#tatiana is the oldest
cepheusgalaxy · 8 months
How they save each other's contacts: sibling edition
Tatiana's phone:
Asshole #1 (Kaiki)
Asshole #2 (Luna)
Stella (Estella)
Aunt Alice (Alice)
Mom (their mom)
Dad (their dad)
Clariette (Clarissa)
Kaiki's phone:
Tati (Tatiana)
Gay (Luna. Don't worry, it's one of the safe nicknames and he assured she doesn't mind)
Estella (Estella)
Progenitor (their mom)
Papi (their dad)
Aunt Alice (Alice)
Luna's phone:
Big Sis (Tatiana)
Pussy (Kaiki, one of their safe nicknames)
Late Spawn (Estella)
Aunt (Alice)
Mom (their mom)
Father (their dad)
Estella's phone (she's got one for calls, even tho she's barely a ten-year-old):
Aunt Alice
(she's the only one who gets the right nameson her contacts)
Alice's phone:
Tati (Tatiana)
Boy (Kaiki)
Youngest (Luna)
Baby (Estella)
Sis (the kid's mom)
Kid's dad (the kid's dad)
Clari's phone:
Soulmate ❤️ (Tatiana)
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boydholbrook-fan · 20 days
Happy 43rd Birthday, Boyd Holbrook!
First of all, I made gifs from my most favorites of Boyd’s projects: (one gif for each project), posting them in a year of release order (from oldest to the most recent).
Movies + characters:
The Free World (2016) as Mo Lundy
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Logan (2017) as Donald Pierce
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The Predator (2018) as Quinn McKenna
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Two/One (2019) as Kaden
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In the Shadow of the Moon (2019) as Thomas Lockhart
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Eight for Silver/The Cursed (2021/2022) as John McBride
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Vengeance (2022) as Ty Shaw
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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) as Klaber
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The Bikeriders (2023/2024) as Cal
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TV Series/TV Mini Series + characters:
Narcos (2015 - 2016) as Steve Murphy
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The Fugitive (2020) as Mike Ferro
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The Sandman (2022 - ) as The Corinthian
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Justified: City Primeval (2023) as Clement Mansell
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And some of my favorite photos of Boyd, there's soooo many of them, I just picked some of them.
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And now,
I wish you, Boyd Holbrook, all the best! Much health, love and luck! May all your dreams come true and your life be filled with joy, happiness, great achievements and many happy adventures! You’re an exceptional talent and a phenomenal actor! You’re incredible! You’re such an inspiring, wonderful and precious human being! With a huge heart! A beautiful soul! You deserve all the love and support! You deserve nothing but the best! Because you’re the best! A legend!
Love you and admire you so much! I love, admire and appreciate all the outstanding and hard work you’ve done in your career so far and really looking forward for many many more to come! You’re my absolute favorite actor and one of my most favorite people! I’m so proud to be a fan of yours! You’re a true actor! A handsome man! Sweet, adorable, amazing and humorous person who can brighten up people around you! I’m so happy for you and proud of you! So happy to see how far you’ve made it in your life and vast career! You deserve all the best things in life! Thank you for being who you are, for being you! Thank you for blessing our screens with your exceptional talent! You’re awesome!
Hope you have a wonderful day, on your special day, surrounded by people you love and those that love you! You’re an incredible and such a lovely and kind person! The best! And again, I wanna wish you all the best! Today is your day! Have a beautiful one! Happy Birthday, Boyd! Much love! ❤️❤️❤️🌟🌟🌟
And also, soon to be a 2-time dad! As you and Tatiana are expecting your second child, a girl! Again, huge congratulations to you and Tatiana! I'm so happy for you all! I wish you and your family nothing but the best! I hope the baby is born healthy! ❤️🌟🥰
And again,
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warwickroyals · 11 months
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Sunderland’s Royal Jewel Vault (5/∞) ♛
↬ Glencairn Lover's Knot Tiara
In terms of jewelry, Sunderland has a very rich history that dates back centuries. The Glencairn lover's knot tiara is one of the oldest in the royal vault and has been passed down, from parent to child, since the days of King George. It is uncertain when this tiara was made. Featuring thirty-eight pear-shaped pearl pendants and lover's knot motifs, the design has proven popular. The Sunderland lover's knot is joined by the Cambridge and Bavarian lover's knot tiaras. All three tiaras were created in the 1800s, and all three are often mistaken for the much younger British version that was commissioned a century later. Despite their similarities, each of these tiaras have a distinct history and providence. In 1837, the Sunderland variant was gifted to Lady Imogen Longford as she prepared to marry the Duke of Glencairn, the second brother of King Louis III. The tiara was among other priceless gifts, for Imogen wasn't just marrying some prince, but a likely future king. The Duke's two older brothers had no surviving legitimate issue, and Sunderland was in the midst of a fierce succession crisis that pitted brother against brother. Ultimately, Imogen never became queen, that prize belonged to her German sister-in-law, Princess Caroline of Mecklenburg-Stralsund. However, Imogen was the mother of a king, giving birth to the future King George in 1839. As a result, most of her jewels are still worn by members of the royal family to this day. Sunderland's lover's knot tiara is perhaps the most famous of Imogen's jewels, having been worn by princesses and queens from every generation succeeding her. Despite rumours that the tiara is noisy, producing an awful "clacking" sound with every step its wearer takes, it has been a favourite of Queen Matilda Mary, Queen Anne, and Queen Irene in unflinching succession. The tiara is easy to fiddle with, flexible, with the top rows of pearls being removable. Since the 1830s it has starred in countless portraits, official images, and state events. Today, the tiara is on a long-term loan to Tatiana, Princess of Danforth who debuted the tiara in 2001. Since then the tiara has become her one of her most worn, next to her family's own diamond tiara. With the lover's knot's enduring popularity, it will be interesting to see who will don the sparkler next—at this point, it's almost a rite of passage.
A 1927 portrait of Queen Matilda Mary. She wears the tiara with its 18 pearl toppers.
Tatiana, Princess of Danforth wears the tiara sans toppers at a reception in June, 2018.
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10 years old Anastasia Romanov Kremlin letter, [29 May 1912].
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How is your health. It is hot here 30 degrees in the sun. I just got back from Neskuchnyi [1]. There was an outing in the morning and there was a worship service in Uspensky cathedral [2]. It was so sad to leave Levadia [3]. and I feel terribly sad that you are not here. Mari [4] and I live in the blue room Olga and Tatiana in the red, Nikita Fyodor and Andrei have tea with us and play here. Do you have a stick? Nikita is terribly naughty. It was terribly hot on the train.
“ Darling Shura,
Olga, Mama, Papa and Tatiana were traveling in a noble [5], like in Kiev. I feel better but sometimes bad again. Tomorrow there will be an inauguration of the monument [6]. Do you think you will come soon or not. They say that we will raise the Standard [7] on June 29, so you need to hurry. Now after Moscow I want to go to Levadia. We made a stop in Harkov. There were Ladies with Mama and Papa had reception of the deputies. Tatiana received a good gift today for her celebration [8]. We had a marvelous voyage from Yalta to Sevastopol [9], the weather was hot and marvelous in Sevastopol [10].
Will stay in touch. Big kiss to you. With love
1. The oldest park in Moscow.
Truly yours Anastasia
The envelope is plain because people like to read, when it says Moscow or Standard [11]. ”
2. Principal church in the Kremlin.
3. Tsarist summer palace in the Crimea.
4. Grand Duchess Maria.
5. Slang for a train cart for nobility.
6. Tsar Alexander III monument inaugurated on May 30, 1912.
7. Navy flag, the main Imperial yacht of the Tsar had the same name – The Standard.
8. May 29th is Grand Duchess Tatiana’s birthday.
9. Cities on the Black Sea.
10. A city in the Crimea.
11. The yacht, Standard.
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officialleehadan · 1 month
Hello darlings! Today's story was brought to you by Jon! Darling, thank you so much for all your support!
Prompt: Blaec, with a baby
HGE – Dragon Affairs
It was not often that Blaec had reason to be around a human infant.
Well, not often by human standards, anyway.
The birth of a new heir to the Imperial Throne of the Human Galactic Empire was always a cause for celebration. The baby, Lucas Rayhan Goliat, was a bright-eyed, alert child of about a year old, if Blaec was remembering right. Admittedly, he didn’t have the best relationship with time, and it was difficult to keep track of how old they really were. He noted the monarchs of the Empire, and met most of them, but he never got particularly attached.
Humans died so quickly that they were nothing more than an amusement. Perhaps a hundred years or so, and they died of age, if nothing took them sooner. It was, he was told, akin to a human being fond of a butterfly. Although they were beautiful and interesting, they died so quickly that it was rare for an immortal, especially one of Blaec’s age, to truly become more than vaguely fond of them.
But he did like children of any species, and was particularly amused by human ones.
Luka, as his parents called him, could burble a few words, but at this age, even Blaec’s delicate touch on his mind provided little outside of images and emotions. Desires and needs. Nothing so coherent as true words. The child simply didn’t know the words yet for what he wanted.
It was difficult to shift into his own form, but not at his true size, but there were a few occasions that warranted the focus it took to move the bulk of his being into the ether while holding his own shape. Most of the time, it was when he wished the comfort of resting in his Great Treasure’s arms, particularly if they were going underwater somewhere his true size did not allow.
Sometimes, it was to play with a child.
Luka squealed happily as Blaec tussled with him, mindful of his teeth, claws, and spikes with fragile baby skin, and let the child tumble over him, protected by judicious use of magic to make sure he never fell too hard. Blaec, of course, was immense, even if his bulk was hidden away, and nothing as delicate as a human child could do him the slightest harm.
He nuzzled and purred the child until Luka giggled and toddled about, using Blaec’s body as a support to stay on his still-unsteady feet. Blaec spread his wings to keep the little boy balanced and Luka squeaked, remarkably like a very young dragon kit, at the exciting new toy. Blaec fluttered his wings and purred again as excited little hands grasped at the large bone that made the arch of his wing.
“I can take him if he’s bothering you, Lord Petros,” Empress Viktoria Tatiana, called Viktia by her friends, offered with a smile hidden behind one hand as she watched her small child roll around the floor of the Imperial apartments in the company of the oldest dragon in their universe. It was, Blaec mused to himself, an amusing dichotomy. He so very old, and this child, now bundled up in his wings and shrieking with laughter, so incredibly new to the world. “He’s been a handful all morning.”
(I don’t mind) Blaec assured her, and nipped, incredibly careful of his sharp teeth, at Luka’s fingers. He knew his own bite strength, and could easily hold a balloon in his jaws without puncturing it. He knew how to be careful with a kit. (He is a cheerful and playful child.)
“He’s certainly that,” Viktia agreed with a rueful laugh at her young son, who was now mouthing eagerly over Blaec’s left wing-claw. Blaec rolled himself in a ball around Luka and wrapped him up in his wings again. Luka wiggled and flailed in the way of small children, but Blaec coiled his tail around one leg, and started purring again. Tickled by the vibrations in Blaec’s chest, Luka giggled helplessly until Blaec let him free to scramble about, sometimes on two legs and sometimes on all-fours. “Someday he will be the emperor of this galaxy of ours, but for now, he is young, and he is happy. I hope he will remain so for as long as possible.”
(So to do we all,) Blaec told her warmly. He had no kits of his own, but he had watched over the kits of others many times over his long life. (And we will watch over him. We of the Senate, as we have over all of your family’s long line. I cannot promise his safety, but he will never be without allies.)
“What mother could ask for more?” Viktia said and brushed a hand over her son’s sand-colored hair as he toddled past her, babbling to himself in pursuit of Blaec’s tail. “Thank you, Lord Petros. For this afternoon, and for watching over him. but do tell me if he bites your tail too hard. We’re not long from his nap, and he is not, despite his age, allowed to maul the guests!”
HGE - Dragon Affairs (FULL COLLECTION)
Fire Wings and Ice Scales
Right of Possession
The Oldest of Friends
Sky Battle
Tax Season
Crossing Enemies (Subscriber Only!)
Hold My Beer
Tussle (NEW!)
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tremarctoss · 6 months
now we live beside the pool where everything is good
After the Revolution, four is Finnick’s luckiest number.
Rating: Explicit
ao3 link: HERE
Finnick Odair x Original Female Character, kinda porn with plot, idk?
Finnick is angry. No, not angry, he’s furious. Not only he has to accept another year of Hunger Games and Johanna - of all the people - will be running them together with Enobaria. No, not only that. He also has to attend the hearing of his prep team. All the members working with One and Two were executed publicly already. Those from Three were long dead.
He barely has any time to ponder if and how he can save anyone. Hardly sleeps that night, counting the pros and cons of every member of his team. Enobarbus is the closest to him, the only person working with him all the time and never sugar-coating what’s about to happen. He even tried to warn him when he was about to get sold for the first time. But with over twenty years of experience as a stylist, he is as good as dead. 
Helvina is the only annoying of them all. Always talking about wanting to paint his body sea blue and green and marking him with tattoos. The only reason why he spares her any thought is because she has several children that will end up at the orphanage for sure. He gives up thinking about her when they tell him her husband died defending Snow during the bombing of the Capitol. 
Vibiana is the oldest and the illness is claiming her already. Killing her is mercy. Making her live the remaining months of her short life while they are low on every kind of medicine is just an ill-treatment of a dying person.
Tacita is the last and he almost does not recognize her. She is younger than him, only working as the hairdresser since the star-crossed lovers won their Games. He remembers how long her blonde hair was, how she had to gather it to not sit down on it. Now it is ending just under her chin. How her skin was glowing, dusted with freckles, now it looks almost gray. How her eyes were laughing at all the dumb things he said when she was massaging his scalp, but now they do not even look in his direction. He cannot guess what kind of blue they are today, that’s how much she is focused on not looking at anyone. Someone has hit her across the face and Finnick clasps his hands into fists until he feels his short nails digging into the skin. It was completely unnecessary for sure, she cannot even talk back.
- And we found her not wanting to give up those earrings. Real pearls and diamonds, not those fake things produced at One. - The man sitting in the middle of the long table says. - She could not afford them with her hairdresser payment. So she clearly must have stolen them.
Finnick recognizes them immediately. He remembers the way she blushed when he took out her ugly glass pink earrings out and put those on her instead. How she kissed his hands after. How she wore them all the time during the Quarter Quell while trying to hide her tears. How she tried to smile the night before he got sent back to the arena. How she sobbed when he came to her and kissed her hands himself and told her to take care of herself.
- Those are from me. I thought they would keep her safer than an engagement ring. - Finnick lies. - Thought she could sell them to keep herself safe after the Games.
- Do you still want to marry her? - It’s Coin who asks him. Her voice is bored but there's also a hint of curiosity there. - You never told anyone about her, did you?
Finnick plays his most innocent face.
- You said my prep team was murdered by Snow. - he reminds her.
There’s no ceremony and no fancy outfits and no extravagant dinner. A man comes to his room in the evening with papers and he signs them immediately, all four copies. Tatiana’s hair is still wet from the shower. She is so exhausted that he has to carry her from the bedroom and help her sit down in front of the man. 
- Do you want to marry Finnick Odair? - The man asks and gets irritated when she does not answer. - The contract is not valid until I hear you answer aloud.
- Then I think you should leave. - Finnick does not try to hide his own anger. - Because she cannot speak, never in her life did.
The man gets red in the face, stammers and writes the same note on all four papers saying “the woman is mute but the consent is obvious” before passing them to the girl so she can sign them herself. Leaves without a look in her direction and only shakes Finnick's hand. 
He tries to make her look at him but gives up when she flinches when he touches her chin. The mark on her face is even redder now, mocking him in the dim light.
It takes him four weeks of feeding her until she can eat on her own without getting sick. He starts with creamy soups and gently brings a spoon to her lips. The first day she swallows only a few before shaking her head and covering herself with a blanket. He tries to make her eat a little bit more but she just takes his palm and kisses it on the inside. He gives up, wraps his arms around her and watches her every breath when she sleeps that night. Promises himself to feed her one spoon more every day when she wakes up.
Another four weeks until she does not look away from him. He is still watching her fall asleep and wake up and naming all the shades of the brown and gold her freckles turn now. Reads her aloud Hemingway and Tolkien and Le Guin and Tokarczuk and every book people in his District hid before Peacekeepers so they wouldn’t burn them. She usually watches him when he reads but turns away the moment he stops and looks at her. But when he says “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with that there is.” she blushes crimson and withstands his gaze. He kisses her then, a small peck to her forehead, another on the tip of her nose and two more, each for one of the corners of her mouth. He keeps doing this every morning and night. 
His nightmares stop.
Further four weeks until she takes his hand and points her finger at the door so he can take her outside and show her the Ocean. It’s cold and gray but not windy and he does not catch her when she kneels in the wet sand. Only when her body shakes with silent sobs he realizes he was so focused on having her with him and getting her to feel better he never asked about her family or other things that could be a danger for the both of them. He sits down behind her, not caring how wet his pants get, not caring how cold he is until he gets the whole story out of her. Her fingers, with her nails still raw-bitten, skin terribly dry, shake when she tells him her family died in the bombings and it’s only her now.
- Us. - Finnick tells her kissing the bitten skin around her fingernails. - You have me now. We’re facing the world together.
She kisses him then, her body trembling with nervous energy when she presses her mouth against his forehead, nose and corners of his lips like he did before. 
He takes her for a walk every day after, making sure to talk as much as he can about the Ocean and his District, about the people she may meet and what to expect. He reads the books aloud when they sit in the sand, her body always in his lap, her arms around his middle, her breath warming his throat. He starts dreaming about her naked underneath him again.
When she comes to him after the next four weeks he already knows what will happen. He does not help her undress herself, instead sits on the sofa to watch her take off her dress and takes a deep breath himself when she reveals to be wearing nothing underneath it. The earrings he gave her are the only things she has on and he marvels for a moment how stunning she looks dressed in them. Her hair is grazing her shoulders and he’s glad. He hopes she will grow them long again.
He kisses her deeply then, his hands caressing her whole body gently until she kisses one of his hands and brings it in between her legs. She is so wet he has to remind himself to take it slowly and not scare her. 
- I’m going to carry you to our bedroom now. - He tells her. - Lay on my back on the bed and put you on top of me and use my fingers to make you come. Twice I think. I want to know that it feels good for you and that you know how to make me stop when something doesn't feel right. 
He uses one of his fingers to spread her folds and move it around her clit. She stands up on her tip-toes before bringing her body back down on his finger and sliding her cunt up and down on it. Finnick kneels in front of her and licks her quickly, hoping for a small taste. Moans loudly and pushes his finger in between her folds for another second. He undresses himself and strokes his cock several times before hugging her and pressing his member against her stomach.
- I think my fingers once and my mouth twice after all. - He says holding himself even closer to her. - And this is how far my cock will end up being inside you. It may be a little bit much for the first time so I want you to tap my hand or arm twice when you want me to stop, alright? 
She blushes crimson red from her forehead to her breasts but gets on her toes again to kiss him deeply. Finnick starts wondering where his control is coming from now because pinning her against the wall and sliding inside her heat is everything he’s thinking about. He wraps his right arm under her ass, squeezing one of her buttocks, and carries her upstairs. She starts playing with his hair and he cannot stop the moan when he remembers how she was doing that back in the Capitol.
- I had to masturbate several times after you did that. - He tells her, sitting them both down, her in his lap. - The night before the Games I was thinking about coming into your room and introducing my mouth to your count.
He almost comes on the spot when she kisses him sweetly and signs to him that she would allow him to do that. She kisses him again and he groans inside her mouth when she wraps her hand around his cock.
- Like this. - He tells her and wraps his own hand around hers. - A little bit firmer is what I like. Look at me now sweetheart. I want to see your eyes.
Her blush spreads when he comes on her stomach. He almost pushes her on her back and buries his mouth in her cunt when she takes his hand and starts licking it clean. Finnick takes the closest pillow and wipes her stomach with it. He sends it flying across the room and it hits the wall. He will worry about possible stains on the paint later.
She tries to run away when he lays down and positions her cunt above his face. He has to use some of his strength to keep her in place.
- It’s easier for me to watch you like that. - He tells her. - And I want to be sure I’m not forcing you into anything you don’t like.
He starts with her left knee, leaving small pecks there. He licks his way up and bites lightly where her thigh and hips meet, does the same to her second leg before pressing his tongue to her clit. She makes a sound then, something close to whimpering so he looks up to make sure she’s not in pain. There are tears in the corners of her eyes but she has a hand on her breast and a small smile on her lips so he starts sucking on her clit until she makes those tiny sounds again and has to put her hands on the wall to keep herself up. He doesn't close his eyes and doesn't stop sucking until her hips start moving against his face. 
It's different from what he's used to, to people loudly saying what they expected him to do, but he's good at reading everyone, still has to be in order to survive. He does not stop licking her when she comes. Instead, he spreads her legs even more and brings her cunt even closer to his mouth. She does not try to run away this time, instead shyly moves herself up and down his face, shaking when she falls apart.
He rolls her over slowly, making sure her head does not hit the bed frame. He wipes his mouth with his hand but she sucks his tongue into her mouth when he kisses her. He spreads her again, making sure to inform her about his every move. He slides one finger into her cunt first and she's so wet that the second and even third come in easily. He pumps them in and out quickly while telling her how good she feels around his fingers. How wet she is, how he thought so much about doing this, how he cannot wait to bury his cock in her and make her body shake and fall apart. 
He has to put his hand on her stomach to stop her from trying to get away when she's close. Her body almost snaps in half and she lightly kicks him accidentally in his ribs. She tries to make herself smaller when she calms down and barely has strength to move her fingers in apology after.
- Don't. - he tells her, marking her body with his teeth. He starts with the skin under her left breast. - I don't mind. I enjoy watching you fall apart.
He licks and bites until he feels her cunt clutching at his fingers again. Only then he removes them and rolls the condom onto his cock. She doesn’t try to stop him but nods her consent and kisses his hands all the time while he slides slowly into her. 
- We will get mirrors. On the ceiling and every wall. - he tells her when he finally bottoms out. - so it’s easier for me to watch you and make sure I am not hurting you. 
She blushes even more, he never knew it was possible for someone to do that. But she also nods and wraps her legs around him and brings him even closer so he stops holding back and just fucks her until she scratches him a little. She tries to apologize but he just pins her hand next to her head telling her he doesn't mind.
Because he truly doesn't, he knows where he is and who he is with and that's fine.
She starts cutting and styling his hair after that. It is never as short as during his time in the Capitol and he makes sure to tell her several times that he adores it longer. Loves her for never trying to make him look like the man people in the Panem lusted over. Puts his mouth on her cunt to show her just how much it means to him. Tries to make love to her at least once daily.
- I don't remember sex being so nice and fulfilling for me ever. - He says when she asks if he's not tired. - If I could I would have made love to you all the time.
She just sighs before kneeling in between his legs and unzipping his fly. She kisses his stomach when he tries to stop her and wraps her fingers around his cock before taking him into her mouth. He almost comes on the spot when she looks into his eyes.
- I love you, - He tells her and she smiles with her mouth full and brings one of her hands under her skirt. - so much.
He loves adoring her body with love bites and makes sure there’s at least one visible when she goes shopping in the town so no one hits on her. There’s no point in him following her everywhere. He wants her to have her own space but also wants her to be safe. He gets her two trained dogs so she is never alone anywhere. They are taught to react to certain motions she makes with her hands and it fills him with joy when she giggles when one of them licks her face. 
Two cats come next. To keep her warm when he goes for a run in the early mornings. Those assholes try to keep him out of bed when he comes back and he has a lot of fur to remove from his clothes every day. They also grow so fat they don’t even try to come outside and lazily roll away when she buys or makes new toys to make them move. He is sure they are getting that big on purpose. Their goal is surely to suffocate him. Sometimes when he sleeps with his mouth open one of them lays on his face until he has no choice but to throw them and the dogs out of the room. Of course he uses it as an excuse to lay his own face in between his wife’s breasts after that. 
It takes only four days for Coin to send him back during the first new Games because everyone is sick of him talking about his wife and how much he adores her. Should he buy that book for her? Will that necklace go with her skin tone? Will those cookies last the trip and taste great when he brings them to her? Is that silk scarf something she would wear or just a tacky present?
- You could bring her here. - Johanna tells him when he’s throwing his clothes back into his backpack. - Or to Seven. I think everyone would love to meet her.
- You can visit us and bring Annie with you. - He says back. - She is not going anywhere. Four is her home now.
She is shocked and scared when he comes back early. He needs several minutes to calm her down and explain that everything is alright. He got some more duties at his District after all.
- You will accompany me, alright? - She gives him a small nod and he cannot stop himself from pressing his mouth against her neck and marking her again. - Wear your hair up, okay? I want everyone to know you are only mine.
He does not join the next war when Plutarch rises to power. He ignores all the four summons Coin sends his way and only comes with his wife to the Capitol when it's time for a new President to be sworn in. He spends all the time watching her intensely and barely paying any attention to people around them.
- I'm just thinking about all the things I could be doing to you instead. - He tells her when she raises her eyebrow at him. She just sighs and kisses his cheek quickly and squeezes his hand.
- I don't know how she puts up with you. - Johanna tells him.
- That's rich. - Finnick says stealing a strawberry from her plate. - Especially now that you even ended up having a wife.
She and Annie move from Seven to Four shortly after Finnick welcomes his first child.
[ Four is the number of anniversaries they celebrate before their first kid is born and four is the number of the children they will have. ]
[ Four is the number of breaths he will take before following his elderly wife into death. ]
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I hear about the big pair and little pair but could you tell me more about olga and anastasias relationship and also tatianas with maria?
Hi anon! I would love to answer this question! OTMA, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, The Big Pair, The Little Pair, but what about other pairs? The girls were a very tight knit, close group of sisters, and they all loved each other very much, here are the “unpopular” pairs that no one really pays attention too!
Olga and Anastasia: Olga and Anastasia were the oldest and youngest daughters with a 6 year age gap. Olga loved her baby sister very much, a love that continued all of their lives. When they were older, Olga always used to reprimand Anastasia for being naughty, but also embraced Nastya’s fun spark and had fun with her. They used to ride their bikes around the halls of the Alexander Palace, and one time locked the daughter of a servant in a room together! Olga definitely was annoyed by Anastasia at many points in her life, but they shared the same fun spark and kind hearts that helped their sisterly love stay true forever.
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Olga and Maria: Olga and Maria were VERY close. Besides the 4 year age gap, these two had an unbreakable bond. Olga and Tatiana were a more dominant pair when Maria was little, but slowly she started getting included in their games and her relationship with her sisters solidified into a forever friendship. Olga and Maria loved each other. The bonded over many things such as a love for the piano. Olga always looked out for Maria, and Maria always did for Olga. Even at the end of their lives, they never failed to be a comfort to each other. It really was the sweetest and most comforting relationship out of the 4 sisters.
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Tatiana and Anastasia:
Tatiana and Anastasia’s bond is probably the most powerful relationship of the bunch. Tatiana had a strong and kind personality that nicknamed her “the governess” and Anastasia had an unruly tomboy prankster personality that made her the slyest and funniest of the bunch. Tatiana and Anastasia might not have gotten along sometimes because strong personalities tend to clash (a perfect example is when Anastasia covered a rock in snow and threw it at Tatiana’s face leaving both sisters distraught) but when they aren’t butting heads, their relationship is just like two extroverted best friends who share the loudest laughs and brightest smiles. Tatiana always looked out for Anastasia and always guided her in what was right and wrong. Anastasia greatly looked up to Tatiana and as both matured, their relationship grew even more and if you look closely at Anastasia towards the end of life when she is grown up more, at least to me, you can see a bit of Tatiana in her. There aren’t many photos of just Tatiana and Anastasia when they were little, but a lot more when they got older which suggests that their relationship really was solidified when they matured. These two were definitely the happy and more exuberant of the bunch and when they were together, the whole world smiled.
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Tatiana and Maria:
Tatiana and Maria’s relationship was a very sweet and calm one. Tatiana always made sure to look out for all of her siblings even though she technically wasn’t the oldest, and sometimes Maria needed a little bit more looking out for. Tatiana always made sure Maria felt included and safe within her surroundings and always looked out for her. Maria always felt safe around Tatiana and they became very close because of this. There are many photos of Maria and Tatiana as kids, not as many as Tatiana was maturing and Maria was still a child, but many more when both were adults. Tatiana and Maria always stayed close in life and always looked out for each other emotionally and probably emotionally relied on each other more than anyone could understand.
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I’m so so sorry for answering this ask SO late and I hope this answers your questions! Thank you so much for asking!
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arifeathers · 3 months
Hey! I just saw ur art for Rin as a bjj member and I was so happy to see that nsr fandom is still alive somewhat. If it’s not too much of bother can u plz give us more lore, content and hcs for our fave robo boi for ur au?
Sure, even I’m pretty happy to see that the fandom hasn’t completely died out! 😄
((I should tell you that some of these have spoilers so read at your own risk.))
Rin is the oldest out of his four younger brothers, being a former MK-1 model and his brothers being MK-2 models. He was rescued by Neon J from being scrapped and helped salvage the rest of 1010 into the MK-3 models they are right now.
He remembers being deployed into the Border war as a former MK-1 on a battleship, but doesn’t remember a lot of it, due to memory files being corrupted or removed when he was rescued by Neon J. Rin describes his past life like a fleeting dream and can only recall bits and pieces of his old experience except at the end of the war.
He has heard of Eve/Nadia from Zuke and seen a photo of her because of the drummer showing it to him and talking about his experiences in college after several visits in hospital.
Out of all the NSR artists, Rin has the most unpleasant feelings for Eve, due to her toxic treatment towards her ex-boyfriend and getting him badly injured when she set his hair on fire. These feelings only got worse when she tried to gaslight Zuke during their encounter with her and derided him as a “thing”.
He often talks about his brothers to his other bandmates when observing the objects found around Vinyl City. Rin doesn’t know what’s going on with them since he left NSR and hasn’t stepped in the Metro District before the events of the Rock Revolution, but misses them constantly.
Rin is the one who found the disused part of the sewers which becomes Bunk Bed Junction’s home and base. Before the start of Bunk Bed Junction and after saving Zuke from his burning hair, the android was living in the sewers to stay out of sight from NSR, while also visiting his new drummer friend in the hospital during his recovery.
He and Mayday often have paint wars in the sewers with balloon paint bombs. Zuke on the other hand, hates the mess they always cause and reminds them to clean it up at the end of their paint wars.
Before the Rock revolution and the formation of Bunk Bed Junction, Rin used to blow off steam by vandalising NSR billboards using military graded paint bomb he made himself. Both Mayday and Zuke considers this his crazy wild side.
The only one time he used real live explosives was when he blew up a billboard in the (at the time) Dream Fever District, featuring Tatiana introducing Eve as a new NSR artist. He still kept other people in mind first and set off the fire alarm in the gallery to prevent any possible causalities.
Rin had no idea at the time, that his family actually believed he was dead and even held a funeral for him, with the Metro District keeping a permanent tribute for him on the streets. It was only until Yinu actually yelled at him for being a horrible big brother and seeing the tribute in the Metro District, that the bassist learned the truth.
Other than Zuke, Rin also found Kliff extremely suspicious when he got Mayday’s number and even knew the location of their base. As a result, he decided to keep a close eye on him, while Zuke and Mayday deal with DK West. The only reason he decided to let Kliff lend his help was for his info on the NSR artists since his is extremely outdated.
And… that’s all I’ve got so far right now.
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raeynbowboi · 2 years
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As someone with autism, one of my fixations in high school was the Romanovs, and I remember being really amused by the realization that the four Grand Duchesses map perfectly onto the four Hogwarts Houses. So, I thought I’d share just because it’s kind of fun.
Olga Romanov was the eldest child. Clever and astute, she would often read alone in her room, read the newspaper with her father every morning, and would debate her father on political matters. During World War I, Olga, along with her mother and sister, Tatiana, trained to be nurses with the Red Cross and aided soldiers in the battle. She maps well to Ravenclaw for her keen mind and interest in learning.
Tatiana Romanov was the second oldest, and her mother’s favorite. She was a fashionista, delighting in fine clothes, and known for her charm and grace, to the point that the clumsy Anastasia envied her for her poise and elegance. What’s more, her sisters called her The Governess because of how she would boss them around like a nanny. She was also the negotiator of the four, sent when the sisters wanted something, as Nicholas and Alexandra had a harder time saying ‘no’ to Tatiana than the other three girls. She maps to Slytherin for her cunning, charm, and bossiness.
Maria Romanov was the third oldest. As a child, she was chubby, such that her sisters called her Fat Little Bow-Wow. She was an absolute saint of a girl, quick to tattle when she caught her older sisters breaking rules, which led to them often excluding her and teasing her. She dreamed of marrying a soldier and having a big family she could take care of. She maps onto Hufflepuff for her loving and affectionate personality.
Anastasia was the youngest of the four, and the apple of her father’s eye. Anastasia was a spitfire and a tomboy. She was known to race with the boys, climb trees, and hide in the cupboards. Her father called her Little Imp, and he let her get away with just about everything. She was a gifted performer, known to put on plays, sing, dance, and do comedy routines. During World War I, Anastasia was too young to be a nurse, but she kept soldiers company by playing games with them, and performing for their amusement. Even held captive by armed Bolshevik guards, Anastasia was known to stick her tongue out at them when they weren’t looking. She exemplifies the virtues of Gryffindor.
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connectthedotsdummy · 2 months
Can I get some lore ab Tati/her brothers? :D I love sibling dynamics (also their thoughts on Joey! As a bonus if ur up for it!)
ohhh The ever lovely Etienne family. They're like royalty in the small town of Graveside. The wealthiest, most influential family, they straight up rebuilt the town with their own money and construction company so they are well liked and respected. I'll get more into that if people want it.
I'll start with the oldest for her brothers (Tati is the youngest so she'll go last)
Royal - 41 y/o He's an international super model, he's home the least but everytime he calls he always checks up on Tati. That's his baby. He's a very soft spoken man, bordering on non verbal, but he's extremely sweet- He doesn't know Joey that well but from Tati told him about him. He thinks Joey is a nice and sweet boy. Man also considers Joey a baby though. (Since Joey is 21 most of the story) i gotta work on him some more.
Zyair "Zee"- 40 y/o He's a highschool literature teacher. He has a 4 year old son named Ezekiel, who calls Tati "Aunty Tea". Zyair is extremely protective of Tati and does not like Joey and does not try to. He hides it somewhat because Tati gets mad at him over it. but Zyair sees Tati as if she's still a teenager.
Lucent "Louie" - 38 y/o He's the local librarian, he spent most of his time there as a teenager that when they offered him an assistant job he took it and it went on from there. he's not as soft spoken as Royal and can be pretty blunt (not harsh though, he believes you shouldn't be nasty when telling someone like it is). when he was a teenager, he told one of his moms that he's trans and that helped her realize that she's trans too, they exchanged names and have an annual mother son day every year. - Lucent likes Joey, he sees him often at the library which is a surprise to him because Joey looks like such a jock (he's not lol)
Mykel - 30 y/o He's the youngest older brother besides Po (Tati's twin). he never went to college, refused to go really, he makes most of his money from online entertainment like an 0nlyf@ns. Tati finds Mykel so annoying, that man gets on her nerves often, especially once he finds out about Joey. - Mykel loves Joey, he thinks that boy is so funny and cute, and thinks he's a perfect match to his baby sister's rudeness.
Kaipo "Kai" - 23 y/o Tati's twin brother. he's actually Joey's best friend so he has everything nice to say about him. Joey refers to him as "Po" cause it's cuter to him. but Kaipo runs a blog/video journaling called Weirdos in Washington, where he searches for proof of cryptids in the woods of Graveside. He's already finished with college and about to go to grad school, but he's taking a year off because Tati is so attached to him that he doesn't feel confident to leave her on her own. He wants Joey and Tati to get together faster cause he knows they like eachother, Joey is just silly.
Tatiana "Tiana" - 23 y/o Joey calls her Tati because he misheard her when they got introduced officially. They were actually roommates for a whole semester but because of conflicting schedules they never ran into eachother at their dorm. She actually talked to him for the first time at Po's dnd party, which she didn't want to go to but because one of their members bailed cause she turned down his affection, she felt obligated for her brother lol. anyway, Tati is THE Princess of graveside, and her business is everyone else's business. she never really has a moment to herself without someone gossiping about her. and it doesn't help that she has a habit of sleeping around and NEVER falling in love. So it was a big deal for everyone when word got out that their princess fell in love, and not just with anyone, but the new kid, that no one knows anything about. Especially since Joey definitely doesn't fall in line with Tati's type lol
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ayphyx · 5 months
tell me ab ur ocs.
Ok so i actually have a shit ton of oc but the main ones are Maria and Aelius as they are the main characters of a story I’m making. My friend’s oc Romeo is also important to the story
I have two oc stories, one doesn’t really have a name but basically takes place over tens of years in medieval Europe (basic i know) but it follows the rivalry between a knight named Courage and an “oracle” named Destiny. They’re both immortal btw and they’re basically humanized concepts of courage and destiny. I do have a drawing of Destiny posted. It should be in my “oc: destiny” tag.
The other story is actually a collection of stories. The series is called god & goddesses bc i don’t have a permanent name for it.
So far there’s 4 stories which are all interconnected and two are sorta interconnected but the most developed, important, and oldest one (4 years old!!) is the last story.
I’ll try to summarize it in a way that is still understandable but it’s basically colonization and genocide through the eyes of a god.
Ok some background information bc you’re gonna need it:
There are several religions existing in the world. These religions are divided into major (large) religions and minor (small, folk) religions. Every god from every religion (granted that they have enough believers) exist
Gods from the major religions (major gods) created something called the Major Pantheon which is consisted of every major god
The major gods created a sort of government to basically make sure major conflicts between religions don’t break out
The people in the government are called Higher Gods
There are laws in the major pantheon that apply to all gods
There is a social hierarchy but its not as important to this story
I’m not gonna list all the laws out but the important ones are (the bully points after this isn’t indented bc idk how to indent on mobile):
Gods are not allowed to create cults, encourage the creation of cults, or engage with cult members
Gods are only allowed minor interactions with humans (there’s more to this law but the rest isn’t that important to the story)
Maria is a major goddess of spring, she has a younger sister, Anastasia, and two older sisters, Tatiana and Olya (if you recognize these names from somewhere, no you don’t). Theta recall based off of seasons, Tatiana is especially important because she is also a higher god. She is also mixed white and indigenous (located around Eastern Europe and north Asia)
Aelius is a sun god from another religion (which i will call the Old Religion). While he is powerful and trusted, he is not a higher god. He is white (would be Mediterranean irl)
Romeo is in love with Aelius and a human, he is a poc
It’s told as a myth from a young woman, a foreigner, to a boy who’s native to the village the woman has immigrated to.
The myth tells the tale of Maria who is forced to leave her home and disguise herself as a human after Aelius destabilizes the major pantheon, murders and influences gods to murder each other, including Maria’s family. After the village she was hiding in is taken over by Aelius’s soldiers, Maria is forced to relocate to the Empire which is under Aelius’s control. There she finds an underground revolution and joins in. When the Revolution breaks out, it seems to have a chance of actually succeeding until the military is called in and crushes the Revolution in a massacre. Maria is distraught but then creates a plan to infiltrate the religious system and get close enough to kill Aelius. She is taken in as a seamstress’s apprentice. She eventually meets a man named Romeo who wanders in, wanting to be taught how to sew. They end up striking a friendship and Maria becomes comfortable enough to talk about her ideals and goals of revolution. Turns out, Romeo is actually the leader of Aelius’s religion, and disguised himself as a commoner to escape his role that he feels uncomfortable and unfit for. Romeo doesn’t dare to expose his identity but he does end up internalizing some of Maria’s beliefs and working to subtly implement them. Maria does eventually find Romeo’s true identity and feel betrayed but decides to use her friendship with Romeo to her advantage. Before maria kickstarts the revolution, she does confront Romeo about being in universe pope, they basically talk it out and shit. Maria begins the revolution by fighting and murdering Aelius and then sets fire to the capital of the empire.
There’s more to this and i can explain it to you in detail if you want but yeah that’s basically the summary of story 4 of g&g. I also would love to talk about certain themes of story 4 like divinity as dehumanization if you want me to. I also have several Pinterest boards of Maria, Aelius, Destiny, courage, and more if you want me to share them to you. 👍👍👍
My oc tags start with “oc:” if you want to know a little bit more about their personality through tumblr text posts. Aelius also used to be called sunny so when you see “oc: sunny” that means Aelius
Have a wip of Maria burning down the capital as an extra for reading literally all of this
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neuroprincess · 1 year
Lady's Lover: The Origin of the Dimitrescu Sisters - Alcina Dimitrescu/OC (reader)
Alcina Dimitrescu/Original Character (reader)
Fanfic Chapter List
Summary: Melina Mayer has always lived within the confines of the farm and her family, unaware of the atrocities of the village until she reaches age 22, when, by a stroke of luck, is sold to the Dimitrescu family. The girl immediately wins over the Lady, but discovers the dark side of life, her past, carnal pleasures and all that this can provide.
Warnings: OC (original character), swearing, period misogyny, implied human trafficking, medium violence
Word count: +2200
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December, 1972  
Melina sighs and rubs the cloth hard against the wooden floor, diluting the dirt from the shoes of the other residents in house. The boot prints have slowly disappeared as the cloth becomes increasingly muddy and sticky, the girl sighs again, because this was one of the last cleaning cloths cleaned and there is still much to be done. Her mother, a stubby lady with red hair and a serious expression, runs back and forth in the kitchen, alternating between preparing lunch and supervising her youngest daughter's chores. She gives an approving look when seeing the impeccably clean surface, the girl gives the work as finished and stands up, feeling her legs tingling from being in the same position for so long, and gathers the bucket of water to throw it away.  
"Should I tidy the rooms or clean the stable?" asks Melina after getting rid of the dirty water.  
"The stable first, feed the horse. Then tidy the rooms, Mihai and Lucian's rooms too, they are coming back from the village."  
"But so early? They usually spend at least a week there." she thinks too loudly, finding strange that their trip was so quick, their return so sudden "Could they have done something?"  
"Get back to work and stop questioning things that don't involve you." replies Tatiana snidely, showing irritation and discomfort with the situation, wanting to avoid the conversation that was coming "And don't forget to prepare Nadja's dress."  
"Yes, Mother." murmurs Melina, a little resentful that she is being excluded from family matters again.  
But she soon forgets that feeling and euphoria takes over, curious to know what her twin sister, non-identical and a few minutes older, would do, living completely isolated from the village and being a travelers' inn on a rough stretch they don't have many special events or visitors. So new or festive clothes are rarely used, just when something important happens. Like the marriage of the oldest brother, firstborn George II, with one of the village girls. A union that is a constant object of reproach for Constantin, the second son of the family, who swears to everyone that he saw her in some brothel years before. After them, there are Mihai and Lucian, two strong and flirtatious men, born only 11 months apart, that have become very close and are each other's best friends. Then Nicolae, considered the cultured brother, who prefers books and studies to the manual work on the farm. And one year after him came the twins Nadja and Melina, the first girls in six generations of Mayer's family. The patriarch was very proud and in love with his little daughters until the day he died. 
"Watch where you're going, slut!" shouts one of the travelers at her, while accidentally bumping into each other on the way to the stable, the girl too distracted by her own thoughts and trying not to freeze in the snow.  
"Sorry." she simply replies, ignoring the insults, used to this kind of behavior.  
The man continues to curse, but Melina is too excited to give a care about him, besides, there are more important things than a man with bruised ego. She enters the stable, relieved that it has been barely used in the last few days, the blizzard seems to have scared off any fool who would have thought of venturing into the mountains. The idea of finishing the most difficult task of the day quickly cheers her up even more, so that there is time to talk to sister and gather information from brothers. Even though she has lived in the region since birth, the girl has never been allowed out of house, except for the trips to the neighboring farm with her father as she did in childhood, her life has been limited to the inn where she was born and the siblings and travelers, who have filled her with ideas about the world beyond the fences and the forest. She wants to experience everything about what she has heard, go to a ball, visit the fair, have a best friend, fall in love, kiss someone, make babies (as one traveler's wife shyly named sex for her) and, not the least, have a place where she feels at home. Of course the girl loves her family, all the siblings and mother, but since the sudden death of her father nothing has been the same. The house has become lifeless, Tatiana never again gave a smile that reached her eyes, George had to mature early to help his family, the other children resented fate, Melina barely remembers the happy and prosperous times.  
"How are you today, my sweet Thunder?" she hums to their pet horse, a five-year-old dark brown chestnut. The animal howls in return, excited at smelling food coming from the girl's bag "You are such a gluttonous boy." she wastes no time in taking the corn and carrots, leftover crops from last season, and giving them to Thunder "Winter is almost over, soon you will be able to run around the meadows again. Maybe Consty will let me ride you this year and we can go to the waterfalls together to cool off. Just you and me." 
Melina's favorite season is spring, when it isn't too hot and she isn't punished by the intense cold, daily chores become easier, illnesses strike less often and there is that pleasant feeling of the sun beating against her pale face, even the farm animals seem happier with the mild weather. During winter and autumn the farm suffers losses with the thick snow obstructing movement, nothing survives on the ground and the foxes wander silently behind the smaller animals, so the extra rooms in the family house are rented out to passing travelers, the farm being well on the way to the village, so they make a subsistence living in the cold season. Summer and spring are dedicated to cultivating and harvesting the large crops that the fertile land provides with the summer rains, so part of the food is carefully stored, the other part sold to the villagers and the duke. The money is not much, but enough to maintain the place and feed them for the next few months. The girl would be lying if she said she enjoys working in the fields, luckily Tatiana leaves her with all the housework and once the family is out the doors she sneaks out into the expanse of the farmland, climbing trees, running after the animals, napping on the grass and swimming in the pond. These are her moments of peace, the soft memories that she recalls every night to help her sleep during the cold. And also to distract herself during the work, in half an hour she finishes cleaning the place, a little disheartened by the fact that soon her brothers will be back with their own horses dirty with mud and pebbles in their hooves, making everything dirty again. She is putting the rake away when hears screams and a stirring movement coming from the main house, Melina immediately puts the chore aside, running towards the noise. She imagines the worst, like that brute who attacked her touching her mother or Nadja, drunken George making a jealous scene again, she even imagined Nadja getting naughty with one of the travelers and the more conservative brother teaching her some lesson. She knows how he can be, has experienced it in the skin in a literal way and there is a scar on her shoulder to prove it, the narrow mark of the whip etched into the fragile skin. Constantin can become violent. But nothing prepared her for finding a half-naked young woman running toward her, the two of them meeting in a crash that knocks both down in the fluffy snow. Behind them, Tatiana is red in an angry expression, George and Ingrid, his wife, struggle to control the woman as she tries to walk up to the girl with the intention of assaulting her. Nicolae, who is also half-naked, watches the whole scene unfold with a look of guilt and concern. The brute laughs and walks towards them, lifting the other girl in the air, only to throw her in front of the Mayer matriarch, Melina stares at him, trying to guess his next move. He doesn't look very smart, but he's not dumb, she would say, just not one of the best outlaws.  
 "Mrs. Mayer, your son just ruined my merchandise, we have to do something about it."
The woman tenses and pulls herself together, her son and daughter-in-law finally letting her go, knowing that she would do nothing against that traveler. He, known only as Thobias, uses the inns at least six times a year and usually brings with him about ten youths, in the hot weather even more, always more women than men. Of course they, except the girl, know the fate of those poor frightened creatures and shudder to think what is waiting for them when reaching the village.  
"She doesn't have a mark on the skin or a strand of hair out of place, she's in perfect condition," Tatiana replies, trying to negotiate.  
"This woman is no longer a virgin, making her useless in the eyes of the buyer, she is no longer pure since she has been contaminated by your wild offspring. No wonder you have so many children."  
"Maria is not an object for you to talk about her like that!" Nicolae speaks for the first time in the confusion, actually yells at the man at the top of his lungs, defending the slave girl.  
"Control your boy if you don't want one of my men to break his leg, Mrs. Mayer!" he warns, using a low and creepy tone.  
Melina gets up from the ground, wiping the snow off her knees, and stands behind the man's back, not having the courage to follow, afraid to pass him after ignoring him in the stable and her brother acting like this. She takes two steps back, trying to get as far away from the scene as possible and be swept out of Thobias' field of vision. But the movement drags the dress against some branches, catching his attention, the girl feels a shiver as their eyes meet and he smiles. 
"You know, she was one of the only untouched women in the batch, the purest, irreplaceable... except for another pure woman. I'm sure your youngest will do very well as a merchandise exchange. How old is she, 18?"  
"She turned 22 last spring."  
"She'll be 23 soon, a little older than expected, but I can't waste a natural and pristine beauty when I see one." he walks towards Melina and pulls her by the arm to reunite with Nicolae's mistress "I have an offer you can't refuse. One girl for another."  
"And why on earth do you think we would accept such barbarity?" it is George's turn to intervene, overcome with indignation, disgust in his voice.  
"It's that or I'm going to burn this whole farm to the ground with you locked in the stable, with Mother Miranda's permission." the young Mayer is confused and looks at her family, all startled at the mention of the woman "What's it going to be?" the matriarch swallows the lump in her throat and nods, turning her face away to avoid facing the daughter "Good! And I imagine young Nico will turn the whore into a Mayer, everybody wins, from what I've seen you may have grandchildren running around soon." he laughs dryly and grabs Melina by the wrist, she soon realizes what is happening and tries to kick him desperately, only to be slapped in the face, knocking her unconscious.  
The back and forth motion makes the girl nauseous, maybe it's the hit to the head, or the throbbing pain on the left side of her face, but she knows she'll throw up soon. Melina wakes up slowly, feeling pain and fear, the transport runs over a rock and she falls off balance as everything shakes. The brute just laughs and writes something in his notebook. She watches where they are, realizing to be inside one of the carriages, just the two in this and the rest of the youths probably piled in the other carriage following them.  
"Melina Celeste Mayer, 22 years old, 5'1 height? I'm guessing. You were born in March, right?"  
"Why do you want to know?" she mutters, starting to get annoyed, he just writes something ignoring her "I didn't know men like you can write."  
"And the bumpkin shows her claws. I'm more educated than you, slut!" he retorts and puts the notebook aside, analyzing her thoroughly, head to toe "If you talk to your Lady like that, I guarantee your head will be ripped off this beautiful body in seconds. Believe me, I have seen it happen... a lot. Would be a shame such a waste so soon, it's more fun when they endure."  
"You are...you are taking me to die?"  
"Accept that will be your fate, I've never seen anyone spend more than six months in that place. But it's no big deal, we're all going to die one day, you're going to die too young and I'm going to die fucking rich."  
"And where are you taking me?" Melina questions, with explicit fear in her voice and body.  
"Dimitrescu Castle." 
Join my taglist here ^^ now there is addition of Alcina Dimitrescu
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warwickroyals · 5 months
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Sunderland's Royal Jewel Vault (19/∞) ♛
↬ The Glencairn City of Warwick Fringe Tiara
Like their mainline cousins, the Glencairn branch of House Warwick has gathered quite the jewellery collection over the past seventy years. The City of Warwick Fringe Tiara is one of the oldest in their extensive collection. When Lady Esther Jungman (1926 - 1988) married the youngest son of King George II in 1954, the royal family did not skirt the costs, as it was the first royal wedding since the end of World War Two. Plus, Esther was no stranger to the royal lifestyle, she was a great-granddaughter of King George and Queen Alexandra. Esther's maternal grandmother was the ill-fated Grand Duchess Anastasia Georgiyevna (1873 – 1919), who was renowned for her irreplaceable jewel collection. This made Esther a great-niece of Tsar Nicholas II—and a second cousin of her husband-to-be. The twenty-eight-year-old bride was described as extremely beautiful, with quantities of dark hair, wide-set blue eyes, and a slightly retroussé nose. Wedding gifts were shipped in from across the world, each befitting for a quasi-Romanov princess. The most notable gift was from the City of Warwick itself: the tiara Esther used to secure her wedding veil. The tiara was modelled after a similar piece, the only tiara Esther's mother, Grand Duchess Natalia Georgiyevna (1902 - 1977), retained after the Russian Revolution forced her into exile. Like her mother's the fringe tiara featured rounded spikes set with diamonds. Esther was emotionally moved by the gift, thanking the city's mayor several times. Following the wedding, the new Duchess of Glencairn reached for the tiara frequently, sporting it at state visits, galas, and at the inauguration of her brother-in-law, King James II (1915 - 1970). Esther adjusted to royal life well, even after her husband was killed in a 1962 plane crash, she continued a wide variety of work. Thirty years after Esther's wedding, the tiara graced the head of another royal bride. Esther's middle daughter, Princess Frances, wore the tiara to marry Lee Wayne Grierson (1948 - 2024) in 1983. The televised wedding was attended by several prominent guests, including King Louis V, who walked the bride down the aisle. Unfortunately, Esther died before the 1998 wedding of her youngest daughter, Princess Valerie, who ended up inheriting the tiara. This wedding was more lowkey—greatly overshadowed by the wedding of her cousin James, Prince of Danforth to Lady Tatiana Farnsworth—but all the same, Valerie honoured her late mother by wearing the tiara to her wedding reception in New York City. The tiara stayed with Valerie and she wore it as much as circumstances would allow, including for several portraits taken in the '00s. To this day, the tiara continues to be one of the most recognizable tiaras from the Glencairn collection, reminiscent of an empire lost to history.
HRH Esther, Duchess of Glencairn wears the tiara in a 1957 portrait
HRH Princess Valerie of Glencairn wears the tiara in a personal photograph from 2005
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The Romanov sisters how was their relationship with their mother Alexandra Feodorovna tzarina of Russia?
OTMA had very similar but very different relationships with their mother Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna. Let’s get into it!
Olga, as we know, was a very emotional person. When she was a child, she got along with her mother and respected her rules. But as she was maturing into a teenager, she thought that those rules were very frustrating and she didn’t agree with them. Also, Alexandra didn’t like how Olga had many outbursts and how she “didn’t fulfill her role as the oldest daughter”. This stiffened the relationship between the two of them and it never really got better as time went on. Olga much preferred her father over her mother when she was a young adult, but she always felt sympathy for her mother’s poor health and she always tried to help, but i think she always felt overshadowed by her mother’s relationship with her younger siblings. Don’t get me wrong, Alexandra loved all of her children VERY much but not every relationship is perfect. Olga had a lot of ups and downs with her mother but they always loved each other no matter what and stuck by each other until the end.
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Tatiana by far had the best relationship with her mother out of all of OTMA. Tatiana was very patient and understanding and those traits helped enhance ther relationship between her and her mother. Alexandra didn’t have very good health sometimes because of her sciatic nerve and heart pain. In Alexandra’s mind Tatiana was the child that understood the pain the best. And she wasn’t wrong! Because of having her mother absent a lot, i think that Tatiana was kind of like a second mother to the younger children. She was nicknamed “the governess” because of organized personality. Throughout Tatiana’s whole life, she had an amazing relationship with her mother that stayed strong till the end of their lives. Some people even think that Tatiana was Alexandra’s favorite child too!
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Maria’s relationship with her mother was a very normal mother-daughter relationship. They always got along and they were very kind to each other. A sweet thing about their relationship was that when Alexandra was stuck in bed because of her health, Maria (and all of the daughters) wrote letters to her mother and her mother write back! In one letter, Maria wrote to Alexandra asking when for Olga to get her own room but really Olga was orchestrating the whole thing and forced Maria to do it for her. If you read their correspondence, you can see that Alexandra was extremely sweet to Maria and that she loved her very much.
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Anastasia’s relationship with her mom was very much like Maria’s but with a little more spice! As we all know, Anastasia was a goofball and she liked to play jokes and pranks and make funny faces. Sometimes those jokes went a bit too far so Alexandra had to scold her a little bit. Anastasia was Alexandra’s youngest daughter and i think she was an absolute delight to Alexandra. She might’ve had to get scolded a million times or get bossed around by her mother but that definitely did not harm the relationship between the two.
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Thank you for asking me this question!!! It was so fun to answer!!!
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uhhhitsme · 1 month
002: Lex Foster?
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
this is going to be neat because i. haha. may or may not have not watched nmt2.......................................... I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS THOUGH GUYS DONT WORRY. ALSO EVERYONE SHOULD SEND ME THESE WRITING THESE ARE SO FUN OH MY GOD!!!!
HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: well one thing i can definitely say is that i cried like a fucking baby during "black friday". genuinely one of my favourite characters for like!!!! so many reasons!!!!!! but mainly because 1) she cares so so so much about other people, about her sister 2) and despite her cynical persona she's just. so hopeful. califorMIA lives rent free in my mind because she wants better!!! she working for better!!!!!!!!!! i want to pick her up and squeeze her she's the most incredible woman alive and we need to talk about her more. also im an oldest sibling. so.
ALL THE PEOPLE I SHIP ROMANTICALLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: i haven't seen yellowjacket but i specifically ship her with the version of ethan from yellowjacket. its not even because robert manion plays him but although i liked him and was upset when he died the way he treated hannah at the start made me want to fucking FLAY HIM ALIVE. LIKE HE GOT BETTER LATER ON BUT STILL. i dont really ship her with anyone else!!
MY NON ROMANTIC OTP FOR THIS CHARACTER: OBVIOUSLY HANNAH AND LEX THE SISTERS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! they make me so emotional guys she tries so hard to be there for her and to help her and she loves her and god i love them so much guys none of you get it
MY UNPOPULAR OPINION ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: im barely in the hatchetfield fandom so i dont really........ know the popular opinions..................... but i will say i think we should talk about her more. she's so. she's. ugh.
CROSSOVER SHIPS: none :3 actually depending on the ages her and tatiana might be neat. theyve got parallels. or barb. sighs. i think i just miss spyentist.
HEADCANON: yes she's one of my favourite hatchetfield characters no i dont spend enough time thinking about her because spies have taken over my mind. its occured to me that i have very few actual headcanons for a lot of my blorbos actually, including spies, because im too busy thinking about their like. psyche. i should probably make a few. anyways she's a cuddler she loves physical affection she's like octopus she's always clinging on to ethan for dear life when they sleep. she also sleeps in the same bed as hannah sometimes because i say so (im projecting) and likes to hold her.
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loiladadiani · 1 year
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Photographs: 1. A very elegant Tatiana with her two children, Taymuraz and Natasha; 2. Tatiana looking at pictures with her children; 3. Tatiana and her sister Vera Konstantinovna
Princess Tatiana Konstantinovna of Russia  (1890 – 1979)
Tatiana was the third child and oldest daughter of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich and his wife, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mavrikievna. In 1911, she married the Georgian Prince Konstantine Bagration of Mukhrani.
Tatiana and Prince Konstantine Bagration had two children: Teymuraz Bagration (1912-1992) and Natasha Bagration (1914-1984). Unfortunately, Tatiana's husband died at the beginning of WWI. She went to live with her uncle, Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich, who was almost blind and needed help. She was very close to him.
While living with her uncle she fell in love with one of his aids de camp, Alexander Korochenzov (1877 – 1922.) Urged by her uncle, she left Russia with Korochenzov and her young children. They were fortunate enough to escape, as her uncle Dmitri Konstantinovich was executed in St. Petersburg in January 1919.
Tatiana Konstantinovna and Korochenzov at first fled to Romania and later to Switzerland. They married in Geneva. Three months later, however, Tatiana became a widow for the second time when Alexander died in Lausanne.
Tatiana raised her children alone, and after both were grown and married, she took the veil. She died as Mother Tamara, Abbess of the Mount of Olives Convent in Jerusalem in February 1979.
Photographs: 1. A very elegant Tatiana with her two children, Taymuraz and Natasha; 2. Tatiana looking at pictures with her children; 3. Tatiana and her sister Vera Konstantinovna
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