gg-id-good · 1 year
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A little tank I hope you like it and follow and like for more
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doodleglaz · 1 year
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"...Let the weighing games begin..."
Can you survive the various games laid before you by the nefarious overseer Pigsaw (Who totally isn't Hugh), or will you succumb to gluttony and be induced into his ranks?
A long overdue halloween ych auction piece based on the Saw franchise! With Saw X being released, this has fit in nicely!
The folks featured are: Guardian541 Midaras Tankite Vanillayote Madagascar nolobehugepleb raro11 SphericalMae Quantum_Velvet
If you want to potentially buy a  print or whatever of it, I put it up on redbubble for folks!
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mintsfresh69 · 1 month
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commission for @tankite
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tigerclaw or sandstorm?
Name: Tigerclaw
Gender: Male, he/him
Orientation: Heterosexual
Family: Pinestar, some she-cat the same age, Bushkit (Nightkit), Tankit (Mistkit)
Positive Traits: Brave, great fighter, clever
Negative Traits: Self-centered, cruel, callous
Plot Changes: Names Bramblekit and Tawnykit after his siblings. Loses a life to the pack. Attempts to frame Firestar as trespassing on Shadowclan's territory, but StarClan sends a fox as a distraction and the incident is forgotten. Makes more attempts to disgrace Firestar, seeing him both as an inverse of Pinestar and as an unworthy cat for Bluestar's attention.
Mate: Goldenflower
Apprentice: Darkstripe, Rave (Ravenpaw)
Ranks: Warrior, deputy, leader
Sandstorm will be in a separate post.
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borntobewildtrip2024 · 3 months
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Kanisterit ja tankit saatiin täytettyä Arvidsjauerissa. Tällä pätkällä nähtiin ensimmäiset porot ja maisemat alkoivat muuttua koko ajan hienommiksi. Näitä maisemia on odotettu!
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shadowclan — year six — leaffall
boulderstar dies due to a fever. deerstar makes junipercloud deputy.
scorchwind dies.
pinepaw dies.
perhaps these (and later deaths) are related to the fever/sickness.
brownpaw and galepaw are apprenticed to galewhisker and runningnose.
patchkit, pinekit, hailkit, seichekit, tankit, and vanillakit die. tawnypelt’s pretty pleased her litter makes it through: it’d be a bad omen for one of them to die right now. i mean, she’s generally thrilled, but like…no one goes around waiting for their kids to die, i suppose. like. of course she’s happy that they didn’t die, and while child death is a normal part of society, it’s not like she’s expecting…okay, y'all get the point by now.
snowbird has three kits with scorchfur, berrykit, cloverkit, and ripplekit.
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houkagokappa · 4 years
Garupan on täynnä tuollasia stuntteja, vaikka tuo Säkkijärven polkka -klippi on kyllä jonkinlainen kohokohta :D
Hyvä tietää!
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tunsta · 3 years
1955 Elokuva
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Review of 1955 Tuntematon Sotilas film below cut. In Finnish & English.
Katsaus 1955 Tuntematon Sotilas -elokuvaan leikkauksen alapuolella. Suomeksi ja englanniksi.
Tämän katsominen päättyi. Se oli yllättävän hyvä, näen kuinka siitä tuli pysyvä klassikko.
Kuvaus oli hämmästyttävän hyvin tehty, lähes jokainen kohtaus oli kauniisti sävelletty. Kuvasuhde, jossa se kuvattiin, oli tuolloin ulospääsy, ja sitä katsotaan usein nykyään halveksi. Mutta ohjaaja tietää mitä teki, koska kameratyö on kuin taidetta. Vakavasti, se on hämmästyttävää. Voisin käyttää niin monta kuvaa taideviittaukseksi.
Myös tankit ja sota -kohtaukset olivat erittäin hyvin tehtyjä, ja monet Suomen luonnon kohtaukset antoivat sille erittäin eeppisen tunteen, sellaista, jota harvoin tuntuu Skandinavian elokuvissa / mediassa, ellei se ole LOTR -parodiaa. Se kantoi kirjan tunteen hyvin, ei niinkään yksittäisiä tarinoita kuin koko muotia.
Osat näyttivät enemmän kuvatulta näytelmältä, kuten televisio ja elokuvat olivat usein aikaisemmin. Tästä näkökulmasta näyttelijän esitykset olivat erittäin hyviä. He tekivät sen hieman, mutta eivät enempää kuin olisi odotettu näyttelijältä tuolta ajalta. Heidän kehoaan käytettiin usein draamojen herättämiseen ja kuljettamiseen, kun heidät asetettiin lepotilaan, pankoihin jne. Sen sijaan, että he vain istuisivat yleisen pöydän ääressä tai viipyisivät lähikuvissa, mikä teki paljon ilmapiirille.
Luulen, että olisin rakastanut sitä vielä enemmän, jos en olisi riippuvainen huonoista tekstityksistä. Osa siitä, mikä tekee kirjasta niin elävän, on miesten suora ja hyvin maaseudun tapa. Se ei käänny hyvin englanniksi yleiseksi / tekstitykseksi. (Seuraavaksi on 1980 -luvun versio. Toivotan onnea pojille, tekstitykset englanniksi… Ainakin vuoden 2017 minisarjassa on oikeat tekstitykset.) ----English---- The filming was amazingly well done, nearly every single scene was beautifully composed. The screen ratio it was filmed in was on its way out at the time, and is often looked down on today. But the director know what he was doing, because the camerawork is like art. Seriously, It’s amazing. I could use so many shots for art reference. The tanks and war scenes were very well done too, and the many scenes of Finnish nature gave it a very epic feeling, the kind seldom felt in Scandinavian films/media unless it is being a parody of LOTR. It carried the feeling of the book well, not so much the individual stories as the whole mood.
Parts of it seemed more like a filmed play, like TV and movies often were back in the day. From that point of view, the actor’s performances were very good. They did ham it up a little, but not more than would have been expected of an actor from that period. Their bodies were often used to emote and carry drama through being placed down at rest, in bunks, etc rather than just sitting at a generic table or linger in closeups, which did a lot for the atmosphere.
I think I would have loved it even more if I was not dependant on bad subtitles, part of what makes the book so lively is the direct and very rural way of speech that the men have. It doesn’t translate well to generic/subtitle English.
Next up is the 1980’s version. Wish me luck boys, subtitles in English…
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jhlcolorizing · 4 years
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Lieutenant Toiviainen and his men from the 5/IR34 after the battle. Suvilahti, December 3, 1939.
Finnish 12th Division, led by Colonel Lauri Tiainen, made an unsuccessful attempt to retake Suojärvi. Erkki Palolampi was eyewitness to the incident:
"Tanks are coming, tanks have breached through!" Men start to run back without hearing the commands and curses of their officers. Panic spreads. ••••••••
Reservin luutnantti Toiviainen (5/JR34) miehineen taisteluiden jälkeen Suvilahdella, 3.12.1939.
Eversti Lauri Tiaisen johtama 12. Divisioona koetti vallata Suojärveä takaisin, onnistumatta siinä.  Erkki Palolampi todisti tapauksen itse:
"Tankit tulevat, hyökkäysvaunut ovat murtautuneet!" Miehet alkavat juosta, kahlata lumessa ja hiihtää taaksepäin välittämättä mistään, kuulematta upseeriensa huutoja ja kirouksia. Pakokauhu leviää. •••••••• [ sa-kuva/Talvisota väreissä | 1745 | Talvisota 1939-1940 | Palolampi ]
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vesku56 · 2 years
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mintsfresh69 · 4 months
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commission for @tankite
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evil-firestar-rewrite · 11 months
Character Bio: Tawnypaw
Name: Tawnypaw, Tawnyflower
Gender: Female/Agender, they/she
Orientation: Unlabeled
Family: Goldenflower, Pinestar, Brambleclaw, Tigerclaw, Bushkit, Tankit
Positive Traits: Clever, witty, persistent
Negative Traits: Petty, sarcastic, bitter
Plot Changes: Dies instead of Swiftpaw, becomes a major StarClan cat, visits Firestar which is how he knows to go find Bramblepaw
Mate: None
Apprentice: Helps train Swiftpaw and Brightpaw
Ranks: Apprentice of ThunderClan
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mumbaikaarle · 6 years
Travel Trikon Gandikota & Belum Caves Tour On 24th Jan - 27th Jan 2019
Event Tag: Trikon #1312Event Name: Gandikota & Belum Caves TourEvent Date: 24th - 27th January 2019Event Cost: Rs 6,750/- per pax Total Seats: 16Location: Andhra PradeshNearest Town: Jamalamaddagu Grade: EasyCategory: Big Chutti PlansGigantic Gandikota – Grand Canyon of India – 13th century formationSituated at Andhra Pradesh, Gandikota is termed as the Grand Canyon of India. It is no less breathtaking as compared to the Grand Canyon in USA, and it goes one scale up if you were to imagine the backdrop holding a sprawling lush green backdrop surrounded by huge Rocky Mountains and beneath flows the Pennar River. Sit on the rock and capture the panoramic view as it’s an epic Geographical creation that will force you to give an awestruck view.The Gandikota fort premisesThe fort premises look ancient and rustic, all thanks to the promising huge walls that stand as the protector. Its huge gate and immersive structure has witnessed a lot in the past.The Jama Masjid & Chaar MinarHuge held constructions and little minarets at the entrance make both Jama Masjid & Chaar Minar a perfect backdrop and a spokesperson of historical evidences. Imagine yourself surrounded by the great some great music, sprinkling the melody of love.Madhavaraya templeDedicated to Vishnu, Madhavaraya temple has protected some small statues and sculptures of Hindu Gods carved over the Gopuram and walls of the temple. Preserving the royal odyssey, every brick and sculptures becharms the magnitude of the old kingdom that once exists there.Ranganatha Swamy TempleThe temple was very much ruined but the main sanctum stood on an elevated platform. Despite of withstanding and witnessing so much, this temple has yet not lost the shine and elegance.The GranaryOnce used for storing grains, the Granary has space for storing a lot of grains and many huge pillars stand erect.The Royal Water TankIt is a perennial spring irrigating some lime and plantain gardens. Just sit besides it and take a deep underst... Read more source https://mumbaihikers.com/m/events/view/Travel-Trikon-Gandikota-Belum-Caves-Tour-On-24th-Jan-27th-Jan-2019
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skyclan — year six — leafbare
overall, a positive season for skyclan.
dawnfish, rosemarypelt, and maplebird become warriors.
nettlekit and vanillakit die, as does fallowfern.
mintfur and nettlesplash have four kits, tankit (broud-shouldered, pale brown tom), sierrakit (big, ticked she-cat), spearkit (flecked tom), and madronekit (white she-cat with pale, mottled, golden-brown points and long fur)
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tsunflowers · 7 years
"Member Change" by V Gata Tankitou. "Kusa Musume Rakugaki Manga" by Ihama Daka. "Sharkbait" by vu06. "Tabechau zo!!" by kotatsu. "Wonderfully Grotesque Mystery - Kankandara" by jyoka. "Owari Kara" by yoo oona. "Seraphic Evolution" by Taki Re-Ki. All of these are hentai I think you can get good mileage out of. I also ordered them in order from the ones that you would probably mostly personally enjoy to the ones you would least personally enjoy.
you are truly a lifesaver. I found one on my own that I think might be good but if it doesn’t pan out or if I manage to get through more than one tonight now I know exactly where to look
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themoonbeaminglove · 9 years
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#Repost @riptrippers ・・・ #Cthulhutank #tankit #shutupnvape #showvaperespect #eatsleepvape
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