#tdj ep 10
briwates · 8 months
One of my favourite cinematography aspects of tdj is that it has multiple scenes of chaos mirroring each other (people scrambling in the church fire, the SRF gala in ep4, the school children fighting in the flashback of yohan's past, the final act in ep 16 before yohan explodes the courthouse). While ep 16 is very much Yohan's reproduction of that commotion in the middle of the fire, he...was not in the church yet when it happened. He's seen running towards it, he's pushed out of the way by heo jungse, cha gyeonhui etc but when he actually steps foot inside there's only isaac, heejin and elijah trapped by the debris and fire.
At first I thought ep 16 was simply Yohan putting the SRF and heo jungse + his wife in the same situation as 10 years ago for his vengeance, but now im realising he's actually recreating the terror felt by his family and making them experience it by feeling completely trapped and at his mercy...
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yohangaontdj · 1 year
The Devil Judge Rewatch Ep 9 (Part 3)
Continuation of Part 2, which can be found here.
I left off in Part 2 with Gaon holding the cutlery hostage and Elijah calling Yohan.
And we have Yohan looking like this...
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All tensed and prepped to handle whatever emergency that had prompted Elijah to call him. Only to be thrown something totally unexpected.
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Look at Yohan!
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So shocked that he had stared at his phone. Most likely wondering if he was hallucinating or was this some prank to trick him.
And that last screenshot of him thinking so hard about it. It's just cute and funny and so so endearing.
And here, we have Yohan deciding to listen Elijah.
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Looking so happy cause his daughter and his spouse Gaon are waiting for him to come home.
The next bit, it's so beautiful that I'll leave you to enjoy the screenshots.
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I have no idea how Yohan does it. Making the act of eating from his spoon so sensual that I swear Gaon would be thinking of something else other than putting food in his mouth.
And I just love TDJ sense of humor with this next bit.
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I do not know if its part of the script or the actors decided to add it in. But it just make the entire scene all the more endearing. And is one of my favourites too.
And in case you miss this little bit that I hadn't noticed until I was screenshoting.
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Yohan had been getting emotional as he stared at each and everyone at the dining table.
And when Elijah realised he was looking at her...
Gosh, I will never tire of watching these two and how they interact with each other.
With this, I will have to end the re-watch for TDJ Ep 9 here. There is so much more that I wish I got the time to post about, especially the part about how Gaon becoming not just Yohan's partner at home. But his partner in his schemes as well.
And I love how Yohan gave Gaon so much leeway. Stepping in only when his baby deer is floundering with the bribing and the gold bars incident. And then stepping in again to help Gaon get his revenge with the most suitable punishment possible.
See u in the rewatch for Ep 10.
For Part 1 .
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endof-vanity · 2 months
Five Questions for Five Mutuals - TDJ Edition!
Thank you @gaylilsherlock for the tag <3
Who is your favourite character (s) from TDJ?
It has to be kang yohan. my pathetic little meow meow, who is also a byronic antihero, who is also just someone's gay uncle. he contains multitudes <3
What is your favourite episode?
I'd need to do a throrough rewatch before I could comment but i did see ep 4 again recently and that was a banger
Where do you see your favourite character in 10 years?
I hope he is peacefully retired from law, and deeply immersed in some other job with far lower stakes that he can get strangely passionate about. i think he tried to retire fully for maybe a year and got bored so he picked up a small job rehoming cats for something to do :3
he is of course still living with gaon and elijah comes to visit often
Why do you think The Devil Judge fandom continues to this day? (We still see art and fics published and people continue to engage. Considering the show ended 3 years ago with only 16 episodes, this is a feat - at least to me)
Both the incredible construction of the show, and the love that it inspired in people. It's a show rich with ideas and themes that provoke strong feelings (justice, abuse of power, religion, family, yohan's weird brother thing), it's deeply powerful, and its just plain good.
How did you find The Devil Judge? (What made you watch?)
I watched Beyond Evil first and stumbled across tdj through tumblr and the wondeful community that around these shows !!
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thedeviljudges · 1 year
I can’t remember if you mentioned this or now but what other ji sung shows have you watched besides tdj?? :0
i've talked about what i've seen a little here and there but idk that i've given an overview so you haven't missed it.
i've seen quite a bit of his stuff actually!! going from his oldest works to his newest in this list, with the goal of watching everything at some point, fjlskffjsld.
whistling princess (literally tracked down the only dvd i could find on ebay just to see this, lmaooo)
new heart
kim soo ro
protect the boss
the great seer - unfinished. i started a few weeks ago and i'm only two eps in so kinda-ish counts?
ps partner/watcha wearin
secret love
kill me, heal me
the vampire lives next door to us
feng shui
familiar wife
doctor john
the devil judge
basically i've seen most of his more recent stuff. it's anything pre-2012 i gotta get through, and it's kinda hard bc kdrams were uh well let's just say they aren't the greatest things you'll ever see, from mid '10s and before.
it probably would've been easier for me to list off what i haven't seen bc the list is so short now. i love being obsessed with a man. 😭
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mystery-box-gifs · 2 years
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🪴 Plant Dad 🪴 
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deonideatta · 3 years
The dystopian korean live court! Boasting innovative and creative punishments such as 235 years in jail, public flogging, deportation to texas, and ✨being hunted for sport by the whole country✨
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prncssguya · 3 years
Ga On has really made himself at home, just using all Yohan’s stuff without asking like a sugar bby and Yohan pretending he hates it but loves it
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This is illegal 😭
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kingkangyohan · 2 years
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Just a casual screen grab of a casual Yo Han.
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uweiy · 3 years
Beyond Evil and The Devil Judge are my fave dark and twisted, "definitely bl" shows of the year.
They are SO SO GOOD !!!
Idk how it happened tbh. I was into lighterted! Romance! Dramas !! at the time. I was like 'you know what I've had enough of the pain and despair i want something cute and low-energy." And then these shows barged in and suddenly I was like "😳 well... Actually...."
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
So, I was watching The Devil Judge right? And I’m a coward who got scared of heartbreak and stopped at ep 10 BUT THATS NOT THE POINT! The point is, I think Kim Gaon (from TDJ) and Han Juwon would make the best of saltmates. What’s saltmates you ask? Oh, you know, nothing much, just forming this weird bond being salty about life and the ppl in their lives.
"i had to ask for *his* help, do you know how strange that was."
"i feel you, i didnt even ask for help but now im in his house cooking for him??"
I haven't watched The Devil Judge but I have heard enough of it to know that it sometimes gets compared to Beyond Evil (mainly because of the gay and similar themes).
I definitely want to give it a watch one day because it looks super camp and vampy. Kim Gaon and Han Joo Won are the exasperated twink if their respective shows, aren't they? I love the idea that Joo Won would have a saltmate and for it to be a fellow pretty boy who feels too much for an older dilf who is a MENACE TO SOCIETY! I love that for him!!
To be honest, Joo Won needs to be a part of a support group. This would be a wonderful way of doing it! The two of them can meet up at fancy lounges and just BITCH all night! (But do they annoy each other slightly and then go home to their dilf and just moan about each other to them??
A bit like "This guy thinks he has the right to be all judgemental to me when HE'S the one coordinating his outfits and sharing his clothes!!" and their dilf is just drinking a hot cup of tea, nodding away, not really listening and asks with a calm tone: "What time are you seeing them next week?"
To which they reply: "7pm. They can't make it Thursday, so I'm going on Friday. Is that okay?" 🤭🤦🏻‍♀️)
Yes, I 100% endorse this message. (If you ever want to write the fanfic, I would read it and love it)
Thank you for sharing these thoughts with me! I really like this idea ☺️
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mylife-myfandom · 3 years
You know, it’s been a month since the finale but i’m still on TDJ brainrot and thinking about
1. Does Gaon knew Yohan get shot, and K was killed
2. Does Gaon knew Yohan was the who called Soohyun to save him
3. Will Gaon ever see Elijah’s painting of him
4. How did Yohan knew where and when to save Gaon from the bomb (and the conversation that follows to this information)
5. What are their internal thoughts on the last scene of the series, or like what was their direction on script??? (You know the filming script and the original script are different)
6. What’s going on in Yohan’s head when he heard Gaon said “I’ll go with you”
7. And when Yohan realized that Gaon has been manipulated all along that made him looked at Gaon and said “Gaon-ah” just before the professor left
8. Or when he heard Gaon said “If you want to kill me just do it”
9. Oh and the dinner scene from ep. 9!! I really want to know what Yohan was thinking. From the smile in the car after the call, and when they ate together at the dinner table
10. Where’s Elijah in all of their fights?? Did she heard it? What was her reaction?
11. I want to know the detail on how Gaon get shipped inside that box!!
12. How long has it been since Yohan’s prison death was announced to the bombing event
13. What was the reason they always muted the audio when Gaon scream Yohan’s name??
14. I want to know what Yohan thinks when he saw Gaon breakdown and crying in ep 7, ep 13 and ep 14
15. In ep 12, Gaon left on foot. So...... did they really went to work together ever since he stayed at Kang’s Mansion??
16. What was the file Cha Kyunghee hide in her cigar?
17. Where’s Kkomii??
Oh well, I thought I would get over this drama already. But no it’s still in my head all day everyday.
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briwates · 4 months
Random hcs abt tdj characters that I have
- jinjoo has 2 younger siblings
- yohan doesnt like dogs bc jisang's dogs were aggressive with him and he never got over the anxiety around them
- elijah & yohan have dry skin that gets irritated easily. When gaon walks into the mansion's bathrooms he finds all sort of deep hydration products. Yohan also rubs these lotions on Elijah's legs to stimulate them at least a little
- isaac was a bit taller and less built than gaon, his face less round, his voice deeper but he spoke more softly. Also as time went by he really, really couldnt see shit without his glasses
- jinjoo tried a bunch of things before deciding to study law, hence why she says in ep 10 that it took her some time to finish her studies. She also plays a variety of team sports
- it's pretty much canon but sunah worked many jobs before the SRF, from masseuse to waitress, maybe even drove forklifts at some point. She has a lot of anecdotes but no one to tell them to, aside from jaehee
- yohan has a discolored birthmark on his inner thigh. Only ms ji knows about it from when he was a baby
- speaking of baby, little elijah was the spitting image of her mother
- heejin wasnt born in a catholic family, she converted after hardship and needing some sense of direction
- gaon used to feed the neighbourhood cats close to his house until they started destroying his plants. He still feeds them but a bit far from where he lives now
- yohan has never broken a bone but he's gotten multiple muscle injuries bc of training + his escapades in dangerous places
- soohyun is a cop but if she had to choose another profession she'd be a doctor
- yohan learned martial arts and calisthenics in high school to build stength and defend himself. His bullies left him alone after that
- jinjoo is an energy drink and instant ramen girlie from her uni days but she goes for coffee when at the office
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yohangaontdj · 1 year
The Devil Judge Rewatch Ep 10 (Part 5)
Continuation of Part 4, which can be found here.
For the final bit, I just want to gush over some more domestic bliss between the two of them.
And here we have what can be called a signature scene in the TDJ fandom.
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This is as domestic as it can ever be. And I like to imagine their conversation going like this.
Yohan: Come here, Gaon.
And Gaon walking over and sitting down nervously - wondering what had Yohan looking so serious.
Yohan: I've been thinking...
And Gaon stared at Yohan, being all attentive.
Yohan: Isn't it time you move into my room? We've been married since Ep 4, and even the audience know we've been making out in our car and in my office. So let's stop pretending we ain't a couple and make it official, shall we?
Yohan's words, they had Gaon going...
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Before he had...
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Gaon: Then, why are you still sitting there?
And Yohan gladly jumping up to help him pack The two of them celebrating their first night sleeping in the same bed, by making sure neither got to sleep at all, the entire night.
Of course, this didn't happen in the drama. And they were actually talking about how to get their hands on Jukchang.
And I dunno why Yohan had to act like this.
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It's such a come-hither, I'm-seducing-you body language.
And sometimes I like to imagine it's Yohan asking...
Yohan: Do you want to have sex?
And Gaon going...
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And before I end off this episode's rewatch, let's enjoy Yohan and his playing cards.
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And see you in Ep 11.
For Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3.
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yohankang · 3 years
i saw people making list of the shows they watched last year so i decided to make one too 💞 i’m putting it under read more because i rambled too much
top 10 shows i watched last year:
the devil judge - yes, i decided to be honest with myself asdfghjs it is THE show of 2021 for me. yes, i know it has flaws, no it doesn’t matter to me <3 i love yoh- *one of my non tdj mutuals shoots me*
word of honor - wenzhou invented love, loyalty and devotion, also they saved my life 💗 this show changed the rest of the year for me, inspired me to start making gifs again and helped me survive the worst moments of 2021
the untamed (2019) - do i even have to say anything. i should’ve watched it 2 years ago!!! 
my country: the new age (2019) - i’m forever indebted to anyone who recommended me this series. so heartbreaking and beautiful, it made me go insane </3 mutuals watch it pls 
vincenzo - so refreshing!! it gave me my best friend hanseo 🥰 i'm forever in denial about that ending tho
move to heaven - so, so beautiful and important. i’d recommend it to anyone!!
prison playbook (2017) - PEAK BROMANCE. it was so funny and heartwarming, i would watch it for lee joonho alone 
mine - KIM SEOHYUNG!!! WOMEN!!!! this drama was sooo satisfying, i loved the mystery and all the complicated relationships. also lesbian milfs
navillera - made me cry almost every episode lmao but i love crying so 
a tale of thousand stars - last few eps were a bit underwhelming but it’s still my favorite bl of 2021. tian and phupha’s chemistry was insane!!
other shows i liked a lot:
run on - i’m just not a fan of romance dramas... but this series gave me lee younghwa 💕 i keep him in a jar next to my bed :)
d.p. - difficult to watch but i enjoyed it a lot! han hoyeol my beloved 💓
beyond evil - very solid series, would make it to top 10 if not for the fact that i had to watch it on 2x speed 
to my star - so soft and comforting, i’m excited for season 2!!
shows i watched but didn’t enjoy:
kill me, heal me (2015) - i only watched it for ji sung, it was a bit too cringy for me and the incest part... wtf 
guardian (2018) - shen wei my beloved <333 10 amazing scenes, the rest was crappy (but it’s still very dear to me)
strangers from hell (2019) - lee dong wook was absolutely amazing in this, but it was boring and felt like hannibal rip off... 
shows i started in 2021 but haven’t finished yet:
kieta hatsukoi - ida!!!! best boy!!!! i will finish watching it soon, i absolutely adore this drama
bad buddy - i’m just not emotionally stable enough to watch it every week adfghks, i will catch up when it ends and i know it will be in my top 10 next year
bad and crazy - only 6 episodes aired as of today but i’m obsessed with it. i’m predicting it will be in my top 5 dramas next year. i just love pathetic men :)
shows i dropped:
lovely writer - uhhhh. i’ve seen so many thai dramas i developed standards, sorry
miss the dragon - i only started it because of the pretty main actor, dropped it after 6 eps </3
squid game - i don’t like violent and cruel stories, watched 2 eps and it was enough
the flaming heart - i’m sorry gong jun </3 i watched more than 10 episodes i think? it wasn’t bad bad but i just lost interest
you make me dance - too cringy :( 
alice in borderland (2020) - i only watched it for machida keita so you probably know why i dropped it adfghjs maaaybe i will finish it one day because it wasn’t bad, idk
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mystery-box-gifs · 2 years
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deonideatta · 3 years
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oh jinjoo!!! love her so much
also that racist sexist bastard needs to unalive 🗡
"pure korea" "the foreigners are taking away OUR women"
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ughhh immaturity is one thing. racism and sexism is another 😒
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are you kidding me??? immaturity my ass. he knew what he was doing
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mercy...MERCY???? excuse me-
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ok this just makes me mad. they're saying shit like "immaturity" and "mercy" and talks of redemption as if he wasn't aware of what he was doing. as if he wasn't stirring things for years (school years and such)
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Juk chang really is the kind of guy you just want to climb through the screen and beat the hell out of skdjskd the way they expose him for being a huge loser and incel no.1 is still hilarious. Really makes me mad to think that quite a few people like him exist in real life as well tho :/
Jin joo's speech >>> lol go queen say what we were all thinking
I really enjoyed this court scene bc of the way the three of them all contributed to bringing him down, they said teamwork makes the dream work lol we love to see it
And the punishnent sdsgkj sentenced to ✨getting hunted for sport by the whole country✨ lol as he deserves
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