#tape studies
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It’s all going up into flames…bright, white flames…
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mintaikk · 5 months
Analyzing Tumblr sexymen so people don't feel the need to judge someone for their "HEAR ME OUT" characters, Vox from Hazbin Hotel addition! Also, since I think this is like, the first actually terrible person that I've covered, plz note that someone liking a terrible character doesn't mean they condone their actions!
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Part 1, Prev
There's probably other stuff in there as well, like how shipping him with Val probably enhanced his chances of being a popular sexyman 🤷‍♂️
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slavhew · 3 months
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skirts suit strider
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buildmeaboy · 2 months
Daniel became a vampire in 1973. Not literally, but figuratively through Armand and Louis' actions and counter-actions.
Armand told him he wasn't worth anything, told him he should want to die, and in that moment he did want to die. Nothing in his life could undo that feeling; not his wives, his daughters. He would forever be in that room, that night.
Louis told him none of this mattered. He told him he had something to live for, after all he still had stories to tell, he had his work. He offered Daniel a lifeline in the form of a career.
And Daniel accepted all of this. He knew that nothing outside of his work would bring him that much needed will to live. And so he isolated himself from his family, never changing, focusing on his work above all else. He lived as a stranger. A vampire.
He destroyed two marriages, fucked up two daughters, but even as it got bad again, he stayed a reporter.
(Saw a post where someone said basically this and haven't been able to find it again unfortunately, but the idea stuck in my mind so I simply had to make my own version.)
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sailorsallyart · 17 days
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As per tradition here are some hand studies from this Friday. Decided to switch things up this time hence enjoy Nadal’s callouses 🎾
(click for better quality)
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adoctornotatumbl-r · 3 months
thinking about bones in operation annihilate , who has just blinded spock . bones , who at this point knows how to rid a world of a parasite , but at the cost of spock . and he has done this , despite the fact that it was unintentional . bones has done it — bones “ i may give spock a hard time but nothing else matters except helping and protecting him , even if that means putting myself in danger instead “ mccoy . he would rather cut off his own hand than harm spock , ( or jim , for that matter ) . he has blinded spock .
i can’t help but think that shakes him .
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curameleven · 5 days
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mic-check-stims · 22 days
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Judai Yuki board for anon
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3416 · 7 months
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focused on the ipad even after the fight 😭
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damthosefandoms · 9 months
if your copy of the lightning thief isn’t held together with scotch tape and a dream, are you really a percy jackson fan?
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sleepy-crypt1d · 4 months
i love the idea that jack is a nerd about space, why? because im a nerd about space and also that man needs hobbies and im saying it's space
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frostbeees · 2 months
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🇺🇸 vs 🇨🇦 • 8.3.24
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evolutionsbedingt · 3 months
Did somebody order pain on this lovely Friday?
Have some feelings about the end of Li Lianhua, inspired by a thought I had this morning. Meta-ish ramblings below the cut!
CW: terminal illness and resulting physical disabilities, suicidal ideation, open ending (equivalent with the special episode)
You are called Li Xiangyi and everyone knows your hair is up in a jaunty ponytail. Simple guans hold it in place, not drawing any attention, not like the red ribbons trailing your every step like the love you inspire across the jianghu. 
You call yourself Li Lianhua and you buy the hairsticks and crowns and ribbons to match. They’re white now, for the grief that follows and forms your path, and hold a bun made of half of your hair. It’s so much easier to comb just half of it and in the weeks where your muscles and joints ache with the icy cold of the yin slowly poisoning your neili, you leave the bun for as long as you can stand it. 
You don’t call yourself by any name anymore, because you don’t remember which name was ever truly yours. You leave everything behind and hope that it too will do you the courtesy of letting you go. There are no more ribbons in your hair, only the bits of leather you use to tie it up. The hairstick you bought in return for all your other accessories is plain and the auntie who sold it to you said it’s as white as the morning sun. And your arms shake too much to keep them up for long, your shoulders protesting the twisting and pulling and holding. 
The first time you do your hair after not-dying again, the hairstick slips from your stiff fingers and your shoulders scream from staying up that long. 
The second time you have to lie down afterwards, short of breath and with the beginnings of a headache exacerbated by the hair dragging on your skull. 
The third time you abandon the bun. Twist the strands only far enough that they hold in something rounded and soft, accept the wisps of hair you can’t ever seem to catch and that tickle your face, and use the hairstick to pin the end of what once was a ponytail up.
You have no name, you have no ribbons, you have only a stolen fur coat and a single piece of white jade. Your bones ache like the waves forever rushing in your ears are dragging you under. And you want to give in to them. So you take paths half-remembered, rely on strangers, kind and unkind alike, to return once again to the eastern shores and, on the edge of one world, you turn your back on the other and sink into the rising sun.
So. I recently again came across a post pointing out LLH's significantly different styling in the special episode and this morning I realised that his hairstyle may well be a highly stylised version of what may have happened if the yin poison continued to ravage his body.
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Apologies for the questionable phone screenshots, but I'm mostly interested in the hairstyle which is nice and visible here.
I used to have that length of hair and let me tell you any sort of complicated hairstyle was absolutely impossible after my shoulder injury and subsequent loss of muscle mass. So it's, to me, entirely plausible that this is a stylised or idealised (possibly because we see him through Fang Duobing’s eyes) version of what might happen if he lost the vision, motor skills and strength to put up his hair into a proper bun (especially without modern, elastic hair ties).
In the fic I wrote it as him only twisting the hair minimally and pinning it up like this on purpose, but I've also had this kind of look when a bun of mine came loose without me noticing (or caring). The wisps likely don't look half as intentional without the Fang Duobing filter and, looking at that hairstick in the first pic, it also looks like it was shoved in rather haphazardly.
In summary: this is Li Lianhua at his weakest (can't do his own hair anymore) and loneliest (doesn't have anybody else to do it for him) and his hairstyle reflects that.
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divnydoodles · 6 months
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Practice sketches
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tarucore · 9 months
coming out as someone who doesn't think dick grayson has eldest daughter syndrome, I'm sorry guys it's the truth
I actually think dick is the eldest son of a divorced single mother like— he learns to be self sufficient because he doesn't want to bother her, she's stressed enough as it is, working long hours trying to support the both of them and he asks "hey can I help?" constantly as if he's begging her to to tell him what she needs, he promises he can help carry whatever it is that's weighing on her, he can take it! he's the man of the house now, remember? they're in this together, please talk to him, he can push what ever pain he's feeling aside if she would just let him help again
it's easy to ignore the ache in his gut whenever she tells him about how the divorce proceedings are going, or how expensive rent is getting, or how jenny from HR has been up her ass again for one reason or another, it's just these are adult issues, and if he was an adult he could help her with them, that ache he learns, is helplessness
if he were actually 'her little man' like she calls him, he would be able to help her, but he's not, stuck in a malleable state after his childhood was sharply cut off at eight at twelve at sixteen
(if he were a man though, that would also mean he was someone now capable of hurting her like dad did, and he fears the look she gets when he does something that reminds her of what she has lost, he wants to stay young forever, tucked between her arm and rib cage, when she smiled at him before everything went wrong)
he gets protective, aggressive when she starts dating again because he saw how deeply she was hurt last time, bares his teeth and remembers how she told him that he was the only man she needed in her life, he tells his friends to lay off when they tease him, “momma’s boy” like loving her is something to be ashamed of, something he was supposed to grow out of a long time ago
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vellichorom · 1 month
(My signal was shitty last night so I dont even know if my ask about Shuu even went through or not, pfftt)
Get positive beamed because now I'm fueled.
Shoutout to Thierry for being snarky but oh so silly, shoutout for him not being ashamed of his body build because that was HIS CHOICE and it reflects off how HIS ROSEMARY TREATS HIM. We cant have our Narrators starving themselves around here, nope, that is a SHAME and it is UNACCEPTABLE. Shoutout to him having creative timing and making me genuinely laugh with him THAT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE, LAUGHING WITH A CHARACTER IS MORE ENJOYABLE ANYWAYS!
Shoutout to Thierry for being socially anxious and still trying to keep conversation. I see you and I love it. Shoutout to him having the mushiest, sweetest soul that even the most simplest compliment sends him bouncing out of his seat. Shoutout to him not judging people for anything that may come up because that's not how you behave in game or the real world.
Shoutout to him being willing to learn more on a topic he knows nothing about just because a friend loves it. Shoutout to him loving autumn and Halloween and being so dorky about it because his excitement just fuels my own and makes life less boring if I followed his lead.
Shoutout to his comfy as shit cardigan with his little gold chain clasping it together like its the grandest cape but in reality it is blanket for Wife to Steal.
I still don't understand where they came from or why, but this seemingly group of little haters who think trashing on people's characters, for any reason, is okay, are literally juvenile in behavior and need to go outside and play in some dirt. Good for character. They need to go dig some holes and bury some leaves, sticks and acorns.
I know that its not as simple as "ignore the hate" because its so massive and near unending, but please dont forget that they don't get to decide what you create or how you do it. Because if they did, I wouldn't have an awesome mutual who's inspired me to draw fatter characters. :3
One day, I will achieve peak Twinkie fat men,,,, it will be my magnum opus.
I will make my men fat because they deserve it.
I DON'T HAVE A LOT OF WORDS FOR THIS ONE EITHER but god. GOD !!!!!!! it's harder times like this that i can't forget i have loving friends who KNOW my intentions & KNOW my character far better than anyone else with their gross little jokes ever will have the FUCKING PLEASURE TO UNDERSTAND
how unspeakably happy i am to know what you've picked up on & what of his character lingers with you or anyone else, it's extremely important to me & reminds me of what i love about this character - or moreso what i've / we've put into him through our silly little roleplays & imagines & whatnot
IT MIGHT NOT WIPE AWAY EVERY BIT OF BULLSHIT but it earnestly does help & i genuinely appreciate your input more than i can say. thank you ghost i love you so much ❤️
( also i didn't get that ask please send it again )
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