cuntygeorgeharrison · 3 months
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teacherdespair · 1 year
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Physics students relate.
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joen-lenawley · 6 months
The band, choir, and art teachers at my school all like The Beatles!
The band director has a sign that says ABBEY ROAD on her office wall, and she also has a Beatles LEGO set! I also gave her a John Lennon Funko pop as a belated birthday gift. I *may* have also tried to get her into Tally Hall when I sent her some funny music-related videos (I sent her the Honk War clip accompanied by some blurb about the band), but that's unrelated.
Musical rehearsals used to take place in the choir room, and the choir teacher has four Beatles posters and a figurine of Yellow Submarine Paul! He has a group photo of them by his desk, and individual posters of Paul, Ringo, and John.
My friend takes art class, and she says that the art teacher has a poster of John and Cynthia! (at least I think Cynthia? never seen it in person.) Apparently, she also did one of those "find someone in the room who x" games, and one of the prompts was "find someone in the room who can name all four Beatles."
Now I want to see if the orchestra director likes the bugs lol. Will update!
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beatleinthecanyon · 1 year
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beatles class group chat goes hard
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machetelanding · 1 year
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leavememorieshere · 7 months
My Music Teacher has me hooked on The Beatles (1960s boyband) lore so if I mention them on here, blame him 🤞.
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scattered-winter · 1 year
it's crazy how typically students hate the books they had to read in english class in high school because some of the books i read have ended up becoming favorites of mine
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beyond-the-kitchen · 9 months
The Beatles as very specific types of Irish secondary school teacher
1. This John Lennon teaches metalwork/woodwork and like civics. Only he never actually teaches cause he cant be arsed. He’s one of the “lads”, coaches the GAA team and is generally described as being “sound”. Great for a free class cause he’ll stick on a film and doesn’t give two shits whose on their phone. GOSSIPS LIKE HIS LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, fr tho he knows eveyones business and is not above blackmail.
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This John Lennon however, teaches Religion or Politics/Society and History. He is a nut and very few of his students actually get along with him. Has been known to cause panic attacks as a result of his CONSTANT yapping about nuclear war and how it could break out at any moment. (this is based of personal experience)
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2. Any and all eras of Paul McCartney teach music and english. He is everyone’s favorite music teacher and everyone’s least favorite english teacher. I will not elaborate why. (its cause he only teaches the poetry unit, he thinks its the most musical) He is head of the music department but reluctantly so. The older students love him cause he’s a good laugh once you get to know him.
3. George is the overworked and long suffering art teacher who helps out in the music department and with the school musical every year. He has a degree in Religious Studies as well but…Catholic Ireland. He also helps with various clubs, Ally Club, Games Club, shit like that. As long as their not sports related. Will skip class to smoke in his car and did in fact get high on a school trip to Barcelona. Has a literal posse of students that he lets get away with murder. Is of no help to anyone 90% of the time. He’s real fit and the girls and the gays love him a bit too much. NO ONE knows how old he is.
4. Ringo is one of those teachers that seemingly only teaches doss subjects (religion, SPHE/CSPE, digital etc.) but is one of the smartest people in the room at any given time. He also helps with Carrer Guidance and the guidance department in general. Is “very sound” and knows ALL of the older students. Like John he knows all the gossip but he thinks blackmail is wrong and that John is a bit of a dick for stooping that low. Always just hanging around George’s classroom. There’s a bet going as to whether or not they’re together.
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breezingby · 1 year
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Ravi Shankar, George Harrison's Sitar teacher and friend
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inklingofadream · 1 year
Late breaking news: our reporters have just unearthed YET ANOTHER short story wildly misinterpreted by the AP Lit teacher i hated. He can't keep getting away with this
You'll never guess which, between "The Story of an Hour" and "Harrison Bergeron" is supposed to be an absolute gut buster and which is supposed to be primarily tragic
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lucidlunar · 2 years
starter for: marsha harrison.
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he knocks gently on the door to her office and pushes it open gently. it’s during her office hours, after all. “i hope i’m not interrupting anything, professor.” except that he actually does want to interrupt anything and everything she’s doing. her attention being on him is his ultimate desire. / @lucidsolar​
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cuntygeorgeharrison · 4 months
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I was so real for posting this
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harrisonpeters · 2 years
Harrison Peters is a leader, educator, and inspiration. He began his career in the elementary classroom and continued to drive his career forward with new challenges and achievements.
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Never Ending Truths 26
words: 2132
Summary: Indy slowly comes to terms with Danielle’s decision only wanting the best for Harley. 
**Indy's pov**
My clock rings loudly, waking me up, and I notice Harley lying on my chest as she holds me tightly. I lean over and turn the clock off as I look down at Harley, who slowly opens her eyes. "Good morning." I tell her softly, knowing she was still upset about the whole incident. "Morning."
"I have to get ready, doll." I rub her back. I think it's so cute how she doesn't want to get up in the mornings and just wants to cuddle.
"Okay." She got off of me and laid on her pillow, allowing me to get up. I started my daily routine as she watched me from the bed, not wanting to get up. Her heart was slowly beating as her emotions were calm. She's still too tired to think about anything right now. Harley is an adamant and sensitive woman; if I couldn't feel her emotions, I would think she has all the confidence in the world. We both are like that; we don't display what we feel inside and hide behind a wall. I love everything about that woman. I love how she isn't afraid of danger and willing to fight. I love how she is sweet and caring, constantly worrying about others. I love her little moments when her ADHD shows. The universe knew exactly what it was doing, pairing us up. I can't wait for our first adventure together; I know she will feel better about herself afterward. She's been down in the dumps lately and feels like a fuck up and damsel in distress. I should have never told her that when we argued and put it in her head. She already struggles with confidence, and I know I made it worse by telling her I always have to save her. I know she will do great and can defend herself and help us out of sticky situations. Maybe after the trip, she will see she's not a failure and quit being so hard on herself. I walked out to see she wasn't on the bed, which surprised me. I didn't think she'd leave the bed so early. I walked out to see she was making my coffee for me and had already got the paper. I go behind her and wrap her in a hug and kiss her neck. "Thank you."
"Of course." She smiles, mission accomplished.
"Listen, tonight, let's have a date night. I can pick up some food and bring it here, get all dressed up and just have fun." I suggest knowing she'd like the idea and getting out of the same boring routine we have been doing. I wish I could take her out in the town, and we could go to the movies or a fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant where I can show her off. When she graduates and isn't my student anymore, I have many things planned for us.
I read the paper and drank my coffee while she read her book on Vikings. I look at the watch she gave me and notice I should be leaving soon. I have worn this watch every day ever since she got it; it's my prized possession. I got up and bent down to her, kissing her cheek. "I'll see you tonight."
"See you later."
*** I got to my classroom and set my things down on my desk, and got ready for the day. Harley was still upset, and I tried my best to make her feel better just like I used to before we met. Soon lunch rolled around, and I ate at my desk as I read over essays. I heard a knock on the door and turned to see Danielle waiting for me to acknowledge her. "What can I do for you, Mrs. Smith?" I ask her as I take my glasses off and lean in my chair. She came in and closed the door before walking over to me. "Where's Harley?" She asks me nervously.
"She's at home; she's still upset about what happened yesterday and decided she needed a day to cool down." I tell her as I cross my arms, still wondering why she's here. I'm not pleased to see her after she hurt my girl and threw insults at her.
"Oh, well, I wanted to apologize to her for how I behaved and for the things I said. She didn't deserve any of that, and neither did you. I'm sorry for hurting her and not being a true friend." She fumbled with her tiny hands as she looked down in shame. "I understand now the position she was put in and why she didn't tell me. I always knew she looked rather sad when she would come out with Eugene and me. Now I know why. I want you to know how truly sorry I am, and I didn't mean anything I said. I promise to keep your secret and be a better friend to her, that is, if she still wants me around." She finally looked up at me, and I nodded my head while thinking about it.
"You're right. My girl didn't deserve to be treated like that. You hurt her feelings, and she was upset about it all night." I tell her as I keep my arms crossed.
"I'd like to apologize to her and ask her forgiveness if that's okay." She tells me.
"Well, we were going to have a date night tonight, but if you want, you can stop by and apologize." I tell her I do not want to ruin our date night because we haven't had one in so long. I just want to spend some time with my girl and see her smile again and feel her happiness.
"I promise I won't be long. I'll come by and apologize and leave you two to have date night. I know you two can't go out in public, and this is your time together." She nodded her head, and I couldn't help but relax. She really wants to make things right and apologize for her behavior.
"Very well, you can follow me after school, or I can give you my address." I tell her as I stare into her eyes. She was a nervous woman with short brown curly hair to her shoulders: a small tiny stature, a sharp nose, and almond-shaped eyes.
"I'll take your address. I still need to discuss this with my husband and see if he can drive me." She informs me.
"Very well." I nod as I sit up and write my address on a scrap piece of paper for her. I give it to Danielle, waiting for her to leave.
"Are you still angry with me?" She sighs as she looks me in the eyes.
"Yes, you hurt my soulmate's feelings after she has done so much for you. You didn't have to listen to her asking what she did to deserve that and why you would call her a slut. You ruined our night; she was going to make spaghetti!" I glare at her, still upset I didn't get to have spaghetti, but most importantly, I'm sore she hurt my woman's feelings. She nodded and looked down at the ground before looking back up at me. "I know my apology isn't going to fix the bridges I burned, and you aren't going to trust me for some time. Actions mean more than words; trust me, I know, and I will prove how sorry I am."
"I'm glad we are on the same page." I go back to eating my sandwich as I read essays. "Thanks for apologizing, Mrs. Smith." I tell her as I brush her off.
**** I walk into the house to see Harley cooked dinner and lit candles. "Aw, my soul." I smile as I set my hat and keys on the hook. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug and place a kiss on her lips. "Looks wonderful, my dear."
"Thank you."
"Alright, I'm going to get cleaned up, and I'll join you for date night." I tell her as I rub her arm and stare into her green eyes. I walked into the room and got freshened up when the doorbell rang. Great, she's here already; the food will get cold. This better be quick. I want her to leave us alone. Honestly, I couldn't care less about this girl. She thinks it's okay to say those things to my girl and thinks an apology will fix everything. I walk out to see Harley open the door and feel her heart drop once she sees Danielle. "Hey, Harley." She says nervously as she looks down at the ground. I walk out behind Harley and lean on the counter to watch the whole thing. "Hi." Harley replied.
"I wanted to stop by and apologize for my behavior yesterday. I overreacted, and I shouldn't have called you or Dr. Jones the things I did. I understand the position you were in, and I should have been a true friend and supported you. I want to continue our friendship, and I promise to keep your secret. Can you please forgive me for how I acted?" She asks Harley, basically giving the same speech she gave me this afternoon.
"I forgive you, but I'm still upset about how you reacted because it was totally uncalled for." Harley tells her as she still holds onto the door.
"I understand, just like I told Dr. Jones, actions speak louder than words, and it will take time to earn trust back." She says as she throws me under the bus. Harley looked at me and raised her eyebrows, wondering why I didn't tell her that Danielle talked to me. "I was going to mention it. I didn't think she'd come so early." I defend myself as I raise my hands. She nodded her head before looking back at her friend. "I appreciate your apology, and I hope we can move forward from this." Harley takes the high road, unlike I would have done. If I were in her shoes, I would tell her to get lost, but then again, she would get pissed and tell everyone. Better keep that bridge intact to save ourselves from future trouble. I think Harley should find a different friend and not one that is so selfish and makes Harley feel horrible about herself. "Thank you for accepting my apology. I'm so sorry, Harley. You have been there for me and have helped me out so much; it's time I return the favor." She came over and hugged Harley while Harley hugged her back. I roll my eyes and shake my head, still not trusting this girl no matter how many times she apologizes. They pulled back and smiled at each other, and I could feel Harley become happier, and that made me feel a little better. At least my girl is feeling better and isn't upset like she was last night. "Alright, I'll let you two continue date night. I know this is special for you two since you can't go out in public yet. I'll see you tomorrow?" Danielle says as she looks at me and then back to Harley.
"Yes, I'll be there tomorrow." Harley smiles brightly.
"Fantastic, I'll see you soon! Have fun!" She waves as she walks out to the car waiting for her. Her husband must have been waiting in there for her since she went into the passenger side. Harley shut the door and turned around with a slight smirk on her face as she looked at me. "Feeling better now?" I ask her.
"Yes, we don't have anything to worry about, my soul." She came over and hugged me as she rested her head on my chest. I couldn't help but smirk as I wrapped her in a hug and kissed the top of her blonde head. "Yes, everything worked out." I reply.
"Now, let's have a good date night and celebrate." She smiled as she flowed with joy and bounced over to her chair. I couldn't help but chuckle at her loving the feeling of her happiness. We had a fantastic date night where we laughed and joked around before dancing in the kitchen. Harley got on her toes and placed a passionate kiss on my lips, and I knew she wanted to take this further. She took my hand and dragged me to the bedroom, where she pushed me onto the bed. Oh, she wants to be top tonight. She straddled me before kissing me passionately as she ran her fingers in my hair. "I love you." She mumbled against my lips.
"I love you too." I breath back as I grip her hips pressing her down on me.
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applemccartney · 2 days
yesterday maureen’s biology teacher gave her a band recommendation bcus he found out she’s hare krishna and knew a hardcore band where all the members are hare krishna. and the girl next to maureen said “wow ive been looking for more hardcore christian bands”… like shut up this isnt about you!!!!
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e-devotion · 1 month
pray as school begins
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Wednesday.  Today.  It is the first day of school for our local school systems.  That also means that my lovely wife begins teaching with 18 or so students in her 1st grade classroom.  And I think about all the classrooms and all the schools.
What should we do?  We should pray.  We should support.  We should encourage.  And there is more.  But I ask you to do those things, but begin with prayer.
Students.  Teachers.  School workers.  Families.  Pray for each.
Guiding that prayer I give you a few verses that have stood out for me.  They all come from Colossians 3.  Read on and pray though.
Colossians 3 NASB
2 Set your minds on the things that are above, not on the things that are on earth.
15 Let the peace of Christ, to which you were indeed called in one body, rule in your hearts; and be thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
Pray that God helps all focus on great things.  Pray that peace will rule and truth be taught and held.  Pray that positive and strong faith will stand tall.  Let’s be thankful for all God will do.
Finally, I ask that you pray for and support my upcoming mission trip to Cuba.
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