#tara mckenzie
justplainwhump · 9 months
Note to long time followers: this is a repost of a long previous chapter after I changed the pov in it; orginally I posted this piece from Tara's first person pov. But as I try to clean up this story, it makes more sense to have this new version on my blog.
[Tyler's story]
Content: (Attempted) abduction, betrayal, and lots of threats. BBU setting (nobody is a pet in this one though).
It couldn’t be real. It obviously was. But. It couldn’t. Tyler. Ty. Tara’s best friend, her flat mate, the one friend she’d shared everything with. He was with them.
With WRU. A handler. Worst kind of all. The times the two of them had drunk in the kitchen, and he’d mentioned work, that work has been enslaving people. Conditioning, torturing, maybe even - no she wouldn’t go down that road, he wouldn’t be that kind of handler. Right?
How could she know?
He’d been lying to her face, about his entire life, his whole identity, and she’d trusted him. She’d have given everything for him. For a WRU handler.
And in return, now he was taking everything from her.
“McKenzie. Tara.”
Her name. Her address. Given to a WRU ‘acquisition team’.
“Fuck you,” she whispered. “Go to hell, Tyler Parker.”
Ty’s colleague - Alex - clasped Ty’s shoulder, as if they were proud of him somehow. Fuck them. There was nothing in WRU one could ever be proud of.
“You did the right thing,” they said. “The company won’t forget.”
Tara spat at the ground in front of their feet.
Ty was doing his best not to look at her. When Alex reached into their jacket to pull out a bundle of zip ties, Tyler simply lifted his hand and took them.
“Oh no. Fuck no, Ty, you’re not doing this.”
Alex levelled their gun to her shoulder. “I’m not a murderer, Tara, but if I need to, I can make this hurt.”
“Alex,” Tyler said. His voice was flat. “Don’t.”
He stepped in, shielding her from the gun, when he bowed forward and grabbed her wrists.
Tara had never really thought about his strength. They’d shared all chores, equally. Tara was well trained, too. Always had considered them to be on eye level. But now, she realised that Tyler’s grip was like steel. That she never even stood a chance.
“Why?” she asked. “Why?”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, and she yelped as he pulled the tie tight.
Alex clicked their tongue and lowered the gun. With a side glance at Ty, they grabbed a towel from the wall and wiped out the writing on the fridge.
I have a contact. Talk tonight. Sorry. Ty.
Tara frowned. What had that been about, anyway? She’d never know, she realized.
Never. Because they were going to end her life.
“Ty…” Tara whispered. “Ty, you’ll make me into a… a pet?”
“Not himself,” Alex said. They’d unlocked the kitchen door and stepped half onto the corridor, where the buzzer to the front door was installed. “But someone will. You don’t mess with WRU.”
They pressed the button, and heavy footsteps sounded from the corridor.
Tyler’s hands ran over Tara. She flinched, but he went on, cold and unimpressed. He reached into her pockets, and pulled out her belongings. Wallet. Press ID. Phone.
“She’s clean.”
He tossed her things onto the kitchen table, where Alex skimmed through them.
“Fuck you,” she repeated. “Fuck WRU.”
Ty grabbed the front of her sweatshirt and pulled her up to her feet, still keeping her pressed against the wall.
She spat at him. “You won’t get through with this. You-”
A weight dropped into Tara’s pocket. Almost like… her phone. But it wasn’t. Her phone was on the table, in Alex’ hands. It was his. She stared at him blankly.
“Sorry,” Tyler said. “Alex is right. You can’t go against the company.”
A knock rapped against their apartment door, and Alex stepped into the corridor to get it.
“Ty,” Tara hissed. “Ty, you can’t -”
His hand reached to the draining rack next to the sink. He pulled out our paring knife. “Shhh,” he hissed and Tara froze, as he leaned in and stuffed it into her pocket. Fuck.
He held her gaze while a chef’s knife vanished under his own shirt.
“Target’s secured in the kitchen with Handler Parker.” Alex directed two people in black uniforms into the room, man and woman. The metal clips of WRU logos shone on their jackets. There were guns on their belts, and batons that made Tara shiver.
“Tyler,” one of them greeted, after assessing the room. “Your home address or what? Your girlfriend making trouble?”
His voice was casual enough to let it be a real possibility. Someone bringing in their partner to turn them into a pet. Tara felt nauseous.
“Flat mate,” Alex said. “Not girlfriend. Lesbian. Journalist troublemaker.”
The man grinned at her. “Well, we can still make her someone’s little girlfriend. She’s cute. I call dips.”
Tara’s bound hands flinched into the direction of the knife in her pocket, but Ty was faster. He grabbed her shoulder, got her into a choke hold. “Let’s bring her in first. No dips on her. She’s not Romantic material.”
Tara kicked back at Ty’s shin. Missed on purpose.
She was a soccer player, if there was anything she could’ve done in a fight, it was kick legs. But Ty had a plan. She didn’t know what it was, she didn’t know if she wanted to be part of it, but she sure as hell knew that she did not want to end up where these guys wanted to take her.
“Drug her,” Alex said, stowing away their gun. “Can’t have her make a fuss.”
“In the car,” Tyler said and yanked her forward. His voice sounded calm, but Tara’s back was pressed close enough to his chest to feel his heart race. “Let’s get her out of the apartment first.”
The other woman checked the room and nodded. “Fine. Anything we need to take? Which bedroom?”
“Computer. Storage mediums. Whatever looks like her recent work. No mess. And pack a bag, bring that, too. Make it look like she left on her own.” Alex raised an eyebrow at Ty, passing on the second question.
“First room on the left,” Ty said. “Bags are under the bed. She takes prescription drugs, they’re in the washroom cabinet, pack those as well.”
“Fuck you,” Tara mumbled, powerless under his choke hold.
They were right, probably. They could trick people. Especially with Tyler on their side, with her best friend covering up her abduction. Everyone trusted him. Just like she had.
“Anything else we should know?”
“010974,” he said. “Code to her hard drive encryption, last time I checked. Her mother’s birthday.”
Tara let out a choked sob. “I… I’ll never forgive you.”
“I know,” he replied.
It was not her mother’s birthday. It was Diane’s. His mother’s. And it was not her hard drive password, either. That one was a twelve digit randomly generated string. Tyler had set it up for her. He knew. He was lying. But why?
“I’ll pack the things,” the woman said, pressing a button on her radio. “Turner, get in here. Smith, start the van. You leave with the target. We’ll follow up later.”
Alex was looking at her, softly shaking their head. “Tyler is with us, Tara. He’s made a decision. You won’t change that.”
A push into her back, and Tara stumbled forward. “Outside,” Ty commanded. “Say goodbye.”
Another person in a black uniform pushed past them, as Tyler lead Tara through the corridor, the man in front of them, Alex in the rear.
Tara kept her bound hands in front of the pocket with the knife, stumbling toward the open door, Tyler’s arm still around her.
She could see a black van parked in the street. No other person but the driver, waiting behind the wheel. The uniformed creep jogged forward to slide open the van’s door.
Outside, Ty had said. Say goodbye.
They stepped over the doorstep.
“Goodbye,” Tara mumbled.
Tyler drew the knife.
Tara ran.
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woodsboromassacre · 25 days
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ghostface always doing something
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padscomm · 8 months
safe place
tara carpenter x f!reader
warnings: grammatical errors, mention of suicides, abusive household and also scream 5+6 au bc why not?!
a/n; IM ALIVE !! I'm so busy, school is shit broo
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it was sunday, it meant it was cleaning time. but, you were to focused on studying that you forgot to clean the house.
you checked the time, and you realized, that your father was coming home soon. you panicked, and quickly started cleaning your room.
your father was an abusive alcoholic, it was a suprise. an loving caring man turning into an abusive alcoholic, when your mother died.
he didn't bother going to therapy, instead he started drinking and started doing drugs. when he's tired, he takes his anger out on you, when he's in a bad mood he takes it out on you.
he poured out his anger always at you, you didn't know why. you would always be hiding in the closet, filled with bruises from him. trying to hold your tear's, it was always hard. you've never told anyone about the abusive and toxic household you were in.
you were a joyful person, filled with sunshine but personally, no one ever knew you that well. except for your girlfriend; Tara Carpenter.
you heard the door creaking, you weren't even halfway done cleaning with your room and you still had a few rooms to clean. you were scared, you didn't have a way out.
you decided to hide in the closet, where you always do. you were scared for dear god, you were scared what he will do to you. your tear's streaming down on your face.
you heard a scream, “Y/N!! How come you still didn't clean the house?!” it was filled with anger, your heart is beating fast, you are scared. sweating intensely.
hearing footsteps from the stairs, and through the hallway’s of your bedroom. you prayed to dear god, to not hurt you. “y/n, i know you’re in there.” he say's, opening the door of your bedroom.
you had no way out. you heard him investigating every area.
he opened the closet door, “there you are.” he says, grabbing you from your wrist, tightly. “dad stop please! I'm sorry, I was so carried away—” you didn't have time to speak, he punched you so hard on the face.
that your nose started bleeding, “you really think I'm gonna believe you? you lying son of a fuckin bitch.” you were down on your knees, crying.
The next day
it was a good Monday morning for tara. she was awoken by her sister, sam. she got up from her bed and started making it, then after that she check's her phone if she received a message from you, but sadly she didn't.
it was something off, she chat's you again, asking if you were okay.
· my baby ; hey, are you okay y/n? im worried sick, text me back as soon as you can. hope you're okay mylove! I love you
timeskip at school
“hey guys, have you seen y/n? she hasn't texted me back.” tara said, worried about you. “look's like an overprotective girlfriend is worried about her troublemaker girlfriend.” mindy jokes, tara didn't find her funny, and just glared at her.
“oh there’s y/n!" anika pointed, she ran after her. “she seem's off today, its just not me who thinks she's off today? right?” mindy stated, the others agreed with her. usually, you would hangout with the friend group but this day, you didn't.
you went straight to class, it was unusual for them. you saw anika running towards you, but you decided to walk more faster so she wouldn't catch you.
once you entered inner part of the school, you saw anika not chasing you anymore. you were glad. you had a long oversized hoodie, covering your body and bruises. you went straight to class with the oversized hoodie on you, even tho it was hot as fuck.
after first period, you went to second period. not even bothering to check up on your girlfriend. you were just not in the mood to talk to anyone today. you just wanted peace, and alone time with yourself.
not until second period started, you realized that you and anika were seatmates. you and anika are bestfriends, she worries about you alot.
you sat down to anika, avoiding eye contact with her. “hey y/n, why are you avoiding us?” anika asked, but you didn't answer. anika wasn't really comfortable with your silence, since you were always loud and energetic.
she kept asking you questions but you didn't answer once. second period ended and it was third, you continued to third period with talking to any of your friends or even anyone.
after third, it was lunch break. you didn't have the appetite to eat. so you skipped it, and hid at the rooftop, listening to music peacefully and doing your work.
“y/n didn't talk to me in 2nd period, I don't know why tho, I think something's off about her.” tara looked at anika, “you should go check up on your girlfriend, tar.” liv suggested, but even tara didn't know where you were.
“ill go check up on her at the end of classes.” mindy really thinks tara is a bad girlfriend.
more timeskip
it was time to go home. you didn't go home yet, you were at the rooftop, smoking. it was peaceful, and calming for you. no disturbance.
not until you heard the door open, you put out your cigarette as fast as you can. you saw tara, looking worried sick at you. “y/n, are you okay? you didn't talk to us for the whole day, tell me everything, I'm willing to listen y/n.”
she says, pulling the sleeves of yours “and why are you wearing a jacket it's so—" you quickly took your arm away from her. she saw what she saw, bruises, blood streaming down your arms.
she was in disbelief, “im so sorry tara, i didn't mean to freak you out. I know I'm a bad girlfriend, you can leave me because of my weirdness and my bruises and scars—" she hugged you tightly, “im not gonna leave you y/n. I love you, and that's what matters. can you tell me what happened? it's okay if you're not comfortable.”
you sighed. you needed to tell her the truth, to gain trust. and you did, she was in pure disbelief and shock. she comforted you, and made you more safer.
“i think i should go home, my dad will be mad at me.” you said, but tara didn't let you go. “stay with me for a few days, ill get you help.” those words from tara, was enough to make you tear up.
“dont cry now, baby. stay with me, you'll be more safer.” you didn't care anymore, you wanted to be free with tara.
once tara and you arrived at her house, you were greeted by sam. death staring you, “hey tara, who've you got there?” sam asked, “this is my girlfriend ive been telling you about.” you blushed at her words, she's been talking about you?
“by the way y/n, can you go upstairs. you know my room already.” tara said, she didn't tell sam that you've been sneaking inside their household. “why is there red stuff on her sleeves?” sam was curious. tara explained the whole situation to her.
sam felt bad for you, the two carpenter's will be doing their best getting you help.
after a conversation with sam, tara went up to her room. she saw you, laying down peacefully. “hey let's get you cleaned up, okay?” you nodded, and got up from the bed.
she guides you to her bathroom and sat you down on the sink, she took your hoodie off, and saw all the bruises you had. bruises everywhere, “more bruises down on your legs?” you nodded.
“can i take them off?” she asks for your permission, “go ahead.” she takes of your pants, slowly and lightly. she was shocked with all the bruises that you dad gaved.
“thats alot. let's start with your wrists.” she wiped off all the blood, until there was no more flowing. and rolls the comforting bandage around your arms.
working one by one on the bruises, she stayed up just to get you cleaned.
at the end of the day, it was the two of you lying in bed. “i love you so much, tara.” you said, burying your face onto her neck.
“i always love you more, my love. soon your dad will be in prison.” she reassure's you, and before going to sleep, she kissed you forehead lightly, and kissed you lips passionately.
“tara, what if attempted suicide one day?” you said, out of the blue. it was a suprise, “of course my life will be empty. i cannot live without you. i love you more than everything, if you have a problem, come talk to me okay?” you smiled at her.
she was tired already, “im going to sleep na. im so tired, mahal.”
“goodnight my beautiful, beautiful girlfriend! i love you.”
“goodnight tara, i love you too. sweet dreams.”
“thank you for taking care of me.” you mumbled, “your welcome.
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a/n; this is shit
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p0rkbun · 10 months
scream characters as clip audios from class of 09 aka the FUNNIEST game ever
The best thing I made oml 😭 I laughed my ass off during editing, possibly will make a pt 2 soon @celiastjamesoscar you need to see this
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schrodingerspsycho · 8 months
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Help Palestine by clicking this link!🇵🇸
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ultrone · 1 year
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👩🏻‍💻 ♰ ┈ things the scream characters would tweet.
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includes. amber, chad, mindy, liv, wes, ethan, and tara.
n/a. got the templates from pinterest. imma post more later cuz tumblr said i can only add 10 images per post and i got more left 🙄 but still lmk if y’all want me to make more stuff like this, it was fun 🤭
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imwritingforfun · 1 year
Just enemies?
mikey madison x gn reader enemies to lovers
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synopsis- mikey madison is a person who everyone wants to be friends with well almost everyone no one knows why mikey and y/n hated each other so much it was probably because y/n decided to join a play for the main role only to find out mikey was doing the same thing
Genre: enemies to lovers/angst to fluff
Status: will post chapters when I have time to
Taglist: open
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1. Signing up
2. I can't have anything
3. She can't be fr
4. Let's take a vote
5. It was mine first
6. Could it be?
7. Since when were you friends?
8. It has to be mine
9. Running low on patience
10. I have a confession
11. Sounds like you're crushing
12. bitter taste of jealousy
13. Can't talk leave a message!
14. They aren't answering
15. Maybe I am crushing
16. Everything is going wrong
17. This can't be happening
18. Not your fault
19. Getting asked out
20. Our first date
21. It's official
22. You're the second choice
23. Congratulations on the part
24. Tba
25. Tba
(I'm gonna wait awhile before I start writing for jack again)
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emilyswhore · 4 months
“would you still love me if i was a worm” x scream 5 characters !
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thisonewhocanbreathe · 10 months
SCREAM Social Media AU (Tara x Reader)
warnings: no ghostface au, use of y/n, reader is implied to be a woman, friends swearing and being assholes (affectionately) to each other, everybody is alive, my poor attempts at being funny, maybe some grammatical errors? bear with me x)
author's note: i didn't have enough inspiration to include kirby and i am sad abt it.
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if you don't give me all your money within exactly 0.0000001 sec i will kiss this woman in front of your children be scared
liked by @tara.c, @ani.ka and 34 others
@chad-meeks.m wtf y/n??
╰─▸ @y/n.l/n i'm just tryna scare the homophobes away from my followers bro
╰─▸ @mindy.m-martin you literally have like ten followers and half of them are just us??
╰─▸ @y/n.l/n so??? maybe ur homophobic too actually. u have a weird relationship with gay women
╰─▸ @mindy.m-martin yea?? i fuck them??
╰─▸ @y/n.l/n that's sus af idc
@tara.c time's up motherfuckers
╰─▸ @chad-meeks.m tara???
╰─▸ @tara.c it's a canon event you can't interfere :D
@amber.freewoman stop finding excuses and just make out already omg
╰─▸ @y/n.l/n STFU???
@sam.c Do NOT kiss my sister, you absolute weirdo!
╰─▸ @sam.c DON'T KISS MY SISTER.
╰─▸ @y/n.l/n FUCKING PAY ME.
╰─▸ @sam.c NO??
╰─▸ @y/n.l/n too bad then :)
@d.brackett why tf was that on my feed
╰─▸ @y/n.l/n bc i'll FEED u with gayness and rainbows if u don't FEED me with money <3
╰─▸ @d.brackett yea well enjoy your makeout session ig
╰─▸ @y/n.l/n thank u!!! :D
@ani.ka i'd pay both of you to kiss actually
╰─▸ @liv agreed. it'd be about fucking time
╰─▸ @quinn.bailey i'm starting an agreed chain
╰─▸ @wes.hicks i'm not agreeing.
╰─▸ @tara.c no one gives a fuck :)
@richie.k lesbian heritage post lmao
╰─▸ @quinn.bailey bro thought we were on tumblr lmfao 💀
╰─▸ @richie.k girl thought we were on facebook using those deadass cringe emojis lmfao
╰─▸ @mindy.m-martin tHaT eScAlAtEd qUiCkLy
╰─▸ @mindy.m-martin my brother in christ you need to calm tf down??
╰─▸ @quinn.bailey sorry i got kinda carried away lol
╰─▸ @ethan.l 'kinda'?? 💀
╰─▸ @wes.hicks nah man you can't just pop up outta nowhere go back to sleep
╰─▸ @ethan.l yes sir
@tara.c i'm waiting hehe
╰─▸ @y.n/l.n I'M HERE IN 0.0000001 SEC
╰─▸ @tara.c you better be <3
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lexyscross · 1 year
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solitairesys · 10 months
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justplainwhump · 1 year
Making Angel - A documentary
I didn't intend to do something for the @bbu-on-the-side Community Days today, but well. I did. Have a transcript of in-BBU-media. Contains minor spoilers for Tyler's story, but then again, could be an AU.
[Angel's story]
Content: BBU, kidnapping, presumed death.
Making Angel - A documentary on the WRU pet system by Tara McKenzie.
Opening shot is a long drone shot of a rich hillside suburb, lush vegetation, large mansions in big parks.
[Before Angel] a subtitle says; [Danielle]
Cut to a video obviously taken by a smart phone, a group of young women lounging by a pool. In the center, there's a tall woman in her early twenties with long blond locks in a white swimsuit. She grins and waves, like people do who have their photo taken, then frowns at the camera. "Are you filming me?"
The person behind the camera laughs, a woman's voice. "I am! Want to remember you like this, before you'll go start corporate work and forget all your friends."
The camera zooms in on the blond woman. Her face is specked with freckles, and her amused grin has a dimple appear in her left cheek. "I'll never forget you. My best friend who is violating my personality rights by filming me without my consent."
"May I film you, babe? Please? Just some words to future generations, before your first steps of becoming the superstar and role model for female CEOs?"
"Fine, fine. Hi everyone. I'm Dany Hammond, I'm a little tipsy because my friends wanted to throw me this party, I'm 22 years old, have a bachelor's degree in psychology and I'll start my position in corporate management next week. As an intern, though, an intern, which my friends refuse to understand, whatever they tell to this camera. And uh- oh, come on, turn this camera off?"
"What can you tell us about your private life?"
Danielle throws her head back and laughs. "That's what you're going at? Find out if I'm dating via an interview?" She winks at the camera. "I'm not dating anyone, boys out there, but if you have both a brain and a nice biceps, call me. Also, I'm a very competitive tennis player, if you think you can beat me at tennis, call me as well, and, well, we'll see where it leads-"
The video ends.
Now there's another young woman in an interview chair facing the camera.
[Olivia Voss, Danielle's friend]
When she speaks, you recognize her voice as the woman filming before. "That's the last time we saw her, before... Well, she did die, in a way, didn't she? For six years, we've been convinced she'd died for real. She... The footage of that kidnapping was on all news stations, but it had been resolved, right? They found who did it, within just days. But Dany... Dany stayed dead."
Pictures from a news station show up, showing black and white surveillance videos from the street in front of an office building. The blond woman from before, in a business dress, with a man walking by her side. A van stopping next to them, people with guns, the woman frozen in place, her companion putting a hand on her shoulder, all but pushing her in the van, and then all of them gone in the van, bystanders watching in shock. "Danielle Hammond, daughter to influential businessman Stuart Hammond, appears to have been abducted in broad daylight yesterday in downtown, right by her father's company headquarters. To our reporters, officials mentioned a conflict in organised crime, now reaching the higher levels of management."
Another news video, some days later, the moderator in front of two photos. "Danielle Hammond and her bodyguard Frankie Mueller, who had been abducted in one of the city's most notorious kidnappings just last week, have been confirmed dead. Their remains have been found burned in a car just out of town."
Cut back to the interview room and the woman from before. She's sobbing. "I believed it. We all did. And it was horrible. I... I could never have dreamed, she was alive and she was... She was going through something so much worse."
Cut to another drone video, filming a company logo - WRU - on a small sign in front of a nondescript office building; flying up to show a big building complex in the desert outskirts of another town.
[WRU High Security Training Facility 002]
The name [Danielle] shows up again, is then replaced by [002238] in the same font.
There's a man in the interview chair now, probably around thirty, tall, broad shoulders, long dark blond hair tied up into a bun. He seems nervous, foot tapping onto the ground, finger running over a scar on his neck, but his gaze is evenly on the camera, or the person behind it. "Assisted walk-in, we called them," he says. "Involuntary Acquisitions. 238 was a custom order, and it was my job to get her ready for it."
[Tyler Parker, former WRU Romantic Handler]
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
being in a relationship with Chad and Liv
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Some would think that living in a small town like Woodsboro will be fun and quiet, but after the mass murders that had happened since the 90's and the Stab franchise nothing was the same
Fortunately, you grew up with a nice group of friends who almost everyone (rarely) had a relation with previous victims from past ghostfaces, being Tara and you the only ones who weren't related to them
But the one who you were most close, was Chad
While growing up, you often spend time in your houses, it didn't matter if it were to do homework, play, watch movies or simply spend time doing nothing
Being that close, meant that your parents were also close due to your friendship
Sometimes when you spend time in the Meeks-Martin house, you would scape to Mindy's room to watch true crimes videos or documentaries
Ending in a small discussion between the twins about spending time with you
All that closeness between you and Chad developed into a relationship when you were starting high school
Basically, things stayed like before, except that now there were kisses and playful touches between the two
And also intimacy moments
During the most part of high school, the two of you were the perfect example of childhood friends to lovers and kinda like the perfect couple
And then, Liv McKenzie entered both of your lifes
"Who is that?", you asked to no one after saw her walking in the hallways, "I love her pink hair"
"That's Liv, we work together", Tara who was with you and Chad at that moment, answered
"She looks nice", Chad commented
After that moment, you and Chad often tried to be close to Liv due to curiosity and interest towards her
Which she gladly accepted because she felt comfortable around you two
It wasn't until a few weeks later, that you and Chad realised that both of you developed feelings towards Liv
Realising that, you and Chad talked about the situation for a few hours, you two went to the conclusion tthat both of you liked Liv and wanted to try a relation of three
But first of all, you needed to talk to her to know her opinions
"Hey, Liv", you called her while you were getting your nails done, "How you feel about consensual relationships of three people"
"I think they're interesting", she responded, "I guess it's more fun and all that, why the cuestion?"
"Simple curiosity", you shrugged, "Chad and I are going bowling tonight, want to come?"
Having that answer, you and Chad decided to wait a few days to tell Liv about your feelings
The day when you both decided to tell her about having a relationship of three, Chad and you decided to do it in a comfortable place, which was your place
When Liv arrived, you led her to your room when Chad was waiting
Explaining everything to her on how you and Chad like her and how both of you developed feelings towards her, ending with the proposal of becoming a throuple
With fear for her answer, you both listened what she had to say
Sighing in relief when Liv also said that she liked both of you, starting a relationship that same day
The next day at school, when the three of you entered taking hands no one was surprised because of your closeness
But when you three shared a kiss before going to your classes everyone lost their minds
"What the hell?", Wes murmured
"Y/N likes girls and didn't tell me?", Mindy exclaimed, "I'm her best friend!"
"I kinda see it coming", Amber commented
"Same, they often spend all the time together, it was a matter of time", Tara agreed
Liv was an artistic person, and she had her collection of different pencils of color, markers, paints, etc, so both of you often, mostly because of boredom, used the markers to color on Chad's tattoos
One time, accidentally use the permanent ones, so he had to go like that during a few days
For a few months, things were good
Until Tara was attacked by Ghostface
With the attacks back in town, Chad had the idea that the three of you had the FindMyFam app to keep track on each other
But Liv and you rejected the idea
Also it wasn't very helpful to the situation, that Liv's ex hook up was around
"Oh shit, is that...Vince?", Liv interrupted the conversation about Ghostface
Hearing that, you and Chad were the first to alert noticing the guy a few metters away
"Wait, the creep you hooked up with last summer?", Chad asked
"Yeah, he worked with me and Tara"
"Babe, your taste got better after waisting your time with the creep", you commented while circling her waist with your arms
"He worked with Tara?", Amber asked with interest
"He's been stalking my Instagram the last couple weeks, posting the creepiest shit"
"Probably time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw", Chad said refering to his muscled arms
"All the time that Mindy and I spend watching true crime videos, is finally paying off", you add with a playful smile, "I know how to hide a body without leaving evidence"
After hearing that Tara had woken up, all the group, except for Liv, went to the hospital, were a few time later, Tara's sister, Sam along her boyfriend Richie arrived
Things got worse after the first attack, because after a discussion between Chad and Vince at a bar, the older one was founded dead, and in the hospital, Sam was attacked by Ghostface
The next morning, Sam called to a reunion in the twins house to find a solution about the situation
Thanks to the fact that you, Liv and Chad slept in there to feel more secure, which Mindy took every opportunity to tease the three of you
Sleeping in the same bed, implied that during the night the three of you often change positions, almost always ending with one of them falling of the bed, mostly Chad
But that helped to feel a little more relaxed
Also, there was the fact that Martha, the twins' mom, loved Liv and you like daughters, so she didn't have a problem with the three of you hanging out in her house
During the meeting, Sam revealed that her father was Billy Loomis, one of the original killers
That revelation and the connection in the kills, ended up with Mindy saying a monologue about how all of you were in a 'requel' and only legacy characters die
Unfortunately, these rules didn't apply because Wes, Sheriff Jude and Dewey died
Due to that, Amber had the "great" idea to host a party in honnor of Wes
"I hate this house", you said while you and Liv waited for Chad who was looking for drinks, "People died and was stab in here"
"It has bad vibes", Liv agreed, "I don't know how Amber can live in here"
"That's a little suspicious now that you said it, why live in the murder house?"
"Beautiful ladies, your drinks and boyfriend are here", Chad interrumpted handing the drinks
After a little while, with the drinks forgotten in the center table, the three of you started to get a little more passionate
When suddenly Liv broke the moment to confess that she was ready to elevate things in the relationship
While you were happy that she felt comfortable with having sex, Chad on the other hand, rejected the idea
And ruin it by implying that Liv might be the killer, which ended up in her leaving mad
"Okey, I'm going to follow her and try to fix this", you said to Chad standing up from the couch, "When we back you are going to apologize"
"I didn't meant to make her mad", Chad defended himself
"I know, but you did, so think about what you are going to say to apologize"
"Are you taking your personal defense keychain?"
"As always!", that was the last thing you said after leaving the house
While crossing the front yard, you took the keychain in between your hands firmly to start walking in the streets, founding her in the middle of her way home
"Liv!", you yelled gainning her attention whitout stopping to run towards her, "Wait!"
"Y/N, babe what are you doing?", Liv exclaimed hugging you, "There's a killer on the streets!"
"I know, but I'm sorry for what Chad said, he was wrong, but he's a little paranoid about this shitty situation"
"So you came to apologize in his behalf?"
"No, I came to look for you so he can apologize"
"Are you serious?"
"Of course I do", you said while taking her hans, "Babe, we love you, and yes Chad was an idiot for implying that, and that's why he wants to apologize, so can we go back and be the happy throuple that we are?"
During the walk towards Amber's house, Liv realised that she left her phone at that house, which was weird because she always had it in her purse
When you arrived at the house, the horrible scene of Chad laying on the grass covered in blood and cuts was the first thing you saw
Inmediatly, both of you run towards him to see how bad he was
"He has pulse!", you anounced with tears after checking his vital signs, "Fuck! What the hell happened?"
"I'll go alert the others", Liv said standing up to run inside the house
"Be careful", you exclaimed before returning your attention to your boyfriend while applying presure to some cuts, "Don't worry babe, everything is gonna be okay"
Without stopping to apply preasure, you managed to call 911 to ask for help
Unfortunately, things inside the house ddin't seem well becuase all the noise from gunshots, screams and hits making you feel scared for your girlfriend and friends
During the sunrise, all was over in time when the police and ambulances arrived at the place
Quickly, Chad was put in one of them to threat his injuries while you stayed by his side
But everything went down when both of you knew that Liv was a victim of the killers, who were Amber and Richie
Hearing the fate of your girlfriend, Chad and you started crying in pain due to the loss of the girl you loved
During the funeral that was a few days after, both of you tried to stay strong for Liv's family, but it was hard because all the memories that you shared
"Guys, I want to thank you for making my daughter happy", Liv's mom said during the reception at the McKenzie home, "At the beggining I wasn't sure about the whole throuple thing, but she was happy"
"We loved her very much", you said trying to contain the tears
"She was so special to us", Chad added
"And I wanted for you to had something from her"
"Mrs McKenzie, that is not necessary", you tried to argue
"Please, I know is what she wanted", Liv's mom insisted, "Please"
At the end, both of you ended up choosing some scrunchies and accesories that she often use
Also, when Chad was full recovered, the two of you decided to have a small tattoo of the letter "L" in the left wrist in her memorie
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padscomm · 8 months
sam carpenter x OC
(with a lil bit of tara x y/n, hehe also same au as the jealousy au)
warnings; grammatical errors
a/n; add my discord ;)) kyofilmss
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· carpensam
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liked by tarafilms , ynartist , mindymarts and 320 others
carpensam stop making out Infront of me
– tara · @ tarafilms
your jealous, make out with your girlfriend also
oh wait, you don't have one
– sam · @ carpensam
don't talk to me with that attitude, when you don't even pay the bills
– tara · @ tarafilms
leave me alone
· rueweb
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· @ carpensam was tagged
liked by ynartist , mindymarts , vcchad and 505 others
rueweb date w my girl, can you also give my jacket back?
– mindy · @ mindymarts
– chad · @ vcchad
crazy fr, let us meet her Sam 🙏🙏‼️‼️
– rue · @ rueweb
uhmm, who r u guys?
– chad · @ vcchad
sam’s children
– tara · @ tarafilms
omg, my sister have a girlfriend?! @ ynartist get back here
– y/n · @ ynartist
congratulations ig? can u leave your sister and her girlfriend alone 😭
– tara · @ tarafilms
you’re so boring
– y/n · @ ynartist
is that so? ok
– tara · @ tarafilms
baby, I'm joking, don't ignore me ☹️
– sam · @ carpensam
you're stupid
sam , tara , y/n , chad , mindy , anika , liv , amber , wes
amber ; @ carpensam, tell us about your girlfriend
I'm invested in your relationship with her
sam ; I'd want to share it but, she wants to keep it low-key
liv ; low-key sucks, convince her to reveal it
amber ; invite her tomorrow, pleasee
chad ; yea, i promise it'll be fun with her
y/n ; don't force her if she doesn't want to go
tara ; y/n, you suck
y/n ; 👍.
y/n has left the gc
mindy ; if you don't go after ur girl, ill go after her
anika ; you like y/n?
chad ; okay, can we go back to the topic
sam ; don't..
amber ; just ask her If she wants to go with us
sam ; okay fine, but if she doesn't want too, she doesn't.
tara added y/n to the gc
y/n has left the gc
tara added y/n to the gc
y/n has left the gc
tara added y/n to the gc
y/n has left the gc
tara added y/n to the gc
wes ; wes is dead
chad ; shut up wes, we don't care
– rue · rueweb
sam ; hi rue! uhm, can i ask you?
rue ; of course, what is it sam?
sam ; do you wanna go to Starbucks tom,if your free?
rue ; of course, I'd like too!!
sam ; but are you okay if my friends are there? i don't want you to feel uncomfortable.
rue ; that's sweet of you that you worry about me baby, sure I'd like to meet your friends.
sam ; great! ill pick you up tomorrow at 3PM?
rue ; sounds great to me, and can I ask?
sam ; yea sure, what is it?
rue ; is tarafilms your lil sis? she looks cute
sam ; oh yea, BUT she has a girlfriend.
rue ; jealous much? i only love youu
sam ; yes, and i love you more. i don't want people stealing you away from me
rue ; that's sweet love, and also im going to get my clothes ready.
sam ; excited much?
rue ; yes babyyy
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a/n; request pls
80 notes · View notes
sharkboy305 · 4 months
His chest is not that hard to stare at. They've definitely done it
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amberxfreeman · 9 months
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