#tea gardner x reader
der7py · 2 months
Yandere Gardner x reader
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Bonnie Dubois, the friendly neighborhood Gardner who was quiet and easily spooked. But you always did your best to be friendly to little ole' Bonnie. It wasn't hard to be friendly to them. They always found a way to please you. It's like they knew how to.
Warnings: Major anxiety, people pleasing, being taken advantage of, anxiety attack, childhood trauma, neglect, guilt-tripping, worship(not in a religious sense), obsession, mentions of thoughts of self harm(implied thoughts)
Bonnie Dubois, the friendly yet easily spooked Gardner. Everyone adored them, even if they tried to avoid everyone because of their anxiety.
When you first moved to the neighborhood, you were always so confused about why everytime you tried to talk to them, they'd squeak and hide in their hundreds of flowers.
When you got invited to a party by one of the neighbors, you asked about them, wondering why they always hid from you.
You were somewhat relieved to hear from one of Bonnie's friends that they did that to everyone, and you just had to get to know them first.
But still, why were they so jumpy in general? No person was usually that spooked were they? You needed to know.
Over time, you slowly became friends with them, leaving them gifts of potted plants, their favorite pastries (you had to ask around), and always making an effort to include them in activities you've made.
Eventually, they weren't as jumpy around you, and they made for good conversation. Even if they were always speaking so quietly, you were convinced that they only spoke in whispers.
You started to notice they were a big people pleaser, always doing tasks for others, no matter how big they were. It was concerning, to say the least. You always tried to get them to relax, but they always said they were fine.
"Bonnie, you have to take care of yourself. You're always taking care of others but not yourself." You said with a sigh, sipping your tea as Bonnie scurried around their kitchen, trying to find extra Bobby pins. Their neighbor Sarah had a little girl who was in dance class, yet they didn't have enough Bobby pins to pin up her hair. So naturally, she asked the neighborhood biggest people pleaser. It pissed you off knowing how most people in this town took advantage of your friend.
"N-no, it's okay! Really, I don't mind-" "Sit." Bonnie gulped, setting down one of their boxes as they sat across from them. You were determined to get to the bottom of this. "Seriously, what's wrong?" You asked, but immediately regretted it as they started to sob their poor eyes out to you.
"I-I'm sorry...! I-I j-just feel so useless when I can't help...! Please don't leave me...!" They begged, holding your arm tightly as they sobbed into your hand. God, you felt awful. You held Bonnie in your arms, rocking them back and forth with a soothing hum.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you. We don't have to talk about it." You whispered, which seemed to calm your crying friend down. They sniffled, rubbing their eyes as they looked up at you. The look in their emerald eyes was enough to shatter you as you quickly held them even tighter. "I promise... I won't ever leave you."
You might as well have sealed your fate as soon as you said that. Because something in Bonnie's mind snapped as soon as you said that to them.
After they were done crying, they shakily explained to you the neglectful childhood they had endured and how they thought if they just did everything that needed to be done and more, maybe their parents would pay attention to them.
It was heartbreaking to hear, and you vowed to help them not be a huge people pleaser. And that's exactly what you did. First off by calling Sarah and telling her to find her own fucking bobby pins.
Over the next few weeks, you constantly helped them, teaching them how to say no, how to take care of themselves, and only helping people who won't take advantage of them.
Bonnie started to worship you. You were their savior, their angel, their God.
They started to go out of their way to do anything you. They started to grow your favorite flower in their garden, constantly leaving cute little potted plants around your house to make you feel better after rough days.
Their tears and timid nature were their big weapon against you and anyone they disliked. Hanging out with the new neighbor? You bet Bonnie's sobbing their heart out, begging you not to leave or their not sure what they'll do by themselves.
You always feel so horrible every time they cry. It feels like acid on your skin. Eventually, you move in because you don't want them to hurt themselves. Besides, it'll be fine. You love Bonnie, and you just wanna help them.
They love you too. Please. Never leave. They'll end up hurting themselves without you. Your their angel.
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fairknights · 4 years
Can you do how yugioh characters act around their crush?
I’m assuming you mean the original Yu-G-Oh? I’ll do the OG characters in this ask but I’d be happy to do GX or 5D’s in the future :)
Crush headcanons:
Yugi Moto:
Yeah, so we kind of already know how Yugi would act around his crush, what with his little crush on Téa. I think that his crush on her was a bit of puppy love, though. Like an ‘oh a girl is talking to me on a regular basis’ teenage boy kind of crush. We know he blushes and stutters around her, typical for his shy personality at the start of the series.
He gets more comfortable around people as the series goes on, and definitely gains more confidence. I do think some of his shyness would come back if he were to get a crush on someone, though.
He’s not sure how to approach his crush at first, especially if he’s totally charmed by them. Will lose his train of thought around them and forget how to speak around them haha.
Kind of beats himself up a bit for not being able to relax around them. Really wants to get to know them, so he often hangs around them. He wants to impress them though, so if they’re into gaming then he’ll kind of try to show off a bit around them, just a bit. He has... varying levels of success with that.
Yami Yugi:
Alright so Yami needs advice. He goes to Yugi of course, asking about the person he’s got a crush on. He’s not used to these kinds of feelings, and at first he’s not even certain it IS a crush. Yugi teases him about it, much to Yami’s embarrassment.
Alright, so he’s got a crush. Nothing he can do about it. He probably doesn’t plan to confess any time soon honestly. He won’t pursue romance really, he’d just kind of play it cool around his crush.
Sometimes he’d probably get a bit awkward around them, like how do you not get a bit flustered sometimes? It’s to be expected. Then he gets annoyed about it because he didn’t want to show it. He makes this annoyed blushing face that borders on a pout. Pretty adorable.
Yugi tells him to confess, but he’d stew on his feelings for a LONG time before he even thinks about it. He doesn’t want to put any pressure on his crush, and unless he was somehow able to stay in Domino City for good, I’m not sure he’d ever confess.
Joey Wheeler:
He cannot interact with his crush without doing or saying something extremely embarrassing. Ever. He just blunders in, some vague idea of impressing them, and ends up making it awkward.
You wanna see him win this duel? He can’t take his eyes of his crush though, trying to see if he’s impressing them. The poor guy probably ends up losing the duel and ends up looking like a kicked puppy.
He wants to just play it cool, but let’s be real, he’s far from cool. Sorry Joey, you’re just trying too hard. Once he gets to know his crush a bit better, I think he’d calm down enough to approach them more as friends.
I think he’d step up and awkwardly confess to his s/o after a relatively short pining phase. He just wants to get it out of the way. If they’re interested then awesome, but if they’re not, he can move on with his life and stop making a fool of himself ^^;
Téa Gardner:
She’s a bit awkward, but a bit flirty. When she knows what she wants, she doesn’t bother hiding it. If her crush doesn’t know she has a crush on them, they’d have to be pretty damn oblivious.
She always invites them to things, wanting to spend time with them and integrate them into her friendship group. She loves her friends, and she wants her crush to love them too.
Honestly I don’t think it would take long for Téa to invite them on a date. She’s not too shy, but she’d definitely be a bit flustered as she asked them out.
Always makes time for her crush if they need a shoulder to lean on or someone to talk to (actually that applies to all her friends honestly). She’s super supportive of whatever her crush wants to do in life, and will encourage them enthusiastically. She’s got her own dreams to pursue, and she’d be happy to see her crush pursuing theirs.
Seto Kaiba:
Kaiba? Have a crush? Please, you must be joking. Seto Kaiba does not get crushes. Not ever. Not even a little bit. That person that makes him feel some kind of way is certainly not a crush. Yeah, so denial. That’s the first reaction.
He denies it for a long time, too. He’ll accidentally get flustered around his crush, blush, get angry, say something mean and then leave. Then rinse and repeat the next time he sees his crush. His crush honestly probably thinks he hates them.
Will low-key try to impress them if they’re ever watching him duel. Shows off a bit and smirks if they seem impressed. Will also show off his inventions and gadgets, with the pretense that he’s showing them to a lot of people, but he really just wants his crush to see them.
Accidentally compliments them sometimes, or tells them that they’re “not like the other riff-raff” or something like that. Then gets flustered as he realised what he said. Probably comes across as a tad arrogant, but for once he’s not trying to seem like he’s better than everyone else. He really just doesn’t know how to approach his crush... I mean.... totally-not-a-crush.
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That’s ok! I don’t know how to do match ups 🤔 but I have a request for yugioh. May I have headcannons for yugioh gang ( yugi and his friends ) who has has a crush on fem S/o that is kind hearted with a dorky personality? ( meaning silly and akward ) like an easy target to get picked on. I hope this was ok.
Hello hello~! I totally understand, match-ups can be confusing at times ;; Other then that, I can most definitely do this request for you~! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did with writing it~! I do apologize that this took forever to come out, but I do appreciate the patience~!
》》Admin Ko
ɪɴꜰᴀᴛᴜᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ | ʏᴜɢɪ ᴍᴜᴛᴏᴜ ; ʏᴀᴍɪ ʏᴜɢɪ ; ᴊᴏᴇʏ ᴡʜᴇᴇʟᴇʀ ; ᴛʀɪꜱᴛᴀɴ ᴛᴀʏʟᴏʀ ; ᴛᴇᴀ ɢᴀʀᴅɴᴇʀ ; ʀʏᴏᴜ ʙᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ | ʜᴄ
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ʏᴜɢɪ ᴍᴜᴛᴏᴜ
Ever the sweet gentlemen, it’s almost comical how he initially brushes off his feelings. It’s without a doubt that Yugi won’t immediately recognize his feelings for her. 
In all honesty, he sees himself in her and wants nothing more than to protect her and to provide her with a safe haven to go to if things get too rough. 
Yugi initially pushes off the emotions as those of a protective brother, but as time passes he slowly begins to realize his sudden infatuation with her. The dorky personality she holds becoming an endearing trait to him.
He’s almost just as awkward-- if not more so when he’s in the midst of confessing to her. 
Yugi may not be as brash as his friends, but he isn’t afraid to stand up for her or to tell someone off if they happen to pick on her. 
Before establishing their relationship, practically everyone in their friend group had assumed that they were dating. Though when Yugi explained to them they weren’t they interrogated him in regards to his feelings for her.
It was during that time that he fully realized how much she meant to him.
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ʏᴀᴍɪ ʏᴜɢɪ
Someone who’ll treat her like an absolute queen. Unlike his counterpart, Yami thrives off of her kind heart and dorky personality. To him, it’s not only sweet and unique to her, but a breath of fresh air upon re-emerging into the world.
He’s a lot more confident with his words and tone. Despite this, he’s just as awkward-- if not more so when the two are alone together. He tends to be a tad more shy and easily embarrassed, and honestly basks in the moments he has with her when they both laugh and joke about the awkward atmosphere.
It is without a doubt that Yami is protective of her. Besides wanting to be a strong influence in her life, he can’t hold back the urge to be her knight in shining armor when he picks out the people choosing to tease or pick on her.
Other then that, he’s strong and obvious in his feelings for her and will do whatever he can to properly portray his emotions. (Even if they can be confusing a majority of the time.)
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ᴊᴏᴇʏ ᴡʜᴇᴇʟᴇʀ
Rambunctious and energetic, Joey doesn’t think much of his emotions for her. Similar to Yugi, he’ll brush it off as sibling love instead of something more.
Though with the consistent teasing from his friends and the obvious jabs they make at him, Joey can’t help but take a moment to reconsider how he truly feels about her.
In any situation that she may be in danger or being picked on, he’s there immediately with anger in his eyes and his fists clenched to sucker punch the first bully he sees.
It’s only after he has a serious sit down talk with Yugi that he finally has a proper idea about how he truly feels about her. 
Afterwards, he becomes a lot more flustered and clumsy around her. His gaze is consistently on her, a soft and adoring look that never seems to leave his eyes whenever she speaks. 
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ᴛʀɪꜱᴛᴀɴ ᴛᴀʏʟᴏʀ
Awkward and a bit of chaotic neutral, Tristan will initially be wary of his emotions. It’s only after another confirmation when he sees her smile at him that he fully embraces the crush he’s garnered.
Unlike his friends, Tristan is not only confident in his emotions and persona, but considerate of the timing and situation that they all may be facing. 
Similar to Joey, he’s fiercely protective of her and won’t hesitate to jump right into danger or into a fight that he knows he may not win. 
Tristan won’t hesitate to knock some sense into someone who tries to tease or use her as a punching bag. However, instead of going straight in with his fists, he’ll attempt to reason with them before throwing a strong punch.
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ᴛᴇᴀ ɢᴀʀᴅɴᴇʀ
Strong willed and sweet, Tea will most likely be unsure of her emotions initially. For her, she’s harbored these feelings for her since they first met and built a solid relationship, and she can’t help but feel conflicted.
Eventually, she comes to terms with her emotions and with the help of the rest of the friend group, she eases into her confession. 
Not one for bullying or teasing of any type, Tea is always by her side ready to sharply give a witty comeback if someone attempts to tease her. 
It’s without a doubt that Tea absolutely adores her dorky personality, and like the others, finds it absolutely endearing. 
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ʀʏᴏᴜ ʙᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ
Soft spoken and shy, Ryou will most likely hold in his emotions after he realizes his crush on her. Due to his past, he’ll feel as though he doesn’t deserve to be with her. Mainly in fear of possibly hurting her, but after hanging around the gang and getting proper consultation and help he’s slowly come out of his shell.
Ryou is consistent with his gentlemen manners, and will show subtle ways of courting her. Though he may not be as outspoken in situations where she’s being picked on, he will most definitely pull her to the side to remind her that she has help and friends who are more than willing to help consolidate the situation.
Similar to Joey, he’ll become a lot more shy and easily flustered around her. Despite this, he tries his very best to uphold a calm facade in order to soak up the happy adorable dorky rays of sunshine that bounce off from her. 
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totallyimagines · 4 years
“When you get a bad grade”(Yugi-oh)
Back with more preferences and This anime is like the first anime I watched, which got me interested. Lol I know it sounds cheesy because it’s my first anime but seriously I loved it. Anyways, Nsfw stuff coming up soon.
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When he finds out you got a bad grade, Yugi is going to comfort you all the way through. Asking Yami for advice. He knows how much you’ve been stressing over this test and to get a bad grade is a downer for him as well. You can go get ice cream or go to the park. Or you can just duel each other if that makes you forget. Either way, he doesn’t want you to remember it at the end of the day let alone stress over it.
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Yami Yugi
When he finds out you got a bad grade, he also tries to take your mind off of it. He’ll also let you duel with him(trust me — you’ll feel a million times worse). You can go eat somewhere or go to the duel shop and check out cards. Doubt that he’s going to leave you alone though l, considering that’s probably the last thing on his list. If you were stressing for this test, he wants to make you completey forget about it. He doesn’t like seeing your stressed state.
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Joey Wheeler
When he find out that you got a bad grade, he’s probably going to be as down in the dumps as you. OR you can eat all your pain away. That’s what he does most of the time. Why don’t you try it? It may help and you’ll only be focused on food for the rest of the day. Which is guaranteed to make you feel 100% better — no money back.
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Tristan Taylor
When he finds out that you got a bad grade, he’ll make a lot of jokes about it. Probably aggravating you but it’s just to make you laugh. Although, the jokes are almost ALL about your grades, and probably how they are going to be at the end of the semester. If you want him to shut up, tell him he won’t be get any cuddles for the rest of week.
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Téa Gardner
When she finds out that you got a bad grade, she’s more than calm to confront of you about. Which is actually really soothing in some way considering she knows how to make you happy in some way. Ice cream, laser tag, anything you want. She’s really does make you forget about the bad day you were having.
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Mai Valentine
When she finds out that you got a bad grade, she stays quiet about it for a while. And then brings it up — probably not intentionally but just to confront you about it. She just wants to hear your feelings and thoughts for it before giving her own personal opinion. She’ll do something that you want to do but it also has be something she’s interested in.
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Seto Kiba
When he finds out that you got a bad grade, he says he can fix that. Which he does, because it’s Seto guys. Although, he probably would want a little something in return. No, not the day when you’re having a bad day. He’ll remind you someday and it’s going to come back to you.
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vivinightingale · 4 years
hello love, could you please do Yandere Yami, seto and tea seeing her (SO) in a bikini for the first time.
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Once summer finally came around the group decided to head to the beach for the occasion.
Atem was looking forward to the cool waters, but not for all the attention you were gonna get from on lookers.
When you walked out in your (f/c) swimware though, he was lovestruck all over again. The sway of your hips, the amount of skin showing, and the look of confidence in your eyes was all it took.
He dragged over to the bathrooms where the two of you spent awhile at.
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Tea Gardner:
Teá loves the pool, it was her time to show off the body she has worked so hard on to you.
However, that thought went out the door when you shly walked out in your (f/c) swinware. Insecurity painted all over your face.
She was quickly at your side ressuring you on how wonderful you looked, all the while her hands roaming the skin she could touch.
Once you where calmed she left a hickey on your should to prove to people you were taken befor dragging you to the spot she picked out. You made Teá love the pool even more
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Seto Kaiba:
Seto owned his own pool ground so that mokuba could go as much as he please without the fear of something happening to him. On a hot summer day you and mokuba were able to drag him to the said pool.
He thought nothing of it at first as he sat at one of the side table on his computer, until you walked out in a white silverish swimware.
He couldn't take his eyes off of you as you and mokuba began playing in the pool splashing, and swimming around.
It was long before he called out of the pool and dragged to his room where you stayed for hours.
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canonconspiracy · 3 years
The Millennium Rose (Teaser)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Fanfiction By: @rmorningstar21​
Pairing: Yami Yugi/Atem x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Minor violence, loneliness (?), nothing gets more violent than the series itself - Rated T.
Posted on AO3 (rmorningstar21) as The Millenium Rose; Posted on Wattpad (rmorningstar21) as The Cursed Millennium Rose, and The Struggling Millennium Rose - Third book for Wattpad coming soon as “The Rejuvenated Millennium Rose”. 
AN: Okay, so I will be the first to admit that my The Millennium Rose series is an older series of mine - one of the first chapter stories I truly got invested in.  It’s been on hiatus for quite some time, but that hiatus will be coming to an end soon. For those of you who haven’t stumbled upon this on either platform, I wanted to share a little teaser (first chapter) of my series.  This follows from Season 1 onwards..  Reader and Atem are married before Pharaoh Atem is sealed in the Millennium Puzzle. I was going to end this one after the Battle City Finals, but due to popular request, posting will begin after my current commission chapter story is up.  I typically age up, but was started prior to doing so.  Due to the rating, I haven’t changed that.  Wanted to keep it accessible for all readers.
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A chill crawled up your spine, stinging with each centimeter it moved, grasping your hands tightly to your arms to attempt to shield yourself.  Though you were not sure exactly what you were shielding yourself from, albeit the pain or the darkness that was engulfing your body. As you felt the darkness falling hard upon you, like a weighted blanket that you could not hold, a faint light laid on the floor, illuminating each twisting maze as you stepped.  Each time you walked further through the maze, you could feel the pain increasing, beginning to make your steps more and more tedious. You attempted to call out, to call for his name in the dark, with no avail. Your mouth opened, but as the air escaped your lungs, your voice did not ring. It was almost like choking - the pain that strode into your lungs from your throat - but you could not utter a single word.
Hours passed as you circled the maze, walking in each and every stone cold direction, the pain of the chills slowly seething your skin.  Your surroundings were blackness, and yet you seemed to walk in a labyrinth, swearing that you had turned this way prior, been in each and every spot before, again and again.  Inaudible cries of pain burned in your throat as you continued to walk on, your legs growing tired, lungs constricting. Hopelessness swelled in your chest as you continued on and on, silent tears beginning to fall from your tired eyes.  
Your tired, crying eyes met a figure, merely ten feet away from where you were walking in what seemed like a room.   For a moment you froze, studying the figure, but as you were met with lilac orbs, you took your exhausted legs and ran towards the figure.  The small glimmer of hope taunted you, showing you the man that kept your legs going on your weighted journey, lonesome darkness entangling down to your very soul.  Hope swelled in your chest as you ran, but as you did the room began to get further away, his lilac orbs seeming to grow smaller and smaller away from your vision. Still your feet patted forward until there was no ground beneath you.
As the ground had disappeared, you had begun your journey downward.  Hastily the gravity took your body, plummeting into a deep abyss. Tears once again rained from your eyes.  Your heart dropped as you did, and you tried so hard to scream, feeling it scratching at your throat, constricting it.
He was gone, and you had failed to reach him.
You awoke with soaked cheeks and labored breaths, before glancing around and realizing that you were not in that labyrinth any longer.  Another nightmare, you thought to yourself, though every day you lived the nightmares that you slept with.  I miss him.   Ironically, your nightmares had held your memory intact over time, reminding you of the reason you kept on fighting day in and day out in this monotonous world.  Though you would never be able to forget his handsome face, his lilac orbs burned into your skull. As your y/e/c eyes scanned the room, it was simply a relatively plain room surrounding you, little trinkets upon your dresser in the form of plush monsters, and your deck sitting comfortably next to a kuriboh plush that you had grown to adore.  Attempting to steady your breath, you wiped your face free of the salty sadness and glanced at the time flashing upon your alarm clock, your eyes still holding a light redness from when you had been crying in your sleep. Springing to your feet, you nearly fell over, steadying yourself on the side of your bed before further action. Your head was woozy with the newfound movement, the room slowly coming back to you as your dizzy spell passed you.
Making your way to your small, gray walled bathroom, you threw your prior clothes aside and hopped into a quick shower.  Hastily you scrubbed yourself with your f/s body gel, not getting enough time to even enjoy the kisses of the warm water that drenched over your frigid body.  In less than five minutes time, you were already dressed, hair dried, and grabbing at your black messenger bag that laid next to the door. You tucked your deck safely into your bag before gentle fingers reached to touch lightly upon your golden wristband.  For a moment, you allow your eyes to close, thinking of your wristband. It held the symbol to keep your life intact as well as cursed, leaving you to deal with the merits and disappointments of this life. Then as your eyes were still closed, those lilac eyes showed in your mind, reminding you of the reason you keep on with this silly charade, hoping that one day everything will change.
Practically jogging out the door, you made your way to your new life once again.  Domino High School, as you read upon the sign, looked bustling and boring from the eyes of a woman who had attended countless high school’s over time.  The crowds had shown that it was definitely a more lively school than the last you had attended, though not as lively as the one you had attended prior.  Maybe if you did not forever look 16, you would not have to attend so many boring lectures in your life, but you had attended plenty in your time, across the globe.  Each curriculum merely had minor changes to it, if any, and you had to purposely get things wrong from time to time to not seem out of the ordinary. The world changed and grew around you, while you stayed the same, the same h/c h/l, and young y/e/c orbs.  The only thing that had changed over time was your skin, which had lightened from your Egyptian tan to a pale ivory, just as everyone else looked around you. It was just another boring day in monotony for you, but there was a presence around that had kept you on your toes as you entered your newfound high school.  You could feel something was different in the world now, which had rose excitement and fear in your young body.
You were coming out of your geometry class, holding your books tightly to your chest and walking quickly to your locker before lunch, your eyes at your feet as you walked.  As you did so, you were lost in thought, and before you knew it, you whacked directly into something solitary, causing you to stumble backwards, staring up in a moment of terror.  What you had found was that you ended up slamming directly into another student, and blush began rising in your cheeks from the embarrassment. It was needless to say that the boy looked unpleasant with his round face that seemed to hold a permanent scowl.  The boy looked as if he were maybe 17, largely boned, while you had a very tiny frame, yet he glared angrily at you as if you had pushed him off of a cliff. On the other hand, you were the one with the books scattered all over the ground, and the impact had caused your tailbone to whack the floor, causing a sharp, yet temporary pain.
“I’m so sorry!” you said frantically, grabbing your books quickly and pulling yourself to your feet.  You bowed slightly in respect and began to rush off before you felt a pull at the back of your uniform.  Seconds later, you were pinned against the wall, staring up at the unpleasant boy you had angered, his face looking even more unpleasant than previously.  It was as if the anger building in him was surfacing due to what you would assume was a slight inconvenience.
“Don’t think just because you’re new you can get away with that,” he growled, pressing harder against your shoulder.  
Just my luck that I run into the school bully on my first day here, you thought to yourself, your heart pounding in your chest.  This was not particularly an uncommon occurrence for you, seeing as you had attended plenty of high schools over the last couple thousand years, but nevertheless, you were still a relatively scrawny girl with a 16 year old body.  Old souls still did not have super strength, after all. Though you could likely send him to the shadow realm, doing something so rash on your first day would have been a mistake that you would have to live with for the rest of the time you could attend school there, and you shied away from that idea.  “I didn’t mean to harm you,” you said cowering back, pain beginning to build in the shoulder he was pressing on. “I-I it’ll never happen again.” You attempted your best fake smile, and yet it dropped almost immediately as the rage fueled his face, watching it scrunch even more.
The boy drew his free hand back, and was about to send it directly into your face.  You could see the build up, and your eyes squeezed shut tightly. After a few moments without impact, you opened your eyes back up to see the boy being held back by another student.  “You shouldn’t hit a lady,” the slender boy said with the relatively pointed hair, all coming up at the top. As you finally were fully registering what was going on, you saw that the boy was holding the bully’s fist, twisting it slightly.  “And if you don’t let go of her, we are going to have problems, buddy.”  
The school bully that was about to attack you cowardly ran away, letting go of your shoulder, and letting your body slump to the floor.  You could hear a few people talking to the boy that had just saved you, but you were too busy trying to control your breathing, and attempting to ignore the pain that seared through your shoulder.  After a few moments, you noticed a hand outstretched to you, paired with a gentle smile on the boy’s face whom had just saved you. With your good arm you had taken it, letting him bring you to your feet.  
“Uh, thank you, so very much,” you said bowing slightly, a formal gesture that you had not broken over so many years.  You smiled softly at the boy, holding your books tightly to you, despite the pain that you felt still radiating through your shoulder.  There was no doubt that the bully had at least left a bruise upon your shoulder from the pressure he was using, and though he was a coward to the boy that had saved you, he likely would have slammed a fist directly into your face.
“You’re new here, aren’t you?” the boy said with a genuine smile.  
You had nodded at his words, meekly saying, “I just moved here.”  In actuality, of course you had just moved there, but you knew that every school was basically the same.  Each school that you had run into, you had your share of those issues. Sometimes there were kind strangers willing to help, occasionally you had friends that had your back, and then sometimes you would have to deal with a swift fist hitting you somewhere.  Bullies were a common occurrence for high schools, and that was one of the few things that made you regret not aging.
“I’m Tristan, and these are my friends.”  He gestured back to the group you assumed you were hearing while you were still on the floor.  
“I’m Tea,” a girl with short brunette hair said with a kind smile.
A boy with a Brooklyn accent and blonde hair said next, “I’m Joey.”
And the last boy could have given you a heart attack standing right there.  He said, “I’m Yugi,” but as you noticed the spiked multi color hair on his head, the first thing you thought of was him.  Your heart skipped a beat, though the boy was definitely smaller than the one that you longed so desperately for. The differences were subtle, and yet you could see each one.  His stature, for one, and for two, the shaping of his eyes was much more child-like than him, though they held the same lilac color. Yugi had a shy, yet kind smile upon his face, and continued with, “Would you like to come with us to lunch?”
For a moment, you bit your lip, unsure of what to say.  As you weighed your options, you studied the group, though your eyes were mainly set upon the boy who called himself Yugi.  He was so much like him, and yet not. If he was a reincarnation of him, would that be even possible? As your y/e/c orbs raked over the peculiar group, you noticed something odd hanging from the short boy’s neck.  Just as your item held your wrist was Egyptian, you could clearly see that what he had was an artifact, a very familiar one for that matter. Thinking, you glanced to your wrist, and back to it, and it dawned upon you, making you nod quickly.  “I-I would love to, thank you,” you said rushed, realizing that you had been standing there in awe and silence. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
As you walked with the group, you couldn’t help but keep looking over at the Millennium Puzzle adorning the young boy’s neck.  Maybe, you wondered to yourself, but attempted to shake the thought of as you stood in line with the group and got lunch with them all.  Even if it was, would he remember me?  
When the group had gotten their lunches, you sat beside Tea and Yugi while Tristan and Joey sat across from you three.  Through your peripheral vision, you would occasionally catch small glances of Yugi, particularly of the millennium item adorning his neck.  Excitement was rising in your chest, even paired with a small bit of hope that you could be right. If the prophecy was truly real, then you would be right.  What ifs ran through your mind as you thought more and more about it, though you attempted to keep regular conversation going on with the group when necessary.  They seemed like kind people, and even if somehow you were wrong, you picked the right group to hang out with for this attended school.
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setoslut · 4 years
Ya’ll can request whatever just takes me 10 years to get to it. Closed requests means I do be feeling guilty about not doing some requests but don’t mind it, still send in that ask igggg.
Most of my works will be written lightheartedly, but depending on the request I can be serious lol,, so bare that in mind~ just specify if you want it to be serious, just note the quality might differ ty x
Send in anything in my ask box, from your idea’s, to headcanons, to smau’s, to drabbles, to smut, to crack, to literally anything- I’ll make something out of it 😌
Character limit of 2 atm sorry bb- I get one done and get a fried brain for the other smh.
Requests in the making: 3 (3 characters done, separate)
Any 3 characters,, a kind S/O who is a ghoul and they found them out by seeing them save them in action or feast hc. Serenity, Mai, tea - considering removing as no motivation at all
Kaiba, Atem, yugi, duke,, meeting future S/O who is a designer hc - ideas are circulating again
Yandere Yugi + yandere tea, separate, general yandere hc - like the request need to evaluate deeper
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Single’s table
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Character: Tea Gardner / Anzu Mazaki 
Prompt: Working customer service is an experience. My hats off for anyone who did/still does it. 
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Working customer service was always a challenge, no matter character. Some seemed to forget that you were human, others seemed to momentarily turn off all reason and propriety. It was a challenge to weave through the chaos that was humanity with a smile on your face. 
“Good evening, [Name]! How can I serve you?” Tea beamed at you, though you noted the hollowness in her voice and the lack of glitter in her eyes. 
Suppressing a laugh you put up your best smile, straightening up as you purse your lips. “Oh, I don’t know. You seem a little bit of a ditz,” you spoke, maintaining a flat tone and an even expression as you did so. 
Quirking a brow at you the female grinned, her head tilting to the side as she went for a close-eyed smile. 
“A single’s table, I suppose? I will set you right up!” she chirped, nearly costing you your role as you tried to look exasperated. 
“How dare! I have a date with a very lovely lady!” you threw back, your voice quasi-rising up as you huffed at the female. 
“We can always add another set if your date shows up,” Tea winked at you before leading you down to what was indeed a single’s table. Pulling out the chair she waved you over, a look of sarcasm on her features. 
“And if not, will you join me?” you flirted back, earning a chuckle from the waitress.
“I will bring over your card and manners in a bit,” she continued with a wide grin. 
Sitting down with a pout you stuck your tongue out at her as she walked off. 
Working customer service tested your patience, but friends always made it a slightly bit better.
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American Horror Story masterlist
(I'm no longer taking requests for American Horror Story)
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Fluff: ♡ Angst: ♤ Smut: ♧ Headcanons: ◇ May contain triggering content: ☆
Tate Langdon
Evans characters with a clingy reader ♡◇
Tate Langdon dating someone who's transmasc ◇
Nail Polish and Nirvana ♡
Violet Harmon
Soft dom Violet Harmon ♧◇
Billie Dean Howard
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate ♡◇
Moira O'Hara
Duster Fuck ♧
Kit Walker
Kit Walker dating someone who's transmasc ◇
Evans characters with a clingy reader ♡◇
Lana Winters
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate ♡◇
Cordelia Goode
Trans fem Cordelia Goode ◇
That a Girl ♧
Caught In the Act ♧
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate ♡◇
Dirty A-Z headcanon game: B, D, L, P, Q, R, S, W, Y ♧◇
Kyle Spencer
Evans characters with a clingy reader ♡◇
Madison Montgomery
Picnic Baskets and Confessions of Love ♤♡
Dance With Me ♡
Madison Montgomery Fluff Alphabet ♡◇
Punishment and Bargaining ♧
Madison Montgomery nsfw alphabet ♧◇
Moral Of The Story ♤♡
Jimmy Darling
Evans characters with a clingy reader ♡◇
You're Not A Freak, Doll ♤♡
Bette and Dot Tattler
Baking With Bette and Dot ◇
Good Girls ♧
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate ♡◇
Dandy Mott
Sub Dandy Mott ♧◇
Maggie Esmeralda
Run Away With Me ♤♡
James Patrick March
Evans characters with a clingy reader ♡◇
James Patrick March x reader with anger issues ◇
James Patrick March being nervous around the reader ◇
James Patrick March x deaf reader ◇
Sally Mckenna
You Can't Leave Me ♤☆
Hypodermic Sally x reader who tries to leave her ♤◇☆
Sex With A Ghost ♧
Sally Mckenna x reader who's a songwriter ◇
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate ♡◇
Dirty A-Z headcanon game: C, R ♧◇
Liz Taylor
Liz Taylor and Tristan Duffy x reader who's a writer ◇
Tristan Duffy
Liz Taylor and Tristan Duffy x reader who's a writer ◇
Shelby Miller
Hot Tea and Rainstorms ♡
Audrey Tindall
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate ♡◇
Rory Monahan
Evans characters with a clingy reader ♡◇
Kai Anderson
Evans characters with a clingy reader ♡◇
Whores Get Nothing ♧
Kidnapping Confessions ♤♧
Cuddling With Pre Cult Kai ◇
Ally Mayfair-Richards
The Clown In The Kitchen ♤♡
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate ♡◇
Winter Anderson
Winter Anderson fluff alphabet ♡◇
Winter Anderson nsfw alphabet ♧◇
Nighttime Terrors ♤♡
Dom Winter Anderson ♧◇
Michael Langdon
Michael Langdon eras x reader with daddy issues ◇
Mornings With Michael ♡
Michael Langdon in a maid outfit ◇
Alphabet Boy ♤♡
Sucking on Michael Langdon's fingers ♧◇
Spanking Michael Langdon ♧◇
Happy Halloween ♧
Enemies With Benefits ♧
Murder House Michael Langdon being soft ♡◇
Calming Techniques ♤☆
Wilhemina Venable
Dom Wilhemina ♧◇
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate ♡◇
Jeff Pfister
Having an online relationship with Jeff Pfister ◇
Brooke Thompson
Late Night Anxieties ♤♡
Date Officially Canceled (Brooke x Donna) ♧
Montana Duke
Montana Duke when she gets jealous ◇
Xavier Plympton
Sub Xavier Plympton ♧◇
Xavier Plympton being needy ♧◇
Big Trauma Can Come In Small Packages ♤♡
Donna Chambers
Roller Rink Romance ♡
Date Officially Canceled (Brooke x Donna) ♧
Margaret Booth
Sugar mommy Margaret Booth ♧◇
Harry Gardner
Protein Shakes ♤♡
Poly! Harry Gardner x reader x Doris Gardner general relationship headcanons ◇
Doris Gardner
Poly! Harry Gardner x reader x Doris Gardner general relationship headcanons ◇
Austin Sommers
The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow ♤♡
Austin Sommers nsfw alphabet ♧◇
Crimson Sheets ♧
Tuberculosis Karen
I Promise ♤☆
Sarah Paulson characters dating someone who's very affectionate ♡◇
Dr. Calico
Blue Moon Tears ♤♡
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Hey was wondering if you do requests, could you do an Austin with an older Harry gardners daughter kind of thing? Kind of like he gets really interested in her, thank uuu
New Muse
Austin Sommers x fem!reader
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"Harry!" an eccentric figure approached my dad, greeting him with enthusiasm. The man was dressed in a flamboyant fur coat, dark eyeliner defined his waterline. "So good to see you!"
"I can't talk for long, Austin, I promised I'd take my daughter out for a drink on her 21st." Dad indicated over to me, sitting at the bar, tapping my fingers impatiently on the bench.
"Ah..." the man acknowledged my presence. "You must be y/n Gardener. Austin Sommers, playwright." He extended his hand out to me, and so I shook it. "She's a right stunner isn't she, Harry?" Austin mumbled into my dad's ear, with a click of his tongue.
"Are you sexualizing my daughter?" accusation lingered in Dad's throat.
Austin seemed to realize his mistake immediately, his cheeks flushed bright red. "I apologize, dude... that was entirely out of line. The crackhead I fed on this morning... still has my head buzzin'."
An awkward silence filled the air before the man spoke up once more.
"Well, I must be off now, Harry, y/n. Catch you later." Austin wandered off, leaving me alone with my father.
"I can stick up for myself, Dad."
"No, you can't," he snaps back, taking a swig of whiskey. "Besides. He isn't your type."
"How the fu- I mean... like you know my type, you're literally my father! That's just weird, Dad."
"Sure I do," he swirled the ice cube around his glass. "Don't act like I didn't see all those Ed Sheeran and Zac Effron posters up in your room."
"Shut up! That was like a tiny obsession that lasted for a week in fifth grade!"
"Was it? Huh."
Austin's POV:
"Austin. Austin!" Belle clapped her hands in front of his face to get his attention. He quickly averted his gaze away from you, and looked at Belle.
"What are you staring at?"
She gives him a knowing glance. The kind a mother gives her son when she knows he is up to something.
"Is it her?" Belle cocks her head in the direction of a young woman seated at the bar beside Harry Gardner; you.
"Harry's daughter," he sighs.
"Good luck with that one. He is one protective father."
"Yeah no shit, Sarah."
"Belle, to you." She corrects. "She is rather striking, isn't she."
"Again," Austin smirks. "No shit, Sarah."
Belle rolls her eyes before casting her glance back to you.
"Austin, look," tapping his shoulder lightly. "Harry's gone to the bathroom. Now's your chance."
He begins to stand and make his way over to you when he sees Mickey slide along the bar to sit beside you.
"Fuck you!" He mouths.
"Oh good gracious me, not that hustler." Belle beckons Austin back over. "Don't worry. Once she lays eyes on the pile of crap he calls his house she won't even look at him again."
Harry emerges from the bathroom and Austin's face lights up.
The two writers amuse themselves watching on as your father chastises Mickey, shooing him away like a common rodent. During the conflict, you turn your head to the corner of the room. You meet Austin's gaze unintentionally, but smiling sweetly regardless.
He felt his heart skip a beat, just for a second.
The frosty morning breeze nips at my ankles, as I trudge through the aisles of the market. I mentally check all the items from the list off in my head. Tea, coffee, eggs, 12 steaks... shit. Forgot the steaks. I make a b-line for the fridge section, beginning to load the bloody trays of meat into my basket
"Why hello there, stranger." A voice approaches from behind.
It's that guy from last night at the bar. Austin.
"Stocking up on essentials are we," he notices the extensive amount of beef in my possession. "New to the pill?"
"Nah. It's for my Dad."
"Harry? Harry can hunt, what the fuck is he doing making his daughter go out and buy him shitty, stale cow carcass?"
I can't help but let out a giggle.
"I'm just saying!" he throws his hands up in defense.
"No, no, it's okay. He's a little hungover... actually, let me rephrase that. A lot hungover."
Austin cackles lightheartedly.
"I think the fact that his little girl is now her own woman messed him up, me turning 21 yesterday and all. But he'll be fine."
I pack the final steak in my basket.
"I guess I'll see you around, then." I smile and begin to walk away."
"Wait! Y/n!" I turn back around to face the man. "I, ah, was just wondering if perhaps you wanted to come over to my place, for a drink?"
"I'd love to."
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Pairing: (Dark) Andy Barber x Reader.
Warning(s): Non-Con; Dub-con; Slow-burn(Maybe); Possible Defending Jacob spoilers; Possessiveness; Grief; Angst; Any other possible warnings will be added in the future chapters.
Summary: Follow Andy’s journey after the horrible accident that turned his whole world upside down.
Series Masterlist
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Never in his life did Andy thought he’ll go through what he did. His whole family and himself going through Jacob’s trial is one thing, but Laurie intentionally trying to take their son’s life by crashing the car to the side of the tunnel is another. He can’t even imagine why on earth did she even think that her son is capable of murdering someone. Sure, Jacob did do a lot of weird stuff that are not normally done by other teenagers. But he believed his son was innocent. And while his son was in coma, attached to IV’s, the woman who put his life in danger came out sustaining minimal injuries.
The events following that are even more ridiculous. No matter what Andy did, she always doubted him. He thought that he deserved it. After all, he did hid about his father from her and would have probably never told her about it if it wasn’t for Jacob’s trial. Andy was fine with her maintaining some distance from him after every thing that happened. After all, the distance was there between them and kept increasing during the trial. And then there was a lot of secrecy that confused him. They never maintained any secrets between them, well apart from Andy not telling her about his father. That really confused him. But what he couldn’t stand was the unbelievable hatred she’s got for Jacob and it kept growing each day. First, it was just her avoiding to look at any of Jacob’s pictures or things. He chalked it up to her feeling guilty about the accident. But then there was her literally just removing all the things that had any connection to Jacob and piling it up to one a corner in the room that those things were in. He didn’t understand why she did that. Not until one day he couldn’t find those things in those rooms anywhere and found them in trash, just as he found the baby pictures of Jacob in the trash can right before the car crash happened. And when he brought those things back inside their home and confronted Laurie about it, she just screamed at him, kept yelling at him that she didn’t want to see them anymore. It was during that time when she literally told him that she hates Jacob. Her own son. That she regrets giving birth to him and should have gotten rid of him like her friends told her to when Jacob was conceived. 
He can’t even fathom how a mother could hate her own son. And then she went on blaming Andy for everything that happened in their life. He tried taking her to therapy and even went to couples therapy with her, hoping to reduce the distance between them, but soon realized that nothing can fix things between them. Andy soon found out that one of the main reasons for the growing reasons between him and Laurie was the affair that Laurie’s been having  with some dude that kept visiting Newton frequently. He definitely didn’t peg Laurie for the cheating type, but oh well. 
But the final nail in the coffin was when Laurie tried to kill Jacob, again. He was visiting Jacob that day and Laurie insisted that she’ll tag along with him. Andy wasn’t up for it, but Laurie was persistent. Andy caved in and took her with him to the hospital. While Andy actually spent some time with Jacob in the unit, Laurie just stood outside the room, not even bothering to come. Then Andy went to talk to the doctor in-charge of Jacob’s treatment to check on the progress of Jacob’s health. When he returned, the sight in front of him chilled him to his bones. Jacob has his eyes closed and was struggling to breathe, his chest was moving frantically while Laurie just stared at him holding the oxygen mask he was wearing earlier, away from him.
“What are you doing?!” Andy growled at her, storming inside towards her while Laurie jumped and looked at him with wide eyes.
Hearing him, a nurse and doctor rushed in and helped Jacob breathe again and checked his vitals while Andy grabbed Laurie’s arm and dragged her away from his son. That was the final nail in the coffin. With some help from his previous employer, since he was still in her good books, Andy drew out a restraining order against Laurie for Jacob and also signed the divorce papers, also stating that he wanted to get full custody of Jacob. He had stayed in Newton till the divorce was finalized and also got full custody of Jacob since Laurie wanted to do nothing to do with the kid which made it easier. The house was sold too and he didn’t bother packing anything that Laurie had any input on. He just packed all of his stuff and Jacob’s sold some stuff and then gave some to charity and then moved to a place where all the ruckus and the media circus was far less. He wanted to live in peace and hopefully, Jacob will heal in time. He hoped that Jacob will be all good and healed in no time but the progress on his part is way less.
It was another day spent working in the little bakery that Y/N owned. Y/N was truly lucky to find Gardner of all places to settle down for now. And she was even more lucky to find this gem of a bakery that was on sale. She literally placed almost all of her savings on it and didn’t regret it one bit about it in the past 3 years. The sales were good and the staff of 4 that worked in shifts were also good and understanding, never making a mess about things. They were like her second family and were there for her when things got a bit overwhelming. She hated dumping her stuff on them but they lived in a community and most were practically a few streets down from where she lived. 
It was a few minutes past 3 in the afternoon and Y/N looked at her watch and cussed.
“Damn, I’m getting late today...” she muttered and looked up at the older woman who was one of the staff.
“Agatha, could you mind taking over for today? Charlotte is closing today and I have to go... I made a promise...” Y/N started and the older woman just her off.
“Just go on child. Don’t worry. Char and I will look over the place. You stay safe on your way” she told her.
Y/N smiled gratefully at her, grabbed her purse and dashed outside. 
By the time she reached home, she sighed in relief and jogged towards the threshold, unlocked the door and walked inside, closing the door behind her. Walking into the living room, a smile broke on her face at the sight in front of her.
“MAMA!” a voice yelled enthusiastically upon her entering the living room.
Y/N crouched down as the toddler ran towards her as quickly as her little feet can take her and she wrapped her arms arounds Y/N’s neck.
“Hi baby!” Y/N cooed as she pressed kisses on the hair and forehead of the little toddler.
“Hi mama! I vuv you!” the little being said.
Y/N’s gaze then landed on Elie who was babysitting her little girl and smiled at her which was returned. The teenager has also been a savior babysitting the little girl whenever Y/N asked her too.
Y/N then looked at Ada, her little girl and told her “Baby, why don’t you go and get your things while mommy speaks to Elie?”
Ada nodded her head and quickly dashed towards the huge box of toys that she has. Y/N then looked at Elie and sighed.
“God, Elie. You are literally my savior, have I ever told you that?” she asked.
Elie grinned and replied “I think you might have mentioned it a time or two, but meh. Ada is the sweetest, and the most easiest to deal with. And I love hanging out with her.”
Y/N smiled gratefully. She still couldn’t understand how she got this much lucky with everything. She then pulled out thirty dollars out of her purse and handed them to Elie, who took them and bid goodbye for the day. Just then Ada ran towards her, with a few of her stuffies.
“Mama! Tea pawty!” Ada yelled enthusiastically. 
Y/N chuckled and grabbed a blanket along with a few of Ada’s stuff for the tea party with her stuffies and the two of them walked outside towards the tiny lawn they had. After setting all the things down, she sat down with Ada and was busy playing with her when the movement of a truck got her attention which was following a sleek black Audi that stopped in front of the house beside theirs. It used to be empty, but Y/N heard from Mrs. Williams that the previous owners have finally sold it to someone, but Mrs. Williams didn’t know any details about the new owner. 
Y/N saw the the truck stop behind the car and the packers and movers immediately opened the back of the truck, carefully moving all the stuff out and to the inside of the house while a guy got out of the car and lead them inside. From what she could see, he’s tall and got dark hair. While Y/N was looking at all the movement that was happening, little Ada’s gaze was transfixed at the sleek black Audi. The little girl, according to Y/N has an unhealthy obsession with cars, way more obsession that what a normal toddler has. 
“Look, mama! Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” Ada said, prolonging the R, making Y/N look at her and giggle. 
She could literally see Ada’s eyes glowing while staring at the car and Y/N shook her head in amusement. Unbeknownst to them, the owner of the said car suddenly turned his attention towards his new neighbors and caught the cute little girl’s gaze on his car and a small smile grazed his lips.
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Since I’ve been posting more and more lately, I’ve decided to make a masterlist! NSFW posts will be under the tag Bringing Sexy Back! I will be updating this masterlist frequently so don’t worry about that! Here are the various categories!
Ask Me Anything!
If you’re new to this blog and don’t know where to start or if you just wanna get to know me better, you can use these ask games to talk to me :)
Sweet and Pure Asks
70 Horrible Questions
Let’s Get Personal
See What Your Followers Think Of You
Space Things for Questions
Fanfic Writer Asks
Anon Fruits
Get To Know Me
Pure Asks
Get To Know Me (Uncomfortably Well)
Send Me A Number!
Send Me An Emoji!
Anonymous PDA
Headcanon Games
If you’re struggling to come up with unique requests of your own, here’s where to start! I accept these requests for all fandoms on my list so ask away!
Fluff Alphabet
Filth Alphabet
Filth Alphabet Version 2
Love Headcanons
Character + Room Headcanons
Angst Alphabet
General/Platonic Alphabet
Valentine’s Day Alphabet
Character Number Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
Now for the fandoms! If a fandom is empty, it’s because I haven’t received a request for it yet or I haven’t written anything for it yet! That’s where you come in ;)
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Characters In Quarantine
Angst Alphabet: C
Nana Osaki
SFW/NSFW Headcanons with a female reader
Shinichi Okazaki
Filth Alphabet: I, J, K, O, and X
Filth Alphabet: Everything else
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Drunk In Love (NANA Week 2020)
I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing (NANA Week 2021)
Headcanons with S/O with Self-Harm Scars
Yasu Takagi
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Number Headcanons: 10 and 21
Nobuo Terashima
Filth Alphabet: I, J, K, O, and X
Birthday Relaxation (One-Shot)
Takumi Ichinose
Number Headcanons: 17
Nana Komatsu
Number Headcanons: 20
Ren Honjo
Number Headcanons: 1 and 15
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Yami Yugi / Atem
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Jealousy Headcanons
Fluff Alphabet
Chasing S/O Headcanons
Valentine’s Day Alphabet: A, E, H, I, Y
Valentine’s Day Alphabet: Everything Else
Losing His Pregnant Wife Headcanons
Giving/Receiving Hickies Headcanons
Yugi Moto
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Jealousy Headcanons
Seto Kaiba
Sassy, Chubby S/O Headcanons
Female Employee S/O Headcanons
Making It Work (One-Shot)
Tea Gardner
Valentine’s Day Alphabet: A, E, H, I, Y
Yu-Gi-Oh GX
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Zane Truesdale
Fluffy Headcanons
Fast and Furious
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Letty Ortiz
General SFW/NSFW Headcanons
Han Lue
Female Racer S/O Headcanons
Female Racer S/O Headcanons Part 2
Dominic Toretto
Jealousy Headcanons
Seduce Me
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Fox Goddess S/O Headcanons
Stressed Out Reader Scenario
Teen Titans
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Headcanons With A Female Reader Who’s Afraid Of Intimacy
Number Headcanons: 1, 4, 13, 18
Being Teased by S/O Headcanons
Jealousy Headcanons
Spending Time With Female S/O Headcanons
Sexuality and Kinks
Silent Night (One-Shot)
Making Love Playlist
Face Sitting Headcanons
Sex and The City: Teen Titans Edition
Code Lyoko
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Ulrich Stern
You’ve Begun To Feel Like Home (One-Shot)
Yumi Ishiyama
Love at First Virtualization (One-Shot)
Persona 5
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Goro Akechi
Blowing Off Steam (One-Shot)
Innocent Girlfriend Headcanons
Love Triangle with Joker Headcanons
Green-Eyed Monster (One-Shot)
Ride or Die (One-Shot)
Ann Takamaki
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Makoto Niijima
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Futaba Sakura
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Haru Okumura
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
These are the fandoms I have NOT written for yet and I am always taking requests for them!
Peach Girl
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Winx Club
Shaman King
Saints Row
Persona 4
Catherine Full Body
Persona 3
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shaynawrites23 · 3 years
50. The empty space that can’t be breached between you in bed
Pairing: Cary Agos x reader
Huffing, you flipped onto your side. The soft hotel blanket hung precariously over the edge of the bed, threatening to fall at any moment, but you didn’t care. All you wanted was to sleep.
You couldn’t, though; your mind seemed more restless than usual, and your stomach churned at the prospect of tomorrow. Had you been at home, you’d have simply made a cup of tea to calm your nerves, but unfortunately for you, you found yourself in a small hotel room about a hundred miles from home. Why? Because some nobody – okay, fine, a relatively important somebody – decided it would be a great idea to sue one of Lockhart & Gardner’s clients. And it was just your luck to be one of the two lawyers sent out for the negotiations.
The other was your boyfriend, Cary Agos, who was probably fast asleep in the room right opposite yours. And that gave you an idea.
Flicking the lamp on your bedside table on, you picked up your phone and typed out a quick text to Cary.
are you still up?
The reply came faster than you expected.
i am now
what can i do for you, milady?
You felt a twinge or guilt for waking him up, but you shrugged it off. What was done, was done; there was nothing you could do about it now.
i can’t sleep
can i come to your room?
yeah sure
i’ll open the door
Perfect. Throwing on a dressing gown, you slipped the keycard to your door and your phone into your pocket. After establishing that no one else was in the hallway, you darted over into Cary’s room.
“Miss me?” he whispered huskily, lips curving into a tired smirk.
“In your dreams,” you quipped, but your words were starkly contrasted by how you immediately crept into his arms.
“You sure? Those are bold words from the woman in my arms at 2 a.m..” His lips ghosted teasingly over your ear and you retaliated by poking his side with your finger.
“Shut up. You know it wasn’t true.” You turned to face him, hands interlocking behind his neck.
“Mm. Do I?” He pretended to think for a moment. “No, I don’t think I do.”
You shook your head, smiling. “Fine, you doof. I missed you.”
“That’s what I thought.” His warm hand on your cheek guided your lips to his for a sweet kiss.
You parted sooner than you would have liked, solely because you liked kissing him. However, you had to stifle a yawn only moments after. Cary noticed, and he chuckled.
“Do my kisses bore you?” His voice held a teasing lilt and you swatted his arm.
“No, I love your kisses, but Cary, it’s 2 a.m.!”
“Fair enough. Let’s get to bed, hm?”
He let you go and trudged over to the bed, stifling a yawn of his own. You tossed your dressing gown haphazardly over one of the chairs before crawling under the covers with him, scooting backwards until your back met his chest. His free arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you as close as possible.
And there, as you exchanged a whispered ‘goodnight,’ was where you finally drifted off to sleep; in your boyfriend’s embrace.
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Read into Me Chapter 8: Betty Cornell’s Teen-aged Popularity Guide
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Words: 3,424
Warnings: ~~Anxiety~~, capitalism©
Author’s Note: Does this chapter actually have Steve in it? No. But is it one of my favourite chapters? Yes! Do with that what you will, dear reader.
Tag List: @divinity-deos @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @wolfish-willow​ @scoopsohboi​ @herre-gud-nej​ @clockworkballerina @maddie1504​ @i-am-trash-so-much-its-scary @buckysarge​ @wildcvltre​ @stanleyyelnatsiii​ @n3wtscaseofniffler5​ @peterparxour @linkispink1995​ @used-avocado​ @mochminnie​ @sledgy14​ @the-creative-lie​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @ggclarissa​ @boredoomfm​ @voidnarnia​ @anonymousonion53 @the-passionate-freak​ @a-big-ball-of-idk
As it turns out, distant, unaware mothers were good for one thing. Prom dresses. Without having told her, she had sent you a design from a photo shoot she’d done in Milan, a creamy aqua blue silk with a white lace overlay and a bit of matching lace along the neckline, the skirt cut to tea length. It wasn’t exactly your style but it shockingly fit, a rarity from the gifts she sent you from abroad. She usually couldn’t even remember your birthday, much less your dress size. You chalked it up to luck and put the dress aside. Your grandmother had brought the over sized white dress box upstairs with a note while you were at school. You found it on your bed when you had returned, a strange sight to say the least. In your grandmother’s even cursive, the note explained:
‘Y/N, your mother called. She also sent this. She wouldn’t tell me what she wanted when I spoke to her, only that she needed you to call her back as soon as possible. The number she left is +33 1-155-1816. She said that if you didn’t call her back, she’d call again. I would call her.’
You called her back, but the call only confirmed what you already knew. The conversation left a heavy pit in your stomach when Samantha picked you up the next day.
Samantha was beyond excited. She’d decided to invite Robin with your ticket after all. The catch was that she was going to spend the whole night with the rest of the soccer team to push the gay vibes onto a whole group rather than just her and Robin. She made it very, very clear that her having a date did not mean that the pair of you weren’t going to hang out and that you were more than welcome to join her and her friends whenever you liked, which you already knew but was nice to hear. Of course, it was obvious that you could go and hang out with them whenever you wanted during the night if your anxiety became too much to bear, but you weren’t exactly friends with her teammates. It would be like trading one nerve wracking situation for a different, more experienced nerve wracking situation.
Of course, to get to have any fun, you had to force Samantha into a dress shop, her mother’s credit card in tow. “I just don’t see why I need a fancy dress. Nobody’s going to care what I wear.” She whined. You pushed open the glass door of  Hawkins’ only fancy dress shop, Melinda’s Closet, a generation’s old family owned shop that didn’t even have Melinda at the head anymore. You half-wished you could just give Samantha a dress and call it a day, but you weren’t the same size as it was and the only fancy dress you owned other than your prom dress was your funeral dress, something you weren’t really willing to look at again, much less let someone else wear it.
“Your mom cares, she wants nice photos of you dressed up. Besides, when else are you going to wear a stupid expensive dress like this again?” you replied with a shrug, turning your attention to the racks of dresses in front of you. Your very sweet consultant took Samantha away to take her measurements, as she wasn’t certain of her dress size, and you took to finding something black for her to wear. Samantha wasn’t going to wear anything pink or dainty, that wasn’t who she was and you knew that no matter what Samantha told that salesgirl, she’d still pull something that would technically look good on your friend but make her hate the way she looked and the girl who chose it.
The process began of finding the one dress that Samantha would tolerate. For most girls in Hawkins, dressing like a punk rocker would be out of their comfort zone, hell most of those girls skipped rock music videos on MTV, but for Samantha being anything else was out of her comfort zone. She wouldn’t leave the house without eye liner and hair gel. It was too far out of her safety circle. Samantha hid in her punk rock façade; it kept people out and protected her from people who would judge her. Her look hadn’t scared you when she started it up at age twelve, and it didn’t scare you now. What it did was scare away townie boys who preferred their girls pink and fluffy, in cable knit sweaters and light wash jeans. That was a blessing, but it also meant that she, just like you, wasn’t exactly the most social person.
You brought a large handful of hangers, black material hanging off in various lengths and amount of detail to the dressing room. The salesgirls took them suspiciously, and added a few muted coloured numbers to the options. Samantha scoffed at them the second she saw them, pulling the first dress from your pile and shutting the dressing room curtain. “So, are you excited to be going with King Harrington?” she called from the dressing room, grunting in annoyance, the dress clearly not co-operating.
“I mean, as excited as I can be?” you replied. You weren’t really sure how to feel about the whole event. It was exciting to have plans with Steve, but only as exciting as any other plans you’d usually make with him. In truth, you were nervous. Nervous to be watched and viewed by your peers at a social event for the first time since middle school.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she pulled open the curtain, revealing a knee length black and teal dress. You chose it as a silent compromise with her mother, a bit of colour on a black dress with its bright, swirling flowers all over the bodice. “This is terrible.” She added with a scowl, heading back into the dressing room, having not bothered to look at it for more than a moment.
“Try the halter back one.” You replied “And that means that I don’t really know what I’m supposed to feel.”
Samantha revealed the black halter dress. It was plain black velour with a sweetheart neckline and a bit of gold holding the strap onto the bodice. She stepped fully out of the dressing room, looking at herself in the full length mirror. “I mean are you happy to be going? Excited? Apathetic?” she asked, doing a half turn to look at the back of her dress “This would look so cool with some ripped tights and my docs.”
“Oh yeah that’s a no, your mother would kill me try again.” You waved her away, much to her dismay. “As for feelings, I’m feeling…nervous.”
“Why? What’s happening in that head of yours?” Samantha asked.
You sighed “I just feel like everyone’s going to laugh at me.”
“Okay, calm down Carrie White, there aren’t any pig farms near us.” Samantha replied. Another black dress, this one deemed too short and its skirt too puffy, thrown out of the running barely a moment into the race.
“Why don’t you try one of the blue ones? It’s more your colour!” the salesgirl chimed in, standing by the curtain Samantha stood behind.
Samantha poked her head out of the curtains, holding them closed tightly around her neck. “I’d rather die than wear navy in public.” She said deadpan. That was enough to send their salesgirl packing, supposedly leaving to find something perfect for her in the back.  Samantha shut the curtain with a smirk, turning back to her shopping. “What were you saying?”
“You were judging me for having feelings, nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Right, Carrie White, why do you feel like everyone’s going to laugh at you?” Samantha asked.
“You say that like they haven’t before.” You chuckled darkly. Samantha forcefully pulled open the curtain, stepping out in your favourite of the dresses. Plain black taffeta that hit her just above the knee in a tiered ruffled skirt. The strapless bodice had a little sequined and beaded butterfly on the sweetheart neckline and she’d left the black sash around its waist untied.
You stood quickly, grabbing the ties as Samantha admired the dress, rubbing the material of the skirt between her fingertips. You tied them in a bow, emphasizing her waist in a pretty way. “Oh Sam…you look so pretty…” you said softly. You imagined this was what her mother had wanted for her and she looked both like herself and someone you didn’t really know, a more grown up version of your friend.
“Oh shut up, don’t change the subject.” She scoffed. It was obvious that she liked the dress, but she didn’t want to admit it. Still, she didn’t take it off and she didn’t leave the mirror.
“I just…I don’t know how it’s going to go and that’s freaking me out.” You admitted, scuffing your shoes on the white linoleum, leaving behind black skids.
“Okay, you want an image for this thing, picture this.” She wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you back to look at yourself in the mirror. “You’re going to get all dressed up to hang out with Steve in our high school gym, which smells like sweat socks and BO, and everyone who goes is going to stand around until someone puts on Footloose and then Carol and Tina will start dancing terribly and that’ll get everyone to dance. And you and Steve will have a fine time. Tina will win prom queen and Carol and Vicki will cry and Steve might win prom king. And if he does you’ll watch him dance awkwardly with Tina and then you’ll leave. And that’ll be it. Just like the snow ball, but this time with a date.”
You nodded. That speech was almost reassuring. You could remember the snow ball from middle school. You went once. It was a mixed experience. Michael Gardner asked you out as a joke early in and his friends all laughed at you, but then Samantha pantsed him in front of Linda Carson and everyone turned their laughter to him. It wasn’t particularly fun, but it wasn’t something you looked back on only remembering your own embarrassment.
“You should get that dress.” You said. Samantha looked at you carefully, then nodded when she was sure you seemed less anxious.
“I don’t know, I mean maybe I should try on something in colour. You know, for my mom.” You both knew that she was floundering over the price. You checked the tag. The dress was on sale, only $53, a steal in comparison to some of the other dresses you’d pulled.
“You’re not gonna find another dress that you tolerate.” You replied smartly, crossing your arms over your chest. “Besides, I’m not going to sit here and watch you try on a bunch more dresses that all pretty much look the same just for you to buy this one. So let’s just cut all that and buy this one now.”
As if on cue, the salesgirl popped out of nowhere, a silver sequined belt in hand. “Oh my goodness, that is fabulous on you!” she exclaimed “Let me go get someone from alterations to look it over.”
“Oh, um actually, if we can we’d just like to buy it as is.” You replied quickly. You didn’t like speaking out for yourself, but you knew that Samantha knew nothing about dress shopping and that the salesgirl had been trained to get clients to have their alterations done with them and pay twice as much for it. Besides, the dress was perfect as it was! There was nothing that could be done to make it fit better.
The salesgirl looked Samantha over sceptically before admitting with a sigh “I can’t really see anything that needs fixing. You should be fine to just take it as is.” She said. Within fifteen minutes, you were out of the shop with a black dress bag in hand and Samantha wondering how she was going to explain buying a fifty dollar dress to her mother. Samantha had been granted car privileges for the afternoon and she laid the bag out in the backseat before starting up the engine as you settled into the passenger seat.
“Okay, can I see your dress? Please? You got to watch me try on more dresses then I’ve worn in my whole adolescent life.” Samantha asked.
You nodded “Sure, I guess, there isn’t much to see.” You shrugged. Samantha took the fast route to your house. She was more excited about all of this then you had expected her to be. When you bought the tickets back in March she wasn’t exactly enthused by the concept of going to a school dance. You assumed that had changed due to a combination of catching the graduation fever being spread by your fellow classmates and the fact that she had a date with a girl. You believed the latter was more exciting than the former. Usually, the most Samantha got from girls was clandestine kisses hidden in the crowds of basement rock concerts. You couldn’t keep up with the ever changing list of girls she was seeing at any given moment. But Robin was the first girl in awhile who Samantha seemed honestly excited about. Most girls who she hooked up with weren’t out of the closet anywhere except the bathrooms of parties and while Robin was nowhere near out and proud, she was the only girl Samantha had met who could actually admit that she was a lesbian. That was admittedly exciting.
Both of your grandparents had gone to the community centre when you returned, their old yellow Volkswagen gone from the driveway. You led Samantha into your room, flicking on the overhead light and turning your attention to your closet. The dress was still in the wide, white box it had come in, its pink tissue paper crumpled under the dress. You pulled it out, lifting it to your body. “Here it is!” you said “Ta da…”
“Well, go and try it on! I wanna see it!” Samantha flopped into your desk chair. With a sigh, you left for the bathroom. You felt silly in the dress, especially after seeing Samantha’s, it felt twee and young. But you pulled its spaghetti straps up on your shoulders and smoothed the skirt, heading back into your room.
“Here ya go…” you mutter, doing a small spin to show how the skirt moved. Samantha stood, walking around you in a small circle with a quizzical eye. Even having known her your whole life, you didn’t much enjoy being scrutinized silently by Samantha.
She stopped in front of you again. “Your mom picked this out?” she asked.
“Sent it from Milan. No tags, so I assume it’s either from a photo shoot or some random store.” You replied with a soft shrug.
“It’s not your style.” Samantha nodded. You lowered your gaze to the floor. She wasn’t wrong. “It’s nice though. You look nice.”
“It’s pretty silly…” you muttered, rubbing your arms awkwardly. They were cold, despite the warm May day pouring through your open window. A small chill ran up your spine. “But I mean, it’s a dress. That’s all the dress code asked for.” You chuckled awkwardly.
“You look great!” Samantha repeated, reaching out to squeeze your hand tightly in hers. “Harrington is going to cream his pants when he sees you.”
You pushed her shoulder hard, making Samantha laugh loudly. “Don’t be gross!” you exclaimed, turning beet red.
“What? It’s true! You’re a total fox! He’s not gonna know what to do with himself!” she replied with a laugh. You weren’t sure that what she said was true. Steve had been with some of the prettiest girls in Hawkins, you could mark the pages in your collection of profiles and cross reference them to every girl you were certain he’d dated. His whole dating history was public knowledge, even if you didn’t want to know, someone would tell you. It made you a bit nervous to be added to that list, even when he’d told you that it didn’t have to be a date. You did want it to be a date. You didn’t know if Steve knew that, but you were excited to be with him in that way for an evening. You’d had plenty of almost dates with Steve, he even showed up to your door once with flowers. They were for your grandmother and they were potted marigolds, but it was the thought that counted. It was clear that your grandmother was surprised by it too. Both of your grandparents thought that you were dating. You couldn’t convince them that you two were just friends. Samantha was getting a little bit too curious about your relationship as well. She seriously seemed to think that you were lying when you said that you and Steve didn’t have anything going on behind closed doors. You were certain that whatever she was imagining was much more exciting and illicit than what actually happened, unless she got off on sitting with someone and talking. The sexiest thing you’d ever done with the boy was hold hands briefly. That wasn’t exactly spine tingling.
Well, it did raise your heart rate, but that was another story, mostly about your lack of intimacy with other people in general.
“Oh come on!” Samantha cried, smacking your arm harder than necessary “Do you seriously think that he isn’t into you?”
“I mean…it’s not that simple.” You sighed. It wasn’t that simple. Relationships aren’t built on dramatic declarations or big Hollywood moments. People had to be in it from the start, it didn’t just show up randomly for both sides of a friendship. You did like him, much more than you should, but you were certain that he didn’t reciprocate. He could do so much better. He deserved someone great. And you were sure he thought you were cool, but he deserved someone amazing. Someone who could make him happy. Someone who wasn’t afraid to exist. In short, someone who wasn’t you.
You shrunk like a violet in your aqua gown, shying away from your friend. “I’m going to go and change.” You said.
Samantha looked you over again. She knew you well enough to know that you were uncomfortable. She let out a heavy breath through her nose. “Okay, we’ll go and get food after this. Let’s get fat enough to not fit in our dresses anymore.” She said, flopping onto your mattress. You nodded, heading into the bathroom again.
You locked yourself in, pulling yourself out of the taffeta material. You stared at yourself in the mirror, trying to keep yourself from crying. You had worked yourself into a fuss in your mind, tearing yourself down until the very idea that this all wasn’t some big joke felt impossible. You weren’t naïve to the world. You knew that people, girls specifically, would whisper about you once it was revealed who Steve’s mystery date was. You knew what they’d say. That you weren’t good enough. That Steve was doing charity work taking you. They’d make up rumours that you paid him, that you were dying and this was your Make a Wish, that he was only dating you to pass English. And usually, you could handle rumours and whispers about you when you weren’t in control of them. But you were in control of whether or not you go to prom.
You wiped angrily at your eyes, dragging away the tears. You wouldn’t cry in front of Samantha. She wouldn’t know how to help. She’d think that you’re crazy. You splashed cold water on your face, trying to take the redness out of your eyes and cheeks. You pulled back on your street clothes and carefully picked up your dress from the floor. You slowly zipped up the zipper on the back, giving yourself more time to calm down. You let the dress hang off your arm, heaving out a heavy breath before heading out again.
Samantha stood up from your bed when you walked back in. “You ready?” she asked.
You weren’t looking at her, your mind on one single mission. You pulled open your closet, lifted the large white lid of the dress box and carefully lay the dress back into the pink tissue. “Yeah, let’s go.” You replied. You told yourself that you could leave the problem in that box for awhile. Let it haunt you when you return home.
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joeymozzarello · 5 years
shark socks
Gardner Langway x fem reader
I said I’d write this like two months ago but here I am. 
Sorry it’s so short, I didn’t wanna drag it out for too long.
“You can relax, you know?” You smiled, watching him as he fiddled with random things he found on your shelves. This was the first time he was in your room, it was a bit strange because he didn’t seem like the type to just do things, so when you’d asked if he wanted to come to yours after you grabbed coffee, you didn’t expect him to say yes. 
But here he was, awkwardly standing around as if he was waiting for you to tell him what to do. You giggled, laying back onto your bed frame and just gazed at him, his hair a little out of place and disheveled and his nose pointy and a little bit shiny from the current summer weather. “What are you thinking about?” You asked with an interested lean forward, making his attention shift to the fist that was tucked under your chin. 
“You have a lot of stuff.”
Your eyebrows shot up, a little surprised at how forward the comment was but you were glad you were getting somewhere with him. “Do I? I didn’t think so.”
“It’s fine, I’ve got a lot of stuff, too,” Gardner smiled, finally relaxing a little bit, making you relax with him. “Which is your favourite?” He asked pointing at the pictures next to the window.
You thought about it for a little bit. You weren’t exactly the person to open up, you were usually the one asking the questions, but it seemed as if Gardner were trying to avoid yours so he’d caught you out. “The snow globe, the one with the penguin in it,” you said finally.
“Do I need a reason?”
He paused, looking down at his hands. “Guess not,” he said quietly.
Tilting your head towards him, you smiled softly in his direction, not that he’d seen you. It had become a reflex, it was something that happened a lot when you were around Gardner, he just made you smile. Nothing in particular, just complete awe over his seemingly excessive and anxious nature. He did everything as perfectly as he could, all the time. You thought it must be tiring, having impossible standards to meet, but he didn’t seem to mind. He seemed to enjoy it, so you let him.
“C’mere,” you tapped the spot on the bed next to you, once again slouching back onto the mountain of pillows that existed behind you. He looked up confused while you just eyed him expectantly. “I won’t bite, just c’mere,” you chuckled softly as he slowly approached you, a slight nervousness in his step, cautious as if he’d been hurt before. 
He sat on the bed, awkwardly, so you tugged on the sleeve of his polo, biting your lip. He turned around, confused, and you pulled him down so he was laying next to you, his head on your tummy but his feet still hanging off the bed. You laughed. “Take off your shoes, love,” and he did, sheepishly and curled up next to you, his hand, slowly and hesitantly making its way to resting on your stomach, your own fingers finding their way into Gardner’s hair, twirling through the strands of slight auburn and you sighed happily. 
Gardner shifted a little bit, making himself more comfortable, not saying anything in case he’d scare you off or make the moment - bad or something. You looked down at him, he looked so small, vulnerable, young. You suddenly felt the need to protect him, make sure he was okay, maybe even make him a cup of tea. “Are those shark socks?” Is what blurted out of your mouth without warning. You hadn’t even processed the fact that he was, in fact, wearing shark socks and that they were also a little too big for him, soft and blue. He flinched and looked down, suddenly insecure and you sat up as he did. 
He went red. “Yeah, they were a gift,” he scratched the back of his neck with a short laugh and after a couple of seconds you did something you'd thought of doing for so long but never had the courage to pursue. 
You cupped his face, looking at his soft caramel eyes, he was completely frozen, lips slightly parted and noses almost touching, his a little bit shiny and pointy. You could feel his breath on your face, he looked so soft, so new, like something you didn't want to break. “I love them,” you breathed through a smile before finally connecting your lips with his. 
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vivinightingale · 4 years
Thanksgiving with DM crew Part 1 💗💞💕
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Yugi Muto:
He would be the type to not only bring something to the gathering, but help you in the kitchen. Just being able to help you makes him happy.
If you told him you didnt need help in the kitchen he would most likely seek out his friends and start up a game of sorts for everyone to join in.
More times then not this cute bean is starting off the festivities. When the food is done he is ine of those people to make sure everyone else got food before he even thinks of eating.
Thanksgiving is his favorite cause he gets to be around friends and family alike, but especially because he has you.
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The first year he was introduced to this holiday he was very confused, but you and Yugi taught him the meaning. After that every year he became excited for the holiday.
He is most likely talking with one of your family members or his friends until Yugi starts up the festivities. He then encourages everyone to join and have a great time.
When he catches some of the Domino thanksgiving parade he doesnt understand thengiant balloons but he likes the marching bands that play.
To some extent the holiday is confusing to him, but he likes it anyway especially when he gets eat your cooking.
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Tea gardner:
From the moment she steps into the house she is helping you cook. Even if you try to shoo her out she will be here to help you till the food is done.
She will also put on some good music that the both you enjoy to make cooking a little more fun for the two of you.
When the food is done she will make sure everyone (including yugi) get as much food as their heart desires before she touches any of it.
She honestly just enjoys being with friends and family like this, and being able to have a good time cooking with you.
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Joey Wheeler:
This was by far Joey's favorite holiday, a big feast for free??? Sign him up!! He honestly wont help cooking, but he will check in on you to see how your doing.
Him Yugi and Tristan are the life of the party. They will constantly be keeping people's spirits up with games and laughter.
He will be trying really hard not start fights with Seto. He knows how much this gathering means to you so he will try to keep it under wraps for your sake.
He loves this holiday so much because it's so much fun haning out with everyone with this much food.
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Mai Valentine:
Spending this holiday with other people was something she wasnt use to. So when first arrived she was a little awkward but played it off like it wasnt.
She gradually eased into it and played games with others. She even got beat joey in few games which made her day slightly better.
She did come over and talk and help out for it a bit, but afterwards she settled down on the couch with her favorite drink to watch parade and have a good time.
She enjoyed the holiday with everyone, and was looking for the next time she gets to spend time with her new friends.
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Tristan Taylor:
Must like joey he llloovveess this holiday. With a bunch of free food with his friends? What could go wrong? Nothing honestly everyone gets together for your sake.
Most of the time he will be participating in the games or just hanging around his friends have a good time.
However when the food is ready him and joey are practically having eating contests till Tea gets on to them to save some for everyone else.
He really love this holiday and spending it with the people he adores so much.
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Serenity Wheeler:
Much like Tea she would be the one helping you with the cooking. Cooking is one of her favorite things to do so helping her favorite person cook is even better.
She loves listening to music with you tea while hearing her brother have the time of his life in the living room. It's the best thanksgiving she has had in awhile.
When the cooking is done she will most likely been seen haning with joey and or Mai just talking having a great time.
She now looks forward to the good times and normally that the holiday brings.
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Duke Devlin:
Duke enjoyed holidays like this. It was very often that he gets to relax with his friends and loved ones. When first arrived he made sure to go see you. He knew how much work you were putting in so he wanted you to know he appreciated it.
After talking with for awhile he said his hellos to all your family members before going to enjoy games with Yugi and his friends.
When the food is ready he makes a plate for himself and you that way your not picking off the scraps.
Thanksgiving isnt his favorite holiday, but he loves spending time with everyone. Especially you.
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Kaiba Brothers:
Mokuba practically had to beg Seto to come, and it took approximately a month for him convince Seto to come but boy was it worth it. Seeing everyone have fun and getting to join in was fun.
Seto spent his time there one of two ways. Either challenging Yugi and Atem to every game that was play, or he was with you near kitchen making small talk or just enjoying your company.
Mokuba was never had a lively thanksgiving like this one, so now every year after this he is gonna wanna either come back here or throw Thanksgiving at his house.
Seto didnt think much of the holiday, but it was nice seeing how happy this get together made mokuba. Maybe Yugi's dweeb friends weren't all that bad....sometimes.
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Bakura Ryou:
He isnt one for cooking often, but he will try to help where he can. Thought most if time he is just in there to keep you company so that you dont get lonely.
Expect a lot of femalenfriiends and family ask you if he is single cause even on the holidays he cant escape his fan girls.
most of the time he is joining Yugi in the festivities just genuinely having a good time with the people. When the parade comes on he spends some time telling Atem who each character balloon is.
Times like this are rare for him because of yami bakura so he enjoys it to the full extent .
Care to buy me a Ko-fi??
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