twinknote · 1 year
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can we just talk about karasuno's massive amount of capricorn representation?
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
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sawamura daichi | karasuno's foundation
澤村大地 | 烏野の基盤
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 8 months
i saw this tik tok forever ago and can’t find it now but was like “kuroo knows nothing about astrology but Swears he doesn’t trust geminis”
this has become a pivotal part of his character in my head kuroo tetsurou doesn’t know Anything about astrology but uses it to insult people and thinks he’s so fucking funny. the extent of his knowledge is the names of the signs and that’s all he needs does he know anyone’s sign? no he doesn’t need to the jabs still land he’s a Master instigator.
bokuto buys a lottery ticket doesn’t win anything complains about it over lunch kuroo raises an eyebrow says “it’s cuz you’re a sagittarius” goes back to eating. it only works bc he’s so quick with it yaku gets pissed off starts yelling in the locker room kuroo elbows lev “pisces men ammirite?” eyebrows exaggeratedly high head tilted dramatically turns away starts tying his shoes. akaashi’s talking about a restaurant he went to - the atmosphere was great but the food was just okay - kuroo scoffs “that’s such a virgo thing to say” kejii blinks flips him off keeps talking. kenma forgets his keys at home locks himself out calls kuroo “you’re such a fucking capricorn” hangs up immediately . one day at practice everyone’s off their game he calls a huddle stands with a hand on his hip looks around “guys. is it because mercury’s in retrograde?” Dead silence coach nekomata puts his head in his hands and ends practice early. kuroo meets oikawa for the first time 10 minutes in interrupts him mid-sentence finger in the air smirk on his face “i bet you’re a leo moon” “What. is that supposed to mean.”
it’s mostly for the bit though kuroo doesn’t believe in astrology by principle like “i am the master of my fate” or whatever But. but. he swears up and down he doesn’t trust geminis. daichi introduces him to sugawara (gemini sticker on his phone) kuroo narrows his eyes in suspicion no wonder he’s so good at volleyball. he claims his lack of trust is cuz koushi cheats at monopoly (he does) but no. gemini.
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fum1ku · 3 months
Hiii! I really liked your recent matchup requests and I'd love to get in the mix 🥹 (I also love that you're a fan of Daichi bc he's literally my fave and I don't see enough about him ANYWHERE!😭)
Hobbies/interests- I'm a huge sports girl! I played tennis competitively in high school and for a year in college. I started playing pickleball this year due to my shoulder injury (it's easier than tennis >.<). I also go to the gym regularly, play basketball, and dabble in volleyball when I get the chance :3 I LOVE arts and crafts! Something about the precision aspect of cutting things is pure bliss for me 🥹 I make my own thank you cards for people, cut photos, decorate photocard holders, and paint! Another thing I enjoy is reading :3 Although I don't get much time to do so, it's still something that always helps me relax and touch base with myself. I'm currently reading the JJK manga and Haikyuu (post-Dumpster Battle)! But my main genre is psychological thrillers/murder mysteries :3
Details about personality- I consider myself a very honest, compassionate, communicative, and responsible person. I say it how it is but I also consider the person's feelings immensely. I always consider what the person wants or needs during that time. If they want to rant, I'd gladly listen to them and create a safe space to do so. If they want advice, I'd gladly tell it to them straight. I also seek to understand people as much as possible, and as long as they're willing to share. I'm always trying to better myself and I take pride in getting therapy services every year since I'm not afraid to admit when I'm having a hard time in life. I allow therapy to guide me into moving forward in life, maturing, and learning more about how to take care of myself. On a less serious note, I'm also a pretty energetic person who LOVES to laugh and always embarrasses herself in public 🥲 all to the point where I rarely feel embarrassed because it's so normal for me LOL. I DEFINITELY, absolutely, positively see myself joining in with Bokuto when he says "HEY HEY HEEEY!!!" cheering is contagious for me 🥲 and you can definitely see me on the dance floor at celebrations rocking to some good music 😎 I also will be having High School Musical songs play at my future wedding 😌👌🏻
MBTI, zodiac, etc.- My MBTI is ENFJ! My Sun is in Virgo, Moon in Cancer, and Rising in Capricorn hehehe. Honorable mentions: my Venus (planet of love) is in Leo and my Mercury (communication) is in Libra! As for love languages, my main is words of affirmation, then it would be quality time! Gift giving/receiving is a strong third ☺️
Goals/ambitions/plans for the future- My goal is to become a physical therapist! :) I'll be going to grad school soon enough! I've always liked the idea of being a teacher but my heart belongs with being a physical therapist. However, I do plan to look into being a lecturer one day! Outside of school, I actually want to find a really good, solid husband to continue my life with ☺️ I've always pictured myself having a life partner, but ykw, it be slim pickin's out there LOL! 🥲 I've always wanted children, at least 3, but in this economy??? We'll see. 🥲 I appreciate the idea of being a mother someday. I consider adoption or surrogacy as a viable option because I'm afraid of any health problems I may run into if I were to get pregnant (I'm a bit susceptible to health conditions). But I am open to experiencing pregnancy at least once, just so I don't rule out any options ☝🏻 I'm a family girl, I'm a mom to all, what can I say :')
Likes/dislikes- I like bread. A lot. My favorite food is sandwiches because of the versatility :3 I LOVE chips, fave snack hehehe I'm also someone who always likes to try something new! Even if I go to the same place, I'll almost always try something new (unless I'm craving some comfort food hehe). I dabble in cooking :3 I'm trying to get better tho >.< But I thoroughly enjoy it regardless! I love watching movies!!! I even had an AMC movie subscription last summer and watched 32 movies in 3 months!!! My favorite genres are comedies, rom-coms, and horror/thriller! I also really like stickers 🥹 my current obsessions are deco stickers for my photocard holders and super cute anime stickers! I usually go to in-person events so I can support independent artists >.< They're literally the best! As for dislikes, I don't like rude people with a bad attitude. Working in healthcare, it occurs more often than I'd like, but even in the real world it seems like it really kills people to be kind 🥲
Age range- I'm 22 turning on 23 soon hehe I'd love to be matched up with any of the characters post-timeskip!
Physical description of self- Lil Asian girl with mid-length hair, which I mostly have tied up or in a bun >.< I'm 158cm (5'2) with an athletic build (but still got some stomach cushioning :3), toned arms and legs, nice 🍑 (??? my mom calls me JLo 🥲🥹). And I wear athleisure day to day and sophisticated clothing for special events! My long, black slit dress with my 4.5" heels is an outfit that can't be beat 👌🏻😤😌 ya girl got ✨duality✨
Type when it comes to dating/what you look for in a person- I'm looking for someone who WANTS to take care of me. After watching JJK and falling in love with Nanami, I definitely need a man who can take care of a strong woman (this includes Daichi too 😩). I'm completely capable of taking care of myself, I have my whole life, but I'd definitely appreciate someone who WANTS to support me, love me, cook for me, and take care of responsibilities when I'm overwhelmed. This goes both ways. I know I'm able to provide that to anyone I end up loving. Communication is huge for me as well. They need to be good at setting, voicing, and respecting boundaries. Respectful is a must 😌. Gentleman is much appreciated 😌. And someone who can also make me laugh! Bc at the end of the day, we all gotta laugh at something 😂😭 I would also love someone who creates a safe space for me to be myself and vulnerable. I want someone who's not afraid of emotions. I like to voice my concerns and I would hate it if I were with someone dismissive and unable to empathize with me. Someone who takes action- not just saying they will make adjustments but actually shows they're making those changes. Someone who seeks to understand. In turn, I'll do all of those for them to the best of my abilities <3
Anything else to include!- I'm the youngest of 3 girls! I graduated college early, not because I'm super smart but because I work really hard 🫡 A Disney princess I'm most similar to is Tiana! I also go to Disneyland a lot! I even went to Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea this year!!! My favorite movie has GOT TO BE: White Chicks!!! I know too many lines from there hehehehe. Some fun facts: I can say the alphabet backwards in under 4 seconds :3, I was able to solve a rubrik's cube in a minute flat (I average around 1:25), and I can flip a cup with my butt 🍑👀
P.S. Thank you for doing this 🥹🥺 I mean it when I say I really love and appreciate your writing. Never stop with the Daichi content 😭✊🏻 brutha needs more love 🥺👑❤️ AND SO DO YOU!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👑
Hello!! I’m so SO glad you love & appreciate my writing. It means the absolute WORLD to me, so thank you 🤍
I also promise I will never stop writing Daichi content because I he’s one of my absolute favorites & I really believe he deserves more love as a character!
As for your matchup, I felt Daichi just checked off all the boxes. I did have a few others in mind, but he just immediately popped into my head while reading your matchup & it felt too perfect to not be him. I also think your extra fun facts are so funny—they had me laughing on my couch while writing your matchup!! I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your request <3
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cityandking · 3 months
Astrology, Kione, Moon, Quaestor for Lira, Minah, and Dai
thanks!! // ask my oc stuff
Astrology: What astrological sign are they?
LIRA — her birthday is 7 guardian, which means fenrir is her thedas zodiac. I think that makes her an aquarius, but she's more of a capricorn tbh MINAH — her birthday is 24 bloomingtide (may 24) so fervenial is her thedas zodiac, and she's a gemini DAICHI — he's a virgo
Kione: Their thoughts on winter?
LIRA — like any good dog lord, she's proud to weather ferelden's grey, wet, inhospitable winter. however. she wouldn't entirely mind a few more sunny days (that's what she thinks, anyway—when she visits antiva, she melts) MINAH — lovely to look at through a window or enjoy for an afternoon. not pleasant to travel through. fortunately the troupe usually wintered in antiva where it wasn't so bad DAICHI — genuinely enjoys it. unfortunately he's from an extreme wintry mountain biome
Moon: Do they have complicated relationships with anyone? If so who and why?
LIRA — her relationship with fergus gets a little complicated after the events of origins. it's not either of their faults (well, it's probably a little bit lira's fault), it's just that they both had this immense loss and neither was quite able to bridge that emptiness. then there's her relationship with alistair, all the desire and denial and demand and guilt between them, which is just. I mean. yeah. MINAH — her most complicated relationship is with herself, truth be told. she doesn't hold on to anyone else long enough for relationships to get complicated; either things stay simple or the relationship ends. great way to avoid complication: run away DAICHI — yeah, lots of people. currently his father's estranged family, who were really not expecting him to show up in the astral sea with some friends in tow
Quaestor: How are they with authority?
LIRA — good. she was raised into it; she knows how to respond to authority she respects and authority she disrespects and how to wield it herself. the only thing stopping her from running all of ferelden like she was raised to do is her duty to the wardens, which she shackles herself to out of grief and guilt and fear MINAH — it entirely depends on the authority. she's a little flippant but she'll buck up and fall in line when it's someone she respects, like alesso or even the wardens. but the chantry or the law or political authority? fuck that shit she's out. DAICHI — not as good as he used to be. he was raised among it and spent his formative years never questioning it, but then he got yeeted on a journey through the universe and met a bunch of authorities he didn't like and/or weren't doing a good job and got some ideals and opinions of his own. he's more stubborn and combative these days
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taeyamayang · 2 years
ㅡan otome-style interactive fiction wherein you play as (y/n). the plot and the character (y/n) ends up with are solely dependent on your choices.
taglist: @thechaosoflonging @alienvarmint @phoenix666stuff @citrustsuki
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NAME: (y/n)
STATUS: Single
PERSONALITY: eat. sleep. hyperfixate. repeat.
BEST FEATURE: well, we are not so sure about that too
CHARM: 9.5
CURRENT CONCERN: "having a pet would greatly better my mental health but the landlord won't let us keep an animal in our apartments. not even a goldfish!!"
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NAME: Daichi Sawamura
BIRTHDAY: December 31
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
PERSONALITY: determined, passionate, and might come off blunt and strict.
BEST FEATURE: abs and broad shoulders heart of gold. a promising swimmer from miyagi
CURRENT CONCERN: "i think my seniors are purposely giving me a hard time. maybe I should work on my breaststrokes more."
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NAME: Atsumu Miya
BIRTHDAY: December 5
Star Sign: Sagittarius
BEST FEATURE: talent in music. his tattoos and piercings.
CURRENT CONCERN: "can someone tell bokuto to stop calling me when he's drunk? i am not akaashi."
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NAME: Kuroo Tetsurou
BIRTHDAY: November 17
Star Sign: Scorpio
PERSONALITY: timid, reserved, and tad bit awkward.
BEST FEATURE: his glasses, man. he looks good with it.
CURRENT CONCERN: "why did i let (y/n) decide?? i should have invited myself to their place (tho thats kinda weird and creepy) but now i have to deal with them coming to my dorm!! what should i do?? should i keep my manga collection in my closet? how about my action figures? where should i hide them?? THIS IS BAD."
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NAME: Tsukishima Kei
BIRTHDAY: September 27
Star Sign: Libra
BEST FEATURE: his tied back man bun and big hands.
CURRENT CONCERN: "it's the second time this month this goddamned airconditioner broke down."
ㅡthis is updated in line with the fic so details may change from time to time
thanks <3
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astrosanimebirthdays · 9 months
Daichi Sawamura
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
I am lazy to do the challenge but thank you for never forgetting to tag me <3 And I’d rather react to through a message because I’ll just mess up the thread lmao We’re both Cancers!! I’m a June baby though but this could explain why we’re so attracted to Zhongli who happens to be a Capricorn (the opposite sign) 🐉✨
hi empress! *waves enthusiastically*
it's so okay, and if you want i can not tag you? i don't wanna be annoying. 👉🏼👈🏼 but if you're fine with it, that's cool too. 😊
you are more than welcome to interact in whatever way feels most comfortable to you! i'm tickled pink that you take the time to interact w me at all so yay skskskskkssss. <33
AAAAHHH ANOTHER FELLOW MOONCHILD! and YUSSSS I'M SO WEAK FOR CAPRICORN MEN!! 😩 cancers and capricorns are the mamas and the papas of the zodiac. thoma is also a cap and AOSDFLNFLSD i'm down bad for him too. tho, being the domestic caregiver that he is, i can't help but wonder if he has some strong cancer placements too. 🧐 (since you're also in the hq fandom) i also simp sosososososo hard for daichi...who has the same bday as zhongli!! go figure right? they both have such strong daddy energy. 🥵😮‍💨
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venust1na · 1 year
- Somewhere on the giant marble-made castle of the Olympus -
Theo, I’m sorry but you are no longer the Knight protector of Pisces…
The giant man with ocean blue eyes looked at the demigod, his son to be exact, while pure rage emerged from the young boy, who was kneeling in front of his pro creator.
On the other side, there was a young man; with built body, tanned skin and dark messy hair, he looked at the god, then at the boy who was screaming nonsense
This is taking too much…
The dark haired man sighed while taking out a device, something like a phone, but far from it. He made a call at the same time the blue eyed deity told him to call “The Twins”, so he did
Hey, we need help in here, the beach boy couldn’t bear to be "fired"
Mate, poor thing… We goin
He looked up from the device and nodded to the god, this was nothing as he expected
Enough drama Theo
He said is enough Theodore
Everyone in the room looked at the two men standing at the edge of the door, one with golden hair, and the other with silver hair. The Twins, as everyone on the Olympus call them, looked at the demigod with disgust.
You should hear your father first, you don’t even know why he is telling you this
The one with golden hair looked down on the kneeling boy, he had seen this before, no demigod could handle being kicked out of the ranks of the knights of olympus
Go ahead father
Theodore looked up to the god who was sitting on his throne, in eyes of everyone else he looked powerful, imposing, full of divine bright. But for the demigod he just looked pathetic, how could his own father do this to him? His most loyal son and the most experienced knight on the ranks?
Theo, I’m sorry but I found another son of mine who can take Pisces as their mother constellation, he will take your place as a golden knight, and for you… you can go back to Japan.
Excuse me?! Someone better than me?! This has to be a joke, no knight is better than me! I’m the strongest, the fastest, I’m… im the best of the best… how could you…?
SHUT UP! I’m tired of this… your father is telling you on a good way because he loves you, but I’m sure he is running out of patience, and so I’m I. Theodore Sāto. You are out of my ranks, and as the leader of the olympians knights I can tell you that you can leave this place, now
Theodore looked at the brown haired man, astonishment written on his face
No, I’m not leaving
The Twins looked at each other and then to the god
Poseidon, we are calling the Sun… is it fine?
Poseidon sighed
Yes, do as you wish, I’m leaving now, my family is waiting for me on my castle
On a blink, Poseidon started shining so bright that if a mortal looked at the god, they will definitely go blind
As for the other three men on the room, the silver haired took out his device and called “Sun”
Wait… there is no need to call him. I mean, this is all a joke and I’m not being kicked out of this, right?
The golden haired men sighed once again
Look Theo, I’m so sorry about this but this is not a joke, Uncle found a better demigod to be the protector of Pisces and you are being fired, end. Of. Story
Metal boots were heard from the outside, then, like a flash of light, the boy was thrown out from the window
The Anemoi will take care of him
All the present looked at the shining teenager, orange messy hair and a golden mask that covered his whole face, white and golden clothes covered his small but strong body, and to finish with, a massive bow made out of gold was resting on his back, looking at the brown eyed men he just said
Do you need something else Kratos?
I told you to call me by my human name, all the deity stuff makes me sick…
The orange haired scoffed
Alright, do you need something else, Daichi-San?
No, Capricorn, I’m fine
And I told you I hate being called Capricorn or Sun whenever we are not fighting, just call me by my name
Alright, Hinata, you can stay with us if you want, we were going to visit your father
No thanks, I’ll pass.
Okay… Castor, Pollux we need to get going
The twins rolled their eyes
I really hate it when you get all bossy Daichi, like really
Shut up Atsumu, we are going to arrive late if we don’t leave now
He’s right Tsumu, let’s go
Shining as Poseidon did, the three men disappeared, leaving the teen alone on the big throne room
I really hate when gods use their teleportation powers, they are going to make me blind…
How dramatic, don’t you have training right now Sho?
Yachi! Finally you arrived from your mission, let’s go to the training arena, you have to tell me what happened
The blonde girl of Virgo let out a gasp as Hinata removed the gold helmet of her head
Yeah, there is a lot to catch up now…
Both left the room while talking of the said mission.
Heyyyyy im back with another Alternative Universe!
This time we have a mixture of Haikyuu, PJO and Saint Saiya.
Let me explain you real quick this AU
The Olympus created a group of demigods trained in order to maintain peace on the modern times. All of them were taken to the great knights manor on Athens since 11 years old, and trained by Kratos, Castor and Pollux alongside other minor deities to transform them into perfect warriors.
Each Demigod has an specific armor according to their mother constellation. Or the constellation chosen by the Olympians for the demigod to protect.
Hinata (Apollo’s Son):
Constellation of Capricorn (The Sea Goat)
Sun - Gold Knight
Kageyama (Poseidon’s Son):
Constellation of Pisces (The Fish)
Bronze to Gold Knight
Human Personification of Kratos, divine personification of strength
Leader of all the Knights, demigods defenders of the world
Suga (Hera’s Guard):
Constellation of Aquarius (The Water Bearer)
One of the chosen by Hera to personally protect her (Mortal at first but the goddess turned him into a demigod)
Gold Knight
Asahi (Cybele’s Son):
Constellation of Centaurus (Half Human, Half Horse)
Silver Knight
Nishinoya (Hermes Son):
Constellation of Cancer (The Crab)
Gold Knight
Tanaka (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Tsukishima (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Yamaguchi (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Yachi (Demeter’s Daughter):
Constellation of Virgo (The Virgin)
Gold Knight
Kiyoko (Hestia’s Daughter):
Constellation of Taurus (The Bull)
Gold Knight
Human Personification of Caerus, Minor God of opportunity, luck and favorable moments
Human Personification of Aether, The Primordial God of Light
Natsu (Delphi’s Oracle):
Constellation of Ursa Major (The Big Bear)
Saeko (Artemis Main Hunter):
Constellation of Orion (The Hunter)
Human personification of Bellona, Roman Goddess of War
She adopted Kageyama as her little brother and raised him on the human world
Kuroo (Hades Son):
Constellation of Scorpio (The Scorpion)
Obsidian Knight
Kenma (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Yaku (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Lev (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Oikawa (Aphrodite’s Son):
Constellation of Libra (the Balance)
Gold Knight
Iwaizumi (Ares Son):
Constellation of Aries (The Ram)
Gold Knight
Hanamaki (Nike’s Son):
Constellation of Pegasus (The Winged Horse)
Silver Knight
Matsukawa (Hypnos Son):
Constellation of Lupus (The Wolf)
Silver Knight
Bokuto (Hephaestus Son):
Constellation of Corona Borealis (The Northern Crown)
Gold Knight
Akaashi (Athena’s Son):
Constellation of Gemini (The Twins)
Gold Knight
Ushijima (Zeus Son):
Constellation of Leo (The Lion)
Gold Knight
Tendou (Eris Son):
Constellation of Draco (The Dragon)
Silver Knight
Semi (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Shirabu (Tyche’s Son):
Constellation of Cygnus (The Swan)
Silver Knight
Terushima (Dionysus Son):
Constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer)
Gold Knight
Daishou (Nemesis Son):
Constellation of Hydra (The Water Snake)
Silver Knight
Sakusa (Thanatos Son):
Constellation of Corvus (The Crow)
Silver Knight
Kita (Themis Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Atsumu & Osamu/Castor & Pollux:
Human personification of Castor and Pollux, The Dioscuri.
They are attributed the role of saving those who are in danger at sea or in war
Suna (Hecate’s Son):
Constellation of Monoceros (The Unicorn)
Silver Knight
Hoshiumi (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
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realcube · 2 years
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ a long matchup for @ajumierose
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you wanna request a matchup, read this!
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‘Infp-t, Sagittarius but it doesn't really fit me i think [...] ambiverted, I’m open minded.’ 
𓆩♡𓆪  according to Personality Database, Daichi is an ENFJ 
𓆩♡𓆪 since you are both intuitive feeling types (NF), you’ll be open to sensitivity and enrichment in the relationship so that is definitely a good thing going into it and will make becoming comfortable around one another so much more easier
𓆩♡𓆪 Introverted/Extroverted types doesn’t really matter in terms of a relationship tbh, so even though you maybe clash there, I think Daichi’s outgoing and friendly nature would definitely rub off on you and maybe bring you full swing from an ambivert to an extrovert 
𓆩♡𓆪 just because he is very insistent that you are so nice and he would definitely praise you for showing that to the world an opening up some
𓆩♡𓆪  daichi isn’t that far from being a sagittarius but he is in fact a capricorn
𓆩♡𓆪 there isn’t much material on Sagittarius and Capricorn compatibility, so all the compatibility ratings are sporadic.
𓆩♡𓆪 “Sagittarius can show Capricorn adventure and excitement, and can offer a glimpse of the freedom so often missing from Capricorn’s life. Capricorn teaches Sagittarius to pay attention to detail, uncovers the knowledge that the little things are important, and helps them to harness their random energy. Sagittarius may view Capricorn as too responsible, and will teach their partner to lighten up. Capricorn may accuse Sagittarius of being reckless and impulsive, and can help them to become well mannered.”
‘I can good empathize with other people's feelings if I want to. I often complain about my physical health like an old woman but everyone thinks that it's funny and old people feel young in my presence😅’
𓆩♡𓆪 daichi is shown to be very empathic as well, if not one of the most in the show, so both of you being sensitive to each others feelings and emotions is one of the best foundations for a relationship.
𓆩♡𓆪 and i suppose this trait isn’t exclusive to him, but he’s shown to get very emotional over his games — whether that be positive or negative —  so having someone who can reciprocate his feelings and help him deal with and process them would be so good 
𓆩♡𓆪 also being old woman-esque is so perfect for daichi because he is a senior citizen at heart 
𓆩♡𓆪 he even sleeps like he is hooked up to life support 
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𓆩♡𓆪 so y’all seriously have that in common
𓆩♡𓆪 and he is defo the type to reciprocate your old person complaining as if he isn’t in like, peak physical condition 😭
𓆩♡𓆪 “your back hurts? i’m sorry to hear that, honey. but, you known, now that you mention it, my back has been hurting a lot recently too. it might be something in the water.”
𓆩♡𓆪 “...but didn’t you have a volleyball match yesterday? how did you play with a bad back?”
𓆩♡𓆪  “uh, power of teamwork?”
‘I tend to be a perfectionist with my drawings but with everything else i try only half-heartedly unless i do something for someone i like.’
𓆩♡𓆪 since daichi is show to be very hard working, especially in volleyball, both of you having a hobby that you are very passionate about and want to perfect makes you really compatible, since you both have something that drives you
𓆩♡𓆪 so both of you having passions is super good, as it’s not only something that gives you both some space and time to focus on yourselves but it’s the perfect way to support each other and encourage each other too 
𓆩♡𓆪  ie. you could really show that you care about him by attending one of his volleyball games, practising with him, watching volleyball on tv with him or even getting him tickets to a volleyball match. and even if you aren’t as adept in volleyball as him, he will simply enjoy and appreciate you practising with him at all and having fun 
𓆩♡𓆪 and a way he shows he cares about you is by insiting on framing all of your artworks, putting them on the fridge, or if you are more of a digital artist, he will have a special album in his gallery for your artworks and maybe even make one of your works his background on his phone. and he’d also totally buy you art stuffs and chill with you while you draw, maybe even try draw something himself but 😭 it might not be pretty  
𓆩♡𓆪 however i think your easy-going nature (outside of drawing) would be a really good and useful change of pace for daichi because he could really do with not working his ass off in every single thing he does, and help him not be as competitive too 
𓆩♡𓆪 like you show him that the 1-minute noodles you cook are just as good as the burnt on the outside, raw on the inside, falling apart, only slight corrosive crown roast
‘Im not the best at singing but im good at dancing(but just free dances,i can't even dance Macarena...and i can only dance the basic steps of the waltz😅).’
𓆩♡𓆪 (let’s ignore that fact that daichi’s va has the voice of an angel)
𓆩♡𓆪 honestly i hc that daichi can’t single very well either. well, he is definitely not a bad singer but he thinks he is a good singer so he is a mediocre singer who sings hard notes like he is a good singer which makes him a bad singer 
𓆩♡𓆪 but it’s fine because he only really sings around you so y’all and your karoke nights are simply hilarious, feel free to sing your heart around him even if you don’t think you are the best because he will hype you up none the less lol
𓆩♡𓆪 as for dancing, i think he definitely has the physical capabilities and some of the skills to be a dancer, since he plays volleyball so he definitely knows his stuff when it comes to timing but he kinda struggles with rhythm 
𓆩♡𓆪 but it’s fine! you can teach him
𓆩♡𓆪 in fact, he would insist — on some random night — that you teach him how to waltz because he thinks it would be romantic 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he ends up like stepping on your toes and tripping over just a bit 😭 but for the most part seriously gets into it. like after the first time you practise he just assumes he is a professional 
𓆩♡𓆪 and of course you were laughing because he was just being a big goof
𓆩♡𓆪 and from then on, he just uses it as a method to cheer you up whenever you are down. like if you are upset about something, he’ll talk about it with you first of course, but after that if you are still upset, he’ll grab your hands and try waltz you around the room in attempt to make you laugh 
‘first i’m very shy about skin ships but i like them (but i’m not the biggest in physical affection, it depends on the day, on one day it's only small skin ships but on another day/Minute I could tackle the person with cuddles and kisses and rave about the person like a crazy woman, but usually only in private)’
𓆩♡𓆪 i think this totally matches daichi’s energy , except he is maybe a bit more physically affectionate and would be more open to like hand holding and hugging in public and whatnot
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d definitely encourage you to open up some as well, but in a sense that he wants to pressure you, he just wants to let you know that if you ever become more open with skinships, he’d totally reciprocate
𓆩♡𓆪 but it does match him in a sense that he is pretty consistent with his affection, but he’s not needy 
𓆩♡𓆪  so when you are in a state where you are especially shy about touching and are only up for hand holding or even nothing at all, he is completely alright with that and can simply enjoy your presence 
𓆩♡𓆪 however, when you are maybe in one of your moods where you are more affection and crave more intimacy, he can also still reciprocate your cuddles and kisses without an issue 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is strong too so even if you do want to tackle him with love and cuddles, he will be able to withstand and not fall to the floor 😅 he is an immovable cuddle rock !!
for @ajumierose​: thanks for requesting !! :> it was really between daichi and maybe sugawara. they have a lot in common when it comes to work ethic and traits, but a big difference personality wise. i just think daichi’s personality is more complementary to yours, especially as he is less volatile. (but not by a lot haha.)
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ao3feed-daisuga · 2 years
lines on your face are getting longer (feels like you're treading water)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tmXbM8Q
by s_beth
Suga just smiles, chin drifting onto one hand and the other reaching out to hold Daichi’s across the tiny table. “So. Festivities commencing at six?”
“Six o’clock, I’ll be there.” He hides his face under his coffee cup.
compulsively generous suga doesn't quite line up with the birthday boy.
Words: 3001, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi
Relationships: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Additional Tags: Birthday, daichi being the special kind of miserable where he hates his birthday, Angst, high school flaws really stick around huh, Established Relationship, acts of service sugawara koushi except yknow, Sawamura Daichi Being an Idiot, just capricorn things right
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tmXbM8Q
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
nsfw. mdni. crack. but no bc this shit is legitimate. as i've mentioned before in daichi's nsfw alphabet, the only times i've been with a guy and the bed broke was with a capricorn (same guy on 2 separate occasions). they are PASSIONATE lovers okay? everyone thinks scorpios are the freakiest/most sexual of the zodiac signs but listen. capricorns give scorpios a run for their money. the men at least. i'm strictly dickly so i can't speak on cap females. 💁🏼‍♀️
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🛏️ The first time it happened both of you froze and stared at each other wide-eyed for a whole 10 seconds before you both laughed so hard you cried
🛏️ He had your ankles on his shoulders and your knees to your chest, drilling into you with half his body weight when you heard the loud clank of metal accompany the jarring drop of the upper right corner of your bed onto the floor
🛏️ Looking back, the signs had been there - the loosening of the headboard as he gripped it with one hand trying to stop it from punching a hole in your wall, the creaking of the bedframe getting louder and louder - but neither of you seemed to notice or care at the time
🛏️ Once his laughing subsided enough for him to speak coherently, he started apologizing through the tears. “I’m so sorry, y/n! Shit!” the other end of the frame came loose from the footboard, and he had to grab onto you like Last of the Mohicans so you wouldn’t slide off the edge
🛏️ “I’ll fix it right after I’m done…” AND HE JUST KEPT FUCKING YOU LIKE FUCK YOU AND YOUR BED!
🛏️ But you couldn’t stop laughing. “No, baby, please I can’t-” you wheezed
🛏️ But it happens again a few weeks later
🛏️ Then it happens again...and again and by the fifth time Daichi has broken your bed it’s not even funny anymore
🛏️ The bed store starts giving him frequent shopper discounts
🛏️ Finally you just give up on having a damn bed
🛏️ The last time it broke you said “fuck it” and just put the mattress on the damn floor 😤
What about you? Have any of you been making the beast with two (or more) backs when the bed broke? How did you react?
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31 days of daichi mlist | main daichi mlist | haikyuu mlist
taglist: @chaoskrakenuwu @yuujispinkhair @luvkun4 @briokayama @mrs-sawamura @heroesfan101 @millenialfanfictionaddiction @lanaxians-2 @darthferbert @hannas16 @a-girl-cant-decide-on-a-name @cookiesandmilksx @whinestonecowgirl @maexc @little-ms-awkward @samkysnks @anejuuuuoy @productivity-blogs @patheticliesblog @strawbmarma @lomons ++ get added
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Lover: Daichi Sawamura
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Birthday: December 31st Star Sign: Capricorn Compatibility: Neutral Age Difference: 1 year + 6 months + 5 days MBTI: ENFJ Compatibility: Good Height Adjustment: Ace 5'8" (-2"); Daichi 6'0" (+2")
Current Status: Life Partners; Living Together; Making Each Other Better Previous Status: Classmates; I Sat in Front of Him For Two Years, and He Didn't Notice; Friends with His Friends; Supported Me Through a Bad Relationship & an Equally Bad Break Up
Library Stamps: #acedaichi, #daisugace
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Instagram Feed Meme: ✓
Wedding Instagram Feed Meme:
Camera Roll Meme: ✓
Wedding/Engagement Rings:
Boyfriend/Husband Status Ranking: ✓
Bingo Card:
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0 notes
your-lovely-rose · 2 years
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• 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬:
31.12./01.01. ┇ New Year's Day/Eve
— 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 - is a term coined by Cliff Arnall to define the most depressing day of the year, supposedly falling on the third Monday in January.
• 𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬:
22.12–19.01 - Capricorn ♑︎
20.01–18.02 - Aquarius ♒︎
= 01.01. ♑︎
• 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲:
- Yoshiko Hanabatake (Aho-Girl),
- Haru Ichinose (Akuma no Riddle/Riddle Story of Devil),
- Gakushu Asano (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu/Assassination Classroom),
- Yoruichi Shihoin (Bleach),
- Principal Nezu (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Mao (Code Geass),
- "Radical Edward" | Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV (Cowboy Bebop),
- Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa),
- Izuru Kamukura (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair // Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School),
- Gao Mikado (Future Card Buddyfight),
- Kochoube Asuko | Asirpa (Golden Kamu),
- Asahi Azumane (Haikyu!!),
- Kaguya Shinomiya (Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen/Kaguya-sama: Love is War),
- Daichi Tachiaki (Miira no Kaikata/How To Keep A Mummy),
- Might Guy (Naruto),
- "Fire Fist" Ace | Portgas D. Ace (One Piece),
- "Mr. 1"/"The Killer" | Daz Bonez (One Piece),
- Takeo Gouda (Ore Monogatari/My Love Story!!),
- Tsubaki (Servamp),
- Masato Oujou (Shakunetsu Kabaddi/Burning Kabaddi),
- "Super Rookie" | Kaede Rukawa (Slam Dunk),
- "Vongola Primo" | Ieyasu Sawada / Giotto (Reborn!),
= 02.01. ♑︎
- Mariko/Maririn | Mimori Kishida (AKB0048),
- "Sir Nighteye" | Mirai Sasaki (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Mutsuki Nakano (Danchigai),
- Ayumi (InuYasha),
- Mio Aoyama (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai/The World God only knows),
- Maria Louise (Kidō Butōden G Gundam/Mobile Fighter G Gundam),
- Emelenzia Rudiger Beatrix (Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!/Venus to Mamoru!),
- Tsubomi Kido (Mekakucity Actors),
- Kenzo Tenma (Monster),
- Peepley Lulu (One Piece),
- Mitchie | Mitsuhiko Nagafukada (Robotics;Notes),
- Isshinsai Ogata (Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi/Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple),
- Gralat Berlurik (Shoukoku no Altair/Altair: A Record of Battles),
- Akane Shinjo (SSSS.Gridman),
- Taichi Dan (Tennis no Ōjisama/The Prince of Tennis),
- Jun Fuyumi (The Idolmaster SideM),
- Ren-Ren | Reina Suzuki (Wake Up, Girls!),
- Marie Tennouji (Yumeiro Pâtissière),
= 03.01. ♑︎
- "Seiryuu" | Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn),
- Hiromi Iwasa (Baby Steps),
- Alecdora Sandler (Black Clover),
- Fujitaka Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura),
- Kyoshiro Tohdoh (Code Geass),
- Keisuke Yuuki (Fushigi Yuugi/Mysterious Play),
- Haruko Saeki (Idoly Pride),
- Masako Araki (Kuroko no Basket/Kuroko's Basketball),
- Gamabunta (Naruto),
- Aisa (One Piece),
- Iceberg (One Piece),
- Mukki | Mutsuki Tsuyama (Saki),
- Kotone Noda (Sakura Trick),
- Ichiro Ogami (Sakura Wars),
- Itsumi Natsume (Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel),
- Arata Inanaki (Sousei no Onmyouji/Twin Star Exorcists),
- Bart Garsus (Vandread),
- "First Sniper" | Haruaki Azuma (World Trigger),
- Shinji Fuyushima (World Trigger),
- Yukino Yukinoshita (Yahari ore no seishun rabukome wa machigatteiru/My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU),
= 04.01. ♑︎
- Tsubomi Hiiragi (22/7),
- Michio Sumiyoshi (All Out!!),
- Tadaomi Kurama (Argonavis from BanG Dream!),
- Kaname Izuma (Beelzebub),
- Kyusaku Yumeno (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone),
- Aiichiro Nitori (Free!),
- Aobimbo | Aoba Tsuzaki (Jinki: Extend),
- Arthur Trine (Kidō Senshi Gandamu Shīdo Desutinī/Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny),
- Lina/Angie | Angelina Kudou Shields (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei/The Irregular at Magic High School),
Torii Natsumi (Nurarihyon no Mago/Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan),
- Fumiki Mizutani (Ookiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!),
- Takeru Fujiwara (Prince of Stride),
- El Cid (Saint Seiya/Zodiac Knights),
- Kotonoha Katsura (School Days),
- "Galand the Truth" | Galand (The Seven Deadly Sins),
- "Gourmet Surgeon" | Atashino (Toriko),
= 05.01. ♑︎
- Eri Ibusaki (D_Cide Traumerei the Animation),
- Prince of the Capital/King | Mei Narumiya (Diamond no Ace/Ace of Diamond),
- John Brown (Ghost Hunt),
- Ichigo Kohinata (Girlfriend (Kari)/Girl Friend Beta),
- Terence T. D'Arby (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure),
- Kuroh Yatogami (K-Project),
- Keitaro Urashima (Love Hina),
- Ozma Lee (Macross Frontier),
- Strawberry (One Piece),
- Sion Todo (PriPara),
- Ryō Yoake (ReLIFE),
- Kae Hiiragi (Re:Stage! Dream Days),
- Momiji Kanō (The Unlimited Hyobu Kyosuke/Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited),
- Mew Berry | Berry Shirayuki (Tokyo Mew Mew),
- Wanko | Inumaru (Ueki no Housoku/The Law of Ueki),
- Ichigo Amano (Yumeiro Pâtissière),
= 06.01. ♑︎
- Anna Nishikinomiya (Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist),
- Jeanne d'Arc (Fate/Apocrypha),
- Nene Kinokuni (Food Wars!),
- Jeanne d'Arc (Drifters),
- Nobara Yukinokouji (Inu X Boku Secret Service),
- Saki Morimi (Eden of the East),
- Makoto Sawatari (Kanon),
- Shingo Komoi (Cardfight!! Vanguard),
- Tatsuma Suguro (Blue Exorcist),
- Haji (Gintama),
- Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyu!!),
- Sherlock Holmes (Moriarty the Patriot),
- "The Darkness of the Shinobi" | Danzo Shimura (Naruto),
- "Fifth Raikage" | Darui (Naruto),
- Ebizou (Naruto),
- Oimo (One Piece),
- Tilestone (One Piece),
- "Sailor Saturn" | Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon),
- Amidamaru (Shaman King),
- Oluo Bozado (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- "Liz" / Elizabeth (The Seven Deadly Sins),
= 07.01. ♑︎
- Konekomaru Miwa (Blue Exorcist),
- "Jack Mantis" | Kamakiri Togaru (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Genya Shinazugawa (Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer),
- Samui (Naruto),
- "Square Sisters" (with Kiwi) | Mozu (One Piece),
- Guang Hong Ji (Yuri!!! on Ice),
= 08.01. ♑︎
- Kai (Akira),
- Mars (Black Clover),
- Hiashi Hyuga (Naruto),
- Hizashi Hyuga (Naruto),
- "Okama King" / "Miracle Person" | Emporio Ivankov / Iva (One Piece),
- Ching Tao (Shaman King),
= 09.01. ♑︎
- Kaede Kayano (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu/Assassination Classroom),
- Reika Rikudou (Fate/Apocrypha),
- Haku (Naruto),
- Pickles (One Piece),
= 10.01. ♑︎
- Braz D. Blood (Blood Lad),
- Koyo Ozaki (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- Yukichi Fukuzawa (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- Ittetsu Takeda (Haikyuu!!),
- Eustass Kid (One Piece),
- Otohime (One Piece),
= 11.01. ♑︎
- Todoroki Shouto (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Itomimizu (One Piece),
= 12.01. ♑︎
- Schneizel el Britannia (Code Geass),
- Dr. Hiriluk (One Piece),
- Ricardo (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World),
= 13.01. ♑︎
- Cutthroat (Akudama Drive),
- Gordon Agrippa (Black Clover),
- Cornelia Li Britannia (Code Geass),
- 13 (Dorohedoro),
- Ikaros Much (One Piece),
= 14.01. ♑︎
- Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach),
- Ayumu Tojo (Gintama),
- Snoozer (Hamtaro),
- Sweet Pea (One Piece),
- Estarossa (The Seven Deadly Sins),
= 15.01. ♑︎
- A.O (One Piece),
- Historia Reiss (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- #81194 | Ray (Yakusoku no Neverland/Yakusoku no Neverland),
= 16.01. ♑︎
- Revchi Salik (Black Clover),
- Jirou Kyoutoku (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Boodle (One Piece),
- Felix Argyle (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World),
= 17.01. ♑︎
- Kazuo Tengan (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School),
- Capone Bege (One Piece),
= 18.01. ♑︎
- Rhya (Black Clover),
- "Dabi" | Toya Todoroki (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- Kiyomizu Yukihiro (Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited/The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited),
- Katsuhiko Teshigawara (Kimi no na wa/Your Name),
- Hannes (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
= 19.01. ♑︎
- Coyote Starrk (Bleach),
- Lilynette Gingerbuck (Bleach),
- Edgar Allan Poe (Bungo Stray Dogs),
- "Baron Zeppeli" | Will A. Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; Part 3),
- "Prince of the Sand Waterfall Gourd" | Gaara (Naruto),
- Spandine (One Piece),
= 20.01. ♒︎
- Sakura Kouno (Horimiya),
- Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen),
- Mai Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen),
- First Mizukage | Byakuren (Naruto),
- Tetta Kisaki (Tokyo Revengers),
= 21.01. ♒︎
- Antonio (One Piece),
- Miss Friday (One Piece),
= 22.01. ♒︎
- Miki Okudera (Kimi no na wa/Your Name),
- Merry (One Piece),
- Mii-chan | Michelajul Lortelia (Senyuu),
= 23.01. ♒︎
- Yumacchi | Walker Yumasaki (Durarara!!),
- Haruki Komi (Haikyuu!!),
- Nobu | Nobuo Terashima (Nana),
- Shino Aburame (Naruto),
- Charlotte Dosmarche (One Piece),
- Charlotte Nusstorte (One Piece),
= 24.01. ♒︎
- Inoichi Yamanaka (Naruto),
- Kairiken (One Piece),
- Miss Monday (One Piece),
- "Witch of Greed"/ "Witch of Wisdom" | Echidna (Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World),
- "Quinque Fanatic" / "Mad Mado" | Kureo Mado (Tokyo Ghoul),
= 25.01. ♒︎
- Shingo Mido (Death Note),
- Rintaro Suna (Haikyuu!!),
- "The Fourth Hokage" | Minato Namikaze (Naruto),
- Giolla (One Piece),
= 26.01. ♒︎
- Kuromarimo (One Piece),
- "Nero the Sea Weasel" | Nero (One Piece),
- Meene Montgomery (Shaman King),
- "Attack Titan" | Grisha Jaeger (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- "Old Warrior" | Aldrich (The Seven Deadly Sins),
= 27.01. ♒︎
- Loly Aivirrne (Bleach),
- Takahiro Hanamaki (Haikyuu!!),
- "Sailor Uranus" | Haruka Tenou (Sailor Moon),
- Charlotte Lola (One Piece),
= 28.01. ♒︎
- Doctor Onishi (Akira),
- "Gran Torino" | Sorahiko Torino (Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia),
- "Puppet Princess" / Tianzi | Jiang Lihua (Code Geass),
- Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!),
- Mansherry (One Piece),
- Naki (Tokyo Ghoul),
- Chosuke Nakamoto (Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited/The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited),
= 29.01. ♒︎
- Kotaro Takebayashi (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu/Assassination Classroom),
- Gadjah (Black Clover),
- Carla Jaeger (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
= 30.01. ♒︎
- "Kosaku Kawajiri" | Yoshikage Kira (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; Part 4),
- Eld Jinn (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan),
- "Parka Freak" | Misuto Kiriya (Corpse Party: Blood Drive),
- Suleiman (One Piece),
= 31.01. ♒︎
- Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach),
- Shizuku (Naruto Shippuden the Movie),
- Aladdin (One Piece),
- Ippon-Matsu (One Piece),
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters as their zodiac signs (pt. 2)
i wrote a bunch of this in advance which is why the posting is very quick. i hope you enjoyed the last one!
tanaka - pisces
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okay not to lie but i expected him to be a fire sign but perhaps he has a fire placement in his moon or mercury
but tanaka as a pisces also makes sense because pisces peeps in general are very, very emotional. like they jus feel things very strongly
much words, very wow
so tanaka's habits of yelling when he's pumped up and his temper is quick to flare
but he also cares very deeply about people and tends to be very protective which you can see when he's around hinata
he forgave the poor boy after he threw up on his pants that's a kind dad right there
even though he's a dumbass his intentions are very good and pure
he is such a romantic guy. he’d be the kind of person to make a mixtape or attempt to write a poem for the person he likes
his poetry is probably 50% ‘roses are red, violets are blue’ and 50% volleyball metaphors 
100% believes that crying is manly
in conclusion: a Handful. actually, maybe 2 handfuls
nishinoya - libra 
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when i said that libras are very different i wasn't kidding 
fun fact: apparently a good number of shonen protags are libra. including but not limited to: naruto
actually, you could switch him and naruto and no one would know the difference except for sasuke and tanaka 
nishinoya's brutal honesty is what strikes me as very libra about him. sometimes its because of how impulsive he is and also because he tends to be very observant of people around him 
while some libras tend to be more people pleasing in search for a middle ground, in they still value fairness
he's also someone who stands by his decisions and has unwavering faith behind what he says
that switch in his personality from being energetic and temperamental to being all sErious mOde in a match is very libra
he’s super talkative and will talk anyone’s ear off 
100% would do something stupid without anyone prompting and after he did The Thing he’d be like ‘well you guys told me to’ 
in conclusion: deserves his own anime series named after him
daichi - capricorn 
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it makes sense that he's a capricorn as he's the Father of karasuno
overall a very reliable guy and his skill doesn't necessarily come from being naturally talented but by working hard 
being able to ground everyone and help the group maintain its balance is his main skill
its like while everyone else is working on developing new techniques and strategies, dadchi is here to make sure everyone has a solid foundation
i kno im getting cheesy but dadchi deserves the entire fucking world
he’s an old soul at heart. i have a feeling he secretly owns a record collection but he’ll never tell anyone because what if they raid his house and scratch his records or something 
the kind of person who does the whole ‘dear mx.___/i sincerely hope to hear your response soon’ when he writes an email but someone has to stop him from throwing his phone against the wall when he gets ‘got it, thanks (sent from my iphone)’ as a response
has probably read a couple parenting manuals when he became team captain
in conclusion: idk can he like take a break? get some rest? do a facemask?
asahi - capricorn 
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and noooooww for capricorn #2, aka the Son
hahaa get it cause he looks like jesus
this boi is just as reliable as daichi is but he feels the added pressure of needing to score points 
but his willingness to push through is also very capricorn because they work harder than anyone
although his anxieties weigh him, his greater sense of responsibility outweighs this fear
he's pretty much consistent and a creature of habit and far from impulsive
i cant say that being a capricorn makes him a daddy for legal reasons
‘when i get my self-confidence you bitches better watch out’ - azumane asahi, probably
while daichi has a record collection, asahi has a collection of those glass bottles with ships in them
don’t ask me how i came up with that 
plays golf on sundays in secret because his teammates would probably stalk him
has four copies of the same sweater
in conclusion: no asahi, u dont look wildt 
sugawara - gemini
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i was ABOUT to be surprised that suga wasn't like a cancer because he's such a mom 
and then i remembered that he's a scheming little shit but i love him
he is a Very Loud boi, 90% of the cheering you hear from the bench comes from this dude
and tbh he looks like an angel but i swear to god he's probs listed all of your weaknesses in his head
his charisma and the way his teammates liven up when he's in the game is very gemini
a super smart boi who will always find a way to help and to take care of his young ones
but when his switch is flipped, it is fLIpPed
between him and the other third years, he's probs the one who messes around most and gets them all in trouble
 but he never gets into trouble because suga looks like an angel and asahi looks like a biker when he isn't looking like jesus
its still daichi who has to fix things but my man is wh1pp3d for suga
in the third-years groupchat suga’s probably the one who sends weird, random memes and gossip and replies in less than 3 seconds
in conclusion: pls dont mess with him u wont survive
haikyuu!! characters as their zodiac signs series:  pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5
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asfreeastheuniverse · 3 years
♑capricorn anime crush (pt 2)♑
Karma Akabane, Dec 25 (assassination classroom)
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Misa, Dec 25 (death note)
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Hawks, Dec 28 (my hero academia)
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Daichi, Dec 31 (haikyuu)
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Senku, Jan 4 (dr. stone)
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Poe, Jan 19 (bungo stray dogs)
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Gaara, Jan 19 (naruto)
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via @asfreeastheuniverse
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