#tdp s3 poster
raylasrightbraid · 11 months
TDP S5 PREDICTIONS / hcs kinda
made by me lolz
- we’ll see possessed callum again in some way
- rayla 2 year journey flashback?? or at least a mention of something she did or saw
- some sort of conflict in katolis while ezran being away
- opeli getting screen time pls
- sorvus?? 👀👀
- callum vs pirates (my bets on callum)
- this is rlly specific but soren talking to rayla about the coins and how sorry he is for viren imprisoning them in the first place (this should be a fanfic fr)
- zubia and domina big archdragon argument
- zym saying his first words?? literally like mama or something
- nyx constantly annoying and embarrassing rayllum (and in some way will probably help them yk? in her own way ofc)
- captain villads comeback?? we see his same boat from s5 posters
- nyx stopped stealing for good because she was inspired by rayla after she saved her in s3 (but rayla isnt so convinced)
- claudia and viren will argue
- claudia teaches terry some spells
- sir sparkle puff will hug viren or claudia or terry (he needs some love :))
- epic showdown claudia vs callum 🗣️🗣️
- again super specific but one of the pirates will insult rayla (call her a bloody-thirsty monster for ex since yk callum knows she hates that) and callum will just snap and boom fight sequence (i just want a callum fight tbh)
- blood banther will injure either amaya or rayla
- callum discovers how to get raylas parents + runaan back but knows neither he or rayla will like it (aka dark magic)
- ezran and rayla will not see eye to eye for some time due to the whole mess about runaan and king harrow now that rayla has the coins
- soren will fill in on nyx about the whole rayllum situation
- queen aanya comeback?? i RLLY wanna see her timeskip design
- idk if i count this as a prediction but more as a need that i just wanna see ellis and her silly little wolf ava again ☹️
- and lastly aaravos will be freed by the end of the season (i mean why else would s6 be called “star” its his season fr)
thats all i have for rn but PLEASE lmk what predictions you might have as we sail the hype boat!!
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I think that might be Ezran there
Compare that little part...
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To his new cloak
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Yep, Ezran might be facing down a dragon
I’m not ready, oh my god 😭
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Poster boys
The first S3 poster shows us Ziard confronting Sol Regem.
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The second S3 poster shows us Harrow confronting Avizandum.
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I saw a reddit thread today asking for guesses as to what’s on the third poster that’ll be revealed at AWA this weekend, and I had fun thinking it over.
These are both adult human males confronting adult dragon males. Sol Regem's in the sun, and Avizandum is towering like a thunderous cloud, so they're matching their Primal Sources nicely. 
But I don't know if we have another adult male in each category to pair up. We have a Dragon Queen, though. And judging by the way these two posters seem to emphasize different arcana for the dragons, I'm allasudden wondering if the DQ isn't Luna Tenebris after all. Or at least a dragon with an arcanum other than Sky and Sun. The poster's sneak peak Aaron showed on Twitter seemed to be of a dark dragon with a white tuft of fur, so that could be either Sky or Moon or something completely new.
As for the smaller figure? Hmm. Maybe this pairing isn't what it looks like. Maybe it's not "adult male dragon" and "adult male human". Maybe it's "ruling dragon" and "most dangerous threat". 
Sol Regem ruled Xadia, and Ziard was the first dark mage. Avizandum ruled Xadia, and King Harrow slew him, using dark magic. The Dragon Queen now rules Xadia (probably). Will her poster buddy have dark magic too? Or will they be a threat in some other way?
You know who I want it to be? Tinker.
Tinker versus the Dragon Queen.
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darkwolfgoddess · 4 years
Since today is a 1-year anniversary for The Dragon Prince S3, I'd love to share my throughts about how I found this show, why I decided to watch it and why it means a lot to me.
I first found out about TDP 2 years ago while scrolling through Twitter. However, I didn't think much of it. Sure, the poster of Callum, Rayla and Ezran staring at a huge dragon who we now know as Sol Regem was breathtakingly beautiful, but I kinda decided to just let it pass.
It wasn't until I got into Tumblr during last year's November that I started to get interested. Season 3 had just been released and Tumblr was full, and I mean FULL, of pictures about how good this show is...aaaand maybe even some Rayllum kiss pictures. So I went to wiki and read the synopsis (spoilers, I know, but I'm an Aries and I have no patience), which sounded very interesting. But I still let it pass.
Que 5 months later when I FINALLY got my hands on Netflix. I'd just binged through She-Ra and while I really liked the character designs and parts of the story, the show ultimately didn't "click" with me. So I decided to watch TDP next just to see what it was about. I'd known about it for so long and even if I ended up not liking it, I still wanted to know what with all the excitement.
And it was the best decision of my life.
As soon as the first clip opened with the flowing water, screeching Sunbirds and the music, I was hooked. A whole new world of magic and beauty opened itself to me. Episode by episode I was more absorbed into everything Xadia bad to offer: the animation, the characters, the backgrounds, that juicy complex morality... it was all just so well done.
The Dragon Prince became my favorite show as soon as I'd watched it and has remained that way since. Every character is fleshed out and every action they take has both good and bad consequences they have to face, Rayla and Callum going from two people who don't trust each other to becoming each other's greatest pillar of support and even finding love through it all is so healthy and really needs to be talked about more, villains who don't feel like villains, Zym aka The Cutest Baby Dragon Pupper EVER, etc.
The Dragon Prince has LITERALLY changed my life. It went from something I'd normally pass off to becoming something I really needed. And I hope it can also do so for the others.
-Love, Wolfy 🐾
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buddyup1 · 5 years
Has anyone else seen the tdp s3 poster where Callum doesn't have his jacket on??? The shirt under there is sleeveless?? Did I hallucinate that poster??? I literally can't remember where I saw it but I swear I saw it!
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jzixuans · 5 years
this is probably going to be like 80% tdp because dammit i'm determined to keep it alive
good happy things:
i've been rereading the philosopher's stone and it's been slow time but i'm loving the nostalgia
my grandma!!! she gets so happy whenever she sees me i love her!!!
vc w dallas
finally put up my steven universe poster so now i can look at it when i'm lying around in bed
okay so the human things are out of the way now we talk tdp
first off??? the tdp sdcc panel as today and MMMMMMMM god they have so much planned i'm so excited
i hear that callum and rayla's voice actors did a skit and it was about their characters stargazing that's so cute
i found a site with clean screenshots of each episode of tdp like god bless amirite
queen sarai is such a good character like,,, she's sweet, compassionate, funny, gentle, kind, badass, selfless, super pretty, radiates bi energy,,,,, i could go on forever
also general amaya?? her primary 'weapon' is a shield and i Love how that puts emphasis on her need to protect others first and foremost
plus amaya is badass asian deaf representation!!!!
the storytelling in tdp is so fluid and dynamic you almost don't realize that one story is told from multiple different perspectives
also the scenery??? the colours??? absolutely gorgeous
callum and ezran have such a strong relationship as siblings,,, like they recognize faults, apologize, are openly playful and affectionate, get u a brother like these two i swear
callum's jerkface dance end point
honestly all their characters are SO dynamic and 3d i could go on for AGES but in my recent rewatch i've latched onto rayla in particular where she's cunning and witty and rational but at the same time gentle and compassionate and goofy, not to mention a Great big sister figure for ezran and y'all the writers truly know what's up
villads with a d calling his ship the ruthless bc his wife doesn't like sailing ajsvdkdbdks
also on the topic of siblings,, claudia and soren ??? hello???? i love them???? they make digs at each other and goof around but they're THERE for each other and they care and they hurt and they may only have one shared brain cell but theire sibling relationship is so REAL
soren is one of my favourite character tropes of 'haha dumb goofball that's actually so much more and is smart and witty and acknowledges mistakes and harbours So Much insecurity' that i just????? cry??????????
bait goes on here because i just really love bait
the tdp soundtrack own my whole entire SOUL aND it's available on spotify
tdp has so much poc rep and is coming out with more lgbt rep and i'm??? so proud???
literally 99% of all the characters in the show are so instantly like able that it's absolutely impossible to pick a favourite no matter how often i talk about sarai i love them all
the official tdp social makes memes and shitposts of their own show that tbh if they weren't verified i'd assume they were just another fan acc that's how meme they are
have i mentioned how pretty and aesthetic the show is because i should really mention it again
that one line near the end of s1 where rayla's like "oh i'm habsolutely hurious" in response to being called hangry was originally gonna be "i'm hucking hurious" and i think about that a lot
tdp s3 is probably coming out REALLY SOON and god i cannot wait
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tardytothepardy · 4 years
Lately I’ve been purging all of my vld stuff out, which means a bit of archiving (not a lot because back when i was in the fandom i basically looked at what other people made and didn’t make much of my own) and changing usernames and profile pictures, just to completely wipe vld away. I got all the vld funkos for christmas last year or something, but by now I’ve put them away.
I almost feel bad about doing some of it, because I spent either time or money on voltron-related things (not clothes though, because I was fearing when I would inevitably lose interest and still feel like I had to wear something I didn’t like. Which was still a concern for me when I got a bunch of mha shirts, but I guess I didn’t care as much? Idk) but I don’t think that’s completely justified. I mean, people are allowed to lose interest in things. I’ll admit-- I’m still pretty mad about the way it ended, and I have just a bit to say about it, but at this point I just don’t think about it. 
The more difficult thing to put away are the various posters I got relating to vld. They’re not very big, but some of them are framed. I intentionally framed the first one I got, because I liked it so much, but the next three I got, my mom kinda pressured me into framing them, even though they weren’t nearly as significant to me. Added with the fact that we move a lot, I thought it was extra hassle, but flash to present day, they’re framed. I mean, where can I put those? Probably in my closet, honestly. 
This kind of thing makes me worry a little bit about how I’m going to react to fading out of interests in the future, as I inevitably will. What the ever-loving hecc will I do with all my mha stuff? It’s also not that much, just a few funkos (like 5), three shirts, not a lot. Or what about my spop stuff? I also don’t really have a lot of that stuff, just two very small posters and a few stickers, but usually when I move away from things, I don’t really want to be reminded of it. It’s not really because I feel like it’s cringey or anything, it’s more of “I was into that, but now I’m not”, and so when stuff from vld pops up, I feel awkward, like running into someone that you used to know. Except with vld it’s more like running into someone that I last screamed my head off at while basically having an emotional breakdown because they fucking killed Allura for no goddamned reason she could’ve stayed alive you pieces of garbage-- but I digress.
I think this is coming to mind because the last season of She-ra is scheduled for May 15, last I checked. And after spending the majority of yesterday and today re-watching the previous seasons, I’m actively thinking about all the crazy things that have happened, and how the mighty fuck this last season is gonna go. I’m not sure that I’m gonna leave spop the way I did vld, because I’ve been with spop since the beginning (which I still think is wild like that never happens I’m usually so late to things like that), and unlike vld, there are actually some ships within the community that I actually do ship, rather than just being complacent with what was being chucked at me. (i used to think i shipped klance but since then i have come to the conclusion that i never really shipped anyone in vld except maybe lotor and allura when lotor was a good guy. and that one was a solid maybe sometimes.)
I also watch Dragon Prince, which is pretty cool. With tdp, there is a canon ship: rayllum, but I’ll be honest that I’ve never really shipped that. To me, Rayla and Callum seem like two awkward bumblebees that bump into each other and just pretend it didn’t happen. I mean, I guess for the people that ship rayllum, it’s great, but I’m generally indifferent. I don’t have any ships for tdp, though, in case anyone was wondering. 
Sometimes though I am hesitant to mention my ships, especially because people are notorious for spring-loading their ships onto others and bashing other ships, which to me just seems exhausting. Maybe it’s because being angry in general is just really tiring for me, I dunno. 
Hearing about all the batshit things that people did in the name of ships in the vld fanbase astounded me in how ridiculous (and occasionally selfish) they were. I’ve never felt like a pairing between two fictional people would mean anywhere near the extent it seems to for some people, but I guess that’s just me actively making attempts to keep myself from romanticizing things about some characters that really probably shouldn’t be romanticized. For example, the ship between Hordak and Entrapta in spop:
Hordak is a big nasty meanie who has validation and anger issues, is the living definition of rage quitting, and generally seems to be a very toxic person to be around. The dude’s got issues. He doesn’t seem to be in any particular rush to address them, much less work on adjusting himself into being less of a toxic person. 
Entrapta is much better than Hordak in a lot of obvious ways, such as not having anger issues or any of that. But, due to the fact that it seems like she wasn’t raised by people, or at the very least wasn’t around people for a while before Adora, Glimmer and Bow tried to recruit her into the rebellion, she has some people issues. I think she said at one point that she tried to hang out with the princesses before, but it was made clear that in a group of people who fit in by their inability to fit in, she didn’t fit in. She was too eccentric for them.
So she doesn’t really know how to socialize, and due to that whole thing where the rebellion accidentally left her, she has madddd trust issues with people. She just decides to stick with robots, because she knows how they work and why they do the things they do. She’s also kinda morally grey, at times. I feel kinda like her general neutrality is somewhere along the lines of Double Trouble as far as who’s side she’s on. She mainly stayed with the Horde because 1) more tech, 2) Catra convinced her and 3) lab partnersss babyyy
(I guess I have more to say about Entrapta than Hordak but whatever) 
In general, I think it’s obvious that Hordak has more pressing issues to wrangle, but they both aren’t really great. And it might not be a great relationship. And while I’m seeing all these hilarious memes and fantastic art, I am always trying to keep in mind that hey-- Hordak’s still a big meanie stupid dumb buttface that needs to get his act together if he still wants to even share a lab with Entrapta. (Which as far as I’m concerned is kinda all she wants, which is perfectly fine with me. Go off and do science girly. I have zero qualms.) 
But then y’know I re-watch s3 and s4 and I’m like “Unghh shit. I feel weird about shipping this”, but here I am. The main stuff that gets me is like that one scene after Entrapta basically gave Hordak his new fancy exoskeleton thing and he was all “uh welll hnngh hmm it’s uh very uhh structurally hrrmm sound um uh you’re uh umm very good at uhh this” and Imp screamed at him. That was great.
Complete sidenote-- what accent is Hordak supposed to have I’m honestly confused like sometimes he says stuff like “territory” like “terri-tree” which is like huh okay he’s busting out some British accent or something idk but other times he says things in an American accent but like poshly and it’s weird I’m having a hard time I just get so distracted by the weirdest things. 
Like no one else has an accent. Is it because everyone else is from Etheria, meanwhile he isn’t? Probably. But still. I’m confused. Anyway.
Actually there isn’t really anything else. This thing’s long enough. Plus I unveiled some of my ships, which is basically like posting your social security number and your bank account information. Nasty stuff. 
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How I did it, by Lord Viren
You know when you vaguely wonder about a thing, and you get some more pieces around its edges, but you don’t quite put them together, until one morning you ask yourself a very specific question for 2 seconds and you realize you have an answer? I ended up with two questions this morning, back to back, and realized they fit together.
“How do you kill a dragon that can teleport?”
“How did Viren smuggle that egg back to Xadia and get everyone to believe it was destroyed?”
You kill a dragon that can teleport by luring it to a specific spot. You threaten something it will always protect. But you have to distract it first, so it doesn’t show up until you’re ready.
Step 1: distract the dragon elsewhere with a massive invasion force.
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Step 2: ride with your vengeful friend to the king’s lair with a weapon that is crafted specifically to kill him (whether Viren is on this horse or on another horse, he had to be there)
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(and, quick aside, you know how one of the ingredients for this spear spell is the jar of purple fireflies with that tracking spell we watched Claudia make? I think the “one missing piece” from the flashback scene where Sarai dies is Viren finding a tiny piece of Avizandum--a scale or strand of hair--like Claudia used Rayla’s braid.)
Step 3: threaten the egg of the Dragon Prince to lure Avizandum to an exact spot
Step 4: kill him the moment he teleports in
Now, as we know, there are difficulties with step 3, but I think Viren planned for those in a way we’ve already seen.
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These bad boys, these coins, why are there so many?
Remember the question I asked myself: “How did Viren smuggle that egg back to Xadia and get everyone to believe it was destroyed?”
I think Viren created these coin prisons--coin purses in an absolutely inside-out genius idea--to not only get rid of the egg’s guards, but to smuggle the egg back to Xadia with Harrow none the wiser!
Viren and Harrow might have briefly split up within the Dragon King’s lair, but perhaps Viren just lied and told Harrow that the coins would destroy anything he trapped in them. Harrow could stand right there and watch anyone get sucked into those coins, and he could believe that they were dead. I mean, Tinker’s lotus does
If this is true, this means two very important things.
1. Rayla’s parents didn’t run away, they’re in two of those coins. And Runaan knows it. Even if he had no idea what happened at Avizandum’s lair on Winter’s Turn, he’s figured it out now.
2. The egg was in that third coin, and Viren released it unharmed. Which means that Runaan, and hopefully Rayla’s parents, can also be released unharmed, even after this long. Viren’s desire to keep the egg of the Dragon Prince alive during transport is what’s gonna save Runaan and also Rayla’s parents.
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Hi! I just want to say I love your tdp blog soooo much your commentary does not go unheard or appreciated (you actually calm my jitters about the show with your analyses) I wanted to ask, thoughts on Zubeia? Also why is she so majestic and mighty and has just been in the shadows this whole time? I’d actually be more scared of her than Avizandum! Also 3 hip hip hoorays for Luna Tenebris not being the dragon queen. This will just deepen lore and her own character arch!
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Aww, shucks, anon. You’re super sweet! And I’m glad that my ramblings help calm your jitters. Tbh I find focusing really tightly on just one or two details at a time calms me, too. 
Zubeia! I love her design. Fluffy horn tuft stuff! Very clever. The biggest reason I thought Luna Tenebris might be Dragon Queen was for dragon politics, but there was no way we weren’t getting dragon politics either way. 
So: a gorgeous Dragon Queen. Zym’s mom. Avizandum’s widow. Ruling Xadia, ordering assassin hits on foreign dignitaries. You know, the usual.
Thing is, she’s only been a secret to us. Everyone in Xadia knows she’s the Dragon Queen. Runaan’s most likely met her personally when he was given his mission. And maybe all his other missions, if he works exclusively for the crown. That Sun queen in the trailer probably deals with her from time to time, as rulers do. Rayla knows who her parents went to work for. And everyone knows she’s been in charge since Winter’s Turn. 
What I’m currently mulling over is the poster pose. The first two posters for S3 show antagonistic standoffs: Ziard vs Sol Regem, and Harrow vs. Avizandum. They’re in battle, confrontational. And in each case, one of the characters on the poster has died.
However, the poses in the third poster are different. Zubeia’s head is pointed away from Ezran, so there’s no antagonistic vibes. And Ezran has her son Zym with him. It’s a much softer, more hopeful image, and I like the deliberate shift from the earlier conflicts. A child truly is freer than a king. Although technically Ezran is now both a child and a king.
Sol Regem has been shown to have very racist opinions about humans. Avizandum has killed untold thousands of humans at the border--including three queens, which may or may not have saved Runaan a trip or two. You’d think that would be standard defense technique, but Lujanne manages to defend the Moon Nexus without taking lives. So I have very strong opinions about dragon morality and mental flexibility.
Dragons live so long they can outlive any problems that humans or even elves have with them. They don’t think they need to change. They consider themselves to be the gold standard, and everyone else is varying levels of inadequate. As long as dragons rule Xadia, no one will be able to adapt at a pace better suited for their societal development. Not elves, not humans.
Zubeia may be more flexible, maybe because she has a child’s future to think about, maybe because she’s still young for a dragon, maybe because of personal experiences. She may be a better foil for Ezran, as willing to work with him as he is with her. 
But probably not.
The trailer shows Zym going to a small stone chamber, with a Skywing elf and the Dragaang nearby. If the creators were serious about their “Zym goes through his whole life cycle” in S3 comment, maybe that chamber is where it happens? Why would they do that to sweet baby Zym??
Because of the same exact reason Viren wanted the egg of the Dragon Prince in the first place. Viren saw the massive power that a grown Storm Archdragon had when he watched Avizandum kill three human queens, and he marked himself down as both scared and greedy. He stole Zym’s egg and practice hatching big ostrich-type eggs in his secret dungeon oven, because he wanted his own magical badass dragon, fighting for the humans. He and Zubeia know the same truth: nothing in Xadia is stronger than an adult Storm Archdragon.(see, I told you there’d be dragon politics)
But Zubeia only has a baby one. So it’s possible she just decided to insta-grow her own son into an adult dragon, so he can fly out and fight in a fresh new war.
How motherly of her. Maybe she’s looking away from Zym in the poster because she doesn’t want to get too attached. Maybe, just like Viren, she sees her offspring as tools to be used as she sees fit.
I already think that the best thing that could’ve happened to Zym was meeting the Dragaang (and Lujanne and Phoe-Phoe) upon hatching, so he could bond with Ezran and experience what young humans and elves are really like. Maybe the worst thing that could happen to Zym is going home to his mom.
Yeah, I love problematic dragons.
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Harrow’s S3 poster theme song
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Lance, come throw it 
If you're stabby, don't stow it 
If you slish slash, come bring it 
Don't talk the talk, just fling it!
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