#tau = easily one of the most guys ever <3
greatshell-rider · 2 years
“...[Sponge] was sitting in the tack room mending a headstall. He’d been doing that all winter. He looked just like his father, so sober and intent on his work. Older than his years. But then Hadand told him that Inda had arrived, and he leaped up, and his face changed into a boy’s face. Full of joy. I’ve never in my life seen such a transformation. He dashed out, running so fast he crashed into a wall. But he just laughed and ran on.”
Hadand realized something she’d been peripherally aware of for half a year: Inda was the only person who crossed in and out of that invisible space Evred surrounded himself with. Inda didn’t even seem to be aware of it. But Hadand could not imagine anyone else daring to hit Evred on the arm.
“Inda needs it,” Barend said. “Then Inda should have come and got it,” Fox retorted. Barend shut up.
have a few more gay ass bitches (feat. fox)
#tau's talk with joret is really funny he just realizes 'oh shit my yaska is evred but he's actually a king i gotta do something about that'#and so shows back up at the castle with theater plays and poking most every button evred has sheerly cuz he gets turned on when evred's mad#anyway#tau = easily one of the most guys ever <3#tau trade offer: you receive: real good sex. the kingdom receives: not collapsing due to your 'hope-driven self-destruction' over inda#i said anyway but im not done tau and evred's whole thing is just great#this post wasn't even about tau and evred lmaooo#here here's a tag actually for evred and inda. ahem#sponge with brain damage: weeeeeeeeee inda!!#and for the fox quote i still firmly believe that fox's primary bastard-ness in regards to the pirate treasure is cuz he's butthurt over#inda not meeting up with him to get it. fox is like evred in that he'd do most anything for inda but unlike evred resents that heavily sldkf#he just misses inda soooooooooo much smh#but yeah it was good inda didn't come cuz fox needed a nice wake up call and ramis handing his ass to him certainly helped !#oh also i think why evred and fox are both Like This (in such a similar fashion) is cuz they're both aro gay and that gayness is specificall#specifically just for inda#inda who is straight#fox's specific brand of gay for inda is very interesting tho more interesting than evred's a lotta times. i gotta think on it more tbh#chiri: could be studying bio or aviation or astronomy or japanese or other interests. also chiri: but what about those gay fuckin idiots!)#anyways for realsies#sartorias-deles#inda quartet#gay ass bitch#<-- nearly forgot The Tag lmao
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script-nef · 4 years
Ex-girlfriend | Miya Atsumu
Category: crack, fluff
Warning: profanities
1.4k words; just Miya Atsumu feeding his fans with his “girlfriend”
The link to the “interview” is a ridiculously high-quality cover of Colde singing Nabi Bobet Tau. It’s great, have a listen. The second one is “Lovestruck” also by Colde.
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Lmao did you guys see the interview Atsumu did
Okay so I was just chilling on my couch, flicking through channels to see what’s fun and guess who I see. Getting interviewed. With his incredibly red “girlfriend” by his side. (In hindsight it could be because of the winter cold but listening to Atsumu, he’s probably the main cause) And feeding us for the next 2 months while MSBY doesn’t have any interviews or appearances.
Bruh the reporter who had the fortune of randomly meeting them, what’s the power to your luck I want them secrets. I need them secrets.
But honestly, I was in a shitty mood all day and his interview made my mood lift up. If you guys wanna see the interview, it’s here.
Did you see her eyes when he started saying all the soft shit they do together? She was staring off into the distance like she gave up everything but she smiled so cutely when he looked back at her like a puppy. This is what I’m talking about. This shit is my life source. I need me an Atsumu. I need me some romance. 
“What would be different when you’re married?”
“Not much, but now I can use the ‘But I’m your husband’ card whenever I wanna hug!” BOY WHY ARE YOU SO PURE WHEN IT COMES TO HER WHY CAN’T YOU BE LIKE THAT IN YOUR MATCHES THE DUALITY OF THIS MAN
They��re so goddamn cute… Are there more clips of them together or anything like that?
There’s this page where people just dish whenever they see them together outside. It’s basically a massive collection of Atsumu being a lovesick fool for his now-fiancée. Here’s the link. 
Going out
Apparently his girlfriend worked for MSBY and he fell in love with her. But they had some kind of a bullshit “no dating people affiliated with the team” rule or something so he counted down the days until her year-long contract was over.
And everyone was basically rooting for them since they were super obvious and they officially started dating at the small party on her last day. I think there’s like a super grainy video of them hugging for the entire party. And like, she fits into his embrace perfectly like damn what a match I wish my boyfriend hugged me like that.
Café AU
I own a café and Atsumu comes regularly with his girlfriend. She always orders the chocolate waffle combo which is a plateful of waffles topped off with oreo crumbles and chocolate sauce and a milkshake. But Atsumu doesn’t like sweet things so he just watches her the entire time. You know the “chin rested on hand, leaning onto the table and looking at their significant other like the rest of the world doesn’t exist” move? Yeah, imagine that times 2,000. Then square it. And even then you won’t come close to how lovestruck he is for her.
And whenever she looks up from her waffles, he just grins and asks her if it’s nice in the sweetest voice like. You can make those types of voices??? I thought my ears were malfunctioning for a second. 
They’re just really cute and make me happy whenever I see them. I’m pretty sure a lot of my regulars also support them as well. 
So they’re getting married!! Ugh I swear I’m going to give them extra food as my way of saying congratulations the next time they come around.
Wait, are you the owner of ChatNoir Café? Like the one Atsumu uploads onto his Insta all the time??
That’s me! Yeah, thanks to him I’m getting more and more business everyday. You fans are so amazing I even made a deal for you guys. 
Atsumu just uploaded a video of him going through his new house. There is literally nothing in it other than bare essentials lmao. Hopefully they have similar taste in furnitures because I don’t think Atsumu’s going to back down on his decisions.
Insta upload
Atsumu just uploaded a video of him going through his new house. There is literally nothing in it other than bare essentials lmao. Hopefully they have similar taste in furnitures because I don’t think Atsumu’s going to back down on his decisions.
Nah, man. He’s always going to back down for her. You know how a lot of couples break up during the preparation for the wedding because they realised they’re too stubborn and get into fights? I was fearing that happening for Atsumu but then the match incident happened and I realised. This guy is whipped for her. Properly whipped. He’s never going to break up with her.
What’s the match incident?
It’s probably on YouTube, just search “Atsumu kneeling”.
It was a match where he did a spike which bounded off the opponent blocker’s arm and somehow went straight to her face. I was nearby her and my heart literally leapt into my throat when I saw it. She reacted fast enough and blocked it with her hand, but you should really watch the video to hear the sound. It’s somehow still so strong even after hitting the blocker (powerful boi)
Anyway he immediately ran to her to check up on the damage and literally broke down when he saw her skin turning red. He later said she gets bruises easily and that this left one which persisted for like, 3 months. 
She kept saying it was fine and that’s it’s not his fault, but he knelt in front of her to show how sorry he was. In front of everyone. Like, everyone. I couldn’t see one person who wasn’t watching him. And everyone’s jaw was on the floor because holy shit this guy’s kneeling here. I couldn’t believe it and I was standing right there. 
The coach eventually came to take him back and sent her to the infirmary to get the hand checked out, but she said something to Atsumu first which revived him. He never told us what it was but apparently it’s something really good since he got like, 10 services aces after that.
Lovesick Atsumu for the win
Drawing upload
Atsumu has uploaded yet another painting of him done by his fiancée and it is honestly amazing how someone has that much talent. Like, she’s pretty, probably has the patience and kindness of a God because she’s able to deal with Atsumu, artistic and adorable. Lady, what don’t you have??
I know right??? How are you so amazing please stop being so perfect and live like the rest of us plebeians down on Earth. How will I ever get a girlfriend when you’re everything I dream for??
I can imagine her painting and decorating the whole house while Atsumu trails behind her like a loyal puppy. Am I weird if I say I can see in front of my eyes how he’ll carry everything around and lean down for head pats while saying he deserves them for being good. Anyone else think this? No? Just me? Alright then.
YEAHHHH JOIN THE “ATSUMU IS FOREVER WHIPPED AND WE HAVE EVIDENCE” CLUB EVERYONE IS WELCOME!! In my 2 years of following this man I never thought that someone able to control him would appear but here she is. Our goddess. 
My only wish is for them to love each other and grow old. And hopefully update us on bits of their sweet and fluffy lives.
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thenatashaharis · 5 years
#TashaTravels : buongiorno Italy!
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Omg um Hi? hahaha lololol this is so so awkward. but hey guys Tasha is back! *bunyi drumroll* I know that I’ve been quiet for so long and I’m truly sorry for making you guys wait for almost a year plus, or more kot? I’m truly, deeply sorry :(  okayla dulu i selalu questioned kenapa bloggers selalu tak consistent untuk keep their blogs updated. Now that I’ve become one of them baru i tahu yang it actually takes a lot to consistently write. All this while I’ve been busy with my studies and all, so yea I couldnt really spare my time to sit down and write. (okay dah ah i dah takda idea nak bagi alasan apa dah hahahaha)
okay let’s get started! so as you all know, I went to Italy with my family for a month, last year, in 2019. “fuyo sebulan loaded teroks” kata siti rogayah (bukan nama sebenar) kepada thenah (sebut senah je spelling je acah matsalleh sikit). first and foremost, assalamualaikum I just want to make it clear yang i tak loaded pun haha. we went there pun ikut my dad punya business trip je maka nya rakan rakan sekalian, most of our expenses there were covered by the company, kalau tak memang i kena jadi petani sambilan lerr tanam taugeh tepi Pisa tower untuk sara diri i kat italy. so if haritu i cerita pasal france, seperti yang dijanjikan, this time I akan cerita pasal places that i visited in Italy, including some parts of Swiss. tapi not all la i akan cerita interesting places je kiyoh kiyoh (dekat tumblr je boleh gelak cemni kalau gelak kiyoh kiyoh in real life nanti mesti ternganga makcik yang duduk sebelah rumah i tu). jadi mari kita kita explore 6 places to visit in Italy bersama Tasha The Explorer yeaayyy (macam biasa, ni dora version takda monyet)
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#1 Verona
I personally love Verona walaupun masa kitorang pergi tu panas gila ibarat tersadai di padang pasir yang kering kontang ye anak anak (ni kalau cikgu BM i baca peribahasa yang i baru reka 2 saat yang lepas ni mesti dia suruh i jalan itik keliling padang netball sambil baca kamus dewan edisi ke 4). tapi memang panas gila lah taktipu. tapi i still suka verona sebab dia macam bila you sampai tu you’ll be like “Ouh now this is italy” because you can somehow feel the italy vibes there. In verona you’ll get to see plenty of cosy cafes with outdoor seating as well as souv shops. Colosseum pun ada but a small one lah i tak pergi rome tsk tsk (ini bunyi nangis ye for those yang taktahu) so i masuk colosseum kat sini je. if you happen to come here later, my advice would be, hm takyah masuk la haha sebab takda apa pun bazir duit je baik tengok kat google.com je.
anyway, those who are fans of romcom movies (macam i yeay)  tahu la kot kenapa verona ni jadi tourist spot. For all you know, Verona has become one of the most popular tourist spots in Italy since the release of Letters to Juliet, the famous american romantic comedy movie yang Amanda Seyfried berlakon tu. siapa tak tengok lagi please la go tengok cerita ni cute nak nangis okie dekat netflix pun ada. so basically in that movie like dorang tunjuk dekat Casa de Giuletta you boleh write your relationship problems and leave your letters there nanti Secretaries of Juliette akan reply kan. I taktahu if yall tahu or no but I’m telling anyway yang that place exists, the secretaries exist and if you tulis surat to them dorang akan reply! but i baca dekat this one blog dorang memang akan reply cumanya hahahaha hm jap gelak jap, cumanya it might take them days, months or even years lah to reply your letter. but better late than never kan gitchew. yela tourists from all over the world kot tulis kisah cinta frust menunggeng dorang dekat the secretaries ingat dorang Simsimi ke nak reply cepat cepat.
so if pergi verona, casa de Giueletta is a must visit place because obviously that’s the main attraction of the town. But honey worry not, you dont need to go all the way to Verona just to have your heartbreak letter answered. it’s 2020!  today, you can just share your relationship stories with them through email at [email protected] nanti dorang reply yeaay hehe. if korang nak tahu lebih boleh check their website. (I rasa dorang dah patut sponsour i kot)
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#2 Venice
Okay let me be frank, I am so sorry if this would disappoint many of you but Venice doesnt meet my expectations laa haha. I excited gila nak pergi venice masatu bcs I tengok dalam movie The Tourist macam lawa gilagila. but bila i sampai i macam NAANI? hahaha bcs biasa je la Venice ni, but this is my personal view la, mine might differ from yours. Maybe i cam biasa biasa je, maybe you suka kan. I dont know whether this is true or no but I heard that they dont have enough funding for the mantainance bcs yela costly.
but the only thing yang I suka in venice is the St. Mark’s square. dekat situ ada orchestra bands playing classic musics (my favourite!!)  dekat all these posh cafes and then you boleh la lari lari dekat the square kejar pigeons feeling feeling kat venice sikit haha. nanti the guys there akan offer untuk bagi you makanan burung so nanti the pigeons akan datang kat you pastu you boleh la amik gambar lawa lawa. but here’s the thing, some of them akan guna tactic cakap “don’t worry, it’s free” but honey let’s be real nothing is free in this world so eventually dia akan minta you bayar jugak so if you taknak bayar say no to them awal awal.
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#3 Pisa
okay sekarunk (rempit sekali sekala) kita dah sampai tempat menara senget kegemaran semua orang hahaha. kelakar tau I tengok je semua orang try hard gila nak buat pose tolak bangunan tu, i macam hmm kalau buat peace je takleh ke? lols. okay so hm pisa ada apa eh? nothing much la except for the buildings and the histories behind them. but pisa is a greaaaat greaaaat place to shop!!!! dekat sini la tempat you nak beli all the souvenirs fridge magnet ke tshirt ke keychain ke and paling penting LEATHER STUFFS (real leathers) including handbags wallets etc etc at the best price. For the handbags, i suka la the designs here are pretty simple and elegant tak gaudy macam makcik makcik sangat hahaha takpa kan cakap katsini bukan ada makcik pun baca hahaha korang jangan bagi makcik jiran sebelah baca pulak mati i kena bash nanti. but yea, if pergi italy, girls, remember to save your money for an exclusive shopping sesh in Pisa. *wink wink
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#4 Lauterbrunnen
“Eh tasha ni tak belajar geography ke zaman sekolah dulu Lauterbrunnen ni kan dekat swiss bukan italy”. ye sabar dulu thenah (masih senah yang sama) Lauterbrunnen ni memang la dekat swiss tapi swiss kan sempadan italy so the logic is that if you go to Italy, it would be a waste la if you tak include swiss in your itineraries sebab dekat je and you can easily go there by car hah gitu thenah nya.
When I first reached Lauterbrunnen, I felt as if I was in heaven. I swear *angkat tangan kanan* it’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to so far. like cantik cantik cantik cantikkk gila!!! ha berapa kali cantik tu. Actually I dah pernah sampai Swiss in 2011 but masatu i pergi Lucerne je, tapi cantik jugak. I jenis yang into nature, and everyone knows that Swiss is all about nature. so I suka gila la Switzerland. Along the journey to swiss, you will be mesmerized by its charming view. If you’re lucky enough you akan nampak horses, and then all these picturesque villages and snow cape alps macam all those fairy tale kingdoms taktipu. It was soooo green macam dalam painting and sooo clean I rasa nak tidur atas rumput (ceh kemain berangan hingat ni cerita hindustan ke).
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And Lauterbrunnen ni dekat je dengan Interlaken so pergi la jugak Interlaken and allow yourself to chill and take a stroll around the town. Jangan lupa singgah makan ice cream dekat this one halal cafe sambil jalan jalan tengok souvenirs hehe.
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#5 Dolomite
Dolomite would be a perfect stop for those yang suka hiking. best la hiking kat situ rasa macam pengembaraan Hobbit lols. As it was summer during that time so macam ramai jugak la tourists from all over the world yang hiking masatu. I guess we took about one hour plus to reach the top and it was so worth it to eventually see the view from above. Mula mula tu macam pancit jugakla but then I nampak this one preggy lady hiking jugak and I was like wow okay jangan jadi perempuan lemah ahahah.
anyway dekat atas sana ada this one cafe that serves the best hot chocolate in the world! i takpernah rasa hot chocolate sedap macamtu so if you pergi sana dont forget to stop by the cafe (it’s the one yang dalam gambar kat atas ni) and enjoy a cup (or perhaps two) of hot choc okie!
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#6 Milan
Milan, macam yang semua orang tahu, is the place where you could purchase all these stuffs from high-end brands be it Dior, Channel, Coach etc etc. but itu jela, tempat shopping, nothing else. mak mak suka la kot Milan but for me cam ala boring nya haha. but in Milan, kena be extra careful. if korang rasa cerita pick pocket i kat paris haritu dah cukup scary, cerita pick pocket kitorang dekat Milan kali ni is three times scarier I swear.
okay so cerita dia camni, we went to Milan by train dengan some of our dad’s friends sekali. so masatu baru nak masuk train, tapi macam a bit rushing because the train was about to leave already. parents i dengan their friends semua jalan kat depan, i dengan kakak i dekat belakang. so diorang masuk dulu the train. By the time i dengan nadia nak masuk it was so packed dekat door area so we couldnt masuk. so i dengan nadia masuk ikut the other pintu. so imagine eh dalam train tu our parents and the friends dekat the other side and kitorang dekat the other side. I dengan nadia masatu macam dah pelik la kenapa dekat area parents i macam packed gila with all these milano girls sedangkan banyak je space kat tempat lain.
pastu i nampak one of the girls like buat buat tanya pasal the route dekat my dad and his friends. masa my dad tengah jawab tu tetiba my dad’s friend nampak zip knapsack my dad dah terbukak tau. pastu tetibe je one of the girls shouted as if one of them was sexually harassed and then marah marah pastu they keluar from the train because masatu train tak gerak lagi. then my dad punya kawan punya wife checked her handbag and purse dia dah takda. pastu kitorang semua got off the train and my dad dengan kawan kawan dia semua pergi kejar la those ladies. okay ni sumpah macam movie taktipu i should hv recorded it tapi tulah things happened too fast.
my dad and his friends sempat kejar and tangkap the two ladies je because the rest dah went separate ways. masatu dorang dah masuk elevator tau but kitorang sempat tahan pintu tu. bila dah dapat tahan tu, they threw off the purse yang dorang amik (haa tahu takut ee tarik rambut kang jk). but dorang taknak bagi kitorang tengok what do they have inside their bags. Pastu my dad, shouted at her, “ I WANNA SEE YOUR BAG RIGHT NOW” i sumpah takpernah tengok my dad garang cemtu i taktahula masatu I amazed ke i takut hahaha. tapi guys perempuan ni gila sumpah. she was like “Okay you wanna see? alright” pastu dia angkat baju dia and showed everything. I mean literally everything. masatu like everyone yang ada dekat the train station was staring at us i taktahula perempuan ni gila ke gila tapi memang gila ah i rasa dia ter minum ketum kot instead of susu masa dia kecik.
pastu my dad and the guys insist jugak nak tengok her bag pastu ada this one italian lady datang and helped us. dia kata la yang she was also in the train at that time and she witnessed the moment the girls took our stuffs. pastu baru la the police came and all. sooo guysss Milan is definitely one of the pick pockets’ targeted spot yela because it’s Milan and semorang was expected to carry lots of cash there kan so pls pls be extra careful. if your friends or relatives ke nak datang Milan, pls remind them about this. 
Alright so tu jelah kot apa i nak cerita? haha. if yall are planning to go visit italy (or swiss), you might want to consider the places I’ve mentioned above. Thank you for reading! doakan la i rajin update selalu (azam 2020 kahkahkah). mana tahu next time i cerita pasal UM pulak ke Law ke hehe tu pun kalau korang nak baca la. if korang taknak baca hm i cerita kat kucing i jelah *muka sedih* see you guys later! xoxo, tasha. 
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40K factions and you
Space Marines:
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Your favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla, but occasionally you might try some Neapolitan, if you’re feeling dangerous. You’re faction’s lore is designed from the ground up to accept your self-inserts, and the models are some of the easiest to paint in the entire range. None of this matters because no matter how unique you think your super-cool “realistic marines who use real tactics maaaaan” are they’ll always come out looking like a slight variation of the ones below
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8th edition has finally allowed you to feel a tiny sliver of the unbalanced and over-costed hell other factions have been stuck in for years, but unlike them, daddy GW is more than willing to spend a little extra on his bulky good bois so they still get all the coolest gear and lore. Like vanilla, small children love them, but they grow out of both eventually. 
edit: it was only a matter of time before GW stamped its foot down and made the inevitable decision that its favorite kid needs to be busted again. Then again in all fairness they toned down their overpoweredness from “godlike” to merely “demi-godlike” 
Imperial Guard:
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You’re a big “history fan”. You’ve seen Enemy at the Gates, watched some history channel shows about Nazi wonder weapons, and make 54 karma post on r/history_memes recycling debunked Eastern Front jokes. Only your intelligent eye is able to conflate this factions obvious Metal Slug levels of cartoonish design and tactics with realism, and you make sure to remind everyone else of said realism by comparing your tabletop exploits to your military experience in the reserves. Everyone used to like you back when the faction was actually made up of underdogs and under appreciated, but the Guant’s Ghosts references have gotten kinda stale, and no one appreciates the brass balls of these Starship Trooper knockoffs now that 8th edition supports and rewards the very same mindless horde tactics the Guard used to be mocked for in Lore. Despite having some of the most tried and true designs in the game, as well as an incredible amount of options, you will quickly find how limiting the only “realistic” army is in terms of customization and paint schemes, as anything but camo, grey, or tan looks goofy and reveals how silly this faction actually is. 
edit: If your army consists of wrapping 30 guardsmen around basilisks I recommend you take a short fall down a long flight of stairs. Fuck you, Evan.
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You’re a real shooter. You know what you like and you stick with it, cause lets face it, it takes a lot of loyalty to stick with these arrogant pricks. Their designs are unique but dated, their lore is a uneven mishmash of 40k grimdark schmultz Tolkien telephone, and Oliver Twist-esque whipping bois for whenever GW writers need to remind us how cool Space Marines are. But none of that matters because you know the truth: Eldar can kick tons of ass on the board, and look good doing it, as their unique designs lends them to all sorts of brilliant color combinations
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And unlike other armies their rare design updates improve on their aesthetic while keeping their 40k-ness, something that is becoming increasingly rare in this era of Tacticool marines and Fantasy-creep. Just don’t expect to be taken seriously by anyone but the old-heads.
Edit: Leave it to the whipping bois to be outshined in their own event and get a single model update. Thanks GW, very cool. 
Dark Eldar
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You are one of two people: a meta hopping smooth brain who only jumped ship once these guys got one of the best updates in 40k history, or a true intellectual who understood their hidden merit all along. Other faction players like to make fun of you for being edgy, when in reality you know that the Dark Eldar are just a bunch of sociopathic theater kids. They, like you, know how fucked from top to bottom this universe is, and instead of getting depressed they exclaimed “how can we be the best cartoon villains we can be?”. Despite having a relatively bare army list, the fact that these d-bags come in 3 flavors of crazy in a single army offers a ton of variety: the mustache twirling villainy of the Kabals, the crazy bloodstained snuff-stars of the Wych cults, and the BDSM horror show of the Covens. All three offer substantial benefits and drawbacks and must be played carefully in order t- 
Who am I kidding? You’re just gonna stuff  a bunch of Kabal warriors into Venoms and zoom around the map, aren’t you? Enjoy that speed, because your abysmal save stats wont protect you anything more than a furiously thrown walnut. At least your corpses will look rad clad in some of the grimest armor and gear in the game. 
edit: no longer anywhere near as dominent as they were in the earlier years of 8th, but they still look slick as hell and play great. 
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Your IQ randomly jumps from 20 to 200 throughout the day. There is no predicting this, no planning around this, no stopping this. You’re best bet is just to go along with it, and that’s why you play Orks. Orks are roudy good-time buddies who love slapstick slaughter, not having thoughts, and occasionally pulling of cunning plans that human savants would struggle to comprehend. Orks seem to be the only faction that know what joy is, which is why you as a player spread it to everyone else. Yes, the memes and screaming can be a bit much to others sometimes, but like with any other mentally handicapped child  everyone around just grits their teeth through your bad episodes if it means not upsetting your unique sensibilities. And considering that this army’s aesthetic revolves around cobbled together nonsense, you have a lot of uniqueness to give. Orks are easily the most creative faction in the game when it comes to conversions. Nothing is too goofy, too dumb, or too silly to scrap together. As for performance on the tabletop? Go ham. This is an army that rewards merry bullshit and randomness. Remember, you didn’t pick Orks to win, you picked them to have fun. 
edit: So are Orks actually getting anything or what? GW’s plans for this faction is as chaotic as the minds of the ADHD scrambled minds who play them
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You have a very specific taste in... funky weird-science space Egyptians. Seriously, these guys are practically a completely different army to what they were a decade ago. Gone are the terminator references and eldritch lore nonsense, and here to stay is senility and glyphs. You lie to yourself, saying that you’re not really sure why you chose Necrons, but I know the truth: you chose them because they used to be busted. They used to be unfair. They used to be able to take out top-tier tanks with their version of pea shooters and come back after every turn. So overwhelmed were you by their dazzeling stats and bullshit cheese your brain’s wiring fried and the erratic firing of billions of flayed neurons made you think Necrons had cool lore and interesting models. But now they’ve been nerfed to hell, and you’re no longer stuck in that lasting state of sensory overload. Like a drunk snapping awake with a hangover you come to the painful reality: Necrons are kind of dull. So like me, you put them away in a shoebox forever, leaving their fragile sculpts to slowly fall apart.
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You will forever be hated by the community unfairly. You are accuse being anime - and this is true - yet the Eldar get away with being copied wholesale from 80′s space anime and no one seems to notice. You are made fun of for your bad melee, despite having one of the most comprehensively designed niches in an otherwise sloppy game and dominating with nearly every edition. You are made fun of for your lore, despite being largely separate from the cliches and story traps that everyone else has fallen into. You are hated because you are different; hated because you are Asian. 
Tau are an anomaly in 40k: a completely new faction that wasn’t directly ripped off of some other franchise and with an aesthetic that is wholly their own. I won’t be making fun of them because they get enough of that, and you don’t deserve it. Just know this dirty secret: Tau outsell almost every other xenos faction, and despite the supposedly unanimous hate are probably one of the strongest factions in terms of play-style and modelling in the franchise. 
Edit: The tau are grittier than ever, happy now? They still do the same thing they have always done anyways.
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Unlike the DE you actually are edgy. You worship satan, you throw rocks at homeless people, you start fires because your dad doesn’t spank you enough. Chaos are the closest things that this cluster fuck of a universe can get to being the main villains. Their lore is at once intricate and stupid, both childish and metal as hell. You play chaos because getting your fingers pricked by the models’ spikes is the closest you can come to feeling anything anymore. Just like the chaos lore you love to hype yourself up, to puff your chest and revel in the darkness inside, but when confronted you tend to fold like wet tissue paper. You’ve stopped playing public games with these guys, because the other players don’t understand you and abuse the meta and make fun of your painting skills and  everything is so unfair and don’t you think that chaos marines should get buffs for their points cost, fuck?
Edit: The new models are slick and more power-metal minivan than ever, though the rules are still abysmal despite GW desperately wanting everyone to takes these guys seriously for once. 
Sisters of Battle
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GW writers and designers hates Catholics and they hate women, so naturally they hate Sister of Battl. They also hate you for playing them. Because of this SoB are a monument to neglected potential. They have one of the best female armor designs in fiction, great lore, and an interesting playstyle that relies on faith/determination based feats of strength and valor... but GW hate Catholics and women, so SoB get shafted everywhere all the time. More often than not you will be disappointed reading about their exploits as they continually get unfairly slaughtered, corrupted into the horny service of the pervert god, or used as receptacles for blood-based paint when the writer’s favorite faction needs to fight demons. With no plastic models in sight for over a decade everyone began to come to the slow and dreadful realization that GW was looking to Squat our favorite estrogen warriors, until a new revamp was announced. Unfortunately the beta rules look as lackluster as ever, but that’s fine, because as a SoB fan you have learned to expect that GW hates you, Catholics, and women. 
Edit: GW found God and got woke because now they love women and Jesus’ one true Church, but let it be known that reformation doesn’t occur overnight, as the SOB’s faces still betray GW’s lingering discomfort in the female form:
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Their rules are fun, and if every codex was designed like it 40k might actually be a fun game
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nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom no- and that’s it that’s the Tyranids. I don’t know anything about them besides that, and neither do you, cause that’s their lore. Yes they have cool models, but next to no reliable updates. I’ll pray for you.  
Edit: it really looks like GW has just completely forgotten about you poor souls huh? The Night King, a character who is closely associated with the totally-not-reconned-Tyranid-invasion, comes back and not one word about you guys. They don’t even actively hate you like, say, they hate the Eldar. It’s just... apathy. 
Grey Knights
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edit: I hope you all realize that Grey Knights are far too specialized in fighting the permanently under performing forces of chaos to be 40ks “elite among elite.”  You and your entire faction has been made completely obsolescent by the Custodes. The rough times will continue, say hi to the Squats in heaven will you?
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You are either insufferably full of yourself or a fine practitioner of the model making craft. Most likely though you are neither, and you picked them because you only need gold and red paint to make them look good. Custodes are the space marine’s space marines, and they’re better than you and everyone else. period. At least in lore. On the table their incredible individual stats and elite status are reflected in points cost, so for most large games you will be fielding what amounts to any other faction’s skirmishing army. Unfortunately, since 40k is a stat-sheet battler that favors raw bulk of rolls and stats over the quality of them, you’d be hard-pressed to do well in any serious game. However, for the luminous of mind, the small size is a blessing in disguise since you don’t need to buy and paint as many units as the other armies, and no matter how hard the guard player trashes you his 50 unpainted manlets will never look as good as your 15 gloriously crafted golden Chads. Stick to smaller games, and the individual strength of each model will make up for the glaring absence caused by their loss.
Ironically enough despite being an elite faction from a relatively obscure part of 40k lore, these attributes make Custodes the perfect casual player’s faction. It is my personal theory that if GW didn’t grossly inflate their prices to such a high degree everyone would have a Custodes army. 
Oh yeah, Henry Cavil plays these guys, because of course he does. 
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chipsandwaffles · 7 years
Nu Kappa Tau - Love
Synopsis: Sometimes the most obvious thing to say is the hardest. Member: Doyoung/Reader Word Count: 8,116 Notes: a fic that’s been sitting around collecting dust for ages... it corresponds with THIS as well, so, read together?? or one before the other?? it doesn’t matter. enjoy ^^
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“Oh my fucking god…” You stare down at your grades in horror, seeing the eleven out of tw­enty staring back at you, as if mocking you. You weren’t angry at the grade necessarily, you were angry at the person who gave you it. The name staring back at you telling you who graded it is mocking you even worse than the numbers.
Of course Kim Doyoung graded it. He was the worst TA in the history of TA’s (even though he wasn’t actually a TA) because he always singled you out when he was grading. He gave you bad grades for no reason even on things you know deserved a perfect score, all because he could. You challenged it every time, but, even so, it was tiring to always have to go to him to convince him to change your grade.
You just wanted to go one assignment without having to see his stupid face and his stupid, cute smile looking at you as he told you after arguing for a good minute that he’ll review your grade.
“…Y/N, you okay?” You look over at the voice speaking to you, seeing Yuta, one of yours and Doyoung’s mutual friends. He was smiling like he knew something with that stupid smirk on his face, and you glare at him.
“The fuck are you looking at?” You ask. He points down at the paper in your hands, making you look down at the score and Doyoung’s name again. It was still mocking you.
“What’d you get?” Yuta asks. You look back up at him, and his stupid smirk was mocking you just as much as Doyoung’s name and your grade.
“…what’d you get?” You question back. You swear if he got a higher grade than you, you were going to kill Doyoung.
Because while Doyoung gave you bad grades for no reason, he gave Yuta bad grades because he just wasn’t good at school. Which, was fine, he wasn’t here for school he was here on an athletic scholarship.
But, even so. If you got worse than Yuta, then Doyoung was dead.
“Fifteen out of twenty,” Yuta says.
You feel a tinge of disrespect and your blood boils at Yuta’s words. Fifteen out of twenty. Fifteen out of twenty was a passing grade. Yuta barely ever got passing grades. Fifteen out of twenty was better than your pathetic grade of eleven. Fifteen out of twenty is what you should’ve gotten at least.
You scrunch up your assignment in your hands and stand up, slamming your hands on the table.
“Where the fuck is Doyoung?”
Right off of campus there’s a bookstore and café that lots of college students frequent when the library was full, one that you frequented as well because you knew you’d get peace and quiet there no matter what.
Not to mention Doyoung worked there, and you always liked watching him work in his cute apron while you studied.
It was kind of ironic that even though Doyoung managed to piss you off to no end with his grading, you still managed to have a crush on him. It’s not like he was a bad guy by any means, because every time you talked you’d have a fun and interesting conversation. And sometimes he’d give you free muffins too, and sometimes he helped you out with homework you didn’t understand. He was an awfully sweet guy, really.
Not to mention he was cute, and tall, and made the best chocolate chip muffins you’ve ever eaten in your life. Everything about him screamed your type.
You blame your freshmen self too, because freshmen you got one ridiculously big smile from Doyoung during your first class together and you’ve been keeping your eye on him ever since. In case maybe there came a chance in which you could ask him out for coffee or a late-night snack.
But, as you stomped your away across campus, you didn’t want to do anything with Doyoung besides punch his stupid, pretty face to a pulp. This bad grading shit had gone one too long, and the fact that Yuta had somehow gotten a better grade than you was the icing on the shitty cake that was Doyoung.
Your stupid crush had kept you from killing him before, but no more. It was time to put Doyoung in his place.
You shove open the door to the bookstore, ignoring the looks you were getting from the few customers and Johnny, one of Doyoung’s friends and coworkers. Your eyes search the place until they land on a head of bright, orange hair walking out of the backroom, surprised filling his face when he spots you.
“Kim. Fucking. Doyoung.” You stomp your way over to him and shove at him, making him stumble back. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Huh? You think you’re so high and mighty because you grade papers for fucking professors like the suck-up you are, right?! You’re not even a real fucking TA-”
“Y/N, what-
You throw the crumpled-up assignment you’d been squeezing in your fist at Doyoung, shoving him again. “You can’t just give me bad grades because you feel like it, you fucking asshole! You make me feel like such a fucking idiot every time I get my assignment back because I know I did fine on it and then you just-
“Y/N- can we-
“No, shut up!” You can feel tears welling up from being so upset with Doyoung, and he genuinely looks concerned about you. If he was so concerned, he shouldn’t have graded you so poorly in the first place, especially when you knew you deserved a better grade than fucking eleven out of twenty.
“You gave Yuta a fucking better grade than me- And Yuta never gets better grades than me- are you fucking trying to piss me off, Doyoung?! Huh?!”
Doyoung opens his mouth to speak, but you shake your head, taking a step a back and interrupting him before he can say anything. “You must get like some weird fucking kick out of seeing me pissed off and crying- fuck, I hate you so much, Doyoung, you stupid fucking asshole!”
You turn around and stomp back out the way you came, shoving past some customers that had walked in and ignoring any calls of your name from Doyoung. You were going to go back to your dorm and cry there and avoid anyone else for the rest of the day. You deserved that.
And while you were at it, you were going to crush any feelings you had for Doyoung, because he didn’t deserve you liking him. Not that asshole.
Nakamoto Yuta, 10:11 A.M hey you left your backpack in the classroom yesterday
Nakamoto Yuta, 10:11 A.M if you swing by the frat house I can give it to you
You stare at your phone, your eyes stinging from the light and from being so puffy from crying yourself to sleep last night. You felt pathetic and like shit, and Yuta’s texts didn’t help.
Going to the frat house, the Nu Kappa Tau frat house, the one that Doyoung was president for seemed like the dumbest idea. There was a huge chance that he’d end up answering the door, and if that happened, you don’t know if you could keep yourself from crying or worse, yelling at him again. Your throat hurt from yelling at him before, and you didn’t feel like making it worse.
You move your hand out from your blanket and text Yuta back.
You, 10:13 A.M meet me at the library or on the soccer field or something
You, 10:13 A.M I’m not going to the frat
You have no time to set your phone down because a few seconds later, Yuta has already texted you back.
Nakamoto Yuta, 10:13 A.M I refuse to put on pants today just to meet you and give you your backpack back
Nakamoto Yuta, 10:13 A.M meet me at the frat or I’m telling ten when he gets back from Thailand that your new best friend is jaehyun
You whine at Yuta’s texts and throw the covers off of you, texting him back as you move around to gather fresh clothes to wear after you showered.
You, 10:15 A.M I fucking hate you
Nakamoto Yuta, 10:15 A.M <3 see you soon
The frat house is located down the street from campus, a fifteen minute walk if you felt like it but you wanted to spend the least amount of time getting there and getting back to the safety of your bed, so you end up driving. Luckily, morning traffic isn’t bad at all so you make it there in record time and park behind the house.
You text Yuta that you’ve arrived and don’t even bother knocking on the door, hoping he’ll just come down from his room and give you your backpack. Then you could leave and be on your way. Maybe you could stop at one of the convenience stores and pick up a snack on your way back. Yeah. That sounded nice.
The door opens while you’re in thought wondering what to get on your way home, and immediately your eyes trail up a tall, lean body and end on a face that you didn’t want to see. This is why you didn’t want to go in the first place.
“Y/N- hey-
“I’m not talking to you. Where’s Yuta? I told him I was here.”
“Uh, yeah, about that…” Doyoung steps back and gestures for you to come inside. “I’m the only one here. I asked him to text-
You stop listening to Doyoung and turn around, stepping back down the small staircase of the frat house and back towards your car. You should’ve known better than to trust Yuta of all people. He always pulled shit like this.
“Y/N!” You’re halfway to your car when you feel Doyoung’s hand around your wrist, tugging you back. “Y/N, please don’t leave. I wanted to apologize- I made muffins.”
That stops you from trying to break free from Doyoung’s grasp. Doyoung’s muffins were so good, and if they were chocolate chip, how could you deny them? They were there for the taking.
You curse yourself for being so easily swayed by Doyoung’s stupid fucking muffins.
He releases your arm when you turn back around and start back towards the house, following after you until you’re in the kitchen. You take a seat at the island and watch him pull out two trays of muffins from the oven. He sets them on the counter in front of you.
“Give it a minute they’re-
“-hot.” You wave your hand back and forth and glare at Doyoung. It wasn’t his fault that your hand was now stinging, but, you were still going to glare at him.
He sighs and moves around the kitchen, grabbing a bowl, filling up the bowl with water, dropping a few ice cubes it in, and then placing it in front of you.
“Just soak your finger in the water for a bit. It’ll feel better,” he tells you. You grumble but do as he says, the relief coming almost instantly. You weren’t going to thank Doyoung, because you were still pissed at him so you two enter an awkward silence.
Doyoung busies himself with pulling out the muffins and putting them on a tray with some tongs, which is the weirdest way you’ve ever seen someone handle muffins before. He doesn’t seem to notice your judgement, clearly preoccupied with whatever might be on his mind. You hoped it was an apology. You were already waiting around longer than you wanted, and if he didn’t apologize soon you weren’t going to be happy.
When the muffins have cooled enough, you pick one off the plate, the one that definitely had the most chocolate chips, and start picking at it, still waiting for Doyoung’s apology.
You kind of hate yourself for still sticking around. You swear it was because of the muffins, but, you knew it was more than that. You knew your stupid crush had you sticking around, waiting for Doyoung to apologize so then you could go back to whatever weird, not entirely a friendship, thing you had with him.
You’re halfway through your muffin when Doyoung finally speaks up.
“…I’m sorry.” You look up at him, cocking an eyebrow to let him know you were listening. “About… this entire grading thing.”
“I don’t know why you’re such a jerk about it. Like, you know I got a good grade, just give me a good grade,” you tell him. Doyoung nods his head and pulls a muffin off the plate, beginning to pick at it.
“I know, Y/N. It’s just…” You roll your eyes at Doyoung.
“You better have the best excuse for why you’ve been giving me shitty grades or else I’m gonna throw all these muffins at you.”
Doyoung is silent again for a long moment. He shoves pieces of muffins into his mouth, and you notice his ears turning red. Was he embarrassed about his reasoning? You stay silent, waiting for Doyoung to talk when he was ready.
“Well, uh, Yuta…” You groan at hearing Yuta’s name. What the fuck did Yuta tell Doyoung so that he’d give you bad grades?
“Oh my god, Doyoung-
“He told me,” Doyoung starts, interrupting you. “He was telling me about how he got laid for like, the third time in one week and I… I asked him how he got girls to like him so easily because I… wanted to know if maybe I could use some of his tips to…”
Doyoung pauses, looking down at his muffin. “To get you to like me and he said “make her hate you” because apparently all girls love that? He was… really convincing when I questioned him.”
“Okay, see, I thought it was going great, you know? Because you always had to come to me when I gave you the wrong grade and you clearly weren’t happy about it. He was telling me it was working so I believed him- and then he told me to give you a worse grade than him because that’d definitely work but…”
“It didn’t. Do you know you’re an idiot?” Doyoung nods his head.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Doyoung, first of all, Yuta hypes himself up all the time. He doesn’t get laid for the exact reasons he told you. He’s a fucking jerk and he pulls shit like this and just pisses girls off. Second of all, why would you ever listen to Yuta about relationship advice? You’d be better off asking Johnny because at least Johnny is nice.”
“I know- I’m sorry, I really am-
“You don’t know how bad I want to throw all those muffins at you,” you say. Doyoung actually looks like he’s about to cry, and you’re not sure it’s because he’s genuinely upset with himself or because he might’ve ruined whatever you could’ve had together. Either way, it makes you want to forgive him.
“I’ll stop giving you shitty grades, Y/N. I’m sorry. I really am.”
You pick up a muffin off the muffin plate and set it in front of you, staring at it. You were going to forgive Doyoung, you know you were, but he needed to make it up to you before you could. You sit there quietly, thinking of all the ways he could before leaning forward and hitting his shoulder to get his attention.
“I’m going to forgive you,” you say. Doyoung’s face brightens up instantly.
“Mmhmm. Not yet though. You need to make it up to me.” Doyoung agrees, nodding his head and leaning forward waiting for what he had to do. “I want you to make me dinner every day this week. And I want it to be so good that I can shove it in Yuta’s face because he can’t eat it.”
“And I want free muffins for the rest of my life.”
“And on our first date you’re buying everything-
“First date?” Doyoung looks hopeful, a small smile on his face. You have to stop yourself from smiling back.
“Yeah, first date. Because I like you, loser. Without the help of Yuta and his stupid tricks. You should’ve just given me a muffin and asked me out on a date.”
“…Yuta said that was lame and you wouldn’t like that,” Doyoung says. You can’t help the eyeroll.
“No more listening to Yuta about relationship advice, either. If you do, I’m going to break up with you.” Doyoung laughs at that and with the smile he has on his face now you can’t help the smile that appears on your own face.
“And I want 1000 kisses by the end of the year. Once I get all 1000, you’ll have my forgiveness.” Doyoung leans closer to you, and for a spilt second you think he might actually kiss you.
“That means I have to kiss you almost three times a day.”
You stare at him, your eyes flickering down to his lips and for another spilt second, you think you might actually kiss Doyoung.
“I’m okay with that.”
“Okay. Done deal then?”
You nod. “Done deal.”
“What are you smiling about?” You look away from your phone and to Doyoung who was sitting next to you, his own smile on his face.
“I was just thinking back on how we got together. You were so stupid back then for listening to Yuta,” you tell him. Doyoung frowns and crosses his arms.
“I wasn’t that stupid,” he tries. You roll your eyes at him.
“You were the stupidest,” you say. You lean forward and press a kiss to Doyoung’s cheek. “But it’s okay, because I fixed it.”
“I thought my muffins kind of helped,” Doyoung says.
“I mean, they helped me from not beating you up for being an asshole.”
Suddenly, you’re being pinned to the couch, Doyoung on top of you and his hands pinning your arms to your side. “They must’ve not helped that much since you were still mad at me for another week-
“You really made upset me! I had every right to be mad at you-
“Uh-huh. You totally didn’t just pretend to still be mad at me so that I’d end up making lunch for you too, right?”
You bite your lip, trying to keep yourself from smiling. Doyoung was always so perceptive. “…Nope. I totally didn’t do that.”
Doyoung rolls his eyes this time and his hands release yours, only for them to go to your sides. He starts tickling you, making you squirm underneath him because tickling was always a weakness. He knew how to exploit it at the best moments too.
“Doyoungie- stop it!” He doesn’t listen, only continues until you’re both out of breath from laughing so hard. And then he’s kissing you, his hands trailing up your shirt until it’s being thrown to the floor. His lips move down your jaw, to your neck, leaving kisses on every inch of skin Doyoung can.
“Doyoung- I have to get going soon-
“You have five minutes,” he says. You feel his hips grind against yours and you give in immediately. You did have five minutes to spare.
By the time you’re done fooling around, you’re well past the time you were supposed to be somewhere. Doyoung doesn’t seem to care, because even as you’re trying to put clothes back on he clings to you, making it take longer than needed.
“You’re so clingy today,” you tell him. He nuzzles his nose into the back of your neck, humming out a noise of agreement. “Any reason for that?”
“I just like you a lot,” Doyoung says. You smile and shove on one of your shoes, fixing it as best you can while having a clingy boyfriend hugging you before turning around in Doyoung’s arms.
“I like you a lot too, but I really do have to go. I was supposed to meet up with Mark twenty minutes ago.” Doyoung steps away from you and lets you put on your other shoe, and then your backpack. When you’re done he wraps his arms around you again and pulls you close for one last kiss.
It lasts longer than a goodbye kiss, not that you mind because you loved kissing Doyoung, but you really did have to get to Mark. You pull away after a while and smile at Doyoung. He smiles back with this soft smile, and you’re about to tell him goodbye but he opens his mouth first.
“I love you.”
You blink a few times at Doyoung and laugh.
You don’t mean to laugh, it just comes out. You quickly cover your mouth and step back, his expression falling from his face. You reach behind you to open the door, stepping out of the way so it can open up.
“I-I gotta go- I’ll text you later, okay?” You step outside, ready to run away but Doyoung stops you from closing the door.
“Sorry! Mark’s waiting! I’ll see you later!” You don’t even bother closing the door, instead just rushing down the steps of the frat house and to your car. You don’t bother to look back, nor do you look at the door when you’re about to drive away. You needed to get away as quick as possible. The faster you did, the faster you could stop thinking about what just happened.
“Y/N, are you okay?” You look up from the assignment you were reviewing for Mark, seeing the obvious concern on his face.
“…Yeah, I’m good, why?”
“You’ve been looking at the same question for the last half hour... Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t have to help me study today…”
You shake your head and tell Mark you’re fine again, but you knew you weren’t. You had tried focusing on his assignment, but all you could think about were the words Doyoung told you before you left.
I love you
You feel like an idiot, because you should’ve just said you loved him too. Because it’s not like you didn’t. You and Doyoung had been dating for a year already, and there had been multiple times when you wanted to tell him how much you loved him. He was your first good boyfriend, the one who matched the best with you and the one that had made you happier than anyone before. Even after the whole Yuta crap in the beginning, he was still the best.
But you know why you laughed instead of saying it back. Your last boyfriend who said that wasn’t exactly the best guy, a total asshole even worse than Yuta. It was in high school, and, being as vulnerable as you were as a teenager, it didn’t exactly help you for future relationships.
Doyoung had said he loved you and you freaked out because you were terrified.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts to see Mark looking even more concerned than earlier, and you sigh, realizing you needed to say something to make him feel better.
“Mark, can I give you a hypothetical situation?” You ask. He nods his head. “Okay, so, let’s say Johnny has a girlfriend, right?”
“And said girlfriend got hurt in the past, right? She had a shitty boyfriend who made her lose trust in lots of guys but then she met Johnny and trusted him, you know? And after being together for a while, Johnny says he loves her.”
“She said I love you back, right?” Mark asks, his eyes widening in hope. You laugh a little, because Mark was cute getting wrapped up in your sort of hypothetical situation.
“Mark, it’s hypothetical.” He seems to remember that and rubs the back of his neck, laughing awkwardly.
“I totally forgot, oh my god. Okay, go on.”
“So, let’s say she didn’t say she loved him back. Not because she doesn’t, but because she’s scared of being hurt. Do you think… Johnny would understand if she… didn’t say it until she was ready?”
Mark thinks for a moment, and you look down at his assignment, thinking for yourself.
You’re not sure if Doyoung would necessarily understand, because Doyoung kind of had a fragile heart. If you said you couldn’t say you loved him back, he might think it’s because you didn’t and then let it get to his head. You definitely didn’t want that, and, you’re pretty sure Doyoung was freaking out anyways on his own back at the frat house. Either way, this whole situation was already a mess.
“I think he’d understand if she couldn’t say it back,” Mark speaks up, gaining your attention back. “I mean, it’s not like she doesn’t love him but she just can’t say it. He’d totally understand.”
“But, if she’s afraid of getting hurt, why did she trust Johnny long enough for him to be able to say it? Was she expecting to break up with him before he said that? I mean, it kind of seems like she doesn’t trust him not to hurt her, but at the same time she does trust him not to hurt her?”
You stare at Mark, frowning. “She’s a very confused girl, Mark.”
“…Y/N, this doesn’t seem all that hypothetical.” Mark stares back at you, and then leans forward, his voice turning into a whisper. “Did… this happen between you and Doyoung?”
Even if Mark was kind of a clutz and sometimes too innocent for his own good, he could be just as perceptive as Doyoung when he wanted to be.
“…Doyoung said he loved me before I came here and I kind of… ran away.”
“Did you say anything to him? Before you ran away?” You shake your head. “…Y/N, I think that’s worse than explaining why you… can’t say it.”
“I know- I just- I freaked out. I freaked out so bad.” You feel tears pricking the corner of your eyes and you hang your head in your hands. Mark is quick to move next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders for comfort like the sweetheart he was.
“Y/N, you should talk to Doyoung,” Mark mumbles to you. You sniffle and nod, knowing he was right. If you didn’t, it was just going to get worse.
“I’ll- I’ll do it later I need to help with your assignment. I said I’d look it over for you so-
“You should take a minute to yourself first. I don’t mind.” You pull away from Mark and stand up, ruffling his hair. He really was a sweetheart.
“Thanks for listening, Mark. I’ll be right back.”
Mark smiles at you. “No problem, Y/N.”
It’s two days after the whole incident with Doyoung, and you finally have the courage to answer his texts. You had been ignoring the frat chat and Ten as well, not wanting to say anything to him. As much as you loved your best friend, you knew damn well he’d say something to everyone else. So, you kept quiet from him and Doyoung and everyone else.
Until now, of course, because Doyoung needed some sort of reply from you.
You, 2:03 P.M passed that quiz with a perfect score
You stare at your reply, knowing you had completely ignored any of his previous texts but that was the first thing that came to mind. Doyoung would be happy you got a perfect score anyways.
Within seconds, a text is sent back to you.
Doyoung <3, 2:03 P.M perfect as always
You, 2:03 P.M :)
Your fingers hover over the letters on the keyboard, not sure what to say next. You hadn’t exactly thought that far; you just wanted to talk to Doyoung.
The messages moving up the screen distracts you and you read what Doyoung has sent.
Doyoung <3, 2:04 P.M if you want to ignore what happened the other day we can
Well. You weren’t expecting that. You think for a moment, trying to figure out what to say to Doyoung. You definitely didn’t want to talk about this over text, but you also didn’t want to leave him completely in the dark.
You, 2:06 P.M I don’t want to ignore it
You, 2:06 P.M but I don’t want to talk about this over text
You, 2:06 P.M I just kind of need some time to think about it?
You, 2:06 P.M we can still act like normal and talk but I just need some time
You, 2:06 P.M is that okay?
That seemed good enough for now. Hopefully.
Doyoung <3, 2:06 P.M how much time do you think?
You, 2:06 P.M not long I promise
You, 2:06 P.M just a little bit and then we’ll talk about it
You, 2:07 P.M okay?
Doyoung <3, 2:07 P.M okay
Doyoung <3, 2:07 P.M just keep me updated
You, 2:07 P.M <3
The thing about college is that sometimes you can just get ridiculously busy for no reason. Which happens to you while in the middle of your problems with Doyoung.
You still think about the whole thing of course, but really, it’s on the backburner while you focus on other things. You had a test to study for, your job gets busy while you cover someone’s shift for three days, a problem comes about between two of your friends, assignments start piling up, and then you hear that Epsilon Chi Omicron is having a frat party that you have to attend because Nu Kappa Tau is attending and you were practically an honorary member.
Not to mention you were dating the president, so, if you didn’t show up, then someone was going to ask questions.
The two weeks leading up to that is rough, and you barely have time to talk to Doyoung or visit the frat house. He gets worried at first, because you’re stressed and just wanted to help you relax, and then he gets frustrated because you still haven’t talked. Two days before the party, you tell him that you were sorry for being busy and that you’d talk at the party, and he agrees and leaves you alone.
Even though you had left your relationship with Doyoung on the backburner for those two weeks, you figured it was now or never to talk about it at the party. You knew what you needed to tell him and what to talk about, so it’d be fine.
And, hopefully, he’d understand and maybe when he told you he loved you, you’d be able to say it back this time.
You’re nervous. You’re so fucking nervous. After the mess in the group chat that happened earlier with everyone figuring out that you and Doyoung were kind of having problems, you had a terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach.
And it worsened the second Doyoung walked into the Epsilon Chi Omicron house, his eyes locking onto you. He points upstairs and then heads up, repeating his texts in physical form, and you look away to make eye contact with Taeyong. He gives you a thumbs up for support and you smile, leaving Mark with him and then heading upstairs yourself.
Doyoung is standing at the end of the hallway, and the closer you get the more nervous he looks. At least you weren’t alone.
You shouldn’t be nervous though. It was going to be fine. Doyoung and you were going to be fine.
You hoped.
“Hey,” Doyoung looks up at you and when you’re close enough he pulls you into the room he’s selected for you two and after closing the door, wraps you up in his arms.
After not seeing Doyoung for two weeks, after only talking over text and once over the phone, after not feeling his hands on you or feeling his breath tickle your ear, a wave of relief washes over you. Doyoung made you feel so safe and good and with just one touch he made you feel like nothing was wrong in the world because you were with him. That feeling in your gut was gone just by Doyoung holding you.
You feel like crying because how could you just walk out on such a good thing when he said I love you.
“I’m sorry,” you choke out, wrapping your arms around Doyoung. He squeezes you tightly and you feel a kiss being pressed to the top of your head.
“It’s okay. We’ll talk. Don’t apologize.”
Doyoung and you stay like that, in each other’s embrace for a while, with Doyoung eventually beginning to rock you back and forth to the music that was playing downstairs. It’s not at all a slow song, but it makes you laugh that he was trying to slow dance anyways.
“You’re such a dork,” you tell Doyoung.
“I’m your dork,” he replies. It makes you smile hearing him acting like normal. And, you feel like this entire talk was going to go alright. If not better than alright.
You eventually move to the middle of the bedroom you were in, sitting down on the floor (because no way were you touching that bed) across from each other. You cross your legs underneath you, with Doyoung doing the same and you smile when your knees touch. Even the smallest, innocent touch like that made you happy.
“I missed you,” he says. You look up at him and reach out for his hand. You wanted to hold it while you talked.
“I missed you too.”
Doyoung squeezes your hand when you entwine yours with his, and then you’re sitting there quietly, thinking about what to talk about first. You move your foot to the rhythm of the music downstairs, the movement helping you gather your thoughts. At least this party was good for something.
You take a deep breath, look at Doyoung, and start talking.
“So, back in high school, I had this boyfriend, right?” Doyoung nods, his eyes focused on you, listening intently. You’re glad you had his full attention.
“I thought he was great, you know? Because I was naïve and he was like, my first real boyfriend. He took me on dates and bought me gifts, I mean, he seemed great on the surface. Really. And then like, this was our last year of high school, so we were applying for colleges and crap.
“And he found out we weren’t going to go to the same university. Which seemed like whatever because that happens. I thought it was totally fine but he didn’t like it. He got so upset because he wanted me to go to the same school as him and then from then on he just started being really… shitty. He’d question me on everything and if I said I was hanging out with people he just accused me of all this shit.
“And I probably should’ve figured something was wrong when he told me he loved me like… really soon. I mean, within the first month or something. He just started to get so controlling over all this shit and I eventually couldn’t take it anymore so I tried breaking up with him.
“But he just wouldn’t let me go? I mean, it’s fine to be heartbroken over a break up but he got obsessive and he’d follow me home and he was just being creepy and all this shit. And he’d tell me over and over again that he loved me and I was the only one for him and it was just way too much. I never told him what university I got accepted into so luckily all that stopped after we graduated but like, that shit kind of fucks with you, you know?”
Doyoung nods, clearly still listening, and he squeezes your hand again, letting you continue.
“Like, this probably really wasn’t obvious at all when we first started dating, but… like, sometimes I questioned everything you did and I compared you to him. Because I didn’t want to date another guy like him. I was so afraid you’d tell me you loved me within the first month of us dating and I wouldn’t tell you where I was going sometimes because I just… I was so scared you might be just like him.
“And, I mean, clearly you aren’t, because I’m still with you after a year but there was all that initial fear and then… you said you loved me. And, this is so stupid, because it’s been a year and we’ve known each other for a while and done so much together so I can see why you said it but…”
You feel Doyoung’s other hand reach up to wipe at the tears that had started falling. You hadn’t even noticed you had started crying.
“I just got so scared, Doyoung. All that shit that happened back in high school just came back and- it was so stupid because you’re nothing like him and you’re so sweet and great and I like you so fucking much- but- I don’t know I just got scared and I feel like shit because of it because you were probably expecting me to say it back and everything and I didn’t-
“And it’s not like I don’t, you know, I just- my first boyfriend just fucked it up so bad for me. I didn’t even tell my friends I loved them for so long like, it’s just hard for me. I don’t mean for it to be, it just is.”
Doyoung wipes some more tears that had fallen, and you pause yourself, taking a breath. Doyoung decides to speak up while you’ve stopped talking.
“I was scared too,” he starts. He doesn’t continue at first, clearly not confident in what he was saying. It was kind of funny, because Doyoung was always so confident in his words, but this was different. You’d never had such a deep talk like this.
“Because I dated this girl in high school and she just… she was so mean to me even though I tried so hard to please her and it was an awful relationship and when we broke up I thought I’d just feel like shit and never like anyone ever again.
“And then- then I met you freshmen year and I thought “oh, it won’t be so bad to try again” and when I fucked up with that whole Yuta shit I was so pissed at myself. But then you gave me a chance and I tried my best to be so good for you- and- this is… hard to say, but, when I realized I loved you I kept thinking about her because if she was there she’d tell me “she doesn’t care” and “she doesn’t want to hear it” and I ended up deciding I wouldn’t tell you until you told me.
“But that day I just kept looking at you and kept thinking about it and when you stuck around even though you had to see Mark it made me think maybe it’d be fine to tell you, and then you said you liked me a lot too- so, I figured- you know?”
You and Doyoung must be in sync, because tears are falling from his eyes too. You reach up your hand to wipe at them and he smiles at you.
“I think we’re both scared, Y/N. And, we’re learning things together, right? I think we’re really good for each other and… we’ll just help each other get past this kind of stuff. Yeah?” You nod your head and move your hand behind Doyoung’s head, pushing it closer to yours until your foreheads are touching.
“Right. We’re good for each other. So good.”
“So fucking good,” Doyoung agrees. “It’s okay if you can’t say you love me right away. I understand why you can’t. I just… don’t run away again, please? That… hurt more than you not saying it.”
“Mark said that too,” you giggle. “I won’t run away again. Promise.”
Doyoung leans forward just that little bit more until your lips are touching, and for a while, you sit there in the middle of that room and kiss each other. At some point you even climb into Doyoung’s lap to get a better angle, and you stay like that, kissing Doyoung. It makes you happy and feel relaxed, like you didn’t have to worry about anything at all as long as you were with Doyoung.
Of course, that bliss could only last so long, because you had to go downstairs and join the party and release Taeyong of Mark duty.
Which you definitely regret considering Mark wasn’t even at the party anymore. The stress had only been gone for that hour you spent with Doyoung and now it was back, worse than ever. Most of your friends were drunk (except Yuta, but fuck knows you weren’t talking to him) and then Doyoung suggested you go talk to the Sigma Mu Epsilon girls, which, honestly, was worse than talking to your drunk friends.
You only did it for Mark Lee, that was for sure. All of Doyoung’s intense stares from across the dance floor while he texted you to talk to them definitely wasn’t what made you do it. You just had to find Mark Lee.
You drag one ridiculously drunk Jaehyun over to the group of girls standing off to the side of the dance floor, because if they didn’t give you answers, they’d give you answers when you passed out Jaehyun’s phone number to all of them.
Which, in retrospect, was probably such a shitty thing to do as a friend, but you needed to find Mark. The last time someone got lost at a frat party, it was Jaehyun and he ended up breaking his arm after falling out of a tree into his own throw up. That wasn’t pleasant to deal with at all, so, before something like that happened to Mark, you needed to find him.
And if that meant giving away Jaehyun’s phone number, so be it.
“Y/N, I told you I never wanted to see your face-
“Yeah, that’s great and all. Don’t really care. You guys know Mark, right? Cute, about this tall, was probably hanging around one of your freshmen girls…”
“He’s my soul! No- soulmate!” Jaehyun pipes up next to you, laughing at his own words. You ignore him, keeping on with the conversation at hand.
“Why should I tell you that?”
“Because he’s not here anymore, and I’m supposed to keep my eye on him-
“I don’t have to tell you anything-
“Oh my god- I will give you Jaehyun’s phone number- honestly, I’ll give you all his phone number if you really want it, if you just tell me if Mark wandered off somewhere outside of the party with one of your girls. Right Jaehyun?”
Jaehyun laughs and nods his head. “Yesssss.”
“See? So, please. Did you see Mark?”
The sorority president, the one you know doesn’t like you, rolls her eyes and points to the door. “He left earlier with one of our freshmen girls, yeah. Not sure where they went, but your best bet is probably somewhere by the lake.”
“Lake, great. Got it!” You shove Jaehyun into the group of girls before they can keep you there any longer and rush off to get Doyoung, taking his hand and dragging him out of the house with you.
Doyoung tries asking questions, but you know if you answer any, he’ll just keep asking more and more so you just drag him down the street of frat houses and sororities, ignoring any other drunk college students that were giggling and stumbling as you passed by.
It only takes a few minutes for you to reach the lake that sits at the end of the street, and surprisingly, there’s only a few people wandering around. You pass by the couple making out at the edge of the water, the three boys stumbling back towards the street, and head straight to the dock. You know Mark is sitting there with whatever girl he decided to drag along, because his bright neon hoodie with “NKT” and “Mark” printed on the back sticks out like a sore thumb.
Doyoung calls out his name first, and then you right after, and he looks over, pulling away from the girl and standing up. You and Doyoung rush over to him, your footsteps echoing loudly as you go.
“Mark Lee, what the hell were you thinking?!” You stop in front of him and grab at his shoulders, shaking him roughly.
“Y/N- I just-
“Don’t make excuses! I was so worried- next time don’t turn off your phone you little punk! I don’t care that you left but you didn’t say anything-
“I told Taeyong-
You move your arms to wrap around Mark’s neck, putting him in a headlock. You rub your fist across the top of his head, and he starts complaining, trying to get you off. “You told Taeyong when he was drunk off his ass you fucking little punk. Little punk who turns off his phone and makes me fucking worry. Little punk who’s going to get grounded for sneaking off-
“AH, Y/N!” Mark manages to get you off of him and pushes you away, making you fumble back into Doyoung. He doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you, holding you there as you flail at Mark.
“Ah, you’re so embarrassing…” Mark whines. He turns to his girl and apologizes to her, but she just giggles and shakes her head, finding the whole thing quite entertaining. That was good at least. You didn’t want Mark crushing on some rude girl.
“We’re just glad you’re safe, Mark, right Y/N?” Doyoung asks. You quit your flailing knowing fully well you weren’t getting out of Doyoung’s grasp and stare at Mark.
“Yeah, we’re glad you’re safe, Marker. You’re just lucky you didn’t end up like Jaehyun his freshmen year… I would’ve killed you.” Mark laughs awkwardly at you.
“You’re such a mom, Y/N…”
Doyoung must sense how awkward the situation was at this point, because he starts dragging you away from Mark and his girl, telling Mark that you’ll see him back at the frat house. He hugs you from behind until you’re a safe distance away from the lake, knowing that you won’t run back to Mark this far away.
“You should’ve let me push him into the lake,” you tell Doyoung, looking back at the lake. You can’t see Mark anymore, which was probably the best for the both of you.
“We’ll scold him later, Y/N. I didn’t want to embarrass him anymore in front of that girl.” You look up at Doyoung, smiling.
“We’ll scold him later? Like, together?” Doyoung looks at you and nods.
“That’s what we do best, don’t we?” You laugh and stop Doyoung in the street, turning him so you’re facing each other. Your hands reach up to caress his face and you pull him down to press your lips together in a sweet kiss.
“We should go back to the house,” Doyoung says when you pull away. “Haven’t heard you scream my name in a while.”
You immediately shove Doyoung. “You’re so nasty, oh my fuck.”
You start walking away from Doyoung, but, just as quick as you had pushed him away, he’s back on you, hugging you from behind again. “You love it.” He won’t let go, so you end up staying like that, waddling back towards the NKT frat house.
Not that you really mind that much.
“Do you think it’s really necessary to wake them up like this?” Mark asks. You, Hansol, and Doyoung were standing in the kitchen, pots and pans in your hands, ready to start banging after you counted down. The drunk assholes that lost Mark last night deserved to wake up in an asshole way.
“Mark, when you become president of the frat house, you’ll understand that sometimes these things are needed,” Doyoung explains. Mark only laughs a little before going back to his breakfast.
“Whenever you’re ready, babe.” You look at Doyoung and smile, because the way he looks at you is so fond and nice. It warms your heart to no end. It almost makes you want to tell him you love him.
“Did you know I like you a lot?” You ask him.
“I do. I like you a lot too,” he replies. Hansol groans next to you and count offs instead of letting you do it because clearly you were preoccupied with making heart eyes at Doyoung.
The second he says zero though, you and Doyoung don’t hesitate to join in on the noise together, in sync as always.
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makemydayvn · 7 years
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#kindness #collection What's your story of the kindness of strangers? ================================== #1728 "I'm in 11th Grade and a girl. My History teacher is a very beautiful lady and loved by many students. Unfortunately she doesn't teach my class. So I asked to be in her academic selected team *actually I don't really like history huhu* So I got to spend more time with her and hang out several times too :3 Lately I have lots of exams to prepare for so I've been given permission to take extra classes off and don't see her much anymore. Today, on my way to the schoolyard during break time, I passed through the office and saw her looking at me. But I didn't get to say hello as my friends kept pushing forward. As I took a few steps pass the office, she ran out to me from the room, shouting my name !!!! I turned around around to see her opening her arms saying "Let me gimme a hug! I haven't seen you for so long I miss you!"~ I turned really red, and ran to hug her without thinking. I didn't care how everyone was looking at me, I only knew I was very happy, I have never been so happy." #1729 "So I went on a long trip with my bestie that day, but we only realized we forgot our cameras once we got to the place. Our phones were broken and couldn't take photos either, so she insisted on going back home to fetch the cameras. We got home, took our stuff, and our bikes ran out of gas so we visited a gas station near my place. I remembered that I had 50k with me, refilling her bike took 30k so I should only have 20k, yet for some reason when the staff lady asked me how much I wanted to refill, I said "50k". Naturally I was 30k short. I was so embarrassed and was telling her to wait for me to get more money from home, when someone suddenly said "here, take this". I turned around and saw a guy, probably a student, handing me some money. I was so shocked - I just took it and thanked him. He then turned his bike around and just sped away, while I was left dumbfounded. I even turned to my friend, after having paid and everything, "Who was that??? Why was he so nice?" She smiled and said she thought he knew me. That made my whole day. There really are still kind people in this world. I was so shocked I didn't get a good look at him then, I wonder if I'll ever meet him again to return the favour." #1730 I sneaked off to Ho Chi Minh city for a FC meeting last year. The money I put away in my backpocket got dropped somewhere, and my phone was out of battery. So I was wandering around at an intersection, worried, flustered, not knowing what to do, when a man, who probably just got off work, stopped by and asked if I needed a ride. His bike was quite old, his bag worn out. My mind was already a mess, and I was so scared, my face was probably showing all sorts of emotions. I eventually got on his bike after he persuaded me some more, since I honestly didn't have enough time for a ticket back to Vung Tau anyway. He talked to me on the way and gave me a ride to the station, and even got me a ticket home. He even gave me an extra 100k to spend on the way (I refused but he kept insisting). When I got on, he waved goodbye and even cried, like I was his family. I cried too, for some reason. It still warms my heart to think of it now. This world still has lots of kindness to it. #1731 "I have just been to Saigon for a few days, I have so many things to deal with, from getting a flat to getting a job. When I applied for a job in Long An Province, near Route 50, I could barely find a bus to get home in the middle of the countryside. Out of nowhere came an old dark man with thick eyebrows. He rode a Honda toward me and said: “Come on, I will get you home”. Dunno what I was thinking, but I jumped on without hesitation. After a while though, I got scared and thought “How can I live now if I lost a kidney to him after this ride…” so I begged him to stop and drop me off. He scolded me “I saw you applying for a job in that factory so I decide to give you a ride home. I won’t ask for money, my wife takes good care of me already” The old man gave me a ride all the way from Can Giuoc to Fifth District, enough for a lot of chatting between us. I wanted to thank him with some money and a cigarette pack but he refused. Oh Saigon, you melt my heart." #1732 Today I and my grandma visited Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum. Since grandma is old, there was a guard accompanying us. At first, my grandma asked him and got to know he is from Hung Yen. While talking with my grandma, he used a lot of body gestures and I started to think “wow, how can a guard look so much like a child, just so carefree”. When we came to the stairs to go up, I turned back to take my grandma’s hand to help her but instead, I saw the guard already did. Now his actions made me think he was so cute. Later, on the way out, there was someone riding a motorbike on the pavement and while I was finding a way to avoid it, he suddenly dragged me inside. Dear Mr. guard, I was going to say thank you but I missed the chance when you left so quick. If by any chance you read this message, please comment so I could know where to send my gratitude. #1733 It was a terrible day for me, as if it couldn't get any worse! When in Vietnam, I could have called my bestie and ran to her so we could eat some duck eggs to get rid of bad luck. Now I am now halfway across the earth from her, I have to deal with it by myself on days like this. After a football match that evening, I got sad and lonely seeing people going home together with laughter, while I was there by myself, waiting for my host to pick up, when it was 4 degrees outside. I have been waiting for my host for almost an hour, was on the verge of tears when this car pulled over. A man inside shouted out “Hey! Do you need a ride?”, he only left once he knew for sure that I had anybody to drive me home. It was so cold that I could not think straight - I only realized I was laughing like crazy after he had left fot a while. All the sad things in the evening were all gone somehow. #1734 That day I went to get some banh mi for breakfast, and the store was super crowded. Just when I thought I'd be late for class, a lady called out to the store owner: "Make one for this kid first please, needa get to school"; the others in line also stepped aside for me. The best banh mi I've ever had ^^. #1735 "At the end of the year Sai Gon was so crowded. People kept honking. Cars kept taking over motorcycle lanes. Usually it takes me 20 minutes but yesterday it took me an hour to get home with countless times having my bike's tail bumped, being yelled at for suddenly stopping at red lights, being cut.. god it was so tiring. Then in the evening when I was going to buy Hue beef noodle soup and struggling to back my bike because it was heavy, all of a sudden my bike felt so light and I could pull it out easily. I turned around to see an uncle with a big belly helping me - he must have just got back from exercising since he was wearing sport clothes. He looked at me then smiled and left. I don't know if he even heard my thank you. There, one doesn't need to have six packs to be a hero :)) During one's most tiring hour, a kind little gesture is enough to save one's soul, my friends :)" #1736 "That afternoon, I got to Math class and realized I forgot my notebook at home - I even did my homework in it. Afraid that the teacher would check our work I hurriedly asked my class president to excuse me while I went home to get it. While running down I saw the teacher walking up with other teachers. I came up and told her what happened, she suddenly said: "Ẅhere is your house? Don´t go then, the streets are dangerous, what if something happens to you?" I didn´t agree because I had already done my homework in there TvT I told her my house was nearby, and I had my homework in the notebook. But she insisted that I not go, told me to just write the work on another note then hurried me to class :¨>" #1737 "I usually visit a Ministop near my school to buy breakfast. Because my weekly allowance is only 100K, sometimes I'd only buy a can of coffee if there´s a Math class or a 10K rice ball on a normal day. That day, the beautiful short-hair staff said to me while I was buying the 10K rice ball ¨Why don´t you buy more to eat, that´s not enough to fill your stomach. How can you focus on your studies without enough nutrition?" when she said so I really wanted to buy more too but I only had 1K left for the parking ticket." #1738 He and I both work at a cafe. I'm a new employee and have only started here a few weeks ago, while he has worked here for a year. There was once I worked at night shift and hadn't eaten anything for a whole day. I was really tired but my shift was almost done so I tried to finished everything. Suddenly he came from the bar, placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of me and said: "Drink it, otherwise you would have hypo-tension". Then he just stood there to watch while I drank all the hot chocolate, then he took the cup to get more for me. Aaaaaaa my face felt hot, it was so embarrassing!! After that day I suddenly have this passionate love for hot chocolate, may be it is because I like the one who gave me the drink? #Submit https://goo.gl/forms/AseDSsrHPRAXiKnz1 #Tumblr http://makes-my-day.tumblr.com/ #Support https://www.patreon.com/makemyday
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