#but its funny that my guy is treating em like shit
dreamstriderart · 6 months
I find it incredibly funny that most of the Tav BG3 art that I have seen have Tav vibing or being lovey-dovey with some of the game characters.
Meanwhile, I exist with my Tav, Elias, throwing hands with both most the party; holds Astarion at knife point and fully believing that Gale is some sort of con man. (This is early act1 mind you)
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lexifer-666 · 2 years
(Vent post bc i am very pissy no one is obligated to read this in any way)
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payasita · 9 months
Good job getting ADHD medication! I’m so proud of you :D
thanks so so much im very happy and so hopeful for the first time maybe ever but also it TOOK ME LIKE. A YEAR. A YEAR.
like yall for real?? for real. for real i have been diagnosed since i was like six. (funny story my teacher thought i was on the spectrum so my parents get me tested with the nodes and shit and according to mom, who loves this story, my neurologist did all that and talked to me and then just turned to my mom and went "she's not autistic. she just hates the other kids" but they DID find an adhd diagnosis in there so net win for all of us)
diagnosed since i was SIX. on stimulants until i turned 8, and you know why i got off em? my pediatrician retired. we could not find another who would take our low-income insurance. so i just had to rawdog The Rest Of My Fucking Life. diagnosed when i was six. legally neurodivergent for 20 slutty slutty angry years.
and it still took me like. a few months to get a psych appointment. a few weeks to reaffirm my diagnosis as an adult. a few more weeks for another appointment for meds. he doesnt Want to do meds first, because i must have been doing fine without them if its been two decades, right? i got a job and a car and everything. well gee fuckin shittickers Dr. Brain Guy, just WHAT was my alternative? would you prefer i be maladapted to the point of incapacitation; is that what it takes for someone to be considered? i cheated my way through school. every day after work i sit for an hour in my car because i dont have the executive function to stand up and walk the ten steps to my house. garbage just appears around me. i have three empty bags of hot chip and two cans of sprite on my desk as we speak, neither from today. at that point i hadnt had a debit card for six months because that would have required me to Drive To The Bank, a location that was new to me in this area, so i just did everything on credit. is this all normal? is this fine? am i GOOD, actually, Dr. WeirdBrain?
so we cordially agree that yes i should probably be medicated. i want to do a stimulant. he does not want to put me on a stimulant. "stimulants can mess with your heart," he says, "and you're young, you don't want heart problems." i say ok because i dont want to make him think im just looking for narcotics. even though i am. because they WORK. i agree to try some kind of antidepressant.
the antidepressant gives me tachycardia. i go to the emergency room after reading a heartbeat of, oh, 140 bpm, which is about like double what it normally is and juuuust below the You Are Having A Heart Attack threshold. i get to the ER and the doctor there is very obviously convinced i'm a local addict having some sort of episode. it is the most ironic experience i've had all year and i feel an abrupt and all consuming kinship with those birds in australia that will swoop you and peck at your face for seemingly no good reason.
so yeah, we narrow it down to the antidepressant. as it turns out, these particular meds are known to, semi-commonly, Mess With Your Heart. i have my next appointment with my psych and somehow refrain from pecking his eyes out. he puts me on a noreprinephrine inhibitor(iirc) that isnt actually FDA approved to treat ADHD specifically(i DEFINITELY rc) but it IS given to smokers to help them quit. i dont smoke. i may very well fucking start before this whole ordeal is at the point where someone listens to me
it obviously does a combined total of jack and shit, and the man waffles with this one because he has "had success" using it as treatment for other ADHD patients. he ups the dose. twice. three months on the smoker meds, which are also apparently notorious for destroying your appetite, but they didnt even do THAT. no change to the average amount of hot chip on my desk.
he wants to try quelbree after that. i finally tell him i'm tired of this shit and would like to have more than two hours of usable daylight to function before it all falls to uncontrollable youtube shorts binges and a daily experience i like to call The Weighted Nothings and i would very much like to PLEASE. TRY A STIMULANT.
he's been friendly enough with me over these past four or five or whatever months but at this he gets suddenly very very business-baseline. gives me the whole spiel about the north american shortage. gives me a spiel about how i absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, lose or sell this medication, because they will not refill it if i do. i am sitting here wondering if he he's telling the truth about having other ADHD patients at all like ever in his career, and also, am i nuts or should the "don't sell your prescription drugs" bit apply to EVERYTHING? i dont fuckin know man i just live here
he says he wants a urine test first. its scheduled for two weeks out. i take it.
"hey uh, your piss came back with cannabis in it" "well it'd be weirder if it didn't, we are in california and i am a kitchen manager" "you can't have weed if you want adderall" "fine i'll stop" "we'll schedule you another test in a month" "aight bet" it didnt go exactly like that but this is kind of what the vibe between us has devolved into by this point.
anyway i wait a month and get a good grade in piss. i get the meds prescribed. i go to fill out the prescription
all i really need to say to you are the words "prior authorization error" for most of you to get what happened next.
the psych isnt even aware. i wait another month for our next meeting, which was yesterday. i do not yell at him. he tells me to take it up with the pharmacy, and yell at them. i am going to yell at them.
so i go, and guess what, it actually went through a while ago! NO ONE TOLD ME OR DR. FEEL-BAD OVER HERE. but we can't fill it right now because its a controlled substance so come back in a few hours. hey it's ready where the hell are you? TAKE YOUR METH AND GET OUT
anyway i started it today, reorganized my pantry, and fixed the fire alarm in my hallway that's been chirping at me for a week. i no longer have to wear earplugs to bed.
and with my newfound executive function superpowers, i will be spraying my weed-free piss all over Reagan's grave.
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i feel like The Divine concerts are always crazy as shit, theres always some drama or some stunt being pulled by the band or some crazy shit happens in the crowd due to lack of concert ettiquete
Irene has def played a surprise break up song which is her very clearly being petty about Shad. It comes out later that night that Shad and her got back together. She also seems like the type to give fans kisses, think Nana Osaki from the anime Nana type vibes. She’s also def done some VERY suggestive dances and acts while on stage and will continue to do them without shame. Shes probably also been on stage either drunk or high off som.
Kul’Zak decides to have a pre concert qna over on twitter or som which ends with him calling someone an idiotic bitch due to them running a fan account of him and treating him like hes an illiterate child instead of the full grown adult he is and getting cancelled (first time thats happened its ussally everyone else getting cancelled)
Enki posts a story of him in irenes dressing room with the caption “new things coming soon. . .” mid album tour before deleting it as it starts trending. Enki & Menphia got caught making out pre concert by a fan w a VIP w backstage access badge who took photos and posted them immediately after. Needless to say that person got kicked out pretty quickly.
if someone throws something on stage and menphia gets up and throws it back at them 10x harder because it almost hit someone on the head and shes getting real pissed of people throwing stuff on stage ( she also gets controversy over this because it did, indeed, hit the fan who threw it in the first place, not in the head but it still hit them )
i feel like this is probably someones (dont remember who) yung gravy garroth leaking into my view of esmund since garroth is esmunds descendant, but you cant tell me esmund hasent been handed and or thrown bras during concerts. he takes em and asks if their sure cuz he knows bras are expensive asf, but he takes em. ussally washes and donates them afterwards, but its always funny to hear him yell thank you over all the loud music, theres complilation videos of it happening
its happened once or twice that a fan manages to get on stage due to security lacking and nothing is more terrifying than watching a 6’9 Shad grab the person by the arm and DRAG them towards security if they manage to get too close to someone with a death stare. Shads a pretty big and strong guy and intimidating, and is absolutely TERRIFYING when he uses that to his advantage.
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gemwolfz · 10 months
good morning chat (<- it's 12:30 pm) its time for a GEM FROG WATCHPOST (instead of putting it in the bg while i draw because ive accepted i cant draw and read at the same time)
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btw my very legal straming site doesnt have episode descriptions and no way im remembering an episode thats been mentioned by number so i have no idea what im getting into. also im setting a timer to truly see how long my autistic ass can stretch a 15 minute episode. ok lets get started :)
okay first of all intro i havent seen yet lets GOOOO. PURURU SIGHTING IN THERE HEY GIRL!! i actually need to watch some eps with pururu in em btw. like hey show her to me. anyway good intro lots of guys spotted :)
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^ CATEGORY 5 DORORO EVENT HI. experiencing the horrors as usual i see
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i see so this is what we're doing today huh. do you intend to rip my heart out.
im sorry they have a fucking invasion planning chore wheel? thats really funny
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wcdonalds btw. sorry sorry wcdonalds cracks me up every time in any show
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^^ his ass did NOT process what was just said!!!
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he had it right the first several times cmon man.
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hes taking this in stride huh. even in category 5 THE LORE situations the silly grind doesnt stop
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why is zeroro resonance so fucking stupid btw. sorry man.
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screenshot that speaks for itself man
somehow i dont think "my alien ninja partner is in serious trouble i need to leave immediately" will be counted as an excused absence by your teachers but after scaling a building in a single leap i dont think anybodys gonna question you. i love you koyuki
[this image set broke in the editor but it included keroro and tamama calling zeroro SO MEAN for not explaining his plan to them] frankly i respect keroros unwillingness to treat situations with the proper gravity because i do the same thing king
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his ass does not care
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he changed his mind something is terribly wrong
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okay lets be real here the platoon would NOT have found him there. if he hadn't been able to contact koyuki he'd have been fucked. badly. something something being saved again by the person who showed you the warmth and beauty the planet has to offer
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literally yeah the fate of the planet is held by natsumi being able to throw frogs like splat balls. pov youre giroro and the number one person standing between you guys and invasion is decidedly the girl who is constantly personally stopping you from blowing shit up. this is a personal attack
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important and relevant but also im sorry "brat" is incredibly funny word choice coming from tamama
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no reaction i can put into words. btw this episode is labelled as a filler episode. just so you know. i just think thats funny. haha so silly
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aye.......................................... i would be using more reaction images but i have to prioritize screenshots. anyway god.
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they were holding their fucking BREATH. his ass could have died!! badly!!! their deep sigh of relief is not as visible as i'd have hoped but you know. you feel me.
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there are reactions i am making that are sound effects i cannot put into words sorry. im better at posting silly nonsense im sure you understand. hell, post horse staring at the ocean MAN again
he goes "i'm sorry about that, everyone!" as if it was fucking nothing. DUDE. This is why you caught that trauma-eating brain parasite because you just act like shit was NOTHING DUDE...
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gem conclusion:
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anyway i spent an hour watching this ten minute episode. sorry for maybe a weak reaction post i need to stir this episode in my head like a soup. thank you plates for your recommendation. join me in the rbs later as i may watch episode B and experience whatever tonal whiplash this episode came with
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agalnamedlunasea · 1 year
*shakes a bag of treats to lure out your DR headcanons*
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ALRIGHT YOU’VE CONVINCED ME but im putting this under a readmore bc ive got charts and shit
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SO I think the charts mostly speak for themselves? I definitely don't have the energy to go into *every* individual person nor do I necessarily have much to say about some of em, so I'll only go into detail about ones I have particularly strong thoughts about/ things to say. But feel free to ask specifics! Can't guarantee I'll be able to answer but still. ANYWAY SO
I wanna start by saying I am the least confident in my aspec headcanons? They're extremely flexible moment to moment and I'm not attached to many of them. I could see almost anyone almost anywhere with only a handful of exceptions, honestly
I almost put a "cis but they've still got something goin on" category on the gender one,,, I woulda put the antags, Yasuhiro, Sonia, Angie, Gonta, maybe a couple others in there,,,
Not really represented here but im a big fan of genderfluid imposter and byakuya
All the protags are trans, and also they're all bi except komaru, fun fact 👍
Literally all of em are queer in some fashion, as you can tell from the fact that I forgot to put a "straight" category on the chart...
Anyway some in particular that im fond of that ive not really talked about before:
I love love love hc Aoi as a nonbinary lesbian. Its like,, lowkey projection,,, but I think its supported by the text. She's got some hang-ups surrounding womanhood and being a woman and how that relates to her relationship with men (im thinking specifically of her last fte). I think it would be a nice resolution to that struggle for her to shed the expectations she feels entirely and embrace who she is, even if its different from what she feels like she's "supposed" to be. Idk I think its a natural conclusion
I enjoy nonbinary chihiro for a similar reason. I think it would also be a natural conclusion to her struggles with gender and what masculinity and femininity means to them
And somewhat related I hc sakura as a cis lesbian also bc of her struggles with femininity?? I like the idea of her conclusion being to embrace her femininity wholeheartedly. She enjoys being feminine but has a hard time reconciling that with her strength. Id like to see her enjoy both of those things about her
Hm i wonder if those say anything about me, im not projecting even a little bit
I hc that akane is pan but for the longest time she just. Doesn't realize not everyone is like that? It was never even something to think about for her. Like she'll be talking to nekomaru and she's like "really you've never thought a girl was hot? Never? Men, I get ya, but *no* girls? That's possible?" And nekomaru gives her the most disappointed stare.
Idk why but nagito and nekomaru being the only gay men on the island is a lil funny to me
Also. I read a singular fic where nagito was demisexual and I was like ok you've convinced me (can you tell. I am. Easily convinced. About this kind of thing)
I go back and forth on whether I hc izuru as pan or aroace. Things like gender don't really matter to him, I just can't decide how that would work in terms of attraction for him 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
I would just like to call attention to transfem hiroko hagakure. Good for her
Rantaro. Feels v aroace to me. In that way where everyone who likes men is like "wow he's so pretty I can't believe he doesn't have a partner id love to date him I wonder if he's interested in anyone" and then he's just like "hey you guys check out this cool thing I found". Like the reverse of bi but noone wants him. Attractive but doesn't want anyone. I can see aspec tho. But that boy is definitely not allo
Once again. Idk why. But kiyotaka, nekomaru, nagito, and kokichi being the only gay men on the chart. Is a lil funny to me. Idk Idk Idk
Ummmm I think thats most of what I wanna say??? I might elaborate more another time but there's that 👍
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sphylor · 9 months
Ramble about a special interest, now, go I wanna hear
okay okay okay so!! my favourote book series of all time ever literally ever is called the chronicles of st marys by Jodi Taylor. i literally love it so much UGH andni havent read any of the books in a while so my memory is a little rusty but it is definitely a special interest of mine fhshhfj. basically its about this group of historians who "investigate major historical events in contemporary time" (time travel). its actually incredibly respectful in the way it handles it too.(spoilers under the cut)
it mostly focuses on british history for the most part (its a british bookseries) but they do visit troy, the battle of agincourt in france, constantinople (during the sack might i add which. yeah. that was a stressful moment for sure....) etc etc. its so fucking funny like it has me in tears laughing whenever i read it but its literally do devastating at the same time (my favourite book in the series, "and the rest is history", made me cry 8 times in one read through because of how tragic it is...). but its really well written and researched and youd think with like 14 books in the series, multiple short stories and a spin off sister series it would get a bit stale but honestly it doesnt. the characters are so full of life and, well, character.
speaking of the characters. theres Maxwell who is the main character and who we see everything unfold through the eyes of. shes so funny and witty and doesnt know when to stop which can be her downfall sometimes. she acts a lot through anger and does things very impulsively especially in the beginning. it can lead to some very funny moments (like the time she drove her boyfriend's car into the lake when he gave her the cold shoulder and was rude to her (neither of their faults tbh its complicated fhdhhf)) i see a lot of myself in Max. theres a lot of hurt masked by anger inside of her. shes the reason why i chose the name Max fjdhhf
she faces a lot of struggles as well... but its okay because her best friend Tim is there to save the day (and piss on her a couple of times accidentally). He is my favourite character 100% hes funny in a smooth and charming way. literally such a puppy dog i just want to ruffle his hair and give him treats. also have i mentioned that all of these characters that work at st marys are 1000000000000% audhd like these goobers are so neurodivergent i love em all. but yeah Tim is a proper gentleman super sweet and caring and always there for you but also he ends up going through so much shit and it breaks him it fucking destroys him and its so sad to see...
Markham is my next favourite little guy hes such a little guy a little skrunkly wunkly woo a grimey little goober. his characterisation is pretty weak in the first couple of books but he soon becomes really important and fleshed out. hes the court jester the class clown the village idiot. super funny but he also has a tragic past and when he gets serious he gets serious. while Max and Tim were historians, the ones going out of jumps to different time periods to collect data, Markham is security. he makes sure the st marys building is safe and secure and also goes out on jumps with the disaster magnets also known as historians to make sure they dont get into trouble (its actually more like to get them out of trouble at the very last minute when they inevitably do get themselves into trouble tbh djbfhdj) hes indestructible. hes been shot, blown up, fell off of a 3 story tall burning building, frequently has some sort of illness like mange or worms, and the only bit of permenant damage hes recieved is that a chunk of his ear is missing.
then theres Leon... i have a love hate relationship with him. hes Max's love interest. original Leon from the first 3 books is fine i guess...... he does a lot of shitty things but so does Max honestly.... and their relationship gets ruined over one event where really Max was in the wrong but what she did was understandable... still incredibly morally wrong but yeah.... and neither of them stopped loving each other even when they were apart. and then. and then book 3 throws a massive curveball and kills him off. they never made up with each other. and then Max is rescued from being kidnapped by a younger version of Leon from before they met each other and its rough because this Leon is in a very bad spot and not doing well At All. hes almost a completely different person from who Max knew. and she has to convince him that life is worth living. she knows how the rest of his life will go already. she knows he'll meet her and be happy for a while. and she knows that this is the last time she'll ever see him again. and that she cant even say sorry to him now. and that he will never know what this meeting truly meant to her. its fucking heartbreaking and i ugly sobbed every time i read it. and then she dies gets plonked into a different universe (long story) and in this universe shes the one who died and Leon lived. now this Leon i absolutely love to bits hes so sweet and kind and caring. they both know how lucky they are to be given another chance and theyre not going to screw it up and they really do make it work between them.
theres do much more i could ramble about. like Dr Bairstow and Clive Ronan... or Dr Dowson and Professor Rapson and how those two are totally in love... or how Guthrie or the time Max got stuck in the past... but 14 books is a lot to cover fhshhf I'll leave you with the fact that i actually have a signed copy of one of the books which i am super super happy about !!
thank you for giving me the space to ramble <3<3<3
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moogghost · 9 months
do i give u the obvious things of fish game or pmtok or do i say the dragon books even if i won't know what youre talking about u can choose <3
i'm feeling silly i will do both pmtok and funny dragon books :3 (you have no idea what you're unleashing with wof /lh)
favourite character my taniel bias shines through it's tape i love tape. i think it's silly and i love that it's fucking annoying (affectionate) and the personality it has in canon is also just. extremely silly to me i love seeing the different tapes in the fandom too tape is just a species to me now. a genre of character even
second favourite character this is hard bc did you know that every day scissors hole punch and handaconda constantly fight for second favourite now that i can solidly say tape is my favourite. that is to say right now it's scissors i always thought scissors was silly. absolute fucking creature
i think all of the pmtok characters are silly in their own way i have no least favourite <3
can i be funny w system stuff for a moment and say tape knowing very well i only say this bc there's two tape introjects/fictives up in this brain sdfghj (help m /lh). but ignoring that sdfgh maybe i'm most like copen or hole punch if you squint hard enough /lh
favourite pairing i don't think i ever have a set favourite pairing bc it changes all the time however i can say i very much love stapscisspunch in the context of my main los. i forever think about them,, also polycule los i don't think about my alt los often but i always remember that about em and i think polycule los in general is very silly too
least favourite it's just bobby and olivia for me solely bc they are besties to me. also bc i hc them both as aro but also bc they're besties. but even then i don't even dislike it that much if at all ignoring that i don't really have a least favourite i think
favourite moment i always thought hole punch critiquing the other discs besides thrills at night was the funniest shit personally i already love hole punch so much for that alone. i'm also obsessed with the build up to the handaconda fight in bowser's castle w the cutouts it's so <33
now. the dragon books
favourite character ivy wings of fire i love you so much and i'm so sorry the fandom treats you and your debut book like trash just because you're a human in a dragon book series and i wish you were written better </3 i hope you know that ivy wings of fire was The glorpy of mine before i got into pmtok i had so many aus i'm still so normal about her i want her to be safe and happy and cherished that is all
second favourite character i'll be normal for once and say a dragon character in the dragon book series anyways it's some rando side character named boto. from what i remember he was silly rainforest dragon who just gave me the vibes of worlds shyest even if it was just him being nervous for the sake of plot. he appeared briefly in a few of the books and i think there was only one or two times he was properly called by name. i love this guy (my other pick for this that was more normal was winter he's one of the protags and i'm normal about him i wish he was written better)
least favourite character i was gonna say qibli but honestly i have more grievances with The Fandom's Characterization and Biases(tm) than qibli himself. and with humans like not even heath i genuinely hate i think it's fun to make fun of that guy and also i found that piece of shit interesting to write. but points at blue and cricket I Don't Like Them just by proxy of how i just. dislike how the third arc was handled getting into the specifics of those two would be its own whole essay just know i don't like them. ignoring those two bc it's a third arc thing tsunami annoys me
character most like me snowfall to some extent i didn't like her book but i related yeah. also winter for similar reasons except i liked his book and also ivy
favourite pairing daffodil and violet i love them so much. i'm also a botangbai (boto and changbai i love throwing two random side characters together sometimes <3), wintle (winter and turtle), and turpike (turtle and pike) enjoyer to varying extents
least favourite pairing FUCKING LEAF AND IVY. i fucking hate them as a romantic pairing you don't know how much hatred i hold in my heart for this ship i skip over the scene they kissed every time i need to reread part three of dragonslayer. i loathe leavy ENTIRELY i hope this ship burns in the fiery pits of hell
(i am being dramatic for the sake of silly but please know. i've never hated a ship this much it's been almost three years since dragonslayer came out and the hate is still going strong good lird)
favourite moment it's been so long since i actually read the books but i forever thing the thing with winter trying on hailstorm's pyrite mask was delightfully fucked up in a psychological sense when you think about it
rating 7/10 i enjoy this series a lot ignoring the things i don't like . anyways i hope they make a dragonslayer legends sequel to piss the fandom off about humans again
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padfootastic · 2 years
I wanted to share this headcanon with somebody who won’t digitally assault me like people in the past who for some reason are really offended by it. You don’t have to agree or like it or anything of course it’s just nice to share it with somebody who’s nice.
As a lover of the Marauders era especially (almost solely) Prongsfoot I’ve pretty much abandoned canon if I’m honest. I have this headcanon that James is a metamorphmagus. Like for no good reason other than I think it’d be really funny. Like he could still be an animagus cause as for as we know metamorphagus don’t turn into animals. He keeps it’s kind of a secret for prank purposes of course. So in my mind he either has really good control over his hair changing color with his emotions or none at all. I lean towards having really good control over it expect for when it comes to Sirius and his parents. Like one day he’s just hanging out waiting for Sirius with his messy jet black hair in all its glory and looks up to his main man coming his way and just BOOM the pinkest hair anybody has EVER seen. And everybody around him is all 😱😱😱 the others guys are trying to tell him but he’s all 😍😍😍 at Padfoot, Sirius turns and looks behind himself all 🧐 cause he knows that rich almost (for a lack of a better word) sensual pink means romantic love but when he doesn’t see anybody behind him he turns back to James and it hits him making him trip over himself that holy shit James his looking at HIM like that with THAT pink hair and now he’s all 😳😳😳.
Also when James gets going about his parents his hair takes on this soft almost pastel pinkish purple for familial love. He just can’t help it he loves them SO MUCH. He’s just start spouting off “they’re just so great! and warm! and funny! and give the best hugs! and give me lots of treats! Mum makes the best cakes in the world! Dads always coming up with these crazy inventions! did I tell you about the time they look me flying in Switzerland! Cause it was great! You should have seen dad! You have to come next time pads you’ll love it!” and Sirius is both astonished by the love the Potters have for each other and so so extremely fond of the flaming ball of love and energy sat before him.
OMG ANON I LOVE THIS????? who is out here making u feel bad about such a wonderful headcanon, tell me i’ll beat em up (ง •̀_•́)ง
like listen, i’ve seen the ‘potters have a metamorphmagus gene’ hc before for harry (usually because of his sentient hair lol) and i’ve always liked it but this just takes it one step better!! the concept of ur hair giving away ur emotions is so cute and james not being able to control it,,,esp in front of sirius and re his parents (three of THE most important people in his life) is the absolute best. i can totally see it happening too.
i can also see james not realising this happens at first, but when he does he’s like,,,a bit insecure at first before he shrugs it off w his usual confidence like ‘yah i’m a sap so what?’
also!!! can u imagine his hair only changing for sirius and that putting to rest any doubts re his feelings for lily bc it’s never done that for her?
i can also see like—maybe a dark green? for envy/possessiveness/jealousy. emotions that he’s never felt until it comes to one sirius black. and seeing him hit on by others or, more importantly, taking up his time when j wants attention and his hair slowly bleeds into green and it’s just hilarious all around how often it happens lol.
and james loving effie and flea so much help 😭😭 it’s the cutest thing ever. i adore it sm. anon, will you write this fic for us, pls? i’ll leave the most gushing review ever. i wanna read this so bad now.
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cdmodule · 2 years
(OSC ask meme - IK I PICKED A BUNCH feel free not to answer all of them!!) 2, 3, 7, 13, 14, 16, 22, 36, 38, 39, 40
NO IM SO GLAD I LOVE ANSWERING SHIT I will put this under read more tho From this post
2 - Least favourite show? Already answered! (Its object terror) 3 - Underrated show? LEGENDARY ADVENTURES FOREVER ^^ Short so far, but REALLY funny stuff in that show. Some of the jokes can fall a Little Flat to me but its never anything bad LOL. GOT SOME RLY FUN CHARACTERS TOO If u have a bit of time to watch an object show Id say watch this one. Partially cuz of my Next Point (Honorable mention: ACTOE) 7 - Underrated character? Snowy LAF <3 I feel like a lotta ppl I know would like this guy. I tend to be Biased towards short high pitched voice Guys anyway (also hes gay. Like canonically. Just wanted to mention this cuz Its a Win For Me) 13 - How many characters do you think should be in an object show ideally? Something between 10 and 20 usually seems Fine to me. Anything above that kinda Crunches my brain unless Its a case like BFDI where its More Over Time Over Years but thats . Really just an exception to the rule TBH 14 - What do you care about most in an object show? Simple Answer probably but I wanna be able to tell that ppl are just Having fun and putting passion into their shows. Everything else I can Give Or take. Object shows are really just passion projects between very few ppl and should be treated as such I feel like memorable character designs could be pretty important too, this can be Tricky sometimes cuz No One Owes An Object but theres many ways to make em stick out from another Same object 16 - A show/character you love that everyone else hates? HFGHHHHH SPANGE . SPONGY. HE IS MY BABYGIRL. I would f/o him If I didnt already have two f/os. Both the show and fanbase treat him SO bad for no good reason (Him being mean after everyone bullied him is justified imo). Like Its gotten to a point where I hold back from talking abt him in servers cuz Im afraid of ppl making Annoying Uncalled for rude jokes or "well he sucks" kinda comments (yes this has happened before god fucking help me). I could go More into this but maybe thats for its Own post. Only maybe though 22 - What character has the best design?
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Just two designs I quite Like cuz I cant think of other ones rn Mace the Merciless (Paper puppets take 2) cuz Im gay Love Lock (The Almost Valentinesly Object Show) cuz Im Gay AND I like the little lock mouth :) Also honorable mention: Loser <3 36 - Favourite scene? I could use one with one of my faves/fave ships but thats TOO EASY . So Ill mention the pin and coiny Pep Talk scene in bfb 6 cuz It makes me EMOTIONALLLL theyre the sweetest ever. Im sure theres other ones I like a Lot but this one just sticks with me the most 38 - Favourite rarepair? LEAFPIEEEE Leafy and Pie is a complete Crack Ship AND ALSO SNOWFRIES but both work GREAT imo. I brainrot abt these occasionally ESP SNOWBALL AND FRIES I was suprised that no one before me and nate (and sal hi sal) thought of this ship Leafy and Pie complete each other Very Well. Snowball and Fries make good Old Man Yaoi Also technically WinnerLoser is a rarepair cuz most ppl hc them as enemies or siblings LOL 39 - Favourite villain/antagonist? Four cuz I need them carnally etc (Ignoring post split cuz Its so lame how everyone just forgave him NO GET HIS ASS!!! HE SUCKS!!!!! THATS THE WHOLE APPEAL!!!!!!!!!!) I dont have time or energy to go Deeper into the Four Appeal but u can probably guess. Hes fun <3 40 - Overall thoughts on the community? I'm too old for this
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
i knew this. you knew this. we all knew this. my reccomendation? if you want to watch some bad turtles. check out next mutation....
how in the god damn do you forget to put... the turtles. in ur turtle movie.... theres really nothing to say. like. their ugly. i knew this. under characterized. i knew this. the human characters suck. I KNEW THIS....
shout. shout outs to. the only backstory iteration that wants. wants it to be worse. that. forgot to. make anyone japanese? forgot... to connect them with the guy that wants to kill em. almost impressive.
shout outs to. putting vernon fenwick in it. the. funny comedic effeminate man from 87? yeah hes hitting on april now.
shout outs to. treating all ur performers like shit. cause they were bad to the guys doing mocap. AND U know. they were bad to megan f.ox. duh. so all ur main cast. is. completely over looked and. really struggling. in the. movie. about them.
anyway. um. who give a shit. the real. real thing here. is that. this was the first turtles. thing. i ever watched. like. back in 2014..... and. now i understand. now i understand. why i have been worried various turtles media i get into might. secretly suck, and be like pointless. like oh. its this. this happened. here at the dark heart of 2014 masculinity.
like. ohhh what if the turtles are gross to women. ohh what if theyre also teens and the women are adults. what if they all just hate each other. what if leo raph fights are just. annoying postering. what iffffff it was all really boring and lame. but like, in a macho way. or smth. well anyway none of that has been very present at all. this one bad movie that had formed my ""cultural omosis"" but that i also. i completely forgot why. so meta mystery solved. check that box. square that way.
so if you wanna watch sometime clearly sponsored by pizza hut... check out the recording of the musical stage performance "coming out of their shell". but if wanna see turtles with like. defined nostrils. that dont show up until like. 30 minutes into the movie and. are creepy at a woman... check out 2014 turtles i guess...
oh. man. last note i guess. a vibe i sniffed out on my own but we got. the back up from the imdb trivia... lottttttaaaa this movie dont make any sense cause. bad script bad production bad. all that. but specifically the reason theirs no connection between the turtles and the shredder is cause. they were gonna have the shredder be a white dude born on an american military base in japan. but uh. realised thats. bad. so added a japanese shredder/oroku saki whose the boss of the original villain as written. ERIK SACKS. great. good job everyone. go home. what the fuck.
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benene-the-banana · 2 years
Eddie As An Uncle Headcanons
My hcs about if Eddie was an Uncle bcuz yes
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Totally wont be basing these off of what I think could work and mostly based off his uncle-niece dynamic with my oc Bean Idk what ur talking about. Before I get into this Yes I understand he is NOT canonically an uncle, Yes I understand some of my hcs could be a stretch you don't have to like them and its okay if you don't I don't expect everyone to have the same hcs or even like the Uncle Eddie idea But that doesnt mean I cant have fun with a silly idea that brings me comfort/happiness or that I cant use this to help me cope with my own issues. So if you dont like these you can keep it to yourself. Block me if you have to but dont try to invalidate MY hcs especially when they're NOT problematic and made just for fun. So without further adu lets get into the hcs now shall we since I've gotten that lil explanation out of the way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. He’d be a pretty fun and goofy uncle. Though he wont be afraid to be strict with the kid when he has to. He may be fun/goofy/etc but he still is responsible and considers it his responsibility to be able to put his foot down
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. I feel like Eddie would have a fatherly side to him + soft spot for kids. So he would probably treat the niece and/or nephew as if they were his own kid He probably also lovingly refers to the kid as “my kid/kiddo” He doesn't care if that's “just his niece/nephew” If he says that's his kid then that's his kid End of story You can’t change his mind ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Due to his fatherly side and very likely close bond he’d have the kid he’d probably be the Godfather if not some other relative. I can definitely see Eddie willing to take that sort of responsibility I think his only concern tho would be that he doesn't live on his own He lives with his friends so that may be a bit harder to arrange and have the kid adjust to. Other than that he would be great at that role bcuz he was probably already like a 3rd parent type of uncle anyways
4. He’d show off embarrassing baby/toddler pictures bcuz he’d be the proud and wanting to show off his kid type but also he does find it kinda funny to embarrass his kiddo in that sorta way ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. If the kid really wanted to ESPECIALLY when they were little They could've find a way to get him to spoil them and it wouldn't have been hard for them to be a suck up and he would've spoiled that little kid ROTTEN. He’d stop spoiling them as much when they become a teen and stuff but he would occasionally spoil them still Just ya know not at the same extent Which is pretty fair its not like as a teen theyre gonna want as much stuff as they did when they were little anyways ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. He’d give embarrassing nicknames just to mess with the kid ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. He can have a tendency to be overprotective While his heart would be in the right place and would mean well Doesnt mean he cant get unnecessary with it like god forbid the kid starts dating someone or some shit He’d try to have it under control but if he senses the kid’s partner could cause trouble, break their heart or some bad shit towards his kid He is NOT having it like nuh-uh none of that shit he’s getting ready to bury a body That one Family Guy scene is literally going to be him
// blood + knife in the next upcoming image so get ready to scroll past it if you dont want to see it
And also involving his more protective side He’d also probably look something like this If really sent into some protective uncle version of a Papa Bear or Papa Wolf mode Whatever tf its called with protective dads/dad figures
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Gets the kid stuff their parent says theyre not allowed to have to annoy tf out of his sibling/friend (whoever is the parent of his niece/nephew) Like the kid cant have loud toys? Looks like its time to get them 20 of em ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Says the dumbest/weirdest shit to make his kid laugh In typical goofy weird uncle manner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. He’s the self proclaimed “Favorite Uncle” And he takes pride in the Favorite Uncle title Whats funny is that while it is just him claiming to be the favorite even without confirmation from the kid(s) he might actually be the favorite Or could definitely be up there in terms of favorite uncles for the kid ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. He SO WOULD BE THE EMBARRASSINGLY SUPPORTIVE UNCLE Lemme give an example with my AB Oc Bean So I have it written in canon that when she is 17 and is currently playing in her highschool’s volleyball team and whenever she was little she played Little League Softball And I could so see Eddie embarrassing the absolute HELL out of her during her games/tournaments Hes just yelling at her from the stands “WHOOO HELL YEAH BEANIE YOURE DOING GREAT!!” “THATS MY GIRL!!” Or some shit like that and not only does he do that but nearby ppl in the stands have to deal with Eddie pointing Bean out and going “You see her? THATS MY NIECE!” In his embarrassingly proud way And poor Bean is beyond embarrassed hiding her face with her hand or any other way to hide and her teammates could look at her and go “So thats your uncle?” And Beans just like “Him? No I dont even know him” And Eddie still continues his embarrassing antics bcuz why wouldn’t he XDD Eddie isnt normally the embarrassing type of uncle but this is definitely a time where he does become that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that is all I have for now! If I do come up with more later I can try to add them! If you guys also have ideas I would love to hear them especially for the other members of Alpha Team bcuz I dont have nearly as many or as in thought and I really want more for them! I really would love to hear them especially bcuz in my opinion this is a fun and interesting hc topic idea for em
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familiarstale · 2 years
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I just realized I never posted this guy. Just about everyone on the server has an Eclipse so I decided to make one as well. Because everyone has an Eclipse that's not so much his NAME as his Robot Type. Another character gave him a name in an rp. A friend's Lunar named him Phoenix which is pretty funny since that used to be another oc's name so the name is PULLING a Phoenix and rising again. nickname would be Nix which just sounds fitting for the Eclipse type too, like say em back-to-back. fits the reason for his existence is, back before their programmer was fired and still working with them, some of the higher ups started to think having TWO daycare attendants wasn't really needed, the nap-duties could be programmed into Sun and Moon could be one of their security bots. The programmer, Alex - because that's apparently my Go-To name when I got Nothin i have like 15 ocs named Alex - knew that much pressure on Sun would break him and be waaay too isolating for Moon so they decided to start programming in a baby brother for the two, a 3rd AI who would be security-guard focused and not mind isolation. and activate after closing, in emergency lighting (like fire or evacuation strobe-lighting) or when a threat was detected however then that refusing to wipe their memories to stop them from becoming sentient happened and Alex was fired before completing Eclipse or even getting to tell Sunrise and Moonrise about him, he was just dormant, unfinished code way way way back in their harddrives Now Eclipse wasn't finished, he's a learning AI so he's able to grow and adapt but his code was never finished so he will be a little buggy, and twitchy at times. might just zone the fuck out in the middle of something before remembering he was doing something Robot version of disabled, really Sun and Moon ended up eclipsing one day when someone was strobe-lighting the lights for fun and while Moon was talking to the person about NOT doing that, Sunny was noticing something Extra in their AI hard-drives and freaked the fuck out about their being a 3rd in there that had become find-able due to the lighting his first ever proper activation happened when a nearby robot was being attacked. because Alex knew how shit the robots are treated at the plex its not just threat for human life that would trigger the eclipse mode but also a robot in danger. so Eclipse activated to protect the other robot and he was So confused as to what was going on, it was pretty much his first time being alive, he was trying to de-escalate - pausing in the middle to check with everyone - both attacker and victim their preferred pronouns - the situation but ended up just, picking up the injured bot and Bolting from the room, getting lost because he was never given an internal map of the plex and turned off the injured bots pain sensors so they could direct him where to go for help. He completely forgot to introduce himself and after the threat was over peaced out clunking to the floor giving control back over to Sun since Sunny's the only AI in the body with repairing skills Eventually the three are separated since one body housing two AI was a bit cramped let alone three
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kosi-annec · 6 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 2 episode 13
Can finally take a break from school jfc, got a lot of shit to catch up on now
Oh so his name's Yakuzawa... Why does that sound like a mafia group. Omg he's the baby of the group, they're treating him like he's the younger bro it's kinda sweet
HOLY SHIT, THAT BLOCK DID FUCKING NOTHING. Bruh wtf his parents feeding him
And trying to juke em with a gentle touch ain't gonna work either. Hmmm maybe Hinata could try swerving the ball AROUND the block?
Aight don't need to look menacing old man
LMAO HINATA "crazy old wizard"
Oof, hinata got to stop going directly for yakuzawa, shit aint gonna work obvs
Yeah blocking is practically pointless here, time to change strategy
Lol the glasses dude really be utilizing that anime trope a lot, the putting two fingers on the bridge as the glass shines white
Oh don't feel sorry for hinata, trust me he is going to wreck yalls shit soon
"the games pretty simple" haha my guy dont let kagehina hear that cuz they will go into the attack on ya
Height is really useful in volleyball, but like in any kind of competitive game, if you don't have the technique, strategy, or enough experience, it kinda pointless
"How can he possibly be above me" like i said, if ya don't have strategy or technique in a competitive game, your height ain't shit. This is gonna teach him to take this more seriously
LMAO it ok hinata, ya got 2 other teammates who good at serving for u
OOOH TSUKI NICE BLOCK! God that serve is just, really satisfying to watch
Oh hey a recap on tempo, kinda needed that ngl. Wait wat, you telling me there's ANOTHER TEMPO??
Lol I missed these two idiots, almost forgot how funny kagehina interactions are
Is it just me, or is the kid who's with old coach Ukai kinda look like a younger ver of Oikawa
Well look who's taking this game more seriously. Karasuno seems to have that effect on others, inspiring and motivating ppl to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA- wait wrong anime
Ah, receiving, the one thing hinata is really bad at when he tries to do it properly
OH? so they waited for it to get hit and THEN blocked it
Gotta love how Karasuno just... Inspires ppl, even their opponents
Pft- the simps at it again
LMAO hinata turning into link with all those "HIYA!"s
Awww hinata trying to protect kiyoko from guys who can't understand what "no" means, he's such a good lik friend
Mmm idk if i like his vibe that much
PFT- god i love hinata and kiyoko's friendship, they're like siblings its cute
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
1/2 And we are now on 5x09, his only request for the episode is that Britin gets back together bc there’s only 2 cds left so they dont have much time: ‘how am I supposed to dance to the intro song when nothing in the show is how it’s supposed to be?’ The ep starts with Mikey and Ben having sex ‘not to be a prick but that is also not what i asked for. (The scene with the ladies for vote yes on prop 14 happens) *starts laughing* this is the only funny thing Mike has done in this season’ ‘look how Brian has been hanging with Emy and Ted lately but they don’t want me to see it. Ugh Mike. GOOD BRIAN! Ignore him. Forever!’ Deb asks mikey if him and Brian will ever talk again ‘oh look who cares now! Little miss “you gotta let Mikey go”. Mike doesn’t deserve Brian for what he said to him. Fuck you Mike, how about you tell her what you said to him? Fuck this whole shit show.’ Justin is about to meet Tucker! ‘OH? YOU GO GIRL! LOOK AT MY GIRL! That should’ve been me with her.’ ‘Now why is he passive aggressive to Jen? Why does he keep acting like a little shit? *pauses tv on jen standing in front of Justins painting* tell me that shit doesn’t look like something Brian would hang above his bed. Or in his office! Anyway *starts ep again* justin…you dated a kazoo player with a bad goatee, youre nobody to judge. Why is he so fucking horrible to Jen? HES JUDGING ABOUT AGE GAPS?! Bro, you need to fucking chill, shes a grown ass woman who can do whatever she wants…even if its not me’ and we are at the Brian/Debbie scene ‘look how pretty he looks. Debbie! If she’s here for Mike, she has to go. But if its for Blondie, than come on in. GET HIGH TOGETHER! HELL YEAH! *points to Brian smoking* i know damn well that fucker smokes in real life. One of me! See, we would be friends (i make a joke about how theyd only bond over cigarettes and thats it) i have bonded with people over far less! You’d be amazed at my ability to connect over anything. (Debbie says she doesnt like how hes been treating mikey) EXCUSE ME?! HE? WHAT ABOUT MIKE? You know what? Get out. Mike is always a fucking victim. Nobody ever stands up for Brian. Except me! *points at Brian* i think i used to have that zip up hoodie..you know who else fell in love Deb? brian! Now lets talk about that instead. *puts his cast up and spins his left index finger around his cast* here’s mikey and here’s the world. Not everything is about him. Can she please realize that her son is a little shit to Brian too? Why is he always the one who has to compromise and sacrifice? Man, fuck this whole show’ And that scene with the store being broken in is on ‘well shit. Not to be a dick but *sings very horribly* karmaaaa. Fuck now i feel bad for saying that but also fuck him for hurting Brian’ The Drew/Em scene is up now ‘HOLY SHIT DREW CAME OUT! AHHHHH YOU GO BOY! A guy like him? Bro fuck you. YEAH EMMETT HELPED HIM! Wait. HOLY FUCKING SHIT HE KISSED HIM ON LIVE TV! OH MY GOD!’ And we are at the gallery now ‘ive been so busy with everything else, i forgot about this. (Justin makes a face at the critic)*points to Justin* this! Is the fucking look and reaction he would give to Brian during that stupid dinner the second Marty and Elliot opened their mouth. And i know I’m right. Why is he calling the critic a cunt tho?’
That Ben/Mikey scene is only tolerable because they piss off that homophobe. THE ONLY REASON I ALLOW IT.
Justin being such a little shit to Tucker further confirms the writers decided to change his character is inexplicable ways. The Justin we knew would high five Jen about getting a hottie mchotterson
You’d be amazed at my ability to connect over anything. <- I do not doubt this is the case. Your brother has tumblr friends he doesn't even know about.
Why is he always the one who has to compromise and sacrifice? Man, fuck this whole show MMHMM
HOLY FUCKING SHIT HE KISSED HIM ON LIVE TV! OH MY GOD! Emmett getting the love he deserves (btw Cat Emmettt is being a little shit as I write my responses to these. He's been sick for most of the year and I'm glad he's feeling better but BRO CHILL TF OUT)
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thejacemister · 1 year
You remember those songs that had 2 parts to em? well this is something like that. There’s usually 2 perspectives when they make those kinda songs. This one is a little different. its the same perspective just 2 different meanings. You already got the 1st part in a message. Don’t get me wrong. I meant everything i said in that message. But I said those things for VERY selfish reasons. If we’re being honest, i don’t care. I don’t. I only sent something to you because its what was right or rather what was expected of me.
I do want you to get better, honest. I need you to be healthy. I need you to be fully conscious of everything especially of what is to come. Your first mistake was trusting your mom. and your most recent one is the same one. In a way its a bit poetic because the one person you would bet your reputation and, what i imagine, your life is gonna be the same one to betray you. Funny how life works. the carousel will NEVER stop turning for you. I don’t think you’ll ever learn. I hope you don’t tbh. It makes for a good sitcom plot. Lets just say that when i heard your snake of a mother was in Maryland i couldn’t help but laugh because almost like I had foresight, i saw exactly how these next few years are going to be for you and your mom. ‘cause lets be honest, you and your mother have never got along and never will. That will never change.
You say that this is the first time i don’t fight you after i sent the message. But we don’t make peace with our friends we make peace with our enemies. and don’t get it twisted in no way was that message an invitation or a sign that we are good. ‘cause we’re not. If i had never fought for myself, i would still be looking for an apartment and struggling to make ends meet. I would still be under your shithead of a mom at work with what i imagine would be a much less paying position. If i hadn’t fought for myself i would still be labeled the sexual abuser your demonic-piece-of-shit-stain-that-you-call-a-mother had paraded to everyone in your family and to everyone at work. She had a huge hand in damaging my reputation and that’s something i will never forgive because that’s vile. If i’m a bad guy because i wouldn’t let you or Jessicunt treat me like shit, then i’m the fucking bad guy. i’ll wear that badge proudly and i’ll HAPPILY die on that hill. You could care less where i ended up or how she was treating me. and honestly i don’t blame you for taking her side. After all it IS your mother right? but… its weird how HER mom and SISTER believed me and call her foul play….
Call me a Masochist for staying around for so long. Unfortunately our love was not unconditional. maybe for a time it was. but in the end it was very much conditional. I had expectations of you and you had some of me. i can’t fault you for that. we were both disappointed. But like I always say… “todo en esta vida se paga”. Tu traición lo vas a pagar con tu madre. I bet my bottom dollar on that. It’ll hurt you. A LOT. ‘cause i warned you what kind of person she is. she has always let you down. she’s the kind of person that your mom warns you about. Lol funny how that works. But that’s why i sent you that message. Hoping you feel better. Because I need you to be nice and healthy. I need you to be all there when she ultimately drives that same knife she drove in my back. I need you to survive this so you can fully experience that. Knowing that your mom successfully tore your company down and your trust is a satisfaction that i will never be able to replicate. I know i could sleep with a thousand whores and still not feel a fraction of that. I know its coming thats whats great. Because as much as she is helping you now… she will NEVER change.
So get better. Get healthy. Take all the medicine you need and go to all the doctor’s appointment. Have Choco drive you around to them and make sure to keep him close. although it won’t matter lol. She’ll still bring her claws into it. But please, beat this condition you have. Because i don’t want you to miss a second of your mother’s betrayal. And in the case you do miss it because you’re not as strong as i thought you are… rot in pieces. ‘cause God forgives, but i don’t.
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