#director tann
who-is-riley · 4 months
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not-a-newt · 1 year
I keep thinking abt members of other species doing research into the most random, innocuous pools of human knowledge where, like, councilor sparatus will unexpectedly use niche, antiquated human idioms or how director tann randomly dropped that he knows exactly what a kangaroo is...
and it's not something that the writers overlooked either, because they'll provide context TELLING YOU that this niche information is something that the character is individually familiar with —presumably drawn from some kind of extranet Wikipedia-equivalent, rabbit-hole style, personal research into humans that they then consciously decided to make you, the player character, a human, aware of...
Like, I get there's a certain level of research that's expected of political leaders in order to facilitate polite, socially appropriate interactions with alien species, but then there's this step beyond that of them just being nerdily interested in human culture specifically
I don't know how to explain it, it just really kills me. It's so fucking funny imagining one of the pre-eminent leaders of galactic civilization sitting up late at night in bed on his ipad datapad, reading about silly little niche human topics, like, I don't know, ancient sword making techniques (damascus steel) or the deadly molasses flood of 1919
Does anyone else think about this or am I just not normal??
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Literally one of the most interesting things is the politics on the nexus like what is UP with director tann that man is either suspicious as hell or the most well meaning dumbass?? and KESH? she's my girl but I lost like FIVE scouts and she voted against me??? I did SO MUCH FOR YOU I'm sorry I chose to save one of the ONLY PATHFINDERS WITH ANY EXPERIENCE and CIVILIANS over some scouts?? I wasn't choosing salarians over krogan I'd have made the same call if it was human scouts don't yell at me!
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sol-consort · 28 days
ik I'm supposed to hate director Tann but he is so
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mlm-writer · 11 months
Survival First, Mourning Later (Tiran Kandros x GN!Reader)
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Pairing:  Tiran Kandros x Gender Neutral Reader (relationship unspecified) Rating: Mature Words: 1753 POV: Second Summary: The Big Tober Day 15 - Last Words Note: Ssshhh I am totally not behind. Also all other characters are my OCs. Enjoy them. Tags: Major character death, explicit violence, action, gunfights with the Remnant and reader and Kandros are at least on physical touch level comfortable with each other.
You had a bad feeling the moment you stepped into the Renmant building, like a bug crawling over your bones. The metal vibrated under your feet, making you feel like the whole structure was alive. Maybe it was; you never knew with these damned robots. It had been eerily quiet, like there was no life after all. Kandros led the team of 6, including you and himself. You expected to find the scientists you were looking for dead, but director Tann was hopeful. Well, he pretended to be hopeful. You all knew he just did not want to admit he sent some scientists to their death.
“Can’t we just kill the fuckers above ground and steal their batteries? The things are ancient, so I bet we could power the Nexus with them for decades,” Logus Daemus whispered over the comm. It was a funny idea, but no one laughed, because no one was sure if Logus was serious or not. The Turian was a great shot, but his brawn was with a 100% certainty meant to compensate for his brain.
“And if we manage to find out what they charge those batteries with, the Nexus could be set forever,” Lalia Daemus mused. Being his sister, she really was the only one who could talk logic into the man without angering him.
“Quiet,” Kandros hissed. He was not against chatter, so when he said it, everyone froze. Surely, in the distance, one could hear the tell tale sounds of Remnant at work. Your grip on your weapon tightened. “Let’s try to avoid a fight,” Kandros whispered as he put a hand on your arm, making you relax. You couldn’t see his face well through his visor, but even without his eyes, he could make you feel more at ease. Kandros nodded towards a smaller hallway that led away from where the Remnant could be heard.
You followed Kandros close by, the rest of your team tailing behind you. Dai Lian was almost fused with your rear. You wondered why he was brought along. He was comfortable fighting exiles and Kett, but you knew the Remnant freaked him out. It was not like his biotics didn’t work against the Remnant, but you supposed he had some history with the Geth.
All went well, the hallway quiet, until Yalona, who was the tail of your group, stepped on something. She could feel it shift under her foot. Immediately, red lights surrounded you and a deep sound that reminded you of an alarm echoed through the hallway. “Get to cover!” Kandros hollered. There were some metal half-walls in the hallway. You took Dai Lian’s hand and dragged him with you to the shortest one. Being the only humans, you two were the smallest ones in the squad. To your left, Logus and Lalia were hiding behind a slightly taller half-wall. Behind you, Kandros and Yalona were watching your six. You heard Kandros shoot, before you saw the first Assembler turn around the corner from where you just came.
Your assault rifle vibrated in your hands as you fought - quite literally - for your life. Dai Lian made sure they didn’t get close, pushing them away or slowing them down with his biotics. “Need some backup over here,” Kandros’ voice came over the com.
“Logus, Lalia, I’m leaving Dai Lian here for support. Gonna help Kandros and Yalona.” The Turian siblings confirmed they heard you and you bolted out of cover to Kandros’ little half-wall. You didn’t really fit behind it with Yalona there too, especially not now the Salarian’s tech armour was making her bulkier. The way you were going got swarmed by Remnant. You shot the Breachers out of the air, the continuous stream leaving very little room to actually attack the Assemblers creating them.
“Running out of heatclips here,” Logus warned over the com. One moment you heard him. The next moment, there was a heavy explosion behind you. You allowed yourself a quick look over your shoulder. There were three Nullifiers lined up. Logus and Lalia would’ve been dead, were it not for Dai Lian’s quick reflexes. Lalia demanded Kandros to call for a retreat. You knew he knew, but just like everyone else, you were aware that you were surrounded.
“Yalona, do you see any shafts leading away from here?” Kandros yelled over the com as he finally managed to get rid of one of the Assemblers. Yalona had barely a word out, when she got interrupted by another heavy explosion behind you. You heard a brief scream over the com, but it was cut short. It was followed by a woeful cry from Dai Lian.
You turned your head just far enough to see the gaping hole in the floor where once Logus and Lalia were hiding. “Kandros, five ‘o clock, the Nullifiers shot a hole through the floor,” you called as you focused your gaze forward again to quickly shoot an Observer down.
“We escape through it, now!” You did not need to be told twice. You were bolting, picking up Dai Lian on the way and tumbling down the hole face first. You rolled onto your back and pointed your assault rifle up. Kandros was right behind you, dragging Yalona in much the same way you had dragged Dai Lian with you. Behind Kandros, you could see a Breacher trying to follow him. You shot it down, before it could hurt anyone. “Get up, we gotta run.” Kandros ordered as he pulled you to your feet. Dai Lian was already on his feet, moving a large crate with his biotics. He plugged the hole with it. You ran right behind Kandros, a second later realising Yalona was not catching up.
“Kandros! Yalona is injured.” The Turian paused and then ran back past you. He swung the Salarian over his shoulders with ease. Yalona muttered some thank yous, but did not say much else. That should’ve been a bad sign, but you were too occupied with finding a safe haven to think about it. “If the rest of the structure is like this, let’s count our scientists as dead. We already lost two people…”
“I know!” Kandros snapped at you. “We get out and we’ll retrieve the bodies, when we got backup.” You were unsure if he meant those of the scientists or those of the siblings. The latter were destroyed to nothing but ash, but Kandros probably could not accept that right away. You noticed how quiet Dai Lian was. When you looked over, he had tears in his eyes.
Kandros paused when he heard more Remnant approaching ahead of you. You spotted a side room and signalled everyone to get in. Yalona managed to hack the door in time and lock it behind you. She leaned against the wall next to the door, where Kandros was listening to what was going on in the hallway. You were in the back with Dai Lian; he sat on a crate, while you were crouched in front of him, one of your hands rubbing his knee. “I couldn’t protect them,” the other human whispered. He was trying hard not to cry, but even you couldn’t imagine the survivor's guilt he was feeling. “If I was just…”
You shushed him and leaned up to give him a hug. “We can’t have you spiralling right now. Survival first, mourning later,” you whispered to him. He sniffed into your shoulder, before giving you a small hum that indicated that he understood. After a brief moment, you let go of your fellow agent. You looked over your shoulder at Kandros and Yalona. You narrowed your eyes at the Salarian. She was slumped over, but no longer gasping for breath. “Yalona?” You closed the distance between you, but before you could touch her, Kandros had caught your wrist midair.
“She’s gone,” he whispered, ear still against the door and eyes avoiding yours. You swallowed a lump in your throat. You sighed and pulled your hand free, repeating the word you just told Dai Lian in your head for yourself. Survival first, mourning later.
You put Yalona in what looked like a more comfortable position; it was all you could do for her now. You made her a promise in your head. You would come back for her body. When you had the manpower, she would get her proper funeral. You were pulled from your thoughts by Dai Lian calling out your name. You got to your feet and turned to him. “Think we can make it through here?” Dai Lian asked as he revealed a grid that was hidden behind the crate he sat on earlier. With his biotics, he ripped the grid off. You crouched down next to him, looking at the shaft behind the grid.
“We will, but no way a full-grown Turian would fit thr…” You were cut off by the sound of lasers and explosions. The door rattled, the metal creaking under the onslaught.
“Go! I will hold them off your back for as long as I can.” Kandros ordered as he made sure his weapon had a fresh heatclip inside. You tried to argue with him, but even you knew the options were all dying here or you and Dai Lian possibly making it out of here alive. When the door started to crumble, you pushed Dai Lian into the shaft, following close by. “See you in the next adventure!” Kandros called after you. You liked to pretend those words were the last thing you heard from him. Everything you heard after that made you wanna turn around, but you couldn’t. Survival first, mourning later.
You and Dai Lian made it out, barely. You ran to the shuttle covered in machine fluid and blood from both you and Dai Lian. When you came back, some other big shot took over for Kandros, but no amount of respectable record could replace the man you trusted with your life. Especially not when said big shot refused to dispatch an APEX squad to retrieve the bodies. ‘Waste of resources’ your ass.
Eventually it was Ryder who went back in with a horde of volunteers from the APEX squads and their own team. Kandros just meant that much to the people he led. They found Kandros and Yalona, but there was nothing left of the Daemus siblings. Seeing his body was hard, but it was thanks to him that you were even there to see it. You survived that day and now came the time of later…
Likes do not help exposure! A comment in tags or replies can sustain a writer for months!
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vorchagirl · 8 months
Saints and Liars - chapter 3
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Saints and Liars - chapter 3
A hungover Cerys wakes up after her wild night with Harry and struggles to deal with the resulting guilt and embarrassment. When a new mission takes her back to Kadara and to Reyes, she has no choice but to face up to what she's done and try to make some decisions about her future.
Snippet under the cut!
Cerys woke to the annoying chirp of her omni-tool as somebody sent her message after message, apparently intent on contacting her. Blearily, she silenced it and rolled over to find a cool spot on the sheets so she could get back to sleep. Whoever it was could damned well wait. 
She felt like absolute shit; her head was thumping, her body ached, and the dim light setting in the room felt far too bright for her usual settings.
Ryder, both Director Tann and Kandros have been trying to contact you for the last hour. I have reassured them that you are well, but they are insisting on a meeting with you as soon as possible about the terrorist attack last night.
SAM’s voice sounded disturbingly loud in her head and Cerys groaned and opened her eyes a crack. The previous night coming back to her in a rush: the terrorists who called themselves the Andromeda Alliance bursting into the Nexus ball, taking Addison prisoner and threatening to kill her, and demanding AI technology along with herself and Tann. 
She’d escaped with Harry and-
Oh my god.
Cerys realised where she was and what she’d spent the night doing with a soul-jarring drop in her stomach as she glanced around. Harry’s apartment was just as she remembered, albeit messier now, since their clothes were scattered around, and two glasses that still held shimmery blue alcohol were sitting abandoned on a table. The man himself was still sleeping beside her, a sheet covering the lower half of his body while his tattooed upper torso was bare. 
For a long moment, Cerys just stared at him with her mouth open, hardly daring to believe that had really been them last night. She’d always enjoyed sex, but the way she’d behaved last night with Harry, and the way he’d behaved with her, especially while both of them had been so inebriated, was enough to make her blush in the cold light of day. 
Read the rest here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53353261/chapters/135818608
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lyricsaboutcats · 1 year
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When Scott keeps the truth of Andromeda from his sister, telling her through SAM that it’s a wonderful place where her father is alive, Jarun Tann finds himself telling her what really happened and unexpectedly becoming her confidant. And after Sara Ryder moves into his quarters, disrupting his carefully scheduled existence as the eighth Director, things between them get complicated.
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nerdylilpeebee · 11 months
I just remembered a theory that I have about Mass Effect Andromeda. My coworker suggested last Friday I post it somewhere, so I'm posting it here for now since I need to distract my brain from anxiety. XD
Okay, so, in Mass Effect Andromeda, Jien Gardon, the founder of the Initiative (the whole colonization effort for Andromeda, essentially) was killed in the Scourge Disaster long before our character arrives on the scene with the rest of the human ark. At least, that's what we're told.
Later on in the story, we can discover that Jien Garson was, in fact, murdered by a mysterious figure before the scourge disaster even happened. She woke up early before anyone else came out of cryo sleep and hid within what would have been her apartment on the Nexus (the main hub space ark for the initiative). There she is found by, what we can assume is, another human (not confirmed, per se, but the hologram you can create of the person that invaded is in the shape of a human male. And when you have created holograms of people you're investigating, they are always able to distinguish which species the person is, so we can safely say it was a human) and is murdered in her apartment. You then learn the rest of the leadership decided it was best to say she died in the scourge disaster with the rest rather than investigate deeper into her death, so as to avoid creating unnecessary panic.
She leaves you a message where she revealed that she believes the Benefactor, a mysterious entity that funded the initiative, was planning to kill her. The biggest question we're left with is WHY? Why kill her?
Well my theory is about that.
You see, throughout the story, several characters suggest that whoever was behind the initiative may very well have known what they were getting in to. That they'd known about the Scourge, the hostile alien species known as the Kett, that they were basically going into what was near-certain death. For the most part, it is dismissed by most as people wanting someone to blame for their suffering and it very well could be that.
But what if it was true? What if the Benefactor was aware of what they were getting into? If this is true, there then becomes a plausible reason why they would want Jien Garson dead. And that reason is that she was too idealistic, and would stick the spirit of the Initiative (i.e. peace and cooperation).
Jien Garson was the type of person who would have tried to make peace with the Kett, which ultimately may have led them to discovering the Nexus. If they discover the Nexus, the initiative is finished. They will take the station, they will capture everyone aboard for experimentation and worse, they will have access to the information that lets them know about all the other Arks and that they are meant to meet up with the Nexus. There would have been no way of surviving.
But her replacement? The one who got into power because everyone above him died? He is a conniving power-hungry Salarian, who is incredibly xenophobic. He hates the Krogan, he would never trust the Kett, he barely trusted the Angara, and acts throughout his speaking lines about them like he is hoping to use them to quell the unrest among the Initiative species and basically admits he will play to their pride and such just to ensure they remain allies. In the end of the game, if you choose to have the Angara represent Heleus to the rest of Andromeda, he also complains that you're giving up power. And for one final bit of proof he's power-hungry: the entire game he is trying to get you to endorse him as leader, hoping it will make everyone finally recognize him as the Director and basically give him dictatorial power. This man is even a Beuorocrat, and is masterful in keeping his persona as friendly as possible when in our presence.
This man, Tann, is the perfect leader to have when it comes to dealing with a foe like the Kett. He would never accept trying to make peace with them given that they've shown how hostile they are.
Literally tho, how do you deal with a foe that won't make peace and will in fact use any attempts to destroy you? Put a xenophobic scheming little rat in charge.
So that's my theory. The Benefactor killed Jien Garson (and possibly even orchestrated the death of everyone who would replace all the way down to Tann) in order to prevent the Kett from being able to use her idealistic nature to destroy the Initiative.
I also theorize the Benefactor is an AI. It would make sense given the seemingly-endless monetary resources, and the large AI theme in Andromeda. Plus, an AI would perfectly be able to work out such a plan.
Honestly, I also think the human Agent was none other than Reyes Vidal. Yes, the Charlatan himself. We never get an answer for why he came to Andromeda, the killer is a human male, he is VERY conniving and mysterious, and his origins and even everything he's done up until we meet him on Kadara is left just mysterious enough that this could be very plausible. And we know for sure he is not above killing and underhanded tactics to get what he wants (he uses a hidden sniper to win what should have been a one on one duel, for example).
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Director Tann from Mass Effect Andromeda, not because I want to date him, but because it'd be really funny to watch him lose in the first round
If he doesn't count then Moshae Sjefa from the same game
be careful what you wish for, anon.
You have submitted our last 2 contenders!
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uggashundead · 2 years
A work in progress of Sara Ryder and the Initiative Director Jarun Tann, this is inspired by the fan fiction Romantic Distraction by @lyricsaboutcats
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teamdilf · 1 year
The latest chapter of "A Man of Many Talents" is up!
His subvocals warble and he whimpers. “Avitus?” Marius asks. “Do you need a drink?”
“No,” he forces out; one of the hardest words he’s ever said, because he wants a drink. He wants to numb the pain of the realization that so much hurt and pain has led him to somewhere he can be happy. Maybe the suffering was worth it.
No. Not maybe. Definitely.
“I’m glad you aren’t going to have a drink.”
It’s such a childish response - the simple bluntness, and Marius not realizing just how sharp it hurts, because now he knows his drinking hurt them.
“I’ll try to do better for you. To be what I am on-board the Vesuvius and not what I am here in this apartment.”
It’s so easy to let sorrow overwhelm him on the Nexus. Out there, he’s constantly busy and he falls into bed at night, too exhausted to ruminate. Here, all he has are a bunch of bullshit meetings with the directors or the other pathfinders, and when he’s not doing that, he’s with Macen or alone in this apartment.
Visiting Macen is hard, but the sort of hard that will always be worth it. Every time he sits next to his comatose bondmate, he’s reminded that he may never wake up, or that if he does, he may not be the same. They don’t know whether there is any brain damage, or whether he’ll be able to function as he once did.
All he’s been told is that it’s unlikely Macen will ever make a full recovery; that his days out in the field are almost certainly over. Given that a pathfinder is an explorer as much as a diplomat, he fears that means the job will remain with him, and not where it belongs.
It’s premature, but he’s been wondering if they could share the job. He does the fieldwork, and Macen plays nicely with everyone around them. Tann would probably enjoy working with Macen more than him. Shit, Tann would probably prefer a kick in the face to working with him.
“Macen would say that you should be better for you.”
He huffs a laugh, because Marius is right. “Yeah, little buddy, he sure would.”
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not-a-newt · 1 year
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Excerpt of Tann's fun lesson in human vocabulary via triple PHD holder Director Sloane Kelly:
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
The Paths You Take Update
Been sitting on this mostly finished for some time now, and a fresh re-read...yeah, I think it's okay to adjust my timetable a bit. Outlining was never my strong suit, and the story will get there when it gets there
Full chapter on AO3!
"So on a scale from one to royally fucked, how bad do you think our reception is gonna be?"
The question was rhetorical, one he didn't expect SAM to answer let alone consider, but the words had been weighing heavy on his chest ever since they'd gotten back to the Tempest. So much had been riding on Khi Tasira actually being Meridian and discovering that it wasn't…
He wasn't sure what the Director was going to do, exactly, but he didn't doubt Tann would find some way to punish him. Publicly? Privately? Strip him of his tenuous rank, or find some other way to pen him in? There wasn't much the Salarian could do about SAM's connection to Scott but that didn't mean he wouldn't try to order some research into how to tear them apart, pass the mantle on to someone he could bring to heel. 
I won't let that happen, Scott.
We might not have a choice here, Big Guy. 
Other factors to consider, too, like the mysterious "Benefactor" mentioned in his father's memories. He wished there was some way to jump start the rest of them, unlock them deliberately to give him some actual fucking direction, but the trigger method was as random as ever. No rhyme or reason for all they were coming more frequently these days, and Scott wasn't sure if that was because he was mentally where the blocks felt he needed to be or if that domicile back on Kadara had caused it. 
Speaking of… He chewed a thumbnail, turning on his heel and striding back to the other side of his quarters. SAM, how's our uh… special package doing?
It is en route to Kadara, Scott. I estimate it should be docking by the time we reach the Nexus.
No issues from the Scourge?
Some, the AI admitted, but it is not without shielding, and I was able to cloak some of the signals. It should make it to its destination relatively intact. 
Scott huffed out a breath at that, feeling his shoulders relax a touch. At least something had gone right back there. Something he had no intention of sharing with anyone aside from SAM and Reyes, of course, but still. 
Worse comes to worse we could always go pirate. 
An idle fantasy, so far-fetched from the reality of space piracy that he had to laugh at an imagination better suited to the boy he'd been than the man he was. He'd encountered plenty of real-life pirates back on Arcturus and the grim truth had stripped the veneer of excitement right off all those holo-vids he'd watched as a kid. 
Shame, he thought, pacing the other direction, Reyes already has the swagger down. 
Scott, your breathing is elevated.
"I know," he whispered aloud. Shaking fingers snaked through his hair and he made an effort to measure his breaths, counting the inhales and exhales the way he'd been taught. "I'll be alright."
Will you, though? he thought. You fucked up, just like you always fuck up, only this time its gonna cause a bunch of people grief. His team, the science team, the other Pathfinders and their teams… 
He didn't respond, his pacing picking up in speed. Any hopes of establishing an independent entity with the Pathfinders were probably toast, too, after this little stunt. He'd just been so fucking sure… 
He ran a hand over his face, coming to a stop. Breathe in, breathe out. There was nothing he could do about any of it right now, and sliding deeper into a panic wasn't going to help anyone.
Easier said than done. 
"Yeah, SAM?"
"Suvi wishes to speak with you on the bridge," the AI intoned. "She has an idea."
Reyes leaned his elbows against the rail on the upper deck of the docking bay, sequestered in a corner that gave him the best view. He was cloaked, having gotten into position carefully, spot chosen for its overall lack of foot traffic and sensors. 
The Tempest was due to land at any time, and he was eager to watch the show. 
A sizable crowd was already filtering in, Tann once again trying to command center stage by propping himself up on a pedestal in more ways than one. A looming figure cut above the rest of them, and Reyes wondered if it was an appeal to his desire for power, some show of force in the face of the unexpected. 
Scott Ryder may have been an overt catalyst interrupting carefully laid plans, but Reyes Vidal was the curve ball the Director would never see coming. 
His eyes scanned for other notables in the group arrayed right before the Tempest's usual berth, taking note of who was and wasn't present. Kandros was there, in deep discussion with Pathfinders Rix and Vederia; Kesh wasn't too far from them, reviewing something on her omni-tool. Pathfinder Hayjer was speaking to one of his own team, illustrating his point with waves of the hand, and Addison… 
Addison was conspicuously absent.
Reyes couldn't help but grin in self-satisfaction, resettling more comfortably against the railing. 
In the distance he spotted the telltale signs of a ship pulling in from FTL, a flash and distortion of space that manifested the vessel in question. The Tempest smoothly lowered to her berth, and the gathered crowd buzzed with renewed excitement. 
Details from their trip to Khi Tasira were sketchy at best, and due to the delicate nature of his stay on the Nexus Reyes hadn't been able to risk any direct forms of communication. But he had managed to snag copies of the data the Pathfinder team had sent ahead, availing himself of the science team's terminals via Sentinel, and knew that while Meridian itself had not been located the information gained supported Scott's assertions that the Remnant technology was important to the healing and growth of Heleus. 
Theory may not have been practice, but it was a solid starting point. 
Reyes straightened as the doors opened, intent on the group stepping through them. Scott's team looked…tired. Worn out, tense, and Scott himself looked a little rough around the edges. Reyes frowned, fighting the urge to break his cover and go to his partner. Had something happened? Had he been hurt, like he had on the Archon's ship? That episode had set Scott off-kilter for weeks, and he still had nightmares. Reyes bit his lip, fingers clenching against the rail, and willed Tann to get on with the pointless puffery already. 
"Our brave Pathfinder Ryder returns!" the Director announced needlessly, striking the same jovial tone he'd managed when Scott had brought back the Salarian Ark. Scott froze, having been eyeing the crowd and now looking at Tann like he'd grown an extra head. 
Not the reception you were expecting, mi amor? Reyes's frown deepened. He supposed he could understand why Scott may have thought his return would be decidedly less welcome, but surely he knew Reyes would've taken care of it?
Maybe Keema has a point, he thought, biting at the inside of his lip, I really ought to tell him how I operate. Not all of it, perhaps, but enough to ensure his partner understood that Reyes had his back, that their relationship wasn't some one-sided affair where the only one getting any clear benefits was Reyes. Not that he thought Scott saw it that way, but he did, sometimes, despite himself. 
He wanted a future with Scott -- and maybe he didn't know what shape it would take, but he knew he wanted the chance to find out. 
Scott was still staring up at Tann, poleaxed, and to Tann's credit the Director recovered quickly. Tugging Scott up by the hand and Reyes bit back his flash of irritation at the way the Director still thought he could handle Scott like that, and the Salarian slipped an arm around the confused young man's shoulders. 
"The data acquired on this research mission confirms the suspicion that Meridian is the key to our future here in Heleus," Tann was saying, ignoring how stiff Scott was beside him. "We have a long way to go yet to locate this incredible find, but I'm sure after some proper rest and assessments for next steps our courageous Pathfinders will set out to obtain it for the Initiative."
"For Heleus."
They were the first real words Scott had spoken since stepping off the ship, and maybe they were a bit rough but his tone was clear and his voice carried. Reyes glanced around, following his partner's gaze to a group of Angaran diplomats arrayed near the cultural center. Several of them had folded their arms over their chests, looking less than pleased, but upon meeting Scott's eyes a few of them nodded in acknowledgment. 
Scott seemed to be reviving, stepping out from Tann's hold and addressing the crowd at large. Fingers fighting their fidgets and Reyes knew he was trying his best, and couldn't help the surge of pride he felt as the other man got his bearings. 
"These finds are crucial for all of us -- Angaran, Krogan, Turian, Salarian, Asari, and human -- if we want to create a sustainable, thriving life in this cluster. The Kett threat extends to Meridian, and therefore to that dream; we have to stop them, and get to it first.
"We managed to foil them at Khi Tasira," Scott went on, hopping down from the platform. After a moment Tann followed suit, the crowd parting to make way for the young Pathfinder. Reyes felt himself smiling again, applauding the tacit message this move sent: I am not above you. I am of you, and I work with you. "We were challenged by one of the Archon's best, and emerged victorious." Scott held up a hand to forestall the burst of cheers this news brought. "But we have a lot of work ahead, and it's going to take all of us to reach that dream." 
He looked around, meeting the eyes of those closest to him, and nodded. Summoned a smirk that was more of the Scott they were all used to and said, "Now, if you’ll excuse us -- my team and I are very hungry."
Ripples of laughter and the crowd willingly began to disperse, making room for the Pathfinder and his team to get by. On the platform above Reyes began to move, a silent shadow trailing after them. 
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sol-consort · 7 months
That salarian pilot is adorable. Why can't we romance salarians? That goober was so cute. Bioware even teased us with Mordin saying if he would fuck a human, shepard would be his first choice.
(Shakes fist at sky) biowaaaaaaareee!
Dude I'd even put out for director Tann. Salarians are funky little guys with buggy eyes and very kissable lips. And the way they're taller than all of the humans? Got me twirling my hair and shit.
It's so funny what humans find attractive in a species to consider fucking them.
Step one: be taller
Step two: have eyes and lips (optinal: see Hanar)
Step three: ????
Step for: profit
God fuck the asari!! They get everything! I saw one with a salarian husband and another with a krogan!! WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN HUH??? WHEN WILL IT BE HUMANITY'S TURN TO BE THE GALAXY BICYCLE?
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anderwhohn · 2 years
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REVISED VERSE: Andromeda AU - Dreams of Distant Stars
NEW Primary Variant: Isabela abandons the Milky Way to its fate after returning alive from the so-called 'Suicide Mission' to the galactic core when people still refuse to take the Reaper threat seriously.
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When the Council, the Alliance, and everyone else in the galaxy continues to deny the Reaper threat, instead insisting on further disgracing her name and demanding that she answer for her 'crimes committed while working for Cerberus', Isabela's answer is a simple 'fuck you' as she instead contacts a fellow disgraced N7, Alec Ryder, regarding his AI project and the Andromeda Initiative.
Agreeing to join the mission, she has a few demands to make, as much as the Initiative's leadership doesn't approve: she will travel via the Nexus rather than the Hyperion, the Normandy SR-2 will be brought with her (as well as EDI), and any of her past and current crew - along with any of their family - that wish to make the journey with her must be allowed aboard as well, with all their status pods in the same cluster to be woken at the same time.
In return for her demands, they insist that she be implanted with a neural implant like those of the Pathfinder team - which Alec ensures is one like his own and his children's, should the need arise for her to take up the mantle as a Pathfinder herself, though rather than being linked with a SAM, Izzy considers the possibility of being linked with EDI, as they have already established a mutual trust.
Izzy wakes up to find much isn't what it should have been on the Nexus, with the top leaders dead, the seventh in line for command now the Initiative Director, a revolt having occurred leading to the exile of those responsible, as well as the krogan who helped put an end to it, and no ark or Pathfinders to be found.
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NOTE: This AU allows for Shepard to take on the role of a Pathfinder. However, she is not replacing Ryder as the human pathfinder. She acts as a pathfinder for all species, and if anyone (particularly Tann) asks, she'll often claim that she's the krogan's pathfinder, given how often people claim that she's a krogan trapped in a squishy human body.
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groovenexus · 8 days
Lyrics - Jail Karwawegi | Double-S | Kanishka | LYTT | New Haryanvi Song 2024
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Re Tera Roop Re Teri Chaal
Chati Pe Chadke Kare Bawaal
Keher Tu Dhawegi
Re Tera Roop Re Teri Chaal
Chati Pe Chadke Kare Bawaal
Keher Tu Dhawegi
Dil Ki Qatil Se Re Chori..JAIL KARWAWEGI
Gora Chitta Rag Se Tera
Doodh Ki Dhal Tu Leri Hai
Tanne Dekhke Ho Ja BP High
Jado Gulabi Suit Tu Pave Se
Gora Chitta Rag Se Tera
Doodh Ki Dhal Tu Leri Hai
Tanne Dekhke Ho Ja BP High
Jado Gulabi Suit Tu Pave Se
Kachi Kachi Umar Ke Chore Gail Handawegi
Manne Dar Lage Se Bawli Ni Tu Khel Karawegi
Dil Ki Qatil Se Re Chori..JAIL KARWAWEGI
Play our Playlist –
Haryanvi Party Songs 2024
Hindi Romantic Songs 2024
Punjabi Romantic Songs 2024
Singer - DoubLe-S
Lyricist - LYTT
Female Lead - Kanishka Rawat
Composer - DoubLe-S
Music Director- D18 Studios
Mixing & Mastering - D18 Studios
Video Director - Director Luck-E
DOP & Editor & Poster - Luck-E
Video DI - Sahil Patter
Makeup - Monish Ansari & Imran
Dance Group - Aliza dance group
Production Head - PG (Priyanshu Gupta)
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