rockybloo · 2 years
What with Sleeping Beauty being the bookends of the bookmark cycles does it get any particular notice? Like would a spinning wheel represent the entire cycle or just SB, if someone marked the end/beginning of the cycle with a party would it be SB themed? Or is sleeping beauty and the cycle being 100 years long just in universe trivia and it gets no more notice than any of the others?
I am a wee bit confused but I'mma try to answer.
Sleeping Beauty is always the first Bookmarked and the last to achieve a happy ending. And all Sleeping Beauties are literally born with their stories beginning. Meaning that at their first birthday where everyone is present, it's tradition to always invite the fairy godmothers, often ones for the new generation of tales, so they can bestow gifts.
Of course, there is always one that is forgotten or late or wronged some way, leading to the curse being placed.
But the most the average Lore resident knows is "Sleeping Beauty has been born!" And that's basic queue that the new cycle is beginning. Since 100 years is awhile though, and the average human ain't got that long, only knowledge of it is passed from word of mouth through stories.
The second Sleeping Beauty achieves her ending, the current generation of the Storybook Cycle is over and the next begins with the birth of a new Sleeping Beauty.
There isn't necessarily a specific celebratory party for the end of a cycle unless you count Sleeping Beauty's 100th birthday where it's typical to celebrate them waking up for the first time which has been viewed as marking the end of the current generation. Similar to how we have a groundhog who predicts the weather when it comes to winter. We know it as the groundhog coming up and doing whatever but that symbolizes what the weather will do.
Shitty comparison actually but like...basically there's symbolism and dual meaning withing someone living their life that they don't really know effects others.
I dunno how much awareness prior Bookmarked have of each other yet since Beanstalked is meant to be the status quo being thrown off so characters with certain roles are meeting others they typically wouldn't have a high chance of crossing paths with.
Typically, tales are scattered about and on their paths and zoom through their events at a healthy pace instead of being delayed and are busy dealing with their own endings though the concept of every completed fairy tale of a generation gathering for Sleeping Beauty's eyes opening at a magical birthday party is very cute.
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wolfgirlandfarmboy · 2 years
Is Nana perpetually on the good list for her efforts in getting cookies to Mr. Kringle without a brawl?
She bounces around from naughty and nice through the year but she always ends up on the nice list on the end for preventing Mr. Kringle from having to body Jack
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roboticchibitan · 2 years
I see a lot of memes about refusing to knit gauge swatches and they hurt my heart a little bit. Like. I get it I've been there. But you're actively working against your own interests. Please just knit a swatch.
@tattinglacework said in the tags of my post about yarn substitution that a gauge swatch is the knitting/crochet equivalent of "measure twice cut once" and I'm stealing it forever now because it's so true. I've had to frog weeks worth of work because I needed to go up two needle sizes and I didn't do a swatch. But it was better than having a finished shawl that was way too small to be useful.
And listen, eventually if you keep refusing to do swatches and being all "teehee I'm such a rebel" about it, you're going to come to a project that you're super excited about, really looking forward to, spend time planning, maybe even buy really nice yarn for it... and you hate the finished product and never use it. Which makes all that work a waste of time.
I know it seems like knitting a swatch is a waste of time but knitting for a week only to have to frog it all is more of a waste of time than the hour I would've spent knitting a swatch. Even with cobweb lace knitting where a proper gauge swatch takes several hours (I've spent 10 hours on a gauge swatch before and I am glad I did cuz it saved my ass), it's a looooot better to knit for several hours and know the next 100 hours will not have been in vain.
A swatch can also help you see whether you like how that yarn works up, and can give you an idea of how that yarn drapes and works up. This is important if you are knitting with a different fiber yarn than what the pattern calls for. Some fibers have a lot more stretch than others. Wool is nice and stretchy but silk is not. Cotton isn't very stretchy. Acrylic stretches and drapes differently than wool or cotton. A swatch will tell you if a fiber is suitable for a pattern.
Some pattern swatches are stockinette stitch and some are in pattern, and an in pattern swatch is going to tell you a LOT about how that yarn will work with that pattern. For example: I like to buy the occasional indie dyed yarn that's got pops of color and multiple colors per skein. But those yarns are hard to find patterns for because the color change/variegation is so quick that it ends up being very busy fabric. A gauge swatch in pattern will tell me if a pattern will show well or get lost in the variegation. Indie dyed yarn is expensive and I am poor so I want to make something I actually like, is the right size, and I will actually use because looking at it doesn't make me miserable.
I'm begging you, just make a swatch. At worst you've lost a little bit of time confirming your needle and yarn choices work for the pattern. At best, you're saving yourself from spending dozens of hours on something you'll never use because it didn't turn out the way you want, doesn't fit, and you hate looking at it now.
Also this is important and I've deeply regretted not doing it before: treat your finished swatch how you're going to treat the finished object. Block it if you're going to block the finished item and then unpin it and let it rest for a while (your swatch WILL lie to you if you do not) before taking any data from it. If you're not sure how a yarn is going to survive the wash, chuck your swatch in the washing machine to see! Better to felt a swatch than a pair of socks you just spent a week knitting.
I used to be very "no gauge swatch we die like men" so I Get It. I really do. But I have also been in the "didn't swatch, spent eighteen months and 3,000 beads on a project only to block it and have it be almost exactly a foot too small" boat and let me tell you that'll change you as a person. Just knit a swatch. It takes so much less time than being wrong does.
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racheldrawsthis · 3 years
Hello! I downloaded your game and it’s real nice! But I can’t figure out how to save? I prayed at the picture and got to the part where I see the save files; but I’ve pushed all the buttons and it won’t let me save TO them. (Also I love your art and the slightly off-key rendition of Battle Hymn of the Republic for Forcas!)
hi !!! first off thank you SO much for playing the game/giving it a try, that alone means a lot to me !! and im super honored you love the art + music in the game !!
so- ive noticed that save mehanic doesn't work for people who's playing with the MAC version sadly :[ i'm trying to find a way to fix that- for Windows however saving function Should work as normal- players just need to hover over a file and save by pressing z, this usually does the trick !! if you're currently playing on the Windows version and the glitch is happening maybe try to restart the game, and if it still doesn't work i'll look more into it and patch it !! thank you for dropping by 💞💞
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prascovua-blog · 5 years
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Браслет "Эхо" Выполнен на заказ.посмотреть, похвастаться и отдать хозяйке! Выполнен из итальянского полиэстера, японского бисера Тоно, бусин стекло. Могу выполнить для вас похожий в других цветах. Цена 3500 руб...а ещё у меня будет в скором времени маленький сюрприз для вас по этому браслету #фриволите #фриволитеанкарс #кружевнойбраслет #браслетручнойработы #tattingshuttles #tatting #tattingbracelet #handmadejewelry #handmadebracelet #handmade #tattinglacework #tattinglace https://www.instagram.com/p/B5a-chBoEVf/?igshid=9j18imb2tx39
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craftmnl · 7 years
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We marvel at the visually stunning #TattingLaceWorks doily by @creatyve.kei! While it's a lot of patience and skill to learn this beautiful craft, it's very refreshing to see handmade pieces like these. Don't forget to check out @creatyve.kei's account to see more of her tatting lace work! ✨ _ Who's up to learning this craft? ☺️ we sure want to! http://ift.tt/2eNfqJu
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rockybloo · 2 years
If Jack had a mod that put Nana in Stardew Valley (with her permission) (unless she wouldn’t do that? In which case nvm lol) would he then engage with the romance mechanics?
I feel like a Nana mod in Stardew would only work if Nana convinced him to play it after giving permission with the added bonus of her adding commentary while sitting with him (well more like sitting in his lap) as he plays and tries to date her.
Jack's logic would basically be "Well I have the real Nana right here so why would I want a fake one". Which Nana would explain "That makes sense but then your little farmer self is gonna be all lonely. And what about the times I'm not here?"
The lad would ponder for a bit and inch a bit closer to saying yes but it takes Nana giving him the puppy eyes for him to finally download the mod and start playing.
It might backfire on Nana though because of the marriage mechanic and Jack kinda...goes a bit feral when it comes to the concept of marrying her. IN A POSITIVE WAY OF COURSE but Nana will def feel his eyes on her WAY more frequently after they are wed in game.
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rockybloo · 2 years
Can Pinokuni digest anything he “eats”? Even rocks? Or can he only eat more typically edible fare. Even then is he limited to a more human diet or could he eat grass?
Anything that is edible to living creatures logically, he can digest if he choses. The thing though is that if something tastes good to him, his brain automatically puts it in the "Digest this" category.
And I imagine he probably could digest other things like rocks because it's magical stomach acid and doesn't have to work by our rules but he'd def reflexively store something like a rock so he could cough it up and spit it at someone later for ticking him off.
Basically, if something tastes good, it goes into the "digestion" pocket dimension and if something tastes bad/is an literal object, it just goes to the "store this for later use" dimension.
So...I guess he could really eat anything if he just said "fuck it" with the only limit being what can fit in his mouth.
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roboticchibitan · 2 years
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I posted 4,215 times in 2022
That's 1,580 more posts than 2021!
468 posts created (11%)
3,747 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,869 of my posts in 2022
#v's fiber arts tag - 379 posts
#the yearning is upon me again - 112 posts
#hopepunk - 104 posts
#knitting - 98 posts
#lace rot disease - 77 posts
#v rates teapots - 74 posts
#humans are space orcs - 48 posts
#lace for the lace gods - 36 posts
#atla - 34 posts
#the joys of tea - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i messaged my doctor yesterday like 'look i just want to confirm that my assumption that this doesn't require medical treatment is correct'
I sent 2 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Alien crewmate: you talk to that small earth creature like it's a person. It must be intelligent to understand you and respond.
Human crewmate: oh you mean my cat? They don't understand most of what we say. They can understand basic commands and tone. And some of them are as intelligent as a human toddler. But they can't understand most of what we say.
Alien crewmate: but... it made noise back at you. It responded.
Human: oh yeah cats do this thing where we can have "conversations" with each other but we don't understand each other. Sometimes I meow back at her, too, but I don't actually understand her meows. It's only polite to speak her language sometimes, after all.
Alien crewmate: fascinating
1,604 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
OK but humans can feel rain in their bones. What kind of stuff could aliens do similarly? Imagine another alien from a deathworld hanging out with a human and the human is like "Oh my knee hurts the weather is going to change." And the deathworlder being like "Wait, you can predict your environment based on sensory input from your body too???" Turns out our deathworlder cousins can predict the weather and things like cave-ins because it makes their tusks hurt and they've never met another species who can do that. Non predator aliens watch this conversation in the mess hall in growing horror because what the fuck why are the predators able to do insane magic shit like predict the weather based on the feeling in their bones???
1,800 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
In a world full of forces that want to keep you miserable and downtrodden, the most radical thing you can do is cultivate hope in yourself. It takes practice, and it's hard at first, but it's one of those things that snowballs. First you find a little bit of hope, and you think maybe that's all there is. But as you practice being hopeful, your hope grows and grows until suddenly the world doesn't seem so bad.
And remember, maybe you can't change the entire world. But you can change your world. And it's okay to let that be enough. The entire world is a heavy burden that no one was meant to carry alone. It's okay to put it down.
2,116 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Humans understand that for a lot of alien species, baring teeth is a sign of aggression, so we all learn to smile with our mouths closed but then we meet an alien species that think "that thing you guys do with your face muscles" is as adorable as we think a cat doing a blep is and then only finding out (with horror) way later that when we smile at each other we bare our teeth and that's a sign of friendliness and happiness we do to each other among members of our own species.
Imagine being an alien recently assigned to a new ship and there's multiple humans on this crew and you're like "Yes! I hope these humans do the 'smile' thing it's so adorable" and then you watch two humans hanging out and they're baring their teeth at each other and you're like "oh no the predators are gonna fight this is bad" until someone else on the crew notices you turning distressed colors and is like "No that's what their smiles look like when they smile at each other" and the you're suddenly very intimated by the fact that the persistence predators bare their teeth at each other when happy.
2,668 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Human crewmate: smells like rain
Alien crewmate: you can SMELL that???
Human:. ... yes? Some humans can feel it in their bones, especially where bones have been broken and healed or have decayed. Most of us get it with age.
Alien crewmate, aside to another alien crewmate: what the fuck
12,827 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rockybloo · 2 years
What’s a silly story about Sweetheart and Bitterbat when they were younger? Like the sort thats definitely getting brought up at their wedding to gently embarrass them.
Probably Sweetheart attempting to win at a claw machine during a visit to the arcade and failing so Bitterbat took a swing at it to impress her only to fail as well.
He refuses to take defeat in front of his future girl tho so he just climbed inside to snatch up the plush she wanted.
And then got stuck.
And the two began to panic which led to Redhot, Sourpuss, and Rocksalt to show up since Bitterbat released a distress signal as a plan b.
And out of all of them, Sourpuss was the one to suggest "Have you tried poofing out?"
And then he did.
There was a solid minute of silence before Bitterbat demanded no one talk of the incident ever again.
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