#team biochem
reasonsforhope · 3 months
"With “green corridors” that mimic the natural forest, the Colombian city is driving down temperatures — and could become five degrees cooler over the next few decades.
In the face of a rapidly heating planet, the City of Eternal Spring — nicknamed so thanks to its year-round temperate climate — has found a way to keep its cool.
Previously, Medellín had undergone years of rapid urban expansion, which led to a severe urban heat island effect — raising temperatures in the city to significantly higher than in the surrounding suburban and rural areas. Roads and other concrete infrastructure absorb and maintain the sun’s heat for much longer than green infrastructure.
“Medellín grew at the expense of green spaces and vegetation,” says Pilar Vargas, a forest engineer working for City Hall. “We built and built and built. There wasn’t a lot of thought about the impact on the climate. It became obvious that had to change.”
Efforts began in 2016 under Medellín’s then mayor, Federico Gutiérrez (who, after completing one term in 2019, was re-elected at the end of 2023). The city launched a new approach to its urban development — one that focused on people and plants.
The $16.3 million initiative led to the creation of 30 Green Corridors along the city’s roads and waterways, improving or producing more than 70 hectares of green space, which includes 20 kilometers of shaded routes with cycle lanes and pedestrian paths.
These plant and tree-filled spaces — which connect all sorts of green areas such as the curb strips, squares, parks, vertical gardens, sidewalks, and even some of the seven hills that surround the city — produce fresh, cooling air in the face of urban heat. The corridors are also designed to mimic a natural forest with levels of low, medium and high plants, including native and tropical plants, bamboo grasses and palm trees.
Heat-trapping infrastructure like metro stations and bridges has also been greened as part of the project and government buildings have been adorned with green roofs and vertical gardens to beat the heat. The first of those was installed at Medellín’s City Hall, where nearly 100,000 plants and 12 species span the 1,810 square meter surface.
“It’s like urban acupuncture,” says Paula Zapata, advisor for Medellín at C40 Cities, a global network of about 100 of the world’s leading mayors. “The city is making these small interventions that together act to make a big impact.”
At the launch of the project, 120,000 individual plants and 12,500 trees were added to roads and parks across the city. By 2021, the figure had reached 2.5 million plants and 880,000 trees. Each has been carefully chosen to maximize their impact.
“The technical team thought a lot about the species used. They selected endemic ones that have a functional use,” explains Zapata.
The 72 species of plants and trees selected provide food for wildlife, help biodiversity to spread and fight air pollution. A study, for example, identified Mangifera indica as the best among six plant species found in Medellín at absorbing PM2.5 pollution — particulate matter that can cause asthma, bronchitis and heart disease — and surviving in polluted areas due to its “biochemical and biological mechanisms.”
And the urban planting continues to this day.
The groundwork is carried out by 150 citizen-gardeners like Pineda, who come from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds, with the support of 15 specialized forest engineers. Pineda is now the leader of a team of seven other gardeners who attend to corridors all across the city, shifting depending on the current priorities...
“I’m completely in favor of the corridors,” says [Victoria Perez, another citizen-gardener], who grew up in a poor suburb in the city of 2.5 million people. “It really improves the quality of life here.”
Wilmar Jesus, a 48-year-old Afro-Colombian farmer on his first day of the job, is pleased about the project’s possibilities for his own future. “I want to learn more and become better,” he says. “This gives me the opportunity to advance myself.”
The project’s wider impacts are like a breath of fresh air. Medellín’s temperatures fell by 2°C in the first three years of the program, and officials expect a further decrease of 4 to 5C over the next few decades, even taking into account climate change. In turn, City Hall says this will minimize the need for energy-intensive air conditioning...
In addition, the project has had a significant impact on air pollution. Between 2016 and 2019, the level of PM2.5 fell significantly, and in turn the city’s morbidity rate from acute respiratory infections decreased from 159.8 to 95.3 per 1,000 people [Note: That means the city's rate of people getting sick with lung/throat/respiratory infections.]
There’s also been a 34.6 percent rise in cycling in the city, likely due to the new bike paths built for the project, and biodiversity studies show that wildlife is coming back — one sample of five Green Corridors identified 30 different species of butterfly.
Other cities are already taking note. Bogotá and Barranquilla have adopted similar plans, among other Colombian cities, and last year São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in South America, began expanding its corridors after launching them in 2022.
“For sure, Green Corridors could work in many other places,” says Zapata."
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, March 4, 2024
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teamatsumu · 8 months
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kinktober 2023 -> day 27
hate sex - kuroo tetsuro x reader
word count: 2100
warnings: swearing, nsfw, reader is yaku’s sister, both of them are kinda assholes but not really lol
kinktober masterlist
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Kuroo Tetsuro was a very talented individual. Because no one had the capacity to piss you off quite like he did.
You should’ve known the minute you walked into your biochem class that he would become the bane of your existence. You wished you had gotten some sort of warning when you chose your major. A sign. A whisper from the gods. Anything at all to stop you in your tracks. But no, you were here now, and you were stuck seeing him in class every time.
If only that was where it stopped. But then you discovered that he was on the college volleyball team with your brother Morisuke and apparently, they were thick as thieves. The nightmare just kept getting worse.
It’s not even that he was a jerk to you or he bullied you. You just thought he was too cocky and loud and the smirk he supported was stupid. Unfortunately, the moment he found out that you didn't like him, he made it his mission to annoy the crap out of you any chance he got.
He would make jokes about your height, or how uptight you were. He would call you dumb under his breath if you got something wrong in class, or would snicker when the teacher corrected you. He had a taunting lilt to his voice when he talked to you, like his mere words were making fun of you. It was embarrassing, and it stung a bit, but mostly it served to make you angry. Morisuke would always tell you to let it go. That Kuroo was a provocative and inflammatory person by nature, but at this point even his voice annoyed you.
“What kind of pleasure does this bring you?” You gritted out, refusing to look up at his stupid grin.
“It tingles me just right, sweets.” He replied.
“Ugh.” You made a disgusted face, giving him a look that hopefully communicated that.
“You are gross.” You responded, turning back to your book. “Now can you please leave? I have a quiz I need to study for.”
Kuroo hummed, as if contemplating your request. He leaned back in his chair, balancing it precariously on its two back legs. They squeaked in the silence of the library, making your cheek twitch.
“Nope.” He popped the ‘p’, running a hand through his already messy hair. “I’m waiting for Yaku, remember?”
“And he told you to meet him here?” You didn’t look up at him.
“No, I told him to meet me here.”
You glared at him. “To purposely annoy me? Is that it? Why can’t you just stay away from me?”
He scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself, sweets.”
You turn to him completely this time. “Then what is it, Kuroo? Why the hell are you obsessed with me? How pathetic are you?”
Kuroo stared at you incredulously. “Obsessed with you?”
He leaned forward until his face was inches from yours, eyes narrowed in anger. You nearly reeled back but held yourself in place.
“You’ve got some nerve. Thinking everything is about you. You think I give a single fuck about you? You’re just Yaku’s whiny little sister who thinks the world revolves around her. You’re not worth my time, or anyone else’s. Get your head out of the clouds or you’re going to end up taking a fall you won’t survive.”
You stared at him in shock, watching him gather his bag and water bottle before he stood up and hastily left. You stared at his retreating back, and felt anger burn through you as his words registered in your head.
You ignored the hot tears that stung your eyes.
The knock on your dorm room door startled you, and you stared at it warily. You contemplated whether you should open it or not. Maybe you could stay quiet and pretend no one was home. You weren't really in any mood to talk to people.
“I know you’re in there. The light is on.”
You nearly groaned, eyes squeezing shut. Anger boiled up in you again, and in a moment of impulse, you rushed to the door, opening it with more force than necessary.
“You've got some nerve.” Your voice shook in anger when you met his golden eyes. “Coming here after the shit you said to me today.”
Kuroo sighed, shoulders slumping. “I came to apologize for that.”
You laughed in disbelief. “What part, Kuroo? Me being whiny or me being pathetic?”
He scowled. “I didn't call you pathetic.”
“You’re getting hung up on the semantics now?!” You shrieked, stepping back to slam the door shut. Kuroo shot his foot out, blocking you from doing so.
“Excuse me? I’m not going to apologize for something I didn't even say!” He stepped inside the room, shutting it behind him so your voices didn't carry into the halls. “In fact, I specifically remember you were the one who called me pathetic. Which you still haven’t apologised for, by the way.”
“Oh my god, I hate you!” You screamed, feeling your face get hot because of how angry you were.
“Trust me, the feeling is mutual!” Kuroo screamed back, stepping forward until he was right in your face. You stiffened at how he was towering over you, his chest heaving and breaths coming heavy and quick. His teeth were clenched, making his jaw tick. Your eyes tracked the movement. You watched a small droplet of sweat run down the side of his face.
You stepped forward until your lips met his.
Kuroo jerked back, looking at you with wide eyes, mouth dropped open in shock. You stared at each other for a few moments, completely silent. Then, the dam broke.
Kuroo grabbed the sides of your face, sealing your lips together in a searing kiss. You moaned into his mouth, giving him the opening to slide his tongue over yours. You backed up until your legs hit your bed, falling back and Kuroo following you down, not breaking the kiss. Your limbs tangled together in a flurry, attempting to rip each other’s clothes off as quickly as you could.
“Can you hurry?” You broke the kiss, glaring at him as you tugged his shirt off.
“Can you shut the fuck up?” He bit back, pulling your sweatpants off your legs.
His lips met yours in the next moment, effectively silencing you except the little moans leaving your lips. His bare body felt heavenly against yours, and for the first time you thanked the lords that he was an athlete.
He broke the kiss again, making his way down your body with his lips. He bit at your right breast, making your breath stutter.
“Of course you would like that.” He chuckled.
“Shut the fuck up, Kuroo. Don’t ruin this-” You dissolved into a moan when he licked over your nipple, biting at it slightly before sucking. You sighed at the feeling.
His hand groped at your other breast, hips grinding down. His crotch pressed between your legs, and the pressure made you whine.
“Hurry up.” You pushed at his boxers, trying to tug them down.
“Say please~” Kuroo smirked up at you. You nearly slapped him.
“Over my dead body.”
Kuroo sighed and lifted himself off your body. He slid off you slightly, making to stand up. “Well, in that case-”
“No!” You sat up, biting your lip, staring at him. You groaned. “God, I hate you.”
Kuroo chuckled. You gasped when his fingers brushed over your clothed core, before hooking a finger into your panties and pulling them off you. His fingertips dipped into your slit. Your breath stuttered.
“Kuroo.” You stared at him, his eyes dark and pupils dilated. His lips parted, tongue peaking out just a little to run over them. His fingers continued their feather-light touch.
“Please,” you gave in.
“Please what, baby?” You whined at the nickname, feeling your core pulse. God, his voice was so husky. You stared at his lips, eyes wandering to his shoulders, his pecs, his abs, to the bulge in his underwear that was hinting at how big he probably was.
“Touch me, Tetsuro.” You whispered. “Please. Touch me, fuck me. You want me to shut the fuck up? Make it happen, then.”
He was on you the next moment, teeth digging into your skin and fingers burying themselves deep in your pussy. You yelped and moaned, spreading your legs more so he could hit deeper. His fingers were so long and delicious, reaching your spot and rubbing against it just right. Within seconds, he had you seeing stars.
“You’re such a brat.” Kuroo bit out, fingers picking up speed instantly. You could barely breathe. Your body jolted under his movements. He was being so rough. “A spoiled little princess. Greedy girl. You’re even letting me fuck you just so you can get off.”
You cried at Kuroo’s words. Fuck. Why was this turning you on so much? You clenched around his fingers, and were met with the sight of his infamous smirk, except this time, it was so much hotter than any time you had seen it before. Kuroo looked like he was enjoying the crap out of this.
“Oh, you love this, don’t you?” He goaded you, curling his fingers until your back was arching off the bed. “Such a slut. What, you got a humiliation kink or something?”
“I’m gonna cum.” You choked out, tears swimming in your vision as your toes curled.
You should've known. This was Kuroo Tetsuro you were with. There’s no way he would let you have anything good. You nearly wailed when he pulled his fingers out, soaking wet with your juices.
“Kuroo!” You cried, tears spilling down your cheeks. “Don’t- why?!”
You didn’t even care that he was witnessing you break down over this. You were just about to have what could have been the most intense orgasm of your life and he denied you it.
“You fucking asshole-”
He shushed you, leaning over and shifting slightly. Something hard prodded at your entrance, before sinking into you in one fluid motion. Your mouth dropped open at the feeling, jaw going slack. He was big, long and oh so hard, and he grazed all the right spots as he slid into you.
Kuroo wiped the tears that soaked your cheeks, brushing his nose against yours in a manner that was almost affectionate. You stared up at him, still dizzy from your almost orgasm a few moments ago. His eyes held a glint that told you tonight was going to be brutal in the best way possible.
And you were right. Kuroo fucked you through three orgasms before he even slowed his pace. You were left a blabbering, bumbling mess by the time his hips stuttered and he emptied himself inside you, warm cum washing over your walls, pushing you through one more orgasm as his unrelenting fingers rubbed at your abused, swollen clit. He didn’t care when you whined at him to stop. He was merciless throughout. It was rough and hot and it made you see stars.
You didn’t even register when his body left yours, or when he came back and ran a washcloth over the mess between your legs. You turned on your side, back sore from all the arching. You were still out of breath as he tugged on his clothes, watching him fix his hair. Well, as fixed as his messy hair could get. Aside from the sweat on his face and his slightly heavy breathing, he seemed unfazed. You would think he was out for a run, not rearranging your guts.
You didn’t realize he was staring at you until a few moments later, when he leaned over to brush your hair off your face. His signature smirk spread over his lips.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. You’re the best sex I’ve ever had too.”
You scowled as he straightened up, making his way to the door. “What the hell do you mean ‘too’?
He didn’t answer, humming happily to himself as he tugged his shoes on.
“You aren’t the best sex I’ve ever had.” You sat up, feeling your face turn red. He gave you a look that was so smug it made you stiffen in embarrassment. You knew he didn’t believe a word you just said. You also knew that Kuroo’s already humongous ego was about to shoot through the fucking roof.
“You’re not.” You mumbled. Kuroo pulled the door open, still supporting the insufferable smirk on his face, giving you a teasing wink.
“You’re not, Kuroo!” You called behind him as the door clicked shut. Sighing, you flopped back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling and ruminating on everything that had just happened.
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@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel @vintagevict0ria @smithieandy @moonlit-mizukage @snazzyturtles @argwein
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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incognit0slut · 2 days
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Much Ado About Nothing (Act II, Scene I: The Suspicious Scheme)
The three times you sensed something strange when everyone paired you with Spencer, and the one time you understood why.
Part warning: Definitely inaccuracy in autopsy procedures and Spencer’s educational background, it’s hard writing a genius Words: 5.6k (not proofread, I’ll do it when I have the time so please excuse me if you see any mistakes) A/n: I tried to make this part shorter but I gave up. I hope you don’t mind reading more😌
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I. The Forced Partner
There was usually a system when Hotch paired the team up, a method to his leadership that balanced skills and personalities to get the job done efficiently. But as Spencer and you were directed to the autopsy room together, you couldn’t help but wonder if Hotch was pushing his luck—or preferably yours.
It was weird. Two weeks had gone by since the last case where he had to witness you both sparring, and you would’ve thought he’d keep you apart. Yet here you were, together again, stepping into the cold, sterile room. 
The faint smell of antiseptic filled the air as you pulled on your gloves, the latex snapping against your wrists. A woman in blue scrubs, her hair pulled back into a tight bun, turned to greet you and Spencer. She extended a hand. 
“I’m Dr. Nina Patel, I’ll be overseeing the autopsy today. You must be from the BAU.”
You nodded, shaking her hand firmly. 
“Agent Y/N Y/L/N, and this is Dr. Spencer Reid,” you introduced, gesturing towards Spencer, who offered a brief nod and a tight lip smile in greeting. Dr. Patel returned the gesture and motioned for you both to approach the table. 
“Our Jane Doe was found early this morning in an alleyway downtown," she explained, pulling back the sheet to reveal a woman appearing in her late thirties. "There are no apparent injuries, and no ID was found with her.”
Spencer stepped closer. "Any indication of the time of death?" 
"Preliminary estimates put the time of death at approximately eight hours before she was found."
You watched as she started pointing to various parts of the body. 
"She was also found with her clothes in perfect condition. It’s possible she was placed there post-mortem."
Spencer raised an eyebrow. "Could suggest transportation from another location.”
You moved to the head of the table, examining Jane Doe's hands and nails. "No defensive wounds," you added. "She didn't fight back, or more likely, wasn't conscious during her final moments."
Dr. Patel nodded as she considered your observations. “It’s plausible that a strong sedative was used, which would leave minimal to no struggle marks. We’re running some tests as we speak.”
Spencer chimed in quickly after that. “The Unsub might have used succinylcholine, or even benzodiazepines,” he suggested. Then, turning toward you with a condescending tone as if simplifying it for your benefit, he added, “They’d metabolize quickly and would require a toxicology screen to detect definitively.”
You rolled your eyes.
“That’s impressive, Dr. Reid,” Dr. Patel remarked, her eyes lingering on him a moment longer than seemed strictly professional. You narrowed your eyes at her. “Did you study pharmacology formally, or is this a passion of yours?”
“I actually did a bit of formal study during my Ph.D. programs.”
“Oh, really? What did you study?”
“Chemistry and Engineering. Pharmacology intersects quite a bit with those fields, especially when looking at biochemical reactions.”
Dr. Patel seemed genuinely impressed. “That’s quite a formidable educational background. No wonder you’re so thorough with your analyses.”
You could feel a knot tightening in your stomach. Her admiration was professional, sure, but the way her eyes softened when she looked at him, the way her voice dipped just so—it was a tone you recognized all too well.
She was flirting with him.
You watched them, your gaze sharp and assessing. Although it wasn’t like Spencer to notice her advances; he was smart, yes, but his brilliance often left him oblivious to the layers of personal interaction that didn’t involve textbooks or theories. And Dr. Patel, with her easy smile and obvious interest, seemed to have her focus on him rather than the body lying between you.
You cleared your throat, louder than necessary.
“Can we continue?” 
Dr. Patel seemed to catch your eye, her expression shifting back to professional as she nodded. “Of course.”
She resumed her explanation, detailing the various findings and pointing out subtle indicators on the body that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. Spencer listened intently, his gaze shifting between Dr. Patel and you, noticing the subtle tension in the room, but didn’t comment.
It wasn’t until you had all the information you needed—and after you caught one last flirtatious look from Dr. Patel directed at him—that Spencer finally spoke up.
“She seems nice,” he remarked as you both stepped outside the building, heading toward the parking lot.
You shrugged. “Sure, if you say so.”
Spencer glanced at you, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. “Am I missing something?” 
You looked over at him, debating whether to explain, before you finally sighed. 
“It’s just... she seemed a bit more interested in you than the case,” you said, trying to keep your tone light but failing to hide your slight irritation.
And then he noticed it. The subtle tension in your voice, the way you avoided his gaze, the underlying frustration—it clicked. “Wait, are you... jealous?”
“No, I’m not!” You replied quickly, then softer, “I’m not.”
“You sound like it.”
You scoffed. “No, I sound like a friend trying to remind you that we have a case to focus on.”
“Oh, so now we’re friends?”
“I meant that in the broadest, most professional sense of the word.”
“Right,” Spencer replied sarcastically. “I didn’t realize jealousy was part of professional behavior.”
“I wasn’t jealous,” you snapped. “Stop making it into something it’s not.”
“Y/L/N,” he shot back in the same flat tone.
Dear God, why was he so infuriating? How he had this ability, this perfectly annoying talent to get under your skin without seeming to try was beyond you. You both stared at each other for a while, until finally, you broke the silence with an exasperated sigh.
“Let’s just go,” you muttered, brushing past him.
You walked a few steps ahead, trying to shake off his words. It was absurd. The very idea was ridiculous when you were focused on the case, on solving the mystery—nothing more.
You were not jealous.
II. The Unavoidable Flight
“I’m telling you, she was definitely flirting with him,” you said, your voice a mix of disbelief and annoyance as you and Penelope made your way toward the plane. “It was so obvious, the way she kept looking at him, the tone of her voice. I mean, does professional decorum mean nothing anymore?”
“Why are you acting so surprised? Wonder Boy is actually quite the catch,” Penelope responded. “He’s not my type, but he clearly has admirers.”
Your eyes involuntarily drifted toward the man in question, who was walking a few paces behind, engaged in conversation with JJ. He was casually gripping the strap of his satchel bag, laughing at something JJ had just said. You narrowed your eyes.
“Well, I don’t understand what they see in him.”
“It might be that genius brain of his—totally irresistible to some.”
“It’s annoying, is what it is,” you grumbled, quickening your pace as the plane came into view.
Penelope responded with a sly grin. “You know what you sound like?”
“Like someone who’s maybe a little jealous.”
You frowned, hating how she was the second person to conclude your irritation with something else. “Absolutely not.”
“Oh, come on. You seem unusually focused on how others interact with him.”
“I’m focused on maintaining a professional work environment,” you defended, trying to keep your voice even as you approached the steps of the plane. “Not about… whatever you’re implying.”
“Fine. If Dr. Patel makes her move and actually calls him, what would you do?”
Your eyes widened. “What? Who did you hear that from? Did he tell you? When did she call him?”
“Hypothetically, oh my god,” Penelope laughed, stepping onto the plane as you followed, slightly flustered. “I’m just saying, hypothetically, if it happened, what would you do? How would you react?”
You paused at the entrance, processing her question. “I’d do nothing.”
“Nothing? Really?”
“Yes, I’d do nothing because I’m not jealous.”
“That’s what any jealous person would say.”
You narrowed your eyes at her as you walked past the entrance, and when you caught her making herself comfortable on the long couch by the front, you quickly made your way to the back of the plane.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
“To find a spot where my supposed jealousy isn’t your inflight entertainment,” you replied, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I knew you were jealous!”
“Supposed jealousy!”
Her laughter trailed after you, ringing down the narrow aisle as you navigated through the plane, bypassing Rossi, who was typing away on his phone, and Hotch, who sat across from him with his eyes closed, leaning back against his seat. You walked further down the aisle until you spotted an empty spot at the very back of the plane, looking very isolated and inviting.
It was perfect.
“Garcia! That’s my usual spot,” Spencer’s unmistakable voice echoed through the plane as you made yourself comfortable in your chair.
From the corner of your eye, you could see him standing over Penelope, a hand gesturing toward the seat while his other hand clutched his bag.
“But it’s so comfortable,” Penelope responded, settling deeper into the plush seat. “Come on, Reid, I don’t travel as much as you do. Let me have it.”
Spencer paused, his initial protest fading as he took in Penelope’s exaggerated comfort. “Where would I sit?”
“You can sit…”
You quickly closed your eyes. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t–
“Over there! There’s an empty spot in front of Y/N.”
You were going to kill her.
You sank deeper into your chair, hoping to avoid any forced small talk or, worse, awkward silence with him. Maybe if you were lucky enough, he’d pick another chair—perhaps next to Hotch, or Rossi, or—
A cough interrupted your thoughts.
“I know you’re pretending to sleep.”
Reluctantly, you opened one eye, peeking at him.
"Mind if I sit here?"
For a moment, you considered ignoring him, but the look on his face told you he wasn’t going to let it go. You rolled your shoulders, giving up the pretense, and sat up straighter.
“Actually, yes, I do mind.”
He raised an eyebrow but lowered himself onto the seat anyway, clearly unfazed by your objection.
"Reid,” you warned him. “I’m serious.”
"I know you are.” His eyes briefly swept around the cabin as he settled into the seat across from you, placing his satchel bag on his lap. "But every other seat is taken. Unless you want me to stand in the aisle for the next few hours?"
You rolled your eyes, letting out a resigned sigh as you crossed your arms. "Fine, but I'm reserving the right to nap, and you're reserving the right to not disturb that nap."
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
He leaned forward in his seat. “Do you know that you snore when you sleep?”
You gasped. “I do not!”
“You do. You sound like a little chainsaw.”
You gaped at him. The idea of a rough, grating noise being associated with you was almost laughable, and yet here he was, completely serious. You were unsure whether to be amused or offended.
“A chainsaw? That’s what you’re going with?”
“Well, considering the average chainsaw operates at around 90 decibels, I'd say it's an appropriate comparison."
“Don’t make me throw you off the plane.”
He shrugged, leaning back in his seat. “Just so you know, certain sleep positions can actually help reduce snoring. Maybe you should try—ouch!”
You nudged him with your foot, not hard enough to hurt but enough to make your point clear. He rubbed his leg and glanced up at you with a wry expression.
“Consider that your first and only warning,” you stated firmly before closing your eyes, signaling the end of the conversation.
“See, your position is all wrong, if you slightly elevate your—”
“Good night, Reid.”
There was suddenly a moment of silence, the kind that feels almost tangible, stretching out in the small space between you. Then, you heard it—a slight, barely audible chuckle.
You wondered if your mind was playing tricks on you, the sound so faint that it seemed it could easily be a figment of your imagination. But no, there it was again, a soft, amused sound that had you frowning even with your eyes closed.
“Good night, Y/N.”
Maybe you were already dreaming.
III. The Lock-in Incident
“Y/N,” JJ’s voice chimed from behind you while you were gathering a stack of folders on your desk. “Can you take these down to the filing room? Spencer’s already down there reorganizing some of the older case files.”
You eyed the thick folder in JJ’s hands. When there wasn’t an active case, the team often spent time organizing and maintaining the archives. As tedious as it was, it was a necessary task, and normally, you wouldn’t mind lending a hand.
But the sound of his name made you pause because working with him in a confined space seemed very much unappealing.
“Why are you asking me?”
“Aren’t you going there?” She asked, her gaze shifting to the folders in your hands.
Internally, you groaned. Yes, you were headed there, that had been the plan. But now that you knew Spencer was there, every step towards that cramped, paper-stuffed room felt like walking into a minefield.
“Maybe you should go down there instead.”
“I can’t,” she responded, already adding her folders to your pile. “I’ve got to finish my other reports before the end of the day.”
Your eyes glanced over to Derek’s desk across from you. “Morgan?”
He turned over a page in the file he was reading, not even looking up. “Sorry, Pretty Girl, I got my hands full with this case report.”
“Oh, come on.” You stormed over to him, desperation edging into your voice. “I’ll do you a favor—anything you want.”
Derek glanced up, finally giving you his attention, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.
“Anything I want?”
“Within reason.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Sorry, but I really can’t. This report’s due in an hour.”
Frustrated, you glanced over towards Emily’s desk, hoping for a backup, but groaned when you saw it was empty.
You finally sighed, feeling the weight of your options—or lack thereof—settle on your shoulders. You gathered the heavy folders in your arms, the paper edges digging slightly into your skin. It was just a few hours, you reasoned; you could manage Spencer. He could be insufferable, but you had your own ways of being equally annoying.
With a deep breath, you headed toward the filing room, mentally preparing yourself. He was already busy sorting through a pile of disorganized paperwork when you got there, his brow furrowed in concentration.
“I have more work for you,” you announced in a sing-song voice.
Spencer looked up, his eyes scanning the sight of the hefty folders in your arms. “Nope. They’re yours, not mine.”
You paused, leaning on the table filled with sorted files. “Are you sure you want me to do this by myself? Because, you know, I might just rearrange what you’ve already organized here. It would be a shame if all your hard work got… scrambled.”
“Don’t even think about it,” he quickly warned. “Hand them over. I’ll do it myself.”
You moved closer and placed the folders next to his neatly arranged stacks, deliberately nudging them just enough to seem accidental.
“Really?” he said, a hint of exasperation in his tone as he carefully realigned the folders you had nudged. “You know, we could actually get this done much faster if you’re not acting like a child.”
“Oh, please. Like you’re the mature one.”
“At least I’m trying to get the job done, not make it harder.”
“Maybe if you weren’t so uptight about every little detail, it wouldn’t be so hard,” you shot back, grabbing another stack of files to sort.
“I’m not uptight. I’m precise. There’s a difference.”
“Sure there is.”
Spencer opened his mouth to retort, but before he could get the words out, the sudden sound of the door clicking shut echoed through the cramped room. Both of you turned around simultaneously.
“Did that just…?” He began, stepping towards the door and trying the handle. It didn’t budge. He jiggled it again, more forcefully this time. “Great, it’s locked.”
“What?” You walked over, a sinking feeling in your stomach. “Who the hell locked it?”
“I don’t think anyone did. These old doors… they stick. It’s probably just jammed,” Spencer explained, though his voice carried a hint of doubt.
Yeah, right, you thought, your skepticism growing. Despite his logical explanation, you couldn't shake the feeling that this was more than just a coincidence. The timing was just too perfect, and you had a sneaking suspicion that someone might have been behind this.
But then the reality of the situation sank in. Your immediate concern shifted to the fact that you were trapped here, with him, until someone realized you were missing. The prospect was both frustrating and daunting.
“Look, let’s just keep working,” he suggested. “The sooner we finish, the sooner we can figure out how to get out of here.”
You nodded, though a part of you wanted to argue. “Fine. But if we’re still stuck here by the time we’re done, you’re explaining this to Hotch.”
“We’ll get out, don’t worry.”
“Let’s hope you’re right.” You picked up a folder from the pile, flipping it open to look over its contents. “How do I do this?”
“Sort them by case type first, then by date within each type.”
“So, this one would go under…?”
“Unsolved homicides,” Spencer replied, taking a quick peek at the document you held open. “And make sure it’s in chronological order with the others.”
You moved to the designated shelf, sliding the folder into its appropriate spot before returning to grab another. “Wait,” you opened the file, your eyes scanning the page. “I think this was my first case.”
You read through the document and nodded.
“Yes, look, it’s the one where the Unsub was targeting families with children,” you reminisced, your mind going back to the time when you were still new to the job. “That was such a hard case. Remember how I couldn’t stop crying? And how Hotch had to debrief me because I was still shaking even after we made the arrest?”
When you were met with silence, you looked up to see his back facing you, seeming too busy as he organized his files. You closed the document in your hands and walked back toward the shelf.
“Of course, you don’t remember,” you muttered under your breath. “Why would you even remember?”
A twinge of disappointment settled in your chest, even though you hated to admit it. It was stupid, really, to expect him to recall every little detail from the past, especially when it had to do with you. But just as you turned to grab another file, Spencer’s voice stopped you.
“October 19, 2011.”
You paused, turning slowly to face him, your brows furrowing in confusion. “What?”
“The date you started working here,” Spencer said, still focused on his task. “You wore a black blouse and the brightest shade of red on your lips.”
You blinked, trying to understand what he was getting at.
“The case was in St. Louis,” Spencer continued, now looking up to meet your gaze directly. “Your first field assignment. You told Hotch you were ready, but the case really got to your head.”
You found yourself at a loss for words, realizing what he was trying to do.
“You cried when you came back from talking with the victim’s family. You cried when the second victim was found. You cried when we finally caught the Unsub.”
You continued to stare at him, not knowing how to process his words.
“You also cried when I sat beside you on the plane.”
He remembered.
The realization struck you hard, almost like a physical blow. A part of you had convinced yourself that he barely noticed you, that any memory involving you was erased from his mind. But here he was, recalling not just any memory, but your first week when you joined the team, right down to the color of your lips.
“You…” The frown on your face deepened. “You remembered.”
There was a pause as he looked at you, his eyes carefully assessing your reaction. “It’s hard not to."
You held his gaze. Sometimes you wonder what would happen if you were still on good terms. Would you smile at him now? Would you tell him that, yes, you also remembered how he allowed you to lean on his shoulder during that flight back home, despite the awkwardness of your first meeting when it seemed he’d rather keep his distance?
You shook your head, looking away from him. It was wishful thinking. Letting yourself dwell on what could have been would only lead to another heartbreak. You had learned to protect yourself, to keep your distance, because hoping for a return to those days would only make the present hurt more.
“Right,” you said, trying to keep your composure as you gripped the folder in your hand. “I forgot you have an eidetic memory.”
Spencer didn’t say anything, but you could feel his eyes on you, a quiet, lingering gaze that you felt more than saw. The room suddenly felt incredibly small, the walls seeming to close in around you as your fingers fumbled slightly with the papers, grabbing another file.
You needed to get out of here. You needed to regain control. The faster you finish your work, the sooner you can escape him.
IV. The Table For Two
“You did it on purpose, didn’t you?” You pressed, arms linked with JJ as you both walked down the sidewalk, your stride matching the quick tempo of your rising irritation. The accusation in your voice was clear, but JJ just offered a casual shrug, avoiding direct eye contact.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You expect me to believe it was an accident?” Your skepticism was palpable, and you watched as a small smirk played at the corner of her lips. “That the door coincidentally locked itself when we were both inside?”
“The doors are old,” she said, keeping her gaze forward, her steps even and unhurried. “You know how it is, sometimes if you even just shut them too hard, they jam. Could happen to anyone.”
Her tone was too nonchalant, too practiced, and you tugged on her arm, pulling her to a stop. “Right, and I suppose it was also just chance that the door closed by itself?”
JJ paused, finally facing you with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t do it.”
“Then somebody did.”
“Y/N,” she replied, her smile broadening in a way that only heightened your irritation. “Nobody did.”
You groaned, resuming your walk as you pulled her along. “You guys are so annoying.”
JJ laughed. “How did you get out of there anyway?”
You sighed, the memory of the escape bringing a frown to your face. The entire time you were locked in that room, you had done everything possible to avoid talking to him, focusing on shuffling through files and pretending to be absorbed in the work.
After what felt like an eternity of awkward silence and strained small talk, you both gave up trying to ignore the situation and started moving around the cramped space, phones held high, desperately trying to find a signal. When you finally managed to get a single bar, you quickly dialed Penelope, who answered with her usual upbeat tone, clearly amused by your predicament.
"We had to call Garcia to let us out,” you said, your tone dry. “She found the whole thing hilarious."
JJ's laughter grew as she imagined the scene. "She would have loved that. Probably made her day to rescue the two of you."
“She’s already teasing us about it.”
Her laughter slowly died down as she gave your arm a light tug. “Did anything happen while you two were in there?”
You hesitated, recalling the awkward silence, the shuffling of papers, and that brief, tensed exchange. “Not really,” you admitted. “We just tried to organize the files without screaming at each other.”
“But did you talk at all? I mean, really talk?”
“Jennifer,” you warned, the tone of your voice hinting that she was treading on uncomfortable territory. The thought of delving deeper into what had—or hadn’t—happened in that room was not something you were eager to talk about.
“I know, I know, it’s complicated,” she conceded. “Just thought it seemed like a good opportunity to maybe clear the air between you two.”
“Well, you thought wrong. There’s nothing to talk about.”
JJ looked at you skeptically, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she could see right through your defenses. She seemed on the verge of pushing further, but then her phone rang, interrupting the moment. She glanced at the screen and sighed, giving you an apologetic look. "Hold on, I need to take this. It's Will."
You nodded and watched as she stepped a few feet away to answer the call. You waited and tried to give her privacy, but it was hard when her words were clear as you listened to her talk, and the more she spoke, the more you narrowed your eyes at her.
“…right now… sure… no, it’s fine… I can be there in ten… of course, honey...”
You crossed your arms when JJ finally ended the call and turned back towards you.
"I need to head home,” she said, a bit too casually. “Will got called into work unexpectedly.”
Suspicion started to creep in as you processed her words. The timing was impeccable—a little too perfect. You both were supposed to meet up with Penelope and Derek for dinner, and it was almost guaranteed that Spencer would be there too, considering Derek had taken it upon himself to drag him along at any given chance under the pretense that ‘the kid needs to go out more’.
But the thought of JJ bailing on you on such short notice seemed out of pocket, even for her.
"Really, right now?" you asked, narrowing your eyes slightly. She shifted on her feet, her smile a bit forced. “Is everything okay?”
JJ nodded, but there was a flicker of something in her eyes—something that looked more like amusement than guilt. "Yeah, I just need to get home to the kids. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
The more she spoke, the more your suspicion grew. Her demeanor seemed too casual, almost rehearsed, as if she was trying to assure you while simultaneously eager to leave. It felt like she was in on some inside joke that you weren't aware of.
“Well, if you really have to go…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” JJ flashed a quick, almost relieved smile and gave you a hurried kiss on the cheek. “Have a good time tonight, and fill me in on all the details later.”
“Details? What details?” You called after her but she was already walking away. “JJ! Why do I have to fill you in the details?”
She simply waved a hand without turning back, leaving you standing there with a growing sense of unease. You slowly resumed your walk, taking out your phone to call Penelope but stopped in your tracks when you saw a message from her, sent five minutes ago.
Hey, Sweetie, so sorry I can’t make it to dinner tonight! Something urgent came up. Have fun without me :)
Your stomach dropped as you read the message. First JJ, and now Garcia? It was starting to feel like you were being abandoned, or worse, you were being set up. You glanced around, half expecting to see Derek lurking in the shadows with a mischievous grin, orchestrating this whole fiasco.
It wasn’t until you arrived at the restaurant and spotted Spencer alone at the entrance, trying to avoid any immediate contact with the other patrons, that you realized your suspicion was confirmed. The pieces clicked together almost too neatly, and the man seemed as surprised to see you as you were to see him.
His discomfort was evident as he adjusted his stance, gripping the strap of his bag, eyes darting to you as you approached him.
“Morgan’s late,” he announced as a greeting.
“He’s not coming,” you said, unable to keep the annoyance from creeping into your voice. “And neither is JJ or Penny.”
“He told you that?”
“No,” you replied with a sigh. “But it’s pretty obvious now, isn’t it?”
"What is?"
“That we’ve been set up,” you shot back, crossing your arms. “They’re not coming, and I’m willing to bet they never planned to.”
He frowned, his brows knitting together. “You think they did this on purpose? Why would they—”
“Come on, Reid,” you interrupted. “They’ve been nudging us to talk for weeks. What better way than to leave us no choice?”
Spencer’s gaze hardened slightly. “I don’t need to be manipulated into having a conversation,” he said sharply.
“And you think I do?” You retorted. “I’m not exactly thrilled about being tricked into a dinner date either, if that’s what this is supposed to be.”
“It’s not a date,” Spencer replied quickly, almost defensively.
“Well, that’s one thing we agree on,” you snapped, then sighed, trying to rein in your temper. “Look, I don’t want to argue. Let’s just forget this ever happened and go home.”
There was a pause as Spencer looked around, his eyes settling back on you. “You want to go home?”
“You don’t?”
He hesitated, then shrugged. “I mean, we’re already here. Might as well stay and eat. It’s not like I have any better plans.”
You blinked, taken aback by his response. A part of you had expected him to jump at the chance to escape, but here he was, suggesting you to stay.
It seemed like a bad idea. The tension, the potential for awkward silences, the possibility of yet another argument—it all pointed to leaving being the better option. But against our better judgment, you found yourself considering his suggestion more than you wanted to admit.
Maybe it was the hunger gnawing at your stomach, or perhaps it was the realization that leaving now would only make things more awkward the next time you saw each other. Dinner with Spencer was the last option you’d choose, but it was better than coming home to an empty fridge.
“Fine,” you finally said, brushing past him. “But you’re paying.”
Spencer looked momentarily surprised but then nodded. “Fine.”
You rolled your eyes as you walked into the restaurant, but immediately stopped in your tracks when you took in the setting. This wasn’t just a restaurant, it was a place designed for dates. The realization made you pause as you looked around the room in horror.
The dim lighting cast a soft glow on polished wood and fine china, while a gentle melody played subtly in the background, setting an unmistakable romantic mood. Just as you were taking in the scene, a hostess approached with a warm, inviting smile. 
"A table for two?" 
You felt a flush rise to your cheeks as you realized how the evening was poised to look. Turning slightly to gauge Spencer's reaction, you found him even more flustered, his face turning a shade redder as he stammered a response. "Uh, yes, that's—um, that will be fine."
The hostess nodded and led you to a small, intimate table near the window. Spencer fidgeted with the strap of his bag as you both sat down, his eyes darting around the room before finally settling on you. "This is... not exactly what I expected.”
You took the menu from the hostess before she left you both alone. “I’m going to kill them,” you muttered, shaking your head.
He raised an eyebrow. “That’s a bit extreme.”
You sighed, flipping through the menu without really seeing it. “They’re always meddling. They don’t know when to stop. I'm also convinced that being locked earlier was also part of their plan. And this—this is just so...” 
“Annoying?” He offered.
“Infuriating,” you emphasized, throwing your hands up. “It’s infuriating. And embarrassing. And—”
“And yet, here we are,” he cut in, feeling the same way. Spencer paused for a moment, then leaned in slightly, sending you a pointed look. “You know, maybe we should just give them what they want.”
You blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Well, it’s a fact that humans are generally satisfied when they get what they want. And since what our friends want is for the two of us to get along, maybe we should just... pretend that we do.”
“Reid,” you pressed, mirroring his posture as you leaned forward. “They don’t want us to just get along. Look around us. They want us to really get along.” 
Spencer paused, considering your words, his gaze lingering on the candlelit table and the other couples around, deep in conversation. He seemed to realize the full extent of the setup, the romantic undertone that wasn't simply incidental but intentional.
“You’re right,” he finally responded, leaning back in his seat. “Forget what I said. It was stupid.”
You studied him as he opened the menu, the candlelight casting a soft glow on his face. He was right. Not only was it stupid, it was crazy. Pretending to be civil with him was one thing, pretending that you shared some kind of unspoken, lingering feelings was another thing. The mere thought of it made your heart race, but you couldn’t tell if it was from anxiety or nervousness.
You quickly shook your head. It was ridiculous. How could you even begin to pretend to have feelings for someone with whom you shared such a complicated past? How could you act like there was something more between you when the reality was so different?
The whole idea was far-fetched, almost laughable. You couldn’t imagine yourself romantically involved with him, even if it was just for pretend.
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facefullofsadness · 5 months
Can I request sub!Sakura x soft!dom!reader? Basically fluff smut (-_-")
sakura unnie being just the submissive bby girl she truly is 🥰
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content - loser gamer!sakura (bc she literally is just a loser who happens to be an idol u can't change my mind), smut (cunnilingus, corruption kink kinda but not really inflicted, reader is a lil intoxicated), fluff (I guess? like kinda?)
wc - 2148 (might've gotten carried away...)
sakura is a sensitive girlie.
and this doesn't just apply to in bed but in real life too. when you first met her, she was so shy and jumpy. seeing her at a pc café with the cat ear headphones she brought from home, wearing glasses, gray sweatpants, and a graphic tee way too oversized for her small body.
going up to her because u recognized her from your biochem class, asking if she did the homework yet.
"oh uh, hi, you know my name? uhm, sorry I'm a mess. wait a second, sorry," kura would stumble over her words, balancing her focus between the pretty girl talking to her and the intense league match she had going on.
sigh, how fucking adorable.
the way you grazed her shoulder with the tips of your fingers as you *intently* watched as she tried not to feed the enemy team (failing by the way). your focus was more on the way sakura's body tensed at the gentle contact.
it flicked a switch in your brain watching her bite down hard on her lip, trying so hard not to break in front of you. this only whirred you on, needing to see her desperate. and so you made it your goal to make this girl yours, in every way.
wooing her (easily bc pretty girl) into becoming your girlfriend, making her feel so loved and special, making her feel like you were the only person in the world for her. yes of course you loved her truly, but the switch that was on in your head always shone a light so bright that reminded you of how obsessed you were with the submissive aspects of this girl.
starting tame in your relationship, holding hands, cupping her cheeks and rubbing your thumbs against them, planting soft and gentle kisses on her, giving her sweet cuddles. it would eventually progress into brushing fingers against her sensitive waist, hearing as kura would release shaky breaths at the contact, deep and passionate makeout sessions where she would be breathless and sweaty under you, kissing and leaving dark marks on her neck and across her chest which would have her whining, trying to push you away because god how embarrassing it felt to be so small against you.
seeing her face so flushed pink and eyes dazed after an intimate moment drove you insane. you absolutely just needed to see more. and so when the first time you guys had sex, you had to remind yourself not to take it too far. after all, she's still your lovely sweet loser girlfriend who wouldn't hurt a fly (mostly because she's probably too scared of it).
and by sex, I mean eating out your precious girlfriend while she was gaming. you had gotten a little tipsy that night, drinking by yourself in the living room, dragging your body into kura's bedroom where she was focused in on a match of overwatch. too buzzed to act interested in her game, you pull yourself onto her lap and nestled your face into her neck.
you smiled against her skin as you felt the girl's breath hitch at the sudden gesture, your hot breath hitting her sensitive spot.
"y/n baby, I'm k-kinda busy right n-now..." she'd stutter, losing focus.
you shush her, planting wet kisses against her jaw and neck, "keep playing kura, don't worry about me. just focus."
the cogs in your brain speed and your heartbeat races with the corruptive thoughts running through your head. you feel yourself heat up at the need to feel her fall apart against you, shaking in your hold. hearing her shaky voice make callouts to her teammates over comms, your greedy hands brushing her sides and trailing her abdomen, mouth leaving wet spots across her exposed collarbone.
you moan against her skin, her body so tense when you touch her, exciting you more than you think is possible. though you wanted to be patient and gentle with her when it comes to intimate moments like this, in your drunken state, it was hard to think straight. and so it slips your mind when your hands trail up to cusp her tits, thumbs rubbing her hard nipples in circles.
your brain short circuits when you hear her whimper right against your ear, kissing her on the cheek and grinding down against her core. you push one of the headphone muffs back, whispering in her ear.
"do you like that baby, like when I touch your naughty little body like this? like when I grind against your aching pussy like that?" you rasp breathily, biting the lobe of her ear and chuckling lowly.
one of her hands fly off of the keyboard and quickly mute her mic, bringing her hand to tangle her fingers with your hair.
"ahhh fuck, y/n-ie, I'm.. that feels so.. ahh," sakura can't contain the moans slipping out of her mouth easily as your grinding continues and your fingers pinch at her hardened buds.
you pull your face away from her heaving chest and bring your lips to grace her own lips, "baby, why'd you stop playing? be a good girl and win for me."
how evil, sakura must be thinking in that little head of hers, clouded with lust.
she whines needily against your lips and you kiss her sweetly in response, "c'mon baby, I'll reward you if you listen to me."
and so she gulps and nods, leaning forward against you before unmuting and returning back to the game. hm, how easy it is to control you my love, you think sinisterly.
pulling ur hands away and getting off of her, looking up at her darting eyes, full of nervousness and excitement, you smirk at the sight. you bring your hands up to the waistband of her sweats, untying the knot and slowly pulling them down.
your eyebrows raise when you see how dark her panties have gotten, wet and practically soaked with arousal.
"you DO like this baby, don't you? looks like a little too much, what do you think?" you bite your lip as you drag a single finger across the whole length of her slit, feeling how damp her underwear truly is.
she whimpers uncontrollably above you, clamping her eyes shut and throwing her head back against the headrest, trying so hard to hold back. you just know her hands are gripped tightly into fists as you press your thumb firmly against her clit through the cloth.
"guys please, we're so close," sakura begs her teammates to wrap up the game, almost a double entendre to your ears.
you look up at her sweetly and innocently, "or take your time my love, I can wait."
she peers down to look at you and frowns, eyes welling up and face scrunched with pleasure. aww, my poor baby, she wants you to stop teasing so bad and just let her fucking cum.
you hook your fingers around her panties and pull them down to pool at her ankles with her sweatpants. you pull her to the edge of her gamer chair by her thighs, your strong grip pushing apart her legs.
"you'll get what you need so bad when you win," god you're so mean :(((
she's aching so bad, the way you can physically see her hole clench around nothing, just by your words and the sheer amount of arousal that courses through her. you can't just let her go untouched, so when you throw her panties and sweats off of her ankles and to the side, lifting her legs to rest on top of your shoulders, hearing her squeal at the movement, and hotly breathe out onto her core, you go dizzy. you swear you're probably much more fucking soaked in your underwear than she is by how turned on you were by the effects you had on her.
none of that mattered right now though, all that did matter and the only thing you focused on was sakura. your precious sakura and her leaking hole. you couldn't resist anymore, diving in and sucking her entrance directly, using your tongue to lap at all the juices that she produced messily all over her pussy.
"fuck y/n!" she moaned, not caring about the game and throwing an arm over her face, hiding behind it.
"shhh, play," you'd mumble against her, flicking your wet muscle on her bundle of nerves.
"I-I can't baby..." kura whined, hearing her start to sob.
no no, couldn't have your baby suffer now could you?
"you can do it, go kura, make me proud," you'd caress her legs sweetly, moving away from her center and kissing her trembling thighs.
"we.. I'm almost, d-done," she shakily said.
at that moment, you heard cheering explode from her headphones, sakura throwing them off and muting her mic.
her hands would fly to gripping one of your hands around her thighs and your hair, "y/n, please please please, god please it hurts so bad."
looking up at her pained and desperate expression, you smiled again, "don't worry, I'll give you your reward my good girl."
diving in greedily finally, thrusting your tongue into her hole, making the most graphic wet noises from your needy mouth and her leaking pussy. the girl above you uncontrollably moaning out your name, gripping your hand and hair tightly, it hurt.
it didn't matter to you as the juice on your tongue was so delicious, the whines filling your ears sounded like music, and the body you held was trembling with pleasure. you closed your eyes as you dug your wet muscle into her and brushed your nose against her clit.
"baby ahh! fuck fuck fuck, yes yes, please don't stop, please god, it feels sosososo good y/n, I beg you, your mouth is insane," sakura would ramble mindlessly.
you listened, being crazily pussy drunk, not being able to breathe but not caring, borderline deep throating her pussy with how deep you dug your face into her. being so horny yourself, grinding against the air and panting into her. your fingers gripped painfully against her thighs, forgetting your entire plan to treat her caringly.
not that sakura seemed to mind, her head was thrown back and mouth hung wide open, eyes rolled back and screaming out profanities with your name. her hand in your hair pushed you deeper into her, grinding her hips desperately against you.
you loosened your grip slightly to let her fuck your face. you wanted to see her lose control because of you badly, so you opened your eyes to look up at her, and you swear you could cum on the spot just by how sinful the sight was. you moaned deeply into her pussy, the vibrations making sakura go insane, her body started to thrash and jolt, humping your face even more.
you slurped hungrily at her, losing any thoughts of technique and simply eating her out how you needed to. after all, kura doesn't care and grinds against your face rabidly, everything feels too fucking good to think.
"CUMMING, CUMMING!" she'd scream out, grip on you tightening even more.
"cum for me," you try mumbling as much as you could, airways practically blocked with her pussy.
sakura's body convulses, shaking with a screaming orgasm, juices squirting from her and drenching your face, chest, and clothes. you almost drown at the contact, but drink all the arousal that escapes.
her body stops violently jolting, only jerking every now and then from the aftershocks of the mindblowing climax she just came from. you release your tight grip as she does also, caressing her thighs softly, and kissing all over her sensitive core and legs. poor baby is completely gone, dazed and exhausted. you pull away from her pussy but make your way up to her face, never fully ripping away from her.
cupping her face and looking at her spent figure. chest raising and falling, mouth open, drool leaking out, cheeks stained with tears, body limp, thighs marked red, neck littered with hickies, her eyes half-lidded, and mumbling.
"y/n-ie, I'm can't," you giggle at how fucked out she is.
the throbbing at your core hurts honestly, but you ignore it, carrying your baby girl off of the chair and onto her bed. your clothes were soaked with her juices, looking back at her desk and seeing remnants of it there too. you'd clean it later, what matters is taking care of your girlfriend now.
"you did so well baby, you can rest," you'd whisper comfortingly in her ear, kissing her lips softly.
"do you want me to get you water? I can run the bath for you?" you offer, rubbing your hands sweetly over her red thighs.
"no, need you here," she'd say, pulling you into a cuddle, passing out on the spot.
you smile and place a peck on sakura's forehead, "okay."
need her so bad...
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nicestgirlonline · 1 year
dumb dumb
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Pairing: Bucky x Dumbass!Reader
Warnings: none! lots of fluff ahead!!! 
Summary: Everyone can see the huge crush Bucky has on you...everyone except you of course.
Word Count: 3.7k and counting because I truly am incapable of being brief
A/N: This is for week one’s writer activity for  @the-slumberparty  the I Spy Challenge! I included all three of the items they shouldn’t be too hard to spot! I hope you enjoy it! Unbetaed, forgive me! Feedback is always appreciated :)
Update 2/17: You guys asked and now there's a Part 2
Typically it was Team Cap that were the first people awake in the Avengers Compound. Steve, Sam and Bucky were still on a soldier's schedule, usually getting up at 5 to work out before getting breakfast. 
So it was a bit of a surprise when they entered the kitchen to see the coffee was already brewed and you were helping yourself to a bowl of cornflakes. You were a Stark Industries biochemical engineer and judging  from your lopsided ponytail and your rumpled clothes, you had ended up sleeping in the lab. Again. Steve checked his watch, it was barely past 6. 
“Good morning! Another late night?” Steve asked.
“Morning Cap! Yeah, the thing about stomach acid is it's so fascinating I lost track of my time while studying it.” You cover your mouth to hide a yawn.  
“I think maybe only you think that.” Sam said, making you giggle a bit. Bucky entered the kitchen slightly later than the other two. His hair was damp and he had a towel wrapped around his neck, freshly showered. Steve definitely noticed that Bucky had started to insist on showering before breakfast right after the first time they discovered Y/N in the kitchen. 
“Good morning Bucky!” You greeted, internally cringing at how loud you were. He was taken aback each time he saw her in the morning. The usually coordinated assassin bumped into the side of the breakfast bar with his hip and winced. 
“Morning.” he mumbled and gave a little wave before immediately heading to get some coffee, walking off the bump. Sam and Steve both glanced at each other. 
“You should kick Bucky’s ass, it’s his samples keeping you up at night,” Sam joked. You blushed and filled your mouth with more cornflakes. You’d specifically been studying well, all of Bucky? The effects of Dr. Erskine’s serum on his body mixed with the cryosleep and the other HYDRA experiments was a vast array of knowledge to tap into.
“It's not his fault I’m bad at time management. I really should stop doing this though. I'm sure my apartment misses me.” You say quickly as Bucky silently fixes himself breakfast. He pulls out the bagels and cream cheese with a bit more anger than usual. He sent Sam a glare but didn’t say anything. 
“Well if you’re here less, we’ll start missing you, won’t we Buck?” Steve asked. Both of them knew about Bucky’s soft spot for the scientist, too bad he didn’t seem like he was ever going to do anything about it. 
Bucky didn’t really answer, just sort of muttered something. You tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear trying to hide a blush.
“I'm sure Bucky won’t miss me. He’s gotten enough of me poking and prodding him.” You said hoping it came off as a light joke. While Bucky had been very willing to provide all of the samples you’d asked for, you secretly were starting to feel like you were no better than HYDRA in his eyes…
“And stealing my blood for science?” Bucky asked, his tone still grim. “‘S’not so bad when you do it.” He gave a small smile that he hid behind a sip of coffee. Steve remained quiet a moment, hoping either of you would make a move but both of you stayed blushing and looking in other directions. 
“Say, I was wondering to get your opinion on something. If there was a fella who was trying to get something nice for a lady friend, are flowers too old fashioned?”
“A lady friend? Steve, are you dating someone?”
“I can neither confirm nor deny. But humor a hundred year old guy for a second here. If someone were trying to catch the eye of a modern woman such as yourself, would he have to buy you flowers, chocolates, diamond necklace?” He asked. You thought about it for a moment tapping your chin. 
“Gosh, not diamonds for me! I can’t wear any jewelry in the lab. I think flowers are nice! Everyone likes getting flowers sometimes. Maybe I should get some flowers for the whole lab, with Valentine's Day coming up and all.”  
Bucky smiled to himself. You were just the sweetest person he’d ever met. Always thinking about others. Steve of course caught the face and Bucky quickly turned away, trying to go back to neutral. It was such a stupid little crush, nothing more. 
You felt like your back might snap in half, that lab cot was really not optimal. You’d ended up staying in the lab past midnight and at that point it was easier to just crash than bother driving home.  You’d had to redo nearly all of your samples from yesterday, after your acid experiment melted nearly all the pipettes in the lab. You were probably going to have to get some more cheek swabs from Bucky too. 
You bit your lip. It was nice to have him in the lab so much. He didn’t talk a lot but he was always awfully sweet when he did. He also didn’t seem to mind your science babble. It was safe to say you’d developed a bit of a crush over the past few months. Too bad there was absolutely no way he felt the same way about you. He was a gorgeous Avengers for chrissake, he wasn’t going to date a dorky scientist who was studying the acid in his stomach. 
Speaking of the devil, when you got up to stretch a bit you were taken back by a face full of flowers, you leaped back in surprise. 
Bucky, wearing his sweatsuit like he had just gotten back from a run, was carrying a huge bouquet of pink and purple flowers. His face as usual was unreadable. You placed your hand on your now racing heart. 
“Bucky! I didn’t hear you come in!” You said as you regained your footing. 
“Uh sorry about that. Kind of a habit. Assassin.” He said with a shrug. The two of you stood in silence with the beautiful flowers separating you. Both of you  taking in the other. 
Can’t believe he looks so handsome while I’m sitting here looking like an absolute wreck
Can’t believe she looks so cute in the mornings while I’m in here looking like a creep. 
“These are beautiful!” You gesture to the flowers snapping the two of you back to reality. He half smiled and took a deep breath, ready for the little speech he'd prepared to go along with the ridiculous bouquet. 
“Yeah uh, I was just thinking about what you and Steve were talking about yesterday, with Valentine’s Day and all—“ He began. 
“It’s so nice that you got these for the lab!” You cried out taking them from his hands. Yesterday you had mentioned getting flowers for the whole lab, that must be what Bucky was referencing. 
“I…did. I did get these for the lab.” He said the smile now disappearing and back to his usual grumpy/ neutral expression. Some people found it a bit off putting but you had grown accustomed to it. 
“The techs are gonna flip, an avenger bringing us flowers! This is gonna brighten up the break room.” You squealed happily. It broke your heart a little, secretly hoping they had been for you. The gesture was really appreciated. Maybe he really didn’t mind all of your little experiments so much!
“I’m glad you like them.” He said. He sounded genuine but he looked so sad. You quirked your eyebrows, hoping that you’d be able to cheer him up if he stayed.  “Yeah so I’m gonna go now.” 
He quickly turned his hands in his pockets. 
“Oh you can stay—” You called after him but he was basically out the door. 
 “I’ve got to go on a run.” he called back.
“Oh.” you said to yourself as the door shut behind him. You clearly had been wrong, no way did Bucky like you at all. 
“Hey there I got a huge bunch of flowers for the lab. Because I think the lab is beautiful. And the lab is smart and funny. I really like talking to the lab even though I have no idea what the fuck to even say half the time.” 
“Talking to yourself again?” Steve asked, finally catching up with Bucky who had taken off at a mad man’s pace. 
“Eavesdropping again punk?”
“Flowers didn’t go over too well? I take it?”
“Not talking about it.” Bucky said picking up speed. Steve easily matched his pace, refusing to let his friend get away. 
“Maybe you should just ask her out. You used to be pretty good at that. Being charming.” Steve suggested. Bucky picked up speed again and Steve followed, the two of them now pushing hard. Nearly too hard for conversation. 
“Will you drop it?” Bucky grunted. There was no way she liked him. Why would she anyway? She was a beautiful, brilliant scientist and he was the grumpy old meanie avenger. 
“Just trying to help.” Now Steve was pissed, he pushed harder trying to pass his best friend. 
“Stay out of it.”  The two super soldiers ran on, lapping poor Sam a shameful amount of times. 
Used to be charming. Used to be? Bucky scoffed. He’d show them. He was present day charming. 
You really needed to work on your time management, you checked your watch and it was already 3 o clock and you hadn’t even had lunch yet. You were out of lab snacks too, so you decided to break for a quick lunch. 
You assumed you’d be in the kitchen on your own but entered to see Bucky with a cup of instant noodles. He was mid slurp when you waved hello. You went straight to the pantry to grab the basics for a PBJ. You could hear lots of coughing as you turned. 
“You’re not choking right? Do you need the heimlich?” You asked only half jokingly. You’d certainly do whatever you could to help him.
You turned back and Bucky was a bit red in the face but breathing normally again. 
“No. S’fine. Went down the wrong pipe.” He grumbled waving his hand as you went back to your sandwich.  
“Everyone loves the flowers. By the way, really made our week.” You took a seat across from him. Bucky straightened up a big and cleared his throat for the final time. 
“Glad to hear it.” He smiled. You smiled back. 
There was a beat of silence. You looked down at your food, then back to Bucky only to discover he had done the same. You were looking into each other's eyes. 
“It was really so thoughtful.” You hoped you didn’t sound as breathless as you felt. 
“Well I was thinking of you when I saw them.” He said softly. Your heart soared. That was the sort of softness that you only heard from him in a few special moments. 
“Tony is having a screening of The Princess Bride. For Valentine's Day. As a treat to the company. Great movie, if you haven’t seen it.” You said very quickly. Not sure what was compelling you to tell him about it. It was one of your favorite movies and you were really excited to go to the screening until another scientist in your lab had asked you if you were bringing a date. It hadn’t occurred to you that the romance movie screening on Valentine's Day was going to be a mostly couples event. 
“I haven’t.” Bucky said. You were about to suggest he check it out when he continued “We should go. Together.” 
“Ok! Yeah! Yes we should go! Wow, that will be so much fun!” You could hardly believe it! Had your gambit worked? Subtly bringing up the movie with the hopes he’d come with you? 
“Uh cool, should I uh pick you up at the lab?” He seemed just as excited as you. You don’t think you’d ever seen him so smiley actually. 
“Yeah, I’ll have to bring my duffle bag so I have a change of clothes. I have this dress that looks like Buttercup’s — she’s a character in the movie. I should have more clothes here anyway. I hate my work clothes. And maybe a blanket too since the screening room is always so cold. We could bring snacks even though they’re usually provided. That might be overdoing it. ” You had started to ramble while Bucky rested his chin on his hand, contently listening. 
“You’re not planning on sleeping in the lab again are you?” He asked, concerned. 
“Well, I want to watch the movie and it's a bit silly to drive all the way home when I'm tired.” You said with a shrug. You really should stop sleeping at the lab so much, it seemed like you were starting to get a reputation. 
“Very true, you should not be driving while sleepy. But uh we could go to my place afterwards. It’s a much nicer commute. Probably a bit more comfortable than the lab.” He offered. 
“But Bucky, where would you sleep?” You asked, cocking your head to the side. The avengers apartments were nice but you were certain he didn’t have a guest bedroom. 
“I’ll take the floor. It’s actually not an issue.” 
“Bucky Barnes, I am not kicking you out of your own bed. No way. End of discussion.” You put your foot down. He let out a sigh looking up at the ceiling lights and then back to you. His whole demeanor changed 
“Well. I was trying to be a gentleman here but it is a pretty big bed. We probably could both fit. Since it seems like there are no other options. ”  He practically purred at you. You blinked, taken aback. You couldn’t remember a time where he had seemed more charming to you! But no, that couldn’t be right. Bucky Barnes was not actually offering to cuddle up with you on Valentine’s Day. This was you misreading the situation with him as usual. 
“Oh. You mean that as friends right?” You asked. Bucky looked pained and sucked his teeth for a moment. 
“Totally. As friends.”
“So let me get this straight. You are going to be going to see the romance movie The Princess Bride together. On Valentines day. As friends. Then you are going back to his apartment. Where you’ve planned on sharing his bed. As friends.”Nat asked.  You sat across from Nat on the long L shaped couch in the TV room. You were a little surprised with how well you had ended up getting along with all the Avengers since you got hired for the lab. Nat and Bucky especially were famously unfriendly to newbies and yet, you seemed to click with them faster than anyone. 
“Exactly. What's so hard to get about that?” You gave a shrug and sipped some more of your afternoon coffee.  She let out a groan and massaged her temples. 
“Are you dumb? Like has this whole brilliant scientist thing been like an Elizabeth Holmes scam? Geez Einstein, Bucky is head over heels for you and you spend all of your time thinking about smooching his stupid grumpy little face!” She cried and you winced. You only thought about smooching sometimes.
“His face isn’t stupid.” You muttered and Natasha rolled her eyes so hard you feared they may get stuck. “And he doesn’t like me like that.”
“Why would he ask you out to a movie? Then offer his place afterwards, if not because he’s totally into you!” 
“I asked him if he meant as friends then he said yes he meant as friends.” You cried back. She let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Honestly at this point, I think I may have to hang up my wing woman hat. Can’t get you a date, can’t get Steve a date, I’ve lost my touch.”  She groaned. 
“Doesn’t Steve have someone he’s seeing?” You asked. 
“Uh absolutely not. No way he could keep that from me. Unless you have some intel I don’t know about.”
“He was asking me all these questions a few weeks ago. About getting a girl flowers to show you’re interested in her.” You explained. Why would he bring that up if not for the girl he’s dating? She nodded along knowingly. 
“Quick question, was Bucky also there by chance?” She asked, her wry smirk returning to her face. 
“Yeah he was…how did you know that?”
“And was this before or after Bucky showed up with flowers for ‘the lab’ ?” She asked using finger quotes around the lab. The gears in your head usually reserved for science and math started to turn. “Please, I’m begging you. Use that big powerful brain that’s supposedly between your ears.” 
You trusted Nat, she was much better at reading people than you were. Could she be right? You hoped she was right. 
You had changed into your flowy blue dress, you had always thought it looked a bit like Princess Buttercup's wedding dress with its long sleeves and high cinched waist. You took your hair out of its usual ponytail and let it tumble down your shoulders. This was a date. You told yourself. This was a date, Bucky was taking you out on a date. 
It didn’t seem real. How could it be? You had crushes all the time but they never actually liked you back, that just wasn’t how life worked out. But Natasha could read people like no one you’d ever known before. Could she be wrong?
Bucky showed up at the lab door, lightly knocking on the door frame as he let himself in. He was wearing a black dress shirt with black dress pants. The black on black was his usual MO but god did he look so handsome in it. He had stayed his hair a bit too, you could see the gel he had combed in to keep it neat. 
“Hey are you ready for the mo-” you cut him off by pressing your lips to his. The two of you stayed frozen for a minute neither sure what to do. 
He pulled you away looking confused. Oh fuck I just sexually harrassed an avenger oh god I’m fired, I’m dead, Bucky is never going to speak to me again!
“What are you doing?” He whispered, his hands on your shoulders keeping you at a distance. 
“I’m so sorry! God I knew Nat was wrong, I’m sorry I’m sorry, I just thought that maybe…god I’m so dumb.” You started to blubber, humiliated. You wanted to melt into the floor. 
“Hey, hey slow down. Now I’m really mixed up here, you said we should go as friends and now you’re kissing me. Can you just tell me what’s going on?” He asked, his voice very measured, his face unreadable. 
You took a deep breath. 
“I like you. I like you a lot. And I always thought that…there’s no way you liked me back. I wished the flowers you brought to the lab were for me but of course they weren’t and I hoped we were going to the movie as a date but of course we aren’t. Nat said she thought you liked me back but I should have never listened to her. I’m sorry.” You covered your face and turned away. You couldn't believe you’d messed this up so bad. 
“You keep apologizing but I’m not exactly complaining here.”  He said his voice low. 
“I’ve been trying to figure out how to let you know, but every time I tried  it didn’t seem like you were interested in me!” He cried out. You just blinked at him, dumbfounded. 
“Why would you be into me, you're like the savior of the galaxy and I’m a nerd who practically lives in her lab.”
“Why would you be into me, you're a beautiful brilliant scientist  and I'm just some grumpy dope that’s also a  pardoned war criminal?”
You couldn’t take it anymore, you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him again. Bye god this was the second time you kissed Bucky today! Only this time when your lips met he eagerly returned the kiss. His soft lips moving feverishly against yours. His hands went to your hips and you tried not to let out a gasp as he pulled you flush against his body.  
“Wait, wait, are we going to miss the movie?” He asked you with such genuine sincerity you wanted to scream. How was he so cute?
“We can catch it another time.”
The two of you, barely able to keep yourself off each other, somehow managed to get in an elevator, go up all the way to Bucky's floor and get into his apartment. All while still remaining lip locked in a daze. 
He was kissing you silly, you almost felt drunk. With a bit of a flourish he tossed you on to the bed (which was quite big, easily room for the two of you like he had said). 
“Uh Bucky, what are these for?” You held up the leather cuffs that were chained across the back of the bed. He frowned, suddenly panicking. 
“I was going to move those, I’m sorry you had to see that. I just, I get nightmares sometimes and it um, it helps to chain myself to the bed so I don't um hurt myself. I’m on meds now and I never need to use them anymore.” He was rambling, quickly trying to sooth the situation. 
“Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. I know I’m a whole lot of baggage on top of baggage. I really am totally fine sleeping on the floor if that makes you feel safer or--”
“Don’t say that about yourself. You’re the smartest woman I know. ” He insisted. He sat back down on the bed. He took you in his arms. You pecked him lightly on his lips.
“I just…I thought maybe these were going to be for me.” You fluttered your eyelashes as
Bucky's eyes grew wide. He cleared his throat.
“They can be. They absolutely can be.”
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iri-2 · 7 months
I Love You Like That
Rating: Not Rated Category: F/F Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Relationships: Mother Miranda/Reader Characters: Mother Miranda, Karl Heisenberg, Salvatore Moreau, Eva
Summary: As a scientist in The Connections, you and Miranda work together in a laboratory. Over time, you develop feelings for this somewhat harsh but seemingly vulnerable woman. One day, she "takes" you to her hometown.
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You find yourself falling for Miranda.
A few months ago, she was just a somewhat sharp-tongued colleague who had recently joined. You don't know why you are attracted to her and trap so deeply.
"I think I might have some feelings for you, Miranda." Your fingers tightly gripping the edge of the notepad.
Miranda's scalpel pauses on the corpse. "Why?"
How would you know? Most of the time, she doesn't seem that friendly towards you. Until recently.
"Lab romances aren't a good idea. Shouldn’t we just focus on researching the combination of the E-type fungus and cadou?" Miranda rejects you directly.
"I knew I shouldn't have told you, you’re too cold to everything." you mutter, the tip of the pen you're holding trembling on the experiment log, leaving messy ink stains.
Several months ago, the leader of The Connections suddenly announced with excitement that they had found a scientist to join the project you were working on.
As the team's most outstanding researcher, you were assigned to the same laboratory as this scientist, in Romania.
Passing through the purification facility at the entrance, you enter the room. You see a woman already dressed in full lab attire, examining a small piece of tissue under a microscope.
"So, you're THE best researcher? You're here REALLY early," the dark-haired woman says.
"You must be Dr. Miranda? I firmly believe that I arrived on time." You try to ignore the unfriendly sharpness in her tone. This new scientist seems to have no understanding of interpersonal communication.
"In my sense of time, you are late." She doesn't lift her head from the eyepiece.
That’s quite rude.
"Okay, first, you’re new. Second, I’m on time. Third, I hope we can get along well at work," you put on your lab coat.
She takes off the slide and finally wants to take a look at you. "That'll take a while."
… For the sake of the experiment's progress, you silently endure her occasional criticism.
She’s mean all the time. She even uses you as her assistant, handing you the used experimental equipment for cleaning.
"For a hundred times, I'm NOT your assistant! I’m a scientist as you." You can't bear it anymore.
She shrugs her shoulders and remains silent.
… One day, she directs her accusations at you again.
"Did you touch my culture dish?" Miranda accuses you without any evidence.
"Why would I touch your culture dish?" you respond, feeling puzzled.
"It's just the two of us here. If it's not me, it must be you. No one else can come in."
"So, you blame me when your experiment doesn't go well?" You're annoyed.
Every time she starts an experiment with anticipation, but after a failure, she becomes unusually desperate.
Her blue eyes dim a bit, and the wrinkles at the corners deepen.
"Sorry." You hear her say the word for the first time.
She looks vulnerable. She has never revealed to you the purpose of her research. However. every time the experiment fails, the gloom in her eyes deepens a bit. She doesn't seem to have only seen biochemical experiments when she looks at the tissues and cells. When the experiment fails, she seems to have lost her most precious thing.
"It's okay," your anger subsides slightly.
In the next few days, Miranda's accusations against you seem to decrease. Once, while testing the biological activity of one kind of cadou, you were about to cut a small piece when Miranda suddenly stopped the next move of your scalpel.
"Put this on." She hands you safety goggles.
You put on the goggles, and soon you understand why.
This type of cadou sprays green slime when stimulated, splattering on your goggles and mask, and it smells awful.
"Well, thanks, Miranda."
"No problem." Miranda says gently.
In the following weeks, she finally treats you completely as a colleague. Sometimes she will leave some very clean culture dishes and test tubes by your side. Once she suddenly appears behind you, tidying up the collar of the lab suit you hastily put on in the morning, and then goes to do her experiment as if nothing has happened.
You have become accustomed to her harshness towards you, and recently her tenderness and concern for you have made you start to worry about her situation. What makes this woman who always uses ridicule and condescension to communicate with others like this? And what makes her depart from her normal behavior?
Sometimes when you observe your chemical reaction, you feel someone looking at you from behind. When you turn around, you only see Miranda writing the experimental report seriously.
… You shouldn't have started caring about her. This has kept your gaze on her for too long, so long that you realize you have fallen in love with her.
But out of professionalism - or more importantly, you still think Miranda will treat you with her cold attitude, just like she has built a defense line in her heart, making your heart break, so you just hold your feelings.
… Six months later, when you place the cells you cultivated under the microscope, you witness unprecedented success.
"Miranda! Come here!" you wave for Miranda to come over.
She observes the cell activity under the microscope.
"These are cells I cultivated with an entirely new serum," you say with joy in your tone.
"Eva…" Miranda murmurs.
"Our project has finally made a breakthrough." You write something in your experiment log.
Miranda looks up, muscles twitching on her face, as if suppressing ecstasy. "You’re better than I thought."
"Let’s just pretend I didn't mention this," you place the notebook on the desk. You regret your impulsiveness. What were you thinking?
Miranda holds the equally cold surgical knife in her cold hand and hovers over the body for a while before continuing with the dissection.
Miranda doesn't speak much that day. At the end of the work, she takes off her lab uniform and speaks to you as if she has made up her mind, "I didn't tell you and most people about my research purpose because people would think I was crazy and that I just needed to find a psychologist,"she continues,"I want you to know my purpose."
"But this is a surprise, and you might not like it."she adds.
"Try me," as someone who has just been rejected, you speak weakly.
Miranda takes a step towards you, and you see her hand getting closer to you, then it lands on your face.
And then you plunge into darkness.
"Wake up, wake up." You hear Miranda calling your name.
"What?" You open your eyes and find yourself leaning on her.
She sees you awake, coughs awkwardly, straightens your body, and steps away from you.
"Is this your idea of a 'surprise'? The best I could think of was that you blindfolded me and took me somewhere, not something resembling a kidnapping." You're a bit annoyed and confused,"How did you make me faint that quick?"
"I did say you might not like it," Miranda avoids your question.
"Where did you bring me?" You glance around, it looks like a vineyard.
"My hometown," she replies.
Miranda guides you out of the vineyard and onto the road.
The houses around are very low, the highest looking like it has only two floors. Some houses have adjacent livestock sheds with pigs and chicks.
The villagers here wear clothes from the last century, some grinding flour, others rolling hay. They stop their activities in surprise when you pass by, and when they see Miranda beside you, surprise turns to fear. They quickly return to their work.
"Don't be surprised, they rarely see outsiders, so they react like that," Miranda calmly explains to you.
"But they seem scared of you," you turn to Miranda.
"Probably because I look different from usual. This village is conservative, and they're not used to new things," Miranda tries to explain.
What is she like usually? Does she wear the same clothes as the villagers? You rarely see Miranda in anything other than a lab coat, and today she wears a simple solid-color cardigan. You can't help but imagine Miranda wearing the villagers' clothes.
"Why don't they go to the outside world?" you mutter.
As you go further, people become scarce until you enter a field where there's no sign of villagers.
"We're here," Miranda leads you to a house.
This house is built against the mountainside, away from the village center.
She opens the door and enters with you. The furnishings inside the house match the vintage theme of the village.
"Is this where you live?" you ask.
"Yes, not used to it?" she gazes at you.
"I just didn't expect someone like you to be so unmodernized," you murmur.
"Come see my lab." She ignores your sarcasm.
"You also have a laboratory here?" The size of this house doesn't look like it can accommodate a laboratory.
She opens a door deep inside the house, leading to a bedroom.
She goes to a corner and pulls down a switch.
There's a click, and the blank wall in front of you starts moving to the sides, revealing a laboratory still marked by the passage of time.
"I see. But why do you hide the lab?"When you think this woman is strange enough, she still has surprises waiting for you.
She gestures for you to enter her laboratory. A damaged wooden table is scattered with various books and a few black-and-white photos.
You see a photo of a dark haired woman holding a little baby. "Is this you?"
"Yes."You never see her this emotional before, her blue eyes slightly dimming.
"This child…"
"She was my daughter."Miranda's voice carries endless sorrow. "She died when she was ten."
"Oh, I’m sorry, Miranda." You look at her, your voice softens.
"That's why I'm researching the Megamycete; I want to bring Eva back." Miranda's hand holds your arm.
"That's why when your experiment failed, you were like a soul being pulled out of your body?" You feel the coldness of her hand. Has she always been this cold? "I believe you can succeed, our research is progressing well."
Her blue eyes have returned to their original state, looking at you with immense tenderness. "You've helped me a lot. Thank you." She seems to find it awkward to say such things. She lets go of your arm, her cheeks slightly flushed.
She appears so fragile.
"You know, you can tell me directly in our laboratory." You don't think she needs to use "kidnapping" to take you to this village surrounded by deep mountains to tell you this.
"There are still some things that I will let you know here," she doesn't think she does this with great fanfare.
Miranda insists you stay overnight in her bedroom.
"Where will you sleep?"
"I'll rest on the couch." Miranda is about to sit down.
"Miranda?" You call her from the bedside.
"I'd like to hear Eva's story."
Miranda freezes in her movements, then stands up and says, "Not many people ask about her."
"If it makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to force it." You see sadness engulfing her again.
"It's okay, I don't mind talking about her." She slowly walks towards you and sits beside you.
"Eva was born in August. I remember it was a hot day, and giving birth to that little one exhausted me." Miranda's gaze focuses in the distance as she smiles.
"Her eyes were blue…"
"Like her mother."
She looks at you gently. "Yes, just like me."
"She was the smartest among her peers, learned things quickly. She got along well with other kids, everyone wanted to be friends with her." Miranda speaks softly.
"She even learned carving from the village carpenter. One day, she excitedly ran home, holding something in her hands, shouting, 'Mom! Look at what I made today!' She raised a wood carving in front of me, which was in the shape of a goat. The head and body were divided into two parts and pieced together. I held little Eva in my arms and praised her for doing so well. She was thrilled."
A wood carving of goat? You seem to have seen something similar in the village.
"She used to visit various houses in the village every day, helping them with chores. She was so energetic." Happiness surrounds Miranda as she speaks.
You listen attentively to her storytelling. This is the most time Miranda talks, maybe too much.
After that, it's not your fault. The day-to-day research makes you sleep very little. In Miranda's gentle voice, it feels like listening to a bedtime story, and you grow sleepy.
Your head tilts to the side, hands on your stomach, breathing steady.
Miranda lifts you gently from the bedside, letting you lie down on the bed. She covers you with a blanket, arranges the pillow, and sits by your side, watching you sleep peacefully.
Lab romances? Sounds fun.
You wake up from Miranda's blanket, and the scent of her woody perfume lingers in the air. Getting off the bed, you walk to the kitchen.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Miranda sits at the dining table.
"Good morning." You lazily reply.
"Your breakfast." She points to the apple pie and fried egg on the table.
"What about you?" You look at the complete apple pie and ask her.
"I've already eaten." She picks up her tea and takes a sip.
"Any plans for today?" You cut a piece of the fried egg and put it in your mouth.
"We're going to Heisenberg's factory."
"Heisenberg's factory?" You question.
"Yes, Karl Heisenberg is my… assistant. He's advanced in bioelectric research."
"Oh, you have 'assistants' here too? I thought I was the only one of yours." You tease her.
"They are indeed my assistants, but you you're different." She awkwardly coughs.
You feel a bit pleased that you successfully teased Miranda.
"Have your breakfast now, we'll head to the factory. It's located outside the village, a bit far." Miranda gestures towards your breakfast.
"Why not 'kidnap' me there? Seems quicker." You take a bite of the apple pie.
"I could, but I prefer you to walk there with me consciously." Miranda finishes her tea.
"What do you mean by 'I could'?"
"Eat your breakfast."
Miranda and you walk on an ancient bridge. In the village, you still feel the strange gazes of the villagers, but after Miranda glares at them, they dare not stare at you anymore.
"Miranda?" You tilt your head to look at her.
"What's wrong?" Miranda softly responds.
"Why do I feel like the villagers are afraid of you?" You ask her.
"We'll talk about it later." Miranda doesn't want to say more.
Outside Heisenberg's factory, wild grasses are overgrown, and abandoned metal parts are scattered in the bushes.
As if predicting your arrival, the factory gate slowly opens, revealing a man standing at the entrance.
He wears a dirty light green trench coat with a tattered wide brim fedora, but his sunglasses are polished to a shine.
"Ah, Miranda, you're here. Welcome." The man opens his arms to welcome you.
"Heisenberg, this is my colleague." Miranda informs him of your name.
"Hello, Miranda said I should show you how bioelectricity works." Heisenberg produces a cigar from behind his back.
"Thank you, Mr. Heisenberg."
In his workshop, you see various large instruments emitting orange lights, indicating their operation. They are quite different from the precise instruments you are familiar with in your laboratory.
You swear you hear a hissing sound coming from some tightly closed doors.
Heisenberg leads you and Miranda into a dimly lit room with many surgical tables. On them lie many gray-skinned… people?
"These are my experimental results." Heisenberg proudly says. You can see excitement gleaming behind his sunglasses.
"Are these people?" You point to one with an iron drill replacing its arm.
"They used to be. Don't worry, I only experiment on them after they've passed away. They've been implanted with Cadou, and with some electric stimulation, they’ll 'come alive'."
Like Galvani's frog experiment?
"Although the electricity used now is external, in ongoing research, I've enabled them to gradually activate their own neural potentials, making them have life activities, just like a resurrection." Heisenberg explains.
Your understanding of bioelectricity is limited, but you listen to Heisenberg's enthusiastic explanations, occasionally nodding along.
"Perhaps this can help with your research?" Heisenberg finishes his grand speech and hands you a development notebook.
"Thank you, Mr. Heisenberg."
"Call me Karl." Heisenberg corrects.
You filter out his self-praise in the report, summarize the key points about the experiment in your head.
Heisenberg finishes his cigar, casually tossing it on the ground and extinguishing it with his boot. Taking a step forward, he places his hand on your shoulder — the glove he wears is oily, much like the messy strands of his long gray hair.
"I believe Miranda wouldn't choose the wrong person. She never used to wander around the village with outsiders." He gives you a positive look.
Your gaze shifts to Miranda, who is staring at your shoulder. "HEISENBERG! I appreciate your help today, but it's getting late. We should go."
"But it's only noon. Don't you want to stay for lunch or something?" Heisenberg asks you with a smile.
"No need. We have other things to do. You should focus on your own tasks," Miranda immediately rejects him.
"Alright, suit yourselves." Heisenberg walks towards his workbench, starting to clean a metal hammer.
"What else do we have to do?" You ask Miranda as the factory gate behind you automatically closes.
"We're going to the reservoir."
"The reservoir? I guess it's not for some leisurely fishing."
"No, just taking a walk."
"So, this is the 'other things' you mentioned. Sounds important," your tone carries a hint of mockery.
Miranda purses her lips. "It's important to me. Perhaps to Moreau as well."
"Moreau?" A new name.
"He's another assistant of mine, living near the reservoir. We can pay him a visit."
You follow Miranda towards the windmill. Does Moreau live in a windmill? That’s so weird.
Miranda leads you into an elevator, descending into a cave-like area.
Wow, this guy lives in a place even more unusual than Heisenberg.
You hear the sound of someone vomiting.
You see Miranda frown.
Sounds emanate from a small house in the cave, like a comedy show. You hear an odd laughter, followed by chewing noises.
Miranda knocks on the door.
A peculiar-looking guy opens the door.
You see Miranda shoot him a fierce look.
"Oh, no Moth… Mo… Mi… Miranda, you came! Moreau welcomes you to my reservoir! Y…You brought a newcomer." This hunched-over guy speaks with a strange voice, containing a gurgling element, reminiscent of fish blowing bubbles.
After the door is fully open, you see his face clearly under the indoor lights. Wow, his features seem… really bizarre. His eyes are swollen, half-closed, his nose is short, and below, his mouth is wide open, with teeth seemingly having a mind of their own, growing in various directions.
Oh, God bless him.
He acts unusually excited, his skinny arms trembling. He invites you into his house. Miranda looks somewhat reluctant, but she follows you inside.
"Miranda, you're actually here to see me. You rarely visit me!" He's excited like a child, reaching out to you. "And you brought a newcomer!"
"Salvatore, stop. She's my colleague, here to help me with experiments. We just came from Heisenberg's place. We need some data on Cadou." Miranda halts Moreau's action.
"W…Wait for me here. I'll fetch the experimental data right away." Moreau rushes into the inner room and comes out with a stack of documents.
Miranda takes the documents and hands them to you. You carefully avoid touching the suspicious green marks on top and put them into your backpack.
Miranda seems ready to leave, and so do you.
"Miranda! Newcomer! Stay for lunch with me." The person with a strange appearance shouts.
"No, thanks, Moreau." Miranda replies coldly.
Moreau leans forward and grabs something. You follow Miranda and turn around, seeing Moreau holding onto the corner of Miranda's cardigan hem, hunches his back, appearing so small and weak.
"Fine. I can accompany you for a while. Let go." Miranda pulls out the hem from his hand, speaking extremely reluctantly, "No lunch."
She looks at you inquiringly. You nod.
"Just one episode, just one episode like always," Miranda tells him.
Moreau tries to jump up excitedly, completely unaware of the stiffness in Miranda's tone. He continues playing his comedy and starts chewing on the cheese on the plate.
You and Miranda sit side by side on the stools behind Moreau, facing the TV. The comedy is amusing, Moreau giggles, and at one point, he accidentally chokes on the cheese, producing a loud cough. Miranda sits straight, showing no reaction to the comedy.
Is this cave well-ventilated? Why do you smell such a strong fishy odor?
You frown in disgust, praying for this episode to end quickly so you can leave this damp and gloomy place.
The unpleasant smell allows you to catch a faint fragrance from Miranda, like her blanket, woody and pleasant — something you like.
After another ten minutes, the fishy smell intensifies. Unable to bear it any longer, you start moving closer to Miranda, attempting to use her scent to mask the fishy odor.
The fishy smell is really strong, and your face is almost buried in her neck. When your nose brushes against her skin, she slightly recoils.
Miranda speaks.
"Moreau, control yourself."
"Mo… Miranda, I didn't mean to!" Moreau immediately apologizes.
After a while, you feel the fishy smell diminish significantly. You turn your head to rest it on Miranda's shoulder. She doesn't move, lets you lean on her.
The episode finally comes to an end, and you feel relieved.
Miranda says to Moreau, "We should go now."
You stand up quickly, ready to escape.
Moreau appears reluctant, and there seems to be tears in his eyes. "Goodbye, Miranda. Goodbye, newcomer."
Before you can say goodbye, Miranda, without looking back, pulls you away, leaving Moreau behind.
Leaving the reservoir, the air suddenly becomes incredibly fresh. You feel like your foggy brain has been liberated.
"Miranda? Shouldn't we go for lunch?" you poke her arm.
"Sure," Miranda nods.
"Are we going to the restaurant in the village, or…?"
"We'll buy ingredients and cook ourselves."
"Getting another meal from the great scientist? Looking forward to it! The apple pie and fried eggs you made this morning were just perfect." You recall their aftertaste.
Miranda smiles at your reaction. "Let's go and get some ingredients."
You can also find me here.
Thanks for reading!
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
he chased you?
luke hughes x f!reader
warnings: swearing, reminder that this is fiction/doesn't represent the people in it, idk how the american college thing works, it broke my heart having to use 'mom' and 'soccer' it really did
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liked by rutgermcgroarty, nolan_moyle and 513 others
ynofficial: don't be fooled. i'm a hardcore nerd.
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markestepa: cool cake
ynofficial: who are you?
markestepa: someone who likes your cake
dylanduke25: do you know who luke hughes is?
ynofficial: he chased me down the street this morning, how come?
adamfantili: he WHAT???
dylanduke25: need the deets immediately
ynofficial: um no
dylanduke25: why
ynofficial: idk who tf you guys are
edwards.73: wait really?
ynofficial: yeah, sorry ig??????
lhughes_06: ignore them
liked by ynofficial
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liked by lhughes_06, dylanduke25 and 601 others
ynofficial: MOVE FEET!! MOVE BALL!!
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adamfantilli: wait you're on the soccer team? nice
ynofficial: captain 💪
adamfantilli: BUT YOU'RE A FRESHMAN???
ynofficial: correct
markestepa: what major?
ynofficial: not declared but biochem probably
markestepa: WILLINGLY????
ynofficial: no, they're holding a gun to my head. yes willingly
dylanduke25: but fr why?
ynofficial: obviously for the snacks WHY ARE YOU ALL ASKING QUESTIONS
nolan_moyle: question - have you ever been to a hockey match?
ynofficial: no
nolan_moyle: how come?
ynofficial: i don't think your egos could take my honesty
markestepa: try us
ynofficial: hockey to me is like a picture book to an english lit professor
ynofficial: the silence speaks volumes guys
dylanduke25: no silence
markestepa: none at all
ynofficial: do you like soccer?
nolan_moyle: not particulaly no
ynofficial: *particularly and point proven ig
dylanduke25: lhughes_06 i approve
lhughes_06: don't need your approval
liked by ynofficial
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liked by luca.fantilli, edwards.73 and 591 others
ynofficial: took abi with me. it's cool i guess
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nolan_moyle: saw you screaming when luke scored
ynofficial: i know talent when i see it ok
liked by lhughes_06
dylanduke25: is luke being a stalker in the comments again
ynofficial: not as stalkery as you finding my goddamn account out of nowhere??????? at least i know the guy
dylanduke25: luke went to your party and we hadn't heard of you so we did some digging
edwards.73: why did he chase you down the street?
ynofficial: he's your friend ask him🤷🤷🤷
adamfantilli: and your boyfriend
ynofficial: BLOCKED
dylanduke25: as lukey's best friend, i haven't missed anything
rutgermcgroarty: you? his best friend?
ynofficial: no pissing competitions in the comments please
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liked by ynofficial, _quinnhughes and 26,152 others
lhughes_06: talent and shit, right?
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markestepa: she got you to kick a ball, you need to get her on the ice
ynofficial: i can't skate so gl with that
lhughes_06: you can't skate???
ynofficial: tried once, had to go to the hospital
rutgermcgroarty: oh dear
dylanduke25 added to their private story...
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[caption: ynofficial saw this and thought of you]
ynofficial posted to their private story
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[caption: dylanduke25 saw this and thought of you]
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liked by seamuscasey26, jacob_truscott20 and 613 others
ynofficial: duker and i are friends now
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dylanduke25: yes
markestepa: you mean you weren't?
ynofficial: we were eh
nolan_moyle: luke's breathing a sigh of relief rn
ynofficial: why?
adamfantilli: you can chill with the We'Re nOT daTInG bs
luca.fantilli: fr those pics say it all
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liked by ynofficial, jackhughes and 29,021 others
lhughes_06: back to the roots
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rutgermcgroarty: ROOTS???? YOU TOOK ynofficial TO MEET THE FAMILY?????
dylanduke25: oh they grow so fast
jackhughes: ask her who her favourite hughes is
lhughes_06: she says mom
_quinnhughes: the only acceptable answer actually
jacob_truscott20: watch him post this one photo of them and dip
liked by lhughes_06
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liked by _quinnhughes, luca.fantilli and 700 others
ynofficial: wee vacation ☀️
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edwards.73: meeting the in laws ���
jackhughes: mom wants to keep you
ynofficial: she told me i was the daughter she's always wanted
_quinnhughes: she definitely prefers you to us
trevorzegras: is that ellen in the second photo?
lhughes_06: how did you get here?
trevorzegras: jack shared this link idk
lhughes_06: jackhughes i'll block you istg
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liked by _quinnhughes, ynofficial and 32,123 others
lhughes_06: YOU'RE A NATTY C BABY 🏆🏆 so unbelievably proud
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jackhughes: congrats ynofficial!!
ynofficial: 😊
_quinnhughes: saw you play, you were incredible 🤯🤯
ynofficial: pure adrenalin and determination, thanks quinner
rutgermcgroarty: damn luke you got a champion on your hands
markestepa: we'r all so smasgwd rn lmaoooo
ynofficial: i think you should go find duker
markestepa: whe?
ynofficial: bathroom
jackhughes: has everyone forgotten that luke literally chased her down the street for her number because he thought she was pretty???
541 notes · View notes
Rewrite the Stars
Spock was the son of a renowned Vulcan diplomat. He had graduated Starfleet Academy with honors and was now a decorated officer serving aboard one of the fleet’s flagships as both the head of its Science division and its second-in-command. Despite the lingering mistrust sometimes expressed by his fellow crew members, he was well-respected on the Enterprise…even liked.
Spock was also beginning to panic. His well-ordered mind was in turmoil.
He’d gone to Sickbay in search of Dr. McCoy but had found only the head nurse, Miss Chapel. Though she was a smart and lovely young woman to be sure, Spock hadn’t had time for small talk even if he’d had an aptitude for such things. Not when an unstable crewman, infected by whatever had killed six members of the science team they’d planned to pick up on Psi 2000, had cut off all their power. Now the ship was hurtling into the rapidly-disintegrating planet’s atmosphere. In half an hour, all four hundred of them would be dead unless the senior officers could regain control.
Nurse Chapel had by that time been exposed to the contagion as well. Scientist that he was, Spock should have considered the possibility before he ever left the Bridge. Instead, he was alone in Sickbay with a very different woman from the one he thought he knew. I’m in love with you, Mr. Spock, she’d said as  she cradled his hands between her soft ones. He couldn’t question the sincerity of her words. Not only had he actually felt the affection radiating off of her, he’d seen it in her earnest blue eyes, too. A man could drown in those eyes, he thought. I love you just as you are. She lacked both any of the misgivings or residual prejudice towards Vulcans he frequently encountered among humans…and also all of her usual inhibitions. He knew that she would never have spoken these feelings aloud of her own accord. As someone who’d spent his entire life learning to control the powerful emotions some people thought Vulcans simply didn’t have, Spock ached for her.
But what had he said? I’m sorry. That was all. I’m sorry. Then he had run away from the lovelorn nurse as whatever biochemical agent that had compelled her to profess her love for him began to tear down his own mental walls. He’d run because he was afraid—of himself.
Now here he was, trembling and fighting back tears in a rec room. Part of his mind remained keenly aware of their dire reality. All he could think of, though, was of Nurse Chapel and of his mother. His soft-spoken, pretty human mother with her sweet smile and easy laugh… I’ll always love you, no matter where you go or what you do, Spock—I’ll always be proud of you. Hot tears welled up in Spock’s eyes. Had he ever told her that he loved her, too? That without her, he would not have survived his often-difficult childhood or had the courage to stand up to his father…?
And all he’d been able to choke out in reply to Nurse Chapel was I’m sorry!
He covered his face with his hands and sucked in a long, shuddering breath.
@multirptrash ♥
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shoyostar · 10 months
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ꕥ masterlist. ↺ previous. ➛ next.
cardinal rule number one of university ; don’t fuck your classmates. unless they happen to have something you want.
SUMMARY friends with benefits? more accurately fuck buddies with perks. to get the most out of your time, you’re picky about who you fuck and why.
kita from comp sci is the smartest student on campus. suna from gen chem is fun to be around. atsumu from physics is the best fuck of your life. and osamu from biochem is a damn good cook.
all different classes, all different bonuses. no strings attached, you thought you had nothing to worry about.
“you know suna?”
“why do you know suna? how do you know suna??”
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— reader, suna, osamu & atsumu are all in the same year ( second year of uni ), kita is in his third year.
— osamu sells food to drunk guys in his fraternity as a side hustle.
— reader’s major is systems biology.
— suna posts so much on instagram he had to make a dump account just so atsumu’s tl would stop getting flooded.
— reader is a maneater.
— atsumu was going to go pro right after highschool but osamu convinced him to atleast get some kind of degree “just in case”.
— suna is still on the fence about going pro. atsumu’s been trying to convince him to join the volleyball team so he doesn’t get rusty.
— osamu, atsumu & suna actually had zero idea they were all going to be at the same university, let alone same fraternity. they moved in the first day, saw each other and their jaws dropped.
— likewise, kita knew they were going to his university but no idea they were going to be in his fraternity.
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reblogs appreciated ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
© SHOYOSTAR 2023 — do not repost, copy, translate or edit my works. do not recommend my account outside of tumblr.
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine Luis trying to help you finish your work but you end up getting distracted by him instead.
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Warning: suggestive themes and mild sexual content 😘 look away, minors.
The dull clunk of ceramic on a hard surface placed beside you nearly makes you jump from your seat. It was a hot drink, steam rises from within its liquid contents and a delicious aroma fills your senses invitingly. You look up to see the amused look of Luis Serra grinning knowingly at your mild surprise.
“Another late one, eh?” He had his own mug in his hand, taking short sips as he leaned against your table casually. His white lab coat was open, revealing a partially unbuttoned white collar shirt and dark blue jeans. The open coat flowed down the length of his form, accentuating his tall frame. His grey eyes ran down your hunched posture before rising to meet your exhausted gaze.
It was just the two of you in the lab, everyone else had already gone home for the day. You were both in the same research department and were leading your own projects. When it came to biochemical and pharmaceutical research, Luis was a genius in the field, same as you. It was actually how you two grew close. Your line of work makes you both linger in the lab long after the sun has already set until it was only the two of you left. These frequent, private moments in the shared space would then be filled with meaningful conversations and playful banter. You learned quickly then that Luis was a serial flirt, but he possessed a gentlemanly charisma that did not deter you from engaging him further. In fact, you welcomed his attentions.
One day, he asked you out and you two have been officially dating since. The both of you were mindful to keep your personal lives out of the workplace, wanting to maintain a sense of professionalism between you in front of your peers. Thankfully, none of your fellow coworkers caught on to your affairs so you were able to carry on with your respective works as normal.
You reply to him with a groan, burying your tired face in the palm of your hand. “Have to file another report for Wesker, apparently there’s some big meeting tomorrow morning-” you turn your wrist to glance at your watch, completely crestfallen at the lateness of the hour. “This is going to take forever.”
The Spaniard frowns, a flash of genuine pity in his eyes before they alight with an idea. “How far are you along?”
“About three more pages to go.” It didn’t sound like a lot, but the amount of information that you needed to provide is not only lengthy in detail, but also time consuming as you must include multiple references from other reports as well. And since you were the last person in your team still in the building, it fell on you to make sure that it was concise and perfect. The pressure from that thought alone made your grimace deepen.
“Perhaps, I can offer my assistance,” Luis says, pulling you from your downtrodden thoughts.
You glance at him, visibly touched by his considerate intent but dubious, “Thanks, but you weren’t working on this project, Luis. You don’t have the necessary information to provide meaningful insight for my report.”
He nods, “Correcto. But that wasn’t what I was offering.”
This piqued your interest. “Oh? Then how exactly are you planning on helping me?”
“Dos palabras,” he lifts his hand and extends one finger in the air after another. “Positive. Reinforcement.”
Your intrigue only amplified at his words and still you couldn’t make heads or tails of what he actually means. “So basically a reward system,” you say slowly.
“¡Sí!” The man chimes with infectious enthusiasm. “Right now, you have no motivation to finish your work, yes? If there was, say, something to look forward to, then you would be more inclined to finish. And, ideally, at a faster rate. ¿Comprende?”
“I get you, but.. what would that even entail? What are you giving me?”
The Spaniard shrugs, his characteristic smirk gracing his handsome features. “Guess you’ll have to finish this current page to find out. Chop chop, my dear.”
With a swift clap on your back, Luis retreats from your side to return to his own desk on the other end of the laboratory. Your eyes followed his stride and lingered on his form long after he sat down with his back towards you. You wondered what sort of “positive reinforcement” he had in mind for you.
You shake your head, choosing not to linger on that tempting thought. You had a report blaring at you through your computer screen that needed your undeniable attention and you were only halfway done through the current page. With a determined roll of your stiff shoulders, you went back to work.
After nearly half an hour, you finally finished the hellish portion of the report. Much sooner than you had anticipated. “One down!” you said aloud with a triumphant smile.
Luis perks up at your declaration and rises from his work desk to return to your side. His eyes scan over the document. “Hey, this isn’t bad. Muy bien.”
“Thanks, Luis.” Your mood lifts ever so slightly at his warm praise. “Just two more to go. I can do this.”
The man beside you hums in agreement. “You most definitely can. And your efforts so far deserve a reward.”
You blink at him incredulously, “You were serious about that?”
“Why would I not be? Am I not a man of my word?” Before you can answer him, Luis turns your seated form to face him, your chair swiveling under his strength. He extends his hand to you with a warm smile, “Give me your hand, por favor.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, reaching for his hand and clasping it. He felt warm to the touch, a welcome contrast to the chilly air flowing in the laboratory. He squeezes your hand affectionately, “Now close your eyes.”
You tilt your head at his request, amused curiosity curving subtly upon your lips. He throws you a telling glance to follow his lead and you do as he says without any further resistance. For a moment, there was nothing and you wondered what he was doing until you felt the fan of his warm breath against your ear followed by a tender kiss upon your cheek.
It was only until you felt his breath leave you did you open your eyes, a look upon your face as if you were just waking from a trance. His face hovered by yours but was far enough where you can see him fully. His body hunched slightly over your seated form, his hand at the backrest of your chair, supporting his weight so that he doesn’t fall over you. The temperature of your body rises at his closeness.
He looks down at you through thick lashes. “A blessing of sorts,” he winks, explaining himself before you had the chance to inquire him on what he just did. “To lift your spirits and motivate you to keep going. Is it working?”
Now that he mentions it, the weariness that hung over you like a thick blanket felt lighter on your shoulders. There was no denying that his charismatic presence and comforting attention has put you at ease. The kiss certainly helps as well but you dare not admit that out loud. The man’s ego was big enough already, no need for you to stroke it. You had to mentally slap yourself from letting that line of thought drift to naughty waters.
Still in a distracted state from his tender affection, you merely nod in response. Your lover’s easygoing smile widens and he plants another chaste kiss. This time upon your lips. You felt you were in a daze before, now your mind went completely blank.
“Let me know when you’ve finished the next page,” you catch Luis say before he leaves you with your mouth slightly agape.
To say you were confounded was an understatement. The two of you have kissed plenty of times before in the past but never at work. You were not opposed to it, per se, and truthfully it stirred within you temptations begging to be explored. But you did not think that Luis would create openings for such temptations so casually. You wanted to confront him about it but can hear him typing away loudly at his own desk. Taking this as a sign to return to your own task, you go back to work as well.
This next part of your report should have been done faster. It was not as detail intensive as the last, yet there was no doubt that you lagged in completing it. You knew why too. You were completely and utterly distracted. Luis’ innocent gesture kept running to the forefront of your mind like a song on repeat. It was such a short instance too, you can hardly call it a meaningful interaction. But the memory of how his lips felt against yours lingered and it took a bit of extra mental effort to power through the next portion of your project. Eventually you succeeded.
With a huff, you lean back into your seat and announced your small success once more. “Alright! Another one down.”
“That’s great, mi corazon. Well done.”
Luis’ voice nearly makes you fall off your chair. When you look up, he was already leaning over your shoulder, glancing through your new entries with genuine intellectual interest. When did he walk back over to you? How long was he standing there?
“This is excellent stuff. I’m certain Wesker and the higher ups will be pleased with your research,” he smiles down at you in praise. “I believe another reward is in order.”
Without giving you a chance to recover let alone register his words, Luis grasps your chin between his fingers and turns your head towards him. Your dark-haired lover then adjusts his position to better angle himself as he leans down to capture your lips once more. This kiss started off gently before deepening gradually into something fiercer. His devilish tongue swipes along your bottom lip for invitation and snakes inside your responsive mouth to engage your wanting tongue in a slow, sensual dance.
Desire bubbled feverishly in the pit of your stomach and you nearly moan into his mouth, but the sound turns into a longing whimper when he pulls away from you. Again, much more quickly than you would have liked. His hypnotic grey eyes beholds your lustful expression appreciatively.
“Eres mi tesoro,” he says with a husky voice so low, the sound flows into your ears and soothes your senses into a tender lull. “Haces que yo quiera ser una mejor persona.”
You’ve heard Luis speak in his native tongue many times before. For him to use it to sing your praises with genuine adoration sent shivers across your body without fail, stimulating you from your exhausted state and sharpening your awareness until your only center of focus was him.
His hand shifts from your chin to your cheek, cradling your face lovingly, a warm gesture that reaches his eyes. “Last one. You got this.”
With that, he removes himself from your side a third time, returning to his own chair without a second glance. There was a hint of a smirk tugging at the end of his mouth that you had managed to catch before he turned from you completely. The loss of him making you pout longingly. Luis was right, though. You were almost at the finish line with your work. The sooner you complete this report, the sooner you can call it a day and see what the Spaniard had in store for you as the last installment of this reward system he erected for you. Just the thought of kissing him again filled you with eager determination. With a crack of your knuckles, you hover back to your keyboard once more.
You were screwed. Absolutely ruined. Ever since Luis left you wanting with that last mind-blowing kiss, you were unable to concentrate on your report at all. In fact, you haven’t typed a single new word. The last page has been completely blank for what seemed like an eternity, blaringly white in your screen. The blinking of the line waiting for your input taunts you along with the ticking of the overhead clock.
“Luis,” you call out to him in frustration.
“¿Sí, mi amor? What’s wrong?” You hear his voice echo back, noting your tone with mindful intrigue.
“I can’t do it,” you admit, a defeated groan escaping you. “I can’t finish this stupid report.”
His approaching footsteps pick up so rapidly that he’s next to you again in a matter of seconds, evident concern on his face.
“What happened?” Luis asked. “Did you discover contradictions in your variables?”
You shake your head, burying your face in both of your hands to hide the burning, shameful blush on your cheeks. Luis didn’t catch it right away, kneeling beside your hunched form and rubbing the tension from your back with a soothing hand.
“It’s all your fault,” you pout, glaring daggers at him. “Because of your and your damn positive reinforcement, I can’t focus!”
His look of worry quickly turned to confusion before realization sets in and his lips curve into a lecherous grin. “Oh, really?” he prods, looking so infuriatingly proud.
“Don’t you dare give me that look! Was this your intention all along?”
“To be perfectly honest, no. I really thought I came up with a good motivational tool to help you along,” he shrugs, his playful tone absent as he spoke, accentuating his genuity. “It appears, however, that my idea backfired.”
You shoot him a pointed look that practically shouted at him for his astonishing observation of the obvious. “Luis, I really do have to finish this report. But how can I do that when all I can think about is you.”
Luis wears an exaggerated expression of awe, his hand placed over his heart as if you just gave him a moving declaration of love. “¡Oh Dios mío! That is the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.” You nearly slapped him then and there but the Spaniard catches your wrist with a cheeky chuckle. “Sorry. Truly. Allow me to make it up to you.”
Still riding your mild frustration, you take his bait. “And how are you going to do that, huh?”
A playful glint in his eyes flash at your inquiry. “The way I see it, mi amor, I am the source of your distraction. There are two ways this can be resolved.”
Luis lifts one finger, “One. I can leave for the day and leave you to your own devices. Pero, I don’t think that will really help, in my humble opinion.” He lifts another. “Two. We get me out of your system.”
Already you knew where he was heading with that one but wanted clarification anyways. “You’re going to make me ask how you’re going to-”
He doesn’t wait for you to finish your sentence. He doesn’t wait for you to ask. Instead, he drags you from your chair to stand up before him and pulls you into his tight embrace before ensnaring you into another passionate kiss. Your body shudders from his talented mouth working wonders upon your senses, frustration dashed away for sensual need to take root. You are once again consumed with fervent desire, plunged into a pool of warmth. Luis had you under his mercy, but when he guided you both onto one of the medical chairs used for pharmaceutical testing, he was the one under you.
He holds you firmly against him, using his long legs to spread yours so that they hung loosely around his hips and dangled off the chair, effectively caging you around him. The entire time, not once have your lips separated and when they did, it was only to take in much needed air before diving back into one another. You loved kissing Luis, being with him like this set off sparks on you that you couldn’t compare to anything else. He teases you like it is a game of push and pull, but holds you like you are the only thing in the world to him. It was mix of sensations that fills you both with excitement and contentment, leaving you guessing of what he’ll do next but giving you comfort in knowing that everything he does is with your satisfaction in mind. And right now, he sought that for you both.
The evidence of his desire for you presses enthusiastically against your inner thigh. You can feel his arousal throbbing beneath the layers of fabric that separated you two. Luis groans sinfully against your mouth when you reflexively ground your hips on his sensitive organ. In turn, he squeezes the flesh of your ass daringly, pulling you closer into him while purposefully thrusting upwards, creating delicious friction. The pace he sets is slow and full of promise, rubbing along your sensitive area like a match burning at your core but not vigorously enough to set your carnal needs aflame, torturously teasing you from your release. You wanted more of him, you needed more of him.
But you remember where you are. And even though every part of your body screamed for you to succumb to your baser desires and engage in uninhibited pleasure with your Spanish lover- this wasn’t the place or the time for it.
“Luis-” you began. The man cuts you off with a kiss once more and your voice slips into another traitorous moan.
“Lo sé, mi amor, lo sé.” Luis whispers before pulling away, already knowing what you were going to say, peppering your jaw and neck with loving nips. “I am perfectly content with just this. Having you in my arms.”
A comfortable air settles between you two, allowing yourselves to calm down from your sexual high. With a heavy sigh, he rests his head upon your shoulder, not meeting your eyes.
“I’m sorry, mi corazon. I really did want to help.” Although his voice was hoarse with desire still, guilt riddled on the surface. You kissed the top of his head then, already forgiven him.
“You know,” you began to say, “this is an egregious misuse of this medical chair.”
He arches his thick brow at you, spirits lifting at your playful tone. “We were at it for awhile. You choose now to have a guilty conscience?”
His endearing smile returns to his handsome face when he sees you laughing at his words. One of his hands squeezes at your thigh to call back your attention. “Suppose we should move, eh? You still have that report to finish.”
You look down thoughtfully, pondering his suggestion before relaxing your body atop his, head resting on his shoulder. “I’m okay with staying like this for a little longer if you are.”
Luis chest rumbles in light-hearted humor at your decision but evidently had no complaints as he adjusted you both on the chair to make himself more comfortable. His arms wrap around you, drawing soothing patterns on your lower back as he rests his cheek against your head. You can feel his lips tug into a content smile.
“I like having you on top of me, anyways.” Immediately you snort unattractively and his voices pitches in curiosity. “What? What did I say?”
“Nothing, sorry.” you apologize, failing beautifully in choking your laughter down. “Forget you heard that.”
“C’mon. Tell me. I want to know.”
You lift yourself slightly to look him straight in the eyes, a tinge of red on your cheeks in growing embarrassment. “Promise not to take it the wrong way?”
He observes your expression with unrestrained curiosity. “Lo prometo. Now, what is it?”
“I just…” you trail off for a moment, biting your lip. “The way you said how you liked our current position, it sounded like you admitted to being the submissive type.”
You watched his amused curiosity fall down to that of pure, unadulterated shock. For a moment, you thought you’ve gone too far with your honesty. However, as if driven by masculine pride, Luis lifts you both up from the chair with a strength that astonishes you and places you to take his spot against the now warmed cushion.
You were not sure if what came after was meant to be a sort of punishment or more positive reinforcement. But you did not have any complaints and were so blissfully exhausted the following morning, it was a miracle you ever managed to finish your report on time. Upon submitting it, Luis used his charm to ensure you time off so that you can enjoy some much deserved rest. To your surprise, he took the rest of the day off too and went home with you with some more rewards in mind.
A/N: This is a request for @luis-serras-little-slut. Hope you liked the twist ;) Thank you very much for the sweet ask.
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bonebrokebuddy · 1 year
I am shocked and appalled that there isn’t more comic flash & comic spider man fic crossovers.
Like? Barry and Peter would get along so well?? And no one has taken advantage of this??
I need a fic pronto of them meeting at a biochem conference, a villain attacking, leading to Barry catching Peter changing into his Spider-Man suit in the bathroom in a classic silver age crossover “the heroes immediately figure out eachother’s identity” type fashion. They team up and take down the villain together and promise to keep in touch.
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mindblowingscience · 8 months
In a breakthrough for environmentally friendly chemical production, researchers at the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI) have developed an economical way to make succinic acid, an important industrial chemical, from sugarcane. The team of University of Illinois and Princeton University researchers created a cost-effective, end-to-end pipeline for this valuable organic acid by engineering a tough, acid-tolerant yeast as the fermenting agent, avoiding costly steps in downstream processing. Succinic acid is a widely used additive for food and beverages and has diverse applications in agricultural and pharmaceutical products. This same pipeline can be used to produce other industrially important organic acids targeted by CABBI in its work to develop sustainable biofuels and biochemicals from crops, said co-author Huimin Zhao, CABBI's Conversion Theme Leader and Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) at Illinois. To reduce reliance on fossil fuels, Conversion researchers are deploying microbes to convert plant biomass into chemicals used in everyday products as an alternative to conventional petroleum-based production.
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myrmyrtheorca · 2 months
You thought I'd be done? Have more OCs! Third character sheet!
Thank you for your patience, this one felt like a fever dream to make and for that reason is probably a little less detailed than the other two. I'm exhausted. I rushed it. I'll go to sleep.
(disclaimer: English isn't my first language, so I apologize in advance for any errors.)
Leaving together? Leaving the family? Myr... this isn’t what you told me years ago.
-Anemone, Ch.3
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Anemone Cavalieri
Gender: Female (MTF)
Pronouns: she/her
Age (at Ch.1): 23
Nationality: Italian
Height/Weight: approx. 178 cm/75 kg
Flame type: flameless
Affiliation: Cavalieri Family (Second Branch, Research and Development)
Despite being integral part of the Cavalieri heritage for as long as the family has existed, the Pallid Flame still hides many mysteries behind its selective behaviors. The latest generations of Cavalieri in particular have shifted their interest onto the possibility whether the complex Failsafe System, a state of the body that only occurs in unconscious Pallid Flame users, could be utilized to further improve the physical manipulation abilities of their fighters. In order to achieve this and other studies, they have provided themselves with a team of elite chemists and biochemical engineers, picking their members from the family itself as well as from external members.
Up to the year of Tristam’s birth, the team had been led by Dr. Filippo Argenti, the consort of the Eight Nera Signora and father of Myr and her brother. After years of vacancy following Dr. Argenti’s gruesome passing, his role was finally taken up by Anemone, a young engineer and apprentice of the Mother Branch family medic, Dr. Fausto Caligari.
Thanks to her dedication and the results reached during her time as researcher, she becomes highly estimated by the Eighth. As time passed though, her ambitions grow along with her genius to the point where she wishes to change the family’s ways and reputation to be more akin to those of the Vongola, a family rumored to be noble and magnanimous.
All those thoughts were destined to remain fantasies…until the day she meets Myr. Anemone recognizes that Myr could be the turning point for the family’s history thanks to her stubborn refusal of their treacherous means, and so swears to find a way to make her stronger than her brother.
Then, one day, Myr disappears without a trace. Her mind immediately chooses its culprit: Tristam.
Please feel free to hit me up through asks, DMs or Discord with any kind of questions, feedback or general thoughts on Killer Whale you might want to bring to my attention! Answering questions (while avoiding spoilers) is of immense help to me to develop my OCs more efficiently, so for anything, I'm all ears!
Previous character sheet: Lidija
Preliminary Info on Killer Whale: update post
My Ao3 account: myelltheorca
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reidslovely · 11 months
heyy! can you give us more about frat!peter?
totally!! I'm not sure what you wanna know though specifically so here's some word vomit i sent to my moot stella weeks ago. you guys should totally feel free to talk to me about any frat!peter headcanons and questions you have him and reader/bashful are my world rn and I could answer any question you have about him/her/them. but right here is a run down of only frat!pete and how I perceive him
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Frat!Peter has the biggest ego but he's totally not a jerk..at least not once you get to know him. He's an engineering and biochem double major but he's taken journalism/photography electives and that’s where he and his gf met. He's automatically flirting with her and it's like dude come on..really?? Cause everyone knows about Peter Parker. He could have any girl he wants but he's never publicly dated anyone?? Weird. Maybe he's too good. Which makes her skeptical, so it’s like leave me alone totally not interested but he very quickly wins her over. The jerk side a total front and she is quick to discredit that rumor and let everyone know what a big soft teddy bear nerd he really is. (however it is not a front when it comes to his girl though stay twenty five feet away from her)
He definitely rushed with his friend as a joke and didn’t actually think he’s get in but turns out he’s a legacy (his dad and uncle ben both were members) and the guys think he’s a great pick and i mean it doesn’t hurt that the girls like him so come on how could they not let this dude in?? He does let it go to his head a little because it’s basically gonna pay for his college. How could he not get a little cocky and slacky. Besides for once in his life people like him and not just because he’ll get them a good grade on a project. However he does start to come down from this and gets his head out of his ass.
Yes he does still have his powers and is managing spider man, college, and his frat responsibilities. Which is why he had to step down from secretary to social chair sophomore/junior year. He totally showed up in the frat in his costume several times and his brothers chose to never mention it, it’s a secret that dies with them. Besides, their best friend is spider man?? How fucking cool.
His girlfriend does find out four months into the relationship when he shows up to their date dressed in the top of the costume and his button up not covering it at all and it finally explains so so sos os SO much.
Like stated previously he was elected secretary his sophomore year (first to happen) and had to step down to social chair later which he enjoyed much better cause their stuff was pretty much laid out in a rule book for them.
YES he does have a little (a freshman you mentor not the other kind of little) in my mind I aged Miles up a little bit to be his little freshie which ends up being super convenient when Miles ends up getting bit and they split spider man and other duties within the frat. But if not Miles I like to think he takes on carbon copy of himself when he first joined: angry, skeptical, and kind of shy and scared to reach out in fear of rejection and he teaches him that all these emotions are okay and valid but there are alot of good people in this community.
Speed run: he played on the lacrosse team very briefly until spider man got him thrown off- he rejoined later after Miles came into the picture, however he and the other guys are known for playing basketball on their front lawn and all the girls like to stop and watch (which drives his gf crazy and she has to make out with him to reclaim what’s hers and he eats that the fuck up.) As social chair he is obligated to work homecoming, and even though it’s not allowed since his gf is not in greek life he def asks her for help/ideas (his brothers know but they like him and his gf to much to care).
And yes he’s shocked that he's on the honor roll because how can he balance all this stuff and still come out? Maybe he is a genius, and slowly burning out.
That's all I got right now, please ask me more lore about frat!peter and or him and bashful/reader thank you that was my press conference
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Novel silica-based adsorbent helps selective separation of strontium
Prof. Huang Qunying's team from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Prof. Ning Shunyan's team from South China University, developed a novel silica-based adsorbent for the highly selective separation of strontium (Sr) from an acidic medium. The results were published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials. Radioactive strontium, known as 90Sr, is of concern because it's highly toxic both radiologically and biochemically. When high-level liquid waste (HLLW) is processed through vitrification, the heat released from the decay of 90Sr can cause problems. This heat can destabilize the material in which it's contained, potentially leading to the release of other radioactive substances. However, 90Sr can also be reused as a special radioactive or heat source, which can help reduce the amount of waste to be disposed of with lower overall costs.
Read more.
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rechrisker · 6 days
a Chrisker fanfic: takes place pre-Mansion Incident during the time Chris and Wesker worked together at S.T.A.R.S. Enjoy! (proship dni)
August, 1997. It was a S.T.A.R.S search and seizure mission originally assigned to Bravo Team, but the threat level had increased and it was up to Alpha Team members to swoop in to help “clean up the mess”, as Wesker called it. Jill Valentine, still being in training, was unable to accompany them on the mission, so it was up to Chris and Wesker themselves. A dangerous biochemical sample being in the hands of the wrong people was something that they were well-equipped to handle, and handled it they did. With the main task at hand finished and the sample retrieved, Alpha Team was ready to report back.
“Chris, what is it?”
Wesker’s straight tone cut into Chris’ thoughts, grounding him promptly back to reality. 
The two men weren’t exactly in the most optimal place to be having a conversation; they were posted up in a large, empty room of a manufacturing facility, the walls were thick and gray, and the space was open enough that sound would echo. The cold chill of the late night air drifted in from the open garage doors, an almost dark blue tinge to their surroundings and pale moonlight cascading upon them. It was a strangely calm atmosphere for what had just taken place, really. 
The gunshots from before still rang in Chris’ ears; seize missions were always intense, but the threat had been neutralized thanks to Alpha Team. It wasn’t without blood spilled, though.
“This wasn’t exactly as clean as I usually like to handle things, you know, Chris.”
This time, Captain Wesker had chosen Chris Redfield personally. It wasn’t uncommon that they would go on various missions together after the unit’s initial training period, and during that time Chris got to know his Captain more. Wesker had seen potential in Chris, pleased with his performance and ultimately taking an interest in the agent.
On the other hand, Chris always looked up to Wesker; after all, he was his Captain. Their time together had proven to Redfield very quickly that the S.T.A.R.S Team Leader was someone highly intelligent, determined, capable, and ready to lead— all of these were traits that Chris admired deeply and even related to. It wasn’t a surprise that they worked together quite well.
“I just got distracted- sorry.” Chris looked up to Wesker a few feet ahead of him, standing in front of the exit door with a neutral expression. He realized that Wesker was focused on getting the mission over with and reporting back to headquarters. It seemed to Chris that the S.T.A.R.S Captain was always rushing through tasks lately.
Wesker opened the door and led them outside, briefcase in his left hand. The brisk air became more apparent as they walked beside each other through the large, empty parking lot. It was more quiet than usual.
“Is there something on your mind?” His smooth voice cut through the silence once again, gaining Chris’ attention promptly; it was habitual for him to be alert at the sound of his voice.
“Well..” Chris tilted his head to glance at Wesker, who was only a step ahead of him. “.. I was remembering our past training. I mean, that first mission we did— I wasn’t ready like today. It feels like I’ve learned a lot.” He shrugged, perhaps a bit embarrassed as he looked ahead of them.
“I like working with you, Wesker. You really know how to get things done.”
Wesker, who had been mostly quiet until now, seemed to raise his brows just a bit behind his glasses. And.. was that a slight dusting of blush across his complexion? The usually cool and composed Captain didn’t break, no, but… an interest had been peaked.
“Ah, Chris, I’m glad to hear that…” Wesker replied in a steady, pleased tone as he turned his head to meet Chris’ gaze, stopping them both in their tracks. The streetlights around them dimly lit up the dark area around them, shining down onto the both of them like a spotlight. Chris felt like there was an unspoken bond between them that he couldn’t quite describe, and he didn’t mind it.
“You know, you are my favorite.” It came out quieter than his previous statement, more serious. “You are proficient, strong… you’re different from the others.. important.”
Chris was, frankly, surprised to hear all of this. His brows raised up and he swallowed, having been holding his breath. Why did hearing that make his heart beat faster? The space between them seemed to get smaller without even realizing it, now at only an arms-length apart.
“Heh, thanks..” The younger man started, his cheeks slightly flushed for reasons he didn’t understand. “I’m just doing my job— but, if I can make you proud, then.. I guess that’s a plus.” Chris chuckled lightly.
Wesker stayed silent for a few moments, his brows furrowed as he stared at Chris behind his dark shades, the streetlight reflecting onto them with a glare; Chris cursed those damn shades for making the mysterious Albert Wesker even harder to decipher. “Make me proud, hm?” A hint of a small smile formed on the blonde’s face, his hand reaching up to Chris’ cheek.
“You are my best recruit; I did put you on Alpha team after all. I see great potential in you.” His fingers brushed lightly over Chris’ jawline, until he caressed his subordinate’s face gently. The touch was light, yet possessive in a way; Wesker was staring straight at him. “Remember when we spoke about your dedication?”
Chris was reminded of one of their many conversations, though this one had been more serious than the usual. He had opened up to his Captain about his time in the Air Force and the trouble he had gotten himself into with his superiors; his difference in opinions, his want for the right things to be done, and the conflict it brought between him and them. Chris wasn’t exactly proud of the issues he had during that time, yet he had told Wesker about it. 
“Yeah, I remember.” He nodded, unsure of the direction the conversation was going.
“I see how dedicated you are. You and I, we’re alike.” Almost as if affirming it to himself, Wesker nodded slowly, not breaking his gaze. “There are big things ahead of us.”
It felt like there was something behind those words that the young man wasn’t fully aware of– like Wesker had an idea behind what he said.
The gap between them had gotten much smaller, Chris had noticed, and suddenly his Captain was mere inches away from him. Was that… a look of desperation in Wesker’s eyes? Chris couldn’t quite tell through the glasses, but he wanted to understand. He had become increasingly more aware of Wesker’s touch as it lingered, his face flushed. He didn’t know what was happening, but.. his cheek was warm at the gentle touch to his skin, holding him like he was something to be treasured. It sent a chill down Chris’ spine as Wesker’s hand receded back to his side.
Chris stared up at Wesker with a look of confusion. “I don’t know if I get what you mean..” He murmured, shifting his gaze away. “.. but, I guess we are similar. I mean, I wouldn’t mind getting assigned with you all the time– but that’s your choice, right?”
The younger man attempted to tease his upper, a slight smirk forming on his face. Wesker was fun to mess with sometimes— his cool and straight-forward demeanor, Chris found, can only occasionally be caught off guard. Chris looked up to read Wesker’s expression with crossed arms and that smirk, but noticed a pause.
For a moment, Wesker had almost let his guard down. The urge to respond to Chris like any other time had been suppressed— he was avoiding it. 
“Yes..” The Captain looked off to the side and let his hint of a smile suddenly fall. “Well, we should get going. This sample needs to be disposed of.” 
The sudden change in attitude was almost shocking to Chris, considering the things Wesker had just said to him. You are my favorite. Chris thought. You are important. He furrowed his brows and watched as Wesker backed off, tightening his grip on the briefcase in hand and walking to their parked vehicle.
Chris thought back to the previous missions they had been on together; Wesker and him would fall into conversations for a while. Whether it be about strategies, advice— occasionally, Wesker would listen to Chris about his philosophy on life. They had learned a lot about each other in a short amount of time, and even with that.. Chris still felt like he didn’t understand Wesker very much. A distance was always between them, like two magnets that can’t seem to quite come together.
That should be fine, right? Chris thought, perplexed at why he even cared; this was his job after all. Their relationship needed to be nothing more than that— a boss and his subordinate who takes orders and gets work done. However, like Wesker said, Chris was a dedicated man; his job wasn’t just that, but something he took deep pride in. In turn, he became close to the other members of S.T.A.R.S, regarding them like he would anyone else he cared for. Perhaps, he felt he was even more dedicated to Albert Wesker himself than he was to his “Captain”.
And yet… Redfield watched quietly as Wesker opened the trunk of the car, placing the briefcase inside. He couldn’t help himself from wanting to understand Wesker, even if he was complex and hard to get to know.
Taking a breath, he walked over and leaned against the car, blocking the driver’s side door from opening and crossing his arms. “What’s going on? You said all of that, but…” A sigh, partially out of frustration with his own confusion– he was becoming convinced that he was imagining the tension. “You can talk to me if there’s something wrong, you know.”
As another moment of quiet passed, Wesker came back from the car trunk and finally looked at Chris again, his brows knitted together as if contemplating something.
“Chris… you wouldn’t understand.” He shook his head, letting out a chuckle. “You listen well, so keep doing that.”
A feeling of hurt stabbed at Chris’ chest; why wouldn’t he just talk to him? After the times they had talked before, the missions they had been on together, the bond they had formed– did it mean nothing to him? He frowned and uncrossed his arms, turning to face Wesker directly in defeat.
“Alright, I guess we should head back then.” Chris said matter-of-factly and moved out of the way of the driver’s side door, swiftly making his way around to the opposite side. He decided it would be pointless to try reasoning with Wesker right now, if he simply thought Chris wouldn’t understand. Getting into the passenger’s side, he shut the door and buckled himself in, noting Wesker promptly doing the same. 
The car ride back to headquarters was silent; the Captain fixated on the road ahead with Chris gazing out the window beside him. 
Why won’t you let me in?
The S.T.A.R.S Headquarters building came into clear view as the two Alpha Team members finally arrived back. A long period of time had passed; about a two hour drive. By the time they returned, it was around eleven o’clock at night.
Pleased to be back at headquarters after an uncomfortable ride, Chris was quick to exit the car and stretch his arms over his head. “That felt like forever.”
Wesker made sure to circle back to the trunk of the car and grab the briefcase, shutting it firmly after. They naturally moved into step beside each other, though neither said another word as they entered the building. Chris planned to remove his gear, store it away in his locker, and promptly go home to rest. In the meantime, the Captain would take the sample to the containment room.
Redfield made his way to his locker and proceeded to remove his equipment, starting with his belt, then his talkie, setting them down. He popped the locker open with a small creak and stored away his things. It was when he began to remove his vest that he heard approaching footsteps from down the hall; it was Wesker.
It was hard to read his face as he approached, standing a few lockers away.
“Come to my office before you go.” It was like second nature as Chris nodded to the order, giving an affirmative “yes, sir” and watching Wesker walk away. He proceeded to remove his vest and close his locker. Chris felt his heart sink when he thought of the possibility that he had disrespected and created conflict with a superior once again. It didn’t feel the same to him, however, in the way it once did before. With his Captain, Chris was committed to proving his worth and improving his flaws.
He was finally relieved of work duty, but now, it was his personal duty to go to Wesker. 
The Captain’s office stared Chris in the face as he prepared himself to speak with Wesker again. Knocking on the door, he waited until he heard the usual “come in” before opening up.
It was fairly dark in the room, only dimly lit by a table lamp on the wooden desk that Wesker sat at. The windows on the side of the room were partially covered by curtains, otherwise letting through the pale shine of moonlight. There was something about the way it shone against Wesker’s complexion that made Chris think he looked almost ethereal.
“Chris, thanks for coming.” The Captain started, getting up from his seat. Redfield closed the door behind him and walked over to the chair in front of the desk, pulling it back out a bit before deciding to sit down. It felt less awkward than before to Chris, much preferring this to the silence during the car ride. He was at least thankful for that.
He nodded in response but didn’t quite make eye contact with Wesker, looking off to the side and scratching the back of his head. “What do you need, Captain?”
As the words came out, Wesker hesitated for a few moments and stared down at Chris. “Listen, Chris. I meant what I had said before; you are my favorite recruit.” He echoed his previous words and started to slowly walk around from behind the desk. “I want us to accomplish great things together— you wouldn’t question me, would you?”
A glint shone against his glasses as Wesker stood in front of Chris, crossing his arms over his chest. It was hard to say what his Captain was thinking, but Chris knew that was just commonplace by now. “No, it’s not that, I just…” He struggled to find the words, rubbing his head and finally looking back up to Wesker.
“I want you to tell me everything. If I can do something to fix my performance, I’ll understand and I want to do that.” His voice was serious, careful. “I want to work together— I don’t want to disappoint you, Captain.”
Chris looked down at his boots, hoping that what he said would be enough to break the tension between them and return things to normal. It was the sudden touch from Wesker that he didn’t expect; a hand so delicately holding his chin and tilting it up. He could see narrowed eyes behind the shades, for once.
“Oh, Chris… you could never disappoint me. I’m sure of it.” His words were silky, brimming with admiration for his special recruit. Behind those dark glasses, his eyes shone a pain that he could never express out loud, brows furrowed together as his hand let go of Chris’ chin. “There are some things that I just can’t explain to you. Not now.”
He could have sworn that the last sentence had a tinge of strain behind it as he listened with wide eyes, staring up at Wesker and not moving away from his grasp. “Wesker… please,” Chris was almost worried if his Captain couldn’t tell him what was going on. Pushing himself up from his seat to face Wesker directly, the young man inched closer to him with his hands out in confusion.
“How can I do my best for you if you won’t tell me?” Hurt coated Chris’ tone; the man couldn’t help himself  as he reached forward and grasped Wesker’s wrist, holding onto it tightly as if he’d lose the other if he let go. The Captain raised his brows, but didn’t move, the arm caught in Chris’ grasp twitching.
“It’s not that simple.” Wesker murmured, letting his free hand find its place on Chris’ side and grasping onto him. Their proximity became apparent as their breathing pressed their chests together, faces only inches apart. Chris felt a squeeze on his hip that made him blush; this was the closest they had ever been before, and yet.. he didn’t want to move. The young man only wanted to be closer, to feel that Wesker was there with him.
The moonlight of the night filtered in through the blinds of the windows, scattering across the room and over their silhouettes. Chris felt his breathing start to become more shallow as the anxiety of the situation hit him; it didn’t matter what he didn’t know, as long as Wesker was still with him at the end of the day. As long as he could work with his Captain and obey his orders, he would be satisfied. S.T.A.R.S meant everything to Chris; Wesker was a giant part of that— Hell, even more.
In an act of desperation, Chris wrapped his arms around Wesker’s frame and held onto him, his head falling to rest against Wesker’s shoulder. “You’re.. you’re important to me. I want to continue to be your best recruit. Just let me know what you want, Wesker..”
It may have been the first time that Chris ever saw Wesker look almost shocked, his lips parted as if to say something but nothing came out. He felt the hand on his hip start to glide up and around to his back, slowly feeling over the built shoulder blades and all the way up to the back of Chris’ neck. The movements sent shivers along Redfield’s arms, but he didn’t move.
Deep down, maybe Chris wanted to be cherished like this by his Captain all along. All of their times together in the past few years flashed through his mind; the work, the laughter, the blood spilled, the periods of silence, the hours of conversation (mostly on Chris’ end) and listening (from Wesker). It hadn’t clicked in his mind before now how much he cared about those moments— the last thing he wanted was to lose what they had built. As his files said, Chris Redfield was an uncompromising man.
They stayed together quietly like that for a short time, Chris embracing his superior and Wesker holding him closely. Chris lifted his head from where it rested to finally look at Wesker, both sharing a serious expression. 
“Chris..” The Captain said, his tone lowering as he leaned in close to the side of his subordinate’s head, lips only centimeters away from his ear. “Don’t you understand? I want you.”
Chris had to process what he had just heard, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. Full on shivers traveled down his arms, feeling Wesker’s warm breath against his nape. He could swear his heart was beating out of its chest as the words whirled around in his head. I want you. What did that mean?
“You’ve proven your dedication to me plenty of times now; I enjoy that about you. Would it be wrong to say that, in a way, you are already mine?”
Heat rushed to Chris’ cheeks as he listened, taken aback by how strongly Wesker sounded about him. Chris hadn’t let go, but loosened the embrace to instead rest his hands upon his Captain’s hips. By this point, Wesker was leaning slightly against the edge of the office desk, with Chris just barely hovering over him. There was certainly no way out of this situation, now.
Taking a deep breath, Chris shifted his gaze to the side where Wesker lingered closely with fingers carefully running through the hair on the back of his neck.
“I… didn’t know you felt that way,” He began, emotions running through his head. “But, if that’s how it is, then.. I don’t think I mind.. being yours.”
A rare sight to behold was Wesker blushing, yet there it was. His complexion seemed to turn a light shade of pink and he couldn’t help but smirk, looking pleased with the outcome. Chris was finally able to fully meet the Captain’s gaze again as he pulled back from his ear.
It was thankful that S.T.A.R.S headquarters was completely empty aside from them, or else someone may have interrupted their discussion. The atmosphere was completely familiar and comforting, yet it almost felt foreign with the exhilaration coursing through Chris; like he was on a mission on the field.
“Good.” Wesker’s smirk turned into a more calm expression with his lips relaxing into a vague smile, almost seeming relieved despite the confidence in his voice. Seeing that smile made Chris’ heart flutter a bit; it was rare he ever saw his Captain like that, too. Being the cause gave Chris a rush he had never felt before, and he couldn’t help but smile back. Whatever tension was between them had seemed to ramp up immensely as they opened up to each other further.
They stared at each other, close together and both slightly flushed in the face as the air grew warm around them. “Let me show you what you mean to me, Chris. There’s no need to worry.”
There wasn’t time to reply as Wesker suddenly started leaning in close to Chris’ face; the young man let his fingers sprawl over Wesker’s hips and grasp them firmly, as if to anchor himself down. Chris watched the gap between them grow smaller before closing his eyes and doing what felt right in that moment.
Wesker pressed his lips softly against Chris’, caressing the back of his head and pulling him up against his body. The Captain’s other hand traveled from Chris’ side and made its way slowly up his chest, getting a good feel of it as he did so. Chris was absolutely flustered as he returned the kiss, finding himself touching Wesker’s lower back and feeling him over as well. Their lips moved together, learning about and treasuring each other all over again but in a different way. It was as if a barrier between them had finally been broken, and both of them were making up for it right then.
A few more moments passed before Wesker eventually pulled away with parted lips, his glasses having fallen down his nose just a bit and his eyes becoming visible. They were filled with a strong desire, feasting upon Chris like a delicacy he had been craving for too long.
Chris slowly caught his breath again and pulled back a bit from their close proximity, now holding loosely onto Wesker’s hips again. “Captain, I.. I really enjoyed that.” He breathed out, his cheeks flushed but his eyes gleaming with pleasure. “Can we keep going?”
As if unlocking something inside of Wesker, the man chuckled at the response and shook his head, amused. “You didn’t think I would let you go so soon, did you, Chris?” He mused, moving the hand that explored Chris’ body to hold onto his forearm instead, rubbing his thumb in gentle circles over the skin. “Not after I’ve waited this long.. I don’t think you fully understand what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
The way Wesker said that felt dark, yet alluring— Chris enjoyed it in a way he couldn’t describe. Taking orders from Wesker was just what felt right, what he wanted to do; it wasn’t all that different from before.
Swallowing, Chris looked down at the hand touching his arm and watched the gentle movements of Wesker’s thumb. “Let me stay with you tonight, then.” The young man bravely suggested without much thought, not entirely sure what he meant by that himself. All he knew was that he wanted to stay like this for just a little longer, if he could.
The Captain stopped the motion as he heard that and looked straight at his subordinate, another small chuckle escaping his lips. “You never fail to surprise me, you know.” He mused, looking serious, “.. you’re perfect.”
Chris struggled to stay composed at the compliment from Wesker; the praise was something he always appreciated, but it felt even more personal, now. The man’s face was hot with embarrassment at how weak the words made him. “Heh… you really like me, huh, Wesker?”
At that, Wesker knitted his brows together and tightened his grip on Chris’ arm, pulling him in even closer until they were against each other once again. However, this time, Wesker promptly took over and forced his subordinate to take his previous position, now hovering over Chris who was against his desk. Chris looked up at him with a small smirk, seeing a new side of his Captain.
“Don't get cocky.” Wesker insisted, looking almost pestered by Chris’ teasing with a raised brow. It wouldn't be easy to draw affectionate words from Wesker, it seemed; though, it would be false to say that he didn't care at all. He let his grip on Chris’ arm go and placed both hands firmly on the edge of the desk in front of him, keeping his favorite recruit securely between his arms. “Now, prove yourself to me, Chris.” 
Redfield gazed up at the shades that covered Wesker’s eyes, admiring his features in a new way now that they could be so close to each other. Wesker had said that Chris didn’t know what he got himself into, but he felt confident in their unspoken bond, and his Captain who he devoted himself to. 
Wasting no more time, Chris reached a hand in and grabbed Wesker’s waist, interlocking their lips together in a passionate kiss with closed eyes. The room was quiet around them, but Chris could hear his heart racing and Wesker’s small breaths in between their kisses in his ears. 
They only paused for a short moment when the older man decided to curtly remove his shades and set them down on the desk, finally revealing blue irises that were almost always hidden. It made Chris’ heart race even faster as he got to stare up at Wesker for a few brief moments, the desk lamp illuminating those eyes full of interest and desire.
Will you let me in now, Wesker? Chris thought, letting his lips be taken over once again by Wesker as they settled back further onto his desk. They would be working late tonight, it seemed.
I’ll show you how dedicated I can be.
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