#tax WAIFU
egg-jam · 1 year
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Y’all saw that Tax-Chan waifu right? The game? The character whose name is literally Iris???
Well how about Mother H&R Block 👁️👄👁️
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mechaseraph · 2 months
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THIS IS HOW I WIN (TT can you freaking post separate page for each deck already, and keep it updated, like you do with duema?? I kinda need to read the card text y'now)
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abnas · 11 months
so uh i found this among the pin on my private discord server(with just me and a bunch of bots), so i was looking to see what happened to this game... https://twitter.com/HD_Kirin/status/1638361179025477633
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apparently it got pulled off steam, i wonder why...
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anyways.. you can still get the game on the website. https://taxheaven3000.com/ so I obviously had to take a look around... and I saw this offer for a “collector’s editon”
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and it’s fucking sold out 💀 💀 💀 I need to know how much ppl paid for the identity theft and taxes anime waifu body pillow.
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giri-giri-waifu · 1 year
now where did I put that important paperwork?
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yangkoete · 2 months
The power of the mommy voice!
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mlarayoukai · 10 months
I hate the word waifu and I hate that people think there's a fucking "waifu" tax on pokemon cards and people still use that word for the little fucking girls like lilie and marnie and may and I've seen so many people call them "waifus" how about you kill yourself
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vecnawrites · 3 months
RoosterTeeth was just shut down by Warner Bros. Discovery after 20 years. Odds are, we are not getting Volume 10...especially with WB's recent track record with permanently deleting stuff for tax breaks...
It won't effect me much, since i was really only keeping up with the series for Waifus and having fun with my writing.
Rest assured, we will keep moving forward!
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twilightbloom · 8 months
Bear with me I just need to yeet my thoughts into the void for a second
I have played HSR's 1.4 story quest a little while ago but having felt really conflicted about it I honestly didn't know what to think and needed some time to gather my thoughts, but... the quest was good, don't get me wrong, but my thoughts on Topaz are quite complicated
Like I've read around and I've seen people either being like "y'all are awful to Topaz this is why Hoyo doesn't do morally ambiguous women!!" or "Topaz is a horrible character and I hate her so much" and my take is that while I do enjoy Topaz's character AS A CONCEPT I just wish HYV would've decided her framing in the story
Like I get the first argument. Morally ambiguous women get either waifu'd like Raiden (and my opinion on her character is in line with most of the community that she was horribly mismanaged for all of her buildup, until the second character quest put a bandaid on her) or not that explored in the story (see Yae). Topaz is in a very awkward middle ground, with the complicating factor that she is a tax collector so she will rub some people in a very wrong way.
Still, my issue is that she jumps between being a cold "I'm just doing my job, no hard feelings" kinda gal and "oh my gosh animals are so cute and I'm so kind uwu" with almost no in between. I would really like to see HYV commit to one of the two in the framing, because while I can kinda see the "outside of work she's a sweetie" angle they were going for but given what kind of work she does, and WHO she is working for, it doesn't really work for me. And it ended up souring her as a character for me.
That's without covering the fact that we KNOW most people in the IPC are assholes after the Aurum Alley event, and Topaz doesn't really help their case. She's "one of the good ones", supposedly, but... Ehhh. I would've preferred she stayed an antagonist and they weren't this wishy-washy while treating her. It's a shame, because I feel like she would've been a really cool antagonist/villain had they not flip flopped around with her personality and tried to absolve her of the IPC's darker sides.
Idk basically I like her design A LOT and wish she was framed better by the narrative, like they either should've stuck to plushy waifu (which would've weakened the story though I feel) or antagonist/villain with OCCASIONAL hints of a softer side underneath.
Basically, 1.4's story was good but ironically enough Topaz was my least favorite part of it. Shame. Hope her story/companion quest makes her character feel more defined so I can decide my stance on her.
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letrune · 2 months
This is going to be depressing, involving "ais" (large language models) and how it feels like we lost. If anyone knows anything, please...
My own government gave out a warning on not using too much "ai" stuff, because, well... Someone more qualified than I am noted that they use so much power and water that we could run Hungary on that, for free. Every month. The entirety of Hungary's water and power consumption is used up by the large language models just to run, every month.
I don't know what to do any more. I feel like we lost.
That it is over and now we are paying the price - artists, actors, developers, all became "useless" and "worthless". That people like Elon Musk and Sam Altman get very rich from selling your data, using your GPU and CPU every time you run one of these, forcing thousands to work on "AI generators" as mechanical turks, the machine burping out something you got to poke around. Yep, the machines don't know how many fingers are in a human, a person has to edit them out... I had a job offer. 30 dollars per month for doing that. Thirty dollars. And then I got rejected because I am overqualified.
"We don't need IT techs any more!". "We don't need artists any more!". What is the point of trying any more at all? You just buy a bunch of fakecoins, throw them in this plagiarism slot machine and sell the stuff that comes out for a very low price, underselling people doing work. Just selling big boobed characters for a tenner or something, all of them looking the exact same smooth nothing.
Imagine millions of calarts style artwork of big boobed anime waifus being produced, costing as much as the entire US Eastern seaboard in power and water. Just so one guy on top gets rich, and a lot of people doing it giving him the social credit to sell his ais for gigacorps, so Disney and gang fire all the workers for the cheap ais. Now imagine millions of the same movies being burped out. If half of them go into the shredder for tax returns, they get paid instantly, and who cares of the cost? All the energy and water was used up anyways.
In 1928, Karel Capek wrote "War with the newts", a rather blatant allegory of fascism. It has one line: "Who ended the world? (...) Every factory in the world. Every bank. Every country. Every leader wanting the world."
I fear we have this sort of junk, not just because Musk and Altman being technofetishistic pseudo-cult leaders. It is just what I am afraid of happening now and I just... can't conceptualise what to do. It feels like the world is running into the end, all because those big titty anime waifus were too important to be done now, with barely any cost now - the future will pay for it.
We and our descendants will pay for the burning of the world and the water being used up.
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wackyrumble · 1 year
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Ena v.s. Turnip Boy
Ena - Ena
"A lady who looks straight out of a Picasso painting who regularly ends up in situations such as; swapping a blood sample with a turron in a deal with a Russian lady who falls asleep immediately afterwards, cloning herself some 4 times during a meltdown, after which her body becomes what appears to be a Japanese tsunami warning, before coming back to normal, going to an auction for an "hourglass dog", failing to obtain it because rocks started falling from the sky. She also happens to completely change appearance dependent on her emotional state, which is quite fragile."
Turnip Boy - Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Turnip Boy is a criminal, and descendant of a mafia boss. Said mafia blood allows him to wield weapons without hands. Though he appears like a cute turnip, he's in fact a mutant spider. He doesn't speak purely because his voice drives souls out of bodies. Turnip Boy destroys anything that mentions taxes, and killed the last remaining human. Read more about Turnip Boy below.
"sentient turnip that commits crimes (including but not limited to the titular tax evasion). silent protag but COULD talk he only doesn't because his real voice drives the souls of men from their bodies. someone draws him as an anime waifu and he speaks entirely to tell them to stop (that character is canonically dead by the sequel). also he's actually a fucked up weird mutant spider thing caused by radiation from a nuclear apocalypse but he shows up as a cute little turnip guy in game. also he's the descendent of a mafia boss named don turnipchino and its the mafia blood in him that lets him use weapons despite not having hands. also in the true final boss fight he kills a capitalist that ascended to godhood through the power of all the government documents turnip boy destroyed throughout the game and he kills him by giving members of the radish irs bombs and kicking them into said capitalist mayor. this game is deranged and im only scratching the surface really. he goes into a nuclear bunker at one point and irradiates and kills one of the last surviving humans. also the government document thing? thats a whole thing. he sees anything that MENTIONS taxes and destroys it in a blind rage. he helps a lesbian couple get together but also rips a love letter apart because it mentions doing taxes. he tears apart an entire book on how to do taxes in what can only be assumed to be one swift motion."
Full description of Turnip Boy:
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teaveetamer · 1 year
Leave it to Ladelstans to act like a bunch of jerktims (acting obnoxiously towards others and think you're the victim when getting called out). I'm not going to say anything more other than this is just fucking exhausting and all its doing is staining the reputation of their waifu and the by extension the game.
I’m not even sure what the point is anymore. Most of us have moved onto other games and other pursuits and only discuss 3H vaguely or when prompted. They’re the ones who just cannot let it go for whatever reason.
Like they accuse us of “hating that people like Edelgard” but that’s a boulder throw in a glass house when you’re willing to spread lies and slander over this type of shit? And oh, people are mean to them. What, exactly, do you expect to happen when you do shit like accuse people of being rapists and stalk people and dig up old posts just say shit like this?
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Like ??? Cool? What are you trying to accomplish, exactly, by coming to my blog where I say I like Dimitri and casually throwing out that you like other characters better and believe he’s a mass murderer? Surely you don’t expect anyone to actually have a conversation with you when this is your opener?
And I know this example is tame but that’s just because they only sent me like two things before apparently deciding I wasn’t an easy enough target. Other people have been getting shit about Dimitri being a domestic abuser, worse than a literal serial killer, homophobic, etc.
Like man imagine if I went to r/Edelgard and opened with “By the way I think Edelgard is a straight Nazi who rapes puppies!” I would have to be high to think that would get me anything other than a “fuck off, maybe?” In response. Christ. Anyone who even tried engaging with this person in good faith should be able to write it off as a charitable contribution on their taxes.
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From the maker of literally no other tournament or battle or anything (so please be nice I've never done this before) comes…
Kingdom Hearts Marriage Material Tournament
Who HASN'T seen at least one character in Kingdom Hearts and gone 'I want them in my life. I want to show them how wonderful they are, and how much I adore them, and how good life can get when you're spending it with someone you love. I want to fold laundry with them and grocery shop with them and do taxes with them. I want to go on little dates with them. Maybe I even want to have kids with them, or help them take care of their children. I want to be a part of their family.'?
Okay well if you haven't, get thinking. This tournament is all about that sentiment. Who is the ultimate Kingdom Hearts waifu(gender neutral)? And why is it Terra?
Thank you to @fuckable-kh-men-battle for the inspiration!
Follow the form below to submit the person you want to marry. Anybody who's been featured in a Kingdom Hearts game is a viable option! This includes Disney and Final Fantasy characters, but I will favor ones who are original to the KH universe. We'll see how long it takes to get enough different submissions, but the form will be available for at least 24 hours. Once I have enough I'll close off the form and create the bracket.
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kineticpenguin · 1 year
“Is it better to scrap warships and immortalize them as waifus or start a massive tax fund to preserve them as museums,” the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate
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nagaruru · 7 months
wait one more. yamada im not your manic pixie dream waifu i literally pay taxes.
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jahdiel-death · 10 months
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✧˖ ° Galina ✧˖ °
Jenni Set (Shown on Legacy)
The dress is perfect for your end-of-summer festivals & bonfire parties :) Comes in 20+ options & is rigged for Legacy (+ Perky), Kupra (+ Bimbo), Reborn (+ Juicy Boobs & Waifus), Peach bodies. Matching thong (18 color FP only 199L) available. The Keds shoes come in 14 colorways & 5 prints, rigged for Legacy, Kupra, Reborn, Peach.
Located @ Cakeday
✧˖ ° Krisp ✧˖ ° 
Joyful Pose
Mirror Pose Included
Props Not Included
Copy - Mod - No Trans
Located @ Cakeday
✧˖ ° KOCRYLIC✧˖ °
Xtra French Set (Shown on Legacy)
Duck Long
Kupra Legacy Reborn Peach
Located @ The Grand
✧˖ °Rousseau Beauty ✧˖ °
✧˖ °Rousseau Beauty ✧˖ °
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