#teacher crush questions
allison3k0 · 2 months
Y'all, I think my male TC might be gay... But I can't tell if he's gay or just slightly feminine and nerdy... He has a mini pride flag in his classroom and his lanyard is rainbow... He also had a pride flag in his bio on X... But I can't tell if he's just an ally or if he's gay... Sometimes he does seem fruity and he has a higher voice than the average man but it could also just be because he's feminine? I've had some moments with him and he treats me differently than he used to, more in a friendly or comfortable way than before, and we've had some moments when he gets close to me and I'm sure he can feel it. Girls, can you help me decipher this?
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cyellolemon · 1 year
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Yu and all his more or less serious crushes!! the gay panic is real
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vintage-brass-tc · 3 months
Guys please tell me why I asked him a question at 12 AM last night and he responded not even a minute later 😭❤️????
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I let my friend read our most recent texts and after she was done, she said, "you guys are flirting". She said that it's how I usually text, but he's definitely flirting with me, and it reminded her of how she and her bf talked before they started dating.
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sweet-lovr · 6 months
I have such a thing for older men, but I totally don’t want to admit it— it’s not like it’s a kink, I really am in love with him!! He just happens to be 40 years old,
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moeblob · 1 year
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Lander: Did you just call my romantic options I give to Gavvin "a multiple choice test"...... Basil: Yes. Lander: It's not a test - Basil: If there is a wrong answer in your mind to the options provided, it's a test.
Lander runs a convenience store (he got it after his parents died) and he has a huge crush on very broke Gavvin who showed up one day out of the blue. And so Lander hires him and lets him live with him in the back of the store and honestly it's love at first sight for Lander. But Gavvin is much more "mmmmm kinda wary of you for hiring a guy off the street you've never seen before but I accept the job thank you".
Basil unfortunately is a teacher who has to not only put up with his teenage students but also Lander (and their very weird friendship) and Gavvin (very socially awkward new guy in town who asks a lot of questions to him specifically). Basil is chronically done with everyone while everyone is like "ah yes, he can help me with my problems".
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caiabresebun · 1 year
Hello! I discovered your art from the game Paper Soldiers! I got 2 questions : 1) How many card illos did you make for that game (because I have not lasted midway yet haha...) 2) What was your process like for making each lil character?
hello! going to answer out of order so i can show you all my card illus under the cut hehe
making each chara was really fun! andriy gave me a list of character classes as well as what effects they would have on the board and gave me full freedom to design however i liked which was SO COOL. since the game was subbed under the Ukrainian division, i wanted to make charas that looked looked like they came from a fantasy world but with a look that would bring to mind Ukrainian design.
unfortunately i didn't have as much time to research as i'd like but i think i did ok! i made pinterest boards with outfit inspirations and scribbled up charas traditionally before drawing them digitally, which is something i really never do since im not good at trad art.. but with digi art i get really bogged down fixing mistakes and there was a really tight turnaround so concept art had to be trad
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i had the privilege of designing 33 cards and writing flavour text!! :D
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arielluva · 2 months
wait why i am just now realizing what "celebrity crush" is supposed to mean 😭😭
for the longest time i thought it meant that you like, actually had a CRUSH on a celebrity and wanted a relationship or whatever. but i think it actually just means thinking a celebrity is attractive 😭
i took that so literally for. so long. i was so confused why people would be having crushes on celebrities bc you... dont know them personally. i had never had a crush on a celebrity. (though this is also probably the aroace-spec talking)
like yeah technically there are celebrities i might think are pretty but i still wouldn't call it a celebrity crush because thats not what a crush is???!?!?
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are you guys interested in older men as a whole or is it just teachers for most of you ? for me personally it’s just older men in general.
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myheartisonthetrain · 3 months
🐼 kept calling me a cat and saying i behaved like one so i said meow meow sarcastically, i said to ß 'im a cat now apparently' and he said if i'm a cat i should crawl around and eat off the floor and i said 'yes sir' 💀💀
i couldn't see his face behind the monitor (i still sit right in from of him lmao) but 🐼s was absolutely priceless
ß also said i looked very invested in our class discussion about feminism
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Jam, now do NOT talk about young Ze not being able to concentrate in class if they were in one because i will immediately want a fic like this🥲
Don't tempt me, anon. Don't tempt me. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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vintage-brass-tc · 11 months
how did you feel about U when you met
This is a nice question!! When we first met about 2 and a half years back, he was quite spontaneous and….quirky, making so many references to modern music and TikTok humor at that time and saying things like he wanted to marry Doja Cat…
So I guess my first impression was “this guy’s going to be interesting!” I thought he’d just be a jokey kind of guy who was always smiling and lifting the mood up with his weird millennial humor. There wasn’t anything special in those feelings though, and after the first rehearsals I had actually found myself relieved that I wouldn’t have a crush on him like M.
But ironically enough, 2-3 years in the future, after getting to see more of him and his genuine and hard-working nature, his talent and creativity, and adaptability to any obstacle that hurls itself at him, I seem to like him *more* than M. Silly how that works.
But to summarize, I just thought he’d be someone who’s kind of weird with his references and playful nature, and because of that, intriguing. But I didn’t think anything special of him!! It took quite some time and some personal interactions with him for any romantic feelings to blossom.
Thank you for the question!!! ~ 🪶
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trans-der-vampire · 2 years
great day to be gay and fucking stupid
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faeriefully · 2 years
only if you want to, but I’d be interested in hearing your Doug Wilson rant
lol, I would write out my whole rant, but putting it in writing means I’d have to hunt down the articles I’ve read in the past to find the quotes from him in the past to provide the context and back up my points and frankly I’m not gonna do that to myself again so soon.
Essentially though the rant breaks down to:
1.) Federal Vision is borderline heresy and I haven’t don’t enough research to see if he actually rejected it in his teaching or just said he rejected it in an article
2.) the guy is sexist in his teachings and not just “oh he says things in the headlines to purposely make people mad” like no, what he actually teaches makes my skin crawl
3.) the fact that he DOES say stuff that’s purposefully antagonist or provocative in order to gain attention, make people upset, and then pay himself on the back for having “called people out” and be “hated by the world” is not Christian character and it drives me up a wall
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morethanwords0475 · 2 years
I wish I didn't care all the time.
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1. What music genre fits your tc the most?
Dad rock or 2014 pop, there is no in between with this man.
2. What's your favorite personality trait for your tc?
The way he actually cares about you and making sure you succeed 😌
3. Do you think they fit into a certain aesthetic or two? If so, which ones?
Dark Naturalism, and no I will not be providing context.
4. If you could, how would you comfort your tc? (Like if they seem to be having a rough day)
I would probably just make him take a nap or something because he seems super tired and stressed out lately.
5. What type of winter activity do you think is their favorite?
Staying inside to watch a movie while it snows for sure.
6. If you could (or have) what book or movie would you recommend to you tc?
Australia with Hugh Jackman
7. What's their sense of humor like? Is yours similar?
It's somewhat similar, for sure. I hardly ever made jokes with J last year because I was so shy, but light banter with him is always fun.
8. What's the nicest thing your tc has ever said to you?
Well, it's not necessarily a compliment but I really like it when he calls me darling and you can hear a slight accent to it. (I can't mention any actual compliment because my friends might find this...)
9. What wintery activity would you love to do with them?
I think it's be fun to go skiing if I wasn't so bad at it
10. What do you think your tc's love language is?
Words of Affirmation, he really strives toward trying to gain acceptance with people.
11. Do you have a quote or poem that you associate with them?
Poem: Age Difference by Lang Leav (please for the love of goodness's sake, check it out, you'll see why)
12. Do you prefer emailing them or talking in person?
Talking, because for whatever reason it may be, I hate sending emails.
13. Do they have a signature cologne or perfume?
I don't know what he wears but it smells like a mix of mint, coffee, mahogany and new leather.
14. Is your tc someone you can go to for support?
Yes, he really helped me out a lot last year and I'm very thankful for that
15. Have you ever pictured yourself with their last name or vice versa?
No, I actually haven't.
16. Is there anything you don't like about your tc?
He's a lot less personal than he used to be and he's not so talkative when other people around me are also trying to talk to him as well.
17. Have you ever seen them in a really bad mood?
Yes, he's been angry more times this year than I've seen him be like. And he's not a moody person at all-usually.
18. Does your tc ever laugh differently when they're with you?
He does! It's deeper, and he always looks me in the eyes when he's laughing at something I said.
19. What's your tc's staple drink? (If they have one)
Dark coffee
20. Is there anything that the two of you have in common? Is there a lot?
We both have a few things in common, and I remember one time when he mentioned how he noticed a few specks of blue in my eyes just like him (well his are blue and mine are dark green) and it was a really cute moment.
21. Have they ever targeted you directly in class or in the halls?
Definitely, especially because I'm easy to tease.
22. Have you ever said anything that might have given away your feelings?
He asked me if I thought he was funny and I said yes (except my voice had a very flirtatious tone that I did NOT mean to use.)
23. Do you dream about them often?
Not really
24. Is your tc more physically or verbally affectionate? Or not at all?
Verbally, for sure.
25. If you could, (or have) what would you get your tc for Christmas?
I saw this one really nice mug awhile back that I really regret not buying.
26. Do you like them in a romantic sense or in a more platonic way?
Definitely romantic now, but it did start platonically.
27. Are they a cozy sweater person?
No, he's a polo person.
28. What color looks best on them?
Grey and navy blue. Although he does occasionally look absolutely sinful when he wears a black shirt and jeans, I don't know why.
29. If you could see yourself the way they see you, would you take the chance?
Ummm, yes. Partially because of the amount of embarrassing things he's caught me doing.
30. What little habit they have is your absolute favorite?
I love it when he immediately waves and smiles at me the moment he sees me in the halls.
31. If it was legal, would you share a midnight kiss with them?
...yes. At the same time, only if he is was single. I do not support cheating nor do I support pedophilia.
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