#tanaka deserves the whole world I swear
akaaschi · 1 year
wanna know what makes me so emotional ?????
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ex-boyfriends are a pain
Warnings: ex boyfriend being a dick, referred to as Asshole, some swearing
Pairings: Sugawara Kōshi, Ushijima Wakatoshi, & Bokuto Kōtarō all with a Fem!Reader
A/N: this was originally written for @thisnoodlewritesao3 because ex-boyfriends can suck shit but how much do you wanna bet that the Haikyuu boys would have your back no matter what? Kinda threw this together so I hope you guys enjoy!
haikyuu masterlist
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Sugawara knew you could fight like the rest of them. Hell, it was the first time you fought with Tanaka that made him go wow okay I need to hang out with Y/N more.
You could be so feisty when you wanted, so sweet other times. It all depended on your mood. So when he saw your ex-boyfriend walking your way, Sugawara watched your body language first. Did you seem like you wanted to deal with this on your own? Or did you want some help? He never wanted you to feel like he wouldn’t let you fight your own battles, though this was a little harder knowing that this Asshole had hurt you for so long.
Sugawara wanted nothing more than to make the guy hurt like he had hurt you... but no, he restrained himself for a moment, Daichi also watching as if ready to back up his best friend if he got himself into a scuffle.
Maybe if Asshole hadn’t caught you off guard and in the middle of your thoughts, you would’ve been fine, but instead he had grabbed you and dragged you off to some secluded hallway.
“The hell are you doing?” You glared at him, trying to wiggle your arm from him. Your eyes frantically searching for anyone or anything to help get you out of this situation as he pulled you away.
“We need to talk,” Asshole huffed, standing a little too close for comfort. “You’ve been ignoring my calls and my texts and now what? You’ve blocked me?”
Your insides turned uncomfortably, shifting your weight as you tried to find a way to at least step away from him a bit, “We’re not together anymore, there’s nothing that needs to be said-”
“Y/N! Daichi’s looking for you!” Sugawara’s voice was a welcome surprise. Your eyes shot over to where he was standing, his hands on his hips and a smile on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes. He knew. You could tell he knew how uneasy you were just because his eyes met yours and his head tilted slightly as if to ask want me to kill him?
“She’s busy,” Asshole grumbled, not even bothering to look up from your eyes at him.
Sugawara didn’t move. For a moment he just stood there with his fake smile on before walking closer and pushing the guy away from you gently, “Hey! You look real familiar,” Sugawara beamed up at him, holding his chin as if in thought. “Have we met before?”
“No?” Asshole just glared at him and then his glare turned to you, “Who the fuck is this? Your new boyfriend?”
“Aha! Boyfriend! You kinda look like that crazy EX-boyfriend that Y/N used to have. Now that was one weird dude. Imagine leaving your girlfriend at some restaurant cause you got caught up with your friends and forgot about your anniversary,” Sugawara’s forced a laugh, flopping his arm around your shoulders playfully. “Thank god you got rid of that guy right?”
Even you had to question whether or not Sugawara was being funny or serious. He definitely knew this guy was that ex-boyfriend... didn’t he?
Asshole just huffed, standing up straighter and puffing out his chest slightly just to exaggerate that he was, in fact, taller than Suga.
“It’s funny. It was after that breakup that the Karasuno High School Volleyball team vowed to never let Y/N get hurt ever again.” Suga’s eyes drifted over to where Asahi was just slightly in view, standing tall as ever.
It would only work since Asshole had no clue who Asahi was, and couldn’t see that the muscle-y third year was almost in a panic attack over the upcoming game. All Asshole saw when he followed Sugawara’s gaze was the scary tall third year that everyone seemed to gossip about at every game. Your ex turned back to Suga, as if thinking that would be any better.
From the half of Suga’s face that you could see, it was really not something you’d want to be in front of. Suga could get really scary if he wanted and you imagined that right now, Asshole was experiencing just that.
Your ex grumbled something about “not being worth it” and turned on his heel, rushing away from you two.
You felt a breath leave your chest almost immediately, your heart pounding against your ribcage, “God Suga, thank you so much,” you smiled weakly up at him, quickly wrapping your arms around him and giving him a tight squeeze.
“Anytime love,” he smiled, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head. “You know, I don’t like to toot my own horn, but I’d say you upgraded big time,” he smirked, tapping your nose lovingly.
You laughed and smiled up at him, touching his cheek gently and stroking your thumb along his skin as you admired his expression, “Absolutely. 100% upgrade. Would never even dream of going back.”
“Good,” Suga grinned, holding your hand against his face for just a moment longer, “cause I’m not letting you leave me that easily.”
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Ushijima remembered your ex boyfriend, but not in any physical way. He couldn’t remember what the guy looked like - how tall he was, or what colour his hair was. But what he did remember is how you looked after every argument you had with the guy. 
More often than not, you’d come over to Ushijima’s place or Tendō’s after yet another argument, tears streaking down your face and your whole body just crumbling into one of their hugs.
Ushijima had hated seeing you like that and he would hold you for as long as you wanted.
It was after one really bad fight with that guy that Ushijima told himself that he would confess to you eventually. He knew you deserved all the love in the world, and the only way to guarantee you’d be getting it is if he took it into his own hands.
You were far too good for him, but he knew he loved you enough to try.
Maybe he should’ve gone back and looked into what this guy looked like. That probably would’ve helped him in this situation.
“-you think I don’t know that you were trying to steal my girl this whole time?” a guy was yelling, up in Ushijima’s face (as much as you can be in a guy’s face who’s a few inches taller than you). “I should’ve known you two would get together after the way she was constantly talking about you.”
Maybe it should’ve clicked in Ushijima’s head that the guy who was angrily attacking him in the almost empty gym was your ex-boyfriend, but instead, Ushijima kept glancing around him to see if there was someone else that the guy was yelling at.
“What the hell are you looking for? She’s not gonna come save you or anything. I thought you were supposed to be some big man - ace of the volleyball team. What are you scared or something?” your ex cackled, hands on his hips all proud-like.
Ushijima finally caught on that this guy was talking to him, a frown on his face, “I’m sorry but do I know you?”
It hadn’t meant to be a question with any sort of malice to it, but the guy seemed so dejected hearing it. Here he had come all this way, built up all this courage to confront Ushijima Wakatoshi for stealing his girlfriend... and the guy didn’t even know who he was.
“I’m Y/N’s ex boyfriend,” the guy glared up at him, getting angrier.
“Oh.” Ushijima nodded to himself slightly, now remembering the guy’s face and starting to walk past him.
“Hey! I’m talking to you!”
“What’s there to talk about?” Ushijima asked, still walking ahead. “Maybe if you hadn’t been such a self-absorbed egotistical idiot you would still have her. But you don’t. Someone was bound to come and show her what she actually deserves.”
You hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but had just been about to come into the gym to make sure Ushijima was ready to walk home. Your fingers trembled a little hearing your ex’s voice and just how angry he sounded. You were annoyed, you were angry. you wanted to go in there and punch the guy in the face. How dare he act like you were some item to be stolen - you chose Ushijima. You loved Ushijima. There wasn’t anything to steal - you were his and he was yours and there was nothing about your ex in it at all.
But you couldn’t deny that you loved hearing Ushijima’s flat and blunt tone cut through all of your ex’s defenses. He stood there a stuttering mess, coming up with excuses after excuses as to why he hadn’t been a better boyfriend (news flash man, you were just an ass), even while Ushijima started to exit the gym.
“Oh. Y/N. You’re here,” Ushijima’s stoic face broke into a smile as he found you, immediately leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead and taking your hand.
“Have an unexpected visitor?” You point out, glancing into the gym to see your ex getting all riled up some more.
“Nothing worth our time. Come on, let me walk you home,” he said, taking your bag from you like he always did and leading you home.
You knew Ushijijma could’ve cut your ex down to pieces if he needed to, the ace of Shiratorizawa could be very scary when he was angry. But evidently, your ex didn’t seem to be worth the time and the thought of that made you very happy. Ushijima was right after all, that Asshole was not worth either of your free times and he certainly wasn’t worth getting into a fight with.
Still, Ushijima seemed to watch you carefully to make sure you weren’t upset that your ex had come by. He bought you extra snacks at the shop the two of you stopped at on your way home and listened intently to all the things you wanted to talk about while the two of you ventured onwards.
“Thank you, Ushijima,” you smiled at him as you got to your door.
He nodded, “I like walking you home, no thanks needed.”
“No, thank you for... saying what you did to that Asshole back at the gym,” you weren’t really sure what you were thanking him for, but just felt like it needed thanking.
The boy just smiled at you and pressed a kiss to your cheek as he handed you your bag, “You are worth 10 of him, Y/N. I won’t waste my chance with you like he did.”
You beamed hearing this, wrapping him into a hug before disappearing into your house and waving to him from the window. 
Later Tendō would point out that he would’ve kicked held the guy up while Ushijima beat the shit out of him, if Ushijima ever wanted that but the ace just shrugged, “The greatest defeat I can do to him is make Y/N happier than he ever could. And I plan on doing that every day for the rest of my life.”
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Bokuto loathed your ex boyfriend. He always proclaimed that if he so ever laid eyes on him, he would spike a volleyball into the guy’s face.
Now was his opportunity.
You had been working with the managers of the volleyball team to help set everything up before one of the tournament games, just filling up water bottles and bringing them to the court. You weren’t sure how or why your ex had followed you onto the court but he did.
“Y/N,” he called you from behind you, grabbing onto your wrist to keep you from rushing off.
Your eyes widened as you realized who it was, frowning and pulling your arm away from him almost immediately, “What the hell are you doing here?” You asked with a glare.
“We need to talk - I don’t like this new guy you’re dating. He’s an idiot.” Asshole huffed, shooting a thumb in the direction of Bokuto who was currently getting ready to practice spiking.
“Who I date is none of your business. You should get out of here before he realizes you’re here-” you tried to warn him. Really you did.
There was always a deafening sound whenever one of Bokuto’s blocks hit the floor - the kind that sent shivers down your spine. But hearing it land so close to you, right behind where your ex was standing, made you actually jump, your eyes watching as the ball bounced off and rolled further away down the gym. You and your ex both froze, staring as you watched the ball disappear, a ringing left in the air from the powerful spike.
Both of you turned to see who had almost attacked Asshole, finding Bokuto standing there with his arms crossed against his chest. Even Akaashi was glaring at your ex, chin tilted up in a defiant sort of way.
“Next one,” Bokuto pointed straight at your ex, a firm look in his eyes, “I aim for that ugly mug of yours.”
You could feel your ex tense up, fists balling up angrily at his sides. He opened his mouth to say something, but Akaashi quickly cut him off, “You should leave. Our ace doesn’t get angry often, but when he does, he doesn’t hold back on spiking power. Besides, if you want to talk to our Y/N when she doesn’t want to talk to you, you’ll have to go through all of us.” He motioned to the rest of the team, all of whom were glaring in Asshole’s direction.
You couldn’t help but smile. How lucky were you to have found a family like this - one who were so willing to stop their practice before a game just to make sure you were comfortable. 
Asshole soon stormed off and you sent a smirk over to Bokuto who just sent you a grin, “Did you see that crazy spike?” He asked excitedly as you came over to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I did. If that had hit me, I would’ve died,” you teased, poking his chest.
“I would never hit you! I am an expert with aiming!”
“Didn’t you hit her like last week with a stray receive, Bokuto?” 
You laughed, watching as Bokuto frantically waved his arms to his best friend, insisting that that was an accident and he really was very good at aiming. 
“Thanks for getting him out of here,” you smiled up at your boyfriend, giving him a tight squeeze before glancing at the ref who was setting up for the game. “I should head up to the stands. You better get all fired up for me okay?”
“Anything for you, babe. I figured actually hitting him would’ve just made him angrier.” He laughed, pecking your lips. “Cheer extra loud for me!” He called after you, jumping up and down to warm up his calves.
“You ready, Bokuto?” Akaashi asked, raising an eyebrow.
Bokuto nodded, grinning to himself as he thought about how perfect that spike was, “I’m all fired up thanks to the prettiest girl in the world. Let’s do this!”
haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas @aurumk @neko-chii1 @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @tobi-momo @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @livy384 @babyshoyo @jesssobs @b-bakana​ 
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beccascribbles · 4 years
hcs series detailing what it is like to be a manager for the various haikyuu teams
karasuno | seijoh |
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warnings - swearing, karasuno being their usual selves with the addition of a chaotic manager
word count - 1.7k
being their manager was chaotic enough without the addition of the new first years
you were a second year, joining as a manager in your first year at the insistence of ennoshita, who had not wanted to deal with the likes of tanaka and nishinoya by himself
however, while kiyoko was the calming presence that warmed the boys hearts, you were her more chaotic counterpart
often, you could be found playing pranks on the boys, filling the club room with volleyballs, hiding the bibs
kiyoko was the one to rope you in, stop you from messing around too much, especially when your pranks had increased after the broom incident. you had just wanted to cheer everyone up, but it had only annoyed them
daichi had become irritable and snappy, while sugawara, despite the smile, looked exasperated
tanaka was the only one who didn’t seem too annoyed, giving your hair an affection ruffle
anyway, with the arrival of the new first years, you were determined to turn over a new leaf, make a good first impression
that plan didn’t work out
expecting it to be tanaka, ennoshita, kinoshita and narita walking towards the gym, you had hidden yourself in preparation to scare them (how you managed to mistake the sound of two people for four was beyond you but you did)
you leapt out from your hiding place, letting out a loud roar only to be greeted by a blonde beanpole with glasses and a freckled boy cowering behind him
you then proceeded to let loose a torrent of swear swords
“shit. fuck. sorry. shit. i can’t believe i did that. can we start over?”
you stuck out your hand towards them, the blonde looking at it with disdain while the other moved forward and grasped your hand
“i’m l/n y/n, and i’m one of the managers of the volleyball club,” you said, giving his hand a firm shake, a grin on your face. “this wasn’t how i planned to introduce myself. i thought you were the second years and i wanted to scare them. i promise i’m not always like this.”
cue sugawara piping up from seemingly nowhere, the rest of the team trailing behind, “don’t be fooled. she’s always like this”
“kiyoko is the responsible, lovely manager,” sighed tanaka, causing you to shoot him a glare, “and y/n is the chaotic one but we love her anyway”
“speak for yourself,” scoffed daichi, the ruffling of your hair as he walked past enough to tell you he was only teasing
“rude,” you mumbled before turning back to the two first years with a grin. “anyway, what are your names?”
the freckled one gave you a grin in response, introducing himself as yamaguchi and saying he was pleased to be playing for the team. the blonde refused to reply, walking past with a haughty tilt to his chin, though yamaguchi was quick to introduce him as tsukishima
but you were quick to wear him down, his coldness towards you gradually thawing the more you talked (although he insisted you were just being annoying)
he clearly wasn’t that annoyed as he would often share his music playlist with you
yamaguchi was quick to warm to you after the little scare. you were one of the first he told about wanting to learn the jump floater serve and happily encouraged him
meeting the monster duo of kageyama and hinata went much smoother, considering you had bribed sugawara for information on the pair before you met
the key to kageyama’s heart was milk, so when you introduced yourself and gave him a cartoon, he already knew you would be a great manager
honestly the boy is probably going to become a bit attached to you, constantly asking you to toss the ball to him to practice
definitely asks you to help tutor him as well if he knows you are good at school. kageyama feels far more comfortable with you than tsukishima
hinata was just a literal ball of sunshine, enthusiastically greeting you
probably comes to look up to you a lot and will help you play pranks so long as it doesn’t interfere too much with volleyball practice (you teach him all he needs to know, and enlist his help in executing the great balloon fiasco at the end of your third year)
all the third years definitely see you as a little sister
daichi is fiercely protective over you, steering you away from any volleyball boys who show an interest. literally stares down kuroo when he speaks to you at the training camp
sugawara is definitely the more relaxed one, sitting with you as you gossip about boys. he knows about all your crushes before anyone else. has let it slip on occasion but only to tease you (and to see the way daichi will immediately list off everything wrong about the person and why they don’t deserve you)
asahi is so soft for you. if you’re thirsty, he will scramble for a water bottle. you’re feeling tired? he will give you a piggyback. you don’t even need to ask him directly as he will just do it on instinct at this point (although he was very hurt after you told him off for abandoning the team)
you and the second years are the ultimate friend group, equal parts bitchy and calm
your group chat is constantly pinging, whether you’re in class or not (this is mainly due to tanaka and nishinoya being very bored and deciding to play games together. you will occasionally join in if it’s bowling or pool)
kinoshita and narita know all the gossip. they are your gossip buddies. tanaka walked into a wall while staring at kiyoko? they’ve got photographic proof and a whole video
if you want to know who’s talking shit about who, go to them. honestly, it pays to be quiet sometimes. the stuff daichi lets slip when he thinks no one is listening…
ennoshita is the group mum. he’s responsible for getting you all to practice, though this mainly includes tanaka and nishinoya. the rest of you are very responsible
in ennoshita’s mind, however, you are clubbed in with the two idiots. he believes that without his constant reminders, you’d never be anywhere on time. this is true but you aren’t going to tell him that
the dynamic between you, tanaka and nishinoya is so chaotic. for one, you’re all simps. you indulge their kiyoko obsession and they will listen to you thirst over the people you find attractive. no judgement goes on in these simping sessions, though you do use it as ammunition when you annoy each other
also definitely overprotective of you as well, though constantly show you and the other managers off to other teams to demonstrate karasuno’s superiority
kind of pisses you off and, while kiyoko walks off with yachi, you will hit them on the backs of their heads and tell them to shut up
they would prefer it to be kiyoko but both ultimately agree that you are hot when you are angry so will find out ways to do it more often
yachi and you get on well. personally, you think she’s an adorable mess (the perfect compliment to your chaotic energy)
though she is mainly kiyoko’s responsibility (daichi agreed with kiyoko when she said it would be better that you didn’t show yachi the ropes), you are the one to make her feel more at ease with voicing her opinion. she’s seen you rant at the boys enough times to know they won’t be offended
team sleepovers are a mess (honestly, you wonder why you still host them. answer - team bonding and tradition)
after hinata and kageyama tried to play volleyball with a cushion in your living room, resulting in sending a coffee table and all the glasses it was holding clattering to the floor, you refused to hold them at your place
this is also the reason why daichi, along with kiyoko, requested permission to hold a sleepover at the gym every two months
truth or dare gets crazy, though daichi draws the line when you are dared to strip and run around the school
“tanaka,” he barks, shooting the boy a glare, “that is very dangerous. it is cold. do you want y/n to get hypothermia?”
he will look sheepish and amend the dare to something a bit more tame and school friendly
there is always arguments on who gets to sleep where. when nishinoya and tanaka tried to sleep either side of kiyoko, daichi declared, while ennoshita pulled them away, that boys and girls would slip on opposite sides
you poked your tongue out at a pouting nishinoya and tanaka. you got to sleep next to the love of their lives. you were oblivious to the pout hinata was sending your way. he’d wanted to sleep next to his senpai and was now sandwiched between tsukishima and kageyama
sometimes you will prepare snacks for the boys, much to their horror (while you like to pretend you can cook, rock hard rice is not edible)
surprisingly, the only one honest about it is kageyama, who will hold the food away with a frown. “what is this shit?”
he’ll be hit over the head by tanaka, who shoots you a scared look. he was too slow and kageyama is now at risk of your anger
you plaster a sickly sweet smile on your face. “i won’t be tossing to you for extra practice today”
the worst punishment you can give him. he has to secretly ask the others until yachi finally agrees, too soft for her own good
you and the team are like a family, a messy family that argues and fights, but a family none the less
when the third years left, you may have shed a tear while you were crushed in a group hug and made them promise to keep in touch (which they were obviously going to do)
and, when you and the second years left the year after, you promised that you would keep in touch, that you’d be waiting to see kageyama and hinata on the world stage, threatening tsukishima to ensure he would reply to your messages, crushing yamaguchi and yachi in a hug. ennoshita had to pull you away otherwise you probably wouldn’t have left
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
Christmas with the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 1: Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita
Part 2 (Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita) here!!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
A huge romantic during Christmas, 10/10 quality cliche times spent together
You wanna go ice skating? Hell yeah sweetheart, he will make it the most beautifully romantic thing you’ve ever seen
Like straight out of a holiday postcard type beat
Istg the rink he takes you to looks like a more heartwarming version of Rockefeller Center
He’s a big keeper of tradition when it comes to making plans, but doesn’t mind a bit of nonsense fun when everything falls into place
Which is why you love to bring the team along on adventures because they make everything all the more entertaining
At first he’s confused like ??? You don’t have to do that just if they’ve been pestering you about it
But then he realizes you care as much about them as he does (hint: a hell of a lot) and they’re thus invited along for some stuff
Of course y’all also get some quality time together on dates with just you both
Anyways you and Daichi have talked a lot about traveling and how he was really interested in seeing new places
So as his gift you got him a carved map with a roll of red string and thumbtacks, so that he could plan out all the places he wanted to visit
You know how when Kiyoko found the “Fly” banner for Karasuno and all the boys cried?
Like that but with lots more hugging and laughing
“You know you’re gonna have to help with mapping this out, right?”
“Is that an invitation I hear?”
“Oh, that’s a promise”
Please I love him; he is so damn sly and sassy I will die with this headcanon
I swear on everything that Christmas with him is equivalent to a Hallmark movie
It smells like joy and warmth wherever he is, and this season only amplifies it
He is such a cheeseball without even having to try
But it’s in the really endearing and heart-melting way,,, just MMM PERFECT
He’ll take you on a walk through those neighborhoods with those crazy light decorations in the front yard and buy you hot chocolate
If he sees a group of little kids gaping at all the lights, he’ll leave them starry-eyed with stories of magic, reindeer, Santa and so-forth
“You know, I’ve heard that Rudolph’s nose is supposed to be brighter than the world’s most powerful Christmas light”
Good heavens, children absolutely adore this man
Anyways he’ll make it a little game as y’all walk around this beautifully lit neighborhood, both of you with a different assortment of bingo squares printed on paper
First one to bingo chooses a movie to watch after getting back to Suga’s house
Will wrap a big fluffy blanket around you both and pull you into his chest while watching the movie
For his gift, you got a star named after him
It’s because y’all alway go stargazing for dates every month, just to sit out, talk and cuddle
Suga gave you the SOFTEST look after opening your gift and this cute little card you made 🥺
“Lets go try to find my new favorite star”
“Right now? Koushi it’s 11:30 pm”
“Just for ten minutes, and then I’ll get you home”
So y’all spend the rest of Christmas Eve on his roof, sipping warm tea and attempting to locate Star Suga
Cuddle bear alert ‼️‼️
It’s basically hibernation time for him, because he’s not the biggest fan of cold
That’s alright with you though 😌 more coziness for you
Lots of quality moments indoors means more creative dates
A whole day devoted to chill present wrapping? Hell fuckin’ yeah
Nice music, pretty wrapping paper, shiny bows, maybe a little Christmas rom-com playing in the back — the whole shebang
You find out pretty quickly that despite how it sounds, it’s actually quite a satisfying and enjoyable pastime
Practically had to drag him out of your living room to secretly wrap his own gift
As much as he’s the king of timidity and soft™, he can be very playfully stubborn when he’s comfortable, hence why he was such an ass to get out of the room
I have no doubt that Asahi would melt for the most adorable, cheesy shit
So you not only bought him some really reliable headbands for volleyball use, but you also made a little coupon booklet
He can basically cash in paper promises for certain things, like getting to choose the next date idea, picking a movie to watch without any objection, having you make his favorite food, etc.
There’s one that he can exchange for a full out spa day trip, because good heavens he’s a sucker for those
Massage and exfoliation and everything — it makes him feel ✨refreshed✨
He was ecstatic fam, I don’t even know what to say
Like a puppy who just got a bunch of toys and a new backyard to play
Mans cashes in one almost immediately, and at first you’re confused
Like it’s Christmas time bubs, what are we gonna be able to do when most places are closed and it’s the holidays?
Then you read the paper
“Free hug (can be used and renewed <3)”
He uses that one a lot throughout the upcoming days, to the point where he just keeps the paper on him for fun
“You realize you can just ask me silly, you don’t need to keep carrying the coupon around”
“Yeah, but it’s entertaining”
Cute little cheeky bastard
You know the 12 Days of Christmas? The song??
He gets you a small present EVERY DAY for all 12 days
Not to mention he has a big present that he saves for the actual holiday
Y’all are the type of couple to get ice cream in the middle of winter
Nishi loves his cold snacks any time of year, and you’ve thus picked up a similar taste
He will consistently pester you about what kind of present you got him
Gets pouty when you don’t tell him, but in the back of his mind he’s glad because it would ruin the surprise
Anything you get him instantly becomes his most prized gift tho
It could be a literal rock with googly eyes and he’d put it in a protective glass case for preservation
But of course you get him something better than that because he only deserves the best
He’s got this specific assortment of products to maintain his spiky hair and to make sure it’s healthy, but they’re pretty expensive to buy when he runs out
When he tore open your present’s decorative wrapping to discover a huge basket of basically every hair product he ever needed, he got wide-eyed
There was also a booklet of little notes you’d kept throughout the month that listed all the little things you noticed and adored about your precious boyfriend
He nearly CRIED reading them
“Baby, you didn’t have to do all that for me”
“You act like you don’t deserve all of it and more, Nishi”
Refuses to leave your side after that
Holding your hand, hugging you as tight as he can, etc.
He is head over heels idc idc
Another man who is obsessed with the holiday season and everything that comes with it
He is the biggest sap for this shit istg
Will spend hours trying to get you the best present of all time
And he succeeds exceptionally
Mistletoe? He’s got an ABUNDANCE on hand at any time, just to make sure he can get fair share of his kissies 🥰
His signature beanie appears in full force during winter
Sometimes you’ll pull it over his eyes before giving him a peck on the cheek and dashing off in the school halls
“I’ll see you after school, babe!”
Speech = jumbled + incomprehensible
“Uh hUh, you do that~”
He’s: adorable
I just know that he melts for really sweet and thought-out gifts
Like anything you give him he’ll adore, don’t get me wrong, but the ones done with special care and love are just his kryptonite
He brought you into a massive bear hug and spun you around when he opened a photo book of old pictures taken together, complete with lots of cute messages and anecdotes written alongside them
You and Saeko may have also gone in on another present for him without his knowledge
And on Christmas Eve, you dragged a curious Tanaka into his front yard to the sight of a shiny motorbike
It was Saeko’s old one that she’d held onto for a while, and an old schoolmate offered to fix it up nice in time for the holiday at a discount, so y’all decided to divvy up the lowered price and got it done for Ryu
Sweet boy was taken aback, with his hands clapped over his mouth and everything
Saeko patted him on the back as he stood there in shock, giving her baby brother a sweet smile
“All yours, little bro!”
Ya, Saeko fucking loves you 😌 and so does Tanaka
Overall very lovely, would cry to be loved by the Tanaka siblings
After spending past Decembers with his fellow second year classmates (namely, the very enthusiastic Noya and Tanaka), he’s grown to know quite a bit about the different holiday events that go on around town
Still, Ennoshita is a pretty simplistic guy and is content with simply spending time with you
So when you recommended going to pick a Christmas tree out for your place together, he’s totally down
As long as he gets to help decorate too ☺️
Y’all end up picking a beauty of a tree ngl
And a super stronk friend — fit for the most heavy duty of ornaments
It takes some damn work to get that bad boi inside and upright after driving back to your house
But like hell did that stop you
Now that it was all set up, sturdy, and given plenty of water, decorations were brought into the equation that same night
No rest until it’s all set up and looking mighty beautiful
Okay maybe some coffee breaks in between, but other than that the grind don’t stop ✋😤
Ennoshita is an expert at making Christmas trees look absolutely immaculate
Idk if it’s because he’s had to deal with cleaning up disorder for a while now?
Looking at you, ya second year loons
He just has the touch, fam
He’ll of course let you have input on which light colors, what type of ornaments, and so on
But honestly it’s really fun seeing him fully concentrated on making your tree the best it can be
He lets you on his shoulders to put on the tree topper 🥺
For his gift, Ennoshita really loves books, so you decided to get him 12 different (hardcover!!) stories — one for each month in a year
Along with a small sticky-note blurb on the covers of each to explain why you chose it, and to give similar title recommendations if he ends up enjoying
He was so surprised with how thoughtful and extensive it was
Loved it so much that he immediately started to read the first one, with you sat in his lap
“Chikara, you realize you’re meant to start this one in January?”
“Shh, I’m getting a head start”
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chiwhorei · 4 years
shipping my moots because i lub them and they all deserve the world and apparently it would be weird if i married them all sksksksksks
@10millionyearsdungeon and akaashi keiji ~ i have honestly never met a cooler, more compatible couple. (he may seem quiet but akaashi rocks britt’s shit on the daily and sometimes if bo is lucky he gets to watch)
@crushzone and tsukishima akiteru ~ akiteru and nin are my otp. every time nin has had a long day at work, she will always find some flowers wating for her at home.
@dabilove27 and dabi ~ rach and dabi are such a sexy couple, 10/10 would watch hahahaha jkjk... unless?👀
@daishou-s and daishou suguru ~ lune bug and daishou are that one couple everyone sees walking down the street and goes, “wow, what a perfect pair” (don’t let them fool you, they’re fucking FREAKY)
@deathcab4daddy and shigaraki tomura ~ tay and shiggy are cannon, okay? i don’t make the rules. emo hand daddy is whipped for her. man will turn the country to ash if tay asked him to.
@hisoknen and aizawa shouta ~ raph always loosens shouta’s bun when he’s hunched over grading papers, to which he returns the gesture with a flight of kisses to her knuckles.
@hoe-doroki and todoroki shoto ~ ana banana never has to worry about her tea getting cold and i’m disgustingly jealous. shoto also likes giving sweet butterfly kisses to her cheeks🥺🥺
@hqbbg and shinsuke kita ~ kita and ellen are literally the most precious couple, every time ellen is cold kita takes her hands and puts them in his jacket pockets.
@kingkatsuki and katsuki bakugou ~ sakura swears bakugou has a sweet side even though not everyone gets to see it. behind closed doors he is known to pout if he thinks he’s deserve lad more cuddles.
@kyovtani and kyoutani kentarou ~ this one shouldn’t come as a surprise in any way, zade and kyou are a match made in heaven. 🥺
@linestrider and takami kiego ~ nyki always has one of kiego’s feathers in her pocket or on a chain around her neck. it calms him when her fingers brush over it absentmindedly throughout the day.
@messwriting and iwaizumi hajime ~ iwa and lee are such a sweet couple, they are literally the most most beautiful and compatible pair— which is super convenient because our double dates with iwa and oiks are always epic
@milojwrites and ukai keishin ~ ukai likes to sit milo on his lap and talk about the universe when it’s slow in the store. the whole karasuno team asks about “coach’s super cool boyfriend” and he has to pretend is annoys him.
@mindninjax and levi ackerman ~ marquie and levi are so perfect, they’re one of those couples that eye-fuck across the table. the tension between these two is very sexy.
@pleasantanathema and erwin smith ~ i give it 3 months before lauren has a beeby eyebrow in the oven. he can’t keep her hands off of her.
@present-mel and mirai sasaki ~ mel and miria are so perfect together, they’re so cute together but then sir gives mel a look and you know he’s about to rock her shit.
@sawamooora and sugawara koushi ~ i’m telling you, this couple is hot as fuck. every time suga gets a little wine drunk he’ll let slip some super kinky shit.
@some-kindofgnome and mirio togata ~ mirio builds sara anything she sees on pinterest, last week he built her a cute shelf for all of the cute mugs he gets her.
@spicyness and oikawa tooru ~ tooru swears that he learned to cook while in argentina but ness always has to pull out the fire extinguisher. one thing he’s really good at? ordering ness’ favorite takeout.🥰
@sugardaddykenma and tanaka saeko ~ this is the power couple. mark me down as scared and intimidated and horny.
@thewheezingwyvern and hitoshi shinsou ~ hitoshi begs wyv to sing to him after he’s had a hard day, it’s the one sure fire way to calm his tense muscles.
@thisisthehardestthing and tanaka ryunosuke ~ claudia and tanaka are truly a couple completely unmatched in both humor and aesthetic.
@tsukkis-crybaby and tsukishima kei ~ tsukki might act big and tough but whenever felicity pouts he gets all soft and kisses her cheeks.
@undermattsun and issei matsukawa ~ miki gets split open on the horse cock™️ on the daily and honestly i’m violently jealous. she’s god’s favorite smh.
@vixen-scribbles and kenma kozume ~ kenma’s favorite thing in the world is to sit and play games while vixy plays with his hair and cuddles in his lap.🥺🥺
@whats-her-quirk and jean kirstein ~ jean is so in love with june it honestly makes us all just a little sick. he always carries an extra jacket with him to drape over june’s shoulders. 🥺
if i missed any of my precious moots i am so sorry please ring the shame bell for i have failed you sksksksksksksksk.
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Durarara!! x The Outsider
*note* AHHH this cross over is my new thing I swear lol. I don’t usually write fics because I can’t hold my attention down long enough to think about a whole story. I usually like to draw because I love it and it gets my ideas out quicker. But I can’t stop thinking about this scenario and the dialogues between the characters that I have to let it out! This is my first fanfic so please be gentle but still love some criticism to my writing. ☺️ also THANK YOU for the support for the other post. I’m glad y’all like it. Also! Not going to be too much Shizaya yet. I wanted to be more Tom and Shizuo friendship centric here.
<TW> mentions of murder, child rape, cannabilisim
(Scenario: News has spread all over Japan of a brutal sexual assault and murder case of 10 year old Misaki Suzuki in Ikebukoro. Details of the murder was leaked to the public early leading to Tom Tanaka arrest while the public and social media are pushing for his death sentence. Tom is waiting to be put on trial. Shizuo visits his accused friend in jail )
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Seeing Tom after a week since the… incident.. it looked like Tom aged 10 years. Shizuo sits down and picks up the phone on the left side of the wall and sees Tom so the same. They wait till security leaves and they were alone.
“Hey Tom.. are you okay?…. Wait, shit uhh sorry…that’s a dumb ass question to ask. How are you holding up?”
“…Not very good honestly… who knew being hunged over, fired and being put to jail on the same day really wears a person out haha…”
Tom laughs to lighten the situation but Shizuo can tell it’s fake and self depreciating. Shizuo raises his right arm and tries to rub the exhaustion from his eyes. He looks earnestly at Tom.
“You didn’t do it.”
Tom drops the small smile he had and his eyes showed what he truly felt inside. Completely hopeless.
“Why do you think that? You even said you saw me. Everyone thinks I did it. Even my family. I know they do…my mother refuses to answer the phone. And she always answers the phone. Hell I’m even starting to believe it too. “
“No”, Shizuo says sternly,”it doesn’t add up. I told the police I was with you most of that night. All those fucked up things that happened to the kid. It doesn’t even make sense….you couldn’t of been the one to do it. I’m sure there were cameras at the bar we were at. You couldn’t be at two places at once Tom. That’s impossible”
“A lot of impossible things happen in this city Shizuo. I’m staring at a guy who can lift trucks with no problem”
“This isn’t the same thing.”
Shizuo hates that Tom is feeling this way. He’s upset and pissed at the whole situation. He was pissed the whole time the police was questioning him. He doesn’t have a problem with them per se, even with his bad history with them. It was the repetitive way they were asking the same.damn.questions. Over and over just said differently. It was to see if he would change his story and it was getting on his last nerves. They were betting on Shizuo to give up Tom because they got DNA evidence and even bite mark evidence. All matching down to the very last tooth. But he hold his ground and kept telling them the truth. The police were obviously getting annoyed but he didn’t give a damn. They were trying to get justice for Misaki. They wanted to blame the person all the signs who is pointed at. It made sense. He still would of beaten their asses. But would not helped his or Toms case at all.
He first thought was Izaya since he’s always the cause of all Shizuos problems. This time, it didn’t have izaya’s stink and it didn’t sit right with Shizuo. Izaya usually makes himself known that Shizuo is the bane of Izaya’s existence. The flea is a coward and ruin people’s lives, however…. this… even he thinks izaya doesn’t cross a certain line.
After dealing with the police for hours he went home but he couldn’t get much sleep. The image of Tom running away covered in Misaki’s blood burned in his mind. When he did sleep he wake up having nightmares of finding Misaki body in that dark alley over and over. At the time, he didn’t knew what he saw being he was buzzed from the night of drinking .He didn’t know it was the little girl till he saw the face. The body itself was almost unrecognizable. The body was mangled and ripped apart like a huge animal had gotten her. She was close to Akanes age and sometimes in his dreams both their faces will merge together staring at Shizuo with those same cold dead eyes. That wasn’t the worst part of his nightmares. The absolute worst part was imagination giving him vivid images what the Tom imposter did before Misaki’s murder. He wished he didn’t know..
“Didn’t you also hear from the police shizuo.?,” Tom avoids his eyes.”They also found my DNA all over the scene. They found dna in the building, the van, clothes, inside-
Toms stopped when his voiced hitched a little.
“…the cops showed me pictures…..They were trying to get me to confess but I really don’t remember after I was drinking. I shouldn’t kept drinking. You were right I should of stopped after drink three I should-“
“Hey”. Shizuo says in a harsher manner than he intended.
While Tom tries not to completely break down in front of Shizuo, Shizuo looks at the situation with pure anger and frustration. He can feel the familiar burning feeling simmering beneath his skin. He’s used of being feared like a inhuman beast he is. People feared, and held animosity towards Shizuo. He’s used to that. But Tom wasn’t. Tom literally has the whole world against him right now.
“You don’t deserve to be here..” he almost whispers in the receiver. “ you’re not the monster everyone says you are. I know this not because I was with you most of that night. I know you. We wouldn’t be friends if you pissed me off.”
Their was silence between them. The pause went on too long for Shizuos liking. Toms smile was tired, a little shaky when he sighed but grateful. It was a sigh of relief someone was there at their lowest.
“I think this is the first time you called me one. I was wondering if you ever referred me besides being your boss.” Tom closes his eyes while slightly leans back in his chair with his arms crossed and one side of his mouth perked up. “It feels weird getting the side of being pepped talked at but….” He looks at shizuo with thankful eyes
“Thanks…for getting angry that night. Well, for my behalf. Honestly, that’s the most nicest thing someone has done for me so far since I’ve been in this cage. I’m glad I still have you as a friend. Though I’m not your boss anymore.”
Shizuo doesn’t let too many people in his life in because of the fear of him accidentally hurting them. But this is Tom. Who was their for him at his lowest. He helped him to get most of the thugs off him during middle school. Gave him the suggestion to dye his hair blonde. Given him a job where everything else has failed. Even with izaya interfering with most of them, he knew his temper alone is the first cause of them. Tom helped him so much more than Shizuo deserved. Tom was the last person to be in this fucked up position. Even with the limited pool of relationships he has, he knew when a friend needed him. So he said what he knew he can do best.
“I’ll kill the asshole who put you in this mess. You didn’t kill the girl. I will prove your innocence one way or another. No matter what. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure where to start but I will find them.”
He can’t ask Tom to trust him. He’s afraid to ask. It would be too much faith to ask he had on him when he didn’t had that much faith in himself. Back of his mind, he’s afraid to fail. The voice nagging him, telling him he’s a fuck up. He’s nothing more than a beast destroying everything in his wake. But he’s gotta try. He’s too scared of the alternative option. Tom dying alone believing he’s not worth saving. So he squashes, pushes, kickes and punches that voice back as far it can go. Tom needed to see he’s trying. Tom just smiled at him.
“I trust you on that shizuo. I don’t usually go for violence but this is a special case. I wish I can be there to witness you do it. You still owe me a drink.”
“You still want to drink after this?” Shizuo jokes. Tom smiles a little wider and puts his left hand on his chin in contemplation.
“Hmmm You right. I’m done with drinking for a while. I’ll just settle with trying not to get killed in prison.”
*Aannnd that’s it! Im not sure how much I can do writing before I burn out but the dialogue is the fun part. Doing backgrounds will forever be a fun and the bane of my existence. I hope I stayed IC. I want to do a scenario where shizuo and izaya will work together but my brain will go straight to fluffy moments lol. *
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realcube · 4 years
my (christmas) gift to you based off of your favourite haikyuu!! character 🎁
ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵃ ᵇᶦᵗ ᵒᶠ ᶠᵘⁿ ˡᵒˡ ᵖˡᶻ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ᶦᵗ ᵗᵒᵒ ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢˡʸ 💕
if you don’t celebrate christmas then consider it a gift for being a great person! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
tw// mentions of depression, suicide, swearing, contraception, drugs 
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coach ukai  ➸  a cure for daddy issues and horny 😔
ittetsu takeda  ➸ some respect 👍 
daichi sawamura  ➸ a supportive parent/friend 😳 or maybe a mug with ‘world’s best _____’ on it 
(fanon) kōshi sugawara  ➸ some fkn confidence plz you deserve it
(canon) kōshi sugawara  ➸ idk what i’d get you but i’d get your friend group a new therapist friend- you seriously need a break ( *^-^)ρ(*╯^╰)
asahi azumane  ➸ a plushie of any sorts
kiyoko shimizu  ➸ a girlfriend :)
ryūnosuke tanaka  ➸ money.
saeko tanaka  ➸ money. but more..
yū nishinoya  ➸ i would do your hw for 2 weeks and HAIR DYE
chikara ennoshita  ➸ anti-depressants- IDFERGB JK uh i’d get you like a snowglobe unless you wanted to take me up on the first offer
nartita/kinoshita  ➸ a world where they get more screen time and are included in official art ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜
kei tsukishima  ➸ i can’t tell if you have amazing taste or awful taste but either way i’m giving you some human affection plz take it, you need it 
tadashi yamaguchi  ➸  a hug 🥺 and if you don’t want a hug then a blanket
tobio kageyama  ➸ therapy
shōyō hinata  ➸ the whole fkn world 😭 and if not, then stilts bc i ain’t ever seen a tall hinata stan ✨
hitoka yachi  ➸ idk if i can get you passes on all your tests but i’ll try- and if i can’t, i’ll make you a study playlist 💞
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ❄ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
(fanon; smart) tetsurō kuroo  ➸ a hot nerdy s/o lmao
(fanon; sexualised) tetsurō kuroo  ➸ your reproductive organs removed- plz don’t procreate ✋ JK JK uM but deadass contraception
(canon) tetsurō kuroo  ➸ i’ll sacrifice something to you 🙏🛐 god bless
morisuke yaku  ➸ a break from work/school/life- more escapism basically
lev haiba  ➸ friends who don’t pick on you 💓
kenma kuzome  ➸ a way to make people respect your preferred pronouns/name 😤 or maybe an amiibo card
taketora yamamoto ➸ money to spend on someone’s onlyfans smh
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ❄ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
tōru oikawa  ➸ the ability to do things without constantly comparing yourself to other people/your past-self. . . or just anything with oikawa’s face on it
hajime iwaizumi ➸ an oikawa plushie to beat up 
issei matsukawa  ➸ like ik the only thing you want is for him to rail you but i can’t make that happen so perhaps an amazon giftcard instead?
takahiro hanamaki  ➸ weed
kentarō kyōtani  ➸ you are probably the softest mf with the biggest degradation kink so like.. idk i’d spit on you or sumn
akira kunimi  ➸ a neck pillow so you can sleep on the go
shigeru yahaba  ➸ AEWIUHFEBF IS THIS YOUR MAN?!?! OH I AM DECEASED 💀💀- anyway i’d get you a pair of working fkn eye 💞
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ❄ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
wakatoshi ushijima  ➸ if you are a ushi gushy stan then my gift to you is my thoughts and prayers but if you are a ushiwaka lover then you get a firm hand shake (yes, they are two different ppl)
eita semi  ➸ i’d listen to and follow your playlists (and maybe get you your favourite artist on vinyl or sumn like that)
satori tendō ➸ lots of alcohol and whether you choose to drink it or commit arson it completely up to you
reon ōhira  ➸ the demolition of capitalism
tsutomu goshiki  ➸ a card
kenjirō shirabu  ➸ standards
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ❄ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
kōtarō bokuto  ➸ love or maybe dick idrk
keiji akaashi  ➸ more coffee shop aus
atsumu miya  ➸ your favourite character is atsumu miya? pfft i’d get you a microphone so you can preform your stand-up comedy elsewhere ( ̄、 ̄) ik it’s sangwoo- 
osamu miya  ➸ a lovely s/o that’ll cook for you 
yūji terushima  ➸ idk if you want to be him or be with him but either way i think you need hair dye (and maybe a matching tongue piercing) 
rintaro suna  ➸ a follow to your meme account
shinsuke kita  ➸ i would get you shinsuke kita
takanobu aone  ➸ a long happy life (◡‿◡) you deserve it 
kanji koganegawa  ➸ idk why but koganegawa gives me kaminari vibes so like..dinsey plus lol
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candychronicles · 4 years
letters // haikyuu/bnha
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A/N: this is my secret santa for the BNHABookclub Secret Santa for the lovely @reogou​ ! this letters format was not my idea, i’ve seen it floating all around tumblr and decided to take a whack at it. hope you all enjoy!
CHARACTER PAIRING: Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki, Kozume Kenma, Nishinoya Yuu, Taichi Kawanishi x Reader
WARNINGS: just a sappy collection of letters!
SYNOPSIS: when your loved one is busy during the holidays, it hurts, but just when you had given up hope, a little note arrived, and everything changed. 
hey there sugar,
is that what people call each other nowadays? sugar, sweetheart, princess, love bug, the list goes on and on, but in the end, i don’t think it matters, as long as you know that i love you. i know things can be hard sometimes, i know that i’m not around nearly as much as you want, i know we don’t spend all that much time together and the few moments we do get are filled with pure exhaustion on my end, but i promise, this year is going to be better. i’m focusing on not only you but me as well. you know my life has not been the best and i lashed out a lot, hurt a lot of people in high school but people like you, friends who truly cared about me and who i could become, pulled me out of my stupor and into the light. now i’m filled with nothing but desire to continue to be good, to help those in need, fight for justice in a world full of confusion. you help me with that desire, push me to be a better person, a person who kids who were once like me can truly look up to. maybe we’ll even have kids of our own, little red and white haired troublemakers running around without a care in the world. i don’t know how good of a dad i would be, i’m not even really sure if being a dad is what i’d want out of life, but if you asked, i would do anything, be anything, because you inspire me each and every day. i’m so lucky to have you in my life and i can’t wait for this new year to be bigger and better than the last.
yours always,
- - - - -
my love
my everything
my darling
i didn’t really know how to start this, still not sure where i’m going. i’m not the type of person to do this, never have been, but i guess there’s a first for everything. i know me not being with you during the holidays is so hard. i know you want to sit by a cozy fireplace sipping tea or hot chocolate surrounded by presents and my presence alone but sometimes our lives are unfair. you know i love my job, you know i love striving to be the best i can be, but sometimes it gets hard, gets lonely without you by my side. i know you want me to be laying next to you in bed, tracing shapes against your skin as you rant about your day. i just want you to know that i feel the same way, that i also want to be there, curled up under the blankets, relaxed and content and not worrying about anything except the sound of your breathing. i wish i could love you the way that you need me to right now but i just want, i just need you to know that i’m so incredibly grateful that you’ve stuck by my side despite it all. you push me, inspire me, motivate me to keep being the greatest of all time despite knowing it takes time away from you and for that i’ll forever be in your debt. next year, i’m going to focus on us, whatever it takes- late night takeout, cuddles under the stars, movies, shopping even though i hate it, trips to anywhere and everywhere you want to go. the biggest and hardest thing i’ve learned this year is that i am not alone, that there are other heroes out there who can help out. i may be number one but i do not have to be the only one, a fact that you taught me. i don’t think i could’ve ever been this reliant on other people without you, without you teaching me what it means to truly, deeply love someone and surrender yourself to them without questions. it allowed me to be a bigger and better person than i ever have been. so yeah, thank you for everything. i love you more than anything in this world. and if you ever show this to anyone, especially deku, i will, well, i don’t know what i’d do, but it won’t be good, probably. 
- - - - - 
hey there beautiful!
i’m so excited to be writing to you today! i’ve never gotten the chance to give someone a letter before. well, i have, but i’ve never thought of it. i was actually looking up cheesy presents to give someone and this popped up and then something like this popped up on tiktok and then i definitely thought i had to do it and now here we are-me writing you a letter! i hope i’m doing okay, i know i ramble a lot, but you also mean a lot to me so i just am getting excited and overwhelmed and okay let me pause. 
hey again, i came back after a few minutes. i really want to make this special for you. i know i’m not the biggest or baddest hero out there yet you always make me feel so incredibly important. i know work keeps me so busy, i know how hard it is for you to see me on tv, doing yet another talk show, another radio interview, another video of me beaten and bruised as i work to keep the city safe. i know how hard it is to see me come home tired and defeated after losing the fight, losing a civilian or just after working day after day and yet you never complain, always doing your best to warm up the shower, cook me some food, rub my shoulders and tell me how proud you are. you don’t know how much that means to me, and this year i’m going to work on showing you how proud i am of you, working, taking care of the house and me and never complaining, not even once. this year is your year to complain, your year to relax and let me take the reins. you may have to teach me a thing or two since i truly don’t know what i’m doing half the time but hey, that means we can just spend more time with each other! it’ll be a bonding experience for the both of us and i promise i will try to not break anything, pinky swear. oh shoot, okay, i hear you coming inside, so i’m going to stop writing right now, hope i didn’t embarrass myself too much when you read this. even if i did, i’m just hoping it’ll bring a smile to your face. that’s all that matters to me anymore.
love you beautiful,
- - - - - 
i’m not sure where to start this or even what to say. you know i journal a lot but i can’t seem to write down my thoughts when it comes to you. you’re such an enigma, so beautifully confusing. to be honest, i don’t know when i first fell for you, why i first fell for you. was it something to do with the way you glowed when you smiled, your eyes crinkling in the sweetest way? or was it the first time i heard you defend a friend, the normally cheery smile turned into a snarl, anger evident on your face, fierceness woven deep into your heart as you quipped back and forth with the attacker, a satisfied smirk on your face as you protected the ones you loved? or was it when you were simply sitting, hand tucked underneath your chin as you contemplated god knows what? i don’t know and i don’t think i care anymore, i just simply know that i love you and want to be around you for the rest of my life. i know things are hard, i know i’m busy with university, with gaming and all the other random jobs i’ve picked up, i know i’m tired a lot and get too hyper focused on things that don’t matter but i promise this year i’m going to work on that. i’m going to get you more involved in my whole life, in things that matter to me, because you matter to me and i want to share all of my passions with you. i hope you’ll share your passions with me. i want to learn and grow together with you and i hope above all else that this is what we’ll accomplish this year. thank you for being patient, for loving me endlessly, for caring for me when it felt like i didn’t deserve to be cared for. 
- - - - -
my sunshine!
i’m so excited to be writing you today. to be honest, it was all Tanaka’s idea, he told me that it was romantic to write to someone you love so i took his word to heart and sat down to write this letter. i’m not too good at sitting down and doing something all in one go so i hope you’ll like this because i honestly don’t know what i’m doing. all i know is that i love you and want to impress you this year! i know i’ve been away traveling for awhile and this time you didn’t decide that you wanted to come with me (trust me, i’m getting annoyed with the boats and the smell of fish, so i completely understand), but i miss you. honestly, i’m just hoping this makes it to you in time, so when i come home right after you’ll be surprised. oh shoot, wasn’t supposed to spoil that, but that’s okay, don’t want to get hit in the head with a frying pan after last time i surprised you by coming home randomly in the middle of the night. so just know i’m coming home soon, and i’m coming home for awhile. i found a nice job that will take me for a few months at least so we can make the most of it while i’m home and then maybe i’ll find something to do on a beach so you can get some sun and fun in your life! not that you don’t have fun now, of course you do, but then you can have fun with me and at a different location, it’ll be the best! okay, i’m going to run because i don’t want to waste your time reading a dumb letter but just know i’ll be home soon and i can’t wait to spoil you.
i love you!
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i’m not really sure where i’m going with this or what i’m going to say, but i felt like i had to get these words down somehow. i know this year has been weird, has been harsh as i slave away at work and school but i’m so close, we’re so close to finally being done. just one more year and then we’ll be on our way to something bigger and better in our life-a house, maybe kids, maybe pets, maybe traveling, maybe we’ll just live on a boat, who cares, as long as i spend my time with you, that’s all that matters. i know how hard it is to sleep alone sometimes, how i come home at three, four am and my head instantly hits the pillow, how i’m up sometimes before you can even comprehend to go to class, how our schedules never seem to match up, how i get home as you’re finally leaving for the day, but in those little moments of love, little kisses and hugs, how you always have food for me and keep my schoolwork organized when my brain gets frazzled, it’s the little things that truly warm my heart more than you could ever possibly imagine. i just want you to know it’s me and you against the world, no matter what happens i’ll always have your back and i know you’ll have mine, forever and always. even as i write this now, you sleep soundly in the room next to me, and my heart is full just knowing that you’re by my side. i can’t wait for this next year and all the adventures that will come with it.
to many more years,
- - - - - 
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters as their zodiac signs (pt. 2)
i wrote a bunch of this in advance which is why the posting is very quick. i hope you enjoyed the last one!
tanaka - pisces
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okay not to lie but i expected him to be a fire sign but perhaps he has a fire placement in his moon or mercury
but tanaka as a pisces also makes sense because pisces peeps in general are very, very emotional. like they jus feel things very strongly
much words, very wow
so tanaka's habits of yelling when he's pumped up and his temper is quick to flare
but he also cares very deeply about people and tends to be very protective which you can see when he's around hinata
he forgave the poor boy after he threw up on his pants that's a kind dad right there
even though he's a dumbass his intentions are very good and pure
he is such a romantic guy. he’d be the kind of person to make a mixtape or attempt to write a poem for the person he likes
his poetry is probably 50% ‘roses are red, violets are blue’ and 50% volleyball metaphors 
100% believes that crying is manly
in conclusion: a Handful. actually, maybe 2 handfuls
nishinoya - libra 
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when i said that libras are very different i wasn't kidding 
fun fact: apparently a good number of shonen protags are libra. including but not limited to: naruto
actually, you could switch him and naruto and no one would know the difference except for sasuke and tanaka 
nishinoya's brutal honesty is what strikes me as very libra about him. sometimes its because of how impulsive he is and also because he tends to be very observant of people around him 
while some libras tend to be more people pleasing in search for a middle ground, in they still value fairness
he's also someone who stands by his decisions and has unwavering faith behind what he says
that switch in his personality from being energetic and temperamental to being all sErious mOde in a match is very libra
he’s super talkative and will talk anyone’s ear off 
100% would do something stupid without anyone prompting and after he did The Thing he’d be like ‘well you guys told me to’ 
in conclusion: deserves his own anime series named after him
daichi - capricorn 
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it makes sense that he's a capricorn as he's the Father of karasuno
overall a very reliable guy and his skill doesn't necessarily come from being naturally talented but by working hard 
being able to ground everyone and help the group maintain its balance is his main skill
its like while everyone else is working on developing new techniques and strategies, dadchi is here to make sure everyone has a solid foundation
i kno im getting cheesy but dadchi deserves the entire fucking world
he’s an old soul at heart. i have a feeling he secretly owns a record collection but he’ll never tell anyone because what if they raid his house and scratch his records or something 
the kind of person who does the whole ‘dear mx.___/i sincerely hope to hear your response soon’ when he writes an email but someone has to stop him from throwing his phone against the wall when he gets ‘got it, thanks (sent from my iphone)’ as a response
has probably read a couple parenting manuals when he became team captain
in conclusion: idk can he like take a break? get some rest? do a facemask?
asahi - capricorn 
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and noooooww for capricorn #2, aka the Son
hahaa get it cause he looks like jesus
this boi is just as reliable as daichi is but he feels the added pressure of needing to score points 
but his willingness to push through is also very capricorn because they work harder than anyone
although his anxieties weigh him, his greater sense of responsibility outweighs this fear
he's pretty much consistent and a creature of habit and far from impulsive
i cant say that being a capricorn makes him a daddy for legal reasons
‘when i get my self-confidence you bitches better watch out’ - azumane asahi, probably
while daichi has a record collection, asahi has a collection of those glass bottles with ships in them
don’t ask me how i came up with that 
plays golf on sundays in secret because his teammates would probably stalk him
has four copies of the same sweater
in conclusion: no asahi, u dont look wildt 
sugawara - gemini
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i was ABOUT to be surprised that suga wasn't like a cancer because he's such a mom 
and then i remembered that he's a scheming little shit but i love him
he is a Very Loud boi, 90% of the cheering you hear from the bench comes from this dude
and tbh he looks like an angel but i swear to god he's probs listed all of your weaknesses in his head
his charisma and the way his teammates liven up when he's in the game is very gemini
a super smart boi who will always find a way to help and to take care of his young ones
but when his switch is flipped, it is fLIpPed
between him and the other third years, he's probs the one who messes around most and gets them all in trouble
 but he never gets into trouble because suga looks like an angel and asahi looks like a biker when he isn't looking like jesus
its still daichi who has to fix things but my man is wh1pp3d for suga
in the third-years groupchat suga’s probably the one who sends weird, random memes and gossip and replies in less than 3 seconds
in conclusion: pls dont mess with him u wont survive
haikyuu!! characters as their zodiac signs series:  pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5
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sage-sunset · 4 years
funny things
sugawara koushi x reader, slight oc x reader
tw: death, denial, angsty times
Room eight thirty-seven.
You visited every single day. It was part of your routine, to bring a bouquet of flowers and push back tears. The hospital had a vibe that made you sad, a vibe like sickness and death. Death was something that you didn’t want to think about, especially now.
Eight thirty-seven. You held the bouquet in your hands, your headphones playing softly in your ears. Today you’d come after practice, since it had ended earlier than usual. Hinata had wanted to practice for longer, but Daichi had cut it short because the third years’ workloads were getting heavier.
Exams were coming. You had to study.
The elevator stopped, and you stepped out, shivering slightly at the chill in the building.
Room eight thirty-seven. You stepped inside.
“Hey, baby. How are you doing?”
He was awake, at least. Despite having seen him less than 24 hours ago, you felt like it had been a lifetime since you’d been with him.
“I’m fine. How was school?” “Good. It was good.” “And practice went okay? Everyone’s doing well?” “Yeah, it’s great. We’re improving a lot.” You sat at the foot of the bed, and your boyfriend took your hand in his. He smiled gently at you, and you resisted the urge to cry.
“Can I tell you something, Y/N?” “Depends. Will I cry?” “Maybe, but it’s important.” You said nothing, and he put a hand to your cheek.
“I want you to find someone.” “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean. Find someone else to fall in love with, meet someone nice who’ll take care of you when I’m-” “No, don’t say that.” “I told you, I’m not scared to die. But I am scared of the idea of you being alone, unable to move on.” “I don’t think I can. You know I love you.” “I love you too. That’s why I need you to be happy.” The next day during practice, you sat on the bench, deep in thought. Managing the team was fun, and it helped to distract from reality, but his words still carried in your head. You didn’t want to dwell on him forever, but it wouldn’t feel right to fall in love again while you still longed for him.
“Hey Y/N!” You turned to see the three third years, and mustered up a fake smile.
“Do you want someone to walk you home? It’s darker than yesterday.” Daichi said, and you shook your head.
“It’s fine, Daichi-san. Thank you.” You went by the store to pick up a bouquet. You walked ten minutes from the store to the hospital. You checked in with Naoka and went up to the eighth floor.
“Hey, baby. How are you doing?” The next day, the third years offered again. You said no, that you were fine. He said the same thing, that you deserved to fall in love again.
The day after was before the weekend. Practice ran an extra half hour, and you once again received the offer to be escorted home. Before you could refuse however, Sugawara stepped forward, saying that they would be more than happy to. You felt guilty saying no, and suddenly a thought ran through your head.
Tomorrow was your day off. You’d be able to spend the whole day with him. Maybe, just for tonight, you could walk straight home. You were tired. You could text him later tonight, he would understand.
You told them yes.
Walking in the summer heat, you took in a deep breath. It was a beautiful night. Daichi and Suga walked beside you, and Asahi hung back a bit. You talked about nothing really, just about your house and your family and how you were liking managing the team. It was nice.
The next day, you tell him you’re sorry. That you didn’t mean to forget, but practice was late and you were tired. He laughs it off, and you make up for it by giving him a kiss. He smiles, but you can see the bags under his eyes. 
He’s getting sicker, the doctor says. He’ll be ok, you tell yourself. He’s a fighter, he’ll get through it.
Denial is a funny thing.
“I want you to be happy. Please, promise me that you won’t hold onto me once I’m gone.” “Don’t worry about it. You’ll be fine, please just let me hold you.” At practice, you let the third years walk you home more often. It’s easier than going to the hospital and hearing them tell you that your boyfriend is going to be dead in a few months.
One day Daichi is busy and Asahi is out sick. So it’s just you and Sugawara, and he takes you to dinner since it’s not too late and you’re both starving. You eat and talk and laugh, and a daily bouquet turns into a weekly one.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to forget. Sweetheart, I-” “It’s alright. I’m glad you have such good friends. It makes me feel better about when I-” “Quiet. Let me be with you.” One day you start crying at practice. It’s out of nowhere, just because you’re feeling especially guilty about missing your daily visits. Immediately all of the players come over, Nishinoya and Tanaka trying are nearly hysterical trying to figure out what’s wrong, and Ennoshita is simultaneously trying to calm them down and help you. The first years all stand there awkwardly, and Asahi and Daichi try to ask you if you’re okay. You say you are, that you’re just stressed and that everything’s ok.
Everything isn’t.
Later, Sugawara walks you home. He lets you cry into him again, and the next day there’s a note and a flower on your desk. You recognize his handwriting, and you try to tell yourself that it’s just a gift to a friend. You tell yourself that you don’t think he’s handsome and kind and that you’re not falling for him.
You are.
Room eight thirty-seven. You break down, trying to push away the guilt over being in love with another boy. He swears that it’s okay, it doesn’t bother him, he’s happy you have such wonderful friends. 
He lies to you. He has to, because if you hear so much as a cough from him you start to bawl. He says that he’s got time. That the doctor said he might pull through. He doesn’t want you to worry.
You do anyway.
One day, you take Suga to meet him. Telling the boy that you like and who also likes you that you have a boyfriend dying in the hospital is awkward, but their meeting isn’t. All he says is that he’s glad you have someone like Suga to depend on.
Now he knows. They both know that they’re not the only one you love. And they both seem to accept it.
The rest of the team notices it. How he leans into you sometimes, how you hold quiet conversations, how you walk home together almost every night. They don’t know everything though, they don’t know that you go to pick out flowers together, that you cry into his shoulder in the storage closet.
It’s nice to have someone who knows.
He says that too. When you go to visit, he says that he hopes you both end up together. 
“You would make such a good couple.” “Don’t say foolish things, love.” It’s not foolish.
Sugawara kisses you one day. You go to eat dinner, and he puts a hand on yours as you sit outside on a bench, talking and laughing. He presses a kiss to your lips, and you feel guilty because you kiss him back.
By the end of the week he’s your boyfriend. 
When you visit him and tell him about you dating, he smiles. He looks happy.
“Why are you smiling? I thought you’d be mad, or sad, or-” “I’m smiling because I’m happy. It’s good to see you like this. You’re in love again.” “I will always be in love with you.” You get the call next week. It’s practice, and everyone’s taking a quick break. You sit with Kiyoko and Yachi, chatting, when your phone rings. You pick up. They ask if it’s Y/N L/N, you say it is.
You start to cry.
In an instant, Suga’s beside you, holding you. It feels like the world is ending around you. He sends Daichi a nod, and he says to pack up, that practice is over.
Loss is a funny thing.
You still visit. You both visit, and you bring flowers. The grave is beautiful, surrounded by snow. It’s winter break, and you and Suga decide to go see him again. You cry a little, but he holds your hand and you both say a prayer. You hope that in the afterlife, he is happy.
It’s the least you could wish for. He was never concerned with himself, no matter how badly it hurt to see you with someone new. He cared about your happiness, not his.
Suga prays for his happiness as well. He prays that his bravery and love for you will never be forgotten, because he can’t begin to imagine how hard it was to see you with someone else. Suga hopes that he himself can gain that strength.
Suga loves you. You love him. And your boyfriend loved you. Love is all that mattered, really.
Love is a funny thing.
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bella and drew headcanons
there are dedicated to @skate-fast-eat-grass and i literally can’t think of anyone else following me who would read them so
also i do not own bella swarchovski she belongs to madelyn!!
- at first, it takes them a while to get together because drew tanaka is oblivious when it comes to her own love life.
- and bella swarchovski is just an overall dumbass (but i say that with love).
- drew doesn’t realise that bella actually returns her feelings and has been trying to flirt with her for the past month so she thinks it’s all unrequited.
- she kind of thinks “bella wouldn’t like me because all of the things i’ve done in the past, how i treated my siblings, how i acted after the war, etc. bella’s never done any of that, she deserves somebody who hasn’t fucked so many things up.”
- and obviously, bella knows what drew has done in the past but she likes drew for who she’s become and admires the progress in her as a person.
- after they get together, those insecurities never fully vanish, but they just come up later on when drew is in an emotional shitstorm.
- for dates they love going to new places to try out food (ice cream especially) and then taking five billion photos.
- they also love going to theme parks! both of them are adrenaline junkies and go on the scariest/wildest rides and it gives everybody a headache.
- also going to musicals and movies?? they’re dramatic people who can sing what do you expect.
- (they’ve watched love, simon three times don’t @ me)
- both bella and drew look amazing in red.
- so they always always always wear red on dates. it’s just a tradition and they refuse to break it.
- drew adores her girlfriend but sometimes bella says the stupidest shit at really inconvenient times.
- bella, in the middle of a conversation about conputer programming: all kins of the same character are clones
drew: i love you but shut the fuck up
- they have a codeword for whenever one of them is feelings uncomfortable/anxious/stressed and needs to get away.
- the codeword is jacob sartorious (i know that’s a name and technically two words let me live)
- okay look the backstory behind it was they were trying to find the perfect word while simultaneously having an argument about heathers and bella said something like “edward if you keep this up i’m leaving you for jacob” (all in good humour, drew knows she’s joking) and drew said “wait our codeword should be jacob”
- however they didn’t know jacob from twilight’s last name so jacob sartorious as if in the musical.ly star would have to do.
- drew has discovered that playing with bella’s hair calms bella down.
- she found this out after the infirmary was really crowded and there was a lot on bella’s schedule and she was missing her mortal family so bella kind of disappeared for an hour and went m.i.a.
- her friends and family panicked for a little while because they had no idea where she was, but drew found her sitting in the strawberry fields, still slightly shaking.
- she just let bella vent for as long as she needed to. instead of talking, she started a braid in bella’s hair and realised with a start that it was calming her down.
- drew is bella’s stability in times of stress.
- since drew breaks down more often than she’d like to admit, bella is always there. she’ll stay up with drew all night, just talking and reassuring her. she reassured drew that she’s not selfish, she’s not a stuck-up bitch, she’s not emotionless, she’s not cold-hearted. she loves drew for who she’s become. she loves the best bits and the messy bits about her.
- bella is drew’s comfort in times of insecurity.
- they bring out the softer side of each other.
- even though drew has matured drastically since the whole silena thing, there are still some people who peg her as heartless.
- but they haven’t seen the fond look on her face when bella falls asleep on her shoulder mid-movie.
- they haven’t seen the way she blushes profusely every time bella winks over at her from across the dining pavilion.
- they haven’t seen the bags under her eyes when drew stays up all night to finish weaving bracelets for herself and bella. nor have they seen the way she smiles brightly when bella launches herself into drew’s arms with bright eyes and a burning throat and says she absolutely loves it.
- anyway, bella is ready to physically fight anybody who says one bad word about her girlfriend (despite the fact that she’s like five feet tall — bella is strong)
- drew can hold her own though it’s all good and she’s heard those same insults millions of times before to the point where it doesn’t even faze her.
- their height difference is massive, bella being a five foot gremlin and drew being six feet tall.
- it pisses bella off so fucking much.
- she’ll also never admit it, but the height difference feels nice when they hug. she likes burying her face in drew’s shoulder.
- bella, ogling the kid’s toys section in ikea: i’m marrying lola the plush piranha sorry drew you’ve been replaced
drew, not looking away from the stuffed sharks: how tragic
- once bella stole drew’s leather jacket and if anybody else did that? instant death.
- drew just stared at her for a second and felt her heart melt and her face heat up.
- in case you were wondering, bella kept the jacket. it’s underneath her bunk.
- bella always buys cherry-flavoured everything whenever she’s at home during the school year, because it reminds her of drew.
- sometimes it’s hard having a long-distance relationship during the school year, and sometimes they call each other during the night wanting nothing more than to be face-to-face, but they make it work.
- drew doesn’t give two shits about bass guitars and how they work or the different brands, but she’ll listen to bella ramble on about them for hours just because she loves watching her face light up and the sound of bella’s voice and the passion in her eyes.
- bella literally couldn’t care less about different makeup palettes and how to apply them and the different techniques, but she’ll sit down in the aphrodite cabins for hours straight to let drew practice on her and try out new looks just because she loves watching drew concentrate so heavily on something and the grin on her girlfriend’s face at the end is always worth it.
- wholesome memes are always sent between them, and they usually have wholesome meme-offs.
- however sometimes bella sends surreal memes just because and drew always says “guess i’m not edward cullen kin after all”
- for halloween they once went as bella swan and edward cullen. you know it’s true.
- they also went as marceline and princess bubblegum from adventure time because they have class.
- drew has an album on her phone called “bella” and bella has album on her phone called “drew” and you can probably guess that it’s just photos of each other.
- occasionally will or adrien will crash their dates.
- sometimes it’s annoying, but neither of them are really mad.
- oh adrien never misses anything he’s always there with binoculars watching them
- drew: the stars are beautiful tonight
bella: yeah
drew: you know what else is beautiful?
bella: what?
drew: me
bella, whispering: damn straight
adrien, yelling from across the roof of the aphrodite cabin: nothing about that was fucking straight
- bella: so how’s the most beautiful person in the world doing?
drew: i don’t know, how are yo—
adrien, across the room: he’s doing great, thanks
- also on to more important matters:
- stephan the demon baby.
- his full name is stephan swartanaka (last name courtesy of will)
- his middle name changes a lot solely to piss everybody off.
- some of the most notable middle names are:
- k’atté (pronounced cat)
- uwu
- beatrixareforkids
- shit
- crispy
- they hired adrien as a babysitter once while they played monopoly and it just ended with adrien yeeting stephan into the lake.
- stephan made it out alive but they didn’t give adrien a tip.
- adrien swears stephan is possessed.
- well he’s technically haunted but they can’t be bothered doing anything about it
anyway i hope those were okay i love bella and drew <3
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