#taz nadia
dreamsy990 · 2 years
the main gang of taz commitment is just two nerdy introverts who get adopted by the equally nerdy popular kid and hijinks ensue and i kind of love that
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cyberneticatoms · 23 days
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no way is that FIRAS DASAI..they’re a 29 year-old SYNTH notoriously known for being DIRECTIONLESS & SLOPPY but there are some people who have seen them being COMPASSIONATE & FLIRTY. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of brushing up against others as you dance in a crowded space, licking sweetness from lips, and the smell of an active kitchen, but that could just be because they’re considered the INADEQUATE INHERITOR around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
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NAME:  Firas Iskandar Dasai-Shehadi NICKNAMES:  DATE OF BIRTH: December 5th (29) HEIGHT: 6'0 AFFILIATION: The Big Three OCCUPATION: Head of Public Relations/Crisis Management at OmniCorp Holdings/Cook at The Hidden Marigold FACECLAIM: Taz Skylar
TW: depression, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt
❖ Firas was the only child between his mother, an heiress who was on the path to becoming the future CEO of OmniCorp Holdings, and his father, a traveling diplomat. With how busy both were, having a Synth child seemed obvious. ❖ If he's honest Firas hardly remembers his father, it wasn't long after his mother had them fully settled in DFW together that she offered a clean break to his father. Family life had appealed to him for a time, but overall his career took precedence, opting against shared custody when he frequently traveled. ❖ As well as signing away his rights when his mother convinced him it was for the best, to give Firas a more stable home life. Though Firas suspected this may have been in part to him being her only heir at the time. ❖ When he was 3 years old, his mother remarried, to the man that Firas would actually consider his father. With this came a step-sister, Nadia, though both being so young and melding well enough, the step never really came up. Less than a year later and the two opted to have a child together, much like Faris had been created due to both having busy careers. ❖ Firas had gone from being an only child, to the middle son between two sisters, growing up fairly close to them. He never took his position or privilege seriously, Nadia was the heir and future company head and Ames was the perfect child to show off. ❖ With how much he enjoyed partying and giving into his impulses, he was eventually sent to boarding school to try and straighten him out. If anything this just made it easier to find similar kids who also hardly cared about consequences. The one exception to this was Minnie Dantes, one of the few people who could get him to shape up. ❖ When she confided in him about her home life, he helped her get out from under her parents and fully move in with the Dantes. Though without her at school he frequently skipped to hang out with her and her friends at her public school. At least until his parents finally transferred him when he agreed to at least stay out of trouble and actually go to school. ❖ He was close to graduating when Nadia dropped a bomb on their family, she was joining the military, making Firas the new heir in the family. A position he didn't feel at all prepared for, and was silently panicking over being the cause of making their family lose everything in either reputation or financially. ❖ Wanting a quick and easy way to fix things, he met with a back alley doctor. The plan had been to give him better impulse control, and at first it seemed to work. He was more focused in school and hardly wanted to go out with any of his old partying friends. ❖ It was almost a couple years later when he realized something was wrong, struggling with frequent migraines and nausea. If he let himself get too excited, he'd find himself feeling ill. This led to him feeling numb or depressed, unable to enjoy anything for long. ❖ From his family and friends perspective he was cracking under the pressure of his new position. The constant negative feelings eventually led him to try and end his life. Waking up in a private hospital with only his mother there. ❖ The doctor had been able to figure out that he'd had a botched psychosurgery, much to his mother's disappointment. They weren't able to completely fix the damage he'd done to himself. The whole incident being kept under wraps, just between him, his mother and a private doctor. ❖ Afterwards his mother made it clear that eventually Firas would be making an announcement that he'd be stepping down and allowing Ames to take the position of heir. He agreed, as well as beginning to keep his distance from both his sisters, not wanting to drag them down with him.
• When he met Julie Dantes at a party and realized she was related to Minnie, he was quick to get the two to meet again. He helped Minnie financially and personally to free Julie from Minnie's parents control. He's incredibly close to the whole Dantes family, and views them as his second family. • While he technically has a position at OmniCorp Holdings, his primary job is working as a cook at The Hidden Marigold. Preferring being with his friends and doing manual labor. • Side effects from his botched surgery are: he's now completely colorblind, only seeing in shades of gray; he struggles with narcolepsy finding that he needs to stay stimulated or his body starts shutting down
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authoralexharvey · 2 years
The Fool and the Magician!
Thank you kinda for the ask!
00. THE FOOL: BEGINNINGS (What is the opening line to your current work?) 
Technically, I have three for you cause there's a prologue and then the first chapters of the two POV characters. So, here you go:
The following is the last recordings of Dr. Chloe Duval, transcribed in accordance with the applicable sections of the Laws for Miasmic Interaction.
Chapter One (Simone)
Across the desk, Simone’s Intro to Glyph Design professor reads their thesis proposal with a thoughtful furrow in his brows.
Chapter Two (Nadia)
The week begins as many of them have recently, with violent vomiting.
01. THE MAGICIAN: SPARK OF MAGIC (What inspired you to write your novel?) 
I'm just gonna explain ASMLP or I'll talk too long. I talked about it a bit here but a few things inspired this book: Bloodborne, Elden Ring, The Radium Girls, me carrying around a notebook everywhere, TAZ: Amnesty, American McGee's Alice: Madness Returns. Probably some other stuff I can't think of rn.
Send me tarot card asks!
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thatoneacecryptid · 2 years
My Favorite Things About Every Arc of The Adventure Zone (so far)
I recently finished TAZ Ethersea and really want to just talk about all of the lovely characters that the boys have given us. Feel free to add your own in whatever ways you see fit.
Fair warning, this may be long folks
! There are potentially spoilers for every arc ahead so read at your own risk gang !
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Magnus: Magnus Burnsides’ whole journey throughout the campaign is wonderfully heartbreaking. Protector of a family he did not remember who also harbors a heartache for his second family that he lost. Travis was teased for having a bible of a backstory but I think in Magnus’ case it was entirely essential. So much of that background informed everything about Magnus and his constant protection of everyone (and every animal) around him makes so much sense narratively as well as mechanically and I think Travis did a phenomenal job. 
Taako: Taako is a very deep character with a lot of complexity that you wouldn’t know based on everything about him and I do not want to downplay that at all, however, my favorite thing about Taako is simply the aesthetic and the vibes. A king, an icon. We love to see it.
Merle: My favorite thing about Merle is his capacity for love and goodness. He always choses the path of love and joy and its incredibly important. For goodness sakes he asked the BBEG if they were friends. A sweetheart.
Favorite NPC: Angus McDonald
My favorite section of this season in particular has to be Eleventh Hour, the aesthetics were great, the concept was super cool and we got so many cool moments out of it. 
See You Later is my favorite track from the season followed by Purple Worm.
Balance is such a labor of love and you can feel it through every part of the story and it never loses any luster no matter how many times you relisten to it.
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Aubrey: Aubrey Little is a badass and that is incredibly important but I think what I like most about her is that she screws up a lot. I don’t mean that I like that she’s a failure, what I mean is that she isn’t perfect. A lot of the time when playing games like these, there is a tendency (for some, certainly not all, we stan flawed characters in this house) to create do-gooder characters that have perfectly mastered their skills and perfectly save the day. Aubrey is not that. She makes mistakes all the time and recognizes that. The scene where she asks Janelle to take her magic away hits me every time because she thinks, and to a degree rightfully so, that she is a danger to those around her and she would rather give up her super cool magic fire powers than continue to do that. She continues to try and learn how her powers work and how to properly use them so it works out, but the moment was there. Aubrey Little has these incredible powers at her disposal but she is only human and I love her journey to pieces.
Duck: I relate to the tired vibes harder than I probably should for the age I am but that’s probably okay. A reluctant chosen one is an incredibly interesting idea that I am super proud of Justin for coming up with. Duck’s destiny scares the living crap out of him and his reaction, though strange in a narrative format, would most likely be how a regular person would react to being given a grand cosmic destiny where you have to actually fight evil monsters. Duck is amazing and I love him.
Ned: Ned is hilarious but also, his entire arc during the Shapeshifter hunt was incredible. The letters still make me cry to this day. Its always super fascinating when a character who appears to be (as much as you can in an RPG) comic relief at the beginning, get incredibly serious further down the line. Ned cared so much about his friends and I am so glad that Griffin gave Clint the opportunities to take over the narrative for a little while to give us those speeches.
Thacker: A goofy guy with some really weird snacks. Thacker was not Ned that is for sure but, he was a very nice inclusion. I always like explorer characters and Thacker is interesting, having explored somewhere dangerous, suffering the consequences but coming back with valuable information for the team.
Favorite NPC: Barclay
My favorite hunt is the Hunt for The Beast, it is the first one and there is so much else in the season to love but the aesthetics and vibes of this one were incredible. My favorite section of narration comes from the end of the third episode! “Which looks up at the sky, and then, with otherworldly malice, back down at the three of you...”
Amnesty’s and Graduation’s theme songs are tied for my favorites, they both make me smile so much.
The Amnesty Lodge themes are some of my favorite pieces of music ever. Never has any music ever made me feel as comforted as those two songs do.
This season’s vibe, setting, aesthetics, characters and inspirations are exactly my niche interest so, as much as I love all of the seasons of TAZ, Amnesty is by far my favorite.
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Nadia: We love a girl boss. 
Kardala: I like the research that Justin did into creating the character, and in classic Justin fashion, made her the funniest character in the arc.
Remy: He’s such a little guy. Remy is a springy little spiderman-esque guy who just wants to save the day.
Favorite NPC: N/A
Commitment is not my favorite of the seasons but I do like what Clint did with it, the story was unique and interesting.
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Errol: A werewolf who wanted to president? Are you kidding? I love this little guy! I really liked that Errol lived in town but didn’t necessarily fall in line with the werewolf pack there. Him, instead, having a street that he looks after and protects is such a nice image. That and his whole attitude and semi-awkward personality, Errol was very easily my favorite of the bunch (not that I didn’t love the others)
Augustus: Augustus was an excuse for Justin to be hilarious with a ridiculous voice and I loved it. 
Gandy: Her enthusiasm for many of the situations that arose during the investigation was really nice. 
Favorite NPC: The Banshee
I loved this one! I continue to hope that they go back to Dust and even though that is unlikely, I still really liked the ideas behind this mini arc. A western, taking place at night, where werewolves and vampires make appearances, along with a whodunnit mystery taking place all at the same time? Sign me up! (Once again, an arc very much within my niche)
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Fitzroy: A king, honestly. Fitzroy is hilarious and such an interesting concept for Griffin to play. The voice and the vibes are immaculate and I am so proud of this boy’s progress. Also, he’s ACE!!!
Firbolg: He’s so 🥺. That’s the best I can articulate my thoughts.
Argo: My boy! Argo is such a sweet little guy who, just like his fellow roomies, did not deserve any of the bad things that had happened to them. Argonaut Keene is an absolute sweetheart and I wish him the best post canon fics. His voice and aesthetic are great. Also, he’s the first PC rogue! My class (and favorite subclass)!
Favorite NPC: Althea Song
School campaign!!! These boys deserve the very best and I loved every second of their journey. The entire campaign I was either aww-ing at the sweetness of the moments or cheering on these boys’ hairbrained schemes. 
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Devo: Devo’s accent is wonderful and I also really like how concerned he was about taking care of Beck and Skittles as well as his speech about saving the animals for future children to see and learn about. That speech in general got me to tear up a little bit given the state of our real life world.
Amber: I love sharks and I do not wish to see any harm come to them, however, the blink shark hunter thing coming back from the prologues was very funny and a welcome inclusion. It brought us some really cool moments with said sharks and I appreciated that. I also really liked how strong she was in her own opinions. No one was going to make her move. Not to mention the vibe checks were always awesome.
Zoox: Zoox’s journey of self discovery was very cool. I love that our little Brinar ended up being something all their own.
Favorite NPC: Ol’ Joshy
What I think was most interesting about this season, beside the looming fear of anything being out there in the depths of the ocean, was that the boys made this world together. This was not something that one of them made for the purposes of the others playing in it. They played a separate game to make the world they would be playing in. It was intensely collaborative and I think that was really cool. 
Cannot wait to see what’s next!
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cyngharris · 7 years
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Scientist that wants to be literally anywhere else
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cartoonpudding · 7 years
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Nadia designs are currently being worked through but I think this is where I’m at now
I’m sure it’ll change drastically once travis actually plays her and I have no idea where to even start on Remy and Irene
Let it be known that I’m in love w/ all three (four?) of them
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paegoart · 7 years
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Remy, Irene, and Nadia from the up and coming TAZ arc. I love them already. 
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luobingmeis · 3 years
i appreciate all of u who have stuck around while i’ve gone absolutely bonkers over the arcana
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wyrmeleon · 4 years
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Finally finished!
My take on the six characters meme!
@mythgirlimagines @chaotic-dumbass-witch @randomlypeaceful @thesecretbanana15 @miss-greenper @captainschmoe
(Please click for better quality)
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bearmageddon · 5 years
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Across worlds
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hungryliar · 5 years
Man, I love the TAZ Player Characters...
*Looks at smudged hand*
Good Boi
Magical Girl
Old Man
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vilonnie · 6 years
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warlock-salad · 7 years
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Lets make this year one big ol’ group hug, huh?
Collabor-18 ft. Travis McElroy, Magnus Burnsides, Lady Flame, and my mum (Nadia Jones).
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rabdoidal · 7 years
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more commitment arc content (based off a scene from the preacher series but i forget which)
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beansmakesart · 7 years
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A lil something I drew for the new episode I love my kids already
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2moretbsp · 7 years
i finally figured out why the new taz characters seemed so goddamn familiar
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