019.
   Todo chiquito y todo panzón, comenzamos con la idea del foro, un mapa, nombres, etc. Pero creo que me estoy saliendo del tema principal. Entonces ya empoderados con el foro -que abrió sus puertas hasta inicios del 2020.- comenzamos a pensar en lo siguiente, que, no me van a mentir, todo mundo a tenido en cuenta. El NRDA -Nos Reservamos el Derecho de Admisión-.
 Claro que todo mundo tiene sus enemistades, personas que en la vida quiere volver a ver o saber de ellas, o personas que te banearon de sus foros y CLARO que quieres pagarles con la misma moneda. Personas non gratas, las fichitas del mundo del rol.
 Yo hablaré de mi punto de vista personal y mi propia experiencia. Claro que yo tenía a muchos en mente que no deseaba siquiera pisaran nuestro foro. Como las personas de Counting Stars que hicieron que me banearan por exceso de rol homosexual y porque pensaban que les iba a bajar el novio de rol. O gente de Temporali, Omegaverse… pero ¿Para qué? Yo de por sí era considerado una fichita de alto rango, la peste negra o peor. Yo era motivo suficiente para mantener a la gente alejada de nuestro foro, no se les iba a ocurrir pasarse por ahí.
 Entonces ¿Para qué pensar en banearlos? Demostremos que somos mejores y no paguemos de la misma forma. Los problemas y dramas se quedan fuera del foro, atrás de la puerta. Si tuviste problemas alguna vez conmigo, bueno, lo siento, fue en el pasado y con una vieja versión de mí. Si quieren venir a pasar un buen rato y a disfrutar del rol, son bienvenidos todos. Fuera quien fuera.
 A mediados de Marzo del 2020 se me ocurrió incursionar en un foro que era la comidilla de todos, que lo crucificaron por ser quien le robó ideas a Verdammnis y que eran altos traidores. Estoy hablando de Variété. Entré al foro, me hice una cuenta, recibí color y fui abordado por Laurel en redes privadas. Ya que, tengo entendido, alguien de su foro pedía mi cabeza en charola de plata y mi inmediata expulsión, cosa que no se le hizo. Al final me fui de ahí porque yo debía atender mi foro por completo y porque mi ex novio me la armó de pedo.
 Si no me banearon-expulsaron al momento de mi registro en un foro donde, ojito, lo tenía sentenciado ¿Por qué yo habría de hacerlo? Sería muy caradura de mi parte, muy hipócrita decir que los dramas y problemas se quedan atrás de la puerta, en el ayer. No nos vamos a engañar, muchas administraciones usan el NRDA simplemente para no tener personas que les caen gordas o les pueden quitar un físico, o un partner.
  Transcurrió el 2020 y el jardín se fue podando. La primera cabeza de la administración que se cortó fue la de Mérophe, por abuso de poder, grupismo, no cumplir sus labores como administración, y dañar la convivencia con los usuarios. Nos costó muchísimo que los afectados -usuarios de nuestro foro- nos dijeran qué ocurría, porque en palabras de ellos, pensaban que no le haríamos nada porque era admin y amigui de todos los admin.
 ¿Cuántos no han pensado así? Que los intocables del staff no reciben su merecido. Incluso mandamos un anuncio global por MP y publicamos un tema correspondiente.
 Y así fuimos cortando cabezas en la administración, por no cumplir con lo que deberían. Así se fue Nyle, así se fue Eustass.
  Pero volvamos al tema principal que tanto parece importarles, Kazama.
 Kazama llegó aproximadamente a mediados de Febrero del 2021. Con la cuenta de Madara Uchiha y otra cuenta con la que usaba VPN. Si mal no recuerdo yo fui quien le aceptó la ficha -No puedo mostrar pantallazo de ficha aceptada porque ya se baneó esa cuenta y se eliminó hace tiempo.- y, ojito, yo no sabía quién era el fulano. Yo me enteré a los días.
 ¿Por qué no lo baneamos al instante? Sencillo, y seguramente ya lo habrán entendido con parte de lo dicho más arriba. Si el tipito no ocasionaba problemas aquí, no acosaba personas, ni empezaba con sus actitudes nefastas que tanto describen en los Tumblr, no teníamos motivos realmente.
 ¿PERO POR QUÉ SE ATREVEN A DEJARLO AHÍ? Abrimos nuestras puertas para todo aquel que deseara rolear, sin excepción, que no buscara problemas ni viniera a arruinar el ambiente con actos dentro del foro.
 Y así permitimos a varias fichitas que en su momento ya fueron baneadas de AD. Permitimos a personas recientemente expulsadas de Variété, que tan pronto causaron quilombo, pa fuera. Hubo mujeres acosadas por otras mujeres -cosa que, con pruebas en mano y reporte hecho, detuvimos en su momento.- bueno, cuentas de mujer, porque no sabemos qué hay detrás de ese nombre de usuario. Permitimos a gente que gustaba de rolear furros aunque, seguramente, terminarían por irse al no encontrar con quién rolear porque, bueno, no todos lo ven bien y no a todo mundo le gusta.
 Kazama llegó al foro y la cacería de brujas comenzó la semana siguiente, cuando -justamente, las mujeres que acosaban mujeres- nos hicieron llegar un MP informándonos de quién era y lo que hacía. A lo que respondimos que nosotros nos encargaríamos y que, ante el mínimo acoso o lío sería castigado. Kazama había llegado solo, y luego a saber de dónde consiguió a alguien para rolear. Se hizo más personajes y le ponía ganitas en buscar roles, hasta roleó con otros pjs hombre. Se metía a la CB y, por más que mucha gente le hiciera vacío o lo tratase mal, seguía como si nada saludando y conviviendo.
 ¿Molestó a alguien en plena CB? Seguramente por el simple hecho de existir, sí. ¿Recibimos algún MP de alguna usuaria siendo acosada por Kazama en AD? Tampoco ¿Se estaba comportando a la altura? Parecía.
 De todas formas, lo baneamos.
 ¿Por qué? Bueno, nos enteramos que brincó a otro foro… Hopes Peak si mal no recuerdo, luego nos enteramos que brincó a Anthurium y que fue baneado.
 Con nosotros intentó volver con otra cuenta llamada Zao Feng, que muchos ya conocen porque siempre publica la misma búsqueda “My Maverick”. Fue baneado, nos mandó MP y se le explicó el por qué. Anexando el hecho del abandono de su primera cuenta, sin movimiento alguno 2 meses, sin aparecerse por el foro -no conectarse- un mes. El uso del VPN -que si leen las normas de AD, está prohibido.- y aparte, reiterando lo que todos los otros foros decían, salvaguardar la convivencia e integridad de nuestros usuarios, el mentado NRDA que, en palabras de muchos de ustedes, nos TARDAMOS en hacer.
  Aclaro por cualquier cosa o malentendido que SIEMPRE se llega a dar, porque aquí todos leen y entienden lo que quieren entender. YO no estoy defendiendo a Kazama ni mucho menos ¿Sigue en AD? No, y si incurre de nuevo en usar VPN, será baneado otra vez. ¿Kazama acosó a usuarias/usuarios de AD? Que los afectados lo digan, no vayan a creer que me estoy inventando cosas si digo un sí o un no ¿De dónde consiguió Kazama rol? Quién sabe.
 Para todos los usuarios que abandonaron AD en su momento por Kazama, yo les ofrezco una disculpa y les sugiero encarecidamente buscar ayuda psicológica, para que puedan superar cualquier trauma o mal trago que les pudo ocasionar; espero que no me tomen a mal el comentario. Hicieron lo correcto en retirarse del foro y buscar un lugar donde se puedan sentir seguros y cómodos para rolear. Ya que, como dejaron en claro, no sentían que AD lo fuera.
  Y ahora la cerezita del pastel respecto a mis cuentas en el foro:
¿Qué hace la cuenta de Arkadien ahí? Bueno, todos los admins tenemos acceso a ella, no solo Arkadien. Todos somos Arkadien.
 Yo aquí presento mí versión, con las pruebas que están a mi disposición para mostrarles. Tomen lo que quieran tomar, crean lo que quieran creer.
 Arkadien Denken seguirá abierto para las personas que quieran disfrutar del rol y no busquen joder el ambiente de la comunidad. Dejen sus cosas en la puerta.
 Si quieren hablar conmigo, saben dónde encontrarme por el foro. También, Childe#9256 es mi discord. Como se dice coloquialmente… yo no me ando con mamadas ni pendejadas, ni me ando ocultando detrás del anonimato para dar mi opinión o versión.
 Les agradezco la atención y también el que me dieran motivos para responder. Nuestro foro se defiende por sí mismo y sigue vivo gracias a todas las personas que quieren seguir ahí, roleando y conviviendo.
 Atte.- Christhian Wolf, Salem Jaasai, las cuentas del pantallazo de arriba, Luis.
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bjyx-mtjj-xfx · 3 years
📍211005 Kai Xiao Zao
La vida es más que el comienzo
De corazón a corazón, tan lejos
Día a día / año a año
El mundo ocupado sigue moviéndose
Que el corazón de la juventud esté siempre contigo
Años contigo, paz y alegría
Feliz cumpleaños, Xiao Zhan 🤗
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warlock-enthusiast · 3 years
Toss a coin to your Blood Hunter
the ever generous @kasiael bought far too many coffees on ko-fi :P and will receive some stories during this year and probably the next.
She asked for the first meeting of two D&D npcs!
Fandom: Dungeons&Dragons homebrew campaign / Hella x Zaos
Rating: M (light gore, strong language)
She was in deep shit.
Really, really deep, supernatural shit.
Hella hid behind some debris, hoping that the ghouls wouldn’t catch her scent.
Why had she managed to maneuver herself into such a tight corner? She should’ve waited for reinforcements. Some more members of their Blood Hunter order, ready to fight at her side. 
Of course, she was young, barely 20, and a bit too arrogant, and she knew about that, but she also showed remarkable skills and control of her growing powers, so this should have been a standard job. 
Her mentor Alarik surely would yell at her for acting brash and without thinking and make her read through volumes of monster lore with the idea of boring her to death.
Well, if she survived.
Death by ghouls or by books. Well, tough choice. 
Right now the group of ghouls had followed her scent through some old, elven ruins. Lush and overgrown with greenery and flowers it seemed like a relic of better times. Nowadays frost covered most of her homeland. Was this place an old temple? Hella had sketched some of the runes and statues earlier, hoping that a wiser Bloodhunter could make sense of them. 
All Hella understood were words about a forgotten, smaller deity granting blessings for a good hunt.
How ironic.
But some rich merchant had paid them a handsome sum to keep his business routes safe. Hella guessed that that guy wasn’t the brightest or most experienced. Dertona itself offered less safety and more snow, ice and gruesome nature combined with ancient monstrosities. Any merchant would be advised to settle down in the south, maybe near Ebrus. 
Dertona never rewarded the soft or weak.
A ghoul growled and grunted right next to her. 
Hella closed her eyes, wondering if she should let go and unleash her inner beast. Trust her inner monster to defeat other monsters. She’d been bitten two years ago and still faced problems controlling herself in wolf form, indulging a lust for blood and flesh. If everything went wrong, she’d slaughter the nearby village men by men. 
She couldn’t risk hurting innocent people.
No. Hella pressed her lips together, suppressing another memory of slain people. 
“Concentrate, breathe.”
Fleeing didn’t appear to be an option, neither did wolfing out. That left some bottles of alchemistic fire and her trusty swords. 
Better fight them then. Night would soon cover everything in darkness, which only granted them more of an advantage. 
“Need help?” A smooth voice cut through her thoughts and Hella flinched, cursing herself for not monitoring her surroundings. Quickly, she drew one of her swords and craned her neck to find an … elf?
Standing just above her, seemingly not a care in the world, features handsome and delicate. “What? Who… what?” “Just a simple elf, wandering around and helping ladies in dire need.” He inched closer and Hella smelled herbs and salt on his clothing and skin. Elves were known for their sneaking skills, though it still amazed Hella how he’d manage to get close to her without alarming some ghouls. 
Hella threw a bottle of holy water into his general direction.
It exploded against his chest, covering him in pieces of glass.
“Eh?” “Just making sure you’re not one of them.”
He had the audacity to smile. “I’m not.”
“Fantastic. Then help me please.”
The strange elf nodded and grabbed her hand. He seemed stronger than his lithe build implied and pulled her to her feet. Never say no to a potential ally, as Alarik would say. Not to mention her own desperation at her less than stellar prospects. 
Their combined motions attracted their enemies. A whole pack of fleshy, undead beasts, ready to tore their throats out and to eat their guts. 
“Here they come.” Hella raised her swords, closed her eyes and concentrated on keeping her heartbeat slow and steady. Every mistake meant certain death and failure. 
And she wasn’t born for failure. 
The first attacker died quickly, sliced in half by her blade.
Her new ally preferred using a bow and killed the second with two arrows. He showed fantastic marksmanship and took position on some old stones. His steady aim helped keep some of the ghouls at a distance. 
Hella never lost footing but pushed and sliced and relied on her years of training. Blood soaked the ground. 
With him at her back, Hella found new confidence, a new focus flowing through her veins. Almost as if magic surrounded them both, vanquishing all her tiredness and somber thoughts. 
She caught the elf’s gaze. “Only a few left.”
“After you!”
Hella used her own blood to further strengthen her strikes, cutting her skin above her wrists. Drops of blood danced on her swords as she killed another one. 
One of them broke through. He collided with Hella, sending her straight on her backside, while moving far too close to the elf. Claws cut through leather and skin and the elf used a hidden knife to push it through its skull.
He patted the dead ghoul’s head. “Ouch. Not nice.”
“You’re okay?” “I think so. Just a nasty scratch.”
“And your back?” “It’s fine.”
The elf raised the corners of his mouth and inspected their fallen attackers. Some of his arrows seemed to be intact and he started to collect them. 
With their enemies dead, Hella took a moment to inspect her unlikely saviour. Tall and slender with dark, longish hair and very grey eyes he looked so out of place and more suited to the crystal city down south. Not to mention that his tan skin spoke of other regions too. 
Hella coughed to hide her staring and offered him a handshake. “Ah, thank the Gods. What is your name?” “Zaos.” Unfathed by her inspection, he nodded and took her hand in his. 
“Glad to have met you.”
Zaos laughed and it echoed through the ruins. “I’m sure it’s a pleasure.” 
What an arrogant prick. Hella moved a few steps away to clean her swords, trying to sound casual, while also luring him into sharing information. “And you from around here?” “Yeah, here and there. I don’t exactly have a home?” His eyes wandered to the sky. “Not any more, so I prefer the road to actually settling down. I keep meeting interesting people.” “I see.” Hella furrowed her brow. “A mystery then.”
Zaos smiled, eyes too bright. “A riddle, if you will.”
So, he wouldn’t share his story yet. Maybe he belonged to the forest and was a hidden beast as well? Or a part of the Feywild, which bled into her world from time to time. 
Would alcohol loosen his tongue? Trying to get more information couldn’t hurt and he wasn’t hard to look at, which came as a bonus.  
Hella patted his shoulder. “Care for some wine?” “Is this an invitation?” “Yes, follow me to my camp and have some wine with me. I can take a look at that scratch mark and hopefully you won’t murder me in my sleep.”
“I’d be grateful and don’t worry. In general, I don’t murder people in their sleep. I wait for them to wake up.”
Hella snorted. “Haha.” “Lead the way.” Zaos bowed and something in his eyes reminded her of a wolf. 
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bookofjin · 3 years
Annals of Taihe 21 (497)
[From WS007. The Emperor installs a new heir, visits Pingcheng and Chang’an, installs a new empress, and goes on another southern campaign.]
[Taihe 21, 18 February 497 – 6 February 498]
21st Year, Spring, 1st Month, bingshen [25 February], installed august son Ke as August Heir-Apparent. Bestowed on those Under Heaven who where their father's successor feudal rank, one grade.
On jihai [28 February], dispatched the Combined Palace Attendants Zhang Yi and Cui Guang, and trhe Combined Cavalier in Regular Attendance, Liu Zao, to tour the regions, scrutinize and investigate, ask the people about their ills and hardships, demote and promote the wardens and stewards, and circulate and spread transformation in manners.
On yisi [6 March], the Chariot Drove on a northern tour.
2nd Month, renxu [23 March], stayed at Taiyuan. Personally saw those of exalted years, and asked about their inconveniences. Decreed that the gentlemen of Bing province aged sixty and above, be provisionally considered commandery Wardens.
Before this, a commoner of Ding province, Wang Jingou told lies and mislead the multitudes, he declared himself the Fulfilling King.
On bingyin [27 March], the province and commandery arrested and beheaded him
On guiyou [3 April], the Chariot Drove to arrive at Pingcheng.
On jiaxu [4 April], paid respects at Yongguling.
On guiwei[13 April], travelled to favour Yunzhong.
3rd Month, gengyin [20 April], the Chariot Drove to arrive from Yunzhong.
On xinmao [21 April], paid respects at Jinling.
On yiwei [25 April], the Chariot Drove on a southern tour.
On jiyou [9 May], stayed at Lishi. The rebellious Hu returned [from] crime. Pardoned them.
On jiayin [14 May], decreed that the people of Fen province hundred years old and above be be provisional county Prefects, those ninety years and older be bestowed three grades of feudal rank, those eighty and older be bestowed two grades of feudal rank, those seventy and older be bestowed one grade of feudal rank.
On bingcheng [16 May], the Chariot Drove to stay at Pingyang. Dispatched envoys to use the grand sacrificial animals to worship Yao of Tang.
Summer, 4th Month, gengshen [20 May], favoured Longmen. Dispatched envoys to use the grand sacrificial animals to worship Yu of Xia.
On guihai [23 May], travelled to favour Puban. Dispatched envoys to use the grand sacrificial animals to worship Shun of Yu.
On wuchen [28 May], decreed to repair the temples of Yao, Shun, and Yu of Xia.
On xinwei [31 May], travelled to favour Chang'an.
On renshen [1 June], the King of Wuxing, Yang Jishi came to court.
On yihai [4 June], personally saw those of exalted years, and asked about their ills and sufferings.
On bingzi [5 June], dispatched attendant subjects allotted to scrutinize the counties and towns, and relieve and bestow grain and silk.
On wuyin [7 June], favoured the Weiyang [“Not at End”] Hall, and the Efang Palace. Thereupon favoured the Kunming Pool.
On guiwei [12 June], the Great General, the King of Song, Liu Chang, passed away.
On bingxu [15 June], dispatched envoys to use the grand sacrificial animals to sacrifice at the various mound s of the Han emperors.
5th Month, dinghai, New Moon [16 June], the state of Weida dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
On jichou [18 June], the Chariot Drove to turn back east, floating on the Wei to enter the He.
On gengyin [19 June], decreed the gentlemen of Yong province, hundred years old and above be provisional Grand Wardens of illustrious commanderies, ninety and above provisional wilderness commanderies, eighty and above provisional Prefects of illustrious counties, seventy and above provisional wilderness counties. For the elderly of the myriads, use the age and for each reduce with one grade, for seventy and above bestow feudal rank, three grades. For the men of its encampments and ships, bestow feudal rank, one grade. For the orphaned and solitary, the widowed and impoverished, and the poor and unfortunate, the disabled from illness, on each bestowed two bolts of silk, and five hu of grain. For its filial and brotherly, virtuous and right-principled, and the studied in literature, the talented and capable, to thoroughly look up to them, and commend and raise them up.
On renchen [21 June], dispatched envoys to use the grand sacrificial animals to worship King Wen of Zhou at Feng, and to worship King Wu at Hao.
On guimao [2 July], dispatched envoys to worship Hua Peak.
6th Month, gengshen [19 July], the Chario Drove to arrive from Chang'an.
On renxu [21 July], decreed that Ji, Ding, Ying#, Xiang, and Ji# provinces issue out 200 000 soldiers, wanting to use them for a southern chastisement.
On guihai [22 July], the Minister of Works, Mu Liang, retired from his position.
On dingmao [26 July], apportioned and allotted six hosts, so as to settle [who would] travel or stay behind.
Autumn, 7th Month, jiawu [22 August], installed Bright Companion Ms. Feng as August Empress.
On wuchen [25 September], used the former Minister of Works, Mu Liang, as Great General who Conquers the North, Opening Office with Ceremony Similar to the Three Ministers, Yi became King of Qinghe, Huai became King of Guangping.
On renshen [29 September], travelled to favour Henan City.
On jiaxu [1 October],  military exercises at Hualin Park.
On gengchen [7 October], the Chariot Drove on a southern chastisement.
9th Month, bingshen [23 October], a decree said:
To feel compassion for the poor and aid the elderly is what is first for a King. Widowers and widows with the six illnesses especially ought to be pitied and sympathized with. Can direct for the people of Si province and Luoyang, those aged seventy and above without sons or grandsons, abd those sixty and above without close relatives, who are poor and do not survive by themselves, furnish them with clothes and food. And those who are not fully sixty but yet are disabled with chronic illness, who are without relatives of great achievement, who are destitute and bereft without the means to cure themselves, for all in the different wards, dispatch doctors to save and preserve them, prove doctors. Furnish the four expert doctors, and beforehand request the medicine by which to cure them.
On dingyou [24 October],  decreed the Governor of Henan, Li Chong, to chastise the rebellious Qiang of Liang# province, and accept the authority and measures of [the General who] Conquers the West, Yuan Huai.
On xinchou [28 October], the Emperor kept behind the various generals to attack Zheyang, and guided the host and went south.
On guimao [30 October], he arrived at Wan City. He at night assaulted its outer walls and overcame them.
On dingwei [3 November], the Chariot Drove to issue out from Nanyang. Kept behind the Grand Commandant, the King of Xianyang, Xi, and the General of the Van, Yuan Ying, to attack it.
On jiyou [5 November], the Chariot Drove to arrive at Xinye.
Winter, 10th Month, dingsi [13 November], advanced on for sides to attack, but did not overcome it. Decreed the left and right armies to build a long encirclement so as to ward against  it.
On yihai [1 December], retroactively deposed August Empress Zhen, Ms. Lin, to be a commoner.
11th Month, jiawu [20 December], Xiao Luan's General of the Van Army, Han Xiufang, Grand Warden of Yiyang, Wang Fuzhi, and General of the Rear Army, Zhao Zuyue, and others, 15 generals, came to surrender.
On dingyou [23 December], greatly routed the thieves' army to the north of the Mian, and captured their General Wang Fubao and others. Hence the people were all restored to [their] patrimony. Ninety and above to provisionally be considered commandery Wardens, sixty-five and above to provisionally be considered county Prefects.
The people of Xinye who spread out to view the palisade was more than 10 000 families, they resisted and defended, and did not submit.
12th Month, gengshen [15 January], routed them, the prisoners and beheaded were more than 10 000.
On dngmao [22 January], decreed that for the criminals sentenced to banishment, for all cases must not carry out the dispatching. They were to have the chance of climbing the walls, and cause their first spears to bring forth themselves.
On gengwu [25 January], the Chariot Drove to overlook the Mian, and thereupon toured to the east of the Mian and back.
On wuyin [2 February], the Chariot Drove to return to Xinye.
On jimao [3 February], personally moved along the encampment ramparts, and grieved and cared for the Six Armies.
Xiao Luan's general Tan Fen and others, more than 10 000 people, robbed Nanqing province's Huangguo Defence Post. The Defence Master, Cui Sengyuan, struck and routed them, and thoroughly captured their multitudes.
Used the King of Qi commandery's son Chen to carry on as the King of Hejian, Ruo's descendant.
The state of Gaochang dispatched envoys to court with tribute.
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chinesetong-china · 4 years
Learn Chinese in Chinese stories|Chinese legends|Nuwa mended the sky
Human always like to live by water. The Yellow River Basin in China also gave birth to the earliest Chinese culture, and China's floods seem to be quite frequent, the  five thousand years of Chinese history also was a history of water control.
In the Chinese legend, the water God Gonggong fought with the fire God Zhurong, Gonggong damaged the Buzhou mountains which supported the sky and earth, the water came out of the sky river, flooding the world. This was the first great flood. Finally, the human creator Nu WA made a multicolored divine stones out of hot fire
and mended the sky.
Pan gu kai tian hou
After Pangu created the world
 You yi zuo ju da de shan zhi cheng zhe tian he di
There was a huge mountain that supported the sky and the earth
 Ta de ming zi jiao bu zhou shan
It was called ‘Buzhou’ mountains
 Nv wa niang niang chuan zao de ren lei jiu sheng huo zai bu zhou shan xia de tu di shang
The human beings created by Nu WA live on the land beneath the Buzhou mountain
 Ta men xing fu de sheng huo zhe
They lived happily
 Ke shi you yi tian
Yet one day
 Tian shang de huo shen Zhurong he shui shen Gonggong da le qi lai
The God of fire Zhurong and God of water Gonggong fought in the sky
 ‘Bu zhou shan nai cheng tian shi zhu,ruo zao sun huai hou guo bu kan she xiang
Buzhou montains are the stones to support the sky ,consequence is unimaginable if it damaged’
 ‘Wo yao rang suo you ren dou zhi dao wo shui shen gong gong de li hai
I will let everyone know how sharp I am
 Bu zhou shan tan ta ,tian he de shui liu le xia lai
Buzhou montains collapsed ,and the water in the Sky’ river came down
 Wei le zheng jiu sheng ling wan wu
To save the people and other creatures
 Nv wa jue ding xiu bu tian dong
Nuwa decided to mend the sky
 Xiu bu tian dong zhi you yi ge ban fa
These is only one way to mend the sky
 Bi xu shou ji tian di jian de bao shi
Must collect precious stones in the universe
 Yong zhi re zhi huo lian cheng wu cai shen shi
Make a multicolored divine stone out of hot fire
 Zhi you wu cai shen shi cai neng bu tian
Only the multicolored divine stone can mend the sky
 Tian dong zhong yu xiu bu hao le
Finally the sky was mended
 Bu zhou shan que quan bu tan ta le
All the Buzhou mountains collapsed
 Tian di shi qu zhi cheng
The sky and earth lose support
 Suo you sheng ming dou wu fa zai zhe pian tu di sheng cun
All creatures can’t live on the land
 Ke shi nv wa yi jing mei you li liang qu zheng jiu ta men le
But Nuwa had no power to save them
 Wo de zhe si tiao tui ke yi zhi cheng tian he di
My four legs can support the sky and the earth
 Ke shi na xie ren lei zong shi chao chao nao nao de
But those humans are always noisy
 Zhen de zhi de qu jiu ta men ma
Is it really worth saving them
Ta men yong yuan dou shi wo de hai zi
They will always be my children
 Qiu qiu nin bang bang ta men
Please help them
 Wo zhi dao le
I see
 Qi shi wo hai shi xi huan an jing yi dian
I still like to be quiet
 Zhong yu shen ao ye ye yong ta si tiao tui de li liang
Finally the huge legendary turtle used it’ four legs
Chong xin cheng qi le tian he di
Support the sky and earth again
 Zai nan jie shu le
The disaster finally ended
 Ren lei ye kai shi le man chang de yu shui xiang chu de guo cheng
Humans has begun a long history to get along with the water
水 water
火 fire
神 god
Shuǐ shén水神water god   ;huǒ shén火神fire god
 Huáng hé
黄河  The yellow river
 Huáng hé dài yǒu dà liàng huáng tǔ gāo yuán chōng jí xià lái de ní shā ,hé shuǐ chéng xiàn huáng sè ,yīn cǐ jiào huáng hé
 The Yellow River has a large amount of alluvial sediment from the Loess Plateau, and the river water is yellow, so it is called the Yellow River.
 Huáng hé liú jīng de zhōng bù píng yuán dì qū shì huá xià wén míng zhǔ yào fā yuán dì ,yīn cǐ huáng hé yòu bèi chēng wéi mǔ qīn hé
 The Yellow River flows through the central plain area, which is the main birthplace of Chinese civilization,so the Yellow River is also known as the Mother River
 Cháng jiāng
长江 the Yangtze River
 Zhè shì zhōng guó zuì cháng de hé liú ,yīn cǐ  jiào cháng jiāng
Yangtze river is the longest river in China, so it is called the Chang jiang ( literally mean long river ).
 Zài cháng jiāng shàng jiàn yǒu sān xiá shuǐ lì gōng chéng
Three Gorges Project was on the Yangtze River
 Zhōng guó de dì xíng cóng xī wǎng dōng ,àn sān gè jiē tī cóng gāo dào dī
From west to east ,the topography of China is from high to low by three steps
 Yóu yú zhōng guó de dì xíng tè zhēng ,dà duō shù hé liú cóng xī xiàng dōng liú xiàng hǎi yáng
由于中国的地形特征, 大多数河流从西向东流向海洋
Due to topographical features, most rivers flow east or east into the ocean
 ér zhōng guó dà duō shù rén kǒu yě dōu jū zhù zài dōng bù bǐ jiào fù yù de píng yuán dì qū
Most of Chinese people also lives in the richer plains of the east
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2pcontinued · 5 years
Ring for the Devil
Roland fiddled with the piece of chalk on his hand, the soft item leaving white powder on his soft hands. Completing the circle, he lifted himself off of his knees, smiling at his work. The teenager, wearing a Metallica shirt and black jeans, adjusted his circle-shaped lenses and moved towards the middle of the circle. Careful not to ruin the outline, he took out a switchblade, and cut the middle of his palm, letting the blood drip down his forearm and onto the wood-paneled floor. He then moved outside of the circle, wrapping his injured hand with a towel he had previously brought over.
Meanwhile, three boys sat in the corner of the bedroom, one looking excited, the other on his phone, and the last, looking tiredly at the scene before him.
"How many times are you gonna try this same stunt, dude? The last time you did it, your mom burst into the room as you were cutting your hand and she freaked the fuck out. We had to hide so we wouldn't be considered 'bad influences.'" Spoke the one looking at his phone, caramel-colored fingers tapping at the screen before him.
"Who are you even texting now?" Asked the asian teen sitting beside him, the one with a bored look on his face, glancing over his friend's shoulder curiously.
"N-None of your business! Hop off my dick, dude!" At the same time he was attempting to hide his phone from the nosier boy, his friend sitting on his other side grabbed his phone and looked at the screen, laughing while doing so.
"What is it?" Asked Zao, his previously tired expression shifting into one of amusement at what his friend might be up to.
"Its just a game where you take care of dogs, like the one on the DS a long ass time ago." He lifted the stolen phone's screen, it's glowing light showing an animated pitbull wagging it's tail happily.
"Stop! You'll hurt Herschel-"
"His name is Herschel?"
"No shit, I just call him Herschel for fun, his real name is Coochie Head-"
"Will you guys shut up!? I'm trying to do something here!" Roland burst, clearly angered at the group's shenanigans in the background of his ritual.
"Hehe. Coochie Head." Whispered the teen with long black hair. The happier teen, named Lutz, laughed at his words, and Roland shushed them once more. Allen, the tanned teen with an affinity for virtual dogs, snatched his phone back from the blonde's hands.
After his movement, the room filled with silence, so quiet that you could even hear the sound of the candle's flames that he lit, flicker. Allen, Zao and Lutz sat expectantly, knowing that whatever Roland was trying to achieve probably wouldn't happen, but they still couldn't help the rising feeling in their stomachs.
It stood quiet for about a minute or so. Then suddenly, a burst of light appeared from the middle of the circle, blinding the teens, and causing Roland to fall on the floor from where he was previously standing. A figure appeared, covered by a cherry red cloak, hiding their figure and face. Once the group came to their senses, they took in the sight before them. He actually did it. The crazy bastard finally fucking did it.
"Holy fucking shit." Whispered Zao, at a loss of words. A smile spread across Roland's face, and he laughed a little, however it was enough for the figure to hear him. Removing it's hood, Roland's eyes widened. How absolutely... stunning.
(H/c) locks ran down their back, while hypnotizing (E/c) eyes looked at the teenager with a confused expression.
"Strange, this isn't a highland in Scotland...."
Looking around the room, cloak swaying along their shoulders, and they snapped their fingers, as if a figurative lightbulb lit up in their head. Meanwhile, Allen, Zao, and Lutz, the blonde, all held their mouths wide open at the sight before them.
"I understand! A mortal must've summoned me!" The person, who looked to be around the same age as the boys, turned to face Roland, and smiled warmly, waving their hand. "It's been quite a while since someone's asked for my assistance, anyway... Sorry for being so confused." They bowed their head towards him, and lifted it back up while giving him a warm smile.
Roland merely nodded his head, muttering a sad excuse for an "It's okay.." The cloaked newcomer scanned the room until their eyes landed on the teens sitting in the corner. All three of them blushed when they made eye contact with the stranger.
"Aww! Look at you, you're all awestruck, you can barely speak! I don't get that very often anymore."
Roland lifted himself to his feet, as he was still on the floor from when he fell, and cleaned his glasses and put them back on again. The person had placed their hands on their hips, and a smirk held itself on their perfect lips.
"I suppose I don't need an introduction since you should know who or what you summoned, but I'll give you one anyway." Walking over to the teenager's nearby work desk and standing on top of it's deep brown surface, the stranger took off their cloak and flipped it around so it's fabric could land on their shoulder. A pure white uniform was shown underneath, reminding one of a royal, as the clothes consisted of neat white dress pants, a white smocked-cuff button up shirt, and knee-high heeled brown leather boots. They cleared their throat, and spoke loudly and rather proudly.
"Good day to one and all! For I have come to ruin it; Low and behold, the second of the legendary Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the legend themselves, War! Oh, and applause is not needed, but is surely appreciated!"
(I'm gonna make more parts to this cause i like the concept, so expect this to be a running thing and for updates to occasionally come! I'll consider making this a story on quotev, but for right now, it's just a little experiment on tumblr hehe)
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3phetaliaverse · 5 years
3p!Axis Physical Description HeadCannon’s
this is going to be long
Francesco Vargas (3p!North Italy)
he’s tall in a sense (5″11″)
a lean frame (built similar to a ballerinas)
darkly tanned skin like his 2p’s but it has patches of paler tan on him, one on his right eye and takes the whole space, a couple on his arms that are around 2-3 inches each, some on his torso that are larger (6 inches wide), and some on his legs that are around 2-3 inches wide
wispy platinum blonde hair that’s short and curly
icy blue eyes
smiles that know things that you don’t
very very graceful, steps are light, he makes a good thief
light bags  under his eyes
scars on his torso from when 3p!Rome (Octavius, he’s a jerk and i hate him) got his hands on him for a while
his curl does exist,,,same thing as his first/second players
Reinhardt  Beilschmidt (3p!Germany)
taller then Francesco but only by a couple of inches (6″2′)
built like 1p!Germany but less muscular
fair snowy skin with freckles on his forehead
midnight blue/black curly hair similar to some of 2p!Germany’s (Lutz) designs
dark amber eyes
soft cute amazing smiles that make it seem that he doesn’t know if he’s allowed to smile
clumsy with his hands but somewhat balanced in walking
scars from fights with his brother, Kaiser (3p!Prussia)
no bags under his eyes
he’s so pure i love him so much
Riku Honda (3p!Japan)
short (5″3′)
lean figure like Francesco but a bit more muscular
macaroon cream toned skin
pitch black really long hair, usually up in high ponytail
his hairs straight but he ain’t
periwinkle colored eyes
really cute smiles
athletic in multiple ways, hasn’t tripped in a long time (unless Zao trips him)
scars on his back from “Little Boy” and “Fat Man”. Chris feels really guilty whenever he catches glimpse of them and wishes he got their in time. Riku forgives him though.
dark bags under his eyes
he’s a loveable kitten
Alessandro Vargas (3p!South.Italy/Romano)\
oh boi he’s my favorite character, i love him so much fjkajdkljafkdj a i would die for him+a couple others
tallllll (6″8′) 
hunky muscular figure
skin tone similar to Francescos with the same patches of lighter skin on him, just his are more on his torso. 
chocolate/dark umber hair mix similar to the 2p!South.Italy’s hairstyle
pale emerald eye color with shards of darker emerald in them
doesn’t smile much, but when he opens up and rambles absently about something his eyes light up and he wears a crooked smile that looks adorable and hot at the same time??? it’s worth to see.
more balanced then Zao, due to Octavius’s strict “training”
so many scars, this poor man has been through enough
he’s missing his left eye and a right thumb because of Octavius’s drunken rages
he has a slash across his nose due to the same reason, and missing his entire left leg after it got caught under a building (long story)
has a lot more scars on his back from severe beatings, and a lot on his arms ‘cause of self harm. 
he needs all the love he can get
bags under his eyes heavier then my sins
curl exists just like his first/second players
Carlos Fernández Carriedo (3p!Spain)
can’t spell Spain without pain
tall but when he’s next to Alessandro he looks short (6″0′)
scrawny yet a bit muscular figure
he has dat ass
dark olive skin tone
he has permanent dirty blonde hair in a similar style to 1p!Spains but his hair colors actually dark hickory
the only reason he has dirty blonde hair is because of a drunken mistake with the BTT
teal/cyan eyes with hearts in them
a lot of burns due to him around with his “power”/magic/curse
wears gloves like Elsa, except these are everything-proof
no bags under his eyes
grumpy yet happy ray of sunshine
Julian Edelstein (3p!Austria)
he and Perceus hate each other because both have egos bigger then the earth
average height for a Male Austrian (5″11′)
very skinny figure
medium blonde hair that’s in the style like 1p!Austrias just a bit longer
snowy white skin with flecks of a pale orange on them
heather toned eyes
some scars from wars but they’re real faded now
no bags under his eyes because a king gets his sleep
Mean dudebut i love him
Kaiser Beilschmidt (3p!Prussia)
This boi
smol angry ball (he’s 4″11″ ahhaakhhahahh he hates that he is)
a bit chubby figure that makes hugging him (assuming that he lets you touch him in the first place) adorable
skin tone similar to 1p!Prussia’s 
really pale platinum blonde hair with faint streaks of blue in them (the same event that led to Carlos having permanent blonde hair led him to have cyan blue hair for a month, and Theodore having pink tips for three months)
some scars from fights with Reinhardt
huge bags under his eyes
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