#tasha fox
caslesbo · 1 year
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“i mean, guys like us, we're not exactly the type of people they write about in history books, you know? but the people we saved, they're our legacy, and they'll remember us, and we'll eventually fade away, too. that's fine, because we left the world better than we found it.”
supernatural - season 12
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Character, author, and book names under the cut
Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Malini- The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
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feuer-bluete · 6 months
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Part 7 of my Canon Rdr2 Horses - Buck
After loosing Tasha the choice of my next horse wasn't easy.
With Arthur I didn't really care about getting the fastest horse I wanted the one that looked the best, too me. With John and my hunt for 100% I had other requirements tho, plus of course after finishing the epilogue I finally had enough money that I felt I could splurge.
But I also still have requirements for my horses, size and coat colorwise. I didn't want the dark bay nor the gold turkoman and the arabian are all to small for my taste. So I was left with the Missouri Fox Trotters. The Silver Dapple Pinto sure is stunning if it weren't for his blue eyes but still better than the Amber Champagne.
It took me a while to get used to Buck but his speed, his speed is everything and the two of us crossed all over the map, in all states, many many times while finishing the 100%, the compendium and all story mode achievements. He is still my fast boi whenever I go back to my original save.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
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badmovieihave · 8 months
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Bad movie I have Giantess Attack vs Mecha-Fembot 2019
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ananke-xiii · 3 months
About Asa, Lily and Tasha (and Kelly).
There’s the experience of watching SPN by chronological order of the released episodes and the experience of watching it by specific writer and, as I once said, the latter is just a much better experience. I still stand by that. Incidentally, I think that this is one of the many reasons why the show went on for so long: since apparently writers rarely reached a consensus on the story and the characters’ internal coherence within a season, there’s a little bit for everyone’s tastes.
For instance, Steve Yockey’s episodes for s12 are a thing of Supernatural beauty. First of all I think Yockey was like “fuck the BMoL storyline AND I’m taking the boys out of that damn bunker” and I thank him for that. Secondly, he must have set his mind on weaving the (“bad”? “unconventional”? “simply flawed human”?) mother/(definitely absent)(surely dead) father central theme of the season with the “old” theme of human body/vessel/possession. And it’s sooooo great!
Asa Fox, Lily Sunder and Tasha Banes are the protagonists of his MoTW episodes and they’re such interesting characters! Two of them die at the very beginning of their respective episodes (the very parents of Alicia and Max, what a year for them, uh? Yockey you cruel, cruel man), while only one of them has her need fulfilled (well, more or less, although one might argue that the irony of Cas having his own son killed by God himself might be considered a sort of “karma’s a bitch” for him and a “win” for Lily).
Asa Fox is the absent father par excellence because well, he’s dead AND because we don’t know if he’s ever got to be a father or not. Jael says that Alicia and Max were too “frightened” to say that they came to say goodbye to their daddy and why would they be? Was it a secret? Lorraine didn’t know so I must assume yes. But… why? We don’t know. Lorraine is the “bad” mother who sabotaged her son’s gear and hid his gear and was generally unhappy about his son’s life choices. But Asa was also taunted by a possessive demon, Jael, who was probably in love with him (“Tell them what you took from me. Asa was mine”). Or maybe, as Lily Sunder would’ve put it, Jael was “obsessed” with him.
Now what I like about this episode is that Yockey was like: “I’ll remind you people that demons can actually be exorcised, you know? It might not always end well but hunters can and should at least fucking try”. By having Jael possess Jody (“this meatsuit you all seem to care so much about”), a beloved character, we’re reminded that possessed people are, you know, still people. Maybe dead people, though, but still, you should check, at least. And so the hunters try and succeed in exorcising the demon and all’s well that ends well (I mean, more or less, people still died but, you know, glass half full, man).
This dialogue between Sam and Mary is particularly delicious:
Mary: What are you doing?! She’s a demon. We kill demons. Sam: No, but she’s Jody.
Mary and demons… well, let’s say that I don’t exactly judge her when she forgets that demons are also possessing (possibly dead) people. But I like how her cold-bloodedness reveals the brothers’ hypocrisy (there’s something similar in this scene in s11 with Sam and Dean arguing about the vesselness (lol) of Cas).
Lily Sunder agrees with mother Mary: she kills angels. To be honest, I don’t judge her too, in her shoes I’d personally set the world on fire, but she does say “she is no threat whatsoever to humans” and she doesn’t want to hurt Sam and Dean, what with them being humans and all. Too bad that she does kill humans who are currently being possessed by angels. Oooopsie! Ishim didn’t teach her how to exorcise them, I guess (S4 was crazy for that, they established the idea that angels could be exorcised and then boom, forever forgotten).
I’m telling all this because it's Yockey’s writing that’s pointing it out. The episode starts off with Lily killing Benjamin and, a few scenes later, Cas tells this:
Cas: Benjamin is always very careful. Long ago, he found a powerfully devout vessel in Madrid, and her faith, it... she gave him everything – her trust and her body. Dean: Wait. So Benjamin's a woman. Cas: Benjamin is an angel. His vessel is a woman. But it – it's – it's more than that. She's not just his vessel. Sam: She's... She's his friend. Cas: Yeah. Benjamin would never put her in unnecessary danger.
So Lily killed Benjamin, the angel AND the “powerfully devout from Madrid” who’s first described as a vessel, a body, then as a woman, then again as “more than that/not just a vessel” and ultimately as a friend (with a romantic undertone to the word). So we GOTTA ask: when is a human being just a body? And when a vessel? Are there “vessels” and “not just [some angel’s]vessel”? And Lily Sunder, who’s a professor of Apocalyptic Literature and has sold her soul for Enochian magic surely knows that angels can be exorcised regardless of Ishim’s lessons in Angel Studies. But no, she wants to kill them, like send-them-to-The-Empty-kill them and, in so doing, I think she’s aware she’s also killing other humans in the process.
(can angels even be killed when they're not in a vessel?)
Paradoxically, this episode shows a Cas that’s very much “careless” about his “vessel-not vessel" and who's in contrast with the care his former brothers-in-arms extend to their vessels/friends. While Benjamin “wouldn't put himself in harm's way if he could help it.” and Mirabel and Ishim were not “careless” with their vessels, Cas is “impressed” that they have “kept [their]vessels all this time”. And isn’t it telling that’s Cas that uses the word “vessel” while Ishim says “but you, Castiel... I liked the old you better”? He doesn't say "your old vessel", he precisely says the "old you". Of course, Ishim's implying that Cas has changed etc, but I like when characters speak about vessels and everybody just sort of means different things.
First of all, just like Asa Fox’s death was foreshadowing Cas’death, Yockey is, again, foreshadowing Cas’ demise by the end of the season: he will be careless and he will put himself in harm’s way and he will die because of it. I used the word “paradoxically” before because Cas’ vessel is both a vessel and kind of Cas’ human (?) body. His “carelessness” cost everything to Jimmy Novak and the angel made a promise to him, twice, and yet he seems to be absolutely disconnected from corporeal reality to the point that he would easily throw himself in harm’s way without thinking. Benjamin wouldn’t do that. Hell, not even Ishim-Who-Hates-Humans would ever do that to his vessel (also, let’s bear in mind that possessed people suffer A.LOT. but also maybe let’s do like the show does and never go there again or we’ll just get ugly sad).
Going back to Lily Sunder, a character defined by her being a scholar and a mother. We don’t know anything about May’s father, but we do know that he’s NOT an angel (this is like the plot-twist of the episode). Akobel is the stand-in father/protector who, guess what? Dies! (just like Cas will die to protect his/not biologically his baby who’s also The Nephilim Of All Time after possibly Jesus himself, that depends if we consider him a Nephilim or not).
Ishim is in love with Lily (or so he thinks) but, just like Jael, he’s actually “obsessed” with her. He’s also convinced that Lily has “thrown him away" for Akobel, Akobel, who’s an angel but, we’re reminded, also a vessel (“Dispose of his vessel” Ishim says).
So what do we learn from absent/dead father/hunter Asa and vengeful/killer mother/scholar Lily's stories? Well, first of all that having a supernatural being as your stan will result in certain death, if not yours, the death of one of your loved ones. Which is a funny juxtaposition to Ishim's words: "You know why we're meant to stay away from them humans? Hmm? It's not because we're a danger to them. They're a danger to us". Second of all, angels and demons get quite possessive (haha I keep making this joke about possession I should stop) but this is not the rule, Benjamin represents the exception and, to a lesser degree, Ishim and Mirabel too. Believe it or not, angels have a vested interest in keeping their vessels alive and well, Cas is the only one who doesn't understand that and just keeps putting himself in harm's way.
What about Tasha Banes? Well, she's the one who's dealt with the "possession by another human being" card and I don't know if I can say that's the worst but yeah, it's the worst.
Tasha is a hunter, a witch and the mother of Alicia and Max. She seems like the cool mom, à la Lorelai Gilmore but we as audience are left to decide whether Alicia's anxiety is justified ("Mom usually checks in with us, but she's sort of disappeared") or if Max's right ("She did not disappear. She's busy.").
She is killed by an unnamed borrower witch who had made a deal with a demon and lost her soul as a consequence (not the same as Lily Sunder, but here we are again with the whole soul-thing). The witch wanted Tasha to take the deal upon herself, Tasha rejects it so she kills her and transforms her in a sort of creepy doll. The witch "possesses" Tasha and makes her a doll, a not-real but resembling body that acts and speaks like one. Soulless, bodyless, this Tasha creature is basically a memory.
Stripped of her sould and her body, Tasha (and later Alicia since Creature Tasha dies together with the borrower witch) is a puppet controlled by her master that will die when her master will.
She basically represents, imo, what all these anonymous meatsuits/vessels/not so much vessels/bodies are in the narrative: they're empty and unimportant unless they're contained by a powerful being or if they are loved and cared about by the hunters hunting these "things". And even the love of these hunters is not enough to spare this horrendous fate to these people: Max, a witch and a hunter, will eventually make the deal and transform Alicia into a "doll".
And I'm sorry but I cannot but think that this is not a coincidence if I think that the "doll" of s12 narrative is yet another mother, Kelly Kline, the point where the themes of motherhood and that of body/vessel/possession converge. She is THE VESSEL of the season, useful because she must give birth to the Nephilim and then easily discarded by the narrative. "Dispose of her vessel", Ishim might say of her.
Steve Yockey really understood the assignment.
Twigs and twine and Kelly Kline.
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zeffrasphinx · 11 months
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Sometimes, bad behavior is a good example of how NOT to be.
Don't fight like cats and dogs…
The Bible says to love each-other and keep (obey) the commandments. That's. ALL. God wants from us.
His disciples spreads the gospel (the good news) that God loved the world SO much that he send his only son, Jesus, to live a sinless life, die on the cross as the ultimate perfect sacrifice/offering and come back to life again after 3 days, to wash away our sins with his blood, so that we can be sinless, blameless, in God's eyes on Judgement Day.
If we believe.
The Bible… well, is the Bible. God's living word. It belongs to Jehova / Yahweh / God.
These 2 new characters don't have any official names yet… though, I was thinking of "Nya-tasha", for the cat lady.
Not sure about the dog man… something with the sound for "woof" (in Japanese, Russian, Hebrew or any other language if it sounds cool/clever) and archaeology maybe. Because, aside from being a preacher, he is also an archaeologist. X3
The fox is me =3 Zeffra ^_^ (I still have the ancient-egyptian-isk cat form too). They're both called "Zeffra", but to differentiate between them, I call the cat "Sphinx".
God willing, I'll have time to show you her updated look, show you the full fox outfit AND explain what's going on, story-wise, with the two…
Anyway, art and characters belong to @zeffrasphinx
Gotta go for now!
Oh, and if you see bright lights appear in the sky one day, and lots of children and people all over the world disappear… it's not aliens or UFOs. It's the Rapture.
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catinfroghat · 2 years
Since one of the few things we know about Marianne is that she used to party with Gore Vidal it wouldn't be that surprising if she had Hollywood connections. She and Greg's dad probably lived in LA, went to a lot of parties, lived the Hollywood lifestyle. Maybe it's how they met?
I like to imagine Greg's mom as a parallel to Shiv in a lot of ways and I think Marianne moving to LA to live a very hedonistic, lavish, consumerist lifestyle would be an act of rebellion against her very frugal, financially controlling, self-righteous father. Kind of the same way Shiv went into politics for the democratic party as a way of rebelling against her father's conservatism and to prove she could make something for herself outside the Waystar bubble.
Marianne was probably cut off financially by Ewan, made a number of bad investments, and could no longer maintain that lifestyle without falling into significant debt.
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moviesandmania · 2 years
GIANTESS ATTACK VS. MECHA-FEMBOT (2019) Reviews of cheesy sci-fi comedy
GIANTESS ATTACK VS. MECHA-FEMBOT (2019) Reviews of cheesy sci-fi comedy
Giantess Attack vs. Mecha-Fembot is a 2019 American sci-fi comedy film and a sequel to Giantess Attack (2017). Written and directed by Jeff Leroy (Dracula’s Sorority Sisters; Dracula in a Women’s Prison; Frankenstein in a Women’s Prison; Predator World; Rat Scratch Fever; Werewolf in a Womens Prison; Creepies; The Witch’s Sabbath; Eyes of the Werewolf). The movie stars Rachel Riley, Tasha Tacosa,…
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erythristicbones · 2 years
11, 37, and 48 for that oc ask game :D
oh, hello person who made the ask game!! ty for making that post and sending me an ask!! :D
11. which ocs have to be reminded to take breaks?
Oh, without a doubt, it's Kirsen. She's just like "if I'm moving nonstop and I never stay anywhere long, I never have to acknowledge my trauma". Kirs absolutely needs the people in her life that respond with "You either need a nap or therapy and I'm not leaving until you do one of those things".
Runner ups being...hm Bronwyn, Angeles and Tanith! Bronnie for similar reasons to Kirsen, Angeles bc she's the one that keeps that damn ship afloat, and Tanith bc they just do not perceive the passage of time well.
37. which ocs dress for comfort > fashion? which ocs dress fashion > comfort?
I think Natalie dresses the most for comfort, but Josephine is a close contender! They both have like specific clothing items that bring them immense comfort and forcing them to wear something else wouldn't go over well with them. Ruska also dresses for comfort, but they in particular just don't see the point of wearing something if it isn't comfortable.
As for fashion big BIG contenders are Bronwyn (literal circus ringmaster, she's GOTTA look good), Liona (an actual god who saved the world once and wants to look the part), and Astrid (faking being a god until she finds a way to be one and also wants to look the part).
48. which ocs need caffeine in the morning?
Tasha, although she would never admit it bc she thinks it would make her sound old. Rory, this man is so tired and depressed all the time...gotta give him energy somehow. And then Jonas more than literally anyone else, given they're cursed to have nightmares of their violent death every time they sleep and goddamn do they need something to keep them from sleeping as much as possible.
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gigglecoffin · 1 year
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WHELP HERES THE LONG AWAITED CAS RESOURCES!!! everything listed will always be in my recourses tab with my other fav cc links and tutorials!! i will try to update as much as i can!!!
m skin 1 skin N10
m skin 2 N14 -new
m skin 3 yujun & hector -new
f skin 1 kiko
f skin 2 jimi
f skin 3 skin N11
face shadow spotlight
mouth corners 1 N3
mouth corners 2 N2
nose mask 1 N1
nose mask 2 N4 upd
nose mask mm N7 -new
eyebag 1 OS-Eyebag 01
eyebag 2 N7
freckles 1 N1
freckles 2 naomi
moles 1
moles 2 N1
moles 3 N2
hairline 1 N1
body overlay -new
gentle cas lighting
m body 1 ir7770_ElezenPreset01
m body 2 David male body
m body 3 N3
m body 5
f body 1 N2
f body 2 pear
eye 1 fox eye preset
eye 2 MMSIMS Preset AM Eyes 1
eye 3 01
eye 4 02
eye 5 eyes v1
nose 1 button nose
nose 2 Female Nose Presets 04-09
nose 3  Male Nose Presets 04-06
nose 4 male preset 1
lips 1 ghostly
lips 2 puffy pt2
lips 3 puffy pt1
lips 4 jamie
lips 5 lips presets #10-32
jaw/chin 1
teeth -new
face shadows 1 -new
face shadows 2 -new
eyes 1 -new
eyes 2 -new
eyes 3 -new
eyes 4 #76 -new
highlight -new
anything by obscurus-sims, Dumbaby, Luumia, and Teamoon
sept 2022 shaders
heavy rain
alpha hair recolor tut
sept 5th 2022
hair acc
f skinblends
overall hairs
m hairs
july 12th 2024
cc creators @ the moment -new
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Tasha the Little Mantled Flying Fox, via
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shalomniscient · 6 months
sev thank you for responding to my ask last time i love yukong too shes one of my favs <3 so like i thought about this before i went to sleep some fluff of my fav women yukong: her head is on your lap, and you're in your room, sunlight flitting through the curtains as you clean her fox ears with a fluffy ear pick. she purrs and her tail twitches slightly at the sensation, and she rubs her face against your palm when you scratch the base of her ears. shes fierce and stern at work, but on the weekends, she unwinds once in a while, showing this side to you and you only. "work has been so stressful. thank you," yukong whispers. she reminds you of a kitten as she curls up in your lap, and you cant help but place a soft kiss on her nose. her nose scrunches up adorably, and you let out a tinkling laugh as you run your fingers through the fur of her tail. natasha: "you idiot," natasha reprimands, but you can still hear the love in her voice. you feel her soft hands through the latex gloves as she takes her time to dress the wound on your back. as she cleans the gash with an antiseptic, you gasp as it stings horribly, but the pain subsides as natasha places apologetic kisses all over your bare skin. you know her well enough to understand what shes trying to tell you, to be brave, that she loves you, and to never, ever get into danger again. himeko: you melt as fingers massage your scalp in all the right ways, because youve been with himeko for as long as you can remember, and she knows every single way to make you feel good. himeko hums as she washes your hair with her shampoo, and you sigh as you catch the scent of it. it smells like roses. it smells like her, like home. home is where himeko is, and wherever she goes, you follow. youve travelled on the astral express with her, through worlds, through galaxies, and you would easily do it again in a heartbeat. "thank you for staying by my side," himeko murmurs, and you lean back against her, eyes closed, as she rinses the shampoo out of your hair.
kafka: her front is pressed against your back, one of her hands is wrapped around your waist, the other on top of your right as she teaches you how to hold a bow properly. her head resting against your shoulder, she moves her hands with yours, placing the bow on the violin strings as you struggle to play a note. you grimace as the violin lets out a shriek, but kafka chuckles, "look, youre a natural."
rmb to rest well! yours, cookie anon <3
🍪 the way you are holding up the fluff economy on this blog LANJXMDOSKS this is so cute 🥺🥺🥺
ear care with yukong….. SHDJKDKDDKKD i feel like that could be such an intimate activity among foxians? like grooming is with cats. usually it’s something reserved for family members, but yukong loves and trusts you enough to let you care for a comb her ears and tail 🥺🥺🥺 it’s so relaxing for her and she just absolutely melts into the bed 😭😭😭 someone show this senior citizen some love frfr
AAAAA TASHA 🥺🥺🥺 she’s so overworked but she’ll always have time for you, you’re always her top priority. seeing you in pain hurts her too, so she always wants to take care of you. but if you keep getting hurt like this she’s gonna have to go out with you on patrol 😤😤😤 nobody wants to mess with the doctor with a rocket launcher after all LMAO
this ‘meko is similar to one i wrote before !!! not sure if it was you who requested it but bathing with himeko is so 💕💕💕 she’s SO good with her hands which is beneficial in other ways but also she gives KILLER massages… by the time she’s done massaging the shampoo into your hair and scalp it feels like you’ve ascended LMAO if she’s massaging other parts of your body it feels just as good. good luck moving later because it’ll feel like she massaged all the tension out of your body so you can’t move 😌😌😌
AAAAAAA LEARNING VIOLIN WITH KAF ??? i think she’ll appreciate if you really do put in the effort, even if you’re not that good at it. it shows that you care about what she cares about and it makes her killer heart flutter 💕💕💕 she’s such a patient teacher too, she doesn’t snap when you get something wrong, instead guiding you to the right way. her PRAISING also helps… like she’d be running her mouth the whole damn time, telling you how well you’re doing and how maybe one day the both of you could play a duet….. she’s so down bad for you it’s CRAZY
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catboymoments · 3 months
Okay but what’s the difference between Tasha vampire and Bella vampire? (Other then them being from different aus)
Tasha/the porters aren’t vampires or vampire bats, they’re based off of flying foxes!
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gointothevvater · 9 months
MTL Characters as Squishmallows 🖤
Nathan: Ham the alligator
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Pickles: Veronica the octopus
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Skwisgaar: Willy the wolf
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Murderface: Tasha the tiger
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Toki: Renard the bunny
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Charles: James the fox
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Dick: Noe the sea bunny
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St. Cecilia: Gracelynn the arctic fox
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Feel free to add your OCs! I'd love to see who they'd be! 🖤
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pollsnatural · 8 months
As a fan of Steve Yockey's writing, I have to do this.
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Greetings, everyone, our contestants have been finalized, and I want to provide a certain opportunity before the preliminaries begin. Namely, to provide additional propaganda for competitors in need of it. So, I have created a form to collect this new propaganda, and a list of both preliminary and non-preliminary participants under the cut. An asterisk next to a name indicates they have fewer than three pieces of propaganda, which is the amount that will be included in each poll. This form will be open for the duration of the tournament. You can make as many submissions you want for any character.
NOTE: The order of participants does not reflect the bracket matchups. Preliminary matchups will be announced next week, and the complete bracket will be announced after the preliminary round is finished.
UPDATE: Additional characters have been added in bold because I failed to fill out the bracket by counting incorrectly. One has been added to the preliminary round, and the others are regular competitors.
Cordelia Chase
Kendra Young*
Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Barbara Gordon
Cassandra Cain
Katma Tui*
Koriand’r aka Starfire*
Stephanie Brown
Talia al Ghul
Tara Markov*
Dragona Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The JOJOLands)*
Holy Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders)*
Lisa Lisa (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency )
Lucy Steel (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run)
Is (Kamen Rider 01)*
Kanon Fukami (Kamen Rider Ghost)*
Poppy Pipopapo (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)*
Saki Momose (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)*
Elektra Natchios (Marvel Comics)*
Elektra Natchios (NMCU)*
Ochako Uraraka - AUTOMATIC ENTRY
Magne (My Hero Academia)*
Momo Yaoyorozu
Nemuri Kayama*
Toru Hagakure*
Deanna Troi (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Jadzia Dax (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)*
Kes (Star Trek: Voyager)*
Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)
Tasha Yar (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
T'Pol (Star Trek: Enterprise)*
Bela Talbot
Charlie Bradbury
Eileen Leahy*
Mary Winchester*
Tetra (The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker)*
Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)*
Aki Izayoi/Akiza Izinski (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)*
Aoi Zaizen/Skye Zaizen (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)*
Kotori Mizuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL)*
Mai Valentine (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow)*
Ada Vessalius (Pandora Hearts)*
Agent Texas (Red vs Blue)*
Alex DeWitt (DC Comics)
Allura (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Alys Brangwin (Phantasy Star IV)*
Amber Volakis (House MD)*
Amy Amanda Allen (The A-Team (TV))*
Amy Pond (Doctor Who)*
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)
April O'Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012))
Arcee (Transformers)
Asuna (Sword Art Online)*
Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
Azula (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Britta Perry (Community)*
Brunhilda aka Mym (Dragalia Lost)*
Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper )*
Casca (Berserk)
Celica (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball)*
Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Chloe von Einzbern (Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA)*
Clarke Griffin (The 100)*
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)*
Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney)
Elya Musayeva (Топи/The Swamps (2021))*
Eve (Paradise Lost)*
Flora Reinhold (Professor Layton)
Gamora (Marvel Cinematic Universe)*
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler)*
Gwen (BBC Merlin)*
Gwen Stacy (Marvel Comics)*
Hélène Kuragina (War and Peace)
Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto)*
Irene Adler (BBC Sherlock)*
Iris Sagan (AI: the Somnium Files)*
Jade (Dragon Quest 11)*
Jade Harley (Homestuck)
Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Jennifer Lopez (John Dies At The End)*
Jiang Yanli (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Julia (Hellraiser)*
Julia Wicker (The Magicians)*
Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail)*
Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Kallen Kouzuki (Code Geass)
Kamala Khan (Marvel Comics)*
Katara (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Katherina Minola (The Taming of the Shrew)*
Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaires)*
Konan (Naruto)*
Laurel Lance (Arrow (CW)*
Leia Organa (Star Wars)*
Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)
Madison Paige (Heavy Rain)*
Malty S Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero)*
Margaret Houlihan (MASH (Movie 1970) )*
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Marwa (What We Do In The Shadows (TV series))*
Megaera (Hades)*
Mikaela Banes (Transformers)*
Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
Mikoko Sakazaki (Kaiji)*
Mikuru Asahina (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)*
Mildred "Millie" Knolastname (Helluva Boss)
Milla Maxwell (Tales of Xillia)*
Misa Amane (Death Note)
Misaki Unasaka (Buddy Daddies)*
Nami (One Piece)*
Naomi Misora (Death Note)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Natasha Rostova (War and Peace)
Nemu Kurotsuchi (Bleach)*
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)*
Nya Smith (Lego Ninjago)
Ochette (Octopath Traveler 2)*
Ophelia (Hamlet)*
Ophiuchus Shaina (Saint Seiya)*
Orihime Inoue (Bleach)
Padmé Amidala (Star Wars)
Pussy Galore (Goldeneye)*
Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
Quiet (Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain)*
Ran Mouri (Detective Conan)*
Rey (Star Wars)
River Tam (Firefly)*
Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)*
Skye (Lost in Blue)*
Sonia Hedgehog (Sonic Underground)*
South Dakota (Red vs Blue)*
Stephanie “Steph” Nocanonlastname (EverymanHYBRID)
Susan Pevensie (Chronicles of Narnia)*
Sweet-P (The Caligula Effect)*
Sylvanas Windrunner (Warcraft)*
Sylvia (Two Gentlemen of Verona)*
Teresa (Maze Runner series)*
Throné Anguis (Octopath Traveler 2)*
Yan Hui (Back From the Brink)*
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