dewitty1 · 2 months
Dragons Don't Know Paradise
teacup_tai @teacup-tai
Chapters: 25/25 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Luna Lovegood, Rolf Scamander, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson Additional Tags: Falling In Love, they meet online, Draco needs a hug, he has many secrets, Harry is a Cinnamon Roll, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Raise Harry Potter, HIV+ Remus, Family feelings, Sirius and Remus are good dads, HIV+ and Aids, Depression, Group Therapy, queer community, bookshop au, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, I am generally heavy handed with the hurt bit, but this is a advent kinda fic so I am trying to embrace the comfort bit, there is no heartbreaking blowjob, but there is a sad wank, online sex, Sexting, Suicidal Thoughts, Identity Reveal, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Drarry, wolfstar, Early Bird 25 Days of Harry and Draco 2020, Grieving, Condoms, Rimming, Fingering, Anal Sex, Safe Sane and Consensual, Happy Ending, no magic Series: Part 1 of Dragons Don't Know Paradise
In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon.
This is a story about falling in love online and about facing the reality of death, but above all, this is a story about hope, finding love and acceptance. (Non-magical / bookshop AU, written for the 25 days of Drarry 2020)
(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭*⁺˚. * ・ 。゚☆
“When we met in the forum, I was hopeless,” he goes on, fingers holding tight now. “I thought no one would ever love me or care for me anymore. But then you were there, talking about your godfather Moony, about how scared you were of losing him,” Draco’s voice waivers a bit. He takes a shaky breath. “About how much you loved him, even though—”
His voice catches in the back of his throat and Harry holds his hand tighter, pulling him in back here, now, in the car, in his hands.
“Even though he is HIV-positive.” Draco says.
He takes a long breath. 
Harry wonders. And maybe—
“I met you when my head was still full of prejudices and myths and fear and I was so bloody afraid of being lonely, Harry.”
Harry sees Draco’s face transforming in front of him, and there’s this deep sadness that always accompanied Draco from the moment Harry met him. But this time, Harry can see it with his own eyes, how Draco’s eyes look sorrowful and cold and scared and lost. 
So bloody lost. 
“Harry, I’m...I-I’m—” His lips tremble and his eyes go wet and Harry watches transfixed as a tear slides down Draco’s cheek and he shuts his eyes firmly. 
Full of self-loathing.
Scared of not being loved. 
And it clicks. 
Because Harry has lived his whole life surrounded by different kinds of people with these same struggles and fears. He was raised by a man that fought everyday against the constant disgust and discrimination thrown at him. 
Harry watched first-hand how slurs and offences were spat at Remus, how his own teachers have been concerned sometimes about Harry being raised by a HIV-positive gay man. 
He wonders how he hasn’t noticed before.
Draco’s eyes are closed, his lips pressed in a tight line and his shoulders shaking lightly. 
Harry sees him. Truly. For who he is, for the fears he has, for the life he’s been grieving after for all these months.
He understands, finally. Even without the words being said. 
But he needs to hear it.
Harry moves, taking Draco’s face in both his hands, drying the tears with the pads of his thumbs and coaching Draco’s face up. 
“Look at me, Draco,” he asks with a gentle voice. “ Please , look at my bright green eyes and say it. Trust me,” Harry pleads. 
Draco’s eyes open—they look strikingly bright. He licks his lips and sniffs softly. He lifts his hands and takes hold of Harry’s wrists—not aggressively, not to move him away, just holding on, holding still, keeping himself grounded. 
Draco takes a deep shaky breath. The rims of his eyes are damp and reddened. He blinks twice and then looks at Harry firmly, his hold on Harry’s wrists goes tighter. His jaw works and he swallows, licking his lips softly. 
(*reccers note - there is a spoiler from the fic under the cut. I often post the Drarry first kiss as my recs. I don’t think this takes away from the fic at all. You may feel differently. If you decide to read further that is your choice.)
“I’m HIV-positive, Harry.”
Draco’s voice is not shaking this time. It’s clear and louder than before. Resolute.
Harry nods, feeling resolute himself.
“Thanks for telling me, Draco.” His voice doesn’t waiver either. 
Their gaze holds, with intense emotion and spoken truth. 
And Harry understands.
The low self-esteem. 
The depression. 
The weight loss. 
The pain. 
The shame.
The sadness. 
The fears.
The lies .
Harry really understands.
“Draco, I’m going to kiss you now,” Harry warns, a second before he moves forward and presses their lips together.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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What a sweet Tea-Tai! Get it? Sweetie pie, but Sweet Tea-Tai? Cuz @teacup-tai? Is oh so sweet? Okay, before everyone boos me offstage: Tai is such a lovely soul! We don't know each other very well, but I see her bright presence from a mile away! She leaves such sweet comments (which I've been the lucky recipient of a time or two!) She's so supportive and beyond kind. Just this colorful, warm, comforting presence that fills me with all the good feels just to be near! I always love to see her name pop up and to see what she has to say, and how she's blessing our fandom any given day! And to honor such a gorgeous soul, I shall rec you a few excellent works of hers!
Breaking wild roses (stings like love's pain)
Hermione/Pansy. Rated: E. Words: 1,389. Stream of consciousness. Poetic angst. Hopeful ending.
l o v e l y
I feel like a scream is stuck inside my chest, creeping up in the deep dark hollow of my throat. It’s a mix of pain and agony. So to keep it down, I open my mouth and fill it with your soft, tender flesh. The bronze skin of your shoulder right against my tongue.
For God is love
Draco/Harry. Rated: M. Words: 3,145. Catholic priests. Sin. Angst. Confession. Religious guilt.
s t u n n i n g (also ouch)
1 John 4:8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
heart me (with your whole body)
Draco/Harry. Rated: E. Words: 9,028. Heartbreak. Unhealthy relationship. Open relationship gone wrong. Dub-con. Unequal power dynamics. Unequal sex drive. Ambiguous/open ending.
OUCH (I love it)
It was a sexy idea, exploring other bodies with Draco, engaging in sex with other people to spice things up. Something inside of him was excited about the prospect, but the nagging fear, the feeling of abandonment that follows each image that pops in his head is throwing him off. 
He would give it a go. See what it was like. He could always say no, right?
Hermione/Pansy. Rated: E. Words: 26,626. Enemies to friends to lovers. Meet-cute. Soft butch Pansy. Slice of life. Character study.
Pansy has been living a slow Muggle life in Ireland for five years now. Managing her anxiety and trauma with one too many drinks, way more anonymous fucks in loos than strictly advised, wonderful Muggle friends and a job that keeps her hands busy. Life is kinda alright -though a tad bit fucked up- until she stumbles into Hermione Granger in the Muggle Hospital. 
This is a story about childhood enemies trying a tentative friendship far from the chaotic magical world. A tale about falling in love with the cute golden lesbian and the slow, ginger path of reconnecting with things that make you feel whole.
Sacred Geography
Albus/Gellert. Rated: M. Words: 670. Lovers to Enemies.
You’ve lived a life of penance all these years because of him. And with him sitting there, across this stupid Muggle table, staring at you with a mean knowing glint in his eyes, you realise why.
Space Bodies
Draco/Harry. Rated: M. Words: 1,494. Pining. Mentions of suicidal ideation. Mentions of transphobia. Stream of consciousness. Happy ending.
She tastes like a love story.
The Truth Runs Wild
Blaise/Ron. Rated: E. Words: 3,026. Bisexual awakening. Quidditch Player Blaise. Fanboy Ron. One night stand.
It’s Harry’s fault and his whole ‘gay awakening’ and all the shit he had to hear Harry talk him through, in the name of friendship and supportive brotherhood. But honestly, if Zabini licking his lips can be this sensual, what could he do with a dick in his mouth? Ron flushes, because he cannot be honestly thinking about Blaise Zabini and blowjobs. Like, he’s straight, right. Right?
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Sex, drugs and rock & roll, any recs ?
Thank you Liv
Sure! Not all of these have those 3 elements but I think they’re a great fit:
I've Waited Here for You (Everlong) by heyitsamorette (E, 23k)
Ever since Ginny started dating Blaise, Harry has had to see a lot of Blaise’s friends as well… and with them comes Malfoy. Everyone’s too focused on rebuilding the world after the war to notice that Malfoy is still a dick, so they don’t seem to mind letting him into their little group. But Harry remembers everything, and when he’s not having nightmares from the war or training to become an Auror, he is doing his best not to let himself become friends with Draco Malfoy. And friends with benefits is not actually friends… is it?
Take A Chance On Me by mintaminta (E, 41k)
There's a DJ on RareFM with a secret. Or: the one with all the ABBA in it.
A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption by aibidil (E, 43k)
A fuck-or-die fairytale in which Draco Malfoy lives a despicable and unapologetic life — that is, until he's cursed to die unless he can fall in love with and fuck Harry Potter.
(We'll Call This Fixer-Upper) Home by phdmama (E, 52k)
Draco Malfoy hasn’t set foot on English soil in ten years. After the war, he fled to America, where he found himself in a community, and healed himself through following his heart into music. He’s now the lead singer and songwriter for an internationally known band, who have come back to headline the Wiltshire Music Festival. But as Draco is about to learn, his past isn’t as far away as he might have believed, and his future may hold more than he ever could have dreamed.
Little Compton Street (One Rainy Night in Soho) by Writcraft (E, 65k)
Draco is lonely, Harry hates the press and it won’t stop raining in London. Harry discovers a magical street that’s close to disappearing forever and Draco realises he’s one rainy night in Soho away from finding everything he’s been searching for.
Super Rich Kids by trishjames (E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Bonus: Wolfstar!
Rebel Rebel by teacup_tai (E, 5.7k)
Sirius has just turned twenty and life is changing around him, blossoming, like Remus wrote in his last letter. This is a story about life and exploration, about feeling lost and finding oneself in other people's bodies, about building love and community. This is a story about hope and sex and growing up.
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broomsticks · 2 years
2, 4, & 6 for the ask game!
hellooo 💖💜 thanks for the ask!
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
fic reader, fic reader always :)
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
slashmarks’ bellatrix-centric GOF AU longfic I threw creation to my king (68k, M, mind the tags!). stellar black family HCs and magical theory and worldbuilding, as per usual.
wherever you go, i shall follow from untagged fest - 1.8k, M. loved the vibes in this.
i’m sure all the WLW BB fics will make their way onto this list but i’ve so far only gotten to Nicotine/Linger by teacup_tai (26k, E) and it’s so good. the feels. the postwar redemption storyline is so very compelling - beautiful flawed heroines my beloved!
6. How do you find new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction?
i read pretty much exclusively on AO3, and the recs i get off here and discord will keep me going for the next decade probably lmao - special shoutout to billie ttfn (pt1 pt2) consistentsquash & the hp saffics blog for the most excellent recs always!
fic writer ask game
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sweet-s0rr0w · 2 years
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Below is a masterlist of my fics to date (with a couple of cheeky comments on each for enticement 😘) and below that, my reclists.
Drarry Fics
Nor All That Glisters | E | 111k | Angst with a Happy Ending | Getting Together | Felix Felicis Addiction and Recovery | Memory Loss | Squib Rights | Gorgeous Fanart/GIF
(it also now has a 4.9k mini-sequel/epilogue, With Caution Bold)
🍀 Oh, so beautiful and stunning!! … I adored the way you delved into addiction and wrote a more realistic side of continued struggle. The emotional depth you put into your writing is simply lovely. ... I've throughly loved reading every part of this and I am honestly a bit bereft to finish it. ~ cryptichedonist
🍀 It’s very rare that I come across fics that touch me so deeply that I am glued to my phone for nearly 24-hours, experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions that has my blood pressure hitting the roof or my chest aching with sorrow. Your fic did all this and more to me. Your Draco’s journey was everything. Everything. This fic is going to stay with me for quite a while and I’m already looking forward to my second, third, fourth…rereads. Thank you so much for sharing this incredible work. ~ trishjames
Kept in Cages (collaboration with @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm) | E | 77k | Magizoology Assistant Draco | Part-time Ministry Consultant Harry | Magical Creatures Galore | Stay-at-home Dad Ron | Muggle Politician Lucius | Getting Together | Finding Yourself | Gorgeous Fanart
🐦 What an incredible closer for wireless! I don't even know where to begin, everything was so well done. I loved all the references to other fics, that "OH!" of recognition after trying to figure out why something felt familiar. I absolutely adored all of the beasts- you totally dropped me into Draco's world, so well thought out... Their banter was fucking on point- teasing but always finding the line, affectionate and sweet. I loved chubby Harry and how into it Draco was, so perfect for the two of them. Just honestly so bowled over by this whole fic, definitely a new one for the favorites list. ~ booktopus
Crash (Into Me) | T | 14k | Charity Quidditch Match | Humour | Pornographic Tattoos | Himbo Harry | American(ish) Unspeakable Draco | Pissed-Off Ron | Gorgeous Fanart
🧹 Oh I had a BLAST reading this fic! So sweet, funny, charming, flirtatious, and genuine. What a fantastic way to start my day today ❤️ ~ cavendishbutterfly
Both Hands | E | 10k | Break-Up-To-Make-Up | Nostalgic Apartment Viewing | Accidental Fire Starting | Drunkenness | Miscommunication
🏠 christ almighty. MA, this is the perfect breakup/makeup fic. ... achey and emotional and just so beautiful 💛 thank you! ~ onbeinganangel
The One You Feed | T | 10k | Experienced Werewolf Draco | New Werewolf Harry | First Person Alternating POV | Getting Together | Werewolf Physiology | Meat Eating | Fluff
🐺 This is so brilliant. Such a perfect story. And your writing, omg, bloody amazing. Love how you used their voices and plots to explore it. Such rich details. I'm in love. I wanna live in the voice you chose for this story 💜 hundred kudos ~ teacup_tai
🐺 I know this is rated Teen and Up, but, my dude, this is full on Mature in my pants. The UST is sooooo good! I'm dying here! :D Dear lord! ~ lq_traintracks
Playing Dirty | E | 8.6k | Auror Partners Drarry | Draco Malfoy has Long Hair | Accidental Magic | Chaos | Humour | Cleaning the Locker Room | Shower Sex
🚿 This was so good it made me miss my fucking bus stop 😃✨ ~ Kirlya_Tzara
🚿 Holy smokes this was so good!!! The wildness of their magic was so much fun and I loved how much damage they could do in a matter of seconds. Their banter was absolutely perfect and charming. The smut was HOT!!! Phenomenal work!!! ~ ANW815
When The Party’s Over | E | 4.7k | Accidental Bonding | Fluff | Humour | 5+1 Parties | Snowball Fight
🥳 I love this fic I LOVE THIS FIC. ... brilliant premise, beautiful tight execution, your dialogue is absolutely smashing as per. It all felt so organic and realistic and rewarding and satisfying, getting to see them fall in love behind the bond. And that final scene!!!!!! I am still screaming!!!!! Such very in-character heat and friendship and again that sense of immersion in the world. ~ Tackytiger
Not Waving | M | 3k | Creepy | Dark | Blood and Gore | Legilimency | Open Ending
💧 Wow this is brilliantly disturbing and I’m obsessed with the atmosphere and pacing - so so good! I couldn’t blink going through it in one sitting, Heart in my mouth trying to figure out what the hell was going. ... So creative and chilling, another fabulous treat 🙌🏼 Thank you for sharing! ~ sitp
Nice | E | 2.1k | Angst with a Hopeful Ending | Slightly Dubious Pensieve Use | Nostalgic Trips Round the South of France
🏖️ incredible!!!!!!!!! so gripping and beautifully done. … YEAH! wonderfully done, thank u for sharing ~ frogparties
🏖️ This punched me in the heart. WONDERFULLY 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT ~ louisfake
Obsssesssed | T | 1.6k | Valentine's Day | Humour | Parseltongue | Secret Crush
🐍I am absolutely obsessed with this idea. I love love love it!! ~ bubblegumhead
Westbury | T | 1.4k | Draco in the Muggle World | First Kiss | Wiltshire
🚗 I really love the tone of this. You set the atmosphere perfectly. And the background of these kids being kids ... with the heaviness of Draco’s vulnerability, is so lovely. Excellent work, can’t wait to see more from you! ❤️ ~ primaveracerezos
Dangerous | T | 1.1k | Fugitive Draco | Hitwizard Harry | Southern Italy | Hopeful Ending
🔥 Loved it. … You really captured it in under 1500 words. Writing skill through the *roof*, I'm extremely touched and impressed by it at the same time. ~ RockingRobin_69
National Trust | T | 1.1k | Humour | Established Relationship | Malfoy Manor
🍦 this was an absolutely wonderful read! it’s such a creative idea to have malfoy manor turn into a national trust property and now i absolutely love it! your writing is absolutely lovely as well! love it! ~ polomonsters
Thameslink, the 07:29 from Luton | G | 1k | Draco in the Muggle World | Commuter Draco | Mysterious Happenings
🚆How can something so short be this devastatingly good?? ~ Aeri37
Accidental Magic | G | 900 words | Humour | Established Relationship | Kidfic | Fluff
✨ This fic is so lovely and adorable! Kid fics are one of my favourite things to read. This makes my heart warm, love it! ❤️❤️❤️ ~ starlitsilvereyes
Other Fics
Dreaming Skies (co-written with @tackytigerfic) | Dron | E | 21k | Warder/Baker Draco | Dragontamer Ron | Getting Together | Sharing a Bed | Magical Theory | Baby Dragons
🐉 oh my good fucking god I would like to quote half this fic back at you two to pinpoint all the things I loved so much about it but I'm at a point of brain-frazzled exhaustion rn where you will simply have to take my word for how much I adored this!!! … And, crucially, I have to shout out the way Ron absolutely exudes BDE throughout this whole thing 🤣🤣~ InnerLilith
Weather Warning | Dralbus | T | 1.8k | Weddings | Storms | First Kiss 🍂 as always your writing leaves my head buzzing ... this was bittersweet and hot and perfect. i will be thinking about it for days. ~vivantesopales
Drarry Reclists
Five Favourite Fics – reclists I post every couple of weeks featuring my favourite fics (with my own micro-summaries) from some of my favourite authors:
thestarryknight | vukovich | fwooshy | lq_traintracks (and 10 more) | tackytiger (and microfics) | m0stlyvoid | peachpety | magpie_fngrl | shiftylinguini | onbeinganangel | veelawings | shealwaysreads | loveglowsinthedark | birdsofshore | maesterchill | frayach | graymatters | bixgirl1 (part one/part two | skeptique)
Drarry Round The World – four reclists featuring fics set partly or entirely outside of the UK (I do try to keep these updated, so if you know a fic that fits, please DM me):
Part One: Africa, Asia, Oceania and Antarctica | Part Two: Europe | Part Three: The Americas | Part Four: Road Trips
Halloween-themed recs
Anniversary-themed recs
Proposal-themed recs
Collaborative Reclists
Lists I've compiled with input from some of my lovely fandom friends:
Romance reclist
Sex scene reclist
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teacup-tai · 3 years
Wolfstar fic: One Night in Limerick by teacup_tai (M, 3k)
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Written for the Wolfstar Roll the Dice Challenge | Trope : Sharing a Bed | Word : Residence | Emotion : Compassion
Summary: The tide of the Shannon is running up fiercely, sea water rushing up the river, making it look tempestuous and wavy. Just like his heart feels. Tempestuous with all the emotions inside his chest. The emotions that come with having Sirius in his home, after so many years. #lielowatlupins
Read in AO3
Tai sharing fun-facts abt this fic under the cut 👇
After 4 months of writer's block, here comes some wolfstar love to bring me back to action. I lived in Limerick, Ireland, for a year and a half, one of the nicest growing up and adulting experiences I've ever had. I wanted to show my gratitude to the heavy tide of the Shannon as it watched me grow, by my window. My flat was in front of the river, I'd go to sleep listening to it, the yellow lights of the street lamps shinning over the surface. I miss it very much. I hope I can someday go back to Limerick. 🇮🇪
I was a bit upset to realise I don't have any picture of the River Shannon at night time. I have snaps and videos, but not photos. So I used a sunset pic from across the street where I used to live for the cover art. And here I am, listening to The Cranberries and missing Limmers. 💔
Hope you all enjoy this baby fic feat. a bit of lie low at Lupin's, cups of tea, broken hearts and mended lovers.
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Young Love
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lppKGs
by teacup_tai
Adolescence is tough for teens and parents alike. Or: Harry has a thing for older guys, Draco has a homophobic pure-blood family, Lily doesn’t have the patience, Sirius needs another drink, Narcissa asks for help, James is a good dad, Snape wishes he wasn’t involved at all, and Remus just really wanted to have a chill Christmas break for a change.
Words: 773, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Oliver Wood, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Falling In Love, Teenage Drama, Divorced parents, there was no war so EVERYBODY is alive, lily and james raised harry, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Sirius Black gives good advice, good parenting, Bad Parenting, Adolescence, They are 17, 17 for wizards is our 18, Homophobia, Minor Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Harry Has A Thing For Older Men, Clubbing, Drinking, wolfstar, adolescents being adolescents, Advent Fic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, welcome back folks!, Alternate Universe - Magic, Early Bird 25 Days of Harry and Draco 2021, 25 Days of Harry and Draco, Draco has a platonic crush on Sirius, who hasn't let's be honest
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3lppKGs
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dewitty1 · 2 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up April 2024♡(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭*・:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
Mirror Mirror by epiphany_dex
Harry’s new year starts with a bang when he encounters Draco Malfoy at the Ministry Ball. Rec Post
(Never) Let Me Go by maraudersaffair @maraudersaffair
Harry and Ginny are married, but she abandoned him for her Quidditch career overseas. He is lonely and desperate for love and very interested in sleeping with a man. Then, one night at a party, Draco Malfoy whispers in his ear: Do you want to leave with me? Harry knows he should say no, especially since a scandal would ruin his chance at becoming Head Auror, but Malfoy is entirely too fit to pass up the opportunity. Rec Post
Another Mind Game by May_May_0_0
Harry’s occlumency reveals his disturbing home life which sets off a chain reaction that cannot be undone. Snape finds himself begrudgingly caring about the bespectacled boy, Harry discovers what it’s like to have adults who care, and Hermione finds herself becoming an accidental crime lord. Draco Malfoy is very much along for the ride, in all senses of the word. Rec Post
Dragons Don’t Know Paradise by teacup_tai @teacup-tai
In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon. Rec Post
Stalking Harry by orphan_account
Harry Potter is the most eligible bachelor in the Wizarding world. Draco Malfoy is a disgraced ex-Death Eater with emotional baggage and a bit of a crush. Rec Post
Through His Eyes (I Am Set Free) by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed @shewhomustnotbenamed
Harry and Draco have a telepathic connection that remains unexplained in both the Muggle and wizarding worlds. Draco is assigned a mission by Voldemort to locate and capture the Boy Who Lived– the trouble is that they don’t know anything about him. While Draco struggles to gather information on this mysteriously absent hero, he and Harry start communicating again for the first time since they were kids. Harry continues life as normal until he discovers information which compels him to abandon his ordinary Muggle life with the endeavor to rescue and emancipate his only friend– even if that means bartering with his own life. Rec Post
A Private Reason for This by Femme (femmequixotic) @femmequixotic
When the wife of a star politician in the Scottish Ministry turns up dead just outside Hogsmeade, Draco Malfoy and his murder investigation team are called in from the Edinburgh Auror force to find her killer. What DCI Malfoy doesn’t expect, however, is to have an ex from two decades past end up in his murder room, endangering not only his case, but also his heart. Rec Post
Consequences of Redemption by ominousflags @ominousflags
When Draco makes an impromptu decision to rescue Harry Potter from Malfoy Manor, the two find themselves completely alone and facing the looming climax of the war against Voldemort. Harry must start from the beginning with Draco–and starting over has more consequences than either of them anticipated. Rec Post
Double Trouble by multiverse_of_fanfic
Four years after the War, Draco is stuck in a dead-end job, paper-pushing his life away. Until one day, after a security breach in the Ministry, he receives an offer he can’t refuse. Thrown back into a world he thought he’d left behind, Draco must wrestle with his Death Eater past as well as his inconvenient — and forbidden — feelings for an annoyingly level-headed Harry Potter.
Will he manage to come out unscathed like he has most of his life, or will it all come crashing down? Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well!(ノ゚∀゚)ノ━☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・.*・。゚*:・゚✧
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Weapons of Massive Consumption by SanderVanSunshine @sandervansunshine
Eight years after the war, Harry Potter lives a life of hedonism: raging parties, huge impulse purchases, and seemingly no worries. But it's Draco Malfoy—former Death Eater, lover of blueberry muffins, and bane of coffee shop workers—who starts to wonder if it's all a front, if something's actually terribly wrong with him. Why else would Potter ask Draco, of all fucking people, to write his biography?
What We Left Behind by peachydreamxx @peachydreamxx
Harry's recovering from an injury. Malfoy's recovering from heartbreak. Beaten down and bruised, Harry takes up Malfoy's offer to stay at his secluded seaside cottage in Dorset. It'll be good to get away from it all. It's only for a few days, and it's only so he can heal. Nothing else. Digging up past feelings will only make matters worse, and besides, Malfoy doesn't feel the same way. Does he?
Take You Home by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) @lqtraintracks
Everybody’s a little fucked up after the war, Draco especially. What starts as hate sex after a night out, eventually turns into something else, something more like comfort. And even though his friends all tell Harry he’s just being used, all Harry’s doing is making sure Draco gets home in one piece. He’s not falling helplessly in love.
Vipera Berus by Justlikewriting
Everything was fine. Draco resided at the Manor, made a decent living selling potions and most of his customers actually kept coming back despite his last name. Hence, Draco was fine. He really was. So what, if he was still waiting.
Title & Possession by Kbrick @kbrick
Harry Potter’s life is going well in the aftermath of the war. Sure, his house is dark and run-down and might hate him (while his house elf definitely hates him). But other than that, things are good. Except, yeah, okay, Hermione and Ron are no longer on speaking terms. Worse, they keep trying to get Harry to pick sides. But otherwise, Harry couldn’t be happier. Well. Except for the fact that Ginny is being super weird about their relationship and never wants to have sex or talk about the future. But other than that, Harry is perfectly fine, thankyouverymuch. At least, he is until Draco Malfoy sues him for ownership of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. Then Harry really isn’t fine at all.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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