#team ichabbie
tvshowscouples · 3 months
If you love Ichabod&Abbie (Sleepy Hollow) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
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audreyii-fic · 10 months
hi. i'm audreyii_fic.
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Mostly I write fanfiction. Here's a summary.
The Big Four:
The Movement of the Earth, Jacob & Bella, Twilight (AO3 / FFn / LJ)
The Sparrowkeet Series, Zuko & Katara, Avatar: the Last Airbender (AO3 / FFn)
Ordinary Love, Loki & Jane, Marvel Cinematic Universe (AO3 / FFn)
can't turn off what turns me on, Ben & Rey, Star Wars (AO3)
The Best Four:
Pieces of the Memories, Jacob & Bella, Twilight (AO3 / FFn / LJ)
The Bad in Each Other, Gale & Katniss, The Hunger Games (AO3 / FFn / LJ)
On Each Other's Teams, Loki & Jane, Marvel Cinematic Universe (AO3 / FFn)
The Science-y Girl and the Curator, Doctor Who (AO3)
In addition to Star Wars, Twilight, MCU, Doctor Who, Hunger Games, and A:tLA, I've also written fics for Dark Angel, Sleepy Hollow, Once Upon a Time, House of the Dragon, Gotham, and Jurassic World with varying degrees of focus and varying levels of notoriety in their respective fandoms.
When you post for decades, your work winds up in a lot of places. Some were lost to the sands of defunct web boards (I'm looking at you, LOST, Jane Austen, Supernatural, Harry Potter, and Days of our Lives), but most can be found under audreyii_fic on Archive of Our Own, LiveJournal, and Fanfiction.net — though not every fic is in all three locations.
Social media-wise, I'm intermittently present on Bluesky as audreyii.bsky.social, Twitter X Nazi Hellscape as audreyii_fic, and YouTube as Two-Thirds Blind.
Every ship I've ever shipped has sunk.
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machonnes · 9 years
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Welcome back, Abbie!
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olderthannetfic · 5 years
It does work... eventually
reblogged your post
“wishforsomewherenew reblogged your post “A New History of Fandom Purges” ”#fandom#i feel like i need to start adding...”
#fandom#good points of reflexion although I wonder#if a story places a black character in a position usually filled by a white character#will the audience react to it the same way?#I fear racism would stick us into a corner where people would suddenly find flaws to the archetypes they usually like#because we know people tend to be less indulgent with poc in general#so the snarky geek would suddenly be read as pedant and annoying#and the dashing thief would be read as a thief#which isn't to say we shouldn't try to give these roles to poc#we need poc in more diverse roles!#just saying I'm not sure white fandom would just naturally follow#there is work that needs to be done directly with the audience#but it's certain that this work needs to be larger and more thought out than deleting entire popular ships
In practice, it’s a mix. The canons where the dashing thief, woobie, or geek is black are sometimes less popular overall than a similar canon where that character is white. On the other hand, part of the issue is that fandom size is roughly correlated to canon viewership, and it’s rare for a massive, massive franchise to cast a black lead in installment 1.
Fandom trends tend to get set very early in a canon’s history, and expanding the cast later doesn’t always change them. Black Panther was never going to derail the Stucky train or any of the other big established patterns of MCU fandom. Neither was introducing Sam, though Sam/Steve did get pretty popular. New Star Wars is a rare case where there was a black lead from the beginning in a super mega franchise, and Finn/Poe was the biggest ship by far right at the beginning of that fandom. It dropped behind Kylux and Reylo later, but it’s obvious that people did like Finn. That kind of casting and role does work. If people did more of it, it would work better.
The trouble is that the vast majority of fandom meta acts like an average fandom should look like MCU or Harry Potter. In reality, those are extreme outliers that are completely irrelevant to how most fandoms operate. Most genre media with black leads is material with a much smaller viewership than a MCU movie. Those media have smaller fandoms, but the black lead is usually pretty popular relative to the overall fandom size if they are indeed a trope fandom likes for white characters.
The three examples I chose weren’t random. They were from the three shows I mentioned: Hustle, Leverage, and Almost Human.
Hustle is a small fandom, at least for fic, and a moderately popular TV series overall. The original team leader, suave con artist Mickey Bricks (played by Adrian Lester) was one of the more popular characters. Mickey/Danny tends to be one of the biggest ships, and Mickey/Danny/Stacy is reasonably popular too.
Leverage is quite a popular fandom, and Hardison, the geek, is a fandom fave The big ship is the OT3 of Parker, Hardison, and Eliot. The component ships are also popular, especially the canon one of Parker and Hardison.
Almost Human was a bit of a trianwreck, but the entire fandom is basically shippers of the woobie android Dorian (played by Michael Ealy) and grumpy android-hating cop John Kennex.
Yeah, fandom can be pretty racist, but give us a Caves of Steel ripoff, and we will always go for the ship of the woobie bot and the human bot-hater who learns to be a better man--and probably gives gratuitous speeches about it in the process. It doesn’t matter if it’s DRN or RK800 or R. Daneel Olivaw: this trope is fannish catnip.
In fact, DBH and Almost Human are an excellent case study of this: They’re remarkably similar, right down to Minka Kelly being wasted in a trite love interest role. Both have a black android, but in AH, he’s one half of the iddy buddy cop duo (and popular for shipping), while in DBH, the equivalent character is white (and similarly popular). The black android in DBH gets saddled with some pretty dire civil rights allegories as he leads the android revolution. He has more foils with less iddy ship fodder for each, and his canon het ship is not very popular. People do talk about the character positively, but they don’t write all that much fic about him.
Characters of color do get held to a higher standard, but a lot of the problems are often coming directly from canon, even if they’re sometimes subtle. The rare canons that do a better job produce fandoms that appreciate the characters of color.
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It helps to have ridiculous episodes involving bets, rivalry, and public nudity...
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Or hurt/comfort...
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Or Leverage’s... everything.
The main issue is that we need 100x the amount of media with a black character in a lead or main ensemble role that is specifically the Fandom Fave role. We need that media to be big budget and omnipresent, and we need that to be the status quo for a decade. That wouldn’t magically erase racism, but it would have a dramatic effect on what fic gets written.
Look at Sleepy Hollow! That show jumped the shark like whoa, but no matter how much people complain about the evil fans who liked the canon ship, 99% of that fandom is actually Ichabbie shippers. Even on AO3, bastion of inexplicable white man slash, most of it is still Ichabod/Abbie or Ichabod & Abbie.
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Right now, the status quo is that these sources are rare, and fandom theorizing tends to ignore them in favor of a tiny handful of the biggest fandoms in fandom history. We’ll get another Almost Human long, long before we’ll get a superhero franchise where something like Black Panther is the first movie out of the gate. (Though, to be honest, Black Panther has like 3x the fic of most of my fandoms, and most of it is about T’Challa, so it’s doing pretty well.)
I’ll be interested to see what happens with the Rivers of London TV adaptation. I suspect that will provide both the next big fandom fave who is black and a breeding ground for toxic wank so horrendous it drives half the fandom away--Because whatever standard fans hold characters of color to in canon, it’s a thousand times worse in fic.
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twelvemonkeyswere · 4 years
I was tagged by @bussdowntarthiana​​ to list my favorite ships, thank you!
I should prelude this by stating I’m not actually that much of a shipper so the ships I’ve shipped have all been mostly sporadic through the years, with varying degrees of intensity.
What they do have in common is that I usually like when people like each other and are friends for a while - the chemistry works better! usually there’s pining! they already work well as a team! things like that
so here’s a curated list:
Miranda x Gary
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with Miranda and Gary I really liked the ending to their story because it was also a part of Miranda’s journey to learn about herself, what she wanted, and what she deserved. both characters actually enjoy being with each other and even though there are mishaps, Miranda realizes she doesn’t need anyone in her life to dictate her worth. however she wants other people in her life - Gary included. it’s nice that he wants that too.
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when I began watching Sleepy Hollow it was only because I wanted to see the headless horseman hunting people down, which always sounds like fun lol. and then Abbie Mills and Ichabod fucking Crane of all people turned out to have great chemistry.  that was something I wasn’t expecting, but it happened. terribly wasted, too. they were both very similar, grew to respect and admire each other, and had fun. it was really a shame racism didn’t let them take advantage of it.
Holmes x Watson
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particularly in the Granada version, it always seemed to me like they would be very happy together, solving mysteries and growing old in their cozy apartment in Baker Street.
Tamaki x Haruhi
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Ouran High School Host Club is great at exploring the tropes of romance and subverting traditional dynamics and assumptions (at least in manga/anime). Tamaki, the principal’s son and heir to a fortune, is pretty much smitten from the start with Haruhi, even if he is not aware of the fact, but on top of that Haruhi is very oblivious to this and just wants to get by and get good grades and pay her debt to the host club. The set up is classic stuff but the characters are very charismatic and fun and honest and I just love how their friendship, flaws, and strengths evolve around each other, including the rest of the group. the group dynamic overall is very neat.
Jaime x Brienne
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this is waaaaayyyyy more recent. I like that they start as enemies! and then become reluctant allies under a common enemy. and then they realize through their journey the other person is actually cooler than they thought, and that they like them, but they’re still technically in opposite sides of a war, and by the time they both are pretty much aware they’ve fallen in love, well, things are shittier. there’s cheesy stuff like jumping into bear pits and dreaming about marriage and defending each other, all the while with snark and pro tsunderism, and i think it’s really enjoyable. more than that, i like that Brienne is a masculine woman, and ugly, and she is allowed to remain both masculine-looking and ugly. jaime is also allowed to stay very pretty but that’s not why she falls for him either. they inspire and teach each other things and idk man, I just like their dynamic and the way their individual journeys are influenced by the other’s.
Lizzie x Gordo
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i’m gonna put this here because it’s the first ship i remember shipping, back in school when i was a kid. it has all the tropes i grew up to like in other ships too - friendship, certain support, pining, witty and easy conversations. this is a throwback to smol me. 
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piccolina-mina · 5 years
I tend to blend my romantic ships, friendships, and family ships as one. If I love a dynamic enough, I don't care what they are or end up being as long as I get that relationship in some capacity.
So I often get arguments about why certain relationships feel familial or are friendships. And I know people are entitled to their opinions and often have valid reasons for them too.
But I still get 😬 when without fail, specific dynamics are INSTANTLY put in non-romantic categories. The same arguments resurface.
"They're better as friends." Which, fine, but also, that doesn't exclude romance. Don't you want to be friends with your lover too?
Some of the most iconic ships started as friends first, right? Friends to lovers is popular for a reason. Many people have at least a foundation with someone before they embark on a romantic relationship together.
Ginny Baker had half of her team willing to die for her by the end of Pitch. She and Duarte confided in each other a bit, and it was a solid friendship that could have easily been something more but wasn't. Blip was the closest to a best friend she had walking into that locker room and remained so all season, but those friendships are diminished because Ginny and Mike should just be platonic since you don't see that. But you do ... in the same show.
"Why can't they just be platonic? We need more platonic relationships" There is an abundance of them though. Focusing on the primary characters or your favorite characters at the expense of everything else does not mean there are no platonic relationships. And friends to lovers usually starts with genuine friendship that starts of platonic and then may evolve from there.
Hacy from Charmed may not be platonic. But Harry and Maggie and Harry and Mel obviously are and those relationships are cultivated and important too. Mina from the resident has genuine platonic friendships with Devon and Conrad and Irving (he used to have a crush on her but has moved on), but a hint of her pursuing something more with AJ and it's suddenly "why can't they just be platonic we need more platonic relationships.)
"They're like siblings" I mean, cool. I get it. I can even see it, but sometimes the set up for why they're like siblings is generally the same set up for best friends, or friends to lovers, or enemies to lovers etc, but it gets coded as sibling-like for specific couples right out the gate. There's a reason why bromance became a thing and it dances on the line of being equal parts platonic or potentially romantic.
Also, using a common ground and relationship both individuals share with someone else to make them platonic. Like if they share a similar bond with a parental- like figure in their life that immediately means they can only be platonic with one another and coding a non-blood related or familial related relationship as incestuous.
Example: Boy Meets World. Shawn Hunter was nearly adopted by the Matthews' more than once. It was implied often that he was like Alan's son. He lived with them before and spent holidays with them. But it never stopped Cory and Shawn from being shipped often. It was probably just as popular as Cory and Topanga.
But despite The Flash following a canon relationship. A constant criticism of WestAllen is that because Barry viewed and was treated like a son by Joe, and they lived in the same house, he and Iris are like siblings. And therefore their relationship is incestuous. An argument that could be made for Brallie on The Fosters, since Callie was officially adopted, but not for The Flash where it wasn't the case. It's not an incest ship. And yet ...
"They don't have any chemistry" It's true chemistry will mostly be subjective, but it's also odd with series where chemistry test overall are utilized just to make sure the right people are chosen for the job.
Chemistry isn't explicitly romantic, chemistry and romance are not mutually exclusive, so "they don't have chemistry" is often a weird one. Maybe you don't like their chemistry, or you don't like what their chemistry can lead to, or you don't want it to be romantic chemistry, but just a flat out "no chemistry" is poorly articulated, especially when there are cases of insane chemistry that is mostly driving a series. (I.E Ichabbie from Sleepy Hollow or Sharpwin from New Amsterdam) some chemistry is undeniable. There's a distinction between "no chemistry" and hoping the chemistry isn't romantic.
"It's coming out of nowhere" is another interesting one because sometimes it's valid, but other times it's a case of someone not paying attention to what was being outlined for some time OR saying this the second something is hinted at when that specific moment is the starting point for something the writers are choosing to explore. It has to start somewhere, right? So you can't call "out of nowhere the second two characters you prefer not to be together share eye contact.
Example: Richonne on TWD. They spent seasons building this relationship up. From distrust to being each other's most trusted person. The attraction between them was even there delu enough if you paid attention, but since attraction is a part of life and doesn't always lead to anything, it could have meant nothing to meant everything but it was there. But one of the biggest complaints was "it came out of nowhere." Careese from POI "came out of nowhere, despite their dynamic being built for God knows how long. Meanwhile, Ruzek and Upton barely glanced at each other before they became a couple on Chicago PD.
Ben and Ryn on Siren is something everyone saw, but Ryn and Maddie and Ryn, Maddie, and Ben together "came out of nowhere." Not if you were paying attention. Yeah, I may as well add Maria and Michael from RNM in this too.
I'm seeing it again, and while I don't necessarily disagree with the latest dynamic in question and why people may not want to ship it, the repeat pattern gets me.
Since I've given examples, may as well point out that this is in part a reference to Brightwell on Prodigal Son. It's new, and I'm not even sure I romantically ship them or Malcolm with anyone to be honest.
But the main reasons why there are already people against the mere mention of them is all of the above reasons. And the thing is, there are many reasons why people wouldn't want to ship them: Malcolm's mental instability, just not seeing them in that way, it being too soon, it being unprofessional, loving the team dynamic more without romance. Liking the relationship as is and not wanting to tamper with it.
And all of that is valid as hell. I get it. I agree often enough myself. Fortunately, the fandom is really fun and open and genuinely nice and hilarious and one of my new favorites.
And I don't think it's one of those fandoms that veer toward problematic, but this is more so an observation on how fascinating it is that the same language is always used. Regardless of intentions or sentiment.
I do think many shippers wouldn't be put on edge, hell many non -shippers but just fans in general representative of what is being shown probably wouldn't be on edge or have their hackles raised if the exact same arguments weren't used against specific dynamics every single time almost instantly.
Like, I wonder if there are better ways to express why a certain relationship doesn't do it for you without dipping into that same well. And it is unfortunate that what should be innocent statements come off a certain way regardless, but even when you can tell it's not ill-intended the pattern and verbiage remain gobsmacking. Like clockwork. It's a quiet observation and I do wonder what if anything can be done about it.
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shaolinbynature · 7 years
i think it's really sad how you guys can't let a ship prosper without tearing it down the moment it begins. we have to fight for representation all the time and when we finally get healthy black love on tv, people want to tear the black girl down in favor of a white girl. you guys do this in every fandom where a black woman begins developing a love interest and it's really transparent. just say you want black women to be alone and go
Lmao I hope you don’t think I’m a Caucasian™ because I can assure you, love, my brown skin says that I am not. But let me tell you one thing, you are preaching to one of your own because I have been in those exact fandoms you’re most likely implying. I know how the game is. From cancelled shows like Sleepy Hollow to thriving shows like The Walking Dead, I know all about how fans will willfully ignore the connection between a black female character and their love interest (who usually is white) just because it doesn’t fit their “ideal pairing”. Especially being in the Richonne fandom, I’ve thrown haymakers at those who try to say Michonne isn’t fit for Rick, they should only be platonic, it’s forced and so on. But there is a huge difference between a pairing like Michonne one like J*ggie. And I’m gonna split this nice and quick so neither of our time is wasted.
Note: I am putting an asterisk in J*ggie’s name not to be disrespectful but so this won’t show up in the J*ggie tag and make shippers upset.
Point one: Chemistry
In Sleepy Hollow, Abbie and Ichabod had wild chemistry together. In TWD, Richonne have unreal chemistry together, to the point their movements are literally in-sync with one another. Because of this, fans naturally gravitate to their pairing and want their relationship to be explored. Maggie has been on the show since season 10 which means her and Jackson heave been in the same hospital for almost five years. And in those five years, J*ggie have barely spoke to each other. But now, all of a sudden, they can’t stop thinking about each other. People say Richonne being canon came out of “left field” but J*ggie REALLY came out of left field. Jackson and Maggie have very little chemistry and can barely captivate a scene together. That’s why fans say they don’t like the ship. Not because they don’t want a black woman like Maggie to find love.
Point two: Fan Reception
Despite people in Sleepy Hollow acting as if Katrina has more chemistry with Ichabod than Abbie and Jessie having more chemistry with Rick than Michonne, two white women in favor over the black women, there were more people for Ichabbie and Michonne than the former. People could scream how the couples don’t fit but there was an even larger fanbase that says this pairing is perfect! Abbie and Ichabod make sense! Rick and Michonne make sense! Unfortunately, a very little percent say Jackson and Maggie make sense. If it were just Japril stans saying this, you can make the argument that they’re being bitter. But when you have the entire fanbase saying this pairing doesn’t work, then it might be a deeper issue. I mean, whether you like them or not, Japril’s pairing caused just one of their scenes to have 33 MILLION views on Youtube. Most music videos from your favs don’t even have that many views. That’s what positive reception looks like. J*ggie’s reception is often met with WTFs. That’s why fans say they don’t like the ship. Not because they don’t want a black woman like Maggie to find love
Point three: Actor’s Support
Using them again, Richonne’s actors, Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira were Richonne’s biggest supporters before they went canon. Andrew often pushed for their pairing even when the writers weren’t promoting the idea. Even his mother is a huge stan of the ship. Whether or not the show was going to do it, they constantly dropped how much they would like to see it happen. With J*ggie’s actors, Jessie and Kelly, there isn’t that same kind of excitement. Especially when you compare how dedicated Jessie was promoting Japril. Even with J*ggie becoming canon, he still likes tweets and takes pictures of fans wanting Japril instead. If that’s not the biggest reason things aren’t working, idk what its! That’s why fans say they don’t like the ship. Not because they don’t want a black woman like Maggie to find love.
I did not expect to write this much I felt it was necessary to elaborate why your theory isn’t plausible in this particular situation. So, in closing, if you want to root for J*ggie’s #BlackLove just because they are two black characters getting together, sis, that’s more than fine. But! You cannot get mad and throw the race card when people are not on the same team as you because they see it as a complete travesty of a pairing.
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tvshowscouples · 29 days
If you love Ichabod&Abbie (Sleepy Hollow) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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antiwestallen · 7 years
So, i am in a process of compiling reasons why Flash should get rid of WA - feel free to redact , add more and argue with any of the points below. 1. WA is incestous. This is a point that gets most of WAs reeling, because “Barry and Iris don’t see each other as brother and sister”. But.  Barry is adopted into West family after his mother dies and father is arrested, he grows up with Joe and Iris and calls Joe his dad (and the other way around), and they all call each other a family.  I agree, Barry and Iris never acknowledge each other as brother and sister, but Iris’s behavior throughout pretty much all of season 1 confirms she sees Barry only as her nerdy adoptive brother and a friend, but not as a potential boyfriend material.   As a comparison  : let’s take Alex and Kara from Supergirl. Would you call their pairing incest? I am sure you would. But it is almost exactly the same story as the WA - an orphaned child gets adopted by a family where an adoptive sibling becomes her best friend. The only difference is that Kara and Alex are both females (and yes, as of now Kara is positioned as straight- but judging by the longing looks she gives Lena Luthor, I bet she is a bi). 2. Barry’s obsession with Iris is unhealthy. It is rooted in his deep psychological trauma and loneliness, sort of a coping mechanism for the emotional bubble he ended up in after his mother’s death. He is very isolated when he grows up, and of course he focuses on Iris who is his only friend at that time - and one of a very few sources of emotional support. Once he hits puberty, his connection to Iris turns sexual (while Iris’s doesn’t). No matter how much you paint his obsession with Iris as cute or romantic or “true love”- it is not.  It is very unhealthy to be so focused on one person (for over a decade! ) that you are incapable of forming a long lasting healthy relationship with another. 3. It is forced. If Eddie hasn’t conveniently kicked the bucket in season 1, WA would not have happened (or would’ve, but much much later down the road).  The whole theory of WA being the true love is pushed on the viewers in form of constant verbal confirmations and “visions from the future” - which to me is not very convincing.   As a matter of fact, i find it rather disturbing that Iris only starts considering and convincing herself that she loves Barry after she is constantly pushed into it by Barry and Joe (also, I personally find Joe’s fetish shipping of two of his children appalling). She shows literally no sign of being interested in Barry right until she learns he is the Flash. She is also completely oblivious about his feelings (which i find very hard to believe, esp if they are supposed to be best friends- no one can be THAT blind, esp not a cops daughter and a talented journalist), OR, which i think is more likely- she simply ignores them because she doesn’t feel the same way. -> a side note- Iris’s “path” to being in love with Barry could’ve been done much more organically. Say, if Eddie didn’t die, but over the time Iris found herself more and more drawn to Barry, eventually breaking up with Eddie on her own accord. But i guess it’s too much to ask of the writers- they’d rather just throw the female character into a relationship cause who cares about her development anyway, right? 4. It brings out the worst in both Iris and Barry. True love and a perfect relationship should make both sides better, should push them to strive for excellence. But this is the opposite of what we got right after WA becomes canon: Barry immediately becomes OC and stops caring about pretty much anyone but Iris once he gets into her pants - but this is not the Barry we all fell in love with in season 1. Where is the compassion, where is the comraderie, where is the care he always displayed towards original Starlabs team? Same happens to Iris. As soon as there is a change of the wind towards WA, she becomes selfish and possessive. Remember that brief moment of mental clarity when Barry decided to try and get over his obsession with Iris? He even started wooing Lynda. But as soon as Iris felt she was loosing Barry’s attention she went on and screwed that relationship up. (And yes, she was verbally supportive of Barry’s relationships- but actions speak louder than words). As Killer Frost said- As long as you get what you want, it doesn’t matter who gets screwed in the process. And that’s true for both of them. 5. It lacks chemistry. This one is probably the most subjective, but for me, personally, WA doesn’t seem to have any romantic chemistry whatsoever. I can compare that to Westhawne that was cute and seemed very organic, or to Snowbarry, that is not yet canon but still sparks fly in every Caitlin-Barry scene, or even to Coldflash (Captain Cold and the Flash)- cause damn, even Captain Cold and Barry have more chemistry than the WA! I also can’t stop myself from comparing WA to other 2 “iconic” interracial relationships of my 2 fave shows- Bamon (Bonnie and Damon on Vampire Diaries) and Ichabbie (Ichabod and Abbie Mills on Sleepy Hollow), and when i do, WA loses every time.  Where Bamon is fireworks of chemistry, WA is a bland aggregation of romantic cliches; where Icchabie is a perfect example of friendship-turned-to-love and relationship pushing both sides to be better and stronger, WA is a toxic mess that forces both sides to make irrational and costly mistakes. And all that while WA is the only one that is canon. What a waste of opportunity. 6. It reduced Iris to a useless damsel in distress aka just a prompt for Barry’s storyline. Where is Iris’s character development? The moment WA got together, Iris lost all her autonomy and any hints of development. Where is the renown journalist Iris that got even Snart complimenting her? Where is an undercover investigator Iris who got a pulitzer prize for her writing? Where is all of that? Why is Iris reduced to being Barry’s girlfriend? She had so much potential, but now she is nothing more but a prop for Barry’s storyline. She constantly spends time in Starlabs, taking on duties usually done by other characters (esp Caitlin) - when she should be investigating and writing articles. I am not a big fan of Iris but this is just a waste of a potentially very interesting character, and i don’t understand how WAs can call themselves Iris  fans when they support such a degrading treatment of her by the writers.
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
If you're ever bored: Lucifer, Killian, and Ichabod have a 'my beloved can do x' brag off? Or Emma and Abbie and Chloe try to have a nice spa day and rant about their lives?
I totally wrote a Once/Sleepy Hollow crossover with an Ichabbie/Captain Swan team-up, many many moons ago (the tag is here). I agree that Lucifer and Chloe are a natural addition to this partnership of tall, eccentric, several-century-old handsome British men and their small tough badass sheriff lady friends. There was also a fic with Jaime and Brienne meeting CS/Ichabbie at some point, if I recall. Ah, memories (and oh, for the days when Sleepy Hollow was not the pile of suck that it became. Alas.)
And yes, Lucifer, Killian, and Ichabod would basically sit around bragging about their girlfriends, and the ladies would bond over having to deal with Literally All The Shit Ever (largely including their boyfriends, as Abbie and Chloe ask Emma for advice on how to get their respective men to the place where Killian has ended up, i.e. someone you can actually take out in public). Then they are all canon and endgame, lalalalala, the end.
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kiarazuri · 7 years
Let’s Chat!
@bookavid I’m more of a writeblr but I used to check your blog every chance I got and loved it :)
Who are your favorite authors? (i.e. who do I reread the most)
PC Cast; circa The Goddess Summoning Series (finité)(I like all but the last one, which definitely DID NOT get edited) and Divine By Mistake (Partholon Series, finité)
Sherrilyn Kenyon; circa The League (ongoing) books 6-11 (Silence-Legend) (MINUS Cloak & Silence because Maris deserved so much more than that tiny-ass book!)
Please note that NEITHER of the above authors can do YA. They’re both shit at it, it’s ridiculous - see House of Night and The Chronicles of Nick. They need to stop.
Also, The League Series has major issues with race.
Honestly I want others to join this fandom so that SOMEONE would rewrite the series without any of its blatant -isms.
Zoe Chant, circa the Fire & Rescue Series (which is still ongoing and which I received the newest book during finals and spent 12 hours reading it nonstop instead of studying 😬) as well as the Shifting Sands Resort Series (of which I don’t like the last (third) one and am having issues finishing it. Meanwhile, the second one had wayyyyy too much sex and yet, I finished it within 2 days. I DON’T KNOW why I dislike the last one.)
What’s your favorite book that you desperately want to yell to people about?
Born of Fury (The League Book 8) and Born of Legend (The League Book 11) by Sherrilyn Kenyon
I have HUGE issues with Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Andarions. And most of my issues come from her word choice and the fact that she doesn’t have dark-skinned humans aside from the Qillaq - who are also very problematic! Colorism ABOUNDS in this series. That said, I love the Andarion characters. I even love little Darice.
Born of Legend is one of the only time where I’m like HELL YES REDEMPTION ARC because IT ALL MAKES SENSE. (Sherrilyn Kenyon likes redemption arcs and uses them a lot in her other series Dark-Hunters, in which the only time I was like “oh this makes sense” was Valerius) Like - to me, at least - there are very few reaches in his book, and there are plenty of hints in earlier books that the main character in Born of Legend, Jullien, is gonna come back and surprise all of them by being their ally instead of their enemy. I have a friend who refuses to read Jullien’s book because she doesn’t think he deserved a redemption arc even tho in the book before his we haven’t actually seen him in like 10 years, everyone’s just been saying shit like “Is it Jullien?!” every time something bad happens and the inevitable answer is “Apparently not.”
The worst thing about Jullien’s character arc is his weight. Sherrilyn Kenyon is uses the fat = bad, fit = good metaphor for him a lot and literally EVERYONE around is fatphobic.
Which genius book do you think absolutely deserves a movie adaptation and why?
I think the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness would make a good short series. Not a movie but like a 10-part show or something. Like a mix of Practical Magic, Underworld (the sciency-aspects), Twilight, and Pride and Prejudice. Does that make any sense?
Have you made any cool original content lately? Fan art, selfies, book photography, any other kind of art? Share your favorite! (bonus point if you post a pic)
What’s your favorite fandom that you need more people to join? What do you love about it?
What’s a book you discovered in 2017 (doesn’t need to be a new release) and absolutely are obsessed with now? What is it about and why do you love it?
Zoe Chant’s Fire & Rescue Series
I discovered this series over summer. I have a habit of going on Romance novel sprees during finals and midterms (it’s ridiculous) and had downloaded the first one during my Amazon eBook spree. I especially like shape-shifter romance and downloaded it because it was a dragon-shapeshifter who’s a firefighter. I couldn’t not.
The series as a whole is about a team of mythical shapeshifters (dragons, pegasi, griffins, unicorns, etc) finding their true mates.
Why I fell in love with it: It doesn’t start out from the dragonshifter’s PoV, it starts out from his love interest’s. Who is an American Archaeologist named Virginia Jones. As an American Black woman majoring in Anthropology, I KNEW she was black immediately, and I was not disappointed.
Let me add that the fourth book is about a Sea-Dragon from Atlantis who goes by the name John Doe. He’s a tall, dark-skinned black man with indigo dreads whose true love is a tall, fat, dark-skinned black woman. I love them.
The fifth book intersects with a different series by her and isn’t actually about the Fire & Rescue team but it’s about a Shark-shifter whose love interest is an older (she’s already a grandmother by the start of the book) Latina woman.
It’s great. It just. It is.
My biggest issue is a healing bit in the last book but I have mixed feelings since he healed a poison that was slowly eating away at the character’s body and not an irreversible physical condition. I think they went a bit overboard but other than that I like it all.
Which upcoming book release are you the most excited for and why?
Smoke in the Sun by Renee Ahdieh
I’m actually more excited for the cover reveal than the actual book. I just wanna know! The first cover was gorgeous, even if the book was lacking much to be desired.
Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas Book 2) by Zoraida Cordova
I read Labyrinth Lost without realizing it was a series. I thought it was a standalone!
Born of Blood (The League Book 13) by Sherrilyn Kenyon
I’m always excited for a new League book, altho, the last one was . . . *cough cough* not good *cough cough.* Before the last book I thought Sherrilyn Kenyon’s most disliked baby was Maris since his book was TINY but damn, she did Bastien just as dirty.
Have you ever met an author you admired in real life? Who and how was it?
Have you discovered any new-to-you tv shows yet that people should probably ALL be talking about? Why do you love it?
Strong Woman Do Bong-Soon (on Netflix it’s titled Strong Girl Bong-Soon)
It’s a KDrama about a girl with supernatural strength. Usually I hate love-triangles but I actually didn’t mind this one. I looked at it more as Bong-Soon learning to grow out of her crush and realize what she really needs/wants in a partner.
I haven’t been THIS invested in a heterosexual relationship on TV since Westallen and Ichabbie.
How much Min-hyuk swoons over Bong-soon could literally give you a cavity. He thinks she hung the moon! He’s the most adorable puppy in the world!
The biggest issue I have with the show itself (there are some translation issues but that’s not the show’s fault . . . I don’t think) is a scene where Bong-soon’s dreaming and Min-hyuk appears in a dress to seduce Guk-doo. It’s pretty cissexist/transphobic. That’s the worst of it. And there’s a gay character in the second half of the show that I at first was super worried about but apart from a bit of them going overboard swooning over Min-hyuk I grew to really like their character. Especially their relationship with Min-hyuk’s assistant, which is really cute and I ship them (as does their whole office I’m pretty sure.)
Has something awesome happened to you lately that you’ve been dying to share with somebody? Tell me!
Do you want to rant about something annoying that has happened to you lately? Tell me!
Tag your favorite active blogs that post bookish stuff, who’s still active? Let’s all follow each other!
This may have gotten a little out of hand. 😳
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andrea-aka-jackie · 9 years
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The way they make each other smile 😍
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tvshowscouples · 5 years
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Reblog if you are Team Ichabbie
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