#tann andromeda
who-is-riley · 4 months
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jzargo · 2 months
Yes yes Tann is horrible etc etc but he is also conceptually soooo funny to me. Like Salarians have such short lifespans, they only live around 40 human years, and while most decide to devote the short amount of time they have to important scientific research or war-crime related things, Tann decided he was going to spend the few decades he had left being a slimy power-hungry beurocrat that no one would like. And he's not even good at it either. Kinda obsessed with him actually
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thymelessink · 5 months
Any salarian in any playthrough: ⚫️👄⚫️
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not-a-newt · 1 year
I keep thinking abt members of other species doing research into the most random, innocuous pools of human knowledge where, like, councilor sparatus will unexpectedly use niche, antiquated human idioms or how director tann randomly dropped that he knows exactly what a kangaroo is...
and it's not something that the writers overlooked either, because they'll provide context TELLING YOU that this niche information is something that the character is individually familiar with —presumably drawn from some kind of extranet Wikipedia-equivalent, rabbit-hole style, personal research into humans that they then consciously decided to make you, the player character, a human, aware of...
Like, I get there's a certain level of research that's expected of political leaders in order to facilitate polite, socially appropriate interactions with alien species, but then there's this step beyond that of them just being nerdily interested in human culture specifically
I don't know how to explain it, it just really kills me. It's so fucking funny imagining one of the pre-eminent leaders of galactic civilization sitting up late at night in bed on his ipad datapad, reading about silly little niche human topics, like, I don't know, ancient sword making techniques (damascus steel) or the deadly molasses flood of 1919
Does anyone else think about this or am I just not normal??
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sol-consort · 28 days
ik I'm supposed to hate director Tann but he is so
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lyricsaboutcats · 1 year
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When Scott keeps the truth of Andromeda from his sister, telling her through SAM that it’s a wonderful place where her father is alive, Jarun Tann finds himself telling her what really happened and unexpectedly becoming her confidant. And after Sara Ryder moves into his quarters, disrupting his carefully scheduled existence as the eighth Director, things between them get complicated.
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assassins-wasteland · 7 months
I understand the appeal of Sloane Kelly, love a girl boss, I understand why people don’t trust Reyes, I don’t either, I really do get it, but the first they I saw when entering Kadara was police brutality. And outlandish protection fees or get kicked out to fend for yourself on a death planet? Yeah, I’m not siding with that.
I never really liked Aria T’Loak either, I was 100% ready to betray her in the Omega DLC in 3 and let Nyreen take over so at least my tendency for betrayal is consistent
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hellt00th · 1 year
I. Am going to make Morda ambassador this round. Hell yeah.
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ace-of-creation · 6 months
So I’ve been reading through Nexus Uprising and it is giving me. Opinions. But I’ve noticed a lot of people who’ve read it say it makes them hate Tann even more and love Sloane. I’m reading it and Tann is a tool but fine, but Sloane just seems like an awful, violent person. So I wanna see what everyone’s opinions are. I���ll make a second post with a poll about Sloane.
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crqstalite · 1 year
also thinkin abt writing a post-mea fic where i get to write everyone at a nexus gala. i think itd be funny lol
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uponthenormandy · 1 year
after reading nexus: uprising i will absolutely kill for sloane kelly. she’s fucked up but i love that about her.
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jzargo · 1 month
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nexus leadership where would you be without kesh. this is so fucking funny
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hungee-boy · 2 years
headcanoning adrian as really into baseball and super good at it to where he couldve made some decent money playing on the citadel cus cmon they have to have baseball its a looped space station
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Director Tann from Mass Effect Andromeda, not because I want to date him, but because it'd be really funny to watch him lose in the first round
If he doesn't count then Moshae Sjefa from the same game
be careful what you wish for, anon.
You have submitted our last 2 contenders!
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not-a-newt · 1 year
Okay okay, I've gotten to the point in the book where I see sloane's first shift towards dissention and its from seeing how addison and tann immediately started to scramble over her, kesh, and each other for political power in the wake of the inital scourge crisis when, you know, the ship is still in an immediate and severe life support crisis, all of their leaders (including Garson presumably) are dead, and there are literal piles of corpses strewn across the station
And honestly? She's so right so far? Why the fuck are we talking about politics and leadership structures right now when the room is on fire??
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