#tdd rose
blossomfestival · 8 months
Hey wanna see something cool
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akkivee · 3 months
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back to that point of they artistically hide microphones and speakers if they aren’t ready to show them, like in those nemu and kuukou shots, if honobono’s mic and/or speakers have nothing to do with vines and lights, i would be shocked lmao
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ohmerricat · 4 months
actually actually… buckle in for some more unnecessarily detailed baseless speculation*. because it’s fun and there’s still 2 weeks to go (*stop accusing me of TJLCery i’m going to cry)
so, since rogue is the pre-finale episode… as a pattern those tend to begin in the manner of your average doccy who story, but finish with a devastating plot twist denouement to segue into the two-parter at the end. best examples of this are utopia and (gotta hand it to s12 here) the haunting of villa diodati. “it’s a celebrity historical! byron and the shelleys are here! oh and oops… what’s that? that’s the sound of the doctor making a fatal mistake that will inevitably lead her to the narrative climax…”
now what i’m getting at is. what if we’ve all been looking in the wrong place and rogue, not TLORS, is the episode by the end of which the doctor figures out that they’re stuck inside a TV show that’s been remixing old stories from their former adventures? “bridgerton! regency era! jane austen! flirting! ballgowns! dancing! oh and oops… what’s that? that’s the sound of doctor making a tragic discovery that will inevitably lead him to the narrative climax…”
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here’s how this ties in to the popular “jonathan groff = recast harkness” theory. now, i USED to be an ardent proponent of it, but i no longer believe he’s actually playing pre-TEC/TDD captain jack, or any era captain jack at all, really. what he is playing, or so i gather apropos of crumbs and wisps of information, is a remarkably harkness-like character. just alike enough to make us (and the doctor!!) wonder: am i getting deja vu?? has rtd devolved into a hack who’s been reusing his old ideas and hoping we won’t notice?
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no. look at the sneaky incorporation of The Doctor Dances’ title in the DWM paragraph above. he’s hoping we do.
it’s been pretty much confirmed by ~inside sources~ (read: leaks on reddit from ages ago) that groff’s playing either a time agent or former time agent — judging by the description above, it’s “former time agent turned bounty hunter”. charming, handsome rizzlord fella from the future (what’s that blaster in this hand? could it be from the villengard factories?), adept at blending in with a british historical period despite sounding noticeably american, actively involved in the social life of that historical era, morally grey and antagonistic towards the doctor at first, yet strangely alluring… sexual tension heavily implied… we’re supposed to feel like we’ve seen all this before. this man is a Not-Harkness.
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change the doctor’s life forever is the key sentence here. as the doctor realises how remarkably similar groff-“rogue” is to jack when he first met him, and how the circumstances of their meeting almost rhyme too, he’ll notice some more odd things.
he’ll notice. he’ll notice how ruby looks like clara, waited for him while she aged like amy did, called her mum from a future space station looking down through a panoramic window at a planet like rose had, how their relationship is a best friendship/sibling-esque like with donna … he’ll notice how many of their adventures together seem to retread steps already walked. and then the puzzle will click into shape and it will “change the doctor’s life forever”: he’ll discover that this is a puppet show and go searching for whoever’s pulling the strings.
Not-Harkness “Rogue” Groff is the catalyst. the final straw.
or maybe not. maybe this is complete waffle i pulled out of my arse. only time will tell
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
can i have Ramuda, Jakurai and a enby s/o in a threesome? maybe tdd days if it's easier to write the pair before they are all catty and pissed off at each other?
TDD! Jakurai x GN! s/o x TDD! Ramuda
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GNreader, teasing, dirty talk, oral (giving), masturbation, slight humiliation;; 1741 words;;
"Hehe, you both are doing very well, sweeties..!"
Such a short phrase and in such a cheerful voice, yet you can help but feel some mocking undertones here.. And Jakurai probably too, as he chuckles, sitting shoulder to shoulder with you in front of Ramuda.
Doc has surprisingly great skill of supple grace, so even with his big height you both perfectly fit in such a small space between Ramuda's thighs. And being on your knees like that, pleasing this little cunning demon with your mouth and hands, sucking and kissing his dick turn by turn with Jakurai was… Exciting.
"Uhh..But we're never gonna finish like that.." - he puffs his cheeks, raising himself on his elbow and looking at you both with a playful yet so dominating gaze. - "Why don't you two try to lick together?"
After exchanging gaze with you, Jakurai nods slightly, being absolutely obedient towards the young man. His pretty calm and docile behavior was nothing by comparison of how he was acting right now, even more quiet than usual. Yet it was clearly noticeable how shaky his breath was, when you both leaned closer, tickling hard dick with light brushes of your lips. A few kisses, and you start slowly licking whole length, small waves of goosebumps run down your spine right to your core everytime your tongue meet wet and hot Jakurai's one. And judging by the small whines and giggles that rose above you, Ramuda was really enjoying such attention, grasping your hair from time to time. He pulls you both, forcing your lips to meet on the tip of his cock, and it almost feels like a kiss, just with trembling glans between your mouth.
"Hehe, you look so cute like that, my two little sweethearts..!"
It was embarrassing to admit, yet his teasing just makes you squirm a little from the sudden hit of heat in your hips. But Jakurai shrugs too, nervous trembling of his body passes to you too, as you cling closer to each other, pressing your shoulders together.. His hand wrapped around your waist, grasping it tightly, and you can't help but mewl, tickling Ramuda's dick with a vibrating wave.
As you get more passionate and bold, drooling over his cock, getting into faster speed and taking any opportunity to lick each other's tongues, it didn't take that much time for Ramuda to cum. With a more deep groan he grabs your hairs, arching his back and covering your lips with thick warm liquid. Jakurai helps him ride his orgasm, squeezing the base of his cock in tight strokes while your fingers keep playing with the sensitive skin of his balls.
This firm grip on your lock didn't eased, as Ramuda, still trying to catch his breath, suddenly whisper:
"Okay.. And now kiss."
Your gaze meet Jakurai's one, and without second thought you both obeyed, merge in a messy needy kiss, mixing saliva and warm sperm on your tongues. You never thought something like that would be enough to drive you to such a point when you start moaning in his mouth while your hand drops to his waist in a light yet desperate hug.. But almost immediately the same embrace returned to you, as Jakurai's hands slid around your back, lowering to your ass.
And it seems you both can sit like that for hours, exciting each other with more dirty kisses under the devilish gaze of Ramuda. None of you paid attention to his face in such a passionate moment, so he let himself relax a little, watching your needy games with his real, more cynical expression. Even his bright blue eyes darkened as he started wondering just how many things he can push you two to do, and just for him and his pleasure. Mm, now he wants to prolong this little show you're making for him for a little bit more.
"Waaa, you two are like lovebirds! Or maybe lustbirds, in this case?" - he titters, returning to his lively behavior and tapping on your shoulder to pull you away from Jakurai who start melting more and more under your touch.
"I'm.. sorry. I think I'm starting to get carried away.." - Doc mumbled with shame, still looking at you with a burning urge in his eyes, even a slight blush appeared on his pale face.
"It's okay, hehe! As you both already please me, maybe it's your time to have some fun..?" - with such an offer Ramuda rolled back on bed with a beckoning sign.
A little confused, you sat on the silk sheets, waiting for his next ..words? Orders? Just how this little soft boy was able to hypnotize you both and get under his control? Yet neither you nor Jakurai, who's also got up and sat on the bed, were against it. Anticipation of the next task, the next naughty game titillates your chest, making you breathe more heavily.
Meanwhile, Ramuda lay down on his stomach, looking right at the crotch of his teammate, where through tight fabric was pulsing a visible bulge.
"Mm.. I wonder just how big your dick is, Jaku.." - voice almost like a siren's call, as he stretched out his hand and quickly unzipped black pants, revealing a pretty long twitching cock accompanied by a surprisingly high pitched whine from Jakurai.
"Ramuda..!" - was his only words before he started to groan again, not able to control his voice when Ramuda started slowly stroking his whole length, cooing and teasing him for being so sensitive.
Quickly all this mysterious charm faded away, as now Jakurai's face was so easily to read, slightly trembling brows and absolutely lost cloudy gaze tell you just how far away he got in delightful pleasure. And small envy arises in your bosom, as your body is also yearning for some attention for your throbbing core, as this burn starts to get unbearable. Your eyes were fixed on Ramuda's arms as you kept imagining him, with the same mischievous smirk, playing, almost torturing you with tickling light touches.
"R-ramuda…" - you can't help but call for him too, with such a humiliatingly weak voice.
"Aww, don't look at me like that! I certainly give you an appetite, am I?" - such mockery just makes you whine and get closer. - "Ahh, but it's so hard to please you both at the same time!! Come on, Jaku, try to do something too.."
"Understand.." - a low voice mumble as Jakurai's hands push you closer to him.
His movements were much more delicate, as he started preparing your heated body, brushing your waist before getting to your hips and taking off your pants. Of course you quickly wrap your hands around his shoulder, grasping and stroking him back when he finally touches this hot wetness between your thighs, fingers carefully caressing your already clenching hole. Both your and his hands tremble so much as you were too overwhelmed in this now muggy room, hot air burns your throats as you gasp and moan loudly.
"We haven't even started anything yet and you're so messy already.." - Ramuda's voice was much stronger and energetic, as he pulled away and lay down on pillows, admiring your two shaky figures. - "Come on, s/o, it's now your turn..! I see Jakurai already prepared you well, so go further..!"
"W..wha.." - you whine, as confused as the groaning man near you.
"Ahh, too horny to understand? Just go on and ride his dick, show me! It's so pleasing to watch as my two pretty angels fall more and more..!"
Contrasts between his lively voice and absolutely dirty talk make another warm wave flash to your stomach, yet you turn to Jakurai just to see wild thirst for your body in his eyes, as he gently moves you closer to his laps. And you moved forward, pressing your back to his chest, so you would face Ramuda who obviously was waiting exactly for this pose, to get the best view.
"I will be gentle, alright..?" - soft whisper tickles your ear but all your response was a small gasp as you feel a tip of his dick pressing to your body, stroking your hole. - "Tell me when you will be ready.."
For a few seconds you shut your eyes, trying to calm down and catch your breath, before nodding a little, letting Jakurai sink his dick inside. Strong pressure of his thickness resists your clenching walls so well, drawing a long high pitched moan from you, that makes Ramuda's smirk even more wild.
"Is this so good, s/o? Care to describe..?" - another mockery from his side as he starts lazily stroking his own dick too.
"It's.. it's so good.. It's.. Nice.." - inherently crying was the only thing you were capable of at that moment, as strong hands start slowly moving your hips up and down, making his cock fully get out and then back inside, letting you experience this fulfilling feeling again and again. Not only yours, but Jakurai's low deep groans fill the room as his dick starts swelling and grinding against your walls. You both start melting more and more in mutual passion, as you press closer to his chest, squeezing his hand with your trembling one.
Everything gets so blurry yet when your eyes, full of tears, meet Ramuda's face you clearly see his amused smile. With a titter he gets closer, harshly grasping your chin and leaning so closer, almost touching your nose with his.
"Such a pathetic look.. I like it.." - this deep husky voice makes your whole insides tremble, and he clearly pleased that submissiveness in your gaze.
He put your free hand on his dick and pulled you into a deep rough kiss, enjoying your muffled whines on his lips. Tongue aggressively pushes into your mouth, all his movements were much more rude than Jakurai's, yet this treatment brings such raw, wild emotions from you, making you lose the last pieces of control over your body. As Ramuda pulls away, quickly swiping the thin thread of saliva that connects your lips, Jakurai quickly cups your cheek and turns you to him, also sharing some messy deep kiss with you.
"Hehe.. There's no better thing than toying with you two, you're like puppies in heat.." - holding your shoulders, Ramuda chuckles. - "If you two are so desperately needy, then I'm sure your energy would be enough for all the games that I planned for us today.. So keep being so obedient, okay?♡"
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stewy · 9 months
It's RTD bashing hours and I'd like to add to the anon who explained how Donna's love life was played for laughs. It always rubbed me the wrong way that Donna was presented as undesirable.
Both Rose and Martha had often men express romantic interest in them, but Donna had no one throughout the whole of season 4 except Moffat's library dude.
Furthermore, there are scenes where her supposed undesirability (because hello??? Catherine Tate!!) and overestimation of herself in that regard is played for laughs:
- her description how she got together witg Lance in the runaway bride
- the scene in the Doctor's daughter where the Doctor stops her from trying out her womanly wiles (the tendonna fandom collectively chose to interpret the scene as a chivalrous and possessive gesture but it was clearly intended as an comedic beat)
- and what makes me cringe the most when rewatching Donna's season: the complete disinterest of Jack Harkness in Donna and her "insisting" on her hug.
it has always been interesting how Donna's brashness was portrayed as unattractive for potential suitors when it has never been the case with any of other Moffat's female characters who usually get flack for being too... assertive? sexy? so it's funny how the one episode Donna is written as desirable is written by him. also that scene in TDD always pissed me off like wtf do you mean?? you know that wouldn't have been the case with Rose or Martha.
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arakawa-division · 10 months
Alexis's Thoughts on Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
"Sayaka Miyuki, the woman responsible behind the formation of perhaps the most powerful Japanese rap group to ever spawn, TDD. Truthfully, the CIA's file on her is almost extensive, considering she was a former scientist for Chuohku and, as stated, because she helped create The Dirty Dawg. It's a shame she wasn't able to keep the group from splintering. If she had, perhaps things in Japan would not be so bad. But still, she is truly worthy of respect for all the work she has done."
"Besides that, she seems like a nice, kind-hearted woman. She forsook her career to be a housewife and a mother to her only child. Ha, she reminds me a lot of my sister in some ways. Ivelisse tells me she's a frequent student in her yoga class. I wonder if I meet her afterwards, would she be willing to talk? Perhaps doing so will help me find out more about what Chuohku is up to."
Lola Takahashi
"Lola Takahashi. I know of her for two reasons. One: because I know that she was formerly part of the Japanese/Russian mafia that held a lot of power here in Japan before it eventually crumbled. According to sources dug in from the CIA, she was a prominent member of the criminal organization before it fell. She often used her seductive skills and feminine wiles to get her enemies to lower her guard before she finished them off." Alexis looks off to the side. "She reminds me much of Dieu, in that regard..."
"Speaking of Dieu, that's the second reason I know her. Apparently, she, Lola and her partner, Kureha have some sort of history together. Knowing Dieu, she probably wound up betraying them for some obscure reason. After reading up on her and doing some research, it certainly wouldn't surprise me. Besides that, I hear that she and Ace Douglas's girlfriend, Evelyn Rose, have some a fierce rivalry with one another. ...I have to wonder, is this a common thing with most women? If so, I'm glad I avoided it."
Kureha Koizumi
"Kureha Koizumi. She is, perhaps, the most secretive and unknown member of this team. While it is known that she used to work for the Mafia under Lola, everything before that is a complete and utter mystery regarding her. It's known that she was previously in the hospital before then, but for what reason is unknown. After the fall of the Mafia, she was adopted by Sayaka Miyuki, becoming her adopted daughter. The two have a good mother-daughter relationship."
"Besides that, I hear she is quite famous in circles as a renowned painter. I wonder if there is a chance we could collaborate on a project. Although photography doesn't have much to do with painting, I feel we could still do something together. It's something to consider."
Femme Fatale
"Sayaka Miyuki has put together an impressive rap team. Even though they haven't fought as of yet, they are reputed to be the ones most likely to make it to the end of the D.R.B. That proves that we will have to be wary and cautious of them, especially considering that Sayaka was behind the TDD's formation. So she must have some knowledge on rapping. As stated, we'll have to be very cautious of this team going forward."
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z-spy · 3 months
i remembered that in tdd a lot of attention was paid to flowers as well especially to damascus rose and alexander was surrounded by the flowers in some sense he even managed to help a wild orchid blossom inside the brennenburg yet he couldn't be a father to daniel he couldn't manage to help him blossom instead he ruined the fragile flower
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snowmantita · 2 years
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“Who does not move does not feel the chains”
Kanji: 伊弉冉 花.
Romanji: Izanami Hana.
MC Name: Zanni.
Occupation: Actress.
Birthday: April, 12th.
Age: 21.
Zodiac: Aries.
Height: 164 (5’4).
Weight: 55 kg.
Blood Type: A.
Voice Actor: Sumire Morohoshi.
Stage Actor: Minami Hamabe.
An acting student at one of Tokyo's art schools, she is the younger sister of Hifumi Izanami (member of Matenrou). At first glance she gives the impression of being serious but when you get to know her well, Hana radiates confidence and charisma. She is quite affectionate with the people close to her. She usually comes across as somewhat masculine as she decided to somehow support her brother due to his trauma.
Hana is right handed and has some hobbies like watching Manzai comedy shows and cooking.
Hana has known Doppo and Rikka since she was little so she sees them as older siblings. Upon learning that Hifumi was in Shinjuku Division, she decides to try to confront him.
Hana has blonde hair with light blue underparts and golden eyes.
Hana wears a black sweatshirt, a blue leather jacket with yellow, black pants with white and black sneakers with cyan trim. She wears many accessories: A choker with Materno's cross, pins with Hifumi and Rosho's face (She wears them occasionally), rings on both index fingers, one on her left ring finger and one on her right thumb.
During the TDD Era, Hana had longer hair and wore a purple ripped T-shirt that showed part of her black dungarees, a coat with a synthetic fur trimmed hat, dark blue ripped jeans and black sneakers.
Hana's hypnosis microphone has a black colored body with the D0BERM4NS logo in gold with a mitten border. Hana's speaker takes the shape of roses with speakers inside and a pair of theater masks.
Externally, Hana shows herself as a serious and unemotional girl, she is responsible and is quite grateful to people who help her. She dislikes when people she doesn't know cling to her and tends to be quite angry so she gets to insults and even hits, usually involving her friends in her problems.
Despite being partly problematic, she is quite kind when she shows her softer side, giving the impression that she is not the same person.
Rap ability
Illusion: Makes your opponent see illusions until he is confused and attacks his allies.
Hana means "flower" (花).
Izanami is written "that one" (伊) (i), "large, powerful, stout, thick" (弉) (za) and "red, tan" (冉) (nami).In Japanese mythology, Izanami is the female creator goddess who gave birth to the islands of Japan.
Hana's quote was originally coined by philosopher, activist and economist Rosa Luxemburg.
Hana is right-handed.
According to the guide, she likes pistachio macarons, food made by Hifumi, and volleyball, while she dislikes presumptuous and fake people, people who don't try hard, and the Party of Words.
She enjoys drawing and writing.
She usually prefers to be called "Izanami-kun" or simply by her name, only people close to them call her "Hana-chan".
She has a dwarf flying squirrel, her name is Momo.
She has an older sister.
She doesn't usually wear makeup or take much care of her skin, yet her skin is smooth and soft due to her healthy lifestyle.
Hana has lesions which she covers with her clothes most of the time and she usually makes them up when she has to film.
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ota-division · 2 years
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"All souls that die, from every nation, collect here, as one. Pray that you were buried with obolus, so that you may be piloted by the ferryman known as C H A R O N." - Centurion
C H A R O N.
A rap supergroup that took the country of Japan by storm. Second in power only to the famed rap supergroup, TDD. During their six-year reign, there was no one alive who hadn't heard of them. Skill, charisma, talent: this group had it all. And what one member lacked, another more than made up for. Despite how dramatic many thought the name was, none could deny that it fit the power of this group.
"Maggots drink the blood of me, insects lick tears I weep. The hornets pierce me, and the wasps are breaking every single fuckin' inch of skin on me!" - ATLAS
...So the question on everyone's mind is, where did it all go wrong?
Such questions are better suited to be answered by the creators themselves.
Meet the people behind the band. Meet the members themselves.
1. Oracle
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Full Name: Chinen Chinami
Age: 29
Position: Main Lyricist/Singer
Bio: The main lyricist of the band, this blind woman, despite having no eyes, was able to write beautiful lyrics due to her natural gift for poetry. Though joining a rap group wasn't what she saw herself doing, after being persuaded by Haru, she decided to join up. She admitted that being part of C H A R O N was one of the happiest moments in her life. Not only did it allow her to make full use of her writing talents, but it also allowed her to meet the man she would eventually marry. His death broke her, and caused her to leave the group, which signified the end of C H A R O N.
2. Centurion
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Full Name: Tanabe Haru
Age: 27 (At the time of his death)
Position: Lyricist/Rapper
Bio: An aspiring writer, this nerdy, young lad loved writing almost as much as he loved history. One of the frontmen for the group, he was the one responsible for finding and recruiting people to join. As he and the other lyricist of the group, Chinami, got better acquainted and friendly with each other, their friendship soon transformed into something greater. After a year or so of dating, he finally proposed to her, and the two became husband and wife, bearing one child. Sadly, a year into the marriage, he was shot and killed by a drug addict while the two were walking home from the studio one night. His death is what effectively broke the group and eventually caused it to dissolve. Rumors circulate whether his death was really just a drug-related incident, and not a planned hit. Kira, Chinami's younger sister, who is still looking into the incident, has her doubts...
3. Helen
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Full Name: Funai Reiko
Age: 28
Position: Singer/Spokesperson
Bio: To this day, it's still questioned exactly what a famous actress had to gain from joining a rap group. It couldn't be about money, and she already had thousands of fans. Rumors circulate, but the most likely explanation is that she needed some time away from the big screen after a scandal erupted involving a director and a sex tape that somehow made its way online. Whatever the reason, there's no denying that this famous celebrity helped to push C H A R O N into the limelight. With her connections and gift for gab, she was able to quickly get the group noticed.
While she was undoubtedly the face of the group, she was also dubbed 'The Weakest Link' due to having no skill with rapping or singing. After C H A R O N disbanded, she went back to acting. It's unknown if she keeps in contact with her former partners.
4. Rose
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Full Name: Hayakawa Aimi
Age: 24
Position: Musician/Singer
Bio: Born an albino, this half-British/half-Japanese person faced a lot of scrutiny because of their appearance. The fact that they were transgendered only made it worse. A lover of music in all its forms, they consider it to be their heart and soul. Thus, it's no surprise that they were the group's main songwriter, composing beats and notes with little to no problem. A neighbor of Haru's, they accepted his offer to join the group, because it got them away from home, far from their scrutinizing and abusive mother, who tried to force them to accept their gender. They idolized Chinami for her inner strength, and Reiko, for her beauty.
After the group dissolved, they struggled to figure out what to do, refusing to return back to their home. With Reiko's help, they were introduced to a music agency, where they are now working hard to produce their first album. They still keep in touch with their former bandmates, and they always find time to visit Haru's grave with Chinami.
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Full Name: Teagan Oki
Age: 31
Position: Frontman/Rapper
Bio: It's still a wonder how Oki and Haru were able to become good friends despite their personalities being completely different from each other's. Some attribute it to the fact that they were childhood friends, and others believe it's just a concept of how opposites are attracted to each other. In any case, it was his idea to form a rap group in the first place and Haru went along with him. A rapper with an impressive rhyme scheme, he was believed to be the powerhouse behind C H A R O N.
Despite his impressive skills, he had a very poor disposition and was known for his numerous fights and brawls, most of which were his own fault. Besides that, he reveled in the envy that C H A R O N received from reporters or smaller rap teams. Also, save for Haru, he didn't get on well with some of the other members of the group, including Chinami. In fact, after Haru died, he blamed her for his friend's death and for breaking the group up. It's unknown what happened to him after the group broke up.
6. Neleus
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Full Name: Sawada Nori
Age: 22
Position: Rapper
Bio: He was the lively youngest member of C H A R O N, generally speaking. Formerly from a rich family, he ran away from home with only a few thousand dollars to his name after an incident occurred that caused him to leave. He was often noted as being someone who didn't take things seriously until the situation called for it. He also had a bad habit (he'd call it a skill) to push work off onto other people, and he was very, very sleek about it. Besides that, he was a very easygoing guy who loved to party, play video games, and flirt with people. Despite that, he was known to be a peacekeeper among the group. Even Oki found it hard to be angry in his presence. Attracted to Rose, he allowed them to stay in his flat in Tokyo while they work on their album.
Haru was the one who came up with the name for the group. He once stated in an interview, "I chose it simply because I like Greek mythology, and I admired Charon's role in the stories. The fact that the first letter of our names and MC names make up the word was completely coincidental. Honest!"
The group often made a habit of dressing up as Greek characters during live shows.
Despite the group's dissolution, they still remain popular with the people of Japan.
It's only hearsay, but there are rumors that after Haru had married Chinami, he was going to leave C H A R O N so he could focus more on his writing career and so he could be a devoted husband and father to his family. When Oki found out, he wasn't happy and the two reportedly fought over this.
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crehador · 1 year
do you have any fav icsm works, like fanart or fics ? -🪱 (lord the worm is so ugly when it isnt android)
oh so so so many lmao i could go on literally forever my doujin shelf is nearly at maximum capacity
i will try to limit myself to two or three things here (even though there are a bajillion talented lovely flawless smic/icsm artists out there who i love and respect equally)
dear lover by ann (tora link) will forever hold a special place in my heart, it's a simple little moment but very sweet and gets bonus bias from the fact that some of this artist's other work is what converted me to icsm in the first place
tanukitsu by chiho (tora link to book one) is like the icsm au that lives rent-free in my head forever, i genuinely love chiho's tanuro and samatokitsune nearly as much as their canon counterparts no joke
(links are just for reference/samples, these are older works so none are in stock)
i'll force myself to stop there or i would just keep going forever lol but that is just like the tiniest sliver of the pie
ok so this is really shitty because i cannot for the life of me remember who the artist is so i can't even try to find this specific piece but i can describe this little fancomic perfectly because i love it so much
it was a short little like 4-panel (maybe more than 4 panels i'm not sure) gag comic where the premise was like ichiro and samatoki are together but still keeping their relationship a secret
but one day after hooking up they left and grabbed each other's mic by mistake? so ichiro unknowingly left with samatoki's mic and vice versa, and had no idea... until!
until ichiro (with his brothers) gets into a rap battle and summons his speakers and of course it's SAMATOKI'S SPEAKERS that appear behind him and jiro and saburo are just fucking staring at him and ichiro is like ".........do you see it" and saburo being the brutal little shit he is is immediately like "WE SEE IT IT'S A BIG FUCKING COFFIN OF COURSE WE SEE IT"
(i'm translating very loosely because my memory is not perfect but i distinctly remember the words クソでか棺 like never in my life will i forget that lmao)
anyway there was also a little follow up panel where ichiro's speakers slammed down behind samatoki and jyuto was like screaming something at him (i remember this part less vividly but it was also very funny)
so after describing that one i just remembered another silly little comic that i love so so so much, alas i once again do not remember the artist and cannot find it but i swear it exists or at least existed at one point (many of these are ancient and some artists may have deleted/locked since then)
but there was this other comic that i think was for ichiro's birthday and the premise was basically like the year before samatoki had promised to throw him a proper birthday party (because it was still tdd era)
and samatoki made BIG PLANS for it, like a year in advanced he booked a fancy venue ordered an enormous custom cake (it was a huge fucking wedding cake looking thing i remember that very clearly) and so on and so forth
so then ichiro's next birthday rolls around but IT IS NOW BACHIBACHI ERA LMAO so when samatoki starts getting calls on the day of, to confirm his reservations and such, he's like "wtf" and then SUDDEN REALIZATION DAWNS and he spends the whole day scrambling to cancel everything because obviously he can't throw ichiro a party now
but he MISSES ONE THING and (i may be messing up some of the details here it's been a long time since i've seen it but) i remember the end being ichiro at his place being delivered a massive bouquet of red roses with a card that said something like "from your best friend samatoki" and ichiro just being like "....................."
good times
(eta: i could be wrong but i think i remember 'best friend' on the flower card being like literally 'best friend' in katakana which made it extra dorky and hilarious to me)
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kurokoros · 3 years
I really shouldn’t be surprised that the M*ffat era companions are poorly written considering Steve took every opportunity to write the companions out of the plot during his RTD episodes.
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Gettin ready for my first artfight!! Here are some refs I made for the kids ever (part 1/???)
Cries in I have at least 28 refs to get done til july
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lesbiten · 3 years
its weird how out of place moffats episodes during the rtd era feel in the grand scheme of the season. like the empty child/the doctor dances arent bad episodes per se but when you put them next to the rest of s1 they just feel? different?
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thedeathdeelers · 4 years
On career day in the fourth grade, Elena brought both of her parents to school. Elena knew that her parents were famous, she’d seen them on tv and everything. But she’d never experienced it like this before. All her friends knew Mr. and Mrs. Molina-Patterson as nothing more than Elena’s parents, but the other parents who were there that day were whispering to one another and pointing. At the end of the presentations, the other moms and dads came up to Elena’s mom and dad and asked for selfies and autographs. Elena felt popular, even if it was actually her parents’ popularity amongst the other mid-30-year-olds.
🥺 you are spoiling me with all these elena rose drabbles i cant
thank you 🥺♥️🥺♥️
(i want to say that elena took advantage of this fact for the next few days with her fellow classmates until julie told her off. luke snickered behind julie the whole time, and then high-fived his daughter once julie walked out of the room. he’d never been so proud)
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society IF Rose was the one to figure out Nancy is Jamie’s mum
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blingeeposse · 5 years
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