lyricsaboutcats · 1 year
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When Scott keeps the truth of Andromeda from his sister, telling her through SAM that it’s a wonderful place where her father is alive, Jarun Tann finds himself telling her what really happened and unexpectedly becoming her confidant. And after Sara Ryder moves into his quarters, disrupting his carefully scheduled existence as the eighth Director, things between them get complicated.
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who-is-riley · 4 months
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sol-consort · 28 days
ik I'm supposed to hate director Tann but he is so
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uggashundead · 2 years
A work in progress of Sara Ryder and the Initiative Director Jarun Tann, this is inspired by the fan fiction Romantic Distraction by @lyricsaboutcats
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crqstalite · 1 year
also thinkin abt writing a post-mea fic where i get to write everyone at a nexus gala. i think itd be funny lol
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serabellyms · 9 months
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"What's their problem with you?"
"I'm not Jien Garson."
"Oh same hat."
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thetrashbagswasteland · 6 months
I wanna see the Tempest after ten years. Yes I love that MEA gives us a beautiful shiny ship but I wanna see what she looks like after 10 years bouncing around Heleus and beyond. Dents in the doorframes from so many "oops! that doesn't fit!"'s, chrome scuffed up from wear, rubber ingrained into the glass walkway to Ryder's cabin from unnumerable times Ryder's pivoted on that one spot to slide down the ladder. I want to see how the use of rooms changes - maybe they get a better rec room set up, maybe the two rooms downstairs become bedrooms so everyone has somewhere to sleep aside from the bunk room - and how they personalise the inside of the Tempest further. Stickers slapped over the tops of doorways, graffiti on the cupboards of the kitchen, sticky notes on the comm reminding everyone to hang up on Tann if the opportunity arises to pass it off as a signal drop, plants both self-propagated and deliberately brought in on the walls. I want the deck ladder on one side to be a little bit loose so it squeals when someone slides down it and I want the door to the bathroom to have a tendency to stick. I want the ship to be loved and to be lived in after ten years use.
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mtreebeardiles · 29 days
Tagged by @bluerose5 - many thanks! I couldn't figure out how to do just a few sentences of this latest chunk so...here's the whole chunk!
From the latest chapter of my mreyder long fic that I haven't updated in a million years:
"Do you think he knows anything?"
Reyes watched as Scott paced back and forth across the breadth of the Pathfinder's quarters on the Tempest, contemplating both the other man's question and the implications of his little…chat, with Tann.
Was it possible Tann knew more than he seemed to about Kadara, and how the Port's change of authority had come about? Maybe, maybe not. Nothing concrete, or he'd've laid out more than hints in an attempt to keep Scott in line. Reyes wasn't sure it mattered, in any case, at least insofar as the Port itself went. Keema was the primary figurehead, and while Reyes retained some modicum of control over the decisions that came their way there was no denying that it was a partnership and a limited one at that. Him in the shadows, her in the light, just as they'd planned, even if power had shifted more into her court than his these days.
"There isn't much he can do even if he did," Reyes replied at length. "And that's a big if." He shifted, lying back on Scott's bed with his hands folded behind his head. "At least not to Kadara. I'm more concerned that he's trying to goad you, if that's what he was even trying to do."
Scott scoffed, glancing over at him and cocking an eyebrow. "Pretty sure he and I have been goading each other since the moment we met."
"True," Reyes conceded. "But I don't think he anticipated then what he knows now -- that you're a bigger influence than he imagined."
"How surprising can that really be, though? He's the one who set me up for what's basically hero-worship, with his little public displays and that hall to my accomplishments. What the fuck did he think would happen?"
"Probably that flattery would work on you, make you…amenable. Grateful, even." A small smile twitched at Reyes's lips. "Maybe he figured you'd be more like Harper -- a good, earnest little soldier."
Scott snorted. "Don't let Cora hear you call her that."
Reyes shrugged, unbothered. "No cause to call her as such now, though I imagine her reputation continues to precede her." His grin widened. "Some might say you've been a bad influence on her, Ryder."
"Hardly," Scott countered, but he was smiling a little now, some of the tension bleeding out of his shoulders. He turned and stalked back towards Reyes and the Charlatan didn't hesitate to shift, spreading his legs to give his partner room to settle between them. "She always had a fire in her. Just… needed some encouragement to let it out."
"And you're nothing if not encouraging, mi amor."
Tagging let's see... @illusivesoul @pastelroyce @aleiocus @theoriginalladya and anyone else who wants to participate! No pressure as always
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omegastation · 2 months
Sorry you're absolutely right Sloane has done terrible things, more the point I was trying to make is that she and Reyes had both done terrible things but people were much more willing to forgive Reyes because he was suave and flirtatious while Sloane is bristly towards ryder
Oh right in that sense. Yeah. I wouldn't take Reyes' flirtation as a sign of appreciation or affection from him. And Sloane has her own way of showing her appreciation.
There is something to the whole "no challenging me in my games". When I was on Mars with Kaidan, I thought about the fact that players really reaaaally don't like to be challenged or questioned. Kaidan got so much hate for his reactions on Horizon and Mars but really, he's probably the only one raising all the ethical/moral/philosophical questions one should raise when something like this happens. And he wasn't even hateful or aggressive, he was just... concerned. I mean, we weren't that challenged... And Khalisah challenges us too, but the matter is resolved quickly. She becomes a war asset. And Sloane is clearly going to stay Sloane, but it's obvious in MEA in the dialogues and even the atmosphere at the base that Ryder is welcomed now.
I would say, there are always a lot of reasons to dislike characters and people don't really have to justify themselves (unless they're being annoying and spreading hate), but me, I've never disliked characters because they challenge my character. Circumstances matter of course but in general, I don't get upset when Shepard and Ryder are challenged. I can be irked or annoyed, but it's not going to make me hate characters just for that reason.
One good example: I find Jarun Tann a great character to analyze. I like him a lot as a character, but I'm quite critical of him. And I'm more critical of some choices he has made than the fact that he might question or challenge Ryder's authority.
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quantumghosts · 3 months
mass effect andromeda first impressions (generally positive, i'm coming in with low expectations but an open mind):
family!! TWIN!!! canon siblings!!! now that's just fun. also it's cool that even if you make ryder a different ethnicity, you can choose to make ryder sr. his default design or have him look like you. it's really cool that we can create more nuanced or interesting backstories just from that decision alone
immediately noticed and greatly appreciated the drastic improvement in diversity among humans. i've been genuinely stoked about it and no matter how the game turns out i'll always have huge respect to andromeda for this. like the easian options don't look like absolute dogshit LOL it's incredible, and all the face shapes are so unique too without being overly conventionally attractive or anything. like they're all just People and it's really great
love the exploration mechanics - mobility, the scanning, and the jetpack (FINALLY, fucked up that cerberus gets them but shepard doesnt). really love the scanning especially, immediately captures the explorer vibe that i understand why it wasn't there in the trilogy, but still wished for a bit of it anyway so this is scratching that itch for sure
wow we're really kicking things off me2 style huh LOL
really cool to fight alongside ryder sr. and seeing him kick absolute ass, i'm in insanity mode and with him around i literally didn't even need to fire a single shot. it felt like being shepard's squadmate, and after having just replayed the trilogy it felt like a great homage
i hate that i can only pick 3 skills to use, combat mechanics are my least favourite. can't tell how much of it is because i'm on insanity more, how much is because i'm playing an entirely different class than usual (playing scrapper instead of the infiltrator equivalent), and how much is the combat mechanics actually being clumsy lol. but also it genuinely is harder to take cover in this game
idc that they're hostile, the kett are so fuckin cute with their lil monkey faces lmfao can't wait to learn what their deal is
addison and tann can eat my whole ass LOL i just played three games of the council giving me absolute shit, what is with bioware always leaning on interpersonal conflicts that revolve around NPCs completely dismissing and looking down on you in the most actual infuriating and counterproductive ways, they're legit so fucking unprofessional no wonder the nexus went to shit lmfao
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lyricsaboutcats · 1 year
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When Scott keeps the truth of Andromeda from his sister, telling her through SAM that it’s a wonderful place where her father is alive, Jarun Tann finds himself telling her what really happened and unexpectedly becoming her confidant. And after Sara Ryder moves into his quarters, disrupting his carefully scheduled existence as the eighth Director, things between them get complicated.
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teamdilf · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love 💕
Hmm - let's see here...
Cerberus HR Presents: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - a Miranda Lawson Seminar
Possibly the funniest thing I've ever written and I'm so proud of it. Once in awhile I'll re-read it and it still makes me giggle (yes, I'm the sort who laughs at my own jokes - a trait I gave to Adrien Victus for those familiar with my Mass Effect work).
A Broken Old Estate
Not my first Adrien Victus-focused work but the first one where I really dug into his history and fleshed out the origins of a character with about 10 minutes of screentime in-game. There's one particular chapter that made me cry harder than anything else I've ever written.
The Wolf's Flower
My post-canon Solavellan fic. While no longer canon-compliant, I'm still so proud of how I took little lore hints and common theories to craft a story about how Solas and Iris found one another again and trudged through the smoldering ashes of their romantic relationship.
An Unfortunately Sexy Man
Another comedy work I'm very proud of - this was a gift for the 2023 Spec Reqs exchange. Because the title does not do it justice, here is the summary:
Jarun Tann is an obtuse fool. Unfortunately, he's an obtuse fool that Addison, Kandros and Kesh all have a crush on. The three of them get together to offer one another moral support through what is clearly the very worst thing to have happened thus far in Andromeda.
The Citadel Adventures of Castis Vakarian and Alec Ryder
Around the time I decided to write this fic, I was going through the Castis & Alec tag on AO3, so sure that I'd find a ton of fics exploring their friendship. There was... one or two. Scandalized, I decided to write my own. I adore Garrus' dad - I think he gets hated on unnecessarily in the fandom, and I really wanted to expand on the work I'd already done in other fics developing him as a character. Bonus: this is the first fic Cecilia Vakarian shows up in!
Tagging @thetrashbagswasteland, @sparatus, @outpost51, @daisywalletchains, @ferindencadash
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vorchagirl · 8 months
Saints and Liars - chapter 3
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Saints and Liars - chapter 3
A hungover Cerys wakes up after her wild night with Harry and struggles to deal with the resulting guilt and embarrassment. When a new mission takes her back to Kadara and to Reyes, she has no choice but to face up to what she's done and try to make some decisions about her future.
Snippet under the cut!
Cerys woke to the annoying chirp of her omni-tool as somebody sent her message after message, apparently intent on contacting her. Blearily, she silenced it and rolled over to find a cool spot on the sheets so she could get back to sleep. Whoever it was could damned well wait. 
She felt like absolute shit; her head was thumping, her body ached, and the dim light setting in the room felt far too bright for her usual settings.
Ryder, both Director Tann and Kandros have been trying to contact you for the last hour. I have reassured them that you are well, but they are insisting on a meeting with you as soon as possible about the terrorist attack last night.
SAM’s voice sounded disturbingly loud in her head and Cerys groaned and opened her eyes a crack. The previous night coming back to her in a rush: the terrorists who called themselves the Andromeda Alliance bursting into the Nexus ball, taking Addison prisoner and threatening to kill her, and demanding AI technology along with herself and Tann. 
She’d escaped with Harry and-
Oh my god.
Cerys realised where she was and what she’d spent the night doing with a soul-jarring drop in her stomach as she glanced around. Harry’s apartment was just as she remembered, albeit messier now, since their clothes were scattered around, and two glasses that still held shimmery blue alcohol were sitting abandoned on a table. The man himself was still sleeping beside her, a sheet covering the lower half of his body while his tattooed upper torso was bare. 
For a long moment, Cerys just stared at him with her mouth open, hardly daring to believe that had really been them last night. She’d always enjoyed sex, but the way she’d behaved last night with Harry, and the way he’d behaved with her, especially while both of them had been so inebriated, was enough to make her blush in the cold light of day. 
Read the rest here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53353261/chapters/135818608
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aymayzing · 1 year
Rewriting Cora
Because I actually like her and I think her character had some potential that just got wasted. Here are my thoughts on what I'd do to make Cora a more compelling character
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Make her an asari. She had an asari mother and a human father. She was born on Earth and her asari mom ditched her and her dad not long after giving birth, so Cora spent her life on Earth, in all ways except physical she is a wolf a human. She grew up among humans, surrounded by human customs, human history. She never had much contact with her asari heritage.
The Alliance wouldn't accept her because she's an asari, the asari aren't too welcoming either since she's so human. Finally her dad managed to get her into a program with asari huntresses which is not a big deal in any way, it is an asari government program for asari whose parents weren't upstanding citizens - a program for children of Omega dancers and asari raised away from asari culture. They can learn about asari history, culture and get one foot into the asari military.
While Cora is in the program, her dad disappears, never to be seen or heard from again.
I remember ideas floating about that Cora's father was the Illusive Man. I don't remember if it ever was confirmed but I am integrating that into my belief system. He disappeared because he managed to snag a high position in Cerberus/created the organization (whichever works best with the timeline). Having an asari daughter wasn't a good look for him anymore, so he disappeared himself but kept tabs on his daughter. Cora has no idea. The player should be able to piece it together from codexes.
After the program is done, Cora is left even more alone. Culturally human, she's fascinated with her asari heritage. Still neither military will take her in. Her father is gone.
The Illusive Man sends info on Cora to Alec Ryder who recruits her for the Initiative - he's not gonna pass up such a powerful biotic. Cora latches onto him as a father figure. TIM is thrilled cause that means Cora's safe from the Reapers and is no longer a threat to his position (what is someone who finds out about her gonna say? He has an asari daughter who left for a different galaxy?)
I'd then leave a lot of the things from the game as they are, I'd just add a few dialogues and comments from her about how she thinks Ryder's dad or Sarissa would do smth differently than Ryder just did.
In Cora's loyalty mission, I'd add a conflict between Sarissa and Ryder. She wants to do smth way A, Ryder way B. Ryder finally says that since they're the only one who can do anything rn, they're gonna do it their way and Sarissa can complain to Tann later. Cora blows up at them. It turns out, of course, that Ryder's way was the right one and if they went with Sarissa's idea, the ark would go up in flames. They still learn that she sacrificed her Pathfinder.
Cora realizes, as she does in the game, that she would've been a bad Pathfinder as she doesn't find, just follow. We should also have her realizing that, especially in Heleus, can be proud of both her human and asari heritage.
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crqstalite · 1 year
ah shit this entire chapter is just dialogue lmaooo
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