Have a happy lesbian visibility day! 🧡🤍💗
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Thank youuuuu💕💕💕
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baebeyza · 4 years
For the send ship meme, Megop. Since there’s more than one version, do as many or as little as you want.
Thank you ~ Tho I think I talked a lot about my stance on MegOP in previous posts, but whatever, lets do a crash tour of all the shows I watched with them! G1: G1 to me is kind of the playground for all kinds of ships and szenarios, the one to go to when you write about no perticular canon at all (well g1 and IDW, but I aint talking about idw here) So g1 Megop to me is more like the general idea for it and I do like it.  My main ship Megablade is an exception when it comes to my shipping preferences, as I do enjoy shipping enemies with each other! Makes for more complicated and angsty content :D (And for the most part I just aint into reading pure fluffy, wholesome and sweet stuff, I want some conflict)
Beast Wars: Apart from that one gay scene, I never really cared for their dynamic in this show. There aint much homoeroticism in it and their enemy dynamic also never develops or changes. It doesn’t need to, but I like it when there actually is a change in a dynamic. In BW they are just flamboyant villain and takes-no-nonsense-hero and thats it.
Beast Machines: Megatron’s hatred for Primal is so real here, I cannot even see it as erotic xD They’ve both given up on that gay shit, they are just here to defeat the other to prove that their equally shit takes on harmony is true Beast Wars II: Since I always count Megastorm as a Megatron version I’m gonna add it here too - Lio Convoy and Megastorm have no dynamic, because Megastorm aint the leader here.  RiD01: I say it everytime and I’ll say it again - Megatron doesn’t do shit in this show xD 90% of the time he never leaves the ship, aint no gay if he aint there to gay it! TFA: THIS IS THE SHOW WHERE I LOVE MEGOP! Because their dynamic does change, Megatron changes his opinion on Optimus and their different personalities and characters play into each othe nicely - Optimus has to deal with an enemy who is far more experiences in being a leader than he is, and it plays really well into his insecurities! I know it’s not the good rivalry murder-soulmates dynamic of other shows, but it works for me! :D
TFP: I see the appeal, but again: Their dynamic in the show never changes either. They interrupt the status quo a few times, but it goes back to normal murder soulmates quickly. I applaud the people who are able to create so much content for them and who revel in their backstory! Just aint for me Prime Wars Trilogy: It’s sad that this show is trash (my trash tho, I love it), because their interactions and dynamic is actually pretty neat here! Post-war gives them some unique stuff that I am sure can be explored nicely. At first Megatron was ready to kill Prime, than he went chill and is seen to have some chats with him, and when Prime dies (spoiler sdhfbdss) he actually seems to be a little resentful of that we know he still thinks about him. Also you cannot ignore that Megatron was Prime’s first choice when he and Windy needed more fire power for their plan to destroy the enigma! “Hmm, who can I call??? How about the villain everyone still hates, my former arch nemesis who lives in exile and will prolly try to kill me on sight?” “How about Ironhid-” “Megatron it is. I choose him.” There is no heterosexual reason for Prime to seek out Megatron xD Cyberverse: Kinda the same as TFP - the only time their dynamic seems to shift is the end and well. Megatron doesn’t seem to be in proper shape at the end :/ Siege: They talk like two times man, and I am 100% sure Megatron wants to see Prime dead with the same intensity as in Beast Machines. Which means, a hella lot xD There really aint much to grasp on, their “dynamic” is built on exposition dialogue and nothing else. We don’t even really get a sense of what their past dynamic was.  So I’ll just stick to MagsMegs here, at least they offer a hella lot of angsty fic ideas :^)
In general I like the idea of MegOP, I like to read fics of them that are short, AUs or just their own little story with no perticular show/continuity attached (and just straight up pwp, I’ll admit it) but when they are attached to a certain show in which I really don’t care for the ship, I skip it Send me more ships if you like my ramblings! ~
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transformersslutt · 4 years
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@teamew34, he used it all up earlier in the episode and now he’ll be even stupider than usual for the next week
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holoforms · 4 years
For the salty ask, 4 and 5
4) Do you have a NOTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Yeah... I’m really not a fan of MegaRod. It’s a trauma thing (I associate the ship with a really abusive ex; for both of these ships actually) and it sucks because people keep posting it untagged and tumblr keeps trying to suggest posts for it. Also KOBB. Something about it just sets me off. And this ship has so much untagged content. I personally don’t care if you ship these, but I generally want to like... avoid it.
5) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Yeah. TFA MegOp And Dratchet. The fandom sexualizes Optimus and Drift in those ships and makes them UwU submissive babies and it’s just like... super uncomfortable for me. I’m totally okay with them, I still even consume content for them on occasion, but I hate how the fandom portrays them.
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Hope you have a good birthday! 🎉
thank you!!
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gronjon44 · 3 years
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@dxrlingsofmine @megatronscheesesticks @teamew34 @littlemisstfp and @ the rest of the fandom cause I WILL fight you all
Dirty simps this is a joke btw
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commoncoral · 4 years
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A late birthday gift for @teamew34
Primal about to smooch blushing megs ^_^
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charmergirl2468 · 4 years
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…I’m sorry, the fuck!?
I honestly never expect to even get over 20 followers on here, seeing as I’m usually only followed by friends. But to see that I’ve reached 150… that’s definitely something else.
So thank you for everyone who stuck around! I know this is just a silly personal blog, but I’m glad that I can at least help spread fun content, useful info, and make you guys laugh with my dumb humor.
A special thank you to @stillonthe1stseasonofsherlock @amazingmewtwo @pinkiemeowstic89 @boodabear001 @breadstickcat @redmystery314 @death-by-mothman @dannydeadbeat @violetstar250 @krazyfan1 @yeepstera @tired-wiz @illustrated-ink @agentofcalamity @otterronpas @teamew34 @driedflowersanddirt @sillylandangelhoagie @counterfeits-for-cheap @1captainjordan4 and @shinyknightroadhound for sticking around for so long! Some of you I’ve seen for the whole four years I’ve been active on here. Some of you are people who climbed aboard and went along for the ride. And honestly, I wouldn’t be trying on here if it wasn’t for you guys showing up in my notifications. Even if I hop from fandom to fandom, thank you so much for staying here!
Thank you for making Tumblr a place worth staying
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kassiopeiakitten · 4 years
I usually don’t get a good view of the stars since I live in the city, but it’s always nice experience for me to see them anyway and also see the nocturnal animals that come out
Yeah! We’re in a darker part of the city mainly cuz we’re in poor Flint so there’s not a lot of streetlights but I’m lucky enough to see them here! I like lying on the medium trampoline here to look at the sky. 
I LOVE watching the nocturnal animals, now have a story about em: Once I was sitting out as it was just close enough between day and night to where everything looked sorta grey and hard to see and I saw this cat in the tree climbing by to the garage at the house behind us like I often see. So I spoke up to it saying “oh hi baby, hi kitty” and it stopped to stare at me but then my eyes started adjusting and the shape made me realize it was not a cat but in fact a raccoon. I then apologized to it out loud and it politely went on it’s way.
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baebeyza · 3 years
If I recall correctly, Ramadan is coming up. I hope it ends up being a good time for you!
Thank you very much 🥰
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baebeyza · 4 years
For the series ask, G1
Thank you ~
Favorite character
Megatron, this show made him my fave Transformer overall ~
Second favorite character
Rodimus, love his leadership! :>
Least favorite character
There are many characters I am indifferent towards...but character I actively didn’t like??? Eh, I’ll go with Brawn. I don’t hate him, just appreciate him less than anyone else
The character I’m most like
I’ll say Galvs, his tantrums are sadly relatable x’D
Favorite pairing
Least favorite pairing
Favorite moment
When Starscream possessed Cyclonus, Cyc’s speech beforehand sound really damn awesome and we all gotta love ourselves some ghost Screamer :D
Rating out of 10
From the bottom of my heart, 9.5/10, it has many flaws but was pure entertainment from start to finish <3
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baebeyza · 4 years
😘  🧡 Baby mutual, needs protecting.
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baebeyza · 4 years
For the reader asks, 👿
Thank you! ~ 👿 What trope do you hate / avoid at all costs?
Hmm...hard to tell, I have no specific triggers or something like that. I guess characters being OOC is a thing where I nope out of a fic. Or simply if I just don’t enjoy how a character is written or portrayed. Usually through things like OOC as mentioned or Flanderisation: When you take a character trait and have that trait to be the only thing that defines the character.  For example, taking evil characters and just shooting their cruelness up to the roof and ignoring any other trait they have. More specific example, writing TFA Megatron as the really damn vile being, but forgetting that he’s also intelligent and his actual strength is charisma and speech, not brute force and cruelty. (Like I love Megatron because he’s a damn fine villain, but holy shit, it’s not actually his evilness that makes me love him! So why would I enjoy a story where that is the only thing he has?) I mean I read the fics I do because I like the characters, and seeing them in a light I don’t enjoy? Why keep reading?
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baebeyza · 4 years
For the shipping meme, 5 & 9.
Thank you! ~
5. Multiship or Monoship? If I like a ship I will ship it, aint got no time just focusing on one ship per fandom. Not that it doesn’t happen that I only have one ship, but the reason for that is simply that I don’t ship anything else in it
9. Do you always have romantic ships for fandoms?
Nope, there are things I love and don’t ship anything in it, Kimetsu no Yaiba for example
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baebeyza · 4 years
If I remember correctly, Eid al-Adha is going on right now. Not sure if you celebrate it or not, but if you do I hope it’s a good time for you.
Aw thank you! ~
Yup, today is the second big muslim festival! Best part of that being my mom making my favourite food xD
Thank you very much for reaching out, very much appreciated! <3
Hope for anyone else that their day will be pleasant as well :>
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baebeyza · 4 years
Do you have a/any NOTP(s)?
Hmmm, nah. Can’t think of any ship that makes me feel hatred or disgust or anything like that.  Indifference is really the worst I can feel for a ship and some ships I prefer over others, but nothing I wouldnt reblog content of if I thought it looked good. For example, I don’t care about Skyfire x Starscream, but if some good fanart of them is on my dash I’ll reblog it, pretty art is pretty art ~
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